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A02915 A shorte declaration of the mistery of iniquity Helwys, Thomas, 1550?-1616? 1612 (1612) STC 13056; ESTC S4697 142,624 224

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any one part of this prophesie fulfilled but it shal be found in and from them For which way should they go about to shewe the man of sinn being the misterie off iniquitie in the deceaveablenes of vnrighteousnes to bee exalted sitting as God and as in the Temple off God Sitting vpon ●eavē Kinges ten Kings giveing their power therevnto if these prophesies be not fulfilled in that their Romish profession then is it not nor ever was it begun nor fulfilled in anie false professiō of Christ vpon the earth which cannot be because we see here thapostle to the Thes saith The misterie of iniquitie doth already worke And in that this prophesie of Christ also is come to passe Mat. 24. where he saith Manie wil come in my name saieing loe here is Christ c. this proves that the abhomination of defolatiō is set vp already in the high places The prophesie then being fulfilled it must needs be fulfilled according to the due proportion thereof in exaltation and power which must of necessitie be in that Romish Church as if they were not altogether blind they might see by lookeing vpon that Church at Rome which Thapostle Paul writ vnto And by compareing that Church in Rome and this Church of Rome together they shal see a straing exaltation of power and pompe such as there is no prophesie of Scripture for to bee in the Church of Christ A spiritual power setting vp a Pope or Bishop by vertue of his Office with a Triple Crowne Kinges and Princes bowing to him and serveing him and by vertue off his Office carrieing a bloody sworde and his hands ful of blood this is part of his outward pompe and power Also bearing spiritual names of blasphemie as to bee head of the Church and Bishop of the vniversal flock taking vpon him to have power to cast soule and bodie to hel and to send to heaven whome he wil to make spirituall lawes and decrees what he will and to bind mens Consciences to the obedience thereof If this bee not he that sits as God shewing himself to bee God If this bee not the abhommation of desolation set vp where it ought not to bee where should it befound Can the earth afford a greater exaltation of the man of sinne then this and doth it not reach from hel to heaven what hart would not tremble to see and heare of such high blasphemie and sinne against God If it were not the Lord of hostes that shal judg these thinges there could not judgmēts great enough hee found but these sinnes of highest pride towards God and greatest crueltie towards his Sainctes shall go vp into heaven and God shall remember al these iniquities and reward the duble whereat although the spirit of God bidds the heavens rejoyce the holy Apostles Prophets because God hath punished revenged for their sakes Revel 18.20 Yet who can but with compassionate hartes lament to see so manie soules perish dayly and continually vnder this destruction For al the soules vpon the earth that exalt give power and submit themselves to this Man of sinne and so dye they perish to everlasting destruction although they do it ignorantly A hard doctrine wil this seeme to the most But the moueth of the Lord hath spoken it Thappostle in this place of 2. Thes 2. proves it without al contradiction where it is said vers 10. That the man of sinne his comeing is in all deceaveablenes of vnrighteousnes amonge them that perish First then here is proved that the misterie of iniquitie prevailes by deceaveablenes now men are deceived by being ignorant of the deceipt and they that are thus deceived through ignorance are they that perish for saith Thappostle this deceiveablenes is effectual or prevailes amonge them that perish and vers 12. That all they might bee damned which beleeve not the truth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnes speaking of this deceiveablenes of vnrighteousnes by the man of sinne For further proofe thereof take the voice from heaven Revel 18.4 which saith Go out of her my people that ye bee not parraker of hir sinnes that ye receive not of hir plagues Here is no exception ignorant or not ignorant if they come not furth at the voice of the Lords cal but stil remaine and abide there they shal surely bee partaker of hir plagues hir plagues come at one day they are death sorrowe famine burning with fire in one houre shal she bee made desolate vers 8. and 19. Whose soule would not mourne to heare of so manie great Princes States and people abroad and to see Nobilitie Gentrie and people at home perish and ready to perish daylie vnder this so great and swift destruction it were to be wished that al good and holy meanes were vsed for their information and instruction herein with love and meekenes by the sword of the spirit which sword onely is to bee vsed to compel mēs consciences to submit to the truth that is the spirit of the Lords moueth whereby he will consume the man of sinne Aff by this wee have said wee can neither perswade them to bee carefull of their owne estates which is fearefull nor perswade anie other to bee more careful of them and more compassionate of their estates yet thus much have wee gained towards the cause in hand that it being proved that the misterie of iniquitie and the abhomination of desolation is exalted to the highest in that Romish profession then wee doubt not but it wil be yeilded that all Nations acknowledging Christ have bene overspred ād vnder the power of that Romish profession and so are al these prophesies fulfilled in our eies which have beene produced to prove that there hath beene an vtter desolation of Christes power and authoritie and the power and authoritie of the man of sinne exalted and it hath also bene proved that all that submit themselves to that power of the man of sinne do and must perish except they repent Therefore according to our first words wee exhort al peoples and nations and tongues to take heed and beware least they be vnder the woes of everlasting destruction prophesied of in this booke of the Revel and they themselves be not aware thereof And seing it is proved that al peoples and nations and tongues have bene vnder it let them that thinke they are come furth looke how they are come furth least they be deceived or least comeing furth they have booked back againe to whome our Saviour Christ saith Luk. 17.32 Remember Lots wife Wee doubt not but wee shal have the ready consent of divers natiōs and peoples to approve of our vnderstandings and application of this prophesie of the exaltation of the man of sinne to bee fulfilled in the Sea of Rome and wee need to make no question but therein wee are of one judgment in the truth for it is vnpossible that the hare of man should device a misterie of iniquitie or deceaveablenes
