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A02260 The happines of enjoying, and making a true and speedie use of Christ Setting forth, first, the fulnesse of Christ. Secondly, the danger of neglecting Christ, and the opportunity of grace. Thirdly, the Lord Jesus the soules last refuge. Whereunto is added, St. Pauls legacie, or farewell to the men of Corinth. By Alexander Grosse B.D. Minister of the Gospel, and pastour of Bridford. Grosse, Alexander, 1596?-1654. 1640 (1640) STC 12395; ESTC S103450 151,344 397

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doth prescribe and whatsoever thou losest hold fast thy communion with God As Joseph left his cloake and fled from his mistris to preserve his chastity so let goe thy cloake all the bodily coverings of wealth honour and whatsoever else flye from sinne and keepe thy communion with thy God as the choycest excellency of thy soule CHAP. XIII Declaring the perfection and fulnesse of Christ above the fulnesse of all Creatures THE fourth thing in these words is the matter which dwelleth in Christ and that is all fulnesse and the fifth is the condition or quality of this fulnesse the fulnesse of the Godhead In Saints and Angels dwels a fulnesse of divine qualities in Christ the fulnesse of divine essence and herein Christ as man is manifested to bee farre more excellent then others to come nearer to God and to participate more of the fulnesse of God then all creatures And hence we learne that Doctr. Christs perfection and fulnesse doth infinitely surpass the fulness of all creatures As the fulnesse of the sea surpasseth the fulnesse of small vessels as Saul was d 1 Sam. 10.22 head and shoulders in stature above the people so is Christ in heavenly stature and fulnesse far above all men and Angels therefore is he stiled the e Ephes 1.22 head of all principality power for his cōplete dominiō over all creatures f Rev. 1.5 the prince of the kings of the earth to shew his power over all kings tyrants and whatsoever enemies g Heb. 1.2 the heire of all things having interest in dominion over all creatures in heaven and earth the whole world is his inheritance Such is Christs riches that all the fulnesse of the world is but poverty in comparison of him and all the strength of the creature but weaknesse compared with the power that is in his arme For God saith the Apostle h Ephes 1.20 21 22. raised him from the dead and set him at his owne right hand in heavenly places farre above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not onely in this world but also in that which is to come above the name of kings for his dominion above the name of rich men for his wealth above the name of Conquerours for his victory above the name of Saints and Angels for his puritie wisedome and most exquisite and absolute perfection And this appeares by the excellencie of Christs originall 3 Grounds of Christ above all creatures 1. Excellency of Christs originall As hee is the second person in the Trinitie he is begotten of his Father by an eternall generation Very God of very God As man he is the sonne of God by hypostaticall union his humanity subsisting in the person of the Son Of Christ therefore the Apostle saith that he is i Heb. 1.3 the brightnesse of his Fathers glory and the expresse image of his person being made so much better than the Angels as hee hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name then they Hee is the brightnesse of his Fathers glory as the beames are the glory of the Sunne and the expresse image of his person as the print of the seale on the waxe is the expresse image of the seale it selfe and is more excellent then the choycest creatures being the expresse and lively image of his Father the maker of all by his power the heire of all by his birth the supporter of all by his providence the revealer of all misteries by his wisedome the purgation of all sins by the sacrifice of himselfe head King and ruler of all by his session at the right hand of God and thus hee hath a more excellent name then the Angels according to his divinitie by eternall generation of his Father being the naturall Sonne of God consubstantiall with the Father according to his flesh by a temporall birth of the virgin and operation of the holy Ghost the flesh being assumed of the Sonne into the unitie of his person so that the same Sonne is both God and Man not two Sonnes but one and that not by adoption but by union not made a Sonne but borne a Sonne the flesh being assumed into the unitie of the person of the naturall Sonne As Christ hath being from and union with the Father more naturally intimately and entirely then any of the creatures so hee excells all others Hee that is most fully of God by regeneration and commeth neerest unto God by gracious union and communion is the most excellent of many people This appeares by the proportion between his humiliation and his exaltation Proportion betweene Christs humiliation exaltation he was