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A07085 A potacio[n] or dri[n]kynge for this holi time of le[n]t very co[m]fortable for all penitent synners, newly prepared by Theodore Basille. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1542 (1542) STC 1749; ESTC S109686 59,968 178

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melody togyther signifi eth theyr inward vnsayned ioye which they haue cōceyued in theyr hertes for the redempciō that they haue in Christe Iesus CHRI But what meanethe theyr Palmes and Oliues or other greene herbes in theyr handes PHIL. I haue declared vnto you before that the Palmes signify the victory y t we haue gotten ouer Satan thorowe oure LORDE captayne Iesus Christe as S. Paule sayth death is swalo wed vp into victorye O deathe where is thy stynge O hell where is thy victory The stynge of deth is syn The strength of syn is y e law But thanckes be vnto God which hath gyuen vs the vyctory thorow our LORD Iesus Christ. Christ him selfe also sayth in the world ye shall haue trouble but be on a good con fort for I haue ouercome y e world All that is borne of God ouercommeth the world saythe S. Iohn this is y e victory which hath ouercome the worlde euen our faythe EVSE What is signified by y e grene Oliues or other herbes PHIL. The aboundance of vertues The be arynge of Olyues she wethe that we are not only delyuered oute of seruile captiuite that we haue gottē the victory thorowe Iesus Christ are set at liberty that we beyng w tout feare delyuered frō y e poore of oure enemies shoulde serue God all the dayes of our lyfe ī holines righteousnes but that we are also thorow hi plenteously garnysshed enuyroned w t al kīdesof vertues do now no lesse florysh w t vertues than y e Olyue tree dothe w t fruyte which as Plini writethis neuer w t out grene leues fruyte Therfore saith Dauid I being as a fruytful Olyue tree in y e house of God haue trusted ī the mercy of God for euer more CHRI we perceyue now these thynges ryghte well What followeth I praye you PHIL. These thi ges once done thā the people gothe somewhat further vnto the chyrch doreward and there stondeth styll EVSE I remēber it well PHIL. Im mediately after certayne chyldren stondynge vpō an high place right agaynst the people syngynge with a lowde voyce a certayne Hymne in the prayse of our Sauioure Iesus Christ which begynneth Glorialaus THEO It is trueth PHIL At the ende of euery verse the chyldren caste downe certayne cakes or breades with ●…loures EVSE What do they meane by this PHIL. The chyldrē which sig betokē y e faithful christen men in this worlde whiche ought to be simple hūble in hert as a chylde is as Christ sayth vere ly I saye vnto you excepte ye be cō uerted become as a chylde ye shal not enter into the kingdome of heuen Who so euer therfore hūblethe himselfe as this chylde he it is that is greatest in the kyngdome of heauen Also S. Paule Brothers be not chyldren in vnderstandynge howe be it as concernynge maliciousnes be chyldren but in vnderstandynge be perfecte Nowe as cō cernynge the syngynge castynge downe of cakes floures ye shall heare now thre thiges The fyrst is geuyng of glorye prayse to Christ for his innumerable benefites shewed vnto vs which is signifyed by the syngyng of the chyldren For it is conueniente that we be not forgetfull of Goddes goodnes toward vs but that we be thanckefull agayne for it and synge perpetuall prayses to his moost blyssed name For this is the rewarde and amendes that he desireth as he himselfe sayth the Sacrifice of prayse shall honouor me Also y e Psalmograph sayth O●…ier to God the Sacrifice of prayse The seconde is an honest conuersacion the continuall exercyse of godly vertues which is signified by the floures that y e chyl dren east do●…ne For seing that we are restored vnto oure olde liberte thorowe Christe whiche we lost in Adam are nowe become christen mē we ought not only to be thākeful to God for his benefites but al so leade an honest pure lyfe that by this meanes also Goddes glory maye be set forth by vs as Christe sayth Let youre lyght so shyne before men that they maye se youre good workes glorify your father which is in heauen We are set w toute feare delyuered frō y e power of our enemies sayth Zacharye y e preste father of S. Iohn Baptiste that we should serue God all y e day es of our lyfe in holynes ryghteousnes We are the workemanshyp of god sayth S. Paule created in Iesus Christe vnto good workes which God hath prepared that we shoulde walke in them Agayne ye are derely bought