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A09649 A comfortable treatise vpon the latter part of the fourth chapiter of the first Epistle of Saint Peter, from the twelfe verse to the ende. By O. Pigge. Seene and alowed; Comfortable treatise upon the latter part of the fourth chapiter of the first Epistle of Saint Peter, from the twelfe verse to the ende. Pigg, Oliver, b. ca. 1551.; Fielde, John, d. 1588. 1582 (1582) STC 19915; ESTC S106422 38,659 87

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sentence he deliuereth two arguments of great force whereby he laboureth to persuade the reioy sing mentioned The first is drawen from the example of Christ to whose image we should desire to be conformed because we were thereunto predestinate the next is from the rewarde that we shall haue at such time as Iesus Christ shall appeare the second time in glory For the first his meaning is that whensoeuer we be afflicted for righteousnesse sake it is no otherwise with vs then it was with Christ our Lorde our king our head and sauiour before He was baptised with this baptisme and he beganne of this cup vnto vs. If we be rayled vpon hee was charged to be a glutton a Samaritane an enemye to Cesar and to worke by the deuil If men desire to haue vs out of their companies countries so was hee dealt with all by the Gergesenes If we be put to our shiftes to flye from place to place for our own safety he was so before vs. If some of our friendes whom we trust doe betray vs so did Iudas to our Lord. If we be arraigned before the indgemente seates of princes if there wee bee skoffed and mocked at beaten with roddes and condemned to death was not this also the portion of the son of God If we be thought the worst men vppon the earth more daungerous and hurtfull to the common wealth then any others we know that Barrabas was preferred before the Lord of life This is therefore a certeine trueth that Iesus Christe hath gone this way before us And Cranmer in those manifold disgracings about his disgrading y e man whom Bonner scourged in his garden and all the martyrs in their torments were nothing els but his companions Now this shoulde be sufficient to comfort vs in all our troubles and to cause vs most ioyfully to endure the same It is an olde saying it is comfort to the wretched to haue companions in their miseries howe comfortable then should it be vnto vs seing Iesus Christ tooke part with vs When Vriah by Dauids commandement was sent to the court and by the king himselfe willed to goe to his wife to his owne house to take his ease he refused it chose rather to sleepe at the pallace dore with the rest of the kings seruants And being demaunded the reason by Dauid of his so doing he answered that it was vnequall and vncomly for him to be at rest in his bedde in the house when Ioab his Lord lay in the fields The valiant couragious souldier thought it a matter of delight vnto him to endure hardnes with his captein and the greatest dishonour that coulde be to doe otherwise How much more ought we to reioyce in all our extremities seeing in them we do after a sort drinke of one cup with Christ and as it were draw in one yoke with him It had beene sufficient to cheare vs if Peter had said as our Lord spake before in the gospel of Mathew so persecuted they y e prophetes which were before you But when he telleth vs that persecution and affliction was the portion of the sonne of God it is an instruction to patience and a comfort in trouble free from all chalenge exception and speaking against If the prince shoulde say vnto vs or any other subiect you must do somwhat for me which the L. Chanceller the rest of my priuye counsell haue done before you surely the thing beeing good though neuer so painfull we ought to yeeld vnto it But if the prince shoulde say mine only sonne and heire or mine owne selfe haue borne this brunt already how coulde we challenge the prince of any hard measure offered vnto vs and how beastly faint hearted and cowardly shoulde wee be to refuse it Therefore to end this matter let vs be patient in all our afflictions and reioice in the same seeing therin we be partakers with Iesus Christe the sonne of God and our true soueraigne and euerlasting king For as the wood cast into the bitter waters at Marah made them sweet to the children of Israel so Iesus Christe being throwen into the sea of afflictions hath made them most sweete to so many as beleeue in him The second reason is the recompence promised vnto such as with Iesus Chrste suffer afflictions for a good conscience When his glory shall appeare sayth the apostle then shal you reioice and leap for ioy For y e word seemeth to signifie so much His meaning is y t the ioy of Gods children shall be perfect then wheras now by reason of our corruption mortality it is mingled with much heauinesse and sorrowe But we must note that this shalbe at such time as Christ appeareth agayne in his maiesty Whiche glorious manifestation of himselfe is opposed or set againste that base condition of his which he was in here vpon the earth in the sight iudgement of men For as he is nowe in perfect glory euen in respect of his humanity although the worlde neither see it nor beleeue it so when the day commeth wherein the father hath appointed by him to iudge the earth he shall appeare