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A93387 Of the al-svfficient external proposer of matters of faith. Devided into tvvo bookes In the first. Is proved, that the true church of God, is the al-sufficient external proposer of matters of faith. In the second. Is shewed the manifold uncertanities of Protestants concerning the scripture: and how scripture is, or is not, an entire rule of faith. By C. R. doctor of diuinitie. Smith, Richard, 1566-1655. 1653 (1653) Wing S4156; ESTC R228293 181,733 514

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OF THE AL-SVFFICIENT EXTERNAL PROPOSER OF MATTERS OF FAITH DEVIDED INTO TVVO BOOKES IN THE FIRST Is proued that the true Church of God is the Al-sufficient external Proposer of matters of Faith IN THE SECOND Is shewed the manifold vncertanities of Protestants concerning the scripture and how scripture is or is not an entire Rule of Faith By C. R. Doctor of Diuinitie 1. Timothe 4. The Church of the liuing God the pillar and ground of truthe At PARIS M. DC LIII THE PREFACE to the Reader 1. NAtural reason gentle Twoe waies to learn truthe Reader teacheth vs that what we can not know by ourselues we should learne by authoritie of others and according as their authoritie is vndoubted or probable toyeeld assured or probable assent therto and the same reason teacheth vs also that as the See infra l. 2. c. 8. sect 1. clear sight of God in heauen is supernatural to vs and far aboue the reach of our reason so is also the right way therto Wherfore as S. Dev●●l ●redendi 〈◊〉 16. 8. 17. Augustin rightly sayeth if God wil haue men come to him in heauen he must needs haue instituted some authoritie on earth for to direct them assuredlie in the right way becaus by reason we cannot finde way to heauen known by authoritie out that way Which authoritie must be infallible because otherwise it could not assuredlie direct vs as also becaus it is to direct vs by diuine faith which is altogether infallible And herein is Gods goodnes to be admired that he would bring men to heauen rather by authoritie and faith then by knowledg and reason becaus euerie one can beleeue but not euerie one konw hard matters And in al that is hitherto saied Catholiks and Protestants generally agree The controuersie between them is in whome God hath setled this assured authoritie for to direct and guide vs infallibly in our way to heauen 2. For Catholiks say that as God Authoritie setled in men at the first set this authoritie in his Prophets and Apostles so becaus they were not to liue with vs for euer he continueth it in his Church which he hath made his spouse the mother and mistres of the faithful the pillar and ground of truth his mistical body wherof Christ is head and the Holy Ghost the Soule who is to teach her all truth and in whose heart is alwaies Gods Word beleued in her mouth his word preached and in her hands his word written But Protestants becaus they can shew no Church before Luther who taught in substance the same waie to heauen which they doe as I haue otherwere Lib. 2. de Authore Protest● Ecclesia shewed by their own plaine and manifold confessions are forced to denie that God hath setled this infallible authoritie in his Church for to direct vs and guide vs infalliblie to heauen and doe grant her no more authoritie in matters of faith then a wh●tat Cont. 1. q. 5. c. 20. l. 1. d● script 144. l. 2. p. 254. ●71 l 3. p. 435. mere humane enen in the b Laude sec 16. n. 26. 61. most fundamental points of al. Naie some of them saïe she hath c whitat Cont. 1. q. 3 c. 3. l. 1. de script p. 153. l. 2. p. 235. Caluin Actor 15 v. 28. See infra l. 2. c. 10. sec 2. and l. 1. c. 2. §. 8. no authoritie at al in matters of faith So they abase the authoritie or rather take awaie al authoritie in matters of faith from their Mother and Mistres in faith from the spouse of Christ from the pillar and ground of truth from her whose head Christ is and whose soule is the Holie Ghost who teacheth her al truth And this The roote of al heresie is the true roote of al heresies not to beleue that the true Church of God the pillar an t ground of truth whome the Holie Ghost teacheth al truth is an infaillible guide apointed by God to direct vs assuredly to heauen For euerie one would follow her none would oppose her whome they confess to be an infallible Guide 3. Protestants grant euerie one of the Prophets or Apostles to haue been infallible in matters of faith and yet cannot shew so mainie nor so plaine testimonies of Scripture for their infallibilitie as we can shew for the infallibilitie of the Church But al infallibilitie in matter of faith they wil put in the scripture as vsually al d T●rtul d● pr●wr c 15. Hilar l. ad Constant. August ep●s 222. H●eron in Galat. 〈◊〉 Sed infr● l. 2. c. 14. seq heretiks did because they wil vnderstand that as thy please and so indeed put al infallibilitie in themselues though nether scripture saith that itselfe is infallible nor was it written for aboue 2000. yeares before Moyses nor was it in al places or times when and where infallible faith was nor itself can shew the way to heauen to them that cannot read it nor sheweth that which Protestants account the most fundamental point of faith or al other points so clearly as it neede no interpreter See infra l. 2. c. 4. see 2. as we shal hear Protestants themselues confess 4. And can any reasonable man perswade himself that God hath setled al infallible authoritie forto direct men assuredly to heauen in that which he conffessth God neuer saied is infallible nor it was in al times or places where and when men were infallibly guided in their way to heauen which cannot by it self guide the greatest part of men which teacheth them not the most necessaire point of al nor al points so clearly as it need not some interpreter and yet say they withal God hath not giuen vs any infallible interpreter I add also that who follow it for their onlie guide in matters of faith haue no constancie nor vnitie in faith nor yet any hope of vnitie Is such â e See infra l. 1. c. 8. n. 6. one mens onelie assured guide to heauen 5. We produce the express word of God that his true Church is the pillar and ground of truthe and that the holie Ghost teacheth her al truth let Protestants produce the like express word of God that the book called scripture is the pillar and ground of truth and that it teacheth al truth You must saieth f Cont. Pra. ●eam l. 11. Tertullian proue as clearly as I doe Bring á proof like to mine And S. Augustin Read as plaine words as these are which we read to you Doe l. de vnis c. 6. 