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A48873 A common-place book to the Holy Bible or, The scriptures sufficiency practically demonstrated wherein whatsoever is contain'd in scripture, respecting doctrine, worship, or manners, is reduced to its proper head, weighty cases resolved, truths confirmed, difficult texts illustrated, and explained by others more plain. Locke, John, 1632-1704. 1697 (1697) Wing L2737; ESTC R19113 610,875 458

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true God he is the living God and an everlasting King at his wrath the earth shall tremble c. he hath made the earth by his power he hath established the world by his wisdom and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion when he uttereth his voice c. Jer. 10. 10 12 13. Heb. 9. 14. Yet I am the Lord thy God and thou shalt know no God but me for there is no saviour besides me Hosea 13. 4. Isa 37. 20. I hate I despise your feasts and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies c. But let judgment run down c. Amos 5. 21 22 23 34. Psalm 66. 18. Isa 66. 3. Jer. 6. 20. Isa 1. 11 12 c. And it shall come to pass that every one who is least of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King the Lord of Host c. Zech. 14. 16. If then I be a father where is mine honour c. And if ye offer the blind and the lame c. offer it now unto your governor will he be pleased with thee or accept thy person c. Ye brought that which was torn and the lame and the sick thus ye brought an offering should I accept this at your hand saith the Lord But cursed the deceiver who hath in his flock a male and voweth and sacrificeth unto God a corrupt thing for I am a great king saith the Lord of hosts and my name is dreadful among the heathen Mal. 1. 6 8 13 14. ch 2. 2 3 13. The Lord whom ye seek shall suddenly come c. then shall the offerings of Judah c. be pleasant unto the Lord Mal. 3. 1 4. Get thee behind me Satan for it is written Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve Matth. 4. 10. Where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them Matth. 18. 20. There is one God and there is none other but he Mark 12. 32. Our father 's worshipped in this mountain and ye say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship c. The hour cometh when ye shall neither in this mountain nor at Jerusalem worship the Father Ye worship ye know not what c. but the hour cometh and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth For the Father seeketh such to worship him God is a Spirit and they who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth John 4. 20 21 22 23 24. The Father himself c. ye have neither heard his voice at any time nor seen his shape John 5. 37. Exod. 33. 20. And he said Lord I believe and he worshipped him John 9. 38. The most high dwelleth not in temples made with hands c. Heaven is my Throne c. hath not my hands made all c. Acts 7. 48 49 50. Whom ye ignorantly worship him declare I unto you God who made the world and all things therein seeing that he is Lord or heaven and earth dwelleth not in temples made with hands neither is worshipped with mens hands as though he needed any thing seeing he gave to all life and breath and all things and hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth and hath determined the times before appointed and the bounds of their habitations c. Acts 17. 24 25 26. After the way they call heresie so worship I the God of my fathers Acts 24. 14. God whom I serve with my spirit c. The invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things which are made his eternal power and God-head so that they were without excuse because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God c. but became vain c. Changed the truth of God into a lie and served and worshipped the creature more than the Creator who is blessed for ever Amen Rom. 1. 9 20 21 23 25. 2 Tim. 1. 3. Not slothful in business servent in spirit serving the Lord Rom. 12. 11. This I speak c. that ye may attend on the Lord without distraction 1 Cor. 7. 32 35. We know that an idol is nothing in the world and there is none other God but one For though there be that are called Gods c. but to us there is but one God the Father of whom are all things and we in or for him and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all things and we by him 1 Cor. 8. 4 5 6. 1 Tim. 2. 5. So falling down on his face he will worship God and report that God is in you of a truth 1 Cor. 14. 25. Gen. 24. 26 52. Exod. 4 31. ch 12. 27. ch 34. 8. Joshua 5. 14. We are the circumcision who worship God in the spirit Phil. 3. 3. When he bringeth in the first begotten into the world he faith and let all the angels of God Worship him Hebr. 1. 6. God c. because he could swear by no greater he sware by himself c. The living God c. Heb. 6. 13. ch 9. 14. Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved let us have grace or hold fast whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear for our God is a consuming fire Heb. 12. 28 29. Ye also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifice acceptable to God by Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 2. 5. No man hath seen God at anytime 1 John 4. 12. The four and twenty elders fell down before him who sate on the throne and worshiped him who liveth Rev. 4. 10 11. Fear God and given glory unto him c. And worship him who made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters Rev. 14. 7. chap. 15. 4. ch 4. 8 9 10 11. ch 5. 13. Worship God Rev. 19. 10. ch 22. 9. Sanctifie the Lord God in your hearts 1 Pet. 3. 15. The Lord c. he will famish all the gods of the earth and Men shall worship him every one Zeph. 2. 11. See more of Idolatry and Worshipping strange Gods c. Chap. 40. See the Order of Publick Worship Ordinances Officers c. Chap. 27. Believe imbrace and be found in the Practice of nothing in the things of God and about his Worship but that which clearly according to Precepts Rules and Examples of the Scriptures appears to be Christ's mind upon which we can in Faith expect acceptance AND Moses came and told the people all the words of the Lord and all the judgments and all the people answered with one voice and said All the words which the Lord hath said will we do And Moses wrote all the words of the Lord c. And he took the book of the covenant and read in
c. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds c. But of the day and hour knoweth no man no not the angels in heaven but my Father only But as the days of Noah were so shall also the coming of the Son of man be c. They were eating and drinking c. Watch therefore c. be ye therefore ready also for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh c. Matth. 24. 27 30 31 36 37 38 39 42 43 c. Luke 12. 35 36. ch 17. 24. 1 Tim. 6. 14. When the Son of man shall come in his glory and all his holy angels with him then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory and before him shall ●e gathered all nations and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats and he shall set the sheep on the right hand but the goats on the left hand Then shall the king say unto them on his right hand Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world for I was an hungred c. Then shall he say unto them on the left hand Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels for I was an hungred c. and these shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into everlasting life Matth. 25 31 32 33 35 41 42 46. Luke 3. 17. Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven Matth. 26. 64. Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me c. in this adulterous and sinful generation of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed when he cometh in the glory of his Father with his holy Angels Mark 8. 38. The Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgment to the Son that all men should honour the Son c. and hath given him authority to execute judgment also because he is the Son of man c. As I hear I judge and my judgment is just because I seek not mine own will c. John 5. 22 23 27 30. He who rejecteth me c. hath one who judgeth him the word I have spoken the same shall judge him in the last day John 12. 48. I will come again and receive you John 14. 3. Ye now therefore have sorrow but I will see you again and your heart shall rejoice c. John 16. 22. This same Jesus who is taken from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven Acts 1. 11. He commanded us to preach unto the people c. That it is he who was ordained of God to be the judge of quick and dead Acts 10. 42. He hath appointed a day in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained whereof he hath given an assurance unto all men in that he hath raised him from the dead Acts 17. 31. And as he reasoned of righteousness temperance and judgment to come Felix trembled Acts 24. 25. Thinkest thou this O man who judgest c. that thou shalt escape the judgment of God or despisest c. After thy hardness c. treasurest up unto thy self wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God who will render to every man according to his deeds to them who by patient continuing in well-doing c. eternal life but unto them who are contentious c. indignation and wrath c. upon every soul of man who doth evil c. but glory honour and peace to every man who worketh good c. For there is no respect of persons with God c. in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my Gospel Rom. 2. 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 16. Is God unrighteous c. God forbid for then how shall God judge the world Rom. 3. 5 6. Why dost thou judge thy brother c. we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ for it is written As I live saith the Lord every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to God So then every one or us shall give an account of himself to God Rom. 14. 10 11 12. Isa 45. 23. If any man build on this foundation gold silver c. every man's work shall be made manifest for the day shall declare it because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work of what fort it is c. 1 Cor. 3. 12 13 14 15. He who judgeth me is the Lord therefore judge nothing before the time unt● the Lord come who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness c. 1 Cor. 4. 4 5. Ephes 5. 12 13 14. Do ye not know that the Saints shall judge the world c. that we shall judge Angels 1 Cor. 6. 2 3. We must all appear before the judgment-seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad knowing therefore the terror of the Lord c. 2 Cor. 5. 9 10 11. 1 Cor. 3. 8. When Christ who is our life shall appear then shall ye also appear with him c. Col. 3. 4. To the end he may establish your hearts c. before God even our Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his Saints 1 Thes 3. 13. The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the trump of God 1 Thes 4. 16 17. For your selves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night for when they shall say Peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travel upon a woman with child and they shall not escape c. I pray God your whole spirit soul and body may be preserved plameless unto the coming of our Lord 1 Thes 5. 2 3 23. It is a righteous thing with God to recompence tribulation to them who trouble you And to you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming fire taking vengeance of them who know not God and obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power 2 Thes 1. 6 7 8 9. We beseech you by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ that ye be
him the plagues which are written in this book And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part out of the book of life c. Rev. 22. 18 19. Secret things belong to God revealed things to us and our children that we may do all the words of this law Deut. 29. 29. Pray for us that the word of the Lord may run and be glorified 2 Thes 3. 1. See that ye refuse not him who speaketh for if they escaped not who refused him who spake on earth much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him who speaketh from heaven Heb. 12. 25. The parable of the good seed sown in good and bad ground and the success thereof Matth. 13. 3 4 5 6 c. See Preaching of the Word Chap. 27. CHAP. II of GOD. I. His Names and Titles IN the beginning God created the heavens c. Gen. 1. 1. And the Lord God formed man c. Gen. 2. 7. ch 15. 7. ch 28. 13. Then began men to call upon the name of the Lord Gen. 4. 26. And he was the Priest of the Most High God c. Gen. 14. 18 19 20. The Lord appeared unto Abraham and said I am the Almighty God c. Gen. 17. 1. ch 28. 3. Rev. 21. 22. The name of the Lord the everlasting God Gen. 21. 33. The Lord the God of heaven and the God of the earth Gen. 24. 3 7. And God said unto Moses I am that I am c. Thus shall you say c. I am hath sent me unto you c. The Lord God of your fathers the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob hath sent me c. This is my name for ever and this is my memorial unto all generations c. The Lord God of the Hebrews c. Exod. 3. 6 14 15. ch 9. 1 13. I appeared unto Abraham c. by the name of God Almighty but by my name Jehovah was not known unto them Exod. 6. 2 3. Isa 12. 2. chap. 26. 4. And the Lord c. proclaimed the name of the Lord c. The Lord God merciful and gracious c. The Lord whose name is Jealous is a jealous God c. Exod. 34. 5 6 14. ch 33. 19. The Lord the God of the spirits of all flesh Numb 27. 16. ch 16. 22. That thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful name The Lord thy God Deut. 28. 58. The Lord God of gods the Lord God of gods c. Josh 22. 22. To sacrifice to the Lord of hosts in Shilo c. 1 Sam. 1. 3 11. Jer. 46. 18. The Lord of hosts the God of the armies of Israel c. 1 Sam. 17. 45. Isa 28. 29. The God of Israel said the Rock of Israel spake to me c. 2 Sam. 23. 3. Extol him who rideth upon the heavens by his name Jah c. Psal 68. 4. That men may know that thou whose name alone is Jehovah the Most High over all the earth c. Psal 83. 18. Let them praise thy great and terrible name Holy Psal 99. 3. Holy and Reverend is his name Psal 111. 9. They have provoked the Holy One of Israel Isa 1. 4. Ezek. 39. 7. I am the Lord that is my name and my glory will I not give unto another Isa 42. 8. Jer. 16. 21. As for our Redeemer the Lord of hosts is his name the Holy One of Israel Isa 47. 4. ch 54. 5. Jer. 32. 18. O the Hope of Israel the Saviour thereof c. Jer. 14. 8. I will sanctifie my great name c. And the Heathen shall know that I am the Lord Ezek. 36. 23. So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel and the Heathen shall know that I am the Lord the Holy One of Israel Ezek. 39. 7. The Lord the God of hosts is his name Amos 4. 13. ch 5. 27. The Lord hath sworn by the Excellency of Jacob Amos 8. 7. Now the God of patience and consolation grant c. Rom. 15. 5. 33. Now the God of peace be with you all c. 1 Thes 5. 2 3. God is not the Author of confusion but of peace 1 Cor. 14. 33. Heb. 13. 20. God is Light and in him is no darkness 1 Joh. 1. 5. Jam. 1. 17. God is Love 1 Joh. 4. 8 16. And the Lord God of the holy prophets sent c. Rev. 22. 6. II. He is a Spirit GOD is a Spirit Joh. 4. 24. III. His Excellency Majesty Greatness Perfection Glory and Sovereignty and Absoluteness HE created the world and all things in it Gen. 1. ch 2. Psal 100. 3. Psal 104. Psal 136. 5 6 c. Prov. 22. 2. And the fear of you c. shall be upon every beast c. Into your hands are they delivered c. Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you c. I have given you all things c. Neither shall there be any more a flood to destroy the earth Gen. 9. 2 3 11. When men endeavoured to prevent their being scattered God scattered them by confounding their language Gen. 11. 4 5 c. And the Lord said to Abraham c. Lift up thine eyes c. For all the land which thou seest to thee will I give it and to thy seed for ever c. Gen. 13. 14 15 16 17. Exod. 9. 29. Psal 24. 1. 1 Cor. 10 26 28. The Priest of the most high God c. The most high God Possessor of heaven and earth Gen. 14. 18 19 20 22. Psal 9. 2. Josh 3. 11. Who hath made man's mouth or who hath made the dumb or deaf or the seeing c. Have not I the Lord Exod. 4. 11. I am the Lord and I will bring you out from under the burthens of the Egyptians and I will rid you of their bondage and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm and with great judgment c. Exod. 6. 6 7. That thou mayest know that there is none like unto the Lord our God c. I will sever c. To the end thou mayest know that I am the Lord in the midst of the earth Exod. 8. 10 22. ch 9. 14 16. ch 10. 2. Thy right hand O Lord is become glorious in power c. hath dashed in pieces the enemy and in the greatness of thine excellency thou hast overthrown c. With the blast of thy nostrils the waters were gathered c. Who is like unto thee O Lord amongst the gods c. Glorious in holiness fearful in praises doing wonders c. The Lord shall reign for ever and ever Exod. 15. 6 7 8 11 15 16 17 18. Psal 146. 10. Rev. 19. 6. I know that the Lord is greater than all gods for in the thing they dealt proudly he was above them Exod. 18. 11. And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke because the Lord descended c. And the whole mount
Cannot I do with you as this Potter saith the Lord Behold as the clay in the Potter's hand so are ye in my hand O house of Israel At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom to pluck up aud to pull down and to destroy c. Jer. 18. 6 7 8 9. Thus saith the Lord of hosts c. I have made the earth the man and the beast that are upon the ground by my great power and by my out-stretched arm and have given it unto whom it seemeth meet unto me And now have I given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar c. Jer. 27. 4 5 6. c. ch 32. 17. The great the mighty God the Lord of hosts is his name great in counsel and mighty in works c. I the Lord the God of all flesh Is any thing too hard for me Jer. 32. 18 19 27. Who is like me Who will appoint me the time or convince me in judgment Who is that Shepherd Who will stand before me Jer. 49. 19. Behold all souls are mine as the soul of the father so also the soul of the son is mine Ezek. 18. 4. Psal 24. 1. Behold the glory of the God of Israel c. And his voice was like a voice of many waters and the earth shined with his glory c. The glory of the Lord filled the house Ezek. 43. 2 4 5. ch 8. 4. ch 9. 3. Wisdom and might are his and he changeth the times and the seasons he removeth kings and setteth up kings c. The God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom power and glory c. And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed c. He is a God of gods and Lord of kings Dan. 2. 20 21 37 38 44 47. Ye servants of the most high God come forth c. Dan. 3. 26. Mark 5. 7. Luke 1. 32 35 76. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and his dominion from generation to generation c. The Most High ruleth in the kingdoms and giveth it to whomsoever he will and setteth up over it the basest of men c. The Most High c. whose dominion is an everlasting dominion c. And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing and he doth according to his will in the army of heaven and the inhabitants of the earth and none can stay his hand or say unto him What doest thou c. Those who walk in pride he is able to abase Dan. 4. 3 17 25 32 34 35 37. Jer. 49. 19. Luke 1. 53. The God in whose hands thy breath is and whose are all thy ways hast thou not glorified Dan. 5. 23. Thy God he who formeth the mountains and createth the wind or spirit c. Amos 4. 13. The Lord hath sworn by the Excellency of Jacob Amos 8. 7. Who can stand before his indignation and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger c. Nahum 1. 6. I am a great King saith the Lord of hosts and my Name is dreadful among the heathen M●l 1. 14. Thine is the kingdom and the power c. Ma● 6. 13. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he will send sorth labourers into the harvest Matt. 9. 38. I thank thee O Father Lord of heaven and earth because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes Even so Father for it seemed good in thy sight All things are delivered to me of my Father With God all things are possible Matt. 11. 25. 26 27. ch 19. 26. Luke 1. 37. The God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham c. Howbeit the Most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands as saith the prophet Heaven is my throne c. He looked up c. and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing c. Acts 7. 2 48 55. Turn from these vanities unto the living God who made heaven and earth and the sea and all things therein c. He gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons c. Acts 14. 15 17. Rev. 14. 7. God who made the world and all things therein seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth dwelleth not in temples made with hands neither is worshipped with men's hands as though he needed any thing seeing he giveth to all life and breath and all things and hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on the face of the earth and hath determined the times before-appointed and the bounds of their habitations c. For in him we live and move and have our being c. Acts 17. 24 25 26 28 29. Psal 50. 10 11 12. For the invisible things of him c. are clearly seen c. his eternal power and Godhead c. They glorified him not as God c. and changed the glory of the incorruptible God Rom. 1. 20 21 23. For of him and through him and to him are all things c. Rom. 11. 3 6. Who worketh all things according to the counsel of his own will c. The God of our Lord Jesus the Father of glory Ephes 1. 11 17. Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power when he shall come to be glorified in his saints 2 Thes 1. 9 10. God who quickeneth all things c. who is the blessed and only Potentate the king of kings and lord of lords who only hath immortality dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto whom no man hath seen nor can see to whom be honour and power everlasting 1 Tim. 6. 13 15 16. Ephes 4. 6. Who being the brightness of his glory c. sate down on the right hand of the Majesty on high Heb. 1. 3. ch 8. 1. He who buildeth all things is God Heb. 3. 4. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God Heb. 10. 31. For our God is a consuming fire Heb. 12. 29. There is one Law-giver who is able to save and to destroy James 4. 12. The God of all grace who hath called us unto h●s eternal glory c. 1 Pet. 5. 10. Jude ver 24. There came such a voice to him from the excellent Glory c. 2 Pet. 1. 17. Thou hast created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created Rev. 4. 11. The city had no need of the sun c. for the glory of God did lighten it c. Rev. 21. 23. IV. He is Invisible AND he said Thou canst not see my face for there shall no man see my face and live Exod. 33. 20. Lo he goeth-by me and I see him not he passeth on also but I perceive him not Job 9. 11. ch 23. 8 9. No man hath seen God at any time c. John 1. 18. 1 John 4. 12. Ye have neither heard
his voice at any time nor seen his shape John 5. 37. Not that any man hath seen the Father save he which is of God he hath seen the Father c. John 6. 46. The invisible things of him even his eternal Power and Godhead Rom. 1. 20. Who is the Image of the Invisible God Col. 1. 15. Who c. dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto whom no man hath seen nor can see 1 Tim. 6. 16. Now to the King eternal immortal invisible c. 1 Tim. 1. 17. V. Incorruptible WHO changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image c. Rom. 1. 23. To the King c. immortal c. 1 Tim. 1. 17. ch 6. 16. VI. He is the most Strong Almighty and Omnipotent God a Rock THE Lord appeared to Abraham and said c. I am the Almighty God c. Gen. 17. 1. ch 28. 3. ch 35. 11. And the Lord said c. Is any thing too hard for the Lord Gen. 18. 13 14. Jer. 32. 27. His hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob c. By the Almighty c. Gen. 49 24 25. I will redeem you with a stretched-out arm Exod. 6. 6. Jer. 30. 54. The Lord is a Man of War c. Thy right hand O Lord is become glorious c. Exod. 15. 3 6. He who saw the vision of the Almighty c. Numb 24. 4 16. Thou hast shewed thy servant c. thy mighty hand For what god is there c. who can do according to thy works and according to thy might Deut. 3. 24. Thou shalt not fear c. for the Lord thy God is among you a mighty God Deut. 7. 21. The Lord thy God c. he is a consuming fire Deut. 9. 3. Jehovah c. is the God of gods c. the most strong the greatest and the most powerful c. Deut. 10. 17. He is the Rock his work is perfect c. Jesurun c. forsook God c. and lightly esteemed of the Rock of his salvation c. Of the Rock who begat thee thou art unmindful c. Their rock is not as our Rock the enemies themselves being judges c. neither is there any who can deliver out of my hand Deut. 32. 4 15 18 31 39. 1 Sam. 2. 2. 2 Sam. 22. 3. 32. Psal 3. 3. That all the people of the earth might know the hand of the Lord that it is mighty that ye may fear c. Josh 4. 24. ch 5. 14. The Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me c. And the Almighty hath afflicted me Ruth 1. 20 21. John 8. 3. There is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few 1 Sam. 14. 6. The Strength of Israel will not lie c. 1 Sam. 15. 29. Behold God is mighty c. mighty in strength c. Job 36. 5. Isa 28. 2. Shall he who contendeth with the Almighty instruct c. Hast thou an arm like God or canst thou thunder c. Job 40. 2. 9. ch 9. 13. I know that thou canst do every thing and that no thought can be with-holden Job 42. 2. Luke 1. 37. Matt. 19. 26. Who is a strong Lord like unto thee c. Thou hast a mighty arm strong is thine hand high is thy right hand Psal 89. 8 9 13. Isa 63. 1. Psal 24. 8. Rev. 18. 8. The Lord is cloathed with strength Psal 93. 1. They shall fight against thee but they shall not prevail against thee for I am with thee saith the Lord Jer. 1. 19. James 4. 12. The everlasting God never faints neither is weary c. He giveth power to the faint c. Isa 40. 28 29. The Lord is c. a strong-hold in the day of trouble Nahum 1. 7. The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty Zephan 3. 17. 2 Cor. 6. 18. Isa 50. 2. ch 59. 1. With God all things are 〈◊〉 Mark 10. 27. Luke 1. 37. Do we provoke the Lord c. are we stronger than he 1 Cor. 10. 22. To him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us Ephes 3. 20. Rom. ●4 4. Strengthened c. according to his glorious power c. Col. 1. 11. Ephes 1. 19 20 c. Our God is a consuming 〈◊〉 H●b 12. 29. Humble your selves therefore under the mighty hand of God c. 1 Pet. 5. 6. Lord God Almighty Rev. 4. 8. ch 11. 17. ch 15. 3. ch 21. 22. The Lord God Omnipotent reigneth Rev. 19. 6. VII He is Omniscient Omnipresent Immense THou Lord seest me for she said Have I here looked after him that seeth me Gen. 16. 13. The Lord is a God of knowledge and by him actions are weighed 1 Sam. 2. 3. Job 37. 16. ch 21. 22. The Lord seeth not as man seeth for man looketh on the outward appearance but the Lord looketh on the heart 1 Sam. 16. 7. Luke 16. 15. Thou thou only knowest the hearts of all the children of men 1 Kings 8. 39. The Lord searcheth all hearts and understandall the imaginations of the thoughts If thou seek him he c. 1 Chron. 28. 9. Deut. 31. 21. Psal 147. 5. Behold the heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee c. 2 Chron. 6. 18. Jer. 23. 24. Hell is naked before him and destruction hath no covering Job 26. 6. God understandeth the way thereof and he knoweth the place thereof for he looketh to the ends of the earth and seeth under the whole heaven Job 28. 10 23 24. Isa 40. 28. His eyes are upon the ways of man and he seeth all his goings c. No darkness where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves Job 34. 21 22. Psal 11. 4 5. Job 31. 4. The righteous God trieth the hearts and reins Psal 7. 9. Jer. 11. 20. The Lord looketh from heaven and beholdeth all the sons of men c. Psal 33. 13 14 15. Heaven is thy throne earth is thy foot-stool Psal Understand ye brutish c. He that planteth the ear shall he not hear He that formeth the eye shall he not see c. The Lord knoweth the thoughts of man that they are vanity Psal 94. 8 9 11. 1 Cor. 3. 20. Thou c. understandest my thoughts afar off thou c. art acquainted with all my ways For not a word in my tongue but loe O Lord thou knowest it altogether c. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me c. Whither shall I go from thy spirit or whither shall I flee from thy presence If I ascend up into heaven thou art there c. Psal 139. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 c. Prov. 5. 21. Jer. 23. 23 24. Job 9. 11. The eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the good and the bad c. Hell and destruction are before the Lord how much more then the hearts of the children of men
was made by him c. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled amongst us and we beheld his glory as the glory of the only begotten Son of the Father full of grace and truth c. Is preferred before me for he was before me John 1. 3 9 10 14 15 18 27 30. ch 3. 16. 1 John 1. 1 2. 1 Cor. 10. 4. 9. Hebr. 3. 3 4. Jesus c. knew all men and needed not that any man should testifie of man for he knew what was in man John 2. 24 25. Luke 9. 47. No man hath ascended up to heaven but he who came down from heaven even the Son of man who is in heaven c. He who cometh from above is above all c. The Father loved the Son and hath given all things into his hands John 3. 13 31 34 35. Whatsoever things the Father doth those also doth the Son likewise c. For as the Father raiseth up the dead and quickeneth them even so the Son quickeneth whom he will c. He hath committed all judgment to the Son that all men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father c. As the Father hath life in himself so hath he given the Son to have life in himself and hath given him authority to execute judgment also because c. John 5. 19 21 22 23 26 27. Him hath God the Father sealed c. I came down from heaven c. If ye see the Son of man ascend up where he was before c. Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not and who should betray him c. We believe and are sure that thou art that Christ the Son of the living God John 6. 27 38 51 62 64 69. Jesus said I am the light of the world c. Jesus said unto them Verily verily I say unto you before Abram was I am John 8. 12 38. ch 9. 5. 1 Cor. 10. 4 9. Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands and that he was come from God and went to God c. Ye call me Master and Lord and ye say well for so I am John 13. 3 13. Philip said unto him Lord shew us the Father and Jesus said c. He who hath seen me hath seen the Father c. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me c. The Prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me John 14. 8 9 11 30. When the Spirit of truth comes c. he shall glorifie me for he shall receive of mine and shall shew it unto you All things which the Father hath are mine therefore said I that he shall take of mine c. We are sure that thou camest forth from God c. John 16 13 14 15 28 30. O Father glorifie thou me c. with the glory which I had with thee before the world was John 17. 5. When Jesus said I am he those who came to take him went backward and fell to the ground John 18. 5 6. Thomas said unto Jesus My Lord and my God John 20. 28. ch 21. 12. Jesus c. a man approved of God c. he hath made the same Jesus whom ye have crucified both Lord and Christ Acts 2. 22 36. But ye denied the holy One and killed the Prince of life c. Acts 3. 14 15. ch 7. 52. Against the holy child Jesus whom thou hast anointed c. Acts 4. 27 30. Jesus Christ he is Lord of all c. God anointed Jesus c. with the Holy Ghost and power Acts 10. 36 38. 2 Cor. 4. 5. Feed the Church of God which he hath purchased with his own blood Acts 20. 28. Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord c. and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of Holiness c. Rom. 1. ● 4. Christ who is over all God blessed for ever Amen Rom. 9. 5. Christ both died and rose and revived that he might be Lord both of the dead and living Rom. 14. 9. There is one Lord Jesus by whom are all things and we by him 1 Cor. 8. 6. When he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power for he must reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet 1 Cor. 14. 24 25. He hath made him c. who knew no sin c. 2 Cor. 5. 21. Hebr. 4. 15. He raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places far above all principalities and powers might and dominion and every name which is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come and hath put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the Church c. who filleth all in all Ephes 1. 20 21 22 23. The unsearchable riches of Christ c. God who created all things by Jesus Christ c. or whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named Ephes 3. 8 9 15. He descended first into the lower parts of the earth he who descended is the same who ascended up far above all heavens Ephes 4. 9 10. Jesus who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God c. God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord c. Phil. 2. 5 6 9 10 11. John 5. 17 18. ch 10. 33. Jesus Christ who shall c. according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things to himself Phil. 3. 21. Who is the image of the invisible God the first-born of every creature For by him were all things created that are in heaven and which are in earth visible and invisible whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him and he is before all things and by him all things consist and he is the head c. That in or amongst all things he might have the pre-eminency for it pleased the Father that in him all fulness c. Col. 1. 15 16 17 18 19. 2 Cor. 4. 4. Heb. 3. 3 4 6. Christ for in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily c. The Head of all principalities and powers c. Having spoiled principalities c. Col. 2. 9 10 15. God was manifested in the flesh justified in the spirit seen of Angels c. received up c. 1 Tim. 3. 16. Jesus Christ who in his times he shall shew who is the blessed and only Potentate the King of kings and Lord of lords who only hath immortality dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto which no man hath seen c. To whom honour c. 1 Tim. 6. 14 15 16.
