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A65719 A treatise of traditions ... Whitby, Daniel, 1638-1726. 1688 (1688) Wing W1740_pt1; Wing W1742_pt2; ESTC R234356 361,286 418

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by Christ Ephes 2.10 for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus to good words He hath abolished the Law of Commandments 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ver. 15. that he might create those two the Jew and Gentile into one new man in himself so that now if any man be in Christ Jesus he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a new Creation 2 Cor. 5.17 old things are pass'd away that all things might become new in him for in Christ Jesus nothing availeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gal. 6.15 but this new Creation 2ly Observe that this new World and new Creation Hieron Theodoret in Isa 9.6 Euseb dem Evan. l. 7 p. 336 as it was made by Christ so is it immediately subjected to him He by the Septuagint was stiled 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Prince of Peace the Father of the Age to come to him and not unto the Angels Heb. 2.5 Ver. 8 9. hath God subjected this world to come He hath crown'd him with Glory and Honour and set him over the works of his own hands and hath put all things in subjection under his feet Joh. 5.23 Phil. 2.10 11. declaring that he will have all men honour the Son even as they honour the Father and determining that at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue should confess that Jesus was the Lord to the Glory of God the Father Moreover this power he received at the Resurrection having then Mat. 28.18 as he saith all power both in Heaven and Earth committed to him being then saith the Apostle Peter made both Lord and Christ Act. 2.36 and exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour whence he is said to be the first born from the dead Col. 1.10 that he might be in all things 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the preeminent 3ly Observe that Christians are represented in the New Testament as those who do succeed the Jews in all their Covenant-Relations Rom. 11.19 They being broken off from the true Olive and we grafted in and being therefore a chosen Generation a peculiar people a Royal Priesthood an Holy Nation to shew forth the vertues of him who called us from darkness to light 1 Pet. 2 9. and from the power of Satan unto God. This Covenant-Relation they enjoy by virtue of that Jesus who is the Mediator of a better Covenant and who gave himself for us that he might redeem us Tit. 2.14 and purifie us to himself a peculiar people In fine the vertues for which we are to celebrate his Praises are our Redemption by him from the wrath to come from the curse of the Law from the power of Satan from the dominion of sin our Adoption our receiving of the spirit by which we are enabled to cry Abba Father and as a consequent of that our being heirs of Glory and all these mercies as I have observed already were confirmed by and were compleated to us at his Resurrection If then in this Oeconomy there be a new world and a new Creation a new Lord to whom this world is subject and who is to be honoured and worshipped as the former was tho' to the honour of the former if there be a new Covenant established in his blood and by which he hath purified to himself a peculiar people if to this Lord all power both in Heaven and Earth is given by the Creator of the World unto this very end that all men might thus honour him if this Lord hath procured for us a Redemption from the power of Sin and Satan much more valuable than the Redemption of the Jewish Nation from Egyptian thraldom if by his Resurrection we are all begotten to the lively hope of a much better Canaan is there not cause sufficient for the Translation of the Day appointed for the celebration of the mercies of the old Creation and of deliverance from the Jewish thraldom and the agnizing of the Author of it as the Lord that sanctified them to a day appointed for Celebration of the new Creation and the deliverance accomplished by it and the acknowledging the Author of it as the Christians Lord Is there not cause sufficient why Christians should observe the day on which their Lord did triumph over their spiritual Pharaoh redeem'd them from spiritual thraldom begot them to a lively hope of a Spiritual Canaan ●nd by the observation of it should profess that they are Christians and 〈◊〉 that Jesus who is Lord of all things Can we refuse to give this honour to the Son who is by God's appointment to be honoured as the Father and whom we do thus worship to the Glory of God the Father Mr. M. in behalf of the Sabbatarians Objects § 15. Obj. 2. §. 9. p. 207 208. Mat. 19.17 18. Mark 10.19 Luk. 18.20 That ou● Lord said to one enquiring of him What good thing shall I do to have eternal life if thou wilt enter into life keep the Commandments and when he still enquired of him which Commandments did clearly explicate himself to mean all the Commandments of the Decalogue given by Moses whence he insers That the Author of our new Law with his own mouth required no less the keeping of this Commandment of the Saturday Sabbath as necessary for our entrance into life everlasting than the keeping any other Commandment Answ 1. This Assertion is expresly false and manifestly contradicts the Text for in none of these Evangelists doth our Lord mention the Commandments of the first Table of which that of the Sabbath is one but only doth enumerate those which belonged to the second 2ly His Inference is also-false for Christ there speaks not of what was necessary to Salvation to be observed by the Christian after his Resurrection but of what was necessary then to be observed by the Jew speaking there to a Jewish Governour who was acquainted already with the Law of which he spake and had observ'd it from his Youth Mr. M. Objects That St. Paul preached every Saturday §. 16. Obj. 3. Act. 18. p 209. for he disputed in the Synagogue every Sabbath Answ 1. To this I answer first That this Apostle hath declared that the seventh-day Sabbath was part of that hand-writing of Ordinances which Christ took away and was a shadow of good things exhibited by Christ and so he plainly did discharge the Christian from observation of the Rest required by the fourth Commandment on the Sabbath day 2ly That He or any of his Brethren preached the Gospel in the Jewish Synagogues upon that day can be no evidence that they esteemed the Rest required on that day obliging to the Christian but only that they prudentially complied with Jews and Proselytes in coming to their Assemblies on that day that so they might have more familiar access unto them and better opportunity to instruct them in the Christian faith and therefore in pursuance of the same good end St. Paul who was most free