14. not bring vs your consequences or inferences of which we may ●ay with S. Augustin g Serm. 14. de verb. Apost This is a humane argument not diuine authoritie h See i●fra l. 25. 3. s●c 1. Protestants vse to say that al things necessarie to be beleued are expresly in scripture and need no inference and that faith relieth not on argument but on authoritie let
Whitaker contro 1. q. 3. c. 11. and l. 1. de Script c. 3. p. 44. and l. 2. c. 10. sec 4. Pareus l. 3. de Iustif c. 3. and 8. to which I ad that Beza in colloquio Montisbelg p. 407. saieth of extraordinarie means by which faith is infused we haue no testimonie in Scripture Wherfore they can haue no faith that Luther had his faith by anie extraordinarie means or otherwise then Suencfeldius Anabaptists and Enthusiasts pretend that they had theirs And hence also appeareth that Protestants nether take the right way which God hath apointed and the Scripture plainly declareth for to learn true faith and diuine truth by Protestants take no● the right way to get right faith nor wil learn them of those whome God hath apointed to teach and shew them For the onely way which God in ordinarie course hath apointed and the Scripture declareth to learn true faith by is by hearing Rom. 10. and the persons whome they are to hear are lawfully sent Preachers ibidem the Successors of those of whome Christ saied Who heareth yee heareth me Luke 10. and whome he hath put in his Church for consummation of Saints Ephes 4. and whome he hath made the pillar and ground of truth 1. Timoth. 3. But Protestants seek truth by their reading or by their discoursing or inference and not of Pastors or of the pillar or ground of truth and therfore no meruel if they neuer finde truth whiles they wil not seek it how and where it is to be found For where should truth be sought or found but at the pillar and groūd of truth And who seek it not there are neuer like to finde diuine faith but at most humane beleef And Chillingworih therfore often times L 36. 37. 62. 73. 112. 117. professeth that Protestants haue onely humane and moral certaintie such as they haue of profane stories no infallible or certainly vnerring beleef and that they haue as great reason to beleue there was a Heurie eight as that Iesus Christ suffered vnder Pontius Pilat To such prophane credulitie or rather incredulitie are they fallen who seek not truth at the pillar and ground of truth which is the Church Vvhitaker l. 1. descrip p. p. 8. 43. Chil●ng c. 2. n. 12. but profess that they wil first seek truth and then the Church which is as much as if they said they wil seek first the end and afterwards the onely means to come to it But now let vs proue that Protestants doe some times grant that the authoritie of the Church is euen diuine or diuinely infallible FIFTEENTH CHAPTER That Protestants doe diuers vvaies confess that the authoritie of the Church in matters ●f faith is diuine or diuinely infallible 1. IN the former Tenth Chapter we shewed that Protestants doe often times confess that the Church is infallible at lest in fundamental points of faith now we wil shew that some times they confess that she is also diuinely infallible that is infallible by Gods diuine efficacious assistance And indeed it cannot be conceaued how she can be infallible in anie kinde of supernatural and diuine matters and not be diuinely infallible in them that is infallible by Gods diuine efficacious assistance For by herself or her natural power she cannot so much as know them much less be infallible in them 2. Caluin in Luc. 10. The testimonie of our Saluation giuen by men sent of God is no less then if he spoke from heauen The same saieth confessio Bohemica c. 14. Apologia Confess Augustanae c. de Poenitentia perkins in Reformed Catholik cont 3. c 3. and others Whitaker l. 3 de Script p. 4●6 when the Church giueth testimonie to the Scriptures surely this testimonie is diuine because God is the author Testimonie of the Church diuine of this testimonie Behold the testimonie of the Church is diuine and that becaus God is Author of it Nether can he by the testimonie of the Church mean the truth testified by her becaus that were to equiuocate and also to grant no more her testimonie to be diuine then is the testimonie of anie priuat man of the Scriptures Wherfore by the Churches testimonie he must needs mean The Churches testification of the Scriptures or her act of testifying them to be diuine and so is no priuat mans testification diuine though he testifie the same which the Church testifieth And contr 1. q. 3. c. 11. Stapleton saieth the iudgment Iudgement of the Church diuine of the Church is diuine be it so let the iudgment of the Church be diuine We enquire not now whether the iudgment of the Church be diuine in it self but how we know that it is diuine Which supposeth that the Iudgment of the Church is diuine for we cannot know that it is diuine if it be not such indeed And ibid. we confess that the iudgment of the Chuch is in some sorte diuine not simply but in some parte when the testimonie of the