Glorify GOD now therfore ī your body ī your spiryte which are Goddes Also in another place If any manne be in Christe he is a newe creature The thyrde is mercy towarde the poore people which is signifyed by the ca stynge downe of the cakes Thys mercy towarde the nedy mēbers of Christ ought diligently to be exer cised of all christē men which haue the goodes of y e world in theyr possession or els they shewe thē selues vnworthy the benefites of GOD. For by mercye faythe are synnes pourged saythe the wyse man To do mercy iudgement pleaseth the LORDE more then Sacrifice Giue almes sayth christ behold all thiges are cleane vnto you Thus se you what is signifyed by the syngynge of the chyldren by the castynge downe of the floures and of the cakes Wherof ye learne what is youre dutye to do agayne vnto God for his excedynge incomparable benefytes towarde you verely to be thanckefull to lede a godly lyfe to be mercyfull to y ● poore mēbers of Christ. THEO Undoubtedly the significacions of these ceremonies are godlye I woulde all men knewe them woulde do ther after PHIL. The very same wysh I also CHRI But what doth it mene I praye you y ● the chyldren which singe cast downe the floures and cakes stonde in so hygh a place frō the ground PHIL. This preacheth vnto vs y e they which gyue prayse vnto God practyse an honest con uersacion and shewe mercye to the poore poople shoulde not do it for vayne glorye nor for the prayse of men but only for the glory of God settynge theyr myndes seyng they are come to Christe no more vpon earthlye thynges but vpon thynges celestiall heauenly In token wherof they ascend and go vp into such an hygh place from the earth And this is it that S. Paule wry teth yf ye be rysen agayne w t christ seake for those thynges that are aboue where christ is syttynge on y ● ryght hāde of God Seke for those thynges that are aboue not that are vpō y ● earth For you are dead your lyfe is hydde with Christ in God EVSE This is a good lesson we thancke you for it PHIL. Well nowe marke the ende of your Procession for it is almoost done THE.
I pray you declare what soeuer re mayneth PHI. Theyse thinges once done thā goeth the Processiō forth vntyll they come to y ● chyrche dore whiche whan they come vnto it is sparred certayne chyldren in the chyrch syngynge The songe beyng once done the preste taketh y ● crosse in his hande putteth the dore frō him with it so openeth it and entreth in with al the other people after hym CHRI What do all those thīges preach vnto vs PHIL. The spearynge of the chyrch dore signifyeth that heauē gates were speared agaynst vs for the synne of our fyrst father Adam in whom all we haue offended so that no mā could once enter by his owne vertue power merites good dedes into heuen as Christ witnesseth no man goeth vp into heauen but he that came downe from heauen That is to say no man by his owne strēgth vertue ascendeth into heauē but Christ whiche descended from heauen toke flesh of the moost glorious pure virgyn Marye Therfore euery one that goethe vp into heauen goeth vp by Christe as he hymselfe witnesseth I am y ● waye the trueth the lyfe no man commethe vnto the father but by me Therfore to declare that oure ingresse entrynge into heauen com meth only by Christe by Christes death therfore the preste openethe the dore w t the crosse For ye knowe right well that none of all the holy Patriarches Prophetes Kynges and other godly fathers of the olde Testamēt dyd enter into the glory of heauen vntyll Christ had suffered payed oure raunsome by hys moost precious bloud EVSE Ye say trueth PHIL. This declareth therfore manifestely y e by Christe alone we haue free passage into eternall glorye as S. Paule sayth euerlastynge lyfe is the gyfte of God tho row Christ Iesus our LORD THEO But what is sygnifyed by y e chyldren which are within the chyrche at the dore syngyng PHIL. Uerely the myrth ioye melodye whiche the Aungelles make in heauen for mās redēpciō by christ It sheweth how glad mery they are that mā is become pertaker of y ● glory wher of they haue the fruicion And this theyr ioy maketh them to come for to mete the soules of the faythfull to present them to the diuine ma ieste CHRI This is a very godly ex posicion PHIL. Whan they are once entred into the chyrche wherby he uen is signifyed than do the all the people knele downe the prest pluc kyng vp the cloth wherwith y e cru cifixe was couered and makyng it open to all that are there presente syngethe a certayne songe the people in the meane season prayenge gyuynge thanckes