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heaven_n enter_v kingdom_n lord_n 7,476 5 4.1420 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04351 A sermon preached before the Queenes Maiestie at Hampton Courte, the 19. of February laste paste. By VVilliam Iames Doctour of Diuinitie James, William, 1542-1617. 1578 (1578) STC 14465; ESTC S107697 20,743 68

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damnandum nouit vt sibi socios multiplicet quibuseum gehe●nnae ignibus addicatur He persecuteth so muche the more cruellye that as hée knoweth himselfe sure to be damned so he may multiplie fellowes to partake the paynes of hell fire He that in olde tyme beganne with deceyte he nowe endeth with deceyte he beganne with bloud he now endeth with bloud He that made Adam to lose Paradise he maketh many to forsake their owne natiue countrey him for an apple them for lesse than the paryng hée that made Adam disobey God he maketh them to disobey the Lordes annointed he that made Lots wife looke backe to Sodome he now maketh olde English beldams to returne after xix yéeres preachyng of the Gospell to the lothsome puddle of Popishe trumperie He that in old tyme by the bloud of the Lambe was ouercome and dispossessed of heauen he by a droppe of bloud is contente to take possession of his witches and Sorcerers here on earthe He that in olde tyme shedde the bloud of innocent Abell and prepared hoate fornasses for Goddes faythfull seruants hée at this daye rayseth vppe bloudie massacres and firie inquisitiōs and why but bycause hys tyme is shorte Where the Gospel is preached most diligently there dothe the Deuill rage moste furiously and lyke a good Captayne endeuoreth by all meanes to reedifie those walles that the worde of God hath battered downe and to renew that olde Adam that by the spirite of God is put away and as one sayde Account al tyme loste that is not spent in some vertuous exercyse so the Deuill accounteth all tyme lost that is not spent either in veryng or withdrawing from God the childrē of God and why but bicause his time is shorte A seconde thing in these idolatrous Samaritanes is their lying false hypocrisie for neither sought they the Lord as Israel did neither sacrificed they as they ought to haue done 2. Reg. 17. they pretēded to feare the Lord but apointed priests of thēselues for the high places and prepared sacrifice and did after the maner of the nations and therefore the spirite of God testifyeth that they neyther feared God nor did after the ordinauntes nor custome nor lawe nor cōmaundement which the Lord cōmaunded the children of Iacob whome he named Israell notwithstanding here they come with these lying speches we seke we sacrifice Singular was the impudency of these Samaritanes that notwithstanding their owne consciences accused them their dayly practises declared the cleane contrary yet they blush not to saye wee seke c. It is a plague that lyeth on Hypocrytes there is no other sinner be he neuer so strong a thiefe be he neuer so filthy a liuer be he neuer so common a lyar be he neuer so great a blasphemer be he neuer so byting an vsurer be he neuer so cruel a murtherer be he neuer so rancke a traytor be he neuer so false to God so faithlesse to men but in his thefte be desireth darknesse in his adultry secretnes for his lying pardō for his blasphemy sometyme séeketh forgiuenesse in hys vsury feareth lawe in hys murder dreadeth the wagging of euery leafe in his treason suspecteth the bewraying of the byrdes of the ayre But the Hypocrite neyther fearing him that knoweth the hart and raynes neyther regarding his owne reproche dareth bycause he cā bleare mens eies to present himselfe as it were into the presence of God Suche were they that came to our sauiour Christ Maister we know thou speakest truth and regardest no mans person is it lawful to pay trybute to Cesar or no Why if I speake truth beléeue you me not oh ye Hypocrites and another Maister what shal I do to inherite eternal life and Mayster what is the greatest commaundemente in the law To whome our sauiour aunswereth Not euery one that sayth to me Lorde Lorde shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but he which doth the wil of my father which is in heauē Why do you call me Lord Lorde and doe not the things which I cōmaunde why tempt yée me O ye hypocrites what offer ye to me O ye painted sepulchers you appeare fayre outwardly but inwardly yée are full of dead mens bones and all filthynesse Why doe yée honour mée with your lippes your hartes beyng farre from me Why speake you lies vnto me you haue consciences marked with an