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A19795 Bassus. The second booke of the musicke of M. William Damon, late one of her maiesties musitions conteining all the tunes of Dauids Psalmes, as they are ordinarily soung in the Church: most excellently by him composed into 4. parts. In which sett the highest part singeth the church tune. Published for the recreation of such as delight in musicke: by W. Sawyne Gent. Daman, William, ca. 1540-1591.; Swayne, William.; Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570. 1591 (1591) STC 6221; ESTC S111040 10,598 50

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those that doe lament their sinne shut not that gate against me Lord but let me enter in The Lords prayer OVr Father which in heauen art Lord hallowed be thy name Thy kingdome come thy wil be done in earth euen as the same in earth euen as the same in heauen is Giue vs O Lord our dayly bread this day our dayly bread this day as we forgiue our debters so forgiue our debts we pray Into temptation leade vs not from euill make vs free for kingdome powre glory thine both now and euer be both now and euer be The X Commaundements HArke Israell what I say Hark Israel what I say giue heed to vnder stand I am y e Lord thy God that brought thee out of Egipt Land Euen from the house wherin thou didst in thraldome liue a slaue None other Gods at all before my presence shalt thou haue my presence shalt thou haue my presence shalt thou haue The complaint of a sinner WHere righteousnesse doth say Lord for my sinnefull part In wrath thou shouldst me pay thou shouldst me pay vengeance for my de sert I can it not deny but needes I must confesse how that continually thy lawes I do transgresse thy lawes I do transgresse Heere beginneth the Psalmes Psalm 1 THe man is blest y t hath not bent y t hath not bent to wicked rede his eare Nor led his life as sinners do nor sate in scorners chaire But in the lawe of God the Lord doth set his whole delight his whole delight and in that lawe doth exercise him selfe both day night him selfe both day night Psal. 3. O Lord how are my foes increast my foes increst which vex me more and more They kill my hart when as they say when as they say God can him not restore But thou O Lord art my defence when I am hard bestead My worship mine honor both mine honor both thou houldst vp my head houldst vp my head Psal. 6. LOrd in thy wrath reproue me not reproue me not though I deserue thine ire though I deserue thine ire Ne yet cor rect me in thy rage correct me in thy rage O Lord I thee desire I thee desire For I am weake for I am weake therfore O Lord of mercy me forbeare and heale me Lord for why thou knowest my bones do quake for feare my bones do quake for feare Psal. 14. THere is no God as foolish men affirme in their mad mood affirme in their mad mood there driftes are all corrupt and vaine corrupt and vaine not one of them doth good The Lord beheld from heauen hye from heauen hye the whole race of mankind and saw not one that sought in deede the liuing God to finde the liuing God to finde Psal. 18. O God my strength and fortitude and fortitude of force I must loue thee Thou art my castle defence my castle and defence in my necessitie My God my rocke in whome I trust the worker of my wealth My refuge buckler and my shield the horne of all my health the horne of all my health Psal. 21. O Lord how ioyfull is the king how ioyfull is the king in thy strength thy power How vehemently doth he reioyce doth he reioyce in thee his Sauiour For thou hast giuen vnto him for thou hast giuen vnto him his godly harts desire To him nothing hast thou de nide hast thou denide of that he did require of that he did require Psal. 23. MY Shepheard is the liuing Lord y e liuing Lord no thing therfore I neede In pastures fayre with waters calme with waters calme he set me for to feede he set me for to feede Psal. 25. I Lyft myne hart to thee I lyft myne hart to thee my God guyde most iust Now suffer mee to take no shame to take no shame for in thee do I tust Let not my foes re ioyce my foes reioyce not make a scorne of me a scorne of me And let them not be ouerthrowne that put their trust in thee that put their trust in thee Psal. 25. BASSVS An other of the same I Lyft myne hart to thee myne hart to thee my God guide most iust guyde most iust Now suffer me to take no shame for in thee doe I trust Psal. 30. ALL laude and prayse with hart voyce praise with hart voyce O Lord I giue to thee I giue to thee which didst not make my foes reioyce my foes reioyce but hast