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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02675 Brittaines hallelujah or A sermon of thanksgiving for the happy pacification in Brittaine preached in the English church at Hamburch before his excellency the right honorable Sir Thomas Rovve Lord Ambassador Extraordinary for his Mayesty of Greate Brittaine in Germany, &c. And to the vvorshipfull & famous Society of Merchant Adventurers & some cavelliers of Scotland By Ma. Harris Batchelour in Divinity, fellovv of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge & chaplaine to his excellency. Harris, Malachi, 1606 or 7-1684. 1639 (1639) STC 12807; ESTC S119822 18,712 32

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Soveraighne vvith a Flag in his hand let me novv be bold to adde his Devise motto that shall tell you in breife the Manner and it vvill be noe lesse then vvhat vvas once attributed to another Caesar in a different case Venit vidit vicit He came He Himselfe Principem sus Majestas defendit It vvas his ovvne sole act He came looked vpon them had conference vvith them and instantly Overcame them conquered them Conquered Them Their Hearts I meane The happiest Conquest that possibly could be A strange Conquest vvherein both vvere conquerors both conquered The king conquered vvith the Loyall Submission of the Subject The Subject conquered vvith the Royall Pardon of the king Why Gracious Soveraighne vvas it not enough for your Majesty to succeede your Royall Father in his Throane in his Prinely endovvm ent to vveare his Crovvne to beare his Coate but must you needes challenge his Motto too Beati Pacifici Hitherto you see our Deliverance keepes good pace vvith that of Sions for the Manner It being done in such a thavving melting vvay Only in this it farre outruns that That vvas done Subveniendo They had smarted sonndly vnder their myseris many yeares ere they vvere released Ours is done praeveniendo vve vvere only Shevved the Danger and fairely Delivered Here is a Conduit vvould runne amaine if vve could stay to turne the Coek. We have heard seene vvhat greate things the Lord hath done for vs. Greate for the Substance Greate for the Circumstances Greate as done by a Greate God vvhose Praerogative Royall it is to turne the hearts of kings Yet greater as done for vs so vnvvorthy a poeple Another Topick if vve had time to knock at that doore And should not all these Magnalia Dei novv justly call for our Magnificat Shall not our soules magnifie the Lord and our Spirits reioyce in God our Saviour I hope they shall and doe But then as our Deliverance hath so let our Hallelujahs and Reioycings likevvise runne parallell at least vvith Sions here Her Joy vvas a Cordiall hearty joy so must ours procede from a true pure heart This Incense vvould not be offered vp but in a golden Censer Can Adulterys Can Murders can Envyngs vvhich our Saviour tells vs loue to billet in the heart can these dead vvorkes prayse the Lord Her Joy vvas a visible laughing Joy so may ours be a merry one too We may doe vvell to make merry to drincke of the svvete and eate of the fatt Only let ustake heede vve make not vvorke for sacrificings after our feastings as Job vvas faine to doe for his sonns Her joy vvas a Vocall audible Joy so let ours be let our Tongues chaunt forth prayses and thanksgivings let our discourses beate vpon this theame so it be prudently and discreetely Her Joy vvas a Manuall handy Joy so to speake a Joy that shooted forth into good vvorkes Here vvas sending of gifts probably and giving to the poore so let our hands be dilated vvith our hearts let the needy and stranger have matter of reioycing vvith vs that so there may be a full Queere of Praysers Here vvas penning of Psalmes hymnes for Posterity to take notice of so let vs doe something to our povver that after Ages may vvitnesse our thankfullnes And good Luck may He have vvith his Honour vvho hath solemnized a day to be spoken of by future Times But before vve proceede further in our Hallelujah it vvill not be amisse to interpose an Hosanna Prayer just the Churches Method here That God vvould still and still continue to doe greate things for vs to be our Lord and faviour allvvays That as there is novv an happy Amnestia of old matters so there may be a vvholesome evacuation of all such peccant humors principles vvhich may breede such like Epidemicall diseases in a State For this purpose I had thought to have made a Digression if yet it be a digression and to commend to mens serious considerations some Texts of Scripture In this hast I vvill only name one that in S. Math. cap. 22. v. 21. Render vnto Caesar the things that are Caesars