vnto God And so endethe the Procession EVSE I pray you declare this also vnto vs PHIL. This signifyethe that whan we be once departed oute of thys world are brought of the Aūgels into heauen that than we shall for euer euer worldes without ende enioye the moost glorious syght of the diuine maieste syngynge vnto him prayses incessātly on this māner Thou arte worthy O LORDE to receyue glory honour vertue For y u hast made al thinges and for thy wyll they are and were made Thou arte worthye to take y ● boke to open the seales of it For thou waste slayne haste redemed vs by thy bloude To hym that syttethe on the Throne to the lābe be bles syng honour glory power worldes without ende Amen Now haue I declared vnto you neighbours what euery ceremony y e is vsed in the processiō of Palme sondaye signifyeth THEO Ye haue done so in dede brother Philemon We do not only thāke you for this youre great payne but also desyre almyghty God with moost humble hertes to rewarde you for it in his glory PHIL. In thus doing I haue done but my duty I confesse my selfe to be an vnprofitable seruaūt Notwithstandynge yf this my sim ple declaracion hathe profyted you ony thynge at all or set forwarde your knowledge in christ verely I am not a lytle glad And yf I shall perceiue hereafter that ye practise those thynges in your dayly manners y t I haue taught you in wordes surely neyghbours I shall vn faynedly reioyse gyue God herty thanckes that you are so serious earnest labourers i y e LORDES vine yearde CHRI Neyghbour Phi lemō doubte ye not but that with Goddes grace we wyll labour diligently to follow your moost godly wholesome admonicions Therefore yf there be ony mo ceremonies to be declared I pray you expresse thē to vs EVSE I pray you what me neth y e wasshyng of the Altares on Maūdy Thursday at after noone ¶ Of wasshynge of the Altares what it signifyeth PHILEMON THer are diuers aūswers made vnto it as we we reade but I thyncke it is done to put vs in remembraunce howe Christ wasshed his disciples fete at his maundy y ● we in lyke manner shoulde be redye at all tymes to do good vnto oure christen brothers yea euen to wash theyr fete whiche semeth to be the moost hūble lowely acte that we can do vnto thē If I sayth Christ being your LORDE mayster haue wasshed your fete verely you also ought to washe one anothers fete For I haue gyuen you an exāple y e as I haue done to you so lykewyse ye should do Let that mynde be in you sayth S. Paule that was in Christ Iesus ¶ Of garnishyng y ● chyrch on Easter daye what it signifyeth THEOPHILE VUhat meaneth it y ● on Easter daye the Images all other thynges that were before hyd are made opē the Temple restored to her pr●…tine olde beautye PHIL. Nothynge els but that after christ had once suffred his passion for our synnes was rysen agayne from death to lyfe for our iustificacion all cloudes shadowes were taken awaye all ceremonies sacrifices of the olde lawe ceased all ioye all myrthe all felicite all pleasure all liberte all that euer we lost before in Adā is nowe recouered agayne by Christe In token of this oure welth ioye is the Temple on Easter day moost preciously adourned CHRI We are nowe aboundantlye satisfyed concernyng the ceremoni es y ● are vsed in the Lente I praye you therfore declare vnto vs y e last parte of our Potacion accordynge to your promise which is this how we ought to prepare our selues for to receyue worthely at the tyme of Easter y t moost blessed Sacrament of the A●…re PHIL. Neyghbours I wyll do it with all my herte I pray you therfore marke wel what shal be sayde EVSE Speake on brother Philemō we wyll heare you withe diligent eares and attent myndes Howe we ought to prepare oure selues to receyue worthely at the tyme Easter the moost blessed Sacrament of the 〈◊〉 PHILEMON THat you maye pre pare youre selues condignely worthely to receyue
a mynd that we woulde fast in dede though no mā lyuynge dyd se vs and whan we re garde more the accomplishment of Goddes wyll the subieccion ta mynge of our body than all the hu mayne glorye that can be attributed vnto vs. EVSE It is lawefull than to fast euen before men PHIL. Yea verely or to do any other good worke so that the desyre of worlde ly prayse he not in youre myndes For Christ saythe let your lyght so shyne before men that they maye se your good workes glorify your father which is in heauen But yf we seke ony prayse of men desyre to be magnifyed for oure good dedes verelye than haue we oure rewarde not of God but of y ● world For ther is no more pestiferous in fecciō