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A85737 Svveet and soule-perswading inducements leading unto Christ. Deduced, 1. From the consideration of mans misery, emptinesse, basenesse, and dishonour without Christ. 2. From the meditation of the comforts attending the soules receiving of Christ. 3. From the apprehension of the joy and excellency of Christs living in man: the whole singularly sweetning the meditation of Christ to the soule of man. By Alexander Grosse, minister of Christ. Grosse, Alexander, 1596?-1654. 1642 (1642) Wing G2077; Thomason E120_1; ESTC R209830 364,575 490

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ground of all Religion Satan labours much to undermine and shake it and the Atheisme of mans heart is very prone to suspect and doubt it and mens weake and feeble lame and halting apprehension of this truth is one maine cause of the great abundance of Atheisme and prophanenesse For the effectuall and invincible perswasion resolution and through setling of your hearts therefore in this truth that God is looke 1. into the booke of Scripture and 2. into the booke of Nature 1. Looke into the booke of the Scripture and there fasten your eyes 1. upon the plaine and apparant Testimonies which it gives of God By the mouth of Job aske now saith he the beasts and they shall teach thee and the fowles of the aire and they shall tell thee or speake to the earth and it shall teach thee and the fishes of the Sea shall declare unto thee Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the Lord hath wrought this in whose hand is the soule of every living thing and the breath of all mankinde By the mouth of David The Heavens saith he declare the glory of God and the Firmament sheweth his handy-worke By the mouth of Paul God saith he who in times past suffered all Nations to walke in their owne wayes neverthelesse he left not himselfe without witnesse in that he did good and gave us raine from Heaven and fruitfull seasons filling our hearts with food and gladnesse And againe As I passed by saith he to the men of Athens and behold your devotions I found an Altar with this Inscription To the unknowne God whom therefore ye ignorantly worship him declare I unto you God that made the world and all things therein seeing that he is Lord of Heaven and Earth dwelleth not in Temples made with hands Neither is worshipped with mens hands seeing he giveth life and breath and every thing And most evidently writing to the Romanes he saith That which may be knowne of God is manifest in them for God hath shewed it unto them for the invisible things of him from the Creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternall power and God-head so that they are without excuse 2. Fasten your eyes upon the miraculous and mighty workes recorded in Scripture as the dividing of the waters of the red Sea and making the children of Israel to passe through them the giving of waters out of a stony rocke the raining of Manna from Heaven the sending of Quailes in the wildernesse the restraining of the fire in Nebuchadnezzars furnace that though it burned yet it hurt not the three children cast into it the shutting of the mouthes of the Lyons that they hurt not Daniel cast in among them the curing of diseases which no Physitian could heale the raising of the dead which no created power could doe the feeding of many thousands with a few loaves and fishes and many such like evidently declaring that there is an Almighty hand doing such great and mighty works 3. Meditate upon the prophecies and predictions there receiving their full and sure and certaine accomplishment in many ages after according as it was foretold arguing an eternall and All-seeing Spirit by whom they were inspired 4. Observe the punishments there miraculously inflicted upon the old world the Sodomites the Israelites in the wildernesse Pharaoh and many others and you shall reade the Justice of an Almighty God punishing the wickednesse of man 5. Consider well a way revealed to life and salvation above the capacity of man and Angell God appearing to the Patriarckes entring into a Covenant of life and peace with them sending his Prophets with tydings of a Saviour to come and at last sending his owne Sonne conceived by the Holy-Ghost in the wombe of a Virgin the humane nature assumed into the unity of the second person Christ God and Man in one Person a perfect Mediator between God and man a worke so strange and wonderfull that the Angels doe admire it and desire to pry into it a singular demonstration of Gods infinite and unsearchable wisedome 6. Observe also the mighty efficacy of this word of God upon the hearts of men piercing their hearts dividing between the bones and the marrow the joynts and the spirit presents as in a glasse the most close and secret sinnes of man before him filling them with terrour and amazement humbling and abasing them below the dust raising them out of the grave of sinne to a new life fetching them forth of Satans prison as the Angell brought Peter out of Herods prison turning their stony hearts into hearts of flesh making their leprous soules pure and cleane as Naamans flesh in Jordan healing the wounds of their consciences which no worldly balme could cure plainly declaring that an holy and Almighty Spirit did both inspire them and worke by them 7. Observe in the sacred Scriptures a generation of people so changed by the use of the word from what once they were That they are now distinguished from all the world besides as the living from the dead as the light from darkenesse as the Vine from the thorne and the Lambe from the Wolfe men called out of darkenesse into light men hating their former estates wayes and works more then ever they loved them Men chusing to live in any misery rather then in the allowance of the least sinne Men contented to be hated of father mother and all their friends according to the flesh that they may please Christ taking the spoyling of their goods joyfully reputing the reproach of Christ greater riches then all the treasures of the world Men pleasing contenting blessing and applauding themselves in the having of Christ though they have nothing else willing rather to lye in prison and dye a thousand deaths then deny or leave Christ Now whence is all this were they borne so● no they were once as others are Is it of themselves no the Leopard cannot change his spots it is indeed no other but the worke of a holy gracious and mighty God it is his worke which makes men to differ Had not this generation of men a cleare understanding and a lively and sweet apprehension of the Majesty power beauty and goodnesse of this God they would never for his sake endure such reproach hatred and trouble from the world Turne from the booke of the Scripture to the booke of Nature and here you shall see a Deity shining as the Sun in the Starres and putting it selfe forth as the root in the branches and appearing as the Artificer in his workmanship And thus looke 1. Vpon the whole universe the great house of the world the Earth as the floore and the Heavens as the roofe and covering plainly demonstrating the eternall power wisedome and Godhead as the Apostle saith When we see a great and stately house builded artificially composed severall peeces of stone timber lime earth and other materials skilfully and strongly joyned
Stars in the night season communicate the fulnesse of the Sunne to the aire and inhabitants of the earth the Ministers as Starres in the right hand of Christ the Sunne of Righteousnesse communicate to the soules of men the fulnesse of Christ Jesus in the night of this world we are all strangers to Christ Jesus without the Lords Ministers Christ is hidden from that people which enjoy not the ministery of the Gospell Gods Ministers by their labours communicate the knowledge of Christ as the Embassador communicates the knowledge of the King and of his mind God saith the Apostle who commanded the light to shine out of darknesse hath shined into our hearts to give the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus God is knowne in and through Christ as a man is knowne in and by his face We know an earthly Father in the face of his Sonne begotten by him we know God as a father of mercies only and through the face of Christ Jesus we see the face of man in a glasse in the Gospell in the labours of Gods Ministers we behold as in a glasse the face of Christ Jesus Christ is a storehouse in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisedome The Ministers have the ministeriall key of knowledge to open Christ unto the people Christ is a living fountaine a well of salvation a well sealed and shut up in the Scriptures Jacob rowled away the stone from the mouth of the well and gave Labans flocke water to drinke the Minister rowles away the stone removes the obscurity of the Scripture opens and interprets it and makes the people drinke of Christ the true and everliving fountaine the Ministers communicate the faith of Christ as Gods instruments the worke of faith in men the man of God by his prayer restored Jeroboams withered hand the Minister by his preaching and prayer restores the hand of faith in the heart of man formerly withered dryed up and of no use Faith commeth by hearing Who is Paul and who is Apollo but Ministers by whom ye beleeved even as the Lord gave to every man The Ministers communicate the life of Christ to men Christ by his corporall voice called Lazarus out of his grave by his Evangelicall voice by his word in the mouth of his Ministers he cals the soules of men out of the grave of sinne the dead in sinne heare the voice of the Sonne of God in the Gospell and they that heare live The ministery of the Gospell is the instrument of the soules vivification a meanes of Christs living in them that are Gods children the Ministers communicate the love of Christ Christ gives his love to the soule of man in the ministery of his word Isaac gave the pledges of his love to Rebeckah by Eleazar his father Abrahams servant Christ gives the pledges of his love to his Spouse the Church by the Ministers God his fathers servants by them he woeth and espouseth them unto himselfe and in the banquetting house of his ordinances his banner over them is love the Ministers communicate the peace of Christ the Embassador speaks words of peace from the King and communicates the Kings peace unto the people the Minister the Embassador of Christ the Prince of peace preacheth peace by Iesus Christ to the soules of men The Lord hath created ordained and appointed the fruit of his lips to be peace to them that are nigh and to them that are afar off Christ feeding the multitude corporally distributed bread unto them by his Disciples Christ feeding the soules of men spiritually with himselfe the true bread of life come downe from heaven communicates himselfe to men by the labours of his Ministers Abraham by the hands of his servants ministred jewels and bracelets to Rebeckah God by his Ministers communicates many spiritual and heavenly jewels even the whole treasury of Christ Jesus to his faithfull Church and servants whom he joynes in wedlocke with his sonne Manifold sweet and gracious are Gods dispensations of his Sonne by the labours of his Ministers Christ in and by the ministery of the Gospell is made very conspicuous and glorious in the eyes of the people very great is their blessednesse who have Christ communicated to them by the labours of Gods Ministers 2. In regard of the evils from which God delivers man by the labours of his Ministers God delivered the woman of Shunems sonne from bodily death by the ministery of the Prophet the Lord delivers the soule of man from spirituall death from being dead in sinnes by the labour of his Ministers the ministery of the Gospell is the instrumentall cause of the first resurrection the word is termed a word of life declaratively revealing life and operatively as an instrument working life God delivered Paul from his bodily blindnesse by the hands of Ananias he delivers man from spirituall blindnesse by the doctrine of his messengers by their instruction he opens their eyes and turnes them from darknesse to light and from the power of Satan unto God The Lord delivered Peter from Herods prison by the ministery of the Angell He delivers man from Satans prison and bondage by the worke of his Ministers by this as by a warlike weapon he casts downe the holds of sinne Satan fals like lightening from heaven and the soules of men partake of spirituall freedome as Goliah fell before David with a stone out of Davids sling so doth Satan before the Minister of the Lord with the word of God out of their mouth God delivered Naaman from his leprosie in Iordan and the impotent from their infirmities in Bethesda The Lord in and by the Gospell sanctifies the soules of his children this washeth away their uncleannesse this heales their infirmities this makes them new creatures Christ by his voice appeased the stormy tempest and gave a calme to his Disciples Christ by his Gospell appeaseth the tempestuous and perplexed consciences of his servants and brings them into a haven of spirituall peace and quietnesse He makes his Ministers as an Angell of God and one of a thousand to the afflicted soule comming like Noahs Dove with an Olive branch quieting him that is tossed upon the deluge of trouble turning his perplexity into peace his feare into confidence and his sorrow into sweet rejoycings God abundantly declares his dispensation of blessings by his Ministers through the removall of evils by their labours The Gospell is the choisest instrument averting evill foule and shamefull perplexing and mortall are the plagues and miseries resting upon them that neither enjoy nor regard the labours of Gods Ministers 3. In regard of the blessed state and condition whereinto God puts man by the labours of his Ministers The estate of man under the Gospell making a true use of the doctrines and instructions of Gods messengers is an estate of blessings The blessing
