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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02438 This vvorlds folly Or A warning-peece discharged vpon the wickednesse thereof. By I.H. I. H., fl. 1615. 1615 (1615) STC 12570; ESTC S103576 16,418 42

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thus peruert the sense Porta patens esto nulli clauderis honesto Stand open Gate to none be shut gainst all Doe not these Heauen-tempting Nimrods depopulate leuell with the ground whole Townes crowd and iustle many honest and ancient Farmers out of their demesnes deuastate their possessions and expose them with their wiues children and families to be Camerades with pale-fac't beggery onely to lay the Basis of their Babell-out-brauing Pallaces abillimented with Punkish out-sides to cheate the speedy-approaching traueller of his hungry hopes as Zeuxis did the silly Birds with his liuely-limbed Grapes and if they bee in-lined with quaint garnishings shings and costly furniture and beautified with curious-pencild peeces whereon thy eye may glut it selfe by gazing yet perhappes mayst thou be Chap-falne for want of victuals These glittering obiects are the Medusa's that inchant the violent instigations that spurre on young luxurious heires to hurle out their angle to catch their Fathers liues and languishingly to long till they see their mossie bearded Sires topple vp their heeles Neuer could the Poets tristall song be better adapted then to these our degenerate times Ouid. Filius ante diem patries inquirit in anuos And when their Fathers surrender vp their breathes to him from whome it was first diffused then do they mourne forsooth though ceremonially not for that they are dead but because they dyed no sooner The premises preconsidered what can bee expected then but an imminent desolation or conclusiue dissolution of this foolish doting worlde since vniuersally it is but an indigested Châos of outragious enormities Religion is made the Canopy to shroud the putrifaction of Hypocrisie and it s grown the highest Maxim in mundane policies to seeme not be religions equall-handed Iustice is rusht aside by stubborne Authority and all morall Vertues embraced in their Contraries How long then most milde and more mercifull God wilt thou forget to be iust Oh how long wilt thou shut vp the vesselles of thy wrath and protract reuenge Art thou not the powerful God of Iustice howe canst thou then bee any thing but thy selfe what infinitnesse of sinnes are shot vp to heauen against thee yet still and still thou wooest vs with the humble and heauenly breath of thy holy Gospell vncouering those vnexpressible woundes thou receiuedst for our redemption from sinne and Sathan that we might with pittifull commiseration behold them and vncessantly crying out vnto vs How oft O my deare childeren whome I haue bought with the price of my most precious bloud woulde I haue gathered you together euen as an Henne doth her Chickins and yet nor yet will you be collected How oft hath he thundred and knockt at the doores of our hearts with the power of his spirit to wake vs from the profound Ecstasin of Soule-killing sinnes yet still lye wee snorting on the bed of Security and cannot be rowzed How often O how often hath hee out-stretched his all-sauing hand to heaue and helpe vs out of the slimy mud of our impieties yet still lye we groueling and orewhelm'd in the insensible Lethargie of abhominable transgressions How many warning-peeces hath hee discharg'd vppon vs how oft hath he displayed his Milke-white Ensigne of Peace vnto vs what deuouring Plagues what Fires what Inundations what vnseasonable Seasons what prodigious Births what vnnaturall Meteors what maleuolent Coniunctions what ominous Apparitions what bloudy assassinations of mighty Kings what Rapes what Murthers what fraudulencies betwixt Brother and Brother what horrible Conspiracies by Sonnes against Fathers all these sent as Heralds to denounce Gods iust Iudgements against vs yet will we not come in and be reconciled These prodigious precursions or precursiue prodigies should deterre each humane creature from spurning against his Creator these premonitions should instruct vs that Gods dreadfull vengeance waites at our doores and like a staru'd Tygar gapes for our destruction and notwithstanding he do for a while fore-slow to let fall his flaming rod of fierie indignation vpon vs yet is the axe already layde to the roote of the tree and God must and wil assuredly come to iudgement seeing that nowe not any of those ancient predictions mystically poynted out vnto vs in the Soule-sauing WRIT by the holy Prophets remayne vnfinished but only the finall destruction of that Romish seuen headed Monster together with the recollection of the vagabundiall