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A05555 The answer of John Bastvvick, Doctor of Phisicke, to the information of Sir Iohn Bancks Knight, Atturney universall In which there is a sufficient demonstration, that the prelats are invaders of the Kings prerogative royall, contemners and despisers of holy Scripture, advancers of poperie, superstition, idolatry and phophanesse: also that they abuse the Kings authoritie ... Bastwick, John, 1593-1654.; England and Wales. Attorney-General. 1637 (1637) STC 1568; ESTC R212826 58,859 30

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sent droanes and loyterers amongs● them dumb dogs that can not barke and is not this great cruelty to the poore Soules of men to deprive them of the food of life and to starve them See what Paul sayth to Bariesus the Sorcerer in the 13. of the Acts when Sergius Paulus the Deputy of the Country a prudent man called for Barnabas and Saul and desired to heare the word of God it is sayd that Elemas the Sorcerer withstood them seeking to turne away the Deputy from the faith to whom Saul filled with the holy Ghost setting his eyes on him sayd O full of all subtility and all mischiefe thou childe of the devill thou enimy of all righteousnes wilt thou not cease to pervert the right wayes of the Lord Those then that take away the meanes of salvation and hinder others from the hearing of the word they are most cruell unto them hindering of them of salvation it selfe and such are the children of the devill the enimies of all rightnousnes perverters of the wayes of the Lord the holy Ghost hath spake it and Christ himselfe sayth Matth. 23. and the 13. Woe unto you Scribes Pharisies hypocri●s for yee shut up t●e Kingdome of heaven against men for you neither goe in your selves neither suffer you them that are entring to goe in And in Luke the 11. and verse the 52. hee sayth Woe unto you Lawyers for yee have taken away the key of knowledge yee enter not in your selves and them that were entring you hindred Christ himselfe pronounces woe here to all such Soule-murtherers as take away the key of knowledg from the people and shut up the Kingdome of heaven against them which is the greatest cruelty that can be exercised over miserable men and yet this is the dayly occupation of the Prelats of which the whole Kingdome can witnes how that they have made most places desolate depriving them of the bread of life the preaching of the Gospell and taking away the key of knowledge from them and in stead of ●rue nourishing food they give them the huskes of ceremonyes and vaine traditions and idle superstitious observations Neither doe they onely extinguish and put out all their shi●ing lights but they severely punish those that seeke it or goe after it where it is so that if one do but goe out of his owne parish where he hath no preaching where perhaps there hath not been a sermon seven yeares together as there are many such parishes in this Kingdome he is forthwith haled into their Courts tormented to death and is not this horrible cruelty yea if one neighbour doe but goe to an other and that but to heare a Sermon repeated when he dare not goe out of his owne parish he is immediatly haled into their Courts as a Keeper of Conventicles and miserably there tormented and is not this also great cruelty Especially when any of their lewd parishioners may goe from yeare to yeare out of their owne parishes a drinking quaffing and that on the Lords day and holy dayes as they call them and have their meetings in troopes and great assemblyes in drinking Schooles tippling there to the great dishonour of God and many times to the great mischiefe of o●hers and the perpetrating of many ●innes and all such though they never heare Service neither divine nor humain find favour in their Courts and serve for wi●nesses against the generation of the just and those that feare God they are esteemed good Sons of the Church though in all other things they be also never so impious Neither is there any law against those children of Be●iall neither can any man deny this that knoweth any thing for they are the defenders of such fellows tormentors of the most godly And if this be not also insufferable tyranny and crue●ty let every reasonable man judge In this i●formation his most excellent Majest is truely and deservedly commended that he is an enimy to Popery and all innovation of religion as his Highnes hath often declared himselfe and that he doth dayly frequent the Church and is diligent in hearing of Sermons And this most eminent piety in our noble King and Soveraigne we his loyall though poore Subjects heartily reioyce at desiring the Lord of heaven still to inflame his royall heart with a zeale for the glory of God the propagation of the Gospell and to continue in him an increase a love unto his holy word Now all men know that Kings examples have been ever the paterne for their Subjects and it is the duty of all good Citizens Subjects to imitate their King in all well doing and men use commonly to say Regis ad exemplum the Kings example is ever to be followed and it is his royall hearts desire that