himselfe to Christ and the more he strives for full communion with Christ 2. There is an earnest and constant study and practise of holinesse Hope of salvation by Christ works conformity with Christ Every man saith Saint John that hath this hope purifieth himselfe as Christ is pure He that hath most hope of being saved is most laborious to be sanctified whosoever hath this hope sinne is the fowlest spot in his eye the heaviest burthen to his backe and the most troublesome inmate in the house of his soule and therefore he putteth himselfe to it to the utmost to purge this out and againe holinesse is to his eye the most glorious Starre to his nosthrill the sweetest flower in his estimation the choisest pearle and the noblest crowne and therefore strives to excell in this and to be like Christ is taken by him for the greatest happinesse he that saith he hopes to be saved and yet labours not to be sanctified doth but dreame and not hope whosoever waits for Heaven waits for it in the way of sanctification 3. There is a holy patience towards God The soule constantly and quietly cleaving to the Lord in seeking and waiting for all blisse and happinesse from the Lord though for the present exercised with many temptations and tryals and having it's comfort many times eclipsed and much obscured never repining against God never prescribing to God never stepping aside to any forbidden meanes from God but quieting it selfe in the will of God wa●ing upon the Lord when he hides his face from him and looking for him as he that hath seen the Sun in the day time and hath assured hope of the Suns returne waits for him patiently in the darkest night untill his rising and re-appearing thus he that hath felt the light of Gods countenance shining upon him and hath assured hope of the sensible returne of Gods favour waits for it with patience in the darkest night of his distresse being assured that his anger endureth but a moment and that in his favour is life that weeping may endure for a night but ioy commeth in the morning He that hath the most assured hope of receiving good things from God is best able to quiet himselfe in the will of God Mans hope of enjoying future comforts doth very much mitigate and sweeten mans present sorrowes If we hope for that we see not then saith Saint Paul doe we with patience wait for it 4. There is ioy and delight in God and Christ He that assuredly hopes and waits for the receiving of all good from God and Christ for a full a sweet and everlasting communion with God and Christ cannot but rejoyce and delight himself in God and Christ The betrothed woman which hath assured hopes of enjoying a comfortable wedlocke with such a man hath many joyfull thoughts of him the betrothed soule assuredly hoping for a comfortable honourable and everlasting wedlocke with Christ hath many joyfull and soule-ravishing meditations touching Christ rejoycing and delighting in him as in the root which gives him life as in the Sun which sends him light as in the treasure where he finds all riches as in the Paradise wherein he meets with all comforts and as in the Arke which beares him up in every deluge Christ is the onely joy of such as hope in him reioycing in hope of the glory of God and being begotten againe to a lively hope we reioyce therein with ioy glorious and unspeakable His hopes an Christ are dreames falshoods and carnall presumptions who doth not delight himselfe in the Lord Jesus 5. There is holy Security and boldnesse of heart and a sweet acquiescence in the favour of God shining upon the soule through the face of Jesus Christ inabling a man to possesse his soule in peace and patience in the midst of all troubles as the ship lyeth safe at anker in the haven in the midst of the stormy tempest inabling man after many difficulties and sharp conflicts to say Returne unto thy rest O my soule for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee apprehending God as a Father Christ as a Husband the promise of God as a firme and sure rocke to support him the Attributes of God as so many Chrystall streames to refresh him as so many beames of the highest and most glorious Sun to warme him as so many hiding places to shadow and shelter him and all the severall acts and passages of Gods providence as so many outgoings of Gods love and mercy towards him causing him to glory in tribulation knowing that tribulation worketh patience and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed Lastly in a word where true Christian hope is it makes a man thinke humbly of himselfe and highly of Christ hoping for nothing from himself but for all things from Christ it emptieth man of himselfe and causeth him to fetch all from the fulnesse of Christ it causeth him to have his whole dependance upon Christ as the house upon the rocke depending upon him for life to quicken him wisedome to direct him power to uphold him righteousnesse to justifie him holinesse to sanctifie him mercy to forgive him peace to quiet him and blessing to make all successefull to him c. True hope makes a man a man of courage in all holy undertakings in the open profession of God and his Testimonies in the patient tolleration of all afflictions in the Christian and constant abiding of all reproaches and contradictions for the Lord Jesus This inables man to possesse his soule in a holy silence when the world loades him with the heavy burden of many wrongs and injuries this fils him with fervent and frequent Prayers and supplications the more he hopes the more he prayes and the sweeter answer he receiveth to the Petition which his soule maketh hope of finding much quickens and strengthens man in seeking unfained hope in God is ever attended with some comfortable manifestation of God God will not leave that soule in darknesse which hopes in his mercies the hoping soule ever meets with matter of prayses and rejoycings after long sorrowes and patient waitings CHAP. XXI Shewing the carnall man in his corrupt estate is altogether alienated from God THe fifth and last Alienation declaring the carnall mans misery is an Alienation from God without God in the world Atheists either not beleeving there was any God at all or not beleeving aright but imbracing and adoring an Idoll instead of the true God but in as much as neither the Ephesians nor other Gentiles were void of all Religion but all acknowledged and adored some Deity how doth the Apostle call them Atheists and say they were without God in the world Answ 1. They were without the Scriptures the light by which God shineth from above into the soules of men the spirituall and heavenly glasse by which God doth reveale and shew himselfe plainly and clearly unto man and being without
his might and all the house of Israel brought up the Arke with shouting and with the sound of a Trumpet Thus should the soules of men be filled with very great thanksgiving and rejoycing at the comming of Christ among them this was prophecyed also and also given in charge long before the comming of Christ in the flesh Reioyce greatly O daughter of Zion shout O daughter of Ierusalem behold thy King commeth unto thee he is iust and having salvation lowly and riding upon an asse and upon a colt the fole of an asse As men rejoyce at an earthly Kings comming in love and mercy unto them so and much more should we rejoyce at Christs the spiritual and heavenly Kings comming in grace and mercy unto us the people piped with pipes and were exceedingly joyfull in the day of Salomons coronation when he was set up to raigne over them much greater should be our rejoycing in the day when Christ commeth to us by his Gospell and setteth up his spirituall kingdome in the hearts of his people This joy and rejoycing is promised by the Prophet in that day in the day of the Gospell in the day of Christs gracious and mercifull comming in the day of Christs erecting his spirituall and heavenly kingdome thou shalt say Lord I will praise thee I will be thankfull to thee I will exalt and magnifie thee I will confesse and acknowledge thy power to be a rocke that never sinketh thy truth to be a word that never faileth thy mercy to be a river whose water never decayeth and thy love to be a Sunne that never setteth and with ioy shall ye draw waters out of the Wells of salvation then shall we draw by the bucket of a lively faith spirituall and sweet strong and plentifull consolations from Christ who is a fountaine opened for sinne and for uncleannesse and out of the doctrine of the Gospell which like a river refresheth and maketh glad the hearts of the Lords people This joy and rejoycing is illustrated by a similitude taken from the light They that walked in darknesse have seene a great light they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death to them hath the light shined As the comming of the light is very joyfull to them that are in darknesse so is the comming of Christ in the Gospell very joyfull bringing spirituall and heavenly light to them that sate in darkenesse and the shadow of death all light is but darknesse and all joy but heavinesse in respect of that light and joy which ariseth from the comming of Christ Iesus and with great joy and gladnesse hath this comming of Christ been celebrated by the Angels Feare not saith the Angell to the Shepheards behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people for unto you is borne this day in the City of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord and suddenly there was with the Angell a multitude of the heavenly hoast praising God and saying Glory to God in the highest and in the earth peace good will towards men Thus likewise the multitude of Disciples beholding and seeing Christ come observing his miracles and embracing his doctrine they began to reioyce and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen saying Blessed be the King that commeth in the name of the Lord grace in heaven and glory to the highest The true and saving discerning of Christs comming and mighty operation in the Gospell ever makes the soule joyfull It is said of the Gentiles hearing Saint Paul to cite that prophecye of our Saviour I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles that thou shouldest be for salvation to the ends of the world that they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord they were glad as a man that sits in darknesse is glad of a light as a man that is arrested is glad of a surety to pay his debt as a man that is mortally sicke is glad of a Physitian to heale his disease as a man that is condemned is glad to heare of his comming that brings him a pardon very sweet and strong is that soules joy and gladnesse which hath a lively taste of the comforts and benefits springing from the comming of Christ in the Gospell They were not onely glad but they also glorified the word of God by understanding it as a word of wisedome by beleeving it as a word of truth by obeying it as a word of power by loving it as a word of goodnesse and by delighting in it as a word of surpassing and comfortable sweetnesse the soule that looks on Christ with joyfull apprehensions is very active and ready to glorifie Christ by faith and obedience Zacheus was very industrious to see Christ joyfull in his entertainment of Christ he made haste and came downe and received him joyfully Questionlesse every soule that truly desires to know Christ receives Christ comming in the Gospell with much thanksgiving and rejoycing Thus it is and thus it must be In regard of the cleare and comfortable revelation of God in Christ God is truly and savingly knowne only in and through his son God indeed is obscurely darkly known in his works as a God of power in his providence as a God of authority wisedome order in his common mercies as a God of bounty and in his punishments and judgements as a God of justice but in Christ opened preached in the Gospell God is known with a cleare a comfortable and saving knowledge as a father of grace and singular mercy and loving kindnes In Judah saith the Psalmist is God known his name is great in Israel in Iudah in his Church where his Word and Ordinances are where Christ is preached and the mystery of mans salvation is opened there God is knowne truly without errour perspicuously without obscurities and savingly without uncertainties there he is knowne as a King in his Courts for the glory and beauty which he there manifesteth as a teacher in his schoole for the wisedome and knowledge which he there dispenseth as a dweller in his house for the holy orders he there prescribeth and gracious rule and dominion he there erecteth and beareth in the soules of his servants as a bridegroome in the banqueting house for the spirituall dainties he there maketh for the cleare and open manifestations of himselfe and love and comforts hee there ministreth to his spirituall friends and guests and his name is great in Israell His power wisedome truth love and goodnesse is much magnified and very glorious in their apprehensions who know him in Christ Jesus Mans knowledge of God out of the Lord Jesus is nothing else but blindnesse nothing but miserable and uncomfortable ignorance for no man saith Christ knowes the Father but the Sonne and he to whom the Sonne will reveale him Christ is the lively image of the
Father and God is knowne in Christ as a father is knowne in his sonnes face The soule of man is full of hellish darknesse that is not taught of Christ Jesus For as the Apostle saith the light of the knowledge of the glory of God is given in the face of Iesus Christ The knowledge of the glory of Gods wisedome in the mystery of mans redemption the knowledge of the glory of Gods power in dissolving the works of Satan the knowledge of the glory of Gods justice in satisfying himselfe for mans sinne by Christs suffering the knowledge of the glory of Gods mercy in forgiving mans transgression the knowledge of the glory of Gods holinesse in sanctifying mans soule and the knowledge of the glory of Gods love in reconciling man unto himselfe all this knowledge of the glory of God is given in the face of Jesus Christ it is all manifested and made knowne in and through Christ of all Christian schollers he is the choisest that knowes most of God in Christ and because this knowledge is given in the face of Christ we should receive Christ comming in the Gospell with very great rejoycing for as the light is sweet and it is a pleasant thing to the eye to behold the Sunne so this wisedome when it entreth into the heart and this knowledge is pleasant to the soule in regard of spirituall liberty and freedome brought to the soule of man by the comming of Christ in his Gospell and spirituall kingdome Christ is the worker and the Gospell the instrument of mans freedome Christ comming in the Gospell brings liberty from ignorance as the Sunne brings liberty from darknesse Christ comming into Capernaum the Evangelist saith the people that sate in darknesse saw a great light and to them that sate in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up By this Christ brings liberty from death in sinne as by his voice he raised Lazarus and set him free from the grave so the dead in sinne heare the voice of the Sonne of God in the Gospell and live by this Christ brings liberty from Satan as David by his staffe and stone overthrew the great Goliah and brought liberty to Israel so doth Christ by his Gospell cast downe the strong holds of sinne and make Satan fall like lightening from heaven and frees the soules of Gods chosen Hereby Christ brings liberty from uncleannesse As Iordan freed Naaman from his leprosie so doth Christ by his word sanctifie and cleanse the soules of all beleevers Hereby Christ brings liberty from the Wrath of God and curse of the Law as a surety paying the debt brings liberty to the principall from the prison the arrest and sentence of the Judge Christ preached in the Gospell is the end of the law for righteousnesse to all that beleeve in him As we therefore rejoyce