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A17457 The euer-burning lamps of pietie and deuotion Kindled by many excellent and heauenly prayers, deuided into the seuerall dayes of the weeke, and other occasions: To auoide which weake man hath continuall cause to retire into himselfe, and humbly confer with Almightie God. By I.C. I. C. 1619 (1619) STC 4278; ESTC S118322 68,205 293

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flesh infinitely desiring thee of thy grace and fauour to cleanse and sanctifie my polluted and vncleane soule knowing that no Adulterers or Fornicators shall inherite thy Kingdome Giue vnto me O Lord spotlesse and innocent Chastitie being the Lilly among all vertues whose sparkling lustre is seene a farre off Bridle with thy holy hand all wanton and loose desires which runne after their owne destruction Let the delight of mine eyes bee thy miraculous Resurrection the obiect of mine eares the story of thy Passion the subiect of my thoughts the remembrance of the Crosse the foode of my vnderstanding thy wonderfull and vnconceiueable Conception Let mee with St. Thomas thrust my fingers in thy wounds that all faculties and functions of body and soule beeing busied and employed in and about thy workes and wonders I may bee deliuered and bring foorth holy thoughts reuerent and gentle speeches pure and immaculate actions worthy the honour and glory of so pure and innocent a Lord borne of a spotlesse and immaculate Virgin Grant this O sweet Iesus the bestower of all goodnes and vertue that desiring to draw out this short and transitorie life purely and honestly wee may after we shall be warned to giue it ouer dwell with thee in thy euerlasting habitation where abideth all purity sanctitie cleannesse glory world without end Amen 26. A Prayer against Sloth WHen thou calledst thy seruants to account most mercifull gentle Sauiour what reward had he that fearing thy hardnesse and his owne weaknesse laid vp thy talent and employed it not was he not after conuiction sentenced and deliuered to the Sargeant Are wee not commaunded by thy neuer-erring Word to worke our saluation to watch and pray continually because wee know not at what houre our Lord and Master will call vpon vs which are no effects of Sloth and Idlenesse For to banish sleepe and due repose doth require a vvhole mind not a surfetted and lazy soule buried in flesh and bloud and to offer vp with humble feruencie and ardent deuotion pure and earnest prayers asketh due consideration much trouble and a great conquest ouer the outward man not to be obtained without many assaults and labour The slothfull man saith the holy Ghost shall not eate Can we not then attaine bodily foode without dayly care much shift and many times hard and extraordinarie paines and doest thou flatter thy selfe O my soule that either heauen will stoope to thee or our blessed Sauiour fetch thee without mouing or helping thy selfe thither Imitate the greedy Merchant who with vnheard-of fauours seeketh vnknown countries exposing himselfe to the certaine dangers of the Sea vncertaine sicknesses to purchase and returne laden with wealth which hee can neither keep at his pleasure nor will vse at his pleasure Quicken me O Lord with thy holy Spirit that mounted on the wings of Charitie I may flye to thee I will rise duely in the morning saith the holy King and glorifie God I will euery night wash my couch with my teares Giue mee O Lord the care and respect of this holy Prophet his vigilancie stoutnesse in labours perseuerance in good purposes and continuance to the end This life O my soule is a warfare wherein we must not stand idle but take vp our weapons and fight manfully We must preuent the day with our diligence and out-watch the Sunne with our carefulnesse lest the enemy take vs vnawares and slaughter vs We must haue our Lamps still lighted and be euer ready that wee may be taken in and made partakers for our short trauels of eternal and euerlasting rest and repose 27. A Prayer against Couetousnesse SInce it is easier O Lord for a Cammel to enter the eye of a needle then for a rich man to inherite the Kingdome of Heauen Let mee O Lord wander naked and hungry cloathed with sores and botches rather then with Diues his portion to take possession of his punishment For what auayleth it to gaine the whole world and lose my owne soule Yet if it please thee bountifull Father to leaue and bequeath to me a plentifull estate and great riches giue me grace so to vse and bestow them that I come not behinde hand with thee in my account Let mee so dispose them as thou hast by expresse words appointed that my poore Brethren put not vp a Bill against me Set not my heart on them O Lord but as things without mee when either thou pleasest by fire water or any other casualtie to call them from me let mee thankefully surrender them as a Reeue not an Owner yeelding thee immortall and vnfained thanks that I haue had them so long not inwardly grudging and repining that I haue lost them so soone For who placeth al his content on them can neither possesse them long nor safely Giue me O Lord pouertie of spirit in the middest of all abundance that I may fast hauing all plenty taking the delicates from my Table and with my owne hand seruing the poore and needy who are bought at as dear a rate as the mightiest and whose soules are as precious to thee as the greatest Let me euer remember that saying of the blessed Iob Naked came I out of my mothers wombe and naked shall I returne againe Praised bee the Lord for all Leauing to my children the prayers of the poore not the curses of ill-gotten riches the praises of good men not that heauy sentence of Wo be vnto thee at my departure that at that great and terrible day when all accounts shal be examined and laid open bringing in my Bils of cloathing the naked feeding the hungry and giuing drink to the thirstie I may receiue that soule-comforting discharge of Come yee blessed and seat you on my right hand for vnto you belongeth the Kingdome of Heauen 28. A Prayer humbly acknowledging our sins with promise of amendment I Wretched sinner heere personally appearing and standing in the presence of God euerlasting of al the Court of Heauen hauing considered the exceeding mercy of his diuine goodnes toward me most vnworthy miserable caytife whō he hath created of nothing preserued sustained and deliuered from so many dangers endowed with so many benefits But aboue al considering the incōprehensible sweetnes clemency wherwith this most good God hath so bountifully tolerated me in my iniquities and so louingly inspired me inuiting mee to amendment and so patiently expected my repentance conuersion notwithstanding all my vnthankfulnesse disloyalty infidelity whereby deferring my Cōuersion despising his graces I haue so impudently offended him hauing moreouer considered that at the day of my christening I was so happy and holily vowed and dedicated vnto my God to be his child and that contrary to the profession which then was made in my name I haue so many and sundry times so execrably and detestably profaned and violated my soule imploying it and opposing it against his diuine Maiestie At length recalling my selfe and prostrating my selfe in heart and