abased and humbled below others hee appeared in the k Phil. 2.7 forme of a servant he was of no reputation rejected reproched persecuted accused blasphemed spit upon put to the shamefull death of the Crosse and his soule sorrowfull to the death And as hee was humbled and abased below others so it is fit hee should bee exalted above others Being l Phil. 2.8.9 found saith the Apostle in fashion as a man hee humbled himselfe and became obedient to the death even the death of the crosse wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name God will honour such people as men dishonour for their weldoing The good mans future glory shall fully answer his present ignominy David was set behind the Ewes his brethren preferred above him the Lord takes David from the Ewes and makes him king over Israel Ioseph was brought lower then any of his brethren cast into prison fetters put upon him yet from thence he came to the second place next the king in Aegypt Christs humiliation was deepest Christs glory is highest let no man for any reproach decline the way of godlinesse the basest crosse shall turne to their most glorious crowne that suffer for weldoing 2. Subjection of all under Christ This appeares by the subjection of all things under him m Ephes 1.22 all things are put under his feete all things high and low great and small visible and invisible present and to come are put under Christs feete even as he is man men and Angels are put under him as Subjects under their Soveraignes as Nobles under their Prince the Saints and faithfull servants of God are put under him as sheepe under their shepheard as the Bride under the Bridegroome as the members under their head all troubles and afflictions are put under him as n Mat. 8.8 Souldiers under the Centurion all Divels are put under him as captives under their Conquerour as Ioshua trode upon the neckes of the kings of Canaan so doth he trample downe and triumph over all the Princes of darkenesse all sinnes and transgressions are put under him as the offences of a land under a king Christ having authority to forgive them as deseases under a physician Christ having ability to heale all the distempers
on earth besides him and is as a crowne of glory in the hand of the Lord Isa 62.3 and as a royall Diadem in the hand of his God Joh. 1.12 Rom 8.18 Rev. 1.6 All that have Christ are sonnes of God heires of heaven spirituall Kings hee is most honourable and glorious that comes nighest unto Christ that receiveth most of Christ it is not naturall birth but new birth not worldly abundance but heavenly fulness that honors man in Gods presence * Sola apud Deum libertas est non servire peccatis summa apud Deum nobilitas est clarum esse virtutibus Rev. 12.1 The onely freedome with God saith Ierome is not to serve sinne and with God to excell in vertue is the highest nobility Most honourable and glorious is the description of the Church represented by a woman clothed with the Sunne a crowne of twelve starres on her head and the Moone under her feet That mans condition is questionlesse most honourable that hath the Sunne of righteousnesse clothing him the starre of Gods word guiding him and all the things of the earth put under him 5. The having of all things Fifthly hee that hath Christ hath all shee that is wedded to the Master of the house hath all the house Man by his spirituall wedlocke with Christ hath interest in all the things of this great house of the world Of such as have Christ the Apostle saith All things are yours 1 Cor. 3.22 23. whether Paul or Apollo or Cephas or the world or life or death or things present or things to come all are yours and yee are Christs and Christ is Gods All things are yours all the creatures here below are yours as your servants to doe service to you as all the servants of the house are under the mistresse of the house the Angels are also yours to minister to you as the Nobles of the land are the Queenes to attend and wait upon her All things are appointed for your good for your edification supportation and comfort Whether Paul or Apollo or Cephas all the Ministers of God from the highest to the lowest are yours as lights to guide you pastors to feed you with knowledge and understanding as shepheards to gather you home to Christ as physicians to heale you as builders to hew and square you as husbandmen to manure and dresse you as the friends of the Bridegroome to wooe you to perswade and betroth you to Christ All the ordinances of God are yours as a schoole to instruct you as a Banquetting house to feed you as an Artillery house to furnish you with spirituall armour as a Bethesda to heale you All these are for your sakes for your good The world is yours as a house for you to dwell in a countrey for you to live in for a season All the goods of the world are yours to use as the things of the house are the wives to use they are all sanctified unto you All the malice and opposition of the world is yours to weane you