Church conspireth with the testimonie of the holie Ghost then we confess it is diuine Where by Iudgment he cannot mean the truth iudged by the Church but her act of iudging both for what we said of testimonie of the Church as also becaus he saieth her iudgment is not simply diuine wheras Gods truth iudged by the Church is simply diuine and not onely in parte And the same Whitaker l. 2. de Script c. 7. p. 246. Ministers of the Church are instruments of the holie Ghost and endued with diuine Ministers endued with diuine authoritie authoritie to gouern the Church committed to them Where is plainly granted to Ministers diuine authoritie to gouern the Church and if to gouern why not also diuine authoritie to testifie that to be diuine truth which they teach Is it not as necessarie to the Church to be rightly taught as to be rightly gouerned And if as necessarie why not diuine authoritie granted as wel for the one as for the other And Authoritie of s●ripture equal to Christ contro 1. q. 3. c. 11. p. 328. The authoritie of the Scripture is no less then the authoritie of Christ himself And yet the Scripture is a create thing as wel as the Church is Powel l. de Adiaphoris p. 7. Such indifferent things as by the Church haue been lawfully and orderly instituted are so far humane as they are also diuine therfore haue more then humane authoritie yea plainly diuine And if things instituted by the Things instituted by the Church plainely diuine Church haue plainly diuine authoritie surely she hath diuine authoritie to institute them For humane authoritie can institute nothing which is plainly diuine Nether do I think that anie iudicious Protestant wil denie that the Authoritie of the Church to preach Gods word and administer his Sacraments is truly diuine becaus our Sauiour Mathew the last saieth Al power in heauen and earth is giuen to me wherfore going teach al nations baptizing them c. And what
need had he to say Al power in heauen and earth was giuen to him for to giue mere humane power to his Apostles and also what humane power could be fit or sufficient to teach and administer diuine word and Sacraments And if Christ gaue to his Apostles true diuine authoritie to preach his word and administer his Sacraments he gaue them also true diuine authoritie to testifie that it was his word and Sacraments which they administred becaus the end of their preaching was to perswade men that it was his word and Sacraments which they administred and God giuing diuine authoritie to the means must needs giue the like authoritie to the end becaus he more desireth the end then the means and therfore wil not giue less authoritie to obtaine the end then he doth to obtain the means 3. Secondly Protestants say manie things of the Churches authoritie which must needs argue it to be diuine For Whitaker l. 1. de Script p. 11. and 19. saieth It is sacriledg not to receaue the Churches testimonie of the Sacriledg not to receaue the Churches testimonie Scriptures Tailor l. of libertie of prophesying sec 9. n. 2. The authoritie of the Church is diuine in its original for it deriues immediatly from Christ Potter sec 1. p. 10. The good Spirit of truth and loue euer assists and mantaines that great bodie the Catholik Church Sec. 5. p. 20. The whole Church cannot so err as to be destroied For then our lords Promise of her stable edification shold be of no value P. 21. Nor hath the Church vniuersal the like assurance from Christ that she shal not err in vnnecessarie additions as she Assurance from Christ hath for her not erring in taking away from the faith what is fundamental and necessarie It is comfort enough for the Church that the lord in mercie wil secure her from al capital dangers P. 22. That the Church shal neuer be robbed of anie truth necessarie to the being of the Church the promses of Christ assure vs. P. 30. Their General councels authoritie is immediatly deriued and deriued and delegated from Christ Laude in his Relation sec 21. p. 170. That the whole Church cannot err in doctrins absolutly fundamental seemes to be clear by the promise of Christ Mathew 16. The gates of hel c. Ibid. This power By Christs ●romise of not erring is in it partely by this promise of Christ Sec. 16. p. 61. The vniuersal Church deliuers those supernatural fundamental truthes by promises of assistance Sec. 33. p. 231. For this necessarie truth the Apostles receaued the promise for themselues and the whole Catholik Church Sec 38. p. 355. The Catholik Church of Christ Infallible assistance promised in things absolutly necessarie onely had infallible assistance promised And Chillingworth c. 5. p. 277. That there shal be by diuine prouidence preserued God hath promised absolutely in the world to the worlds end a companie of Christians who hold al things precisely and indispensably necessarie to saluation and nothing ineuitably destructiue of it this the Doctor affirmeth that God hath promised absolutely And is her authoritie not diuine which not to receaue is sacriledg Is not she diuinely infallible who is infallible by Christs absolute promise and the Spirit of truth his efficacious assistance What mean we by Diuinely infallible but infallible in this sort Doth not Laude sec 16. p. 91. say That so great assistance of Christ and the B. spirit as is purposely giuen to that effect that the authoritie of anie companie be diuine and infallible enough And doe not the forsaid Protestants confess that such assistance of Christ and of the B. Spirit is purposely giuen to the Church in fundamental points of faith How then can they denie that her authoritie in such points is diuine and she diuinely infallible in them 4. Thirdly Protestants are sometimes ashamed to say the Authoritie or testimonie of the true Church is mere humane and doe but restrictly say that it is diuine Whitaker