and dangerous diseases Did not the Powers of heauen and earth acknowledge thee and God himselfe by crowning thee with the Holy Ghost confirme thee for his Wel-beloued Did not the great Goddesse Nature goe back and alter at thy command Did not the water turne into wine vpon thy word The winde bannish it selfe and appeare no more and the fury and rage of the waues lye still and grumbled not When thou wast in presence was not hell affrighted and the deuils themselues astonished crying out on thy Omnipotencie and desiring leaue and sufferance Was not the frame of the world shaked the Sunne muffled in clouds the Temple deuided the graues of the dead of themselues opened and yeelded vp their bodies which in diuers apparitions were seene wandring in the Streetes to Behold their Lord and Master their Creator and Moouer thus in himselfe diuided by his afflictions shaked muffled with sorrow and his heart opened yeelding all ioy and comfort and yet miserable man vnmooued knowing and seeing more stony then the Temple and senselesse as the graues vnderstood not pittyed not felt not the pangs and torments which our Sauiour here suffered Could not all thy benefites O deare and onely fauourable Lord bind their sauage hearts nor all thy miracles mollifie their malice nor thy well-ordered and innocent life saue thee from a shamefull and inglorious Death Consider O my soule that the stones wept whilst the Iewes reioyced the Sunne of heauen put out his eye whilst the sonnes of men constantly stared vpon his dreadfull massacre and for certainty acknowledge that the mis-beliefe and persecution of sinners more terrified this blessed Lord then all his torments and vnspeakeable sufferings Art thou moued with pittie and taken with compassion at the story of a weake and old father vndone by his riotous sonne hauing his lands extended his goods seized on himselfe thrown forth of doores and exposed poore and comfortlesse to the mercy of the Streete and fauour of the open Aire hauing no annuity left but the charity of well-deuoted people And is not thy vnderstanding crackt thy memory lost thy will broken ouerwhelmed with desperate griefe and raging sorrow to Behold this Man the onely begotten Son of the euerliuing GOD buffeted for thy wildenesse spit vpon for thy blasphemies reuiled for thy barbarousnesse abased for thy pride laughed at and contemned for thy folly scourged for thy lasciuiousnesse rifled and turned out of all for thy ryot and dissolution not circumuented and drawne in by subtiltie but carefully and most louingly not enduring the hard imprisonment cruell handling and euerlasting bondage of his beloued children came from his Palace enriched with all pleasures and plentie left his honour and laid aside his glory and offered himselfe vp into the hands of his cruell and vnmercifull enemies for the deliuery and redemption of his altogether vnworthy miserable condemned and forsaken people O vnspeakeable charitie and loue without example vnimitable vnmatchable Man vnable to requite it vnworthy to deserue it and without his voluntarie and free proffer vnequall to haue requested it Dare a low and contemned Vassall for whoredome and periury runne into the contempt and censure of the Lawes approach the Maiestie of his King entreating him to bee branded and scourged for him It were mercie vnexpected to pardon him but if hee should discend from his glittering Throne disrobing himselfe of all his royall and glorious ornaments and in his owne person satisfie the rigour and iustice of the Law for his poore and miserable subiect would not his goodnesse and bountie flie faster then the Sunne And further would not all men admire and bee enamored with his vertue in loue with his compassion and rauished with his great charity but how would this poore man bee inflamed towards him With what fire of deuotion would he praise him With what longing desires would he serue him With what humility and ioy would hee obey him Behold the Man O my soule that hath out-done this similitude bettered the example of this supposition for thee dust and ashes poore worme and slime of the earth who wast nothing but by him art nothing without him and shouldst be happy to returne to nothing but for him And yet behold a sight of more wonder and astonishment then to see the glory of heauen thus abased the purity of Angels thus defiled vnpittying man taken with a deadnesse all ouer of goodnesse hath no feeling of his owne desperate extremity or his Lords infinite mercy and meanes vndertaken for his recouery The blessed Apostle and follower of our Lord S. Peter who first of all confest his Omnipotency and greatnesse and first of all in his frailty denyed to haue knowne any such Man hearing him speake of these things which should happen to him tooke him aside and as the Scripture saith rebuked him saying Thou shalt not suffer these things to be done vnto thee If the report of the Tragedie were so terrible how killing was the Spectacle And if the Storie that he should suffer these torments preuailed so with S. Peter ouercome with an affectionate pittie that hee rebuked his Lord how much ought the certaine knowledge mooue vs that hee hath suffered these cruel tyrannies for our redemption and the satisfaction of iustice It is a symptome in Physicke generally dislikt when the sicke party feeles not his owne weakenesse and a danger almost vnauoidable when hee findeth not that it is dangerous a lightning little before death or a nimblenesse and agilitie of a woman great the night before her trauell their estates being indeed almost vncureable that maymed they haue no need of curing Sinne easily getting to a height when he is not perceiued to grow The slie and subtill Serpent letting words of cheerefull loue fall off his tongue when poyson lies vnder it tempting loue guilded ouer his perswasiue pill with the apparencie of her owne excellency and profite forcing a beliefe that shee should bee as God and comming to Pilates wife in an apparition the night before the Lambe was sentenced and giuen vp to slaughter preuailed with her to moue her Husband to haue nothing to doe with that Iust man Beware O fraile and foolish mortalitie of this Hypocrite and deceiuer who laying beautifull colours ouer his mischieuous intentions perswadeth thee to haue nothing to doe with the Iust Man and rather not to beleeue that such things were suffered then to haue that horrour in thy conscience that they were suffered for thy sinnes and offences This infection was from him throwne on our first Parents which killed all their ioy of life degraded them from their excellencie and vnderstanding and banished them their earthly Paradise and from thence hereditarie to vs taking from vs the puritie and Innocencie of our Birth and so that vnlesse wee be regenerated and borne anew of water and the holy Ghost wee cannot enter into the Kingdome of heauen Thus languishing and labouring for eternall life our most blessed and mercifulliest Lord pittying our
thou hast yet continued thy fauourable and commanding hand ouer me in placing me before thee reseruing me and redeeming me from the continuall assaults of Satan who awaiteth to make a prey on me mercifully O Lord forgiue the euill which I haue committed and the good which I haue had meanes to lay hold of and ouerslipped be pleased not to remember against me who am nothing but pollution and vncleanenesse vncapable without thee of goodnesse and vnworthie by my owne negligence and carelesnesse to be called vnto it Forgiue O Lord my customarie and irreligious taking thy Name in vaine my wandering and idle speeches pride of my selfe or towards others detraction for my owne glorie Enuie or whatsoeuer in thought word or deed this day committed displeaseth thy diuine Maiestie that my soule vnloaded and vnburdened of the deadly and condemning weights of sinne may comfortably take the refreshing of this Night thou in thy mercie hast ordained for me euen for Iesus Christ his sake thy onely and well-beloued Sonne and our onely Lord and Sauiour Amen THVRSDAY 10. Morning Prayer AS out of my graue O Lord by thy mightie hand and out-stretched arme hast thou this day called me raysing me from the depth of sleepe wherein many haue beene vnexpectedly and suddenly for euer buried and called me to the beholding of thy glorious and all-comforting Light and in that the admirable worke of thy hand and more especially and graciously taking away the darke and thicke clouds of sinne and wickednesse hast illumined my inward spirit with thy mercifull beames to thinke and meditate vpon thy holy Name and