19.10 vers 30. vers 37. v. g. Thou shalt not glean thy Vineyard neither shalt thou gather every Grape of thy Vineyard but thou shalt leave them for the Poor I am the Lord thou shalt Reverence my Sanctuary I am the Lord. You shall observe all my Statutes and all my Judgments and do them I am the Lord. Now God is still the Lord of Christians but hence it will not follow that they are obliged to observe these Ceremonial Precepts enjoined for Reasons still remaining and equally concerning Christians it therefore cannot rationally be concluded that Christians are obliged to observe the Rest enjoined in the Fourth Commandment because it is commanded for a Reason that doth still remain 4. Hence we may easily discern the Reason why the Christians still observed one day in Seven and also why they chose to observe the first day of the Week and not the last For when Christianity began it had two sorts of Adversaries to encounter viz. The unbelieving Jews and the Idolatrous Gentiles and therefore as a Testimony against the Heathens who worshipped false Gods that is the Gods who made not Heaven and Earth they chose one day in seven to signifie they worshipped the true God and the Creator of all things But then they chose the first of these seven days to testifie against the Jews that they worshipped this God not now as one in Covenant with the Jews or as their Redeemer out of Egypt but as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and through him our most loving Father and to own themselves the Servants of that God who on the morning of that day vanquished Satan the Spiritual Pharaoh and redeemed us from our Spiritual thraldom by raising Jesus Christ our Lord from the dead begetting us instead of an Earthly Canaan to an Inheritance incorruptible in the Heavens Dr. Spencer de Legibus Hebr. Mr. Mede Disc 15. this account of this change of the day I have borrowed from two very Learned and Ingenious men and for the further illustration and confirmation of it lot it be observed 1. That the Jews never worshipped God or put up their addresses to him under the name of Father as we Christians by our Lord are taught and commanded to do in these words When you pray say Our Father this being as the Apostle hath observed the peculiar privilege of Christians above the Jews Rom. 8.15 that we have not received as they the spirit of bondage unto fear but the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father They were it is confessed Children also Gal. 4.1 4. but nothing differing from servants as being Children in their Minority and so in bondage to the Rudiments of the world whereas we having received through faith in Christ Jesus the Adoption of Sons God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into our hearts crying Abba Father It is the saying of the Jews that a servant cannot say unto his Lord Abba this being a word proper to a Son and only used by natural or adopted Sons we being therefore all the Children of God and his adopted Sons through faith in Christ Jesus Joh. 1.12 Gal. 3.26 we have through him received this privilege to address our selves unto him by the name of Abba or our Father and yet more certainly is it peculiar to the Christian to own him as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ which is his usual name in the New Testament and to address unto him in and by that Name 2ly Observe that the Resurrection of our Lord Christ is generally ascribed in the New Testament to God the Father and when our Lord declares that he had power to lay down his life Joh. 10.18 and take it up again he adds immediately This Commandment have I received of my Father Hence doth the Holy Ghost assure us that God the Father said unto him Thou art my Son Act. 13.33 this day have I begotten thee for this as well as other reasons that he had raised him from the dead and that He was declared to be the Son of God with power Rom. 1.4 by his raising him from the dead 3ly Observe that our Lord's Resurrection is represented as the Great foundation of all the mercies derived to us from our Saviour as being that by which they were compleated or confirmed to us 1 Pet. 3 21. Our Baptism doth save us saith St. Peter through the Refurrection of Christ Jesus Our freedom from condemnation is ascribed rather unto his Resurrection than his death as in that question Rom. 8.34 Who is he that condemns us it is Christ that died yea rather that is risen again Our Justification is ascribed to it Rom. 4.25 For Christ was delivered for our offences and rose again for our justification From it derives our hope of Glory 1 Pet. 1.3 for we are begotten to a lively hope through the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus from the dead of an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled reserved in the Heavens for us In a word 't is the foundation of our whole faith 1 Cor. 15.14 for if Christ be not risen then our faith is vain Since then these blessings so far exceeding those of the Creation or of the Jews deliverance from Egypt were procured to us by the Resurrection of our Lord Ephes 1.19 which was effected 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by the operation of the strength of the power of God the Father since he became the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and through him our Father by raising him from the Dead there seems great reason why this day should be appointed as the day in which the Christian should acknowledge himself a Worshipper of God his Father through our Lord Jesus Christ Moreover this day being peculiarly stiled the Lords-day it is highly probable it was observed by Christians primarily in honour of our Lord Jesus Christ and through him to the Glory of God the Father to whom our prayers our praises and spiritual sacrifices are offer'd on that day through Christ And for Illustration of this matter let it be observed 1. That the times of the Messiah were still represented by the Jews under the Notion of Holam Habba or the world to come and the work of the Messiah as a new Creation or a Creation of new Heavens and a new Earth The Lord God shall slay ye and call his servants by another name Isa 65.15 17. Isa 66.22 For behold I create new Heavens and a new Earth and the former shall not be remembred nor come into my mind Accordingly Heb. 2.5 the Author to the Hebrews stiles this new Dispensation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the world to come and they who then enjoy'd the Gift of Miracles or other extraordinary operations are said to have tasted 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the powers of the world to come Heb. 6.5 And the Renovation of Christians by this Dispensation is represented as a new Creation wrought
under Heaven Act. 2.5 and all received the same Traditions and Doctrines which were condemned by our Lord and his Disciples and that it was incredible that Churches so dispersed through many Countries and Nations should agree together to affirm a Falshood for a Truth Now to this way of Arguing I desire to know what Answer can be given but by shewing by what ways such Opinions actually might have spread among them though not originally received and proving from their own Scriptures and Writers That these Opinions were not always held among them and if this way be good when used by Christians against them it must be as good when used by Protestants against Papists if this Plea be sophistical when put into the Mouth of an unbelieving Jew it must be as sophistical when it proceedeth from the Mouth of Papists I have not been so fortunate as to meet with any direct Answer to this Argument only to the Argument urged from the actual Condemnation of our Lord as an Impostor by the Sanhedrim That no Submission no blind Obedience could be due to the Church Guides then ruling in the Jewish Church The Guide of Controversies Disc of the necessity of Ch. Guides c. 3. §. 