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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13407 A godly, zealous and learned sermon vpon the 18. 19. 20. 21. verses of the 10. chap. to the Romaines. Wherein is set foorth vnto vs the greate mercy of God in the calling of the Gentiles, and his iust iudgement in the reiecting of the vnbeleeuing Iewes, & vs also, if vve vvith like obstinancie contemne his profered mercies. By Frauncis Tayler preacher of Gods word. Tayler, Francis, preacher. 1583 (1583) STC 23719; ESTC S100546 17,263 46

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vs that GOD is omnipotent and therefore must be obeied The disposition order and gouernment of these thinges doe tel vs that God is wisest and therefore wee must be content to be ruled by his lawes and statutes The woonderfull preseruing and defending of them doth let vs see that he is merciful and therefore we must trust in him The manie and straunge punishmentes which God doeth send among men whether it bee vppon their owne bodies and myndes vpon their goodes and cattayles or otherwise howsoeuer doth preach vnto vs the iustice of God and tell vs that hee must be feared And generally the inuistble things of him that is Rom. 1.20 his eternal power and godhead are seene by the creation of the world being cōsidered in his works And this it is that GOD will ceache vs when telling vs how we shal put differēce betweene the true God and false gods he ●aith Lift vp your eyes on hye Esay 40.26 behold who hath made these things and bringeth forth their armies by number calleth thē al by their names as if he should say if you wil discerne betwixt the true God your coūterfet gods if you wil learn to know the true God indeed look vpon his works the heauens the earth and al the world see in them his power wisedome mercy and iustice and learne by th●se to performe vnto him that seruice and obedience which is due But it may be said what if the Gētiles wil not Or what if any other wil not learn to confesse and feare the true God by these things what is the danger Verily the danger is this It doth make their condemnation without excuse so that nowe if they would say we could not serue the true God because we did not know him their owne conscience shall tell them that the inuisible things of god are manifested in his works for their sound went out into al the earth c. I say not that this knowledge of God by his creatures is sufficient vnto saluation for to saluation there is required suche a knowledge as doth bring faith in Christ teach vs obedience to his will and this knowledge is only by his worde but this I say that we haue by Gods creatures so much knowledge of God as is fufficient to condemne vs by very iustice if it be abused so that if the wicked would presume seeke to reuerse Gods iudgementes as vniust Psal 51.4 yet euen by this shold God be found iust in his sayinges and pure in his iudgements And least I shoulde barely affirme this as mine own opinion without proofe the Apostle Paul doth teache vs the same vse and end of this doctrine for when hee sayth that his power and godhead are knowen by the exeation of the world he addeth that it is to this intent that they shoulde be without exeuse Rom. 1.20 And to this doth agree that whiche is written in the booke of wisedome Sap. 13.8 9. They are not to be excused for if they can discerne the worlde why doe they not rather finde out the Lorde thereof I might bring this from the heathen and suche as haue no knowledge of GOD but by his creatures to our selues which haue the vse of his worde and it would very well meet with the opinion of the wieked whiche thinke to pleade ignoraunce against Gods iudgementes for when they haue no taste of gods mercies no feeling of Christ none assuraunce of their saluation by fayth thē they seeke to goe to heauen by bywayes and they will be saued forsooch by prayers to Saintes by pardons from men by treneales and such like things as insideliry hach deuised for inan vainly to flatter him selfe in and when these things are founde to be deuices of men then they must be iustified by their good works whē al other shifees faile yet at woorst they will not bee punished for they say ignorance shal excuse them but see how herein they are deceyued For if ignorance cannot ercuse those which haue none other knowledge of God then by his creatures but that their condēnation shal be without excuse muche lesse may it be an excuse to those which haue not only that sight of his creatures but also the vse of his word And that sins cōmitted of ignorance are not therefore excusable because they are done ignorantly it may thus appeare Leuit. 5.17 Num. 15.22 There were in the lawe sacrifices appointed to be offered for those sins whiche were committed of ignorance Habacuck doth pray for such sinnes Haba ● 1 And Christ himselfe doth tel vs that as well those which are blind in the knowledge of his word Mat. 15.14 as those which see shal fal into the ditch of destructiō if they continue in sinne When Paul had preached at Corinth a yeere and a halfe and had written vnto them one Epistle he sent them word in the next epistle that they shoulde not thinke it a sufficient excuse that they could say we are ignorāt but he doth tel them that if now they be ignoraunt it is a manifest proofe that Sathan doeth rule in them 2. Cor. 4.2 but for as muche saith he as we now handle the worde of God truely and for proofe thereof wee appeale to euery mans conscience in the sight of God therfore if our Gospel be now hid it is hid in them that are lost in whom the God of this world hath blinded the mynds of the Infidel●es that the light of the glorious gospell of Christ whiche is the image of God shoulde not shyne vnto them Let vs not then thinke to pleade ignorance it will not serue if the Corinthians were so farre from being excused by ignorance that it was a testimony that they were vnder the gouernment of Sathan when that Gospel had byn published among them but a small time much more shal it testifie the same vnto vs whiche haue had the Gospel preached amongst vs a great deale lōger time well then take these words as the Prophet Dauid did speak and meane thē and they teach vs thus much That the beholding of Gods creatures doth preach vnto vs the power wisedome mercy iustice of him that made them therfore nowe if we doe not acknowledge him to be God worship obey him as God we are without excuse but much more inexcusable we are if we doe not the same when we haue the word preached yea the more the word is preached amōg vs the greater more iust is our condēnation if we doe not beleeue followe the same word And thus much of these wordes vs they are to hee vnderstood in the Psalme 2 The second thing whiche I sayde was to be considered in these wordes is to what end the Apostle doth cite them And when I make difference betwixt the meaning of Dauid Paul in these wordes I meane not that there is any contradiction or contrary meaning in them but only that
