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A20536 Ten sermons tending chiefely to the fitting of men for the worthy receiuing of the Lords Supper VVherein amongst many other holy instructions: the doctrines of sound repentance and humiliation, and of Gods speciall fauours vnto penitent sinners, and worthy communicants are largely and effectually handled. The six first, by I. Dod. The foure last, by R. Cleauer. Whereunto is annexed, a plaine and learned metaphrase on the epistle to the Collossians, written by a godly and iudicious preacher. There is also set before the sermons, a short dialogue of preparation: containing the chiefe points that concerne the worthy receiuing of the Lords Supper, taken for the most part, out of the sermons following: and collected into a method for the benefit and ease of those that desire direction in this matter. Dod, John, 1549?-1645.; Cleaver, Robert, 1561 or 2-ca. 1625. aut; Winston, John, fl. 1614-1634. 1610 (1610) STC 6945; ESTC S114601 221,900 292

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his qualities if yet there were any qualities in the Godhead but of his very nature and essence in whom we behold God which is inuisible and touch him which is vnfeelable which is the principal heire of all the creatures in the world in whom wee that beleeue haue right vnto them Vers 16. For by him were all things created which are in heauen and which are in earth things visible and inuisible whether they be Thrones or Dominions or Principalities or Powers all thinges were created by him and for him For by him all thinges are created in heauen and in earth visible and inuisible euen the Angels themselues to the worshipping of whom ye are seduced and amongst them all of what degree or place soeuer they be whether they sit in Thrones or whether they haue Lordship principalitie or power ouer other Angels all things are made by him and for him Vers 17. And he is before all things and in him all thinges consist Wherefore he is before all things and all things haue their continuance and are vpholden by him Vers 18. And he is the head of the body of the Church he is the beginning and the first borne of the dead that in all things he might haue the preeminence And as touching his office which he executeth in respect of both natures he is the head of the Church which is his body and he is the first fruites and first begotten of the dead not onely in respect that himselfe is risen but also that he is the authour of resurrection which is here begun shal be perfected in the last day when he shall change these vile bodies and make them like his glorious body Vers 19. For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulnesse dwell For in him it is the good pleasure of GOD that the grace of the Spirit should without measure fully dwell Vers 20. And by him to reconcile all things vnto himselfe and to set at peace through the bloud of his Crosse both the things in earth and the things in heauen That by him he might reconcile vnto himselfe making peace by the death of his crosse betweene God and all men whether it be they which hauing beleeued in him before his coming are now in heauen or those which beeing in earth doe beleeue in him Vers 21 And you which were in times past strangers and enimies because your minds were set in euill workes hath he now also reconciled Wherefore hauing reconciled all vnto himselfe he hath reconciled you also which benefit that it may be the better esteemed consider what ye were when he reconciled you strangers from GOD yea enimies in your very vnderstanding which is the chiefest and therefore much more in other parts which enmity was made manifest by your euill works Vers 22. In the body of his flesh through death to make you holy and vnblameable and without fault in his sight I say now he hath reconciled you in his humaine nature like vnto ours by his death to the end he might make you holy and without spot and blamlesse in all sincerity as before himselfe 23. If yee continue grounded and stablished in the faith and be not moued away from the hope of the Gospell whereof ye haue heard and which hath bene preached to euery creature which is vnder heauen whereof I Paul am a Minister And this reconciliation know no otherwise to belong vnto you then ye abide grounded and setled in faith and be not carried away from the hope you haue heard in the gospell the truth whereof appeareth in that in so short a time it hath bene preached to al nations vnder the cope of heauen of which gospell I my selfe am a Minister 24. Now reioyce I in my sufferings for you and fulfill the rest of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his bodies sake which is the Church Wherein it ought not to dismay you that I am in bonds seeing my selfe doe reioyce in it seeing it is not for redemption which Christ alone hath wrought but for the confirmation of your faith and example of your patience and seeing thereby are fulfilled the passions which are yet wanting vnto the body of Christ which is the Church which must be like vnto Christ her head in suffering that it may be like vnto him in glory And finally since it is not for your good alone but for the good of the whole body of Christ which is the Church Vers 25. Whereof I am a Minister according to the dispensation of God which is giuen me vnto youward to fulfill the word of God Whereof as of the Gospell I am a Minister and that by the ordinance of GOD who committed a stewardship vnto me that in you might be fulfilled the word of God vers 26. which is the mystery hid since the world began and from all ages but now is made manifest to his Saints I meane the secret of the Gospell so worthily called for that it hath bene hidden from all times and generations hitherto and now is made manifest not to all but to his Saints vers 27. To whom God would make knowen what is the riches of his glorious mysterie among the Gentiles which riches is Christ in you the hope of glory Euen to as many as God of his good wil would make knowen the glorious riches of his secret among the Gentiles which glorious riches is Christ in you the same alone by whom we may hope for glory vers 28. VVhom we preach admonishing euery man and teaching euery man in all wisedome that we may present euery man perfect in Christ Iesus The same also whom we do preach partly admonishing all sorts of men and partly teaching all sorts of men all heauenly wisedome thereby to present men of all sorts perfectly wise and blessed through Iesus Christ vers 29. VVhereunto I also labour and striue according to his working which worketh in me mightily whereunto I labour sore striuing forcibly which yet would be vnfruitfull were it not that God worketh by his Spirit mightily with my Ministery The end of the first Chapter CHAP. 2. Vers 1. For I would ye knewe what great fighting I haue for your sakes and for them of Laodicea and for as many as haue not seene my person in the flesh THAT which I say of my grieuous labour and strife for all men is truly verified of you for I would not haue you ignorant of the great agony and strife for you and for those that are in the Church of Laodicea and others that are about you in the Countries of Phrigia notwithstanding that they neuer saw my person vers 2. That their hearts might be comforted they knit together in loue and in all riches of the full assurance of vnderstanding to know the mysterie of God euen the Father and of Christ And my care and thought is that through the preaching of the Gospell you might be comforted at the heart by a knitting setling together