from the earth to drive you home to Christ to exercise your graces and sweeten unto you Christ Iesus The fulnesse pompe and glory of the world is yours to try your sobriety humility vigilancie and moderation in all things Not onely all things are yours but all conditions whether life or death life is yours the time of life is yours to learne and know God to get assurance of another life The prosperity of life is yours to bee thankfull to God for it the troubles of life are yours to learne to beare the crosse with patience All the severall estates and conditions of life are yours in each of them to shew your subjection and obedience unto God Death is also yours to put an end to all your miseries as a Physician to cure all your diseases as a haven of peace after all tempests as a place of rest after all labours as the red sea to Israel drowning all sinnes ending all sorrowes and giving entrance into endlesse joyes as the red sea drowned Pharaoh and the Egyptians and proved a safe passage to the Israelites and gave them occasion of great triumph and exultation Things present and things to come are yours present things are yours present good things are yours to behold God in them to praise God for them to serve God with them to doe good to others by them present afflictions are yours to try you to humble you to purge you to sweeten the meditation of Christ and heaven to you present sinnes are yours to make you vile in your owne apprehension to drive you out of your selves to let you see the necessarie use of Gods ordinances and the necessity of Christ Jesus Things to come are yours afflictions to come are yours to prepare for them sinnes to come are yours to prevent them heaven and happiness to come are yours to sustaine and comfort your selves with the thought and beleefe of them All things of whatsoever kinde or nature are yours and you are Christs Christs servants to obey him Christs Spouse to love him Christs members receiving all from him possessing all in him and Christ is Gods subordinate unto God as Man and Mediator between God and Man Here are all the latitudes of a Christians riches his having of all in Christ Jesus Let the proud man with Nebuchadnezar blesse himselfe in his stately palace let the mighty man with Gol●ah boast himselfe in his tall stature and strong armour let the valiant man with Senacharib magnifie himselfe in his victories and the covetous blesse himselfe with him in the parable in having his barnes full but let the Christian pronounce himselfe happy onely happy truly happy fully happy everlastingly happy in his having of Christ for Christ Jesus is mans sole and joyfull constant and most glorious happinesse because in him dwells all fulnesse even the fulnesse of the Godhead bodily The last thing in this verse is the manner how the fulnesse of the Godhead dwells in Christ and that is bodily in the body or humane nature assumed in that the fulness of the Godhead dwelleth Omnis plenitudo divinae narae in corpore ejus inhabitat All fulness saith Ierom of the divine nature dwelleth in his body And the Apostle addeth this word bodily 1. To put a distinction betweene the dwelling of the Godhead in the humane nature assumed and in the Saints in them the Godhead dwels by the communication of vertue but in this the Godhead dwels personally by the cōmunication of the person of the Son to the humane nature 2. This the Apostle addeth to shew that Christ according to his humane nature is head of the Church by reason of the personall inhabitation of the Godhead in the flesh 3. To declare the full and open manifestation of God in Christ God did often manifest himselfe unto men in shadowes and in powerfull and mighty workes but in Christ he hath manifested himselfe most fully dwelling
THE HAPPINES OF ENJOYING AND MAKING A TRUE AND SPEEDIE USE OF CHRIST SETTING FORTH FIRST THE FULNESSE OF CHRIST SECONDLY The danger of neglecting Christ and the opportunity of grace THIRDLY The LORD JESUS the soules last Refuge Whereunto is added St. PAULS LEGACIE or FAREWELL to the men of Corinth ALEXANDER GROSSE B. D. Minister of the Gospel and Pastour of Bridford That their hearts may be comforted being knit together in love and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God and of the Father and of Christ And whom are hid all the treasures of wisedome and knowledge Col. 2.2 3. And of his fulnesse have we all received and grace for grace Joh. 1.16 Omniae habemus in Christo omnia nobis Christus Ambros LONDON Printed by Robert Young for John Bartlet at the signe of the gilt-cup neere Saint Austens Gate 1640. TO MY MOST DEARELY Beloved and much honoured friends howsoever dignified or distinguished the Inhabitants of Plympton St. Mary the increase of all saving grace and everlasting blisse LOve among the Ancients was pourtrayed and shadowed out by and under the image of a woman cloathed in a greene garment having written in her forehead Procul Propè afarre off and neere at hand in