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A12506 The admirable convert: or the miraculous conuersion of the thiefe on the crosse With the finall impenitency of the other. By Samuel Smith, minister of the word of God. Smith, Samuel, 1588-1665. 1632 (1632) STC 22834; ESTC S101704 154,074 540

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Israel being the seed of Dauid Luke 12.13 yet hee withdrew himselfe when the people sought to make him King and refused to determine cases of Inheritances betwixt brethren The things peculiar vnto Christ and his kingdome Now there are many things peculiar vnto Christ wherein hee excels all the Kings of the earth First in regard of the excellency of his person other Kings are the sonnes of mortall men Christ is the Sonne of the euerliuing God Secondly in respect of the extent of his Kingdome hee is that vniuersall Monarch King of Kings Reu. 19.16 Psal 2.8 from the ends of the earth Aske of mee and I will giue thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the vtmost parts of the earth for thy possession Alexander neuer saw many parts of the world much lesse subdued them but Christ is King ouer all Acts 10. Col. 2.9 yea hee raigneth and ruleth ouer Angels principalities and powers Thirdly in respect of those victorious conquests that are made by Christ he hath the preheminence of all Princes he hath conquered si●ne death hell Col. 2.15 Sathan and hath spoyled Principalities and powers And last of all in regard of the perpetuitie of Christs Kingdome His Kingdome shall haue no end 1 Tim 1.17 Other Kings and Kingdomes haue their periods and determination but thus is it not with this King and Kingdome for hee is The King eternall immortall inuisible and onely wise God Now the vses are First of all seeing Christ is our Vse 1 King we are taught with Iob to acquaint our selues with God and with the statute lawes of his kingdome Subiects must not be ignorant of the Princes lawes To plead ignorance will not purchase immunitie from punishment if men offend against the lawes of the kingdome All Gods people must be acquainted with Gods will reuealed in his Word Mat. 28.20 Heb. 12.25 Teaching them to obserue all things whatsoeuer I command you See that ye despise not him that speaketh for if they escaped not which refused him that spake on earth much more shall we not escape if wee turne away from him that speaketh from heauen Vse 2 Secondly seeing Christ is our King and we are his Subiects we we are taught to carry our selues accordingly Christs Subiects must differ in manners from all other Nations and people in the world they are a Royall generation a peculiar people vnto the Lord and therefore are to shew forth the power of him that hath thus called vs out of darkenesse into the maruellous light And herein to approue our selues for his Subiects and People by our holy conuersation in the world He hath chosen vs Eph. 1.4 that we should be holy and without blame before him in loue Thirdly 3. The meanes to inlarge Christs kingdome we are to labour by all meanes possible for the comming of Christs Kingdome that is for the inlargement thereof in the world in the hearts and consciences of men Christs kingdome of power Christs kingdome of grace and his kingdome of glory Now the meanes are either Externall or Internall The Externall meanes for the inlarging of Christs kingdome 1 Externall are 1 The Word 2 The Sacraments 3 Discipline The Word is the Scepter of Christs kingdome The Sacraments are the Churches magna charta confirming the Couenants betwixt Christ and his people And Discipline is the due execution of Christs lawes for the incouragement of the good and reclaiming of the euill 2 Internall The Internall meanes for the enlarging of this kingdome of Christ is the effectuall working of Gods Spirit without which no outward meanes whatsoeuer can be effectuall And therefore God is earnestly to be sought vnto by prayer to second his owne ordinances by the effectuall working of his owne Spirit that the same may be effectuall for the building vp of the elect and the gathering together of the body of Christ And this is that which all good Subiects must desire and labour for euery particular man according to his place Princes and Magistrates especially Then Ministers who are the Dispensers of Christs Lawes yea and all people for herein shall wee approue our selues true and loyall Subiects indeed to Christ our King And thus haue we seene how Christ is both Lord and King And now for this poore Penitent thus to behold Christs excellencie and glory at this time when he was at the lowest ebbe of his humiliation I say to behold Christs Godhead when it was most vailed in such a death to behold life and in such ignominie and reproach to behold such glory this makes greatly for the commendations of his faith Had hee in times past beene conuersant with Christ had hee heard his heauenly doctrine or seene those glorious miracles which he wrought as the disciples did there might haply that seed be fallen into his heart that howsoeuer buried for a time as it wa● the case of Peter yet at last might bring forth this happie fruite But this being the first sight that hee got of Christ for ought we know and that at such a time when Christ is most of all abased and when all his Disciples had forsaken him Surely this must needs declare the almightie power of God in him and commend his faith and conuersion to be admirable indeed But this will faith do the nature whereof is Doct. True faith raiseth vp a man aboue this life To raise a man aboue this life Not to liue by sense or to iudge of things according to the outward appearance but to beleeue Gods Word and things incredible and in some sort impossible against sence and aboue reason Thus was it with this Penitent Thiefe at this time What great things beleeueth and con●●sseth hee here of Christ against ●ll sence and reason that he was Lord and King of heauen and ●arth able to giue eternall life and ●aluation to whom it pleased him when there was no outward appearance of any such power in Christ but rather indeed of the contrary This shewes the wonderfull force of faith yea hee beleeueth aboue hope and contrary to hope hauing no ground at all in naturall reason to persuade him thereunto Faith saith the Apostle is the euidence of things not seene Heb. 11.1 and the ground of things hoped for Where outward sence and naturall reason takes place there faith is not exercised It is the excellencie of faith to beleeue where we see not when we shall come to walke as the Apostle saith by faith 2. Cor. 5.7 and not by sight Yea when outward sence and naturall reason failes then doth faith most of all besti● it selfe Fortifying it selfe daily in all the attributes of God such as are his wisedome power truth iustice c. We may see this in Abraham in the very act of sacrificing his sonne Isaac Gen. 22.2 in whom the promise was made He consulted not with flesh and bloud what should become of the same if Isaac should faile But his faith
