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heaven_n enter_v kingdom_n lord_n 7,476 5 4.1420 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11557 The defence of the mariage of preistes agenst Steuen Gardiner bisshop of Wynchester, Wylliam Repse bisshop of Norwiche, and agenst all the bisshops and preistes of that false popissh secte, with a confutacion of their vnaduysed vowes vnaduysedly dissined: whereby they haue so wykedly separated them whom God cowpled in lawfull mariage. Made by James Sawtry. Joye, George, d. 1553.; Sawtry, James. 1541 (1541) STC 21804; ESTC S104698 20,412 58

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becau se not of ignorance but wetingly wil lingly of a set maliciouse purpose herdneckedly he synneth agenste the trwthe which is the syn agenst the holyghost which Wyn. when he sawe so manifest scriptures agenst hym then he turned his ordināce agenst preistes vowes making them lawfull and aduysed because they be made at xxi yeres olde when their owne master of the sentences call the vowes of the seclare preistes vota tacita dome or not expressed vowes There is noman that euer gaue preiste orders y t can come forthe ether to testifye that euer he herde the preist whom he made by expresse wordes to vowe in clere wordes simply virginal chastite or to bringforth wryting of y e preiste his owne hande that euer he vowed simpli citer siche chastite as Wynche byndeth them to But vpon this condictō quantum permiserit humana fragilitas y t is to saye I vowe chastite as farre as mans fraylte will suffer me and no farther do I vowe If Steuen gardener esteme the stil domme vowes the con dicionall promyses of preistes somiche y t thei must dye for breking them why loketh he his bisshops no beter to the solem●ne opē vowes of euery laye man maryed vowing solem●ly to kepe hymself to his owne wyfe why suffereth he his faccion somiche open abhominable aduoutry in their diocesses bothe grete men meane lowe of euery sort many kepe whores besides there owne wyues cōtrarye to their owne open vowes and promyses and yet for good di ners festes giftes and fauour and for fere they ar suffred vnpunisshed Is it syn for a pore preiste to kepe hym only to his owne lawfull wyfe and no syn at all to the laye maryed man besydes his wyfe to kepe whores O Wynchester with your fellows but wo wo be vnto you that laye these heuy burdens vpon pore mens bakks whiche ye wilnot to wche to ease them with your leest fin gere wo be to you that saye good to be euill bitter to be sweet derkenes to be the light and ecōtra Wo be to you that kil the pure innocents and mayntayne the abhominable aduouterers But Wynchesters vnaduysed vowes ar not the mater why he so fyer●ely fyghteth and incenseth the kynge and his nobles agenst maryed preistis but he and his pharisaicall faccion knoweth well What a plesure it is to kepe other mens wyues their childern to sitteby other mens fyers and as themselues lyue by other mens labours so make they other men to kouer their whores and whelpes vnder the onely names of howsbonde and father Wyn. and his shauen fele what ple sure it is to haue so miche chāge of whores that when they be weary of one thei may turne hir vp take another They haue othermens wyues better thepe then their owne It is an heuye yoke to be cowpled with one parchaun ce a shrewe as longe as thei lyue be she syke or hole pore or ryche c. and then to sorowe for their childrē to be brought vp and for their howsholde For well knewe these idle softe shauen sectes what kares burdens charges incom modites there folowe and chaunse to trewe chaste and honourable wedloke But if they were once iustlely yoked vnto one wyfe to sustayne y e moleste kares of matrimonye ful sone shuld their prwde combes and crownes be cutte their ioylye p●kocks tayles be plukt their ryches minisshe and their vayne glyterig glorye glyde awaye into dust And yet is there another cause why the se prowd prelats wyll not haue theirowne wyues For as they wylbe diuyded in habit aparell shauing buzzing singing eating and drinking in their strange holy prophane iestures pope ho ly sole state from the comon cristen religion so wolde they by siche ipocryse seme to the simple peple yea and loke for it to the hyghlyer to be exalted more reuerēced estemed and endewed with the rycher and pleasaunter possessions For at siche strange toyes and diuersite of disgoysinges in longe gownes sirplices crownes copes hodes c. the fonde peple stonde and wounder at them as at an owyl oute of Athens or at an ape full of pratye pastymes out of Portingale And to be short therfore haue these longe typeted and longer tayled trey tours chosen them this strange singler separated secte that they might shewe themselfes the playner pharisays bothe in name and very dede For a pharisay in englishe is one separated and diuyded from the comon sorte bothe in habit dyet goyng wordes dedis rytes iestures ceremonies but yet I thinke the pharisayes in Cristis tyme were neuer so shoorne nor smered nor so ryche and prowde nor so ignorāt beastis nor siche abhominable whoremōgers as ar owers for they had their owne lawfull wyues But in longe prayinge in sight of almē in deuoweringe the pore in teching and not doynge in dilating their wyde and syde gownes loking for cappe kne mastership lordeship grace fatherhod lokinge for the ouermost place in feastes to be saluted in y e market place and to be called rabi my lorde bisshop M. doctour M. person c. our later present phariseis agree well with the first pharisais former ipocrytes Also thei agree in the shuttingvp of the king dome of heuen from them that wolde enteryn theirselues standing without neuer into enter Thei agree also in importune labours to procure mo ypocrytes dayly to be shauē into their synfull secte mo pharisayes lyke preistes prechers lyke bisshops strōger to make their anticristen kyngdome agenst the lorde and his anoynted They agre in lyke blyndenes themselues blynde leders of their blynde captiues thei agre ye they excede in couetuousnes ambicion and pryde and to be shorte they excede the olde pharisayes in ipocrysye in the bloudshedinge of the innocents which old pha persecuted Criste his apostles vnto dethe The dukes grace of Northfolke made this pollitike reason in the parlemēt howse before the kynge and his nobles for scripture knoweth he non That preistis shuld not marye For then said he they wil perchaunce mary with our and other ientlemēs daughters and so haue their dowryes ioynters and londes with them and at last ye shal se the bishops haue all our lōdis to which rea son lo it was well allowed Bu● I answere y e dukes grace No not so Ther is remedye ynoughe for this sore your grace shall make a prouiso that no preist nor bisshop shall marye with yours nor with no ientlemans daughter without hir parents consent according to Goddis lawes Orels if this prouiso wilnot serue Then restore the bisshops preistes to their firste orders receyued of Criste to be content with onely meat drynke and clothinge necessarye and suf ficient for them And I dare warāt you for your daughters Orels if this proui se will not holde let no bisshop nor preist be admitted to cures flokfedinge but siche as haue all the condicions and qua