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A60227 The life and death of Sir Henry Vane, Kt., or, A short narrative of the main passages of his earthly pilgrimage together with a true account of his purely Christian, peaceable, spiritual, gospel-principles, doctrine, life and way of worshipping God, for which he suffered contradiction and reproach from all sorts of sinners, and at last, a violent death, June 14. Anno, 1662 : to which is added, his last exhortation to his children, the day before his death. Sikes, George. 1662 (1662) Wing S3780; ESTC R19959 148,120 164

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Abraham largely experienced by your Father and by him now recommended unto you Keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgement that he may fulfil unto you all the rich and precious promises of the Gospel belonging to Abraham and his believing seed the seed of Promise that are found walking in his wayes Observ. 4. Fourthly and lastly observe That it is a duty incumbent on believing parents to mind their children and houshold of walking in the faith and keeping in the way of the Lord doing that which is just and right So also is it the duty of children to obey such charge and be found so living and walking in the spirit and way of the Lord as they expect the blessings of Gods Covenant with Abraham to be made good unto them But here this Query may be offered How did Abraham walk and 〈◊〉 The answer is In a Family-way 't was Family-worship There were in his time no formed Churches or Societies of a larger kind made up of divers families embodying themselves and walking in communion together That which he was capable to do he did He catechized and instructed his Relations spreading abroad amongst them the savour of the tithes of that Grace which through mercy he was partaker of This was the state of the true Church then as to its outward form If larger visible Societies and collective Bodies or Churches of Saints be now interrupted this Family-way of Religion and Worship may be kept up and so things return to their primitive way again as in the dayes of Abraham To this Ioshua professes he will have recourse when the purity of publick Worship fails Iosh. 24. 15. If saith he it seem evil to you to serve the Lord if you be for other go●● or other wayes of worship than God requires I will quit your publick societies as for me and my house we will serve the Lord. Use 1. My word of exhortation then to you is When publick worship is to be had in purity without defiling of your Consciences use and frequent that But if that bedenied or is not to be found frequent private and family worship yea however it be as to the publick let these be kept on foot with all diligence Be found still in the way of the Lord own that where ere you see it and joyn in it as the Lord shall please to open the way for you and give opportunity Whatever you do be not conformed to this world in the spirit way principles affections no nor religion thereof Quit those worshippers that are confident in a spirit and way that is liable to apostacy calling that heresie which is the only true way of worshipping the God of our Fathers Amidst the great variety of Churches and ways of Worship that this world abounds with be not by any means induced or forced to observe and become subject to the ordinances of man in things pertaining unto God Give unto God the things that are Gods Give also unto Caesar the things that are his If he unlawfully require more you may lawfully refuse to obey him let him take his course wherein any 〈◊〉 proudly God will be above them If one Church say Christ● another Lo there and the trumpet that 's blown in both give but an uncertain sound look up to Christ himself with the Spouse in the Canticles and say O thou whom our souls do love tell us where thou feedest and makest thy flock to rest at noon under the scorching heat of mans persecuting wrath He will discover to you the false Babylonish spirit that lurks in such Churches and Teachers as to the deceiving of themselves and others are but transformed into the likeness of the Apostles and Churches of Christ 2 Cor. 11. And he will by his Spirit if rightly sought to and waited on infallibly direct you to the true shepherds tents those spiritual pastors and assemblies that walk in the footsteps of his ancient flock even in the faith spirit and way of Abraham Isaac Iacob and their families who are now in the kingdom of God and in the way doctrine and spirit of the Evangelists and Apostlcs And as I would have you to quit all false Churches and reject the Babylonish spirit whatever curious dress insinuating appearance or refined form she shines forth in so much more yet would I have you to loath and depart from all manner of prophaness and common debauchery whatever countenance or encouragement it may have round about you in the Land of your nativity Do but keep in the Way live and walk in the Faith and Spirit of Abraham and all is done This your Father hath found joy and comfort in upon very large and plentiful experiences but most remarkably in his Prison-state As troubles and straits from without have encreased upon me I have been more enlarged within The more I have been shut up on earth and from earthly Relations and enjoyments the more have the Heavens opened upon me and let down to me the larger sights and tasts of the glory and enjoyments of the world to come Vse 2. Lastly I charge you as the utmost desire of my soul to God on your behalf be obedient to the Lord walk humbly with him and keep close to him Let your heart be right with him Be stedfast in his Covenant not turning aside like a deceitful Bo● Be not off and on with him yea and nay but in Christ yea only and then all the Promises of God in Christ to you will be Yea and Amen to the glory of God the Father Then if any of you lack Wisdom or particular direction in any difficult circumstances ask it of God who giveth liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given you But then ask in Faith the stedfast Faith of Abraham nothing wavering for he that wavereth must not think or expect to receive any thing of the Lord Iames 1. 5. 7. Christ hath assured you that whatsoever you shall ask in his Name he will do it and the Father will do it Ioh. 14. 13 14. and chap. 15. 16. that is whatsoever ye shall ask in the power and exercise of a living saving Faith or of the heavenly Anointing and new Name of Christ in and upon you it shall be done unto you For whatsoever ye thus ask will be asked by you in the will of God that ye are begotten of Jam. 1. 18. or according to the will of your heavenly Father And this we know that whatsoever we ask according to his will he heareth us 1 John 5. 14 15. Yea though ye be but young and weak in this Faith and in the expression of it if as new-born babes ye do but truly desire the sincere milk of the Word and brokenly stammer and lisp forth such desires to God ye will find acceptance with and answer from him not only according to but abundantly above all that you are able to ask or think No Mother can have so tender a regard to the cry of
