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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12373 Satans compassing the earth. By Henrie Smith Smith, Henry, 1550?-1591. 1592 (1592) STC 22692; ESTC S107437 17,258 55

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calleth himselfe the quier of the earth as if should brag of his liberalitie Thus he vvhich is euill it selfe doth shun the name because he would not be hated and therefore no maruell if men call euill good and would bee counted honest though they be neuer so lewd for so vvill the deuill but as God neuer called the deuill but by those names vvhich the deuil hated so he neuer calleth sinners by those names which they call themselues for if you obserue the Scripture there is no name of the deuil but in some place of Scripture or other the wicked are caled by the same name he is called a liar they are called liars he is called a tempter they are called tempters he is called a murderer they are called murderers he is called a slanderer and they are called slanderers he is called a viper they are called vipers he is called a lion they are called lions he is called a wolf and they are called vvolues he is called a serpent and they are called serpents Thus God wold they that shal be damned shoulde haue the name of him which is damned to put thē in minde Now none of the deuils names are in the booke of life and therefore liars tempters and slanderers and murderers and defamers are not therefore these are the deuils names This I note to shevv you hovv deadly God doth hate sinne that neither the deuill nor his followers coulde euer get a good name of him for all his compassing he could neuer compas this to shuffle any praise of himself into this booke of life for he doth not compasse heauen but earth though he would compas both the deuil himselfe doth tel vs here that he compasseth he telleth vs not why hee compasseth but his name Satan that went before which hee spake not of doth tell vs why he compasseth Because it signifies an aduersarie it giueth vs to vnderstande that hee compasseth the earth like an aduersarie God doth compas the earth like a wall to defend it the deuill compasseth the earth like an enemie to besiege it For enemie is his name he is enuie euen to the name Three things I note wherfore the deuill may bee saide to compasse the earth First because hee tempteth all men Secondly because hee tempteth to all sinnes Thirdly because he tempteth by all meanes So that whosoeuer sinneth wherein soeuer he offendeth whereby so euer hee is allured the sin and the sinner and the baite are compassed and contriued by this Archpolitique which calles himselfe a Compasser Many haue their names for naught because they doe nothing for them like Labans images which were called Gods though they were but blocks but the deuill deserues his names he is not called a tempter and a lyer and a slaunderer and an accuser and a deceiuer and a murtherer and a compasser in vaine like Saint George which is alwaies on horse-backe and neuer rides but hee would doe more then by his office hee is bound to Other are called officers because they haue an office but hee is called enemie because he sheweth his enuie Other are called Iusticers because they should doe iustice but hee is called a tempter because he practiseth temptations Other are called pastors because they should feede but he is called a deuourer because he doth deuour and we call him a Compasser because that he doth compasse Euer since hee fell from heauen hee hath liued like Cain which cannot rest in a place but is a runnagate ouer the earth from dore to dore from man to man begging for sinnes as the starued soule begges for bread He wold haue dwelt in heauen and not been compassing the earth he should haue sung with the Angels not bin quareling with mē but he hath changed his calling is become a cōpasser that is to laie fetters vpō men as God hath fettered him left they should ascend to the place from whence he is fallen Therefore in this the Lier spake trueth when he said I come from compassing the earth as if he shoulde say to God I come from the slaughter of thy seruants not to aske forgeuenes for all the soules which he hath slaine alredie but to get a commission that God would make him knight Marshal ouer the world to slay and kil as many as he hated like the bramble which sette it selfe on fire first and then fiered all the wood Peter describing the deuils walke saith that he goeth about The deuil saith that he goeth a compassing Peter puts in seeking whom he may deuour the deuil leaues out deuour and sayth no more but that he compasseth This circular walke is particular to the deuill and therefore may be called the deuils circuite All other creatures goe forward but the diuil goeth about which may well be applied to the craftie deuil because to goe about is commonly taken to vndermine when he meaneth he wil destroy you then we say he will compasse you so when the deuil compasseth then beware least he deuoure For the deuill goeth about men as the Fowler goeth about the larke to snare her as the thief goeth about the house to robbe it as the iuie goeth about the oake to kil it The deuils walk is a siege which goeth about but to find an issue to goe in for he goeth about but vntill he can gette in to be a possessor He is content to be a compasser The first name the deuill hath in Scripture is a Serpent he is a Serpent and so are his waies like a serpent which windeth himselfe like a circle As God is said to make an hedge about men so here the deuill is saide to make an hedge about men but this is an hedge of temptations and that is an hedge against temptations As Dauid saith the Angels compasse vs so might he say the deuils compasse vs. Satan compasseth and man is compassed Satan is like the circumference and man is as it were the Centre that is temptations goe round about him and hee dwelleth in the middest of them Thus much of Compassing now what hee doeth compasse I come from Compassing the Earth This is the diuils pilgrimage from one end of the earth to the other and then to the other againe and then backe againe like a wandering Marchant which seeketh his trafficke where hee can speede cheapest I haue hearde of some trauellers which haue gon about the earth but I neuer heard of any that had seene all partes of the earth but this olde Pilgrime Satan which hath beene in heauen and in Paradise and in the earth and in the sea and in hell and yet hath not done his walke but like the Sunne which courseth about the earth euerie day so there is no day but Satan seeth euerie man vpon earth as a compasse hath no end so he makes no ende of compassing Because hee is such a compasser of the world therefore Paul calleth him The God of this worlde not a peece of the worlde as