25. p. 17. Confer avec M. Claude p. 183 184 185. and the Bishop of Meaux thus answer That the Messias coming with Miracles and manifested by the other Two Persons of the Trinity by the Father with a Voice from Heaven commanding to hear him and by the Holy Ghost seen descending on him as also by the Baptist was now from henceforth to be received as the supreme Legislator and nothing to be admitted from others or from the Sanhedrim it self contradictory to what he taught which high Court therefore now for the Accomplishment of his necessary Sufferings was permitted by God to be the greatest Enemy of Truth and guided therein not by Gods but a Satanical Spirit of whose Doctrines therefore our Lord often warned the People to beware The Bishop of Meaux adds nothing considerable to this Answer and is plainly baffled by his learned Adversary Mr. Claude to whose Works I remit the Reader Now First Is it not wonderful to see how these Men say and unsay pronounce a thing impossible in one Case and in another like unto it confess it actually done We shew them That in the Jewish Church such false Traditions had generally prevail'd as tended to evacuate the Law of God render his Worship vain and to engage them to reject the true Messiah and yet they were received as Doctrines of their great Prophet Moses handed down to them by oral Tradition that infallible Preserver of Truth True say they the Church Guides were then permitted by God to be the greatest Enemies of Truth and guided therein not by Gods but a Satanical Spirit add now to this That the Doctrines and Traditions of these Men found general Reception in the Jewish Church And will it not hence follow That Doctrines taught Traditions introduced by the greatest Enemies of Truth and by Men acted not by the Spirit of God but that of Satan may generally prevail to be received as true Doctrines and Traditions derived from prophetical Authority and fit to be assented to received and practised by all Secondly Did these Traditions and false Doctrines against which our Saviour cautioned them begin then only to spring up among them when our Saviour appeared with his Miracles when at his Baptism the Holy Ghost descended visibly upon him and God gave Testimony to him by a Voice from Heaven If so you see that even the whole Jewish Church though scattered throughout the World might all at once embrace Traditions of such evil and pernicious Consequences though they before had never heard one tittle of them and so not only in the Compass of one Age but of Three Years at farthest new and pernicious Doctrines might generally obtain in the whole Jewish Church and why not also in the Western Churches within the compass of Eight hundred Years But that these Doctrines of the Scribes and Pharisees these Traditions which they had received touching Christ's temporal Kingdom and touching the personal Appearance of the Tisbite to be his Fore-runner and touching the Expositions of the Law condemned by Christ were not of so late Date as our Lord's Baptism and Entrance upon his prophetick Office is evident beyond Dispute from what I have discoursed already from Josephus Ch. 11. §. 7. asserting that they were received from the most ancient Jews from Epiphanius that they derived them from Moses from the mention of them in our Saviour 's time as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Act. xxviij 17. Gal. i. 14. Customs and Traditions received from their Fathers and from the great Incredibility that these things should so generally obtain to be received as Traditions in so short a time Besides we know the Expectation of their temporal King had alarm'd all the East before and their Tradition that Elias the Tisbite should come in Person to anoint him and be his Fore-runner must be as old as the Translation of the Septuagint These Doctrines and Traditions must be therefore taught whilst these Church Guides and Rulers were infallible in the Interpretation of the Scriptures and were true Judges of what they had received by Tradition if ever they were so or rather it must be apparent that they were not so because they generally had prevailed upon the People to receive Doctrines and Traditions of such fatal and pernicious Consequences and therefore all the specious Harangues the Papists make concerning the Impossibility that false Traditions and corrupt Doctrines should prevail amongst them must be as plausible when uttered by the Jew against the Christian as by the Papist against Protestants For v. g. where may they say will you produce the Men of former Ages who taxed the Jewish Church with such corrupt Traditions as your Jesus taxed them with or bid Men beware of the Doctrine of them who sate in Moses Chair or of those Scribes and Pharisees who had obtained so great Credit on the Account of Piety and Learning Do not you Christians own that we were once a right Vine the true and only Church of God till the Appearance and Baptism of your Jesus Who therefore can believe that God would suffer such dangerous Doctrines to prevail in his own Church and raise up no Church Guides except the Sadducees to contradict them until your Jesus and his Disciples undertook to be Reformers of it Where then had God a true Church in the World if not among the People of the Jews What other Church could Christ and his Disciples mention besides that whose Governors he taxed with voiding the Commandments of God and rendring his Worship vain because of some Traditions which they had received from their Fore-Fathers If then God suffered his Church to be all over-run with such a fatal Leprosy where was the watchful Eye of Providence Yea where the Care or Conscience of
Matth. p. 58. in luc 7. p. 351. Nazianzen in Orat. Funebr Basil in hanc sententiam Meliori non inventa maxima pars Veterum Auctorum concesserunt Maldonate in Matth. xi 2. viz. Ambrosius Eusebius Emissenus Julianus Pomerius Venantius Gregorius Question to our Lord Matth. 11.3 Art thou he that shall come or look we for another they should thus interpret it That St. John being to go down to Hell or Hades should send to ask whether he should go before him thither and preach him there as he had done on Earth Matth. 16.23 That when Christ said to Peter Get thee behind me Satan thou art an Offence to me they out of a Reverence to St. Peter should make him say to (f) Multi putant quod non Petrus correptus est sed adversarius Spiritus qui haec dicere Apostolum suggerebat Hieron in Matth. xvj 23. Hilarius in locum Theophylact. in Marc. 8. p. 232. Peter only come thou after me and to the Devil Satan thou art an Offence unto me That when the same St. Peter denied his Master Matth. 26.72 saying I know not the Man they should excuse and bring him off with this quaint Equivocation (g) Scio quosdam pij affectus erga Petrum locum hunc ita interpretatos ut dicerent Petrum non Deum negasse sed hominem esse-sensum nescio hominem quia scio Deum Hieron in locum Vide Maldonatum ibid. Nescio hominem quia scio Deum I know not the Man for I know him to be God not considering with St. Jerom That by thus attempting to excuse the Disciple they gave the lye to his Master who had foretold his Denial That from those Words of Christ Joh. 8.44 (h) Vide Origen in Joh. Tom. 23. ed. Huet T. 2. p. 308. Huetii notas p. 34. Epiph. Haer. 40. n. 5 6. Haer. 38. §. 4 5. Ammon caten in c. 8. Joh. p. 238. Cyril Alex. in locum p 559. Author quaest V. N. Test apud August c. 90 98. Hieron in Isa c. 14 F. 36 e. The Devil is a Lyar and the Father of it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they should conclude that the Devil had a Father and that he was either Cain or Judas That to avoid the vain Cavils of the Marcionites and Manichees they should say That (i) Iren. l. 3. c. 7. Tertul. l. 5. adv Marcion c. xj Chrysost Theod. Photius apud Oecum Theophylact in locum August contr Faust Manichaeum l. 22. c. 2. 