this mercy shewed him euen at the last to bee conuerted by Christ and so saued Note hence first the generall Instruction and herein first That the Lord many times of Doct. 1 his infinite mercy doth call home of the most desperate and wretched offenders God can make of great sinners great Saints and makes of great sinners great Saints Yea where there is true repentance it is not the greatnesse of sinne the numberlesse number of our sinnes no nor the long continuance in the same that can any whit hinder vs of his mercy Yea the Lord hath of all sorts and conditions of men some that belong vnto the election of grace and appertaine vnto his glorious kingdome Here wee haue an example of Gods mercifull dealing towards a most desperate malefactour one that had spent his life in a most desperate course of sinning yet now at last brought home by repentance What a fearefull estate was Paul in before his conuersion Act. 9. a grieuous persecuter and bloud-succour yet called of God and made an instrument of much good in his Church Heb. 11. Rahab an Harlot that came of cursed Cain a Cananite of a cursed people of a cursed Citie yet had mercie shewed her and is honoured with a blessed memory in the Catalogue of Gods Saints for her admirable faith Ionas the Lords Prophet Ionas 1. how fouly and fearefully fell he And so Dauid likewise in the matter of Vriah 2. Sam. 11. yet vpon their repentance restored againe to fauour Mary Magdalene branded with a brand of notable infamy yet is she one of the witnesses of Christs glorious resurrection And why should this seeme strange vnto any since First Gods gifts depend not Reas 1 vpon any respect to man but are free on Gods part and altogether vndeserued on ours Rom. 9. I will haue mercy on whom I will haue mercy Secondly the Lord herein will Reas 2 shew his owne power wisedome and goodnesse that can when it pleaseth him make his enemies his friends and such as haue been bloudly persecuters blessed Preachers and great and grieuous sinners on earth blessed Saints in heauen Reas 3 Thirdly the Lord doth it that he may magnifie his own mercy by turning the crimosin dye of scarlet sins into the whitenes of snow that where sinne hath abounded grace might superabound Vse 1 This serues first of all to magnifie the wonderfull wisedome and goodnesse of God who knoweth how to vse all things to his owne glory and can when and where it pleaseth him make of great sinners great Saints and bring backe some from their wicked wayes as a Brand plucked out of the fire Vse 2 Secondly we are taught here to esteeme of men as they are and not as sometimes they were according to their present condition and not as in times past The Apostle reckoning vp many horrible sinnes that were committed amongst the Corinthians saith Such were some of you 1 Cor. 6.11 but now ye are washed now ye are sanctified It is indeed a common fault in the world the fals and infirmities of Gods seruants are still laid in their dish albeit they haue giuen good testimony of their hearty sorrow and true repentance for the same It is not seuen yeares that can weare out of minde such a sinne in such a one the world keepes Registers of such mens faults and as occasion serueth still they shall heare of it This is not the Lords manner of dealing with vs. Thirdly this may warne vs to Vse 3 take heed how we censure others that yet wander and goe astray thou dost not know what is to come a man that should haue seene this penitent Theefe how vile and sinfull hee liued euen to the end that now a shamefull and miserable death doth ouertake him could not but haue thought him in a wretched and miserable case So likewise Paul hee that should haue seene him trotting and trudging vp and down from Office to Office to get his Commissions sealed to commit vnto prison all that made profession of Christ could not but haue thought him with Simon Magus to be in the gall of bitternesse O but stay a while this is one of Gods secrets that belongeth vnto him he in whose hands are times and seasons hath his time to call home those that belong vnto the election of grace in the meane time wee may not passe a finall doome vpon any Indeed when I see a man liue a dissolute life liuing in drunkennesse swearing vsury c. and in all manner of prophane courses I may say this man is in the way to destruction but yet there may bee a time wherein the Lord may call home such a one I may come to a tree and say here is little fruit or no fruit or bad fruit but I cannot say with Christ Neuer fruit grow on thee any more Luke 11. for God may shew mercy at last vpon their vnfained repentance And last of all this may bee a Vse 4 forcible motiue vnto vs to moue vs vnto repentance and to bee a spur in mens sides to make them speedily to returne and to seeke God art thou a Drunkard a Swearer a prophane and beastly liuer that hast spent thy time in vaine prophane and licentious courses O behold here Gods mercifull dealing now at last with this poore penitent vpon his repentance the Lord doth freely receiue him againe to fauour Be not then out of heart albeit thou art compassed about with many infirmities wrong not the Lord neither wrong thy owne soule as to thinke it will bee too late for thee at last to returne vnto him It was a cursed speech of a cursed wretch Gen. 4. My sinne is greater then God can forgiue no no labour for a broken and a contrite heart and the Lord in mercy will couer all thy sins And indeed this is the true vse we are to make of all the fals and infirmities of Gods children as they are recorded in Gods book not to incourage vs in a course of sinning by their examples The true vse of other mens fals but First to put vs in minde of our weakenesse for if Dauid Peter Ionas and the like worthy stars in the Church haue fallen whither shall we fall if the Lord shall but a little leaue vs vnto our selues Secondly to keepe vs from despaire and therefore we can as ill spare the examples of their infirmities for our consolation as the examples of their vertues for our imitation What would become of vs had not the Lord left vs the examples of great land grieuous offenders whom he hath againe receiued into fauour surely wee should euen sinke vnder the burthen of those sins whereof our own hearts cannot but condemne vs. But the other rebuked him Wonderfull are the fruits of this Penitents repentance and faith beleeuing confessing giuing testimony of Christs innocency rebuking his fellow accusing himselfe and hoping aboue hope in this crucified Sauiour whom all the world
glory so much in their innocent and harmelesse conuersation they doe no man wrong they say and pay euery man their owne and vpon this men rest for saluation but alas this maist thou doe and goe to hell when thou hast done The Pharisie was neither Adulterer nor Drunkard nor Rayler Luke 18. nor Swearer and yet far enough from the kingdome of heauen all this is but a negatiue Christianity which will not proue a man the childe of God This Penitent Thiefe did not rayle on Christ as the other did but that was not sufficient to proue his conuersion but wee see to the vtmost of his power he maintaineth Christs innocency and labours to stop the current of sinne in others few in these dayes proceed to this degree of Christianitie to plead the cause of Christ against all gaine-sayers and to stand out for the truth to rebuke others when they heare them blaspheme or any wayes dishonour God such cold friends hath Christ and his truth now a dayes Men thinke they haue done enough if they ioyne not with the enemies of the truth and runne not with others into the same excesse of riot but the Lord will iudge him an euill man that doth no good and will in the last day proceed against such I was hungry and ye fed mee not naked and yee cloathed mee not c. The very omission of that good men might haue done shall be brought in in euidence the last day to condemne the wicked Oh that our ciuill honest men as the world reputes them would consider this lay this truth to heart that in their outward ciuill conuersation they shew themselues but halfe Christians and if they ioyne not the doing of good to their abstaining from euill they can neuer approue themselues for sound Christians before God nor looke for the reward of the iust at last Secondly if such as abstaine Vse 2 from euill yet for want of doing good shall perish and be damned at the last good Lord in what a miserable case are such men in that are so farre from abstaining from euill as that in their whole life and conuersation they lye wallowing and weltering in all manner of sinfull vile and vaine abhominations If These things be done to the greene tree what shall be done to the dry If the not doing of good shall be punished so seuerely where shall the vngodly and sinner appeare Psal 50.22 O consider this ye that forget God lest I teare you in peeces and there bee none to deliuer you Vse 3 And last of all this may serue to admonish euery one in the feare of God to the practice of well-doing as that which will yeeld sound comfort vnto our owne hearts of our conuersion that we are not hypocrites but such as in whom the worke of grace is truly wrought This was it that supported Iob against his friends accusation that charged him for an hypocrite I was saith he a Father vnto the poore Iob I restrained him not of his desire nor caused the eyes of the widdow to faile