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A50402 The law of God ratified by the gospel of Christ, or, The harmony of the doctrine of faith with the law of righteousness wherein many of the types and rites of the ceremonial law are unfolded, and the moral law adjusted a rule of holy living to all, though justified by faith / as it was delivered in several sermons preacht to the parochial congregation of Mayfield in Sussex by Mr. Mainard late rector thereof, publisht since his death. Maynard, John, 1600-1665. 1674 (1674) Wing M1450; ESTC R33505 161,259 298

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the Passeover and unleavened bread scil seven weeks the same that is called Pentecost it is called the feast of Harvest their Harvest being much earlier then ours in that hot Country This may teach Christians to stir up their hearts to sincere thankfulness unto the Lord for all his blessings particularly for the increase of the fruits of the earth that they may serve the Lord with joyfulness and gladness of heart for the abundance of all things At this Feast of Harvest of weeks or Pentecost the Lord Christ having ascended into Heaven about ten dayes before did in a more glorious manner send down the holy Ghost upon his Apostles that so he might furnish them abundantly with gifts graces abilities to gather in his Harvest to bring in the Nations of the earth into his barn into his Church which before were in the open field of ahe world being strangers to Christ and subject to Satan the God of the world and Prince of darkness He had said unto them Lift up your eyes and look on the fields for they are white already to Harvest And herein is that saying true One soweth and another reapeth I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour other men laboured and ye are entred into their labours The ancient Prop●ets that foretold of Christ his coming death resurrection and ascension into Heaven and that great and glorious Harvest wherein the Nations of the world should be gathered into Christ were ●eedsmen that did not live to see this rich crop brought into the barn they died long before the Son of God was manifested in the flesh and the Gentiles converted but the Apostles were called to Harvest-work to reap what the Prophets had ●own to gather in the Nations of the earth unto Christ and here the Lord Christ told them it was Harvest-time the fields looked white● the fulness of time was come and they were the reapers that must bring in his Harvest which he had so dearly paid for even with the price of his most precious blood but it was needful that that they should be furnisht in an extraordinary measure and manner for such a work and therefore the Lord Christ said unto them Behold I send the promise of my Father upon you but tarry ye in the City of Hierusalem until ye be endued with power from on high do not fall rashly upon the work until I have fitted you for it and so he told them Ye shall receive power after the holy Ghost is come upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Hierusalem and in all Iudea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth after ye are thus fitted and enabled for so great a work ye shall go over the large field of the world to bring in mine Harvest and accordingly at this feast of Harvest the day of Pentecost the Lord Christ sent down his spirit upon them wonderfully enabling them for this service Thirdly There was a third feast scil the Feast of Ingathering at the end of the year when they had gathered in their labours out of the field I conceive when the last of their fruits their vintage or Grapes c. were gathered in This I take to be the same which is called the feast of Tabernacles This was to begin on the fifteenth of the seventh month which seemeth to answer to our September and continued seven days and again it is said to be at the time when they had gathered in the fruit of the Land and they were commanded to take boughs of goodly trees branches of Palm-trees and the boughs of thick trees and willows of the Brook and to rejoyce before the Lord their God seven days they were also commanded to dwell in Boothes seven days that their Generations might know that the Lord made the Children of Israel to dwell in Booths when he brought them out of the land of Egypt This feast was solemnly kept after the peoples return from Captivity 1. This again may stir up Christians to thankfulness unto the Lord for all his blessings and particularly for the fruits of the earth as before 2. This dwelling in Booths and slight Tents or Tabernacles made of green boughs in memory of their condition when they came out of the Land of Egypt the house of bondage may teach Christians often to call to mind their afflictions and low condition out of which the Lord hath at any time delivered them especially they that are in Christ should often and seriously remember that woful bondage and misery under sin and satan and the danger of condemnation out of which the Lord Christ hath delivered them and labour to be exceedingly thankful for it 3. They were to go out of their dwelling houses to dwell in booths when they had gathered in their fruits least when their barns and store-houses were plentifully filled they might forget God who gave them all these things and set their hearts upon the Creatures resting in their outward enjoyments giving themselves up to voluptuousness like him spoken of Luk. 12. Soul thou hast goods laid up for many years eat drink and be merry but God said unto him thou fool this night shall thy soul be required of thee then whose shall those things be which thou hast provided Learn then in the midst of the greatest abundance to raise up your hearts above all earthly things to make God your portion to walk with him in the light of his Countenance 4. This dwelling in Booths or Tabernacles may teach Christians to be affected as strangers here on earth having no continuing City in this world their bodies being slight and weak frames easily dissolved like summer-houses made of green boughs that will suddenly wither labour then to make sure of a building of God an house not made with hands eternal in the Heavens purchased by the blood of Christ for all those that are sound in him in as much as ye have no continuing City here seek one to come and labour for sound evidence to clear your title to it Fourthly Besides these three great feasts there was to be a memorial of blowing the Trumpets upon the first of the same seventh month and then upon the tenth day of that month a day of Atonement solemne humiliation repentance and afflicting the soul so the silver Trumpet being sounded in the preaching of the word summons the hearers to repentance to afflict their souls to abase and humble themselves to turn to the Lord with all their hearts Cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a Trumpet and shew my people their transgressions and the house of Iacob their sins This silver Trumpet was sounded by Iohn Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Iudea and saying Repent ye for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand for this is he that was spoken of by the Prophet Isaiah saying The voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare ye