hoate Iron Why pretend you a shewe of godlinesse seyng you haue denied the power thereof Surely these Samaritanes are as it were a cleare glasse to beholde the miserie of iniquitie that in this worlde preuayleth Such an hypocrite was Herode that when he purposed nothing but the death of our sauiour Iesus Christe as may appeare by the slaughter of the innocents yet he perswadeth with the Wisemen to returne home by him that he with thē might worship him that was borne King of the Iewes such false teachers hurte the Apostles suche false brethren added muche to Paules bondes And died these Samaritanes only thinke we with Zorobabel and rose there none of their ashes are there at this daye no Herodians that in word speake that in harte they thinke not are there no false teachers to hinder the Gospell of Christe and are there no false brethren to adde to Paules bondes Not to speake of such as whē Steuen preached stopped their eares nor of such as say we wil not heare charme the charmer neuer so wisely nay there are a broode which liue in the church by the church but are not of the churche that at this day do hinder and hitherto haue hindred the course of Zorobabel And as true it is that new wine is not to be put in olde bottels nor new cloth to be patched in an old garmēt nor Christ Circumcision to be matched togither and as God in olde age raysed vp not a Prieste of Baal but Elias nor our sauiour any lerned Pharisée but simple fishermen to treade the waye of hys Gospel so is not Zorobabel to admitte such as mingle Christ and Belial the Church of God and Idols the Gospell and popery religiō and mockery What better words than of Samaritanes we seeke we sacrifice what better profession than of Herode Go and séeke and bryng me word that I may worship yet were the Samaritanes Idolatours yet was Herode a Foxe What better spéeches thā we be cōformable men we obserue our princes laws we follow iniunctiōs we obey orders yet if it come to examination at the passage of Iordan as Iepthe and the Gyleadites did trie the Ephraimites by pronouncing Shiboleth I feare me they wil say single Siboleth there wil want the harty aspiration h h wanteth the harte wanteth It is an olde prouerbe Ex vnguibus leonem Let them be narowly loked into howe they grunt and grone at the preaching of the Gospell howe they carpe at the doings of the godlye learned how they deride the simpler sorte of the professors of the Gospell how open eares they haue to heare
good to king Achab. When the people wanted water in the wyldernesse the texte sayth conuenerunt aduersus Moysen Aaronem Iosue 11. Against Israel both Iabin king of Hazor and Iobab king of Madon and the king of Shimrō and the king of Achshaph and the kings that were by the North in the mountaines the Cananites both by Easte and Weast the Amorites Hethits I●busits Phorezites with al their hoast as the sand in the sea shore for multituds pitched to fight against Israell The kings of the earth stande vp and the rulers take counsel togither against the Lorde and againste his annoynted Manasses against Ephraim Ephraim againste Manasses and both agaynste Iudah Pharisies against Saduces Saduces againste Pharisies and yet both against Christ Herode against Pilate Pilate against Herode and yet in Christes death ●ch is reconcyled to other These Samaritans were of diuerse sectes and yet al against the buylding of the temple Among all the false Prophetes not one to take Micheas part nor among al the people one to aunswere for Moses nor among al the kings any one that fauoured Iosua not one Pharisie not one Saducey to assist Christe not so muche as one Samaritane to set foreward the buylding of the temple I say with Tertul de prescript Nihil enim interest illis licet diuersa tractantibus dum ad vnius veritatis expugnationem omnes cōspirent It skilleth not how diuerse matters they intreate of so long as they conspyre all togyther to the rootyng oute of one Truethe Rauenyng Wolues although eche wil teare other yet euery one séeketh the slaughter of y● Lambe Gréedy Kyghts albeit they wil fiercely fight for their pray yet al séeke to kill the Chicke Common robbers although euerye one thinketh an other to haue too much yet none wyl suffer the poore true man to scape scotfrée Light and Darknesse Christ and Belial Heauen and Hel can neuer agrée togither These superstitious conspirers against Iudah Beniamin shew to al christian princes to al good magistrats to all faythfull people what they are to looke for at the handes of this world if not open resistaunce yet false vndermining if in one hand fire of zeale in another water of discourage