the kingdom of heaven but he who doth the will of my father which is in heaven c. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doth them I will liken him unto a wise man who built his house upon a rock c. and every one who heareth these sayings of mine and doth them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sand c. Matth. 7. 21 24 25 26 27. James 1. 23 24 25. Matth. 5. 18 19 20. John 9. 31. Whosoever shall not receive you nor hear your words when ye depart c. shake off the dust of your feet It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom Matth. 10. 14. 15. Whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven the same is my brother and sister and mother Matth. 12. 15. Zacharias c. walking in all the ordinances and commandments of the Lord blameless Luke 1. 5 6. Why call ye me Lord and do not the things which I say Luke 6. 46 47 c. But the pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against or within themselves Luke 7. 30. Yea rather blessed are they who hear the words of God and keep it Luke 11. 28. Rom. 2. 13. James 1. 25. And that servant which knew his master's will and did it not shall be beaten with stripes Luke 12 47. James 4. 17. If any man will do his will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God c. John 7. 17. He who is of God heareth my word but ye hear not my word because ye are not of God c. Verily verily I say unto you If a man keep my sayings he shall never see death John 8. 51. If ye know these things happy are ye if ye do them John 13. 17. James 1. 22 23 25. If ye love me keep my commandments c. He who hath my commandments and keepeth them he it is who loveth me c. Jesus said If any man love me he will keep my words c. He who loveth me not keepeth not my words John 14. 15 21 23 24. If ye keep my commandments ye shall abide in my love even as I kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love c Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I have commanded you John 15. 10 14. Now therefore are we all here present before God to hear all things that are commanded thee of God Acts 10. 33 Yet have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered unto you Rom. 6. 17. The law is holy and the commandment holy just and good Rom. 7. 12. Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing but the keeping of the commandments of God 1 Cor. 7. 19. To day if ye will hear his voice harden not your hearts Heb. 4. 7. Psalm 95. 7 8. Therefore to him who knoweth to go good and doth it not to him it is sin James 4. 17. That righteous man dwelling among them in seeing and hearing vexed his righteous soul from day to day with unlawful deeds 2 Pet. 2. 8. Hereby we do know that we know him if we keep his commandments He who saith I know him and keepeth not his commandments is a lyar and the truth is not in him and whose keepeth his word in him verily is the love or God perfected Hereby know we that we are in him c. He who doth the will of God abideth for ever 1 John 2. 3 4 5 17. Love not in word neither in tongue but in deed and in truth c. And whatsoever we ask we receive of him because we keep his commandments c. This is his commandment That we believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another c. And he who who keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him and he in him 1 John 3. 18 22 23 24. By this we know that we love the children of God when we love God and keep his commandments For this is the love of God That we keep his commandments and his commandments are not grievous 1 John 5. 2 3. And this is love that ye walk after his commandments 2 John ver 6. Blessed are they who do his commandments that they may have right to the tree of life and may enter in thorow the gates into the city Rev. 22. 14. See that ye refuse not him who speaketh for if they escaped not who refused him who spake on earth much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him who speaketh from heaven whose voice then shook c. Heb. 12. 25 26. See God's threatnings of and Judgments for disobedience after in this same Chap. See the great Day of Judgment Chap. 36. Worship God and sanctifie him therein GOD had respect to Abel and to his offering but not unto Cain's Gen. 4. 3 5 7. Hebr. 11. 4. Thou shalt have no other God before me Thou shalt not make any graven image c. thou shalt not bow down thy self to them nor serve them for I the Lord thy God a jealous God c. In all places where I record my name I will come unto thee and I will bless thee Exod. 20. 3 4 5 24. Thou shalt not bow down to their gods nor serve them c. ye shall serve the Lord your God c. Exod. 23. 25. There will I meet with thee and commune with thee above the mercy seat At the door of the tabernacle of the congregation c. where I will meet you to speak there unto thee And there will I meet with the children of Israel and the tabernacle or Israel shall be sanctified by my glory c. Exod. 25. 22. chap. 29. 42 43. chap. 20. 24. Thou canst not see my face for there shall no man see my face and live Exod. 33. 20. Thou shalt worship no other God for the Lord whose name is jealous is a jealous God Exod. 34. 14. Deut. 6. 15. When the tabernacle was set up the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle Exod 40. 33 34 35. When Aaron's sons were consumed for offering strange fire Moses said unto Aaron This that the Lord spake saying I will be sanctified in them who come nigh me and before all the people I will be glorified Levit. 10. 1 2 3. Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God and him serve c. Thou shalt not go after other gods c. The Lord our God is one Lord c. Deut. 6. 4 13 14. And now Israel what doth the Lord require of thee but to fear the Lord c. and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul c. Behold the heavens and heaven of heavens is the Lord 's thy God the earth with all that therein is c. For the Lord your God is God of Gods and Lord of Lords a great God a mighty and a terrible who regardeth not persons c. worship him Deut. 10. 12
saints and to be had in reverence of all about him Psalm 89. 7. Before the mountains were c. even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God Thou turnest man to destruction and sayest Return ye children of men Who knoweth the power of thine anger even according to thy fear is thy wrath Psalm 90. 2 3 11. The Lord reigneth he is clothed with majesty the Lord is clothed with strength c. Thy throne is established of old thou from everlasting c. The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters Psalm 93. 1 2 4. The Lord a great God and a great King above all gods Psalm 95. 3. Psalm 135. 5 6. 7. The Lord is great c. he is to be feared above all gods c. The Lord made the heavens honour and majesty are before him c. Fear before him all the earth Psalm 96. 4 5 6 9. 1 Chron. 16. 25. A fire goeth before him and burneth up his enemies round about his lightnings enlightneth the world the earth saw and trembled the hills melted like wax at the presence of the Lord at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth Psalm 97. 3 4 5 9. The Lord reigneth let the people tremble He sitteth between the Cherubins let the earth be removed or stagger The Lord is great in Zion he is high above all people let them praise the great and terrible name it is holy Psal 99. 1 2 3. As the heavens are high above the earth so great is his mercy towards them who fear him c. As a father pitieth his children so the Lord pitieth them who feareth him c. The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting unto them who fear him Psalm 103. 11 13 17. He hath given meat unto them that fear him c. Holy and reverend is his name The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom Psal 111. 5 9 10. Tremble thou earth at the presence of the Lord at the presence of the God of Jacob who turneth the rock into a standing water the flint into a fountain of water Psalm 114. 7 8. He will bless them who fear the Lord small and great Psalm 115. 13. Psalm 128. 1 2 c. He will fulfil the desire of them who fear him he also will hear c. Psalm 145. 19. The Lord taketh pleasure in them who fear him c. Psalm 147. 11. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge Prov. 1. 7. ch 9. 10. Fear the Lord and depart from evil Prov. 3. 7. In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence c. It is the fountain of life to depart from the snares of death Prov. 14. 26 27. Better is a little with the fear of the Lord than great treasures c. Prov. 15. 16. By the fear of the Lord men depart from evil Prov. 16. 6. Let not thine heart envy sinners but be thou in the fear of the Lord all the day long Prov. 23. 17. Whatsoever God doth it shall be for ever c. and God doth it that men should fear before him Eccles 3. 14. It shall be well with them who fear God who fear before him Eccles 8. 12. Fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man Eccles 12. 13. The Lord alone shall be exalted in that day c. And they shall go into the holes c. for fear of the Lord and for the glory of his Majesty when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth Isa 2. 10 17 19 21. I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne c. and one cried unto another and said Holy holy holy is the Lord of Hosts the whole earth is full of his glory c. Then said I Wo is me c. because I a man of unclean lips c. have seen the King the Lord of Hosts Isa 6. 1 3 5. Sanctifie the Lord of Hosts himself and let him be your fear and let him be your dread Isaiah 8. 13. The Lord of hosts hath sworn saying Surely as I thought so shall it come to pass and as I have purposed it it shall stand c. The Lord of hosts hath purposed and who shall disannul it And his hand is stretched out and who shall uurn it back Isa 14. 24 27. Thou hast made of a city an heap c. therefore shall the strong people glorifie thee The city of the terrible nations shall fear thee Isa 25. 1 2 3. Who would set the briers and thorns against me in battel c. I would burn them together Isa 27. 4. Forasmuch as this people draw near hnto me with their mouth c. and their fear towards me is taught by the precept of men therefore c. they shall sanctifie my name and sanctifie the holy one of Jacob and shall fear the God of Israel Isa 29. 13 14 15 23. Behold the Lord God will come c. who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand and meeted heaven with the span and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure c. Behold the nations as a drop of a bucket and are counted as the small dust of the ball●nce Behold he taketh up the isles as a very little thing c. all nations before him are as nothing Isa 40. 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18. I the Lord the first and with the last I am he the isles saw it and feared the ends of the earth were afraid drew near c. Isa 41. 4 5. ch 43. 10 11 12 13. The heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool where is the house Isa 66. 1. Acts 7 48 49 50. Know therefore and see that it is an evil and bitter thing that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God and that my fear is not in thee Jer. 2. 19. When God had put away Israel yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not but c. Jer. 3. 8. O foolish people c. fear ye not me faith the Lord Will ye not tremble at my presence Who hath placed the sands for the bounds of the sea by a perpetual decree that it cannot pass it c. But this people hath revolted c. Neither say they in their hearts Let us now fear the Lord our God who giveth rain c. Jer. 5. 21 22 23 24. None like unto thee O Lord thou great and thy name great in might who would not fear thee O King of nations for to thee it appertaineth c. The Lord is the true God he the living God an everlasting King at his wrath the earth shall tremble and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation c. Jer. 10. 6 7 10 12 13. Dan. 2. 20 21 22 47. ch 4. 17 32. O House of Israel cannot I do with you as this potter saith the Lord Behold as the clay in the potter's hand so ye in my hand O house of Israel Jer. 18. 6. Can any
the afflictions of Joseph Amos 6. 1 3 4 5 6 7. I am very sore displeased with the heathen that are at ease for I was but a little displeased and they helped forward the affliction Zecha 1. 15. Obadiah v. 11. 12 13 14. When Jesus saw the multitude he had compassion on them because they fainted or were tyred and laid down c. Matth. 9. 36. I was an hungry and ye gave me meat I was thirsty and ye gave me drink I was a stranger and ye took me in naked and ye cloathed me I was in prison and ye came unto me I was sick and ye visited me c. Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me Matth. 25. 35 36 37 40. When Jesus had put forth the parable of a man falling among thieves and was wounded and the Priest and Levite passing by and looking on but the Samaritan had compassion on him and went to him and bound up his wounds and took care of him he said Go and do thou likewise Luke 10. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37. Simon Simon Satan hath desired to have you that he might sift you as wheat but I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not and when thou art converted strengthen thy brethren Luke 22. 31 32. Peter therefore was kept in prison but prayer was made without ceasing or earnest and instant prayer was made of the Church unto God for him Acts 12. 5. 12. Rejoyce with them who do rejoyce and weep with them who do weep be of the same mind one towards another Rom. 12. 15 16. The members should have the same care one of another and whether one member suffer all the members suffer with it or one member be honoured all the members rejoyce with it now ye are the body of Christ and members in particular 1 Cor. 12. 24 25 26 27. Blessed be God c. who comforteth us in all our tribulations that we may be able to comfort them who are in any trouble by the comfort wherewith we our selves are comforted of God 2 Cor. 1. 3 4. Bear ye one anothers burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ Gal. 6. 2. Be kind one to another render-hearted Ephe. 4. 32. Ye have done well that ye did communicate with mine afflictions c. Ye sent once and again to my necessity Phil. 4. 14 15 16. Isa 58. 10. Put on therefore as the elect of God holy and beloved bowels of mercy Col. 3. 12 Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord nor of me his prisoner but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the Gospel c. The Lord give mercy unto the house of Onesiphorus for he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chain But when he was in Rome he sought me out very diligently and found me the Lord grant unto him that he may find mercy of the Lord in that day c. how many things he ministred unto me at Ephesus thou knowest 2 Tim. 1. 8 16 17 18. At my first answer no man stood with me but all men forsook me I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge 2 Tim. 4. 16 Ye endured a great fight or affliction partly whiles ye were made a gazing-stock both by reproaches and afflictions and p●●tly whilst ye became companions of them who were so used for ye had compassion on me in my bonds c. Heb. 10. 32 33 34. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained Angels unawares Remember them who are in bonds as bound with them them who suffer adversity as being your selves also in the body Heb. 13. 2 3. Pure religion c. is to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction James 1. 27. See Duties in common Calamities Chap. 23. See Duty of Christians one to another Chap. 17 CHAP. XXIII Of Publick or Common Calamities and Judgments whence they are I. That they are of Gods ordering and none can keep them off GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth c. And the Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created c. And behold I even I do bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh c. Accordingly he brings the flood Gen. 6. 5 7 17. ch 7. 4. Job 37. 11 12 13. The Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven and he overthrew those Cities Gen. 19. 24 25. God said I will harden Pharaohs heart that he shall not let the people go Exod. 4. 21. ch 14. 4. Joshua 11. 20. See now that I am he and there is no God with me I kill I make alive I wound I heal neither is there any who can deliver out of my hand Deut. 32. 39. Gods anger was hot against Israel therefore he left their enemies amongst them Judges 2. 20 21 22 23. If ye turn away and forsake my statutes c. then will I pluck them up by the roots out of my land c. 2 Chron. 7. 19 20. The Lord stirred up against Jehoram the spirits of the Philistines and of the Arabians c. and they came up into Judah and brake into it c. 2 Chron. 21. 16 17 2 Kings 24 2. 3. They mocked the messengers c. till the wrath of the Lord arose against his people and there was no remedy therefore he brought upon them the king of the Chaldees who slew their young men c. 2 Chron. 36. 15 16 17. Afflictions come not out of the dust c. he maketh fore and bindeth up Job 5. 17 18. ch 9. 12. He turned their hearts to hate his people and to deal subtilly with his servants Psalm 105. 25. He gave them into the hand of the heathen and they who hated them ruled over them Psal 106. 41 42. Psal 44. 10. 11 12 13 14. Psal 60. 10. Lam. 2. 17. O Assyrian c. I will send him against an hypocritical nation c. to tread them down c. Isa 10. 5 6. Behold the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth Isa 26. 21. Ye scornful men c. when the over-flowing scourge shall pass through then shall ye be overthrown by it c. I have heard from the Lord of hosts a consumption determined upon the whole earth Isa 28. 14 15 18 22. Who gave Jacob for a spoil and Israel to the robbers did not the Lord against whom c Isa 42. 24. Ezek. 39. 23 24. Job 12. 23. I make peace and create evil I the Lord do all these things Isa 45. 7. I was wroth with my people I have c. given them into thine hand c. therefore shall evil come upon thee c. thou shalt not be able to put it off c. Isa 47. 6 11. Jer. 46. 15. I have forsaken mine house I have left mine
not soon shaken in mind c. as that the day of Christ is at hand c. except there come first a falling away and that man of sin be revealed c. 2 Thes 2. 1 2 3. Until the illustrious appearance of our Lord Jesus c. 1 Tim. 6. 14. The Lord Jesus who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom c. a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give me at that day c. unto them also who love his appearance 2 Tim. 4. 1 8. Looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ Titus 2. 13. 2 Tim. 1. 10. Not laying again the foundation c. of eternal judgment Heb. 6. 1 2. It is appointed for a●l men once to die but after this the judgment so Christ c. unto them who look for him shall ●e appear the second time without sin Heb. 9. 27 2● A certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery ind●gnation which shall devour the adversary c. It is a feartel thing so fall into the hands of the living God He● 10. 27 31. Ye are c●●e unto mount Z●on c. and to God the Judge of all c. Heb. 12. 22 23. Be patient therefore brethren to the coming of the Lord c. for the coming of the Lord draweth near c. James 5. 7 8. That the tryal of our faith c. might be found u●to praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ c. the Father who without respect or persons Judgeth according unto every mans works 1 Pet. 1. 7 13 17. Psal 62. 12. Who shall give account unto him who is ready to judge the quick and the dead c. The end of all things is at hand be ye therefore sober and waten unto prayer c. The time is come that judgment must began at the house of God c. What shall the 〈◊〉 be of them who obey not the Gospel of God And if the righteous scarcely be saved Where shall the ungodly and sinners appear 1 Pet. 4. 5 7 17 18. When the chief shepherd shall appear ye shall receive a crown c. 1 Pet. 5. 4. If God spared not the Angels who sinned but cast them down c. to be reserved unto judgment c. The Lord knoweth how c. to reserve the the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished 2 Pet. 2. 4 9. There shall come in the last days scoffers c. and saying Where is the promise of his coming For since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the ●eginning c. the heavens and the earth which now are by the same word are kept in store reserved unto she against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men c. One day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day c. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise c. Seeing that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought ye to be c. looking for and hasting unto the day of God 2 Pet. 3. 3 4 7 8 10 11 12. Psal 102. 25 26. Abide in him that when he appears we may have conndence at his coming 1 John 2. 28. That we may have ●oldness in the day of judgment because as he is so are we 1 John 4. 16 17. The Angels who kept not their first state c. hath he reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day c. Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his Saints to execute judgment upon all c. Jude ver 6 14 15. Behold he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him and they also who pierced him c. Rev. 1. 7. I will give to every one of you according to to your works Rev. 2. 23. And the heavens departed as a scroul c. and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the migh●y men c. hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains and said unto the mountains and rocks Fall on us and hide us from the face or him who sitteth upon the throne and from the w●ath of the Lamb for the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand Rev. 6. 14 15 16 17. Mark 13. 31. The nations were angry and thy wrath is come and the time of the dead that they should be judged and thou shouldit give unto thy servants a reward c. Rev. 11. 18. ch 14. 7. I saw a great white throne and him who sat on it from whose face the earth and the heavens fled away c. and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were opened c. and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works Rev. 20. 11 12 15. Behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according as his works shall be c. And the Spirit and the Bride say Come c. He who restified these things saith Surely I come quickly Amen Even so come Lord Jesus Rev. 22. 12 17 20. We are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them who do such things R●● 2. 2. Be not deceived c. for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap for he who soweth to the flesh shall or the flesh reap c. Gal. 6. 7 8. See the Duty of Waiting for Christ's Coming Chap. 16. CHAP. XXXVII Of the Glory prepared for the Saints and reserved to be given to them at the Appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ MAN hath not heard nor perceived c. what he hath prepared for them who wait for him Isa 64. 4. 1 Cor. 2. 9 10. Verily there is a reward for the righteous Psal 58. 11. If in this life only we have hope in Christ we are of all men most miserable 1 C●r 15. 19. 1 Tim. 4. 8. After I awake c. yet in my flesh or out of my flesh shall I see God whom I shall see for my self and mine eyes shall behold and not another Job 19. 26 27. In thy presence is fulness of joy at thy right hand pleasure for evermore Psalm 16. 11. Psalm 17. 15. Death shall feed on them and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning Psal 49. 14. Many of them who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life c. and they who be wise or teachers shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they who turn many to righteousness as the Stars for ever and ever Dan. 12. 2 3. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall
1 Kings 16. ch 12. 51 52 53. Hezekiah destroyed Idolatry removed the High-places brake the Images cut down the Groves and brake in pieces the Brazen Serpent which Moses made for in those days the Children of Israel did burn Incense to it and called it Nehushtan c. So did Josiah the King 2 Kings 18. 4. chap. 23. 4 5 c. Manasseh's Idolatry setting up all his Father had pulled down 2 Kings 21. 3 to 7. King Ahaz's Idolatry 2 Chron. 20. 23 25. If we have forgotten the name of our God or stretched out our hands to a strange god shall not God search this out for he knoweth the secrets of the heart Psal 44. 20 21. All the gods of the people are idols Jehovah made the heavens c. Psal 96. 5. Confounded be all they who serve graven images who boast themselves of idols Worship him all ye gods Psal 97. 7. Our God is in the heavens he hath done whatsoever he pleased Their idols are silver and gold the works of men's hands they have mouths but they speak not eyes have they but they see not they have ears but they hear not noses have they but they smell not c. They who made them are like unto them so is every one who trusteth in them Psal 115. 3 to 9. Psal 135. 15 16 c. Deut. 4. 28. Habak 2. 18 19. Their land also is full of Idols they worship the work of their own hands that which their own fingers have made and the mean man boweth down and the great man humbleth himself c. The idols shall utterly pass away and they shall go into the holes of the rocks c. for fear of the Lord c. In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver and his idols of gold which they made each one for himself to worship to the moles and to the bats c. Isa 2. 8 9 18 19 20. ch 31. 7. In that day shall a man look to his Maker c. and he shall not look to the altars the work of his hands neither shall he respect that which his fingers have made either the groves or the images Isa 17. 7 8. Hosea 14. 8. To whom then will ye liken God What likeness will ye compare unto him The workman molteth a graven image c. Isa 40. 18 19 20 25. The Carpenter encouraged the Goldsmith or F●under c. Shew the things to come hereafter that we may know that ye are gods Yea Do good or do evil c. Behold ye are nothing or worse than nothing and your works of nought an abomination c. Their molten-images are wind and confusions Isa 41. 7 23 24 29. I am the Lord that is my name my glory will I not give to another neither my praise to graven-images c. They shall be turned back they shall be greatly ashamed who trust in graven-images who say to the molten-images Ye are our gods Isa 42. 8 17. They who make graven-images are all of them vanity c. they see not nor know that they may be ashamed Who hath formed a god or molten a graven-image which is profitable for nothing Behold all his fellows shall be ashamed and the work-men c. they shall be ashamed together c. The Carpenter c. heweth down cedars c. he will take thereof and warm himself yea he kindleth it and baketh bread yea he maketh a god and worshippeth it he maketh it a graven-image and falleth down thereto he burneth part thereof in fire c. ●nd the residue thereof he maketh a god his graven-image he falleth down and worshippeth it ●and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me for thou art my God c. None considereth in his heart neither is there knowledge or understanding to say I have burnt part of it in the fire c. and shall I make the residue thereof an abomination Shall I fall down to the stock of or that which comes from a tree Isa 44. 9 to 20. They shall be ashamed and also confounded all of them they shall go to confusion together who are makers of idols c. They have no knowledge who set up the wood of their graven-image and pray unto a god who cannot save Isa 45. 16 20. To whom will ye liken me c. They lavish gold out of the bag c. hire a goldsmith and he maketh it a god and they fall down yea they worship they bear him upon the shoulder they carry him and set him in his place and he standeth c. Yea one shall cry to him yet can he not answer nor save him out of his trouble Isa 46 5 6 7. I have even from the beginning declared c. lest thou shouldst say Mine idol hath done them and my graven-image and my molten-image hath commanded them Isa 48. 5. A people who provoke me to anger continually to my face who sacrificeth in gardens and burneth incense upon altars of brick c. Isa 65. 3 4. Jer. 1. 16. Hath a nation changed their gods which are yet no gods But my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit c. The house of Israel ashamed c. saying to a stock Thou art my father And to a stone Thou hast brought me forth c. But where are thy gods which thou hast made thee Let them arise if they can save thee in the time of thy trouble for according to the number of thy cities are thy gods O Judah Jer. 2. 10 11 26 27 28. ch 11. 12 13. Israel is gone up upon every high mountain and under every green tree and there playeth the harlot c. Her treacherous sister Judah feared not but went and played the harlot also c. committed adultery with stones and with stocks Jer. 3. 6 8 9. Seest thou what they do in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem The children gather wood and the fathers kindle a fire and the women knead their dough to make cakes to the queen of heaven and to pour out drink-offerings unto other gods that they may provoke me to anger Jer. 7. 17 18. One cutteth a tree c. they are fasten'd with nails they speak not c. be not afraid of them for they can do neither evil nor good c. They are altogether brutish and foolish The stock is a doctrine of vanities silver spread into plate c. but the Lord is the true God c. The gods who have not made the heavens and the earth they shall perish from the earth and from under these heavens c. Every founder is confounded by the graven-image for his molten-image is falshood and there is no breath in them they are vanity and the work of errours Jer. 10. 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 14 15. Are there any among the vanities of the Gentiles that can cause rain Jer. 14. 22. The Gentiles shall come c. and say Surely our fathers have inh●ri●●d
