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A33297 The blessed life and meritorious death of Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, from His conception to His cross, and from His cross to His crown together with the series, and order of His ministery, and miracles, as they are recorded by the four Evangelists, wherein what is wanting in one is supplied out of the other / by Sam. Clarke ... Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. 1664 (1664) Wing C4502; ESTC R15233 43,259 57

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and mourning that she had seen the Lord and that he had said these things to her But they believed her not And as the Women went from the Sepulchre perhaps Mary Magdalene was absent that they might tell his Disciples behold Jesus met them and said unto them All hail and they came and held him by the feet and worshipped him Then said Jesus to them Be not afraid Go and tell my Brethren that they go into Galilee there they shall see me Joh. 20. 1 2 18. Luk. 24. 1 12. Mar. 14. 1 11. Mat. 28 1 8 9 10. Now when they were going behold the Watch went into the City and shewed to the Chief Priests all the things that were done and when they were assembled with the Elders they took counsell and gave large money to the Souldiers that they should say that his Disciples came and stole him away whilest they slept and if it come to the Governours ears said they we will perswade him and secure you So they took the money and did as they were taught and this saying is commonly reported amongst the Jews to this Day Mat. 28. 11 15. And two of them went into the Countrey that same Day to a Village sixty Furlongs from Jerusalem called Emaus and as they journeyed Jesus went along with them and they telling what things were done concerning Jesus of Nazareth how he was crucified and that he rose again c. Jesus shewed them out of the Scriptures that it behooved Christ to suffer and to enter into his Glory And in the Village when he had taken Bread and given Thanks and broken it he was known to them their eyes being opened though he appeared in another form and he vanished out of their sight And they rose up that same hour and returned to Jerusalem to the eleven who said to these two The Lord is risen indeed and hath appeared unto Simon Then they told them what things were done in the way and how he was known of them in breaking of Bread but neither believed they them Luke 24. 13 35. Mar. 14. 12 13. Whilest they yet spake it being evening in the first Day of the Week the Doors being shut where the Disciples were gathered together for fear of the Jews came Jesus himself and stood in the middest of them and said Peace be unto you But they were affrighted supposing that they had seen a Spirit But he upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart because they had not believed those that had seen him since he was risen and he said unto them Why are you troubled see my hands and my feet A Spirit hath not flesh and bones and he shewed them his hands and his feet and his side And when they believed not for Joy and wondred he said unto them Have ye here any meat and he did eat a piece of broiled meat and an Hony comb and his Disciples rejoyced that they had seen the Lord And he said unto them These are the words that I spake unto you while I was yet with you That all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and in the Prophets and in the Psalms of me Then he opened their understandings that they might understand the Scriptures and said unto them Thus it is written and thus it behooved Christ to suffer and to rise from the Dead the third Day and that Repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his Name among all Nations and ye are witnesses of these things And behold I send the Promise of my Father among you But tarry ye at Jerusalem till ye have received power from on high He said again unto them Peace be unto you as my Father sent me so send I you Goe ye into all the World and Preach the Gospel to every Creature He that believes and is Baptized shall be saved but he that believes not shall be damned And these signs shall follow them that believe In my Name they shall cast out Devils they shall speak new Tongues they shall take up Serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay their hands on the sick and they shall recover And when he had said these things he breathed on them and said Receive ye the Holy Ghost Whose sins ye remit they are remitted to them and whose sins ye retain they are retained Thus Jesus appeared five times in the first Day of his Resurrection Joh. 20. 19 23. Luke 24 36 49. Mar. 14. 14 18. But Thomas called Dydimus was not with them when Jesus came and the rest of the Disciples told him We have seen the Lord But he very confidently professed that he would not believe it After eight Dayes April the 12th Thomas being then present with the rest Jesus came the doors being shut and stood in the middest and said unto them Peace be unto you and abundantly satisfied Thomas his unbelief Joh. 20. 24 29. Luke 24. 16 20. Then the Eleven Disciples went into Galilee unto the Mountain that he had appointed them And when they saw him they worshipped him but some doubted and when Jesus came unto them he said All power is given unto me both in Heaven and Earth Go therefore and teach all Nations Baptizing them c. and loe I am with you to the end of the World Mat. 28. 