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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07074 The malcontent. Augmented by Marston. With the additions played by the Kings Maiesties servants. Written by Ihon Webster. 1604 Marston, John, 1575?-1634.; Webster, John, 1580?-1625? 1604 (1604) STC 17481; ESTC S112291 43,813 74

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but for a spurt or so Fer. For maintenance Maq. Aduancement and regard Aur. O villaine O impudent Mendoza Maq. Nay he is the rustiest jade the fowlest mouthd knaue in railing against our sex he will raile against women Aur. How how Maq. I am asham'd to speak 't I. Aur. I loue to hate him speake Maq. Why when Emillia scornde his base vnsteddines the blacke throated rascall scoulded and sayde Aur. What Maq. Troth t' is too shamelesse Aur. What said hee Maq. Why that at foure women were fooles at fouret●●●e drabbes at fortie baudes at fourescore witches and a hundred cattes Aur. O vnlimitable impudencie Fer. But as for poore Fernezes fixed heart Was neuer shadelesse meadow drier parcht Vnder the scortching heate of heauens dog Then is my heart with your inforcing eyes Maq. A hote simile Fer. Your smiles haue beene my heauen your frownes my hell O pittie then G●ace should with beautie dwell Maq. Reasonable perfect bir-lady Aur. I will loue thee be it but in despight Of that Mendoza witch Ferneze witch Ferneze thou art the Dutches fauorite Be faithfull priuate but t is dangerous Fer. His loue is liuelesse that for loue feares breath The worst that 's due to sinne O would t' were death Aur. Enioy my fauour I will be sicke instantly take phisick Therefore in deapth of night visite Maq. Visite her chamber but conditionally you shall not offend her bed By this diamond Fer. By this diamond Giues it to Maquerelle Maq. Nor tarry longer than you please By this ruby Fer. By this ruby Giues againe Maq. And that the doore shall not creake Fer. And that the doore shall not creake Mal Nay but sweare Fer. By this purse Giues her his purse Maq. Go to I le keepe your oathes for you remember visit Enter Mendoza reading a sonnet Aur. Dri'd bisquet looke where the base wretch comes Men Beauties life heauens modell loues Queene Maq. That 's his Aemilia Men. Natures triumph best on earth Maq Meaning Aemilia Men. Thou onely wonder that the world hath seene Maq. That 's Aemilia Aur Must I then heare her praisde Mendoza Men Madam your excellency is gratiously incountred I haue beene writing passionate flashes in honor of Exit Fer. Aur Out villaine villaine O iudgement where haue beene my eyes what bewitched election made me dote on thee what sorcery made me loue thee but be gone bury thy head O that I could do more then loathe thee hence worst of ill No reason aske our reason is our will Exit with Maquerelle Men Women nay furies nay worse for they torment onely the bad but women good and bad Damnation of mankinde breath hast thou praisde them for this And i st you Ferneze are wrigled into smocke grace sit sure O that I could raile against these monsters in nature modells of hell curse of the earth women that dare attempt any thing and what they attempt they care not how they accomplish without all premeditation or preuention rash in asking desperate in working impatient in suffering extreame in desiring slaues vnto appetite mistrisses in dissembling only constant in vnconstancie onely perfect in counterfaiting their wordes are fained their eyes forged their sights dissembled their lookes counterfait their haire false their giuen hopes deceitfull their very breath artificiall Their blood is their onely God Bad clothes and old age are onely the diuells they tremble at That I could raile now SCENA SEPTIMA Enter Pietro his sword drawne Pie A mischiefe fill thy throate thou fowle iaw'd slaue● Say thy praiers Men I ha forgot vm Pie Thou shalt die Men So shalt thou I am heart mad Pie I am horne mad Men Extreame mad Pie Monstrously mad Men Why Pie Why thou thou hast dishonoured my bed Men I come come sit heere 's my bare heart to thee As steddy as is this centre to the glorious world And yet harke thou art a Cornuto but by me Pie