offending but therein is infirmity in vs and no faithfulnes to God nor them The wise King that knew right well the power and aucthoritie of a King adviseth not to stand in an evill thinge before the King for he will do what soever pleaseth him Eccle. 8.3 But in a good cause why should wee feare to stand before Kings seeing their thrones are established by justice Pro. 16.12 Our cause then being good for it is the cause of God as all shall confesse Thus much is it that wee do in all reverend humility beseech of all Kings Princes that they will performe this service vnto the lord according to this prophesie prophesied of thē in the performance whereof the lord requires their fervēt zeale which they ought to shew by their perfect hatred detestatiō of the whore by which zealous hate they are to be provoaked to make hir desolate naked to eate hir nesh burne hir with fire after this manner with these great fervēt affections shall these Kings that obey the lord in this worke serve him In all this wee beseech that wee may not be vnderstood as though wee ment that Kings should do this by their temporall sword of justice no nothing lesse the lord requires no such meanes in this busines for he hath testified by Prophesie as wee have formerly shewed 2. Thes .2 that he will abolish consume the man of sinne the mistery of iniquity which is this Beast and whore and citie by the spirit of his mouth by the brightnes of his comeing and therefore this prophesie may not be vnderstood that Kings ought to do this by their temporall power but by the word and spirit of the lord in their testimony withall holy zeale and this cannot be done except they first take all their power and authoritie from the Beast for no man can serv two Masters but he shall please the one and displease the other Kings cannot serve the lambe and the Beast but they must needs hate the one and love the other and this is most plainely set downe in this Prophesie Revel 17. for in the 13. and 17. vers it is said of Kings that they shall have all one mynd be of one consent with the Beast shall give their power aucthority vnto the Beast shall feight with the lambe vntill the words of God be fulfilled And in the 16. vers They shall hate the whore make hir desolate for God hath put in their harts to fulfill his decree Thus wee see these Kings propresied of by the spirit of the lord to do this great worke of God when they shall take it in hand they shall not halt betwixt two opinions they shall not be neither hote nor cold but they shall be most zealonis for the glory of God and shall no longer retayne anie frendship with the Beast alwaies our meaning is spiritually now ●●en those Kings and Princes that will in this service obey the most high God and advāce his glory that hath so greatly advanced them to high honor and dignity let them take all their power and aucthority from the Beast and with drawe all the affections of their harts and soules and turne them to hatred and to an vtter abhorring of the Beast and whore and so shall they make it manifest vnto all the world that they are true lovers of the lambe and perfect haters of the Beast and that they are they in whome this prophesie is fulfilled Oh that Kings and Princes would strive to go one before an other in giveing honor to God herein And amongst all the rest of the great and mighty Kings and Princes of the earth loyalty nature and grace doth bind vs with disires of exceeding dutifull and reverend affections to wish and desire that our lord and K. might be with the foremost in this great and acceptable service of the King of Kinges and lord of lords which were a worthy service most well beseeming our lord the King for whome the King of heaven hath done so great things and if our lord the King will do this service for his God then must he not by his power support the Beast nor his image which are one and the same power And seeing our lord the King hath seene the deepe iniquity of the peremptory ruling Presbitery let him much more see the high iniquity of the proud ambicious cruell ruling Prelacy which is a power set vp in the place of God bearing the names of high blasphemy Oh let it be far from our lord the K. to give his power which God hath given him to punish evill doers and to reward them that do well 1. Pet. 2.14 Let it be far from our lord the King to give this power to the Beast or his image for that advanceth the mistery of iniquity and smiteth downe the mistery of godlines God hath not comunicated his owne power to Kings and Princes for this end And seeing wee have begun to speake to our lord the King let vs declare what power and aucthority God hath given to him wherevnto his subiects ought of conscience to obey Our lord the King hath power to take our sonnes our daugthers to do all his services of ware and of peace yea all his servile service what soever and he hath power to take our lands our goods of what sort or kind soever or the tenth thereof to vse at his will and he hath power to take our men servants and maid servants and the cheife of our yong men and Cattle and put them to his worke and wee are to be his servants 1. Sam. 8.11.18 in all these thinges our lord the King is to be submitted vnto and obeyed Also he hath power to make all manner Gouernors lawes and ordinances of man 1. Het 2.13.14 Thus doth God give our lord the King power to demaund and take what he will of his subiects it is to be yeilded him and to comaund what ordinance of man he will and wee are to obey it And in all these things wee acknowledg before God men wee ought to be subiect not for feare onely but also for conscience sake ●o●n 13.5 Wee meddle not with anie conditions or contracts made betwixt the King and his people whereby our lord the King in fauour may or doth abridg himselfe of his prerogative and so make himselfe subiect to his owne covenants or conditions which our lord the King ought to keepe though it be to his disadvantage if they be not meerly vnlawfull but wee speake onely of that power which God hath given to the King all which our lord the King ought to vse lawfully but if he should do otherwise which God forbid he is in these things to be submitted vnto Eccl. 8.3.4 and 1. Pet. 2 18.-24 who soever resisteth resisteth the ordinance of God shall receive to them selves condemnation Rom. 13.2 Thus hath God given our lord the King all worldly power which