her breast Mors vita life and death in the hemme of her garment Hyems aestas winter and summer in her side Vulnus apertum an open wound thorough which her heart within might be seen My love to you farre from me be all base flattery and selfe-commendation hath beene very fervent like the love of women greene and never withering alwayes fresh and flourishing not only while I was present with you but since I have been absent from you the sense at least of my love hath beene more abundant towards you such hath been my love to you that you were in my heart to live and to dye with you I could willingly in winter and in summer in all changes have continued your servant as Jacob served Labans flock in the heat and in the cold My heart is open to you as a Bridegroomes heart and house is open to receive the Bride and had your former beene like the last manifestations of your love towards me I am assured all the proffers and perswasions of the world should never have drawne me from you Great is the power and strength of affection with which faithfull Ministers love the Lords people as grace is more powerfull then nature so is their love stronger then the love of nature Non minus vos diligo saith Ambrose quos genui ex Evangelio quàm si suscepissem conjugio gratia quippe vehementior est ad diligendum quàm natura I love you no lesse whom I have begotten by the Gospel then if I had begotten you in matrimoniall conjunction because grace hath more energy and vehemency in the way and worke of love then nature And in my unfained love and as a pledge and testimony of my never-dying love I have sent you these papers part of which is the last Legacy I had to bestow upon you at the time of my departure from you It is very usefull for all Christians to renew the memory of the past labours of Gods messengers Every good child desires a copy of his Fathers will to see his Fathers love to know his Fathers gift to remember and observe his Fathers charge and counsell Children within some few dayes after their Fathers death expect the receipt of their parents Legacie and bequeath and loving children are ever very glad to accept and very carefull to keep their parents last gift though of slender worth the last words of Gods Ministers our spirituall parents doe commonly like the words of dying men take the deepest impression in their hearers True Christians thinke often and put great price upon the last labours of Gods Ministers I therefore here present unto you that which I published as my last ministeriall Will and Testament among you with some part of my poore labours since bestowed on others desiring you like loving children to accept it like provident and carefull children to make the humble true and best use of it A small gift well used proves many times an instrument of great inrichment Though I cease to be your Minister and am now no more your Instructer yet I cannot cease to bee your true though weake and unworthy perhaps despised friend and as ointment and perfume according to Solomon rejoice the heart so would I gladly by hearty counsell distill on you the drops of some friendly some Christian and spirituall sweetnesse to the rejoicing and revivement of your soules and as iron sharpens iron so am I willing by some words of admonition exhortation and excitation to sharpen and quicken your affections Let me therefore as a constant lover of your soules and a carefull remembrancer of your welfare intreat and perswade you all 1. To grow in the sight and sense of your sinne Beware of hardnesse keepe your hearts soft and contrite nourish and maintaine all tendernesse in your consciences sense of misery sweetens mercy the feeling of sin breeds both the loathing and leaving of sinne mans sight of his owne vilenesse makes Christ very precious and breeds a low opinion of all worldly excellencies The Hart feeling within him the operation of the serpents poyson goes from the thornes and thickets and passeth over the greene and pleasant pastures desires nothing but the fountaine sense of the venome of sinne and uncleannesse makes man go from the thornes and thickets of worldly cares and riches and passe from the greene medowes of carnall pleasures the soule being restlesse untill it comes to Christ Jesus the fountain of all spirituall refreshments Secondly take heed deceive not your selves with shewes and shadowes in stead of substance with a forme in stead of the power of godlinesse As the Poets fable it of Ixion imbracing a cloud in stead of Juno or as mothers in haste somtimes catch at the swadling clothes and leave the child behind them It is very dangerous to stay and applaud our selves in the ceremony of Religion and godliness not taking with us the Lord Jesus as sometimes Mary and Joseph went on with the multitude for company and left Christ behind them all religious observations prove complementall frivolous and fruitlesse if in them we see not taste not receive not enjoy not Christ religious exercises are lost labours to the soule that gaines not the Lord Jesus Thirdly Be truely meeke and humble bee emptied of all opinion of your owne worth and wisedome this will make you wise unto salvation He that is in the low pits and caves of the earth sees the starres in the firmament when they who are on the tops of the mountaines discerne them not Hee that is most humble sees most of heaven Bona est via humilitatis saith Bernard quâ veritas inquiritur charitas acquiritur generationes sapientiae