to poysō any good worke y e it should lose the reward before God than the desyre of vayne glory and worldly prayse What dyd deiecte caste downe Lucifer from heauen into hell pytte but vayneglorye Agayne what dyd exalte lyfte vp frō the earth vnto heauen y ● moost blyssed and glorious virgin Mary the mother of our Sauiour Iesus Christ but humilite as she her selfe testifieth My soule sayth she mag nifyeth the LORDE And my spirite reioyseth in God my sauyour For he hath loked vpon the humilite of his handmayd beholde bycause of this shal all kyndredes call me bles sed God resystethe the proude but to the humble he gyueth grace and sheweth fauour Unto whome shal I loke sayth God by his Prophet but vnto hym that is poore contryte in spiryte feareth my wordes Blyssed are y e poore in spiryte forto thē belongeth the kyngdome of heauen Therfore all youre wor kes that ye do do them with a simple mynde with such an harte as beyng nothyng desyrous of vayne glory seaketh only the honoure of God the accomplyshment of his moost deuyne wyll Thus haue I taught you neyghbours both what y ● true and Christen fast is also howe ye ought to fast CHRI Brother Philemon we confesse before you that we haue lerned here this day more of you concernyng certayne thynges thā euer we knew before God gyue vs all grace to followe youre moost godly instruccions EVSE Amen I beseche God PHIL. Well nowe is the greatest parte of oure Potacion past What is more to be done THEO Ye promised that ye woulde declare vnto vs the signifi cacions of certayne Ceremonies y e be vsed in the chyrche this tyme of Lent CHRI Ye sayde also that ye woulde teach us howe we shoulde prepare our selues worthely to receyue the moost blyssed Sacramēt of the Altare at y ● tyme of Easter PHIL. I remēber my promyse well accordyng ther vnto therfore wyll I do ¶ Of the Ceremonies vsed in the Chyrche this tyme of Lent and what they signifye Of the Asshes THe fyrste Ceremonye that is vsed in the Chyrche this tyme of Lent is the imposiciō layenge on of Asshes vpon the heades of Christen men THEO I praye you vnto what pur pose is that ceremony vsed What is the significaciō of it PHIL. This is done to put vs in remembraūce what we are For whan the preste layethe asshes on youre heades he sayth these wordes Remember mā that thou arte asshes vnto asshes thou shalte returne This Ceremo ny pr●…cheth vnto vs that we are nothynge but asshes dust earthe to that we shall returne agayne If we marke this Ceremony well we shall haue but litle occasion to be proud or to magnify ourselues as y e scrip ture sayth wherfore arte y u proude O thou asshes earth All fleshe is grasse sayth the Prophet all his glory is as a floure of y e feld If we consider this thynge well it shall also prouoke vs vnto the contēpte vtter despisynge of the worlde ye a it shall plucke vs from sinne moue vs to do good workes as the wise man sayth remember thy last ende and thou shalte neuer synne And for asmuch as in the olde lawe they y t would hūble them selues be fore God by Penaunce dyd vse to sytte downe in y e asshes to throw asshes vpō theyr heades as y e scriptures shewe of Achab of the Niniuites of the Iewes whā they were oppressed of holofernes of diuers other therfore the holye fathers of Christes chyrch in tymes past in stituted also this ceremony to put vs in remembraūce of the Penāce which this holy tyme of Lēt ought to be done of all christen menne for theyr wycked dedes whyche they haue wrought all the whole yeare paste Do ye perceyue nowe what the layeng of asshes vpon your hea des do signify CHRI Yea very wel PHIL. Forsoth who soeuer reposeth the significacion of this Ceremony in his herte canne none otherwise but alwaye be humble gentle low ly meke full of humilite estraunged from all arrogancy despisyng terrestiall thynges desyrynge thynges celestiall EVSE Ye saye trueth But what meneth I praye you the couerynge of the Images in the temples this tyme of Lent ¶ Of the couerynge of Images what it signifyeth PHILEMON THe ecclesiasticall wryters assigne dyuers causes one this another that But in this dissension variete of opinions I wyll al leage one or two reasons byd the other fare well as thīges not great ly makyng vnto the edificacion of true godlynes THEO I praye you let vs heare PHIL. One cause is to signify vnto vs that they that are synners haue a pleasure styl ther in to remayne are not worthye to behold the sayntes in heauē which are represented by those Images nether shall they at ony tyme come vnto that glory wherof the Sayn tes alredy