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A93386 Heights in depths and depths in heights or Truth no less secretly then sweetly sparkling out its glory from under a cloud of obloquie. Wherein is discovered the various motions of an experienced soul, in and through the manifold dispensations of God. And how the author hath been acted in, and redeemed from the unknown paths of darkness; wherein, as in a wilderness, he hath wandered without the clear vision of a Divine Presence. Together with a sincere abdication of certain tenents, either formerly vented by him, or now charged upon him. Per me Jo. Salmon Salmon, Joseph. 1651 (1651) Wing S415; Thomason E1361_4; ESTC R209192 18,864 71

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* Hast thou Faith have it to thy selfe any man 3. I now am made to speak because I am almost weary of speaking and to informe the world that silence hath taken hold of my spirit The thunder-strokes of the Almighty have to purpose uttered their voices in me heaven and earth have trembled at their dreadfull sounds the Alarm being over ther 's silence now in heaven for how long I know not I lie quietly secure in the Lord while I see the whole world consuming in the fire of envie one against another I heare much noyse about me but it serves onely to deafen me into the still slumbers of Divine rest The formall world is much affrighted every form is up in Arms to proclaim open wars against it selfe The Almighty power is dashing one thing against another and confounding that which hee hath formerly faced with the glory of his own presence Hee setteth up and casteth down and who shal say What doest thou Come then O my Soule enter thou into thy Chamber shut thy doores about thee hide thy selfe in silence for a season till the indignation bee blown over Reader I heartily bid thee farewel commending thee into that bosome of love where I rest Thine in silence Heights in Depths AND Depths in Heights OR TRVTH no less secretly then sweetly sparkling out its GLORY from under a Cloud of OBLOQUIE VAnitie of Vanities All is Vanitie saith the Preacher The highest piece of wisdom is to see wisdom it self but Vanity The whole world is a Circle including nothing but emptiness * Worldly Wisdom it self is but a womb of Wind whose wringing Pangs pretend the birth of pure Substance but in times revealing Order it am it s nothing except travel for sorrow whose high aspires do cursorily expire into an airy notion even while it appears to be something it proves nothing Man walketh in a vain shew he shews to be a man and that 's all * Below Here is nothing that truly is because it * What God doth he doth for ever abides not things onely appear to be and so vanish I am satisfied in nothing so much as in knowing that * In the world nothing can satisfie me We seem to live in the State of variety wherein we are not truely living but onely in appearance in Unity is our life in one we are from one divided we are no longer While we perambulate variety we walk but as so many Ghosts or Shadows in it that it self being but the Umbrage of the Unity To descend from the oneness or Eternity into the multiplicity is to lose our selves in an endlesse Labyrinth To ascend from variety into uniformity is to contract our scattered spirits into their original center and to finde our selves where we * In Eternity by Gods decree were before we * As to outward appearance were Certainly when a man looks upon the face of things and with a serious inspection eyes the shaken Frame of them he must conclude that there is somthing above and beyond all appearances which can onely and alone satisfie If we look upon the Temporay or more outward state of things good Lord how subject is it to revolutions and vicissitudes what is it that we can call certain but onely uncertainty Behold the Lord maketh the earth empty and voyd he layeth it waste it reels to and fro like a drunkard all its Foundations are out of course one change succeeds another while the earth is become subject to a constant inconstancie The world travels perpetually and every one is swoln full big with particularity of interest thus travelling together in pain and groaning under enmity labouring to bring forth some one thing some another and all bring forth nothing but wind and confusion this is certainly a great evil that God hath given men to be exercised withall under the sun If further we cast our eye upon those things which promise greater Stabillite viz formes of righteousnes and Religion alas how doth experience daily informe us of the violent turnings and overturnings which are incident to these also Doth not the Almighty power blast those things daily which have been most in request amongst us is he not dashing one forme against another as potters Vessels what lively Characters of sudden mortalitie may we runn and read upon all * So farr as they are bare form outward formes what meanes this great noyse and stir that alarmes the world continually the bitter contention that intermixes it selfe with mens wayes and worships the perpetuall clashings of one forme against another The heaven of forme is passing away which goes not without much clamour strife and contention Thus is it the Lords will that people shal labour in the fire and weary themselves for very vanitie The farther a man * As Adam who desired to be as God to know good and evill reaches beyond himselfe to contemplate an incomprehensible glory though his labour may be delightfull yet hisloss will prove very * I speak by deep experience extensive While with a swift winged ambition we are transported into the sublimity of notion the Scorching influences of the heavenly Splendor meets us as it were with an untimely check Singes the golden plumes of