and vnto God the things that are Gods They are Christs ovvne vvords you knovv Novv till Heaven Earth shall passe avvay one title or Jota of his vvord shall in noe vvise passe And truely if one Jota or title of this vvord should passe Heaven or Earth or both vvould instantly passe avvay Let but one of these Quaes passe you shall see vvhat vvill follovv vpon it If Caesars quae passeth the Kings Tribute Duty 's novv Earth passeth avvay immediately If God 's quae Take avvay Gods dues His vvorship the mantainance thereof and the Kingdome of Heaven is passing avvay presently All Religion Devotion cleane vanisheth Nay doe but misplace these Quae's once and noe lesse Confusion vvill ensue Put Gods Quae to Caesar Render vnto Caesar the State the things that are Gods His Churches Dionysius his Religion and vvhat comes of it Nothing but plaine Atheisme All Religion ceaseth Neither Preists lips nor poeples eares in a very short time Here Heaven passeth avvay againe Againe put Caesars Quae to Deus Render vnto God the Church the things that are Caesars the Jesuites Religion as they make it and then ere long noe Caesar at all nor secular Magistrate but merely Titular Domini sine Terrâ Here Earth passeth avvay againe Yet againe if vve admit onely one of the propositions and shut out the other the dāger is still the same The Herodians vvere all for the first Render vnto Caesar c. and stayed there Nothing but Earth thē to thē Heavē passed avvay from thē The Romanists vvould make vs beleive they are all for God his Church Rēder vnto God vvith this noyse hubhub they fill the aire And so they order it that to them Earth passeth avvay I sayd vvell to them to themselves indeede and from all others They svvallovv vp the Earth here vnder the praetext of Heaven It is vvell if they let not Heaven passe in the meane time Thus you see vvhat Danger there may be in leaving out this title And in the Text. Once more if any dare to be so Atheistically Rebellious as to goe about to cancell that one vvord Reddite Render suddainly Heaven Earth both vvill passe avvay from them Nor God nor King vvill be acknovvledged nor Religion nor Policy mantained nor Heaven nor Earth possessed by such And vve holde but a third place Let them take leede least that fall to their lotts The Summe of all is God Caesar Religion the State cannot be seperated in the Text in the vvorld But I vvell remember vvhere Jam. In the Magazene of Religion Loyalty For so me thinkes this goodly Audience seemeth to be nothing els but a glorious Constellation of true hearted Christians and Loyall Subjects I Knovv vvell You make it your Religion to make your frequent prayers Supplications for kings
All that are in Authorithy over vs to render them all honour love all Homage Loyalty in your hearts by your tongues vvith your good vvith your Lives I am sure it is your faith That the Sinne of Rebellion is as the Sinne of vvith-crafft 1. Sam. 15. 23. An interpretative renouncing of God Himselfe That Stubbornesse is as Idolatry marke it as Idolatry they are Samuels ovvne vvords in the same place I forbeare to make any glosse on that novv That Mutterings vvhisperings are the language of vvizards and Dialect of Hell as odious to your Thoughts Eares as in others Mouths Penns That Kings Princes are in their Goverments Solo Deo minores as Tertull professed to Scapula and therefore must not be judged much lesse opposed by Subjects But in case entreatys Supplications may not prevaile to leave Them to stand or full to their ovvne Master as vvas the constant practise of the Primitive Churches That though they may be of the same mettall vvith our selves although vve must yeeld them farre more refined and of a farre larger Size yet vvhen they have Gods Stampe Image vpon them they must passe Currant prove as they vvill novv Let Saul be one of the Lovvest familys of the least Tribe of Israel yet vvhen He is once elected King He is novv consecrated to God by that Sacred Oyle and becomes the Lords anoynted and not to be touched though novv a very Tyrant noe not by David though by Divine right his next Successor That is is the Lord by vvhom all Kings reighne prov 8.15 And the day of their Coronation on Earth is the day of their Filiation in Heaven Novv God calls them his sonns And vvho shall teach God hovv and vvhen to correct his sonns Thou art my sonne this day have I begotten Thee Begotten thee Generatione sc Politica that is this day I have made thee King This to be the primary proper sense of that place Cl. M. ● Med● in MS. as also of Psalme 110. a greate modest Critick dares avouch it out of the purport of the Texts And hovv soever they are vnderstood of Christ in the mystery yet of