16 20. After that Jesus was seen of above five hundred Brethren at once and after that to James 1 Cor. 15. 6 7. Afterwards Jesus shewed himself to his Disciples at the Sea of Tiberias or at least to seven of them as they were fishing For they having fished all night and caught nothing in the morning Jesus unknown unto them stood upon the shoar and bid them cast their net on the right side of the Ship they caught a hundred fifty three great Fishes and Jesus said unto them Come and Dine and none of them durst ask him Who art thou knowing it was the Lord. When they had dined he warned Peter thrice of his Pastorall charge as he loved Jesus and forewarned him what kind of death he should die And to Peters question concerning John he gave an answer that was not rightly understood of the Brethren Joh. 21. 1 24. Last of all be appeared to his Disciples in Jerusalem and led them out as far as Bethany and he lift up his hands and blessed them And it came to pass that as he blessed them he was parted from them and carried up into Heaven Luke 24. 50 51. Mat. 28. 19. This Jesus Christ was promised to Adam in Paradise presently after his fall in those Words The Seed of the Woman shall break the Serpents Head but whether he should come of Jew or Gentile not a word was told him After this Abraham the Hebrew was given to understand that of his Seed should come the Messiah but of what Tribe nothing was revealed To Jacob indeed
because they did not walk after the tradition of the Elders to whom Jesus answered concerning traditions that they frustrated the commands of God that they might keep the traditions of men and he taught the People which he also expounded to his Disciples at home that nothing which enters into a man but that which cometh from within that defileth a man Mark 7. 1 23. Matth. 15 1 20. Then he arose from thence and went into the borders of Tyre and Sidon and he could not be hid For a Canaanitish woman a Gentile a Syrophaenician by Nation came to him earnestly beseeching him for her Daughter that was vexed with a Devil whom when he had commended for the greatness of her Faith he cast the Divel out of her Daughter Mark 7. 24 30. Matth. 15. 21 28. And again departing from the Coasts of Tyre and Sidon he came unto the Sea of Galilee through the midst of the coast of Decapolis and they brought unto him one that was deaf and had an impediment in his speech whom he healed and charged him that he should tell no man but all in vain Mark 7. 31 37. Then went he up into a mountain and sate there and healed many so that the multitude wondred Matth. 15. 29 30 31. In those days when there was a very great multitude that had remained with him three days he fed four thousand men besides women and children with seven Loaves and a few little fishes and there remained seven baskets full of fragments Mark 8. 1 9. Matth. 15. 32 38. And straitway Jesus entred into a Ship with his Disciples and came into the parts of Dalmanutha or the coasts of Magdala Mark 8. 10. Matth. 15. 39. And the Pharisees came to him requiring a sign from Heaven who after he had deeply sighed he denied any sign but that of Jonas to those Hypocrites who knew how to discern the face of the sky but not the signs of the times and leaving them he entred again into a Ship and passed to the other side Mark 8. 11. 12 13. Matth. 16. 1 4. And when his Disciples were come to the other side they had forgotten to take bread and they had but one loaf with them in the Ship Then Jesus said unto them Take heed of the Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadduces and of the Leaven of Herod they reasoned amongst themselves because they had forgotten to take bread But Jesus rebuking them that they had forgotten the miraculous multiplication of the loaves gave them to understand that he spake not of the Leaven of Bread but of their Doctrine Mark 8. 14 21. Matth. 16. 5. 21. Then came Jesus to Bethsaida and they brought to him a blind man whom he led out of the Town and anointed his eyes with spittle and he recovered his sight and Jesus forbad him to tell it Mark 8. 22 26. And Jesus went with his Disciples into the Towns of Caesarea Philippi And it came to pass as he was alone praying and was now in the way that he asked his Disciples whom do men say that I am When they had answered he said unto them But whom do ye say that I am And when Peter had answered he pronounced him happy annexing promises and forbad his Disciples to tell any man that he was the Christ. He also foretold his Death and Resurrection and called Peter Satan because he rebuked him for so saying Then he Preached to his Disciples and to the multitude of the Cross which every one must bear that would follow him and at length foretold his Transfiguration Luke 7. 18 27. Mark 8. 27 38. Matth. 16. 13 28. And it came to pass about eight days after these things or six intermediate days that he was Transfigured in an high Mountain And when they came down from the Mountain he charged them that they should tell no man what they had seen till he was risen from the dead and they kept it close questioning one with another what the rising from the dead should mean and they asked him why do the Scribes say that Elias must first come and they received an answer by which they understood that Jesus spake of John Baptist as that Elias Luke 7. 28 36. Mark 9. 1 13. Matth. 17. 