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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69169 [Certein workes of blessed Cipriane the martyr, translated out of laten by J. Scory] Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage.; Scory, John, d. 1585.; Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage. De mortalitate.; Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage. Ad Fortunatum.; Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage. Epistola ad Thibaritanos. 1556 (1556) STC 6152; ESTC S111012 40,894 104

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And many false prophetes shal arise and deceiue many and bicause of the abundaunce of wickednes the charite of many shall ware cold but he the shall endure vnto th ende the same shal be saffe And this gladde tydinges of the kingdome shall be preached thorowe all the worlde for a witnesse vnto all nacyons and than shall the ende come Whā therfore ye shall see thabo minacion of desolatyon spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place Daniel 9. let him that reade it vnderstande it Than let them that be in Iury flee in to the mountaines And him which is on the house toppe not com downe to fet any thing out of his house Neither let him which is in the felde returne backe to fetche his clothes Wo be in those daies to women with childe and to them that geue sucke but praie ye that your flight be not in the winter neither on the saboth daie For than shall be great tribulacion suche as was not from the beginning of the world to thys tyme nor shal be And excepte those dayes should be shortned ther should no flesh be saued but for the chosen sake those dayes shall be shortned Then yf any man shall saye vnto you Lo here is Christ or ther is Christ beleue it not For ther shall aryse false Christes and false prophetes and shal do great miracles and wonders In somuche that yf it were possible euē the chosen persons should be deceyued But take you hede loo I haue tolde you all thynges before Wherfore yf they shal saye vnto you behold he is in the wyldernes go not forthe Beholde in the serrete places beleue not For as the lyghtning commeth out of the east and syneth into the west So shall the cōming of the sone of mā be For whersoeuer a deade carcase is thether wil the Egles be gathered together Forthwith after the tribulatiōs of those dayes the sune shall be darkened and the Wone shall not geue her lyght the starres shall fall from heauen and the powers of heauen shall moue And then shall appeare the signe of the Sonne of man in heauen And then shall al the kinreddes of the earthe lament them selues and they shall se the sonne of man commyng in the cloudes wyth great power and glory And he shall sende his Angels with great power glory with a great trompet And they shall gather together his chosen frō the iiij wyndes frō the one ende of heauen to the other Neither are these thinges which nowe happē to christeans new or sodeine for asmuche as good iust mē such as be thorowly bent to kepe the lawe of God are afraid to staine the innocency of lyfe true religion do alwayes walke the harde straite waye thorowe trobles iniuries and thorowe the greuous manifolde punishementes of deadly malicious emnities Thus is the ryghtfull Abel first killed of his brother Gen. 4. in the very beginning of the worlde 1. Reg. 14. Iacob is copelled to flye 3. Reg. 19. Ioseph is solde king Saul persecuteth the merciful Dauid king Achab endeuoureth to oppresse Helias which did constantly manfully defende the maiestie of God ʒa charias the priest is killed betwene the temple the aulter Math. 23. that he myght there be made a sacrifice him selfe where he had offred sacrifices To be shorte ther are very many martirdomes of the rightfull which are oftentymes celebrate Ther are very many ensamples of faithe godlines left for them that shal come after The .iii. children Ananias Ararias Misahel in age equal in loue of one mynde in faithe stabell in godlynes constaunt and stronger then the flāmyng fire and the paynes wherwith they were tormented openly proclaymed that they serued God alone and only that they knewe hym alone Dani 3. that they worshipped him alone saieng O king Na buchodonosor we haue no nede to make the any answer in this mater For God whome we serue is able to deliuer vs frō the hote burning ouen O king and to ridde vs out of thy handes but yf he will not yet shalt thou knowe that we wil not serue thy goddes nor do reuerēce to the ymage which thou hast set vp Dani. 14. And the godlye man Daniel full of the holy Goost