Son who are one God and two distinct persons then his God-head is expresly asserted And the word was God the same God with the Father all things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made all the Creatures were made by Christ of nothing and therefore he is very God for by him were all things created that are in Heaven and that are in Earth visible and invisible whether they be Thrones or Dominions or Principalities or Powers all things were Created by him and for him and he is before all things and by him all things consist not only all visible Creatures on Earth but also all the glorious Angels of Heaven were created by him and his eternity is declared He is before all things his Almighty power is asserted by him all things consist The frame of the world would fall in peices the Beings of the Creatures would be disjoynted dissolved did not his Almighty Arm hold all together He upholdeth all things by the word of power and least any blasphemous adversary of Christ his God-head should object that Christ might create the world as a● instrument and inferiour Agent under the Father The Apostle telleth us All things were created not only by him but also for him He is the principal Agent and he is the cheif end of the Creation They were made for his glory a clear evidence to prove him to be very God the same God with the Father for it is the peculiar Prerogative of God to be the highest of the whole Creation for whom all things were made for of him and through him and to him are all things to him in this place and for him in the other have the same sense and the original is the same in both 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Apostle shews That Christ being in the form of God thought or judged it to be no Robbery to be equal with God in all eternity he was in the form of God he was really properly essentially God and therefore judged it to be no robbery to be equal with God This cutteth off all cavils for how could it have been less then an high degree of robbery or Sacriledge for any one that was not as truly and properly God as the Father even the same God with the Father to judge himself equal with God in as much as God the Creator is infinitely above the most excellent of the Creatures Secondly He took upon him the Nature of man the word was made flesh The eternal word or Son of God who was before all time without beginning of dayes was pleased in the fulness of time to be made flesh not by transmutation but by assumption not by turning his unchangeable God-head into flesh but by taking flesh that is a true humane Nature soul and body into the unity of his person so uniting the nature of man to his God-head as to make it properly his own to become one person with himself the God-head being never separated again from the manhood nor confounded with it both natures remaining distinct but never divided from each other the same Christ remaining perfect God and perfect man so where it is shewed that being in the form of God c. it followeth But made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a Servant and was made in the likeness of men and found in fashion as a man c. And without controversie great is the mystery of Godliness God was manifest in the flesh This is indeed a great mystery of such an height and depth and far exceedeth the reach of mens understandings yet a most certain and infallible truth to be received by faith and it was necessary the Redeemer of manking should be both God and man that he might satisfie the justice of God and bear the penalty of the Law due to the sins of the world First It was necessary that he should be God 1. That he might inable the humane nature to bear the weight of Gods wrath and revenging justice to support the manhood from sinking under it and being swallowed up of it whom God hath raised up having loosed the pains of death because it was not possible that he should be holden of it death had taken a prisoner whom it was no way able to hold Jesus Christ as he was man suffered death and lay dead in the grave but as he was God he raised his humane nature from the dead Secondly That the infinite worth and excellency of his God-head might make his sufferings of sufficient value to satisfie the justice of God and the severity of the Law for the numberless sins of the world the same man that suffered being one person with God and so his sufferings being though not the sufferings of the God-head yet the sufferings of God that is the sufferings of him who is God and therefore it is said that God hath purchased a Church with his own blood And what is there which the blood of God was not sufficient to purchase Secondly It was necessary Christ should be man that he might satisfie the Law and bear the penalty 1. That he might be subject to the Law for it was impossible that the God-head should be made under the Law because the Law received its Authority from God and therefore could have no Authority over him therefore he was made of a womnn and so made under the Law 2. That he might be in a capacity to suffer the full penalty of the Law for it is impossible for the God-head which is the fountain of life to dye or to bear the Curse being the fulness of blessedness and therefore saith the Apostle We see Jesus who was made a little lower then the Angels for the suffering of death He that being very God was infinitely higher then the Angels took into the unity of his person a nature a little lower then the Angels scil the nature of man and that for the suffering of death and so for the satisfying of the Law 3. That He might make Satisfaction to the Law and bear the punishment of it in the s●me nature of man in which the Law was transgressed and broken for verily He took not on him the nature of Angels but He took on him the seed of Abraham wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his Brethren that he might be a merciful and faithful High-Priest in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the sins of the people to make satisfaction for the transgressions of the people against the Law and to reconcile them to God the Law-giver 3. He took upon him the guilt of mens sins putting himself into the state and standing in the state of guilty sinners as it were putting his Name into their Bond and voluntarily taking their debts upon himself all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way and the