Yes slaue by thee Men Do not do not with tart and spleenefull breath Loose him can loose thee I offend my Duke Beare record O ye dumbe and raw-ayrde nights How vigilant my sleepelesse eyes haue beene To watch the traitour record thou spirit of truth With what debasement I ha throwne my selfe To vnder offices onely to learne The truth the party time the meanes the place By whom and when and where thou wert disgrac'd And am I paid with slaue hath my intrusion To places priuate and prohibited Onely to obserue the closer passages Heauen knowes with vowes of reuelation Made me suspected made me deemd a villaine What rogue hath wronged vs Pie Mendoza I may erre Men Erre t is too milde a name but erre and erre Runne giddy with suspect for through me thou know That which most creatures saue thy selfe do know Nay since my seruice hath so loath'd reiect Fore I le reueale shalt finde them clipt together Pie Mendoza Thou know'st I am a most plaine breasted man Men. The fitter to make a cuckolde would your browes were most plaine too Pie Tell me indeede I heard thee raile Men. At women true why what cold fleame could choose Knowing a Lord so honest vertuous So boundlesse loving bounteous faire-shapt sweete To be contemn'd abusde defamde made cuckolo Hart I hate all women for 't sweete sheetes waxe lightes antique bed●postes cambricke smocks villanous curtai●es arras pictures oy●de hinges and all the tongue-tide lasciuious witnesses of great creatures wantonnesse what saluation can you expect Pie Wilt thou tell me Men. Why you may find it your selfe obserue obserue Piet. I ha not the patience wilt thou deserue me tell giue it Men. Tak 't why Ferneze is the man Ferneze I le proou 't this night you shall take him in your sheetes wilt serue Pie It will my bozom's in some peace till night Men. What Pie Farewell Men. God! how weake a Lord are you Why do you thinke there is no more but so Pie Why Men. Nay then will I presume to counsell you It should be thus you with some guard vpon the suddaine Breake into the Princes chamber I stay behinde Without the doore through which he needs must passe Ferneze flies let him to me he comes hee 's kild By me obserue by me you follow I raile And seeme to saue the bodie Dutches comes On whom respecting her aduanced birth And your faire nature I know nay I do know No violence must be vsed She comes I storme I praise excuse Ferneze and still maintaine The Dutches honor she for this loues me I honour you shall know her soule you mine Then naught shall she contriue in vengeance As women are most thoughtfull in reuenge Of her Ferneze but you shall sooner know 't Then she can think 't Thus shall his death come sure Your Dutches braine-caught so your life secure Pie It is too well my bozome and my heart When nothing helpes cut off the rotten part Exit Men. Who cannot faine friendship can nere produce the effects of hatred Honest foole Duke subtile
Soule lurke in shades run shame from brightsome skies In night the blinde man misseth not his eyes exit Mal. Doe not weepe kinde cuckolde take comfort man thy betters haue beene Beccoes Agamemnon Emperour of all the merry Greekes that tickeled all the true Troyans was a Cornuto Prince Arthur that cut off twelue Kings beardes was a Cornuto Hercules whose backe bore vp heauen and got forty wenches with childe in one night Pietro Nay t was fifty Maleu. Faith fortie 's enow a conscience yet was a Corn●to patience mischiefe growes prowde be wise Pietro Thou pinchest too deepe arte too keene vpon me Mal. Tut a pittifull Surgeon makes a dangerous sore I le tent thee to the ground Thinkest I le sustaine my selfe by flattering thee because thou art a Prince I had rather followe a drunkard and hue by licking vp his vomite than by seruile flattery Pietro Yet great men ha doon't Mal. Gr●at slaues feare better than loue borne naturally for a coale-basket though the common vsher of Princes presence fortune hath blindely giuen them better place I am vowed to be thy affliction Pietro Prethee be I loue much misery and be thou sonne to me Enter Bilioso Mal. Because you are an vsurping Duke Your Lordship 's well returnde from Florence Bil. Well