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A58046 Practical discourses concerning death and Heaven discovering the great necessity of a speedy preparation for death : with the danger of neglecting or delaying such preparations : also the excellency, glory, and happiness of Heaven opened and explained as the portion of all true believers after death / by Nathanael Ranew. Ranew, Nathanael, 1602?-1678. 1694 (1694) Wing R247; ESTC R26914 143,487 222

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If upon Examination of thy Heart thou dost not find it thus with thee why then consider though this frame of Soul be Characteristical of a true Christian yet you must consider also that the same Character of a Christian that is a cause of joy and rejoicing to some yea to a Man 's own self sometimes at another time may be a cause of fear and doubting to him not but that that which distinguisheth a true Christian from a Hypocrite is the same at one time that it is at another only we cannot see nor discover so clearly the State of our Souls towards God by it at one time as at another And this is the Reason why some are so lifted up with joy yea with holy longing of Soul in hopes of the Glory of God when others are cast down under fears and doubts as if they had no hopes of or at least no present Interest in or title unto any such thing But farther Art thou fearful O Christian of thy self because thou canst not feel this ardency of desires in thee after thy dissolution and the Glorious appearing of Jesus Christ so as to look and long for the coming of these things Why know O troubled Soul that every Character of a Christian is not discernable by all Christians at all times and in all conditions Thou mayest have that in thee which is the cause of these longing desires in others though at present it doth not work so strongly in thee that thou mayest sensibly feel the power of its operations thus drawing forth thy Heart and Affections in this ardent and vehement manner Grace though weak and in the seed hath a tendency in it and is making out after this holy longing and rejoicing of Soul in hopes of the Glory of God though there may be the intervention of some time before there be an attaining to it If there be the remainders of the Spirit of Bondage in thee to fear in this case Grace in thee is not come to that perfection that it is in others but yet it will be growing and encreasing in thee and as thy Grace grows stronger and stronger so will thy fears of Death and Judgment grow weaker and weaker Furthermore O troubled Soul though thou canst not feel thy Soul breathing forth it self in these holy longings desires after thy Dissolution the beholding of the face of God and the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ yet dost thou believe that it will be incomparably better for thee to be with Christ than to abide here on Earth and therefore though Death be dreadful to think of in it self yet seeing it is the only passage through which God hath appointed our entrance into Heaven though thou canst not say that thou longest for it yet art thou willing to entertain it if God sends it and though the fears of Death sometimes discourage thee yet doth not thy belief of and hope in a future State of Happiness abate those fears considering the advantages that will follow it And though it be an amazing thing in thy thoughts to think of coming before the Great and Holy GOD yet except when Temptations make thee fear that God will condemn thee for thy Sins hadst thou not rather come to God by Death than not come to him at all the enjoyment of whom is thy Soul 's utmost Happiness And though the sight of Christ's coming in the Clouds at the Day of Judgment in the Glory of his Father and of the Holy Angels will be very terrible to behold and the thoughts thereof strike thee with fear and trembling when thou considerest thine own sinfulness and therefore canst not think of that Day with so strong a Faith and Consolation with such earnestness of desires and holy longing as some Christians do yet be not discouraged though thou dost not long for yet dost thou love the appearance of Jesus Canst thou say thou wouldst not take all the pleasures of this World for thy hopes of the happiness of this Day And couldst thou attain to that full assurance that some of God's People have thou wouldst then with earnestness of desire and holy longing of Soul cry out as the Church doth Come Lord Jesus come quickly Is it thus with thee O Soul why then be not troubled nay be comforted for that which at present is Faith Hope Desire and Love may in a little time be vehement longing and assurance yea the riches of the full assurance of Faith Rest not therefore in any weak desires but labour for this holy longing of Soul after God and the Eternal Enjoyment of him in Glory that in Life and Death your Soul may part and breath after immediate and everlasting Communion with him This is that frame of Soul that the People of God ought to labour after and which many have attained unto the earnestness and vehemency of whose desires have been so great that they have been as it were under sweet and delightful agonies of pain and their Souls even breaking with longings after the presence of God and Christ in Glory Examples of this Nature that might be instanced in are many I shall mention one of which I was an Eye and Ear Witness the Person was one of a middle rank and quality in the World but of great eminency in Grace and Holiness while living and full of Joy and Peace when dying It pleased God who appoints us the bounds and place of our Habitations to cast my lot into a Religious Family where this Godly Person lived whose Memory to me is and ever shall be very precious after I had been there some time it pleased God to lay this Person upon a sick bed which proved a death-bed whose Mouth was always full of Holy and Heavenly Discourse and as Death approached nearer and nearer those Heavenly Expressions were with greater earnestness and frequency repeated the last Day of whose Life as long as speech continued was spent in uttering continual expressions full of holy longings and desires after the enjoyment of God and Christ in Glory Methinks the sweetness of the Melody revives my Spirit still when I call to remembrance in my serious thoughts what I then heard and saw Oh with what Joy and Desight of Soul was the thoughts of Death entertained Surely nothing was or could possibly be more welcome to such a Soul except it were the immediate fruition of God in Heaven whose Soul in the delightful much longed for and panted-after Happiness in the enjoyment of God breathed forth continually such expressions as these for many hours together Come Lord Jesus when shall I come and appear before thee Oh Lord when Lord when Oh come Lord Jesus come quickly And thus this Holy Person died changing a frail mortal Life on Earth for an immortal Life in Heaven where to be and to be most happy is all one I could fill up many sheets with wonderful expressions of the loves longings pantings and breathings that I have read of Holy
are there for ever abolished and taken away There are no Deformities upon the Body to render it Contemptible nor no Reproaches upon the Name to make it Scandalous there is no Sickness or Distempers upon the outward Man nor no Desertions or Darkness upon the inward Man there are no Temptations from Satan to vex the Soul nor no Weaknesses and Infirmities to annoy the Body there 's no more Death or dying but Life for evermore Mortality is now swallowed up of Life Corruption hath put on Incorruption and Mortality hath put on Immortality and Death and Hell are cast into the Lake of Fire and which is more than all this there that is in Heaven we shall no more sin nor offend God to all Eternity Earth and Hell are the places both of sin and Suffering but Heaven is a place of perfect Joy and perfect Holiness nothing enters in there that is either Afflictive Polluted or Defiled When Death parts Soul and Body for a time then Sin and the Soul part for ever Here we are continually sinning and offending of God and it is the constant grief of a Godly Man that he doth so here our Righteousnesses are no better than filthy rags and Grace it self hath its defects when we believe most strongly we must cry out Lord help our unbelief but now in Heaven there are none but the Spirits of Just Men made perfect In a word there is nothing there that may in the least be an Allay or Diminution unto the Happiness of that blessed State that is there enjoyed to Eternity But this is not all Death doth not only free Believers from all that is Evil and Afflictive but it brings them to the perfect Enjoyment of whatever is beneficial and good Death being the means and way by which they enter into Heaven where Blessedness and Happiness is to be enjoyed in such fulness of perfection as exceeds not only our Apprebensions but our Imaginations For there it is that the infinitely great and blessed God discovers himself in all his Glory to be enjoyed by the Saints as their Portion to Eternity There it is that they shall behold their once bleeding and dying but now Glorified Redeemer Cloathed in their own Nature who loved them and washed them from their sins in his own blood who was dead but is alive and now lives for ever more and because be lives they shall live also There they shall Enjoy that which was the great desire of the Apostle and theirs also to be with Christ which is best of all and how much blessedness is included in those few words to be with Christ the enjoyment of Heaven only where Christ is can make known to us There it is that Believers fully understand the meaning of that Article of our Christian Faith even the Communion of Saints here it was that they placed their Delight in the Saints the Excellent ones of the Earth and there their Delight shall be in great measure in the Saints some of the Excellent ones of Heaven There shall then be no mixture of sin and Corruption with our Graces which here is an Allay to the Lustre and Brightness of them but they shall Shine forth in their full Glory and Beauty Grace there shall be in its full Perfection nothing shall then be wanting in our Knowledge nor any thing imperfect in our Love our Obedience shall then flow from us with all readiness and chearfulness of Soul and our Joy and Delight in God shall not admit of the least Diminution or Disturbance to Eternity This O Soul is that in general which the Happiness of Heaven is made up of and to the Enjoyment of this Happiness without Interruption or Cessation for ever is that to which Death brings all Believers And surely if ever those words have any Truth in them they are here verified so that a Saint may truly say The lines are now fallen to me in a pleasant place I have a goodly Herit age O Blessed and Glorious State indeed who is there that knows and believes this infinite unconceivable Happiness that would not willingly die to enjoy it Unto which State of Blessedness God of his infinite Mercy bring us all to the Enjoyment of for the alone sake of Jesus Christ our only Saviour and Redeemer Amen FINIS
the rich Man in the Gospel else so confidently say to his Soul Thou bast Goods laid up for many years eat drink and be merry But Death would not be put off so for that Night was his Soul taken from him notwithstanding all his great Possessions It is in vain to cry out on a Death Bed with that wretched Cardinal Beauford in Henry the Sixth Time Wherefore should I dye being rich will not Death be bribed Will Money do nothing No truly it cannot for as Riches profit not in the day of Wrath to pacifie the Justice of an angry God so neither will they profit in the day of Death to bribe that King of Terrors Beauty is another outward Excellency that many glory in and indeed it is a great Ornament a Gift of GOD and no small one it is a taking thing We delight in things that are beautiful Beauty to some is a Portion among men to others a favour from God It is a silent Eloquence a tacite Perswasion and works much upon some What is said of the Church Psal 45.11 So shall the King greatly desire thy Beauty I know it is spoken there of Spiritual Beauty the Graces of the Spirit of God which beautifie and adorn the Church in the eyes of Christ for it is said the KING's Daughter is all glorious within But yet it is true also in some me sure of outward Corporeal Beauty it is a desireable thing and may duly be an attractive of Love it is that which draws the Eyes and Hearts of many tho' often it is an incentive to Lust both to great Men and to good Men. Solomon loved strange Women the Scripture saith and they turned away his heart from God and having smarted severely for it as a fruit of the sincerity of his Repentance and to prevent so great wickedness in others he hath left us many Excellent Cautions and Counsels in Sacred Writ against the ensnaring Temptations and powerful Charms of Beauty But though Men are deluded and deceived by beautiful Objects and Persons yet Death is not A beautiful Face is as mortal and as soon yea sooner many times turned into duct and corruption than a face that is deformed Death regards a goodly well favoured Joseph or Absolom no more than a leprous Vzziah or Gebazi nor doth it spare a beautiful Rachel more than a blear ey'd Leah Favour is deceitful and Beauty is vain in this respect for they profit none in a dying hour the beautifulest Person and the most lovely Complexion is quickly turned into Paleness and Corruption when once the time of their dissolution is come Death soon making those that for their Beauty and Comeliness were most admired by others become most loathsome and intolerable and they most desirous with Abraham to bury such dead out of their sight By what hath been said it appears that all Men notwithstanding all their great Attainmen's in Worldly Excellences are not exempted from dying And as no outward so no inward-Excellency and Perfection can priviledge any from Death no not Grace it self Grace is as Salt to the Soul to preserve it from Moral Corruption for ever but it cannot preserve the Body from Natural Corruption in this World In Heaven where there shall be nothing but Grace and Holiness in the Soul in perfection there there shall be no dying but here on Earth where Grace is insperfect being mingled with Sin and Corruption there is a necessity of dying Death is become domestical to us we have the Seed of it within us we carry it daily in our bosoms I mean in the body of Sin as the Apostle calls it that we carry about with us which will never be extirpated and destroyed till the death of the body All our Prayers and Tears cannot prevent Death Prayer can do great things to instance in particulars of its Prevalency would be endless Our Lord himself tells us That whatever we ask the Father in his Name he will give it us John 16.23 That is an Astonishing Scripture Esay 45.11 Thus saith the Lord The Holy One of Israel and his Maker Ask me of things to come concerning my Sons and concerring the Works of my hands command ye me As if saith one God was as ready to do them service as if they had him at their Command There is a kind of Omnipotency in Prayer and therefore it is said of Jacob that as a Prince he had power with God and prevailed Gen. 32.28 And the Apostle tells us The effectual fervent Prayer of a Righteous Man availeth much how much the Apostle could not tell us but leaves it to every one to make Observations from their own Experience But though Prayer can do such great things yet it cannot prevent Death We read indeed that the Prayer of Faith doth save the Sick but though it can even restore from a sick-bed yet it cannot raise from a Death-bed Nay Christ himself hath not so Redeemed us that we should live for ever and not see Corruption he hath Redeemed us that we shall live for ever in Heaven but he hath not Redeemed us that we should live for ever on Earth and not dye no it was the Priviledge of Jesus Christ the Redeemer that he should not see Corruption and therefore of him only it is said Thou wilt not leave my Soul in Hell nor suffer thy Holy One to see Corruption But may some say this necessity of dying seems not to be unalterably imposed upon all Men for some have lived who never dyed and some shall live hereafter that shall not dye I Answer It is true the Scripture makes mention of Two and but Two that lived here o● Earth and by special Grace and Favour were exempted from Death ascending up unto God leaping over Death and the Grave as it were in their passage to Heaven and they are Enoch and Elias concerning Enoch it is said That by Faith he wa● transtated that he should not see Death Heb. 11 5● He was a Person eminent for Holiness for it is said That he walked with God three hundred years and obtained this Testimony before his Translation● that he pleased God Gen. 5.22 And being such an Eminent Proficient in Grace as that there wa● none that we read of like him at that time he obtained such Grace and Favour from God as none did for it is said He walked with GOD and he was not for GOD lock him O the Excellency of Grace and Holiness how highly doth it ennable and advance a Man Enoch walked with God and God thinks the Earth not good enough for him and therefore he takes him to himself into Beaven nay this is not all so much was God taken with the Holiness of Enoch that he shall not go to Heaven in the ordinary way as other Saints do by Death but he shall be translated from Grace to Glory without so much as looking into the Grave The like we read of Elias another eminent and zealous Servant of God 2 King