contro 1. q. 3. c. 11. p. 331. It is a slander that we make the Iudgment of the Church mere humane which surely is fals Laude in his Relat. sec 16. n. 19. The tradition of the present Not more humane Church is not absolutely diuine And n. 21. The voice of the Church is not simply diuine Sec. 10. n. 11. The Churches authoritie is not simply diuine Sec. 19. n. 1. The testimonie of the present Church is not simply diuine Potter Sec. 5. p. 15. That the Church is infallible we doe not absolutely deny we onely deny the Church to be absolutely infallible Which is tacitly to confess that the authoritie or testimonie of the Church is truely diuine in some degree For what is not meerly humane and onely denied to be simply diuine is in some degree truly diuine And what authoritie is in anie degree truly diuine by Gods special assistance implieth contradiction to deceaue But why doe Protestants vse these ambiguous and equiuocal termes not simply not absolutely which they condemne in others and doe not speak out and Vvhitaker l. 3. p. 419. Laude Relat sec 33. p. 247 tel plainly whether authoritie of the Church in matters of faith be truly diuine by Gods efficacious assistance or no. For if it be truly diuine in anie degree by Gods efficacious assistance that sufficeth to vs becaus it implieth contradiction that such diuine authoritie should deceaue or be deceaued And as Chillingworth c. 3. § 33. p. 175. saieth The Apostles could not be the Churches fundation without freedom from error in al those things which they deliuered constantly as certain reuealed truthes For if once we suppose they may haue erred in some things of this nature it wil be vtterly vndiscernable what they haue erred in and what they haue not And in like manner I say of the Church That she could not be the pillar and ground of diuine truth without freedom from error in al things which she deliuereth as diuine truthes 4. Fourthly they grant that the The Rule of faith tradition and doctrin of the Church is the rule of faith and of iudging controuersies by White in defense of his way c. 3. p. 339. I grant that the doctrin of the Pastors of the true Church such as succeed the Apostles is the rule and means of faith And c. 37. p. 356. That the Churches doctrin is the rule I deny not Chillingworth l. 2. n. 155. Vniuersal tradition is the rule to iudge al controuersies by And c. 3. p. 148. We beleue canonical books vpon vniuersal tradition But the doctrin or tradition of the Church could not be the rule of diuine and infallible faith or of iudging controuersies in such faith if it were not also diuine and infallible For a rule must be as diuine and infallible as that is which is ruled by it And as Chillingworth saieth c. 3. p. 148. cit An authoritie subiect to error can be
them keep this in this main controuersie legant let them read in Scripture not themselues infer out of Scripture that God hath set al infallible authoritie for matters of faith in Scripture and we wil beleue them as i l. de vnitate c. 17. S. Augustin saied in the like case to the donatists and k laude Relat sec 33. Chillirg p. 3 33 Protestants saie in the dislike to vs or I wil els say with the same S. Augustin I beleue what God saieth not l de vnita c. 11. what vaine heretiks babble or what fallible men infer 6. Nay Protestants are so far from reading in Scripture that in it is al infallible authoritie for matters of faith as themselues m se● infra l. 2. c. 5. sec 2. confess ●hat by Scripture al things absolut●ly cannot be proued which are to be beleued That Scripture is not an absolutly perfect Rule of controuersies that it cannot decide the question of Schisme that it is not safe to iudge al things by scripture alone that it doth not contein simply al things which are necessarie to saluation that it cannot assure vs that it is the word of God That it needeth an interpreter for some points of faith Which are to far from the nature of an al-sufficient infallible guide of men in matters of faith and so far from the nature of an al-sufficient rule in matters of faith as I think no iudicious Protestant can in his iudgment ioine them together For it is plain contradiction to be Al-sufficient and to be deficient in so main and so manie points 7. And not with standing though Hou scripture is necessarie and a rule in Scripture be not that Al-sufficient authoritie which God hath instituted on earth for to direct men by right faith to heauen nor it be the entire or the necessarie Rule ●or the very being of infallible faith yet it is necessarie to the better being of faith and a sufficient Rule both for al fundamental or al simply necessarie points of faith and also for the most points of Christian faith and à mediate rule for al of them And this being al that for which Scripture was written and which it ought to haue it is to be accounted a perfect ●ule becaus euerie thing is perfect when it hath al that it ought to haue And herein we grant more perfection to Scripture then Protestants doe both because we teach that it containeth al that we account absolutly necessarie or fundamental to saith Protestants say it teacheth not that which they account the most fundamental point of al to wit that it self is the word of God and also becaus we say that e●her immediat●ly or mediatly it teacheth clearly al points of faith what soeuer in that it sendeth vs to the true Church which teacheth clearly al points But Protestants say that nether immediatly nor mediatly it teacheth some clearly and sendeth vs not to any infallible interpreter So that S. Augustin l. 1. cont Creson c. 33. we grant both more vniuer●alitie and also more claritie to Scripure then Protestants do though they wold seem to ma●e more of scripture them we doe but in truth make so litle of the Scripture as Chilling 〈◊〉 2. 6. 