desolation set vp in the high places Is it not deepe error off ignorance then for men not to see that there is now the greatest cause of sorrowe and lamentation that ever was And next to shewe in fewe wordes the error of them that thinke the danger of the daies is past Let them looke vpon the wordes of our Saviour Christ when he speaketh off the shorting of those daies he saith in Mat. Then if any shal say Loe here is Christ or loe there is Christ beleeve it not And in Luke Take heed bee not deceaved for manie will come in my name c. Is not this instant these daies was there ever so manie saying Loe here is Christ loe there is Christ And was there ever so many false professiōs of Christ ād false Prophets shewing great signes and wonders if it were possible to deceave he verie elect who can then denie but that these are deepest daies of danger whereof Christ gives such warninge to take heed Therefore easilie may they heare see their error into whose harts that ymagination hath once entred to thinke that these dangers here prophesied of are past Why then if the end of these sorrowes be not past and the beginings bee past as is shewed then must it needes bee confessed that the daies of greatest tribulation are present But who considers these thinges Or who regardeth the words of this great Prophet If men did consider and carefully behould these thinges what hart could conceave sorrowe enough and what head could conteyne teares or tongue have sufficient words to expresse and vtter the sorrowes fittinge these daies If Ieremiah complayned for want of teares and could not bee satisfied with sorrowing for the slayne of the daughter of Syon that perished by the sword and famyne which was but bodily death how much more cause have men now to sorrowe to see men poysoned with bitter waters killed with fire and smoake and brunstone stung with scorpions hurt with Servents Revel 9.5 and 8.11 And cast into the great winepresse of the wrath of God rev 19.20 which is the everlasting destruction of soule ād bodie in Hel to suffer al the plagues torments and judgments off wrath for ever Was the famine of bread and the sword of Nabuchad-nezzar and the seaventie yeres captivitie a ful sufficient cause to make Ieremiahes eyes faile with teares his bowels swell his hart turne within him his liver to bee powred vpon the earth And are not al the woes vttered by the seaven Angels from the sound of seaven trompets whereof an Angel flieing through the midst of Heavē said with a lowde voice woe woe woe to the inhabitants of the earth from the soundes remaining of the trumpets of the three angels which yet must blowe their trumpets And have not these three last Angells blowen their trumpets ād doth not the sound thereof yet sound in our eares and are not al the woes thereof yet in the sight of our eies are not al these woes which are woes of everlasting death and destruction sufficient to breake mens harts al into peeces What stony hardnes of hart possesseth men in these daies that their harts do not melt for these woes A maine ād general reason of al this is because this prophesie is of spiritual desolations distructions and woes and cannot bee vnderstood but with spiritual harts nor sene but with spiritual eyes and the harts and eies off men are naturall and carnall and therefore these thinges cannot affect them 1. Cor. 2.14 Another special reason is because men do not consider how far these thinges concerne themselves but everie Nation and everie people and everie Man puts these daies farr from them as no waie apperteyning to them If wee therefore could prevaile Oh that wee might prevaile by al the feare and love off God to perswade men and by the compassionate pittie of the salvation of their owne soules move them with deepest consideration to consider how nearely those thinges concerne them least they bee vnder these woes and bee not aware thereof which men may easilie be by reason of the great ignorance that is in all men perticulerly in the vnderstandinge of the Prophesie of this booke off the Revelation Which most men though otherwise accompted mightie in the Scriptures doe passe by seldome or never touching them in their Teachings or writinges being taynted wee doubt not with their owne insufficiencie therein which if they would acknowledg it were comendable their acknowledgment wee meane not their ignorance But yet their ●ourse is much more comendable then all theirs that have busied themselves to bring furth so manie ymaginarie expositions of that holie writt wee say ymaginarie expositions because they are for the most part but according to the vaine ymaginations and fancies of mens myndes without the warrant of the word and spirit Wee confesse in humility to our owne shame we are better able to reprove this then to correct it acknowledging vnfainedly and growning daily vnder the burthen of our owne great ignorance and blindnes in the vnderstandinge off the prophesie off that booke All this may further provoake vs with you and you with vs to take heed least we bee vnder anie part of this desolation and woe vnder which whosoever is and remaines he must perish as by the grace of God wee shall make evidently appeare from the Scriptures therefore let al People and nations and Tongues take heed and beware And first to proceed in this cause wee will endeavor to prove by the witnes of the vndoubted word of truth that all Nations and Peoples vpon the earth that have or doe professe Christ for of them onely is this prophesie have beene vnder this abhomination of desolation The words of the prophesie thereoff by Daniel makes is most plaine where he saith In the middest of the weeke hee shall cause the sacrifice oblation to cease for the overspreading of the abhomination hee shall make it desolate Daniel 9.27 Agreable to this prophesie is that Revel 11. Where it is said That the two witnesses off God which are the spirit of truth and the word of truth in the testimonie of thapostles Ioh. 15.26.27 act 5.32 Which are two Olive trees two candlestickes standing before the God of the Earth haveing power to shutt heaven that it raine not to turne the waters into blood and sinyt the earth with all manner of plagues as often as they will Their Corpes shall lie in the streets off the great Citie spiritually called Sodome Egipt Three daies an half after three daies a half the Spirit of life from God shall enter into them they shal stand vp on their feet And with these two prophesies agrees also the prophesie Revel 12.14 Of the woman flieing into the wildernes into hir place where she is nourished for a time times half a time Let vs compaire these prophesies together Daniel saith the sacrifices and oblations cease in the midst of the