difficult Work Death continually hastning towards us yet few consider how suddenly themselves or others may Die. Death comes violently to Wicked Men yet no Man dies before his time however in Scripture some are said so to do An Exhortation to prepare for Death with Motives to quicken Christians thereunto and Directions to help them therein HAving spoken something of the Life of Man as it hath Relation unto the Subject I am speaking to which by Reason of Sin is become short frail and uncertain I shall now consider the State of Man under Death which is the end of his Temporal but the beginning and entrance upon his Everlasting State which that Christians may with the more profit and advantage meditate upon I shall reduce all that I have to say of it unto three particulars The State of Man under Death is a State that admits of no returning unto Life a State that admits of no amendments and a State that is fixed and determined First The State of Man under Death is a State that admits of no returning unto Life again When once the Sun of this Life is set it will arise no more upon thee for ever Are not my Days few says Job Cease from me that I may take comfort a little before I go whence I shall not return And Job 10.20 When a few Days are come says he I shall go whence I shall not return Job 16.22 That 's a strange Journey indeed that admits of no return That which pleaseth us while we live is the hopes of returning to our Homes again but when we die we take a Journey whence there is no returning for there is no recovery out of the Grave when once we are Dead Indeed it is a fundamental Article of the Christian Faith to believe the Resurrection of the Dead for the Scripture tells us that all Men shall stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ to receive according to what they have done in the Body Now if there be not a Resurrection of the Dead how can this be therefore our Lord tells us plainly John 5.28 that the hour is coming when all that are in their Graves shall hear his Voice and shall come forth but this time is not yet come and till this time comes the sentence of Death is irreversible upon all And though God hath already stretched sorth his hand to the Grave for the raising of some Persons from the Dead miraculously yet as those few that have escaped Death make no breach upon this general Truth that all must Die so it doth not at all infringe this general Truth that God will not now by the manifestation of the same miraculous Power raise any from the Grave because some have been raised and recovered out of it Secondly The State of Man under Death admits of no amendments or alterations Life is the Time of Working in Death we receive the Reward of our Work Our Lord tells us of himself I must Work the Works of him that sent me while it is Day for the Night comes wherein no Man can Work Joh. 9.4 Death puts an end to all Works whether they be Natural Civil or Religious There is no eating or drinking nor any pleasure to be taken in any outward enjoyments in the State of Death there is no buying or selling or getting gain when we are Dead nay Death puts an end to all Spiritual Works those Duties that upon Earth were the Saints exercise in the Grave there is an end of them there is a dying and perishing for ever in respect of Faith and Repentance in respect of praying and hearing the Word these are Heavenly Works but the Time for the performance of them is while we are here upon Earth None of these Labours are in Heaven or in Hell no nor in the Grave whither we are all going In Heaven there is nothing but rest in Hell though there be no rest yet there is no labour In Hell there is nothing but Wages in Heaven there is nothing but Reward our whole Work lies in the few Days that are on this side both What we do for the obtaining of Heaven or for the avoiding of Hell it must be done now for there is no Work no Device in the Grave whither we are all going Thirdly The State of Man under Death is a State that is fixed and determined He that dies under the Guilt of Sin shall never have it forgiven him The Blood of Christ that was appointed for the Pardon of Sin and for the Justification of a Sinner shall never make God propitious to a Soul that dies under the Guilt of Sin though that Blood now speaks better things than the Blood of Abel and crying aloud to Heaven nay in Heaven for Mercy hath obtained Pardon and forgiveness for thousands of Souls now in Glory yet hath it no virtue in it that shall be applicable to any Sinner for the remission of his Sins when once the Sentence of Death is executed upon him There is a Sacrifice appointed by God to take away Sin in this Life even the Blood of Christ that cleanseth from all Sin and now he intreats and beseecheth Sinners to come unto him that they may have Life by him but those that will not now accept of his Gracious offer but continue in Sin and Disobedience all their days and die under the Guilt thereof there remains no more Sacrifice for them and it is impossible they should ever be Pardoned because the Sufferings of Christ were never Ordained as an Expiatory Sacrifice for their Sins His bleeding and dying upon the Cross will do them no good at all now the Time and Season of Mercy and Grace with them is gone and past for ever Nay let me add a dreadful word unto all such instead of any Benefit and Advantage that will come to them by the Blood of Christ it is that which cries loudly against them for the Wrath and Vengeance of God to fall upon them to Eternity Besides he that dies under the guilt of Sin dies also under the filth and pollution of Sin from whence he shall never be cleansed We read in Scripture of a Refiner's Fire but Hell Fire is not of this Nature it enrageth the Sinner but it doth not Refine him No that Sin or Holiness that accompanies Men out of this World shall abide with them for ever he that dies in a State of Sin his guilt remains upon him for ever there are no Seasons of Grace to be enjoyed in another World nor are there any Operations of the Spirit of God vouchsafed to Renew and Change Men hereafter Whilst we are in this World though the Law Condemns us for our sin and guilt and the Gospel disowns us for our filth and pollution yet even such as we have been Washed have been Justified have been Sanctified and so may we for the Blood of Christ is still a Fountain open to wash in for Sin and for uncleanness and the Infinite though Provoked
sweet and delightful are no better than Bonds and Fetters unto thee which thou wouldst fain break asunder and cast away from thee the Language of thy Carnal Heart is this though the Sermon be commonly measured by the space of an hour yet thou cryest when will the Glass be out when will the Duty be done when will the Sabbath be over that we may follow the World again thou thinkest Prayer too long and Sermons too long and Sabbaths too long Well be patient O Sinner for a while and in a short time thou shalt never be troubled with these long painful Duties any more Death will ease thee of all these Burthens that Night is coming upon thee wherein there shall be no more of these Works done for ever and then though with Esau thou shouldst carefully seek a place of Repentance with Tears to bewall thy former Folly yet thou shouldst not find it Thirdly The Misery of an unprepared Sinner for Death lies in this that he then ioseth all his hopes and expectations Hope it is the Anchor and Support of the Soul in time of Trouble sometimes the Soul is brought to such straits and under such sore pressures that it hath nothing to live upon but Faith and Hope Faith believes there shall be a happy issue out of those troubles the Soul is under and therefore Hope encourageth the Soul to wait patiently till a time of Deliverance doth come it will come saith Faith for God is Faithful who hath promised I will wait therefore saith Hope and my expectations shall not be in vain for they that wait upon him shall not be ashamed But now all the Hopes of a Sinner will fail and disappoint him at Death for indeed he had no true well-grounded Hope We read in Scripture of a true and lively Hope 1 Pet 1.3 but this is found only in the Saints Blessed be God saith the Apostle who hath begotten us again to a lively Hope by the Resurrection of Christ from the Dead But a Sinner's Hope is not a lively but a dead Hope and what can the Fruits of such a Hope be but shame and disappointment When a Wicked Man dies says the Wise Man his Expectations shall perish Prov. 11.7 And what is the Hope of the Hypocrite says Job though he hath gained when God taketh away his Soul Job 27.8 why nothing but shame and disappointment And if Hope deferred maketh the Heart sick as Solomon tells us then Hope frustrated especially a Hope of Heaven and Happiness must needs kill even as with a thousand Deaths Fourthly An unprepared Sinner at Death loseth his Soul and this is such a Jewel that its worth and value is not known on Earth but shall be fully known in Hell Were it possible for thee O Sinner to understand what is included in the loss of thy Soul it would be as a Dagger at thy Heart the thoughts of it would make thee mingle thy drink with weeping and imbitter all the Comforts of thy whole life unto thee In Matt. 16.26 What is a Man profited if he gains the whole World and lose his own Soul or what shall a Man give in exchange for his Soul Behold here O Sinner of what an incomparable worth and value thy Soul is and what an irreparable loss it is if thou losest it this is such a loss as there is none like it for the gain of the whole World cannot balance the loss of one Soul It is also an irrecoverable loss God hath given thee two Eyes two Hands and two Feet and if thou losest one Eye thou hast another or if thou losest one Limb thou hast more but God hath given thee but one Soul and if thou losest that thou hast no more If thou losest thy Estate by thy diligence and the Blessing of God upon thy endeavours thou mayest recover it again yea if thou losest thy Life thou mayest be a gainer by it for thou mayest find it again for he that loseth his Life for my sake says Christ shall find it How so shall he live again here on Earth no but he shall find it with infinite gain and advantage in Heaven for instead of a Temporal Life he shall gain an Eternal Life But if thy Soul O Sinner be once lost thou art undone for ever this is such a loss that the thoughts thereof may make thy Hair stand on end upon thy Head yea it is that which when ever thou readest or thinkest of may make thy Heart to ake do not thy Ears tingle and thy Loyns tremble to hear of it Having thus laid down some quickning Considerations to stir up Christians to prepare for Death I shall in the next place endeavour to propound such Directions as may by the Blessing of God be helpful to them in their Preparations for their latter end Now the General Direction for a Christian's Preparation for Death is to get an Interest in Christ by a Work of Conversion changing the State and Condition of the Soul This now is the main Work of a Christian without which he is no real Christian Profession of Christianity gives a Man the Name of a Christian but it is only Implantation into Christ by believing that gives a Man the being of a Christian It is Essential to a Christian as a Christian that he be in Christ By Nature all Men are Strangers yea Enemies to God and Christ and therefore it is necessary that there be a Manifestation of the Power of Converting Grace to change our Hearts and Sanctifie our Natures and till this be done we are but Nominally Christians we have only a Name to live but we are dead He that is not in Christ is not a Christian in Deed and in Truth Now this being in Christ which is always accompanied with Conversion and Sanctification is that which makes Life comfortable Death easy and Heaven sure and certain He that hath an Interest in Christ may live joyfully in any Condition if he knows but his own Happiness he need not be troubled let what will befal him whether he hath more or less he hath it with the Love of God all his Mercies come swiming to him in the Blood of Jesus and therefore he may well sit down and be content yea be thankful and rejoyce knowing that all things shall work together for his Eternal Benefit and Advantage there being no Condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus And as for Death how easy a thing is it to such a Soul I confess Death is very terrible to one that is out of Christ but to one that is in Christ Death is his Friend yea his best Friend next to Christ what says the Apostle of such 1 Cor. 3.21 All things are yours that is for your Benefit and Advantage whether Paul or Apollo's or Cephas or things present or things to come or Life or Death all is yours But how comes all this about why because you are Christ's and Christ is God's Death therefore cannot hurt
a help or blessing to the publick And though he longs to die for himself knowing it will be much to his Advantage because when he departs hence he shall be with Christ which is far better yet he should be unwilling to die so long as he can say with St. Paul that for him to abide in the Flesh is and will be more needful for others To be willing to deferr our Glory and Happiness for a time that God may be glorified and others benefited by us here is an excellent frame of Spirit in any Christian Secondly positively it is lawful in some cases to desire Death And thus none but a true Christian can truly desire to die Now there are three cases in which it may be lawful for a Christian to desire Death First When God brings a Christian into such a condition as that he may bring God more Honour and Glory by his Death than by his Life In such a case it is lawful to desire Death and this was the case of Sampson who was a Type of Christ The Philistines having brought him into a low and suffering condition though partly through his own Sin yet being animated by the Spirit of God and knowing that by his Death he should destroy many of the Enemies of God he begs strength from him thereunto which God in an extraordinary manner granted him for he took hold of the Pillars of the House and so pulled down the House upon himself and upon the Philistines slaying thereby more at his Death than he did in all his Life This was the case of many of the Martyrs who being called to suffer for the Truth were very desirous to die knowing that their Death would tend more to the Glory of God than their Life and therefore they willingly and chearfully sealed to the Truth of God with their Blood Secondly It is lawful to wish for Death that we may be free from offending of God Sin is a miserable Thraldom and Bondage unto a Child of God to have a Nature within him that is continually inclining him unto and putting him upon that which is sinful and provoking unto God is that which a Holy Soul cannot tell how to bear Oh to find a Law in his Members always warring against the Law of his Mind and leading him Captive to the Law of Sin and Death It is that which makes his Life burthensome to him This I know works little upon wicked Men for when they are acting of Sin they are in their Element but to a Gracious Soul unto whom the loving kindness of God as David speaks is better than Life to such a one a sinful impure Nature whereby he offends and displeaseth God is more bitter than Death and therefore he is continually making out after that State wherein he shall be without Sin while he is here he knows he cannot be free from all Sin but yet he follows after it if he may apprehend that for which he is apprehended of Christ Jesus and therefore forgetting the things that are behind he reacheth forth unto those things that are before pressing forward towards the mark for the price of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus if by any means he may attain to the Resurrection of the Dead that is to that State of perfect Holiness and freedom from Sin which he shall arrive to at the Resurrection of the Dead And because he sees he cannot but Sin whilst he is here and that dying only will be the end of Sinning therefore he longs for Death that he may come to an end of Sinning Thirdly It is lawful to wish for Death that we may come to the full and perfect enjoyment of God and Christ in Glory In this frame of Spirit we find the Apostle when he crys out in that Holy Agony I desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ The Scripture it self makes it the Character of a true Christian that he is one that loves the appearing of Christ and this is that which cannot be enjoyed without Death now that which we love we wish the enjoyment of and consequently we desire to use those means that tend thereunto Our Lord himself in Joh. 17. prays for all Believers that they might be where he is that they might behold and enjoy his Glory and hath taught us to pray that the Kingdom of God might come by which is meant not only the Kingdom of Grace but the Kingdom of Glory also And indeed true love unto Christ will put us upon desiring to be with him for that is the property of true love always to manifest an ardent and strong desire after the enjoyment of its beloved Object If now a Christian who hath enjoyed Communion with God in his Ordinances desires the sincere milk of the Word that he may grow thereby And if that Soul that hath tasted how Good and Gracious the Lord is in any Duty is ready to cry out with David in the 42 Psalm As the Heart panteth after the Water Brooks so panteth my Soul after thee O God my Soul is athirst for God for the living God when shall I come and appear before God that he may see his Power and his Glory so as he hath seen him in the Sanctuary If a Christian now so much desires the enjoyment of God in his Ordinances wherein there is always a mixture of Sin and Pollution going along with them should he not doth he not much more then desire the enjoyment of God in Heaven where there shall be a a perfect freedom from all Sin and all sinful mixtures that here are a continual grief to a Gracious Soul and a just provocation to a Holy God where he shall be for ever with the Lord beholding the beauty of his Face and being fully satisfied and delighted with the enjoyment of his presence in whose presence there is fulness of joy and at whose Right Hand there are Pleasures for evermore But though it may be lawful to wish for or to desire Death when we may thereby bring Glory to God when we may thereby be free from Sin and come to the perfect enjoyment of God and Christ in Glory yet in all these cases we must take in these Cautions that for the time of our Death we must still refer our selves to the good will and pleasure of God For though it may be lawful to wish for Death when we may thereby glorifie God yet we must not absolutely wish for Death so because our Hearts are very treacherous and may easily impose upon us and deceive us herein And though to wish for Death that we may be freed from Sin is a holy wish yet we must not wish that absolutely neither but must herein refer our selves to the pleasure of God how long he will have us to conflict with our Lusts and Corruptions bearing about with us a Body of Sin and Death And though it be a holy wish to desire to die that we may enjoy God and Christ in