1 13. And it came to pass the next day when they were come down from the Hill and that he was come to his Disciples he saw a great multitude about them and the Scribes questioning with them and straitway when all the multitude saw him they were greatly amazed and runing to him saluted him and as he was asking about their questioning with his Disciples the Father of a Lunatick child answered him that it was about his child that had an unclean spirit both deaf and dumb and that his Disciples could not cast him out Then Jesus having cast out the spirit restored the Child to his Father whole and being at home he shewed his Disciples the reason why they could not cast out this Devil Luke 7. 37 42. Mark 9. 14 29. Matth. 17. 14 21. And they departed thence and passed through Galilee and he would not that any man should know it and he taught his Disciples concerning his death and Resurrection but they understood not that saying and being exceedingly sorry were afraid to ask him Luke 7. 43 44 45. Mark 9. 30 31 32. Matth. 17. 22 23. When they were come to Capernaum they asked Peter about Jesus his paying Tribute money And when Jesus was come into the house he prevented Peter telling him that he should find a piece of money in a Fishes mouth and bad him pay that for Tribute both for himself and for Jesus Matth. 17. 24 27. At Capernaum Jesus asked his Disciples what it was that they disputed of among themselves by the way at which when they were silent at the first they afterwards told him that it was who should be greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven Then Jesus taking a child and seting him in the midst taught them that they should have humility even as a child He also warned the world of offences Admonishing us to take heed that neither hand foot nor eye make us to offend That little ones are not to be despised How our Brother sinning against us is to be reproved as also to be bound and loosed by the Church and to be forgiven to seventy times seven times as he shewed in that parable of the two debtors to the King Luke 7. 46 47 48. Mark 9. 33 37. Matth. 18. 1 35. Then said John to him we saw one calling out Divels through thy name whom Jesus taught that he was not to be forbidden and again warned them not to offend little ones and to take heed again that neither hand foot nor eye cause them to offend Luke 7. 49 50. Mark 9 ●8 50. After these things Jesus walked in Galilee for he would not walk in Jury because the
being our surety though he could not be ashamed of any sin he did himself Yet being made a sin for us he did bear the shame of our sin and thus he was not free from shame passively as it 's a punishment of sin Isa. 50. 6. I gave my back to the smiters and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair I hid not my face from shame and spitting Heb. 12. 2. He endured the Cross despising the shame So then in these respects Christ did bear our Shame 1. In that though he was the Lord of Glory and thought it no robbery to be equal with the Father yet he abased himself to become man yea the lowest of men a Servant Phil. 2. 6 7 8. Matth. 20. 28. Isa. 49. 7. 2. All the tokens of reproach and shame were on his sufferings As 1. In Gestures they put a Crown of Thorns on his head and a Reed for a Scepter in his hand to mock his Kingly Power They saluted him with mocks and bowing the knee to him 2. In words They cried out Hail King of the Jews They scorned his Prophetical dignity when they blindfolded him saying Prophesie who it is that smote thee And to deride his Priesthood they put a Robe on him and when he was on the Cross offering himself as our Priest in a Sacrifice to God all that passed by wagged their Heads and shot out their Lips saying He trusted in God let him deliver him c. Then did they spit in his face which in the Law was a great shame Deut. 25. 9 50. Job 30. 10. 3. His Death was shameful the Death of a thief and robber So it 's called Christs reproach Heb. 13. 13. Let us go forth bearing his reproach It was a shameful thing to see the Lord of Glory bearing his own Cross on his back and all the children and base ones of the City wondring at him and crying out upon him This is called the reproach or Shame of Christ. Heb. 11. 26. Psal. 22. 7. 4. They shamed him in pulling off his Garments and scourging him As Jer. 13. 26. They brought him bound to Pilate as if he had been a Common Thief Matth. 26. 2. Hence Isa. 53. 3. He was despised and rejected of men and we hid as it were our faces from him He had all shame put upon him He was branded as the greatest Thief of the three He went out at the Gate of life bleeding pained cursed shamed forsaken despised and mocked Even the Sun seemed to be ashamed to see its Creator in so painful and shameful a condition and therefore hid its head The third Character which was engraven on Christs Death was the curse of God Now the Curse that Christ was made Was 1. The Lords pronouncing him a Curse Deut. 21. 23. Cursed is he that hangeth on a Tree which Paul applies to Christ. Gal. 3. 10 13. This indeed was a Ceremonial curse but had a special Relation to Christ who was under a real and Moral Curse 2. Gods devoting and setting him apart in his eternal Counsel for suffering the punishment of sin 3. The dishonour that was put upon him and so was Christ under a curse Psal. 22. 7. He was a worm and no man Isa. 53. 3. The least of men the contempt and refuse of men Act. 4. 11. The Stone rejected by the builders Hanging is the death of the poorest and basest of men and thus was Christ used Act. 5. 30. Whom ye slew and hanged on a Tree Act. 2. 