in the light which frees us from darknesse in the Physitian which frees us from diseases in the ransomer which frees us from bondage in the surety which frees us from the Serjeants that they doe not arrest us from the prison that it doth not hold us so should wee rejoyce in the comming of Christ bringing manifold sweet and comfortable freedome to us The Prophet having declared how God had given Christ for a Covenant of the people for a mediator of the people to establish the earth the elect living on the earth to cause to inherit the desolate heritages to restore them to that heavenly inheritance out of which they were cast by their sinne and Satan and to say to the prisoners goe forth to loose them that were bound with the fetters of their corruption and captivated by Satan addeth this as a duty of the people and a fruit of that freedome which Christ hath brought unto them Sing O Heaven and be joyfull Oh Earth breake forth into singing O Mountaine for God hath comforted his people and will have mercy upon his afflicted And thus Philip preaching Christ in Samaria and the devils departing out of many that were possessed by them it is said there was great ioy in that City spirituall freedome from the power of Satan and our owne corruption ministers matter of much and very sweet rejoycing In regard of that heavenly and blessed victory which we obtaine by the comming of Christ in the Gospell the Priests sounding the rammes-hornes the wals of Jericho fell and the Israelites obtained the victory Gods Ministers crying aloud and lifting up their voyces like a trumpet in the preaching of the Gospell the holds of sin are w cast downe and the soules of men are made victorious according to that of the Apostle the weapons of our warfare are not carnall but spirituall and mighty through God to the casting downe of strong holds When the Arke was erected Dagon fell When Christ is erected exalted and set up among the people in the ministery of the Gospell then the Devill fals from his possession then sinne fals from its dominion and then the world fals from the roome and sway it had in the hearts of the people the souldier is made victorious by his weapon the Christian by the Gospell the word being the sword of the Spirit that instrument by which the Spirit shewes his power in making the soule of man a glorious conquerour Why doth the Prophet speaking in the person of Christ say the Lord had made his mouth a sharp sword and a polished shaft but to shew the energy and working of his doctrine in piercing the heart in wounding sinne as a sword and shaft doth the body of the enemy in the day of battell The right use of this weapon ever gives man victory over his corruption What is the white-horse mentioned by Saint Iohn but the Primitive Church being white and bright for the purity and perfection of doctrine and discipline the Apostles like a horse swiftly running propagated the faith of Christ through the world Who is the rider there spoken of but Christ who is exalted and carried in spirituall triumph by the Ministery of his Word What is his bow but his Word the Law and Gospell with which hee wounds the hearts of his elect that he may heale and enliven them The hearts of the reprobate to terrifie and destroy them according to that of the Psalmist Thine arrowes are sharp in the hearts of the Kings enemies whereby the people fall under thee And how went Christ forth conquering and to conquer he went forth conquering overcomming sinne by his death and passion and overcomming death hell Satan and the world by his Resurrection and hee goeth forth to conquer converting his chosen and convincing his enemies by the preaching of the Gospell and in this victory there is matter of great joy It is greater joy to a Christian to see the Devill and his owne lust overcome and cast downe then to Israel to see Pharaoh and the Egyptians lye drowned before
saith God the Father unto Christ will preserve thee and give thee for a Covenant of the people to establish the earth and when Christ was baptized and solemnly entred upon his calling He was confirmed by a voice from heaven saying This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased 4. In respect of the doctrine which he taught no private nor humane doctrine but the doctrine of God his Father I am come saith Christ in my Fathers name declaring his truth and seeking his glory and ye receive me not if another shall come in his owne name preaching his owne invention exalting and magnifying himselfe him ye will receive to him ye will adhere him you will admire and adore And againe elsewhere I have not spoken of my selfe saith Christ but the Father which sent me he gave me a commandement what I should say and what I should speake and I know that his commandement is life everlasting whatsoever I speake therefore even as the Father said unto me so speake I. 5. In respect of benediction Christ is come in the name of the Lord accompanied with the fulnesse of all blessing from God In thy seed said God to Abraham speaking of Christ shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed unto you first saith Peter God having raised up his son Jesus sent him to blesse you in turning away every one of you from his iniquities and God saith Saint Paul hath blessed us with all spirituall blessings in heavenly places in Christ 6. In respect of the end which Christ proposed to himselfe his Fathers glory he came in the name of the Lord not seeking his owne but his glory who sent him I seeke not mine owne glory saith Christ I honour my Father if I honour my selfe my honour is nothing And thus Christ came in the name of the Lord ordained prepared called of the Lord declaring his Fathers will accompanied with the fulnesse of his Fathers blessing intending and seeking his Fathers glory The whole shewing That Christ is furnished with authority and all divine abilities to minister all peace and salvation to Gods servants This was tipyfied in Joseph Joseph was sent of his father to visit his brethren in the wildernesse Christ was sent of God his Father to visit mankinde sinfully straying in the wildernesse of the world Joseph was set over the whole land of Egypt and over the Kings house by Pharaoh King of Egypt Joseph was furnished with wisedome understanding and the Spirit of God to rule the people and with all the store and fulnesse of Egypt to minister to the necessities of the people Christ is set by God his father the King of Kings over the whole world in generall over the Church of God in speciall Christ is furnished with treasures of all wisedome to guide the people and with all divine and heavenly fulnesse to minister to the severall necessities of Gods servants to fill them with all spirituall fulnesse This was also figured in Josuah Josuah was confirmed in his calling by the dividing of the waters in Iordan at the presence of the Arke standing therein Christ was confirmed in his calling by the opening of the heavens and the Spirit descending in the forme of a Dove upon him when he was baptized in Iordan Moses being dead Joshuah was made the Captaine of Gods people Moses leading them to the land Joshuah entring them in the land the Law ceasing and the Ceremonies thereof vanishing Christ is appointed the Captaine of Gods Church and people the Law leading to Christ Christ by his death and conquest giving men entrance into the heavens Joshuah overcame the enemies of Israel and going before them brought them into the land of Canaan allotting to each one their portion Christ hath overcome the enemies of his Church and is ascended into heaven before us there to prepare for all the Lords servants It is not the Law but Christ that ministers salvation to the Lords people Christ Iesus is the authour of our spirituall conquest there is no way for man to heaven but onely by Christ who came from heaven Christ is the Iacobs ladder by whom God descends to us in his grace and through whom we ascend to God by our faith This was likewise typified in David David was anointed King and Ruler over Israel Christ is anointed King and Ruler over Gods Church David delivered Israell from the great Goliah he slew him with his owne weapon Christ overcame the infernall Goliah the Devill and brought deliverance to Gods chosen Christ by death Satans weapon destroyed him that had the power of death The power of all opposers is meere weaknesse to the power of Christ Jesus Such is the transcendent fulnesse of Christs abilities that he turnes the instruments of mans destruction to further mans salvation this calling preparation and mission of Christ was prophecyed by the Psalmist His dominion shall be from sea to sea and from the river unto the ends of the earth There is Christs universall jurisdiction and kingdome over men of every nation I will give thee saith the Lord by the Prophet for a Covenant of the people a light of the Gentiles There is Christs ordination to be the publisher of the Covenant of peace the Author of reconciliation between God and man the revealer of the mystery of mans salvation and the Spirit of the Lord saith the Prophet in the person of Christ is upon me and he hath anointed me to preach glad tidings to the meeke There is the calling the preparation unction and full furnishing of Christ with all abilities to execute his Mediatory office and in this respect Christ is sometimes termed by the Prophets a servant for his calling and obedience to his fathers will an Angell for his mission being sent of God and for his publication of the tydings of salvation a stone a tryed stone a precious corner stone a sure foundation for his strength to sustaine them that are built upon him a noble Ruler for his sacred prescription and gracious administration of Gods Church and kingdome a fountaine for his efficacy to purge out sinne and for his fulnesse to satisfie the thirsty soules of all beleevers a Sun of righteousnesse for the fulnesse of the light of knowledge and comfort which he dispenseth and for his blessed influence into the soules of his servants The Sunne doth not shine more clearly in the starres then the authority and ability of the Sunne of righteousnesse to save us doth shine in these Propheticall predictions and this calling mission full and through preparation of Christ to this office of mediation between God and man is plainly declared by the Evangelists and Apostles Saint Mathew speaks of Christ as of a Shepheard sent to gather the sheep which are lost Saint Marke as of an Embassador sent with tydings of peace as of an heire sent to rule
over us to be honourably entertained by us Saint Luke as of a Physitian sent to heale us as of a ransomer sent to free us and to restore spirituall liberty to us And Saint Paul saith plainly When the fulnesse of time was come God sent forth his sonne made of a woman made under the Law to redeeme them that were under the Law that we might receive the adoption of sons and in him dwelleth the fulnesse of the Godhead bodily and he filleth all in all And the authority calling preparation and fulnesse of Christs abilities to save us is very manifest 1. In regard of the power communicated unto Christ as Mediator All power both in heaven and in earth is given unto him power of vivification he quickneth whom he will as he raised Lazarus out of the grave power of illumination he openeth and no man shutteth as he opened the eyes of him that was borne blind power of sanctification he purgeth away all sinne as he cleansed the leprosie from the uncleane power of remission as Lord and King he forgiveth sinne he blotteth out sinne as the Sun the cloud power of pacification as he appeased the winds and waters power of administration as the high Steward of Gods family the supreme Pilot over the ship which is the Church of God as the great Centurion over the Lords army and chiefe Justice in Gods Kingdome power of subiugation casting downe and breaking in pieces all opposing forces as the stone out of the mountaines burst Nebuchadnezzars Image power of protection and sustentation in all troubles as Noahs Arke sustained him in the deluge and Christ safe guarded the three children in the fiery furnace The miraculous and mighty acts of Christs power are cleare and manifest declarations of his calling and commission and of his ability to minister salvation 2. In regard of Christs exaltation● He is exalted above all principalities he is exalted above all the common creatures as the Creator and workman above the worke as the Lord above his lowest servants he is exalted above all Angels as the Prince above the Nobles as the son above the attendants he is exalted above all devils as the Conquerour above the captives he is exalted above all the Saints of God as the head above the members as the King above the subjects as the bridegroome above the bride He is set at the right hand of God an exaltation whereof no meere creature is capable Christs Majesty dignity glory and exaltation doth even infinitely surpasse the dignity and honour of man and Angell He is made higher then the heavens others ascend into heaven have their dwelling in heaven but Christ is made higher then the heavens being God and man in one person having an exaltation above all Saints and Angels the inhabitants of heaven all that is in heaven and in the earth being put under him Christs sitting in his Fathers throne Christs exaltation above all creatures fully declared his ability to save his chosen from all evils 3. In regard of Christs impletion and filling of all He ascended farre above all heavens that he might fill all things Christ filleth all things with his power and common and generall operation as the Sunne fils all the earth with his influence with his absolute authority and dominion as a King fils his kingdome with his common gifts and mercies as the Master of the house fils all the persons of the house Christ filleth the Devils and damned men with his justice wrath vengeance but he filleth his Church and children with his ordinances as a teacher fils his schoole with books and rules of instruction as a nurse fils the childe with her breasts and the Master of the feast his guests with food these he filleth with knowledge as the Sun the aire with light with spirituall life sence and motion and all heavenly graces as the head the members as the root the branches as the Sun the starres sweet and comfortable excellent and gracious is that fulnesse which Christ ministers to his members and by his filling of his faithfull servants he verefies his Fathers mission and preparation of him to accomplish mans salvation 4. In regard of his proposing of his Fathers glory and referring all to his Fathers praise as the supreme and ultimate end of all his service and undertakings an ingenuous son preferres his fathers honour above his owne honour a good servant his Masters profit above his owne profit a loyall Embassador the Kings will message advantage and renowne above his owne will errant benefit or credit Christ as Mediator was both a sonne a servant and