9. the God of this World mentioned 2 Cor. iv 4. was not the Devil but the true God And from these Words of the Apostle (k) Illud dici potest quod Paulus non tam maledixerit eis quam oraverit pro illis ut eas partes corporis perderent per quas delinquere cogebantur Hieron in locum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chrys 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Theodoret Oecum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Theoph. in locum Gal. 5.12 I wish they were cut off that trouble you they should gather that the Apostle desired that the Abettors of the legal Ceremonies and Circumcision might be gelt To omit infinite Passages of the like Nature Nor can it reasonably be doubted that the Doctrine of the Millennium of the necessity of communicating Infants of the Appearance of Enoch and the Tisbite at our Lord's Second coming of the nearness of the End of the World of our Lord 's Preaching but one Year after his Baptism of the Angels conversing with Women had all their Rise from the mistaken Interpretations of the Holy Scripture why therefore might not the Mistake of that Passage of St. 1 Cor. 3.15 Paul They shall be saved but so as by Fire give the rise to Purgatory That of the same Apostle Magnum Sacramentum Eph. 5.32 This is a great Mystery but I speak of Christ and the Church advance Marriage into a Sacrament the mistake of that Promise of an happy Resurrection to the true Members of Christ's Church Matth. 16.18 The Gates of Hades shall not prevail against it be made to countenance her Infallibility and so in other Cases of like Nature Sure I am that Communion in one Kind the Latin Service the Veneration of Images could never have obtained in the Church had not those Scriptures which so plainly do condemn them been miserably wrested by late Ages from their proper Sence and the received Interpretation which the whole Christian World had put upon them for Six hundred or a Thousand Years and why they might not as well wrest the Scriptures to establish some of their Doctrines as they have done it for the avoiding that Condemnation of them which is so clear in other Scriptures that he who runs may read it I am not able to discern Secondly § 7 Corruptions in Doctrine and Practice might easily prevail by altering or leaving of that Rule of Faith and Manners God had given them and acting by other Rules or Principles which in themselves are insufficient to establish any Article of Christian Faith for a false Rule must of necessity give false Directions both in Faith and Manners where the Principle is false the Conclusion from it must be so and where the Foundation is corrupted the Building cannot be firm now this we find done 1. By setting up the Fathers as the Rules of Faith the * Basil Ep. Nazianz. Orat. 19 21 23 29. Pillars and the Grounds of Faith as some of them are often stiled This Method of proceeding as it is expresly contrary to our Lord 's Injunction to call no Man Father upon Earth in that presumptuous Sence in which the Jewish Rabbi's did affect that Title Matth. xxiij 6 10. John vj. 45. because one is our Father in Heaven and all that come to Christ are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 taught of God the Father and one is our Guide and Master Christ 1 Joh. ij 27. from whom we Christians have received an Unction and need not that any one should teach us but as that Spirit in the Word doth teach us all things So is it as repugnant to the Mind and the Prescriptions of those Holy Men who frequently declare That both they and their Brethren were subject to Error That Errarunt in fide tam Graeci quam Latini (a) Hieron Ep. ad Pam. Ocean To. 2 F. 69. Both the Greek and the Latin Fathers erred in the Faith That therefore others were (b) Aug. l. 11. Contr. Faust c. 5. at liberty when they read or heard them to approve what they liked and to reject what they conceived not to be right in them and warn us (c) Cyril Hieros Catech. 4. p. 30. not to believe what they say unless we find it demonstrated out of the Holy Scriptures To (d) Orig. Hom. 2. in Ezek. F. 135. B. observe diligently when the Pastor deceived them and when he spake things true and pious there being
depends upon this Supposition That as to their Souls they are at present una cum Christo regnantes aeterna felicitate in Coelo fruentes now reigning with Christ and enjoying eternal felicity in Heaven and so admitted already to the Beatifick Vision whereas both Justin Martyr and Irenaeus assert this Doctrine was proper to the formentioned Hereticks they were the Men who said that when Men died Pag. 307. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that Iren. l. 5. c. 31. simulatque mortui fuerint dicunt se supergredi coelos ire ad eum qui ab ipsis affingitur patrem their Souls went directly to Heaven and passed above the material Heavens to the Father These Fathers also add That men were first to reign with Christ on Earth Tertullian Origen Ambrose Clem. Romanus Chrysoftom Theodoret Oecumenius Theophylact St. Bernard Stapleton Defens Eccl. Author lib. 1. c. 2. Lactantius Victorinus Prudentius Aretas Euthymius Fr. Pegna direct inquis part 2. c. 21. and so to accustom and fit themselves to reign with Him in Heaven to receive first their Bodies sic venire in conspectum Dei and so to be admitted into the Presence of God and that this was the Doctrine of most of the Ancients is confirmed by their own Writers how therefore could they have any received Tradition that the Saints were to be invoked as reigning now with Christ and being admitted into Heaven and enjoying the Vision of God Moreover § 6 it was the Doctrine of the four Ages next to the Apostles or of the four first Centures that the Day of Judgment was near at Hand and that the World should only last till the destruction of the Roman Empire Lib. 1. vis 3. Thus Hermas to that Question Whether the consummation of all things were at hand § 8 Answers That the end should be when the Tower was Built and perfected sed cito consummabitur and that this would quickly be In proximo est Adventus Domini The coming of our Lord draws nigh saith Tertullian De Spectac c. 30. upon which place De la Cerde notes That all the Fathers spake thus of the Day of Judgment We pray saith the same Tertullian for the Emperors Vim maximam vniverso orbi imminentem Apol. c. 32. and for the State i. e. continuance of the Empire because we know the conflagration of the World which is now imminent and the close of it which threatneth the worst of Evils is retarded by the continuance of the Roman Empire And again we pray for the Emperor Cap. 39. pro statu saeculi pro rerum queite pro mora finis for the continuance of the Age for the quiet posture of Affairs and the delay of the end of the World which shews they thought it was then near And a third time Ad Scap. c. 2. We wish well to the Roman Empire for while the World continueth it shall stand St. Cyprian tells Pope Cornelius That Christi cito approquinquabit adventus Ep. 57. Ed. Ox. Ep. 63. p. 157. Christs coming would soon draw nigh In his Epistle to Caecilius he declares that secundus ejus adventus nobis appropinquat Quoniam in fine atque consummatione mundi Antichristi tempus infestum appropinquare nunc coepit Praefat de Exhort Martyr his second coming to us was near and in his Book of Exhortation to Martyrdom he gives this account of his Writing viz. That he did it because now in the end of the World the time of Antichrist began to approach and Fortunatus had defired him to write something to strengthen the Brethren It also was the general Opinion of the Church § 7 that Antichrist was to come at the close of the World and it was also generally believed that Antichrist was at hand Tertullian declares De fuga in persecut c. 12. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Euseb Hist Eccl. l. 6. c. 7. Ep. 59. p. 139. Ep. 58. p. 120. Scire debetis pro certo credere tenere occasum faeculi atque Antichristi tempus appropinquasse Ibid. Antichristum jam instare that Antichrist was even then ready to appear Judas a Christian Writer That he was to come in the time of the Emperor Severus St. Cyprian saith That he was now appearing that his Advent was at hand that Christians ought to know and certainly believe and hold that the Day of Trouble mentioned Matthew the 24th began to fall upon their Heads that the end of the World and the time of Antichrist drew near It also was the general Opinion of the Fathers that our Lord was born in the Year of the World 5500 § 8 and that the World should end or be renewed in the Year 6000. That our Lord was Born in the Year 5500 or 5508 or 5509 as the Greeks commonly compute Apud Phot. Cod. 202. p. 525. you may learn from Hippolytus who as Photius notes placed the coming of Antichrist 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Five hundred Years after Christ because then the Six thousand years from the Creation of the World being expired the World would end The Fathers who were of this Opinion were very many and * Petav. in Epiph. Haer. 66. n. 50. Feuardentius in Iren. l. 5. c. 28. magni nominis of great repute say Petavius and Sixtus Senensis l. 5. Annot. 190. And they pretended to derive this from plain Texts of Scripture 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Pseudo Just q. 71. Ambros in Gal. 4.4 Oecum in 1 Joh. 2.18 Hier. in Mich. 4. Epiph. Haer. 66. §. 50. such as When the fulness of time was come In the last Days he spake to us by his Son On whom the ends of the Ages are come Now is the last hour which saith St. Jerom if you divide the whole Six thousand Years of the worlds duration into Twelve parts according to the Twelve hours of the Day must be the last Five hundred Years of them It also was a Doctrine almost generally received among the most Ancient Fathers that the World should end or be renewed after 6000 years 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sect. 15. This Barnabas expresly teacheth in his Epistle saying Attend my Children what he saith that expression he finished in Six Days signifies this That God will finish all things in Six thousand Years for that a Day with him is a Thousands Years he himself testifieth saying A Day shall be as a Thousand Years Wherefore Children in Six days that is in Six thousand years shall all things be Consummated In as many Days as the World was made Quotquot enim diebus hic factus est mundus tot millenis annis consummatur si enim dies Domini quase mille anni c. lib. 5. c. 28. in so many Thousand Years it is consummated for if as the Prophecy saith the Day of the Lord is as a Thousand Years and in six Days were all things made which were made it is manifest that the consummation
Sabbath who gives us Rest from our Sins Catech 4. p. 38. Saint Cyril of Jerusalem tells his Catechist That all Observation of Sabbaths is to be rejected It would be endless to recite all that the Fathers say upon this Subject but if we do consider how constantly the Fathers teach That the Patriarchs and pious Men before the promulgation of the Law of Moses observed not the Sabbath how generally they teach that it was a shadow of good things to come by Christ and that our Saviour both by his Miracles performed upon that day and by his Contests with the ●harisees designed to insinuate the dissolution of it we can no longer doubt the Judgment of the Ancients in this Matter To proceed then to Answer the Objections of the Sabbatarians § 14 First Mr. M. Objects Object 1 That God Blessed the Seventh day and Sanctified it because in that and not in any other §. 9. p. 205. he had rested from all his Work Gen. 2. And then enquires How comes this Blessing given to no other day among the Seven but given to the Seventh day only to be lost who took away the Sanctification of it given by God himself and given for a Reason which is as obliging now as ever To this I Answer Answ That to Bless and Sanctifie the Seventh day doth only signifie to set apart that day for his peculiar Worship or as the Badge and Sign by which the People who owned Jehovah for their God should be distinguished from all other People and by which He should also be disting uished from all other Gods by a Work peculiar to himself for it being the Custom of all Nations and of all Religions to set apart some day or time as Sacred for the Worship of their Gods and in that time to Solemnize their Worship by the Commemoration or the imitation of some peculiar Actions for which they were Honoured God would have this to be the Sign of His peenliar People the Resting on the Sabbath day in Token that they owned him as the Creator of the World by imitation of the Rest he took when he had made it This God himself declares by saying Exod. 31.15 16. The Children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath to observe it through their Generations for a perpetual Covenant It is a sign betwixt me and the Children of Israel for ever for in six days the Lord made Heaven and Earth and on the seventh day he Rested that is Now that the Seed of Abraham are come to be my People in Covenant they shall keep the Seventh day as a Sign that they are Consecrated to the Service of the Creator of the World and that they own him as their God. Ezek. 20.12 Hence are these Sabbaths said to be given to be a sign betwixt God and them that they might know he was the Lord that sanctified them and God commands them to observe them Exod. 31.13 that they might know he was the Lord that sanctified them that is did consecrate and separate them from all other Nations to be his own peculiar People Hence also was it that till God had made of Abraham a great Nation till he had freed this Nation from that Bondage they were under to the Aegyptians who would not let them rest from Work and chosen them to be his own peculiar People He laid not this injunction on them for even the very Sabbath day before that mentioned by Moses to be observed by them as a day of Rest Exod. 16.1 Neh. 9.14 they marched a wearisom Journey and came at Night to the Wilderness of Sin and therefore Nehemiah saith That God made known to them his Holy Sabbath by the hand of Moses his Servant that is then did he set a part that day to be a day to be observed by them in Honour of him Accordingly the Christian Fathers generally teach That none of the Patriarchs did keep the Sabbath nor do we find from Adam to Joseph the least mention of the Observation of it though we find frequent mention of all other Acts and Requisits of their Religious Worship of their Groves and Oratories their Priests and Altars their Sacrifices and Oblations Prayers Vows Thanksgivings and after Abraham of their Circumcision the Book of Genesis is partly spent in giving an account of the Travels of these Patriarchs from one place to another and yet it addeth not one word of their resting any where because it was the Sabbath day Now