neuer-ending kindnesses opening with the day my eyes as thou didst to Hagar that I might be comforted in beholding desperate of helpe and succour the bottomelesse Well-spring of thy fauour and prouidence wherewith thou cherishest and maintainest all things created taking care by thy eternall wisedome of the poorest things in Nature And since O Lord one haire cannot fall from the head without thy fore-seeing knowledge mercifully and louingly sustaine and vphold me this day and euer that I slide not and fall from thee the head and author of my being and well-being without whom I was nothing and should be happie to returne to nothing Plant in me O Lord the timely fruit of Consideration and water it with thy heauenly dew that seriously and carefully setting before my eyes the end of my Creation the dreadfull account I must render in not applying my selfe to it with the glorious certaine promised Rewards belonging to Goodnesse and Vertue I may now and euer in all my thoughts words and deedes so carrie and behaue my selfe that I may be thought in the precious bloud of thy onely Sonne worthie to be made capable of that eternall Sacrifice hee hath long since offered for all sinners Amen AT NOONE. 11. A Prayer or Meditation for Patience WHither wilt thou goe O my Soule to find a Patterne of all Vertues Where wilt thou ensample this perfect and diuine Patience of which thou standest in need of Get vpon thy wings and flye to Bethleem sacred by the birth of our Sauiour thence trace him through the whole course of his blessed and innocent life where thou shalt behold it so rarely pourtrayed and set forth so sweetly and modestly described that thou canst not if thou hast any feeling of Goodnesse but be enamoured with her beautie Did euer this blessed and meeke Lambe for all his despightfull and base vsage grace a frowne with his Countenance Did euer an angry word dwell vpon his well-formed lippes Did hee so much as rebuke those which contemned him resist those which buffetted him nay gainesay those which spat in his reuerend Countenance Art thou oppressed with Pouertie Consider that the Lord of Heauen and Earth had not wherein to hide his head Art thou wronged with slanderous and disgracefull Speeches Was not this temperate and all-vertuous Man tearmed a Glutton and a Wine-bibber Doth Shame and Ignominie compasse thee in on euerie side See see my Soule the King of Kings and Lord of all Lords who raysed the dead to life lying vpon the Crosse and he who by his Mightinesse and Power exalted sinners to be glorious Saints hanging betweene two Theeues condemned as a foule Offendor Marke his mild and louely Countenance his sober and demure Speeches the modest glance of his Eyes and the composure of his whole Bodie cast in so Noble a Mould of vnconquered Patience that they sooner wanted occasions to tyrannize then he vertue meekely to suffer them Here fixe thy selfe kneele at the Root of the Crosse and with all those blessed Women and Saints which accompanied him reuerently say vnto him O thou eternall and most bountifull Sauior who vouchsafedst to descend from the Throne of thy glorie and putting on our fraile and weake humanitie didst for the redemption of Mankind vvander so many yeeres hungrie and naked contemned and despised suffering intolerable Paines and Torments without being moued or troubled graunt I beseech thee by thy precious Death and Buriall that I may willingly embrace those crosses thou pleasest to lay vpon me that I may run to meet them as thou didst the betraying Kisse of Iudas Giue me O Lord power and strength most meekely and patiently to vndergoe and abide all Persecutions Tribulations Wants Shames Sicknesses Hurts Maimes vvithout inwardly repining or grudging outwardly murmuring or speaking against them let me freely goe not violently be drawne to entertaine them Did not thy glorious Martyr and Souldier Saint Stephen whilest they stoned him prayse thee and pray for them Could he begin this Worke without thy grace or finish it without thy Power No no my most mercifull and gracious Lord it is thy Spirit which quickeneth for the flesh profiteth in nothing but repineth against it Be liberall therefore vnto me O Lord of thy soueraigne and precious Balme which healeth and cureth all sorts of Diseases anoint my rancorous and angrie flesh big-swolne with Malice that the sting being drawne out it may appeare white and faire let me drinke O Lord a large draught of this Cordiall to confirme strengthen me against all the poysons and infirmities of Nature For certainely Lord who is perfectly patient obeyeth thy will and who is obedient humbleth himselfe to all disaduantagious losses or what dishonour else the World can inflict Which Humilitie bringeth vs to that height and glorie which onely they shall enioy that haue patiently endured and expected this their reward to the end 12. Euening Prayer TVrne not thy face away from me O Lord incline thine eare and bow downe vnto me Heare me for thy mercies sake and according to the multitude of thy bounties blot out all my iniquities for what flesh is righteous or who dare stand vp against thee Doe not the Hills flye before thee and Mountaines melt at thy indignation Doth not the Sunne lose his light and the starres when thou commandest them hide their glorie Be mercifull O Lord and gracious to thy
seruant who remembring thy promise humbly prostrates himselfe before thy diuine Maiestie confessing all his sinnes and acknowledging all his iniquities Remember not O Lord our offences nor the offences of our fore-fathers neither take thou vengeance of our sinnes for who dare abide thy Iudgements Cast me not away from thy face but say vnto my soule I am thy saluation Haue mercie vpon me O Lord haue mercie vpon me and let my crie come vnto thee for my sinnes are heauie vpon me and threaten to ouerthrow me yea they say vnto my soule Where is now thy God Turne vnto me O Lord and they shall be turned speake vnto me and they shall be scattered Be vnto me a sure Rocke in the time of my trouble that I fall not vnder it for I have hoped in thee Oh forsake not thy seruant Forgiue O Lord all the passed errors of this day pardon my irreuerence in thy companie my negligence at prayers my faintnesse in good purposes and what euill I haue committed or what good through frailetie and my owne heedlesnesse I haue omitted be pleased not to remember euen for thy owne Names sake who art God most mightie one and the same world without end Amen FRIDAY 13. Morning Prayer O Most mercifully louing Lord and Sauiour the glorie and brightnesse of thy Father who descendedst from all thy Ioyes taking on thee humane frailetie to recall and recouer the sinner and those which were diseased with the vncurable plagues of sinne and wickednesse vouchsafe of thy infinite goodnesse and vnspeakable loue to be aiding and assisting to me this day and by thy might and power defend me from all temptations which may ouerthrow my vnsettled though well-directed resolutions Preserue me O Lord from all bodily dangers which without thee continually hang ouer me threatening my ruine and destruction Make good O Lord to me my determinations and purposes which may be answerable to thy holy and blessed inspirations and graunt me patience O Lord meekely and contentedly to suffer whatsoeuer I shall faile or be hindered in referring my selfe with all humilitie and ardencie of desires to thy diuine will and pleasure which be done O Lord in Earth as it is in Heauen Take away all rancour and malicious imaginations that I may neither by reuiling defame my brother or swell and torment my selfe with any disgracings he shall lay vpon me but acknowledging my basenesse and wickednesse as worthie of all reproches and dishonours calling to mind the Seruant is not aboue his Master in the comfort of thy example who aboue the meekenesse of a Lambe vnderwentest all kind of paines and reuilings I may behold a timely Euening reioycing my anger hath not awaited the Sunnes setting euer endeuouring and labouring against my fraile concupiscences and desires euen for thy holy Names sake Which whosoeuer ardently and continually calleth on shall not faile to obtaine vnspeakable happinesse and felicitie world without end Amen AT NOONE. 