most glorious and excellent as he is with millions of Angelles attending vpon him sitting vppon his throue of maiesty so as from his face the heauen and earth shal flye away and all the vngodly of the world shal runne into caues to hide them shall call for mounteines to fall vpon them y t so if it were possible they mighte not come into his presence The apostle telleth vs that at that time we shall lift vp our heads and reioyce all teares being for euer wiped away from our eyes because after that wee shall neuer more haue any occasion of sorrowe For so we be taught by Sanct Paul in other places That if wee dye with Christ we shall reigne with him and if we suffer with him we shall reigne with him if we be partakers with him of his shame we shall also communicate with him in his glory Now this reason should be of grea● force with vs. Wee see naturall men ver● well contented to endure some hardnesse and paynes with the Sonnes of mortall men that bee of honour and wealth during the time of their mynormitye because when they come to their landes they hope for some preferment from them And to bee in greate straightes in a straunge Countrye with the kinges sonne who woulde not be gladde for a time especiallye hauing certeynty of their returne into their owne Lande and vndoubted promise to be preferred then with the prince Let vs therefore reioice in the middest of all our tentations when Iesus Christ shall restore al things and come agayn to declare his authority in iudgeing all flesh al our mourning shall be turned into ioy and our shame into honour The hope of a moste blessed and happye estate at that time muste make vs comfortable in all oure
S. Paul setteth it downe for a principle vnto Timothie that all suche as will liue godly in Christ Iesus must suffer persecution The trueth of this we haue heard before and each man which knoweth any thing of himselfe and the Church of God as hee ought to knowe doeth vnderstande and beleeue it Nowe this beeing proued true by continual experience can the Lord be iust thus to chastise and keepe in heauinesse his faythful seruants except in time most fearefull vengeance light vppon the sinners shal not the iudge of all the world doe right Yes verily For this doth certeinely preach vnto vs and cryeth as lowd in our ears as al the teachers in the world that there shall bee a iudgement when all things shal be brought in good order when the godly shal cease from all their sorrowe and the wicked shall drinke the full cup of Gods wrath Therefore as Iesus Christe saide of himselfe so may it be spoken of all the children of God for euer if they do these things to a green tree that is fruitful what shalbe done to the drie and barren And if the righteous be not saued but through so many afflictions howe miserable muste the condition of the sinner be If Abraham rested not in peace til he had a great while wandred as a stranger from place to place was pinched with famine driuen to denie his wife to striue for water and commaunded to be a butcher of that sonne in whome the hope of his saluation rested If Iacob ended not his pilgrimage to passe into glory till first hee was constrained to flee for feare of his owne brother to lye all night in the broade fielde with a stone vnder his head for a pillowe to serue seuen yeres for one wife seuen for another vnder an vnciuill and barbarous vncle to abide manifold stirres discords in his house between his wiues to bee checked by Labans children to be deceiued by their father to haue his owne daughter rauished his sonnes Simeon and Leuie to commit most horrible murther to haue one of his wiues abused by his owne sonne his dearling Ioseph torne in pieces of wilde beastes as he was brought to beleeue and in his olde age to be vexed with hungre O Lord what shal be the ende of the vngodly If the Prophets in their time If Iesus Christ himself the Lord of glory his holy Apostles indured the displeasure of princes imprisonments in myerie dungeons buffetings whippings scornings sawing asunder crucifying stoning and beheading before they were glorified O howe miserable shall the portion be of the sinner It the most famous witnesses of Iesus Christe Hierome of Prage Iohn Husse VVickliffe Cranmer Latimer Hooper Ridley Philpot Bradforde the Shatillion of Fraunce Bucer Paulus Fagius and the rest entered not into heauen till they were firste imprisoned mocked dragged through the streates scorched and their fleshe with fire consumed vnto asshes If the last two coulde not bee glorified in their bodies till first they were taken vp beeing dead and their bones burnt If so straunge a kinde of manacle was Cuthbearde Simpsons Ladder into heauen Is any tong able to expresse or any heart able to conceiue the height depth of the miseries prepared for the wicked and all the enemies of the Church although for a time in this worlde they prosper and haue peace If such as haue liued without all blame before men or for a time hauing gone out of the way doe afterward vnfeynedly repent and become as zealous in Gods matters as they haue bin forward in corrupt● 〈◊〉 and declare as great a detestation of 〈◊〉 ●●ines in themselues and others as euer they shewed liking of the same yet for all that in this life indure extreeme pouertie as did Lazarus be plunged in the gul●e of all outward miseries