doth it not seem strange that such a solemn Command should have been given to Adam and all Mankind as some conceive it was and not the least Print or Token of the Observation of it to be found for Two thousand Years And whereas some Object those Words of Moses Object This is that which the Lord hath said Exod. 16.23 To morrow is the Rest of the Holy Sabbath to the Lord and thence Collect that God had before Moses given a Command touching the Observation of that day It may be Answered That the word is is wanting in the Hebrew and so the Words may thus be rendred This is that which the Lord hath said To morrow shall be the Rest of the Holy Sabbath to the Lord and so they will accord exactly with those other Scriptures which tell us That the Sabbath was made known to the Jews not by Abraham or Joseph but by the Hands of Moses Ezek. 20.10 12. that God caused them to go forth out of the Land of Aegypt and then gave them his Sabbaths to be a sign between him and them whereas the Sign of the Covenant between him and Abraham was only that of Circumcision Now from all these Considerations it seems evident that the import of those Words of Moses in Genesis the Second Wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day and hallowed it is only this God made the World in Six days and rested the Seventh which was the Reason that when he chose to himself a peculiar People he made that the day they were to set apart for his Service that so they might acknowledge him whom they served to be the Creator of the World. And Because on the same Day God overthrew Pharaoh and his Host in the Red Sea See Mr. Mede Disc 15. p. 56. and by that Action compleated his Deliverance of his People from Aegyptian Bondage therefore he gives that as a farther Reason of the Observance of that Day Deut. 5.15 saying Remember that thou wast a Servant in the Land of Aegypt and that the Lord thy God brought thee out thence with a mighty hand and with a stretched out arm therefore the Lord thy God commanded thee to keep the Sabbath day Hence therefore 1. We see sufficient cause why this Command should be inserted into the Decalogue with as much Ceremony and Solemnity as the others were although it were not Moral as to the Nature of it it being so far Moral with respect unto the end of
obtained in that Church we find them got into their Rituals and Books of S. Offices Their Councils do consult about them make Canons and Decrees in favour of them Having then so frequent mention of these matters in the Councils Liturgies the Canons and the Constitutions of the Western Church in these last Ages why is it we have nothing of them in the Canons or Constitutions Apostolical or in the Code of Canons of the universal Church or of the Church of Africk where we have so frequent mention of all the other received Practices and Customs of the Church when Tertullian sets himself on purpose to enumerate those things which had obtained in the Church De Cor. c. 3. Traditionis titulo consuetudinis patrocinio under the specious Titles of Custom and Tradition why is it that he doth not mention one of these Romish Practices De Sp. Sancto c. 25 27. When St. Basil if that be his Work which bears his Name doth professedly discourse of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 unwritten Customs which had obtained in the Church why is he wholly silent as to all these practices if equally owned by the Church as Apostolical Surely these things give us just reason to suspect that they were not acquainted with them and knew nothing of them Again had they the Evidence of Tradition § 2 that those points of Faith which in their Councils have been established and imposed upon us under an Anathema were handed down unto them from our Lord's Apostles had the Apostles and their Successors still taught all Christians the Doctrine of Concomitance and the sufficiency of one Species to make an entire Sacrament and to conveigh the whole benefit of the Sacrament Of the necessity of the intention of the Priest to make a Sacrament Of the number of the Sacraments that they are neither more nor less than Seven Of Marriage that it is a Sacrament properly so called and that by virtue of our Lord's Institution Of the Transubstantiation of the Bread and Wine into the Body and Blood of Christ Of the Oblation of a true propitiatory Sacrifice for the Dead and Living in the Mass Of a Purgatory or place in which the Souls of Pious Men do suffer Punishment and from which being afterwards relieved by the Prayers and good Works of the Faithful upon Earth they go to Heaven before the Day of Judgment had they informed all Christians That a Power of Indulgences is left by Christ unto his Church That Saints departed are to be Invoked and Images to be Venerated That the Church of Rome is the Catholick Church the Mother and Mistress of all Churches and That the Pope is the Vicar of our Lord Jesus upon Earth and that without the Belief of this Faith Salvation cannot be obtained and consequently never was obtained by any Christian I say had all these Articles descended to them from the Apostles through all Ages of the Christian Church they must be as notorious as any which have thus descended and which we can run up from Age to Age till we come to the Apostles For Instance they must have been as obvious to be found in all the Writings of the Fathers as the Tradition of the Apostles Creed the Canon of the Scripture the Writing of the Four Evangelists c. They also must have been as diligently taught as frequently inculcated as those things were as being no less necessary to Salvation than any Doctrine contained in the Scriptures or in the Creed of the Apostles We must have met with them in all their Summaries of Christian Doctrine of Ecclesiastical Doctrines and their Discourses writ on purpose to instruct others in the Articles of Christian Faith they would have been inserted into their Creeds as other necessary Articles were taught their Catechumens required of their Clergy at their admission to Holy Orders sent by their Patriarchs and Bishops in their circular Letters included in the Paschal Cycles as were the Rule of Faith the Christian Symbol and yet by diligent perusual of all these we can find no such matter in the Creeds Enchiridions Compendiums of Christian Doctrine the catechistical Discourses the Treatises of Faith and ecclesiastical Doctrines so frequent in the Writings of the five first Centuries and therefore have good reason to believe they were not then received or owned as Articles of Christian Faith. The Wisdom of the present Church of Rome yields a strong confirmation of this Argument for since their latter Councils have defined these Articles we find them Inserted into her Creed and her Trent Catechism contained in all the Writings of her Doctors touching the Articles of Christian Faith and of ecclesiastical Tradition required to be believed professed and taught by all her Clergy What therefore shall we think of all the Fathers of the five first Centuries was it out of want of love to Souls or care of their instruction in the necessary Articles of Christian Faith that they were wholly silent in these matters Why then may we not fear that they neglected to hand down unto Posterity other necessary Articles of Christian Faith Or was it out of ignorance that they were then necessary how then came Romanists to know by Tradition that they are necessary now Or if they wanted neither knowledge to discern all necessary Articles of Christian Faith