percipiuntur Good saith he is the way of humility whereby truth is searched out charity is obtained and the generations of wisdome are perceived Humility exalteth he that is most humble is and shal be most honourable Moses was the meekest man on earth and God made him the most honourable calling him up unto himselfe in the mount and making him the Leader of his people Gedeon was very little in his own eyes the least of his fathers house in his owne apprehension and God marvellously exalted him making him the deliverer of Israel As mans pride is attended with infamy so is mans meeknesse waited on with glory Vis magnus esse incipe ab imo Wilt thou be great begin from below saith the Father As the roots of the tree descend so the branches ascend this makes the soule capable of grace as the low grounds of water and the broken earth of seed God gives grace to the humble as men poure liquor into an empty vessell The Altar under the Law was hollow to receive the fire the wood and the sacrifice the heart of man under the Gospel must be humble empty of all spirituall pride and selfe-conceit to receive the fire of the spirit and Jesus Christ who offered himselfe a sacrifice for our sinnes this keeps the soule free from many darts of Satans casting and snares of his spreading as the low shrubs are free from many violent gusts and blasts of wind which shake and rent the taller trees I have read of one that seeing in a vision many snares of the devill spread upon earth he sate downe and mourned and said within himselfe Quis pertransiet ista Who shall passe through these whereunto he heard a voice answering Humilitas pertransiet Humility shall passe through them The Divell hath least power to fasten a temptation on him that is most humble hee that hath a gracious measure of meeknesse is neither affected with Satans proffers nor terrified with his threatnings This makes man peaceable in conversing with his brethren fruitfull in well-doing cheerfull in suffering comfortable in every condition constant in holy walking this makes a man precious in the eyes of God as a humble servant in the eyes of his Master Qui parvus est in reputatione propriâ magnus est in reputatione divinâ saith Gregory He that is little in his owne account is great in Gods esteeme This makes the way and worke of man acceptable unto God and also sweetens and encreaseth mans communion with God If ever therefore you entend to enjoy Gods glorious and blessed presence labour for this humility and meeknesse Fourthly Bee servent and unfained in your love to God his truth and his children this will make your language very gracious Amantium mos est saith Chrysostome ut amorem suum silentio tegere nequeunt Lovers know not how to keepe silence lovers of God are very full of gracious expressions this will make you liberal you shall give your selves to God and the service of his Saints as the men of Macedonia did this will make you patient in suffering as Jacob in his service for Rachel this will make you frequent the house of God with all alacrity frequency and diligence as children their fathers house and table this will make you joyfull in hearing the word of God as the Bride in hearing the voice of the Bridegroome this will make you carefull free and full in the observation of Gods statutes as loving children in the observation of their fathers precepts this will make you diligent and rich in all good workes the more man loves God the more he strives in all well-doing to glorifie God Love like fire is not idle but operative Amor Dei saith Gregory nunquam otiosus est operatur enim magna si est si verò operari renuit amor non est The love of God saith he is never idle for if it is it worketh great things but if it refuse to work it is not love Love makes the yoke of God easie and his worke delightfull it is only want of love that makes the commandement a burden Tantò magis delectat opus bonum quantò magis diligitur Deus summum incommutabile bonum saith Augustine A good work so much the more delighteth by how much the more God the chiefest and unchangable good is loved Love among some of the Ancients was resembled to and represented by the Sun the Sunne inlightens the world the more love the more light Knowledge and love like the water and the ice beget each other man loves God by knowing and knows God by loving God dwels in love and where God is there is light that mans light is darknesse which is not attended with the love of God and his testimonies