returnde I praise my horse Mal. What newes from the Florentines Bilioso I will conceale the great Dukes pleasure onely this was his charge his pleasure is that his daughter die Duke Pietro be banished for ban●shing his blouds dishonour and that Duke Altofront be re-accepted this is all but I heare Duke Pietro is dead Mal. I and Mendoza is Duke what will you do Bilioso Is Mendeza strongest Mal. Yet he is Bilioso Then yet I le holde with him Mal. But if that A●tofrom should turne strait againe Bilioso Why then I would turne strait againe T is good runne still with him that haz most might I had rather stand with wrong than fall with right Mal. What religion wil you be of now Bilt. Of the Dukes religion when I know what it is Mal. O Hercules Bili. Hercules Hercules was the sonne of Iupiter and Alkmena Mal. Your lordship is a very wittall Bilios. Wittall Mal. I all-wit Bilios. Amphitrio was a cuckolde Mal. Your lordship sweats your yong Lady will gette you a cloth for your olde worships browes Exit Biliosa Heere 's a fellow to be damned this is his inuiolable maxime flatter the greatest and oppresse the least a whoreson flesh-fly ●●at still gnawes vpon the leane gawld backes Pietro Why doost then salute him Mal Yfaith as bawdes goe to church for fashion sake come be not confounded thou arte but in danger to loose a dukedome thinke this This earth is the only graue and Golgotha wherein all things that liue must rot t is but the draught wherein the heauenly bodies discharge their corruption the very muckhill on which the sublunarie orbes cast their excrements man is the slime of this dongue●pit and Princes are the governors of these men for for our soules they are as free as Emperours all of one peece there goes but a paire of sheeres betwixt an Emperor and the sonne of a bagge piper onely the dying dressing pressing glossing makes the difference now what arte thou like to loose A Iaylers office to keepe men in bonds Whilst toyle and trea●●on all lifes good confounds Pie I heere renounce for euer regencie O Altofront I wrong thee to supplant thy right To trip thy heele● vp with a divelish slight For which I now from throne am throwne world tricks abiure For vengeance though't comes slow yet it comes sure O I am changde for heerefore the dread power In true contrition doe dedicate My breath to solitarie holinesse My lippes to praier and my breasts care shall be Restoring Altofront to regencie Mal. Thy vowes are heard and we accept thy faith Enter Ferneze and Celso vndisguiseth himselfe Altofront Ferneze Celso Pietro Banish amazeme●t co●e we foure must stand full shocke of Fortune be not so wonder-st●icken Pietro Dooth Ferneze liue Ferneze For your pardon Pietro Pa●don and loue giue leaue to recollect My thoughts disperst in wilde aston●shment My vowe● stand fi●●t in heauen and from hence I craue all loue and p●rdon Mal. Who doubts of prouidence That sees this change a heartie faith to all He needes must rise can no lower fall For still impetuous vicissitude Towzeth the world then let no maze intrude Vpon your spirits wonder not I rise For who can sincke that close can temporize The time growes ripe for action I le detect My priuatst plot left ignorance feare suspect Le ts close to counsell leaue the rest to fate Mature discretion is the life of state Exeunt ACTVS V. SCENA I. Enter Bilioso and Passarello Bili. Foole how doost thou like my calfe in a long stocking Passar. An ●xcellent calfe my Lord. Bili. This calfe hath beene a reueller this twenty yeere when monsieur Gundi lay heere Ambassadour I could have carried a Lady vp and downe at armes end in a platter and I can tell you there were those at that time who to trie the str●ngth of a mans backe and his arme would be coisterd I have measured calues with most of the pallace and they come nothing neere m●e besides I thinke there be not many armours in the Arsinall will fitte me especially for the head-pe●ce I le tell thee Passar. What my Lord Bili. I can eate stewd broath as it comes seething off the fire or a custard as it comes reeking out of the oven and I thinke there are not many Lordes can doe it a good pomander alittle decayed