Gods great Embassador preferring his fathers will pleasure and praise above his owne I seeke not mine owne will faith Christ but the will of him that sent me and againe he sought not his owne glory but the glory of him that sent him and to the father Christ thus speakes of himselfe I have glorified thee on earth I have finished the worke which thou gavest me He glorified his father on earth by declaring his fathers will and counsell by making his father appeare glorious in the eyes of the people by ascribing all his miraculous and mighty works to his fathers power by fulfilling his Law by his obedience by satisfying his fathers justice by his sufferings by gathering home the soules of men to God his Father to know his Fathers will to adore his Fathers name to obey his Fathers precepts to beleeve his Fathers promises to love his Fathers truth to glorifie his ●athers name and every way to conforme themselves and their doings to his Fathers testimonies and by his full intendment and glorious accomplishment of his Fathers honour he compleatly demonstrated his ordination and preparation his comming in the name of his Father to be mans Saviour CHAP. XIII IN this with open face may all men behold and see Gods dispensation of salvation unto man by Christ his Sonne Christ is come in his Fathers name ordained prepared most absolutely and compleatly furnished to communicate salvation to the Lords chosen others come in the name of the Lord to procure and promote the salvation of man instrumentally ministerially subordinately dependantly but Christ is come in his fathers name to give salvation unto man absolutely and independantly by his owne power meritoriously by his owne worth and merit efficiently by the efficacions and mighty worke of his owne Spirit fully and everlastingly being able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him the Lord Jesus is the efficient and meritorious cause spring and fountaine of mans salvation There is no other name given under heaven wher by man can be saved but onely the name of Christ The name of the creature is a name of weaknesse emptinesse unworthinesse the name of mans righteousnesse is a name of many pollutions the name of mans worke and services is a name of debt and manifold
applyes himselfe to tradition like the foolish man in the parable he leaves the rocke and builds upon the sand which will sinke under him he forsakes the firme pillar and leanes upon a withered reed which will pierce him he goes from the living fountaine to the broken cisterne wherein is no water to refresh him he refuseth the wheat and feeds upon the chaffe which will choake him he rejecteth the vine the Olive and the Fig-tree and addresseth himselfe to the bramble which will nor feed nor shelter him but scratch and pricke goare and torture him Humane observations like the foolish Virgins Lamps are empty there is no light in them Like the Tree in the Gospell which had leaves and no fruit these are no trees of Gods planting no good fruit groweth on them no blessing but a curse attends them These like the sonnes of Sheva have no power to overcome Satan in stead of ministring freedome they imbondage the soule to Satan these like Jobs friends are miserable comforters and Physitians of no value in stead of healing they wound instead of nourishing they destroy in stead of gathering home the soule of man to Christ endearing man to God and bringing him to communion with God and Christ they separate man from God oblige man to Satan and associate the soule with the Devill according to that of the Apostle dissuading the Corinthians from the superstitions and inventions of the Gentiles saying I would not that ye should have fellowship with the Devils ye cannot drinke the cup of the Lord and the cup of the Devils ye cannot be partakers of the table of the Lord and of the table of Devils He that worships God by humane tradition serves not God but Satan as we cannot serve God and Mammon no more can we worship God and an Idoll The sacrifice which is not offered to God with fire from his owne Altar is an abominable oblation whatsoeuer duty act or exercise of Religion hath not Gods word for the rule of it is in Gods interpretation a service of Satan and in stead of pleasing provokes Gods indignation They have moved me to jealousie saith the Lord with that which is not god they have provoked me to anger with their vanities a fire shall be kindled in mine anger and shall burne unto the lowest hell and shall consume the earth with her increase As Christ therefore is come in Gods name furnished with all authority and dominion so let us in every thing receive our commission and direction from him The perfection of Christs authority and dominion and fulnesse of divine abilities presseth man to foure duties towards Christ 1. A duty of Subjection as to him that hath supreame authority We are charged by a voice from heaven to heare him to him is given a name above every name and to him must we make all the faculties of our soules and all the members of our bodies to vaile and stoop as all the sheaves in Josephs vision fell downe before his sheafe To him let us subject our selves 1. Spiritually The end of the commandement is love out of a pure heart arising from an inward principle of true grace Worshipping in Spirit and in truth is the worship which Christ requireth accepteth and wherein he delighteth obedience from an unsanctified heart is but filthy water from an uncleane fountaine and bad fruit of a corrupt tree Christ takes no pleasure in it the sacrifice prayer and whole way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord. 2. To Christ let us subject our selves filially not as slaves for feare of hell but as sonnes for love having a holy affection awing us and making us loath to offend Christ our love to and delight in holinesse moving us to walke in the way of Gods precepts serving him without feare without base and servile feare in holinesse and righteousnesse before him all the dayes of our life 3. To Christ let us be subject universally Moses built the whole Tabernacle after Gods patterne man must build his whole conversation according to Christs prescription that obedience which is not universall is unsound and hypocriticall the Law is one Copulative he that allowes himselfe in the breach of one precept is guilty of the whole Law he that makes not conscience of all truly makes conscience of none It is in vaine with Herod to doe many things reserving an Herodias in our bosomes It is to no purpose with Saul to slay the refuse of the stuffe reserving to our selves the lowing Oxe and bleating Sheep his heart is not right with God that walks not in all the wayes of God he doth truly hate no sinne that labors not the mortification of all sinne As the carefull Scholler therefore writes according to the whole copy so let us have respect to the whole Law of God and as sometime Jonathans armour-bearer said to him Loe I am with thee according to thy heart turne thou which way soever thou wilt Thus let us be with Christ even after Christs owne heart let us be with him which way soever he turnes before us in his word walking with Zachary and Elizabeth in all the ordinances of God 4. To Christ let us subject our selves speedily As Abraham rose up early and put away the bond-woman and her sonne so let us rise up early and put away our sinnes betimes Let us not sleep and slumber like the foolish Virgins with empty Lamps but let us hasten our soules out of sin to Christ as the Angels hasted Lot out of Sodome Let us consider our wayes and turne to the testimonies of the Lord Let us make haste and not delay as the erring traveller hasteneth to his right path Let us remember our Creator in the dayes of our youth and seeke him while he may be found and as Ahimaaz ran as soone as Joab gave him a commission so let us labour to be as ready to obey as Christ to command speedy obedience doth much honour and commend mans service 5. To Christ let us subject our selves freely not mercinarily as hirelings but freely as friends serving Christ for Christ himselfe intending Christ and his glory above our selves in all our services moving to Christ fully and freely as the rivers to the Ocean As Rachels beauty induced Jacob to twice seven yeares service so let Christs beauties the apprehension we have of Christs perfections worke and draw us to a free and ready service of Christ in all difficulties Christ abhorres all basenesse all by and sinister respects in mens services He that serves not Christ for Christ himselfe serves not Christ but himselfe 6. To Christ let us subject stedfastly as the wise to the husband untill death keeping the commandement alwayes unto the end abiding with Christ as Ittai with David in life and in death Perseverance with Christs Jesus crownes mans service He that continueth to the end shall be saved A second duty which the fulnesse
Men are often very dangerous self-lovers in their holiest and most honourable performances It argues a humble sweet and gracious disposition of mens affections to be able to rejoyce in the godly service of others a humble soule is joyfull and thankfull that God is honoured the Church benefited the Gospell preached the cause and kingdome of Christ promoted by others as if himselfe had been the instrument Gods glory is a humble mans maine desire and intendment and is much joyed to see the same accomplished and in these characters as in plaine letters may all men reade the truth and power of their self-denyall and accordingly judge of their condition CHAP. X. BUt it may be here demanded how many wayes a man may deceive himselfe in the point and matter of self-denyall The heart of man is deceitfull above measure and man is very prone to deceive himselfe as in other necessary points and parts of salvation so in this of self-denyall To this therefore I answer that man is apt to deceive himselfe in this behalfe eight wayes 1. By denying himselfe superstitiously Thus many deny rest food and liberty necessary lawfull and allowed whipping scourging macerating pinching and even starving their owne flesh denying themselves the use of such creatures as God hath ordained and provided for the comfort and supportment of his servants God hath made man subordinate Lord over the works of his hands and hath put all things under his feet all sheep and oxen and the beasts of the field the fowles of the ayre and the fishes of the sea Every creature of God saith the Apostle is good and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer yet many in their superstition deny themselves the free and Christian use of the creature placing their Religion and self-denyall in abstinence from some sorts of creatures This is a law of Antichrist mentioned by Saint Paul forbidding to marry and commanding to abstaine from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving Such self-deniers are none of Christs but Antichrists subjects Men placing their self-denyall in the observation of humane inventions are farre from denying their owne corrupt and carnall lusts and affections they that make tradition the rule of their Religion are farre from spirituall and true mortification zealous observers of humane devises in stead of denying themselves deny the Lord Jesus Of such therefore the Apostle testifies that they are vainly puft up in their fleshly mind and not holding the head which is Christ and rebuking their superstition as repugnant to Christs death he saith wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world why as though living in the world are ye subject to ordinances touch not taste not handle not which all are to perish with the using after the commandements and doctrines of men This is the superstitious mans self-denyall 2. By denying himselfe covetously Many out of an immoderate desire after earthly riches and inordinate love to the world deny themselves bodily rest rising up early and sitting up late and eating the bread of sorrowes they deny themselves necessary food and rayment they travell under their worldly abundance as a galled horse under a heavy burthen they want nothing of all their soules desire yet God gives them not power to eat thereof This is the miserable worldlings humility and self-denyall and in this he is ready to please and applaude himselfe this man indeed abaseth himselfe below the dust but he doth not humble himselfe under Christ he makes himselfe the drudge and slave of worldly dung and drosse he makes not himselfe the servant of Christ 3. By denying himselfe partially He denyes some but not all his lusts he walks in some but not in all the ordinances of God Jehu denyed Baals Priests he put them to death but he allowed the calves in Dan and Bethel Saul denyed himselfe in the refuse of the Amalekitish stuffe he destroyed the refuse but he denyed not himselfe in the bleating sheep and lowing oxen he spared them Herod denyed himselfe in many things he heard the Baptist gladly and did many things but he denyed not himselfe in Herodias he continued his incest He that denyes not himselfe in all things truly denyes himselfe in nothing he that allowes himselfe under the power of one sinne is farre from Christ farre from the knowledge of Christ as he that allowes one moate in his eye is farre from the cleare and comfortable sight of the Sunne far from the life of Christ and health of grace as he that allowes himselfe in one disease is farre from health of body farre from the love of Christ as the woman which allowes one strange lover in her bosome is farre from the love of her husband he is farre from the way to life as he that keeps himselfe and travels on in one false way is farre from his right path farre from all interest in Gods promises as he that breakes one Covenant and condition of his Lease hath forfeited his whole Lease and farre from spirituall liberty and freedome as he that is fettered with one strong chaine is farre from bodily freedome he that denyes not all sinne denyes none as it is sinne hypocriticall miserable deceitfull is their self-denyall which is partiall and halt like Israel between God and Baal between vertue and vice between the earth and heaven still abiding under the power of sin without either truth or perfection in grace 4. By denying himselfe Constrainedly Not for love but for feare not for the hatred of sinne but for the sence of misery attending sinne as the dog denyes himselfe his meat when he is sicke and the Sow denyes her wallowing in the mire by reason of the coldnesse of the weather Lord saith the Prophet in trouble have they visited thee they powred out a prayer when thy chastening was upon them When the hand of God is heavy upon them they walke humbly they deny themselves their former carnall contentments with the Mariners they cast out Jonah in the storme This is the afflicted mans self-denyall a denyall not springing from any principle of grace but forc't upon the soule not arising from any hatred of sinne but from the punishment of sinne As Mariners cease from the Sea and lye fast in the haven while the stormes last but as soone as the weather is calme they put themselves forth againe Thus many when the storme is up when their soules are tossed with the tempest of trouble they cease from their worldly and carnall wayes but as soone as their estate is cleare and calme againe they returne to their former trade and practise of sin Constrained deny all is neither cordiall nor perpetuall 5. By denying himselfe hypocritically seeming to others to deny himselfe when yet indeed he doth not as Ahab put off his Kings roabes and