as was Iob who scraped the filth from his bodie with a po●sherd and was euen loathed of his owne wife be pressed with such agonies of the soule as no tongue can vtter as was that Iob Dauid and others insomuch as they refuse all comfort of meate spende many nightes without sleepe flee the companie of men feare euery thing that they see the earth lest it should take them downe quicke the heauens lest they should fall and crushe them to pieces and all creatures because they see nothing but horror in them Moreouer be troubled with straunge visions and dreames bee brought merueilous low in their bodies their bones weakened their fleshe consumed and their eyes sunke in their head that when it is euening they say would God it were morning and when it is morning they say would God it were euening And that which is the depth of all miserie haue their sinnes committed by them since they had any vnderstanding at one time brought to their remembrance all comfort concerning hope of remission so taken away because they can see nothing in God but an angrie iudge that in the end they breake out into these most lamentable speeches woe is me poore caytife that euer I was born curssed be the houre wherein I was conceiued and the day wherein I first faw the sunne O that God had made me a Serpente to licke the duste vpon the earth or a toade to creepe vpon the ground so shuld my misery haue ended at my death But now alasse I know it shal be mine entrance tnto eternall paines hell is my portion and there I must remaine for euer I am most sure of it Comfort you not me my friends the promises of God belong to you and to his elect there is no mercie for me I haue so grieuously offended I feele my selfe destitute of all markes of Gods childe and I was a reprobate from before the beginning If for a time suche bee thus cast downe peraduenture throwne into greater miseries then any of these rehersed that no comforts be able to rayse vp their tyred soules but eyther yet wrastling with sathan and dispaire or els ouercome by them bee pressed out of al measure And notwithstanding all these recouer afterwards casting away all horror doubting and slauish sea●e by their fayth mounte aboue the heauens where they see their Sauiour whome their soule hath longed after sitting at the right hand of God so as they bewayle their former vnbeliefe lament those speeches of dispaire be throughly perswaded of the remission of all their sinnes haue certeine hope of eternall life become so comfortable in Gods promises that by his grace they bee able to rayse vp such as doubt and feare finally leaue behinde them vndouted proofs of the elect of God that to all such as haue iudgement and vnderstanding they appear plainely to haue bin sealed vp vnto eternall life from the beginning Can it otherwise be but that there are vnspeakable torments after this life appointed to such as make a sport of sinne neuer turne to God and dye without
troubles insomuche as in respecte of it they shoulde seeme easy and nothing vnto vs. And this may bee the reason why hope is compared to an Helmet because as men hauing a good Helmette vppon their heades doe not feele anye smarte by verye greate blowes giuen there so the hope of eternall life shoulde cause vs not to feele as it were the afflictions of this present We see the husbandman how he comforteth him selfe in all his paynfull trauell about manuring tilling sowing and weeding his grounde onely with the hope of recompence a good while after in the haruest time And the souldier setteth light by the cold in winter the heate in somner his lying vppon the ground his hunger his grosse diet and his woundes because he hath an eye to the end of the battel the victory the spoil the praise of his capteyne the return into his country with honour Now what is all the pelfe of this earth beeing compared with the kingdome of God what is the vic●ory againste men in respect of the triumph against sinne and Sathan and what is the spoile of tents to the ritches of heauen and what is the prayse of men to the commendation of of the Lorde saying vnto vs O good and faithful seruant enter into the ioy of thy master seing therfore al these things shall come vnto vs if we patiently suffer afflictions for wel doing there is good reason why we should embrace the counsell of the Apostle and in our greatest miseries reioyce our selues in the hope of that glory that in the worlde to come shall be powred vpon vs. It followeth If you be railed vppon in the name of Christ c. By y e name of Christ he vnderstandeth the doctrine of Christ as S. Paule in y e same speech expoundeth the meaning of y e holy ghost in another place Where name and doctrine b●ing mentioned the latter is set downe as the interpretaion of the first There is good reason of the speach because as the name of euery thing declareth what the thing is so the doctrine of Christ doth set forth and as it were painte him out vnto vs. Saint Peter here speaketh of one particular kinde of persecution consisting in euill and opprobrious wordes whiche although worldly men think no great matter so long as they proceede not to imprisonment fire and sworde yet the spirit of God in this place giueth it no better title agreeing with saint Paul in his epistle to the Galathians wheras it is apparāt in y e history