32. v. 9. some of them teach that we are not bound vnder paine of damnation to beleue the diuine authoritie of Sc●ipture Nay say that the Scripture is none of the material obiects of faith that we ha●e as great reason to beleue there was a King Henrie VIII as that which is saied in S●ripture of Christ suffering See infra l. 2. c. 8. sec 2. and c. 15. n. 2 vnder Pontius Pilat which is in effect to say we ha●e as great reason to beleue some men as to beleue God For not al but some men say there was a King Henrie VIII and both God and in a manner al men say thar Christ suffered vnder Pontius Pilat INDEX OF THE CHAPTERS OF the first Book I. IN which is enplicated the question touching the i●fallibilitie of the Church II. In which are set down the rational grounds of what is saied in this treatise concerning the Church III. What conditions are necessarie to the Al-sufficient external Proposer of points of faith IV. That God can giue to men a diuine infallibilitie or veracitie in proposing matters of faith V. That the true Church of God is a sufficient and infallible Propos●r of al which she proposeth as points of faih proued by what she is saied to be in Scripture VI. That the true Church of God is infallibilible in al she proposeth as points of faith proued by Gods promises to her in Scripture VII That the true Church of God is an infallible proposer of matters of faith proued by the holie Fathers VIII That the true Church of God is infallible in matters of faith proued by Reason IX Some of the protestants reasons against the infallibilitie of the true Church of God in matters of faith answered X. That the true Church of God is infallible in matters of faith proued by manifold coufessions of protestants XI That the true Church of God is in ordinarie Course a necessarie Propeposer of al points of faith proued by holy Fathers XII That the true Church of God is a necessarie Proposer of al points of faith proued by Reason XIII That the true Church of God is a necessarie proposer of al points of faith proued by plain confessions of Protestants XIV That Protestants grant the Churches authoritie to be diuin● XV. That Protestants grant it to be a supernatural cause of saith XVI How a vicious circle is auoided in prouing the Church by the Scripture and the scripture by the Church XVII How we are to answer that question How know yo● the Scripture to be the word of Gode XVIII That the true Church of God doth clearly and vniuersally propose al points of faith XIX Which is a sufficient Proposal of the Church for points of faith INDEX Of the Chapters of the second Book I. PRocestants vncertain which books be canonical Scripture II. Protestants vncertain whither al that is in scripture be plain and easie to be vnderstood or no. III. Protestants vncertain whether al things necessarie to be beleued be actually in scripture or no. IV. Protestants vncertain whether al things necessarie to be beleued be clearly in scripture or no. V. Protestants vncertain whether scripture be the onlie and entire Rule of faith or no. VI. Protestants vncertain whether scripture of itself do sufficiently shew it self to be the word of God or no. VII Protestants vncertain whether scripture be a true Iudge of Controuersies or no. VIII Protestants vncertain whether scripture be to be beleued to be Gods word with infallible asseurance or no. IX Protestants vncertain whether translated scripture be Authentical or no. X. Protestants vncertain whether scripture be to be beleued to be the word of God only for the Churches testimonie or no. XI Protestants
and the Apostles and Euangelists were of greater authoritie and excellencie then the scripture of the new testament And neuertheles the Prophets Apostles Euangelists and Primitiue Church were men Wherfore God not only can but hath giuen to men authoritie infallible simply diuine made their voice his voice made it a sufficient cause of diuine faith and such as into it we maie resolue our faith 6. To al these confessions of Protestants that the authoritie and veracitie of the Prophets Apostles Euangelists and Primitiue Church was diuine and infallible I add that generally Protestants confes that the true Church of God of what time soeuer is Infallible in fundamental points of faith as I shewed parte 1. l. 1. c. 7. And they must needs confes it vnles they wil say the Church of the time since the Apostles is perishable For if it be errable in fundamental points it is perishable becaus fundamental points are essential points and without which the Church cannot stand no more then a house can stand without a fundation as is euident and themselues confess And besides if it should not hold al points necessarie to Saluation which can neuer agree to the true Church of God it should faile of the end for which God instituted it which was to bring men to saluation Now this Infallibilitie of the Church in fundamētal points cannot be natural as issuing from the nature of the men who are the Church as is manifest Therfore it is supernatural and diuine proceeding from Gods special assistance and vertue of Christs promise that she doe not err in such points And if Churches Infallibilitie in fundamental points be supernatural and diuine proceeding from Gods special and effectual assistance to that purpose it may iustly be giuen as a sufficient external cause why we beleue any fundamental point as that the scripture is the word of God See Vvita●er l. 3. de script p. 4 28. Wherfore ether Protestants must denie this to be a fundamental point of their faith which yet some of them account so fundamental as that vpon it their beleif of alother points dependeth or they cannot denie but that we may beleue with diuine faith that the scripture is the word of God becaus the present Church doth testifie so and that her authoritie is not only an Introduction or inducement to beleue the scripture to be the word of God as b Vvhitaker l. 2. descrip p. 234. Potter sec 5. p. 8 Hooler l. 3. §. 