herbe poysoning all the liquor in the pot his vertues will at the last be censured as vices in whom the ambitious humour of self-exaltation beares dominion the least measure of grace with humility and meeknesse is farre better then the greatest abilities with a proud spirit It is better feeding on a slender dish well seasoned then on a great dish furnished with all dainties having poyson mingled with it 5. Self-exaltation keepes the soule barren barren of knowledge he that exalts himselfe regards not wholesome counsell he rejects the Word of God and there is no true wisdome in him the proud saith the Apostle knowes nothing Nothing of God the Father regenerating him of Christ redeeming him of the Spirit sanctifying him of the Word enlightning humbling changing and renewing him he leanes upon his owne corrupt and carnall reason a lamp wherin is no light the proud mans light is darknesse his very knowledge is miserable and wretched ignorance he continues barren of Faith he builds on man and not on Christ How can ye beleeve saith Christ who seeke honour one of another and not the honour which cometh from God he remaines barren of love a self-lover and no lover of God the motion of his heart is terminated within himselfe he brings forth all his fruit unto himselfe and is an empty vine in Gods accounts he continues barren of all grace God giving grace to the humble but resisting the proud Isidore relates that on the mountaine on Libanus there are Cedars very tall and gloriously flourishing but never bearing fruit and the reason is rendered because the Mountains on which they grow are so high that they receive not the reflection of the Sun-beames and the waters naturally descend unto the valleyes Thus self-exalters seated on the high Mountaines of common abilities are barren of all fruit acceptable unto God because they are neither savingly enlightned nor warmed with the beames of the Sun of Righteousnesse nor watered with the dew and moysture of heavenly grace none more empty of saving goodnes then such as are most exalted in their own imaginations 6. Self-exaltation abaseth God The Philistines placed their Dagon above the Arke the proud man sets himself above God ambitious self-exalters like so many petty Antichrists exalt themselves above all that is called God They set themselves above the law of God they breake the bands therof asunder and cast away the cordes therof from them they serve not God according to Gods institution but after their own invention instead of receiving Gods prescription they prescribe how God shall be served by them they exalt themselves above the Ministers of God they esteeme not their instruction their words are in their account but babling they exalt themselves above the offices of Christ they entertain not Christ as a Prophet instructing them as a Priest to sanctify them as a King to beare spirituall dominion within them they exalt themselves above the attributes of God above the dominion of God refusing subjection above the wisedome of God rejecting his counsell not suffering themselves to be guided by him and above the power of God resting upon an arme of flesh and not upon the arme of the Lord there is no sin that makes man more injurious unto God nor that sets man in greater opposition against God then self-exaltation all other vices saith Gregory fly from God to the creature as covetous to gold and silver luxury to fleshly delights c. Onely pride opposeth it selfe against God and usurps that unto it selfe which is proper to God I say unto you saith Bernard that every proud man exalts himselfe above God for God will have his will to be done and the proud man will have his will to be done but God only in things which right and reason doth approve the proud man in things which are beside and against both right and reason man doth very shamefully abase God by exalting himselfe and his own will above the word and will of God 7. Self-exaltation deceiveth making man thinke himselfe wise when he is ignorant holy when he is profane free when he is captive full when he is empty It makes man appeare unto himselfe to be another then in deed he is Like him in the Prophet that dreamed he had eaten and was full but when he awakened he found himselfe empty No man more apt to be deluded then he that is self-conceited and desirous to be applauded 8. This likewise shamefully abaseth man makes him the consort and very habitation of Satan God dwels with the humble Satan with the proud whom God resisteth Satan possesseth the more a man doth exalt himselfe against God the more he doth abase himselfe under Satan the more God with-drawes himself from him the nearer Satan draweth to him the more God abhorres him the more delight Satan takes in him and therfore the proud man is not unfitly termed by one umbraculum Satanae a shadow set by Satan against the Sun of Righteousnesse driving the light of grace from him and making himselfe a shadow for Satan to sleep and rest in O how dishonourable base and shamefull is their condition who seeke their owne honour with Gods dishonour Hee that most magnifies himselfe above others is the most base of all others He alone that puts himselfe and all that is his under Christ is truly honourable he that exalts himselfe and denyes obedience to Christ is most base and contemptible he that is not Gods holy and gracious servant is Satans shamefull and unhappy slave 9. And lastly Self-exaltation alienates man from Heaven the way to Heaven is by humility and self-denyall Jonathan and his Armour-bearer ascending the hill 1 Sam. 14. crept upon their hands and their feet Christ humbled himselfe and then he was exalted he went by the Crosse to the Crowne and all believers his armour-bearers and followers as many as intend Heaven must tread the steps of Christ vaile and bow to Christs Scepter he must learn of Christ to be meeke and lowly hee must deny himselfe and take up his Crosse and follow Christ or he can never enter into Christs glorious rest hell is the appointed habitation for every soule that is not humble God will cast downe them that exalt themselves the Lord will shame them who honour themselves and not him this is the great evill and danger of self-exaltation CHAP. XVI IF you demand how it comes to passe that vain man is so prone and forward to exalt himself to magnifie himselfe in the eyes of men and so slow and backward to exalt and set up Christ I answer this ariseth 1. From mans ignorance of his own corrupt and base estate did man see how he is a dead man in whom is no life of grace a bond-man a spirituall prisoner unto Satan having many lusts like chains and fetters tying him an empty house wherin dwelleth no good and a loathsome Leper having
in himselfe but all his glory is in Christ the very whole of true Christians is from Christ Jesus Christ is both the fountaine filling and the life quickening them they cannot but acknowledge with Paul It is Christ lives in them In the words we have 1. A terme of opposition But 2. An Agent or Authour Christ he is the Author of this spirituall life 3. An Act liveth Christians live not the life of grace by themselves it is received from Christ 4. A Sub●ect in me True believers are the only subject of spirituall life First of the terme of opposition but a word signifying an opposition of things in that sense in which things are opposed Labour not for the meat saith Christ which perisheth but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life and again lay not up for your selves treasure on earth but lay up for your selves treasures in Heaven And so likewise it is the Apostles charge be not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is And be not drunke with wine wherein is excesse but be filled with the Spirit And thus the Apostle here I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me I live indeed but it is not of my selfe but from Christ it is not of nature but of grace Christ is the root of spirituall life in me It is plaine and manifest to the feeling and experience of Gods children that they have not the life of Grace and holinesse from themselves but from Christ Jesus they know that Christ is the authour and finisher of their salvation they know that Christ is in them Examine your selves proove your selves know yee not that Christ is in you except yee be reprobates saith the Apostle We know saith S. John that we are of God quickning regenerating enlightning and sanctifying us and we know that the sonne of God is come and hath given us an understanding to know him that is true and we are in him that is true even in his sonne Jesus Christ this is the true God and eternall life they know that Christ is in them as a root enlivening them as a Sun illuminating them as a Refiners fire purging them The woman of Shunem knew that the Prophet had raised her dead son to life the children of God know that Christ hath raised their soules which were dead in sinnes and trespasses the blind man knew that whereas he was blind he did now see and that Christ had opened his eyes Gods children have experience of Christs opening the eyes of their understanding Naaman knew that Jordan had washed away the leprosie which clave unto him Gods servants know that they are washed sanctified and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of God Gods children know that of themselves they are dead in sins and trespasses and that Christ is the authour of spirituall life unto them they know that of themselves they are empty of all spirituall good and that Christ is the fountaine filling them they know that in their naturall estate they are the slaves of Satan the bond-men of the world the servants of corruption and that Christ alone is the worker of their freedome the beginning and the end of their salvation The life of grace and holinesse is not of man but of Christ no child in the course of nature can beget it selfe but is begotten of another Parent no child of God in the way of grace is the authour of his owne regeneration and new birth but is begotten again by the resurrection of Jesus Christ the Spirit of God perswading them of the truth informing them in the virtue and applying to them the power and efficacy of Christs resurrection begetteth them againe unto a lively hope mans receiving of Christ is the receiving of spirituall life and new-birth As many saith the Evangelist as received him to them gave he power to become the sonnes of God which were borne not of blood not by the Nobility and dignity of their Parents according to the flesh nor of the will of the flesh not by the ability and strength of nature not by any activity liberty or freedome of their owne nor of the will of man not by the art or industry education or instruction of man but of God It is not in the power of man to regenerate man God useth man as his instrument but God himselfe accomplisheth the worke as a supreme and free agent when and where he pleaseth Man is an alien to the life of God and can no more raise himselfe to a spirituall life then Lazarus could raise himselfe to a naturall life Mans conversion is a new creation which is as farre beyond the power of man as the forming of himselfe of nothing All the instruments of spirituall life are dependant no more able to quicken the soule of man then Gehazi with his Masters staffe was able to raise the woman of Shunems sonne to life without Elisha himselfe the life of the soule is hidden in Christ and he that hath not Christ is farre from all spirituall life Such therefore as have no experience of Christs communicating the life of grace and holinesse unto them are none of Gods children their life is a naturall a worldly a carnall and not a spirituall a heavenly and holy life they live by a fleshly and not by a spirituall principle by a corrupt and humane and not by a divine and heavenly rule they live unto themselves and not to Christ they are of themselves and they incline and move to themselves as to their proper Center they confine themselves within themselves they can nor looke nor move beyond themselves That which is of the flesh of a fleshly originall compounded wholy of fleshly principles having no other then fleshly ingredients in it that is flesh discerning after a fleshly and carnall manner and not perceiving the things of God which are spiritually discerned savouring and relishing only things carnall and fleshly minding only that which is vaine corrupt and earthly walking by a fleshly rule the imagination of their owne hearts and proposing a fleshly end the satisfaction of their owne corrupt and sinfull lusts they are not of God as a childe is of his Parents they beare not on them the Image of God as a child doth beare the image of his Father they depend not upon God as a child depends upon his Parents they abide not with God as a child with his Parents they receive not Gods instruction as a childe receives his fathers instruction they love not God as a child his Parent they delight not in God as a child rejoyceth in his Parents the meditation of God is not sweet the thought of Gods presence is not pleasant to them they frequent not Gods house they make it not their dwelling and place of their delight as children doe their Fathers house He that is without Christ is without God