Glory yet must we not wish for that absolutely for though the Holy Apostle desired to be dissolved and to be with Christ yet was he in a strait and what to choose he tells us he wist not and we know how he qualifies and debates the business and what the issue came to you may read in 1 Phil. 21.22 23. Still therefore in all our desires after Death in general yet as to the particular time when we must always say Not our Wills but thy Will O Lord be done This holy desire of Death now is that which can only be found in the Godly for they only can desire Death upon good grounds but yet there may be a a willingness to die even in Wicked Men and sometimes they may die peaceably and quietly though Death is never comfortable and happy to them That they may sometimes die willingly and peaceably is often seen they may have no bands in their Death as others have as the Psalmist speaks but their strength is firm they are not under troubles and disquietments because of their Sins and the Wrath of God Conscience doth not fly in their Faces by terrible reflections upon their former wicked Lives God doth not make them possess their Sins in the bitterness of their Souls and as for the Devil he will not vex and trouble them that is not for his Advantage for he knows while they are under a spirit of security and senselessness he hath them fast enough and therefore he will not Torment them before their time lest they should get out of his Clutches But all is very quiet and peaceable as to outward appearance and they die as it is commonly expressed by ignorant Persons as quiet as a Lamb This may be the State and Condition of a Wicked Man upon a Death-Bed he may die quietly without any doubting upon his Spirit as to his Eternal State as if all were well and should be well with him for ever not that his Sins are pardoned and God reconciled nor that his Conscience hath not wherewith to trouble him because it is silent no the Worm of Conscience is Hungry and hath matter enough to Torment him in Hell to Eternity but it is not permitted to prey and feed upon the Sinner as yet This peace and Juietness that he now enjoys is not from any knowledge of his good Estate but from his Ignorance how bad his State is he sees not the Wrath of God hanging over his Head nor the Justice of God set in opposition against him and therefore he goes on quietly to his Grave As all the trouble and disquietness of a Godly Man in Death is because he is ignorant of the goodness of his State and Condition so the quietness and peace of a Wicked Man in Death is because he is ignorant of the badness of his State and Condition If a Godly Man dies under fears and troubles it is not because his State is not good but because he knows not that his State is good And if a wicked Man dies in peace it is not because his State is not bad but because he knows not that his State is bad Did a Godly Man know the goodness of his State and Condition his troubles and fears would soon be turned into joy and rejoicings And did a Wicked Man know the badness of his State and Condition his peace and quietness would soon be turned into mourning and lamentation and though now Friends and Acquaintance yea his own Heart and Satan also may flatter him yet Death will open his Eyes and undeceive him and then he shall know for ever by sad experience the Truth of that Scripture in the 57 of Esay last verse There is no Peace saith the Lord unto the Wicked Now as a wicked Man may die willingly yea peaceably so in a Godly Man there may be sometimes an unwillingness to die though a Godly Man acting as a Godly Man ought he is always desirous of Death That there may be in the best of God's Children an unwillingness to die the Scripture is clear Thus was it with the Prophet Jer. 37.20 Now I pray thee O my Lord the King let my supplication be accepted before thee that thou cause me not to return to the House of Jonathan the Scribe least I die there And our Lord forewarning Peter of the manner of his Death tells him that he should be carried whither he would not John 21.18 It is with many of the People of God as it was with Lot who though his Righteous Soul was vexed day by day by beholding the unclean conversation of the Sodomites 2 Pet. 2.18 Yet O how he lingred when God would have taken him from thence as you may see Gen. 19.16 So is it with many of the Saints of God who while they live in this World are always vexed not only with the corruptions of their own Hearts but also with the wickedness of the times yet are they if not unwilling yet not so willing to leave the World as they should be but this unwillingness of theirs proceeds not from the want of Grace but from the weakness of their Grace In the best of God's Children there is Flesh as well as Spirit Sin and Corruption as well as Grace and if at any time Sin and Corruption prevail over Grace as sometimes they do no won-wonder if they be unwilling to die Those of the People of God that do believe do yet believe but in part and though the Spirit be ready in them yet the Flesh is weak But though there be some unwillingness in the best to die yet they know and are sensible that it is their Sin and fault they know they ought to be willing to die and even in this their Spirits in them strive against this weakness of the Flesh and in the end they conquer their fears and overcome their backwardness and unwillingness to die according to that Gracious Promise in Psal 29.11 the Lord will give strength unto his People the Lord will bless his People with Peace The Nature of Grace is such that it will work it self through all fears and doubts both as to Sin and Death And when once the Eye of a Christian's Faith is opened to look within the vail and to discover something of the Glory and Happiness of Heaven and of the Soul's interest therein nothing then satisfies such a Soul but to be absent from the Body and to be present with the Lord. A Godly Man acting as a Godly Man is one that is always desirous of Death because he knows the day of his Death will not only be better to him than the day of his Birth but better also than any day of his Life Now that the People of God may always be willing to die there are several Arguments that should encourage them unto it and I shall but name a few in general First the Afflictions and Distresses that the People of God are Subject to in this World and that
the Body in the Grave it were then a tolerable evil but when we shall consider death as a punishment for sin as that which puts us into an unchangeable Estate this is that which makes it dreadful and terrible indeed While we are in this World which is the time of our preparation for an Eternal State of Strangers yea of Enemies we may become Friends but when death hath once seized upon us it is impossible our State should then be changed We cannot now say of the vilest Sinner in the World that there is no hope of him we must not write desperation upon the fore-head of the wickedst Man on Earth but if he dies in that State then he is lost and undone for ever for as the Tree falls so it lies as death leaves Men so Judgment will find them And this Judgment is such as is conclusive and never to be Repealed Hence it is therefore that take the most hardned Sinner one whom Custom in sinning hath made past feeling yet when he comes to die if Conscience be but awakened it is impossible for him to look death in the Face without great fears and horrours Nay it is a sight so amazing and confounding that were it not for the Righteousness of Christ and that Satisfaction he hath made unto the Justice of God by his death it were utterly impossible that any Believer should bear up under it but Blessed be God the Blood of Christ then speaks Peace and so Believers are not only supported but carried comfortably unto Heaven through the gloomy Valley of the Shadow of death Death being thus terrible now it must needs be looked upon as a dreadful Enemy unto Man An Enemy now is one that when he comes against us always comes Armed to do us a mischief such an Enemy now is death for ever since the Fall of Man death hath been Armed with a deadly Sting now this Sting of death whereby it becomes hurtful unto Man is sin so saith the Apostle The sting of death is sin Now this Sting reacheth not only to the Body but to the Soul also as to the Body it takes away all those Contentments and Comforts wherewith it was here Refreshed and Delighted Death rends the Husband from the Wife and the Wife from the Husband it divides Children from their Parents and Parents from their Children death spoils us of whatsoever is desirable in this life strips a Man of all and turns him naked out of the World But this is not all death not only bereaves us of all that is good here but it brings many Evils along with it Sickness pains on the Body Grief and Anguish upon the Mind and Spirit It is a terrible Enemy to wrastle and contend withal it will make a Man sweat and bleed no Man can Encounter with death but he shall feel great Anxiety and Vexation both of Body and Mind unless he have strength from above to enable him to go through the Contest Death in its own Nature is so furious an Enemy unto Sinners that it will not cease till it hath pulled the Body down into the Grave and dragg'd the Soul into the Presence of God and from his Tribunal into the Torments of Eternal Fire where the first death terminates in the second death and the Torments exceed not only all our Expressions but all our Apprehensions also where death that is now such a dreadful Enemy would there be counted an unspeakable Mercy for there they shall seek death but shall not be able to find it But more particularly the Enmity of death appears in these particulars First The Fears of death do much abate our desires after the Enjoyment of God in Heaven It is true every Believer is one that loves God above all and looks upon Heaven as that which shall be his dwelling place for ever and accordingly sincerely desires and longs after it and in his daily Conversation walks with his Face thitherwards but when he sees death stands in the way between him and Heaven and that there is no coming for him to that place of Bliss but he must pass through that dark Valley this puts him to a stand and makes his desires weak and low The best Christians I believe have sometimes felt such workings as these within their Souls for tho' the Regenerate part discovering it self in the work of Sanctified Affections would be soaring upwards towards God and Heaven in whose presence the Soul would fain be but seeing death standing in its way how are the desires of such a Holy Soul kept down by the fears of it and he turned back as one that was afraid to come into his Father's presence Where is the Christian the Eye of whose Faith is so steadily fixed upon Christ in Heaven whose Soul is sometimes ready to cry out I desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ which is far better yet withal when he sees the rude hand of death stretched out to undress him and that there is no coming unto Jesus Christ for him but by first suffering a Dissolution and laying down of his Earthly Tabernacle in the Grave though he would fain be with Christ that he might enjoy him whom his Soul loveth yet seeing this dismal Enemy death in the way doth not shrink back and cry out O I dare not venture O what a dreadful Enemy is this and what dreadful Enmity doth it put forth in the obstructing our desires though after God and Heaven causing us to run from God as it were at that time when we truly and dearly love him Happy Souls are they in whom Faith and Love work so powerfully as to conquer and overcome these fears Secondly If death as an enemy prevails so as to abate our desires after the Enjoyment of God in Heaven it will be apt to endanger our falling in love with this present World and so make us miserable by causing us to take up with the men of this World who have their Portion in this Life Take a Christian whose desires after Heaven are weak though true because blunted by the apprehensions of some frightful difficulties that must be gone through for the attaining of it how apt is such a one to be tempted to think that it is best for him to take up with those delightful pleasures that may be had here without such dangerous adventures but now if that which darkens the Blessed Vision of Heaven and our unspeakable Happiness in the fruition of God there and which also deadens our desires after this blessedness be once removed which usually is the dreadful apprehensions of death with what ease can such a Soul with a Holy Scorn and Contempt despise all the trifling Vanities of this World as things not worthy to be regarded Thirdly The Enmity of Death manifests it self in obstructing a Christians endeavours towards Heaven A discouraged disconsolate Soul moves but slowly be it towards Earth or Heaven Difficulties that should stir up greater diligence usually are great