this meanes circumcision is taken away so likewise is taken away difference of all meates and dayes Therefore as in Christ no man should condemne you for the vse of any meate and drinke or in respect of a feast day whether it be new Moone or the three solemne Sabbaths so if any man either ignorantly or maliciously do condemne you you shall not need to feare their iudgement verse 17. Which are but a shadow of things to come but the body is in Christ Considering that these things were but shadowes which haue no more place Christ the head being come verse 18. Let no man at his pleasure beare rule ouer you by humblenesse of minde and worshipping of Angels aduancing himselfe in those things which he neuer saw rashly puft vp with his fleshly minde Now hauing spoken of the Elements of the world which are the ceremonies of the law I come to the vaine Philosophy I gaue you warning of against the which I obserue this rule that you giue no man of what shew soeuer this power ouer you that for his owne lust in matters pertaining to God he vsurpe authority howsoeuer the doctrine he bring carry a shew of humility as for example those that teach the worshipping of Angels as meanes to come more easily to Christ In which thing what do they else but thrust thēselues into things they neuer knew only grounded vpon a proud conceit of their fleshly minde notwithstanding their great pretence of humility verse 19. And holdeth not the head whereof all the body furnished and knit together by ioynts and bands increaseth with the increasing of God Which errour ought so much the more to be abhorred as they which are infected with it do not indeede whatsoeuer they do in word hold Christ fast which is the head of the Church of whō the whole body as it were by ioints and bonds being furnished and compact together is enriched increased with an increase which God both alloweth and giueth verse 20. Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the ordinances of the world why as though ye liued in the world are yee burdened with traditions Now seeing you are dead with Christ by whose death you are deliuered from the ceremonies of Gods owne law wherewith as with certaine rudiments the people of the Iewes were trained to further perfection which now they haue attained vnto in the doctrine of the Gospell why as though you liued stil in the world do you suffer your selues to be charged with the ceremonies of the world verse 21. As Touch not taste not handle not I say that which you and your false teachers say Touch not such a thing taste not such a meate handle not such a one verse 22. Which all perish with the vsing and are after the commandements and doctrines of men All which things seeing that through the vse of them they are consumed haue no strength to life euerlasting especially being nothing but the doctrines and commandements of men verse 23. Which things haue indeede a shew of wisedome in voluntary religion and humblenesse of minde and in not sparing the body neither haue they it in any estimation to satisfie the flesh I deny not but that they haue a colour and shew of wisedome partly in that in them there is a worship ouer and aboue that which God hath commanded to whom no seruice is sufficient which we can do partly through a kinde of humility and partly in a hard vsage of the body which yet are of no price seeing they are of things wherewith the flesh is filled CHAP. 3. Vers 1. If ye then be risen with Christ seeke those things which are aboue where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God BEing through faith ingrafted and incorporated into Christ as hath bene said as your selues professe as touching sinne dead and buried with him and as touching newnesse of life quickned and risen againe Now if in truth you be risen with Christ then as Christ rising remained not here on earth but ascended vp into heauen where vnder God as touching his manhood he is exalted in power and maiesty aboue all powers and principalities in heauen and earth so you by seeing seeking after the graces that come from aboue ascend vp whither he is gone vers 2. Set your affections on thinges which are aboue and not on things which are one the earth And to the intent you may carefully seeke after them ye must first fauour and set your affections vpon the things that are aboue and consequently not to set your affections vpon either the former corruptions of false doctrine or else vpon the defilements of a corrupt conuersation of life or finally vpon the perishable transitory things of this base world all which are meere earthly verse 3. For yee are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God Vnto which distaste of earthly things you are called in that you beeing risen with Christ are consequently dead with him Where if haply you should obiect that there is small wisedome to quitte your former life not being assured of another and should aske how it should appeare you liue seeing besides the afflictions you are exposed vnto you feele the dayly incumbrance of sinne which dwelleth in your mortall bodies It is true that it is not so apparant as that which is hidden from the world and of your selues not so fully and feelingly vnderstood Howbeit that ought not to dismay you first for that it is laid vp with God who is a true keeper of it And secondly for that as your life is hidden so is Christs life and glory who is the head Verse Isay 60 17.19 and 65.19 Mat. 17. 4. When Christ which is our life shall appeare then shall ye also appeare with him in glory And lastly for that when Christ of whom you haue life shall be made manifest in glory then shall you also with him appeare glorious verse 5 Mortifie therefore your members which are on the earth fornication vncleannesse the inordinate affection euill concupiscence and couetousnesse which is idolatry Wherefore being assured of another life mortifie your members that are earthly and carnal If you aske what I cannot reckon vp all but I will touch some those specially that you are infected with wherby you may easily conceiue of the rest such as are fornication vncleane behauior wantonnesse euill concupiscence and coueteousnesse which besides the excessiue desire of goods is a kind of idolatry for that men do put their trust in riches that are couetous Verse 6. For the which things sake the wrath of God commeth on the children of disobedience For euery one of the which the wrath of God commeth on those that remaine in them Verse 7. Wherein yee also walked once when ye liued in them And the rather mortifie these sinnes as in times past you haue practised them when being giuen vnto them your naturall corruption as a kind of life gaue power and mouing for the practise
Micah 7.8 there is none that can take more delight in following after their recreations and pleasures that doe most affect them then the Lord doth in shewing himselfe fauourable vnto those that seeke mercie and grace from him in thevse of his ordinances If yee consent to obey Obiect The next thing that might hinder and dismay them from turning vnto the Lord by sound repentance is that he is so holy and righteous and his law so strict and rigorous and they so sinfull and rebellious that it were in vaine for them to goe about to yeeld obedience thereunto they should neuer attaine vnto it and therefore as good for them neuer to begin the worke as not to accomplish and finish the same And thence it is that a number sit downe as sluggards and neuer set one foot forwards in the way of godlinesse because they imagine that there is a greater difficultie in Euangelicall obedience then indeed there is little knowing what Gods meaning is Ans when hee calleth vpon vs to be obedient For his purpose is not to vrge vs to a perfect fulfilling of the Law such as was required of Adam before his fall but onely that wee should doe our best endeauour and labour to conforme our selues to his will as neere as wee can if there be a true sincere loue and a harty consent to shew our selues dutifull and loyall subiects to him in all things it is as much as hee exacteth of vs. The doctrine to be learned from hence is this that God accepteth of penitent persons Doct. 9 the will for the deed as for the fulfilling of the Law in absolute perfection that Christ alone hath performed hee hath paid our debt and canceld the band Coloss 2. and taken away the hand-writing that was against vs Now this onely remaineth for vs that wee haue a good inclination and a willing mind to performe our dutie and labour to the vtmost of our strength so to doe seeing and bewailing our manifold imperfections errors and failings in euery one of our seruices which if wee can doe God will be as well pleased with vs through his beloued sonne as if wee had keept the whole Law without any departing from it at all either to the right hand or to left That which is spoken in the matter of communicating vnto the necessities of the Saints in the Epistle to the Corinths to wit 2. Cor. 8.12 if there