I did not eate my morsels alone but the fatherlesse did eate thereof c. I saw none perish for want of clothing nor any poore without couering But their loynes blessed me because they were warmed with the fleece of my sheepe So Hezekiah being by the Prophet summoned to death whereunto doth he retire himselfe now for comfort but to this his care conscience in his life to walke with God Isa 38. Remember Lord that I haue walked before thee in truth and with an vpright heart And neuer let vs thinke that we haue profited aright in the schoole of Christ or as we should till wee haue learned by well-doing to get the affirmatiue part of Christianitie as well as the negatiue wherein we shall finde true comfort and approue our selues as Christians indeed But the other rebuked him Quest But was not this Penitent Thiefe guiltie of the same fact with the other how could hee then rebuke his fellow He that rebuketh another must not be guiltie of the same fault himselfe For how shall hee that hath vncleane hands himselfe wipe away the spots that are in another mans face Ans This Penitent Thiefe though a sinner yet repenting of his sin is accounted no sinner and therefore fit to reproue Ezek. 18.22.23 If the wicked saith the Lord will turne from his sinnes he hath committed c. All the transgressions that he hath done shall not be mentioned vnto him But in the righteousnesse that he hath done he shall liue 2. Kin. 23.25 And it is said of Iosias that he first returned himselfe vnto the Lord and then caused his Subiects to returne Or else it may bee answered thus This Penitent thiefe though in other respects he were as faulty as the other yet he was not guiltie of that sinne of mocking of Christ the which he reproued in his fellow and so in that respect was fit to reproue the other And herein will teach vs that He that rebuketh another must Doct. 5 not be guiltie of the same fault in himselfe He that rebuketh another must not be guilty of the same fault himselfe Ioh. 8.7 Rom. 2.21 Mat. 7.5 We must cast the first stone at our selues Thou that teachest another teachest thou not thy selfe Thou hypocrite saith our Sauiour first cast out the beame out of thy owne eye so shalt thou see clearely to plucke out the meat out of thy Brothers eye Iudah hearing that his daughter in law Thamar was with childe said Let her be burned Ge. 38.24 But when the pledges the seale the cloake and the staffe were shewed he knew himselfe faultie and then She is more righteous then I. So that he that is guiltie himselfe is not fit to censure others In the time of the Law he that had a blemish must not offer the bread of the Lord. Leu. 21.21 To shew that the Preacher in regard of grosse sinnes must be vnblameable It is a dangerous thing to sentence another to hell for drunkennesse vsury swearing c. and yet be guiltie our selues in an high nature of the same crimes Surely the Lord will say to such at the last as to the euill seruant in the Gospel O thou euil seruant out of thy owne mouth I condemne thee Such are their owne Iudges and the Lords owne mouth who will proceed against them accordingly Neither is this to be vnderstood onely of publicke persons such as Magistrates and Ministers are whose functions and callings are to reproue sinne in others but euen of priuate men also such as this Penitent Thiefe was their condemning of the faults of other men redounds vnto themselues and they being guiltie of the same passe the sentence therein vpon their owne soules Rom. 2.1 Therefore art thou inexcusable O man whatsoeuer thou art that condemnest for in that thou condemnest another thou condemnest thy selfe for thou that condemnest doest the same
But God hath said That at Obiect 4 what time soeuer c. It is most true that at what time soeuer c. Resp And it is the mercy of God that we haue that and the like places of Scripture left vnto vs to comfort vs as a hand reached out vnto vs to keepe vs that we sinke not in the pit of desperation being so conscious vnto our selues of so many impieties through the which wee haue forfaited Gods fauour and loue in Iesus Christ and made our selues liable vnto his wrath and vengeance for euer But though the Lord say at what time soeuer a sinner doth repent he will blot out he doth not say at what time soeuer a sinner doth sinne he will giue repentance Repentance is Gods gift prouing saith the Apostle if at any times God will giue thē repentance Qui promisit poenitenti veniam Non promisit peccanti poenitentiā Aug. And though God giue forgiuenesse euer to the penitent hee doth not euer giue repentance to the sinner And if the Lord giue not this gift and grace of repentance it is impossible for a sinner euer to repent Nay when the Lord hath once in the Gospel made tender of grace saluation conuincing our iudgements and bringing sin to fight with the wages of sin which is the wrath of God and destruction of soule and body for euer And with all tendering vs a gratious pardon in the blood of his Son that vpon our true repentance hee will bee againe reconciled vnto vs which tender of grace mercy offered when it shall bee on our part reiected and men shall perfer their owne sinfull lusts before their peace and by their obstinacy and willfull rebellion in sin trample vnder foote the blood of the Lord Iesus the time may come nay the time will come when thou wouldest faine repent thee of thy sins and canst not the Lord then may giue thee vp to hardnesse of heart and finall impenitency And therefore dally not with sin presume not to repent at thy pleasure But breake off thy sins betime by repentance remember that God will not be mocked Whatsoeuer a man soweth saith the Apostle that shall hee reape The whole life of a Christian should bee but a preparation for death for in dying well doth consist the wellfare of a Christian for euer Now it is in grace in some sort as it is in nature the seede cast into the ground must haue some time to roote to battle to spring and to bring forth fruite and according as the seede is so is the crop we must sow in teares if we wil reape in ioy And largly in the one Modica sementi detractio est magnum messis detrimentum Bern. if we will reape abundantly in the other Againe men doe not sowe tares and looke to reape wheate Besides neuer was there seene a Seed-time Spring Sommer and Haruest come together O then why should Sathan and our owne sinfull hearts thus delude vs to thinke that wee may reape the crop of glory in heauen neuer sowed the seede of grace on earth Whereas God hath ioyned these two together grace glory Without holinesse no man shall see the Lord. To returne now to the vses Vse 1 Seeing this is so then that an euill life hath commonly an euill death then the madnesse of those men is to bee mourned for as Samuel mourned for Saul that flatter themselues in their sinfull courses that they shall at last dye happily when they haue had no care nor conscience in their liues to liue holily Indeed I confesse that heauen hath many well willers who would not goe to heaven auoid the torments of hell Cursed Balam himselfe can wish that his soule might dye the death of the righteous Numb 23. though he had no regard at all to liue the life of the righteous But these are but bare wishes in the wicked they cannot properly be called desires because they come but from some sudaine passion in the heart when the thoughts of death Iudgement or Hell possesse them Whereas the desires of the godly are euer ioyned with the meanes conducing thereunto such as are the daily hatred of sinne grouth in mortification daily increase of heauenly knowledge faith repentance and the like But these men separate those whom God hath ioyned together grace and glory And though their liues be neuer so vile wretched and sinfull presume that it shall go well with them in death No question this Impenitent Thief could not but see that his sinfull course of life and his heart must needs smite him somtimes for the same And what might be the answer he gaue his heart euery man may iudge that though he ran a sinfull course for a time yet he would repent at last and become a new man Thus is it now with the drunkard swearer vsurer yea the prophanest liuing for none can be