A Godly zealous and learned Sermon vpon the verses of the 10. Chap. to the Romaines Wherein is set foorth vnto vs the greate mercy of God in the calling of the Gentiles and his iust iudgement in the reiecting of the vnbeleeuing Iewes vs also if we with like obstinacie contemne his profered mercies By Frauncis Tayler Preacher of Gods word ❧ Jmprinted at London by T.D. for Thomas Woodcocke 1583. Rom. 10. ver 18. BVt I demaund haue they not hearde No doubte their sounde went out through all the earth and their words into the endes of the world 19 But I demand did not Israel know God First Moses saith I will prouoke you to enuy by a natiō that is not my nation and by a foolishe nation will I anger you 20 And Esaias is bold and saith I was found of them that sought me not haue byn made manifest to them that asked not after me 21 And vnto Israel he saith all the day long haue I stretched foorth my hand vnto a disobedient and gainsaying people FRom the beginning of this Epistle but chiefly from the beginning of the 9. Chapter where the Apostle began to hādle Gods eternal predestination which is the first cause of our saluation we haue heard howe many wayes Paules aduersaries but chiefly the Iewes haue set themselues against him but aboue the rest the Iewes are greeued with that which Paule had written of the reieccing of the Iewes and calling of the Gentiles and to shewe that his doctrine heerein can not stande they examyne his last argument and thereout they gather as they thinke sufficient matter for them selues to prooue that they are not cast off from GOD nor the Gentiles chosen to bee Gods Church The last argument or reason which the Apostle hath vsed is from the beginning of the 13. verse it doth stand vpon certaine degrees and may bee layde foorth thus To serue God rightly is a testimonye of true faith to beleeue truly is a deelaration of an effectuall calling to bee called effectually doth well proue a certayne election but the Gentiles doe serue GOD aright and therefore they beleeue they beleeue and therefore are called they are called and therfore elected vnto saluation Now vppon this argument of Paule the Iewes do thinke to proue their owne election more certaine then the election of the Gētiles one thing they lay for thēselues whereupon all these degrees see downe by Paule in part doe stand and which aboue the rest doth seame to be very manifest on their side and that is this that they haue had the woorde as if they shoulde saye vnto Paule Thou wilt proue the election of the Gentiles by that they haue faith the seruice of God calling to the knowledge and grace of GOD and thou doest tell vs that all those doe come by bearing the woorde preached and why then doest thou saye that the Iewes are reietted Haue they not hearde Yes Sir the Iewes had the lawe and the vse thereof aboue fifteene hundred yeeres before it was published to the Gentiles the Iewes had Prophetes to expounde the lawe vnto them and to plant in their heartes fayth in that Sauiour which was to come the Gētiles had no prophets vnles at a time some one were sent vnto them extraordinarily The Iewes had the sauiour of the worlde borue not onely among them but of their owne flesh he did preach among thē much more then among the Gentiles yea the disciples themselues did first preach vnto the Iewes were much more careful to make Christ knowē vnto them then they were to make him knowen vnto the Gentiles For Christ himselfe being a minister of the circumcision Rom. 15.8 did at the first forbid his disciples to goe vnto the Gentiles Mat. 10.5 commanded them to goe to the lost sheepe of the house of Israel which were the Iewes which cōmandement they did wel obserue and keepe Act. 13.46 as may appeare as well by that that Paule and Barnabas do confesse they were first sent vnto the Iewes and for that cause had first preached vnto them as also by that all the Apostlee at Ierusalē were grieuously offended with Peter for that he went and preached the word to Cornelius and his family which were Gentiles Act. 11.2 thinking indeede that Peter had done a thing vnlawfull and which might not possiblye stand with Gods will and lyking To bring now that which the Iewes do obiect against Paule into few wordes thus they say in effect Where God doth send his word to be preached there God hath a Church and people whom he will call to the knowledge of his will to faith in him and to his true seruice and obedience but God hath sent his worde to be preached to the Iewes more then to the Gentiles as is proued and therefore God hath his among the Iewes rather then among the Gentiles yea and wil be knowen beleeued on serued obeyed of the Iewes rather then of the Gentiles And this argument the Iewes thinke that Paule can by no meanes auoyd but either he must deny his owne words going before to be true or els he must needes saye the Iewes haue not heard and because they suppose he wil not deny his owne woordes therefore this is the only question they aske as the Apostle himselfe in their person doth set it downe Haue they not heard Thus then we see the occasion of this obiection of the Iewes against Paul wher upon it is grounded now let vs see Pauls auswere No doubt their sosid wēt through all the earth and their wordes into the ends of the world These words are truely eited out of the Prophet Dauid Psal 19. ver 3. The wordes are two wayes to be considered First in what sense the Prophet Dauid did speake them and secondly to what end the Apostle Paule doth cite them 1 For the Prophet Dauid he going about to moue the people to a deep consideration of Gods benefits that thereby they might the better promote gods glory doth set before them the workmanship of that heauens and the world and doth cell them that the line square or proportion thereof doth set foorth vnto them the woorthines of the Creator for as much as this proportion frame is seene of all men therefore it ought to stirre vp all men to a greater setting forwarde of Gods glory this frame proportion the Grecians call a sound because the excellencie of so greate a woorke doeth preach and as it were speake in the eares of all men the knowledge of God to the better setting foorth of Gods prayse and glory So then the woordes of Dauid tell vs thus much that GOD hath set foorth the certayne gouernment preseruation and order of all the worlde to all men Iewes and Gentiles whatsoeuer to the end that in these thinges God may be knowen and glorified according to his will as for example The erection of these thinges doth teache