bee first a willing mind it is accepted according to that a man hath and not according to that he hath not holdeth as true in all other seruices that wee are accepted with the Lord according as wee are inwardly affected albeit our actions be not answerable to our desires for hee that hath a ready minde to doe what hee can and doth the same would be as ready to doe a great deale more if his abilitie did serue and therefore the Lord will shew his gracious acceptance of that which is done by him though it bee neuer so little as well as if it had beene a matter of farre greater worth Now that the true purpose and intent of the heart is that which God principally regardeth in his seruants may be made yet more cleare by examples taken out of the Scriptures We may reade in Genesis what God saith of Abraham Gen. 22.16.17 By my selfe haue I sworne saith the Lord because thou hast done this thing and not spared thine onely sonne Therefore will I surely blesse thee And why Isaac was not slaine but Abraham withdrew his hand from him and spared him yet because he was content to kill him and made all things ready for the sacrificing of him God accounteth it as good and rewardeth it as well as if hee had killed him indeed So Dauid had but a purpose to build the Temple which worke was afterward laid vpon Salomon and by him performed yet the Lord giueth him a good testimony and a large reward for his readinesse that way hee was content to spare him because hee had beene at great paines before 1. Chron. 17. in shedding the blood of many enemies of the Church and some remained yet still to be subdued by him yet this he telleth him for his comfort 2. Chron. 6.8 Whereas it was in thy heart to build an house vnto my name thou diddest well that thou wast so minded And besides this hee biddeth Nathan to carrie him this message that the Lord would build him an house and would raise vp his seed after him 1. Chron. and imploy his sonne in that honorable seruice of building an house vnto the name of the Lord and that hee would establish his throane for euer And there is reason why God should accept of the will as well as of the deed for 1 First Reasons why doe wee thinke hee will haue regard vnto the deed because it is his owne worke and is not the will his worke as well as the deede that is most certaine for the Apostle saith to the Philippians Phil. 2.13 It is God that worketh in you both the will and the deed of his good pleasure And therefore if wee can beleeue that he is pleased with our good actions wee may be as well perswaded that hee is delighted with good motions and holy desires that are stirred vp in our hearts by his owne good spirit 2 Another reason why God taketh such small things in good worth Psal 103. Mat. 3.17 is because hee is both in name and nature a father yea an heauenly father and therefore hath compassion of those that feare him euen as an earthly father hath of his child that serueth him Now hee that is a mercifull and wise and louing father as those will bee euer most mercifull to others that haue tasted most of Gods mercie to themselues when hee seeth that his child doth as well as hee can though it bee but simply and poorely yet hee will shew his liking of it and commend him for it Note and so will God deale with vs though we cannot do things perfectly yet if we do them obediētly he wil shew his loue approbation of vs and of our works When a litle child doth cheerefully aime shoote at the mark which his father proposeth vnto him though by reason of his weaknes he shoote very wide and short Yet it is as well accepted of his father as if he did hit the white and the like fatherly dealing shal we find in God that if we befaithfull in a little he wil esteeme of vs as if wee performed a great deale more Indeed when we haue put off the image of the first Adam haue put on the Image of the second Adam and haue changed the earth for heauen then wee shall not onely obey truely The perfection of a Christian heere Nehem. 1.11 but perfectlie but heere it is in truth and so it must bee esteemed one degree of perfection to see our owne imperfections And that was in
you may raigne with his owne sonne therefore doe you lead such a life as becomes heires of such a kingdome and adorne your selues with such graces as may beseeme the spouse of Christ and those that are the chosen people of the Lord euen such as are called vnto holinesse and vnto whom God hath manifested his loue and seeing hee hath forgiuen you so many sinnes and doth continually passe by so many of your infirmities doe you put on tender mercy c. he reckneth vp diuers of those particular vertues whereby hee would haue them shine forth before men and first he willeth them to put on tender mercy not only to haue but to put on a mercifull heart many haue this grace which doe not put it on that is doe not stirre vp their hearts nor make them sensible of the wants and necessities and distresses of their poore brethren the bowels of compassion are not so moued within thē that they out of a fellow-feeling of their griefes doe proceede from pitying of them to releeuing of them but the Apostle would haue men so to be indued with these graces that they put them forth for the vse of others as occasion is offered The next vertue which wee must put on is kindnesse wee must not be fierce nor froward tart nor sower in our speeches or cariage but be affable and amiable in our conuersation that so we may not discourage nor discountenance those that haue to speake or deale with vs. But how may we attaine to this kindnesse get humblenesse which is the next vertue for whence commeth it to passe that men are so harsh and rough so loud and full of crying in their speeches that very true reason is because they are proud therefore the same mind should bee in vs that was in Christ Iesus who was still ready to beare with infirmities and to pray for his sorest aduersaries The next grace is meekenesse which consisteth in this that wee bee not busie and violent in our owne priuate matters but content to part with our owne right so farre as Gods glory and a good conscience doe require Another vertue is long suffering which is fitly ioyned with the former for some might say Obiect I haue shewed meekenes and peaceablenesse in my behauiour but all will not serue the turne I am still vexed with vnkindnesse and indignities and must I still put vp all yes surely you must suffer long Answ therein imitating the Lord himselfe for hath hee not borne long with you did not he spare you many yeeres before your conuersion and are you so reformed now that you neede not his long suffering and patience Oh Obiect but those with whom I haue to deale are very full of infirmities and defects Beare with them then vers 13. Answ you are not without imperfections your selfe they put you to the triall now you know not how soone you may put them or some others to the like and therefore seeke rather to mend faults then to finde faults and to helpe men out of them rather then to bee imbittered against them for the same But there is a quarell betwixt vs and what shall wee make of that The Apostle telleth you how to make briefe worke how to make the best cheapest most Christian end of all controuersies that is freely to forgine one another Obie Obiect But who could euer put vp such wrongs and sit downe by such iniuries Answer Answer Christ Iesus could and therefore it is added Euen as Christ Iesus forgane you euen so doe ye There is none of the elect of God but must be driuen to confesse that our Sauiour hath passed by farre greater matters in him then hee can doe in any man yea and doth so still euen euery day and houre or else it would goe full ill with him which being so they would not sticke to forgiue and forget one anothers trespasses and offences of what kind and of what degree soeuer These vertues if wee can get and exercise it is certaine that we haue the wedding garment and therefore may boldly and comfortably stand before him that hath pure and fiery eies for say that he hate all iniquitie as indeede hee doth with a deadly hatred if we do so too God and we are of one mind and of on side he will neuerlay any of our sins vnto our charge Thus haue wee heard what the wedding garment is now it is further to be considered Who must