quaked greatly Exod. 19. 18. ch 20. 18 19. And the glory of the Lord abode upon mount Sinai c. And the sight of the glory of the Lord was like devouring fire on the top of the mount c. Exod. 24. 16 17. Ezek. 3. 23. chap. 8. 4. chap. 9. 3. There will I meet with the children of Israel and they shall be sanctified by my glory Exod. 29. 43. I beseech thee shew me thy glory c. Thou canst not see my face for there shall no man see me and live c. And it shall come to pass while my glory passeth by that I will put thee in a clift c. Exod. 33. 18 19 20 22. I will do marvails such as have not been done in all the earth c. And all the people c. shall see the work of the Lord for it is a terrible thing that I will do with thee Exod. 34. 10. The glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle Exod. 40. 34 35. Levit. 9. 23. Numb 14. 10. chap. 16. 42. As truly as I live all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord because all those men who have seen my glory and my miracles c. Numb 14. 21 22. Balaam said c. All that the Lord speaketh that I must do Numb 23. 26. Let the Lord God of the spirits of all flesh set a man Numb 27. 16. ch 16. 22. O Lord God thou hast begun to shew thy servant thy greatness and thy mighty hands For what God is there in heaven or in earth that can do according to thy work and according to thy might Deut. 3. 24. The Lord thy God is a consuming fire a jealous God c. Did ever people hear the voice of God speaking out of the midst of the fire as thou hast heard and live c. The Lord he is God in heaven above and upon the earth beneath there is none else Deut. 4. 24 33 39. ch 5. 24 25 26. The Lord thy God is among you a mighty God and terrible Deut. 7. 21. Nehem. 1. 5. ch 4. 14. The Lord thy God he who goeth before thee is a consuming fire c. Thine inheritance which thou hast redeemed through thy greatness c. Deut. 9. 3 26. Isa 60. 16. Behold the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the Lord thy God's the earth also with all that therein is c. For the Lord your God is God of of gods and Lord of lords a great God mighty and terrible who regardeth not persons nor taketh rewards Deut. 10. 14 17. Josh 22. 22. And know you c. The Lord your God his greatness his mighty hand and his stretched-out arm and his miracles and his acts which he did c. Deut. 11. 2 3. Thou maist fear this glorious and fearful name the Lord thy God Deut. 28. 58. Ascribe ye greatness unto our God the Rock his work is perfect all his ways are judgment c. When the Most High divided c. See now that I I am he and there is no God with me I kill and I make alive I wound and I heal neither is there any who can deliver out of my hands For if I lift up my hand to heaven c. Deut. 32. 3 4 8 39 41 42 c. There is none like unto the God of Jesurun who rideth upon the heavens in thy help and in his excellency on the sky The eternal God thy refuge and underneath are everlasting arms and he shall thrust out c. Deut. 33. 26 27. There is none besides thee neither is there any rock like our God c. The Lord is a God of knowledge and by him are actions weighed c. The Lord killeth and maketh alive he bringeth down to the grave and bringeth up the Lord maketh poor and maketh rich he bringeth low and lifteth up he raiseth up the poor c. So the pillars of the earth are the Lord's and he hath set the world upon them He will keep the feet of his saints c. 1 Sam. 2. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 c. Job 9. 5 6 7 8 9. Who is able to stand before this holy Lord God 1 Sam. 6. 20. Thou art great O Lord God for none is like thee neither is there any God beside thee 2 Sam. 7. 22. 1 Chron. 17. 20. The earth shook and trembled the foundations of heaven moved and shook because he was wroth There went up a smoke out of his nostrils and fire out of his mouth devoured c. 2 Sam. 22. 8 9 10 11 12. Psal 18. 7 8 c. The glory of the Lord hath filled the house 1 King 8. 11. Thou art the God thou alone of all the kingdoms of the earth thou hast made heaven and earth 2 King 19. 15. The heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain him 2 Chron. 2. 6. ch 6. 18. Declare his glory c. For great is the Lord and greatly to be praised to be feared above all gods For all the gods of the people are idols but the Lord made the heavens Glory and honour are in his presence strength and gladness in his place c. Give unto the Lord the glory due to his Name 1 Chron. 16. 24 25 26 27 28 c. Psal 96. 4 5. Thine O Lord is the greatness and the glory and the victory and the majesty for all in heaven and earth is thine Thine the kingdom O Lord and thou art exalted above all Both riches and honour come of thee and thou reignest over all and in thine hand is power and might and in thine hand to make great and to give strength unto all 1 Chron. 29. 11 12. Blessed be thy glorious name who art exalted above all blessing and praises thou thou art Lord alone thou hast made heaven c. And thou preservest them all Nehem. 9. 5 6. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away Job 1. 21. God c. who doeth great things and unsearchable without number Who giveth rain upon the earth and sendeth waters upon the fields to set up on high those who are low c. He disappointeth the devices of the crafty so that their hands cannot perform c. Job 5. 8 9 10 11 12 c. Canst thou by searching find out God Canst thou find out the Almighty to perfection c. It he cut off or make a change and shut up or gather together then who can hinder him c. Job 11. 7 8 9 10. ch 9. 10 11 12 13 c. ch 23. 13 14. ch 37. 23. Psal 77. 19. Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the Lord hath wrought this in whose hand is the soul of every living thing and the breath of all mankind c. With him is wisdom and strength he hath counsel and understanding Behold he breaketh down and it cannot be built up again he shutteth up a man and there can be no opening he withholdeth the waters and
they dry up c. he leadeth counsellors away spoiled and maketh the judges fools he looseth the bonds of kings c. he leadeth princes away spoiled and overthroweth the mighty c. Job 12. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 c. Shall not his excellency make you afraid and his dread fall upon you Job 13. 11. Jer. 5. 22. Job 23. 15. Shall any teach God knowledge seeing he judgeth those who are high Job 21. 22. He stretcheth out the north over the empty places and hangeth the earth upon nothing he bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds c. he hath compassed the waters with bounds until the day and night come to an end the pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished at his reproof He divideth the sea c. By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens c. Lo these are parts of his ways but how little a portion is heard of him But the thunder of his power who can understand Job 26. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. Psal 19. 1 2 3 4 c. Jer. 5. 22. Psal 74. 12 13 14 c. Psal 77. 17 18. Psal 104. 2 3 4 c. Destruction from God was a terrour to me and by reason of his highness I could not endure Job 31. 23. Isa 13. 3. ch 28. toto God is greater than man Why dost thou strive against him For he giveth not account of any of his matters Job 33. 12 13. ch 49. 19. Jer. 49. 19. Job 21. 22. When he gives quietness who can give trouble And when he hideth who can behold him Job 34. 29. He thundereth with the voice of his excellency c. God thundereth marvellously with his voice great things doth he which we cannot comprehend For he faith to the snow Be thou on the earth Likewise to the small rain c. He sealeth up the hand of every man that all men may know his works c. With God is terrible majesty c. Job 37. 4 5 6 7 8 9 c. 22 23. The Lord said unto Job c. Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth c. Who hath laid the measures thereof c. Job 38. toto Psal 104. 2 3 4 5 c. Who is able to stand before me Who hath prevented me that I should repay Whatsoever is under the whole heaven is mine Job 41. 10 11. Jer. 49. 19. Psal 50. 9 10 11 12. The kings of the earth set themselves c. He that fitteth in heaven shall laugh the Lord shall have them in derision Then shall he speak unto him in his wrath c. Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill Sion Psal 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Lord our God how excellent is thy name in all the earth Who hast set thy glory above the heavens Psal 8. 1 9. The Lord is in his holy temple the Lord's throne is in heaven Psal 11. 4. The heavens declare the glory of God the firmament sheweth his handy-work Psal 19. 1 2. The kingdom is the Lord's and he is the Governor among the nations Psal 22. 28. Psal 47. 2 7. Who is the King of Glory The Lord of hosts he is the King of Glory Psal 24. 10. The voice of the Lord is upon the waters The God of glory thundereth the Lord is upon many waters The voice of the Lord is powerful ●x power the voice of the Lord is full of majesty The voice of the Lord breaketh the Cedars c. The Lord sitteth upon the floods yea the Lord sitteth King for ever Psal 29. 3 4 5 6 7 8 10. By the word of the Lord were the heavens made c. He spake and it was done he commanded and it stood fast The Lord bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought he maketh the devices of the people of none effect The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever the thoughts of his heart to all generations Psal 33. 6 7 8 9 10 11. Isa 14. 27. Psal 104. 2 3 4 c. Zech. 12. 1. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised Psal 48. 1. Psal 50. 1. Verily he is a God who judgeth in the earth Psal 58. 11. Let them know that God ruleth in Jacob unto the ends of the earth Selah Psal 59. 13. Isa 60. 16. Psal 47. 2 7. Psal 66. 7. He visiteth the earth and watereth it c. enricheth it c. Thou preparest them com c. Psal 65. 9 10. 11. He that is our God is the God of salvation and unto God the Lord belong the issues from death c. To him who rideth upon the heaven of heavens c. His excellency is over Israel and his strength in the heavens O God thou art terrible out of thy holy places c. Psal 68. 20 33 34 35. Promotion cometh not from the east c. but God the Judge he putteth down one and setteth up another Psal 75. 6 7. In Judah is God known his name great in Israel c. Thou art more glorious and excellent than the mountains of prey c. At thy rebuke O God of Jacob the chariot and horses are cast into a deep sleep Thou thou art to be scared and who may stand in thy sight when once thou art angry c. He shall cut off the spirit of princes he is terrible to the kings of the earth c. Psal 76. 1 4 6 7 12. Nahum 1. 5 6. Who is so great a God as our God Thou the God that doest wonders c. The waters saw thee O God c. they were afraid the depths also were troubled c. Psal 77. 13 14 16. Job 9. 10. God standeth in the congregation of the mighty he judgeth among the gods Psal 82. 1. That men may know that thou whose Name alone is Jehovah art the Most High over all the earth Psal 83. 18. Psal 91. 1. Among the gods none like unto thee O Lord neither is there any works like unto thy works All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee c. for thou art great and doest wondrous things thou art God alone Psal 86. 8 9 10. Psal 87. 5. Psal 111. 2 3 4 6 7. Who in the heaven can be compared unto the Lord Who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the Lord God is greatly to be feared c. Who is a strong lord like unto thee c. Psal 89. 6 7 8 9 11. Thou turnest man to destruction and sayest Return ye children of men c. Psal 90. 2 3. Job 9. 13. The Lord reigneth he is cloathed with majesty c. The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters yea than the mighty waves of the sea Psal 93. 1 4. Psal 97. 1. Psal 99. 1. Psal 104. 1 2 3 4 c. The Lord is a great God and a great King above all gods in his hands are the deep places of the earth c. Psal 95.
3 4 5. Psal 96. 4. Psal 97. 9. Psal 135. 5 6 c. The Lord made the heavens honour and majesty are before him strength and beauty in his sanctuary c. Psal 96. 5 6. Fire goeth before him and burneth up his enemies round about him c. The hills melt like wax at the presence of the Lord at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth c. Psal 97. 3 4 5. Psal 114. 7. Nahum 1. 4 5. Know ye that the Lord he is God he hath made us and not we our selves or his we are Psal 100. 3. 4. The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens and his kingdom ruleth over all Psal 103. 19. The Lord is high above all nations his glory above the heavens Who like unto the Lord our God who dwelleth on high c. He raiseth the poor out of the dust c. that he may set him with princes c. he maketh the barren woman to keep house c. Psal 113. 4 5 7 8 9. Our God is in the heavens he hath done whatsoever he pleased c. The heaven the heavens are the Lord's but the earth hath he given to the children of men Psal 115. 3 16. Psal 135. 6. I will speak of the glorious honour of thy majesty and of thy wondrous works And men shall speak of the might of thy terrible acts and I will declare thy greatness c. Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and thy dominion throughout all generations c. Psal 145. 5 6 13. Let them praise the name of the Lord for his name alone is excellent his glory is above the earth and heaven Psal 148. 13. The lot is cast into the lap but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord Prov. 16. 33. There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the Lord Prov. 21. 30. The building of Babel Gen. 11. Joseph's dream brought to pass Gen. from ch 37. to ch 48. I know that whatsoever God doeth it shall be for ever nothing can be put to it nor any thing taken from it and God doth it that men should fear before him Eccles 3. 14. And they shall go into the holes of the rocks and into the caves of the earth for fear of the Lord and for the glory of his majesty when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth Isa 2. 10 19 21. Job 37. 22 23. Holy holy holy the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of thy glory Woe is me c. I have seen the king the Lord of hosts Isa 6. 3. The Lord of hosts hath purposed and who shall disanul and his hand stretcheth out who shall turn it back Isa 14. 27. Great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee Isa 12. 6. Rev. 19. 17. Let favour be shewed to the wicked yet will he not c. behold the majesty of the Lord Isa 26. 10. The Lord of hosts wonderful in counsel and excellent in working Isa 28. 29. The Lord God c. who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand and meted out heaven with the span and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure and weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a ballance Who hath directed the spirit of the Lord or being his counsellor hath taught him With whom took he counsel c. Behold the nations are as the drop of a bucket and are counted as the small dust of the ballance Behold he taketh up the Isles as a very little thing c. All nations before him are as nothing and they are counted to him less than nothing and vanity To whom then will ye liken God or what likeness will ye compare unto him c. He who sitteth upon the circle of the earth c. that bringeth the princes to nothing c. To whom will ye liken me or shall I be equal saith the Holy One Lift up your eyes on high and behold who hath created these things Isa 40. 10 12 13 14 15 17 18 22 23 24 25 26. ch 42. 5. ch 46. 5 9 10. Jer. 5. 22. Job 9. 7 8 9. Yea before the day was I am he and there is none that can deliver out of my hand I will work and who shall let c. I the Lord your Holy One the Creator of Israel your King c. who maketh a way in the sea and a path in the mighty waters c. I have given Jacob to the curse and Israel to reproaches Isa 43. 13 15 16 28. I the Lord who maketh all things who stretcheth forth the heavens alone who spreadeth abroad the earth by my self who frustrateth the tokens of the lyars and maketh diviners mad who turneth wise men backward and maketh their knowledge foolish c. who saith to the deep Be dry and I will dry Isa 44. 24 25 27. Rev. 10. 6. ch 14. 7. I form light and create darkness I make peace and create evil I the Lord do all these things c. Woe to him who striveth with his Maker Let the potsheard strive with the potsheards of the earth c. I have made the earth and created man upon it I even my hands have stretched out the heavens c. Every knee shall bow to me every tongue shall swear c. Isa 45. 7 9 12 18 23. To whom will ye liken me c. I am God my Counsel shall stand I will do all my pleasure Isa 46. 5 9 10. Behold at my rebuke I dry up the sea c. I cloath the heavens with blackness c. Isa 50. 2 3. Nahum 1. 4. My word shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper Isa 55. 11. Thus saith the high and lofty One who inhabiteth eternity whose Name is Holy I dwell in the high and holy place c. Isa 57. 15. Thus saith the Lord The heaven is my throne and the earth my foot-stool where is the house ye build unto me and where is the place of my rest for all these things hath mine hand made c. Isa 66. 1 2. 2 Chron. 2. 6. ch 6. 18. Hath a nation changed their gods which are yet no gods but my people have changed their glory c. Jer. 2. 11. The Lord our God who giveth rain both the former and the latter in its season he reserveth unto us the appointed week of the harvest Jer. 5. 24. There is none like unto thee O Lord thou art great and thy name is great in might Who would not fear thee O King of nations For to thee doth it appertain forasmuch as among all the wise men of the nations and in all their kingdoms are none like unto thee c. At his wrath the earth shall tremble and the nations c. He hath made the earth by his power c. The Portion of Jacob is not like them for he is the Former of all things Jer. 10. 6 7 10 11 12 13 16. ch 51. 15 16 19. Job 9. 5.
they sinned still and believed not for his wondrous work Psal 78. 30 31 32 56 57 58. They frame mischief by a law they gather themselves together against the Soul of the Righteous and condemn the innocent blood Psal 94. 20 21. They have taken crafty counsel against thy people c. they have consulted together with one consent or heart they are confederate against thee Psal 83. 3 5. The tender mercy of the wicked is cruel Prov. 12. 10. Fools make a mock at sin Prov 14. 9. Not a just man upon the earth who doth good and sinneth not Eccles 7. 20. Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily therefore the hearts of the sons of men are fully set in them to do evil Eccles 8. 11. Psal 55. 19. Woe to them who draw iniquity c. who say Let him make speed hasten his work that we may may see c. Isa 5. 18 19 20. The King of Assyria lifted up in pride said Shall not I do to Jerusalem as to Samaria c. By the strength of my hand have I done it and by my wisdom for I am prudent Isa 10. 10 11 13. Ye have said We have made a covenant with death and with hell c. the scourge shall not come upon us c. Isa 28. 15. Let favour be shewed to the wicked yet will he not learn righteousness c. Deal unjustly in the land of uprightness and will not behold the Majesty of the Lord c. Thy hand is lifted up they will not see c. Isa 26. 10 11. They make a man an offender for a word and lay a snare for him who reproveth in the gate c. Isa 29. 20 21. Thou hast trusted in thy wickedness thou hast said none-seeth me c. and thou hast said in thine heart I and none else beside me Isa 47. 10. All we like sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way Isa 53. 6. The wicked like the troubled sea which cannot rest whose waters cast up mire and dirt Isa 57. 20. Thou said●t There is no hope no for I have loved strangers and after them will I go Jer. 2. 25. ch 22. 21. Thou hast stricken them but they have not grieved thou qast consumed them they have refused to receive correction they have made their faces harder than a rock they have refused to return Jer. 5. 3. Were they ashamed c. They were not at all ashamed neither could they blush therefore c. Thus saith the Lord Stand ye in the way and see and ask for the old paths where is the good way and walk therein c. But they said We will not walk therein Jer. 6. 15 16. They spake not aright no man repented of his wickedness saying What have I done Every one turned to his course as the horse rusneth into the battel Jer. 8. 6. The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron with the point of a diamond it is graven upon the table of their heart c. The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked c. Jer. 17. 1 9. Thus faith the Lord Return ye c. And they said There is no hope but we will walk after our own devices and we will every one do the imagination of his evil heart c. Let us devise devices against Jeremiah c. and let us not give heed to any of his words Jer. 18. 11 12 18. The King cut and burned the Roll wherein was written Jeremy's Prophesie and would have taken the Prophet himself Jer. 36. 21 23 24 26. The people told Jeremiah We will not hearken unto thee but we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth out of our own mouth to burn incense to the queen of heaven c. Jer. 44. 15 16 17. They are stiff-hearted c. they are rebellious c. they are impudent Ezek. 2. 4 7. ch 3. 7. Hast thou seen what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark every man in the chambers of his imagery For they say The Lord seeth not us the Lord hath forsaken the earth c. Ezek● 8. 12. When they had slain their children to their idols then they came the same day into my sanctuary to profane it c. Ezek. 23. 39. Nebuchadnezzar said Who is that God who can deliver out of my hands Dan. 3. 15. The king said Is not this great Babylon which I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power and for the honour of my majesty While the word was in his mouth c. a voice said The kingdom is departed Dan. 4. 30 31. Though Belshazzar knew all which God had done to his father for his pride yet he humbled not his heart But thou hast lifted up thy self against the Lord of heaven c. Thou hast praised the gods of silver c. Dan. 5. 21 22 23. Their mother hath played the harlot c. For she said I will go after my lovers who gave me my bread c. Hos 2. 5. They set their heart on their iniquity Hos 4. 8. God repeats many Judgments he hath brought upon Israel and saith Yet they have not returned unto me c. Amos. 4. 6 7 8 9 10. They hate him who rebuketh in the gate and they abhor him who speaketh uprightly Amo● 5. 10. Isa 29. 21. None upright amongst men and the best of them as a briar c. Micah 7. 2 3 4. Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts Execute true judgment c. But they refused to hearken and pulled away the shoulder and stopped their ears that they should not hear yea they made their heart as an Adamant-stone lest they should hear the law c. Zech. 7. 9 10 11 12. I will punish the men c. who say in their hearts that the Lord will not do good neither will he do evil Zeph. 1. 12. Psal 2. 17. Your words have been stout against me saith the Lord Yet ye say What have we spoken against thee Ye have said It is vain to serve God and what profit that we have kept his ordinances c. Mal. 3. 13 14. Job 21. 14 15. O Jerusalem c. How often would I have gathered you c. and ye would not Matth. 23. 37. John 5. 40. Luke 14. 17 18 19 c. When Pilate had said I am innocent of the blood of this just person see ye to it Then answered all the people and said His blood be on us and our children Matth. 27. 24 25. See the desperate wickedness of the Priests and Elders Matth. 27 ch 28. The World hate Christ and all that are good Matth. 10. 22. John 15. 18 19 c. 1 John 3. 13. John 17. 14. That which cometh out of them and defileth the man For from within out of the heart of men proceed evil thoughts adulteries fornications thefts covetousness wickedness deceit lasciviousness an evil eye blasphemy pride foolishness
in Christ c. Chosen us predestinated us to the adoption of sons by Jesus c. made us accepted in the Beloved in whom we have c. the remission of sins of the riches of his grace Ephes 1. 3 4 5 6 c. God c. hath quickned us with Christ c. raised us and set us in heaven in Christ Jesus and made us nigh c. Jesus himself being the chief corner-stone in whom all the building c. Ephes 2. 5 6 13 14 20 21. Christ is the Head of the Church and the Saviour of the body Ephes 5. 23. We look for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ Phil. 3. 20. It pleased the Father that in him all fulness should dwell c. By him to reconcile all things to himself c. Christ in or among you the hope of glory Col. 1. 19 20 27. Your life is hid with Christ in God When Christ who is our life shall c. Col. 3. 3 4. His Son Jesus who delivered us from the wrath to come 1 Thes 1. 10. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation That Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I chief 1 Tim. 1. 15. One Mediator between God and man the Man Christ Jesus who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time 1 Tim. 2. 5 6. Is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ who hath abolished death and hath brought life and immortality to light 2 Tim. 1. 10. Jesus Christ who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purifie unto himself a peculiar people c. Titus 2. 14. Ephes 5. 2. His Son c. when he had by himself purge● our sins ●ate down c. Heb. 1. 3. Christ c. He became the Author of eternal salvation unto all them c. Heb. 5. 5. 9. 2 Tim. ● 10. He remains for ever c. therefore able to save perfectly or for ever those who come to God by him Hebr. 7. 24 25. Christ now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself c. Unto them who look for him he shall appear the second time without sin unto salvation Hebr. 9. 24 26 28. We are sanctified through the offering of the body of Christ once for all c. By one offering he he hath perfected for ever them who are sanctified c. Heb. 10. 10 14. Looking to Jesus the Author and finisher of our saith Heb. 12. 2. Who hath begotten us again to a lively hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ c. The Prophets c. who prophesied of the grace c. searching what c. the spirit of Christ which was in them did signifie before hand the sufferings of Christ and the glory which should follow c. Ye were not redeemed with silver and gold c. but with the precious blood of Christ c. who verily was ordained before the foundation of the world c. 1 Pet. 1. 3 10 11 18 19 20. We did not by art c. make known the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ c. but as those who had seen his majesty with our eyes c. He received from God the Father honour and glory when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and this voice we heard from heaven declared when we were with him c. 2 Pet. 1. 16 17 18. Jesus Christ c. he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world c. Who is a lyer but he who denieth that Jesus is the Christ 1 John 2. 2 22. And ye know that he was made manifest to take away our sins and in him is no sin c. For this purpose was the Son of God was manifest that he might destroy the works of the devil 1 John 3. 5 8. God sent his only begotten Son into the world that we might live through him c. We c. testifie that the Father sent the Son the Saviour of the world 1 John 4. 9 14. God hath given us eternal life and this life is in his Son 1 John 5. 11 12. Unto him who hath loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood Rev. 1. 5. Col. 1. 14. They fell down before the Lamb c. saying Thou art worthy c. for thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation and hast made us unto God c. Rev. 5. 8 9 10. The Lamb slain from the foundation of the World c. Rev. 13. 8. I Jesus have sent mine Angel to testifie unto you these things c. I am the root and the off-spring of David and the bright and morning star Rev. 22. 16. See Pardon and Reconsiliation by Christ only Chap. 10. The Excellency of this Saviour and his Fulness and Dignity In his Person and Authority YET have I set my King or anointed upon my holy hill of Sion c. The Lord hath said Thou my Son this day have I begotten thee c. I will give thee the heathen for thy inheritance c. thou shalt break them with a rod of iron c. Psalm 2. 6 7 8 9. Psalm 18. 43 44. Thou art fairer than the children of men grace is poured into thy lips c. Gird thy sword upon thy thigh O Mighty with thy glory and thy majesty and in thy majesty ride c. Thine arrows sharp in the hearts of the kings enemies whereby the people shall fall under thee Thy throne O God for ever and ever The scepter of thy kingdom a right scepter c. God thy God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows c. The King c. he is thy Lord and worship thou him Psalm 45. 1 2 3 4 5 6 11. Isa 49. 2. Thou hast ascended on high thou hast led captivity captive thou hast received gifts Psalm 68. 18. Ephes 4. 8. He shall have dominion also from sea to sea and from the river unto the ends of the earth they c. shall bow down before him and his enemies shall lick the dust c. All kings shall fall down before him all nations shall serve him c. His name shall endure for ever his name shall be continued as long as the sun or shall be as a Son to continue his Father's name for ever c. And all nations shall call him blessed Psalm 72. 8 9 11 17 18. I will set his hand also in the sea and his right hand in the rivers c. Also I will make him first-born higher than the kings of the earth c. His throne as the days of heaven c. as the sun before me Psalm 89. 25 27 29 36.