that Isaack was but mocked of Ismael If therfore thou wilt not be counted a persecuter secuter of the church and seruants of God looke well to thy toung that it spue forth no taunting nor reprochfull words against the professors of the trueth if thou doe the sentence against them is penned already thou art branded in the cheeke with the note of a persecuter And how odious this thing is in the sight of God how slenderly soeuer thou account of it may appeare in the hystory that we reade of in the seconde booke of the Kings Two and forty little children were miraculously destrOyed with Beares for mocking the Prophet of God calling him baldhead and thinkest thou to escape vengeance if thou be a rayler vpon the seruants of God the extraordinarye punishment after so strange a manner vpon yong children that might seeme to offend rather of wantonnesse then vpon any set purpose declareth howe the Lorde misliketh of the like dealings by such as be of riper yeers whose fault must needs be y e greter The instructiō is profitable against the mockers at all times Now the apostle seemeth to speake of this kind of crosse rather then any other because it doth inseperably alwaies waite vpon the profession of y e gospel insomuch as in y e gretest peace liberty of the church it is not free from y e same For euen in those kingdomes where the trueth is receiued by the prince established by lawes so as open tirranie is restrained yet no man in any calling or conditiō can walke vprightly before the Lord but he offreth himselfe to harde speaches checks taunts reproches The practise of our owne time proueth it wherin pestelent toungs of professed popish enimies powre out their vennom by giuing y e sound professors of religion the loyall subiects to her maiestie y e names of prescisians puritans hot of the spirit familie of loue disobedient subiects confounding names multiplying their scoffes not knowing y e good faithful protestants are as farre from these heresies as they are from truth or honesty seeing therefore it is a thing y t doth ordinarily fall out y e holy ghost in this place prouideth wel for our infirmity in ministring vnto vs so great comfort against the same You are blessed saith Peter if you be rayled vpon for the name of Christ according to that speach of our Lord Blessed shall you be when men hate you and separate you and rayle vpon you and put out your 〈◊〉 as euil for the sonne of mans sake Reioyce and be glad in that day for behold great is your reward in heauen A naturall man whose iudgement is corrupt seeth notblessednes in this condition neither can he possibly conceiue how we should be happy in the middest of the shame and reproches which happen vnto vs when we be mocked and tannted for righteousnes sake Nay he is of an opinion clean contrary imagining those to be happie of whom all men speake well and therefore he laboreth to keepe an euen hande and to displease neither side whereas Christ sayth woe vnto you when all men speake well of you Thus the naturall man being led by his owne reason and sense pronounceth them accursed whome the Lord doth blesse them blessed whom the Lorde doth curse But let it suffize vs that he hath spoken it which is holy true let vs patiently wait for the performaunce of his promise And seeing he saith that we be happy notwithstanding all the railings and speakings against of our enemies let vs according to the sayings of the Apostle through honoure and dish●●●●r thorough good report and euill rep●●● 〈◊〉 forward to finish the worke whereunto he hath called vs. It followeth For the spirite of glory and of God resteth vpon you Lest the Apostle should seeme to affirme any thing without good proof here h●e rendreth a reason of that which hee had saide before namely that it cannot otherwise be but such are happie that be railed vppon for the name of Christ because the spirit of glory of God resteth vpon them His meaning is that it is a most certeine euidence and demonstration of the spirit of God which is always accompanied w t glory dwelling within vs when we patiently indure persecutions for the words sake holde on our scincere profession notwithstanding all the mockings of our enemies It may
repentantaunce although in this world they abound with all health wealth and prosperitie let vs therefore reioyce in all our afflictions wherein we take part with all the seruauntes of God and let vs not be offended at the prosperity of the vngodly the time will come when wee shall haue comforte when they shalbe tormented For so doth it stande with the trueth iustice of God according to that which Abraham sayd to the rich man in hell sonne remember that thou in thy lyfe time receyuedst thy pleasures and likewise Lazarus paines now therefore is he comforted thou art tormented If followeth Therefore let them that suffer according to the wil of God commit their soules to him in wel doing as vnto a faithful Creator This is the conclusion of the whole treatise as thoughe hee shoulde haue sayde on this wise sith the afflicting of the churche is no newe thing sith it is a meane to trye the good from the bad and to make them better in whome there is by the grace of God some goodnes sith in all sufferings it is a partaker with Iesus Christ shall reioyce with him when he appeareth againe in glory sith we be happy when