exalted me O Lord my God to thee I cryde in all my payne griefe Thou gauest an eare didst pro uide dydst prouide to ease me with reliefe Psal. 41. THe man is blest that carefull is the needy to con sider For in the season perilous the Lord will him deliuer The Lord will make him safe and sound happy in the land he will not de liuer him deliuer him into his enemies hand into his enemies hand Psal. 44. OVr eares haue heard our fathers tell our fathers tel reuerently record the wondrous workes that thou hast done that thou hast done in older time O Lord. How thou didst cast the Gentiles out the Gentiles out stroydst them with strong hand planting our fathers in their place and gauest to them their land their land and gauest to them their land Psal. 46. THe Lord is our de fence and ayd the strength where by we stād whē we with woe are much dismayd are much dis mayd he is our helpe at hand he is our help at hand Though thearth remoue we will not feare Though hills so high and steepe so high and steepe be thrust and hurled heere and there here and there within the Sea so deepe within the Sea so deepe Psal. 50. THe mighty God theternall hath thus spoke and all the world he will call and prouoke euen from the East so foorth to the West and so foorth to the West From toward Syon which place him liketh best which place him liketh best God will appeare in beauty most excellent Our God will come ij be-fore that long time be spent Psal. 51. O Lord consider my distresse consider my distresse now with speede some pity take My sinnes de face my faults redresse my faults redresse good Lord for thy great mercies sake Wash me O Lord Wash me O Lord and make me cleane and make me cleane from this vn iust and sinfull act and purifie yet once againe my haynous cryme and bloudy fact my haynous cryme and bloudy fact Psal. 52. WHy doest thou tyrant boast abroad thy wicked workes to prayse doest thou not know there is a God there is a God whose mercies last alwayes Why doth thy minde yet still deuise yet still deuise such wicked wiles to warpe Thy tounge vntrue in forging lyes in forging lyes is like a rasour sharpe Psal. 59. SEnd ayd saue me from my foes saue me from my foes O Lord I pray to thee Defend keepe me
BASSVS The second Booke of the Musicke of M. William Damon late one of her maiesties Musitions conteining all the tunes of Dauids Psalmes as they are ordinarily soung in the Church most excellently by him composed into 4. parts In which Sett the highest part singeth the Church tune Published for the recreation of such as delight in Musicke By W. Swayne Gent. Printed by T. Este the assigné of W. Byrd 1591. COR VNV● VIA VNA TO THE RIGHT HONOrable Sir VVilliam Cecill Knight Baron of Burghley Lord high Treasorer of England William Swayne wisheth long life and the same to be most healthie and happie RIght Honorable my singuler good Lord there came to my hands of late a booke conteyning all the tunes of the Psalmes as they are ordinarilie soung in the Church composed into foure parts by M. William Damon late one of hir Maiesties seruaunts which booke being found not onely in my poore opinion but in the riper iudgement of some speciall Musicions to be excellentlie sette either to serue for voices or instruments for the great vse that might come thereof and partlie to preserue the labours of the Auctor so worthie and skillfull a man in his profession also to leaue his Religion and pietie herein witnessed that so carefullie and speciallie laboured to aduaunce the vse of singing the Psalmes I was earnestlie dealt with all not to deteyne that as a part of my priuate store in Musicke that of it selfe conteyned matter so worthie publiquelie to enterteyne and to receiue enterteynment Therefore with their perswasions and reasons I was brought to publish them for the vse and comfort of all especially of the godlie And now right honorable my verie good Lord calling to minde the dutie honor and seruice due by mee vnto your good Lordship for the great loue and fauour which I haue alwaies receiued at your L. hands For I acknowledge my selfe to none more bound then to your honor I haue beene the more emboldened to present this simple worke to passe vnder your L. fauour and protection Wishing that the same may chieflie serue to the glorie praise of God And then at your L. pleasure at some times for the recreation of your minde after your worthie and great trauayle from day to day taken in the most weightie affaires of this commonwealth And so I commend your good L. to the mercifull keping of thalmightie God Your