attainments their renewed flesh they are of the Laodicean temper neither hot nor cold Rev. 3. 16. They are not hot enough for the spiritual believers company under the fire-baptism nor cold enough for the dissolute rabble of mankind that are wholly given up to vile affections and sensuallity They think they have need of nothing Because they see the bestial multitude under their feet to whom they say stand by we are holier than you Yet are they as to eternal Life wretched miserable poor blind and naked Rev. 3. 17. They have no exercise of true spiritual discerning or Life in them When this sort of professors are hard beset with the spiritual believers testimony rather than endure that they will venture if there be no other remedy to piece up with any prophane Interest as Act. 17. 5. The issue oft is they are ●uined for their paines by those they call in to their assistance Rich they are wise strong and honorable in Christ by a knowledge of him after the flesh while David Paul and others of their spiritual constitution are poor needy weak and despicable as to that selfish Life wisdom and righteousness of man 1 Cor. 4. 8. 10. Psal. 109. 22. Will any here Object That the same Scriptures are oft quoted the same expressions oft used and the selfe-same things unnecessarily repeated The Answer is To me this course of writing the same things in only not grievous but to the observant Reader it may prove safe Phil. 3. 1. As for others that Diotrephes like love to have the preheminence amongst men and gratifie their own ambitious humour by preferring their preconceived notions at all adventures hereunto without any regard had to the beguiling projects of the devil upon them and their hearers all along to me 't is a very small thing to be censured by such men 1 Cor. 4. 3. Is not their censure and reproach in this case rather to be interpreted a ratification of the things here said than any wayes an invalidating thereof Will they prate against these things with malitious words not receiving them themselves and forbidding those that would as he in the 3 Epistle of Iohn v. 9. 10 Let them Will any that pretend to be onely teachers of the Law understanding neither what they say nor whereof they affirm 1 Tim. 1. 7. out of hatred to the main things here treated of bark at some circumstantial infirmities in the delivery thereof contracted from the earthliness of the vessel through which they are handed to publick view Let these take their course also I shall hold my self little concerned to heed what they say Christ pronounces wo to those that all men speak well of for so says he did their Fathers to the false Prophets Luk. 6. 26. That spirit in man that seeks or regards the praise and commendation of men is never right never has the praise of God Rom. 2. 29. 2 Cor. 10. 12. 18. What is more familiar to observation in teachers amongst us than that spirit of the Scribes and Pharisees that would be shutting up the kingdom of Heaven against men neither going in themselves nor suffering others to go in Mat. 23. 13. 26. God in the first creation gives us our selves In the second himself All the righteousness wisdom and works as well as the very being of man is from God as made by him but are called the righteousness wisdom and works of man or self-wisdom self-righteousness which he that so worketh is under the Law or Covenant of works If man himself may be called self such works at best are but self-righteousness Men grosly deceive themselves in limiting self to the corrupt nature onely The ridding us of that is onely the casting out of the devil or of that which the old serpent by his first suggestion to Eve brought into our nature Those Ministers and Pastors of Churches that are really serviceable to their hearers in this work will find cold entertainment from Christ if they proceed not with Paul to a second and more excellent birth of Life in them Mat. 7. 22 23. The fruit of their Ministry amounts but to the constituting of the house upon the sand renewed nature the House empty swept and garnished that Satan can re-enter not the House upon the rock that spiritual house 1 Pet. 2. 5. that is partaker of the divine nature against which the gates of hell shall not prevail All th●● man is has or does within the compass of his first-creation frame of mind and heart at best hath SELF stamped upon it so indelebly and by such undeniable evidence from the scriptures of truth that all the shifts and wit of man will never be able to wipe it out That that is made or renewed by God in the first creation is of the earth earthy That that is born of God in the second is from heaven and the righteousnes wisdom and glory thereof is called the righteousness wisdom and glory of God which they fall short of that stay in the first There is no eternal Life to be had but in the glory that excels 2 Cor. 3. 10. There is a glory and a glory a lesser glory that is to be done away because comparatively 't is no glory by reason of the glory that excelleth and is to remain Reformation brings the lesser glory the glory of man a fresh upon him But it must be Transformation by which we are changed into and brought forth in the glory of God vers 18. t is not a gradual progress and proficiency in the same life glory and righteousness that is here meant but a total change out of one kind of glory into another a passing out of the glory of the first-creation into that of the second from the changeable Life glory and righteousnesse of man into the unchangeable Life glory and everlasting righteousnesse of God The Apostle uses the same word to expresse this great change or metamorphosis of souls that is absolutely necessary to salvation which the Poet prefixes to his fabulous transformation of the bodies of men into the shapes of other kinds of creatures We are metamorphosed changed or transformed from glory to glory Spiritual new-creature Life only is unchangable and therefore eternal 27. This then is the sum of man's duty Offer the sacrifices of righteousnes and put your trust in the Lord Psal. 4. 5. The Chaldee renders it Subdue your lusts and it shall be accounted a sacrifice of righteousness Be content to quit and offer up the first-creation state at best in sacrifice to God and put your trust in the Lord who by his spirit given forth to you in the new-creation will work all your works in you and for you after a more excellent way In the priestly office and power of your faith present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable to God which is your reasonable service or is that sacrifice of your reasonable powers your rational principles at best that God will accept and thereupon transform
they by their pride apostacy and treachery been the occasion of his and their own sufferings who would not believe him when he prophesied of such a suffering season Have not floods of Belial Judges Counsellors Witnesses Jurors Souldiers of Belial compassed him about Psal. 18. 