SATANS COMPASSING THE EARTH BY HENRIE SMITH LONDON Imprinted by Thomas Scarlet 1592. Iob. 1.7.8 7 Then the Lord said vnto Satan Whence commest thou And Satan answered the Lord saying From compassing the earth to and fro and from walking in it 8 And the Lord said vnto Satan Hast thou not considered my seruant Iob how none is like him in the earth an vpright man one that feareth God and eschueth euill I Haue spoken of the question alredie now of the answere Compassing heere doth signifie tempting the Earth doth signifie all the people of the earth as if he should saie I come from tempting all men It is some vantage vnto vs to heare that the Spaniards are comming before they come and what number they haue and how they are appoynted that wee may leuie our forces accordingly But beloued there is a greater aduersarie then the Spaniarde which brings in the Spaniards your aduersarie the deuill It is good for vs to heare when he comes that wee may bee in a readines against him as we prepare against them Therefore this Scripture and this time accord well In Reuelation 12.10 the deuill is called an accuser and now I am an accuser of the accuser he accuseth vs to God God accuseth him to vs that when hee comes like an angell yet wee may say to him like Christ Auoide Satan First geue me leaue to say vnto you as Christ said vnto his disciples Take heed how you heare for that which I am to speake vnto you of the deuill the deuill would not haue you heare and therefore as hee is here called a Compasser so hee will compasse your eyes with shewes and your eares with soundes and your sences with sleepe and your thoughtes with fansies and all to hinder you from hearing while the articles are against him and after I haue spoken hee will compasse you againe with businesse and cares and pleasures and quarrels to make you forget that which you haue heard as hee hath made you forgette that which ye haue heard before or els to contemne it as though you might doe well without it as hee hath compassed them which doe walke in the streetes while the voice of God soundeth in the Churches as they passe by therefore before euerie Sermon yee had neede to remember Christes lesson Take heed how you heare Now to the matter Satan from whence commest thou I come from compassing the earth Here the deuill is called in like a Iayler which keepes some in perpetuall prison and some are bailed and some returne to prison againe and some are executed They which sinne fearefullie stay as it were about the Prison but are not bounde they which sinne wittinglie are vnder lock they which sinne greedely are vnder locke and boltes they which die in their sin are like them which are condemned this is the bondage which we haue brought our selues vnto for a fair apple When the tempter ouercame vs we vvere remoued out of paradise where we were seated when wee haue ouercome the tempter wee shall bee translated into heauen where hee was seated heauen dore was wide and the vvaie vvas broade before the rebellion but when weeknockt at the cannell doore then the good doore was shutte heauen is large but the vvaie to heauen muste bee narrovve therefore God hath set our enemies in the gate to fight vvith vs before wee enter that this saying might be verified The kingdome of heauen is caught by violence so soone as vve rise in the morning vvee goe forth to fight vvith tvvo mightie giants the vvorld and the deuill and vvhom doe vvee take vvith v● but a traitor this brittle flesh vvhich i● readie to yeeld vs vp to the enimie at euerie assault onely he vvhich sufferet● Satan to compasse vs doeth staie him from destroying vs. When God asked Caine vvhere is thy brother Caine lyed and said I cannot tell When God asked Sarah vvhy she laughed Sarah lied and said I laughed not but vvhen God asked the deuil from whence he came hee aunsvvered truely I come from compassing the earth and yet hee vvhich speaketh truth himselfe taught them to lie as hee is called the father of liers because hee teacheth all others to lie Hovve then Was Caine vvorse then the deuill because he lied and the other tolde truth By this you may see that carnall men doe not knovv so much of God as the verie deuill knovveth for he knevv that GOD could tell vvhere he had bin but Caine doubted vvhether God could tel what he had done and therefore he made a lie Thus thus the deuill teacheth his schollers to doe worse sometimes then hee will do himselfe euen as he would bring them if it were possible into a worse plight then he is himselfe The deuils faith cannot saue vs no more then it can saue him the deuils knowledge cannot conuert vs no more then it doth conuert him and yet he would not haue men beleeue that which he beleeueth himselfe nor haue vs vnderstand so much as he vnderstandeth him self for if Cain had vnderstood so much as he that God knew whether hee lied or no hee would haue answered God trulie as Satan did but the deuill knew that there was no dissembling with God who knowes what he asks before he asks therfore he told troth to God though hee lie to man for to lie vnto him which knoweth is as if one should lie to himselfe but Caine was not so wel learned he thought peraduenture yet God might vnderstand his murther as a theese suspecteth in his heart that the iudge may know his theft but he douted whether God did know it therefore he denied it like one which is guiltie but thinkes that if hee confesse hee shal be hanged and therfore though euidence and witnesse accuse them yet you see many which will not accuse themselues From compassing the earth He which was called Satan before which signifieth an aduersary is here said to compas the earth which is to saie beeing put together an aduersarie compasseth the earth and therfore let the earth beware like a Citie which is besieged with the aduersarie The deuill hath mo names then anie Prince hath titles some GOD hath giuen to him and some hee hath giuen to himselfe but this is to be noted in the deuils names that hee neuer called himself a lier nor a tempter nor an accuser nor a slanderer nor a deceiuer nor a deuourer nor a murderer nor a master nor an aduersarie nor a viper nor a lion nor a dragon nor a wolfe nor a cockatrice nor a serpent But when Christ asked him his name hee calleth himselfe Legion which importes a multitude as if hee shoulde bragge of his number and here he cals himselfe in effect the compasser of the earth as if he should brag of his power And in the fourth Chapter of Luke sixt verse hee calleth himselfe the possesser of the earth as if hee should brag of his possessions and in the same hee