cryeth out sayeth I worship nothing but only my Lorde which hath made heauen earth Tobias also althoughe he was vnder a kingly tyrānous bōdage yet being fre in vnderstāding spirite cōfesseth God do excellētly cōmēd god his power and maiestie saieng Tobi. 13. I wil praise him in the lande of my captiuitie wil shewe his power amōges the sinful nacion But what should I speake of the seuē brethrē in the Machabees whiche do fulfill the nūbre of .vii. for a sacrament of absolute ꝑfectnes 2. Mat. 7. These seuen brethren are so lincked together in martirdome as in the disposicion ordinaūce of God the first seuē dayes do couteyne seuen thousande yeres As the seuen spirites and seuen Angels ar assistant and present before the face of the Lord And the seuen fashoned cādelstickes in the tabernacle of witnesse And the seuen golden candelstickes in the reuelacion And the seuē pillars in Salomon vpō whome wisdome doeth builde her howse Euen so the number also ther of seuen brethren doeth comprehēde in them the number of seuen churches According as we reade in the first boke of kinges that the barrē brought furthe seuen And in Esay seuen womē take holde vpō one mā after whose name they require to benamed And Paule thapostle being myndefull of this laufull and certaine number writeth vnto seuen churches And in the reuelation the Lord doeth directe his diuine commaundementes and heuenly preceptes to seuē churches and their angels The which nēber is now foūde in these brethren that laufull perfeccyon might be fulfilled With the seuen sonnes the mother also their beginning and rote is certeinly copled which afterwardes brought furthe seuen churches herselfe being thorowe goddes voice first and alone foūded vpon the rocke Neither is which out mistery the in the martyrdomes the mother is founde alone with her sōnes For the martyrs which in their sufferinges did testefie them selues to be the sonnes of God ar now cownted to haue none other father but God As the Lorde in the gospel teacheth sayeng call no man your father vpon the earth Math. 23. for ther is but one your father which is in heauen O how glorious confessions did they make Howe noble howe excellent lessons of faithe haue they geuē The king Antiochus being angery yea rather Antichrist re presented by Antiochus went about to defile with the filth of swines fleshe the gloriouse mouthes of the martyrs which thorowe the spirite of cōfession war inuincible And when he had greuously beaten them with scorges and yet neuer the neare his purpose he commaunded the frieng pannes or cauldrons to
that were slayne but all suche also as standing manfully in the stedfastnesse of their faythe and in the feare of God haue not worshipped the ymage of the beast neither haue consented vnto them in their haynous and cruell proclamacions lawes That we shall receyue more in rewarde of our suffeting thā are the paynes and afflictions whiche we nowe endure the blessed Apostle Paule dothe proue which beyng thorowe goddes fauour taken vp into the thirde heauen into paradise 2. Cor. 12. witnesseth that he herde wordes that can not be vttered which glorieth that he had thorowe secrete faythe sene Iesus Christ which hauyng certeine knowlege of the truth professeth that which he had bothe learned seen sayeng The afflictiōs of this lyfe are not worthy that glorye which shal be shewed vpon vs. Rous. 8. Who is it nowe that will not labour with all his strenght to attayne so great glory that he maye be made the frende of God and immediatly reioyce with Christ That after these worldly tormentes and paynes he may come to the diuine and heauēly rewardes Yf the souldears of this worlde thinke it a glorious matter after they haue oucrcome thennemy to returne into their coūtrey with triumphe howe muche more noble and excellent a thing is it after we haue ouercome the deuel to returne into paradise triumphing And he beyng subdued which before deceyued to beare with vs the tokens of victorye into that place from the which fynful Adam was cast out To offer vnto God a most acceptable sacerfice that is an vndefiled faythe the sounde vertue of the mynde the bright prayse of godlines To folowe him A descripcion of the glori of eternall liffe whē he shal come to take vengeaunce of his eunemyes To syt on his syde when he shall syt to iuge To be made an heire an nexed with Christ To be made equall vnto the Angels To reiuyse together with the patriarkes Apostles and prophetes in the possession of the heauenly kyngdome What perfecucion can ouercome what tormentes can ouerthrowe these cogitacions and thoughtes