lewes into the sheepe-fold of Iesus Christ Doth not an vncouth terrour seize vpon a man when in the depth or noone of night this sudden vnthought-of out-cry of Fire Fire shall fill his affrighted eares and chase him out of his soft and quiet slumbers whereat skipping from his easefull bed and distractedly gazing through the casement shall behold his owne house ore-spred with a bright-butning flame himselfe together with his wife children seruants goods and all most lyable to the deuouring rapacity of imminent danger O consider then thou wicked man how thy soule will be beleaguer'd with anguish horror when in that last and terrible Day thou shalt behold with thy mortall eies the Cataracts of Heauen vnsluc'd hushing showers of sulphurious fires disperse thēselues through all the corners of the earth and ayre the whole Vniuerse ore-canoped with a remorcelesse flame when thou shalt see the worldes great and glorious Iudge appeare triumphantly in the skies whilest mighty winged clouds of deuouring flames flye before him as vshers to his powerfull and terrible Maiesty attended with countlesse multitudes of beauteous Angelles golden-winged Cherubims and Seraphims sounding their Trumpets whose clamorous toungs shall affright the empty ayre and call and awake the drowsie dead from their darke and dusky Cabines when thou shalt see the dissipated bones of all Mortals since the Creation concatenate knit in their proper and peculiar forme amazedly start vp and in numberlesse troupes flocke together all turning vp their wondring eyes to gaze vppon their high and mighty Creator Then ô then will thy Conscience recommemorate afresh thy past-committed sinnes with the corroding sting of guilt wil stab through thy perplexed soule then ô then will it be too late to wish the mountaines to fall vpon thee for they themselues for feare would shrinke into their center alas it cannot then bee auaileable to wooe the waters to swallow thee for they would bee glad to disclaime their liquid substance and be reduced to a nullity what will it boote thee then to intreate the earth to entombe thee in her dankish wombe when she her selfe will struggle to remoue from her locall residence and to flye from the presence of the great Iudge the ayre cannot muffle thee in her foggy vastiry for that will bee clearely refin'd with celestiall flames before contaminated with humane pollution In fine how will thy soule tremblingly howle out and break forth into bitter exclamations when thou shalt heare that definitiue or rather infinitiue sentence denounced against thee Non noui diseede ito in Gehennam I know thee not depart and goe into
euerlasting torment whilest Legions of deuils with horride vociferations muster about thee like croking Rauens about some dead carkasse wayting to carry thee O then thou Vsurer and thou that grindest the Faces of the pore thy gold cannot ransome thee then thou mighty man that wrackest the widdow and circumuents the orphan of his successiue right thy honour cannot priuiledge thee then thou murtherer adulterer and blasphemer thy colourable excuses will not purge thee then ô thou vncharitable churle who neuer knewest that Nil diues habet de diuitijs nisi quod ab illo postulat pauper A rich man treafures vp no more of his riches then that hee contributes in almes thou that neuer imbracedst the counsel of that reuerend * Ambrose Father who cryes Pasce fame morientem quisquis pascendo seruare poteris si non paucris fame occidisti Feed him that dyes for hunger whosoeuer thou art that canst preserue and wilt not thou standest guilty of famishing then I say in that day shalt thou pine in perdition then ô thou luxurious Epicure that through the fiue senses which are the Cinque-ports or rather sinneports of thy soule gulpest downe delightfull sinne like water they will be to thee like the Angels booke sweet in thy mouth but bitter in thy bowels then ô thou gorbellied Mammonist that piles vp and congesteth huge masses of refulgent earth purchased by all vnconscionable courses yet cariest nothing with thee Nisiparna quod vrna capit but a Coffin and a Winding-sheet thy faire pretences will bee like characters drawne vpon the sands or arrowes shot vp to heauen-ward they cannot release thee from Satans inexpiable seruitude Then ô thou Canker-worme of Common-wealths thou monster of man thou that puttest out the eye of Iustice with bribes or so closely shuts it that the clamorous cry of the poore mans case cannot open it thou that makest the Lawe a nose of waxe to turne and fashion it to thine owne priuate end to the vtter disgrace of conscionable Iustice and to the lamentable subuersion of many an honest and vpright cause thy quirkes dilatorie demurres conueyances and conniuences cannot acquit thee