convince the world c. of righteousness because I go to my Father c. I came forth from the Father and am come into the world Again I leave the world and go to the Father John 16. 7 8 10 16 28. Christ prays for his at large John 17. Psal 69. 7 8 9 10. Jesus said unto her Touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my Father but go unto my brethren and say unto them I ascend unto my Father and unto your Father and to my God and your God John 20. 17. All that Jesus began both to do and teach until the day in which he was taken up c. To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion c. When he had spoken these things while they beheld he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their fight and while they looked stedfastly towards heaven as he went up behold two men c. said Ye men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven This same Jesus who is taken up from you into heaven shall c. Acts 1. 1 2 3 9 10 11. This Jesus c. being by the right hand of God exalted c. For David is not ascended into the heavens but he faith himself The Lord said unto my Lord Sit thou on my right hand c. God hath made the same Jesus whom ye have crucified both Lord and Christ Acts 2. 33 34 36. Jesus c. whom the heavens must receive unt● the times of restitutions c. Acts 3. 21. Behold said Stephen I see the heavens open and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God Acts 7. 56. Reconciled to God by the death of his Son c. Much more c. we shall be saved by his life Rom. 5. 10. Who is he who condemneth It is Christ who died c. who is even at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for us Rom. 8. 34. He raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places c. Ephes 1. 20. But now in Christ Jesus ye who were sometimes far off are made nigh c. Through him we both have an access by one spirit unto the Father Now therefore ye are no more strangers but fellow-citizens c. of the houshold of God Ephes 2. 13 18 19. Jesus our Lord in whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith Ephes 3. 11 12. Christ sitteth at the right hand of God c. Do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Col. 3. 1. 17. Heb. 13. 13. 1 Pet. 2. 5. God was manifest in the flesh c. received up into glory 1 Tim. 3. 16. When he had by himself purged our sins sate down on the right hand of the Majesty on high Heb. 1. 3. ch 12. 2. Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who is passed into the heavens Jesus the Son of God c. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace c. Heb. 4. 14 15 16. Within the vail whither the Fore-runner is for us entred Jesus made an High Priest for ever Heb. 6. 19 20. He is able also to save them for evermore or to the uttermost who come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them For such an High Priest became us who is c. made higher than the heavens Heb. 7. 25 26. We have such an High Priest who is set on the right hand of the throne of the majesty in the heavens Heb. 8. 1. But Christ being become an High Priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands c. By his own blood he entred in once into the holy place c. For Christ is not entred into the holy places made with hands c. but into heaven it self now to appear before God for us Heb. 9. 11 12 24. Ephes 4. 8. After he had offered one sacrifice c. sate down on the right hand of God c. Having therefore brethren boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus by a new and living way which he hath consecrated or new made for us c. let us draw nigh Heb. 10. 12 19 20 21 22. Ye are come to the heavenly Jerusalem c. and ●o Jesus the Mediator of the New Testament and to the blood of sprinkling which speaketh better things than that of Abel Heb. 12. 22 24. Christ c. once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God c. Christ who is gone into heaven and is on the right hand of God 1 Pet. 3. 18 22. If any man sin we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous 1 John 2. 1 2. IX He is made our King and Head to encounter and conquer our-Enemies to rule for us and in us THere shall come a Star out of Jacob and a Sceptre shall arise out of Israel Numb 24. 17. Gen. 49. 10. Yet have I set my King or mine Anointed upon my holy hill of S●on I have given thee the Heathen for thine inheritance c. Psal 2. 6 8. Thine arrows are sharp in the hearts of the king's enemies whereby the people fall under thee Thy throne O God is for ever and ever the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre c. The Lord thy God hath anointed thee with the oyl c. Psal 45. 5 6 7. Heb. 1. 8. Thou hast ascended on high thou hast led captivity captive thou hast received gifts for men Psal 68. 18. Isa 53. 12. He shall judge c. He shall save the children of the needy and shall break in pieces the oppresser Psal 72. 2 4 12 13 14. Unto us a Son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders c. Of the increase of his government shall be no end upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom to order it c. Isa 9. 6 7. ch 32. 1. The days come saith the Lord that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch and a King shall reign and prosper c. in his days shall Judah be saved and Israel shall dwell safely Jer. 23. 5 6. ch 33. 17. Zech. 6. 12 13. I will set up one shepherd over them and he shall feed them even my servant David c. I will be their God and my servant David a Prince among them Ezek. 34. 23 24. The Messah the Prince Dan. 9. 25. Thou Bethlehem c. out of thee shall he come forth unto me to be ruler in Israel Micah 5. 2. Rejoyce greatly O daughter of Zion c. Behold c. Zech. 9. 9. Jesus he shall be great c. And the Lord shall give him the throne of his father David and he shall reign c. for ever and of his kingdom no end Luke 1. 31 32 33. When a strong man armed keepeth his palace his goods are
mayest be clothed that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear and anoint thine eyes with eye-salve that thou mayest see Rev. 3. 18. How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation Heb. 2. 3. CHAP. IX God's free Choice of his in Christ to Eternal Life and calling them according to his Purpose and Grace I Will be gracious to whom I will be gracious and I will be merciful to whom I will be merciful Exod. 33. 19. And ye shall be holy unto me for I the Lord am holy and have severed you from other people that ye should be mine Levit. 20. 26. Thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself above all people that are upon the face of the earth the Lord did not set his love upon you nor chuse you because ye were more in number than any people for ye were the fewest of all people but because the Lord loved you c. Deut. 7. 6 7 8 ch 14. 2. Only the Lord had a delight in thy fathers to love them and he chose their seed after them even you above all people as at this day Deut. 10. 15. The Lord will not forsake his people for his names sake because it hath pleased the Lord to make you his people 1 Sam. 12. 22. And what one nation in the earth is like thy people like Israel whom God went to redeem for a people to himself and to make him a name and to do for you great things c. For thou hast confirmed to thy self thy people Israel a people unto thee for ever and thou Lord art become their God 2 Sam. 7. 23 24. Woe unto him who striveth with his maker let the Potsherd strive with the Potsherds of the earth Shall the clay say to him who fashioneth it What makest thou Woe unto him who saith unto his father What begettest thou c. Isa 45 9 10. I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction c. for mine own sake will I do c. Isa 48. 10 11. Zech. 13. 9. The Lord hath called thee as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit a wife of youth when thou wast refused saith thy God Isa 54. 5 6. I am found of them who sought me not I said Behold me behold me unto a nation which was not called by my name Isa 65. 1. Rom. 10. 20. ch 15. 21. Isa 55. 5. The Lord said to Jeremy Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee and before thou camest out of the womb I sanctified thee I ordained thee a Prophet unto the nation Jer. 1. 5. I have loved thee with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee Jer. 31. 3. Hosea 14. 4. When God gives out the great promises of a new heart a new spirit c. he said Not for your sakes do I do this be it known unto you be ashamed c. Ezek. 36. 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32. ch 20. 43 44. When I c. saw thee polluted in thy blood I said unto thee in thy blood Live c. Ezekiel 16. 6 8. It shall come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them Ye are not my people there it shall be said unto them Ye are the sons of the living God Hosea 1. 10. I will have mercy upon her who had not obtained mercy and will say to them which were not my people Thou my people and they shall say Thou my God Hosea 2. 23. Zechar. 2. 10 11. Afterward shall the children of Israel return and seek the Lord their God c. and shall fear the Lord c. Hosea 3. 5. ch 2. 19 20. Zechar. 13. 9. When Israel a child then I loved him c. I taught Ephraim also to go taking them by their arms but they knew not that I healed them I drew them with cords of a man with bands of love c. Hosea 11. 1 2 3 4. O children of Israel c. You only have I known of all the families of the earth Amos 3. 2. I have loved you faith the Lord c. Is not Esau Jacob's brother c. yet I loved Jacob and hated Esau Malachi 1. 2 3. At that time Jesus answered and said I thank thee O Father Lord of heaven and earth because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes Even so Father for so it seemed good in thy sight Matth. 11. 25 26. Luke 10. 21. It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it is not given c. Therefore spake I to them in parables because they seeing not c. Blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear Matth. 13. 11 13 16. Mark 4. 12 34. I will give unto this last even as unto thee Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own Is thine eye evil because I am good So the last shall be first and the first last for many be called but few chosen c. To sit on my right hand or my left is not mine to give but to them for whom it is prepared of my Father Matth. 20. 14 15 16 21 23. Mark 10. 10. Jesus called Simon and Andrew and James and John to follow him and they did Mark 1. 16 17 18 19 20. Except that the Lord had shortned those days no flesh should be saved but for the Elects sake whom he hath chosen he hath shortned the days Mark 13. 20. Thy wife Elizabeth shall bear thee a son and thou shalt call his name John He shall be great in the sight of the Lord c. He shall be filled with the holy Ghost even from his mother's womb Luke 1. 13 15. Many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias c. when great famine was throughout all the land but unto none of them was Elias sent save unto Sarepta c. And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Elizeus the Prophet and none of them was cleansed saving Naaman c. Luke 4. 25 26 27. Christ called Zacheus to come down c. and he received him joyfully and Christ said to him This day is Salvation come to thy house for 〈◊〉 much as he also is the Son of Abraham For the Son of man is come to seek and save that which was lost Luke 19 5 6 8 9 10. All which the Father hath given me shall come to me and him who cometh to me I will in no wife cast out c. This is the Father's will c. That of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing c. There are some of you who believe not c. No man can come unto me except it were given him of my Father John 6. 37 ●9 64 65. Jesus called the blind man whom he had healed and discovers himself to him
unto righteousness c. which is of faith But Israel who followed after the law of righteousness hath not attained unto the law of righteousness Wherefore Because they sought it not by faith but as it were by the works of the law Rom. 9. 30 31 32. They being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one who believeth c. The righteouness which is of faith saith on this wise c. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness Rom. 10. 3 4 6 7 8 9 10. ch 8. 3 4. Christ Jesus who of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification c. 1 Cor. 1. 30. But ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus 1 Cor. 6. 11. God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself not imputing their trespasses to them He 〈◊〉 made him to be sin for us who knew no sin 〈◊〉 we might be made the righteousness of God in h●m 2 Cor. 5. 19 21. A man is not justified by the works of the law but ●y the faith of Jesus Christ Even we believe c. ●hat we may be justified by the faith of Christ a●d ●ot c. Gal. 2. 16. Paul to the Galatians doth argue this at large 〈…〉 〈◊〉 ●hrough the spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith c. Gal. 5. 5. H●● g●●ce wherein he hath made us accepted in the ●elo●●d Ephes 1. 6. Christ gave himself c. that he might sanctifie and cleanse it c. that he might present it to himself a glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish Ephes 5. 25 26 27. When Paul above any others had whereof to boast for his Exactness in keeping the Law he said But what things were gain to me them or those I counted loss for Christ c. that I may win Christ and be found in him not having mine own righteousness which is of the law but that which is through Faith in Christ the righteousness which is of God by faith Philip. 3. 4 5 6 7 8 9. And you c. hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death to present you holy and unblameable and unreprovable in his sight Colos 1. 21 22. And ye are compleat in him who is the head of all principalities c. Colos 2. 10. Jesus Christ who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purifie unto himself a peculiar people Tit. 2. 14. After that the loving-kindness of God appeared c. not by the works of righteousness which we have done c. that being justified by his grace we should be made heirs c. Tit. 3. 4 5 7. Who c. when he had by himself purged our sins sate down c. Heb. 1. 3. If the blood of bulls c sanctified to the purifying of the flesh how much more shall the blood of Christ who c. purge your consciences from dead works c. Heb. 9. 13 14. By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all c. By one offering he hath for ever perfected them who are sanctified c. Heb. 10. 10 14 29. Wherefore Jesus also that he might sanctifie the people with his own blood suffered without the gate c. Heb. 13. 12. Who his own self bare our sins c. by whose stripes we were healed 1 Pet. 2. 24. Isa 53. 5. Jesus c. who hath loved us and washed us with his own blood c. Rev. 1. 5. These were redeemed or bought from among men c. they were without fault before the throne of God Rev. 14. 4 5. IV. Eternal Life and Salvation THE just shall live by his faith Hab. 2. 4. Fear not little flock for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom Luke 12. 32. Christ said unto Zacheus This day is salvation come to this house c. for the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost Luke 19. 9 10. So must the Son of man be lifted up that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have ●●ernal life For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believed in him should not perish but have everlasting life c. He who believeth on the Son hath everlasting life c. John 3. 14 15 16 17 36. Ye will not come unto me that ye may have life John 5. 40. The bread of God is he who cometh down from heaven and giveth life unto the world c. I am the bread of life c. This is the will of him who sent me That every one who seeth the Son and believeth on him may have everlasting life and I will raise him up at the last day c. This is the bread which came down from heaven that a man may eat thereof and not die I am the living bread which came down from heaven if any man eat of this bread he shall live for ever and the bread that I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world c. Whoso eateth my flesh c. hath eternal life c. As c. I live by the Father so he who eateth me even he shall live by me c. Lord to whom shall we go Thou hast the words of eternal life John 6. 33 35 40 50 51 54 57 58 68. ch 5. 24. I am the door by me if any man enter in he shall be saved c. I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly My sheep hear my voice c. and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand John 10. 9. 10 27 28. Because I live ye shall live also John 14. 19. As thou hast given him power over all flesh that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him John 17. 2. These things are written that ye may believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing ye might have life through his name John 20. 31. Why tempt ye God to put a yoke upon the neck of his disciples c. But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved even as they Acts 15. 10 11. I send thee said Christ to Paul to open their eyes c. that they might receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among them who are sanctified through faith that is in me Acts 26. 17 18. Being justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him c. Much more being reconciled we shall be saved by
c. But he who believed not shall be damned Mark 16. 14 16. Thou shalt be dumb and not able to speak until the day that these things shall be performed because thou believest not my word which shall be c. Luke 1. 19 20. The Son of man when he comes shall he find faith on earth Luke 18. 8. But those mine enemies who would not that I should reign over them bring hither and stay them before me Luke 19. 27. John 5. 40 43. He who believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God c. He who believeth not the Son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him John 3. 18 36. Verily verily I say unto you Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood ye have no life in you John 6. 53. I said therefore unto you That you shall die in your sins for if ye believe not that I am he ye shall die in your sins John 8. 24. Ye believe not because ye are not of my sheep as I said unto you My sheep hear my voice c. John 10. 26 27. ch 5. 38. If any man hear my words and believe not c. He who rejecteth me and receives not my words hath one who judgeth him the word which I have spoken the same shall judge him in the last day John 12. 47 48. If a man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned John 15. 6. He will reprove the world of sin c. of sin because they believe not on me John 16. 8 9. Beware therefore lest that come upon you c. Behold ye despisers and wonder and perish for I will work a work in your days a work which you shall in no wise believe though a man declare it unto you Acts 13. 40 41. How shall they call on him in whom they have not believed Rom 10. 14. Well because of unbelief they were broken off c. and thou standest by faith c. God spared not the natural branches c. Rom. 11. 20 21. He who doubteth is damned if he eat because not of faith for whatsoever is not of faith is sin Rom. 14. 23. The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven taking vengeance on them c. who obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting destruction c. 2 Thes 1. 8. Antichrist shall prevail upon such who shall perish because they received not the truth in the love thereof or the love of the truth that they might be saved and for this cause God shall send them strong delusions that they shall believe a lye that they all might be damned who believe not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness 2 Thes 2. 8 9 10 11 12. Holding faith c. which some haying put away concerning faith have made shipwrack of whom is Hymeneus and Alexander whom I have delivered unto Satan that being chastised they might learn not to blaspheme 1 Tim. 1. 19 20. Unto them who are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure but even their minds and consciences are defiled Titus 1. 15. If the word spoken by Angels was stedfast and every transgreision and disobedience received a just recompence of reward How shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord c. Hebr. 2. 2 3. I swear in my wrath they shall not or if they shall enter into my rest Take heed brethren lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God c. And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest but to them who believed not So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief Hebr. 3. 11 12 18 19. Numb 14. 21 22 23. Psalm 106. 24 25 26. The word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith or because they were not united by Faith to it in them who heard c. They to whom it was first preached or the Gospel was first Preached entered not in because of unbelief Hebr. 4. 2 6. If we sin c. there is no more sacrifice c. but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation c. The just shall live by faith but if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him But we are not of those who draw back to perdition but of them who believe to the salvation of the soul Hebr. 10. 26 27 28 29 38 29. Without faith it is impossible to please God for he c. Heb. 11. 6. See that ye refuse not him who speaketh For if they escaped not who refused him who spake on earth much more shall not we if turn away from him who speaketh from heaven Hebr. 12. 25. Let him ask in faith c. for he that wavereth is like c. Let not that man think he shall receive c. James 1. 5 6 7. Unto you who believe he is very precious but unto them who are disobedient the Stone which the builders disallowed of the same is made the head of the corner and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence unto them who stumble at the Word being disobedient whereunto also they were appointed 1 Pet. 2. 7 8. What shall the end be of them who obey not the Gospel of God 1 Pet. 4. 17 18. He who believeth not God hath made him a lyar because he believeth not the record which God gave of his Son and this is the record That God hath given unto us eternal life and this life is in his Son c. He who hath not the Son hath not life 1 John 5. 10 11 12. The fearful and unbelieving c. shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death Rev. 21. 8. He who despised Moses law died without mercy c. Of how much sorer punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy who hath trodden under foot the Son of God c. Hebr. 10 28 29. See more of trusting in God Chap. 16. CHAP. XII Characters of Saints good Men and Believers appearing in Word and Deed. I. That such may be known from others by their Fruits We should try SEarch and try me O Lord and know my heart try me and know my thoughts Psalm 139. 23 24. Ye shall know them by their fruits Do men gather grapes of thorns c. Matth. 7. 16 17 18 c. The tree is known by his fruit O generation of vipers how can ye being evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh A good man our of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure
7. 1 2 3 4 5. Uriah said unto David The Ark and Israel and Judah abide in tents and my Lord Joab and the servants are encamped in the open field shall I then go into mine house to eat and to drink and to lie with my wife c. I will not do this thing 2 Sam. 11. 11. I have kept the ways of the Lord and have not wickedly departed from my God for all his judgments were before and as for his statutes I did not depart from them I was also upright before or to him I have also kept me from mine iniquity 2 Sam. 22. 22 23 24. And David's heart smote him after that he had numbred the people And David said unto the Lord I have sinned greatly c. And the Lord sent a pestilence upon Israel for it c. And David said Lo I have sinned I have done wickedly but these sheep what have they done let thine hand be against me and against my father's house 2 Sam. 24. 10 15 17. 1 Sam. 24. 5. When Josiah heard the book of the law he rent his clothes c. was tender c. 2 Kings 22. 11 13 13 19. Ezra 9. 4. Esther when the Jews were in danger by Haman ventured her life and all for their security she said Go fast for me c. I also and my maidens will fast likewise and so will I go unto the King which is not according to the law and if I perish I perish Esther 4. 16. Job a man perfect and upright fearing God and departing from all evil Job 1. 1 8. chap. 31. 13 14 c. His delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water Psalm 1. 2 3. Psalm 92. 12 13 14. Joh. 23. 12. Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord and who shall stand in his holy place He who 〈◊〉 clean hands and a pure heart who hath not 〈◊〉 up soul unto van●y nor sworn deceitfully c. This is the generation of them who seek him that seek thy face c. Psalm 24. 3 4 5 6. Psalm 15. 1 2. I have loved the habitation of thy house and the place where thine honour dwefleth Psalm 26. ● 〈◊〉 ye my face my heart said unto thee Thy face Lord will I seek Psalm 27. 8. The righeous sheweth mercy and giveth c. is over 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 c. the 〈◊〉 of the righteous speaketh wisdom and his tongue talketh of judgment the law of his God is in his heart Psalm 37. 21 26 31 32. Psalm 112. 5. My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness all the day long Psalm 71. 24. Psalm 119. 46. Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion c. for thy servants take pleasure in her stones and favour the dust thereof Psalm 102. 13 14. He shall not be afraid of evil tidings his heart is fixed trusting in the Lord Psalm 112. 7. I have rejoyced in the ways of thy testimonies as in all riches c. I will delight my self in thy statutes c. Thy testimonies are my delight and my counsellor c. I am a companion to all who fear thee and keep thy statutes c. O how love I thy law it is my meditation all the day c. Better to me than thousands of gold c. How sweet are thy words c. Psalm 119. 14 16 20 24 63 72 97 103 172 174. I was glad when they said unto me Let us go into the house of the Lord Psalm 122. 1. If I forget thee O Jerusalem c. If I do not remember thee let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy Psalm 137. 5 6. Psalm 74. 1 2 3 4 c. I hate them who hate thee am not I grieved when men rise up against thee Psalm 139. 21 22. Psalm 119. 53 126 136 158. I will speak of the glorious honour of thy majesty and of thy wondrous works and shall speak of the might of thy terrible acts and will declare thy greaness They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness and shall sing of thy righteousness c. Thy saints shall bless thee they shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom and talk of thy power to make known unto the sons of men his mighty acts and the glorious majesty of thy kingdom Psalm 145 5 6 7 10 11 12. The path of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day Prov. 4. 18. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride and arrogancy and the evil way Prov. 8. 13. A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast Prov. 12. 10. He who walks righteously and speaketh uprightly he who despiseth the gain of oppression who snaketh his hands from holding of bribes who stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood and shutteth his eyes from seeing of evil he shall dwell on high c. Isa 33. 15 16. I remember c. the love of thine espousal when thou wentest after me in the wilderness c. Jer. 2. 2. When the King asked Daniel thus Art thou able to make known unto me the dream which I have seen and the interpretation thereof Daniel answered in the presence of the King and said The secret which the King hath commanded cannot the wise-men c. shew unto the King But there is a God in heaven who revealeth secrets and maketh known to the king c. Dan. 2. 26 27 28. Then they who feared the Lord spake often one to another and the Lord hearkened and heard c. Mal. 3. 16. Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven Blessed are they who mourn for they shall be comforted Blessed are the meek c. Blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God Blessed are the peace-makers for they shall be called the children of God Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven Matth. 5. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. John 16. 20. Prov. 27. 7. He who loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me and he who loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me and he who taketh not his cross and followeth after me is not worthy of me Matth. 10. 36 37 38. ch 16. 24. Luke 14. 33. He who is not with me is against me and he who gathereth not with me scattereth abroad Matth. 12. 30. The kingdom of heaven is like to a treasure hid in a field the which when a man hath found he hideth and for joy thereof he goeth and selleth all he hath and buyeth that field Matth. 13. 44. Luke 10. 39 42. Verily I say unto you
