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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17638 A commentarie of M. Iohn Caluine, vpon the booke of Iosue finished a little before his death: translated out of Latine into Englishe by W.F. Wherevnto is added a table of the principall matters.; Commentaires sur le livre de Josué. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Fulke, William, 1538-1589, attributed name.; W. F., fl. 1578. 1578 (1578) STC 4394; ESTC S107374 176,858 222

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obteined the victorie against the Gods of Egypt as the Poetes feigne that as euerie God taketh vpon him the defence of any contrie so he fighteth against the Gods of other countries whiles euerie one defendeth his Clientes But the faith of Rahab ascendeth higher whiles she ascribeth all power and eternitie to the God of Israel onely For the name of Iehouah conteineth in it that confession Wherefore she dreameth not after the common manner of men that one of the whole companie of the Gods doeth aide the Israelites but she magnifieth and acknowledgeth him to be that onely true God which was commonly knowen to fauour them We see therefore how by the common report she professed much more than all her countrie fellowes did 11 The Lord your God c. Here appeareth as it were in a glasse a goodly image of the faith of Rahab when she casteth downe all id●ls and ascribeth the gouernement of heauen and earth to the only God of Israel For this is not doubtfull that when the gouernement of heauen and earth is confessed to be subiect to the God of Israel all the inuentions of the Gentiles are reiected by which the maiestie and power of God is rent in peeces and his glory defaced Wherefore wee see that not without great cause the faith of Rahab is commended by two Apostles Certaine proud and disdainfull persons haue that mater in decision but I would they could consider what it is to discerne the onely true God from all feigned and conterfeit Gods so to extoll his power that he be iudged to gouerne the whole world at his pleasure For Rahab speaketh not doubtingly but she doth absolutely pronounce that all power and authoritie is in the only God of Israel that he may gouerne all the elements that he may dispose all things both aboue and beneath and order all the affaires of man as it pleaseth him In the meane time I doe not denie but that her faith was yet vnperfect yea I doe willingly graunt that she had yet but a small branch of godlines which was not sufficient to eternall saluation Yet for all that we must acknowledge thus much that although the knowledge of God was yet but small and slender in this woman neuerthelesse seeing she submitteth her selfe vnto his gouernement she geueth forth a testimonie of her election and that out of this seed her faith did spring which afterward grew vp vnto a perfect measure 12 Now therefore sweare c. This is an other argument of her faith that she placeth the children of Abraham in certeine possession of the lande of Chanaan grounding her persuasion vpon none other reason but that she had hearde it was promised them of god For she thought not that God would fauour them if they had bene robbers spoilers which with vniust violence oppression had entered vpō the possessions of other mens lands but rather she is persuaded that they came into the land of Chanaan because the right inheritance thereof was adiudged to be theirs by god Neither is it to be thought that when they desired passage of the Edomites and other nations that they spared to declare whither they intended to goe Yea those nations knewe right well that the promise was made to Abraham the remembrance wherof was again renewed by the reiection of Esau. Moreouer in the speach of Rahab againe doth shine that qualitie which the Author of the epistle to the Hebrues ascribeth to faith That it is a sight of thinges that are not seene Rahab dwelleth in her owne countrie and in a strong citie yet doth she commend her life to straungers that were almost dead for feare and daunger as though they were already in possession of the lande and had power in their hand to saue destroy whom it pleased them Certeinly this voluntarie yeelding was as much in effecte as if she had embraced the promise of God and geuen ouer her selfe into his defence and protection Yet she requireth an othe of them because it happeneth ofte in sacking of cities that furie and trouble maketh men to forget their dutie For the same purpose she reherseth what gentlenes she had shewed vnto them that thankefulnesse might the rather prouoke them to keepe their promise For though the reuerence of their othe should haue bene sufficient to binde them yet it were double vngentlnesse vnthankfulnesse not to be mindfull of their Hostesse by whom they them selues were deliuered from death It is also a good point of humanitie that she is careful for her father and her kinsfolke And that is in deede naturall yet many are so addicte vnto them selues that children wil not dout to redeeme their owne life with the death of their parentes so farre off is it that they would applie all their studies and endeuours to saue them 14 Our soule c. They curse them selues to death if they did not vse all faithfulnesse diligence to saue Rahab For whereas some translate it We will deliuer our soules c. It seemeth farre fetched to much strained seing their purpose