lord Bs. say this is not to be vnderstood generally of every sinne against God but perticulerly of some and herein must wee be subiect to the spirit of their vnderstanding and that rule of Christ must be made no sure nor perfect rule Next let vs shew the K. that if there be such a sin comitted as the Bs. do iugd to be a sin according to their rule which let the K. give his servants leave to suppose to be adultery that it proceeds or comes to this degree that it must be told vnto the Church which wee vnderstand to be the whole congregatiō moe or lesse The lord Bs. by their spirit of vnderstanding say tell the Church That is to be vnderstood tell the Ordinary which is either the Bishops chācellor or the Archdeacons Officiall they are they that have power to bind in earth it shal be bound in heavē their fees being paid thē they have power to loose on earth it shal be loosed in heaven Oh that the Ks. eare would but heare half the depth of this iniquity the Ks. servants knowe the Ks. hart would never endure it that his peoples consciences should be thus wounded and their soules destroyed by being cōpelled to submitt to such spirits of vnderstanding Furthermore let our lord the King knowe that whereas the Holy ghost testifieth Act. 14.23 saieing that they had ordeyned Elders by Election in every Church and praied and fasted this wee vnderstand was the whole Congregations fasting and praying and Election and that the Church hath power to appoint some to ordeyne or lay on hands if there be no Elders as they did Act. 13.2.3 but all this say the Lord B. by the spirit of our vnderstandings doth belong vnto vs and the Patron and the people have nothinge to do but must be content to have such a Pastor as wee appoint though they never heard him knewe him nor saw him and although the congregation after ward should like neuer so well of him yet the Lord Bishops they have power to take him away from them to deprive him and silence him punish them if they heare him although he be never so well approved amongst them Thus must the Kings peoples be compelled to vnderstand the scriptures for the advancement of their power of Ordination and deprivation And whereas wee the Kings servants vnderstand according to the best vnderstanding that God hath given vs that Th-appostle Paul giving a rule of direction for the people of God how to worship God when they come together 1. Cor. 14.26.33 That every one as he hath a Psalme or a doctrine or a tongue may speake to edification and if anie thinge be revealed to another that sitteth by the first is to hold his peace for all that have gifts may prophesie one by one and in all this God is noe the God of confusion but of Order Thus do we hold the disciples of Christ ought to come together to worship God and edifie one another in the libertie of the spirit according to the gifts and graces that are given to every one Rom. 12.6 And that every man as he hath received the gift may administer the same one to another 1. Pet. 4.10 The lord Bs. vtterly deny the substance of all this vnderstanding and their spirit of vnderstanding directs that when the Congregation is come together the Preist or Curate that is licensed by them onely must performe the worship and must beginne their worship with their booke strictly tying them to such sentences and then to that which is written after then a Confession then an absolution with virsickles and answeres and Psalmes and lessons and Te Deum and the Latany 3. daies a weeke and at other times when the Ordinary shal comaund Thus may our lord the King see how his peoples spirits are in bondage to the lord Bs. spirit in the vnderstanding of the scriptures and they must of force against their consciences vnderstand them as they comaund or els go to prison And our lord the King may also see that whereas neither Christ nor his Appostles ever commaunded or practiced anie set forme of worship whose spirit had bene most fitt to have ordeyned such an order yet the Lord Bs. in the perfect jmage of the first Beast have composed a proportion and framed an order of praiers and readings for the worship of God comaunding absolutely the observation thereof forceing the spirits of the Kings people to be subiect to ther limitations herein and so deliuer Gods people their bread by waight and their water by measaure not suffering the hungry to be satisfied with the bread of life nor the thirsty to be quenched frō the rivers of waters but forceing the vnwilling to drincke stolne waters out of their Cesexons and eat hidden bread out of their store-houses but the simple that eat and drinke thereof knowe not that the dead are there that their ghests are in the depthes of hell Pro. 9.17.18 Let not our lord the K. be despleased seeing his servants speake but the words of sobriety and if the K. shall thinke wee misap●y thē that is the thinge which wee so humbly earnestly beseech the K. may come to tryall by the Ks. free consent and that the Kings hand of power may not be against the iust and due tryall thereof Now when wee the Kings servants do sue for a tryall wee disire our lord the King not to conceive that his servants meane a day of dispute and so to handle the cause of the lord as men that contend for prizes who submitt their cause to private censure for that it is private and concernes but themselves but our humble and most equall sute to our lord the K. is that seeing this Hyrarchy of Arch. Bs. lord Bs. do challenge such power prerogative over our consciences that all who cannot of consciente yeild it vnto thē may walke according to their consciences and publish their defence against them that these that beare the names of spirituall lords may by spirituall power onely convince their gain-sayers and not pretend to be spirituall Bishops and vse onely the Kings temporall sword to rule and convince men with And that our lord the King would suffer vs his servants to demaund of them that take vpon them to be lord Bs. of whome they have learned to rule by such power and who hath taught them to put the contrary mynded in prison how they wil be able to answere him that will bring the greatest of them to answere who taught all his disciples to 〈◊〉 not the contrary mynded with meeknes proveing if at anie time God will give them repentance and hath taught them to be gentle suffering the evill 2. Tim. 2.24.25 And let our lord the King give vs his servants leave to ask these Lord Bs. whether they thinke that God hath forgotten this his comaundement or that he wil quite forget to put it in their accompt because