4. Did Scripture Law or Reason signify any thing with them So the Waters went over his souls they took away his Life from the Earth Yet the rage and violence of bruitish men followed him close at the heels to his very execution-stroke But however it was with him as to a certain fore-sight of particular events yet that he could conjecture and spel out the most reserved consults and secret drifts of forreign Councils against us which they reckoned as tacita concealed till executed the Hollander did experience to their cost The next branch of his publick usefulness in a political capacity was his most happy dexterity at making the best of a war Armies are to small purpose abroad unlesse there be sage Counsel at home He heartily laboured to prevent a War with Holland but the sons of Zerviab a Military party that too much turned War into a Trade were too many for him in that point He therefore set himself to make the best of a War for his Countries defence In this War after some dubious Fights while the immediate care of the Fleet was in other hands he with five others were appointed by the Parliament to attend that affaire Hereupon he became the happy and speedy con●●iver of that succesful Fleet that did our work in a very critical season when the Hollander vapoured upon our Seas took Prizes at pleasure hovered about our Ports and were ready to spoil all His report to the House as to the War-Ships by him recruited ordered and sent forth in so little time to find the enemy work seemed a thing incredible In the beginning of that expensive War as unwilling to make a prey of his Countries necessities he resigned his Treasurer-ship for the Navy causing the customary dues of that Office to be converted into a Salary of a thousand per annum The bare poundage of all expences that way which in times of peace came to about three thousand would have amounted to neer twenty thousand by the year during the war with Holand Were his personal circumstances and the condition of his Family-affaires at that season and since well known it would render this piece of self-denial the more memorable Some inconsiderable matter without his seeking was allotted to him by the Parliament in lieu thereof He had also long before this upon the Self-denying Ordinance little observed by others refunded five and twenty hundred pounds for public uses being the moiety of his Receptions in the said Office from such time as the Parliament had made him sole Treasurer who before the War was joyned with another person As for the keeping of his hands free from all maner of Bribes or what ever might be so interpreted all the while he was engaged in publick action I refer you to his own solemn appeal on the Scaffold to the great God of Heaven and Earth and to all that great Assembly round about him or any other persons on that account which none could contradict He openly challenged all men to shew wherein he had defiled his hands with any mans blood or estate or that he had sought himself in any publick place or capacity Such were his abilities for dispatch of a business if good or hindring it if ill that had his ha●d been as open to receive as others to offer in that kind he might have treasured up silver as dust Many hundreds per annum have been offered to some about him in case they could but prevail with him only not to appear against a proposal On the least intimation of such a thing to him he would conclude it to be some corrupt self-interested design and set himself more vigilantly and industriously to oppose and quash it That Greek Magistrate left the best Name behind him who having been often in publick place and of general fame for abilities and honesty when he came to die left his family so bare though he had lived frugally that portions for his Children were issued out of the publick Treasury This Patriot for his many years faithful serving of the publick has endured several tedious imprisonments at length lost his Life and hazarded his own estate that should pay his great debts and supply his family with such honourable maintenance as becomes their birth and education Here 's his reward on Earth but great is his reward in heaven The latter part of this Sufferers Elogy in the ' bove-mentioned Verses concerns his skill in distinguishing the two Swords or Powers Civil and Spiritual and the setting right bounds to each He held that the Magistrate ought to keep within the proper sphere of Civil Jurisdiction and not intermeddle with mens Consciences by way of Imposition and Force in matters of Religion and divine Worship In that Healing Question for which he was wounded by the late Protector so called he did sufficiently manifest this to be as well the Magistrates true Interest as the Peoples just Security 'T is observed by MORE and others on various accounts that the Romane Emperors owning and incorporating Christianity with the Laws of the Empire strengthened the Interest of the formal Christian and drave the true Spiritual Worshipper into the Wilderness While Magistrates pretend and it may be verily think they are doing Christ a high piece of service by such fawning and formal compliance they are directly involved in the Antichristian Interest for the persecuting of Christ in his true spiritual members That men yea religious holy men may be so mistaken see Ioh. 16. 2. Acts 26. 9 11. This lover of his Nation and assertor of the just Rights and Liberties thereof unto his death was also for limiting the civil Power delegated by the People to their Trustees in the Supream Court of Parliament or to any Magistrates whatsoever He held That there are certain Fundamental Rights and Liberties of the Nation that carry such a universal and undeniable consonancy with the light of Nature right Reason and the Law of God that they are in no wise to be abrogated or altered but preserved What less than this can secure Peoples Lives Liberties and Birth-rights declared in MAGNA CHARTA and ratified by two and thirty Parliments since Let but once this truth he exploded and blown away all the Rights and Liberties of the Nation will soon go after it and arbitrary Domination and Rapine may securely triumph over all Deny that there are any Fundamental unrepealable Laws and who can be secure as to Life Liberty or Estate For if by an over-ruling stroke of abused Prerogative a majority in Parliament can be procured that will pull up all the antient Laws Rights and Liberties of the Nation by the Roots and establish mischief by a new Law make Reason and Duty
significancy of its words to serve their present purpose yea or if they date even beyond all this lay down their meer arbitrary assertions that have not the least hint for them in such a new made Law which will pass with Jurors for a legal ground of taking away ones Life A righteous man in these circumstances has an exceeding hard time on 't Beyond all this yet if a proviso-Foundation for securing an innocent persons Life any voluntary unsought for grant made upon a supposal that all other Foundations of his security should sail him if this also be laid aside and slighted though the word of a King in answer to the Petition of a Parliament amounting in effect to an Act of Parliament where 's the righteous man then gone without remedy But whither from earth to heaven A sad loss to us a great gain to him Sure something will come down from heaven amongst us er'e long for such doings A righteous man in a case so circumstanced which I have thus taken Liberty according to my word to speak a little to in general what can he say in his just defence that his Accusers and Judges will not call Treason and be ready to form up a new Charge against him for if commanded Thus a Iews served Christ and so I pass to the other branch of my reserved liberty the consideration of particulars in the case of the leading Sufferer Ye have heard the blasphemy saies the high Priest he hath spoken blasphemy what further need have we of Witnesses What think ye the Jewry-men never study the point they have their Verdict ready at their fingers ends he is guilty of death Mat. 26. 