in the scent but six graines of muske grownd with rose-water and temperd with alittle ciuit shall fetch her againe presently Passar. O I as a bawde with aqua vitae Bilioso And what doost thou raile vppon the Ladies as thou wert wont Passar. I were better roast a liue ●at and might doe it with more safety I am as secret to thieues as their painting there 's Maquarelle oldest bawde and a perpetuall beggar Did you never heare of her ticke to be knowne in the Cittie Bilioso Neuer Pasa. Why she gets all the Picter-makers to draw her picture when they haue done she most courtly findes fault with them one after another and neuer fetcheth them they in reuenge of this execute her in Pictures as they doe in Germanie and hang her in their shops by this meanes is she better knowne to the stinkards then if shee had beene fiue times carted Bilios. Fore God and excellent policie Pasa. Are there any Reuels to night my Lord. Bilios. Yes Pas. Good my Lord giue me leaue to breake a fellows pate that hath abused me Bilio. Whose pate Pasa. Young Ferrard my Lord. Belis. Take heed hee 's very valiant I haue knowne him fight eight quarrels in fiue dayes beleeue it Pasa. O is he so great a quarrelle why then hee s an arrant coward Bali How prooue you that Pasa.
other things some good most bad some saints some-sinners for as now adaies no Courtier but haz his mis●ris no Captaine but haz his cockatrice no Cuckold but haz his hornes no foole but haz his feather euen so no womā but haz her weakenes feather too no sex but haz his I can hunt the letter no farder ô God how loathsome this toying is to me that a duke should be forc'd to foole it well Stultorum plena sunt omnia better play the foole Lord then be the foole Lord now where 's your slights Madam Maquarelle Maq. Why are yee ignorant that t is sed a squemish affected nicences is naturall to women and that the excuse of their yeelding is onely forsooth the difficult obtaining You must put her too 't women are flaxe and will fire in a moment Mal. Why was the flax put into thy mouth yet thou thou set fire thou enflame her Maq. Marry but I le tell yee now you were too hot Mal. The fitter to haue enflamed the flaxwoman Maq. You were to boisterous spleeny for indeede Mal. Go go thou art a weake pandresse now I see Sooner earths fire heauen it selfe shall waste Then all with heate can melt a minde that 's chaste Go thou the Dukes lime-twig I le make the Duke turne thee out of thine office what not get one touch of hope had her at such aduantage Maq. Now a my conscience now I thinke in my discretion we did not take her in the right signe the bloud was not in the true veine sure Exit Enter Bilioso Bili. Make way there the Duke returnes from the inthronmēt Maleuole Mal Out roage Bil. Maleuole Mal. Hence yee grosse iawd pessantly out go Bil. Nay sweete Maleuole since my returne I heare you are become the thinge I alwayes prophesied would be an advanced virtue a worthely imployed faithfulnesse a man a grace deere friend Come what Si quoties peccant homines If as often as courtiers play the knaues honest men should be angrie Why looke yee we must collouge sometimes forsweare sometimes Mal. Be damd somtimes Bil. Right Nemo omnibus horis sapit No man can be honest at all howers Necessitie often depraues vertue Mal. I will commend thee to the Duke Bil. Do let vs be friends man Mal. And knaues man Bil. Right let vs prosper and purchase our lordships shall liue and our knauery be forgotten Mal. He that by any wayes gets riches his meanes neuer shames him Bil. True Mal. For impudencie and faithlesnes are the maine stayes to greatnesse Bil. By the Lord thou art a profound ladd Mal. By the Lord thou art a perfect knaue out yee antient damnatiō Bil. Peace peace and thou wilt not be a freinde to me as I am a knaue be not a knaue to me as I am thy friend and disclose me peace Cornets SCENA TERTIA. Enter Prepasso and Ferrard tvvo pages vvith lights Celso and Equato Mendozo i● Dukes roabs Biltoso and Guerrino Ex●unt all sauing Maleuole Mend. On on leaue vs leaue vs stay wher is the Hermet Mal. With Duke Pietro with Duke Pietro Men. Is he dead is he poysoned Mal. Dead as the Duke