it would in-ruch the Crowne and fill the Kings coffers vpheaped with such a yerely revenewe as no peace nor war should ever be able to make thē half emptie and all this may be done by a holy good just and lawful meanes Fourthly it would in-ritch the whole land above measure and that in disburdening the land of al those Courts with al the suites ād services that belonge vnto them the taxations fees and penalties whereof are without number And the King would stand no need of taxes and subsidies although we would not wish the Kings people to with drawe the shewing off their loyale love to our Lord and King in those things Oh what a ful and ready consent would there bee in the kings people to these things how profitable would it be vnto them the Lord perswade his hart to it seing it would be for Gods glory his owne benefit and the so great good of his whole land and it would be the greatest and cheifest benifit of all to them to whome it may seeme the greatest losse for they should be disburdened of those things which although they he pleasant for a season yet they wil be most bitter in the day of account which wil come let them be sure and it would make them live moderately of that they have and vse good and honest endeavors to support themselves and there would be true comfort in such gaine Lastly to make it appeare plainly enough that this Hyrarchie of Arch Bishops and Lord Bishops is the image of the Beast let al behold the names off blasphemie which it bears and they are these so farr as wee knowe the number of them Arch-Bishops Prym●ts Metropolitanes Lords Spirituall Reverend-Fathers Lords Grace What names of blasphemy are here they are the titles and names of our God and of our Christ What words of detestation were sufficient to bee vttered against such blasphemous abhomination who is able to keepe silence If men professing Christ wil not speake the stones shal speake rather thē the lord wil be without witnesses Shal men be afraide to speake for feare of losse of goods of Lands or for feare of imprisonment banishment or death No no let them take al life and all Let them shed blood vntil they have enough and let the servants of God reioyce in the saieing of the Angel of the waters Revel 16.5.6 Lord thou art iust which art which wast which shal bee because thou haist judged these things for they shedd the blood of the Saincts Prophets And therefore haist thou given them blood to drincke for they are worthy This hath the Lord fulfilled vpon all those that are dead and have not repented of this abhomination and this wil the Lord fulfill vpon al that are alive if they repent not Is it not sufficient to dispoyle ād rob Christ of al his power but you wil also take frō him the rules of honor due vnto his name To passe by your derived Grecian names which wee to speake the truth are not able to our owne satisfaction to declare the interpretatiō of ād that no way lesseneth the iniquitie of them but rather shewes it more that you should get you names of such hidden blasphemy that simple men cannot vnderstand without an interpreter let vs speake with fearefulnes off that name which you might al tremble to heare off and that is Lords spiritual The verie artribute of the God of al spirits for he onely is the Lord spiritual and the spiritual Lord. And give vs leave to shewe you how you are hedged in that al subtile sophistry shal not helpe you out Beare you not this title by reason off your spiritual power and aucthoritie and do you not by this your spiritual power and aucthoritie make spiritual Canons and decrees and are not al your Courts spiritual Courts and do you not require spiritual obedience in al these things is not your title ād power a differing title and power from al other Lords see how the stile doth hedg you in which goes thus All the Lords Spiritual Temporal So that you cannot say you are spiritual Lords becāuse of your professiō for you wil not deny but the temporall Lords are spiritual Lords in profession as wel as you Therefore must it needs bee that you are spiritual Lords because off your spiritual power and spiritual power is over the spirits off men so then as Temporal Lords have power over mens bodies so must spiritual lords have power over mens spirits but there is onely one spiriritual Lord which is the Father of spirits and therefore whosoever taketh this title and this power vpon themselves they take vpon them the name title and power of God and this is the mā of sinne that sits as God sheweing himselfe to bee God which herein the second Beast doth according to or in the image of the first Do you thinke that God hath forgotten to bee iust and are his judgments gone for ever Can you see and condemne in your words and writings the exaltation off the man of sinne in the Romish profession and can you not see and condemne it in your owne to such saith thapostle Paul Rom. 2.3 O thou man that condēnest thē that do such thinges dost the same thinkest thou that thou shalt escape the Iudgmēt of God And for that duble degree of Reverend-fatherhood which you take to your selves some of you being most Reverend and some Right Reverend Fathers how might wee find out vnder what condition you beare this name It is plaine that you beare not that name because you have begotten all that people in Christ for most cōmonly you are their Reverend Fathers in God before they ever heard your voices then must it needs bee in you a name by inspiration seeing it is not by operation or worke So are you inspired with a Reverend Fatherhood vpon the instant time of your entrance before you have wrought anie worke amonge that people When you shall meet Christ in his coming what will you answere him for the breach of his strait commaundement herein where he saith Cal no man your Father vpon the earth for there is but one your Father which is in Heaven Are you not exalted above your brethrē by this name then you are they of whome Christ speakes of in this place and whome he wil bring follow Mat. For thus takeing vpon you the name of God and exalting your selves above the brethren And iff you have not sold your selves to worke wickednes which God forbid and if you thinke it robbery to make your selves equall with God let your harts tremble and your hands shake to subscribe to such names of blasphemy and let your eares tingle when you heare thē vttered and red in your presence and observe but what magnificency is vpon you when you sit vpon your high places ād heare your selves thus intituled and remember that hee sitts over you that will tread you vnder foote for thus