is nothing els but to bind them selues before god Wherfor they set out them selues as monuments of Gods wrath if Rahab suffer any aduersitie through their negligence That worde For you doubtlesse is to be referred vnto her father brethren and sisters Therfore they gage their liues that bloud should be required of their handes if the whole familie of Rahab did not remaine vnspoiled And herein consisteth the holinesse of an othe that although they might breake promise without punishment as concerning men yet God being called to witnesse will haue an accompt of their vnfaithfulnesse To shew mercie and trueth among the Hebrues is as much as to doe the office and dutie of humanitie faithfully truly constantly But this exception is added that Rahab bewray not the matter her selfe which they require not of distrust as it is commonly expounded but that Rahab might the rather take heed to her self Wherfore this was a faithful admonition proceeded of meere good will because it was to be feared least Rahab would bewray her self Finally they shew how necessarie it was that the matter should be kept close lest the woman vnaduisedly bosting of her promise should be cause of her owne death Wherein they declare that they were carefull in deede of her preseruation when they doe in time prouide that they be not preuented of means how to helpe her And whereas they doe charge her expresly that no person goe out of her house and protest that they will be innocent if any of them be slaine abroade we may gather this profitable doctrine thereof that we must be carefull in taking of othes least while we promise all thinges vnaduisedly we prophane and dishonor the name of god The counsell that Rahab geueth that they should get them into the hilles and there tarrie three dayes doeth teach vs that such warinesse is not contrarie to faith wherby men seke to preuent
another shal be brused with a stone yea vnto some the wombe is their graue before they see the light It is certeine that none of these kindes of death doe happen but by the will of god Yet for all this who shall be so bolde as to pleade against him And if any bee so mad that he doe what shall he preuaile Hereof we must be persuaded that none perish by his commandement but such as he hath appointed to die But whereas his oxen his asses his sheepe are rehearsed we may gather that he was rich inough that pouertie could not prouoke him to committe this wicked fact wherein his vnsattable couetousnesse be wrayed it selfe that he desired stollen goodes not for necessitie but for rio●●e and excesse 25 Iosue saide c. This seemeth to be to harde an insultation as though he purposed to driue the miserable man whom he shoulde haue exhorted to patience almost into furie and madnesse Howbeit I doubt not but that he spake this for the peoples sake that it might be a profitable example for them all I iudge therefore that he meant not to ouerwhelme Achan with disperation but in his person to shewe how greeuous an offence it was to trouble the Church of god Although it may be that the proude man complained that his satisfaction was not receiued wherby he thought to haue bene discharged and that therefore Iosue either to reforme or breake his pride and stubbornesse inueihed more sharpely against him For by the interrogation it semeth that he did expostulate with him and when he called God the Iudge he seemeth to stop the obstinate mans mouth That all the people threwe stones it was done in signe of detestation as if they would testifie that they were most clere of that crime which they did reuenge in another and still did abhorre it The heape of stones was partly a monument to the posteritie partly for this cause that if the place had ben vo●de some man vnawares might gather vp the parcelles of gold and siluer For although God at the first commaunded the gold and the siluer to be offered vnto him yet would he not haue his sanctuarie polluted with thefte Chap. 8. AFTER the Lorde saide vnto Ioshua Feare not neither be thou faint hearted take all the men of warre with thee and arise goe vp to Ai behold I haue giuen into thine hande the King of Ai and his people and his Citie and his lande 2 And thou shalt doe to Ai and to the King thereof as thou diddest to Iericho to the King thereof neuerthelesse the spoile thereof the cattell thereof shall ye take vnto you for a pray thou shalt lie in waite against the Citie on the backeside thereof 3 Then Ioshua arose and all the men of warre to goe vp against Ai and Ioshua chose out thirtie thousande strong men and valiant and sent them away by night 4 And he commaunded them saying Beholde ye shall lie in waite against the Citie on the backeside of the Citie goe not verie farre from the Citie but be ye all in a readinesse 5 And I and all the people that are with me will approche vnto the Citie and when they shall come out against vs as they did at the first time then will we flee before them 6 For they will come out after vs till we haue brought them out of the citie for they will say They flee before vs as at the first time so we will flee before them 7 Then you shall rise vp from lying in waite and destroy the citie for the Lord your God will deliuer it into your hand 8 And when ye haue taken the citie ye shall set it on fire according to the commaundement of the Lord shall ye doe beholde I haue charged you 9 Ioshua then sent them forth and they went to lie in