Shunems sonne that was dead He lay upon the childe and his mouth upon the childes mouth and his eyes upon the childes eyes and his hands upon the childes hands he stretched himselfe upon the childe and the flesh of the childe waxed warme the childe neesed and opened his eyes Christ applyeth himselfe and his benefits to the understandings of men to the soules and consciences of men and their cold hearts are warmed their blind eyes are opened their soules are enlivened and Christ lives within them raising them from the death of sinne and restoring them to the life of God from which they are alienated by sinne therefore Saint John saith He that hath not the Sonne hath not life He that hath not the Son graciously possessing him spiritually quickning him powerfully working upon him and causing a holy change in him he hath not life the life of God that holy and gracious life which God through Christ communicates to the soules of his servants but he that hath the Sonne he that beleeveth in the Sonne is united to the Sonne and hath the Sonne living in him he hath life he is spiritually quickened and enlivened And God saith the Apostle hath given us eternall life and this life is in his Sonne God hath placed this and the fulnesse of all divine and heavenly good things in his Sonne he dispenseth all these by the Sonne that no man may live before him without the Sonne living in him and the Sonne is called Life having in himselfe the fulnesse of all life having the power of life and death being the Authour and the root of life in all them that live the life of grace no man comming to the Father receiving life from the Father finding grace and favour with the Father but in and through the Sonne who is to us the Way the Truth and the Life the way by whom we walk the truth by whom we are guided and the life by whom we are quickned called by Saint Paul our life because we live not the life of grace of our selves but by Christ It is a life which ariseth not from our flesh but is derived to us from Christ Christ liveth in us begetteth preserveth and perfecteth this life in all beleevers and for this end Christ came that all the chosen of God might have life and that they might have it more abundantly Ministring not onely an inchoation but a daily increase of the life of grace untill they come to the life of glory and Christ is termed eternall life having life eternall in himselfe working life eternall and living for ever in us we enjoying the true and eternall God in and through Christ And Christ liveth in all them that are the children of God 1. By way of Originall The life of grace is originally from Christ Christ being not only the Author of this life with the Father and the Holy-Ghost but also the root of this life in us living in us as the root liveth in the branches as the parent liveth in the childe therefore Christ is called the vine and we the branches As the life of the branches is originally in the vine so is our life originally in Christ and as the branches live by the vine living in them so we live by Christ living in us And the Apostle termeth the second Adam which is Christ a quickning spirit For as the life of the body of man is originally from the soule the soule quickning and living in the body so the life of grace is originally from Christ Christ spiritually quickening and living in all beleevers and as the body without the spirit is dead so is man without Christ spiritually dead in sins 2. By way of Coniunction Christ liveth in vs by being united to us and made one with us The stocke liveth in the graft by union with the graft we being taken out of the wilde Olive separated from our naturall and corrupt estate called and gathered home to Christ and grafted in the true Olive we live in him and he lives in us If ye abide in me and I in you ye shall bring forth much fruit saith Christ If ye be united unto me and I united unto you then you shall live and be very fruitfull By being built upon Christ the living stone they become lively stones 3. By way of influence infusion and transmission The heavens by an influence into the earth doe quicken and enliven the earth and make all the seeds and roots hidden in the earth to revive and put themselves forth to sprout and flourish there is an influence going forth from the Sun of righteousnesse into the soules of men reviving and quickning them and making them of dead to become living of barren to become fruitfull To you saith the Lord shall the Sun of Righteousnesse arise with healing in his wings and ye shall goe forth and grow up as the calves of the stall There is an influence goeth forth from the skill seated in the mind and strength seated in the hand of the Artificer which passeth upon the worke whereby he moulds and fashions it and sets a stamp upon it according to his pleasure Thus there is a heavenly influence a holy vertue and power comming from Christ and his Spirit that new moulds and fashions that mightily quickens and enlivens the soule of man by which Christ sets his owne Image upon man and this is called the power of Christs Resurrection That I may know him saith Paul and the power of his Resurrection that I may know Christ and be made partakers of the good things which come by Christ that I may know him as a Prophet instructing me as a Priest sanctifying me as a King reigning spiritually within me and that I may know the power of his Resurrection in the vivification of my soule in the abolition of my sinne in the taking away of the guilt of my transgression in the acquisition of righteousnesse and in the restoring of me to the assured hope of future glory and immortality There is a virtue flowes from the Resurrection of Christs body from the grave to the resurrection of the soules of men from the death of sinne As Christ was raised from the death by the glory of the Father even so should we walke in newnesse of life saith the Apostle and this influence of Christ into the soule of man is called the exceeding greatnesse of his power an exceeding great power for the omnipotency of the Agent for the mightinesse of the Devill sinne death and the world who are overcome by it for the greatnesse of the holy and gracious change wrought thereby in the soules of men changing the whole frame of the hearts of men from death to life from darknesse to light from bondage to liberty from uncleannesse to holinesse from earthlinesse to heavenlinesse and by this powerfull and mighty influence doth Christ live in
sinne as the only Prince of Peace sweetly and powerfully ruling in the heart of man and graciously reconciling God and man as the only beloved Husband marrying himselfe to man as the only precious pearle in whom is all the treasure of the soul of man as the only rocke in whom is all the strength of man and by whom man is supported as the only rich and royall roabe by whom mans sinne is covered and the soule of man justified and as the onely fountaine in whom man meets with fulnesse of satisfaction and where Christ is thus revealed there he liveth This Revelation of Christ in man ministers life and comfort unto man 5. Christ beginning to live in man doth very powerfully and graciously change and reforme man he doth cause his Gospell to come to man not in word only but in power also humbling man breaking and bruising the stony heart plowing up the fallow ground of mans heart making it of barren to become good ground causing the choisest plants of his grace and fruits of righteousnesse to grow there Christ doth not onely proffer his grace and stirre up good desires and purposes but he infuseth supernaturall qualities of holinesse into the soule of man he makes him a new creature causing old things to passe away and making all things become new he puts not a forme but a power of godlinesse into man he dyes the heart in graine with grace and holinesse he makes him a living man indeed for his life and power of grace for his unfained love to God for his burning zeale for God for his gracious progresse in the wayes of God for his sweet and blessed delight in God and for his full and through conformity to the will of God Christ causeth his Spirit to come upon him mightily as it came upon Sampson inabling him to overcome the Devill the world and his owne corruption as the Spirit inabled Sampson to overcome the Lyon transforming man into the Image and likenesse of God not as the Devill transformed himselfe into the Image and likenesse of Samuel remaining a Devill still but as Christ turned water into wine graciously changing the qualities of man making him of a dead a living man of proud humble of ignorant wise of obstinate soft and tender hearted of prophane holy of cold fervent of barren fruitfull of weake and impotent untoward and indisposed he makes him strong and able apt and ready to every good duty and this is the manner of Christs living in man CHAP. XXIII DOth Christ live in man Then the life of a Christian is the most noble and honourable life of all others the life of sensible creatures is more excellent then the life of vegitive creatures the life of reasonable creatures is more excellent then the life of sensible the life of man is more noble then the life of beasts but the life of spirituall and sanctified persons is more excellent then the life of reasonable creatures the life of a true Christian surpasseth the life of man as farre as the life of man surpasseth the life of beasts Saul was in stature head and shoulders above the residue of the people The life of grace is head and shoulders in dignity worth and excellency above all other lives this is the life of Christ a living of Christ in man and as Christ is infinitely more excellent then man so doth this life exceedingly transcend the life of man called the life of God in regard of the cause efficient God working it by his holy Spirit in regard of precept God commanding it in regard of approbation God accepting and approving it in regard of noblenesse and dignity as the life of God is more excellent then the life of the creature so is this life the most honourable sweetest and choysest life communicable to any creature and in regard of likenesse with God holy and gracious resemblance of God he that lives the life of man is like man participates of the nature of man he that lives the life of grace is like God is made partaker as S. Peter speaks of the divine nature not in respect of essence but in respect of holy and gracious qualities hee that lives the life of grace commeth nighest unto God participates most of Gods fulnesse and hath nearest and sweetest communion with God of all persons And this life is indeed a very honourable and noble life 1. For the Originall of it it is not from nature but from grace not from man but from the Spirit it is the Spirit that quickneth It is a beame from the brightest Sun even Christ Jesus the Son of Righteousnesse I saith Christ am the bread of life come downe from Heaven if any man eat of this bread he shall live for ever It is a streame from the highest and purest fountaine the Spirit of grace becoming in the soule of man a well of water springing up into everlasting life 2. In regard of the nature of it a spirituall life a life of holinesse and righteousnesse a life surpassing the life of nature as the Sun the Glo-worme as the Vine the bramble and they that live this life are said to walke in newnesse of life Having a new-birth being borne againe and having new principles and qualities put into them by the Spirit of God the Lord according to his promise putting a new heart into them their soules being renewed and changed not in substance but in qualities framed a new after God in knowledge righteousnesse and true holinesse made new creatures and leading a conversation pure and unblameable in the sight of God and that life which is most full of grace and holines is of all lives the most noble and glorious 3. In regard of the rarity of it few men live this life the whole world as S. John saith lies in wickednesse dead in sins and trespasses as the old world lay drowned in the deluge only Noah and his Family a few persons lived in the Arke it is but a little remnant one of a city and two of a Tribe as the Prophet speakes that live this life Strait is the gate and narrow is the way saith Christ which leadeth unto life and few there be that finde it A godly person is a rare jewell God dispenceth the life of grace only to his chosen Christ in the dayes of his flesh raysed not all the dead to life but onely a few one now and another then thus Christ in the day of the Gospell doth not quicken all but a few one here and another there the number of them that professe themselves Christians is indeed very great but the number of them in whom Christ lives is very small the greatest part like the Angell of the Church of Sardis having a name that they live and yet are dead the outward forme and shew of Christianity is very frequent but the life power and practise very
a Christian to have Christ living in him The more we are assured of this the more sweet and comfortable will the meditation of Christ be unto us and the greater our courage against all opposing powers and the more cheerfull shall we be in Christs service And this we shall discerne 1. By the purity of our conversation The order of our life without is sutable to the root and Principle of our life within he that hath a humane soule and life within him doth outwardly walke speake and worke as a man he that hath Christ living in him converseth walketh worketh doth all things outwardly as a Christian conformeth himselfe to Christ is acted moved and guided by Christ living in him as the body is moved and guided by the soule living in the same Christ living in him writes his Law in his heart new moulds new fashions and frames his whole man and makes it sutable to the Law causing him to be holy in all manner of conversation as he that hath called him is holy making him alive to God receiving all his direction from God to be wholly subject unto Gods will totally devoted to Gods service to doe every thing for God and to intend God above himselfe or any thing else as Christ in the dayes of his flesh did all according to the Commandement his Father gave him he sought not his owne but his Fathers honour Thus he in whom Christ lives makes Gods word the rule that guides him he seekes God and not himselfe he purifieth himselfe as Christ is pure and strives what in him lies that he may approve himselfe to God by walking humbly and holily with God 2. By mans invinciblenesse He that hath Christ living in him is very victorious even as Christ is victorious Christ is his life and as Christ is invincible so is the life of Christ in them that are his sinne and Satan may now and then foile them but can never extinguish the life of grace in them because Christ who liveth in them is stronger then all that doth oppose them Ye are of God saith Saint John endowed with the life of God and have overcome because greater is he that is in you then he that is in the world Christ living in his children is greater then Satan who lives in carnall men and therefore they are invincible We know saith the same Apostle that whosoever is borne of God sinneth not is not under the power of sinne gives no allowance to sinne makes not a trade of sinne but he that is begotten of God keepeth himselfe and that wicked one toucheth him not he keepeth himselfe that which is proper unto God is transferred to the children of God and they are said to keep themselves who indeed are kept of God being kept as Saint Peter saith through the power of God unto salvation having Christ living in them the whole armour of God put upon them the gifts of the Spirit communicated to them giving themselves to the study and practise of godlinesse and being frequent and fervent in holy and humble supplication unto God they are kept that the evill one doth not touch them his temptations are resisted he cannot extinguish the life of Christ in them in all assaults afflictions temptations and tryals they are more then Conquerours through Christ loving them and living in them Christ sustaines them in the deluge of affliction as the Arke sustained Noah in the deluge of waters