65 66. Quick work But what was the crime He denied not but that he was the Son of God For Christ or Christians to be in the highest sence what they should be own it this men yea the very high Priests Archbishops that pretend to be the chief watchmen over souls are ready to call Blasphemy If they can but get any the least intimation of such a thing out of them by interrogating they reckon they have enough to take away their Lives They Devil● as Christ told these Iews can't endure to hear any own themselves to be the Sons of God What a world is this for Christ and his followers The chief Priests Elders and all the Council sought false Witnesses against Iesus to put 〈◊〉 to death They tamper with many yet for a good while find none ●●●uch as are insufficient to do their work either through the invalidity of the matter testified or inconsistency of their testimony for they agreed not To murder him they were resolved all they sought for was a colourable pretext At length come two false witnesses well paid 't is like for their pains which say this fellow said I am able to destroy the Temple of God and build it in three dayes whereas his words were Ioh. 2. 29. destroy ye this Temple his Body so they did and in three dayes I will raise it up so he did But what a feeble testimony was here to go about to take away a man's Life upon in case it were true that he spake these words and that in their sence concerning the material structure of the figurative Temple They lie at catch therefore for some word from his own mouth at the bar to carry on the work Very little 't was he spoke there He lets the false witnesses pass uncontrolled answers not a word though demanded by the high Priest Mat. 26.61 63. Then the high Priest falls to interrogating tries what new matter for a charge he can get out of him by Questions Yea he adjures him to tell them whether he be the Christ the Son of God Christ denies it not Now they reckon they have enough They slight their false witnesses They are now Judges and Witnesses too themselves and that in a matter of far greater consequence blasphemy he makes himself the Son of God say they Then they hurry him away before Pilate the Romane Deputy where the chief Priests and Elders that sat as his Judges in the other Court turn his Accusers vehemently urging and witnessing many things against him before Pilate and he lets all pass answers not a word Yea though minded of it and urged by Pilate to speak for himself not a word could they get of him say or do what they would He 's a Mute It seems their Testimony in Pilates judgement amounted to very little for after all he asks them What evil hath he done Their answer is Let him be crucified Bruits Oh but say they we have a Law and by our Law he ought to dye because he made himself the Son of God 'T is a dangerous thing amongst men for Christ or his fellow-heirs to own themselves to be the Sons of God Heirs of the heavenly Kingdom though they give no disturbance or just occasion of offence to any Kings in their worldly Thrones Men will be laying their heads together to frame some miscievous Law against them to call them Blasphemers then put them to death for it They will call that Heresy which is the only right way of worshipping the God of our Fathers then punish them for it What goodly work are Magistrates with some new upstart Lawes like to make on 't at Religion and Worship If there be any that do what they should in either of all others they must be sure to go to wrack But Pilate yet seeks to release Christ. All that is said yet will not do it with him 'T was a custom to deliver some one Prisoner at the F●ast he asks them therefore Shall I deliver Christ or Barabbas Now Barabbas was a robber and a Murtherer They cry out all at once like mad men away with this man and release unto us Barabbas Men will rather favour Murderers and Robbers than Christ and his followers Pilate willing yet to release Iesus Christ had the better on 't of our Prisoner as to the Lord chief Justice that sat upon him speaks once again to them of it But they hold to their old tone cry crucifie him crucifie him He replied yet again Why what evil hath he done I find no cause of death in him But they were instant with loud voices requiring that he might be crucified Pilate sayes to them What Shall I crucify your King The chief Priest answered we have no king but Caesar. And here they take hint for a new charge against him that it will highly concern Pilate to take notice of If thou let this man g● say they thou art not Caesars friend Whosoever maketh himself a King speaketh against Caesar. Then Pilate complies with them The voices of the People and the chief Priest prevailed so he passes sentence that it should be as they required 'T is the legally religious party all along that accuse prosecute and deliver up Christ and his followers into the hands of sinners among the Gentiles and so
little Stone cut out of the Mountain that will make sad work and that irresistibly with all worldly corrupted magistracies and people The coming of these same angelical powers as immediate attendants on Christ and his heavenly bride when he comes in person seems to be signified by the great Mountain which this stone grows to so as on the demolishing of all opposite Powers every thing that offended having been pluck'd up in the preparatory dispensation it comes to fill and possess the whole earth The meek followers of the Lamb are to inherit the earth The first coming forth of this angelical magistracy which will be the onely suitable magistracy to the Church State of the risen witnesses or Church that 's to come up out of its Wilderness condition and mourning apparrel will put a period to Saints troubles and cast tribulation the other way on those that troubled them It is a righteous thing with God saies the Apostle to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you and to you that are troubled rest with us when the Lord by his mighty angels who are a flaming fire shall take vengeance on all enemies and obstracters of the Gospel 2 Thes. 1. 6 10. Then there shall be righteous judgement vers 5. now ther 's none to be had for them Now they are despised and Christ in them but at that day Christ will be admired in them and furnish them with power to deal with their assailants as they please And after this he will come yet more to be admired and dreaded in his own person with all his heavenly Armies following him Rev. 19. 14. and thousand thousands of Angels ministring to him Thus you see the Believers hopes and expectations of relief where they are placed while he is crushed and abused under corrupt Rulers in worldly States But what is his duty while the night of Sufferings and sackcloth is yet upon him He is to be preparing for and hasting to the coming of this day of God 2 Pet. 3.12 on which man's judgement or man's day will cease In another sence he that believeth will not make haste Esay 28. 16. not grow impatient at Christ's patience and long suffering towards his enemies not antidate his season but quietly wait till the set time for Sions deliverance be come through the State-ministry of the mighty angels and Church-ministry of spiritual believers Peter was too hasty in this point when he drew his sword against those that offered violence to his master Christ checks him for using a wrong weapon that that will never work any full and final deliverance from the tyrannical Powers of this world I could saies he at my prayer have presently more then twelve Legions of Angels to rescue me But how then should the Scriptures be fulfilled that thus it must be Mat. 26. 53 54. So after his resurrection Ye fools and slow of heart saies he to believe all that the Prophets have spoken ought not Christ first to suffer and then enter into his glory Luk. 24. 