our soring fancies down we fal into unconceivable depths of darknes Ob. How then shall a man attaine to a onenes and communion with this inaccessible glory Sol. Seeing there is no way probable for us by our most lofty aspires to interesse our selves in that We must patiently expect its seasonable descension upon us whose nature it is to * Out of al our dross tinn for he is as a refiners fire consume us into it selfe and to melt us into the same nature and likenes And truly till this come and thus manifest it selfe all that man can doe to acquire satisfaction does but multiply his sorrow upon his head and augment cares upon his spirit Vanitie vanitie all is vanitie It is but vanitie for me to write vanitie for you to read Words are but wind you read you know not what and perhaps I write I know not what and so let it be till God will have it otherwise There is a set time for ever purpose under heaven vanity hath its time also nay time it selfe is but a lengthened threed of vanitie there 's no reallity but in eternitie When time shall be no longer then things will appeare in their proper and perfect substance Well to every thing there is a season a time to * A vaine thing cast a way stones and a time to gather stones together I know not very well which of these times I am now under while I am thus busied It may be I am now casting stones against the wind that is but vanity However if so methinks the wise reader might find some better employment then to stand as a spectator of such folly and madnes Truly I would very willingly say
nothing yet at present I am forced into a freedom to speak my mind If I speak any thing more then my reason dictates to me as truth I am become a foole And yet I have not so much reason in me as to make what I say appear reasonable to others this is also vanity and a sore travell But to draw near to what I intend I have lived to see an end of all perfections that which I now long for is to see perfection it selfe perfected I have bin led out to seek the Lord in manifold appearances I must now by himselfe be found in himselfe who is the good it selfe and nothing but this can satisfie Take only this breif hint for information How the Author hath beene acted in and carried thorough various and manifold appearances NO sooner had I attained to any maturity in a natural understanding of common principles of morality but I found in my selfe a secret longing to sore in a more celestiall orbe being partly convicted of a higher life than that of nature This desire being kindled and supplied with the timely breath of the Almighty it soone begann to warme and afterwards to set my whole heart of a flame which to this day could never be extinct but hath ever since like the ambitious sparke made its constant ascensions and earnest aspires towards this heavenly center Receiving after my nocturnal slumbers in nature's grave some quicknings of a divine principle within me I presently arose and as it were shooke of my night dresses and appeared to my selfe like the sunn dawning out its refulgent splendor from behind the darke canopies of the earth I was now adorned in another hue and devoutly resolved to tread the paths of a more princely dignity I presently set forth for heaven the whole powers and faculties of my soule being infinitely ingaged thereunto by some taste of the fruies of that good land which I received as pledges of divine love and as the earnest of that more glorious inheritance which I now waited for I now forsooke my owne kindred and my fathers house withdrew my selfe from my former vanities and willingly exposed my selfe to all the contempt and reproach of the world that I might owne Christ his cause and people By this time the honest presbyterian party were looked most upon as owners of and sufferers for the cause of God These being newly crept out of the shell of Episcopacy were hatched into a more pure and refined forme and after a small time did seeme to hover gently and sore sweetly in a more sublimer region than the former With these I now joyned and became a Zealous hearer and a very great affecter of them and truly did enjoy much of God in this station while the Lord appeared to me in it After a while the notion of Independency offred it selfe upon the stage to which I was willing to lend my audience at least and make proofe of its plausible proposalls I understood they were a people much decryed by the vulgaritie which made me imagine that there was something of God amongst them I saw they were a people farr excelling others in the strictnes of their forme and which most affected me were gathered out of the world and knit one to another in a more close and comfortable bond of love than any The more excelling lustre of this forme to me darkned the beauty and dim'd the glory of the other my affections upon the illumination of the understanding were soone commanded and forth they runn with a great deale of delight to wel-com this newly received glory in this forme I was concluded and shutt up for a season wherein I also enjoyed much satisfaction Soone after the doctrine of beleivers baptisme was much pressed by many and this though it were a much despised forme I was yet free to make triall of it and owne it so farr as I could see it hold a correspondencie with truth I after some serious debate was convinced that it was my duty to obey God in my subjection to that ordinance of water baptisme I hereupon tendered my willing and chearful submission and consulted not with flesh and blood in this business In the hottest time of Persecution I was made one eminent both in holding forth this way to the world and also in an open suffering for the same By this time I began to think it was high time to settle and not to expose my minde