And though they sometimes slip through the infirmity of the flesh yet they grieve under the burthen of their corruption they are displeased with themselves they depart not from the feare of the Lord they recover and revive they prevaile as Joshuah over the Amalekites they grow stronger and stronger like the house of David they goe forward like Israel in the way to Canaan from strength to strength untill they appeare before the Lord in Sion they shine more and more like the light unto the day of perfection The longer Christ liveth in them the more perfection of life is ministred to them 3. By mans preserving and keeping himselfe from sin and from the world Life preserves the body from putrefaction when the life is gone the body putrifies and rots but whiles life is strong and vigorous in the body the body is fresh and comely Man without Christ doth putrifie and rot in sinne he growes worse and worse but Christ living in man he is preserved from sinne sinne doth not reigne over him they that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the affections and dusts their soules are purified by Christ as the gold by the refiners fire and the cloath by the Fullers soape they are kept by Christ as the Garden by the dresser as the house by the dweller they are purged from sinne as the aire is purged from clouds and vapors by the wind and Sun they are washed and sanctified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God Christ communicates spirituall health and heavenly beauty to their soules he purifies them to be a peculiar people to himselfe he makes them shine as lights he will not suffer sinne to remaine like a mortall wound or loathsome ulcer upon them but he ministers spirituall healing to them by the wings of his ordinances outwardly and of his grace inwardly Secondly they in whom Christ lives are preserved from the world life inables man to lift up his body from the earth to tread upon it with his foot they in whom Christ lives have their conversation in Heaven they mind the things which are above where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God they first seeke the kingdome of God and the righteousnesse thereof This is the fountaine after whose waters they thirst the Sunne in whose light they rejoyce the treasure with which they desire to be enriched the thing which they desire suites with the quality and nature of their life Christ living in them they chiefly desire the things of Christ their hearts and thoughts are taken off from the world they prize it as a thing which is not they undervalue it as dung and drosse in comparison of Christ and the things of Christ and they use it as if they used it not Like Gideons three hundred men they lap a little but bow not downe to these waters Christ doth marvellously innoble their disposition in whom he lives he will not suffer them to be carnally affected nor worldly minded The world is crucified to that man in whom Christ liveth 4. By mans oppugning and expelling out of himselfe whatsoever is contrary to Christ It is the property of life to expell what is contrary to it whatsoever doth oppose or prejudice it The life of nature labours to the utmost the expulsion of diseases tending to the dissolution of nature and the life of grace or Christ living in man expels what is contrary to Christ and to the life and worke of grace
and reverence by returning to your tongues a pure language that your speech may minister grace to the hearers by restraining your eyes from beholding vanitie by disposing your hands to worke that which is good and by making your feet swift to every good duty as you discerne your soule living in your humane body moving all the members to humane services so discerne Christ living in your bodily members disposing and framing them to religious duties Feele Christ living in all your services as the chiefe worker of them and inabler of you to them doing all in his name by his assistance and for his glory Feele Christ living in the Prayer which you make praying by the Spirit of Christ in the name of Christ and for the honour of Christ Feele Christ living in the Word which you heare making it an immortall seed to regenerate you a sacred Fire to purge you a heavenly Light to guide you and a message of peace to comfort you Feele Christ living in the Sacrament which you receive making it a Coelestiall Manna feeding you a Seale of Righteousnesse assuring you of your Justification an obligation binding you to new obedience and a pledge of Gods unchangeable love towards you All holy Ordinances if Christ live not in them shew not himselfe powerfull by them are but an empty shell without kernell and a dry breast without milke ministring no nourishment All the Religious Duties wee performe if Christ live not in them are but a Sacrifice without Fire a dead Carkasse of no esteeme with God Our affections if Christ live not in us are a charet without wheeles they sinke and fall unto the earth they cannot encline nor move towards the Lord All our best abilities if Christ live not in them are as standing Waters without a living Spring they putrifie and rot and prove unprofitable If Christ live not in us our knowledge is ignorance our wisedome foolishnesse our faith presumption our love dissimulation and our obedience no better then rebellion If Christ live not in us our understandings are blinded and wee cannot savingly know God our will is inthralled and wee cannot intend God our faith like Jeroboams arme is withered and wee cannot lay hold upon the promise of God The whole sufficiencie of a Christian is from Christs living in him Christs living in man makes him wise in discerning the things of God sincere in intending the glory of God powerfull in withstanding what doth oppose him in the wayes of God fruitfull in the worke of God meeke and humble in submitting to the hand of God faithfull in keeping the Covenant of God joyfull in hearing the Word of God fervent in invocation upon the Name of God patient in waiting for the Comforts of the Lord contented with the portion God giveth constant in running the race which God hath set before him and graciously perswaded of living the life of Glory for ever in Heaven * ⁎ * MANS MISERY WITHOVT CHRIST OPENING The sinfull perplexed dishonourable and Soul destroying Condition of Man without CHRIST tending to the driving and drawing of every man out of himselfe unto CHRIST By Alexander Grosse B. D. Minister of the Gospell and Pastor of Bridford near Exon in Devon-shire Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the Doctrine of Christ hath not God 2. Epist Ioh. ver 9. If ye beleeve not that I am he ye shall dye in your sins Ioh. 8.24 If any man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned LONDON Printed by G. M. for John Bartlet at the Signe of the Gilt Cup near Saint Austins Gate 1642. MANS MISERY WITHOVT CHRIST OPENED EPHES 2.12 At that time ye were without Christ being aliens from the Common-wealth of Israel and strangers from the Covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world CHAP. I. Shewing mans alienation from CHRIST misery without CHRIST and opening the scope of the words ADam after his eating the forbidden fruit was without the Garden of Eden disabled to come to the tree of life man feeding on the forbidden fruit of sinne is a stranger to the Paradise of all spirituall and heavenly comforts wholy excluded from the true tree of life Christ Jesus There is no sweet and gracious communion betweene the Lord Jesus and carnall persons The men of the old world were without the Arke and perished in the deluge of waters men who are in their old corrupt estate who have not put off that old man which is corrupt according to divers lusts are without Christ and shall certainly perish in the deluge of their impieties and the Lords vengeance the fruition of Christ is mans happinesse mans crowne and comfort alienation from Christ is mans misery mans shame and the soules great distraction and trouble of all estates on Earth mans naturall and corrupt condition is most wretched and miserable a condition of death without spirituall life of darknesse without divine and heavenly light of bondage without Christian freedome of uncleanenesse without sanctification of emptinesse without all celestiall fulnesse of alienation without all comfortable communion with Christ without all interest in Christ and his benefits without either claime or title to Gods Promise to Heaven or eternall happinesse an estate of exclusion from all holy and gracious society with Gods children an estate of profanenesse without God without the knowledge of God without faith in God without love to God and without zeale for God for at that time in that estate and condition We are without Christ being aliens from the Common-wealth of Israel and strangers from the Covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world The Apostle in these words declares and amplifies the miserable and wretched estate of man the uncomfortable and dishonourable condition of the soule of man without Christ without the knowledge of Christ without faith in Christ without incorporation into Christ without participation of Christ and his benefits And this misery and wretchednesse of man the Apostle doth open set forth and amplifie by a five-fold alienation 1. An alienation from Christ at that time yee were without Christ Christ was not preached to you Christ was not knowne of you Christ was not imbraced nor beleeved in by you this is the first alienation and the ground of all the rest Hee that is an alien to the Lord Iesus is a stranger to all things appertaining to life and happinesse mans interest in Christ gives him interest in God and in all good things of God there is no way for man to come to God and eternall happinesse but only by and thorough Christ Jesus the neglect of Christ is the lesse of all 2. An alienation from the Common-wealth of Israel from that forme of Religion and divine worship which God had prescribed to the Israelitish people they alone at that time having the oracles of God among them Very miserable
nettles thornes and bryars wanting Christ the great husband man to manure and dresse him and in regard of the residence of Satan in him as a cage of uncleane birds in regard of the presence and inhabitation of loathsome lusts as a sepulchre full of dead mens bones in regard of the dominion of corruption as a dead man under the power of death in whom is no beauty left and in regard of the sordidnesse and basenesse of his practise way and order of his life as a Sow wallowing in the mire fowle and shamefull horrid and loathsome is mans uncomelinesse without Christ The greatest sinner is the fowlest monster bodily beauty without Christ is but greene grasse upon a rotten grave or a faire garment upon a leprous backe Did man see his uncomelinesse and deformity without Christ he would stile himselfe as the Prophet stiled Pashur Magor-missabib feare round about every way a terrour to himselfe 8. Man without Christ is without honour He is no Sonne of God but one of Satans spurious brood no Free man but a slave to Satan and his owne corruption no Spouse of Christ but a spirituall harlot committing fornication with the world no Conquerour but a captive led away by divers lusts no friend nor favourite of God but an alien and enemy in Gods account likened to the dung and the drosse the chaffe and stubble for their emptinesse basenesse and vilenesse in the sight of God being base in their corrupt originall In their carnall disposition base in their understandings wise onely to doe evill base in their wils chusing the evill and refusing the good base in their imaginations minding onely low things base in their feare trust love ioy fearing where no feare is fearing man that shall dye and the sonne of man which shall be made as grasse trusting in an arme of flesh leaning upon a withered reed loving and setting his eyes on that which is not and rejoycing in a thing of nought and base in all their intendments the satisfying of the lusts of the flesh are the highest marke to which they levell the arrowes of all their endeavours The whole way and practise of man without Christ Jesus savours of nothing but basenesse He that hath not Christ to innoble him is most ignoble in his inward disposition in his outward condition in all his undertaking We may say of them as Job did of some of his time They are children of fooles yea children of base men they are viler then earth He that is the greatest stranger to Christ Iesus is the most base of all creatures 9. Man without Christ is without peace Christ is the Prince of peace his Subjects are the onely Subjects of peace God is in none but in Christ reconciling the world unto himselfe Josephs brethren found favour with Pharaoh onely through Joseph Christ alone is the Authour of reconciliation between God and man peace is preached onely by Christ Jesus God Ministers are the instruments of peace onely to such persons as embrace the Lord Iesus and Christ saith the Apostle is our peace the revealer the procurer and the worker of peace in al● the children of peace Man that is without Christ is an enemy to the God of peace a stranger to the Covenant of peace uncapable of the word of peace an alien to the way of peace and full of sinne the maine impediment of peace to him therefore that wants Christ there is no peace No true no spirituall no heavenly peace no joy and peace in the Holy-Ghost Sinne is mans trouble but Christ is mans peace He that is full of sinne and empty of Christ hath nothing to doe with peace Joram once asking is it peace Jehu was answered What hast thou to doe with peace so long as the whoredomes of thy mother Iezabel and her witchcrafts are so many Carnall man asking Is it peace O Messenger of God can looke for no other but Jehu's answer what hast thou to do O carnall man with peace so long as thy lusts are so strong within thee thy fornications with the creature so many and thy estrangement from and rebellions against the Prince of peace so great His thoughts of peace are all vile and base delusions who continues empty of Christ the sole dispencer of peace to all beleeving soules Lastly and in a few words Man without Christ is without protection He hath no shield to defend him in the day when Satan makes warre upon him He hath no helper to rescue him when the prince of darkenesse the world and his owne lusts besiege him He is without supportation and must sinke like the house built upon the sand in the houre when the winds and waves of affliction doe beate upon him He is without remission the Law stands like the hand writing in Belshazzars wall against him and fils him with dismall feare and trembling his sinnes are upon him and he must dye in them He is without blessing all becomes a curse unto him all without Christ is bitter like the waters of Marah without the Tree He is without salvation there is no other name given under heaven whereby he may be saved He that is without Christ is a childe without nurse his soule doth starve a City without a Watchman the enemy makes a prey of him a Ship without a Pilot his soule splits upon the rockes of desperation when the stormy tempest of an accusing conscience begins to tosse and shake him He is a sicke man without a Physitian he dyes in the disease that is upon him He is a withered branch without root prepared fewell for everlasting burning Surely mans basenesse wretchednesse woes and miseries continuing a stranger to Christ Jesus doe even surpasse the expression of the tongues of men and Angels O how are they beyond measure stupid blockish and sencelesse who please and blesse themselves in their impieties in an estate of estrangement from Christ Iesus O how should the meditation of mans misery without Christ set his soule on worke to get interest in Christ CHAP. IV. Declaring mans great cause of humiliation for being without Christ and also discovering the cause of mans undervaluing Christ THe meditation of mans alienation from Christ in his naturall estate ministers matter of Humiliation unto man man in his naturall condition having nothing of Christ within him and this is the misery of all miseries to be empty of Christ Jesus neither doth the want of any thing minister such cause and matter of humiliation as the want of Christ Hagar wept because her bottle was empty of waters Hannah was in great bitternesse because her wombe was barren shut up from child-bearing The women in the day of Famine cryed helpe ô King Micah ran too and fro like a man besides himselfe when his Idoll his imaginary God was taken and carried from him what is the want of children of bread and water to the want of Christ or the losse of