25 26. And ought not his members also to suffer with him till such time as the afflictions of Christ which are behind in their flesh be accomplished and so enter into glory also 1 Col. 24. Must they not dye with him if they will live with him suffer with him if they will reign with him 2 Tim. 2. 11 12. Must they not go the same way he went if they will come to the same place the heavenly mansions that he is gone before to prepare for them in his Fathers house John 14. 2. I am confident could this choice Martyr have procured at his prayer twelve legions of Angels to have laid all his bruitish adversaries on the Scaffold and round about him dead at his foot he would have forborn to desire it till the proper season for that dispensation be come which he reckoned to be very near This is the dispensation by which God will decide the controversie betwixt his people and enemies in the Valley of Iehoshaphat Joel 3. 12. The Historical type of this related to in Ioel we find 2 Chr. 20. A great multitude of Moab Ammon and mount Seir come against Iehoshaphat God takes the battel out of Iehoshaphat's and his Armies hands tells them they shall not need to fight but stand still and see the Salvation of the Lord vers 17. and vers 22 23. The Lord sets ambushments against their enemies and causes them to destroy one another Iehoshaphats Army has nothing left them to do but to take the spoiles of their enemies which they were three dayes in gathering it was so much vers 25. Farther notice is given of this last kind of undertaking the enemies of God and his People Ioel 2. 1 11. Blow the Trumphet in Zion Sound an alarme in my holy Mountain Let all the inhabitants of the Land tremble for the day of the Lord is at hand A great people and a strong are his Army even Angels that excel in strength a fire devoures before them and behind them a flame burneth Nothing shall escape them The appearance of them is as the appearance of Horses and Horsemen Like the noise of Charets on the tops of Mountains shall they leap Like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble as a strong people set in battle array before whom all their enemies faces shall gather blackness They shall run like mighty men and not break their ranks They are an invulnerable Army When they fall upon the Sword they shall not be wounded The Earth shall quake before them the Heavens shall tremble the Sun and Moon shall be darke and the Stars shall withdraw their shining This day of the Lord will be very terrible who can abide it Mens hearts will fail them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth for there shall be signs in the Sun Moon and Stars and upon the earth distress of Nations with perplexity the Sea and the Waves roaring Luk. 21. 25 26. All this that is so terrible to the Inhabitants of the Earth is good news to those that are in the Wilderness Pilgrims and Strangers in the Earth They are bid to look up and lift up their heads when these things begin to come to pass for their Redemption draweth nigh vers 28. The Lord shall utter his voice before his Army his Angelical Camp which is very great Joel 2. 11. There will be no standing for men before them Then will be brought to passe those sayings indeed Psal. 149. which some made use of in the late war that was but a shadow to what this Angelical host and their performances upon the enemy will amount unto The Saints shall sing aloud upon their beds and have the two-edged sword in their hands The Faith and Prayer of these chosen ones will have Angels ready to do execution upon all enemies Fire thus will go forth of their mouthes to destroy them Revel 11. They shall execute vengeance upon
The World was no longer worthy of him He is therefore gone from the earth But his Person and righteous Testimony shall be ●ad in everlasting remembrance Psal. 112. 6. His eye was fixed upon a better Countrey the Saints everlasting Rest. There the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest Those that have been made Prisoners and out-casts in this world as the off-scouring of all things shall rest together there They shall no more hear the voice of the oppressor Job 3. 17 18. The present enjoyments and blessedness of this deceased Saint do set him clear out of the reach of his enemies malice or my pen. He steaddily sees and unchangeably enjoyes what Paul before quite rid of his mortal body had but the transient view of in a short rapture when caught up to the third heaven 1 Cor. 12. or into that vision of God in Christ that is exhibited to the double-portioned Saint that sits on the Throne with Christ. 'T is the favourable presence of God in Christ onely that makes heaven to angels or men God's threefold various presence with his Church in and through Christ makes the three heavens That presence that is afforded in the adaequate intelligible form to the highest life and discerning of the double-portioned Saint the Bride the Lambs Wife makes the third heaven That which is given forth in the adaequate intelligible form to the elect Angels and Spirits of just men made perfect as the sutable immediate object of their discerning makes the second heaven That presence of God together with the fruits of it that in Christ is afforded to Saints on earth makes the first They have their conversation in this first heaven Phil. 3.20 or lowest kind of presence and converse of Christ in spirit They do live in the exercise of that spiritual seed and those principles which when fully awakened in the resurrection will render them fit inhabitants of the second and third heavens Paul in the short glance he had of that most excellent glory of God in Christ that is intelligible or discernable to the most exalted sort of Saints tells us he heard unspeakable words or saw unspeakable things which it is not lawful or possible for a man to utter Here then I must take off my hand and leave you to make the best you can of it in silence and wonder Thus have I cast in my small mite towards the vindication of the Person Doctrine and Way of this choice anointed one of the Lord and faithful assertor of his Countries Liberties unto Death from the groundless aspersions causeless hatred misprisions and injuries that have fallen to his share in this world There are two sorts of enemies who in the rage and vain imaginations of their hearts have reproached blasphemed assaulted affronted resisted and persecuted Christ in him They are both deciphered Psal. 2. 1. under the titles of Heathen and People I have a word of two to divide between them and speak to each of them apart My first word is to a People of God who in whatever variety of form perswasion or way have all of them with one consent separated from Rome as justly loathing and nauseating her most gross visible Idolatries and abominations They have also separated from the dry impertinent formality of a meer outward profession of Protestantisme under a superstitious Episcopacy These they have separated from on the left hand it was their duty so to do But they have also separated from or rather cast out the spiritual Believer and true heir of the everlasting Kingdom on the right hand This is their great sin that has brought a prophane heathenish superstitious idolatrous Interest over their heads again and run all a-ground They have demonstrated themselves to be of that spirit that Paul reproved in some of the Corinthian Church that would be reigning as Kings in the but renewed principles of humane nature and righteousness of man 1 Cor. 4. 