divisions and stirs and contentions followed by accident not from the Nature of the doctrine delivered by Christ and his Apostles But 1. From the malice of Satan 2. From the Corruption Blindness Perverseness of mens Spirits First From the malice of Satan who looked upon the powerful preaching of Christ his Gospel as an Engine of battery planted against his strong-holds He being the Prince of darkness extreamly hateth the Light and therefore whereas he possessed all in peace before when the light of the Gospel breaketh forth he betaketh himself to his arms standeth upon his guard striveth to keep possession of the hearts and souls of men Yea he is not content to make a defensive War only but rageth and laboureth to put out the light stirreth up his instruments to oppose and persecute those that receive the love of the Truth and give up their names and hearts to Christ. Secondly The Corruption of mans Nature the blindness and perverseness of their spirits is a cause of the●e divisions and commotions Their ignorance errours lusts sinful courses are reproved by the word yea others receiving and obeying it is a condemning of their unbelief impenitency disobedience and therefore they are easily perswaded by Satan to oppose and persecute the Truth and them that embrace it So that it is from the malignity of their hearts that divisions follow I may add yet a third cause Thirdly And that is the weakness of some who for the main do embrace and love the Truth but for want of more clear and solid judgements do differ and dissent in things of les● moment whereupon follow estrangements and too much alienation of affection And a● Satan and the world took occasion to stir up contention and cause division upon occasion of Christ his coming and preaching so also upon the publishing of the Gospel by hi● Apostles and by consequent by other faithful Preachers of the Truth Paul and Barnabas at Iconium so spake that a great multitude both of the Iews and also of the Greek● believed Here was the proper effect o● Christs spirit working in the Gospel preached it made peace between God and men and united Iews and Gentiles together who wer● odious to each other Now see also the effect of Satans malice and the perverseness o● unbelievers in taking occasion hence to cause divisions But the unbelieving Iews stirred u● the Gentiles and made their minds evil affected against the Brethren It seemeth these mischievous persons then began to kindle the fire of contention in the breasts of ignorant persons but it did not presently flame out And therefore in the third verse we find that these faithful servants of Christ went on in their work without interruption Long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord which gave testimony to the word of his Grace and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands But at length this fire of Hell that lay smothered under the ashes brake forth the multitude of the City was divided and part held with the Iews and part with the Apostles and an assault was made both of the Gentiles and Iews People and Rulers to use them despitefully and stone them so that the Apostles fled and preached the Gospel elsewhere Here it is as clear as the Sun that the unbelievers and enemies of the Truth were the cause of this division If we should trace the Apostle Paul in his travels from place to place where shall we find a place free from divisions not caused by his preaching but following occasionally from his preaching Satan and his Agents kindling the coals of contention The Apostle could not bring men to Christ by his Ministry but he must of necessity wrest them out of the power of Satan and call them from the course of the world and thereupon Satan and the world were enraged and so contentions and divisions followed Second Caution The use of this may be First To teach us more seriously to lay to heart and bewayle the great and lamentable inundation and overflowing of Errours and Heresies among us Saith Iohn I beheld and heard an Angel flying through the midst of Heaven saying with a loud Voice Woe Woe Woe to the inhabitants of the Earth by reason of the other voices of the Trumpet of the three Angels which are yet to sound Before we may read of seven Angels with their seven Trumpets now after four of them had sounded and sad consequents followed here is a solemn preparation made against the sounding of the three last It seemeth the reaso● is because the calamities following should be more grievous than the former and accordingly an Angel flying through the midst of Heaven denounceth three woes to the Inhabiters of the Earth It is supposed this Angel was Gregory 1. Bishop of Rome said to fly through the midst of Heaven or the middle space between Heaven and Earth because on the one side he came nearer the heavenly purity of doctrine and worship than his Successors but was yet far below that heavenly purity of the primitive and Apostolical times and so declining toward the earth according to the corrupt times wherein he lived who by foretelling that the King of Pride was at hand Antichrist was at hand with an army of Priests follow-him gave warning of these woes approaching Soon after this warning given the fifth Angel sounded which is the first of the three woe-bringing Trumpets as they may be called and the first consequent following is thus expressed And I saw a Star fall from Heaven unto the Earth and to him was given the key of the bottomless Pit It is conceived that this Star noteth out both the Pope in the West and that false Prophet Mahomet in the East who though they differed far from each other in their particular way of acting yet they both promoted the main design of the Prince of darkness and therefore may well be represented by one Star falling from Heaven and said to have the Key of the bottomless Pit They fell from Heaven from the heavenly purity of the true Church often called Heaven in this Book About three years after the death of Gregory his Successor Boniface the third received of Phocas the perfidious Emperor who murdered his Master Mauritius the Emperor with his children the Title of Universal Bishop and so a vast power to work mischief in the Church which accordingly was put in execution as it followeth And he opened the bottomless-pit and there arose a smoak out of the Pit as a smoak of a great furnace and the Sun and the Air were darkned by reason of the smoak of the Pit The smoak of errours and superstitions like a most loathsom fogg came out of the bottomless pit darkning the light of the truth and blinding the eyes of men the efficacy of errour and strong delusion bewitching multitudes of poor souls Besides this out of the smoak came locusts upon the earth huge multitudes of Monks and Fryers