is Mend. Good excellent he will not blabbe securenes liues in secresie come hether come hether Mal. Thou hast a certaine strong villanous sent about thee my nature cannot indure Men. Sent man what returnes Maria what answere to our sute Mal. Cold frostie she is obstinate Mend. Then shee s but dead t is resolute she dies Blacke deede onely through blacke deede safely fles Mal. Pew per scelera semper sceleribus tutum est iter Mend. What art a scholler art a polititian sure thou art an arrand knaue Mal. Who I I haue bene twice an vnder sherife man Enter Maleuole and Mendoza Mend. Hast bin with Maria. Male As your scriuener to your vsurer I haue delt about taking of this commoditie but she s could-frosty well I will go raile vpon some great man that I may purchase the bastinado or else go marry some rich Genoan lady and instantly go trauaile Mend. Trauaile when thou art married Mal. I t is your yong Lords fashion to do so though he was so lafy being a batcheller that he would neuer trauaile so farr as the Vniuersity yet when he married her tales of and Catsoe for Ingland Mend. And why for Ingland Mal. Because there is no Prothelhouses there Mend. Nor Curtisans Mal. Neather your whore went downe with the stewes and your punke came vp with your Puritan Men. Canst thou impoyson canst thou impoyson Mal. Excellently no lew Potecary or Politian better looke ye her 's a box whō wouldst thou impoison her 's a box which opened the fume taken vp in condites thorow which the braine purges it self doth instantly for 12. houres space bind vp all shew of li●e in a deep cesles sleep here 's another which being opened vnder the sleepers nose choaks al the power of life kils him sodainely Enter Cels. Men. I le try experiments t is good not to be deceiued so so Catzo Who would feare that may destroy death hath no teeth or tong And he that 's great to him are slaues Shame Murder fame and wrong Celzo Cel. My honored Lord. Men. The good Maleuole that plain-tongued man alas is dead on sodaine wondrous strangely he held in our esteeme good place Celso see him buried see him buried Cel. I shall obserue yee Men. And Celso prethee let it be thy care to night To haue some prety shew to solemnize Our high instalement some musike maskery Wee le giue faire entertaine vnto Maria The Duches to the banisht Altofront Thou shalt conduct her from the Citadell Vnto the Pallace thinke on some Maskery Cel. Of what shape ●weete Lord Men. Why shape why any quicke done fiction As some braue spirits of the Genoan Dukes To come out of Elizium forfooth Led in by Mercury to gratulate Our happy fortune ●ome such any thing some far ●et tricke good for Ladies some stale toy or other no matter so 't bee of our deuising Do thou prep●r't t is but for a fashion sake Feare not it shall be grac'd man it shall take Cel. All seruice Men. All thankes our hand shall not be 〈◊〉 to thee farewell Now is my trechery secure nor can we fall Mischiefe that prospers men do vertue call I le trust no man he that by trickes gets wreathes Keepes them with steele no man securely breathes Out of deserued ranckes the crowde will mutter foole Who cannot beare with spite he cannot rule The chiefest secret for a man of state Is to liue sensles of a strenghles hate Mal. Death of the damn'd thiefe I le make one i' the maske thou shalt ha some Braue spirits of the antique Dukes Cel. My Lord what strange dilusion Mal. Most happy deere Celso poisond with an empty box I le giue thee all anone my ●ady comes to court there is a whurle of fate comes tumbling on the Castles captaine