good L. most bound during life William Swayne To the Reader HEretofore gentle Reader M. William Damon one of her Maiesties Musitions being earnestly requested by a friend of his did at sundry times when he resorted to his friends house compose the tunes of Dauids Psalms as they are ordinarily soung in the Church note for note intending thē for his friends priuate vse These Psalmes so set made without labour or purpose to publish them were notwithstanding published by the same friend of M. Damon which not answering thexpectation that many had of the Auctors skill gaue him occasion to take vppon him a new labour to recouer the wrong his friend did in publishing that that was so done as might well please him but was not purposed or framed for the learned eares of our times Therefore at his best leisure fittest times he composed the same tunes againe in so excellent a manner that by comparison of these and the former the Reader may by triall see that the Auctor could not receiue in his Art such a note of disgrace by his friends ouersight before but that now the same is taken away and his worthie knowledge much more graced by this second trauaile Now to acquaynt thee with the Auctors order in this second woorke he hath for varietie gone through the Psalmes twice which are now deuided into two Setts whereof in the former the ordinarie singing part is caried in the Tenor In the second set it is conueyed in the highest part Herein ther is required of the Reader if he be a louer of Musick that he would accept of their labour that haue taken paines in publishing exactlie a worke of such singuler skill and speciall vse for them that after the serious labour of their calling are desirous rather to recreate them selues in singing of Psalmes then in other exercises of lesse comfort and euill marke William Swayne Veni Creator COme ho ly Ghost eternall God eter nall God proceeding from aboue ij both frō y e father the Sonne y e God of peace loue visite our minds into vs into vs thy heauenly grace inspire ij That in all truth godlines godlines we may haue true desire we may haue true desire The humble sute of a sinner O Lord of whome I do depend behold my carefull hart and when thy will and pleasure is release me of my smart Thou seest my sorrowes what they are my grife is knowen to thee and there is none that can remoue or take the same from mee Te Deum WE praise the God we knowledge thee the onely Lord to be And as eternall Father all the earth doth worship thee To thee all Angells cry the heauens and all the powers therein To the Cherub and Seraphin and Seraphin to cry they do not linne to cry they do not linne The song of the three Children O All ye workes of God the Lord O all ye workes of God the Lord blesse ye the Lord blesse ye the Lord prayse him and magnifie him for euer for euer Benedictus THe onely Lord of Israell of Israell be praysed euermore For through his vi si ta ti on and mercy kept in store his people now he hath redeemd he hath redeemd that long hath beene in thrall and spread abroad his sauing health and spread abroad his sauing health vpon his seruants all his seruants all Magnificat MY soule doth magnifie the Lord doth magnifie the Lord my sprite eke euermore reioyceth in the Lord my God the Lord my God which is my sauiour my sauiour And why because he did regard and gaue respect vnto respect vnto so base estate of his handmaid of his handmaid and let the mightie goe and let the mightie goe Nune dimittis O Lord because my hartes desire hath wished long to see My onely Lord and Sauior thy sonne before I dye the ioy and health of all mankind desired long before which now is come in to the world of mercy bringing store Quicunque vult WHat man soeuer he be that saluation will attaine The catholike beliefe he must beliefe he must before all things re taine Which Faith vnlesse he holy keepe he holy keep vndefiledly defiledly Without all doubt eternally eternally he shal be sure to dye he shall be sure to dye The Lamentation of a sinner O Lord turne not away thy face turne not away thy face from him that lyeth prostrate that lieth prostrate Lamenting sore his sinful lyfe his sinfull lyfe before thy mercy gate Which gate thou openest wide to those thou openest wide to