for ever doth his promise fail for evermore Hath God forgotten to be gracious hath he in anger shut up his tender mercy I said this is mine infirmity Psalm 77. 7 8 9 10. The Prophet Jeremy in his affliction spake hard words of God said he would not speak in his name c. curseth the day of his birth Jer. 20. 7 9 14 15 c. ch 12. 1. The Church the Spouse of Christ in a sluggish posture Cant. 5. 2 3. Matth. 25. 5. The Prophet Jonah was very angry because God spared Nineveh and said Therefore now O Lord take I beseech thee my life from me for it is better for me to die than to live Then said the Lord Dost thou well to be angry c. again he said so And Jonah said I do well to be angry even unto death Jonah 4. 1 2 3 4 8 9. ch 1. 1 2 3. John sent two of his disciples to Christ and said unto him Art thou he who should come or do we look for another Matth. 11. 2 3. When Zacharias had a son promised him he said unto the Angel Whereby shall I know this for I am an old man and my wife well stricken in years c. Behold thou shalt be dumb c. because thou believest not my words c. Luke 1. 13 18 20. Jesus said unto Peter Blessed art thou Simon c. Matth. 16. 17. Jesus said unto Peter O thou of little faith wherefore didst thou doubt Matth. 14. 31. ch 8. 24 25 26. When Jesus spake of his being killed Peter said Be it far from thee Lord this shall not be unto thee Bu● he turned and said unto Peter Get thee behind me Satan thou art an offence to me for thou favourest not the things that be of God but those which be of m●n c. Thou wast with Jesus c. But he denied before them all saying I know not what thou sayest c. And again he denied with an oath I do not know the man Then began he to curse and to swear I know not the man c. Matth. 16. 21 22 23. ch 26. 69 70 72 74. When Peter came to Antioch I withstood him to the face because he was to be blamed For before that certain came from James he did eat with the Gentiles but when they were come he withdrew and separated himself fearing them who were of the Circumcision and the other Jews dissembled likewise with him insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation Gal. 2. 11 12 13. The wise Virgins as well as the foolish while the Bridegroom tarried they all slumber'd and slept Matth. 25. 5. When the mother of Zebedee's children asked of Christ that her sons might sit one at his right hand and the other on his left in the kingdom c. The ten heard it they were moved with indignation against the two brethren c. Matth 20. 20 21 24. One of his disciples stretched out his hand and drew his sword and struck a servant of the High-priest and smote off his ear Christ rebuked him for it c. Then all the Disciples forsook him and fled c. Jesus said unto them Why reason ye because ye have no bread Perceive ye not yet neither understand Have ye your hearts yet hardened c. Do ye not remember when I brake five loaves c. Matth. 26. 51 56. John 16. 32. Mark 8. 17 18 19. John 6. 52. And there was also a strife amongst them which of them should be accounted the greatest c. Jesus appeared unto the eleven c. and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart because they believed not them who had seen him c. Luk● 22. 24. Mark 16. 14. Luke 24. 21 25. Christ rebuked his Disciples for their great fear in the storm Mark 4. 37 38 39 40 41. Master we saw one cast out devils in thy name and we forbad him because he followed not with us And Jesus said Forbid him not c. James and John would have had fire from heaven upon the Samaritans Jesus rebuked them and said Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of c. Thomas said Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails and put my finger into the print of the nails c. I will not believe c. Luke 9 49 50 54 55. John 20. 25. Joseph of A●imathea though a disciple yet secretly for fear of the Jews c. John 19. 38 39. The Church praying for Peter did not believe for his deliverance ●or when he knocked at the door and the Damsel had acknowledged the heard his voice they believed not Acts 12 5 12 13 14 15 16. Paul said I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day Paul and Barnabas men who have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Acts 23. 1. ch 15. 25 26. Barnabas determined to take with them John c. but Paul thought not good to take him with with them c. And the contention was so sharp that they departed asunder one from the other c. Acts 15. 37 38 39. ch 23. 3. When we were come into Macedonia our flesh had no rest c. without fightings within were fears 2 Cor. 7. 5. Paul did what he hated c. and said O wretched man that I am c. Rom. 7. 14 15 18 19 24. Many saints being compelled did blaspheme Acts 26. 10 11. I brethren could not speak unto you as unto spiritual but as unto carnal as unto babes in Christ I have fed you with milk and not with meat For hitherto ye were not able neither yet now are ye able for ye are yet carnal c. There is among you envying and strife and divisiors or Factio●s Are ye not carnal and walk as men c. They were greatly disorderly in the Lords supper 1 Cor. 3. 1 2 3. 1 Cor. 11 Nay you do wrong and defraud and that your brethren 1 Cor. 6. 8. Ye suffer fools gladly c. Ye suffer if a man bring you into bondage if a man devour you if a man take of you if a man exalt himself if a man smite you on the face 2 Cor. 11. 19 20. I fear lest when I come I shall not find you such as I would c. Lest there be debates envyings wraths strites back●itings whisperings swellings tumults Lest when I come again my God will humble me among you and that I shall bewa●l many who have sinned already and have not repented of the uncleanness and fornication and ●●civio●sness which they have committed 2 Cor. 12. 20 21. I marvel that you are so soon removed from him who called you ●nto the grace of Christ unto an●●r Gospel c. And now after that ye have 〈◊〉 God or ●ather are known of God how t●●n ye back to the weak and beggerly elements or Ru●iments whereunto ye denre again to be in bondage Ye observe days and
c. I have seen God face to face Gen. 32. 28 30. When Jacob and his family were journying the terrors of God were upon the cities round about them God appeared unto Jacob again c. and blessed him c. Gen. 35. 5 9 13. The Lord was with Joseph and he was a prosperous man c. and his master saw that the Lord was with him c. and made all that he did to prosper in his hand c. The Lord blessed the Egyptian's house for Joseph's fake c. The Lord was with Joseph c. and gave him favour in the fight of the keeper c. When Joseph had the custody of the prisoners that which he did the Lord made it to pro●per Gen. 39. 2 3 5 21 22 23. Joseph said unto his brethren c. As for you ye thought evil against me but God meant it unto good to bring to pass as at this day c. Gen. 50. 20. God gave Israel favour in the fight of the Egyptians and Pharoah's servants and so Moses c. There shall be a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt such as there was none like it c. But against any of the children o● Israel shall not a dog move his tongue against man or beast that ye may know how that the Lord d●th put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel Exod. 11. 3 6 7. I will pass through the land of Egypt this night and will smite all the first-born c. and the blood shall be to you for a token c. when I see the blood I will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you c. Exod. 12. 12 13. I will dwell among the children of Israel and will be their God c. Exod. 29. 45. When God had said to Moses Let me alone that my wrath may wax hot against them that I may consume them c. Moses prayed for Israel and prevailed often for them And the Lord said I have pardoned according to thy word Exod. 32. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. Numb 14. 11 12 13 19 20. And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face as a man speaketh unto his friend c. When Moses had said I beseech thee shew me thy glory He said I will make all my goodness pass before thee c. Exod. 33. 11 17 18 19. ch 19. 19 20. ch 34. 2 3 5 6. My servant Moses is not so who is faithful in all mine house with him will I speak mouth to mouth apparently and not in dark speeches and the similitude of the Lord shall he behold Numb 72. 7 8. He hath blessed and I cannot reverse it He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob neither hath he seen perversness in Israel The Lord his God is with him and the shout of a King is among them c. Surely there is no inchantment against Jacob neither is there any divination against Israel Numb 23. 20 21 23. Deut. 23. 5. For what nation so great who hath God so nigh unto them as the Lord our God in all things which we call upon him for And what nation so great which hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law c. Did ever people hear the voice of God c. as thou hast heard and live Deut. 4. 7 8 33. Rom. 3. 1 2. Thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God and the Lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself above all the nations which are upon the earth Deut. 14. 1. ch 26. 17 18. 19. For the Lord's portion is his people Jacob the lot of his inheritance c. He led him about he instructed him he kept him as the apple of his eye Deut. 32. 9 10. 1 Pet. 5. 3. Jer. 12. 7 8 9 10. The eternal God thy refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms c. Happy thou O Israel Who is like unto thee O people saved by the Lord the Shield of thy help and who is the Sword of thine exceliency Deut. 33. 27 29. At the Word of Jeshua the Sun stood still and the Moon staid Josh 10. 12 13 14. When Gid●on asked signs of God he gave them to him Judg. 6. 17 21 36 37 38 39 40. Manoah in●eated the Lord c. and God hearkned c. And the Angel came again c. Judges 13. 8 9 23. He will keep the feet of his saints 1 Sam. 2. 9. she Lord will not forsake his people for his great name's sake because it hath pleased the Lord to make you his people 1 Sam. 12. 22. David went on and grew great and the Lord God of hosts was with him 2 Sam. 5. 10. I will surely rend the kingdom from thee c. Notwithstanding in thy days I will not do it for David thy father's sake c. I will give one tribe to thy son for David my servant's sake and for Jerusalem's sake which I have chosen 1 Kings 11. 11 12 13. ch 15. 4. He only of Jeroboam shall come to the grave because in him is found some good thing towards the Lord God of Israel 1 Kings 14. 13. The Prophet Elijah was taken up into Heaven 2 Kings 2. 12. When the King of Israel and Jehoshaphat the King of Judah went together and wanted Water Elisha the Prophet said c. Were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat the king of Judah I would not look towards thee not see thee But now c. 2 Kings 3. 6 7 9 10 14 15 c. God hearkened to Hezekiah and gave him a Sign that God would heal him he brought the Shadow ten Degrees backward 2 Kings 20. 9 10. Isa 38. 7 8. Behold God will not cast away a perfect man c. Job 11. 20. Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly c. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water which bringeth forth his fruit in his season his fruit shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth it shall prosper Psal 1. 1 3. Know that the Lord hath set apart him who is godly for himself Psal 4. 3. A seed shall serve him it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation c. Psal 22. 30. The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me besides the still waters c. Psal 23. 1 2. All the paths of the Lord are goodness and truth unto such who keep his covenant c. What man is he who fearêth the Lord him shall he teach in the way which he shall chuse his soul shall dwell at ease and his seed shall inherit the earth The secret of the Lord is with them who fear him and he will shew them his covenant or make them know it Psal 25. 10 12 13 14. Oh! how great is thy goodness which thou hast laid up for them who fear thee thou hast wrought
works of my hands Command ye me c. Israel shall be saved with an everlasting salvation c. Isa 45. 11 17. Zion said The Lord hath forsaken me c. Can a woman forsake her sucking-child c. Yet will I not forget thee Behold I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands thy walls are continually before me Isa 49. 14 15 16. Thy Maker is thy Husband c. and thy Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel the God of the whole earth c. With everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee saith the Lord No weapon which is formed against thee shall prosper c. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness of me saith the Lord Isa 54. 5 8 10 17. Unto them will I give in my house c. a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off c. Them will I bring unto my holy mountain and make them joyful in my house of prayer and their burnt-offerings accepted upon my altar Isa 56. 3 4 5 6 7. In all their afflictions he was afflicted and the angel of his presence saved them c. Doubtless thou art our Father c. Return for thy servants sake the tribes of thine inheritance the people of thy holiness c. Isa 63. 9 16 17 18 ch 64. 9. Since the beginning of the world men have not heard nor perceived by the ear neither hath the eye seen O God besides thee what he hath prepared for him who waiteth for him or a God besides thee who doth so for him who waiteth c. Isa 64. 4. 1 Cor. 2. 9. Run to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem c. if ye can find a man if there be any who executeth judgment who seeketh the truth and I will pardon it Jer. 5. 1. Gen. 18. 26 32. Is Ephraim my dear son he a pleasant child Since I spake against him I do earnestly remember him still therefore my bowels are troubled for him I will surely have mercy on him saith the Lord c. If the ordinances of heaven cease then the seed of Israel shall cease from being a nation before me Jer. 31. 20 36 37. When Jerusalem was taken and Jeremiah the Prophet the King of Babylon gave charge concerning Jeremiah c. Look well to him and do him no harm but do unto him even as he shall say unto thee Jer. 39. 11 12. Numb 14. 37 38. The precious Sons of Zion comparable to fine Gold how are they esteemed c. Lam. 4. 2. God ordered the Mark of Salvation to be upon his when all others were to be smitten Ezek. 9. 4 5 6. Though I have scattered them c. yet will I be to them as a little sanctuary in the Countries where they shall come Ezek. 11. 16. Though these three men Noah Daniel and Job were in it they should deliver their own souls by their righteousness saith the Lord c. they only shall be delivered themselves Ezek. 14. 14 16 18 20. I sought for a man amongst them who should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy it but I found none therefore c. Ezek. 22. 30 31. Because thou hast said c. These two Countries shall be ●hine and we will possess it whereas the Lord was there or though the Lord was there Therefore c. Ezek. 35. 10 11. Psal 14. 5. O Daniel a man greatly beloved c. O man greatly beloved fear not c. Dan. 10. 11. 19. ch 9. 23. Jacob. c. by his staength he had power with God yea he had power over the Angel and prevailed he wept c. There he spake with us even the Lord God of hosts Hos 12. 2 3 4 5. Gen. 32. 24 25. Hos 11. 12. I will be as the dew unto Israel he shall grow as the lilly c. Hos 14. 5 6. And my people shall never be ashamed Jo●l 2. 26 27. For he who toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eyes Zech. 2. 8. We will go with you for we have heard God is with you Zech. 8. 23. Ezra 8. 22. The Lord harkned and heard and a book of remembrance was written before him for them who feared the Lord and that thought upon his name And they shall be mine saith the Lord of hosts in that day when I make up my jewels or special treasure and I will spare them as a man spareth his son who serveth him Then shall ye return and discern between the righteous and the wicked between him who serveth God and him who serveth him not Mal. 3. 16 17 18. Unto you who fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings and ye shall go forth and grow up as calves in the stall Mal. 4. 2. They are pronounced blessed and many privileges mentioned by Christ They are the salt of the earth the light of the world c. Matth. 5. 3 4 5 to 14. The very hairs of your head are all numbred c. Ye are of more value than many sparrows Matth. 10. 30 31. Among them who are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist Notwithstanding he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he Matth. 11. 11. It is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven c. Blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear c. Matth. 13. 11 16. Mark 4. 11 12 34. When Peter began to sink Christ helped him Matth. 14. 30 31. Whosoever shall offend one of these little ones who believe in me it were better for him that a mill-stone were hanged about his neck c. Woe unto the world because of offences c. Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones for I say unto you that in heaven their Angels do always behold the face of my Father c. Matth. 18. 6 7 10. That they should deceive the elect if it were possible Matth. 24 24. For the elect's sake whom he hath chosen he hath shortned the days c. Mark 13. 20. Matth. 24. 22. To you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom Christ opened the parable to them Rejoyce not that the spirits are subject to you but rather rejoyce because your names are written in the book of life Luke 10. 20. The hairs of your head are numbred c. Fear not little flock it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom Luke 12. 7 32. Joy in heaven over one sinner who repenteth more than over ninety nine just persons c. There is joy in the presence of the Angels of God over him c. Luke 15. 7 10. To as many as received him to them he gave power or the right or privilege to become the sons of
magnifie the Lord with me let us exalt his name together c. Oh taste and see that the Lord is good Psal 34. 2 3 8. How excellent or precious is thy loving-kindness O God c. For with thee is the fountain of life In thy light shall we see light Psal 36. 7 9. Delight thy self also in the Lord c. Psal 37. 4. Surely every man walketh in a vain shew c. And now Lord what wait I for my hope is in thee Psal 39. 6 7. As the hart panteth after the water-brooks so panteth my soul after thee O God My soul thirsteth for God for the living God When shall I come and appear before God My tears have been my meat day and night while they continually say unto me Where is thy God When I remember these things I pour out my soul in me for I had gone with the multitude c to the house of God c. Why art thou cast down O my Soul c. Hope thou in God c. Psal 42. 1 2 3 5 11. Thou the God of my strength Why dost thou cast me off Then will I go c. unto God my exceeding joy or the gladness of my joy Psal 43. 2 4. In God we boast all the day long Psal 44. 8. As we have heard so have we seen in the city of the Lord of hosts c. According to thy name O God so is thy praise unto the ends of the earth c. This God is our God for ever and ever he will be our Guide unto death Psal 48. 8 10 14. Ezra 8. 22. Cast me not away from thy presence c. Restore to me the joy of thy salvation Psal 51. 11 12. Psal 119. 8. O God thou my God early will I seek thee my soul thirsteth for thee my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land c. to see thy power and thy glory so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary because thy loving kindness is better than life c. My soul followeth hard after thee Psal 63. 1 2 3 8 11. Blessed is he whom thou chusest and causest to approach unto thee that he may dwell in thy Courts We shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house of thy holy temple Psal 65. 4. He who is our God is the God of salvation and unto God the Lord belong the issues from death c. Psal 68. 20. Whom have I in heaven but thee and none upon earth whom I desire besides thee My flesh and my heart faileth but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever c. It is good for me to draw near unto God Psal 73. 25 26 28. Who so great a God as our God Psal 77. 13. Turn us again O God and cause thy face to shine and we shall be saved Psal 80. 3 7 19. How amiable are thy tabernacles O Lord of hosts My soul longeth yea fainteth for the courts of the Lord my heart and my flesh crieth for the living God Blessed are they who dwell in thy house c. Behold O Lord our Shield c. For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand I had rather be a door-keeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness for the Lord God is a Sun and a Shield c. Psal 84. 1 2 4 9 10 11. Psal 26. 8. Psal 122. 1. Blessed the people who know the joyful sound they shall walk O Lord in the light of thy countenance in thy name shall they rejoyce all the day c. For thou art the glory of their strength and in thy favour our horn shall be exalted The Lord is our Defence and the Holy One of Israel our King c. How long O Lord wilt thou hide thy face for ever Psal 89. 15 16 17 18 46. In the multitude of thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul Psal 94. 19 22. Rejoyce in the Lord ye righteous Psal 97. 12. My meditation of him shall be sweet I will be glad in the Lord Psal 104. 34. He satisfieth the longing soul and filleth the hungry soul with goodness Psal 107. 9. Prov. 27. 7. The Lord is high above all nations and his glory above the heavens Who is like unto the Lord our God who dwelleth on high Who c. Psal 113. 4 5. Wherefore should the Heathen say Where is now their God But our God is in the heavens he hath done whatsoever he pleaseth Psal 115. 2 3. Psal 74. 9 10. Return unto thy Rest O my soul for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee Psal 116. 7. Thou art my portion O Lord c. I intreated thy favour or face with my whole heart c. Make thy face to shine upon thy servant c. Psal 119. 57 58 135. My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they who wait for the morn Psal 130. 6. I know that the Lord is great and our God is above all Gods Psal 135. 5. Thou my refuge my portion in the land of the living Psal 142. 5. My soul thirsteth after thee as a thirsty land c. Hide not thy face from me Psal 143. 6 7. The Lord my strength or rock c. my goodness and my fortress my high tower and my deliverer my shield c. Happy is that people whose God is the Lord Psal 144. 1 2 15. Psal 146. 5. Let them praise the name of the Lord for his name alone is excellent or exalted his glory above the earth and the heaven Psal 148. 13. As the apple-tree is among the trees of the wood so is my Beloved c. I sate down under his shadow with great delight and his fruit was sweet to my taste c. Cant. 2. 3. By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loved but found him not I will arise now and go about the city c. I found him I held him and would not let him go c. Cant. 3. 1 2 4. I opened to my Beloved but my Beloved had withdrawn himself and was gone my soul failed when he spoke I sought him c. I am sick of love c. My Beloved is white c. This is my Beloved Cant. 5. 6 8 10 16. ch 8. 6 7. In the way of thy judgments we have waited for thee the desire of our soul is to thy name and to the remembrance of thee With my soul have I desired thee in the night yea with my spirit within me will I seek thee early Isa 26. 8 9. In that day shall the Lord of hosts be for a crown of glory and for a diadem of beauty unto the residue of his people Isa 28. 5. The Lord is our Judge the Lord our Law-giver the Lord our King he will save us Isa 38. 22. As for our Redeemer the Lord of hosts is his name the Holy One of Israel Isa 47. 4. I will greatly rejoyce in the Lord my soul shall be joyful
Heathen who know thee not and upon the families who call not on thy name Jer. 10. 25. Psal 14. 4. I will bring evil upon them c. and though they shall cry unto me I will not hearken unto them c. Therefore pray not thou for this people c. for I will not hear them in the time that they cry unto me for their trouble Jer. 11. 11 14. ch 14. 11 12. Jeremiah prays for Israel when he prophessed of the dearth Jer. 14. 7 8 9 18 19 20 21 22. The Lord said unto him Though Moses and Samuel stood before me my mind could not be towards the people c. Jer. 15. 1. Then shall ye call upon me and ye shall go and pray unto me and I will hearken unto you And ye shall seek me and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart Jer. 29. 12 13. Call upon me and I will answer thee and shew thee great and mighty or hidden things which thou knowest not Jer. 33. 3. Let us lift up our hearts with our hands unto God in the heavens c. Thou hast covered thy self with a cloud that our prayers should not pass thorow Lam. 3. 41 44. When God had promised many things that he would do for his he saith I will yet for this be enquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them Ezek. 36. 24 to 37. Daniel desired his Companions that they would ask mercy of the God of Heaven concerning the Secret of the King's Dream that Daniel and his Fellows should not perish c. And it was revealed to him Dan. 2. 17 18 19. Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed he went into his house and his windows being open in his chamber towards Jerusalem he kneeled upon his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God as he did aforetime Dan. 6. 10 11. And I set my face unto the Lord God to seek by prayer and supplication and I prayed unto the Lord my God and made my confession and said O Lord c. forgive c. for the Lord's sake for thy own sake for thy mercy's sake Dan. 9. 3 4 5 c. They shall go with their flocks and with their herds to seek the Lord but they shall not find he hath withdrawn himself from them They have dealt treacherously against me the Lord Hos 5. 6. They have not cryed unto me with their heart when they howled upon their beds Hosea 7. 7. 14. By his strength he had power with God yea he had power over the Angel and prevailed he wept and made supplication unto him Hosea 12. 3 4. Gen. 32. 24 25 26 27. Sanctifie a fast c. and cry unto the Lord Alas for the day c. Joel 1. 14 15 c. Sanctifie a fast c. let the priests ministers of the Lord weep c. and let them say Spare thy people O Lord and give not thine heritage to reproach that the heathen should rule over or use a by-word against them wherefore should they say amongst the people Where is their God Then will the Lord be jealous for his land and pity his people c. And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered Joel 2. 15 16 17 18 32. Acts 2. 21. Seek ye me and ye shall live c. seek the Lord and ye shall live c. I hate and despise your feasts c. Let judgment run down as water and righteousness c. Amos 5. 4 6 21 22 23. When my soul fainted within me I remembred the Lord and my prayer came in unto thee into thine holy temple Jonah 2. 7. Let man and beast be covered with sack-cloath and cry mightily unto God c. who can tell if God will return c. And they prevailed Jonah 3. 8 9 10. Seek ye the Lord all ye meek of the earth c. it may be ye shall be hid Zeph. 2. 3. As he cryed and they would not hear so they cryed and I would not hear saith the Lord of hosts Zech. 7. 13. Prov. 1. 24 25 28. The inhabitants of one city shall go to another saying Let us go speedily or continually be going to pray before the Lord and to seek the Lord of hosts I will go also Zech. 8. 20 21. Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain The Lord shall Zech. 10. 1. I will pour upon the house of David c. a spirit of prayer and supplication Zech. 12. 10. Pray for them who despitefully use you and persecute you Matth. 5. 44. When thou prayest thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are for they love to pray standing in the synagogues c. but when thou prayest enter into thy closet and when thou hast shut the door pray to thy Father c. and when ye pray use not vain repititions as the heathens do for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking c. Your Father knoweth what things ye have have need of before ye ask them after this manner therefore pray ye Our Father c. Matth. 6. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13. Luke 11. 1 2 c. Ask and it shall be given you seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you for every one who asketh receiveth c. What man is there among you who if his son ask bread will he give him a stone c. If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things unto them who ask him Matth. 7. 7 8 9 10 11. Luke 11. 9 10 11 12 13. Christ looking up to heaven he blessed the bread and fishes c. he went up into the mount apart to pray c. Peter said Lord save me Mat. 14. 19 23 30. The woman of Canaan would not give off asking till she had obtained Matth. 15. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28. If two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven c. Matth. 18. 19. Ye know not what ye ask said Christ unto the mother of Zebedee's children c. The two blind men would not cease crying till they were heard Matth. 20. 21 22 30 31 32 33. All things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer believing ye shall receive Matth. 21. 22. Mark 11. 24. James 1. 5 6 7. Christ fell on his face and prayed saying O my Father if it be possible c. Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation c. He prayed again and again c. He kneeled down an● prayed Matth. 26. 39 41 42 44. Luke 6. 12. Luke 22. 41 46. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth labourers into the harvest Luke 10. 2. And it