discouragements unto our endeavours and we are apt to cry out with Solomon's Sluggard There is a Lion in the way and therefore it is that the hands of the Sloathful refuse to labour And so it is with us in Spirituals difficulties soon discourage and hinder our endeavours whereas they should be a whet to Industry The Kingdom of Heaven says our Lord suffers violence and the violent take it by force But alas in many Christians the fears of death are so strong that they keep them in Bondage all their Days But now were Death removed out of our way could Christians be cloathed upon with their House which is from Heaven without laying down the earthly Tabernacles of their Bodies in the Grave were there no such thing as dying to make way for our Entrance into Heaven how delightful would the Thoughts of Heaven be to us we should not then run with Patience but with Chearfulness the Race that is set before us we should no longer need Motives to quicken us in our way to Heaven but so earnest and vehement would our desires and longings be after it that nothing could stop the eager pursuits of our Souls for the obtaining of it How delightfully should we pray Lord let thy Kingdom of Glory come Our Meditations thereof would so draw forth our Affections and ravish our Souls in the delightful fore-thoughts of it that we should think nothing hard to part with for the attaining of it But that now which abates our Desires after Heaven must needs hinder our diligent Endeavours in the use of Means for the obtaining of it Now as Death is an Enemy so it is the last Enemy but yet withal it is an Enemy that shall be destroyed so the Apostle tells us 1 Cor. 15. and 16. Now the last Enemy that shall be destroyed is Death But how or by whom is this last Enemy Death destroyed and overcome I answer Not by our selves for Death seems rather to have destroyed us than we it when it brings the Body down into the Grave and turns it into Corruption and Rottenness But this last Enemy is destroyed by our victorious Redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ the Captain of our Salvation he it is who by the Merit of his Death hath overcome Death and of a deadly Enemy hath made it become a most comfortable Friend to all that believe in him Now for this we must know Christ hath not delivered us from our Obligation unto Death for since the Fall of Man Death is become necessary for a Christian being the only way appointed by God for our Entrance into Heaven and therefore we see that Believers die as well as Vnbelievers Neither hath Christ delivered us from Sickness and Distempers the usual Fore-runners of Death David complains Psal 38. My Loins are filled with a loathsome Disease there is no soundness in me because of thine Anger neither is there any rest in my Bones because of my Sin But now in these Respects Christ hath overcome Death for Believers First He hath taken away the Sting of Death This Captain of our Salvation upon the Cross as in an open Field and pitch'd Battel did spoil Principalities and Powers Col. 2.15 Now one of these Powers armed against us was Death and the Weapo● with which Death fights against us is Sin Our 〈◊〉 Jesus Christ now took away our Sins upon the Cross and so spoil'd Death of his Power For having spoiled Principalities and Powers he made a shew of them openly triumphing over them on his Cross Death once struck the Lord of Life and Glory with its Sting and by striking him lost its Sting in his blessed Side so that ever since all that are in Christ do or may insult over Death as being conquer'd and overcome for them so speaks the Apostle 1 Cor. 15. and 55 57. O Death where is thy Sting O Grave where is thy Victory The Sting of Death is Sin says he and the Strength of Sin is the Law But thanks be to God who hath given us the Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ Secondly Christ delivers Believers from the fears of Death Heb. 2.14 15. Forasmuch then as the Children were Partakers of Flesh and Blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through Death he might destroy him that had the power of Death that is the Devil But is this all No the Apostle adds another end and that is that he might deliver them who through fear of Death were all their life-time subject unto Bondage Now that which makes an Enemy to be feared is his Strength his deadly Weapons Christ now by dying on the Cross took away the Weapons of Death its Sting whereby it hath Power to hurt and that is Sin Now Death being disarmed Christians are free'd from the Fears of it It is true Men may sometimes fear a naked Enemy but there is no real Cause for it seeing he cannot hurt them And so the People of God sometimes may exceed in their Fears of Death but they have no just Cause neither would they be so afraid of Death if they were strong in the Faith of Jesus Christ who hath disarmed Death for them Thirdly Christ delivers his People from the Curse of Death In it self Death is a Curse the Punishment of Man's Sin the Expression of God's Wrath the Execution of the Law and the dreadful Sentence pronounced against Man upon his Apostacy from God In the day thou eatest thereof says God thou shalt die the Death But all that die under the stroke of Death do not die under the Curse of it all deserve it indeed but to some the Nature of it is changed thorough him who is the Resurrection and the Life they that believe shall never die A Voice from Heaven hath pronounced them blessed that die in the Lord Rev. 14.13 The Nature of Death is changed to them that are in Christ such do but sleep To die to a Saint is no more than to undress and go to Bed Let what will become of Dives our Friend Lazarus sleepeth John 11.12 The Just by Death enter into Peace they rest in their Beds and are taken from the Evil to come Death to the wicked is like a Malefactor's putting off his Cloths that he may be scourged according to Law So Death uncloathes the wicked that by the Wrath of God they may be tormented for ever But now to the godly Man Death is but like a Child's putting off an Old Garment that he may put on a new one So Death uncloathes the Godly of the Rags of their Mortality that they may be cloathed with an incorruptible Garment that shall never fade or change but keep its beautiful Lustre and Glory for ever Fourthly Christ delivers his People from the Dominion of Death It is true when Death hath laid their Bodies down in the Grave in seems to have Dominion over them but it is but for a while for our Lord Jesus hath taken away this seeming Dominion of
Death by the Merit of his own Death and hath declared his Victory over it and our deliverance from it by raising up his own Body from the Grave Christ by his Death did meritoriously conquer Death for Believers but he did not actually conquer it till his Resurrection but then he did the Day of his Resurrection was the Day wherein Grace did triumph thorough Christ towards believing Souls for on that Day Christ did openly shew to Heaven to Hell to Earth that Death was not only conquerable by Believers but that it was actually conquered for them thorough him Blessed Souls in Heaven believe it to their everlasting Consolation and are thereby fully confirmed in the Resurrection of their own Bodies because their Head is already risen for them The damned in Hell have the Knowledge of it to their greater Torment because they now know their sinful Bodies shall be raised to suffer for ever with their Souls in that Place of Torment and therefore they believe and tremble The Saints on Earth also know it and therefore they rejoice in the believing Expectations of it being assured that as the Bonds of Death were loosed by which Christ was held in the Grave for the space of Three Days but could not possibly be held by them any longer so neither shall it be possible for Believers always to be held under them But there is a time coming when all that are in their Graves shall hear the Voice of the Son of God and shall come forth Joh. 5.28 And if we believe says the Apostle that Jesus died and rose again even so them also that sleep in Jesus will God bring with him in 1 Thes 4. and 14. for says the same Apostle Christ is risen and become the first Fruits of them that sleep in 1 Cor. 15.20 And as Christ being raised from the Dead dieth no more Death hath no more Dominion over him So the time will not be long before Believers shall also be raised from the Dead and shall die no more for there shall then be no more Death nor Sorrow nor Crying nor Pain no more Diseases or Fears of Death or the Grave for behold all former things are passed away and all things are become new Rev. 21.45 But though Christ hath overcome Death yet is there still a Fear of it in most And indeed Death is an Object of Fear neither is all Fear of Death to be condemned as sinful Now for the better understanding of this that Death is an Object of Fear and when it may be lawful to fear Death and when the Fear of it is sinful I shall consider Man in a threefold Respect As he is a meer Man as he is a sinful Man and as he is a true Believer First I shall consider Man as he is a meer Man compounded of Soul and Body and so the Nature of Man abhors Death and if it were possible as it is not to find out a Man in the World that were free from all manner of Sin yet would he fear Death were he liable to it because it is that which tends to his Dissolution and Destruction Thus our Lord Jesus Christ himself though he was perfectly holy and free from all Sin yet in this sense he feared Death and therefore he prays Father if it be possible let this Cup pass from me Thus now to fear Death as it is evil and destructive unto Nature is not sinful or unlawful Secondly Consider Man as he is sinful and unregenerate and so Death is an Object of Fear and full of Horror For to all such Death comes armed with Power not only to make a Separation between Soul and Body for so Death rules over all but it comes to kill and to destroy Soul and Body for ever for to such it is not Death alone as it is to the Godly but it is Death and Hell together Rev. 6.8 And I looked and behold a pale Horse and his Name that sat on him was Death and Hell followed with him It is no wonder if Death be dreadful and terrible unto such but it is rather a wonder that such can take any rest in the night or enjoy any quietness in the day that under the Fears of Death they are not distracted But here is the Misery of such they are so afraid of Death that they will not let the Thoughts of it come into their Minds but do what they can to banish the Thoughts of that evil day far from them But know O foolish Sinner though thou sleepest and art secure in Sin yet thy Death and thy Damnation slumbers not for Death and Hell are riding on Horse-back making haste towards thee and will soon overtake thee to thy eternal Ruine and Destruction and then thou shalt know by sad Experience that the Fears of the first Death which now thou labourest to stifle yea to drive away from thy Thoughts were not so full of dread and horror as the feeling of the Second Death will be for ever Death therefore unto wicked Men is an Object to be feared and the fear of Death in them is not only lawful but commendable and that upon which their Thoughts should much dwell because it is that which will prevent much Sin in them while they live and may possibly render Death more comfortable to them when they come to die Thirdly Consider Man as regenerate and become a true Believer yet so he may and often doth fear death For let a Man be never so much a Saint yet he will be still a Man and therefore as death will be death so nature will still be nature and therefore death as death will be abhorred Neither is there any necessity that the fear of death should be wholly conquered and subdued in the Godly so as that if should not be because it may and often doth turn to their Benefit and Advantage for hereby they are made to walk more humbly with God and more watchfully over themselves for while they consider that they are poor frail dying Creatures subject unto death continually and that they must pass from thence unto Judgment to give an Account of what they have done in the Body by this means they are kept from falling into many Sins that now would wound their Consciences and break their peace and hereafter make their death more dark and uncomfortable By this fear of death also the Godly are quickened in their preparations for Heaven and Eternity for because death is so certain that it will come and withal so uncertain when it will come the Godly are hereby stirred up unto a speedy and diligent preparation for it that so they may be ready for their departure whensoever God by death shall call them hence And death now is an Object of Fear in general so are there Reasons why Christians fear death in particular as First Some are afraid of death because of the extremity of those pains which they must undergo when they are dying and because of the
fearest God thou needst not be so foolishly fond of this Life for what is there in it that should make thee coat upon it Is it not a Life full of cares and troubles Have not thy Sins made it so The Wise Man tells us that all that is in this Life that can be outwardly enjoyed is nothing but Vanity and vexation of Spirit Hast thou not by experience found it so Thou shouldst therefore with Holy Job bless God not only for giving of Life but for taking of it away also God gave it thee for a time and but for a short time too and if thou wert so wise as thou shouldst be thou oughtest to count it thy felicity that it is so short for it is a Life of sorrow and who will complain because his sorrows are so short It may be thou hast met with some pleasures here that gratifie thy sense but are they comparable to what thy Soul hath tasted in the enjoyment of God unto which God by Death is calling thee to the enjoyment of with himself in Heaven to all Eternity Darest thou say that Earth is like Heaven Is Christ in those dark and dim discoveries he makes of himself in the Gospel like to Christ in the full and open manifestations of himself in all his Glory in Heaven Canst thou say thy Soul is so like him in Wisdom Holiness Joy and Peace here as it will be above when it comes to be enrolled among the Spirits of just Men made perfect If thou wilt be in love with Life be in love with Eternal Life and henceforth fear not to die at God's call for the obedience that thou owest unto God binds thee and the gain that Death will bring should both invite and encourage thee Though Death ends this Life it begins another and though thou may'st rot under ground in one part of thee yet it is in thy vilest part thy Body and even that will spring up and flourish again shortly And in the mean time thy Soul thy better part shall live a more noble and excellent life Think well therefore of Death for as it ends thy Life so it ends thy Sin and thy sufferings also In these particular Instances O Christian thou feest how little cause there is for thee to be afraid of Death I shall now in the next place endeavour to discover how unfit and uncomely a thing it is for Christians to fear Death and for this consider First A Christians fearing of Death brings a reproach upon Religion as if there were not that in Christianity that could lift up a Soul above the fears of Death For a Papist that professeth no Man can in an ordinary way be assured that he shall go to Heaven when he dies to tremble at the thoughts of Death this is no great matter it is but to act according to what his Religion teacheth him but for one that professeth the knowledge and assurance of Salvation and a future happy State to stand amazed at death the way and passage through which God hath appointed we must enter into Heaven where this happiness is to be enjoyed shews if not a want of Faith yet at least a great weakness of Faith and gives occasion to those that speak evil of the good ways of God to reflect disgracefully upon Religion Secondly To live in fear of Death is that State of Bondage and Slavery which wicked Men are under and from which Jesus Christ came to deliver his People And therefore for a Believer to live dejectedly under the fears of Death is a very uncomely thing Indeed the fears of wicked Men are so great that they cannot think of Death without horrour and when they come to die they are compelled to it for of all things in the World they dread Death most and could they but be assured that they shall live here always they would desire no other Heaven Fearfulness and amazedness under the apprehensions of Death is the proper State of wicked Men that Slavery and Bondage unto which they are always subject for upon good grounds they can have no hopes in Death but are full of fearful expectations of Wrath and fiery Indignation that shall Torment them for ever But now for true Believers God hath made your state and condition very unlike unto theirs as to the issues of Death because you have good hopes of Eternal Life even in Death so says the Wise Man Prov. 14.32 The Righteous hath hope in his Death Now since there is so great an unlikeness between you and them both in Death and after Death let there not be a likeness between you and them as to your fears of Death let a Faelix tremble at the hearing of Death and Judgment but let not the Godly hang down their Heads but lift them up with joy and rejoicing because the day of their Redemption draweth nigh Thirdly Consider this to be afraid of Death is to fear that which is but the Shadow and semblance of Death For to speak strictly a state of Sin and separation of the Soul from God for Sin this is Death properly but the separation of the Soul from the Body only is but the Shadow of Death But O how seldom is it to see Men trembling because of a spiritual Death because they are dead in trespasses and sins though this be infinitely more dreadful than any temporal Death can be And therefore to shew how full of Woe and Misery this Death is it is called Damnation which is the extremity of all Misery This is that now to which this spiritual Death tends and in which it will terminate Hence therefore Wicked Men are said to be condemned already and the wrath of God abides upon them and that they shall have their Portion in that Lake which burns with Fire and Brimstone which is the second Death This shall as certainly be their Portion as if they were there already Therefore O Christian if thou wilt fear Death fear not that which is the shadow and the appearance of it but fear that which is Death indeed fear Sin that is the cause both of the first and of the second Death also for if thou art spiritually alive and raised from the Death of Sin as all true Believers are how uncomely a thing is it for thee to fear the Shadow the appearance of an evil which cannot hurt thee when thou art delivered from the evil it self Fourthly Consider for a Christian to fear that which is both common and certain is an uncomely and unsuitable thing Afflictions in general are the common lot of all God's People in this World but Death is that which is more common because it is that which befals all both good and bad from other outward Afflictions there is a possibility that some may be free or if they befal them they may be delivered from under them again but no Man can escape Death What Man is he that liveth saith the Psalmist and shall not see Death shall he