waite and abode betweene Beth-el and Ai on the West side of Ai but Ioshua lodged that night among the people 10 And Ioshua rose vp earely in the morning and numbered the people and he and the Elders of Israel went vp before the people against Ai. 11 Also all the men of warre that were with him went vp and drewe neere and came against the citie pitched on the North-side of Ai and there was a vallie betweene them and Ai 12 And he tooke about fiue thousand men and set them to lie in waite betweene Beth-el and Ai on the West side of the citie 13 And the people set all the host that was on the Northside against the citie and the liers in waite on the West against the citie and Ioshua went the same night into the middest of the vallie 14 And when the King of Ai sawe it then the men of the citie hasted and rose vp earely and went out against Israel to battell he and all his people at the time appointed before the plaine for he knew not that any lay in waite against him on the backside of the citie 15 Then Ioshua and all Israel as beaten before them fled by the way of the wildernesse 16 And all the people of the citie were called together to pursue after them and they pursued after Ioshua and were drawen away out of the citie 17 So that there was not a man left in Ai nor in Beth-el that went not out after Israel and they left the citie open and pursued after Israel 18 Then the Lord said vnto Ioshua Stretch out the speare that is in thine hand toward Ai for I will geue it into thine hand and Ioshua stretched out the speare that he had in his hand toward the citie 19 And they that lay in wayte arose quickly out of their place and ranne as soone as he had stretched out his hand they entred into the citie and tooke it and hasted and set the citie on fire 20 And the men of Ai looked behinde them and sawe it for loe the smoke of the citie ascended vp to heauen and they had no power to flee this way or that way for the people that fled to the wildernesse turned backe vpon the pursuers 21 When Ioshua and all Israel sawe that they that lay in wayte had taken the citie and that the smoke of the citie mounted vp then they turned againe and slue the men of Ai. 22 Also the other issued out of the citie against them so were they in the middest of Israel these being on the one side and the rest on the other side and they slue them so that they let none of them remaine nor escape 23 And the King of Ai they tooke aliue and brought him to Ioshua 24 And when Israel had made an end of slaying all the inhabitants of Ai in the field that is in the wildernesse where they chased them and when they were all fallen on the edge of the sword vntill they were consumed all the Israelites returned vnto Ai and smote it with the edge of the sworde 25 And all that fell that day
workes of god But because it profited them nothing to knowe how great the power of God is Iosue discerneth them from the Israelites vnto whom he ascribeth a peculiar knowledge namely such as breedeth an earnest feare of God That the nations may knowe sayth he and thou maist feare god Therefore while the vnfaithfull do ouerwhelme the light in their darknesse let vs learne to profit in the feare of God by the consideration of his workes He addeth All thy dayes because the grace whereof he nowe speaketh was enlarged into many ages Chap. 5. NOw when all the Kings of the Amorites which were beyond Iordan Westward and all the Kings of the Canaanites which were by the Sea heard that the Lord had dried vp the waters of Iordan before the children of Israel vntill they were gone ouer their heart fainted and there was no courage in them any more because of the children of Israel 2 That same time the Lord said vnto Ioshua Make thee sharpe kniues and returne and circumcise the sonnes of Israel the seconde time 3 Then Ioshua made him sharpe kniues and circumcised the sonnes of Israel in the hill of the fores kinnes 4 And this is the cause why Ioshua circumcised all the people euen the males that came out of Aegypt because all the men of warre were dead in the wildernesse by the way after they came out of Aegypt 5 For all the people that came out were circumcised but all the people that were borne in the wildernes by the way after they came out of Aegypt were not circumcised 6 For the children of Israel walked fourtie yeeres in the wildernesse till all the people of the men of warre that came out of Aegypt were consumed because they obeyed not the voice of the Lord vnto whome the Lord sware that he would not shewe them the land which the Lorde had sworne vnto their fathers that he woulde giue vs euen a land that floweth with milke and honie 7 So their sonnes whome he raised vp in their stead Ioshua circumcised for they were vncircumcised because they circumcised them not by the way 8 And when they had made an end of circumcising all the people they abode in the places in the camp til they were whole 9 After the Lord said vnto Ioshua This day I haue taken away the shame of Aegypt from you wherefore he called the name of that place Gilgal vnto this day 1 When they heard c. The acknowledging of the fearefull power of God did so much preuaile with them that they were astonished through feare and fainted but it preuailed not to bende their mindes to seeke the remedie of their trouble Their heart was melted in that as men destitute of counsell and force they stirred not them selues but as touching obstinacie