from all those keepe me frō all those that rise and striue with me O Lord preserue me from those men whose doings are not good And set me sure and safe from them and safe from them that thirsteth after bloud that thirsteth after bloud Psal. 61. REgard O Lord for I complaine Regard O Lord for I com plaine and make my sute to thee Let not my word re turne in vaine returne in vaine but giue an eare to me From of the coastes vtmost parts and vtmost parts of all the earth abroad in griefe and anguish of my hart I cry to thee O God Psal. 68. LEt God arise and then his foes and then his foes will turne them selues to flight His enemies then will run abroad and scatter out of sight And as the fyre doth melt the waxe doth melt the waxe winde blow smoke away So in the presence of y e Lord the wicked shall de cay the wicked shall decay the wicked shall decay shall decay Psal. 69. SAue me O God and that with speed and that with speed the waters flow full fast So nye my soule doe they pro ceede that I am sore agast I sticke full deepe in filth and clay in filth and clay wheras I feele no ground I fall into such flouds I say that I am like be drownd Psal. 72. LOrd giue thy iudgements to the King thy iudgements to the king therin instruct him well And with his sonne that princely thing that princely thing Lord let thy iustice dwel That he may gouerne vprightly gouerne vprightly rule thy folke a right so defend through equitie the poore that haue no might the poore that haue no might Psal. 77. I With my voyce to God doe crye to God doe crye with hart and harty cheare My voyce to God my voyce to God I lift on high and he my su●e doth heare In tyme of griefe I sought to God I sought to God by night no rest I tooke But stretcht my hands to him abroade to him abroad my soule comfort forsooke comfort forsooke Psal. 78. ATtend my people to my Law and to my words in cline My mouth shall speake strange parables strāge parables and sentences diuine Which we our selues haue heard learnd euen of our fathers olde And which for our instruction instruction our fathers our fathers haue vs tolde Psal. 81. BE light and glad in God reioyce in God reioyce which is our strength and stay be ioyfull lift vp your voyce to Iacobs God I say Prepare your instruments most meete some ioyfull Psalme to sing strike vp with Harpe and Lute so sweet on euery pleasant string Psal. 88. LOrd God of heath the hope and stay the hope and stay thou art alone to mee I call and cry throughout the day throughout the day and all the night to thee O let my prayers soone ascend vnto thy sight on high incline thine eare O Lord entend and harken to my cry and harken to my cry Psal. 100. ALL people that on earth do dwell on earth do dwell sing to the Lord with cherefull voice with cheerefull voice Him serue with feare his prayse forth tell his prayse foorth tell come ye before him and re ioyce before him and reioyce before him and reioyce Psal. 103. MY soule giue laud vnto the Lord ij my spirite shall do y e same all y e secrets of my hart y e secrets of my hart prayse ye his holy name Giue thāks to God for all his gifts for all his gifts shew not thy selfe vnkind and suffer not his benefites to slip out of thy minde to slip out of thy minde of thy minde Psal. 104. MY soule praise the Lord ij speak good of his name Lord our great God how doest y ● appeare so passing in glory that great is thy fame Ho-nor maiestie in thee shine most cleare with light as a robe thou hast thee beclad thou hast thee beclad wherby all the earth thy greatnes may see the heauens in such sort the heauens in such sort thou also hast spread that it to a cur taine compared may be com-pared may be Psal. 111. WIth hart I do accord to prayse laud y e Lord in presence of the iust in presence of the iust For great his workes are found to search them such are boūd as do him loue trust ij His works are gloryous his workes are glorious are glorious also his righteousnes it doth endure for euer His wondrous workes he would we still remember should we still remember should his mercy fayleth neuer his mercy fayleth neuer Psal. 113. YE children which do serue the Lord which doe serue the Lord prayse ye his name with one accord yea blessed be alwaies his name Who frō y ● rishing of y e Sun the rising of y ● Sun till it returne wher it begun is to be praised with great fame The Lord all people doth surmoūt as for his glory we may coūt we may count aboue the heauens high to be With God the Lord who may com pare whose dwellings in the heauens are of such great power and force is he and force is he Psal. 116. I Loue the Lord because my voyce because my voyce praier heard hath he Whē in my dayes I calde on him I cald on him he bowed his eare to me he bowed his eare to me When in my dayes I cald on him I calde on him he bowed his eare to me he bowed his eare to me he bowed his eare to