8. Laude sec 5. n. 25. Chilling c. 3. p. 150. they vse to say but a true and sufficient external cause therof For it cannot be denied but that infallible diuine authoritie or veracitie can be in its order a sufficient cause of infallible and diuine faith And if the Churches infallibilitie in some points of faith be diuine voluntarie and vaine it is to denie it to be such in al points of f●ith For if she be fallible in some points of faith what assurance can we haue that she is diuinely infallible in others as S. Augustin rightly said of the scripture Besides her diuine infallibilitie in onely fundamental points were to no purpose for us seing we know not certainly which are those fundamental points which not Moreouer al points of faith sufficiently proposed are equally to be beleued of vs with diuine faith and therfore there must be diuine authoritie in the proposer for them al. I add also that Protestants teach that the word or voice of a minister absoluing a penitent is infallible and Protestants make ministers vo●●e Gods voi●e equiualent to Gods voice and as much to be beleued as if God spoke to him from heauen as is to be seen in the Apologie of the Confess of Auspurg c. de poenitentia Perkins Cathol reform Cont. 3. c. 3. Fulk of Priesthood p. 168. And if one Ministers voice be such much more the voice of the Church 7. And out of these confessions of Protestants of the infallible and diuine authoritie of the Prophets Apostles Euangelists we maie see First how fondly some c Vvhitaker l. 1. descrip p. 24. ●26 l. 3. p. 419. cont 2. q. 4. c. 1. Laude sect 16. n. 6. Petter sec 5. Ch●lling c. 3. n. 50. Protestants argue The present Church is men Therfore it is not infallible in matters of faith As if the Prophets Apostles Euangelists had not been men Secondly how vntruly Laude saieth sec 16. p. 65. That special immediat reuelation is necessarily required to the verye least degree of diuine authoritie For besids that he affirmeth that without all proof it is manifestly refuted by their grant of infallibilitie of the present Church in fundamental points For if she be infallible in such highe and diuine points she is such without immediat diuine reuelation Besids himself sec tit p. 51. granteth that such and so great assistance of Christ and his Holie Ghost as is purpos●ly giuen to that effect is enough to make the authoritie Vvhat assistance suffieth to make ●uine inf●llibilitie of an●e companie of men diuine and infallible And if such and so great assistance wil suffice to make infallible and diuine authoritie then special immediat reuelation is not needful for that purpose And surely it were greatly to restraine the Omnipotencie of God that he cannot giue the verie least degree of diuine authoritie but by special reuelation and that what so euer special assistance of his without that were not sufficient to that purpose Moreouer S. Luke c. 1. professeth to haue written his Ghospel by hearsay Thirdly we maiesee how impiously wrote Whitaker controu 2. q. 5. c. 11. The Apostles are not simply to be Protestants wil examin the Apostles heard but to be examined to the Rule of scripture l. 1. de script c. 10. sec 8. No mans testimonie of God and of his word can be sufficient And l. 3. c. 19. p. 500. I beleue Moises but not for Moises The like he hath ib. p. 402. 404. and other where often Ibid. c. 8. p. 409. The Apostles giue al authoritie of iudging to the Scriptures take none to themselues l. 2. p. 294. Nether Pauls nor the Apostles authoritie was reason or Rule of beleuing l. 1. c. 2. p. 41. Noman beleued for Ihons testimonie onely c. 7. p. 78. The command to heare the Apostles was not simple for what soeuer they shold say Simple obedience and beleef is due to Christ onely l. 3. c. 3. p. 383. Nones but Gods testimonie of himself is sufficient And Laude Relat. sec 16. p. 107. were the Apostles liuing and should tel vs that they spake and writ the verie Oracles of God yet this were but their own testimonie of themselues and so alone not able to enforce beleif on others For wil they haue the Apostles to be examined and their testimonie vnsufficient which they haue granted to be simply diuine the voice of God altogeither infallible to be beleued for it self sufficient to cause faith and into
for beside that it is a new and groundles distinction it is contrarie to the end of Christs promise For no assistance in matters of ●nfallible faith is fitting but that which is infallible But out of the aforesaid sayings of Protestants it is euident First that some times they grant and indeed must grant that the Church is infallible in more points then are absolutly fundamental to al men 2. that in what points she is infallible she is in them diuinitus or diuinely infallible becaus she is such by Christs foresaid promise and the Holie Ghosts special assistance 3. That in saying the Church is infallible onely in necessaries they should not dissent from Catholiks if by necessaries they would mean necessaries to alsortes of men and both for the being and better being of faith as no doubt the Apostle meant Ephes 4. by consummation of Saints and edification of the bodie of Christ For Catholiks do not think that that the Church is infallible in things altogether vnnecessarie as manie scholastical subtiltiesare 2. Their second answer is that though the Holie Ghost teach the Laude sect 25. n. 5. Chilling c. 3. §. 