so desperately sinfull but sometimes their hearts smite them and they answer them still with a late repentance as if repentance were in their power But at last comes death and ouertakes the sinner and now is he taken as a Bird in the snare Now he sees when it is too late how Sathan and his owne cursed heart haue kept him hud winkt and now in stead of confession of sinne and sorrow of heart for their former abhominations and calling on God by earnest and hearty prayer all which they promised vnto themselues at this time Behold here in this Impenitent Thiefe hardnesse of heart and finall impenitency yea he falls to mocking and blaspheming the Lord of life from whom saluation commeth Canst thou heare these things thou that art a drunkard swearer vncleane person that lyest and liuest in thy sinnes and not haue thy heart tremble within thee I will conclude with that of Moses O that men were wise Deut. 29. then would they consider their latter end Vse 2 Secondly seeing then that the late and last houres repentance the common refuge of wicked men as it falls short of holinesse in life so it seldome reacheth to happinesse in death It shall bee our wisedome then betimes to lay for this worke of repentance and to liue an holy life that hath the promise of an happie death Get we grace in life we shall not misse of glory in death Psal 73. Marke the vpright man and behold the iust the latter end saith Dauid of that man is peace They shall enter vpon peace and shall rest in their beds Who Isa 57.2 Euery one walking before the Lord in righteousnesse So Paul I haue kept the faith 2. Tim. 4. henceforth there is laid vp for me a crowne of righteousnesse Thus runne then the promises of blessednesse in death to such and such onely who walke with God in a holy life But we see sometimes euen of Obiect 5 those holy Brethren that haue liued so purely and so godly in death they haue raged and blasphemed yea and
looked vp higher euen vnto Gods power faithfulnesse and truth and stayeth himselfe thereon Wee haue a Catalogue of examples in this kinde mentioned by the Author of that Epistle to the Hebrewes Heb. 11. who manifested the truth of their faith by beleeuing the promises in the middest of the extremest dangers Reas And the reason is Because the ●aith of euery true beleeuer rest●th it selfe vpon two immoueable ●rops Gods power and Gods ●ruth Gods power was the ground of that admirable faith that was found in Abraham Heb. 11.19 in sacrificing of Isaac He accounted that God was able to raise him vp euen from the dead from whence also he receiued him after And the consideration of Gods truth is excellent to the same end He is a God of truth and cannot lie he cannot denie himselfe Mat. 5.18 Heauen and earth shall passe away yet shall no one iot or tittle of his word passe away Seeing then the nature of faith Vse 1 is such as that it raiseth vp the faithfull soule aboue this life to beleeue contrary vnto hope as we see in this Penitent that albeit Christ at this time was in extreme ignominie and reproach yet acknowledgeth him to be Lord and King How many sorts of mē want true faith this serues to shew the● how many thousands in the world deceiue themselues and are farre from true faith First all such whose faith is not grounded vpon Gods word but onely vpon sence such truths as they are able to apprehend in their owne iudgements they will be content to allow of but such truths as they are not able by sence and reason to apprehend they presently reiect whereas true faith hath an eye principally to the word and rests there whilest sence and reason sees nothing Secondly such as by reason of outward prosperitie concludes they must needs bee highly in Gods fauour and loue whereas indeed Eccl. 9.2 No man knoweth either loue or hatred of that that is before him Whereas the childe of God that hath faith indeed rests vpon Gods bare word though for the present he see no performance Thirdly such who because the Lords iudgements are not presently executed haue their hearts set vpon euill and are ready to say with those cursed Atheists Where are the promises of his comming They neuer tremble before the Lord vntill his rod be vpon them Wheras the godly man that hath faith indeed hee knoweth that there is an vnchangeable certaintie in Gods threatnings and seeing the sword comming hideth himselfe Secondly let this serue to admonish Vse 2 vs all in the feare of God to take heed how we consult with flesh and bloud in things appertaining vnto God vnto eternall life and saluation The Impenitent Thiefe from the consideration of Christs wonderfull abasement and that common reproach that he now lay vnder from all sorts concludeth that he could not be God He is led as a beast onely by sence Christ appearing now without forme or beautie Isa 53. So depraued are our iudgements by nature in things appertaining vnto Christs kingdome But this Penitent Thiefe is led by another principle he beholds Christ not with fleshly eyes but with the eyes of faith and so euen in his lowest degree of humiliation beholds him as Lord and King heere is the strength and power of sauing faith indeed Text. Lord remember me when thou commest c. This Penitent being now to leaue the world and to go to giue vp his last account vnto God 2. Cor. 5.10 for all the things he had done in his bodie whether they were good or euill he commends his soule vnto God in prayer and therein shewes an excellent fruite of his faith And in praier presenteth Christ vnto him vnder such names and titles as may strengthen his faith and minister vnto him a comfortable expectation to be heard and answered in those things he prayeth for Now the onely thing he desireth at this time is that since he must now leaue the world to go to a place of an euerlasting abode where he must heare that hee neuer heard and must euer heare where he must see that he neuer saw which hee must euer see and feele that hee neuer felt which hee must euer feele that Christ whose power he acknowledgeth to be all-sufficient being Lord and King of heauen and earth would now in mercy remember him Note hence Doct. In prayer wee must see God alsufficient in those things wee aske of him That wee must so consider of God in prayer as that we may see him to bee God all-sufficient in those things we desire of him It was mercy for his soule after death that was the thing this Penitent so much desired And so that it might go well with it hee neuer seeks at Christs hands any corporall or temporall deliuerance as his fellow the Impenitent Thiefe doth But this O this is the thing that hee principally doth desire aboue all things in the world that Christ would in mercy remember him when hee came into his kingdome And to the end hee may haue hope in death and that this his request may be gratiously heard and answered by Christ Gen. 17.1 hee beholdeth Christ at this time to be God all-sufficient euery way able to grant his desire he seeth and acknowledgeth him to haue all the power in heauen and earth able to giue saluation at last And thus whatsoeuer our requests are that wee put vp vnto God it is an excellent thing so to conceiue of God and such his glorious attributes as his power wisedome truth loue mercy iustice c. as that we may still behold him as God all-sufficient in those things wee seeke of him An excellent example whereof we haue in the seruant of Abraham Gen 34.12 who being sent by his Master to prouide a wife for his sonne Isaac goeth first vnto God in prayer to prosper him therein And in prayer presenteth God vnto him according to his couenant and promise hee had made with his Master Abraham O Iehouah thou God of my Master Abraham I pray thee send me good speede this day and shew kindenesse vnto my master Abraham This we may obserue likewise to haue beene in the Apostle Paul in diuers and sundry prayers of his that he made vnto God as when he exhorted the Romans to patience and consolation Hee prayes that the same gifts and graces may be bestowed vpon them and in prayer sets God before his eyes as God al-sufficient in those particular things Rom. 15.4.5 Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be like minded one towards another Againe the same Apostle in the same Chapter cals him the God of hope Vers 13. The God of hope fill you with all ioy c. We may see this in the Prophet Dauid who when he was to pray against the enemies of the Church beholdeth God to bee al-sufficient to take vengeance vpon them O Lord God to whom