to his command should learn of him who is meek and lowly of heart and be content to be conformed to him in sufferings taking up his Cross and following him They should be useful and serviceable as Christ was who was figured by such creatures offered in Sacrifice 2. Ye may note in general that an offering presented to the Lord was called in the Hebrew Korban of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to draw near This may teach us that none was fit to offer an offering to the Lord but only the Lord Jesus Christ and those that come to God by him for all mankind since the fall were a far off at a great distance from God but the Lord Iesus Christ being God and Man is nigh unto the Father In regard of his Godhead he is the only begotten Son of God in the bosom of the Father as he is man personally united to the Son of God he is one person with the Son of God and being without spot of sin he came near to God to present himself an offering and a Sacrifice unto him Secondly none can come nigh unto the Lord to offer any spiritual Sacrifice to him or to have any inward communion with him but in and by the Lord Jesus Christ But now in Christ Iesus Ye who sometime were afar off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. Christ being nigh to God drew nigh unto him actually with the sacrifice and offering of himself and so made way for sinners who were afar off from God by their sin and guilt to draw nigh to God by virtue of his blood that applying his blood satisfaction and righteousness to themselves they might be made nigh unto God in regard of their estate being taken into Covenant with him as his confederates and so into Communion and that they might draw nigh unto him from time to time in offering spiritual services and sacrifices to him by Jesus Christ. Let us all see our great need of Christ there is no coming nigh unto God but by him neither in respect of our estate nor of our services but in Christ there is access to be had in both respects But more especially First The burntoffering This was called in Hebrew 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth ascending or ascension because all the flesh of the beast being burned upon the Altar was to ascend or go up towards heaven in fire so the Lord Jesus Christ when he was here on earth in the flesh offered up himself to his father in heaven the infinite virtue of his Sacrifice ascending to the Throne of God for the appeasing of his wrath and satisfying of his justice for sin This may teach us also that we should present our whole selves souls and bodies sacrifices living holy acceptable to God and that they which will thus present themselves to the Lord must be heavenly minded their souls and hearts must be raised and ascend upward How many carnal outward dead hearted services are dropped down before the Lord that never ascend upward having nothing of heaven nor of Christ his spirit in them Secondly He that offered the burntoffering was to lay his hand upon the head of the creature that was to be slain so he that will have benefit by the sacrifice of Christ must lay hold of him by the hand of faith Thirdly The Bullock for the burntoffering was to be killed the blood of it to be poured out this 1. was fulfilled in Christ according as it was Prophesied of him He is brought as a Lamb to the slaughter He was cut off out of the land of the living ver 9. His grave and death are expresly mentioned thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin ver 12. He hath poured out his soul unto death And Daniel Prophesied that Messiah or Christ should be cut off or slain and without shedding of blood there is no remission 1. This may move Christians to pitty and earnestly pray for the poor blinded Israelites that the Lord would be pleased to take the vail from their hearts Is it not lamentable to consider that they should make the Cross and death of Christ a stumbling block whereas his death and sufferings are so clearly foretold in the Law and the Prophets which themselves acknowledge to be the word of God Yea all those millions of sacrific●s slain and offered according to the Lord his appointment did clearly foreshew the death of Christ and the shedding of his most pretious blood for the sins of the world But how is man left to the darkness of his own mind and blinded by Satan Secondly See here how odious sin is in the sight of God which nothing could wash away but the blood of Christ figured by the death and blood of these legal Sacrifices for it is not possible that the blood of Bulls and Goats should take away sins these did signifie the blood of the Son of God infinitely more pretious of sufficient virtue to wash away the greatest and foulest sins How should we tremble at sin Should we not look upon every sin as bloody as murtherous either as slaying the sinner himself or as killing his Saviour either thy sin must be washed away with the blood of Christ or it will cost thee more then thy best blood is worth Thirdly This is for comfort to souls burdened and oppressed with the guilt of sin that that one sacrifice even Christ himself figured by so many millions o● sacrifices is offered to satisfie for sin that that blood figured by the blood of so many offerings is shed to take away sin and that God hath purchased his Church with his own blood it is the blood of God because of him who is God and man in one person though not the blood of the God-head The blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God cleanseth from all sin it is of infinite value it is of more virtue then all the bloody sacrifices of the Law 4. Woe unto those wretches that dare to swear prophanely by this pretious blood or by those bleeding wounds of the Son of God Is not this to trample under foor the blood of the Covenant 4. The death of these sacrifices may teach us 〈◊〉 kill our dearest sins to slay our lusts to mortifie our corruptions Christ did not dye for sin that thou mightest live in sin but that thou mightest dye to sin and live to him ye righteousness and holiness I beseech you therefore Brethren by the mercies of God that 〈◊〉 present your bodyes a Sacrifice living holy and acceptable to God a Sacrifice and therefore slain and yet a living Sacrifice Present your selves a sacrifice dying to sin and a sacrifice living quickned with grace living in the spirit Again among all the burnt offerings ye may take particular note of the continual burnt offerings sacrificed to the Lord every day one Lamb in the morning and another in the evening