Christ as Christ Unctus Domini the Lords anoynted That God to set Princes above the reach of Subjects hands hath advanced them to the Dignity of a Deity I have sayd you are Gods It is God that sayth it or if the Psaimist yet it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the person of God as Cyril of Hirnsal glosseth Kings 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as he goeth on to catechize his it is in presat ad Catech. Kings being but mort all men doe yet 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 beare the name of the Immortall God This is your Religion I Fully persuade my selfe you make it a matter of Conscience That to vvhom you ovve for your Justitia Gladij the Justice of the svvord against forraine Invasions that to him you ought to pay tovvards vvarlick provision supplies That to vvhom you are endebted for your Gladius Justitiae the Svvord of Justice against Domestick Injurijs that to Him you are to pay duty 's for the vpholding of those Courts of Justice That by vvhom you enioy your Mare liberum your Harvest of the vvater your safe merchandize vnder vvhom you possesse your Terra Liberalis your rich Crops Lands that to Him you are to pay Customes Taxes This is your Allegance this is your Divinity Yea and you can bring Scripture for all these for Taxes 2 kings 23. 35. for Customes Rom. 13. 7. for Fines Confiscations Ezra 7. 26. cap. 10. 8. for all in one in that forenamed Text Render vnto Caesar c. I verily beleeve you thoroughly perceive that Corrumpitur omne Imperantis officium dissolvitur si quis ad td quod jussus est non obsequio debito sed consilio non desiderato respondeat It vvas a Captaines Speech in Gellius to a Pragmaticall Shipvvrigt that vvould needes be scanning interpreting his Lords commands and rather lend his counsell vncalled for then performe his office Why sayth the Captaine Corrumpitur omne officium etc. If this may be allovved a Commander vvill be put quite out of office Fare vvell all Authority Neither vvill a Generall or officer have any Command over his Regiments nor a Master be able to beare vp himselfe against his servant or Apprentise nor a Father command his child You see all this and can easily vnderstand that many of those Anticks you see in greate Buildings vvhich make such fearefull faces vse such hideous Postures as if the vvhole vveight of the building lay on their shoulders only that if these be taken avvay the structure vvill stand never the lesse and so you beleeve that State or Church is never the nearer to falling out of vvhich some vvho having least reason are most clamorous vnruly be fairely casheired These are your Oeconimicks These are vour Politicks I dare say for you that that Discipline order in the Church vvhich fetcheth its Pedegree from Apostolicall Institution and hath held on in a Line of vninterrupted Succession for 15000. Yeares togeather as hath bin againe againe demonstrated by your Hookers Dovvnams Carletons Feilds and I knovv not hovv many learned Pious Modest vvriters of your ovvne Country-men that this Church Policy you vvillingly submit vnto Remembring the vvise mans Counsell Meddle not vvith them that are given to change Prov. 24.21 I make noe Question but you are fully convinced that vvhat Authority Churchmen have more then Directive Instructive vvhich extend's to externall Coaction that this is merely derived from the King vvho rightly possesseth vvhat the Pope usurped and that therefore these Ecclesiasticall Persons fitt the Kings Commissioners in Ecclesiasticall Courts vvhere in their proceedings are according to Lavves Ecclesiasticall ratified by the King the vvhole State And for this you can receive full satisfaction from S. Thom. Radley a Lavveyer from the Acts and Statutes of our Kingdome I doubt not but you see greate reason that vvhen men in Place shall secundum allegata probata be convicted peccant that the Places therefore the Orders are not presently to be demolished For if this may holde then dovvne vvith all Judges because some have bin proved Corrupt then dovvne vvith all Nobles because some have bin knovven Rebells then dovvne vvith all Kings because some have bin Tyrants then turne all Common into a vvilde Anarchy vvherein men vvill temper as vvell as the Jron Clay in the toes of his Image and so in conclusion dovvne vvith all the vvorld These are your Ecclesiasticalls I assure my selfe that vvhere others take Liberty to prate againest you count it your duty to pray for all Superiours and to prayse God for this happy setled Government vnder vvhich our State and Church hath flourished so many Decads of yeares togeather For to vvhat State hath Forraine Nations so vailed as to ours or by