vengeance belongeth Psal 94.1 thou God to whom vengeance belongeth shew thy selfe Thus the Church when they heard that Peter was cast into prison goe presently vnto God in prayer and therein strengthen themselues in the consideration of Gods power This being an act wherein the same might be made manifest in Peters deliuery Lord thou art a God who hast made heauen and earth the Sea and all that in them is c. So the Apostle Saint Paul exhor ing the Corinthians to mutuall peace liue in peace saith he and the God of peace and loue bee with you We may see this in all the Apostles at such times as they made choyce of one in the rome and place of Iudas They pray that God would direct them therein Acts 1.24 Thou God which knowest the hearts of all men shew which of these two thou hast chosen The reasons are Reas 1 First this is to pray in iudgement which is required of euery one that would make an effectuall prayer vnto God Pro. 15.8 The sacrifices of the wicked are abhomination vnto the Lord but the prayer of the righteous is his delight And this is indeed to glorifie God in his attributes who delighteth in his seruants that can make a right vse of them Reas 2 Secondly this is an excellent prop for the faith of Gods people to leane vpon When men seeke of those that are euery way furnished to supply their wants it is no small incouragement vnto them to bee earnest in their suits vnto them Now all fulnesse and sufficiency is in God What thing doe we stand in need of wherein there is not an al-sufficiency in him How many distinct acts of his wisedome power goodnesse mercy iustice c. hath he left vs examples of in his Word and all to support our weake faith when we pray vnto him Thirdly the due consideration Reas 3 hereof makes a beleeuer more earnest and affectionate in prayer which is a thing wherein the Lord takes much delight This put life in the sute of the poore Cananite Mat. 15. who will not bee sayd nay at Christs hands albeit shee had neuer so many discouragements by Christ himselfe at the first and afterwards by his Disciples Shee saw Christs al-sufficiency that hee was able to helpe Nothing doth better stablish and settle the heart of the childe of God against doubtings and fears and worke feruency integrity and confidence all which are most requisite in prayer then the due consideration of this that God is all in all in the very thing it selfe we seeke vnto him for Vse 1 This serues first of all to condemne that horrible practice of the Church of Rome who nozell vp the people in all manner of ignorance how is it possible that such a one should make an effectuall prayer vnto God Surely where men are ignorant of the nature of God and of his principall attributes such as are his power wisedome truth iustice mercy c. which those must needs bee that are acquainted with his Word such can neuer make an effectuall prayer vnto God Secondly this may also serue Vse 2 for our instruction that as wee desire to pray effectually as wee are to take notice of our owne misery and present necessity so withall to behold in God his al-sufficiency and such speciall attributes of his we stand most of all in need of Art thou in misery and distresse conceiue of God in thy prayers as a mercifull God and such a one that is full of compassion able and willing to helpe Thus doth this Penitent here yea behold him as a God of mercy and Father of all consolation and comfort Standest thou in need of his power to helpe thee Present him vnto thy minde euen at the first entrance into thy prayers as a powerfull God And so likewise for his wisedome truth iustice c. We euer seeke those things most constantly and comfortably when we know them to bee ha● at his hands from whom we seek them This being carefully obserued of vs we shall finde it a strong prop vnto our faith and an excellent meanes to kindle affection in vs and so a thing most vsefull and necessary in prayer Text. Lord remember me when thou commest into thy kingdome 2 His desire it selfe These two Theeues make two different requests vnto Christ the one for a corporall and temporall deliuerance If thou bee Christ saue thy selfe and vs. The request of the other is that his soule might bee saued in the day of the Lord Lord remember mee c. according to the inward principle of the heart so goes the desire They that are carnall are carnally minded but the spirituall man is spiritually minded and his ●esires are principally after spiri●uall things And herein will teach vs That the saluation of a mans soule is the thing that euery man Doct. The saluation of the soul is principally to be desired next vnto the glory of GOD ought principally to desire This Penitent had taken care of Gods glory before by iustifying Christs innocency and now in the next place he looketh after the saluation of his soule that it might goe well with that in death yea by how much the more excellent the soule is aboue the body by so much the more carefull ought a man to be of the saluation of the one aboue the other Our greatest care must be that it may goe well with our soules at death We may suppose this penitent Thiefe speaking thus at this time O Lord inasmuch as my life had beene wretched it is iust with thee that I should now at last suffer this shamefull cursed death It is not life that I desire but am willing to imbrace the sentence of death and the rather for that I see it is thy good pleasure it should be so This is the onely thing I now desire that when this life shal haue an end I shal come to appeare before thee in thy kingdome that thou wouldest bee pleased in mercy then to remember me Now if all Gods children bee led by one and the same spirit and so are alike disposed in respect of spirituall good things it must necessarily follow that this longing desire after life and saluation that was in this Penitent is wrought in some measure in the hearts of al those that are vnder the same ●ope and they are able in the witnesse of a good conscience to say as hee did here Lord remember me c. This affection was in the Prophet Dauid when hee saith O Lord I haue longed for thy saluation And indeed what other thing then the soules future happinesse can the Scriptures intend in these and the like places exhorting vs to seeke for wisedome and knowledge as for siluer Pro. 2.4 Of searching for it as for treasures of striuing to enter in at the straight gate Luk. 13.24 Ioh. 6.27 of labouring for that meate which shall indure to euerlasting life of running to
3 The time when As this Penitent Theefe at this time acknowledgeth Christs Deity that hee was Lord and King and desireth as we haue heard before principally mercy for his soule that it might goe well with it in death or after death So now he comes to the time wherein especially he desired to bee remembred of Christ ● when Christ should come into his kingdome Q.d. O Lord now is the time of thy humiliation wherein thou art pleased to vndergoe the punishment for the sinnes of all the elect and to beare the burthen of thy Fathers wrath and all to free thine from the wrath to come I know this price will be payd and this misery thou now sufferest for sinne will be ouer and thou thy selfe againe restored into thy glorious kingdome there to liue and raigne for euer I beseech thee now heare mee against that time Doct. 1 and remember mee in mercy The happinesse of a Christian not to be looked for here but hereafter when thou commest thither Note we hence That the happinesse of a Christian is not to be looked for here but hereafter The fruit of repentance of righteousnesse and of holinesse is not to bee looked for here but hereafter The Christian hath not his happinesse in present possession but in reuersion In hope and expectation are they kept here liuing by faith as the Heyre being not of ripe yeares is not possest of the inheritance but after death they come then to bee possest of that glorious inheritance layd vp for the Saints This doth