of God and the spiritual sacrifices which he offereth the duties which he performeth must have a tincture and favour of Christs spirit in them 4. Salt preserveth things from perishing and so may note unto us perpetuity therefore it is called the salt of the Covenant of God and a sure and everlasting Covenant is called a Covenant of salt so Abijah pleading the right of Davids posterity to the Kingdom of Israel said Ought ye not to know that the Lord God of Israel gave the Kingdom over Israel to David for ever even to him and to his Sons by a Covenant of salt This was imperfectly fulfilled in David and the Kings that sprang from his loyns before Christ his coming but it was compleatly verified in Christ the Son of David after the flesh to whom God gave the throne of his Father David that he should raign over the house of Iacob or Israel for ever The Covenant of grace established by Christ his sacrifice is a covenant of salt that shall never fail How earnestly should we labour to break off all leagues with sin and Satan and turn to the Lord by unseigned repentance and lay hold of Christ by faith that in him we may be reconciled to God and made parties to this unchangeable Covenant enjoying the everlasting blessings and priviledges of it 2● To the meat-offering was added a drink-offering a quantity of wine The meat-offering consisting of fine flower and the drink-offering of Wine how fitly do they resemble the pretious body and blood of Christ which is meat and drink indeed upon which Christians are to feed by faith And how exactly doth the bread and wine in the Sacramental supper of the new Testament answer to this meat and drink offering consisting of the same materials Fourthly Now followeth the peace-offering● conceive this was offered especially in a way of thankfulness for mercies and deliverances ●ometimes upon a conditional vow made be●ore sometimes without a vow and therefore may also be called thank-offering and ●hese may signifie the duties of Christians in general their spiritual sacrifices and services which they are to offer unto God continually in thankfulness for his saving mercies towards them in Christ. And therefore the Apostle having largely shewed that the sacrifices of the old Testament were not to be observed in the times of the Gospel since they are fully accomplished in Christ toward the end of that Epistle he calleth upon believers to offer spiritual sacrifices by him scil by Christ therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his Name but to do good and to communicate forget not for with such sacrifices God is well-pleased All these and the like spiritual sacrifices believers are to offer up by Christ their high-priest in his name presenting them to the Father by his hand that they may find acceptance through him and whatsoever we do in word or deed do all in the name of the Lord Iesus giving thanks to God and the Father by him all these sacrifices are to be offered in his name and to be presented to God by and through him 2. For a peace offering and thank-offering liberty was given to sacrifice either male or female so saith the Apostle There is neither Iew nor Greek there is neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female for y● are all one in Christ Iesus The Lord maketh no difference of persons now either in respect of Nation condition or sex if they be in Christ whatsoever they are in other regards the Lord accepteth them in his beloved Son and they may present themselves as living holy sacrifices unto him assuring themselves that he will graciously receive them and by the same reason they may offer up their services and duties to him by Christ as spiritual sacrifices 3. The fat and the kidneys of the peac●-offerings were to be burnt upon the Altar but what was to be done with the rest of the flesh that you may find in Lev. 7. the breast and the right shoulder were to be given to the Priests the Sons of Aaron whereof the former was to be waved before the Lord the latter to be heaved or lifted upwards and then they were to be given to the Priests It seemeth the rest of 〈◊〉 flesh of the peace-offerings was to be eaten by him that brought the sacrifice of the peace-offering before the Lord who together with his family was to celebrate a holy feast with spiritual rejoycings before the Lord. 1. The breast was to be given to God for what was given to the Priests was given to God because it was given to the Priest for the attending on the service of God This may teach us to give up our breasts hearts affections to God in holiness and ob●dience My Son give me thine heart Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind 2. The breast was to be waved before the Lord or shaken to and fro The original word is taken for sifting with a five so this waving of the breast may teach us what stir●ings of heart what lively workings of spirit and affections there should be in Christians in performing services to the Lord. It is not a dead soul without spiritual life and motion which the Lord regardeth but it is a wave-breast that he calleth for an active heart and soul a stirring spirit like that of David Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name 3. The right shoulder was to be heaved up before the Lord or to be lifted up This may ●each Christians to lift up their souls to the Lord as David Vnto thee O Lord do I lift up my soul to seek the things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God ●o set their affections on things above not on things on the earth to have their conversation in Heaven These parts being to 〈◊〉 given to the Priests by the Lord his command here we have another ground esta●lishing the maintenance of Gospel Ministers ●ecording to that of the Apostle mentioned be● The rest of the flesh of the peace-offerings ●●ting to be eaten by him that brought the ●●●rtices with his houshold rejoycing in the Lord may teach Christians that as Christ offered up himself in sacrifice to God to satisfie his justice for the sins of his people so he inviteth them to feed and feast upon him by faith with rejoycing with joy of the holy Ghost this they should do in reading and hearing the Gospel in meditating upon the word upon Christ and the things of Christ. And in the use of the Lords supper I conceive this feasting upon the remainder of the facrifice was a special act of Communion which the