haue y e fruicion excepte they repēt them of theyr wicked lyuynge ryse oute of synne brynge forth fruytes worthy of Penaūce become newe men in theyr cōuer sacion Therfore whan we enter in to the chyrche and se all those Ima ges couered we oughte to mourne lament our synfull lyuyng to recognyse oure selues synners to excyte store vp our selues to bryng forth fruytes worthy of Penaūce to cut away by true vnfayned Contricion our synnes y t we maye be founde worthy agaynst Easter that is agaynste the tyme of oure passyng goyng out of this world clerely to beholde openlye to se in the kyngedome of heauen the shynynge face of God his Sayntes Another cause is to declare the mournynge lamentacion of synners for theyr vngodly manners Ye knowe that y e custome is amōge vs euen at this daye that so longe as we mourne for ony of oure frendes departed we vse to go w t close faces to weare simple apparell layenge asyde all gorgious sumptuous garmentes So lykewyse this tyme of Lent whiche is a tyme of mournyng all thynges that make to the adournement of the chyrche wherof the
Paule must beleue y ● god is that he is a rewarder to thē that seke hym Withoute thys faythe no manne commeth worthelye to recepue the body of our LORDE as Chrisostom saythe Let vs all that are sycke go vnto Christ with great fayth For yf all they which dyd but towch y e hēme of his garmēt receyued theyr perfecte healthe howe muche more shall we be corroborated and made strong yf we haue hym whole w tin vs Therfore whē ye syt downe to receyue the blessed body of Christe call streyght wayes to your remembraunce the death of Christ. Remēber that his bodye was brokon for you vpon the Altare of the Crosse. Rem●…mber that he offred hymselfe a swete smelling Sacrifice to God the father for the abolysshement of all your synnes Remēber that his bloud was shed for the remission of your synnes Remēber that by the effusion sheddynge of hys mooste precious bloud all your offēses are cleane wasshed awaye you pourged from all iniquite In consideracion wherof ye nowe receyue y ● ve ry body of christ bycause ye shoulde nothynge doubte of the remission of your synnes of the fauoure of GOD toward you as Christ hym selfe witnesseth He that eateth my flesh dryncketh my bloude hathe eternal lyfe I shall rayse hym vp in the last day For my flesh is very meate my bloud is very dryncke He that eteth my flesh dryncketh my bloud dwelleth in me I in hī But do not only call to remēbrāce these aforsayd thynges but beleue faythfully also be perswaded vndoubtedly that they be true shall chaūse to you according vnto your fayth So shal it come to passe that w t the receyuīg of Christes body ye shall also receyue all the benefytes gyftes and graces of Christe yf ye beleue so that not only Christ is be come altogyther yours but also al y ● euer he hath besydes is yours as S. Paule say the he that hath not spared his owne sonne but gaue hī for vs all how is it possible that he also should not gyue vs all thinges w t him O the inestimable treasures that lye bent out in this moost holy Sacrament of the Altare for the faythefull Blyssed is he that is a faythfull geste of this celestial ta ble Blessed is he that with a pure fayth syncere charite eateth y e body of his LORDE Blessed is that mā which receiueth this moost honora ble Sacramēt Christes very body bloude with an vndefyled conscience For Satan synne death hel desperacion c. shall not preuayle agenst hym Such one may be sure to dwell in Christ Christ in him Such one may be sure to haue his herte abundātly enfarsed w t celesti all graces heauēly gyftes Such one maye be sure to haue God y e father God y e son God y e holy Ghost dwellynge perpetually in his brest whā ye haue done these thīges a for sayd than drawe nygh whan tyme requirethe w t all hūble reuerent feare vnto the feaste of the LORDES bodye before y t ye receyue it into your mouth praye on this māner ¶ A prayer to be sayde before y e receyuynge of the Sacrament O LORD I am not worthy that y u shouldest enter into me but saye the word only my soule shall be made whole Heale y u me O God and I shall be healed saue thou me I shall be saued Create in me O LORDE a cleane herte that w t true fayth perfecte charite I maye re ceyue thy moost holy body w t suche dignitie worthynes thorowe thy grace into my breste that y u mayste dwel in me I in the for euermore AMEN Thus haue I neighbours declared vnto you cōpendiously how ye shal prepare your selues worthely to re ceyue at y e time of Easter the moste blyssed Sacrament of