Israel is commanded especially to remember their deliverance out of Egypt Deut. 26. 1 2 3 c. Exod. 13. 14 15. Moses Song Deut. 32. Joshua pitched stones in Gilgal in memory of Israel's passing dry thorow Jordan that all the people of the earth might know the hand of the Lord that it is mighty Josh 4. 5 6 7 20 21 22 23 24. The Song of Deborah and Barak which they sang after the victory against Sisera and his Army Judges 5. 2 Chron. 20. 26. Psalm 124. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. Hannah sang praise when she brought Samuel her Son to the House of the Lord whom the Lord had given her upon her Prayer 1 Sam. 2. 1 2 3 4 to the 11. When the Philistines were beaten Samuel set up a stone called the name thereof Eben-Ezer saying Hitherto hath the Lord helped us 1 Sam. 7. 10 11 12. When Abigail met David and prevented him in his hasty purpose concerning Nabal's House he said unto Abigail Blessed be the Lord God of Israel who sent thee this day to meet me and blessed be thy advice c. And when David heard that Nabal was dead he said Blessed be the Lord who hath pleaded the cause of my reproach from the hand of Nabal and hath kept his servant from evil c. 1 Sam. 25. 32 33 39. When God had promised many things unto David he faith Let thy name be magnified for ever saying The Lord of Hosts is the God over Israel c. 2 Sam. 7. 26. And David spake unto the Lord the words of this song in the day the Lord had delivered him out of the hand of all his enemies and out of the hands of Saul And he said The Lord is my rock my fortress and my deliverer c. 2 Sam. 22. Blessed be God who hath given rest unto his people Israel according to all that he hath promised 1 Kings 8. 56. Upon the return of the Ark to the City of David he prepares a Song and delivers it to be sung by way of Thanksgiving unto God 1 Chron. 16. 8 9 to the 37. When the people had offered willingly towards the building of the House of the Lord David blessed the Lord before all the Congregation and David said Blessed be thou Lord God of Israel our Father for ever and ever c. Now therefore our God we thank thee and praise thy glorious name c. that we should be able to offer so willingly c. The congregation did so 1 Chron. 29. 9 10 to the 20. Hezekiah prayed unto the Lord and he spake unto him c. but Hezekiah rendred no● again according to the benefit done unto him c. 2 Chron. 32. 24 25. Isa 28. 8 9. ch 39. Ezra takes notice of a little favour and acknowledgeth it to the praise of God Ezra 9. 8 9 13 14. ch 7. 27 28. Stand up bless the Lord your God for ever and ever and blessed be thy glorious name which is exalted above all blessing and praise c. Nehem. 9. 5 6 c. When Job had lost all then he said The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken blessed be the name of the Lord Job 1. 20 28. I will praise the Lord according to his righteousness and will sing to the name of the Lord most high Psalm 7. 17. O Lord our God how excellent is thy name in all the earth who hast set thy glory above the heavens c. Psalm 8. 1 9. I will praise thee O Lord with my whole heart I will shew forth all thy marvellous works I will sing praise to thy name O thou most high c. Sing to the Lord who dwelleth in Sion declare among the people his doings Psalm 9. 1 2 11. Psalm 96. I will sing unto the Lord because he hath dealt bountifully with me Psalm 13. 6. David's Song of Praises for his Deliverances Psalm 18. Thou art holy who inhabiteth the praises of Israel c. Ye who fear the Lord praise him all ye the seed of Jacob glorifie him Psalm 22. 3 23. That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving and tell of all thy wondrous works Psalm 26. 7. The Lord is my strength c. with my song will I praise him Psalm 28. 7. Sing unto the Lord O ye Saints of his and give thanks at the remembrance or to the memorial of his holy name c. Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing c. to the end that my glory may sing praise unto thee and not be silent O Lord my God I will give thanks unto thee for ever Psalm 30. 4 11 12. Blessed be the Lord for he hath shewed me his marvellous kindness Psalm 31. 21. Praise is comely for the upright Psalm 33. 1. Psalm 147. 1. I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth c. O magnifie the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together I sought the Lord and he heard me c. O taste and see that the Lord is good c. Psalm 34. 1 3 4 6 8. Psalm 54. 6 7. My tongue shall speak of thy righteousness of thy praise all the day Psalm 35. 28. Psalm 105. 1 2 3. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our God c. according to thy name so is thy praises O God unto the ends of the earth Psalm 48. 1 10. Offer unto God thanksgiving c. I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorifie me c. Whose offereth praise glorifieth me Psal 50. 14 15 23. My heart is fixed O God my heart is fixed or prepared I will sing praise awake up my glory c. I will praise thee O Lord among the people I will sing unto thee among the nations Psal ●7 7 8 9. Psal 108. 1 2. I will sing of thy power yea I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning for thou hast been my defence c. Psal 59. 16 17. Psal 62. 7. Praise waiteth for thee O God in Sion c. Psal 65. 1. Isa 12. Make a joyful noise unto God all ye saints sing forth the honour of his name make his praise glorious c. All the earth shall worship thee and shall sing unto thee Oh bless our God ye people c. Come hear c. all ye who fear God and I will declare what he hath done for my soul I cried c. Blessed be God who hath not turned away my prayer nor his mercy from me Psal 66. 1 2 4 8 16 17 20. Psal 81. 1. Sing unto God sing praises unto his name extol him who rideth upon the heavens c. A Father to the fatherless c. Psal 68. 4 5. I will praise the Lord with a song and will magnifie him with thanksgiving this also shall please the Lord better than an ox c. Psal 69. 30 31. By thee have I been holpen up from my womb my praise shall be continually of thee
with the midwives c. Exod. 1. 17 20 21. I will at this time send all my plagues c. that thou mayest know that there is none like me in all the earth c. He who feared the word of the Lord among the servants of Pharaoh made his servants c. flee into the houses Ezod 9. 14 16 20. ch 10. 1 2. Israel saw that great work of drowning the Egyptians c. which the Lord did and the people feared the Lord and believed the Lord Exod. 14. 31. The sea covered them c. Who is like unto thee O Lord amongst the gods or mighty ones Who like thee glorious in holiness fearful in praises doing wonders Exod. 15. 10 11. When God appeared upon the mount with a found of a trumpet c. all the people that was in the camp trembled Exod. 19. 16 18. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who taketh his name in vain c. God appeared on Mount Zinai terribly that he people might fear him Exod. 20. 7 18 19 20. Thou canst not see my face for there shall no man see me and live Exod. 33. 20 21 23. Thou shalt not curse the deaf c. but shalt fear thy God I the Lord c. Levit. 19. 14 32. Ye shall not therefore oppress one another but thou shalt fear thy God for I am the Lord your God c. Levit. 25. 17 36 43. Did ever people hear the voice of God c. as thou hast heard and live c. Unto thee it was shewed that thou mightest know that the Lord he is God there is none else besides him Deut. 4. 32 33 35. Oh that there were such a heart in them that they would serve me and keep c. Deut. 5. 29. Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God and serve him c. Deut. 6. 13. chap. 10. 20. 1 Sam. 12. 24. Understand therefore this day that the Lord thy God he who goeth over before thee as a consuming fire he shall destroy c. I was afraid of the anger and hot displeasure wherewith the Lord was wroth against you c. Deut. 9. 3 19. And now Israel what doth the Lord thy God require of thee but to fear the Lord thy God c. Behold the heaven and the heaven of heavens are the Lord's c. For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords a great God and a mighty and terrible who regardeth not persons nor taketh reward Deut. 10. 12 14 17. Read this law before all Israel c. that they may learn and fear the Lord c. Deut. 31. 11 12 13. I I am he and there is no God with me I kill c. neither is there any who can deliver out of my hands c. If I whet my glittering sword c. Deut. 32. 39 41. That all the people of the earth may know the hand of the Lord that it is mighty that ye might fear the Lord your God for ever Joshua 4. 24. Deut. 3. 24. There is none holy as the Lord c. The Lord killeth and maketh alive he bringeth down unto the grave and bringeth up the Lord maketh poor c. 1 Sam. 2. 1 6 7 8. Who is able to stand before this holy Lord God! 1 Sam. 6. 20. Then the earth trembled the foundations of heaven moved and shook because he was wroth there went up a smoke out of his nostrils c. 2 Sam. 22. 8 9 10 11 12. My servant Job c. one who feareth God and escheweth evil Job 1. 1 8. How should man be just with God! c. He is wise in heart and mighty in strength Who hath hardened against him and hath prospered who removeth the mountains and they know not who overturneth them in his anger who shaketh the earth out of her place and the pillars thereof tremble who commandeth the sun and it riseth not and sealed up the stars who alone spreadeth out the heavens c. Job 9. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. Canst thou by searching find out God canst thou find out the Almighty Job 11. 7 8 9 10. The Lord hath wrought this in whose hand is the soul or life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind Job 12. 9 10. Will you speak wickedly for God c. Shall not his excellency make you afraid and his dread fall upon you Job 13. 7 8 11. Therefore am I troubled at his presence when I consider I am affraid of him Job 23. 15. Psalm 119. 120. And unto man he said Behold the fear of the Lord that is wisdom Job 28. 28. God said to Job None is so fierce who dare stir him up speaking of a creature Who then is able to stand before me Job 41. 10. Stand in awe and sin not Psalm 4. 4. Nehem. 5. 9 15. Who is the king of glory the Lord of hosts he is this king of glory Psalm 24. 10. What man is he who feareth the Lord him he shall teach in the way which he shall chuse c. The secret of the Lord is with them who fear him and he will shew them his covenant Psalm 25. 12 13 14. O! how great is thy goodness which thou hast laid up for them who fear thee Psalm 31. 19. He gathereth the waters of the sea together and c. Let all the earth fear the Lord let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him for he spake and it was done c. Behold the eye of the Lord is upon them who fear him c. Psalm 33. 6 7 8 9 18. The Angel of the Lord encampeth round about them who fear him and delivereth them c. O fear the Lord ye his saints for there is no want unto them who fear him c. Hearken unto me I will teach you the fear of the Lord Psalm 34. 7 9 11. The transgression of the wicked saith Within my heart there is no fear of God before his eyes Psalm 36. 1. He uttereth his voice the earth melteth Psalm 46. 6. The Lord most high is terrible he is a great king over all the earth Psalm 47. 2. Because they have no changes therefore they fear not God Psalm 55. 19. To him who rideth upon the heavens of heavens of old lo he doth send or give out his voice a mighty voice c. His excellency over Israel and his strength in the clouds or Heavens O God thou art terrible out of thy holy places Psalm 68 33 34 35. At thy rebuke O God of Jacob both the chariot and horse are cast into a deep sleep Thou thou art to be feard and who may stand in thy sight when once thou art angry c. The earth feared and was still Psalm 76. 6 7 8. Surely his salvation is nigh them who fear him Psalm 85. 9. God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the
Lord reigneth the Lord is cloathed with majesty the Lord is clothed with strength c. Psal 93. 1. Psal 97. 1. Psal 146. 10. Rev. 19. 6. The righteous c. he shall not be afraid of evil tidings his heart is fixed trusting in the Lord Psal 112. 6 7. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes Psal 118. 8 9. My help cometh from the Lord who made heaven and earth c. Behold he who keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep Psal 121. 2 3 4. They who trust in the Lord shall be as mount Zion which cannot be removed c. As the mountains are round about Jerusalem so the Lord is round about his people from henceforth even for ever Psal 125. 1 2. The Lord great and our God above all gods Whatsoever the Lord pleaseth did he in heaven and in earth Psal 135. 5 6. Happy is he who hath the God of Jacob for his help whose hope is in the Lord his God who made heaven and earth and the sea and all that therein if who keepeth truth for ever Psal 146. 5 6. He healeth the broken in heart and bindeth up their wounds He telleth the number of the stars Great is our God and of great power his understanding is infinite c. Psal 147. 2 3 4 c. Trust to the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths Prov. 3. 5 6. Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established c. Man's heart deviseth his way but the Lord directeth his steps c. Whoso trusteth in the Lord happy is he Prov. 16 3 9 20. The name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous runneth into it and are safe Prov. 18. 10. There is no wisdom or understanding nor counsel against the Lord. The horse is prepared against the day of battel but safety or Victory is of the Lord Prov. 21. 30 31 ch 19. 21. Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be sate Many seek the rulers favour but every mans judgment is from the Lord Prov. 29. 25 26. If ye will not believe surely ye shall not be established Isa 7. 9. Associate your selves c. take counsel together and it shall come to nought speak the word and it shall not stand for God is with us Isa 8. 9 10. Jer. 1. 18 19. I will trust and not be afraid for the Lord Jehovah is my refuge Isa 12. 2. For the Lord of Hosts hath purposed and who shall disannul it and his hand is stretched out and who shall turn it back Isa 14. 27. There shall be desolation because thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation and hast not been mindful of the rock of thy strength Isa 17. 10. Thou hast been a strength to the poor a strength to the needy in his distress a refuge from a storm a shadow from the hear when the blast of the terrible ones is a storm against the wall Isa 25. 4. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee trust ye in the Lord for ever for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength for he bringeth down c. Isa 26. 3 4. Behold the Lord a mighty and a strong one Isa 28. 2 6. The Egyptians shall help in vain and to no purpose therefore have I cried concerning this Their strength is to sit still c. For thus saith the Lord God the holy one of Israel In returning and rest shall ye be saved in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength and ye would not c. Isa 30. 7 15 16. Behold the Lord God will come c. He shall feed his flock like a shepherd c. Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand and meted out heaven c. Isa 40. 10 11 12. I the Lord the first and with the last I am he c. Isa 41. 4. ch 44. 6. When thou passest ●horow the waters c. they shall not overflow thee c. For I am the Lord thy God the holy one of Israel thy Saviour c. And besides me there is no Saviour c. I will work and who shall let it c. Isa 43. 2 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. ch 45. 21. Thus saith the Lord thy redeemer and he who formed thee from the womb I the Lord who maketh all things who stretcheth forth the heavens c. who confirmeth the word of his servant and performeth the counsel of his messengers c. who saith to the deep Be dry Isa 44. 24 25 26 27. I am the Lord and there is none else I form the light and create darkness c. O God of Israel the Saviour Isa 45. 6 7 15 21. My counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure Isa 46. 10. Is my hand shortned at all that I cannot redeem or have I no power to deliver Behold at my rebuke I dry up the sea c. Who is among you who feareth the Lord c. who fit in darkness and hath no light let him trust in the name of the Lord c. and stay upon his God Isa 50. 2 3 10. Isa 8. 17. ch 59. 1. Psalm 115. 11. Fear not c. for thy maker is thy husband the Lord of hosts is his name and thy redeemer the holy one of Israel the God of the whole earth Isa 54. 4 5. But he who putteth his trust in me shall possess the land and shall inherit my holy mountain Isa 57. 13. Behold the Lord's hand is not shortned that it cannot save neither his ear heavy that it cannot hear but your iniquities have separated Isa 59. 1 2. ch 50. 2. Blessed is the man who trusteth in the Lord and whose hope the Lord is for he shall be as a tree planted by the waters c. O Lord the hope of Israel Jer. 17. 7 8 13. Behold I am the Lord the God of all flesh is there any thing too hard for me Jer. 32. 27. I will surely deliver thee c. because thou hast put thy trust in me saith the Lord Jer. 39. 18. Leave thy fatherless c. and let the widows trust in me Jer. 49. 11. Their Redeemer is strong the Lord of hosts the Lord of hosts is his name he shall throughly plead their cause c. Jer. 50. 34. I the Lord have spoken and will do Ezek. 22. 14. Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us c. and he will deliver us Dan. 3. 17 28. Daniel was taken out of the den and no manner of hurt was found upon him because he believed in his God Dan. 6. 23. Bles●ed be God c. for wisdom and might are his he changeth the times c. removeth kings c. Dan. 2. 20 21 22
let him eat at home 1 Cor. 11. 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 33 34. V. Discipline Church-Consares or removing of Scandals IF a soul sin and hear the voice of swearing and is a witness whether he hath seen or known of it if he do not utter it then shall he bear his iniquity Levit. 5. 1. If there were a leper in the camp of Israel he was to be pronounced unclean and his habitation without the campalone Levit. 13. 44 46. When he was to be brought into the camp again he was first to be pronounced clean by the Priest after he had viewed him and offered sacrifices for him and performed other things so for other uncleannesses they were to be separated from the congregation c. and so brought in again Levit. 14. 1 2 3 4 5 c. ch 15. March 8. 4. Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart thou shalt in any wise rebake thy neighbour and not suffer in upon him or that thou bear not sin for him Levit. 19. 17. If the people of the land do any way hide their eyes from the man when he giveth of his seed unto Molech and kill him not then I will set my face against that man and against his family Levit. 20. 3 4 5. The Priests or people who were unclean c. by any uncleanness were not to eat or touch the holy things that they might not prophane the holy name of the Lord if they did before they were cleansed they were to be cut off from the presence of God● no it anger was to eat of the holy thing Levit. 22. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15. Put out of the camp every leper and every one who hath an issue c. both male and female shall ●e put out c. that they defile not their camp in the midst whereof I dwell and the children of Israel did so c. Numb 5. 1 2 3 4. Deut. 23. 14. Numb 5. 3● 〈◊〉 the King was a leper and being in the temple the Priests thrust him out from thence c. he dwelt in a several house being a leper 〈◊〉 he was cut off from the house of the Lord 2 Chron. 26. 15 20 21. The people of Israel the Priests and the Levites have not separated themselves from the people of the land c. for they have taken of their daughters c. so that the holy seed have mingled themselves with the people c. yea the hand of the princes and 〈◊〉 have been chief in this trespass c. Ezra 9. 1 2. They read in the book of Moses c. that the 〈…〉 should not come into the congregation● 〈◊〉 God for ever c. Now it came to pass when they had heard the 〈◊〉 that they separated from Israel all the mixed m●titude Ne●em 13. ● ● He who spareth his rod hateth his son but he who loveth him c. Prov. 13. 24. Debate thy cause with thy neighbour himself and discover not a secret to another or the secret of another Prov. 25. 9. Open rebuke is better than secret love Pro. 27. 5. If thou take forth the precious from the vile thou shalt be as my mouth Jer. 15. 19. Her Priests have violated my law and have prophaned mine holy things they have put no difference between the holy and prophane neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean Ezek. 22. 26. They shall teach my people the difference between the holy and prophane and cause men to discern between the unclean and the clean Ezek. 44. 23. Ephraim hath mixed himself among the people c. a cake not turned Hosea 7. 8. Jesus said unto Peter c. I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven Matth. 16. 18 19. If thy brother shall trespass against thee go and tell him his fault between him and thee if he will hear thee thou shalt gain thy brother but if he will not hear thee then take with thee one or two more that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established and if he shall neglect to hear them tell it to the Church but if he neglect to hear the Church let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican verily I say unto you Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth c. Matth. 18. 15 16 17 18. John 20. 21 22. 23. If thy brother trespass c. rebuke him and if he repent forgive him c. if seven times a day Luke 17 3 4. I beseech you brethren mark them who cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned and avoid them for they are such who serve not our Lord Jesus but their own bellies c. Rom. 16. 17 18. It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you and such c. and ye are pussed up and have not rather mourned that he who hath done this deed might have been taken away from among you c. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ when ye are gathered together and my spirit with the power of our Lord Jesus to deliver such a one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus c. know ye not that a little leaven leavens the whole lump c I wrote to you in an Epistle not to keep company with fornicators yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world c. But if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolator c. with such a one no not to ●at for what have I do with them who are without do not ye judge them who are within c therefore put away from among your selves that wicked person 1 Cor. 5. Sufficient to such a man was this punishment or censure which was inflicted of many so that contrariwise ye ought rather to forgive him and comfort him c. wherefore I beseech you that you would confirm your love to him c. to whom ye forgive any thing I also forgive 2 Cor. 2. 6 7 8 9 10 11. Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers c. What fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness c Are ye not the temple of the living God c come out from among them and touch no unclean thing c. 2 Cor. 6. 14 15 16 17 18. When Paul had written to the Galatians about some who troubled them and would pervert the Gospel of Christ c. had preached the circumci●ion c. he said to them Ye did run well who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth this perswasion cometh not from him who calleth you a little leaven leaveneth the whole
They have a zeal of God but not according to knowledge for they being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God Rom. 10. 1 2 3. As many as desire to make a fair shew in the flesh they con●train you to be circumci●ed only le●t they should suffer persecution for the cro●s of Christ for neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law but desire to have you circumcised that they may glory in your flesh G●l 6. 12 13. The Jews who both killed the Lord Jesus● and their own prophets and have 〈…〉 us 〈◊〉 ●● out they please not God and are contra●y unto all men 〈…〉 to speak to the 〈◊〉 that they might be saved to 〈◊〉 up their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Thes 2. 14 15 16. Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof c. These also resist the truth c. 2 Tim 3. 5 8. They profess they know God but in works they deny him being abominable and disobedient and to every good work reprobate or void of Judgment Titus 1. 16 They went out from us but they were not of us c. they went out that they might be manifest c. 1 John 2. 19. Thou hast a name that thou livest and art dead c. I have not found thy work perfect before God c. The Church of the Laodiceans c. I know thy works that thou art neither hot nor cold c. Thou sayest I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing and knowest not that thou art wretched and poor and blind and naked c. Rev. 3. 1 2 14 15 17. See Persecution from Professors Chap. 22. See Sincerity Chap. 16. See Characters of Saints Chap. 12. The great danger of Hypocrisie and Formality and end of Hypocrites THE Israelites had sinned and though they had the Ark amongst them yet fell before Enemies 1 Sam. 4. The hypocrites hope shall perish whose hope shall be cut off and whose trust shall be a spiders web he shall lean upon his house but it shall not stand he shall hold it fast but it shall not endure Job 8. 13 14 15. He also is my salvation for an hypocrite shall not come before him Job 13. 16. The congregation of hypocrites shall be desolate c. Job 15. 34. He who speaketh flattery to his friend the eyes of his children shall fail Job 17. 5. The joy of the hypocrite is but for a moment though his excellency mount up unto the heavens and his head reach unto the clouds he shall perish for ever like his own dung They who have seen him shall say Where is he and he shall flee away as a dream and shall not ●e found The eye also which ●aw him shall ●ee him no more c. c. Job 20. 5 6 c. What is the hope of the hypocrite when he hath ga●ned when God taketh away his soul will God 〈◊〉 his cry when trouble cometh upon him Job ●7 8 9. The hypocrites in heart heap up wrath Job 〈◊〉 13. Bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half 〈◊〉 days c. Psalm 55. 23. O A●●yrian the rod of mine anger c. I will 〈◊〉 him against an hypocritical nation and against the people of my wrath c. Isa 10. 5 6. W● unto them who seek deep to 〈◊〉 then counsel from the Lord and their works are in the dark and they say Who seeth us and who knoweth Isa 29. 15 16. The sinners in Zion are afraid fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites c. Who amongst us shall dwell with the devouring fire c. Isa 33. 14. Behold all ye who kindle a fire who compass your selves about with sparks walk in the light of your fire and in your sparks which ye have kindled this shall ye have of my hand ye shall lie down in sorrow Isa 50. 11. I will declare thy righteousness and thy works for they shall not profit thee Isa 57. 12. Trust ye not in lying words saying The temple of the Lord c. Behold ye trust in lying words which cannot profit c. therefore will I do to this house c. wherein ye trust c. as I have done to Shiloh and I will cast you out of my sight Jer. 7. 4 8 9 10 11. I will punish all them who are circumcised with the uncircumcised Egypt c. all these nations are uncircumcised and all the house of Israel uncircumcised in the heart Jer. 9. 25 26. Ye dissembled in your hearts when ye sent me unto the Lord your God c. Now therefore know certainly that ye shall die by the sword by the famine c. Jer. 42. 19 20 21 22. Isa 9. 17. Cursed be the deceiver who hath in his flock a male c. and sacrificeth to the Lord a corrupt thing Mal. 1. 14. Think not to say within your selves We have Abraham to our father c. The ax is laid c. 3. 8 9 10. Ye are the salt of the earth but if the salt have lost his favour wherewith shall it be salted It is henceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden under foot of men c. I say unto you That except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven Ma●th 5. 13 20. Many will say unto me in that day Lord Lord Have we not prophesied in thy name c. and then will I profess unto them I never knew you depart from me ye who work iniquity Matth. 7. 22. 23. Luke 13. 25 26 27. He heareth the word c. receiveth it yet hath he not r●ot in himself but dureth but for a while c. Matth. 13. 20 21. Every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up Let them alone c. If the blind lead the blind both shall fall c. Matth. 15. 13 14. When Christ ●ound nothing but leaves on the fig-tree he said Let no fruit grow on thee henceforth for ever and presently it withered away c. Jesus said to the Priests c. Publicans and har●ots go into the Kingdom of God before you Matth. 2● 19 23 29 30 31. When the king came c. he saw there a man who had not on a wedding-garment and he said unto him Friend how camest thou hither c. and he was speechless then said the king to his servants Bind him c. and cast him into outer darkness there shall be weeping c. Matth. 22. 11 12 13. Wo unto the Scribes and Pharisees Hypocrites often pronounced Matth. 23. 13 14 15 16 23 25 27 29. The foolish Virgins who had no Oil to put into their Lamps were shut out Matth. 25. 8 9 c. Whosoever hath not from him him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have or thinketh he hath Luke 8. 18.