the Sunne makes the earth fertile he that loves God cannot be barren his love makes him fruitfull in all well-doing the Sunne is swift and constant in his motion love makes man cheerfull speedy and unwearied in running the race which God hath set before him the Sunne is impassible love is patient and invincible it endureth all things no floods can drown it no waters can quench it Want of love and affection is the maine cause of mans apostacy and back-sliding the Sunne casteth his beames upward and downward to the East and to the West to the North and to the South Christian love causeth its beames to ascend to God above and to descend to man beneath to our friends on the right hand to our enemies on the left hand to them that are in the state or grace before us to them th●t are in the state of corruption behind us love which is not in this sense universall is corrupt and carnall The Sun beginning to ascend in his circle never goes back u●till he comes to the highest degree thereof true love abhorres apostacy ascends to more perfection and ceaseth not untill like Eliahs fiery chariot it hath carried the soule to heaven If ever you meane to see and enjoy the God of love labour for this love Fiftly Be very serious studious circumspect and carefull in all your walkings ponder the path of your feet like carefull travellers consider and weigh all your doings let all your waies of the heart within and worke without be ordered aright according the rule of Gods word every motion of the soule is a step to life or a step to death a step towards heaven or toward hell Mans labour and service is temporall his wages and recompence eternall therfore as Zeuxes that famous Lymner being demanded why he was so exact and serious so long so careful and curious in his workmanship answered Diu pingo quia aeternitati pingo I am long in painting because I paint unto eternity We all paint unto eternity every one of our actions tends to an eternity of joyes or sorrowes all our temporall actions are as seeds of eternity sowne by us a temporall seed an eternall harvest we speak we heare we write we read we
withers and a branch without root abiding barren and hastening to the fire Behold then O man thy necessity of Christ thy misery without Christ and give thy soule no rest untill thou art come home to Christ Fasten your thoughts upon the vanitie of all things without Christ 2. Vanitie of all things without Christ What is worldly fulnesse to him that comes not to Christ Jesus but vanity x Eccles 2.11 vexation of spirit a bed of thornes on which hee can●ot sleep without terrour * Auru●a 〈…〉 p●●● 〈…〉 po●● 〈…〉 aurum ●●●lus ●●●nus p●●●●or servus Aug. a way of snares 〈◊〉 ●hich hee cannot walke without stum●●ng ●ruising and hurting himselfe a cup o● g●ll of which hee cannot drink with any comfort like the waters of Marah to Is●ael without the tree burthens oppressing chaine 's fettering arrowes wounding ●●as tossing and winds shaking are all worldly possessions to them that poss●sse not Christ Jesus What was Paradise to Adam when hee had deprived h●mselfe of the tree of life by eating of the tr●e of forbidden fruit but as a wildernesse of thornes and briars a place of extreame torture and disquiet The worlds choycest Paradise proves at length full of bitternesse to him that hath deprived himselfe of Christ Jesus Augustine saith * Quid prodest diviti quod habet si Deum qui omnia dedit non habet What doth that profit the rich man which hee hath if hee hath not God which gave all What availes the having of the cisterne without the fountain The having of all things is as nothing if man have not Christ with them Happy is the man that so lookes upon the creatures emptinesse that he is thereby stirred up to seeke Christ and his fulnesse The excellencie the worth of Christ 3. Dignity of Christ As they said of David Hee is better more worthy then all the y 2 Sam. 18. ● thousands of the world As they said of the Centurion Hee is z Luk. 7.4 worthy for whom thou shalt doe this thing Much more may I say of Christ Hee is worthy that you should come unto him in him are all the load-stones of vertue power beauty and whatsoever can be spoken to move and draw the soule of man towards him In him is wisedome surpassing the brightnesse of the Sunne even all the a Col. ● 3 treasures of wisedome hidden In him is power excelling the strength of all Rockes hee is not onely strong but b Psal 18.1 strength it felfe In him is honour transcending all the Kings of the earth for hee is c Rev. 19.16 King of Kings and Lord of Lords hee is d Psa 104 1 2. cloathed with honour and majesty and covered with light as with a garment In him is beauty excelling the e Cant. 2.2 Rose of Sharon and the Lilly of the valley hee is the f Cant. 5.10 fairest of ten thousand fairer then all the flowers of the field then all the pretious stones of the earth then all the lights in the firmament then all Saints and Angels in the highest heavens In him is g Ephes 3.8 