only stands on Florence stilts hath out of witlesse zeale made me his heire and secretly confirmed the wreathe to mee after his lifes full poynt Mal Vpon what merite Mendoza Merite by heauen I horne him onely Ferne● ae● death gaue me states life tut we are politique hee must not liue now Mal. No reason mary but how must he die now Men My vtmost proiect is to murder the Duke that I might haue his state because he makes me his heire to banish the duchesse that I might be rid of a cunning Lacedemonian because I know Florence will forsake her and then to marry Maria the banished duke Altofr●nts wife that her friends might strengthen me and my faction this is all lawe Mal Do you loue Maria Men Faith no great affection but as wise men do loue great women to innoble their bloud and augment their reuenew ● to accomplish this now thus now The Duke is in the forrest next the Sea single him kill him hurle him in the maine and proclaime thou sawest woolues eate him Mal Vm not so good mee thinkes when he is slaine to get some hipocrite some daungerous wretch that 's muffled or with fained holines to sweare he heard the duke on some stiepe cliffe lament his wifes dishonour and in an agony of his hearts torture hurled his groaning sides into the ●wolne sea This circumstance wel made sounds probable and hereupon the Dutches. Men. May well be banished O vnpeerable invention ●tare Thou god of pollicie it honies me Mal Then feare not for the wife of Al●ofront I le close to her Men Thou shalt thou shalt our excellencie is pleased why wert not thou an Emperour when we are Duke I le make thee some great man sure Mal. Nay make me some rich knaue and ●le make my selfe some great man Mend. In thee be all my spirit retaine tenne soules vnite thy virtuall powers resolue ha remember greatnes heart farewell Enter Celzo Th● fate of all my hopes in thee doth dwell Mal. Celzo didst heare O heauen didst heare Such diuelish mischiefe sufferest thou the world Carowse damnation euen with greedie swallow And still doost winke still duz thy vengeance slumber If now thy browes are cleare when will they th●nder Exit SCENA QVARTA Enter Pietro Ferrard Prepasso and three Pages Ferr. The dogges are at a fault Cornets like hornes Pietro Would God nothing but the dogges were at it let the Deere pursue safely the dogs follow the game and doe you follow the dogges as for me t is vnfit one beast should hunt an other I ha one chaseth me and 't please you I would be ridde of you a little Ferr. Would your griefe would as soone leaue you as we to quietnesse Exeunt Pie I thanke you boy what doost thou dreame of now Page Of a drie summer my Lord for heere 's a hote worlde towardes but my Lord I had a strange dreame last night Pietro What strange dreame Page Why me thought I pleased you with singing and then I dreamt you gaue me that short sword Pietro Prettily begd hold thee I le prooue thy dreame true tak 't Page My duetie but still I dreamt on my Lord and mee thought and 't shall please your excellencie you would needs out of your royall bounty giue me that jewell in your hat Piet. O thou didst but dreame boy do not beleeue it dreames prooue not alwayes true they may hold in a short sword but not in a jewell But now sir you dreamt you had pleased mee with singing make that true as I haue made the other Page Faith my Lord I did but dreame and dreames you say prooue not alwayes true they may hold in a good sword but not in a good song the trueth is I ha lost my voyce Pietro Lost thy voyce how Page With dreaming faith but heere 's a couple of Syrenicall rascalls shall inchaunt yee what shall they sing my good Lorde Pietro Sing of the nature of women and then the song shall be surely full of varietie olde crochets and most sweete closes it shal be humorous graue fantastike amorous melancoly sprightly one in all and all in one Page All in one Pietro Birlady too many sing my speech growes culpable of vnthrifty idlenesse sing SCENA QVINTA 〈◊〉 Enter Maleuole with Croffebow and Tistoll A so so sing I am heauie walke off I shall talke in my sleep walke off Exeunt Pages Mal. Briefe briefe who the Duke good heauen that fooles should stumble vpon greatnesse do not sleepe Duke giue yee good morrow you must be bri●fe Duke I am feeed to murther thee start not Mendoza Mendoza hired mee heere 's his gold his pistoll crossebow and sword t is all as firme as earth O foole foole choakt with the common maze of easie ideots Credulitie ma●e him thine heire what thy sworne murtherer Pietro O can it be Mal. Can Pietro Discouered he not Ferneze Mal. Yes but why but why for loue to thee much much to be reuenged vpon his riuall who had thrust his jawes awrie who being slaine supposed by thine owne handes defended by his sword made thee most