from death O death I will be thy plagues c Hos 13. 14. 1 Cor. 15. 55. Fear not them who kill the body but are not able to kill the soul c. Matth. 10. 28. Jesus said unto the man on the cross Verily c. to day shalt thou be with me in Paradise c. Father into thy hands I commend my spirit c. he gave up the Ghost Luke 23. 42 43 46. Psal 31. 5. Simeon said Now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace for mine eyes haue seen thy salvation Luke 2. 26 29. The beggar died also was carryed by the Angels into Abrahams bosome Luke 16. 22. I must work c. while it is day the night cometh wherein no man can work John 9. 4. And many of the Jews came to Martha and Mary to comfort them concerning their brother c. When Jesus therefore saw her weeping and the Jews also weeping c. he groaned in his spirit and was troubled c. Jesus wept John 11. 19 33 35. Ananias and Saphira both fell down and yielded up the ghost Acts 5. 5 10. And they stoned Stephen calling and saying Lord Jesus receive my spirit Acts 7. 59. And devout men carried Stephen and made great lamentation over him Acts 8. 2. He hath made of one blood all nations of men c. and hath determined the times before appointed and the bounds of their habitation Acts 17. 26. 2 Sam. 7. 12. 1 Chron. 17. 11. Whether we live we live unto the Lord and whether we die we die unto the Lord whether we live therefore or die we are the Lords for to this end Christ both died and rose again and revived that he might be Lord both of the dead and living Rom. 14. 7 8 9. The sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the Law but thanks c. 1 Cor. 15. 56 57. We have this treasure in earthen vessels 2 Cor. ● 7. If our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God c. We groan being burdened c. Whilst we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord we are c. willing to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord 2 Cor. 5. 1 2 6 7 8. I knew a man c. whether in the body or out of the body I cannot tell 2 Cor. 12. 2. To die is gain c. having a desire to depart and to be with Christ which is far better Phil. 1. 21 23. Indeed he was c. nigh unto death but God had mercy on him and not on him only but on me also left I should have sorrow upon sorrow Phil. 2. 27. Who shall change our vile body c. Phil. 3. 21. I would not have you ignorant brethren concerning them who are asleep that ye sorrow not even as others who have no hope 1 Thess 4. 13. Christ who died for us that whether we wake or sleep we should live together with him 1 Thess 5. 10. We brought nothing into the world and it is certain we can carry nothing out 1 Tim. 6. 7. Job 1. 21. I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand I have fought c. 2 Tim. 4. 6 7. He took part of the same that through death he might destroy him who had the power of death that is the devil and deliver them who through fear of death were all their life time subject to bondage Heb. 2. 14 15. It is appointed unto men once to die but after this the judgment Heb. 9. 27. But ye are come c. unto the Spirits of just men made perfect c. Heb. 12. 23. We have no continuing City here but we seek one to come Heb. 13. 14. Go to now ye who say to day c. we will go into such a City c. whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow for what is your life it is even a vapour which appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away for that ye ought to say If the Lord will we shall live and do this or that James 4. 13 14 15. ch 1. 10. Pass the time of your sojourning here in fear 1 Pet. 1. 17. I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims abstain c. 1 Pet. 2. 11. 1 Chron 29. 15. Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle even as our Lord c. 2 Pet. 1. 14. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth yea saith the Spirit that they may rest from their labour and their works do follow them Rev. 14. 13. Blessed are those servants whom the Lord when he cometh shall find watching Luke 12. 37 38. CHAP. XXXV Of the Resurrection of the Dead SO man lieth down and riseth not till the heavens be no more they shall not awake Job 14. 12. I know my redeemer liveth c. and though after my skin worms destroy this body yet in my flesh shall I see God whom I shall see for my felt and mine eyes shall behold and not another c. Job 19. 25 26 27. Psal 49. 15. I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness Psal 17. 15. He will swallow up death in victory c. Isa 25. 7 8. Thy dead men shall live together with my dead body shall they arise awake and sing ye who dwell in dust for thy dew is as the dew of herbs and the earth shall cast out the dead Isa 26. 19. And many who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life c. Thou shalt rest and stand in the lot at the end of the days Dan. 12. 2 13. I will ransom them from the power of the grave I will redeem them from death O death I will be thy plagues O grave I will be thy destruction Hosea 13. 14. But as touching the resurrection from the dead c. I am the God of Abraham c. God is not the God of the dead but the God of the living Matth. 22. 31 32. Luke 20. 35 37 38. Many of the bodies of the saints did arise at the death of Christ Matth. 27. 52. Thou shalt be recompenced at the resurrection of the just Luke 14. 14. The hour is coming in which all who are in the grave shall hear his voice and shall come forth they who have done good unto the resurrection of life c. John 5. 28 29. I should loose nothing but raise it up again at the last day c. and I will raise him up at the last day John 6. 39 40 44 54. I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day Jesus said unto her I am the resurrection and the life he who believeth c. John 11. 24 25 26. Because I live ye shall live also John 14. 19. They taught the people and preached through Jesus the resurrection from the dead Acts 4. 2. And when they heard
c. look for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness 2 Pet. 3. 13. He who doeth the will of God abideth for ever 1 John 2. 17. We know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is 1 John 3. 2. They shall walk with me in white c. cloathed in white c. will I make a pillar in the temple of my God and he shall go no more out c. will I grant to sit with me in my throne even as I also overcame and am set down c. Rev. 3. 4 5 11 12 21. ch 2. 26 27 28. I beheld and lo a great multitude c. stood before the throne c. cloathed with white robes and palms in their hands c. These are they who came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb therefore are they before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple and he who sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them they shall hunger no more nor thirst no more neither shall the sun light on them or any heat for the Lamb c. shall feed them c. and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes Rev. 7. 9 13 to 18. Isa 25. 8. The souls of them who were beheaded and which had not worshipped the beast c. nor received his mark c. Rev. 20. 4. The New Jerusalem's Glory described at large c. Behold the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them c. and wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away Rev. 21. 1 to 5. ch 22. 1 to 6. 2 Pet. 3. 13. See more of Eternal Life Chap. 10. See the sad End of wicked Men Chap. 5. CHAP. XXXVIII Of Knowledge and Understanding in and about Divine Things and of the Want thereof Ignorance about such things and the Evil thereof WHen Abimelech had taken Sara Abram's Wife though in the Integrity of his Heart not knowing her to be Abram's Wife because he had said she was his Sister yet God said unto him Behold thou art a dead man for the woman thou hast taken for she is a man's wife Gen. 20. 2 to 10. Pharaoh said Who is the Lord that I should obey him Exod. 5. 2. And the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord when I stretch forth my hand upon Egypt and bring forth the children of Israel from among them Exod. 7. 5. Ezek. 6. 7 10 13. Exod. 14. 4 18. According to thy word that thou mayest know that there is none like unto the Lord Exod. 8. 10. I have hardned his heart and the heart of his servants that I might shew these my signs c. that ye may know how that I am the Lord Exod. 10. 1 2. Deut. 4. 35. Exod. 6. 7. Jethro said when Moses had told him what God had done Now I know that the Lord is greater than all gods for in the thing wherein they dealt proudly he c. Exod. 18. 11. 2 Kings 5. 15. Under the Law they were to offer Sacrifices for Sins of Ignorance whether of a Person or of the Congregation Levit. 4. 2 3 4 13 14 15. ch 5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 17 18 19. Numb 15. 24 25 26. Ye have seen all that the Lord did c. yet the Lord hath not given you an heart to perceive and eyes to see and ears to hear unto this day Deut. 20. 2 4. They sacrificed c. not to God to gods whom they knew not to new gods Deut. 32. 17. There arose another generation c. who knew not the Lord nor the works he had done c. Judges 2. 10. Sampson said to his father Get her for me c. but his father and his mother knew not that it was of the Lord that he sought an occasion against the Philistines Judges 14. 3 4. The sons of Eli wicked men knew not the Lord 1 Sam. 2. 12. Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord neither was the word of the Lord yet revealed unto him 1 Sam. 3. 7. That all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel c. that the Lord saveth not by sword c. 1 Sam. 17. 46 47. Elijah prayed that God would by an extraordinary means let it be known that thou art a God in Israel c. that this people may know that thou art the Lord God 1 Kings 18. 36 37 38. Because the Syrians have said The Lord is God of the hills but he is not God of the Valleys therefore will I deliver all this great multitude into thy hands and ye shall know that I am the Lord 1 Kings 20. 28. Solomon asked wisdom and knowledge and God gave it and riches also 2 Chron. 1. 9 10 11 12. Nevertheless they shall be his servants that they may know my service and the service of the kingdoms of the Countreys 2 Chron. 12. 8. God left Hezekiah to try him that he might know all that was in his heart 2 Chron. 32. 31. Canst thou by searching find out God Carst thou find out the Almighty to perfection c. Job 11. 7 8 12. ch 37. 5. Eccles 11. 5. I have understanding as well as you I am not inferiour to you Job 12. 3. ch 13. 2. Lo these are parts of his ways but how little a portion is heard of him Job 26. 14. There is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding great men are not always wise neither do the aged understand judgment Job 32. 8 9. ch 38. 36. I uttered that I understood not things too wonderful for me which I knew not I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear but now mine eye seeth thee wherefore I abhor my self c. Job 42. 5 6. They who know thy name will put their trust in thee c. The Lord is known by the judgments he executeth Psal 9. 10 16. Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge who eat up my people c. Psal 14. 4. Psal 53. 4. The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shew his handy work day unto day uttereth speech and night unto night teacheth knowledge c. The testimonies of the Lord are sure making wise the simple c. The commandments of the Lord is pure inlightning the eyes Psal 19. 1 2 3 4 7 8. Be still and know that I am God I will be exalted c. Psal 46. 10. Consume them c. and let them know that God ruleth in Jacob unto the ends of the earth● Selah Psal 59. 13. Ps 99. 10. When I thought to know this it was too painful for me until I went into the Sanctuary of God then understood I their end c. so foolish and
Lord thy God for the good land c. beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God c. lest when thou hast eaten and art full and hast built goodly houses c. then thine heart be lifted up and thou forget the Lord c. and thou say in thine heart My power and the might of my hand hath gotten me this wealth but thou shalt remember the Lord thy God for it is he who giveth thee power to get wealth Deut. 8. 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 18. Matth. 4. 4. I will give you the rain c. that thou mayest gather in thy corn c. I will send grass c. 〈◊〉 11. 14 15. 〈…〉 waxed fat c. then he sorsook God which made him and hightly esteemed c. Deut. 32. 14 15. Achans covetousness and worldliness was Israels trouble and his own ruine Joshua 7. 1 20 21 25 26. The Lord maketh poor and maketh rich he bringeth low and lifteht up he raiseth up the poor out of the dus● lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill to sit among princes c. 1 Sam. 2. 7 8. Psal 75. 6 7. Dan. 4. 17 32. Saul said to Samuel I have sinned yet honour me now I pray thee before the Elders of my people and before Israel and turn again with me c. 1 Sam. 15. 30. The women c. said Saul hath slain his thousands and David his ten thousands and Saul was very wroth and the saying displeased him and he said they have ascribed unto David ten thousands c. and what can he have more but the kingdom and Saul eyed David from that day forward 1 Sam. 18. 6 7 8 9. God said unto Solomon Because thou hast asked for thy self this thing and hast not asked long life neither hast asked riches c. I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked both riches and honour 1 Kings 3. 9. 10 11 12 13. Ahabs covetous desire of Naboths vineyard made him sick with discontent 1 Kings 21. 1 2 3 4. Gehazi Elisha his servant for his covetousness punished with Leprosie 2 Kings 5. 20 21 22 to the 27. Thine O Lord is the greatness c. both riches and honour come of thee c. 1 Chron. 29. 11 12. Deut. 10. 14. Haman then next the king boasted of his riches honour and worldly advantages yet so ambitious that because Mordecai did not bow to him he saith All the rest availeth me nothing Hester 5. 9 10. 11 12 13. Hast thou not made a hedge about him c. thou hast blessed the works of his hands and his substance is increased c. Job said when he was spoiled of all Naked came I out of my mothers womb and naked shall I return thither the Lord gave and the Lord taketh away blessed be the name of the Lord Job 1. 10 21. The wicked c. he hath swallowed down riches and he shall vomit them up again God shall cast them out of his belly c. In the fulness of his sufficiency he shall be in straits Job 20. 15. 22. The wicked live and prosper oft in every thing of this world Job 21. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13. Jer. 12. 1 2. Psal 73. 3 4 5 6 7 c. What is the hope of the Hypocrite though he hath gained when God taketh away his soul c. though he heap up silver as the dust and prepare rayment as the clay he may prepare it but the just shall put it on c. Job 27. 8 16 17. It I have made gold my hope or said to fine gold thou art my confidence If I have rejoyced because my wealth is great and because my hand had gotten much c. Job 31. 24 25 38 39. Who accepteth not the persons of princes nor regardeth the rich more then the poor for they are all the works of his hands Job 34. 19. Deliver my soul c. from men of the world who have their portion in this life whose bellies thou fillest c. they leave the rest of their substance to their babes Psal 17. 14. The earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof c. Psal 24. 1. A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked c. I have been young and now am old yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread c. I have seen the wicked in great power and spreading himseif like a green bay-tree yet he passed away c. Psal 37. 16 25 35 36. Every man walketh in a vain shew surely they are disquietted in vain he heapeth up riches and knoweth not who shall gather them Psal 36. 6. They who trust in their wealth and boast themselves in their riches none can by any means redeem his brother nor give to God a ransom for him c. wise men die c. likewise the fool c. and leave their wealth to others c. their inward thought is that their houses shall continue for ever c. they call their lands by their own name c. man in honour and abideth not is like the beast which perisheth c. be not afraid when one is made rich when the glory of his house is increased when he dieth he shall carry nothing away his glory shall not descend after him Psal 49. 6 7 10 11 12 16 17 20. Every beast of the forest is mine and the Cattel upon a thousands hills c. If I were an hungry I would not tell thee for the world is mine and the fulness thereof Psal 50. 9 10 12. Lo this is the man who made not God his strength but trusted in the abundance of his riches Psal 52. 7 9. Men of low degree are vanity and men of high degree are a lie c. If riches increase set not your hearts upon them Psal 62. 9 10. Thou visitest the earth and waterest it thou greatly enrichest it c. thou preparest them corn c. thou waterest the ridges c. Psal 65. 9 10 11 c. Deut. 11. 14 15. Job 37. 11 12 13. ch 5. 10. These are the ungodly who prosper in the world they increase riches Psal 73. 7. 12. And they tempted God in their hearts by asking meat for their lusts Psal 78. 18. Psal 106. 14 15. He caused the grass to grow for the Cattel and herb for the service of man that he may bring forth food out of the earth and wine c. these all wait upon thee that thou maist give them their meat in due season c. Psal 104. 14 15 26 27 28. Psal 145. 15. Psal 147 8 9. The heavens are the Lords but the earth hath he given to the children of men Psal 115. 16. He turneth rivers into a wilderness and the water-springs into dry ground a fruitful land into barrenness c. he turneth the wilderness into a standing water c. he blessed them also so that they are multiplied greatly
up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to time 1 Tim. 6. 6 7 8 9 10 11 17 18 19. Endure hardness as a good soldier of Christ no man who warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of life that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier 2 Tim. 2. 4. In the last times c. men shall be lovers of their own selves c. lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God 2 Tim. 3. 4. Demas hath forsaken me having loved this present world c. 2 Tim. 4. 10. The earth c. bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed receiveth blessing from God Heb. 6. 7. Ye c. took joyfully the spoiling of your goods knowing in your selves that ye have in heaven a better and enduring substance c. Heb. 10. 34. By faith Moses when he came to years refused to be called the son of Pharoah's daughter chusing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt Hebr. 11. 24 25 26. Let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as ye have for he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee so that we may holdly say The Lord is my helper c. Heb. 13. 5 6. Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted but the rich in that he is made low because as the flower of the grass shall he pass away For the fun is no sooner risen with a burning heat but it withereth the grass and the flower thereof falleth and the grace of the fashion of it perisheth so also shall the rich man perish in his ways c. James 1. 9 10 11. Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith c. but ye have despised the poor Do not rich men oppress you and draw you before the judgment-seat do not they blaspheme that worthy name c. James 2. 5 6 7. Know ye not that the friendship of this world is enmity with God whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God c. Go to now ye that say To day or to morrow we will go into such a City and continue there a year and buy and sell and get gain whereas ye know not what will be on the morrow for what is your life it is even a vapour c. for that ye ought to say If the Lord will we shall live and do this or that but now you rejoice in your boastings all such rejoicings are evil James 4. 4 13 14 15 16. Acts 18. 21. 1 Cor. 16. 7. Go to now ye rich men weep and howl for your misery which shall come upon you Your riches are corrupted your garments moth eaten your gold and silver cankered and the rust of them shall be a witness against you and shall eat your flesh as it were fire ye have heaped treasures together for the last days Behold the hire of your labourers who reaped down your fields which is of you kept back by fraud crieth c. Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth ye have been wanton ye have nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter c. ye have condemned the just James 5. 1 2 3 4 5 6. All flesh is as grass and all the glory of man as the flower of the grass the grass withereth and the flower thereof falleth away 1 Peter 1. 7 24. Humble your selves therefore under the mighty hand of God c. casting all your care upon him for he careth for you 1 Pet. 5. 6 7. Love not the world neither the things which are in the world if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him For all that is in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world and the world passeth away and the lust thereof 1 John 2. 15 16 17. Greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world they are of the world therefore speak they of the world and the world heareth them● 1 John 4. 4 5. Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is the victory which overcometh the world even our faith Who is he who overcometh the world but he who believeth that Jesus is the Son of God 1 John 5. 4 5. The kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men c. hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne c. Revel 6. 15 16 17. Heaven and earth shall pass away all these things shall end Psalm 102. 25 26. Isa 51. 6. Matth. 24. 35. 1 Pet. 4. 7. 2 Pet. 3. 7 10 11. 1 John 2. 17. CHAP. XL. Of Idolatry Setting up and Worshipping Strange Gods Graven Images IDols are called Dunghill-Gods 1 Kings 21. 26. 2 Kings 21. 21. Ezek. 6. 6 9 13. Laban said to Jacob Wherefore hast thou stolen my gods Gen. 31. 30. Jacob said unto his houshold Put away the strange gods that are among you c. And they gave unto Jacob all the strange gods which were in their hands and all their ear-rings which were in their ears and Jacob hid them under the oak Gen. 35. 2 4. I am the Lord thy God Thou shalt have no other gods before me Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the waters under the earth thou shalt not bow down thy self to them nor serve them for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God c. Ye shall not make with me gods of silver neither shall ye make unto you gods of gold Exod. 20. 2 3 4 5 23. Deut. 4. 15 16 17 18. Psal 81. 9 10. Hosea 13. 4. He who sacrificeth unto any god save unto the Lord only he shall be utterly destroyed Exod. 22 20. Deut. 30. 17 18. ch 31. 16 17 18. Make no mention of the names of other gods neither let it be heard out of thy mouth c. Thou shalt not bow down to their gods nor serve them c. Thou shalt utterly overthrow them and quite break down their images c. Thou shalt make no covenant with them nor with their gods c. If thou serve their gods it will surely be a snare unto thee Exod. 23. 13 24 32 33. Psal 106. 36. Judges 2. 3. The people gathered themselves together unto Aaron and said unto him Up make us gods which shall go before us for as for this Moses c. we wot not what is become of him And Aaron said
lyes vanity and things wherein is no profit Shall a man make gods unto himself and they are no gods Jer. 16. 19 20. Then all the men who knew that their wives had burnt incense unto other gods and all the women who stood by c. answered Jeremiah saying c. We will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth to burn incense unto the queen of heaven and to pour out drink-offerings unto her as we have done we and our fathers our kings and our princes in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem for then had we plenty c. So the Lord could no longer bear c. Jer. 44. 15 to 22. I am broken with their whorish heart which have departed from me and with their eyes which go a whoring after their idols c. Ezek. 6. 9. These men have set up their idols in their hearts and put the stumbling-block of their iniquity before their race Should I be enquired of at all by them c. I the Lord will answer him according to the multitude of his idols c. I the Lord will answer him by my self Ezek. 14. 1 4 5 6 7. Hosea 2. 2 3 4. The insatiable Idolatry of Jerusalem with all Nations Ezek. 16. 15 16 c. I will do these things unto thee because thou hast gone a whoring after the heathen because thou art polluted with their idols Ezek. 23. 30. ch 16. 36 37 c. Such of the Levites who had offered before Idols God refused afterwards that they should offer any more unto him Ezek. 44. 10 to 15. The Image of Nebuchadnezar set up Dan. 3. Belshazzar and his Princes c. praised the Gods of Gold and of Silver c. Dan. 5. 3 4. My people ask counsel at their stock and their staff declareth unto them for the spirit of whoredems have caused them to err and they have gone a whoring from under their God they sacrifice upon the top of mountains and burn incense upon the hills under oaks c. Ephraim is joined to idols let him alone Hosea 4. 12 13 17. Of their silver and their gold have they made them idols that they may be cut off Thy calf O Samaria hath cast thee off mine anger is kindled c. The work man made it therefore it is not God but the cal● of Samaria shall be broken in pieces for they have fown the wind Hosea 8. 4 5 6 7. According to the multitude of his fruit he hath increased the altars according unto the goodness of his land they have made goodly images their heart is divided now they shall be found faulty he shall break down their altars he shall spoil their images Hosea 10. 1 2. And now they sin more and more and have made them molten-images of their silver and idols according to their own understanding all of it the work of the crafts-men They say of them Let the men who sacrifice kiss the calves Therefore they shall be as the morning-cloud c. Hosea 13. 2 3. I will cut off them who worship the host of heaven c. swear by the Lord and swear by Malcham Zeph. 1. 4 5. Amos 8. 14. For their idols have spoken vanity and the Diviners have seen a lye and have told false dreams c. Zech. 10. 2. Nor will we say any more O our God to the works of our hands Hosea 14. 3. Judah hath prophaned the holiness of the Lord which he loved or ought to love and hath married the daughter of a strange god Mal. 2. 11. God c. gave them up to worship the host of heaven Acts 7. 42. The people said c. the gods are come down unto us in the likeness of men And they called Barnabas Jupiter and Paul Mercurius because he was the chief speaker Then the priest of Jupiter c. brought oxen and garlands unto the gates and would have done sacrifice with the people which when the Apostles Barnabas and Paul heard of they rent their clothes and ran in among the people crying out and saying Sirs What do ye in these things We are also men of like passions with you and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God who made heaven and earth c. Acts 14. 11 12 13 14 15 18. We write unto them that they stay from the pollutions of idols Acts 15. 20 29. Paul c. at Athens his spirit was stirred within him when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry or full of idols therefore disputed he in the Synagogue c. Ye men of Athens I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious for as I passed by and beheld your devotions or gods whom ye worship I found an altar with this Inscription To the unknown God Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship c. Forasmuch then as we are the off-spring of God we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold or silver or stone graven by art or man's device Acts 17. 16 17 22 23 29. Demetrius said This Paul hath persuaded and turned away much people saying that they be no gods which are made with hands So that not only this our craft is in danger c. but also that the temple of the great Goddess Diana should be despised and her magnificence should be destroyed whom all Asia and the world worshippeth c. Great is Diana of the Ephesians c. The Image which fell down from Jupiter Acts 19. 26 27 28 34 35. When they knew God they glorified him not as God c. but became vain in their imaginations c. and changed the glory of the invisible God into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds c. who changed the truth of God into a lye and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator Rom. 1. 21 23 25. ch 2. 22. Psal 106. 19 20 21. Thou who abhorrest idols dost thou commit sacrilege Rom. 2. 22. We know that an idol is nothing in the world and that there is none other God but one for though there be that are called gods whether in heaven or earth as there be gods many and lords many but to us there is but one God c. 1 Cor. 8. 4 5 6. Neither be ye idolaters as were some of them As it is written the people sate down to eat and drink and rose up to play c. My dearly beloved flee from idolatry c. What say I then that the idol is any thing or that which is offered in sacrifice is any thing But I say That the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifie to devils and not to God and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils 1 Cor. 10. 7 14 19 20. Ye know that ye were Gentiles carried away unto these dumb idols 1 Cor. 12. 2. Ye did service to them who by nature are not gods Gal. 4. 8. How ye turned to