14. A Prayer to our blessed Sauiour asking him forgiuenesse for our sinnes which crucified him O Bountifull Iesu O sweet Iesu O Iesu the Sonne of the liuing God how dare I wretched and detestable sinner approch before thy diuine Maiestie How can I ouercome with sinne and shame stay any longer in thy presence Did euer the murtherer and slaughterer of his Lord and Master presume to offend him with his sight whilest yet the wounds were fresh and bleeding whilest his bodie was cruelly mangled and torne and his head with an vn-vsed crueltie pained and tormented lest the smart and rage of his wounds the shame and dishonour of his vsage should take away all hope and pitie of pardon deliuering him in his furie to the Iudge and he to the Executioner to carrie him where is continuall weeping and gnashing of teeth But consider O my Soule how this mercifull and meeke Sauiour behaueth himselfe towards his bloudie and tyrannous persecutors behold him dropping with bloud buffetted by the wicked ministers scorned of the people forsaken of his Disciples hoysted into the ayre cruelly nayled on the Crosse not cursing not reuiling but praying not for himselfe but those that persecuted him Amongst whom running with the formost mayest thou in thy eternall Prouidence O glorious Patterne of all Sufferings behold me with more crueltie laying on thee with my sinnes then the stonie-hearted Iewes vvith their weapons tearing thee if it were possible peece-meale with my horrible and blaspheming Oathes my loose and lasciuious thoughts wounding thy faire Head with more spight and rigour then the sharpe-pointed Thornes my Malice Enuie Pride Drunkennesse Concupiscence with innumerable other sinnes and transgressions flaying thy reuerend Bodie All this O Lord haue I done all this committed knowing thee and confessing thee to be Iesus the eternall Sonne of God and only Redeemer of the World Pray for me most gentle and mild Lord speake for me to thy eternall Father without which most abominable and wretched sinner I shall for euer be condemned Forsake me not now O Lord goe not away from me but renew in me a cleane heart and create a right spirit within me that I may plainely see the deformitie of sinne and the ouglinesse of my misdeedes Giue me grace earnestly to seeke thee and hauing found thee ardently to loue thee ouercome with which I may imploy all my actions endeuours and labours wholly to serue thee which if I faithfully and truly doe I shall at the end of my yeeres hauing so indulgent and louing a Master be made a Free-man of Heauen and those vnconceiuable Ioyes which no eye hath seene eare hath heard or tongue can tell they onely know them that enioy them Which O benigne and mercifull Lord graunt all thy seruants to inherite for thy holy Names sake which shall be honoured and praysed world without end 15. Euening Prayer GRaunt me O Lord after the many and wild distractions of this day a holy and inward recollection that I may returne into my selfe with due care and examination how I haue spent and imployed my faculties of soule and functions of bodie which thou hast lent me for thy vse and seruice and giue vnto me a true compunction and sorrowfull feeling for all the passed errors and transgressions of this day that I may heartily lament and bewayle my sinnes and wickednesses with a full resolution and constant determination of my amendment And graunt me O Lord this Night I beseech thee by thine incomprehensible Diuinitie and Maiestie chastitie of mind cleanenesse of heart simplicitie of spirit and most sincere puritie of soule and bodie that I may earnestly seeke after thee and in thee alone take my rest since whatsoeuer is without thee is onely vexation and trouble of mind that hauing enioyed a comfortable and peaceable Repose both of soule and bodie I may awake with much alacritie and cheerefulnesse of spirit to prayse and honour thee in all my workes and labours which the following day shall call me to for his onely sake in whom wee are
Fethers become my head when I inwardly behold thee crowned with Thornes And shall my wrists be guarded with precious Bracelets where thine were bound with cords My fingers glistring with Diamonds and thine iewell'd with thine owne Bloud starting out with the vnmercifull vsage of thy persecuters O my most sweet and gentle Sauiour let my sorrowfull and wofull thoughts for my deadly and horrible offences bee to my head a torment like thy mercilesse Thornes my vaine and idle behauiour more despised then that many-coloured coate and the awe and reuerence of thy iustice terrible to offenders chaine my hands harder and with more crueltie then the whipcord that I may in some measure haue a feeling and vnderstanding of those vnheard of and new-inuented Tyrannies laid vpon thee for my transgressions Let the memorie of thy wounds pierce my heart with true compunction so to haue iniured a Lord of such greatnesse and Maiestie for my sake willingly aboue the meeknesse of a Lambe vndergoing those base and vnworthy disgraces the fore-runners of thy cruell death Giue me O Lord since we must bee perfect imitators of thee obedience to yeeld and submit my selfe to thy diuine Will and Pleasure in all sufferings and torments a noble patience to beare them manfully and charitie inflamed like thine to blesse my persecuters praying for their amendment and conuersion that suffering with thee obediently patiently and louingly I may enioy with thee that happie reward fore-promised to all those that take vp their Crosse and follow thee euen for thy precious and vnvaluable bloud which shed vpon the Crosse is an vndenyable Sacrifice for all sinnes and offences 36. A Prayer for a Mayd against Temptation GIue vnto God the first fruits saith the Prophet And our Sauiour commandeth vs to offer him those things that are his Thou hast planted me here O Lord and opened the gates of heauen to water mee Thou hast made me flourish spreading like a faire Vine and my lussious and swelling fruite haue tempted vnholy hands to steale away what belongeth to thee Strengthen mee O Lord against their violence and let their subtile perswasions come to nothing the Pit which they haue digged for others proue their own Sepulchre and let their nets bee ouerthrowne and broken that glorifying thee I may ioyfully say The Lord hath beene my deliuerer I need not feare what men can do to me he hath helped and saued his hand-maiden out of the hands of his enemies Blessed bee the name of the Lord now and for euermore Amen 37. Another Prayer for a Maide to the same effect O Almightie GOD Creator of heauen and earth who glorifyest the Firmament with Starres the Sun with a great light the God of all beautie all proportion all order holding in thy hand the motion and being of all things created I humbly offer vp vnto thy Diuine Maiestie whatsoeuer is good and vertuous in me whatsoeuer beautifull or proportionable entreating thee of thy infinite mercie to take into thy custodie an innocent vnexperienced Maiden to direct and gouerne me by thy neuer-erring wisedome lest my youth betrayed by frailtie and indiscretion should traiterously yeeld mee vp to the lewd suggestions and temptations of the diuell who apparelled in flesh and bloud waiteth hourely for my destruction leauing no meanes vntryed to captiuate my weake soule Suffer him not O Lord to haue the vpper-hand giue me not into his power vnlesse thou place a guard of Angels with mee holy vnresistable thoughts within me that in thy name putting on my Sauiour Christ for my Armour aduancing the glorious Crosse for my Banner I may put my enemies to flight and