the same hardnesse did binde them still And we haue alredie seene els where that the vnfaithfull haue bene all amazed for feare and yet ceased not to wrestle against GOD and so haue fallen that still with their fiercenesse they haue cast stones against heauen Therefore that feare which should haue prouoked them to beware did nothing els but driue them headlong vpon their owne destruction Thus were they terrified by God in fauour of his people that they might more easily obteine the victorie and that the Israelites might haue better courage when they sawe that they had to doe with such enimies as were alreadie discomfited and halfe dead And so did God fauour their weakenes that he remoued all lettes and hinderances to make the way plaine for them other wise they were of them selues to fearefull and slowe The summe is this therefore that their enimies were alreadie ouerthrowen because the fame of the miracle had striken such a feare into them 2 That time c. It seemeth to be most vnreasonable and monstruous that circumcision was so long time omitted because they being admonished by dailie instructions should haue bene more diligent in practising all such exercises of godlinesse Circumcision was a seale of their adoption through which they obteined deliuerance And surely while they remained in their greatest miserie and morned vnder the tyrannie yet they did alway circumcise their children And we knowe howe sharply God threateneth that he will reuenge it if any omitted the eight day So that if they had neglected the keeping of that sacrament in Egypt their flacknes had bene more excusable for then it might haue seemed vnto them that the couenant of God was growne out of vse But now when the trueth of God shineth a freshe vpon them to establish his couenant what excuse can they haue if they doe not for their partes also testifie that they are the people of God That defence which the interpreters doe commonly alledge is altogether friuolous I confesse they were daily in a redines to remoue and that they were alwayes vncerteine when they should depart Neuerthelesse I say we doe not well gather hereof that they had neuer a day free for that purpose because it should haue bene a cruell thing to circumcise the young infantes when they should presently after remoue with the whole campe For nothing should haue bene of so great force with them that for it they should contemne that which was saide to Abraham The soule that is not circumcised shal be cut off frō his people And if there had bene any daunger of death the best and only remedie had ben to haue rested vpon the fatherlie prouidence of God which doubtles would not haue suffered that his commandement should be cause of destruction to the infantes Finally omitting of the sacrament in respect of perill could grow of nothing els but of distrust For if their infantes should haue bene cast into present daunger yet for all that they should haue bene obedient to God because the sealing up of the couenant by which they were receiued into the Church was more precious thā an hundred liues Neither would Moses haue suffered so great negligence if he had not bene induced by an other reason Wherefore ▪ as in a doubtfull matter I coniecture that they gaue not ouer circumcision from the first day of their departure out of Egypt but onely since that time that for their stubbernesse they were drawen backeward And by this reason is expressed both their falling away and their punishment For it is not sayed that they were circumcised agayne for that in their wandering through the wildernesse it behoued them oftentimes to chaunge their place but because fourtie yeares must be expired till those wicked backsliders were consumed which wilfully reiected the promised inheritance Therfore this cause must be well marked that the children of Israel wandered ouer the wildernesse vntill all that generation was abolished which refused to followe God Wherevpon in my iudgement we may gather that in token of Gods curse and their reiection the vse of circumcision ceased all that time It is true that this punishment was laid vpon the innocent children but yet it was
vew them except all lettes beeing remoued his way had bene made open by God himselfe This also increased the miracle that the King of Geser which came to aide the other no doubt but with great boldnesse was soudenly and with none a do discomfited and nothing stayed his continuall tenour of marching for warde As for them that were slaine in the cities doe as it were in a glasse represent those men whose punishment God suspendeth while he is doing execution vpon others for although they reioyce in themselues for the respite of a short time yet they are in worse case than if they had ben drawen vnto death at the first It had ben a miserable thing to haue ben slaine in the feelde Well they escaped and defend themselues with the malles of their cities But there which is more miserable their wiues children are slaine in their sight and they themselues haue a more shamefull ende than if they had bene slaine fighting in the feelde Let vs not therefore enuie the reprobate their short truce while God doth beare with them for when they shall promise vnto themselues securitie soudeine destruction shall come vpon them In the meane time let vs not abuse the long suffering of God while he deferreth his iudgement and if wee shall seeme to haue escaped one