bestow the wedding garment Reuel 19.7.8 how we may come by it and the way is to goe vnto Christ Iesus for it for his spouse must be cloathed and decked by himselfe who is the Bridgrome and therefore he exhorteth the Church of the Laodiceans that was poore and miserable and blind and naked to buy of him white raiment Reu. 3.17.18 which is the righteousnesse of Saints Renel 19.8 that their filthy nakednesse might not appeare but bee couered through the righteousnes of Christ which maketh vs as righteous heere Psal 31. as we shall bee when wee come to heauen though we cannot see it so clearely nor apprehend it so fully Now we see where it may be bought the next question will be how it must be bought And for answer thereunto How it must bee gotten we must know that three things are to be performed The first is Put off our ragges that we must put off our owne filthy and ragged cloathes to wit our sinfull and corrupt natures and our bad and vile conuersation as the Apostle willeth the Ephesians Cast yee offeoncerning the conuersation in time past Ephes 4.22 the old man which is corrupt through the deceiuable lusts This then is the first dutie by sound and hearty repentance to make a riddance of all grosse sinnes and to purge our selues as much as possibly we can from all infirmities for certaine it is that the wedding garment can not be obtained vntill wee bee fit for the same The old man and the new will not agree together Wherefore when the Prophet Isaiah exhorteth men to come and buy Isa 5.5.7 c. he saith Let the wicked forsake his waies and the vngodly his own imaginatiōs c. now then we forsake them when with purpose of heart wee cleaue vnto the Lord and depart from iniquitie and that is as farre as any man huing can goe to intend and desire to doe all good duties and to leaue the contrarie euils The next thing required of him that would buy this white raimēt is Desire it that he must much esteem and desire it for the thirstie soule alone shall be satisfied with good things Now that we may get this spirituall affection Isa 55.1 we must labor to haue a sight of our miserable estate while we are naked and destitute of this raiment and of our happy case when we shal be adorned therwith which being well considered of will make vs more to affect it then all the treasures of
good tearmes vnto repropates that are to be cast into hel fire then surely hee will much more vse mildnesse towards his people if Gods enemies haue good wordes from him then what may his friends expect at his hands And hee was speechles Doct. 5 Doct. Though sinners haue many excuses and colours Sinners shall to be put silence when they are to deale with men like themselues yet when God commeth to examine and sift their consciences they shall haue nothing to say for themselues This is to bee obserued in Iudas that though hee were very suttle and a notable cunning hypocrite yet when the Lord wakened his drousie conscience he brake foorth into a plaine confession I haue sinned betraying innocent blood Hee had no manner of defence or Apologie for himselfe in the world The reason of this point is Reason 1 because the conscience is the Lords officer and it cannot but speake truth when God will haue it through the light of knowledge which God hath put into euery mans soule by nature and that is the sorest and sharpest accuser that can be Further the Lord can set all their works in order before them and write them as it were in great letters that a man may runne and read the same If then we would be able to stand before the Lord at the last dreadfull day of iudgement Vse 1 when the bookes shall bee laid open and euery man shall bee iudged according to his works then let vs take that course which will make vs able to doe so and that is to get holy and sound loue and to testifie our louing heart by our louing behauiour not to loue in word alone but in deed Iob. 3.18.19 Chap. 5.17 Thereby shall wee assure our hearts before him and haue boldnesse in the day of iudgment so that pure and Christian loue with the fruites of it is the best meanes to make vs with confidence and comfort to hold vp our heads in the day of accounts Secondly Vse 2 this is for comfort against al the false clamors and accusations that are raised against Gods seruants the wicked here haue great matters to charge them with and haue much to say for their vnrighteous proceeding but at the day of the Lords reckning they that haue most to say now shal haue least to say for thēselues little doth any know how soone he may b called vnto the bar Therefore let Gods children commend thēselues vnto God in wel-doing he is the great Iudge of the whole world and with him righteous men shall haue good hearing in their iust and righteous eauses and all euill men shall be put to silence Godly men shall lift vp their heads with glory and wicked sinners shall stop their mouthes with shame Vers 13. Binde him hand and foot Hitherto of the examination conuictiō of him that had not on a wedding garment Now followeth this sentence well befitting the partie offending bind him hand and foot hee had abused his hands his feet and dishonoured God by his whole body and therfore iust it is that he should be punished in that take him away because hee had onely beene in the Church but not of the Church at the meanes but not profited by them therefore must he now be separated from all communion with God or his Saints And cast him into vtter darkenesse Seeing he loued darkenesse more then light therefore he shall haue enough of it Hee must be cast into a hell of darkenesse Doctr. 6 Out of all which this generall point may bee noted that the speciall time and place of the punishment of wicked men is after this life in hell fire heere vngodly men haue libertie both of hand and foote When and where wicked mens punishment shal be and the Saints of God are in greater restraint but why is that Because sinners shall neuer haue their full measure of woe till they be cast bodies and soules into hell fire at which time they shall be made capable of the extremitie of all miseries because their iniquities are growen to a full height Therefore let vs neuer enuy their prosperitie Vse 1 nor thinke that God taketh no notice of their sinnes because he delaieth to inflict punishment vpon them for the same Iudges doe cause notorious malefactors to be repriued sometimes but it is in no great fauour vnto them though in the meane time it may be they sharply correct their owne children so doth the Lord deale seuerely chastising those that are of his owne familie but letting reprobates thrine in their sinfull waies that in the end he may pay them home for all Secondly Vse 2 sith wicked mens punishment shall be principally in hell and the Church shall neuer be fully ridde of them till then Therefore let vs not be discouraged though for a while tarres be mingled with the wheat there is some vse of them and God seeth that wee haue need of such launders now and then whilst wee remaine vpon the face of the earth but when wee come to heauen wee shall be quite freed from them and therefore in the meane time let vs not take such offence at them as Brownists doe but wait Gods time when he shall command his holy Angels to separate them from amongst vs and to giue them their due in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone for euer Thirdly Vse 3 let vs obserue this from the contrarie that as wicked mens full iudgement so godly mens full paiment is deferred till the last day They haue many comfortable refreshings here but at that day they shall be bathed in a whole sea of comforts As sinners at that time shall be depriued of all good things and bee vexed with all manner of euils so the Saints on the other side shal be exempted from all euill and be brought to the enioyment of all good things as sinners shall bee perfectly miserable so shall the Saints be perfectly happy as the one shall be sensible of their wretchednes so shall the other be of their blessednes and as the one shall be euerlastingly misesarable so shall the other be eternally happy in a word there shall bee euery way as much ioy and felicity in heauen and more too then there shall be woe and anguish in hell Which should stay vs from fainting vnder our crosses and sorrowes our temptations and corruptions Note wee can easily thinke that wicked men haue an ill bargaine though they enioy the pleasures of sin for a season because they must come to such torments in the end and why should not we iudge that we haue a good bargaine though wee passe thorow the fire and be in the Lords furnace for a while sith wee shall attaine to such ioies at last as farre furpasse the reach of any mortall man THE SEVENTH SERMON PSAL. 119. vers 1. c. 1 Blessed are those that are vpright in their way and walke in the law of the Lord. 2 Blessed are they that keep his