triumph in the Conquest which thou hast gotten for me to my owne and all their eternall comfort which put their trust in thee Amen 38. A Meditation or Prayer for a Mayden not to be proud of her owne perfections DID not thy hand O Lord giue those many excellent and indistinguisht colours to the Raine-bow Didst not thou O Lord giue glorie to the Sun and apparell the earth in all her beauties And doth not the Raine-bow at the with-drawing of the Sun discolour it selfe the Sunne at the interposing of the Moone hide his glorie and the earth in the absence of the Sun lose all her gay and flourishing Ornaments O momentanie and fading painting washt away with a little sickenesse and blowne off by the rough breath of a violent wind Shall I for thee abandon my Creator and to keepe thy friendship fall out with Almightie God Will the wormes forbeare thy excellency and perfections and strucke with reuerence fall off and retire into their Cabins Is sicknesse afraid of it or dare not death venter vpon it No no my soule they will breake thorow thy Coffin and as a daintie dish eagerly deuoure it the Leprosie will make a prey on it and too well we know that death feareth no colours If thē thou beest bewitched to this outward glosse and shining seeke the waies to make it permanent apply thy selfe to vertue whose raritie and lustre strikes a far off and all men will call thee beautifull Let modestie sit on thy cheekes and thy blushes will out-last the Roses Truth vpon thy lips and they will exceed the Rubies Mildnesse in thy eyes and they will out-shine the Diamond Innocencie on thy brest and thy whitnesse will surpasse the Lillies thou shalt bee beloued of men at peace with thy selfe and acceptable to Almightie GOD. Away then all artificiall and sophisticate drugs idle and besotting waters neuer more will I meddle with you O my sweete Sauiour and Redeemer let nothing seeme beautifull but thy mercie nothing louely but thy bountie enamored on which let me woo intreate sigh zealously protest and vse all meanes and industrie to obtaine them For all other exterior formall beauties the babies of flesh and bloud let me onely acknowledge them as thy glorious workemanship loue them as badges of thy fauour admire and praise thee for them from whose euerlasting store-house they proceed thy selfe being all beautie all excellencie all perfection more to be desired thē much gold or precious stones in whose companie all things are fill'd with perfection and glorie world without end Amen 39. A Prayer for a Maid to be directed in her Choyse SInce thou O Lord in thy euerlasting wisedome hast ordained Marriage honourable amongst men as the meanes for succession and propagation Giue mee O Lord an vnderstanding heart that I bee not euilly seduced to my ouerthrow Grant that I may ayme at no other end but the fulfilling thy commandement not my owne lusts wilfull desires let me choose by the aduice of my friends and the eyes of my Parents lest blinded with affection I fall into those inconueniences which I may too late feele without meanes of remedying Grant O Lord a pure and vnspotted loue may be the cause of our ioyning and a peaceable and vndiuided amitie the effect Let the feare of displeasing thee make vs please
one another the obedience to thee teach vs obedience in our selues that wholly submitting our selues to thy will we may labour together in this transitorie life to come to thee the life euerlasting with whom dwelleth vnspeakable loue and neuer-ending charitie world without end Amen 40. A Prayer for a Maid to be obedient to her Parents O My most mercifull Lord and Redeemer subdue and bridle my head-strong and vntamed affections who delighting in their owne wayes repine at the direction of my Superiours Let mee euer remember thy holy commandement Honour thy Father and Mother that thy dayes may be long in the land of the liuing Giue me grace to vnderstand it truely lest forgetting thy precept I be banished into that wilde and barbarous Country where to liue is terribler then death and dying the onely comfort of the liuing Let their reprehensions bee the cause of my amendment not repining their iust and lawfull precepts an vndeniable practice of all my actions Let me reuerence their age lending them my youth to help them pray for their imperfections and in them remember humane weaknesse that in my obedience I may receiue the vertue of their blessing which thou alwayes grantest to them that endeuour to fulfill the least of thy commandements 41. A Prayer before a Iourney O Almightie and euerliuing God which by the hand of thy seruāt Moses broughtst the people of Israel out of Egypt and the crueltie of Pharaoh and madest them walke ouer the Red-Sea keeping back with a mighty winde the raging waters who returning in their Furie ouer-whelmed all that great Host and after went'st before them and conducted them thorow the vast and wilde Desert feeding them in their extreme Famine with Manna showred from Heauen Be pleased O mercifull Father at this instant to accompany mee in all my iourneyes and trauailes and with thy louing and mightie protection defend me from all dangers of those that lye in awaite to murther and spoile thy Liege people Bee vnto mee O Lord a guide in my going out a safeguard and defence vpon the way a shaddow in heat a shelter in raine cold a waggon in wearinesse an helper in time of extremitie a stay in slipperie passages a Hauen in shipwracke that vnder thy safe and sure conduct we may march quietly and peaceably to our iourneyes end and vnder the couer of thy wings ioyfully and prosperously returne to our homes againe for his onely sake who was a continuall Pilgrime heere vpon earth to make all our prayers acceptable vnto thee Amen 42. Another short Prayer for the same O Almighty God which hast made this our life as it were a short Pilgrimage to visit holy places and doe penance by thee appointed for mans first transgression giuing vs as in an Inne a space to refresh our wearied bodies not to dwell and settle our selues Grant mercifully thy assistance in these my iourneys and remouings and with thy holy Spirit blesse and comfort me on the way that I be not left alone to the crueltie of those that would assaile mee but hauing thy Angell for my guide and defender I may not feare the oppression of the Wicked but happily arriue at the desired Hauen where I vvill magnifie and praise thy holy name for thy mightie ayde and protection 43. A Prayer in Afflictious WHy art thou sorrowfull my soule and why doest thou trouble mee Why doest thou hang sleepe vpon mine eye-lids and fasten heauinesse on my foot-steps Doth not God regard the prayers of the afflicted or doth he not from his high holy place looke downe to the earth that he might heare the gronings of the fettered and those that are persecuted and afflicted Can thy eye see into heauen or is thy vnderstanding of counsell with God to perceiue how neere his holy hand is to deliuer thee Euery instant is time enough for his Omnipotency and impossible occasions easie to the infinitenes of his Deitie Put thy trust in him my soule and thou shalt not be confounded Say with the Prophet Dauid Though a thousand fall on my right hand and ten thousand on my left yet I will not bee afraid because God hath beene my helper Bee comforted by the mercifull examples which he hath shewed to his people Did not Almighty God with a strong hand punishments enforce the Prophet Ionas to preach destruction to the Niniuites limiting them a short time that within three dayes their Citie should bee destroyed and yet vpon their submission humbling themselues before him with prayers fasting did he not most mercifully remit their punishment and take them into his grace and fauour Fall therefore prostrate before him and with perfect resignation of thy owne will yeeld thy selfe into his hands to do what it please him with thee entreate him of his loue and fauour who neuer