to such changes and alterations in things of this nature Whereupon I here built me a Tabernacle and was fixed in a peremptory resolve That this and no other could lawfully be adjudged the way of God Then came that voice from the throne of the heavenly Almightiness Arise and depart for this is not your rest I was made as truly sensible of this inwardly as the eye is sensible of the light or the ear of the outward sound I was certainly struck dead to all my wonted enjoyments Stript I was of my glory and my Crown taken from my head I could see nothing but Vanity and that legibly written upon all my former travels I then had a clear discovery in my spirit how far all my former enjoyments came short of that true rest which my soul had all along aimed at Here I stood for a season weeping with Mary at the Sepulcher fain I would have found Christ where I left him but alas he was risen I found nothing in form but a few * A few grave clothes or such like stuff signals of Mortality as for Jesus he was risen and departed Thus have I followed Christ from his babe-ship or infancy to his Grave of mortality running through the life of Form in a bare knowledge of Christ after the flesh till I expired with him * As many of you as have been baptised into Christ have been baptised into his death into his death and was sealed up in the Grave of most darke and somnolent retires for a season Loath full loath I was thus to shake hands with form to leave the terrestrial image of Iesus Christ yet so it was designed that hee must goe to his father and although * Like the disciples who were ignorant of the promise of the Spirit I were ignorant of it prepare a higher mansion in himself for me When my 3. dayes or set time was expired I begann to feele some quickning comfort within me the grave stone was rolled away and I set at libertie from these deep and darke retires out I came with a most serene and chearfull countenance and as one inspired with a supernaturall life sprang up farr above my earthly center into a most heavenly and divine enjoyment Wrapt up in the embraces of such pure love and peace as that I knew not oft times whether I were in or out of this fading forme Here I saw heaven opened upon me and the new Ierusalem in its divine brightnes and corruscant beauty greeting my Soule by
1. 12.2 cor 12.7 Ep. 2.2 2 Thes 2 9. who was once an Angel of light yet not keeping his first state became a Denne and receptacle of darkness reserved in chains from the presence of the Lord til the great day He is that spirit or Mystery of Iniquity which continually envies God in his pure ways and workings That dark Angel or Messen ger employed by the Almighty to effect the purposes of his wrath and vengeance The Prince of the powers of the air an airy fashionist that can assume any form That can form * Transform him self into an Angel of light conform resoim and deform at his pleasure one that chiefly rules in the hearts of the children of disobedience Let the wise judge and the righteous gently smite me if I deserve censure in what I have spoken I proceed Of Heaven Heaven is the center of the souls bliss and happiness I can in no wise deny it because my conversation is in it Phil. 3.20 If there be no heaven where 's our present enjoyment Or what shal become of that future happiness which we all expect 1 Cor. 15 19. Heaven is the Christians rest his divine Sabboth Rev. 14.13 where he keeps holy day to the Lord. Did I ever insinuate a deniall of heaven certainly it was because the darkness of hel covered my understanding To live with John 17.24 and in God to be raised up into the nature and life of Christ out of the somnolencie of flesh Eph. 2.6 is to live in the heavenly place this we enjoy partly here more fully hereafter Of Hell THat there is no Hell I in no wise can imagine but contrarywise say That Hell is the appoynted portion of the * The wicked shall be turned into hel and all the Nations that forget God Mat. 24.51 Tophet is prepared sinner where in sinfull man is for ever to be tormented from the presence of the Lord the inhabitants of whose dark mansions are ever weeping wailing and gnashing of teeth Hell is a * The wicked shall be turned into hel and all the Nations that forget God Mat. 24.51 Tophet is prepared Tophet of scorching displeasure a fire kindled and maintained by the continued breath of the Almighty whereby it becomes a dying life or rather a living death The breath or life of Eternity augments and increases this death and misery which death and hell hath a greedy Lake to receive it I hope malice it self will consent that I am not guilty of this blasphemy I therefore proceed for my sweet invitations to my silent feast solemnize my devotions thitherward Of the Scripture CHrist is the Eternall word of the Father the saving teaching enlightening Oracle of heaven to whom the Scriptures ascribe all honor and dignitie I do not remember that in any thing which I have written or declared I have given the captious world the least ground to render me guilty of denying the Scriptures Yet because I am charged with it through weakness and mistake in some malice and impudence in others I give this satisfactory hint I own the Scriptures as the inspirations of the Holy Ghost to holy men of old a history or map of truth wherein if our learned Translators have not deceived us is contained a true discovery of the dealings of God with his people in former times and ages of the world wherein the life of many a precious promise is lockt up They are known to be the word of God to those in whom the spirit declares them others do but call them not knowing them to be so They bare Testimony to the great Oracle of Life and Salvation Christ Jesus Joh. They are the letter 2 Tim. 1.13 sound of