people of Israel had with God part of the beast being offered to God on the Altar part being given to God for the use of his Priests and the remaining part being eaten by him and his houshold who presented his sacrifice so that in this ordinance they had special fellowship with God shewing the great priviledge of true believers who have fellowship with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. Saith the Lord Christ Behold I stand at the door and knock if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him and sup with him and he with me How careful should Christians be to keep constant communion with God that their negligence may not deprive them of this blessed priviledge Saith the Apostle Behold Israel after the flesh are not they that eat of the sacrifices partakers of the Altar I conceive the Apos●le in this place sheweth the Christian Corinthians that it was not lawful for them to feast with their Idolatrous neighbours in their Idol-Temples upon the remainders of their sacrifices offered to Idols because their feasts were Idolatrous and kept in honour of their IIdols so the Israelites in eating of their peace-offering were partakers of or with the Altar the Altar had part and they had part then saith he the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to Divels and not to God and I would not that ye should have fellowship with Divels the Gentiles in scrificing to Idols sacrificed to Divels and when they offered part of the sacrifice upon the Idols Altar and feasted and fed upon the rest in honour of these Idols they had fellowship with Divels and on the other side the godly Israelitet in the time of the old Testament offering part of their peace-offerings to God upon the Altar and presenting part of it to him for the use of his Priests by his command and then feeding upon the rest had fellowship with God The Lord Christ having offered up himself to God for his people doth also now offer himself to his people that they may feed upon him and in feeding upon him by faith may have communion with the Father and the Son So much of Sacraments and sacrifices Now in the third place may be considered sacred Persons and things subservient to sacred or holy uses and first the Persons and among these Priests and principally the high-priests or Cheif preists this officer was an eminent type of the Lord Jesus Christ and 1. In regard of his commission or calling to the Office No man taketh this honour unto himself but he that is called of God as was Aaron So also Christ glorified not himself to be made an high priest but he that said unto him thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee As he saith also in another place Thou art a Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedeck The Lord Christ as he was man was immediately called of God to his office As he is God the act of calling was his as well as the Fathers their acts being the same So God saith of Christ as he is man Behold my servant whom I have chosen He was called and chosen of God to be an eternal high-priest and how wonderfully was his calling and commission ratified and evidenced by many infallible signs and tokens When he had cured a Leprous person he said Go thy way shew thy self to the Priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded for a Testimony to them that this work may witness that I am called and sent of God and when he had cast a Divel out of the Dumb man that was possessed so that the dumb spake the multudes marv●lled saying It was never so seen in Israel since Israel was a Nation and a Church there never was a man raised up among them gave such evidence that he was called of God Nicodemus though a young Scholar in the School of Christ saith unto him We know that thou art a teacher come from God for no ●an can do these miracles that thou dost except God be with him Had he known Christ more perfectly he might have said except God be in him except he be personally united to God for Christ did these things by his own authority and by his own power had declared so much and yet such was the ignorance or insolence of the chief-priests and Elders that they took upon them to examine him saying By what authority dost thou these things and who gave thee this authority Had they not been grossely if not wilfully blind they might have seen his authority abundantly and most gloriously confirmed by his mighty works 1. Here see the unspeakable goodness of God instead of those imperfect High-priests under the old Testament to call one to the office who is most perfect every way even the man Christ Jesus personally united to his only and eternal Son even one who is holy harmless undefiled separate from sinners and made higher then the Heavens one who continueth ever and hath an unchangeable Priesthood being able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them 2. Therefore neglect not to come to him and to God by him And 3. If ye come to him in truth doubt not but he will save you to the uttermost having a peculiar call from God for this end above all other creatures in heaven and earth 4. See the humility of the man Christ who did not usurp this high office and dignity but took it upon him as called of God How great is their presumption who rashly thrust themselves into such imployments in the Church to w ch they were never called of God 2. In respect of his annointing but of that I have spoken in the meat-offering 3. The garments and ornaments of the High-priest were expresly appointed by the Lord who gave particular directions about them These things might seem to be of small moment considered in themselves but the spiritual mysteries are to be regarded which were shadowed by them 1. In General They are called holy Garments for glory and for beauty I conceive these may signifie the perfect holiness the incomparable beauty and glory of the Lord Jesus His perfect holiness both in his state of humiliation and exaltation his beauty glory chiefly in his state of exaltation as he now sitteth on the right hand of God Labour for an eye of faith to behold the beauty and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ which if it were clearly discerned would eclipse all worldly glory take off the gloss of the creatures and make them appear as dead and withered things The reason why we are so ensnared with earthly vanities is because we look upon things in a carnal manner with fleshly eyes not with a spiritual eye of faith not with such an eye as Moses did seeing him