And why knowing in your selues that you haue in heauen a better and more enduring substance If their riches had bene of such value as they made shew of as the world takes them for they could not haue bene so quickly taken from them but sith they had betaken them to their wings these faithfull ones knew that heauen which was reserued for them in stead thereof was farre more excellent and more durable and therfore full glad were they that for the cause of God they had made so happy and so blessed an exchange Verse 1. Blessed are those that are vpright in the way c. And vers 2. Blessed are those that seek him with their whole heart These words hauing been expoūded before offer vnto vs this doctrine That whosoeuer would haue sound happines must haue a sound heart So much sincerity as their is Doct. 2 so much blessednesse there wil be and according to the degree of our hypocrisie wil be the measure of our misery It is not in the action done or in the words spoken that blessednesse consists but in the quality of them that all be done and spoken soundly and sincerely this is required Psalme 15. that he that will be a member of the Church militant on earth and of the Church triumphant in heauen must Walke vprightly and speake the truth from his heart And againe in another Psalme a question is made to the same effect Who shall dwell in the mountaine of the Lord and who shall stand in his holy place Psal 24.3.4 and the answere is He that hath innocent hands and a pure heart which hath not lift vp his mind to vanity nor sworne deceitfully In which words we haue a discription of a sound hearted man 1 By his actions that he dealeth vprightly and so hath innocent hands 2. By his affection that he lifteth not vp his minde to vanity that is setteth not his heart on any earthly thing in which sence that Phrase is vsed in the originall Ier. 22.27 3. By his speeches that he hath not sworne nor any way spoken deceifully The reasons to confirme this point are drawne from the great inconueniences that will follow on the contrary for if there a be in any fraudulent and deceitfull heart 1 First there is a deadly quarrell Reasons and mortall enmitie betweene God and him for who are they that are reconciled to the Lord God hath a quarrell against hypocrites whose sins are couered by the righteousnesse of his sonne so that they shall not be imputed vnto them euen they In whose spirit there is no guile And what wil follow then for those Psal 32.3 whose hearts are full of fraude and deceipt but that they must needs be destitute of all hope of the pardon of their sins and so consequently lye open to the strokes of Gods vengeance due vnto the same 2 And as their persons are hatefull to the Lord so are their seruices abhorred of him He loaths their seruices for indeed they are not the seruices of God but of Sathan and of our owne flesh and therefore be they neuer so glorious in outward shew and let them pretend neuer so much zeale in the performance of them yet the Lord hath them in vtter detestation As we may plainly see in the hypocritical Pharises they would be euery where praying with great deuotion and very often fasting with great austerity blowing a trumpet to giue notice vnto men of their almes-deeds and liberality and striuing with al their might by externall obseruations to winne themselues the praise of holy and zealous men yet for all this our Sauiour sharply rebuketh thē saying Luk 16.15 Yee are they which iustifie your selues before men but God knoweth your hearts for that which is highly esteemed before men is an abomination in the sight of God It is as loathsome vnto him as carions or toades or any such creatures as mans nature doth most abhorre can be vnto vs. Thirdly this is another misery of hypocrites They liue in cōtinuall danger that they liue in continuall feare and danger there are holes in their maskes at least their wil be and their double dealing shal be seene into it shall sometime or other come to light how they haue abused Gods presence and dissembled with their bretheren by making faire shewes and pretences of that which they neuer meant their sins shal not alwaies ly hid but either they wil giue ouer all in time of persecution as the stony ground did or in hope of promotion as Iudas Achitophel did Luk. 8.13 so discouer their false-heartednes or else it shall be drawne forth by their speeches in their merriments or in their distempers or else Gods spirit in godly men shall destroy it by working in their hearts a vehement suspicion of them and causing them with a iudicious eye more narrowly to pry into their works and waies By one such meanes or other God will lay them open to the view of the world so that being in such perill they cannot but haue a fearefull heart and a restlesse conscience And to this purpose notable is that saying of Salomon He that walketh vprightly walketh boldly or surely but he that peruerteth his waies shall be known Whence it is apparant that the vpright man needeth not to feare any thing he needeth not to bee afraid of ill men for though they may disgrace him they cannot shame him he needeth not to bee afraide of good men for the oftner he speaketh to them and conuerseth with them the more he is approued by them neither needeth he to bee afraid of God for hee that searcheth the heart and the reines knoweth and alloweth of the integrity of their soules They haue no cause of feare for the present because all things goe well with them neither is there any for afterwards because all things shall goe well with them for they shall neuer fall away from God None can plucke them out of his hand Ioh. 10 29. Ioh. 4.4 Sathan cannot because he that is in vs is stronger then he that is in the world sinne cannot because grace will preuaile against it the world cannot because this is our victory 1 Ioh 5.4 whereby we ouercome the world euen our faith And the Apostle concludeth generally for all other matters that neither death nor life nor Angels Rom. 8.38.39 nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. What followeth now on the contrary part for hypocrites but he that peruerteth his way that is alloweth himselfe in any ill course though neuer so secretly shall be knowne that is his vile and wretched dissembling shall bee detected if not in this world yet when the thoughts of all hearts shall be made manifest they shall be found out first or last and therefore they
senslesnesse of heart as afterwards it fell out in their children the Scribes and Pharisees to whom all things that Christ Iesus spake seemed parables so that they knew not the mysteries of the kingdome of heauen but had eies and saw not eares and heard not hearts and minds and vnderstood not the things that were taught them And as God doth lay iudgements vpon the soules of men which are the most grieuous so doth he also on their bodies euen for their defects and wants as we see in the Corinthians In their bodies amongst whom many were sicke many weake and many smitten with the stroake of death because they came negligently and vnpreparedly vnto the Lords table and so doth his heauy hand lye vpon many now adaies being strucke with the pestilence and such like plagues of God for coming profanely irreligiously and hy pocritically to the word and Sacrament not in outward appearance for ought that we can see but before the Lords eyes who searcheth the heart and reines and layeth his corrections according to the measure of mens inward prophane and lewd disposition Now this he would not do vnlesse he could proue thē guilty but indeed he is able to indight them to produce witnesses against them that these these haue bene their secret sins such and such vile thoughts they had at such a Sermon at such