this Penitent Theefe acknowledge here in this his request to Christ as if he should say O Lord it is not life for a time which cannot be long that I so much stand vpon since death I haue deserued I am willing to dye but it is this I specially desire aboue al the world besides that when this life shall haue an end I may haue a resting place in thy kingdome If in this life onely wee haue hope in Christ 1 Cor. 15.19 wee are of all men most miserable And this the holy Ghost obserueth as an admirable fruit of the admirable faith of the Primitiue Fathers Heb. 11.13 14. who albeit they receiued not the promises but saw them a farre off were perswaded of them and imbraced them and confessed that they were strangers and Pilgrims on earth declaring plainely that they seeke a Country 1 Ioh. 3.2 Now we are the Sonnes of God saith the Apostle But it doth not appeare what we shall be It is true the Lord giues vs now the first fruits of the spirit the earnest of our inheritance which is peace with God and peace in our owne consciences and ioy in the holy Ghost to comfort the hearts of his seruants and to cheare them vp in their pilgrimage But the full fruition of their happinesse is not to be expected here but in heauen This made the Apostle Paul to say ●hil 3.3 ●3 14 I forgat that which was behinde and reaching forth vnto those things which are before I presse toward the marke for the price of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus as knowing that the happy recompence of reward was not to bee looked for here but hereafter And the reason is Reas 1 First we know but in part and therefore can beleeue but in part can be sanctified but in part and so cannot be capable of the perfection of our happinesse till all our imperfections be done away ● Cor. 13.9 and our sanctification shall bee perfected Reas 2 Secondly this is the time in this life of a Christians warfare where wee are to combate with sinne Sathan and the world Now as it was said Let not him that putteth on his Armour reioyce but him that putteth it off for this battell endeth not vntill death come when then we shal be out of the Gun-shot of Sathans temptations and set free from all the enemies of our peace Besides the Lord will haue Reas 3 the graces in the hearts of his seruants first exercised and made manifest to the praise of his owne Name and that in this life before he crowne them with glory hereafter Seeing then that the happinesse Vse 1 of a Christian is not to be looked for here but hereafter in the kingdome of heauen This may teach vs in the first place to vse the world as if we vsed it not and not to pitch our Tabernacle here but rather to resolue that heauen is our portion and our inheritance Heb. 11.13 and therefore as Strangers and Pilgrims we should seek and prouide for an abiding City Vse 2 Secondly seeing our chiefest happinesse and comfort is not to be looked for here nor in any sublunary thing vnder the Sunne but reserued for vs in Gods kingdome This should teach vs to lift vp our hearts thither Col. 3.2 and to set our affections on heauenly things and not on things below nothing can more dishonour a Christian then this to make the world his chiefest study and care whereas the Lord hath reserued vs for a more durable and lasting inheritance Text. When thou commest into thy kingdome This Penitent Thiefe albeit truely humbled for his sinnes and obtayning mercy at Christs hands in the pardon of them as we shall see hereafter yet is not freed from his temporall punishment but suffereth with Christ And herein will teach vs That release from temporall Doct. 2 afflictions doth not alwayes follow true repentance Release from temporall afflictions doth not alwayes follow true repentāce but many are punished temporally that are not condemned eternally Wee may see this in that manner of the Lords dealing with Adam and Eue after they had sinned God made with them a couenant that The Seed of the woman should bruse the Serpents head Gen. 3.15 which was a cleare promise and prophecie of Christ by whom he was againe to bee restored into fauour Yet notwithstanding Cursed bee the earth for thy sake And In sorrow shalt thou bring forth c. This we may see in Moses Deu 34.5.10 an excellent seruant of God and so often stiled in Scripture a man highly in Gods fauour to whom God spake face to face a Ruler and Sauiour vnto his people Israel Yet for his sinne the Lord would not suffer him to go into the land of Canaan I do not doubt of the saluation of Miriam the sister of Moses that repined against Moses because she was no Prophetesse or at least in that authoritie as Moses himselfe was yet God stroke her with the Leprosie Though the Lord pardoned the sinne of Dauid vpon his true repentance 2. Sam. 12.10.11 yet the sword is sent against his house and his owne wiues are defiled We may see this in the Israelites in their iourneying towards the Land of Canaan for whose sinne of murmuring against Moses and Aaron Psal 90. the Lord brought heauie iudgements vpon them vntill they were almost wasted and consumed
examples for the further clearing of this truth How many miseries did the Israelites go vnder and that for the space of foure hundred and thirtie yeares yet at last the Lord gaue them rest in the promised Canaan How long was Dauid persecuted before he came to the kingdome and after yet at last the Lord gaue him rest Againe how sore were his inward feares and terrours by reason of sinne yet at the last filled with comfort How dealt the Lord with Iob both in respect of his outward man and temporall estate of a great Prince the Lord brought him to the dunghill And for his soule doth hee not often complaine that God Had set him as a But to shoote at And that the Arrowes of the Almighty had drunke vp his spirits yet at last dyed peaceably And there is reason for it Reas 1 First the Lords owne promise Call vpon mee in the time of thy trouble Psal 50.15 and I will heare thee and deliuer thee Which promise of his the Lord hath euer made good from time to time putting an end at last vnto the miseries of his seruants and giuing them rest and in this regard there is nothing in all the world more sure and certaine then the good successe of the hope of Christians it neuer misseth of that it aymeth at for their hope which is the Anchor of the soule hath faith for the ground of it Rom. 5.5 whereupon it fasteneth it selfe And further Gods truth and faithfulnesse to assure them of the truth thereof Secondly it is God that inclineth Reas 2 the heart to seeke him and causeth the soule so to hunger and thirst after him All which are cleare demonstrations that the Lord hath a purpose to giue them comfort at last Vpon this verie ground Dauid concludeth the helpe and deliuerance of Gods people in distresse Psal 10.17 Lord saith he thou hearest the desire of the poore thou preparest their heart and thine eare inclineth thereunto Thirdly God delaying to helpe his seruants by and by in time of miserie and distresse doth prouoke them to pray so much the more earnestly and frequently vnto him drawing away the heart from the world and causing the soule to haue the more secret communion with the Almightie and so must needs bring comfort in the end Vse 1 Seeing then that those that seeke vnto God and wait vpon him shall haue comfort in the end as we see in this poore Penitent here This may serue then in the first place to stay the godly in the time of their sorest trials not to despaire not to murmure repine and complaine as if their case were desperate For in due time they shall reape if they faint not What though for a time they beare the burthen and the heate of the day when the Euening commeth they shall not misse of their reward and then they shall see and acknowledge with the Apostle Luk. 21.18 That these light and momentany afflictions which are but for a season shall bring with them an eternall recompence of reward In the meane time let vs possesse our soules in patience tarrie the Lords leasure and waite vpon him our labour shall not bee in vaine in the Lord. After all the boysterous stormes in this life wrestlings against sinne Sathan and our owne corruptions and against malitious and wick d men