deliver his Soul from the hand of the Grave No he cannot Now God hath in Mercy made that to be most common which is most grievous and afflictive that he might thereby abate the terrour of it to us and for any one to strive against that which no Man can avoid or shun argues that Man to be guilty of great folly It is therefore very unbecoming thee O Christian to fear Death which is the common way of all Flesh yea the way by which all the People of God enter into Heaven and Happiness But to proceed a little farther in this subject I shall in the next place endeavour to discover that the fears of Death may not only be overcome for a time but that it is possible for a Christian to live without them or above them which though it be a high attainment yet is it that to which Grace may reach and that which many of the People of God do daily experience the comfort of Now by a Christians living without the fear of Death I mean a holy quiet ation and satisfaction of Soul as to his future State of Happiness founded upon the knowledge of his Interest in Christ who hath overcome Death for all Believers whereby the thoughts of it approach doth neither distract nor disquiet his Mind so as to bereave him of that Peace and Tranquility of Soul that he enjoys is his Hopes and Expectations of Heaven and Glory but that he can with a holy Contentation and Satisfaction resign up his Soul unto God whensoever he calls for it Now that such a State as this is attainable I need say no more than that this was one of the ends for which Christ died that by Death he might destroy him that had the power of Death that is the Devil and deliver them who by reason of the fear of Death were all their life-times subject unto Bondage So that we being delivered out of the hands of all our spiritual Enemies whereof Death is one we might serve him without fear in Holiness and Righteousness all the days of our lives In this Heavenly frame was Holy David when he said though he walked through the Valley of the Shadow of Death he would fear no evil And so was St. Paul when he tells us he was perswaded that neither Death nor Life nor Angels nor Principalities nor Powers nor things present nor things to come should be able to separate him from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. No wonder therefore that he could say I desire to be dissolved though it was by Death that he might be with Christ Thus to live above the fears of Death will cost much pains with our own Hearts great diligence and circumspection over our selves in all our thoughts words and ways much watchfulness against all Sin and Temptations for if we be remiss and through carelessness much more through presumption we fall into Sin or neglect Duty we shall soon be brought into Bondage and Slavery by the fears of Death If therefore O Christian thou art one who hast overcome the fears of Death and canst live above them thou may'st then die with courage and leave this World though Death carry thee out of it with joy and rejoicing And that thou may'st be able to do so let me briefly lay down two or three Directions First Have a great care of blorting thy Evidences for Heaven Darkness is an uncomfortable thing And when Christians have been tampering with the works of Darkness I mean some known Sins blotting their Evidences which should discover their Title to Heaven so that they cannot read them what wonder is it while they are thus in the dark that they are afraid to leave Earth though it be to go to Heaven because they know it not for which they may thank themselves God would not only have his People go to Heaven certainly but joyfully and therefore he hath made ample provisions for their Peace and comfort both in Life and Death so that they may not only have good hope but strong consolation through Grace yea may with a holy exultation of Soul cry out Thanks be to God who always causeth us to Triumph in Christ But now if when God hath spoken Peace they will turn again unto folly by venturing upon Sin they hereby create their own sorrows Fear and Consternation of Soul under the apprehensions of Death come from themselves they are their own Tormenters and the hinderers and disturbers of their own Peace and Joy And now if instead of being able to read their Evidences for Heaven which should comfort them they can only make wounding reflections upon their Sins that have blotted those Evidences so that they walk in darkness and the fears of Death continually afflict their Souls they must thank themselves for where there is the apprehensions of guilt lying upon any Soul unpardoned there the thoughts of death will be terrible This made David when in his own apprehensions he was drawing nigh to the Grave beg so importunately of God that he would spare him a little longer that he might recover his strength before he should go away from hence and be seen no more If therefore when you come to die you would leave this World cheerfully you must live in the World conscienciously Exercise your selves in all things to keep Consciences void of offence towards God and towards all Men. Take heed of those black Fiends thy Sins which will fright thy Soul in the dark night of death If thy Conscience be kept clean thy Evidences for Heaven will be clear and the thoughts of death comfortable Many be venturing upon Sin wound their Souls and when death approaches O then they start back and sain would they be spared a little longer If Conscience be raw with the guilt of any one Sin a very light affliction much more death will make a Man kick and fling and very unwilling to bear it but where the Spirit is sound and the guilt of Sin taken off from the Conscience by the love of Christ death it self will be embraced with courage and joy Secondly Deaden your Hearts and Affections to the World and all the comforts thereof The inordinate love of worldly enjoyments and the imperfect love of God makes Men afraid to die He whose Heart and Affections sit loose to the World a small matter will make him willing to leave it but where the Heart is fastned to it in love and affection there will be no parting from it without much reluctancy He that hath laid up his Heart in Heaven can comfortably think of laying down his Body in the Grave Prize therefore Heavenly things above Earthly Place your Happiness in spiritual things count them not only your Food but your Feast yea make them your recreation Were Heaven and Heavenly things the continual solace and delight of our Souls with what joy and rejoicing should we leave Earth to go to Heaven Thirdly Familiarize the Thoughts of Death
of his Son much more being reconciled shall we be saved by his Life For certainly he is able to save unto the utmost all that come unto God by him seeing he ever lives to make intercession for them Christ hath not lost his Love and Affection to his People by his Advancement Harbour not therefore O Believing Soul any suspicious thoughts in thy Heart concerning him as if by his Exaltation into Heaven he were now become forgetful of any of his Members here below groaning under Sin or Misery for though the days of his Passion are ended yet so are not the days of his Compassion He retains the same Temper and Disposition of Soul now he is in Glory his Heart is not changed though his Condition be but he still bears the same Respect to his People now that he did when he was on Earth for indeed he there Lives and Acts upon the account of Believers so says the Apostle He appears in the presence of God for us Heb. 9.24 Doth God O Believing Soul by Diseases and Distempers upon thy outward Man cause thy Beauty and Comeliness to consume and wither hath long and tedious Sicknesses almost wasted and destroyed thy Body and by all art thou brought so low that thou despairest of Life Doth Death seem to be written upon all thy helps to Life And do all the means that are used for thy Recovery seem rather to further thy Dissolution than any way to hinder it Why yet fear not Death but Remember as God hath Glorified and highly Exalted Jesus Christ whose Form and Visage as the Prophet speaks was marr'd more than any Mans so he will Exalt thee also not to an Equality of Glory with Christ for in Heaven he shall be the Light and the Glory of it but yet there shall be some likeness and Conformity in all the Members of Christ unto him who is their Head Fear not therefore O Christian the worst that Death or the Grave can do unto thee for assure thy self as because he lives Believers shall live also so where he lives there Believers shall live also Thirdly Another Consideration for the removal of the fear of Death is frequent Meditation of the Happiness of the Soul in Death and of the Resurrection of the Body after Death As for the Happiness of the Souls of Believers in death it is exceeding great the Body at present suffers loss for though once it was an excellent Fabrick the Workmanship of God's hands yet being forsaken by the Soul it is become loathsome and turns to Corruption and rottenness so says the Wise Man The Body returns to the dust from whence it was taken there to consume and moulder away this is the State of Man's Body in Death procured by Sin and inflicted by God But now for the Soul that returns to God that gave it either to partake of Eternal Blessedness or to receive Eternal Punishments Now that the Happiness of Believers in their Souls is great at Death will appear if we consider either the Evils they are freed from or the Blessedness they attain unto as for the Evils that accompany our present State in this Life Death frees Believers from them all at once during this Mortal Life indeed Sufferings are annexed to the State of a Christian as a necessary Appendix to his very Being for such is our condition while we are here that Afflictions are almost become as needful for the Soul as Food and Raiment is for the Body therefore saith the Apostle if need be you are in heaviness through manifold Tribulations 1 Pet. 1.6 God sees it needful that Afflictions should be and in his Wisdom and Mercy he proportions the Afflictions of his People to their necessities This Life is a Life of Suffering unto the People of God it is their appointed Path and Way through which they must walk to Heaven therefore says the Apostle We must through many Tribulations enter into the Kingdom of God It is appointed for us so to do And indeed as Job speaks Man is born to trouble as the sparks flyupward he comes into the World crying and all the rest of his time between the Cradle and the Grave he is not much Happier for his Life is made up of Sin and Suffering the Evil of Sin and the Evil of Suffering there is a kind of a continual Chaining or Linking together of one Misery or Affliction to another a mixture of Pain and Sorrow or Succession of Evils and Troubles that runs through all his days as one Wave falls upon the neck of another so one Evil is no sooner gone but another comes in its room One depth as the Psalmist speaks calls upon another Floods and Storms of Miseries and Afflictions daily pass over our heads And if Troubles and Afflictions come not of themselves nor are caused by others we can Mint and Coin them our selves by our Sins Our Lord tells us That sufficient to the day that is to every day are the Evils and Troubles thereof but as if they were not enough we can create Troubles to our selves before hand and Anticipate in our Fancies and Apprehensions for our greater Vexation and Trouble Evils that are to come though we know not whether we our selves shall live till they come And herein we are more cruel to our selves than the Devil is to himself for that Evil Spirit cares not to be Tormented before his time whereas we antidate and bring Evils that are at a distance from us nearer to us by unquiet Apprehensions and sinful distracting Vexations entertained in our minds and so the fears of Miseries to come make us far more miserable than when those miseries are come upon us and by the Apprehension of an imaginary Evil we make it become a real Affliction and an unfeigned Torment to us in our resentment of it Thus Sin and Sorrow Afflictions and Temptations divide our days and time while we are here until Death comes for a Believers relief and then there shall be an end put to all his Sorrows and Sufferings because there shall be an end of Sinning After Death there shall be no Cries nor Tears under any Miseries or Afflictions no fears of future Evils nor no grief for past sins the causes of them no Poverty or Distress shall come near that Holy place the Habitation of Holy Souls all the Inhabitants there are become Kings possessed of Riches and Glory without value Fear not therefore O dying Believer whose Soul by Death is getting free from thy Body for thou art but removing from Earth to Heaven where thou shalt instantly be with thy dear Lord and Saviour thou art but going to thy God and Father and the Father of Spirits to visit those Mansions of Glory that are there prepared for thee Chearfully therefore take thy leave of thy Body and let it know that thou art taking thy flight to Heaven during the time that it shall sleep in the dust of the Grave until the morning of the
in the same way Oh how unlike to Christians do they shew themselves who are so loath to die that they will not come but must be dragg'd to the Grave yea to the very thoughts of Death Oh how unsuitable is this Temper to those who desire that God's Wills may be done who profess themselves to be Strangers and Pilgrims here upon Earth and to look upon Heaven as their Country and their Fathers House The life of a Christian should be a life of Faith now the Excellency of the Life of Faith in a Believer with relation unto Death lies in this that it makes him not only submissive but chearfully to come to that to which another must be dragged by force I mean Death and the Grave To a Believer when his Faith is on the wing Life as St. Paul says of his is not dear and Death as he speaks of his is desired It was as hard to make St. Paul patient when he thought of living as to make another patient when he thinks of dying a most sweet and Blessed Frame of Spirit but where is it to be found now how rarely is it be to seen the most of Men shall I say nay the most of Professors and would to God there were not just cause to complain and say whom we hope are real Christians their Hearts and Affections are so much set upon the World even as if their Portion were not in Heaven but they themselves were among the Number of those whose Names are written in the Earth The Lord humble us that so much of this Evil frame of Spirit is to be seen in the best of God's Children as appears by their backwardness and unwillingness to die O Christians if Jesus Christ had gone as unwillingly to Suffer and to Die for us as we go to Pray to him and to hear from him not to say as unwillingly as we go to die that we may enjoy him what had become of our Salvation but blessed be God he did not And surely Christians if it was Christs desire to die for us as it was it should then be our longing to live with him though it be by Dying Oh what a strange unseemly and unbecoming thing is it for a Christian to hear his Saviour crying out I have a Baptism to be baptized withal though it was the Baptism of his bloody Death and Sufferings and oh how am I straitned till it be accomplished And that a Christian reflecting upon the thoughts of his own Death should say I have a Baptism to be baptized withal though not a Baptism of a bloody Death by the hands of Violence but the Baptism of an easie quiet and peaceable Death and how am I straitned and full of fears lest it should be accomplished Certainly Christians a willingness in Christ to die for us that we might live by him should cause in us a willingness to die that we might live with him Would to God O Christian Reader that what hath been said might be a means to work in my self and thee not only a readiness and fitness for Death though that is very good and that in which the safety of a Christian lies and happy are they that have gone so far for Heaven is sure to them whether they know it or not but Oh that we might go further that Grace might attain to a greater Perfection in us even that we might come to a Holy willingness and desire yea to a Holy-longing of Soul after Death This is that Holy covetousness of Soul that God allows of There are two things wherein a Christian cannot be too insatiable in his desires after them one is that he may Honour God the other is that he may enjoy God that he may honour God as much as he can while he is on Earth and that he may enjoy God as soon as it may be in Heaven this is the most