me Psal. 119. BLessed are they that perfect are pure in minde and hart pure in minde hart Whose liues conuersation frō God lawes neuer start Blessed are they that giue thē selues his statutes to obserue Seeking y e Lord see king the Lord with all their hart and neuer from him swerue and neuer from him swerue and neuer from him swerue from him swerue Psal. 120. IN trouble in thral vnto the Lord I call he doth me comfort Deli-uer me I say from lyers lips alway and tongue of false report tongue of false report Psal. 121. I Lift myne eyes to Sion hill to Sion hill frō whēce I doe attend I doe attend That succour God me send The mightie God me succour will me succour will which heauen earth framed earth framed and all things therein na med therein named therein named Psal. 122. I Dyd in hart reioyce I dyd in hart reioyce to heare the peoples voyce in offering so willing ly For let vs vp say they for let vs vp say they in the Lords house pray the Lords house pray thus spake the folke full louingly Our feete that wandred wide shall in thy gates abyde shall in thy gates abyde O thou Ierusalem full fayre which art so seemely set much like a citie neate y ● like wherof is not else where the lyke whereof is not else where Psal. 124. NOw Israell may say that truely may say and that
truely if that the Lord had not our cause mayntaynd if that the Lord had not our right sustaynd when all the world against vs furiously made their vprores and sayd we should all dye made their vprores and sayd we should all dye we should all dye Psal. 125. SVch as in God the Lord do trust as mount Sion shall firmely stand shall firmely stand and be remoued at no hand the Lord will count them right and iust them right and iust so that they shall be sure they shall be sure for euer to endure Psal. 126. WHen that the Lord againe his Sion had foorth brought from bondage great also seruitude extreme His work was such as did surmount mans hart and thought so that we were much like to them y ● vse to dreame Our mouthes were with laughter with laughter filled then and eke our tongues did shew vs ioyfull men did shew vs ioyfull men Psal. 130. LOrd to thee I make my mone when dangers me op presse I call I sigh plaine and grone I sigh plaine and grone trusting to finde release trusting to finde release Heare now O Lord my re quest O Lord my request for it is full due time and let thine eares aye be prest vnto this prayer mine this prayer mine Psal. 132. REmember Dauids troubles Lord how to the Lord he swore and vowd a vow to Iacobs God to Iacobs God to keepe for euer more I will not come within my house nor clime vp to my bed nor let my temples take their rest or the eyes in my head or the eyes in my head Psal. 134. BEhold and haue regard ye seruaunts of the Lord which in his house which in his house by night do watch prayse him with one accord prayse him with one accord Psal. 135. O Prayse the Lord praise him praise him praise him with one accord with one accord O prayse him still O praise him still all ye that be the seruants of the Lord. O prayse him ye that stand be in the house of the Lord in the house of the Lord ye of his court and of his house of his house prayse him with one accord prayse him with one accord Psal. 136. PRayse ye the Lord for he is good for he is good for his mercy endureth for euer Giue prayse vnto the God of Gods for his mercy endureth for euer Giue prayse giue prayse vnto the Lord of Lords for his mercy endureth for euer Which onely doth great won ders work great wonders work for his mercy endureth for euer Psal. 137. WHen as we sate in Babilon ij the riuers round about the riuers round about in re membrance of Sion the teares for griefe burst out ij We hangd our Harps Instruments ij the willow trees vpon the willow trees vpon for in that place men for their vse men for their vse had planted many one had planted many one Psal. 141. O Lord vpon thee do I call Lord hast thee vnto me Lord hast thee vnto me And harken Lord vnto my voyce when I doe cry to thee doe cry to thee As incense let my prayer be direc-ted in thine eyes and the vplifting of my hands vplifting of my hands as euening sacrifice as euening sacrifice Psal. 142. BEfore the Lord God with my voyce I did send out my cry send out my cry And with my strayned voyce vnto the Lord God prayed I. My meditation in his sight to poure I dyd not spare And in the presence of the Lord my trouble did declare my trouble did declare Psal. 145. THee will I laud my God and king my God and king blesse thy name for aye For euer will I prayse thy name