8. When therefore this true heir sounded his trumpet in his RETIRED MEDITATIONS and proclaimed another sort of Saints men of another spirit other principles and a more excellent way of life to be the onely true heirs of the Kingdom and possessed of the true reigning Principle they could not bear it They have chosen rather to give the Scepter back again into any hand then the true heir of the heavenly Kingdom should wield it I mean not a Person onely but a People a People prepared for the Lord. Whoever you be that have thus demeaned your selves and sinned away twenty years Mercies and Deliverancies whatever your Judgment Form or Way be as to this or that particular Doctrine or Ordinance if you yet lodge but in the renewed old Adam state of life or first-creation spirit and principles as you have seen them above-charactered to you it is I direct this word You that are in some good measure and degree inwardly cleansed from the pollutions of this world the corruption of nature give me leave to tell you you may be thus wash'd and baptized by the word of truth into a practical experimental knowledge of Christ after the flesh and conformity with him as he was ●ound in the flesh born of a woman made under the Law for your sanctification Let me tell you further you may be made comely through his comeliness or righteousness of that sort put upon you or imputed to you for your justification You may over and above all this be adorned with many jewels and bracelets excellent gifts and the tongue of men and angels and yet fall short of the glory and righteousness of God in the new and everlasting Covenant and so may prove to be at last but sounding brass or tinkling cymbals Ez. 16. 11 12. 1 Cor. 12. 31. 13. 1. All your sanctified justified beautified and adorned state in which you flourished was but the rectified adorned first-covenant natural man and you took all to be spiritual new-covenant Life and ornament This is one of the saddest mistakes mortal men are subject to and is like to cost them dearest Their disappointment is fatal and irrecoverable Their work is exceeding dangerous in kicking against the pricks persecuting of Christ in the true spiritual believer But their case is no●remediless as they may see in Paul till they knowingly and malitiously say Come this is the heir let 's kill him and the inheritance shall be ours There are those from amongst these Legal spirited professors both Pastors and People that have had their share in betraying this just man in blaspheming his Principles and Doctrine in casting reproaches upon him while living and pleasing themselves to think that they are now well rid of him his Doctrine and Way by his Death Deceive not your selves His testimony has received a more signal ratification by his Death then in all his Life He warn'd you of many things In reference to one of his warning-pieces as to the making clean riddance of Antichrist from amongst us I shall ask
mention some obscure proposition in the Mathematicks to an unlearned man or at least unversed in his Art He demands a demonstration How do you prove this saies he the other gives an exact demonstration but he through ignorance of the very rudiments and principles of Mathematick learning receives not the demonstration as any satisfactory account of the proposition to him at all He is as far to seek as ever What then where lies the fault In the pretended demonstration he will say He will by no means suspect his capacity The defect lies wholly in his understanding and he laies it all upon the demonstration saies nothing is proved Let a skilful Artist hear the matter he presently grants the demonstration to be as clear as the Sun This may be the case where the subject matter of the discourse is properly within ken to meer natural reason as the suitable and intelligible object thereof How much more difficult is the case with the true spiritual Believer and his Gospel doctrine in case he discourse with one that is confident he wants not for discerning and yet sees nothing at all as he ought to see has no discerning at all of spiritual things or of the spiritual sence reach and significancy of the Scriptures He has no eye at all suited to such matters yet none more confident The true spiritual watchman were as good meet a Bear robb'd of her whelps as talk with such a man about spiritual things He is absolutely unreasonable as to such things that faith only sees Paul prayed to be delivered from such cattel and desired others to pray for him on that account as the most irksome thing in the world Finally brethren pray for us saith he that the word of the Lord may have free course and that we may be delivered from unreasonable men for all men have not Faith 2 Thes. 3. 1 2. He that has not faith or the spiritual discerning is perfectly unreasonable as to spiritual things You were better talk to a tree if he be confident for that will make no noise to trouble you he will Men are still for How do you prove it They never question but they can understand and receive it if rightly evidenced Did not Christ himself speak with evidence as one having authority beyond all the teaching of the Scribes Mat. 7. 29. Yet how was he and his doctrine rejected by the Scribes and generallity of the religious party amongst the Iewes and received only by some poor fishermen and common sinners where was the fault that Christ's doctrine was not received Did not he give the demonstration right how often is it said in Scripture He that has an ear to hear let him hear The grand obstruction to the propagating of the Gospel is the want of the hearing ear Till there be this we speak to deaf men The old serpent has deaf'd and stop'd up their ears that they will not listen to the spiritual charmer charme he never so wisely And what then why then they fall to disputing and cavilling with him How do you prove this and how do you prove that You assert many things but what ground do you shew for all The disputer of this world is set at naught by the Holy Ghost Where is the wise where is the disputer of this World hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world 1 Cor. 1. 20. These disputers are not to be gratified in their way If there be a spiritual discerning spiritual things which carry their own evidence in them need onely to be asserted and prove while you will discourse a whole year together with one in whom is no such discerning he never will own that any thing is proved but holds fast his own conclusions still The way of Christ himself was not to dispute but assert and he that hath an ear to hear saies he let him hear if you will receive it receive it The true believer is to wave those unprofitable janglings by which contentious self-confident men would labour to confound all 1 Tim. 1. The Iewish teachers put this question to Christ himself Art thou the Christ tell us He said unto them if I tell you you will not believe Luk. 22.67 When Christ preach'd how many contradicted and blasphemed was the fault in him Speak who will Paul an Angel from heaven or Christ himself and let the hearing ear be wanting what can be done The very disciples when they were coming down from the Mount where Christ was transfigured before them he lets fall a word about the Resurrection and they are all in a puzzle to think what rising from the dead should mean Why say the Scribes that Elias must first come say they Elias is come saies he and they have done to him what they listed Mark 9.9 13. and Mat. 11.14 speaking of Iohn Baptist. If ye will receive it this is Elias which was for to come The last word of prophesy in the Old Testament pointed at Iohn the immediate preparatory Minister to the publick and general dispensation of the Gospel upon Christ's coming in the flesh Mal. 4. 