commendable and desirable life and this will end in the most Happy and Comfortable Death Death did I say nay it is Life in Death it is Death swallowed up of Life even in a Life of unconceivable Glory and Happiness in the enjoyment of that God who is all Life all Love all Peace all Joy and all Happiness in the utmost and highest Perfection I am sensible I have made a Digression in this particular but the desire I had Christian Reader to stir up my own Soul and thine also unto a Duty so full of Sweetness and Delight hath put me upon it I now go on to what yet remains Having laid down some Consolations against the fear of Death in general I shall in the next place endeavour to propound some Considerations for the support of Christians under the loss of Friends and Relations in particular which unto many is a sore Trial and hard to be born for it is as common for Christians to exceed in their Grief for their dead Friends and Relations as it is to exceed in their Love and Delight in their living Friends and Relations and in both it is very hard for Christians to keep their Passions and Affections within due bounds The blessed Apostle therefore gives us Excellent Counsel how we should carry our selves under the enjoyment of Relations and outward Comforts whilst we have them and how we should bear up under the loss of them when God takes them away from us we have the Direction for both 1 Cor. 7.29 If we have Relations or Worldly Enjoyments why then saith he Rejoyce in them as if you rejoyced not If you want them or have lost them then says he weep for them as if you wept not and he lays down a very cogent reason for what he says for the time is short and the World is passing away and so are you and all your Relations and Comforts passing away with it As if the Apostle had said if God hath Blessed you with dear and sweet Relations with pleasant and delightful Comforts yet consider it is but a little time that you shall enjoy them they and you shall quickly part again therefore rejoyce in them as if you rejoyced not And if God hath seen good to take away those sweet Pledges of his Love and once the Objects of your Delight and Joy do not much Afflict your selves under the loss of them for it is but a little while that you shall continue here without them the time is short and the World is passing away and ere long it will not be yea you your selves are passing away with it yea before it also weep therefore as if you wept not these things are not your great Concerns your Happiness lies not in the Enjoyment of them nor your Misery in the loss of them but it lies in something higher and of greater Worth and Excellency even in God himself it 's the Enjoyment of him only that can make a Soul happy and the loss of him only that can make it miserable Therefore with a Holy Moderation and Indifferency of Affection carry
PRACTICAL DISCOURSES CONCERNING DEATH AND HEAVEN DISCOVERING The great Necessity of a speedy Preparation for Death with the danger of neglecting or delaying such Preparations ALSO The Excellency Glory and Happiness of Heaven opened and explained as the Portion of all true Believers after Death By Nathanael Ranew late of London Bookseller London Printed for N. R. and sold by J. Robinson A. and J. Churchill J. Taylor and J. Wyat. 1694. TO THE READER Christian Reader THE Desire of all Men is to be Happy and the Design of these Discourses is to bring Men to the Enjoyment of the highest Happiness The former Treatise being a Discourse of Death and the Grave which are as a Way through which all must pass to the attaining of this Happiness is that which is not acceptable but grievous unto Flesh and Blood The Dissolution of the Union between Soul and Body a turning to corruption and rottenness in the Grave where Worms shall gnaw and feed upon those Bodies that now are the Beauty and Comeliness of this lower Creation as quickned and animated by Rational and Immortal Souls that inhabit in them this is that which Nature dreads and of all things in the World most abhors and where there are in any no higher Principles to act from than what is founded in Nature to such Death must needs be very terrible because it is that which tends to its ruine and destruction Now it being the State and Condition of all Men by Nature since their Apostacy from God to have a prevailing Principle and Inclination in them unto the Creature and to take up with the Enjoyments of this World for their Happiness when Death comes to break asunder the Bonds of Life such Persons are of all Creatures most miserable and no wonder then if Death be formidable unto them If now upon this or any other account there be any thing in the pale face of Death that makes it have a grim and ghastly Aspect so that the thoughts of it are frightful and amazing to thee and thou startest back as one that is afraid to die yet be not discouraged from studious Meditations of Death for though at the first they may be terrible yet when thou hast accustomed thy self unto such Contemplations thou wilt find them very profitable and such as will by the Blessing of God work thy Heart into such a serious frame and put thee upon those Endeavours and Practices as have a tendency in them to fit thee for the approach of Death which will much abate the fears and dread thereof unto thee And as a farther encouragement unto so beneficial an employment take into thy most serious thoughts the Glory and Happiness of Heaven unto which Death brings all those that are prepared for it which is the subject of the second part of these Discourses and truly this is a State of so great Bliss and Happiness as may well lift up thy Soul above all the discouragements of the pains and torments of Sickness the horrours and fears of Death in the separation of Soul and Body thereby and the loathsomeness and corruption of the Grave and fill thee with vehement longings and desires after the possession and enjoyment of it I need not I hope make any Apology for the publishing of that which may be helpful to prepare Christians for Death and Heaven and such is the design of the following Discourses and that they may be so read them over attentively meditate on them seriously pray over them fervently and practice what is contained in them diligently and constantly and through the Blessing of God they will be effectual to bring thee unto the Happiness of Heaven which is the earnest and hearty Desire and shall be the daily Prayer of the Publisher If thou reapest any benefit hereby give God the Glory for his Assistance herein and let him have thy Prayers who desires nothing so much as the Honour of God and the good of Souls Farewel An Introduction Practical Preparation for Death CHAP. I. Of Death in general Of the sorts and kinds of Death mentioned in Scripture Death befalls all Men there is no withstanding of it nor any priviledged from it The time of Death urknown unto us yet Fixed and Appointed by GOD. Death makes all equal Sin subjects unto Death DEATH is a Subject every Christian should often have in his thoughts because it is that unto which he is lyable every moment of his Life neither the hearing thinking nor speaking of it can therefore be unseasonable at any time And tho' Considerations of Death to living Men are usually most unwelcome yet are they as profitable to promote the Interest of a Christian as any other for no Man can live well till he can dye well and no Man is so prepared for Death as he who frequently imploy's his Thoughts in the Consideration of his own Frailty and Mortality Indeed Custom hath made it become almost an improper thing either for a Minister to Preach of Death without the Representation of a Funeral or for one Christian to speak unto another of their Latter End without it be in the House of Mourning where an Example of their Mortality is before their eyes But if the Mouths of Christians were more frequently filled with Discourses of Death and the Grave to which all are hastening but know not who shall get thither soonest they would find such Benefit and Advantage thereby in the quickning and hastning their Preparations for their dissolution that they might always be in a readiness when Death shall come as would infinitely make amends either for the unaccustomariness of the Work or whatever pains and labour they had taken with their hearts to render them fit for the coming of their Lord. What Death is is as little known unto some as it is consider'd by most many take it to be nothing but a Cessation of Life and all actings in this World and it were well if there were not too many to be found who think this to be all that Death doth and when they are thus dead there is an end of them making themselves no better than the Beast that perisheth Happy were it for all wicked Men if Death were no more than this But though Death be a Cessation of Natural Life and so of all Natural Motion and Action yet is it more properly a Separation between Soul and Body whereby the Body becomes a dead unactive thing because the Soul which is the Principle of Life and Operation hath forsaken it but yet Death as it reacheth not the Soul at all for that lives after its Separation from the Body so it shall not for ever keep Soul and Body asunder but only until God's appointed Time and then shall the Body be raised again out of the Grave by the mighty Power of GOD and united to the Soul to live together in a state of Blessedness or Misery for ever according to what they have both been and done together in this World
2.23 That he was taken up in a siery Chariot by a Whirl-wind into Heaven So great was his Zeal for God and his Glory and so highly did God esteem it and him for it that he must not abide any longer on Earth but be taken up into Heaven and that in no other way but by a fiery Chariot a Passage to Heaven that did bear some Resemblance to his Zeal for God while he was here on Earth The Apostle also tells us 1 Cor. 15.51 That at the last Day we shall not all dye but we shall all be changed and 1 Thes 4.17 We that are alive and remain shall be caught up with him in the Clouds to meet the Lord and so shall we be ever with the Lord. These Exceptions of some few that have not dyed nor shall not dye do not at all make void this general Truth that all shall dye but rather make for the Confirmation of it The general Rule or Law saith all must dye none escape but by special Grace or Priviledge and though the Saints that shall be found on Earth at the Resurrection of the dead dye not yet they shall undergoe that which is equivalent unto Death for they shall be changed Death is call'd a Change so saith Job All the days of my appointed time will I wait till my change shall come And they that are alive at the Last Day undergoe a Change also The Change of Death is a putting off of our Mortality but the Change at the Last Day is a putting on of our Immortality The one is a Change by being uncloathed the other is a Change by being cloathed upon but both is a Change And thus all dye or shall be changed By what hath been said it is very evident That Death befalls all men one time or other sooner or later But for the Manner how or the Time when any shall dye this is unknown unto any The Living may and do know that they shall dye but they know not when they shall dye What our Lord saith of the day of Judgment is true of the day of Man's Death of that day and hour knoweth no Man Many a Man hath been mistaken concerning the purpose of God I said says David in my prosperity that I shall never be moved but he was mistaken for he adds in the next words almost But thou didst hide thy face and I was troubled Much more may we be mistaken concerning the Time of our Death I said says Hezekiah in the cutting off of my days I shall go to the gates of the Grave I shall not see the Lord even the Lord in the Land of the Living I shall no more behold man with the Inhabitants of the World Good Hezekiah thought there was no way for him to escape Death but he was mistaken for afterwards he tells us God had in Love to his Soul delivered it from the Pit of Corruption and he Lived fifteen Years longer after he had given himself over for dead A Man may have the Sentence of Death in himself when as to that particular time God hath given out none against him So on the other hand the Rich Man in the Gospel reckons not of Death till many years hence and he is very liberal to his Soul because God had been bountiful to his Body he had got a great Stock of Riches and he gives himself a rich stock of Time even many years he resolves to make his Life larger as he had done his Barns and because they are full of Corn he also will be full of Days whereas the Word came out against him from God Thou Fool this night shall thy Soul be taken from thee and he that before resolved to Live many years could not now Live till the next Morning It is our Wisdom always to be prepared for Death but it s more than belongs to us peremptorily to determine the Time of our Death or the Length of our Days But though the Time of our Death be unknown to us yet is it known to and fixed by God he hath determined not only the Time when but also the Place where and the Manner how we shall dye with all the Circumstances relating thereunto It is God that turns up the Giass of our Time and puts such a Measure of Sand into it and no more such a Measure that it may and shall run so long and no more that it shall run no longer than his Appointment God speaking after the manner of Men is said in Scripture to have a Book wherein is written down not only the Number of our Sins but also the Number of our days and as we cannot commit a Sin but it is written down in some Leafe of his Book so can we not live a day or hour that hath not our Name written down upon it in Gods Book That some have the Time of Life confined only to the dark Cell of the Womb and never see the Light that others are strangled in the place of breaking forth of Children and are only Causes of Grief to them that bear them that others dy● in their Infancy without the Knowledge of good or evil and leave only sad Remembrances to their Parents that once they were that others grow up to years of Discretion but are cut off in the prime of their days and in their full strength and that others live to extream old Age till Nature is wholly spent and consumed in them All this is from the Appointment of God they all fill up the Number of those Days and the measure of that Time that God hath allotted to them and then they depart according to his Will How many have we seen cast upon sick beds whom God hath there visited with strong pains bringing them so low that their Lives seem'd to be brought unto the Grave and themselves numbred with them that go down into the Pit free among the dead and as the slain that lye in the Grave given over by themselves and all others for such and yet even these God hath raised up again shewing Wonders as it were to the dead as the Psalmist speaks causing them to arise and praise his Name What 's the Reason of all this Why God's appointed Time was not come and so Diseases could have no further Power over them And what is true of Sickness is as true of Men who are but like Diseases Executioners of God's Decree upon Man even they have no Power to lengthen Life or to hasten Death but what is given them from above God hath not only set us the bounds of our Habitations but the bounds of our Living also Job speaks much to the stating and determining of this Case Job 7.1 Is there not an appointed Time to Man upon Earth Now in an Appointment of God there must be a Certainty or else we make him like unto a mortal Man that is changeable which cannot be Therefore Man having an appointed Time by God upon Earth he must reach to it