danger or if any holes offer themselues to hide vs let vs not therefore please our selues but rather let vs thinke uppon that saying of Ieremie That some ripe figges hauesome tast but other are reiected for their bitternesse 40 And Iosue smote c. Here againe is brought in the authoritie of God which dischargeth Iosue frō all note of crueltie for if he had raged without respect vpon his owne head against women and children none excuse would haue serued but that it had bene detestable crueltie the like whereof is not reade of no not in the sauage and almost beastlie nations But that which otherwise all men would abhorre we must reuerently embrace because it proceedeth from god Clemencie hath cheefe praise among vertues and worthily namely when men that haue bene hurt and which haue priuately iust cause to shed bloud doe moderate their wrath But because God had appointed the swordes of his people to slaie the Amorites Iosue could doe no other but obey his commandement Therefore by this voice not only the mouthes of all men are stopped but their mindes are also restrained that they steppe not forth to wrong iudgement If any man doe heare that Iosue siue all that came before him without respect although they threwe downe their weapons and humbly desired peace this bare and simple report woulde trouble quiet and peaceable mindes but when it is added As God commaunded it is no more lawfull to speake against it then when execution is done vppon wicked offenders And although in our iudgement at least wise the children and many women also were without fault let vs remember that the Court of heauen is not subiect to our lawes But rather when wee see that greene trees are so burnt wee that are drie wood ought to bee afraid of greater destruction And surely if euerie man do well examine himselfe he shall find him selfe worthie of an hundred deathes Why should not God then find iust matter of one death in an infant yet scarse come forth out of his mothers wombe In vaine truely should we trouble him with murmuring and grudging complaintes that he did throwe the issue of the cursed nation into the same destruction for when wee haue all saied the Potter hath still full and souereigne authoritie ouer his owne vessels or rather ouer the clay The last verse confirmeth that which I saied before that all the people had their abiding place in Gilgal the soldiers that went forth to the warre returned thither both to refreshe themselues from wearinesse and also to lay vp their praise in safetie For it was not meete that they should haue bene dispersed farre abroade till the lottes were cast which shewed where euery one shouldabide Chap. 11. ANd when Iabin King of Hazor had heard this then hee sent to Iobab King of Madon and to the King of Shimron and to the King of Achshaph 2 And vnto the Kinges that were by the North in the mountains and plaines towarde the Southside of Cinneroth and in the vallies and in the borders of Dor Westward 3 And vnto the Chanaanites both by East by West and vnto the Amorites and Hittites and Perizzites and Iebusites in the mountaines and vnto the Hiuites vnder Hermon in the land of Mizpeh 4 And they came out and all their hoastes with them many people as the sand that is on the Sea shoare for multitude with horses and charriots exceeding many 5 So all these Kinges met together and came and pitched together at the waters of Merom for to fight against Israel 6 Then the Lord saide vnto Ioshue Be not afraide for them for to morrowe about this time will I deliuer them all slaine before Israel Thou shalt hough their horses burne their charriots wtih fire 7 Then came Ioshue and all the men of warre with him against them by the waters of Merom soudeinly and fell vpon them 8 And the Lord gaue them into the hand of Israel and they smote them and chased them vnto great Sidon and vnto Misrephothmaim and vnto the vallie of Mizpeh Eastwarde and smote them vntill they had none remaining of them 9 And Ioshue did vnto them as the Lorde bade him hee houghed their horses and burnt their charriots with fire 10 At that time also Ioshue turned backe and tooke Hazor and smote the King thereof with the sworde for Hazor before time was the head of all those kingdomes 11 Moreouer they smote all the persons that were therin with the edge of the sworde vtterly destroying all leauing ' none aliue and he burnt Hazor with fire 12 So all the cities of those Kings and all the Kings of them did Ioshue take and smote them with the edge of the sworde and vtterly destroyed them as Moses the seruante of the Lorde had commaunded 13 But Israel burnt none of the cities that stoode still in their strength saue Hazor only that Ioshue burnt 14 And all the spoile of these cities and the cattell the children of Israel tooke for their praie but they smote euerie man with the edge of the sworde vntill they had destroyed them not leauing one aliue 1 When Iabin c. In this new conspiracie also doth shine the louing care of God more than fatherlie in preuenting the daungers of his seruantes and also his mercie and kindenesse in helping their infirmitie If Iabin with his confederates which are nowe mentioned had ioyned with the former Kinges the weight of the warre would haue lien more heauie vppon the Israelites and greater care and doubtfulnesse would haue troubled them Indeed it had bene as easie for God to haue ouerthrowen that huge armie all together and to haue