eat For we hear there are some among you who walk disorderly working not at all c. We command c. that with quietness they work and eat their own bread c. 2 Thes 3. 10 11 12. Withal they learn to be idle wandring about from house to house 1 Tim. 5. 13. That they who have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works or honest trades Titus 3. 8 14. CHAP. LV. God's Way of declaring his Mind of Old by Voices Dreams and Visions THE Lord spake to Adam to Cain Noah c. Gen. 2. 16 17. ch 3. 8 9 10 11 c. ch 4. 6 7 9 10 to 16. ch 6. 13 14 c. ch 7. 1 2 3 c. ch 9. ch 12. 1 2 3. After these things the word of the Lord came in a vision unto Abram saying I am thy shield c. Gen. 15. 1 2 3 c. God came to Abimelech in a dream by night and said unto him Behold thou art but a dead man for the woman which thou hast taken c. God said to him in a dream Yea I know that thou didst this in the integrity of thy heart c. Gen. 20. 2 to 8. Jacob dreamed and behold a ladder set upon the earth and the top thereof reached to heaven c. The Lord stood above it and said I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father c. The land whereon thou liest to thee will I give it c. Gen. 28. 11 to 16. And the Angel of God spake unto me in a dream saying Jacob c. I have seen all that Laban doth unto thee I am the God of Bethel where thou anointedst the pillar where thou vowedst a vow to me c. And God came to Laban the Syrian in a dream by night and said unto him Take heed that thou speak not to Jacob c. Gen. 31. 11 12 13 24. Joseph dreamed a dream and he told it to his brethren c. And he dreamed yet another dream c. Gen. 36. 5 to 11. ch 42. 6. ch 43. 26 28. ch 44. 14. ch 50. 18. The Dreams of the Butler and Baker of Pharaoh in the Prison and of Pharaoh himself interpreted by Joseph Gen. 40. ch 41. God spake unto Israel in the visions of the night and said Jacob Jacob c I am the God of thy Father fear not to go down into Egypt c. Gen. 46. 1 to 5. God spake to Moses out of the burning bush Exod. 3. Moses went up unto God and the Lord called unto him out of the mountain saying Thus shalt thou say c. Moses spake and God answered him by a voice c. And the Lord said to Moses Go down charge the people c. Exod. 19. 3 4 9 10 19 20 21 22 24. If there be a prophet among you I c. will make my self known to them in a vision c. Numb 12. 6. He hath said who heard the words of God who saw the vision of the Almighty falling into a trance but having his eyes open c. Num. 24. 4 16. The Lord spake to Samuel by Voice or Word 1 Sam. 3. 4 10 11 21. To Nathan by Vision 2 Sam. 7. 17. The Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night and God said Ask what I shall give thee c. 1 Kings 3. 5 6 7. ch 9. 2. The Lord answered not Saul by prophets nor by dreams c. 1 Sam. 28. 6 15. God speaketh once yea twice yet man perceiveth it not In a dream in a vision of the night when deep sleep falleth upon men in slumberings upon the bed then he openeth the ears of men and sealeth their instruction Job 33. 14 15 16. Thou spakest in a vision to thy Holy One and saidst I have laid help upon one c. Psal 89. 19. Nebuchadnezzar's Dreams which Daniel expounded Dan. 2. ch 4. Belshazzar's Vision against the Wall Dan. 5. 5 25. Daniel's Vision of the Beasts c. Dan. 7. Of the Man cloathed in Linnen Dan. 10. 5 6 7 c. Of other things Dan. 7. ch 8. ch 10. I have also spoken by the prophets and I have multiplied visions and used similitudes by the ministery of the prophets Hos 12. 10. I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and c. your old men shall dream dreams your young men shall see visions Joel 2. 28. Acts 2. 16 17. For the vision is yet for an appointed time but in the end it shall speak and not lye and though it tarry wait for it because it will surely come c. Habak 2. 3. Behold the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream saying Joseph thou son of David fear not c. Matth. 1. 20. And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return unto Herod c. And when they were departed behold the Angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream saying Arise and take the young child c. Matth. 2. 12 13 19 22. Pilate c. said I will have nothing to do with that just Man for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him c. Matth. 27. 19. Saul saw a Vision and heard a Voice saying Saul Saul Why persecutest thou me c. A certain disciple at Damascus named Ananias And to him said the Lord in a vision c. Arise and go c. Acts 9. 1 2 3 4 to 11. ch 26. 13 14 15 c. Cornelius saw in a Vision evidently an Angel of God coming unto him and saying Cornelius thy prayers and thine alms are come up c. Peter also had a Vision and God spake to him c. Acts 10. 3 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 28 30 c. ch 11. 5. A Vision appeared to Paul in the night There stood a man of Macedonia and prayed him saying come over unto Macedonia and help us c. He endeavoured to go assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the Gospel unto them Acts 16. 9 10. Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision be not afraid but speak c. for I am with thee Acts 18. 9. It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord I knew a man c. 2 Cor. 12. 1 2 3. God who at sundry times and in divers manners spoke in times past unto the fathers by the prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son c. Heb. 1. 1 2. CHAP. LVI The Call and Commission of the Apostles equal without Superiority JEsus c. saw two brethren Simeon called Peter and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea for they were fishers and he saith unto them follow me and I will make you fishers of men c. he saw other two brethren James the son of Zebedee and John his brother c. and he called them and they immediately c. followed
him Matth. 4. 18 19 20 21 22. Mark 1. 16 17 18 19 20. One is your master and all ye are brethren c. whosoever exalteth himself c. Matth. 23. 8. 11 12. Jesus c. saw a man named Matthew sitting at the receipt of custom and he saith unto him follow me and he arose and followed him Matth. 9. 9. Mark 2. 14. Luke 5. 27 28. Whatsoever ye bind on earth shall be bound in heaven Matth. 18. 18. He ordained twelve that they should be with him and that he might send then forth to preach and to have power to heal sickness and to cast out devils and Simeon he sirnamed Peter and James of Zebedee and John the brother of James c. and Andrew and Philip and Bartholomew and Matthew and Thomas and James of Alpheus and Thaddeus and Simeon the Canaanite and Judas Mark 3. 14 15 16 17 18 19. By the way they had disputed among themselves who should be the greatest and he sat down and called the twelve and said unto them If any man desire to be first he the same shall be last of all and servant of all Mark 9. 34 35. James and John c. said grant us that we may sit one on thy right hand c. and when the ten heard it they began to be much displeased with James and John but Jesus called there unto him and said unto them Ye know that they who are account ed to rule over the Gentiles exercise Lorship over them c. but so it shall not be amongst you but whosoever will be great among you shall be your minister and whosoever among you will be perfect shall be servant of all for even the son of man came not to be ministred unto c. Mark 10. 35 36 37 38 41 42 43 44. Luke 22. 24 25 26 27. He called unto him his Disciples and of them he chose twelve whom also he named Apostles Simon whom he also named Peter Andrew his brother James and John Philip and Bartholomew Matthew and Thomas James the son of Alpheus and Simon called zealotes and Judas of James and Judas Iscacariot Luke 6. 13 14 15 16. Then he called his twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases and he sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick and he said unto them take nothing c. Luke 9. 1 2 3 4 5. When Jesus had washed his Disciples feet he said I give you an Example that ye ought to wash one anothers feet now there was leaning on Jesus's bosom one of his disciples whom Jesus loved Simon Peter therefore beckoned unto him that he should ask whom it should be of whom he spake c. John 13. 13 14 15 22 23 24 25 ch 19. 26 27 ch 20. 2. ch 21. 7 20 21 22. Jesus came c. said peace be unto you c. as my father hath sent me even so send I you and c. he breathed on them and saith unto them receive ye holy ghost whosesoever sins ye remit they are remitted unto them and whose soever sins ye retain they are retained John 20. 19 20 21 22 23. To whom ye forgive c. I also if I forgive c. for your sakes I forgive it in the person or sight of Christ 2 Cor. 2. 10. The twelve called the multitude of the Disciples and said c. look ye out among you seven men c. whom when they had set before the Apostles and they had prayed they laid their hands on them Acts 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Now when the Apostles who were at Jerusalem had heard that Samaria had received the word of God they sent unto them Peter and John who when they were come down c. Acts 8. 14 15. The believing Jews dispute with Peter for going to the Gentiles and he gives them an account of Gods work upon them Acts 11. 2 3 c. I speak to you Gentiles inasmuch as I am the Apostle of the Gentiles I magnifie mine office Rom. 11. 13 14. For I suppose I was not behind or in nothing inferiour to the very chiefest Apostles c. are they ministers of Christ c. I am more in labours more abundant c. besides those things which are without which cometh upon me dai●y the care of all the Churches 2 Cor. 11. 5 23 28. 1 Cor. 15. 10. I knew a man in Christ c. such a one caught up to the third heaven c. into Paradise and heard unspeakable words c. I ought to have been commended of you for in nothing am I behind or any inferior to the very chiefest Apostles c. 2 Cor. 12. 2 3 4 11. When it pleased God c. to reveal his son in me that I might preach him among the heathen immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood neither went I up to Jerusalem unto them who were Apostles before me but I went into Arabia c. Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter and abode with him fifteen days but other of the Apostles saw I none but James the Lord's brother Gal. 1. 15 16 17 18 19. When they saw that the Gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me as the Gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter for he who wrought effectually in Peter to the Apostleship of the circumcision the same was mighty in me towards the Gentiles And when James Cephas and John who seemed to be pillars perceived the grace which was given unto me they gave to me and Barnaias the right hand of fellowship that we should to go the heathen and they unto the circumcision c. but when Peter was come to Antioch I withstood him to the face because he was to be blamed for before that certain came from James he did eat with the Gentiles But when they were come he withdrew c. fearing them of circumcision c. but when I saw that they walked not uprightly c. I said unto Peter before them all if thou being a Jew livest after the manner of the Gentiles c. why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews c. Gal. 2. 7 8 9 11 12 13 14. I am constituted a preacher an Apostle and doctor of the Gentiles 2 Tim. 1. 11. CHAP. LVII Of the Restoration and Return of Israel from the Countreys into which they are scattered AND it shall come to pass when all these things are come upon thee c. and thou shalt call to mind among all the nations whither the Lord thy God hath driven thee c. that then the Lord thy God will turn thy captivity and have compassion upon thee and will return and gather thee from all the nations whither the Lord thy God hath scattered thee if any of thine be driven out unto the outmost part of heaven from thence will the Lord thy God gather thee c. and bring
Faiths Nature c. 11 p. 54 Its Objects c. 11 p. ibid. It 's further benefit c. 11 p. 57 It 's Fruit and Operation c. 11 p. 54 Faith is Gods Gift c. 20 p. 168 Falling away See Apostacy     False Teachers c. 30 p. 246 Fasting See Prayers     Fathers See Parents     Favour of God to Saints in general c. 14 p. 71 In time of Afflictions c. 22 p. 185 In common Calamities c. 23 p. 209 Fear not Man c. 16 p. 101 Fear God c. 16 p. 102 Fear lest we Sin or fall away See Watching     Fervency of Spirit See Sincerity     Flesh of Christ c. 8 p. 35 Follow God fully c. 16 p. 132 Follow after the Spirit c. 21 p. 177 Forgive one another c. 17 147 Forgive Enemies c. 19 p. 161 c. 22 p. 204 Forgiveness in God c. 10 p. 48 Forgiveness of Sin See Pardon     Formality See Hypocrisie     Formal Professors fierce Persecutors c. 22 p. 181 Forsake Sin c. 16 p. 123 Forsake not God or his ways c. 16 p. 139 Fortress is God to his See Trust in God     Free Grace c. 9 p. 45 c. 10 p. 48 Frowardness of Spirit See Meekness     Fruits of Gods Love to Men c. 7 p. 27 c. 22 186 Fruits of Faith c. 11 p. 58 Fruits of the Spirit c. 21 p. 174 176 Fruits of Man's Love to God c. 16 p. 83 Fruits of our Love to the Saints c. 17 P. 146   c. 22 p. 207 Fruitfulness in good Works c. 16 p. 79 Fruitfulness therein is Gods Gift c. 20 p. 168 G GEntle towards all Chap. 19 Page 161 Gifts Extraordinary c. 27 p. 226 Giver of Knowledge and all Grace who c. 20 p. 164 Glory for Saints at last c. 37 p. 262 Glory not in our selves See Humility     Glory in God and Christ alone c. 16 p. 83 God his Name and Attributes c. 2 p. 5 His Greatness Majesty Perfection and Absoluteness c. 2 p. ibid. God's Repentings c. 33 p. 253 God knows Satan and Wicked Men's Devices and Over-rules them c. 22 p. 187 God will uphold his Saints in Trouble and deliver them c. 22 p. 190 195 Goodness of God See Bounty     Good Men's Spirit and Behaviour c. 12 p. 60 Good to all c. 19 p. 162 Good though little commended and rewarded c. 50 p. Governors See Magistrates in general     Grace of God free in Election c. 9 p. 45 In Calling c. 9 p ibid. In Pardon of Sin c. 10 p. 48 In Justification c. 10 p. 50 In Reconciliation c. c. 10 p. 49 In giving Eternal Life and Salvation c. 10 p. 51 Graces of the Spirit freely given of God c. 20 p. 164 Grave See Death     Graven Images c. 40 p. 276 Greatness of God c. 2 p. 5 Greatness in the World See World     Greedy of Gain See World     Grieve not the Spirit of God c. 21 p. 177 Grieve not Saints in the time of their Trouble c. 22 p. 207 Ground of Comfort and Support in a time of Trouble c. 22 p. 186 H. HAppiness of the Saints See Glory     Hard thing to be a true Saint Chap. 46 Page 286 Harmless and honest towards all c. 19 p. 159 Hate Sin c. 16 p. 123 Hear Rebuke willingly c. 17 p. 150 Hearken to God c. 16 p. 85 Heart for God See Sincertiy     Heart upright See Sincerity     Help such as are afflicted c. 22 p. 107 Help Saints in general c. 17 p. 146 Help all Men c. 19 p. 162 Holiness should be in Saints c. 16 p. 79 Holiness of God c. 2 p. 12 Honesty towards all c 19 p. 159 160 Honour God c. 16 p. 79 Honour Saints c. 17 p. 147 Honour Magistrates c. 24 p. 216 Honour Parents See Parents     Honour all Men c. 19. p. 162 Honour of the Saints c. 14 p. 71 Honours amongst men See World     Honour is of God c. 24 p. 211 Hope in God in general c. 16 p. 100 In Time of Trouble c. 22 p. 203 When all Hope seems to be gone c. 49 p. 289 Humane Nature of Christ See Humility of Christ     Humiliation of Christ c. 1 p. 35 37 Humility in Man c. 16 p. 113 Humble Behaviour towards all c. 19 p. 162 Husbands c. 18 p. 154 Hypocrites Hypocrisie c. 28 p. 237 Hypocrites Reward c. 28 p. 242 I. IDleness Chap. 54 Page 294 Id l●●ry c. 40 p. 276 Jesus the Christ c. 7 p. 28 Jews Murmurings c. 53 p. 292 Ignorance in general c. 38 p. 264 Ignorance of Man by Nature c. 3 p. 21 Ignorance of each other when ●ead c. 68 p. 309 ●●●mination See Knowledge     Images See Idolatry     Imagination See Thought     Imperfection of Saints c. 13 p. 67 Impotency of Man in Spiritua●● c. 20 p. 164 Imposition of Hands c. 27 p. 232 In●lination to Sin in Saints c. 13 p. 67 In ●●ruptibleness of God c. 2 p. 11 Incouragement in Afflictions c. 22 p. 186 Incouragement to come to Chrest for all Grace c. 20 p. 171 To look to God when but a Possibility left c. 49 p. 289 Indifferent things c. 17 p. 151 Industry in our Callings c. 54 p. 294 Infiniteness of God c. 2 p. 14 Intercession of Christ Chap. 8 Page 41 Invisible God c. 2 p. 10 Invitations to come to Christ See Incouragements     Joining of Church-Members together c. 27 p. 225 Israel's Restoration c. 57 p. 297 Judge not Saints rashly c. 17 p. 147 Judge not others c. 19 p. 160 Judgments denounced against Sinners c. 16 p. 125 Judgment of the Great Day c. 26 p. 260 Judgment righteous See Magistrates     Just to all Men c. 19 p. 160 Justice of God c. 2 p. 12 Justification not by Works or Legal Sacrifices c. 6 p. 25 Justification free by the Grace of God through Christ c. 10 p. 50 Justifie God under our Troubles c. 22 p. 199 K. KIndness of God Chap. 2 Page 13 Kindness of Saints to Saints c. 17 p. 147 Kindness of Saints to Enemies c. 22 p. 205 Kindness of Saints to all c. 19 p. 162 Kinds of Love See Nature of Love     King Jesus c. 8 p. 42 Kings of Israel c. 44 p. 284 Knowledge of Divine Things in general c. 38 p. 264 Knowledge in such Things not in Natural Men c. 5 p. 18 c. 20 p. 164 Knowledge therein God's Gift c. 20 p. 166 Known unto God are all things c. 2 p. 11 L. LAbour for Heaven Chap. 46 Page 286 Labour in our Calling c. 54 p. 299 Labour for the best Things See Encouragement to come to Christ     Lament Sins See Mourning for Sin     Last Times c. 48 p. 289 Laws of God to be obeyed c. 16 p. 85 Law concludes all under Sin c. 6 p. 25 Law 's Curse c. 6 p. ibid. Law 's Works or Sacrifices under it justifie not Men have no Cause to
rely on it or boast c. 6 p. ibld.   c. 64 p. 306 Laying on of Hands c. 27 p. 232 Lean on God See Trust     Letters written to and read in Churches c. 27 p. 227 Letters Commendatory c. 27 p. 225 Life Eternal c. 10 p. 51 c. 37 p. 262 Lips c. 16 p. 119 Living God c. 2 p. 15 Live to God c. 16 p. 79 Long for God's Presence c. 16 p. 83 Look to God in Hope always c. 16 p. 110 Look to God if there be but a Peradventure c. 49 p. 289 Look to God in Trouble as to him from whom it comes c. 22 p. 177 Look to God in Trouble as to him in whom only is Help Chap. 22 Page 203 Lord's Day c. 58 p. 299 Lord's Supper c. 27 p. 235 Love of God in giving Christ c. 7 p. 27 Love of Christ in giving himself to Death c. 8. p. 37 Love Mutual between Christ and his Church c. 15 p. 77 Love of God manifested in the Afflictions of his Saints c. 22 p. 186 Love God and the Father and the Lord Jesus c. 16 p. 82 Love the Saints c. 17 p. 145 Love Able Men c. 19 p. 162 Love in its Effects and Fruits     1. To God c. 16 p. 83 2. To Saints c. 17 p. 146 Lowliness of Christ c. 7 p. 34 Lowliness of Men c. 16 p. 113 M. MAgistrates Magistracy God's Ordinance Chap. 24 Page 211 Magistrates but Men in God's Sight c. 24 p. 212 Magistrates Duties c. ibid. p. ibid. Majesty of God c. 2 p. 5 Man Christ c. 8 p. 35 Man's Fall c. 5 p. 18 Man's Wickedness since c. ibid. p. ibid. Man's Ignorance c. ibid. p. 21 Man's Impotency in Spirituals c. 20 p. 164 Man's Bondage to Satan c. 5 p. 23 Man 's sad State hence c. ibid. p. ibid. Man's Salvation How c. 7 p. 27 Marriages See Husbands     Mary the Mother of our Lord had more Children c. 69 p. 109 Masters c. 18 p. 158 Maintenance of Ministers c. 27 p. 231 Mediator Christ c. 8 p. 35 Mediation See Intercession     Meditation c. 31 p. 249 Meekness of Christ c. 7 p. 34 Meekness in Man c. 16 p. 117 Meekness towards Saints c. 17 p. 147 Meekness towards all c. 19 p. 161 Mercy of God c. 2 p. 13 Mercy on Men to all c. 19 p. 162 Mind of Man in general c. 32 p. 251 Mind the same things among Saints c. 17 p. 151 Ministers of Christ in general c. 26 p. 219 Ministers of particular Churches their Qualifications c. 27 p. 222 Ministers Sins complained of c. ibid p. 230 Ministers Maintenance c. ibid. p. 231 Ministers of State See Magistrates     Miracles c. 43 p. 283 Moderation in all things c. 16 p. 117 M●rtality See Death     Mourn for Sin c 16 p. 121 Mouth See Words     Murmurings of Israel Chap. 53 Page 292 Murther c. 61 p. 302 N. NAme of God Chap. 2 Page 5 Nature of God c. ibid. p. ibid. Nature of Christ c. 7 p. 34 Nature of the Spirit c. 21 p. 176 Nature of Man since the Fall desperately wicked c. 5 p. 18 Nature of Faith c. 11 p. 54 Nature of Love c. 17 p. 145 Note God's Kindnesses c. 16 p. 97 Notable Things done by Christ and his Apostles c. 43 p. 283 O. OAth for Testimony c. Chap. 25 Page 217 Obedience to God c. 16 p. 85 Obedience to Rulers Wherein c. 24 p. 215 Where not c. ibid. p. ibid. Obedience to Parents c. 18 p. 156 Obedience to Masters c. ibid. p. 158 Objects of Faith c 11 p. 54 Objects of Worship c. 16 p. 88 Objects of Love c. ibid. 82. c. 17. p. 145 Object of Fear c. 16 p. 102 Object of Trust c. ibid. p. 106 Object of Hope c. ibid. p. 110 Object of Delight c. ibid. p. 83 Occasions of Evil flee c. ibid. p. 123 Offences amongst Saints to be avoided c. 17. p. 151 Offences of Scandal to be removed c. 27 p. 236 Officers of Churches c. ibid. p. 229 How qualified c. ibid. p. ibid. How elected c. ibid. p. 231 Their Maintenance c. ibid. p. ibid. Their Errours complained of c. ibid. p. 230 Omniscience and Omnipresence of God c. 2 p. 11 Omnipotency of God c. ibid. p. 10 Only true God c. ibid. p. 15 Opportunity to be made use of c. 47 p. 287 Order in the Churches c. 27 p. 226 Ordinances of Publick Worship c. ibid. p. 232 Ordination of Oficers in the Churches c. ibid. p. 231 Ordinance of Magistracy See Magistrates     Outward Privileges no Security against Judgment c. 64 p. 3●● P. PAnt after God Chap. 16 Pagè 83 Parables c. 44 p. 2●2 Parents c. 18 p. 150 Pardon of Sin c. 10 p. 48 Patience in general c. 16 p. 117 Patience in Saints each to ord●r c. 17 p. 1●7 Patience in Saints to all Men Chap. 19 Page 161 To Enemies Persecutors c. 22 p. 204 Peace with God c. 10 p. 49 With Saints c. 17 p. 148 With all Men c. 19 p. 161 Persection of Saints in Christ c. 8 p. 44 Persecutions See Afflictions     Persecuted for Well-doing c. 22 P. 206 Persecuting Heathens c. ibid. p. 180 Persecuting Jews c. ibid. p. 181 Persecutions over-ruled by God c. ibid. p. 187 Persecuted ones Duties c. ibid. p. 197 Their Comforts c. ibid. p. 186 Persecutors Reward c. ibid. p. 189 Perseverance the Saints Duty c. 16 p. 139 Perseverance the Saints Privilege c. ibid. p. 142 Perseverance by the Grace of God c. 20 p. 170 Pity Saints in their Trouble c. 22 p. 207 Pity all Men c. 19 p. 162 Pleasures See World     Pondering of Good in the Heart c. 31 p. 249 Poor's Relief c. 17 p. 152 Prayers in general c. 16 p. 92 Prayer in Church-Assemblies c. 27 p. 232 In Time of Trouble c. 22 p. 201 In Time of Common Calami●●s c. 23 p. 210 One for another c. 17 p. 150 For Afflicted ones c. 22 p. 207 For Magistrates c. 24 p. 216 Pray when all Hope seems to be gone c. 49 p. 269 Praises in general c. 16 p. 87 Preachers in general c. 26 p. 219 Preaching in Church-Assemblies c. 27 p. 232 Presence of God Saints Desire c. 16 p. 83 Press after Heaven c. 46 p. 286 Pride See Humility     Priesthood of Christ c. 8 p. 36 Privileges of Saints in general c. 14 p. 71 In Times of Afflictions c. 22 p. 201 In Common Calamities c. 23 p. 209 Profess God and Christ boldly in the general c. 16 p. 133 In Trouble c. 22 p. 200 Professors unsound fierce Persecutors c. ibid. p. 181 Proofs of Faith c. 11 p. 58 Proofs of Saintship in general c. 12 p. 60 Proofs of Love to God c. 16 p. 83 Promises in general See Privileges of Saints     Promises for Grace in general c. 20 p. 164 In particular Of Knowledge c. ibid. p. 166 Of Faith c. ibid. p. 168 Of Fruitfulness c. ibid. p. ibid. Of Strength to persevere c. ibid. p.
180 From Men professing God ibid. p. 181 Suffering for well-doing ibid. p. 207 Sufferers should be pitied See ibid.   Sufferers Comforts ibid. p. 186 Sufferers Duties ibid. p. 197 T TAke heed of Sin and Apostacy Chap. 16 Pag. 143 Take heed of Seducers See Seducers     Tale-bearing c. 17 p. 148 Talk See Words     Teaching in Church Assemblies c. 27 p. 232 Teachers False c. 30 p. 246 Temperate See Maderation     Tentations by Satan See Satan     By Deceivers See Seducers     From worldly Things See World     Tentations to be watched against c. 16 p. 143 Thanksgiving to God ibid. 79 Think not evil of any Person upon Report c. 17 p. 147 Thoughts c. 33 251 Threats against sinners c. 16 p. 125 Tongue of Man c. 16 p. 119 Tow●r is God to his See Trust in God     Treason discovered c. 24 p. 216 Trinity c. 3 p. 16 True God c. 2 p. 15 Trust not Man c. 16 p. 105 Trust God only and always ibid. p. 106 In times of Trouble c. 22 p. 203 Truth of God c. 2 p. 14 Truth opposed by false Professors c. 28 p. 237 Try 〈…〉 c. 12 60 c. 11 p. 58 〈◊〉 by Affliction God's end c. 22 p. 183 V VAnity of all things here in general See World   Vanity of Honour in high Places c. 24 p. 212 Vapour is Man's life See Death     Vi●eness of Man's Nature c. 5 p. 18 Visions c. 55 p. 295 Visit afflicted ones c. 22 p. 270 Unbelief sadly dangerous c. 11 p. 59 Uncleanness of Man See Vileness     Unfeigned See Sincerity     Union amongst Saints c. 17 p. 151 Union between Christ and his Church c. 15 p. 77 Unnecessary Converse with the Wicked to be avoided c. 19 p. 163 Unsearchable God c. 2 p. 14 Unsound Professors fierce Persecutors c. 22 p. 181 Vows c. 51 p. 290 Uprightness c. 16 p. 134 Ujury c. 59 p. 300 W WAit for God in general c 16 p. 110 Wait for God in times of Trouble c 22. p. 203 Wait for Christ's second Coming c. 16 p. 134 Walk with God ibid. p. 79 Warn Saints c. 17 p. 149 Watch in general c. 16 p. 143 Way for Heaven narrow and laborious c. 46 p. 286 Weak Saints to be born with c. 17 p. 151 Weaned from this World See World     Wickedness of Man's Nature c. 5 p. 18 Wicked Men Pesecutors of Saints c. 22 p. 180 Wicked Men restrained by God ibid. p. 187 Wicked Mens Society to be avoided c. 19 p. 163 Wisdom of God c. 2 p. 12 Wives c. 18 p. 154 Whisper not one of another c. 17 p. 147 Women See Wives     Word of God c. 1 p. 1 Words or Sayings Expressions of Choice not binding c. 66 p. 303 Words of Men in general c. 16 p. 119 Words neither true or good spoke on politick Grounds to prevent Danger or accomplish an End c. 65 p. 307 Works of the Spirit c. 21 p. 176 Works of God See Soveraignty ●f God     Works of Faith c. 11 p. 58 Works whereby Saints glorifie God c. 16 p. 79 Works of the Law justifie not c. 6 p. 25 Work with diligence c. 54 p. 294 Worlds Natures Snares c. c. 39 p. 270 Worship of God in general c. 16 p. 88 Worship of God in Church Assemblies how ordered c. 27 p. 226 Worship's Rule the Word of God c. 16 p. 90 Worshipping strange Gods c. 40 p. 276 Y YIeld your selves wholly to live to God c. 16 p. 134 Z ZEal for God in general c. 16 p. 134 Zeal that is blind persecuteth c. 22 p. 181 Books Printed for and Sold by Awnsham and John Churchill at the Black Swan in Pater-noster-Row FOLIO's CAmbden's Britannia with Maps enlarged by Mr. Edmond Gibson Mr. Talent's Chronological Tables in 16 Copper Plates Sir Richard Baker's Chronicle of the Kings of England continued to this Year Gallilaeus's System of the World Leybourn's Compleat Surveyor Dialling Cursus Mathematicus Wing's Astronomia Britannica Riolanus Anatomy in English with Figures Veslingius Anatomy in English with Figures Bartholinus Anatomy in English with Figures Riverius's Practice of Physick Cambridge Concordance Machiavell's Works Mr. Lock 's Essay on Humane Understanding Aesop's Fables with Morals and Reflections By Sir Roger L'Strange Knight Sir Symonds d'Ewe's Journals of Parliament during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth Holyoak's Dictionary at large Buchanan's Chronicle or History of the Kings of Scotland The Year Books compleat Titus Livius's Roman History Sir Paul Ricaut's Lives of the Popes Knowle's Turkish History with Sir Paul Ricaut's Continuation Bocca's Novels and Tales Iloyd's Dictionarium Poet. 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