nor will nor care to teach all they conceived to be such must it not follow that those Articles which in their numerous Discourses and Instructions on these Subjects are not so much as touched upon were not then owned as necessary Articles of the Christian Faith and therefore ought not now to be imposed or received as such Add to this § 3 that the Fathers of the first Ages were very careful and concerned to preserve the Traditions of the Apostles truly so called or so esteemed by them and to commit them unto writing to be the Testimonies of their Faith against the importunity of Hereticks to whom it was peculiar for the three first Centurtes to refuse tryal by the Scriptures only and to pretend unto some secret Traditions not contained in the Scriptures For the Great Ignatius going to his Martyrdom confirmed the Churches he arrived at with his Discourses requesting them in the first place to avoid the Heresies which were then springing up He exhorted them also Lib. 3. c. 35. saith Eusebius 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to stand firm to the Tradition of the Apostles 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which for the greater certainty he having testified concerning it thought necessary to leave in writing and so endited his Epistles Papias Ibid c. 38. often naming the Apostles saith the same Eusebius 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 puts down their Traditions And Polycarp saith Irenaeus not only testified what was the truth which he received from the Apostles and by that testimony converted many of the Hereticks but he also writ an Epistle to the Philippians from which they who are willing and desirous of
they should teach the People in which they profess that they comprized the whole Faith and all things necessary to be believed taught and done and yet make not the least mention of the Romish Doctrines § 1. Secondly From the Examination of a Bishop at his Ordination who though he was not examined touching one of the Roman Articles yet was he upon his belief of other Articles approved as one fully instructed in the Documents of Christian Faith § 2. The full agreement of the Eastern Churches with the West in this Matter § 3. Thirdly From the Ancient way of confuting Hereticks by producing the Apostles and the Nicene Creed and declaring touching other Doctrines not contained in them that they are of Curiosity not of Faith § 4. Fourthly From the ancient Treatises written on purpose to instruct Christians in the Articles of Christian Faith which contain none of these New Articles § 5. A Farther Demonstration that the pretended Traditions of the Church of Rome were not received anciently as Articles of Christian Faith or as things necessary to be believed or practised by all Christians may be taken from the instructions given to the Clergy concerning what they were to teach the People committed to their Charge For amongst these things we find all the positive Articles of the Faith of Protestants the whole Symbol of the ancient Church our whole Duty towards God and to our Neighbour all that we are to believe and pray and hope for but not one tittle of Romish Faith. In their Instructions quid sit a Presbyteris praedicandum what the Priests are to teach the People The a L. 1. c. 82. Capitular of Charles the Great b De Discipl Eccl. l 1. c. 102. Regino and c Decret part 6. 155. 161. Ivo tell us from the Councils of Rouën and Challon 1. That they are to preach to all in General § 1 That they believe in the Father Son and Holy Ghost one God Omnipotent who made all things and that the Deity Essence and Majesty of the Three Persons the Father Son and Holy Ghost is one 2. That the Son of God was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary for the Salvation of Mankind that he suffered was buried rose again the Third Day ascended into Heaven and is to come in the end of the World to judge all Men according to their Works that the Wicked with the Devil shall be sent into eternal Fire and the Just with Christ shall possess everlasting Life 3. That all Men shall rise again in their own Flesh 4. He is to teach them for what Crimes Men shall be deputed with the Devil Gal. v. 19 20 21. which the Apostle thus Enumerates Fornication Vncleanness Lasciviousness Idolatry Witchcraft Hatred Variance Emulations Wrath Strife Seditions Heresies Envyings Murthers Drunkenness Revellings and such like They who do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God and therefore let all these things with all care be prohibited 5. He is to teach of the Love of God and our Neighbour of Faith and Hope in God of Humility Patience Chastity Kindness Mercy of Alms Confession and Forgiving our Brethren from the Heart for he that doth these and the like things shall inherit the Kingdom of God. Moreover they tell us from the Councils of Gangra Reims and Challon that every Priest must teach all his Parochians Symbolum orationem Dominicam the Creed and the Lord's Prayer and cause them to repeat them when they come to Confession at Lent and not administer the Sacrament to them till they can rehearse them because none can be saved without the knowledge of them in uno enim sides credulitas Christiana continetur for in the one is contained the Faith of Christians Ivo Ibid. c. 158. in the other is expressed what we are to ask of God and these things are so great that he who can fully understand them sufficere sibi credatur ad salutem aeternam understands what is believed sufficient to eternal Salvation And secondly Because in the Lord's Prayer are comprized all things necessary for humane Life and in the Apostles Symbol Cap. 159. sides ex integro comprehenditur the Catholick Faith is entirely contained and by learning it they would rightly learn sidem Catholicam the Catholick Faith. Hence then the Argument runs thus If the Faith of Christians was equally contained in many other Doctrines why did not the Church equally require her Clergy to teach them also to the People Why do these Councils say That her Eaith her Catholick Faith is entirely contained in this Creed of the Apostles and that the belief of these things is sufficient for the Salvation of him who fully understands them Sure there is some great Reason of that signal difference betwixt the Church of those Ages which say the Apostles Creed alone is that Faith without which nemo salvus esse potest no man can be saved and the present R. Church which saith of all her new Articles added to the Creed Haec est vera fides Catholica extra quam nemo salvus esse potest Ab illis quorum cura ad me in munere meo spectabit teneri doceri praedicari quantum in me erit curaturum Bull. Pij 4 ti This is the true Catholick Faith without which no Man can be saved betwixt that Church which only instructs her Priests to teach the Apostles Creed and that which maketh all her Clergy swear to hold all the Articles contained in the Creed of Pius the Fourth And also to take care that they be held taught and preached by all who do belong to their Care. 3dly § 2 That none of the Doctrines contained in the New Creed of Pius the Fourth and added to the Nicene Creed are ancient Articles of Faith will farther be made evident from the Examination which the ancient Canons of the Church required of him who was to be ordained Bishop Can. 1. Concil Tom. 2. p. 1199. For by the Canon of the Fourth Council of Carthage he was first to be examined si fidei documenta verbis simplicibus asserat Whether in plain words he asserted the Doctrines of Faith that is Whether he held the Father Son and Holy Ghost to be one God and the whole Trinity to be Co-essential Consubstantial Co-eternal and Co-omnipotent whether he held that every Person in the Trinity was perfect God and that neither the Father nor the Holy Ghost but the Son only was incarnate as being as to his Divinity the Son of the Father and as to his Humanity the Son of an humane Mother true God of his Father and true Man of his Mother receiving true Flesh from his Mother and having an humane rational Soul so that both Natures were in him that is he was God and Man one Person one Son one Christ one Lord Creator of all things which are and with the Father and the Holy Ghost the Author Lord and Ruler of