absenteth himselfe to those that seeke him relye vpon his mercy who so much loued his people that he sent his onely begotten Sonne to dye for the Redemption of mankinde Aske him forgiuenesse of thy sinnes and offences by reason of whose guilt thou sufferest these light and temporary punishments which haue in iustice deserued euerlasting damnation and disburdened of which the yoke will be easie and the waight light yea thy miseries wil be pleasing like wounds honourably gotten in a glorious conquest and then maist thou ioyfully sing vnto the Lord Mine enemies that troubled me themselues are weakened and falne One thing yet I haue asked of our Lord this will I seeke for that I may dwell in the house of our Lord al the daies of my life 44. A Prayer to be said by a Merchant for the safe returne of his goods IN the time of my trouble who shall I flye vnto what power can fetch me from the bottome of the Sea or whose arme reacheth to the end of the world O most merciful and gracious Lord the Sea is thine and thou madest it and thy hands prepared the dry land with thy Word thou calmest the raging waters and with a beck layest the furie of the winde Grant of thy accustomed clemencie and goodnes such seasonable and temperate weather that they may safely arriue at the appointed Port. Bee vnto them O Lord their Pylote lest the hidden Rocks or vnknowne Sands deuoure them Be their defence and safegard lest their enemies make prey on them that relying on thy fauour aboue the vertue of their Load-stone they may ioyfully and merrily touch the desired Land acknowledging thy goodnesse and might to whom alone that mercilesse element obeyeth at thy command yeelding vp all her treasure Grant this O my sweet Lord and Sauiour euen for thy tender mercy which refuseth no Petitions that are offered with a pure and vnfained zeale Amen 45. A Prayer before Study O Vnspeakable Creatour which in the Treasure of thy Wisedome hast ordained learning as a secondary meanes to raise our declined soules wrapt by the fall of Adam in sinne and ignorance to a perfected and surer
apprehension of thy diuine goodnes Enlighten O Lord our vnderstanding and with the rayes of thy brightnesse banish away all mists and darknes by which wee are dulled and disabled Thou O Lord which raisest thy glorie out of the tongues of Infants powre into our lips eloquence and vtterance that we may reueale thy will and sing praises of thy goodnes Quicken O Lord our vnderstanding strengthen our memorie and rectifie our will that wee may truely know faithfully keepe and obediently performe thy precepts and commandements Giue vs O Lord grace in our entrance perseuerance in our progresse and humilitie at our going forth that we may alwaies acknowledge thee the giuer and bestower of what height so euer we attaine to euen for Iesus Christ his sake 46. A Prayer for the fatherlesse O Almightie God which art a Father to the Orphans mercifully assist vs poore comfortles children left as a prey to them who are left to dispose of vs. Behold O Lord how they contend for what we haue enuying one another for a share wherin they can challenge no part But thou O Lord shalt pleade our cause Thou shalt bee our Aduocate and Helper Thou shalt take the prey out of their mouthes and lay that shame vpon them which they haue laid vp for others For vnto thee O Lord we commend our soules our bodies our substance desiring to be disposed by thee and to receiue from thee what thou shalt thinke in thy wisedome will be necessary for the attaining thy loue and fauour without which in vaine wee doe heape vp for after-times in vaine doe we build and rise early bee sollicitous and take care sith who buildeth without thee pulleth downe who soweth without thee scattereth and who gathereth without thee heapeth woe vpon himselfe 47. A Prayer in Afflictions and troubles COmfort thy selfe O my soule in these Afflictions and troubles praise and glorifie thy holy Name that hee hath not giuen thee vp to thy owne affections and desires letting thee wildely runne as a beast to all sensualitie but gently chastising thee as one of his children hath recalled thee into thy selfe to know thy owne weaknesse and frailtie making thee one of the honourable Order of the Crosse whose badge all his Saints Seruants weare vpon their brest for it is better for thee that thy members here languish and suffer then thy whole body to bee cast into euerlasting fire yeeld thy selfe vp to all torments for his sake being heartily sorrie that thou art not able to vndergo more in his seruice who in his owne example hath out-gone all tyrannie for thee Triumph when thou art persecuted and glorie in the bonds of our Sauiour Blessed are they that mourne for they shall reioyce Blessed are they that are humbled with miseries and misfortunes for they shall be exalted and aduanced Blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousnesse sake for to them belongeth the Kingdome of Heauen where thou shalt eternally reioyce and triumph with the glorious Saints and Martyrs who haue beene sharers with thee in this vale of teares and miserie 48. A Prayer of thanksgiuing SIng vnto the Lord a new song because hee hath done maruellous things with his owne right hand and his holy arme hath hee gotten himselfe the victory Who is like vnto our God or who dare compare with his mightinesse He hath remembred himselfe of his promise to his seruant that he would not leaue him for euer He hath not suffered my enemies vtterly to preuaile against mee nor left me in the hands of those that hate mee Hee hath onely shewed me the Rod and taken it away againe early in the morning will I recount thy praises and meditate all the day long vpon thy mercies which hast giuen me to taste of thy blessings and filled me with good things I was naked and thou hast cloathed me I was hungry and thou hast refreshed me I was thirsty thou hast grasped the Cloud and powred downe thy heauenly deaw I was weary and thou hast eased me I was loaden thou hast strengthened me I was oppressed and thou hast rescued me O what tongue is able to story thy louing kindnesses or what vnderstanding conceiueth thy wondrous works I will shew mercy saith our Lord vnto thousands of them that loue me keep my cōmandements But how aboundantly ought I to speake of thy gracious fauour who haue rebelled against thy motions spurned at thy precepts statutes and haue yet been embraced recalled home againe cloathed richly and set at thy owne Table I haue riotously consumed thou hast louingly restored I haue in lauish cups dis-honest and lasciuious company proudly vain-gloriously throwne away my saluation thou hast by stripes buffetings most tormenting and cruell death redeemed it againe I haue transgressed O Lord and thou art punished I being a low and contemned vassaile haue offended and mis-done and thou the Son of the mighty King art beaten It is not so O Lord with the sonnes of men who afflict their subiects for their mis-demeanours and make them smart for the Princes offences Who is like vnto our God whose mercie endureth from generation to generation Praise our Lord ye children Praise ye the name of our Lord. The name of our Lord be blessed from henceforth now and for euer 49. A Prayer in time of Pestilence FAmine Plague and Warre are thy scourges O Lord and thou throwest them vpon the people for their offences We haue repined mercifull Father in the aboundance of health and employed our strēgth in dishonoring thy holy Name Our members sanctified for thy vse and seruice haue beene the preyes of Harlots and officers of Satan The very breath thou gauest vs to praise and tell thy wonders hath mis-spoken and blasphemed against thee iustly therefore doth thy consuming Pestilence snatch away our health turne our strength into nothing rot all our members killing vs by the infection of the ayre taken into our bodies who haue continually breathed out of our bodies all blasphemie corruption Yet stay O mercifull Father and hold thy reuenging hand heare the cryes of thy seruants groning vnder the tyrannie of this murdering disease and be pitifull to vs. Remember O Lord that we are conceiued and borne in sinne poore and vnprofitable creatures vnable without thee to deserue the least drop of thy fauour Mercifully assist vs with thy grace and enrich vs with thy holy and spirituall vertues that our prayers may come vp before thee and bee acceptable that hauing taken away this heauy persecution and plague wee may for euer praise thy clemencie and enioying thy louing mercy feare againe to displease thee who hast had so great compassion on vs euen for thy Sonnes sake who gaue himselfe vp to all torments to keepe vs vnpunished 50. A Prayer in time of Warre O Lord God of Hosts that fightest the battels for thy seruants girding thy selfe with power strength to ouercome and put to flight the enemies of those that put