in hand let it bee truely observed whether those that are off the Romish profession servants of the first beast coming in question before this Hyrarchy have not found much more favour then those that have stood most for reformation and hath there not beene gnashing of teeth and gnawing off tongues with al extreame perversnes and contempt against the one when there hath bene good myld and eeven carriage towards the other Which good carriage towards them wee disaprove not nor envye not but could wish that the holesome word of doctrine withall the cords off love were applied and vsed vnto them for their information and drawing them from their blind errors But wee mention it to this end to shew what vprightnes there can bee to God or the King in this For first it is not possible but this whole Hyrarchy wil confesse that those which seeke reformation have much more light of truth and gifts of knowledg for the building vp of a people vnto God then the other and that the first and they are al of one iudgment concerning the doctrines off the Scriptures in the foundamental points of Religion as they speake and yet there is no comparison betwixt their pacient enduring them of the Romish professiō ād there impaciēt not enduring of the other is this vprightnes to God Secondly touching the King and State the Childrē in the streets knowe the treachery and infidelitie that hath beene found in divers of the one profession ād they themselves knowe the ever vntouched fidelitie of the other what vprightnes is this to the King and State the evident reason of this may appeare vnto the wise and may not this appeare to be● it That the Romish profession is but cheifly an enemy to the Kingdome of Christ and but dangerous in some of them to the Kingdome of the King approving of ArchBishops and Lord Bishops and could wi●h they were Cardinals But those of al sorts that seeke reformation are most cheifest enimies to the Kingdome off ArchBishops and LordBishops and would have them humble and faithfull Pastors to feed the f●oth and therefore in no wise are to bee suffered how true soever they bee to God and their King And doth not all this shewe the affinitie and nearnes betwixt the first and second Beast But least anie should stumble at this part of the prophesie Revel 13. vers 12. Where it is spoken that the second Beast causeth the Earth and them that dwel therein to worship the first Beast and therefore the Romish Beast being the first this Hy●archy cannot bee the second in that it do●h not cause men to worship the Pope off Rome Wee pray it may be observed how that it is shewed 2. Thess That the mistery of iniquitie is a working power of sathan which working power according to the degrees there of is set furth vnto vs in the booke of the Revel after divers maners ād discribed vnto vs in divers shapes or similitudes ād named vnto vs after divers names and in the hight off the exaltation thereof this power is set furth ād discribed vnto vs vnder the two names and similitudes of the first and second Beast both which exercising one power though in divers likenesses do bring al both smale ād great vnder the subiection of that one power both their harts being set to do mischief talking of deceipt at one table Dan. 11.27 And so doth the second beast cause al to worship the first in that it is al one power building vp one kingdome And the Popes person is not the mistery of iniquitie for then when the Pope were dead the mistery off iniquitie and the Beast were dead vntil another Pope were set vp and iff the Popes person were the man off sinne then the Lord by the spirit off his moueth should abolish and consume the Popes person but there is no such prophesie of scripture And then should the prophesies of the fal off Babylon bee vnderstood off the overthrowe and consumeing of the earthen or stone wals and timber houses off a Citie But this were too carnal an vnderstanding to conceive that the spirit off Gods mouth which shal consume the man off sinne spoken off 2. Thes 2. and shal shake in sunder the Citie which spiritually is called Sodom Egypt It were to carnal to vnderstād this to be of earthly houses and Cities ād fleshly persons they are not the matter ād substance that shal be abolished by the brigtnes of this his comeing here spokē off as we doubt not but wil easily appeare to the wise though some have bene and are much mistaken herein And that we may come to the true vnderstanding of this part of the prophesie Chap. 13. vers 13. And he did great wonders speaking of the second Beast so that he made fire come downe from heaven in the sight off men And to see how it is fulfilled in the second Beast wee must remember as we have formerly said that this is a spiritual prophesie of a spirituall mistery of iniquitie which none may deny and then doth it appeare that these wonders wrought by makeing fire come downe frō heaven are lying spiritual wonders and the fire is a false spiritual fire The which even as the true spiritual fire which is the holy Ghost doth truly worke wōderful powerfully vpō the harts and affections of them that beleeve the truth even so this false fire which is the spirit and power off Sathan doth worke effectually vpon the harts and affections off those that receive not the love off the truth and that after a wonderful manner off deceivablenes off vnrighteousnes so that men are strongly perswaded and beleeve that it is the true Fire from heaven even the spirit off God And this Fire hath the Hyrarchy off ArchBishops and Lord-Bishops made come downe from heaven especially in their former times when men had their word and power with their praier booke and al their Cathedral abhominatious in such admiration and with such zeale were affected vnto them and as yet some are to this day zealously perswaded off the holines and goodly order off these things al which in the Beast that hath two hornes like the Lambe made such a glorious shewe being compared to the former thinges as men were ravished in their spirits and thought and yet some fewe do thinke that their harts and affections were kindled with fire from heavē By this false fire which is by an effectual working power in al deceivablenes of vnrighteousnes even hereby hath and doth the first and second Beast worke all their signes and lying wonders and whilst men through great ignorance have and do looke for some straing seights from heaven to knowe the two Beasts by their harts have bene are with the pleasures of vnrighteousnes stolne away This can all that are of anie vnderstanding who now remaine vnder the power of the second Beast easily discerne how by a wonderful fiery blind zeale all those that