riches above all the riches of the world as in the Pearle above the drosse All worldly wealth is but poverty to the riches which is in Christ In him are h Psa 16.11 pleasures excelling all earthly pleasures more then ever paradise excelled the barren wildernesse All pleasures are but sorrowes and tortures to the pleasure which the soule doth finde in Christ Surely all wisedome is folly all power weaknesse all honour ignominy all beauty deformity all riches poverty all pleasures anguish and all fulnesse emptinesse in comparison of the wisedome power glory beauty riches pleasures and fulnesse that is in Christ Jesus O therefore come to Christ that you may bee enlightned strengthened honoured enriched protected solaced and your soules every way filled O come as the Queene of the South came from i 1 King 10.1 2. farre to Solomon that you may learne his wisedome O come as the stones in the building to the head k 1 Pet. 2.5 corner stone that hee may support you come as the subjects come the Kings Court that hee may advance and honour you come as poore men to a golden Mine that hee may enrich you come as Naaman came to l 2 King 5. Iordan that hee may sanctifie and cleanse you O come as the Prodigall came to his fathers m Luk. 15. house that Christ may kill the fatted calfe for you feed you with his ordinances with himselfe with his graces and put the robe of his righteousnesse upon you O come as a disconsolate man unto his friend that Christ may comfort you with the sweetnesse of his presence the sense of his love and all the comforts of his Spirit O come as the chicken to the henne that his wings may hide and shadow you Under the wings of Christ saith * Sub Christi scapulis quatuor nohis beneficia conseruntur c. Bernard foure benefites are bestowed upon us Here wee are hidden and protected Here wee are refreshed Here the scorching heat of affliction is repelled And here wee are fed and nourished Christ saith † Christus omnia ut qui omnia propter Christum dimiserit unum inveniat pro omnibus possit libero clamare Pars mea Dominus Ierome is all things that hee who for Christ hath let goe all may find one for all and may freely say The Lord is my portion For as Ambrose sayd * Omnia habemus in Christo omnia in nobis Christus si à vulnere curari defideras medicus est c. We have all in Christ and Christ is all things in us if thou desire to be cured of thy wound hee is a Physician if thou burne with Fevers hee is a Fountaine if thou art burthened with iniquity he is righteousnesse if thou wanttest help hee is strength if thou feare death hee is life if t●ou flye from darknesse hee is light if thou desirest heaven hee is the way if thou seekest food hee is nourishment Therefore to him let us come as sheep to their Shepheard as captives to their Ransomer as children to their Father The manner of comming to Christ 1. Speedily To him let us come first speedily without all delay as Eagles to the carcasse As the woman of Shunem n 2 King 4. sadled her Asse and made haste to the man of God for the recovery of her dead childe so let us make haste to Christ for the recovery life health comfort and welfare of our poore soules let us come unto him while hee may bee found and call upon him while hee is neere at hand As the Angell hasted and thrust Lot out of Sodome and bid him o Gen. 19 haste to Zoar and escape thither so let us hasten our soules out of the Sodome of sinne unto Christ O let us with all speed
which Christ hath assumed abides unchangeably united to the person of the Sonne so o Ioh. 15.7 abide with Christ in attendance on his ordinances in faith in his promises in love to his truth and in obedience to his precepts As the assumed nature is ascended from the earth to heaven so raise thy thoughts and affections p Col. 3.2 from the things below to the things above ascend continually by meditation by faith by love and longing to the things which are spirituall As the assumed nature hath no subsistence but in the person of the Sonne so have thou no dependance upon any thing but on Christ alone let him q Psal 73.15 bee all in all And as the assumed nature is filled with the fulnesse of the Godhead so labour more and more to bee filled with the fulnesse of all grace and holinesse so shalt thou maintaine that honour to which Christ hath exalted thy nature CHAP. XII Shewing that mans choycest excellencie consisteth in union with God THis sheweth us wherein the choycest excellencie of man consisteth even in being united unto God in having God dwelling in his heart Wherein stands the excellencie of Christ as Man but in having the Godhead dwelling in his flesh in being assumed into the unity of the second person And wherein stands the excellencie the glory and the happinesse of man but in being reconciled and brought nigh to God in being entred into a sweet and gracious communion with God Is it not the excellencie of the branches to bee united to the Vine of the members to bee united to the head of the