his Subjects should imitat him in that his piety Now what a great unexpressible cruelty is this in the Prelats towards the poore people and how great a dishonour is done to the Ki●g in it that they will not let his Subjects be good for it is good in the King and hightly commendable before God men to heare the Word of God often preached and to be diligent in the hearing of Sermons or els the Informers would not have set it downe as so singular a vertue in our royall King and yet they punish this good in his Subjects and it is a cause of the utter undoing of many of them if they goe to Sermons and when they are found to bee diligent at the hearing of the word the going to a sermon into the next Parish when they have none in their owne is matter sufficient to mount them up into the high Commission which is none of the smallest crueltyes that holy and pious men in these our dayes groane under to the infinit dishonour of God and the King and the needles vexation and molestation of his dutifullest Subjects who desire to follow in that their godly Princes example In S. Iohn Baptists time it is sayd That Ierusalem Iudea and the region round about● came all out to heare him running after Sermons and so they did after Christ And it stands recorded in sacred Writ to their eternall honour and for our imitation For all the Saints godly examples are set downe for us to imitate and wee never read that any were by the very enimies of the Gospell in those dayes the Scribes Pharises and High-Priests molested or troubled for the same and it is sayd of them that they tooke the Kingdome of heaven with a kind of holy violence and their diligence in hearing the word is related ●nd told of them as a thing very honorable and praise worthy and so it is very well related in the information of our gracious King to his immortall honour and great praise and so it is and ever to be honoured in his Maj● and his example in this to be followed of all his obedient Subjects And is it not a transcendent cruel●y then
that the spring hath ever the precedency and is of greatest autority and without all controversy as it overthrowe●h all reason so it is exceedingly impious against our great God the fountayne of all good and the giver of every good and perfect gift and they that shall speake so contumeliously as the ●i●●●ps doe of these Fountaynes of living waters ●he holy Scriptures as they did the Defendent w●ll euer mayntaine they are contemners and despisers of the holy Scriptures and in this opinion he will live and die Nei●her did they lesse offend in saying that the Scriptures could not be knowne from the Apocry●ha without the help and au●hority of the Fathers which poynt also the Defendent desireth this honorable Court to heare a little discussed it being a thing of so high nature concerning not onely the glory of God bu● the good of every mans Soule the peace of the Church and the tranquillity of the whole Kingdom And therefore he humbly craveth favour that he may agitate it here a little for the furthe● Demonstration of the iustnes of his accusa●ion hee chargeth the Prelats with viz That they are disgracers and contemners of the holy Scriptures They say that the Scriptures can not be distinguished from the Apocrypha but by the Fathers which assertion is against sense and reason it self too impious for Prelats to speake Is not this an essentiall property of the Scriptures of the old Testament that they were written in the Hebrew tongue and that they did give witnes of Christ and received autority from him and that they were put into the hands keeping of the elect chosen people of God as a Treasury Now the Apocrypha had none of all this honour Neith●r did ever the Jews account of them as Scripture yea to this day they reject them Neither for these reasons onely are they distinguished from the Apocrypha but for many others the divinity purity● sublimity appeares in the Canonicall Scriptures the futility folly and falsity in the Apocrypha are too too manifest and is there any man so stupid blockish to thinke that this age wherein we live cannot distinguish or discerne gold from lead without the autority of the Fathers There is a vaster difference between the Apocrypha and the Canonicall Scriptures then is between gold and lead Every mans reason will tell him an apparent difference between brasse beanes But if any be desirous of autority to distinguish them will not Christs and the Apostles suffice The very Papists that have not abiured all honesty goodnes● do freely acknovvledge and confesse that those onely are Canonicall Scriptures which the Apostles did ei●her write or approve of But th●y did never approve of the Apocrypha The Canonicall Scriptures of the old Testament did in sh●dows and fig●res sett f●rth that which th● new Testament cle●rly speaks They did ad●m●rate the new Testament expresseth in lively colours one an● the same thing They consent one with an other and yeild each other mutuall ayde and help Now the Apocrypha do neither foretell the new nor are by their autority and approbation illustrated and declared Christ commends Moses the Prophets and the Psalmes