Deliuerance will come and the godly shall find it most true in the end that they that waite vpon him shall not bee ashamed Vse 2 Secondly it may serue to admonish vs that we take heed that we do not preuent the Lord and forestall that comfortable issue we might haue of our miseries and afflictions either by not seeking of him when miserie is vpon vs or by vnlawfull wayes and means to seeke to come out of them This is indeed to rob God of that honour that is due vnto him in waiting for his helpe and our selues of that comfort wee might otherwise haue of a seasonable deliuerance if we had sought and waited vpon him Thou shalt be with me That is with the soul of Christ for his body went from the crosse to the graue q. d. Since thou hast confessed my name and desirest principally the fruition of mee thou shalt be satisfied in the thing thou desirest Thou shalt be with me Note hence That the soules of the faithfull Doct. 2 after this life haue the fruition of Christ The souls of the faithfull in death are gathered to Christ and are gathered vnto him So soone as the soule goeth out of the body it goeth immediately to heauen or hell The Scripture maketh mention but of two wayes the broad and the narrow and these leade but vnto two places either to endlesse blisse or into Euerlasting torment there is a Paradise you see here for the Penitent Luk. 23.43 or an Abrahams bosome for a Lazarus And there is again a Gulfe of hell for the Glutton Luk. 16. or Euerlasting torment for the Impenitent No third place can bee found in all the Scripture So Paul I desire to be dissolued Phil. 1.23 and to be with Christ The faithfull can bee no sooner dissolued or their soules set at libertie but they are gathered vnto Christ As for the wicked with Iudas they go to their owne place Act. 1. that is to Hell out of which there is no redemption Reas And it must needs be so in regard that Christ is the head of beleeuers and they are his body yea euery true beleeuer is a member of this body Now it is impossible that the head should be glorified but the members must needs participate with the same glory together with the head This Christ prayeth for of his Father Ioh. 17.24 Father I will that those thou hast giuen me be with mee where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast giuen me Vse 1 This meereth with the doctrine of Purgatory so much vrged and pressed by the Church of Rome as the most gainfullest doctrine of their Church It is wonderfull to see how the great Rabb●●s of that Church are troubled about this fire of Purgatory both what it is where it is how long it shall burne the conditions of those persons that shall haue that fauour to come into it and the like some holding one thing some another Some hold it to be Saint Patrickes hole in Ireland some Etna that Mountaine in Sicily that burneth continually or in the Popes Kitchin they should say where there is indeed a true fire maintained daily by the Fees that come in by that imaginarie fire But what shall I say it is a doctrine that as it hath no footing at all out of the word of God so were the Primitiue Fathers themselues either strangers vnto it or doubtfull of it Aug. de Ciuit Dei lib. 21. Ch. 26. Augustine who liued foure hundred yeares after Christ plainly sheweth that in his time it was not receiued Tertium locum penitus
ignoramus nor beleeued for any Article of faith and in some places of his writings he absolutely denieth it Fisher sometimes Bishop of Rochester ingeniously confesseth That there is no Scripture to proue Purgatory Roff contra assert Luth. and may we not iustly deny that for the which there is no Scripture to proue it Nay more he confesseth that seldome or neuer any mention is made of Purgatory either among the Greeke or Latine writers Legat qui volet Graecorum commentariose● nullū quātum opinor de Purgatorio sermonē inueniet c. Isa 57.2 Nay rather the Scriptures teach the contrary as that of Isaiah They shall enter vpon peace and they shall rest vpon their beds euery one that walketh before the Lord in righteousnesse And amongst all those sacrifices that were appointed in the time of the law for the Prince for the Priest and for the Congregation Leu. 5.6 all were appointed for the liuing and none that euer wee reade of were appointed for the dead Doubtlesse either God was very forgetfull of them or else this Doctrine of Purgatory was not hatched When Paul directs the Church how they should carry themselues towards the dead Phil. 3. he giues no direction at any time to pray for the dead Saint Iohn saith Blessed are the dead that dye in the Lord. And the holy Ghost addeth further Reu. 14.13 From henceforth they rest from their labours Now to enter vpon peace and to rest from their labours and yet to suffer hellish torments for many yeares are things incompatible and cannot stand together Besides Christ hath promised rest and refreshing to those that are heauy laden and come vnto him saying Come vnto me all ye that trauaile Mat. 11.28 and are heauie laden and I will refresh you Now what refreshing and rest is this to frie in the flames of Purgatory Surely the Scriptures know no such third place but that the souls of the righteous so soone as euer they depart out of the body they go with the soule of this Penitent here into Paradise or into heauen the place of euerlasting ioy and felicity And the soules of the wicked go immediatly to Hell a place of euerlasting torment there is no middle place betwixt these But as there are but two sorts of persons so there are but two sorts of places Besides it stands not with the rule of Iustice that the soule should be punished without the body since the body and the soule were copartners together in sinne But the Church of Rome knew well enough what it did to broach this doctrine and what they do in maintaining the same at this day But we wil leaue them and come vnto our selues This may serue for matter of Vse 2 singular comfort and consolation vnto the godly that inasmuch as the soules of the faithfull in death are gathered vnto Christ they may comfort themselues that this worke of repentance for sinne of mortification of sanctification howsoeuer it may seeme painfull for a time yet it will bee gainfull in the end Let such then comfort their hearts and say O my soule returne thou vnto thy rest for the Lord hath beene beneficiall vnto thee And say with Dauid Psal 23. Though I walke through the valley of the shadow of death I will feare none ill for thou art with me This this is it that makes the true beleeuer looke death in the face and supports him against the feares of the graue an assured perswasion in death to be gathered vnto Christ yea it is a true note of an honest heart so to walke with God in life as willingly and cheerfully to imbrace the sentence of death at last Wheras on the contrary it is a note of a soule soyled with corruption or else indued but with a small measure of sanctification to bee kept vnder the continuall feare of death ●adice Vse 4 The Scriptures make mention of a twofold Paradice Place Terrestriall and Celestiall The Terrestriall or earthly Paradice is that Paradice in the which Adam was placed by God himselfe a place of excellent felicitie beauty and glory and out of the which both Adam and his posterity after him Gen. 2.8 euen vnto this day were cast by reason of their sins There is besides this the Celestiall Paradice or the kingdome of heauen into the which the Lord Iesus Christ the second Adam was now to enter and doth promise this Penitent here the fruition therof with himselfe whereby is meant indeed the happie and blessed estate of glorified souls in the kingdome of heauen as it appeareth plainly by that of the Apostle Paul 2 Cor. 12. that when hee was caught vp into Paradice he was caught vp indeed into the third heauen But why doth our Sauiour call heauen by the name of Paradice Quest In regard no place on earth could better resemble the kingdome of heauen Answ and being to speake to men and not to Angels Paradice was the most excellent place a place of pleasure solace and of all delight and therefore did most fitly shadow out the variety and excellency of those delights and pleasures in the kingdome of