in one hande bread to comfort in the other a stone to strike if honour in lippes yet dishonor in hart If whatsoeuer things be written are written for our instruction if all that haue euer attempted reformation of Gods house with Zorobabel haue ben troubled with Samaritanes if the first Abell in his sacrifice with a blouddy Cain if Daniel with false worshippers if all the true Prophetes with manye false Prophetes if Iohn Baptist with a generation of vypers if Christ Iesus with Scribes Pharisies and Saduces if the Apostles with Iewes Stoyckes and Epicures if Constantine the great with Arrius if Theodosius with Macedonius and Nestorius if Marciā with Eutiches if the Children of this world be in their generation wiser than the children of light if those that séeke to please God shall be sure to offend men then surely hath Zorobabel no cause to maruell at the strange conspiracies dayly practised against Christ and hys Gospel What though they frette and fume what though they appoynt holye leagues and name their generals Let them séeke to make hauocke of the flock of Christ lyke wylde Boares to roote out the vyne Iesus and that the name of God be no more named yet as long as he that dwelleth in heauen laugheth them to scorne so long shal Dauid with his slyng braine Golyath and little Gedeon with his goade and Sampson with his Iaw-bone slay thousands Better is one that feareth the Lord than a thousand wicked and greater is he that is on our side than he that is against vs. Let them tearme vs Heretickes and Schismatickes yet with that whyche they call Heresie do we worshippe the true God of our fathers Let them blaspheme vs and speake all euill of Zorobabel wel let loosers haue theyr words they haue loste a greate parte of Christendome the Lordes name be praysed he hath wonne them to himselfe let vs pray Confirme this O Lord that thou hast wrought in vs that thy wayes maye be knowen vpon earth thy sauing health among al nations Let them nowe put in practise theyr late Tridentine aduise let the Diuell be muche madder than heretofore leffe there be more trouble vnder the gospell than vnder ignorant popery for why Apoca. 12. Wo be to the inhabitantes of the Earth and of the sea for the Diuell is come downe and hath greate wrath knowing that his tyme is but short his practises are disclosed hys vysor is plucked off his blinde Ceremonies are al abandoned his Locustes his Grasse-hoppers his Monkes his Friers are al swallowed vp He that doth euill hateth the light the théefe can not abide the candle hys gold is but copper it cannot abyde the touchstone his gauled backe maye not be touched without winsing his bleared eyes can not abyde the bright sunne beames of Christes Gospell At the beginning it may appeare what bloudye conflictes he raysed by his ministers as the shedding of Innocents bloud as the corporall possession and vexation of many with vncleane spirites of priuie hindering as bere of open withstanding as to Elyas Ieremy Mycheas and others Iohn Baptist Christ Iesus his Apostles yea in the primatiue church in ten bloudy persecutions and al thys vntill he had filled himselfe with the reproche of Gods Saints But after that this aduersarie had as it séemed gotten a little victorie had obscured with a foggy mist the cleare light of the gospel and as the God of this world ruled in the children of vnbeliefe wythout checke or controlement then had he leysure to lull the world asléepe in reachelesse securitie Then raysed he vp strōg illusions of the liues and deathes of Saintes of wonderfull myracles wrought by their reliques of gogglyng eyes of salt teares frō deade stockes of strange operation of strange blouds of the vnsufferable paynes of purgatory of pilgrimages of walking spirites of vggly and feareful ghostes yea and in the latter age of Hob-gobblin of Robin goodfellow very startlebugges very scare crowes and with these his practises bewitched he al that drunke of the cuppe of his abhomination by the space almost of seauen hundreth yeares last past But after that it pleased God of his great and rich mercy to take the candle from vnder the bushell and to drawe that two edged sword of his word that deuideth betwéene the bones and the marrowe then was that man of sin reuealed thē was the Babylon layde waste his kingdom thē draweth to an end hys Empyre is abridged a stronger man possesseth the house His rage and fury is therfore the greater especially now that he séeth that the dayes are shortned for the elect sake he now bestirreth him selfe for he knoweth his tyme is but short Isod●r lib. 1. de summo ●ono T●nto crudeliùs persequitur vt qui se