the A●…re Yf ye receyue it on such māner as I haue taughte you here tofore ye may be sure to receyue it worthely accordynge to Christes instituciō vnto y e helth of your soules EV●…E I praye God gyue vs grace to receyue it accordynge to youre moost godly īstrucciōs y t our soules maye be truly fed w t the true body of our Sauiour Iesus Christ. PHIL. But for as much as we se many departe vnreuerētly frō the LORDES table therfore wyll I in fewe wordes by your pacience declare to you after what manner ye shall go from it howe ye shall behaue your selues euer after that ye maye walke as it becommeth the chyldren of lyghte CHRI I pray you hertely let it so be ¶ Howe we ought to behaue oure selues after that we haue receyued the moost blessed Sacramēt of the Altare PHILEMON NOwe moost dere brothers after y ● ye haue receyued the body of our LORDE Iesus Christ and w t that same moost glorious bodye tasted also his most precious bloud which as Chrisostome sayth is the helth of our soules wassheth garni sheth enflameth our soules maketh our mynde more shynynge thā the fyre more clere than the gould is y e sufficient price of y e hole world it is conueniēt that ye shewe your sel ues thanckefull agayne to God for these his iestimable benefites whiche he at that tyme hath frely gyuē vnto you euen y e very body bloud of his welbeloued sōne our LORD Iesus Christ w t all the other incom parable treasures which pertayne vnto hym For all theyse thynges hath he moost bounteously gyuen you in this moost holy Sacramēt It is therfore I say cōueniēt y ● ye shewe your selues agayne thanckefull to hym by renderynge harty immortall thāckes For this moost holy mysterye is called Sacramentum Eucharistiae that is y ● Sacrament of thanckes gyuynge bycause y t whā eyther we our selues receyue it or els be presēt whā other do receyue it we should gyue God precordiall thāckes for his bounty kyndnes shewed to vs thorow Iesus Christ. Who commeth to the table of onye man departeth without thāckes gyuynge To approche therfore to sytte downe at the table of y e moost hygh redoubted kynge where no terrestriall corruptible meate is eaten but euen the very bodye of y e pure immaculate Lambe Iesus Christ to departe from so heauēly a table w t vnthanckefull hertes certes it were a thyng to much for to be detested It shal therfore be ve ry conuenient after ye haue receyued that moost blyssed Sacramēt not to depart out of y e chirch before ye haue gyuē God harty thanckes for his manifold benignite toward you ye maye do it on this manner ¶ Thāckes gyuynge after y e receyuynge of the Sacrament VUe thancke the moost gentle mercyfull father that thou hast vouchedsafe this day of thyne own goodnes to fede vs w t an heuē ly meate euen y ● very body bloud of thy moost
intierly beloued sōne our LORDE sauiour Iesus Christ Graunt we besech the y ● we by this celestiall feaste engraffed yea incor porated i his moost holy body may so infixe in oure brestes hys moost bytter death y e we by remembryng the same maye dayly dye vnto syn and so encrease thorow thy diuine grace in al vertues that thy name maye be perpetually sanctifyed in vs thy wyll accomplysshed among vs here in earth as it is in heauē our christen brothers loued vnfay nedly socoured mercifully vnto y ● immortall prayse of thy moost holy blyssed name to whome be all honour glory for euer euer EVSE Amen THEO So he it CHRI LORD let it so come to passe PHIL. After y ● ye departe frō y ● table of our Lorde God caull vnto youre remēbraūce what ye haue done what ye haue professed Fyrste remēber y ● ye haue receyued the very body of our lord Iesus Christ of al treasures moost precious Secondely remēber that by the receyuynge of that ye haue professed youre selues to be the sonnes of God the members of Christ the mayntayners of true godlines the studious followers of Goddes wyll the feruent louers of our chri sten brothers the extreme enemies of Satan his army so long as euer ye lyue All theyse thynges do ye professe whā ye syt at the moost heauenly table Loke therfore that ye do not dallye nor mocke w t God vnlesse worser thynges chaunse vn to you Let vs departe from that table sayth Chrisostome as Lyōs that breath fyre y t we maye be terri ble to the diuel Therfore that this thynge may come to passe remēber that ye are now engraffed in christ become mēbers of Christes body Howe vnsyttynge than were it to faull agayne from Christe to adioyne your selues vnto vnclennes Remēber that ye are wasshed from youre synnes sanctifyed by Christes bloude iustifyed