him who is invisible and so despising earthly things Labour for union with Christ that partaking of his Spirit ye may partake of his holiness and graces and so of his beauty and glory Holiness beautifieth and adorneth the soul and ptepareth it for perfection of heavenly beauty and glory whereas sin doth both defile and disfigure the soul filling it with deformity This being noted in general I intend to mention some few of the particulars First The two precious stones upon the two shoulders of the Ephod or Priestly Robe wherein were ingraven the Names of the twelve tribes of Israel six in one stone and six in the other so that the high-priest bare their Names upon his two shoulders 1. This may note unto us the support which the Lord giveth unto his Church and to all the living members of it He beareth them as it were upon his shoulders Hence it is that his little flock hath been preserved in the midst of so many wolves from age to age Vpon this rock I will build my Church aud the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it What a blessed priviledge have they that are in Christ being built upon him as a rock immoveable and upheld by him born upon his shoulders who is their eternal high-priest 2. See how precious the people of Christ are in his account as if their names were engraven in precious stones and set in ouches or bosses of Gold 2. The breast-plate of Iudgement in which was to be set four rows of precious stones three in a row in all twelve stones of several kinds and in these again were ingraven the twelve names of the twelve Tribes of Israel and so Aaron was to bear the Names of the Children of Israel in the breast-plate of judgment upon his heart when he went into the holy place for a memorial before the Lord continually 1. See the tender love and affection which the Lord Christ hath toward his people he beareth them upon his breast upon his heart continually he shall feed his flock like a shepherd he shall gather the Lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom next his heart and therefore it seemeth the Church prayes to Christ set me as a seal upon thine heart that tender love which moved him to let out his heart blood for their redemption is still so powerful and prevailing with him that he beareth them upon his heart in heaven 2. Ought not Christians then to bear Christ upon their hearts to entertain him to dwell in their hearts by faith to cleave unto him in love and walk in him following the guidance of his spirit 3. Christ this eternal high-priest beareth the Names of his people upon his breast-plate or heart now that he is in heaven before his Father for a memorial before his face continually I conceive this noteth Christ his intercession for his people He presenteth their names before his Father in Heaven as the High-priest did in the holy place on the earth which was a figure of Heaven Blessed are they whose Names God the Father readeth engraven upon the breast-plate written upon the heart of his beloved Son in whom he is well-pleased What is there that such may not obtain of the Father through the Son And how should all labour to give in their names and to give up their hearts to Christ that he may bear their names upon his heart for a memorial before the face of God continually Thirdly Vpon the hemme of the High-priests Robe were placed golden Bells and Pomegranates that his sound might be heard when he went in unto the holy place before the Lord and when he came out so the Lord Christ entring in to the most holy place in heaven after his death and resurrection maketh a most sweet and pleasing sound in the ears of his Father far beyond that of golden bells his mediation and intercession in behalf of his people grounded upon the merit of his death sacrifice and satisfaction maketh heavenly melody before his Father Jesus the mediator of the new Covenant and the blood of sprinking which speaketh better things than the blood of Abel And these Pomegranates may well resemble the sweet savour of Christs sacrifice Again Aarons bells were heard to sound not only when he went in to the holy place but also when he came out Now although the Lord Christ as he is man continueth within the most holy place not made with hands and doth not come out again yet he sent down his spirit upon his Apostles soon after and caused these golden bells to give a most pleasant sound throughout the several Quarters of the world publishing the glad tidings of pardon and salvation through Christ to the comfort and refreshing of many thousand souls and the precious promises of the Gospel published in the name of Christ were as Pomegranats that yeilded a pleasant smell to the reviving of many fainting hearts and drooping spirits Had we circumcised hearts and ears gracious spirits heavenly affections how pleasant would the sound of the Gospel preached how sweet would the promises of it be unto us Fourthly The Lord gave this Command Thou shalt make a plate of pure Gold and grave upon it like the engravings of a fignet Holiness to the Lord and this golden plate was put on the forefront of the Mitre and so to be worne on the forehead of the High-priest that he might bear the iniquity of the holy things which the Children of Israel should hallow in all their holy gifts and it was to be always upon his forehead that they might be accepted before the Lord. The Inscription I suppose may be read either Holiness to the Lord or the Holiness of the Lord. 1. Here see how the Lord Christ whose holiness and righteousness is of infinite worth and value the holiness and righteousness of Iehovah of him who is very God taketh away the iniquities and pollutions of the duties services spiritual sacrifices offered by his people Aaron did bear these but in a figure and in a way of representation Christ did really bear them and his holiness and righteousness of Jehovah is imputed to them and is alone sufficient to take away all their uncleanness and to procure acceptance for them How should Christians be humbled that such is the corruption of their natures and imperfection of their graces that the best of their services the holiest of their offerings have such iniquity cleaving to them that they need the imputation of Christs righteousness to cover them And again this may comfort them that are in Christ and are sincere in their services and stir them up to thankfulness that such a precious remedy is provided them in this case even the Holiness of Jehovah 2. This golden plate with this Inscription on the forehead of the High-priest may intimate unto us that God the