a Sacrament and their hearts were wandring about their pleasures and profits they were ful of malicious and reuengfull imaginations and intents nothing regarding Gods presence nothing affecting nor reuerencing his ordinances and these things he can make their owne consciences to testify against them therefore doth iustly plague thē for the same And as in this life so at that great assises at the last day the Lord will lighten things that be hid in darknesse As in this life so in that which is to come and make the counsell of mans heart manifest and bring euery secret thing to iudgement whether good or euil that al may receiue according to their works If then all shall be at that time iudged and rewarded according to their thoughts most sure it is that God well obserued the same while they liued vpon the face of the earth and kept the same in his booke of records Vse 1 Since the Lord marketh Sincerity in Gods seruices whether men come in loue and in sincerity or for fashion and in hypocrisie let this teach vs to present our soules before the Lord and to serue him soundly and religiously not onely behauing our selues in as orderly a manner as others doe but in as holy a manner as we can Diuers there are that will repaire to Gods house as often as the best and make a colourable shew of reuerence in Gods worship sitting modestly in the view of the congregation not gazing hither and thither nor expressing any vnseemly behauiour yet neuerthelesse except God see their hearts well exercised all that men behold and take notice of is nothing worth Isaiah 58.2 They seemed to be very forward of whom the Prophet Isaiah maketh mention they would inquire after the ordinances of iudgement and iustice and seeke the Lord and not by fits and starts but daily they would be at euery lecture of the Prophets and obserue euery Saboth marke what was deliuered make repetition of the same and if there were any thing that they vnderstood not they would aske direction and search out the meaning of it and yet the Prophet is bid to cry out against them with full mouth Cry aloud saith GOD lift vp thy voyce like a trumpet and shew my people their transgression and to the house of Iacob their sinnes And that because they came with hollow and hypocritical hearts as their vnholy and vnrighteous behauiour afterwards did witnesse to their faces And therefore that must be looked vnto that we satisfy Gods eyes as well as mens and to that end search out and cast forth all the leauen of hypocrisie that is in our hearts for if we doe not find it out God will and if we spare our selues God will not spare vs. Well we may delude our owne soules but God is not mocked outward seruing of him may make the Minister thinke vs vpright cause our neighbors to esteeme vs good Christians but except God approue of our hearts we are neuer the better for the good opinion that men conceiue of vs. This is for the exceeding comfort of such as are true-hearted and that in a double respect 1 In regard of that approbation which the Lord will giue vs if he be a witnesse of our sincerity and faithfulnesse Vse 2 Consol in regard of 1. Discouragement If we come to the Sermon in obedience to Gods ordinance with a desire to get grace thereby if wee come to the Saerament that we may haue communion with our head Christ Iesus and that the new Testament or couenant of God may be sealed and cōfirmed vnto vs if we see our weakenesse and labour to get strength against it if we bewaile our corruption and striue to get victory ouer it if we perceiue the imbecillity of our faith and would haue it increased or want of repentance and would haue it renewed or defect of loue and would haue it augmented and so come to Gods holy feast with an hungry appetite we may comfortably partake of his heauenly mysteries and whatsoeuer we imagine of our selues God wil reward vs according to that integrity which hee seeth in vs. Well was it for Nathaniel that his heart was knowne vnto Christ for otherwise he had lost the praise of his vprightnesse And so is it with many Christians if one should demaund of them whether they had faithfull hearts or not the answere of many would be I hope well but in truth I dare not say so much and therfore this is not the least part of their happines that god discerneth the truth of their hearts better than they themselues do and whereas there is some deceitfulnesse in the most sincere and plaine heart that is if there be any endeauor to shake it off the Lord will certainly pardon and remoue the same 2 Secondly 2. Of slanders here is matter of consolation to those that are sound hearted in regard of the clamors and slanders that are raised against them they are vsually charged to be all hypocrits troublers of the places where they liue and such as altogether serue their owne turnes in that profession of religion which they make and here is their comfort the Lord knoweth their hearts and he will cleare the innocent and make their righteousnesse shine forth as the noone day as he will iudgeand condemne all hypocrites so will he manifest the faithfulnesse of his owne seruants Iob 16.19 and this was Iobs comfort when his friends accounted him a dissembler My wit nesse is in the heanens saith he and my record is on high Labour not for the meat that perisheth but for
helpfull it maketh vs blessed in this present life and in the life to come it bringeth with it the comfort of the spirit the feeling of gods loue and fauour and the comfortable vse of all outward good things We are not likely at least not certaine to continue here many daies and what an vnspeakeable comfort then is it to be assured that when we goe from men we shall goe to God and when we leaue the earth wee shall inherit heauen that we shall haue peace at our death and glory after our death If the pestilence enter into our houses or take hold of our owne persons when none dare come vnto vs then God will be with vs though our bodies be insected yet our soules can neuer be so infected if we haue grace in our hearts but that God dareth to enter into our houses to visite vs and when our soules shall be parted from our bodies he wil not thinke it too much to giue them a place of rest with himselfe in his owne kingdome at length vnite them to our bodies againe that they may enioy euerlasting blisse together as they haue bene imployed in Gods seruice together Seeing then Vse 1 that the benefit of labouring for grace is so great this serueth to reproue those that are slothfull in the things of God slothfull in repairing to the Word and in mingling the same with faith in their hearts slothfull in trauelling with their owne soules in examining their hearts and laying the edge of gods threatenings to their corruptions for the cutting off of the same These men thinke that grace will grow as weedes doe without any plowing manuring or sowing of the ground though they neuer pray earnestly nor heare carefully nor be at any paines for the reforming of their hearts or of their liues yet they thinke they shall haue goodnes enough by an ordinary course and conclude that heauen shall be cast vpon them whether they will or not as if God could not chuse but saue their soules But these foolish men doe altogether deceiue themselues and they shall find by woful experience that except they set their minds hearts tongues hands and all the powers and parts of soule and body on worke they shall neuer attaine vnto any godlinesse at all and therefore of necessity be depriued of euerlasting life But we like of the Word Obiect and loue the preaching and preachers thereof Answ But what measure of faith and of other graces of Gods spirit haue you gotten thereby if you be distitute of those it is sure you haue not laboured as you should for the same for whosoeuer seeketh findeth Talking of gold siluer the like and declaring to others how much we affect them wil not keepe vs from penury we must so labour for them as that we get them if we would be rich men A sluggard may desire to get the victory but he must fight for it that will haue it and the like holds in spirituall things those that would be partakers of them must vse the meanes that God hath appointed for the accomplishing of their desire And therefore this rebuke lights vpon the heads of all such sluggards as