we be railed vpon in the name Christe because the ●pirite of God of glory resteth vpon vs sith we suffer not as euill doers but as christians so haue no cause to bee ashamed sith the time is now wherein the Lord wil scourge his owne house and hereafter will most seuerely proceede agaynst the wicked although he spare them for a time Let vs continue in well doing and committe oure selues to him that is faithfull and able to keepe that whiche wee trust him with There is yet another cōfort for vs in this verse that we heard not before and that is where he telleth vs that we be not afflicted by the will and pleasure of men but onelye at the pleasure appointment of the Lord. To proue this point of doctrine I shall not need to labour much the truthe of it should soone be granted if we knew what we sayd in this confession I beleeue in God the father almighty maker of heauen and earth For what is this else but to ascribe such a souereigne power vnto God that nothing is done nor can be done in heauen earth or hell but that onely which he determineth appointeth The diuel himselfe coulde not sturre one foote forward to hurt Iob in his cattel children or himselfe till the Lorde from heauen had first sayd goe Nay the legion of Deuils coulde not touche one of the Gadarenes swine til the Lorde Iesus had first giuen them licence And shal we think that mortall men whose malice againste the hurch is not so deadly nor their power so great can so much as lift vp a finger to pul a hair frō the faces of any of Gods children till first the Lord haue taken order for the matter wee be deceiued greatly detogate from the maiesty of the almighty if we once imagine any such thing Whereupon Nabucadonizer in the middest of all his malice to the Iews the church of God is termed the Lordes seruaunt because in deede as an hangman or executioner he did nothing else but that which hee had determined Although the sinne of the king was in this behalfe great because his purpose was not to doe the will of the Lord but to satisfie his owne proude and cruell affections So is Ashur y e king of Assiria called the rod of God And to this purpose it is said in the acts that Poncius Pilate and the Iewes in condemning and crucifying the sonne of God did that which the father before had appointed Insomuch as it may be truely concluded that the deuill and all the wicked of the earth in their extreamest rage against the saints do nothing else but the will of God although they know it not neither do it to any such intēt sith they wholy oppose themselues against his maiesty And yet the Lorde must not be charged to be the author of euill for the self same fact I mean the troubling of the church in respect of God and his purpose therein is holy glorious righteous full of mercy and to the great good of his seruaunts which neuerthelesse in respect of the instruments by whome God worketh it is wicked vniust full of cruelty and intended to the hurt of his children But inough of this common place that the enemies of the faythful be nothing els but the Lords rods wherewith he exerciseth his people and that of themselues they can do no more then a rod or a whippe out of the hand of the smiter Now this teacheth vs not to fear the faces of the vngodly nor to be dismaid at their threates the Lorde appointeth them certaine bondes beyonde the which they can not passe the bredth of an haire And this offreth vnto vs great comfort For what childe that is wise and hath vnderstanding doeth not reioyse in the correction of his father sith being perswaded of his fatherly and tender affection he is out of doubt that it is well meant and shall turne to his good Seing then the Lord is our Father his compassion ouer vs passeth the kindnes of a mother toward the infant sucking vpon her brest Let vs be comfortable in all our afflictions sith they come from him and fall vpon vs according to his will And that we maye haue to cheare vs in all our distresses let vs seriosly meditate vpon this one thing the Lorde sendeth them After which consideration it by the testimonye of the spirite crying in our hearts Abba father the sanctification of our liues we can perswade our selues that we be his children y e present smart shall not quail vs because of the fruit of righteousnes following after it must needs turne to our best because it commeth from our father Thus much of these words of y e apostle Let so many as bee afflicted according to the will of God c. His conclusion is that in all well doing we commende our soules vnto God that hath made them For as wee haue before in the time of our peace declared some rare of pleasing God and doing his will so is it our dueties to continue in our afflictions and not for them to take any libertie to doe euill And therefore wee must not murmure against the Lorde as though he dealte hardly with vs wee muste not bee fainthearted to denie his trueth we muste not be bitter to our enemies in curssing of them and rewarding them as they deale with vs but with all patience weekenesse gentlenes courage forgiuing of our aduersaries and praying for them constantly to endure whatsoeuer the Lorde will trie vs with according to the precepts of the scriptures the example of Dauid Christ himselfe Stephen and the rest of the holy martyrs which blessed their persecuters and in the