a Fast and an acceptable day to the Lord is not this the Fast that I have chosen to loose the bands of wickednesse c. that sorrow which doth not lead a man out of himselfe to Christ which dissolves not the chaines of his sin and ●les him to come freely and fully home to Christ and fill him with the sence of Christs comforts which emptieth not man of his sinne and of himselfe and puts him upon Christ for all fullnesse is a sorrow ministring no other then false and deceitfull hopes of salvation 7. Some build their hopes upon their Reformations they are escaped from many pollutions they have forsaken many of their evill wayes and they are not the same they were in time past and therefore hope to be saved and with this they please and deceive themselves Saul destroyed the refuse of the stuffe but spared the lowing Oxen and the bleating Sheep and yet thought he had done an acceptable worke but be was deceived God rent the Kingdome from him the Reformation which is not universall is hypocriticall the Traveller that forsakes not every false path looseth his labour all his turnings and returnings are in vaine hee that returnes not from every sinne never returnes to God the woman which reserves one stranger in her bosome her heart never returnes to her husband there is no returning to Christ without the deposition of every sinne Christ hath no being where any one sinne hath allowance and dominion besides he that stayes in his Reformation and lookes not beyond it unto Christ for salvation makes an idoll of it and deludes himselfe in hoping for Salvation by it mans Reformation destroyes him if it makes not Christ more sweet and precious to him 8. Some build their hopes upon their use of sacred and religious duties because they heare and pray and fast and conferre of holy things in this they rest and by this they hope to be saved Lord say they hast not thou taught in our streets and have not we eate and drunke in thy presence Have not we beene hearers of thy word frequenters of thy house receivers of thy Sacrament and shall not we be saved though they be like Pharaohs leane kine eating the fat and yet still leane like them of whom the Apostle speakes who were alwayes learning yet never came to the knowledge of the truth like Ezekiels hearers whose hearts went after their covetousnes yet they hope for their frequency in these duties to be saved though their prayers still return like Noahs Dove at the first empty bringing home no treasure from Heaven to the soule though they returne from the word and Sacrament as the children of the Nobles in Jeremy from the pits with their pitchers empty yet they flatter themselves and hope for this to be saved as the Harlot in Salomon for her peace-offering but as the man at the wedding feast without his wedding garment though at the feast was bound hand and foot and cast into outer darknesse thus men using holy duties comming to Christs wedding feast staying in the duty and not putting on Christ will be cast into utter darknesse at the last Many deale in this behalfe with Christ as other wedding guests do with the Bridegroome they are invited they accompany the Bridegroome they see and heare the wedding but they receive him not in wedlock because either they are already married or else there is no contract betweene them and the Bridegroome thus Christ inviteth men to holy duties his wedding feast they accompany Christ to the feast to the Banquetting-house they goe along with him in the use of the duties but further they goe not they are already wedded to the world and to some lust of theirs at least they have no matrimoniall love to Christ they take him not to husband they returne without him Now as it were a great folly in a woman to perswade her selfe that such a man were her husband and that all his dignities and riches were hers because she was at his wedding feast thus it is a great deceit in man to hope that Christ is his that salvation and all the benefits of Christ are his because he hath bin at Christs wedding feast done the sacred duties but not taking Christ in wedlock to his soule the use of holy duties do no further give man hope of salvation then as they take a man off from the world empty a man of sin and of himselfe espouse man to Christ derive and draw from and fill the soul with Christs fullnes and make Christ more glorious and amiable in mans apprehension and thus you see a few of the many rotten and sandy foundations wherupon carnall man builds his hopes of salvation CHAP. XX. Shewing how a Man may discerne the soundnesse of his Hope THe carnall mans having no hope of salvation building his hopes upon rotten and deceitfull pillars ministers occasion to every man to see that he build his hopes of salvation by Christ upon firme and sure grounds and that he have cleare and lively evidence hereof in himselfe The Question therefore here will be how a man may discerne the truth and soundnes of his hope For answer whereunto you must know that whereof true and ●ound hope is there is 1. A preparation fitting and disposing of the whole man to Christ and the things of Christ for Christ and the service of Christ This the Apostle cals a guirding up of the loines of the mind Gird up saith he the loines of your mind and hope perfectly Doe as travellers that weare long garments as they gird up their garments that they may not hinder and tire them in their travell that they may walke freely and cheerfully in their Journey Thus take off your hearts and thoughts from the world disburthen your selves of all carnall lusts and worldly distractions raise your thoughts and desires to Christ and the things of Christ cast aside all impediments and come speedily fully freely and joyfully unto Christ It is said of Rebeckah having resolved to joyne herselfe in wedlocke with Isaack upon the motion of Eleazer Abrahams servant that she rose up and her o damosels and they rode upon Camels and followed the man The soule being upon the motion and perswasion of Gods Minister resolved to take Christ to Husband and having assured hope of enjoying everlasting consortship with Christ riseth up from the earth and all the faculties thoughts and affections thereof rise together with it and come speedily not slowly but on horsebacke with all readinesse to Christ following the holy and wholsome instruction of Gods Ministers she forsakes as the Psalmist saith her fathers house and forgetteth her owne people rejecteth her old wayes customes and carnall acquaintance and commeth unto Christ in her garment of needle-worke prepared and beautified by Gods Spirit The more a man doth hope in Christ the more he prepares himselfe for Christ the more fully he applyes
owne heart And what doth 1. mens loose-living under the Gospell mens running into all excesse of ryot contrary to their holy calling the nature of the Gospell and such plaine and powerfull perswasion from Heaven proclaimes but the Atheisme of their soules not beleeving the truth of God reputing Gods messengers as bablers and the sacred truths which they deliver as fables 2. What doth mens sinning so freely in secret taking such pleasure in contemplative wickednesse within the closer of their owne hearts and taking such liberty to doe evill in the darke where the eye of man beholds it not what doth this argue but a secret Atheisme lurking in their soules having no apprehension of Gods presence of Gods Al-seeing eye having no remembrance that God is every where filling all places privy to all the movings and stirrings of their hearts Were not the hearts of men very Atheisticall they would not dare doe that in the sight of God which they will not doe in the eyes of men 3. What doth mens fearelesnesse of denounced judgements mens putting off the evill day farre away Mens sinning securely mens flattering themselves in an estate wherein they are ready to drop every moment into Hell hanging by the weake thread of their fraile life over the bottomlesse pit what doth this declare but Atheisme not beleeving that God is such a just and righteous God such a hater and revenger of sinne as indeed he is 4. What doth mens seldome praying cold praying irreverent praying proclaime but an Atheisticall ignorance unsensiblenesse and unapprehensivenesse of Gods greatnesse glory and presence Kings and Monarchs are served in great state because men apprehend their Majesty men addresse themselves to God as to their fellow because they are neither powerfully perswaded nor workingly apprehensive of his glorious presence 5. What doth mens sleighting of the meanes of the knowledge of God mens neglecting of the salvation which God proffers them mens undervaluing of Christ mens seeking of the applause and favour of men more then the approbation and favour of God mens exalting of their lusts above God mans seeking after and resting upon the creature mans sacrificing to an arme of flesh mans superficiall performance of the duties of Religion what doe all these and many such bewray but abundance of Atheisme in the heart for were this truth throughly rooted in the heart of man were the meditation of this principle powerfully operative upon the soule of man That God is and that he is a God so glorious so powerfull so gracious so al-sufficient and so farre surpassing all creatures as indeed he is it would move man to preferre the knowledge of God above all learning the approbation of God above all praise and the love of God above all favour it would make all the lusts of the soule fall as Dagon before the Arke were this predominant in and effectually working upon the heart of man no sinne could stand before it the creature would appeare to the eye of the soule as a thing of nought man would be ashamed of his best abilities grieved for the imperfection of his holiest services and apply himselfe to the worke of his God with seven fold more diligence O then complaine oft and pray to God against thy secret Atheisme as against the great plague and pest of thy soule as against a beame in thy eye disabling thee to see God as against a fetter about thy feet disabling thee to come to God as against a partition wall hindering thy sweet and comfortable communion with God In carnall mans estrangement from God in his being without God we may see the miserable and wretched condition of corrupt and carnall man we repute the body miserable without a soule to enliven it the world miserable without the Sun to enlighten it the besieged City miserable without a Captaine to rescue it or wall to defend it the thirsty miserable without a fountaine to refresh him the wandring traveller miserable without a guide to direct him the forsaken miserable without a friend to comfort him c. But here is the misery of all miseries to be without God to be estranged from God who is the soule enlivening the Sun guiding the great Centurion rescuing the wall of fire defending the fountaine refreshing the guide leading and the friend solacing man We see Hagar weeping when her bottle is empty and hath no water Rachel mourning for her children and will not be comforted because they are not the wife of Phin●as refusing to be comforted because the Arke is carried away Idolatrous Micah running and crying as a man undone because his Idoll his imaginary God is taken from him but what is the losse of these and a thousand such things as these are to losse of God surely no more then the losse of a gloe-worme to the losse of the Sun then the losse of a straw to the losse of a precious pearle Here is cause indeed of mourning crying complaining lamentation to be without God For he that is without God is 1. Full of Satan he that is empty of one is full of the other when God forsakes the house of mans soule Satan takes the possession he becomes the dweller he like an armed man keeps the Fort in mans heart he like a Prince sets up his Throne and keeps his Court in the City of mans soule when God is gone Satan enters in the lesse of God the more of Satan in the soule of man When the house in the Parable was empty then the uncleane spirit entred with seven others worse then himselfe when the soule is empty of God Satan fils it with a troop of all abominations then he blindes the understanding that they cannot see nor God nor Christ nor themselves then he gaggs their mouthes that as the man that had a dumbe Devill they can neither speake for God nor to God then he bowes them downe to the world and makes them drudges and slaves to the earth like the woman that had a spirit of infirmity that they cannot looke up to God they cannot thinke on God nor the things which are above then he casts them into the fire of rage fury and anger and into the waters of drunkennesse sensuall lusts and carnall pleasures as he cast the mans sonne in the Gospell into the fire and water then he fils them with fraud falshood hypocrisie and spirituall treason as he put it into the heart of Judas to betray Christ Vnconceavable is that mans misery that is left of God to Satan that is empty of God and full of the Devill he that is full of Satan first must looke to be full of Hell at last 2. He that is without God is full of the world he minds earthly things he bowes downe to these things as Gideons thousands to the waters these command him sway over him leade him away captive as the harlot in Salomon did the young man he commits adultery