shall die for there are none how profane and Atheistical soever but will own that they must die but this ruines them for ever that they consider it not so as to make timely provision for a dying hour The Care and Wisdom of a Christian discovers it self much by his Preparations for Death The Prudence of a Man appears in nothing more than in making a good choice for himself Now there are two Estates that do abide all Men a State of Happiness in Heaven and a State of Misery in Hell and these are both of them eternal Life is the time of our choice Death which comes at the close of our days discovers what our choice hath been The daily Improving of our Time in the preparing our Souls for our Dissolution is a good Evidence of a wise and happy choice Job complains of some that die without Wisdom the Reason is because they live not wisely that is they do not with Care and Wisdom prepare themselves for Death This Wisdom is wanting in most Men in regard whereof we may say of them as the Psalmist Psal 49.20 Man that is in honour and understandeth not is like the Beasts that perish That is though in their Lives they be Men of great Honour and Excellency yea though wiser in their Generation as our Lord speaks than the Children of Light Yet they perish like a Beast for he that dies unpreparedly dies foolishly For the Wisdom of a Man discovers it self much in serious Meditations of and diligent Preparations for his great Change This was that which God so passionately wish'd for his People of old Deut. 32.29 Oh that my people were wise that they understood this that they would consider their latter end And the truth of it is it is a great piece of Wisdom and a high attainment in a Christian with Care and Prudence to consider of and prepare for his latter end yea so great is it that it is too wonderful to be gained by Art or Study we must get it upon our knees by Prayer Holy David therefore as one convinced both how necessary and profitable this Wisdom would be and being sensible also of his own inability for to attain it makes it his earnest Prayer unto God that he would instruct him herein Psalm 39.4 Lord make me to know mine end and the measure of my days what it is that I may know how frail I am As if he had said Lord I have taken this and that and the other thing into my thoughts for possibly his mind had been in the dust and he had been handling the Clay out of which he was taken yet by all these Considerations of the Natural Constitutions of my Body and my Subjection thereby unto Death and the Grave being a poor feeble Creature I cannot bring my Heart to be so thoroughly sensible of my frailty as I ought Lord therefore do thou make me to know it The same Holy desire we find breathed out by Moses in Psalm 90.12 So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto Wisdom as if he had said Lord I have been at the work my self I have endeavoured to number my days to count over the time of my life but by what I can do I cannot tell how long or how short my life will be it is true I can tell to threescore or fourscore years which usually is the longest term of Man's life and I can tell no farther but yet for all that I cannot apply my heart unto Wisdom this I must have from thee therefore O Lord teach me Though we need but little Arithmetick to number our days Naturally yet we need a great deal of Grace to number them Spiritually Dying is a great work and requires great care and circumspection We can die but once how careful should we be then that we die well Man had need be very exact in doing that which he cannot do a second time and such is the work of Dying An Errour in Death is like an Errour in War which we cannot commit twice O what Reason have we then to be careful that we do not Err at all where it is impossible of Erring again Actually to Err twice is more sinful but not to have a possibility of Erring twice is most dangerous We transgress the Laws of living a thousand times over but the Laws of dying no Man ever transgress'd a second time And that we so often transgress the Laws of Living is an aggravation of sin upon all Men and that we can transgress the Laws of Dying but once is the Seal of Misery upon most Men. How should we then cry unto God for Wisdom to make us careful always to live so that we may be prepared for a dying hour If now the Wisdom of a Christian consists in making preparations for Death then those Persons are guilty of great folly and run desperate hazards who upon hope of long life neglect such Preparations Yet if a Minister in a great Congregation should go from Man to Man and ask them whether they are prepared to die would not must not most if they will speak the Truth be forced to say they are not if upon this you deal faithfully with them and shew your selves a true Friend to their Souls laying before them their great folly and danger herein by such Strong and Powerful Convictions that their Consciences are forced to yield to you and themselves brought with Tears to confess their foolishness hereupon what Resolutions do they take up and what Promises do they make binding their Souls to God by many Vows witnessed with many Prayers and Tears that they will make it the business of their Lives for the time to come to prepare for Death but alas how soon do these seemingly strong Resolutions die and come to nothing and Death that under those Convictions they feared was ready to seize upon them every moment is now as far from their Persons they hope as he is from their thoughts He threatens them not as formerly and therefore they fear him not as formerly Distempers of Body which sometimes frighted them into an awe and fear of Death are now departed from them and so is Death with them at least as to their Apprehensions They have now a Healthful strong Constitution of Body and what doth this Prognosticate but long Life and many days yet to come they hope Doth not the Word of God say that the Age of Man is Threescore years and Ten and many times by Reason of Strength which they feel no want of it is Fourscore and for their parts they have not lived above Thirty or forty years as yet and therefore surely they have a great deal of time still to come and then they will bethink themselves of dying and that will be time enough But O foolish Man what vain confidence is this in which thou trustest who gave thee this Knowledge of thy Life and Time that thou art thus strangely bold and
presumptuous as if thou hadst the Lease thereof in thine own hands and at thine own dispose Indeed we read of good Hezekiah that upon his recovery from a fit of Sickness God gave him a Lease of his Life for fifteen years but who ever had the like Scripture and Experience speak of nothing more plainly than the Frailty and uncertainty of Man's Life It is therefore compared to the Wind to a Leaf to a Flower to a Shadow to a Vapour by all which the Spirit of God sets forth to us the Frailty Brevity and uncertainty of Man's Life endeavouring hereby to take us off from all foolish conceits and vain hopes of long life for what is our Life but a Vapour that appeareth for a while and then vanisheth away a little breath turned in and out by the Nostrils a narrow passage that is soon stopt and we are gone We have no Assurance of our Life no not for a moment Death lies in Ambush every where for us We have a Proverb that the young Man may die but the old Man must die whereas Observation will inform us that incomparably more die young than old And did we but seriously consider by what small pins this Frame of Man is held together it would appear no less than a Miracle that we live one day or hour to an end so many dangers so many Casualties do we pass through every moment and are the thoughts of Death and thy preparation for Death and that Eternity that follows it to be put off to such uncertainties Are not all thy days on Earth few and thou hast spent some of them already and possibly those few days of thine that are already past and gone are all the days thou hast to pass say not then to God to thy Conscience or to others that put thee upon a present preparation for Death and Eternity I will do it to morrow or hereafter boast not thy self O vain Man of to morrow for thou knowest not even what this day may bring forth to thee possibly this day may bring forth thy death and where then will be thy to morrows preparation for it But suppose Death should not cut us off suddenly but give us warning of its approach by Sickness and Distempers of Body yet how unfit a time is that to prepare for dying for Diseases sometimes come with that Violence that they quickly take away Mens Senses and Vnderstandings and having lost the use of their Reason they are fit for nothing And hast thou O presumptuous sinner that trustest to a Sick-bed preparation for Death and Eternity and Assurance that this shall not be thy State and Condition then nay thou hast just cause to fear that thus it shall be because in the time of thy Health and Strength when God called after thee to look towards himself and to mind thy Everlasting Concernments thou wou'dit not therefore now that thou art come to lie upon a Death bed and thy Conscience is awakened with horrour because of thy former negligence and the prospect of thy future Misery that now the Violence of thy Distempers should be so great as to render thee uncapable of such a Work Or if God should be so merciful to thee which thou hast no reason to expect as to continue to thee the use of thy Reason and Vnderstanding so that being apprehensive of the approach of Death and Conscience also be awakened and terrifying thee with the fears of a strict account that thou art going to give unto the Great God of all that thou hast done in the Body whether it be good or evil dreading also what the Consequences thereof may be by reason of thy negligence and carelessness in the time of thy Health and Strength to make preparation for thy Eternal State It being thus with thee and thine Eyes being opened to see whither thou art going thou art very desirous it may be now to set thy Soul in order because thou fearest thou shalt die and not live Yet thy Sickness may be so sharp and pains may come upon thee with that Extremity that all thou canst do will be little enough to mind thy Body God may visit thee with such strong pains upon thy bed as may make thee cry and roar with such horrours as may make thee a terror to thy self and to all that come near thee so that all thou canst do for thy self or what others can do for thee may not be able to give thee any ease or relief And is this the time thou choosest to prepare thy self for Death and Eternity in What when thou canst hardly tell how to turn thy Body upon thy Bed for a little ease Dost thou think this a fit time to turn thy Soul fron Sin unto God in Suppose thou wert now cast upon a Sick-bed and thy Body full of pains if any one should come and put thee in mind of some Worldly Business wouldst thou not think it a good excuse to say Pray trouble me not now because I am Sick Speak to me of these things when I am Well again And dost thou think it Reasonable to be excused from Worldly Business because thou art Sick and yet dost thou Judge it the best time for thee to be employed about thy Spiritual concerns when thou art sick yea when thou art dying Surely desperate folly and madness is in the hearts of these Men who thus live and thus think to die Alas the time of Sickness is a time of spending not of getting it is not a time to gain Evidences for Heaven but to use them and to take the comfort that flows from them Alas poor Man thou shouldst now be solacing thy Soul in God as thy Father reconciled to thee in Christ and having made it the business of thy life to serve and please him sincerely though not without weaknesses and imperfections thou shouldst now be able to say thou hast through Jesus Christ received the Atonement and art continually rejoycing in hopes of the Glory of God the comfort whereof should be so great as to swallow up all thy Bodily pains and distempers and carry thee chearfully through the Pangs of Death so as that thou shouldst be able to say Blessed be God I am not sick for mine Iniquities are forgiven me This should be thy State and Condition upon a dying bed But if thou hast thy work to do thy Preparations for Heaven and Eternity to make when thou art upon thy Sick yea thy Death-Bed Oh how miserable I had almost said how desperate is thy Case How many Gracious Souls have found it work enough upon a Death-bed to attend the Pains and Distempers of their Bodies and believe it O Sinner who ever thou art thou wilt find it a great truth that to suffer and be sick is work enough for any Man at one time But suppose God should be so Gracious to thee as by some lingering and gentle sickness for many days yea months together give thee warning of thy
approaching Dissolution and thy Conscience also should be awakened to stir up in thee some serious thoughts and endeavours to prepare thy self for thy departure hence yet since thou hast so often turned thy back upon God and refused to hearken unto those many Calls that he hath vouchsafed unto thee in the time of thy life to be Wise for thy self by considering thy latter end but thou wouldst not how justly may he now reject thee at the time of thy death though thou follow'st him with never so many earnest cries yea and Tears also That is a most dreadful place of Scripture Oh that it were Engraven with a Pen of Iron and with the Point of a Diamond upon the heart of every careless negligent sinner Proverbs 1. from 24. to 31. Because I have called and you have refused I have stretched out my hand and no Man regarded But you have set at nought all my Counsel and would none of my reproof What then O dreadful O Soul confounding words I also will laugh at your Calamity and mock when your Fear cometh When your fear cometh as Desolation and your Destruction as a Whirlwind When Distress and Anguish cometh upon you Well but what follows upon this will not God be Entreated cannot Prayers and Cries do any thing with God No for it follows in the next words Then shall they call upon me but I will not Answer they shall seek me early but they shall not find me for they hated Knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord They would none of my Counsel they despised all my Reproof What 's the Conclusion of all this why that we have in the next words therefore shall they eat the Fruit of their own ways and be filled with their own Devices Whoever thou art that Readest these Lines if through thy carelessness this should ever come to be thy Case because thou wilt not take warning I have only this doleful Word to leave with thee for thy serious thoughts and meditations and from my Soul I wish it may do thy Soul good this State that I am speaking of will be a State so full of dismal anguish and perplexing horrours that no words are able to express the misery of it Moreover a sick-bed Repentance and Preparation for thy Eternal State is very questionable How hard a matter wilt thou find it then to satisfie thy own Conscience or to convince others that what thou now dost is done in the uprightness of thy Heart and not in Hypocrisie Alas the present feeling of the wrath of God and the future expectations of fiery indignation in Hell may constrain thee unto all that thou dost It was a very sad Relation and I wish the reading of it may do some Soul good which once I received from the Mouth of an eminent Godly Minister of many years standing in the Ministry I have says he been called to visit abundance of Persons upon their Death-beds who reflecting back upon the wickedness of their lives hav professed a great deal of grief and sorrow and made many Promises what they would do and how they would live if God would restore them to their health again but among them all says he thus dying I could never yet meet with one that could give me good ground to believe the Happiness of their future state and condition in another World O let the consideration hereof cut thee to the Heart O thou slothful and delaying Sinner But if thou shouldst be sincere then in thy turning unto God and thy Preparations for Death and Eternity such as are sound and not hypocritical and feigned and God should be graciously entreated of thee in this last and greatest hour of thy distress yet will it not wound and pierce thy Soul to consider what Peace of Conscience what joy in believing what comfortable testimonies of God's loving kindness to thy Soul thou hast lost the sweetness and delight whereof would have born up thy Soul in a dying hour and have carried thee triumphantly through the gloomy valley of the shadow of Death so that thou shouldst have feared no evil But now instead thereof by reflecting upon the former course of thy life which hath been a continual trade of Sin and Wickedness whereby God hath been dish moured and provoked by thee all thy days he now appears to thee as thy dreadful Enemy visiting thee with nothing but terrible Rebukes of horrour and wrath in thy Conscience And though God may have mercy upon thy Soul eternally and the state of thy future Happiness may be sure and certain in it self yet thy passage to it may be very uncomfortable insomuch that as to thy sense and feeling thou art but leaving Earth to go to Hell God's bringing thee to Heaven being by the Gates thereof But though delays in this case are dangerous and sick-bed preparations for Heaven and Eternity at best but uncomfortable yet how prone are most Men to put off the thoughts of Death and their Preparations for it Solomon tells us Eccles 7. That it is better to go to the House of Mourning than to the House of Feasting for this is the end of all Men and the living will lay it to Heart We ought indeed daily to familiarize Death to our Souls by frequent thoughts and meditations of it but when we go to the House of Mourning to see any laid in the Grave this is a special proper time and season for the living to lay Death to Heart and it is probable if Men will at any time lay Death to Heart surely they will do it at such a time as that is for when will Men think of Death if not when they see it before them It is true some do lay Death to Heart when they are called to such Solemnities O then they have a fit of grief upon them but as soon as they have vented their Passion the fit is over and so is their thoughts of Death with it And though Solomon seems to promise for the living that in the House of Mourning they will lay it to Heart yet there are very many that have been so often there that they are grown familiar with Death but in a bad sence for the frequency of such occasions have worn off all impressions of Mortality from their Hearts so that now they can go to the Grave again and again and not be affected with it they look upon it as a matter of Custom and Formality for Men to die and be buried and when the solemnity of the Funeral is over the thoughts of Death are over with them and as soon as they can get out of the sight of the Grave their Preparations for the Grave are out of their Mind The Holy History tells us in 2 Sam. 10.12 that when Amasa was slain by Joab and lay wallowing in his Blood in the midst of the high way every one that came by stood still being astonished to behold so dismal a Spectacle But afterwards