loathsome him most gratious with thy loose Princesse thou closely yeelding egr●sse and regresse to her madest him heire whose hote vnquiet lust strait towzde thy sheetes and now would seize thy state polititian wise man death to be led to the stake like a bull by the hornes to make euen kindnesse cutte a gentle throate l●fe why art thou nummed thou foggie dulnesse speake liues not more faith in a home●hiusting tongne than in th●se fencing tip tap Courtiers Enter Celso with a Hermites gow●e and beard Cel. Lord Maleuole if this be true Mal. If come shade thee with this disguise if thou shalt handle it he shall thanke thee for killing thy selfe come follow my directions and thou shalt see strange sleights Pie World whither wilt thou Mal. Why to the diuell come the morne growes late Astedi● quickenes is the soule of state Exeunt ACTVS QVARTVS SCE. PRIMA Enter Maquarelle knocking at the Ladies doore Maq. Medam Medam are you stirring Medam if you bee stirring Medam if I thought I should disturbe yee Page My Lady is vp forsooth Maq. A pretty boy faith how old art thou Page I thinke fou●eteene Maq. Nay and yee bee in the teenes are yee a gentleman borne do you know me my name is Medam Maquerelle I lie in the old cunny court See heere the Ladies Enter Beancha and Emi●ia Bean. A faire day to yee Maquarelle Emil. Is the Dutches vp yet Centinell Maq. O Ladies the most abhomin●ble mischance O deare Ladies the most piteous disaster Ferneze was taken last night in the Dutches chamber alas the Duke catcht him and kild him Bean. Was he found in bed Maq. O no but the villanous certaintie is the doore was not bolted the tongue●tied hatch held his peace so the naked troth is he was found in his shirt whilst I like an arrand beast lay in the outward chamber heard nothing
strikes a great man let him srtike home or elseware hee 'le proue no man shoulder not a huge fellow vnlesse you may be sure to lay him in the kennell Men A most sound braine-pan I le make you both Emperours Mal Make vs christians ma●e vs christians Men I le hoist ye ye shall mount Mal To the gallowes say ye Come Praemium incertum petit certum scelus How standes the Prog●esse Men. Heere take my ring vnto the Citadell Haue entrance to Maria the graue Dutches Of banisht Altofront Tell her we loue her Omit no circumstance to grace our person doo 't Mal. I le make an excellent pander Duke farewell due adue Duke Exit Maleuole Men. Take Maquarelle with thee for t' is found None cuttes a diamon but a diamond Hermite thou art a man for me my confessor O thou selected spirit borne for my good Sure thou wouldst make an excellēt Elder in a deformed church Come we must be inward thou and I all one Pie I am glad I was o●dained for yee Men. Go to then thou must know that Maleuole is a strange villaine dangerous very dangerous you see how broad a speakes a grosse jawde rogue I would haue thee poison him hee●s like a corne vpon my great toe I cannot go for him he must be kored out he must wilt doo 't ha Pie Any thing any thing Men. Heart of my life thus then to the Citadell Thou shalt consort with this Mal●uole There being at supper poison him It shall be l●id vpon Maria who yeelds loue or dies Sk●d quicke like lightning Pie Good deedes crawle but mischiefe flies Enter Maleuole Exit Pietro Mal. Your diuelships ●ing haz no vertue the buffe-captaine the sallo-westfalian gamon-faced zaza cries stand out must haue a stiffer warrant or no passe into the Castle of Comfort Men Command our suddaine Letter not enter shat what place is there in Genoa but thou shalt into my heart into my very heart come le ts loue we must loue we two so●le and body Mal. How didst like the Hermite a strange Hermite sirrah Men. A dangerous fellow very perilcus he must die Mal. I he must die Men. Thoust kil ' him we are wise we must be wise Mal. And prouident Men. Yea p●ouident beware an hypocrite A Church man once corrupted oh auoide shootes vnder his belly A fellow that makes Religion his stawking horse He breedes a plague thou shalt poison him Mal. Ho t●is wondrous necessary how Men. You both go ioyntly to the Citadell There sup there poision him and Maria Because shee is our