will not bestir them in this weighty matter nor liue in the field of grace nay whē the crop of grace is brought home vnto their houses they wil not open their dores to receiue it they wil not so much as giue attention to the word but are like the high way side that doth not so much as receiue the seede that is cast vpon it but lette the Diuell catch away all from them Secondly Vse 2 this may be an Apologie for those that are faithfull and painefull in seeking for the Word if it be a thing so exceeding necessary then are not they to be blamed that are content to vndergo any toile for the obtaining of it it is no precisenesse nor needles labour neither are such to be checked and reprehended but rather to be cōmended and encouraged for this is it that is foretold in Daniel Dan. 12.4 Many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall abound If men haue a dangerous sicknes they seeke help from the Phisition though far off none findes fault with them nor makes question why they should seek to be healed If householders want prouisiō at home they wil repaire to the market none cries out vpon them What wretched men are these that cannot keepe them from the market haue they not oxen and sheep at home for though they haue men are so wise as to consider that they are not made ready for their turn Now if they are not blamed nor indeed blame worthy that do thus seeke for corporall Phisicke and sood then why should they be blamed by Papists and such as are Popishly affected that seeke for that which is spirituall Se the 2. Sermon one Mark 14. Doct 6. it being far more requisite and necessary Which the sonne of man shall giue c. Doct. The efficacie of the Word Doct. 5 The efficacie of the word and Sacrament of Christ and Sacrament is from Christs owne hand Whosoeuer would haue grace must receiue it from Christ himselfe hence is that promise made vnto the Israelites The Lord thy Gods will circumcise thy heart and the heart of thy seed that thou malest loue the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soule that thou maiest liue They to whom it did belong to circumcise their bodies could goe no further then the outward circūcision it was God only that could cut off the corruption of their hearts and frame them vnto obedience that which is spoken concerning that one Sacrament holdeth as true in all the rest man can giue only the externall signes God must giue the inward vertue And the reasons why it pertains vnto Christ is a work of the Godhead only are diuers First Reasons 1 one is taken out of the text where it said Him hath the Father sealed it is Christ his office vnto which the Father hath ordained him he alone hath commission and warrant to deale in it and whosoeuer else doth arrogate that vnto himselfe is an intruder and shall be punished for that he goeth about to thrust Christ out of his chaire Secondly as it belongs to him so he alone is of ability to doe it none besides him can deale with the heart wherein this worke doth principally consist He onely knowes it and he alone can cure it as the first Adam did kill vs 1 Cor 15.45 so the second Adam must quicken vs. No man can giue natural life vnto another no not that which brutish creatures doe enioy nay nor so much as that which plants doe liue by much lesse can any one giue spirituall life vnto another Paul may plant and Apolos may water but God alone giueth the increase Thirdly experience will confirme vs in this point for who be the mē vpon whom the ordinances of God
Iohn 6.32 which came downe from heauen Thirdly if the bread by the words of cōsecration be transubstātiated it wil follow that wicked cōmunicants may also partake of Christ for Paul saith 1 Cor. 10. that all good and bad did eate the same spirituall meate c. as touching the outward signe and Element and so cannot afterwards perish and be damned for that whosoeuer eateth of Christ his flesh c. Iohn 6.55.56 hath eternall life and he will raise him at the last day for he dwelleth in vs and we in him Now it is certain that there is no cōmunion betwixt the Lord Iesus wicked sinners neither are they in the state of saluation neither shall they be raised vp vnto Glory at the last day and consequently they feede not on him and the Sacramentall signes are not transubstantiated into him A fourth reason is from the end for which the Sacrament was instituted by Christ and is continued in his Church Then his meaning was not according to his humane nature to conuerse with his people one earth after a bodily manner for though he were present with his disciples at the first celebration sensibly in his manhoode yet the purpose of it for afterwards was to continue a memoriall of him when the heauens should containe him Acts 3 21. Luke 22 29. therefore saith he doe this in remembrance of me Which should be superfluous and needlesse if he were continually conuersant with his members euery where in the Masse and in the Lords Supper Fiftly many fowle absurdities do ensue vpon this grosse opinion of transubstantiation for First either one Christ in his bodily presence must be both in heauen and earth Absurdities and in innumerable places there at one instant or else be multiplyed and many Christs many Sauiours and many redeemers must be dispersed throughout all the Churches where the Masse is offred or the Sacrament administred and so when the Lord did first celebrate it there was to be one Christ breaking and distributing and another Christ broken and giuen one Christ to Peter another Christ to Iohn and to euery Apostle one Secondly how can cruelty be here auoided how can men deuoure him and not kill him how should men swallow him vp and yet offer no violence vnto him A glorious body may be in many places at once Obiect and be eaten and not hurt because it is not patible nor mortall But when the Disciples first receiued him Answer he was both mortall for he dyed on the morrow and patible for he was in an agony and torment that night and therefore how commeth it to passe that the nailes should haue force to kill him which onely pierced some part of his body rather then their teeth which chewed him whole But he himselfe saith This is my body Obiect So it is sacramentally and by a Trope Answer but not literally and simply as the words may be misconstrued The like kinde of speech is vsed in other Sacraments Circumcision is called the couenant Gen. 17.13 the Lambe is called the Passeouer Exod. 12.11 the rock Christ 1 Cor. 10.14 And is not the cup sayd as well to be the bloud of the new Testament and yet our Sauiour calleth the consecrated wine the fruit of the vine Matth. 26.29 But Christ saith Iohn 6.53.55 Obiect Except ye eate the flesh of the Sonne of man and drinke his bloud yee haue no life in you for my flesh is meate indeede and my bloud is drinke indeed He speaketh not there of the Sacrament Answer but rather of the faithfull embracing of him in his word for the Lords Supper was neuer before nor at that time instituted and as yet the words of consecration had not bene spoken and therefore if this be vnderstood literally without the spirituall meaning thereof it will follow that either Transubstantiation was before the Lords Supper or the Lords Supper before the night in which he was betrayed And in this place he maketh no mention of bread to be turned into his body and the words wrested would rather argue his body to be transubstantiated into bread or flesh then breade to be changed into his body Secondly Vse 2 as this serueth for the confutation of them that hold there is no bread at all in the Lords Supper so it maketh against such as thinke there is nothing but bread to be expected there that we are to receiue onely the outward signe in a bare remembrance of Christ his death and passion and so do they depraue the mysteries of God and extenuate his promises as if when the Lord calleth all his people to this memorable banquet he should deceiue them with empty dishes and with painted meat in stead of better cheere Ester 1 It would haue bene a great disgrace for Ahashuerosh to haue dealt so when he called all his Princes to a banquet and therefore they are iustly to be reproued that esteeme so basely of this holy feast seing God offereth and exhibiteth truly though not corporally his owne Sonne with all his precious