as books without all exception Luc. 24. and grounds his doctrine upon them but never honours nor graceth the Apocrypha with his Commendations or wi●nes How then can the Prela●s without great con●umely un●o the sacred Scriptures say they cannot be distinguished and knowne from ●he Apocrypha but by the Fathers especially after the judgment of Christ himself is given and hath passed upon the Scriptures for the autorizing of them to be ●he word and will of God The Fathers as the learned acknowledge were for their times many of them worthy of honour but yet they vvere subject not to a fevv errors and often agreed not vvith themselves and are ever at variance vvith others and have been indeed the originall and cause of allmost all the co●troversies vvith vvhich the Churches are novv tormented And therefore to conclude this poynt the Defendent sayth that the Prelats are disgracers and contemners of holy Scripture vvhen against so much light of reason and Divine autority they say they cannot be distinguished and knovvne from the Apocrypha but by the Fathers Neither ●s the third Thesis Position freer from impudency and outrage against the Scriptures then the tvvo former In that they say the meaning of the Scripture could not be knovvne but by the Fathers For in this they doe as much as playnly affirme there is an other vvay to heaven then by ●he Scriptures vvhich if it be not a contemning and disgracing of holy Scripture then there never vvas any Nay if it be not blasphemy the Defendent knovveth not vvhat blasphemy is● and therefore all those that desire salvation and to goe to heaven must come to the Schoole of the Fathers and not to the Doctrine of the Scriptures And hovv then vvill the poore people doe to be saved that never knevv vvhat a Father vvas Nay hovv did all those goe to heaven that dyed before the Fathers For the Prelats say that the meaning of the Scripture cannot be knovvn vvithout the Fathers vvithout the knovvledge of the Scripture there is no salvation It is most manifest by these expressions of the Prelats that they vvith their untempered morter vvould put out the light of the Scriptures● make them not onely inferior to all mens vvritings but a very pack of Non-sense for vvheresoever th●re is any sense there can something be gathered out of it especially if it be so large a Booke And hovvsoever there bee many depths in Scripture there is also great perspicuity so that according to the ancient saying as an eliphant may svvimme a lamb may vvade th●re also But if it should be so as the Prelats say that without the autority and interpretation of the Fathers the meaning of them could not be knowne found out then the D●fendent affirmeth they should be inferior to all other writings yea to every Letter and Epistle that men penn with understanding for they ever carry their owne sense and meaning along with them or to what end are they otherwise writ If the letter that discovered the gunpouder treason had not had a match and light of understanding in it that Popish plot had never been discovered● till by its cruell flames it had declared it self and by the funerall of the vvhole Kingdome had been made knovvne and left those that survived and lived in perpetuall mourning If every Letter-vvriting and booke then that is penned vvith judgment carry its ovvne sense and meaning in it and the books for vvhich the Defendent is novv questioned and if all Proclamations Lettres and Edicts of Princes are easily to be understood and carry their ovvne interpretation vvith them so that none after their publication may pretend ignorance dare any man be so bold and audacious as to say that the Letters and Proclamations of the King of heaven and
God of the whole world can not bee understood when notwithstanding David sayth they give light and understanding to the simple and that by reading and meditating in the law testimonies of the Lord he grew wiser then his Teachers and Paul that Timothy knew the Scriptures from his youth 2● Tim. chap. 3. vers 13. and notvvithstanding all this dare the Prelats affirme that the meaning of this Scripture cannot be knovvne vvithout the interpretation of the Fathers We have great cause to praise and blesse God that hath so graciously afforded us better Masters to be taught by It is good ever therefore to listen unto them Let us heare novv then vvhat the Prophets Christ and his Apostles have taught us concerning ●his vvaighty matter and of so great consequence let us follovv their example and instruction vvhich lead us into all truth and not listen to the contemners of holy Scripture They send those that are studious of the vvayes to heaven to the lavv and to the testimonyes Esai 8. to Moses the Prophets and the Scriptures not to the traditions of the Elders and custome of antiquity And they that bring an other doctrine are not to be listened unto neither may vve bid them God Speed The Word of the Lord is the vva● light and Lanthorne to our Feet vvhich send forth sufficiently the beames of truth and shines so clearly of it self as it may be both knovvne proved expounded and unfolden by its ovvne brightnesse T●ey do as