by the name of the LORDE Iesus Were it not than very vnsemely to pollute and defyle your selues agayne w t youre olde fylthynes Remēber that god hath now delyuered you out of the londe of Egipte frō your moost cru ell enemy Pharao the diuel hath broughte you into the londe of promyss Haue not than a pleasure to returne into that lond of captiuite Remēber that God hath deliuered yon from the fylthy abhominable Sodomites Prouyde therfore y t ye loke not backe agen vnto theyr pernicious manners Remember that God hath delyuered you from the babylonicall captiuite hath brought you vnto the newe celestial Ierusalem so that now ye are no more Gestes straungers but Cytysēses wyth the Sayntes and of the houshold of God Were it not than a thynge of much ignominye for you to fall from so great an honour what shal I make many wor des w t you Ye pertayne now al to gyther vnto God Loke therfore y ● ye lose not the fauour gentlenes of so bounteous a LORDE Moreouer ye haue professed day ly to dye vnto synne to walke in a new lyfe Loke that ye aunswere faythfully to this your promyse Agayne ye haue professed that ye wyll loue your christen brothers do for thē to the vttermooste what so euer lyeth ī your power Al these thynges haue ye promised to do by the receyuynge of this moost blyssed Sacramēt Loke therfore that ye be not necligent in the accōplish mente of the premisses vnlesse the wrath of God falleth vpō you For it is not ynough to begyn well excepte ye go forth in your enterprises He that cōtinueth vnto y ● ende shall be safe saythe Christ. Agayne be thou faythful vnto death and I shall gyue the y ● crowne of lyfe No man that putteth hys hand to the plowgh and loketh backewarde is mete vnto y ● kyngdome of heauen Therfore neghbours do as ve haue professed Cast away your olde wic ked lyuynge Continue in the body of Christe thorowe a newe lyfe Remayne for euermore in the seruyse of God Seke the kingdome of god the righteousnes therof aboue al thynges Procure the furtheraūce of his moost holy worde so not on ly loue but also lyue y e Gospel that ye maye be coūted both before God man true earneste followers of Goddes worde Furthermore loue your christē brothers w t a true per fecte vnfayned loue lette youre loue brynge forth good workes y t it may appeare to be w tout dissimula cion or faynynge Aboue all thīges as I haue euer exorted you be obedient to y ● Kynges graces maieste yea and that not only for feare but muche more for conscience sake in all thynges as it becommeth fayth full subiectes The other publique magistrates also spirituall or tēporall haue in perpetuall reuerence honour To be shorte be so affected towarde all menne euen as Iesus christ was toward you in al your wordes dedes lette your lyght so shyne before men that they may se your good workes glorifye youre father which is in heauē to whom be all honour glory for euermore Amē Thus endeth your Potaciō THEO Praysed by God for it EVSE Bothe nowe euer CHRI For he alone is worthy all honour glorye PHIL. Thus haue I neighbours ac cordynge to my promyse in the begynnynge of our Potacion perfor med all thynges concernynge the holy Sacrament of Penaunce w t the partes therof Of fastyng of ce remonies of the moost honorable Sacramente of the 〈◊〉 I haue also taughte you many godlye and goodly thynges worthye to be imprynted in the hartes of all christ●… men Now brothers I moost instāt ly desyre you by the great mercyes of God the precious bloud of our sauiour Christ to repose these thin ges in your memory and not to for get thē but w t al diligence maynly to prosecute followe them yea to expresse them natiuely in youre quotidiane dayly cōuersaciō For the seruaunt ' which knowethe his maysters wyll doth it not shalbe beatē wyth many strypes If ye do theyse thynges knowe that in thys world ye shal haue God the father a mercifull father vnto you God y ● sonne a swete Sauiour vnto you God the holy Ghoste a ioyfull cōfortour vnto you after this lyfe ye maye be sure to enioye the moost blyssed glorious syght of the holy Trinite Amen THEO Neyghbour Philemon for this your Potacion we thancke you we trust that y●… shall se suche fruytes procede from vs that ye shall reioyse to haue cal led vs vnto this your moost godly Potacion PHIL. So doynge neygh boures knowe me to be altogither youres Well seynge this spirituall Potacion is so fortunately ended I praye you followe me y ● we maye also refresshe oure bodies with cor porall norysshement so wyth one mynd prayse GOD for all thynges EVSE We follow Blessed be God for this