wife to have communion with the husband and of the children to have communion with the parent And what is the excellencie the joy and comfort of the soule but sweet and gracious communion with God in Christ Jerusalem though the joy of the whole earth pleased not Absolom unlesse hee might r 2 Sam. 14.32 see the face of his father David The paradise of the world is but a wilderness to to the childe of God unlesse hee see the face enjoy the comfortable presence of God his Father Whom doth the Psalmist pronounce blessed Him that hath communion with Princes in their Courts with Nobles in their honours with valiant men in their victories with rich men in their wealth voluptuous men in their pleasures or him that hath communion with his God in his ordinances in his spirituall comforts Å¿ Psal 65.4 Blessed saith he is the man whom thou chusest and causest to approch unto thee whom thou chusest embracing him with thy love adopting him for thy sonne and making him a member of thy Church and causest him to approch unto thee as a Scholler to thy Schoole as a friend to thy house as a childe to thy table as a bride into the bosome of thy love to know thy will to beleeve thy truth to receive thy grace and to feele thy love and to bee satisfied with the goodnesse of thy house even of thy holy Temple What is the fruit and end of all the labours of Gods Ministers but to worke and draw home the soules of men to God to the fruition enjoyment of God to union and communion with God All the labour of Eleazar was to bring home Rebecca unto Isaac to espouse her to Isaac and all the labour of Gods Ministers his servants is to bring men home to Christ to espouse them to Christ as Paul saith I t 2 Cor. 11.2 have espoused you to one husband This is the summe of all to gather men home to God and Christ as Chicken to the Henne as Sheep unto the Shepheard as Children to the Parent that they may bee u 2 Cor. 5.19 reconciled unto God made one with God and have the blessed enjoyment of God as their highest excellency chiefest good And what are the longings of the soules of holy men who have discerned Gods beauties who have tasted Gods loving kindnesse but the fruition of God in his ordinances and in his graces w Ps 42.2 My soul saith David thirsteth for God O when shall I come appeare before God! And againe My soule x Ps 119.20 breaketh for the longings which it hath unto thy judgements at all times Very vehement and laborious are the desires of Gods servants after him and his testimonies desires which doe even consume and weare out the strength and vigour of their soules desires of perseverance longing at all times in prosperitie and adversitie The soule of a good man is restlesse untill it hath the enjoyment of God and Jesus Christ nothing else can content and answere it Herein stands the excellencie the glory and comfort of it untill it attaine this it is unquiet Union and communion with God makes the soule flourish Benefits of union and communion with God as the branches by union with the vine They y Ps 92.12 that are planted in the house of the Lord that draw nigh to God conscionably frequent his word and are ingrafted into Christ they shall flourish in the courts of our God as a watered garden or a tree planted by the waters side this fils the soule with spirituall life with heavenly sense and motion as the members which are united to the head z 1 Ioh. 5.12 Hee that hath the sonne hath life power strength a blessed fulnesse of holy and heavenly life hee spiritually moves and eates and walkes and workes and rejoyceth like a living man this makes him strong as the a Mat. 7. house that was united to the rocke no windes nor waves of trouble can beate him downe this makes him strong as Christ is strong to beare afflictions and to runne like a strong man the race of Gods commandements this sustaines him in all worldly desertions this is in stead of light when he is in darknesse in stead of b Psa 4.6 wealth when he is poore c. Union and communion with God answers all things O be assured then that the top and flower of the soules happinesse consists in union with God and Christ Jesus And as the fulnesse of the Godhead dwelleth in the humane nature of Christ bodily substantially so labour to feele God in Christ dwelling in thy soule spiritually feele him dwelling there by illumination as the sun dwelleth in the aire by ministration as the vine to the branches by powerfull and gracious gubernation as a centurion in the army a master in the house and a king in his courts by spirituall and holy inclination bowing bending and framing the heart to doe the will of God As the pilot at the sterne workes the ship towards the haven as the spirit of the living creatures in Ezekiels vision being in the wheeles Wheresoever the Spirit moved c Ezek. 1.20 they moved so feele the Spirit of Christ in thy soule so possessing sanctifying and framing it that there be a disposition and readinesse within thee to move as God in his word