blesse thee day by day Great is the Lord most worthy praise his greatnes none can reach his greatnesse none can reach From race to race they shall thy works they shall thy workes prayse and thy power preach prayse thy power preach Psal. 147. PRayse ye the Lord for it is good prayse ye the Lord for it is good vn to our God to sing for it is pleasant and to prayse it is a comelie thing The Lord his owne Ierusalem Ierusalem he buildeth vp alone he buildeth vp alone and the disperst of Israell of Israell doth gather into one doth gather into one doth gather into one Psal. 148. GIue laud vnto the Lord from heauen that is so hye prayse him in deede and word prayse him in dede and word aboue the starry skye and also ye his Angels all armies royall prayse him with glee Heere endeth all the tunes for the Psalmes the highest part singing the common Church tune The X Commaundements ATtend my people giue eare my people and giue eare of ferely things I will thee tell I will thee tell Se that my wordes in minde thou beare my wordes in minde thou beare and to my precepts listen well to my preceptes listen well The Lords Prayer OVr Father which in heauen art our Father which in heauen art and makest vs all one brotherhood To call vppon thee with one hart our heauenly Father our God Graunt we pray not with lips alone but with the hearts deepe sigh but with the harts deepe sigh and grone The Creede ALL my beliefe and confidence is in the Lord of might the Lord of might The Father which all things hath made the day and eke the night The heauens and the firmament the heauens and the firmament and al-so many Star The earth and all that is therin which passe mans reason farre which passe mans reason farre Da pacem Domine GIue peace in these our dayes O Lord our dayes O Lord great dan gers great dangers are now at hand Thine e-ne-mies with one accord Christes name Christes name in euery land seeke to deface roote out and race thy true right worship in deede be thou the stay be thou the stay Lord we thee pray thou helpest alone in all neede thou helpest alone in all neede O Heauenly God O Father deere O Father deere cast downe thy tender eye cast downe thy tender eye vpon a wretch that prostrate here vpon a wretch y ● prostrate here before thy Throne doth lye O powre thy precious Oyle of grace into my wounded hart O let the drops of mercie swage the rigor of my smart the rigor of my smart the rigor of my smart the rigor of my smart FINIS W. Damon THE TABLE These are before the Psalmes COme holy Gost. 1 O Lord of whome I do depend 1 Wee praise thee God 2 O all ye workes of God 2 The onely Lord of Israell 3 My soule doth magnifie the Lord. 4 O Lord because my harts desire 4 What man soeuer he be that 5 O Lord turne not away thy face 6 Our Father which in heauen art 6 Harke Israell and what I say 7 Where righteousnesse doth say 8 The Table for the Psalmes Psalm A Fol. 30 All laud and prayse 14 78 Attend my people to my law 23 100 All people that on earth do dwel 25 B 81 Be light and glad 24 119 Blessed are they 29 134 Behold and haue regard 35 142 Before the Lord. 38 G 148 Giue laud vnto the Lord. 40 I 25 I lift mine hart to thee 13 25 An other of the same 14 77 I with my voyce 22 116 I loue the Lord. 28 120 In trouble and in thrall 30 121 I lift mine eyes 30 122 I did in hart reioyce 31 L 6 Lord in thy wrath 10 68 Let God arise 20 72 Lord giue thy iudgements 22 88 Lord God of health 24 130 Lord to thee I make my mone 34 M 23 My shepherd is the liuing Lord. 12 103 My soule giue laud. 26 104 My soule prayse the Lord. 26 Psalm N Fol. 124 Now Israell may say 32 O 3 O Lord how are my foes 9 18 O God my strength fortitude 11 21 O Lord how ioyfull is the king 12 44 Our eares haue heard 16 51 O Lord consider my distresse 18 135 O Prayse the Lord. 36 141 O Lord vpon thee do I call 38 P 136 Prayse ye the Lord. 36 147 Prayse ye the Lord. 40 R 61 Regard O Lord. 20 132 Remember Dauids troubles 34 S 59 Send ayd saue me 19 69 Saue me O God 21 125 Such as in God the Lord 32 T 1 The man is blest 9 14 There is no God 10 41 The man is blest that careful is 15 46 The Lord is our defence 16 50 The mightie God 17 145 Thee will I laud. 39 W 52 Why dost thou tyrant boast 18 111 With hart I do accord 27 126 When that the Lord. 33 137 When as we sat in Babilon 37 Y 113 Ye children 28 These are after the Psalmes Attend my people 41 Our Father which in heauen art 42 All my beliefe and confidence 42 Giue peace in these our days 43 O Lord in thee is all my trust 44 Preserue vs Lord. 45 O heauenly God Being of 5. parts 46 FINIS