truth The form and but the form of sound words where they are not corrupted with the false glosses of the learned I must embrace them own them honour them yea I cannot but delight in them because they bear the image and feature of that pure word which was from the begining Joh. 1.1.2 and is to everlasting Of sin or God being the Author of sin THe vulgar censure is a many headed ill favoured monster it lookes many waies it favourably entertains and smoothly invites and eagerly gapes after all reports whatsoever Some say I hold no sinn and with the same mouth will be apt to conclude that I make God the author of sinn Here must needs be a gross mistake on the one hand or other certainely I humbly acknowledg my over readiness to present some notions of this nature to a publique view In Divinity anatomized If any things that I have written will claime relation to these I here recede them and leave them to the mercy or rather judgment of those to whom their nakednesse and folly are palpably evident and further say concerning sin That sin is that contagious leprosie Ps 14.2 3. Rom. 3.10 Prov. 20.9 which hath Epidemically spread it self over the whole earth Neither the * The righteous sineth seven times a day righteous nor the wicked are free from it Sin is a transgression of the Law unity was once the Law of man he brake the Unity run into to the wilie intangles of devision and distance and did plunge himself into the gulfe of sin the abysss of misery The Law or Command of Unity Exod. 20 ver 3. was to know one and only one God Man will know more then one know himself in a state of division Gen 3.5 6. here creeps in sin and brings down man from his uprightness under a state of obliquity Man as man growing from the root of the first Adam 1 John 18.10 the Earthly-fallen principle is nothing else but a massie heap of sin a cursed lump of foul impiety and must certainly expect to receive the wages of iniquitie Sin makes every thing a curse and bitterness to us Were it not for this sin or breach of the Law of Unity all things would be sweetned with blessing yea blest with a Divine sweetness Death it self the bitterest potion of sorrow would be nectarized with a pleasant dulcitude which through sin brings with it 1 Cor 15.56 and bears in it an unpleasing mordacity In fine t is sin that corrupts our judgements stains our natures burthens our spirits and betrays our souls into the snares of endless and easless Torment Again This being the lothsome nature of sin who will dare to be so impudent as to affirm That God is the Author of it t is true the Scripture in many places seem to countenance such a thing if not wisely and soberly interpreted But it is not my work as I said before to condemn any before I have cleared my selfe it is enough for me to exonerat my spirit of that load which is laid upon me by a fair recession of the Error I stand charged with Let all therefore know 1 Ioh 1 5.6 That I look upon God to be a single object of pure light whose glorious nature cannot be touched with the least tincture of dark ness evill or sin may not cannot * He is of more pure eyes than to behold inquitie approach his perfectly pure presence He is good the good it self he doth good Mat. 19 17. nothing but good al good good is God there 's nothing good but himself Men the best of men things the most excellent of things they are all vanity a lye worse then vanity vexation of Spirit God the Unity is good all vertue and true worth is bundledup in it Contrary wise The Divel division distance sin they are naught stark naught evil nothing but evil continually evil The Divel is a lye believe him not sin is a lye all that you see below besides God it is a lie froth emptiness winde and confusion God hath nothing to do with any thing that existeth not in himself or is divided from himself he is not the Author of division Col. 3.11 he is all one in all variety the divider is the Divel God knows him not the division is sin God owns it not I say not then that God is the Author of sin Lastly Of the Trinity GOD is one simple single uncompounded glory nothing lives in him or flows from him but what is his pure individual self Unity is the Father the Author and begetter of all things or if you will the Grandmother in whoseintrinsecal womb variety lies occult till time orderly brings it forth Christ sayes of himself Ion. 14.9 I and the Father am one and the Apostle saith 1 Ioh. 5.7 there are three that bare record in Heaven the Father the Word and Spirit and these three are one Without controversie great is the mystery In the multiplicity or variety they are three but in the unity or primary state all one but one The Father is not the Son the Son is not the Spirit as multiplied into form and distance I may lawfully and must necessarily maintain three but then again trace them by their lineal discent into the womb of eternity revolve to the center and where is the difference The unity or Father in it self is a massy heap of an undiscovered glory which branches out it self into an orderly variety and so admits of various names and titles Father Son Spirit three in name but all one in nature Unity without variety is like the * Gen. 2.21 man in the Garden solitarily slumbering in its owne profound retires having nothing to delight in but it self The Father will not therfore be without the Son Gen. 2.18 without the Spirit It is not fit the Man should be alone But then again to contemplate variety without Unity is to bee over-much expensive upon the weakness and to set up the woman without the man which are not indeed two but one in Christ I love the Unity as it orderly discovers it self in the Trinity I prize the Trinity as it beares correspondency with the Unity Let the skilfull Ordipus unfold this FINIS