it vvere lend luster unto the Sun from a smoaking snuffe that from the mist of the Fathers vvould bring light unto ●he Scriptures God is the Author of the Scriptures vvho is the originall and fountayne of all light in vvhom there is no darknes For the Prophesie came not in old time by the vvill of man but holy men of God spake as they vvere moved by the holy Ghost 2 Pet. chap. 1. vers 21. we have also a more sure vvord of Prophesy sayth the same Apostle vvhereunto you doe vvell that you take heed as unto a light that shineth in a darke place vers 19. So that the Scriptures vvere of purpose penned by holy men inspired by God him●elfe for a direction light to the Saints to be guided by and so they are termed by the holy Ghost So that as Peter sayd unto Christ in the sixt of Iohn vvhen he asked his tvvelve Disciples if they also would goe away To whom shall wee goe sayth he thou hast the Words of eternall life Even so we may truly say whither shall wee goe for light and direction to get to heaven but to the holy Scriptures for they have the Words of eternall life in them and this ●ayth Christ and his Apostles and yet notwithstanding all this excellent light that shineth in the Scripture the Prelats averre they are but blind guides and preferre humane darknes before the splendor of these sacred Oracles the Scrip●ures and say without the interpretation of the Fathers ●hey can not be knowne which is unsupportable blasphemy and as much as to tell the everliving God and truth it selfe hee lyes It is most veritable that they see not the light of the Scripture the eyes of whose minds are blinded neither doe they see the light of the Sun whose eyes are plucked out If our Gospell be hid sayth Saint Paul it is hid to them that are lost in whom the God of this world hath blinded their minds that is in infidels least the light of the glorious Gospell of Christ which is the image of God should shine upon them 2 Cor. chap. 4. vers 3 4● every one knoweth the voice of that man with whom he is acquaynted as soone as the sound of it commeth to his eares and shall we not know the voice of God so clearly and perspicuously speaking unto us in the Scriptures Those that are taught of God know it ●he true worshippers of him know and understand it those that have any familiar commerce with heaven and in heavenly things But wordly men and those that are given to the love of the same are carelesse of heaven and happines they understand not the Divine language nor heavenly voice Canany heare the voice of God and not assent unto it without the aide and autority of the Fathers what a contumely is this to holy Scripture Shall God have lesse autority credit among men then the Fathers Shall vve not beleeve God speaking unto us and shall we beleeve the Fathers Shall we not give credit to Gods word and shall wee beleeve men Let the dishonor of so great a contumacy against God be farre from Christian obedience Truly the Fathers being conscious of their owne imbecillity and vveaknesse● never thought themselves worthy of so great dignity as to suppose that any honour came unto the Scriptures from their interpretations and expositions who in their writings frequently exhort their Readers not to listen what they say but what the Scriptures of the Prophets and Apostles speake in them and no farther to receive their autority and doctrine then it is grounded upon the holy Scriptures expressions to this purpose the Defendent saith he could accumulate infinite out of the Fathers which for brevity he omitteth fearing to be over tedious though it be a matter of greatest importance Such was the modesty of ●he Fathers fearing to be vvise above that vvhich vvas vvritten ever making the holy Scripture the rule and measure to be guided by And in this moderation the Fathers imitated Christ the Prophets and Apostles vvho ever fetch the proofe testimony of their doctrine from the Scriptures not as novv the Prelats doe preposterously bringing autority to the Scriptures from the interpretation of the Fathers according to their ovvne sense To the Lavv and to the Prophets sayth Esay 8. vers 20. vvhosoever speaketh not according to that hath no light in him And Iosua that great Commander is inioyned by God to order and governe himselfe and the people and the whole Common wealth according to the rule of the Scripture Iosua 1. ver 7 8. Onely be thou strong and very couragious that thou mayst observe to doe according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded thee turne not from it to the right hand or to the left that thou mayst prosper whither soever thou goest This Booke of the Law shall not goe out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to doe according to all that is written therein for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good suc●●sse And in the 23 chapter vers 6. he sayth Be yee therefore very couragious to keepe and to doe all that is written in the Booke of the Law of Moses that you turne not asides therefrom to the right hand nor to the left And Christ himselfe our great Master sayth Ioh. 5. vers 38. Search the Scriptures for in them yee thinke to have