for thy righteousness for thou art a stiff-necked people it was not because of the greatness of thy Nation or the multitude of thy people The Lord did not set his love upon and chuse you because you were more in number then any people for ye were the fewest of all people but because the Lord loved you c. It was a pure act of grace and work of Gods free love towards Israel and therefore the Apostle as one transported with admiration of that which he could not comprehend breaketh out into this exclamation O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and of the knowledge of God how unsearchable are his judgements and his wayes past finding out 2. Let us magnifie the goodness of God towards the Nations of the world in these latter days that he hath sent his only begotten Son into the world manifested in the flesh to break down the partition-wall that was between Iew and Gentile that as now that difference between several sorts of beasts c. is taken away so that they are not opposed to each other as legally clean and unclean as they were under the Law of Ceremonies so the difference between Israel and other Nations is now also abolished and it is as free for an people as for the posterity of Abraham to partake of the Covenant of grace in Church-priviledges both was declared to Peter by a vision and a voice from Heaven for Cornelius an Heathen Captain being directed by an Angel to send for Peter the Lord prepared this Apostle for the journey by casting him into a trance and causing him to see Heaven opened and a certain vessel descending unto him as it had been a great sheet wherein were all manner of four-footed beasts and wild-beasts and creeping things and Fowls of the Air and there came a voice to him Rise Peter kill and eat but Peter said not so Lord for I have never eaten any thing common or unclean And the voice spake unto him again the second time● what God hath cleansed that call not thou common Now when Peter came to Cornelius and his company He said unto them ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Iew to keep company or come unto one of another Nation but God hath shewed me that I should not call any common or unclean The Lord spake of beasts c. Peter rightly applyeth it to men so that the Lord Christ took away the difference of clean and unclean that was under the Ceremonial Law both between men of several Nations and between other Creatures How should we in particular stir up our selves to be thankful to the Lord that he hath reserved us for these times wherein it is as free for us descended from Heathen Ancestors to partake of the Priviledges of God his Covenant as for the people of Israel yea when the Israelites being natural branches are cut off through unbelief we may be grafted in by faith Let us take heed then least our unbelief impenitency security deprive us of this blessed priviledge for though none now are unclean in respect of the Nation whereof they are more then others yet all are unclean in the sight of God who remain dead in trespasses and sins out of Christ whose Natures are not renewed and cleansed from their filthiness 3. Observe with thankfulness the liberal use of the Creatures which God hath given to his people now under the new Testament through Christ above that which he allowed the people of Israel under the old Testament for now every Creature of God is good and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving Nothing that is wholesome for mans body is to be refused as unlawful and so the same Apostle saith All things are lawful for me viz. all sorts of meats for of such things he speaketh in that place and therefore whereas blood in particular was forbidden under the old Testament it is now lawful But it hath been objected that blood was forbidden upon a moral reason taken from the Nature of the the thing forbidden because the blood is called the life of the Creature For answer I conceive this is no moral reason but a natural reason implying a mystery scil to shew that men should abhor cruelty and bloodshed and so I suppose if we did throughly understand the Natures of all the Creatures which the Israelites were forbidden to eat there might be some natural reason given for it comprehending the Mystery Again it seemeth there was also a farther Mystery in the prohibition of blood for eating of blood and fat are both forbidden together scil such fat as used to be sacrificed because the blood and fat were both in a peculiar manner to be offered unto God The blood poured forth signified the taking away the guilt of sin by the death of Christ and shedding of his blood The burning of the fat it seemeth signified the mortification of sin by the spirit of Christ and so they might be forbidden both the eating the blood and fat to teach all not to take to themselves the honour either of their justification or of their sanctification but to ascribe it wholly unto Christ. But it may be said that blood was forbidden after Christ his death and resurrection by the Apostles and Elders in the Synod of Ierusalem I Answer It was but a temporary decree imposed upon the believing Gentiles that they might not give offence to weak believers among the Iews who were not yet clearly satisfied about the abolishing of legal Ceremonies and the extent of that Christian liberty which Christ had given them Secondly An other Ceremonial observance was the keeping of their solemn festivals 1. In general These feasts may intimate unto Christians that gound and matter of joy which true believers have through Christ and accordingly that duty of holy rejoycing in Christ which they are called unto so the Angels said unto the Shepherds Fear not for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be unto all people for unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord. And the Apostle saith We are the Circumcision which worship God in the spirit and rejoyce in Christ Iesus This is that spiritual feast which the Lord promised In this mountain shall the Lord of Hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things a feast of wines on the lees of fat things full of marrow of wines on the lees well refined 2. In special there were three solemne feasts which they were commanded to observe every year 1. The Feast of unleavened bread which was annexed to the Passeover of this somewhat hath been formerly spoken 2. The feast of Harvest which was called the feast of weeks it seemeth because it was as it were a week of weeks after that other feast of