but thou shalt bee remooued with the Writ Corpus cum causa into the lowest and darkest dungcon of damnation No no the Lord of heauen and earth who is good in infinitnesse and infinit in goodnesse will winnow garble and sanne his corne the choyce wheate hee will treasure vp in the garners of eternall felicity but the chaffe and darnell must be burnt with vnquenchable fire There must you languish in torments vnrelaxable there must you frie and fieeze in one selfe-furnace there must you liue in implacable and tenebrous fire which as 2 August de ciu t●dei Austin defines shall giue no light to comfort you Then will you wish though then too late that you had beene created loathsome Toades or abhorred Serpents that your miseries might haue clos'd vp with your liues but you must be dying perpetually yet neuer dye and which enuirons mee with a trembling terror when you haue languisht in vnexpressible agonies tortures gnashings and horrid howlings ten thousand millions of yeares yet shall you be as far from the end of your torments as you were at the beginning A confused modell misty figure of hell haue wee conglomerate in our fancy drowsily dreaming that it is a place vnder earth vncessātly Aetna-like vomiting sulphurious flames but we neuer pursue the meditation thereof so close as to consider what a thing it is to liue there eternally for this adiunct Eternall intimates such infinitenesse as neither thought can attract or supposition apprehend and further to amplifie it with the words of a woorthy writer Though all the men that euer haue or shal be created were Briareus like hundred-handed and shoulde all at once take pennes in their hundred hands and should doe nothing else in ten hundred thousand millions of yeares but summe vp in figures as many hundred thousand millions as they could yet neuer could they reduce to a totall or confine within number this tri-sillabled word Eternall Can any Christian then vpon due consideration hereof forbeare to prostrate himselfe with flexible humility before the glorious throne of grace there with flouds of vnfained teares repentantly abiure and disclaime the allurements of carnal corruption the painted pleasures of the world and the bitter-sweetnesse of sinne which is the deaths-wound of his soule for Peccatum in animo quasi vulnus in corpore a weapon wounds the body and sinne the soule for what profits it a man to winne the whole worlde and loose his owne soule The soundest method therefore to preuent our exclusion from the throne of Gods mercy is to imagine we still see him in his Iustice present whatsoeuer or whensoeuer we intend or attempt any blacke deseigne let vs but adumbragiously fancy as one hath it the firmament to be his face the all-seeing Sunne his right eye the Moone his left the winds the breath of his Nostrels the Lightning and Tempests the troubled action of his ire the Frost and Snow his frownes that the heauen is his Throne the earth his Foot-stoole that he is all in all things that his omnipresence filles all the vacuities of heauen earth and sea that by his power hee can vngirdle and let loose the seas impetuous waues to ore-whelme and bury this lower Vniuerse in their vast wombes in a moment that hee can let drop the blew Canopy which hath nothing aboue it whereto it is perpendicularly knit or hurle thunder-bolts through the tumerous cloudes to pash vs praecipitate through the center into the lowest dungeon of hell These allusiue cogitations of Gods omnipotent maiesty wil curb in and snafflle vs from rushing into damnable actions if we vnremouably seate them in our memories Make then a couenant with thine eies and heart ô man least they doate on earthly drosse surfet on the sugred pils of poysonous vanities and so insensibly hurle downe thy better part into the gulph of irreuocable damnation if not for thy selfe sake yet iniure not thy Creator who hath drawne thee by his owne 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Patterne moulded thee in his owne forme and to make thee eternally happy hath infus'd his own essence into thee For thy Soule by the * Aristotle Philosophers confession is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an Infusion Celestiall no Natural traduction and in that respect * Philo. another calles it Coeli apopasma an arrachment or cantell puld from the Celestiall substance which cannot terminate it selfe within a lumpe of flesh euen as the beames of the Sun though they touch the earth and giue life to these inferior creatures yet still reside in the body of the Sun whence they are darted so thy Soule though it be seated either within the filme of the brain or confined in the center of the heart and conuerseth with the Senses yet Haeret origini suae sayeth * Seneca one It will still