vp as they pretend the spirituall Tabernacle Temple and Church of Christ which if the King shall suffer them to do he shall sinne against God in entring vpon the kingdome of Christ who onely is King of Israell Ioh. 12.15 whose power and sword are spirituall whose Tabernacle Tēple and house is holy made with out hands 2. Cor. 3.17.1 Pet. 2.5 Heb. 9.11 and therefore hath given spirituall gifts vnto men for the gathering together of the Saincts for the worke of the mistery and for the building vp of his body which is his Church and doth not will nor require to have people comaunded and compelled by an earthly sword or power as in the days of Hezekiah and Iosiah Kings of Israel for that was an earthly or carnall comaundement Heb. 7.16 and they had a worldly Tabernacle made with hands and worldly ordinances and Carnall rites Heb. and therefore were the Ordinances or law comaunded to be kept by a worldly power and the Tabernacle to be built by hands but now wee have a Tabernacle which the lord pight and not man Heb. 8.2 and that carnall comaundement is changed Heb. 7.12 and wee have a comaundement after the power of endles life vers 16. vnto the obedience of which law no earthly Kings power can cause or bring anie one man to obey in anie one thing and the which Tabernacle not made with hands no earthly power which consists onely of the strength of hands can cause to be built in anie one part thereof but all this is to be done onely by the K. of Israels power who hath all power given him in heaven and in earth whose power is all sufficient to bring vnder obedience all his subiects where vnto no earthly power can be helpfull whose sword is his word which is lively and mighty in operation and sharper then anie two edged sword Heb. 4.12 and therefore needs not the helpe of anie Kings sword If his sword will not prevaile to bring men vnder obedience to his owne lawes what can our lord the Kings sword do it is spirituall obedience that the lord requires the K. sword cānot smite the spirits of mē if our lord the K. shall force cōpell mē to worship eate the lords supper against their cōsciēces so shall he make his poore subiects to worship and eat vnworthily whereby he shall compell them to sinne against God and increase their owne judgments On let not our lord the K. suffer such evill to be done by his power little doth our lord the King know how many thousands of his people have bene compelled through troble and for feare of troble to worship and to eat the lords supper vnworthyly and so to worship and to eat and drincke to ther owne damnation who although they perish in their owne sinnes yet their blood wil be required at their hands that have compelled them so to sinne against their consciences and the lord in mercy give the K. a hart to looke vnto it that it be not laid to our lord the K. charg if he shall suffer them to exercise such powre by his authority And wee bow our selves to the earth before our lord the K. in greatest humblenes beseeching the K. to iudg righteous iudgment herein whether there be so vniust a thing and of so great cruell tyranny vnder the sunne as to force mens consciences in their religion to God seeing that if they err they must pay the price of theyr transgression with the losse of their soules Oh let the K. iudg is it not most equall that men should chuse their religion themselves seeing they onely must stand themselves before the iudgment seat of God to answere for themselves when it shal be no excuse for them to say wee were commanded or compelled to be of this religion by the King or by them that had authority from him And let our lord the K. that is a man of knowledg yet further consider that if the K. should by his power bring his people to the truth and they walke in the truth and dye in the profession of it in obedience to the Kings power either for feare or love shal they be saved The K. knowes they shall not but they that obey the truth in love whome the love of God constrayneth their obedience onely shal be acceptable to God 1. Cor. 13. Thus may our lord the K. see that by his Kingly power he cannot cause or make men bring an acceptable sacrifice to God and will the King make men whether they will or no bring an vnacceptable sacrifice to God and shall the King herein thinke he doth please God God forbid If the King will please God in such service then must he seeke to convert sinners from goeing astray Iam. 5.20 turne men to righteousnes Dan. 12.3 not with his sword of iustice but by the foolishnes of preaching for that is the meanes whereby God hath appointed to save them that beleeve 1. Cor. 1.21 and 27. for God hath chosen appointed the foolish things of the world the weake things the vile things the things that are dispised and things which are not to confound and bring to nought things that are and these things hath God chosen to set furth Christ the power of God and the wisedome of God Here is not the absolute auctenticall word of comaund nor the mighty powerfull punishing sword of our lord the King required to this worke of the publishing of the Gospell of Iesus-Christ And let the King call to mynd that which no doubt the King hath often redd in the gospell according to Luk. Chap. 9.52.56 That when the Samaritanes would not receive Christ and that his disciples said wilt thou that wee comaund fire to come dovvne from heaven and consume them Iesus rebuked them and said ●ye knowe not of what spirit ye are the sonne of man is not come to destroy mens lives but to save them wherby the King doth see that Christ will have no mans life touched for his cause if the Samaritans will not receive him he passeth by them if the Gadarens pray him to depart he leaves them if anie refuse to receive his disciples he onely bids them shake of the dust of their feet for a witnes against them Here is no sword of iustice at all required or permitted to smite anie for refusing Christ Then let not our lord the King suffer his swore of iustice which God hath given him with power from himself to defend and rule with aucthority keepe in all obediēce his owne people people of God vnto the Ks. owne lawes statutes which apperteynes to the well governing and ruling of the Kings state kingdome which is worldly and must fade away Let not our lord the K. suffer this sword to be vsed to rule and keepe in obedience the people of God and of the K. to the lawes statutes and ordinances of Christ which apperteyne to the well governing and ruling of the