5 6. If ye will receive it receive it He that hath an ear to hear let him hear that is he that has a spiritual understanding and discerning will take it They did so But what would the disputer of this world have said to him Sir you assert that Iohn Baptist was that Elias but how do you prove it So when the Apostle Iohn saies of false or short-sighted teachers They are of the world therefore the world hears them They They have populous Congregations all the world goes after them and admires this man and the other man But we saies he are of God He that knoweth God heareth us Hereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error 1 Joh. 4. 5 6. Would not the disputer of this world be out of all patience to hear a man assert at this rate and as he reckons prove nothing Let him be what he will this we see is the way of Christ and his Apostles If there be a spiritual ear this doctrine is received if not will any elaborate discourses or demonstrations ever bring to pass that the natural man shall receive the things of God What will become of that Scripture then 1 Cor. 2.14 Demonstrate while you will if there be not the ●ight reception the hearing ear all 's a case you are where you began The vain● jangling disputative way of foolish man is not at all to be gratified in the declaration of the mysteries of the kingdom of God Will you yet cavil and dispute O professors will you yet contradict and blaspheme Lo then I turn to the Gentiles My second Word is to you O Gentiles Be wise O Kings be instructed O ye Iudges of the earth Serve the Lord with fear Psal. 2. 10 11. The Signs and Wonders of God are coming thick upon you While it is yet called to day harden not your hearts against
the God of Heaven and against the Saints of the most High Practise not thus against them nor think to change the times and the Laws Dan. 7. 25. Will you O Rulers be paid in your own coin You have taken away a famous man in our Israel this day upon some dark REASON of STATE against all the Laws of England and against the common light of Reason in all mankind Will you hear a REASON of STATE that might have moved you to the contra●y Though it be too late as to his Life because his blood that you have spilt cannot be gathered up again as the wise woman of Tekoah told David yet it may happily be somewhat preventive to your further proceedings that way against others Remember then what is recorded of Ann de Burg burnt in France 1559. The Death and Constancy of a man so conspicuous made many curious to know what Religion that was for which he had so couragiously endured punishment By that means great numbers of people were baptized into his perswasion Trust me saies one you have gotten nothing by these spectacles M●n return from them more confirm'd in their detestation of you than terrified from any of their purposes towards you Their names will be recorded amongst those who have died out of debt to their countrey by having paid the utmost they owed it Their worth will be remembred Their children and kindred will alwayes be looked upon as descendants from the Liberatours of their Countrey and esteemed accordingly I wish heartily for your own sakes and ours too that this REASON of STATE had come into your mind and had prevailed against any other before you ventured to embrue you hands in the blood of so deserving a subject But proceed no farther to lift up your selves thus against the Lord of heaven for when ye have done all the meek ones of Christ must inherit the earth when the wicked are cut off they shall see it Psal. 37. 34. The Saints of the most High shall take and possesse the kingdom for ever and ever do what any can to hinder them Dan 7. 18. Quarrel not at these things but like noble Boereans search the Scriptures and see whether they be so or no. Do not put far from you the evil day It never was nearer Hinder not Saints assembling together 'T is their duty so to do and that so much the more as they see the day of Christ's heavenly appearance approaching Heb. 10.25 Praying persons praying People that have an interest in God are the main bulwark and security of any Nation Ten righteous praying persons had saved all Sodom and the neighbour cities Gen. 18. 32. The Sodomites vilify and assault Lo● and he is the onely man that stands betwixt them and the storm of fire and brimstone that was coming upon them God bids him haste away for he cannot do any thing till he be got to some place of security Gen. 19. 9. 22. 'T was a Proverb in Israel Without standings the world could not stand that is without prayers the posture was put for the duty Would you rid your hands and the world of Saints praying Persons and Meetings Then the world will stand no longer and where then will your standing be what should the world stand for when God has no share or portion in it What mean you then O Rulers Are Protestants murder'd and hurried up and down for meeting to worship God and the service of the Devil in the abominable Idolatries of the Mass wink'd at or countenanc'd Nothing hardly of Protestantisme scapes your censure but what 's to be found in the publick Assemblies into which you have returned an insipid frothy Episcopal Ministry whose Divinity amounts not to so much as sound and well managed moral Philosophy Their words have no power to awaken Consciences or authority in Consciences that are already awakened I doubt they aim at no such thing but onely to lull awakened Consciences into a deep sleep againe and those that are so to keep so still 'T is an enlightened knowing People that are the only burdensome stone to them Do you think England can away with such work as this that have flourished of late years in Light and Liberty beyond any Nation round about her Do you imagine that the Mass or a barren Episcopal Ministry with an Organ and a Common-prayer Book will down with a Nation that has such light stirring in it as not only the Presbyterian but in a manner all the variety of Congregational Churches yea the very Fift-Monarchy-men so called will hardly bear Will you pull out all our eyes will you stop our mouths with gags and handkerchiefs because you have no Law or Reason to stop them with Do you think the righteous man has no remedy left him The Lord is in his Temple his Throne is in heaven His eyes behold his eyelids try the children of men The wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth Upon the wicked he shall rain snares fire and brimstone and an horrible tempest Psal. 11. 4 6. God is angry with the wicked every day If he turn not he will whet his sword he hath bent his bow and made it ready He ordeineth his arrows against the persecutors He hath prepared for them the instruments of death Their mischief shall return upon their own heads and their violent dealing shall come down upon their own pa●es Psal. 7. 9 16. Is not here enough for you If you persist in your way every syllable of this will be accomplished upon you There 's no flying from God's presence or escaping his hand No visible confidencies bulwarks forts armies treasure or whatever else can secure you from men much less from angels and much less yet from God 'T is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God He is the transcendently highest over-ruling Magistrate of all He is the great General of all the armies in heaven or earth Angels stars men and all inferiour creatures His host of angels relieved Elisha against the Syrians The stars in their courses fought against Sisera Judg. 5.20 Yea to shew the contemptible folly of self-exalting man God can so animate an army of frogs locusts lice or flies as to appall the proudest Tyrant and make him buckle and acknowledge that he has sinned against the Lord in abusing his people and desire them to pray for his deliverance as we see over and over in Pharaoh's case Exod. 8. 9. 10. How oft have rich and potent kings bin dragg'd out of all their visible supports taken by force out of their ablest troops and choisest armies and carried up and down to be laughed at by their enemies how many signal instances for this do we find in Iewish Assyrian Persian Greek Romane Turkish and other Histories the English not excepted Queen Iezebel with all her pomp and retinue can't secure her body from being dogs meat Have you killed and also taken possession Remember her Remember Aha● Where dogs