him back lest I fall and be confounded Suffer him not to draw me to the incounter for how can mortality hold out all the glories of the earth are armed on his part to bewitch ambitious spirits all the vanities in the world serue vnder his colours to allure the lighter phantasies Am I a match for so infinite and puissant an Army Leade me not into temptation O Lord but deliuer me from all euill I humbly confesse and heartily beleeue one word of thine is able to discomfort all his Hoast scatter them and make them in their hastie flight ruin one another he flyeth from thy presence and trembleth amazedly asking What haue we to doe with thee thou euer-liuing Son of God com'st thou before thy time to torment vs But O Father of all mercies how can I deserue thy aide or ouertaken with shame request thy gracious assistance hauing from my cradle beene a follower of his if not contemning yet neglecting thy often and lowde Callings Can I hope that haue refused to walke with Almightie God in securitie and safety that hee will daigne to find out me in danger and ieopardy and reskue me from the common enemie Thy mercie O Lord is infinite and hath beene infinitely exprest to ingratefull humanitie thy louing kindnesses innumerable vnable to be deliuered or set down There is no end I well know of thy euerlasting goodnesse bee pleased therefore O mercifull Father if so great a sinner may hope for fauour by the depth of all these either to take from me the violence and rage of all forcible temptation or else to giue me grace and strength to resist and withstand them lest I be taken prisoner by them and cast to the bottomelesse dungeon whence nothing resoundeth but the continuall acclamations and curses of damned and desperate persons euen for that holy and vertuous name of Iesus knowne mighty in the saluation of thy people Amen 85. A Prayer for preparation against the day of Iudgement IF the righteous O eternall and iust Iudge shall scarse be saued what shall become of sinners And if the iust shall tremble to behold the dreadfull signes which shall fore-run the day of Iudgement in what terrour and amazement shall the wicked be How earnestly shall they cry out for the Hils to couer them or to be hidden in the bottome of the Sea that they may not see the angry countenance of the wrathfull Iudge But alas the Sea shall yeeld vp all her inhabitants the graues their Tenants and the Hils be laid plaine and consumed to nothing all shall be laid open and euerie secret reuealed the closest crannie of the heart shall be searcht into and the priuatst deed be proclaimed the intent of the best actions examined and the foulest and most mischieuous in the hearing of all that haue beene borne since the beginning of the world knowne and brought to tryall What a terrour what a horrour what a confusion shall the Murtherer Blasphemer and lasciuious person be in at that day All this we haue heard nay and beleeue and yet the most cunning and subtill Serpent hauing nothing to say against the truth of thy Word with his perswasions induceth vs to flatter our selues that there is more eternitie in three-score yeeres the longest span of our short life then in that Eternity of eternities which shall follow it But thou O mercifull and gracious Lord which camest into the world to saue sinners from the vengeance prepared at this day desiring that wee may repent and be accepted Giue vnto vs a liuely feeling of the danger of it call it I beseech thee to our consideration as a thing certaine so present no soule being assured of her abode one minute Giue vs grace so to prouide our selues that wee may make our account here since after death no man returneth to recall or alter whatsoeuer is left amisse Let vs enter into iudgement of our selues that we be not iudged and carefully weigh euery word that wee be not found to haue respected none Giue vs grace to begin heere while there is helpe lest we would helpe our selues when there is no beginning for from hell there is no returning and after death no repenting repinings are there the fruits of an ill-led life and curses of our follies all the consolations of our punishment from which let thy mightie and all-redeeming Passion defend vs which whosoeuer faithfully layeth hold on shall at that Day with great ioy and alacrity behold thee shewing thy selfe a seuere Iudge against those who would not beleeue nor entertaine that Peace-offering Certaine Eiaculations of the Spirit O My most gentle and sweet Sauiour grant me I beseech thee pure thoughts vndefiled actions and a respect to thy glory in all my proceedings Let me alwaies O blessed Iesu remember that thou art in presence that I may with feare and reuerence take account of my speeches settle my behauiour and all my actions as it beseemeth a Lord of such height and Maiestie Bee thou O eternall and most meeke Lambe the obiect of mine eyes the Musicke of mine eares the food of my vnderstanding and the content and solace of all my senses that putting wholly on my Sauiour Iesus I may bee armed against all temptations and assaults of the deuill Iesu Lord of my life Patron of my substance Reconciler of my friends Inspirer of my soule Preseruer of my renowne and Master of my liberty I commend them all to thy holy protection dispose of them to thy honour and glory What part of me O Lord can challenge or shew euidence for mine My Soule is Heauens my Body Earths both thy blessing Take me O Lord as thy due nourish me as thy charge and loue me as thy childe O God the giuer of all victorie stand on my side in all temptations powre of thine owne Bloud into my emptied veines raise me as thou didst thy seruant Lazarus to a new and better life when I am dead to righteousnesse turne not away from me if I flye and let me not bee confounded for euer whose trust hath beene alwaies in thee Giue me O Lord a noble sufferance in afflictions lowlinesse of Spirit in the height of honours an vnmoued resolution in all conflicts and conquest ouer all my spirituall aduersaries Giue mee mercifull Father a vertuous shamefastnesse that I may blush and shunne the companie of wickednesse an vnaffected carriage slow and deliberate speeches vncorrupted thoughts and holy endeuours Let thy Word O Lord be the light of mine eyes the repast of my soule the repose of my senses the apparell of my body and my defence in all extremities Lay thy holy hands O Lord ouer mine eyes that I behold not vanity stand at the gates of my eares and turne aside all euill and vncleane speeches Set a watch before my lips lest I wander in vnlawfull discourses touch with thy holy hand all my senses to stay them from ryot and intemperance Let my will O Lord resigne it selfe to thy pleasure