opposite shall beare The sad suspect on which she dies or loues vs. Mal I runne Exit Maleuole Men. We that are great our sole selfe good still moues vs. They shall die both for their deserts craues more Than we can recompence their presence still Imbraides our fortunes with beholdingnesse Which weabhorre like deede not doer then conclude They liue not to cry out ingratitude One sticke burnes tother steele cuts steele alone T' is good trust few but O t' is best trust none Exit Mendoza SCENA QVARTA Enter Maleuole and Pietro still disguised at seuerall doores Mal How do you how doost Duke Piet O let the last day fall drop drop on our cursed heads Let heauen vncla●pe it selfe vomit forth flames Mal O do no● rand do not turne plaier there 's more of them than can well liue one by another alreadie Wh●t art an infidell still Pie I am amazde strucke in a swowne with wonder I am commanded to poison thee Mal I am commanded to poison thee at supper Pie At supper Mal. In the Citadell Piet. In the Citadell Mal. Crosse capers trickes truth a heauen hee would discharge vs as boyes do elderne gunnes one pellet to stricke out another of what faith art now Pietro All is damnation wickednes extreame there is no faith in man Men. In none but vsurers and brokers they deceiue no man men take vm for blood-suckers and so they are now God deliuer me from my friends Piet. Thy friends Maleu. Yes from my friends for from mine enemies I le deliuer my selfe O cutte-throate friendship is the ranckest vilanie Marke this Mendoza marke him for a villaine but heauen will send a plague vpon him for a rogue Pietro O world Mal. World T is the only region of death the greatest shop of the Diuell the cruelst prison of men out of the which none passe without paying their dearest breath for a fee there 's nothing perfect in it but extreame extreame calamitie such as comes yonder SCENA QVINTA Enter Aurelia two Holberts before and twoo after supported by Celso and Ferrard Aurelia in base mourning attire Aur. To banishment ledde on to banishment Pietro Lady the blessednesse of repentance to you Aur. Why why I can desire nothing but death nor deserue any thing but hell If heauen should giue sufficiencie of grace To cleere my soule it would make heauen gracelesse My sinnes would make the stocke of mercie poore O they would tire heauens goodnes to reclaim● theme Iudgement is iust yet from that vast villane But sure he shall not misse sad punishment Fore he shall rule On to my cell of shame Pietro My cell t is Lady where insteede of maskes Musicke tilts tournies and such court like shewes The hollow murmure of the checklesse windes Shall groane againe whilst the vnquiet sea Shakes the whole rocke with foamy battery There Vsherlesse the ayre comes in and out The rheumy vault will force your eyes to weepe Whilst you behold true desolation A rocky barrennesse shall pierce your eyes Where all at once one reaches where he stands With browes the roofe both walles with both his handes Aurelia It is too good blessed spirite of my Lord O in what orbe so ere thy soule is throand Beholde me worthily most miserable O let the anguish of my contrite spirite Intreate some reconciliation If not ô ioy triumph in my iust griefe Death is the end of woes and teares reliefe Pietro Belike your Lord not lou'd you was vnkinde Aurelia O heauen As the soule lou'd the body so lou'd he T was death to him to part my presence Heauen to see me pleased Yet I like to a wretch giuen or'e to hell Brake all the sacred rites of marriage To clippe a base vngentle faithlesse villaine O God a very Pagan reprobate What should I say vngratefull throwes me out For whom I lost soule body fame and honor But t is most fit why should a better fate Attend on any who forsake chaste sheetes Fly the embrace of a deuoted heart Ioynd by a solemne vow fore God and man To taste the brackish bloud of beastly lust In an adulterous touch ô rauenous immodesty Insatiate impudence of appetite Looke heere 's your end for marke what sap in dust What sinne in good euen so much lou● in lust Ioy to thy ghost sweete Lord pardon to me Celso T is the dukes pleasure this night you rest in court Aur