The mynde that is grownded vpon godly meditacions abideth strong stable And he whose hart is strenghtned with a certeine and sounde faithe of thinges to come standeth immoueable against al the terrors of the deuell and threatninges of the worlde The eyes ar shutte vp in the persecutions of the world neuertheles heauē is opened Antichrist doeth threaten but yet the Lord Christ doeth defende deathe is brought in notwithstāding immortalite doeth folowe after The world is violētly pluct from him that is slayne Neuerthles paradise is geuen to him that is restored The temporall life is destroied but yet theternall is repaired O how great is the dignue how great is the saffety to departe hence Ioyfully to departe hence gloryously among afflictyons and tormentes In a moment to close vp theyes wherwith men and the world war seen and immediatly to open againe the same to beholde god and Christ O how swift is this departure to be conueied frō thearthe sodenly and to be situate and placed in the celestical heuēly kingdome These thinges ought to be considered in our hartes and myndes vpon these thinges ought we to study muse bothe night and daie yf the daie of the persecuting of Christ shall finde suche a sowldear the vertue which is redy for the rewarde can not be ouer come Or if he shal be preuented called hence before the faithe which was redy vnto martyrdome shall not be wtout rewarde Rewarde is geuē God being iudge wtout hinderance of tyme. In ꝑsecution the sowldearfare in peace the cōsciēce is crowned God being iuge Amen Th ende of thebofe of exhortacion to marurdome Th argument of the Epistle folowing By this Epistle S. Cipriane exhorteth the people that dwelt at Thibaris to fepe and endure in the cōfessiō of Christ with a pure mynde perfit fayth and Godlye deuocion Cipriā vnto the people of Thibaris c. THad decreed and was fully purposed most dearely beloued brethren yf the state of thynges cōuenient tyme wolde haue geuen lyberty to haue come my selfe vnto you according as you haue oftē desyred beyng present to haue ther strenghtned the brotherhed with our exhortacion to the vtter most of our power The Image of a true bishope But forasmuche as thorough vrgent great busynes we are thus wtholden letted that we haue no lybertye to go farre frō hence to be long absent from the people which thorowe goddes mercy is cōmitted to our gouernemēt I haue in the meane tyme sent you these letters in my stede and rowme For it is our deutye seyng the Lorde dothe vouche saue often tymes to pricke vs forewarde to admonish vs to extende forth the care of our instruction warning vnto your cōscience also For ye ought to knowe for a certeintie to beleue holde that the day of troble beginneth to houer ouer ouer heades that th ende of the world the tyme of Antichrist draweth neare that we al may stande ready to the bat taile 1. Ioan. 2. that we thinke vpon nothing but only of the glory of eteruall lyfe the crowne the shal be geuē to thē the cōfesse the Lorde Neither let vs thinke that the thinges cōming are suche as ar alredy passed A more daūgerus crueller fight houereth now ouer vs vnto the which Christ his souldiers ought to prepare thēselues with an vncorrupted faith strong vertue the laye people dranke the cuppe of Christes bloode in Cipriaenes tyme 〈…〉 Tō sidering the they do therfore daily drinke the cup of the blodde of Christ the they maye also shede their blodde for Christ his sake For this is to desire to be foūde wyth Christ to folowe the which Christ bothe taught and dyd according to the sayeng of Iohn̄ thapostle he that sayeth the he abydeth in Christe ought also to walk after the same maner the he walked In like maner exhorteth teacheth the blessed apostle Paule saieng Rom. 8. we ar the sōnes of God but it we be sōnes than are we also heires the heires I meane of God and heires annexed with Christ yf we suffer together with him that we may be also glorified together with him Al these thinges ought to be cōsidered of vs at this presēt that no mā should desire any thing of the worlde which is now in dyeng but might folowe Christ which bothe liueth him selfe euerlastingly also maketh aliue his seruauntes that abide in the faithe of his name For the tyme is come most dearely beloued brethren which our Lord long sins warned vs of tolde vs aforehand that it wold com saieng The howre shall com Ioan. 16. that whosoeuer shall kill you will thinke the he doeth God seruice But these thiges wil they do bicause they haue not knowen the father neither yet me These thinges haue tolde you that whan the howre of them is come