71. Church al truth anie way necessarie to Saluation yet it followeth not that she learneth al such truth becaus God complaineth of some that they had eyes and would not see had eares and stopped them This answer also is new and not grounded in anie word of Christ but voluntarie and irrational and iniurious to the Apostles as if they had not learnt al truth which the Holie Ghost taught them and also to the Holie Church as if she would not learne al the truth which the Holie Ghost teacheth her but were like to those reprobats who would not see nor heare Gods voice and blasphemous against Christ as if he would not promise and against the Holie Ghost as if he wold not more effectually teach the Apostles and Church then he doth teach Reprobates But before we haue proued that the Holie Ghost teacheth the Church efficaciously 3. Their third answer is that this Vvhitaker l. 1. de Script p. 77. Laud. sec 16. p. 97. Chilling c. 3. §. 72. Moulins Bu●ler p. 51. promise was made to the Apostles onely whome indeed the Holie Ghost taught al truth of faith and who also learnt it but not to the Church or Successors of the Apostles This answer is new nor sufficiently grounded in the text as shal by and by appeare but contrarie to Christs express words of his Promise for euer For the Apostles were not to abide here for euer Contrarie to the end of his Promise which was for the good of the Church and therfore was to continue so long as the Church continueth For it was cheifly for the good of the Church that the Holie Ghost was to teach al truth Contrarie to the Fathers as we shal see in the next Chapter And finally contrarie to Protestants For thus Laude sec 16. p. 93. 96. It was made to the Apostles and their suecessors sec 25. p. 161. A large promise to the Church of knowing al points of truth And sec 33 p. 231 for necessarie truth the Apostles receaued this promise for themselues and the whole Church P. 232. The Fathers refer their speech to the Church vniuersal And Potter sec 5. p. 18. That promise was made to the Apostles in behoof of the Church and is verified in the vniuersal Church And t ●tem Cont. 2. q. 1. c. 1. Laudesect 16 p. 96. Whitaker controu 3. q. 6. c. 2. saieth that those words For euer conuince it as in truth they doe becaus the Apostles were not to be here for euer Neuertheles Chillingworth c. 3. § 74. answereth that by for euer here is not meant eternally but continually for the time of the Apostles liues becaus for euer is sometimes so taken in Scripture But fondly for in those places the v Tertul. de ●estor ●3 matter sheweth that for euer signifieth til death But the like is not here for the reasons already giuen and al words are to be vnderstood properly vnles the contrarie be manifest as the x Tertul de Carne ●hri● c. 13. 15. 24. de restor c. 18. Cont. Praxec 13. Augustin l. 3. d● Doctrin c 10. 11. H●larius l. 1. 2. 4. 5. 7. Fathers teach and reason sheweth For els al vnderstanding of words should become voluntarie as men would haue it And yet Chillingworth § 75. saieth I presume I haue shewed sufficiently that this For euer hinders not but that the promise may be appropriated to the Apostles when he hath out of a few places and those vnlike as being of a quite different matter wrested a word from its proper and vsual signification to an improper and vnusual merely for to defend his heresie For the matter is quite different becaus in the places brought by Chillingworth speech is of some particuler persons who nether in themselues nor in their successors could continue eternally and therfore for euer in them must needs be mant For their life wheras the Apostles continue in their successors eternally and therfore For euer spoken to them them for the good of the Church is to be vnderstood eternally as properly and vsually it signifieth But it is the common sophistical manner of arguing among Protestaut writers to argue from some few particular improper vse of words in some matter against the proper and vsual sense of them euen in a different and dislike matter which is a verie Sophistical kinde of arguing and wel to be noted For by that nothing can be assuredly proued out of scripture Besids Christ here so promiseth the assistance of the Holie Ghost for euer as Math. 28. he promiseth his own assistance for euer but that he promiseth Laude sect 16. p. 29. eternally For he saieth Going teach al nations baptizing c. And I am with you al daies til the end of the world to wit with you teaching and baptizing Which sheweth Christs assistance for euer with his Pastors in their teaching Chillingworths proofs that this promise was made to the Apostles alone be caus in them some words pertein to them alone proue no more then that the promise was in words made to them alone but not meant to them alone As Christs promise to S. Peter Math. 16. that the Church should be built on him and that he should haue the keyes of heauen was made to him alone yet not meant to him alone but to his successors also and commandment was giuen to him alone Ioan. 21. to feed Christs sheep and yet not meant to him alone but to his successors also Math. 18. that what the Apostles should Promises are to be measured by their end loose on earth should be loosed in heauen was made onely to them but meant also to their successors and the like is of manie others such And the reason of al is one and the same becaus al these promises were made to the Apostles for