in this way there is life and joy in the Spirit The Believer the true spiritual Circumcision rejoyces in Christ Jesus having no confidence in the fl●sh nor mastering much how i● goes with that So he may win Christ and know him in the power of his Resurrection he is willing also to know him in the fellowship of his Sufferings and in being made conformable unto his death There is no other way to the eternal Crown If we suffer with him who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good Confession 1 Tim. 6. 13. we shall also reign with him if we deny Him and his ●ause before men through fear of them that can but kill the body and have no more that they can do he that can destroy both body and soul in Hell will de●● us before the Angels of God Whatever frightful appearance the present tribulations may have this remains sure Light ●● sown for the Righteous and gladness for the upright in heart My harvest is at hand the season for me to reap the good fruit of the incorruptible seed of eternal life that hath been sown in me many years ago by the good hand of the Lord. I have so much already of that fruit as makes me set very light by the present tribulations that are but for a moment and are not to be compared with the glory that follows I have sown in tears and am now going to reap in joy where all tears shall be wiped away for ever There shall be no more sorrow crying or hearing the voice of the oppressor I charge you therefore be ye followers of me as I am a follower of Christ. Walk in that Faith ye have seen me to walk in and be not dismayed Observe what I now say to you and the Lord will bless you yea you shall be encouraged and commended by him as a choice pattern of obedience unto others like the sons of Ionadab the son of Rechab who were commended for performing the words of their father that he commanded them and were therein propounded as an imitable pattern to the men of Iudah and inhabitants of Ierusalem who did most perversly refuse to obey the Commands of God himself in the Messages he sent to them by the ministry of the Prophets Encline your ear therefore and hearken unto me now in this par●ing Instruction Listen to my command and obey the words I speak to you in the Name of the Lord. I charge you to walk in the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and that with all steadiness and constancy as not in the least discouraged by what you see now to befal me and other his servants and followers in this evil day The servant is not greater than the Lord. He went this way and hath warned us that through much persecution and tribulation we must strive to enter into the Kingdom of God Walk then in the Spirit and Faith of Abraham in that immutable frame of spirit that feeds upon that which is incorruptible whereby you will be nourished up into eternal life and carried on through all difficulties and oppositions to the compleat full and certain saving of your souls Be bold confident stedfast and undaunted herein though brya●s and thorns be with you and you dwell among Scorpions Be not afraid of their big words or stout looks though they be a 〈◊〉 house Ezek. 2. not 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of God before their eyes and therefore lifting up themselves 〈…〉 against the Lord of Heaven and practising to destroy the People of the Most High till the Antient of dayes come and set them upon their feet at which time Judgement shall be given to the Saints of the most High and they must possess the Kingdom Who are you then if you live and abide in the Faith of Abraham that you should be afraid of a man that shall die and be made as gr●●● Isa. 51. 12. All the Nations of the World are less than nothing before Him in whom is your help Isa. 40. 17. Stay your selves then upon God in the greatest outward confusions or alterations of Government or Governours that possibly can befall though the Earth be removed and the Mountains be carried into the midst of the Sea Be of good courage take to you the whole Armour of God fight the Battels of the Lord the good fight of Faith and he will make you more than Conquerors Let these dying words of your Father never be forgotten Be strong in the Faith of Abraham He that now speak● to you hath for many years proved and tryed what this amounts unto he sees great cause to recommend it to you upon that Experience he hath had of the support and relief it carries with it in all occurrences as also how bold stedfast and comfortable it renders the possessors thereof against all possible affronts contradictions and oppositions of sinners When you can no longer enjoy the bodily or visible Presence of your Father with you live more in the Faith of your Father that he that is my heavenly Father may discover himself more and more to be yours also as you shew your selves more to be his Children which will highly concern you that through the more plentiful comm●●●● of his grace and spirit amongst you and in you you may be more strengthened with his might and glorious power in your inward man unto all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness and be able to stand it out in this evil day This is the last opportunity I am like to have of this kind The Lord set my words home upon your hearts Be glad and rejoyce thus to be minded of your duty and charged by me● And what greate● cause of rejoycing can your Father have than that his Children walk in the Truth See then that you alwayes keep your Consciences void of offence towards God and towards men Hate and decline every unrighteous way and whatever is contrary to the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ. Put one another in mind of these things that your Father thus minds you all of in this his last Charge and Instruction which he leaves with you Provoke one another unto love and good worke Exhort one another so much the more as you see the day approaching Shew forth your Faith in the workings of it by which you may glorifie your Father which is in Heaven Those that believe in God will be careful to maintain good works Tit. 3. 8. Consider what manner of persons it concerns you to be in all holy Conversation and godliness seeing that all these things● that now are and which ye see are very shortly to be dissolved sooner it may be than you can yet believe even the Heavens and Earth that now are the whole outward face of things in Church and State the world throughout 2 Pet. 3.7.11,12 Live then as those that wait for their masters coming for the new heaven and new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness Live in the pure Spirit of this tried Faith of