desperate and death-like estate descended from heauen to cure vs and whereas hee might if it had pleased him haue come in all pompe and glory making himselfe King of the earth and finished our Redemption with the word of his mouth yet he to make it more auaileable to vs and tye vs with a greater obligation to lay hold of that which onely for our good was intended submitted himselfe to all kinde of torments shames and disgraces in the purchasing of our Pardon that wee might then willinglier and heartilier taken with the vnbounded loue of so excellent a Lord in our humble obedience make our selues partakers of it Behold this Man O my Soule his whole life beeing a continuall Passion the stubbornnesse and rebellion of the stiffe-necked People more wounding his noble heart then the thought of his succeeding torments which hee passionately expresses in his complaint ouer Ierusalem Oh Ierusalem Ierusalem how often would I haue gathered you vnder my wings as the Hen doth her Chickens and ye would not mildly admonishing the soft-hearted women who in the way towards his death with teares lamented the ignobly barbarous vsage the regardlesse and cruell Iewes put vpon him wishing them to weepe for themselues not for him still testifying his sorrow for them aboue his owne suffering Let this O my soule be thy continuall meditation this the obiect of thy thoughts this the subiect of thy tongue Let all thy ayme and ambition be to purchase a little holy plot neere to this blessed place which thou maist sow with penitent and heart-sorrowing thoughts watering them aboundantly with vnfained and dayly teares in considering duly how the Lord of all Maiestie and glory was here mangled and torne for the sinnes and transgression of them some of whom shall at the last day be found feasting and making merry hauing no thought of that precious and vnvaluable Bloud was here mercifully shed for them A Meditation vpon the Resurrection IF the Angels reioyce more at the Conuersion of one sinner then in the holy conuersation of all the righteous and the carefull Shepheard hauing charge of many a flocke leaueth them all and with great diligence searcheth after one that is strayed returning home if he finde him bearing him on his back accounting himselfe lesse burdened through the lightnesse of his heart then when hee went empty forth What an vniuersall ioy what a height and fulnesse of comfort and consolation replenished Heauen and Earth and all the Powers of both to behold their Lord and Creator lately so mangled and cruelly torne he scarce retained the shape of Man this day rising in all brightnesse and glory from the Graue shining aboue Angels bearing the Saluation of all the world on his Immortall shoulders If the Sunne before withdrew himselfe as ashamed to be a beholder when hee could not bee a remedier of so horrible a cruelty with a mourning vaile muffling his moueable beauty is it not to bee beleeued that hee riseth early this day fresh as a Bride-groome putting on all his light and glory to meete and reioyce with his Creator and Maker from whom he borroweth his splendour and brightnesse The day of his Passion the Graues sent forth their bodies who met and frighted many in the holy Citie The day of his Resurrection the heauens sent forth their Angels who with tunes of ioy and holy acclamations gladded the hearts of all the earths Inhabitants The time of his Passion Saint Peter for feare denyed him to bee his Lord. The time of his Resurrection his guard for feare confessed him to be their Lord Insensible things at his Passion witnessed against the hardnesse of the Iewes in expressing their owne sorrow and at the time of his Resurrection the same things witnessed against the misbeliefe of the Iewes in confessing his omnipotencie This day was God glorified the Angels highly pleased and Man infinitely exalted At thy Birth the earth enioyed a secure peace in it selfe But at thy Resurrection the earth enioyed peace from Heauen not man with man but God with man not for a momentarie safety but eternall happinesse not onely for sauing vs from hostilitie but for infinite and innumerable benefites certaine and lasting on his behalfe neuer to bee broken without our faithlesnesse and treason In thy life time thou vndertookest for God with men ratifying it vnder thine owne hand confirming it with many miracles and sealing it with thy bloud At thy death thou vndertookest for man with God and at thy Resurrection gauest thy selfe a Pledge for performance what liuing soule hath so past the bounds of all modestie not to bee all ouer-fired with blushes in a thought of violating this holy league what sad issue of Cain so stony and barbarously minded hath the Diuel laid vp for mischiefe to be the Actor of so horrid a Tragedy The Serpentine and Crocodile-like act of Iudas in betraying his Masters life is not so high in wickednes as their back-sliding which breake his eternall word to be Master of which hee freely laid downe his life yet Iudas despaired brought backe the pieces and hanged himselfe What calme and deathfull securitie the fore-runner of imminent ruine as Numnesse before a dying Palsey hath so possessed the bewitched sonnes of Adam not to thinke of their desperate estate What inchanting Syren hath with her cunning diuision set an euerlasting discord in our vncertaine resolutions What voluptuous Circe hath transformed our hearts in the shapes of men making vs carry the mindes of Beasts sensible of nothing but what pleaseth the sence following onely Nature yet most vnnaturall for in her lusts we bury all our disposition to goodnesse Wherein doe we employ that admirable and excelling ornament of seeing but in searching after vanities and idle pleasures returning it home loaden with voluptuousnes and sin wherin our eares but in listning after nouelties leasings stuffing them with wandring stories and lasciuious merriments Wherein our taste but in palliating gluttony and drunkennes surfeiting it with mis-called wines and meates which ryot hastning the intentiō hath yet vnnamed Wherin our feeling but in those enormities and wickednesses which take away all feeling of God and goodnes leauing no touch of a Christian hardly of a Man When do we stay our selues vnlesse gorged and then imploy all our study and care to set a quicke edge on our dulled appetites and procure fresh and new desires In this circle we wander and weary out our daies In this Labyrinth we intangle our selues carelesse of thy grace which onely can returne vs. This is our life these our actions Thus wee runne contrarie to the end of our Creation Thus we lose the inestimable benefit of our Redemption Thus are Christs torments become our tormentors and his Passion our persecution whilest wee not looking on it die for euer For as hee hath mercifully proclaimed his Pardon and sacrificed himselfe for all those rebellious subiects that will come in and take the benefit of it yeelding homage and obedience to his heauenly Father so those obstinate and runnagate traitors who cōfident in their strength confirmed by their multitude or seduced by example stand out in that wilful refusall of offred grace shall in the Day of Tryal receiue their iustly deserued Condemnation Retire therefore into thy selfe foolish mortalitie and with great and serious aduice take a suruay of thy owne estate Let neither selfe loue flatter thee that things are not so bad as they appeare or childish feare in trēbling at thy cure make thee slight thy Disease euer remembring the sore must needs be mortall wherein the remedy is so dangerous in which a little delay is eternall death Search therefore sodainely and throughly lest onely pampering vp proud flesh thy malady fester and growe incurable when euery dressing rebounds woe vpon thy heart that thou feelest an inward compunction and pricking it is an infallible Symptome of a likely amendment thou must forbeare all inflaming drinke and high foode vnquiet and distempered thoughts idle much talke vsing spare and thrifty dyet inward and continuall meditation so to abate the strengthener and feeder of thy sicknes that hauing by good and holy meanes made a perfect and lasting cure thou mayst reioyce in Spirit FINIS