23. Whom by wicked hands ye have Crucified and slain Hanging is more then slaying It 's putting him to a base Death that is cursed of God and man and this to be inflicted on a King lineally descended of the Blood Royal the Kingly Tribe of Judah the onely man on Earth that by birth and Law had Title to the Crown of Judea was the worst that men or Devils could do Triuni Deo Gloria To the Reader THere is lately published by Mr Sam. Clarke a new piece of Lives containing the Lives of ten eminent Divines with some other private Christians the Divines being as follow Mr John Carter Mr Sam. Crook Mr John Cotton Dr Tho Hill Dr Will. Gouge Mr Tho. Gataker Mr Jeremy Whitaker and Bishop James Usher Mr Rich. Capel and Dr Rob. Harris c. There is also another piece of Mr Clarkes Newly published it being the wicked Life and wosul death of Herod the Great a stranger by nation yet by the Romans made King of the Jews Taking in also the Story of the Jews during all the time of his Reign which was about thirty seven years whereof thirty five were before the Incarnation of Christ and two after whereby much light is given to many passages in the Evangelists c. Both sold by William Miller at the Gilded Acorn near the little North door in St Pauls Church-yard Christs conception foretold Mary goes to her Cousin Elizabeth Joseph is warned not to put away his wife Joseph and Mary go to be taxed Jesus Christ is born His birth is revealed to the shepherds Christ is circumcised Wisemen come to Jerusalem Mary goes to be purified Simeon and Anna prophesie of Christ. Joseph is warned to fly into Egypt The Babes of Bethlehem are slain Joseph returns into Judea He goes to the city of Nazareth Jesus is found in the Temple His private Life John Christs forerunner John preaches and Baptizech Jesus is Baptized A manifestation of the Trinity Jesus tempted of the Devil Johns testimony of Jesus Simon named Cephas Christs first Miracle Dr Ushers Annals Jesus went to the passover He works miracles He instructed Nicodemus Johns last testimony of him Jesus went into Galilee He preaches with great applause He preaches and works miracles He heals all Diseases A great draught of Fishes A Leper healed He forgives sins He called Levi. And defends his practice He heals on the Sabbath They seek to destroy him He chooses twelve Apostles He is judged to be mad His Sermon on the Mount Raises a dead man to life Jesus his testimony of John One washed his feet Casts out a Divel He shews who are his kinsmen He teaches by Parables He calms the Tempest He casts out the Legion of Divels He answers Johns Disciples Raises Jairus's daughter Cures blind men He casts out a dumb Divel He is scorned ● His compassion to Souls He sent out his Disciples Sejanus killed at Rome John beheaded Multitudes follow Jesus He sed five thousand men c. He walked on the Sea Many go back from him He condemned their Traditions Heals the Cananitish womans daughter He heals many Feeds four thousand Denies a Sign to the Pharisees Warns his Disciples of their Leaven Who Christ was judged to be His transfiguration Heals the Lunatick Foretel's his Death and Resurrection Pays Tribute Teaches Humility Darling sins must not be spared They sought to kill him He sent out seventy Disciples He preached at the Feast And in the Temple They attempt to stone him He cures the blind man He is the Door of the sheep Of Martha and Mary He teaches the Lords Prayer Of the Queen of the South and the Ninivites He resuses to be a Judge Exhorts to Repentance Few to be saved Life to be laid down for Christ The parable of the lost sheep c. Of Dives and Lazarus Of offences The power of faith Cures ten Lepers To pray always The Pharisee and Publican Preaches and heals About Divorce He blesses little children Against Covetousness Lazarus's sickness and death Jesus raises him He foretells his sufferings He cures the blind man Calls Zacheus Ten pounds given to ten servants He rides into Jerusalem He wept over Jerusalem Children cry Hosanna A voice from heaven He curses the Fig-Tree Power of Faith Parable of the vineyard and wedding Feast They lay snares for him He proves the Resurrection Eight woes against the Pharisees The poor widows charity He foretels the de struction of the Temple and the end of the World Foretells his death And is anointed The Passover is prepared Judas the Traytor The Lords Supperinstituted He washes his Disciples feet Faith shall not fail He comforts his Disciples The Parable of the vine and branches His Divine Prayer He foretells Peters denial Jesus in his Agony He is betrayed by Judas He is sent bound to Caiphas False witnesses against him He is judged guilty of death and abused Peter denies him And Repents Jesus is sent to Pilate Pilate cleers him He is sent to Herod who abuses him Pilate again cleers him Jesus is scourged and Crowned with Thorns Pilate condemns him He is mocked Judas hangs himself Jesus carries his cross He is Crucified And mocked The good Thief He gives up the Ghost The Vail of the Temple is rent His side is pierced His Body is given to Joseph And buried His Sepulchre is sealed His Resurrection Jesus appears to Mary M. And to other Women And to two going to Emaus And to his Disciples His speeches to them Thomas his incredulity His Faith is confirmed He appeared again And again His Ascension The Promises of him to the Fathers Chrysolog His excellency His painfull Death His violent Death His slow Death 2. His shame full death 3. His cursed Death