no diuine light in them Likewise if the light were onely in the original letters of Scripture as Hebrew and Greek no translated Scripture should haue this light and so none should know the Scripture to be Gods word but who know Hebrew and Greek Moreouer both Fathers teach and Protestants S. Hierom. Galat 1 Vvh●t●ker l 2 cont Dur. sec 1. confess that Scripture consisteth in the sense not in the letter or words of Scripture As Wotton in Whites Defense c. 28. p. 259. denieth the words to be the Rule of faith And White ibid. affirmeth the matter conteined in the words so to be Nay Whitaker himself l. 3. de Scrip. c. 4. p. 39● saieth Nether doe I put most certain diuinitie in the written letter And surely writing or letters giue no diuine authoritie to Gods word For Gods word is of the same authoritie written and vnwritten as is euident and Protestants confess How then can writing or letters giue anie true light or brightnes to Gods word Finally I add that e Sup l 1. c. 10. n. 6. faith cannot be resolued into arguments becaus it is not discursiue but onely into authoritie For it is a simple assent to the saying for the authoritie of the saier And onely the word of God or which God hath said can be beleued with diuine faith And no collection or inference of man out of the character or letter of God is Gods word and therfore cannot be the obiect or formal cause of diuine faith Nor is this feigned light in the sense of the Scripture becaus then by it we could not beleue euerie parte of the Scipture to be Gods word For as Protestants before confessed it Sup. c. 2. sect 2. were impudencie and madnes to say that anie know the true sense of euerie parte of Scripture which is beleued to be Gods word S. Austin Epist 119. professed that there is more in Scripture which he knew not then which he knew And Whitaker l. 2. de Script p. 220. 235. saieth The Eunuch though he vnderstood not the Scriptures yet he acknowledged them and certainly knew them to be diuine And l. 1. p. 156. God hath so framed his speech that though pious men doe not alwaies clearly see what he speaketh yet they clearly see by the verie speech that it is God who speaketh What diuine light of honestie haue those words to Osee Take a fornicarian and make sonnes of fornication What diuine light of humanitie haue those words to Abraham sacrifice thy sonne what diuine light of truth haue those words that Balaams ass spake to him And the like of manie more 5. Furthermore the Deuisers of this sufficient internal light of the Scripture are not wel resolued whether not withstanding this light it need be proued infallibly that Scripture is the word of God For Laude sec 16. p. 64 saieth It seemes to m● very necessarie that we be able to proue the books of scripture to be the word of God by some authoritie that is absolutly diuine And ibid. p. 66. Scripture must be proued by some word of God This is agreed on by me that scripture must be known to be scripture by a sufficient infallible diuine proof And that such proof can be nothing but the word of God is agreed also by me Thus he confesseth that notwithstanding anie light in the Scripture it must be infalliby proued to be the word of God and that such proof can be none but some word of God Which if he wold constantly hold he must needs grant that there is some vnwritten word of God by which the Scripture must be proued to be his word Neuertheles himself soon after p. 104. saieth It is most But Protestants can not proue it so reasonable that Theologie should be allowed to haue some principle which she proues not but presupposes and the chiefest of these is Tat the scriptures are of diuine authoritie And the same he repeateth p. 110. Potter also sec 5. p. 26. Al Christians in the world confess the authoritie of scripture to be a Principle indemonstrable yet are we by them Papists perpetually vrged to proue that authoritie and that by scripture And Whitaker l 1. de Script 106. What Pastor euer laboreth to proue that it is God who speaketh in scriptures He by his right requireth that this be granted to him So that the chiefest principle of Protestants Theologie and that on which dependeth their beleif of al they beleue cannot be infallibly proued but must be praesupposed and freely granted and consequently they can beleue nothing infallibly as Laude p. 64. cit wel inferred For as generally Protestants teach we Sup. l. 1. c. 18. n. 1. can haue no greater certaintie of the inference then we haue of the Principle out of which we inferr it And herevpon Chillingworth as before we shewed c. 8. sec 2. consequently granted that Protestants haue but humane and moral assurance of what they beleue And as Laude saieth sec 16. p. 59. This question how doe you know scripture to be scripture driueth some of them into infidelitie Such fruits they see come of their denying the Churches infallibilitie in al matters of faith 6. Finally this sufficient internal light of the Scripture great or less hath no sufficient ground For the pretended ground therof is that the Scripture is called a light psal 118. To which I answer First That arguments taken from Metaphors Arguments taken from me●aphors are deceitful or similitudes are most subiect to deceipt becaus the true similitude may be easily mistaken Secondly it is not saied that the scripture or Written word and much less Al scripture is a light but simply The word of God which may be wel vnderstood ether of the word preached Gal. 1. Without which there is no faith Rom. 10. or of the ingrafted word which can saue our soules Iacobi 1. or of the word written in the hearts of the faithful Hierem. 31. Thirdly I say that the word of God is called a light not becaus it sheweth Vvhy Gods word called a light it self to be the word of God as light sheweth it self to be light but becaus it sheweth the way to heauen And therfore it is called a light to our feet which can not see but follow And in this sorte Iob. 2. 29. saieth He was an eye to the blinde not that the blinde could see him but follow his directions The like I say to that other place 2. Petri c. 1. Where he likeneth Prophetical speech to a lamp shining in a dark place For nether speaketh he of al scripture but onely of Prophesies nether likeneth he them to a lamp in that this is seen by it self but ether becaus Prophesies gaue but a darksome light of Christ in respect of the Gospel or becaus they directed to Christ as a lamp directeth in a darksome roome In like sorte the Apostles were called the light of the world Math. 5. Not becaus the world