therefore though we have used other words in our controversial Discourses against Hereticks 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ibid. e. yet now that a Confession of the sound Faith and simple manifestation of it lies before us we will temper our stile accordingly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Pag. 387. c. explaining it more simply and properly and doing only that which may instruct you according to that saying of the Apostle To give a reason of your Faith. Now Pag 389. b. c. saith he in doing this we neither have ability nor leasure to collect all that is said in Scripture of the Father Son and Holy Ghost but we hope saith he to satisfie your Consciences as to the manifestation of our knowledge in the holy Scriptures 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and your full assurance of Faith by those few things we shall select out of the Holy Scriptures And after this long Protestant Preface comes a Creed owned by all Protestants in these words P. 389. d. e. We believe therefore and confess one only true and Good God and Father Almighty of whom are all things the God and Father of our Lord and God Jesus Christ And we believe one only begotten Son of God our Lord and God Jesus Christ the only true God by whom all things both visible and invisible were made and by whom all things consist who in the beginning was with God and was God and after was according to the Scriptures seen on Earth and conversed with Men who being in the Form of God coveted not to be in the World like to God but emptied himself and taking upon him the Form of a Servant by his Nativity of a Virgin and being found in fashion as a Man he fulfilled all things which were written of and concerning him according to the command of the Father being Obedient even to Death the Death of the Cross and being raised again the Third Day from the Dead according to the Scriptures P. 390. a. he was seen by his holy Disciples and the rest as it is written and he ascended into the Heavens and sitteth at the Right-hand of the Father from whence he comes at the end of the World to raise up all and to give to every one according to his Work when the Righteous shall be taken up into Life Eternal and the Kingdom of Heaven but the wicked shall be condemned to everlasting Punishment where their Worm dieth not and the Fire is not quenched and we believe one Holy Ghost and Comforter by whom we are sealed unto the Day of Redemption the Spirit of Truth and of Adoption in whom we cry Abba Father who distributeth and worketh in us the Gifts given of God to every one to profit withal as he willeth who teacheth and brings to our Remembrance all things which he hath heard from the Son. The Good Spirit who Guides us into all Truth and confirmeth all Believers in true and exact Knowledge in pious Worship and spiritual Adoration and in the true Confession of God the Father his only Son our Lord and God Jesus Christ and of himself 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This we think this is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Rule of Holy Men. P. 392. And I beseech you laying aside all curious Questions P. 391. and indecent strifes about words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to rest contented with the things spoken by Holy Men and by the Lord himself and to withdraw your selves from them that are alien from the Evangelical and Apostolical Faith the Apostle having said That if an Angel from Heaven preach to you any other Doctrine besides that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed and having warned you to withdraw from every one who walks disorderly and not according to the Tradition which you have received from us So that according to St. Basil this Creed is the Tradition received from the Apostles the Evangelical and Apostolical Faith the Rule of Faith to which nothing is to be superadded besides which nothing to be preached as any portion of the Rule of Faith and this whole Faith expresly is contained in Scripture and is delivered in the words of Scripture Laurentius sends an Epistle to St. Austin to know of him Quid sequendum maximè Enchir. c. 4. quid propter diversas principaliter Haereses sit fugiendum What was chiefly to be followed and what by reason of the diversity of Heresies was principally to be avoided quod certum propriumque fidei Catholicae fundamentum what was the sure and proper Foundation of the Christian Faith In Answer to this Enquiry he receives a Treatise from St. Cap. 3. Austin containing 122. Chapters in which he undertakes to teach him what he was to believe to love and hope for and in the general he tells him Cap. 6. that it is easie to instruct him in these three particulars nam ecce tibi Symbolum dominica oratio in his duobus tria illa intuere Cap. 7. for behold the Symbol and the Lord's Prayer in these two see these three things Faith believes Hope and Charity prays and then he goes on to a particular Discourse on all these Heads not speaking throughout all those numerous Chapters of one Article of the Romish Faith excepting only when Chapter the 69. he speaks of Purgatory Fire as of a doubtful and uncertain thing and Chapter 109. he utterly confounds it by laying down for certain That during the time betwixt the Death of Christians and the last Resurrection of their Bodies their Souls are kept in hidden Receptacles as they by reason of the Actions done in their Life time became worthy of Rest or Misery One thing there is still more considerable that when the Arian Heresie sprung up and even in the time and at the Session of the Nicene Council this was still produced as the Faith of the Apostolick Church the Rule of Faith the Faith which they had learned from the Scriptures and had received at Baptism and on account of which they challenged to be owned as Orthodox by all their Christian Brethren Alexander Bishop of Alexandria in his Epistle to his Namesake of Constantinople recites his Creed with this Preface Apud Theodor Hist Eccl. l. 1. c. 3. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 so we believe as it seemed good to the Apostolick Church viz. We believe in one only unbegotten Father and in one Lord Jesus Christ his only begotten Son. Besides this pious Faith of the Father and the Son We confess as the Holy Scriptures teach us one Holy Ghost the Sanctifier of Holy Men under the Old Testament and of the divine Teachers of the New and one only Catholick and Apostolick Church inexpugnable by the World and triumphing over all the wicked Insurrections of the Heterodox after this we confess the Resurrection of the Dead of which our Lord Jesus Christ was the first fruits who indeed and not in appearance only took his Body from the God-bearing Virgin