wherein you are by great and marvelous signes and wonders as the spirit of God hath declared Revel 15. and 16. Chap. by the seaven Angels which powre out the seaven vialls of the wrath of God vpon the Earth But you must knowe that this is a spirituall Prophisie and al these are spiritual signes and wonders which the lord hath graciouslie promissed to shew vpon Babilon Egipt and Sodom spirituallie so called to the destruction and everlasting overthrowe of the Scarlet cullored Beast and the Woman that sits vpon him which woman is that great Citie Babilon and vpon all the people that come not furth at the call of his voice Revel 17.18 Chap. But take heed you bee not deceived by lookeing for their things with carnal eies as the Iewes did who looked for an earthlie King to deliver them so that whē their spiritual king came they knewe him not but hated him dispised him persecuted him killed him and cast him out and so remaine in transgression and vnder condemnatiō vnto this day by the iust iudgment of God Take heed least you do so in sueing after and seeking by earthlie meanes to be delivered out of your spiritual bondage and when the spirituall meanes and way is shewed you you contemne it dispise it hate it persecute it speake al manner of evil against it oppose it reiect it and condemne it and so remaine stil in your transgression and vnder the condemnatiō of the iust iudgment of God which the Lord hath pronounced against all those that come not furth of Babilon partaking thereby with hir in hir sinnes and so shal be made pertakers of hir plagues which plagues you cannot escape if you come not furth but beleeve those false Prophets that prophesie lyes vnto you Be not deceived by your good intents ād meanings and good desires whereof you are full Nor by your great affections of zeale wherewith you abound above al people that we knowe or have heard of that have anie knowledg of the Gospel wee speake not of the ignorant zealous Papists that go before you and all the earth that knowe the name of Iesus in these things which makes them thinke their estates most happie Take you heed least you bee also still hereby deceived Wee confesse these are excellent things if knowledg and faith go with them Furthermore your obedience vnto the second and great comaundement which is Love thy neighbour as thy self and al the particuler dueties thereof as Honor Parents do not comit adultery Kil steale beare false witnesse Covet nothinge that is thy neighbours In these excellent duties verie manie of you greatly abound and wee cannot but with great affections looke vpon you and love you for them yet knowe that manie Papists are nothinge behind you in these thinges Therefore let not these things deceive you as though you had all things because you have these You see it testified by our Saviour Christ that a man may have or do all these things and yet not follow Christ as is shewed in the example of that excellent Ruler whome Christ looked vpon and loved for those excellent things in him Mark 10.21 And therefore please not your selves so much in those things although wee acknowledg they are worthie of great comendations in you and our soules are much affected to you for them But iff you followe not Christ in the regeneration that is if you bee not borne againe of water of the Spirit so enter into the Kingdome off Heaven all is nothinge as you see by the example of this Ruler And Cornelius Act. 10. If he had not bene baptized with the holy ghost and with Water for all his praiers and almes he had not nor could not have entred into the Kingdome off Heaven Thus entered all the people off God of whose entrance the Scriptures give testimonie either by rule or example and therefore if there bee anie other entrance found out it is not nor cannot bee of God this onelie is the doore which Iesus Christ hath set open for all to enter in at that enter into his Kingdome Iohn 3.5 and the Lord sanctifie al your harts with grace that you may enter in thereby For no other way off salvation hath Christ appointed but that mē first beleeve and bee Baptized Mark 16.16 Thus have wee freely spoken the truth vnto you from our harts suspect vs not of the least contempt or dispite iff wee seene sharpe There are multitudes of you of that Puritane profession so called that knowe our love is most true and vnfained to you all and that wee cannot but love and reverence you and therefore wee cannot but the more seeke your reformation wish it and pray for it and wee will not give the Lord rest therein vntill hee heare vs that wee may see your salvation accomplished THe next false profession off Christ and false Prophets amongst you that wee will by Gods assistance speake of is that false profession and those false Prophets which are vsually called Brownists you are they that say you are Iewes but are none and have made your selves a name to bee the Seperation and are falsly so called but are not as through the helpe of our God we shal make it plaine by the Word of the Lord both to your owne consciences if you wil not alwaies resist the truth and also to the consciences of al others And this we will do by those grounds of truth which you acknowledg which you must be forced either to forsake or els be cōvinced by them And the first ground is this in your Booke called the Apologies the first part of your third position stands thus set downe A true visible Church is a Companie of people called and seperated from the world by the word of God and ioyned together by voluntary profession of the faith of Christ in the fellowship of the Gospel And by this meanes that is by the word of God and by thus doeing that is seperating themselves from the world and ioyning together say you they are become a true visible Church Now to come to a full discoverie off your false profession off Christ Let it be observed that you confesse you were off the World before you seperated Which when you were then were you Enimies vnto Christ for Christ testifieth the World hates him Iohn 7.7 Then were you none off Christs for those that are Christs or off Christ are not of the world Ioh. 17 1● and now to be come Christs you say you are called and seperated from the World by the word of God and ioined together by voluntarie profession of the faith of Christ in the fellowship of the Gospel This is your constitution wherein you have erred as may plainlie appeare for when you were called and as you say seperated you should have ioined to Christ and have entred into his Kingdome which seing you have not done you are not seperated from the world nor have no fellowship in the Gospel Wee confesse the