heauen And herein will teach vs Doct. In heauen is the perfection of happinesse That in heauen there is the perfection of all happinesse of pleasure and delight The great pleasures in the garden of Eden where there were trees of all sorts and Riuers for pleasures and delight doth most excellently shadow out vnto vs those pleasures reserued for the Saints in Gods kingdome which happinesse of euery true beleeuer shall in the last day appeare to the whole world to men and Angels when he shall come as the Apostle saith 2 Thes 1.10 To be glorified in his Saints and to be made maruellous in all them that beleeue There is to bee looked for the perfection of their glory especially when the bodies of true beleeuers shall come to be glorified with their soules for so saith the Apostle Phil. 3.21 He shall change our vile body and make it like his glorious body and then their bodies and soules ioyned together and glorified together must needs inioy the perfection of their happinesse and glory and for the hastening of the consummation thereof the Saints vnder the Altar cry How long Lord Reu. 6.10 as indeed expecting and longing for the full fruition of that glory This happinesse glory what it is if we had the tongues of men and Angels wee are not able to expresse it the Apostle tearmes it A most excellent 2 Cor. 4.17 and an eternall weight of glory when hee shall appeare we shall be like vnto him saith Saint Iohn 1 Ioh. 3 2. The Church is compared to a Bride and the Lord Iesus Christ to the Bridegroome Reu. 19.8 now what can be imagined here that can yeeld more ioy and contentment then a marriage day when the married couple enioy the sweet content in the fruition of each other Thus
are true beleeuers decked and trimmed with the white robes of Christs righteousnesse as a Bride suteable and fit for so pure and glorious a Bridegroome Vse 1 This lets vs see then in the first place the great aduantage that comes vnto euery true beleeuer by death here they sow in teares there they reape in ioy they liue here in this world as in a tempestuous sea there they lye at anchor and rest as in a Hauen Now is their time of seruitude bondage then is their yeere of iubile Here are they exercised continually with sorrowes feares cares buffetings within and fightings without There they shall rest from their labours and enter into the ioy of their Lord there to inioy him in whose presence is the fulnesse of ioy and at whose right hand there is pleasure for euermore such as the Apostle saith The eye hath not seene 1 Cor. 2.9 the eare hath not heard c. We haue in our times seene many glorious sights our eares haue heard of greater but our hearts are so large that they many times conceiue great things indeed and yet the happinesse of the Saints in heauen surpasseth them all And therefore what wonderfull thing thou seest at any time say that this is not it for the eye hath not seene it what wonderfull thing thou hast heard of say this is not it for the eare hath not heard Yea whatsoeuer thou art able to comprehend in thy heart say that it is not it for the heart is not able to conceiue Now what greater happinesse can betide any of Gods seruants then to be raised vp to such a state of glory as neither eye hath seene eare hath heard c. When the Queene of the South beheld the glory of Salomon his attendants the order of his house dyet seruants and the like she concludeth thus 2 Reg. 10.18 Happy are thy men and happy are these thy seruants that stand before thee alwayes c. Did shee pronounce such to be happy that stood continually before Salomon and heard his wisedome O how great then shall be their happinesse that shall come to behold the blessed Trinitie Father Sonne and holy Ghost what ioy will bee there when we shall see those ten thousands praise the Lord day and night And if Peter Iames and Iohn vpon Mount Tabor were so rauished as that they desired to pitch their Tabernacles there O what raptures and ioyes may the godly expect when they shall see and enioy the Lord Iesus Christ their beloued Bridegroom not vpon Mount Tabor but vpon Mount Sion not to be separated suddenly asunder as the Disciples were there but to enioy the full fruition of Christ for euermore 2 Cor. 12.2 Mat. 25. This is called the third heauen the Bridegroomes Chamber an euerlasting habitation lightened with the glory of the Lambe Reu. 19.5 Reu. 21.23 The company there Saints and Angels the time of their abode for euer and euer The happinesse of the soules of the Saints after this life Furthermore these things doe manifest the happinesse of the soules bodies of the S t s there First whereas here in this life we cannot but prouoke the Lord daily by our sinnes the very consideration whereof is a dagger to the hearts of Gods people and makes them to cry out with the Apostle and to say O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from this body of sinne there they shall cease to sinne and shall bee wholly ioyned to the Lord in truth and righteousnesse neuer to displease him any more Secondly all the imperfections of the soule shall bee done away and our knowledge shall be perfect all ignorance shall bee done away infidelity distrust c. Thirdly wee shall not neede there the Word Sacraments prayer c. And for our bodies at that day they shall likewise bee freed from sinne from corruption and from all the miseries and infirmities that cleaue vnto them here And bee made like vnto his glorious body Phil. 3.21 O how may this affect our Vse 2 hearts with a longing desire of that time when we shall thus see the face of God in glory it should moue vs to long for that time when this glory shall be reuealed Rom. 8. Surely if wee looke for a part in this kingdome of heauen wherin is all perfection of happinesse wee cannot but desire the comming of the same and to cry and say with the Church Come Lord Iesus Reu. 22.20 come quickly This day Here wee haue the fift and last circumstance in this Text at first propounded Text. Time when and that is the time when this promise shall bee fulfilled This day Verily this day thou c. q.d. what though thy misery be great and torment grieuous that thou sufferest yet thy time is but short thy deliuerance is at hand verily this day c. Where wee may note first of all the Lords bountifull liberality towards his seruants that seeke vnto him in time of misery This Penitent desireth onely to be remembred of Christ when hee should come into his kingdome but Christ promiseth more This day shalt thou be with me Doct. 1 God giues more many times vnto his children God many times giues more then his seruants aske then they either aske or thinke hee is many times larger in giuing then they in desiring It was but to be remembred when Christ came into his kingdome that the Penitent requireth Christ promiseth him not onely to be remembred but also to bee with him to bee with him this day to bee with him this day in Paradice God is vsually more liberall in giuing then his seruants in desiring Gen. 32.9.10 Iacob desires onely food and rayment at Gods hands but God giues him more as Iacob himself confesseth God gaue him two bands and abundance of goods and cattell besides 1 Reg. 3.9.13 Salomon desires onely an vnderstanding heart at Gods hand to gouerne his people God giues him not onely wisedome according to his desire but abundance of wealth besides 1 Sam. 2. ● Hannah intreates the Lord to take from her the curse of barrennesse and to giue her a sonne the Lord granted her more then she desired he gaue her many sonnes afterwards How many came to our Sauiour in the dayes of his flesh some sicke of one disease and some of another desiring help whom our Sauiour did not only make whole of their infirmities but also pronounced that their sinnes were forgiuen them Luke 19. Zacheus came onely but to see Christ and hee obtaines not onely the thing hee desired in getting a full sight of Christ but he hath this honour to talke with Christ to inuite him to his house yea more then all this to haue his soule euerlastingly saued by Christ Reas Neither is this a thing to bee wondred at for such is the Lords bounty and goodnesse towards his seruants taking pleasure in their prosperity And hence it is that