merits to euery faithfull receiuer so that euery guest at his table may truly be said to feede on Christ Iesus Thirdly Vse 3 this is for instruction that seeing by this Sacrament we may be so nearely vnited vnto Christ we should come with a large expectation of receiuing good from the same and therefore make preparation for the same accordingly that so we may not come vnworthily lest we receiue iudgements in stead of mercies Fourthly here is another instruction that when we come to this celestiall feast we fall to it and feed of it as Christ biddeth vs Take and eate let vs set our eyes our eares our taste yea and our hearts also aworke with all serious meditation to make vse of those heauenly mysteries and when we see the bread broken let vs boldly conclude Christ was broken for me and therefore I shall escape the breaking which I haue deserued and when the bread is giuen vnto vs let vs resolue Christ with all his benefites is bestowed vpon me and when we eate the bread let vs assure our soules of this Christ is made vnto me the true bread whereby my soule shall be nourished vnto life eternall This is the earing that the Lord requireth and accepteth and thus doing we shall shew that there is mutuall loue and kindnesse betwixt him and vs which is a thing well pleasing vnto him and therefore he exhorteth all his seruants saying Eate O friends drinke and make you merry Cant. 5.1 O welbeloued None but those that are friends can eate of his dainties and all those that are friends will eate of the same therefore if euer we would shew our selues to be Christ his friends if we would enioy the feeling of his loue vnto vs and be assured of our loue towards him let vs refresh our soules at this banquet and not let our Sauiour be at cost in vaine in making so good and so large
you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Iesus Christ And considering that the blessing of all labour dependeth vpon the Lord our beginning is with hearty prayer vnto God for the grace and fauour of God to be freely giuen together with all blessings both of this life and of that which is to come from GOD the Father and from our Lord Iesus Christ to you Colossians yet not all that dwell in that citiy but to those which by faith are Saints and brethren not in the flesh but in Iesus Christ Verse 3. We giue thanks vnto God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ alwaies praying for you And that you may haue further testimony of our loue towards you know you that we do continually both pray giue thanks to God for you whom to separate from all false Gods I call the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ Verse 4. Since we heard of your faith in Christ Iesus and of your loue towards all Saints For the report of your profession and piety in Iesus Christ and of your loue towards all Saints is come vnto vs. Verse 5. For the hopes sake which is laid vp for you in heauen whereof ye haue heard before by the word of truth which is the Gospell Which both profession and loue we know to be sincere in that they are vpholden in you through the hope expectation of a treasure laid vp not on earth but in heauen which hope you haue conceiued not of your owne fantasie or of the word of any man but by the word of truth that is to say the Gospell Verse 6. VVhich is come vnto you euen as it is vnto all the world and is fruitfull as it is also among you from the day that ye heard and truly knew the grace of God And if you aske what is that truth or Gospell verily none other then that which is preached among you now which is not among you alone but is preached in all the world a certaine note of the truth therof there hauing neuer bin nor euer shall be any doctrine which hath leauened so great a lump of dow as is the world but only the Gospell And for further assurance that it is the truth of God I offer this to your consideration that as in other places of the world so among you it hath brought forth fruit euen from the first time you haue truly and sincerely acknowledged this grace of God Verse 7. As ye also learned of Epaphras our deare fellow seruant which is for you a faithfull Minister of Christ Where if you say we know not what doctrine is preached in all the world nor what fruit it hath brought forth although it be no other thing then the common constant report which many may bring vnto you yet to ioyne neare vnto you and to ridde you of all doubt which is the true Gospell of Christ it is euen the very same that you haue learned of Epaphras whom if you loue me you must loue as being my beloued fellow seruant in Christ yea if you loue your selues you must respect him as being a faithfull Minister of Christ for you Verse 8. VVho hath also declared vnto vs your loue which yee haue by the Spirit Who made manifest vnto vs your true loue not onely naturall but that especially which is spirituall whereof the Spirit is the author Verse 9. For this cause we also since the day we heard of it cease not to pray for you and to desire that yee might be fulfilled with knowledge of his will in all wisedome and spirituall vnderstanding And as we giue thankes for your good and so for the same cause that you haue well begun both because you should not go backe againe and for that you haue not attained to perfection euen from the first day we heard of you we neuer giue ouer praying for you making this suit that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisedome and vnderstanding whereof the holy Ghost is the Author Verse 10. That ye might walke worthy of the Lord and please him in all things being fruitfull in all good workes and increasing in the knowledge of God Not that you should content your selues with a bare knowledge and contemplation of heauenly things but that you walke worthy of those whom the Lord hath called to such honor to a full and whole pleasing of him both by bringing forth frunt in euery good worke and by being increased in the knowledge of God Verse 11. Strengthened with all might through his glorious power vnto all patience and long suffering with ioyfullnesse Wherein because there are many difficulties and hinderances laid in your waye our suit also is that you may be strengthened with all manner of strength according to that glorious power which being in God he is able to furnish you with that euen with ioy you may be able to beare all troubles how grieuous and how continuall soeuer they be Vers 12. Giuing thanks vnto the Father which hath made vs meete to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light And as we giue not ouer praying for you so doe we not cease to giue thanks to God the Father because that it is he that by his holy Spirit hath made vs fit to haue a part in the inheritance of Saints whom whether we consider as they are in this world by reason of the comfort and true knowledge of God or as they shall be in the world to come by reason of their perfect blessednesse may well be said to be in light Vers 13. Who hath deliuered vs from the power of darknesse and hath translated vs into the kingdome of his deare Sonne This parte of our inheritance standeth first in that God with a mercifull hand pulled vs out both of the present darknesse of ignorance and disobedience and from that which is to come euen the most fearful punishment of them both And secondly it standeth in this that the same God hath translated vs into the kingdome of his most deare Sonne which being here begun shall be accomplished in the life to come Vers 14. In whom we haue redemption through his bloud that is the forgiuenesse of sinnes In which his deare Sonne we haue a full redemption whereof one parte which is our iustification we haue already receiued waiting for that which remaineth euen the redemption of our bodies all which redemption is purchased vnto vs in the obedience of the Sonne which obedience was specially and most significantly declared in the shedding of his bloud Vers 15. VVho is the image of the inuisible God the first borne of euery creature This Christ that you may know what plentifull and rich redemption you haue in him to the end that you may rest in him alone is thus set forth vnto you as followeth As touching his person standing of two natures he is the most liuely and expresse Image and character of God not only of