Majesty of Heaven condescends so low as to entreat us with more Earnestness and Affection to pity our own Souls and accept of a Pardon then Guilty Condemned Sinners desire to obtain it but when this Life is at an end there shall be no more Offers of Mercy but the Blood of Christ shall then be a Spring shut up and a Fountain Sealed that none can wash in it and be Cleansed Death Seals up the State of a Sinner for ever You know what Abrabam tells the Rich Man in Hell in Luke 16.26 Between us and you says he there is a great Gulf fixed so that they that would pass from hence to you cannot neither can they pass to us that would come from thence The State and Condition that Men enter upon after Death is fixed and unalterable Therefore O Sinner what thou dost for God for Heaven for thy Soul do it quickly for this is the only Time and Season for thee to work in and as thou now Sowest so thou shalt Reap for ever The State of Man under Death being thus it greatly concerns all Men to wait for Death Job tells us it should be his Practice Job 14.14 All the days of my appointed time will I wait till my change comes Now waiting as it relates unto Death may include three things Meditation Expectation and Preparation First Meditation He that waits for the Accomplishment of any Worldly Business especially if it be of Concernment to him how busie will his Mind and Thoughts be in musing upon it He now that is waiting for the coming of Death considering both the certainty of it that it will come and the uncertainty of it when it will come and believes withal that Eternal Happiness or Eternal Misery will be that State to which Death will bring him cannot but have his Thoughts much taken up about it This will make a Soul Truly and Spiritually Wise and therefore the Psalmist Prays Lord teach us to number our Days that we may apply our Hearts unto Wisdom He that is truly Wise will Meditate of Death and he that Meditates of Death will be truly Wise The more we number our Days and think of our Time the fewer Sins we shall have to number for as a Copy is then safest from blotting when dust is thrown upon it so are we from Sinning when we remember we are but Dust Secondly Waiting includes in it Expectation That which we wait for we are in Expectation of and that Man may be said to wait for Death that in every Action of his Life in every Alteration of his State and Condition saith to himself well I must Die when though his Bones are full of Marrow though Riches come in upon him like a Flood yet saith he I must die I have no abiding Place here I am but a Stranger and Sojourner in this World as all my Fathers were I have now Wife and Children Friends and Lands but I cannot enjoy any of these for ever no nor my Life it self for I have but a Lease of it and that but a short one too which will soon expire I expect Death daily even in the midst of all my Enjoyments I am but a Steward of all that I have here and I must shortly be called to an Account such and such are gone before me and I am following after The other day Death snatched away such a dear Relation from me this day it hath seized upon such a Friend and Acquaintance and to morrow the same Messenger may come for me It is that I expect and therefore I wait for it Thirdly Waiting includes in it Preparation He that waits for Death ought to be preparing for it This now is exceeding Requisite because it is above the reach of Words to express how much depends upon this Preparation it is that our whole Life should have respect unto every thing that we do ought to have a tendency in it to make Death Comfortable But of this Preparation for Death I shall speak more hereafter in its proper place This waiting for Death by way of Meditation on it by way of Expectation of it and by way of Preparation for it is very necessary considering what an Important difficult Work the Work of dying is and this will appear if we consider two things First what Death is Secondly what Death doth First what Death is and here are three things considerable Death is a Deprivation Death is a Desolution and Death is a Destruction All which make Death terrible and the Work of dying difficult First Death is a Deprivation It strips us of all those Comforts that in this World did Refresh us Friends Relations Lands Houses these have often delighted us while we live yea it may be too much by setting our Affections inordinately upon them and now what Grief of Soul doth it create to us violently by Death to be torn from them but part we and they must whether we will or no and that for ever Job tells us We came naked into the World and we shall return naked out of it The Apostle indeed seems to intimate as if some Men in our days could scarcely believe it and therefore to beat Men off from such a conceit he tells them 1 Tim. 6.7 We brought nothing with us into this World this is true and all Men will grant it and says the Apostle it is certain we shall carry nothing out of it Death makes all lie equal in the Dust Secondly Death is a Dessolution In Life Soul and Body are united and live lovingly together there is a near union between them a union which because of their long Acquaintance and Co-habitation together is become so dear that no union can be more desirable as to the continuance of it nor no union more dreaded as to the Dissolution of it except it be the Spiritual union between Christ and the Soul There are several kinds of unions and generally Love is the ground of them all There is an union of Friendship between one Friend and another whom Love hath united so strongly that they seem to Act as if one Soul animated them both so Jonathan loved David even as his own Soul This is a strong union There is also a Relative union between Parents and Children so Jacob loved Benjamin so that it is said his Life was bound up in the Life of the Lad This is a stronger union than the former There is also a Marriage union between a Man and his Wife and this is a stronger union than either of the former Man and Wife making but one Flesh as the Scripture speaks But yet there is a union that is stronger and nearer than any of these Vnions and that is the Vnion between Soul and Body for these two make but one Person Now all dis-unions are uncomfortable and some dis-unions are dreadful and as some dis-unions are dreadful so those dis-unions are most dreadful which rend that from us that is nearest and dearest to us
For Friends to be parted never to see the Faces of one another again this is sad And therefore when St. Paul was taking his leave of the Saints in Macedonia in Acts 20.38 it is said They fell on his Neck and kissed him sorrowing most for the words that he spake that they should see his Face again no more But it is sadder for Parents and Children to be disunited David found it so when he cryed out so Passionately for his Son 2 Sam. 18.33 O Absalom my Son my Son would God I had died for thee O Absalom my Son my Son It is yet more sad to have a dis-union made between a Man and the Wife of his Bosom when God shall take away with a stroke the desire of his Eyes one that hath been a meet and fit Yoke-fellow in the Lord whose Eyes can refrain from weeping or their Hearts from bleeding under such a sad stroke of Providence But yet there is a dis-union that comes nearer than all these and that is a dis-union between the Soul and the Body those two Old Sweet Intimate Companions born together into the World and who have lived in sweet Society together all their Days for Death to come and make a Dissolution between two so near and so dear together by a violent rending and tearing the Soul and Body asunder Oh this is exceeding sad and dreadful indeed and that which must needs make the Work of Dying hard and difficult Thirdly Death is a Destruction So David calls it Psal 90.3 Thou turnest Man to destruction That Excellent Frame of Man's Body which David tells us was fearfully and wonderfully made in secret and curiously wrought in the lower parts of the Earth by God himself and that with Infinite Power and Wisdom Psal 139.14 15. Sickness will not only stain its Glory and make the Beauty of it to consume like a Moth But Death will Demolish and pull it down to the ground turn it into Corruption and Putrefaction yea into Dust it self utterly destroying it so that it shall not be any more until by the Power of God it shall be raised up again at the last day Death now being so destructive a thing unto Man that nothing will content it less than his Annihilation in the Grave dying must needs be a hard and difficult thing unto Flesh and Blood Secondly Dying is an important difficult Work if we consider what Death doth now this I shall explain by opening these two things First Death occasions our Spiritual Enemies to assault us Secondly It awakens Conscience against us First Death occasions our Spiritual Enemies to assault us most fiercely Now these Enemies are two Sin and Satan First Sin When doth the Guilty Prisoners Crimes come into his Mind but when he hath a Summons to appear before his Judge And when doth the Guilt of Sin fly in the Face of a Sinner but when Death hath him under his Arrest to carry him before God the Great Judge of Heaven and Earth Multitudes of Sins that before lay hid and seem'd to be quite forgotten now shew themselves and come fresh into a Sinner's mind as so many Witnesses against him which upon the Review he cannot but Remember though formerly he had forgot them Oh what a number of horrid Wickednesses do now haunt his Thoughts with dismal apprehensions in the dark night of Death walking up and down like so many Frightful Ghosts scaring and terrifying his Soul Well may an Impenitent Sinner say then unto Death hast thou found me O mine Enemy art thou come O Death to call my Sins to Remembrance and to slay my Soul Secondly The Devil will then be very fierce and furious in his Assaults His Time now is but short and therefore his Rage is great This is his hour yea his last hour and therefore the Power of the Prince of Darkness is now most put forth he knows he hath but a few hours more to wait and if he can but keep the Sinner so long he is then his for ever Assure thy self therefore O Sinner he will be diligent in watching thy Sick-bed both by night and by day and if all the Power or Policy of Hell can prevent it neither Cordial shall benefit thy Body nor Counsel and Advice profit thy Soul The Devil is the great Enemy of Souls and because he is miserable himself he therefore labours that all others may be as miserable as he is now the ways by which he expresseth his Enmity against Souls that he may keep them from Eternal Life are these Sometimes by obstructing the Work of Grace in the Souls of Men and thus he works with all his might by all his Wiles and Devices that he can to draw men unto and keep them in a way of Sin that they may not set their Faces towards Heaven much more that they may not with earnest endeavours of Soul seek to obtain it It is true God always hath the Devil in a Chain and can if he pleaseth restrain and hinder him in all his Malicious Attempts against his Children and many times he doth manifest his Power and Grace towards his Servants in a dying hour by curbing in the Malice of that Evil one that he shall not be able to trouble and molest them in their Passage into Heaven But yet sometimes God doth then permit the Devil to shew his Malice against his People and then how fiercely and furiously doth he make his Assaults upon them Then it is they meet with the sorest Trials and because he could not prevail upon them formerly as a Tempter now he turns to be their Accuser charging all their Sins upon their Souls with all the bloody aggravations of them upbraiding them with all their Profession as if they had been but Hypocrites in all that they had done This God sometimes permits him to do that their Grace being exercised the Trial thereof may appear to be more precious than Gold that perisheth being found to the Praise and Glory of God and the Shame and Reproach of their Adversary the Devil in a most Glorious Conquest over all his Temptations for through the Grace and Strength of Christ they overcome him in all his Accusations and notwithstanding all they go not only quietly but sometimes Triumphantly into Heaven and Glory Secondly Death awakens Conscience The Practice of a Sinner is to lull Conscience asleep that he may the more quietly and undisturbedly go on in Sin but when Death comes usually the Conscience of a Sinner is awakened if the Sinner be not past feeling given over to a reprobate sence Conscience hath its Times and Seasons of stirring in the Souls of Men as sometimes under the Preaching of the Word Conscience begins to stir within a Sinner and tells him that those Duties that have been laid before him by the Minister are the Commands of the Great God and therefore ought to oblige him to Obedience Here Conscience is an honest Informer Sometimes when a Sinner is taking the
such The Happiness of those that are in Christ lies in the Manifestation of the Divine Love and Favour unto their Souls now this Death cannot hinder them of I know many of God's People have not the Light of his Countenance liftted up upon their Souls in Death but their passage to Heaven is dark and uncomfortable God loves them though they know it not yet by this darkness and uncomfortableness which Death brings upon them by their passage through it Death is but bringing them to the most clear Discoveries of the Love of God to their Souls in Heaven with which they shall then be filled and satisfied to all Eternity Our Comfort in Death lies in the Knowledge of our Interest in Christ but so doth not our Happiness that lies in our Interest in Christ whether we know it or not Our Consolation in a dying hour springs from our Assurance that Christ is ours and we are his but our safely and security in that hour ariseth from the certainty of our Interest in Christ Indeed our Ignorance that we are in Christ when we come to die may prejudice our present Peace and Comfort in Death but it shall not prejudice our future Happiness after Death They that are in Christ are always in a safe Condition they may die uncomfortably indeed but they cannot die miserably they are built upon the Rock of Ages and therefore though they fall by Death into the Grave even as others yet they perish not with others Death may kill them but it cannot hurt them He that hath an Interest in Christ being united to him by Faith need not fear what Death can do unto him True and thorough Conversion from Sin unto God is a sure Foundation for Peace and Safety both in Life and Death He that is interested in Christ is built upon a Rock that is Impregnable the Gates of Death and Hell shall not prevail against him To behold a Man dying that is in Christ this is Comfortable for such a one dies that he may live for ever and changes only a Temporal for an Eternal Life To behold a Christless Person but not in a dying condition this is something tolerable for who can tell but that the next Sabbath or the next Sermon God may make it a time of Love to his Soul even such a day of his Power and Grace towards him as thereby savingly to draw him unto Christ But to behold a dying Man and a Christless Man also this is dreadful yea even intolerable for such a one dies from Earth to be Damned in Hell It was a sad and doleful Complaint and Oh that it might startle and awaken some secure Sinner to look after Christ that was once uttered by one upon a Death-Bed being just a dying Oh I want nothing now but a Christ to Save me O miserable State and Condition indeed for in having him the Soul hath all that can do it good or make it good but in wanting of him the Soul hath nothing that can do it good here or make it happy hereafter Interest in Christ is the only true Preparation for Death This now is the general Direction for our Preparation for Death without which there is no dying happily or comfortably But the more particular Directions are these that follow First Wouldst thou be prepared for Death then die unto Sin by daily and constant endeavours to mortifie and subdue the Power and Strength of it in the Exercise of a Holy Life The Apostle tells us in Rom. 6.23 That the wages of Sin is Death By which he means Temporal and Eternal Death This now is the Fruit of Sin for Lust when it hath conceived bringeth forth Sin and Sin when it is finished bringeth forth Death But is there no way to escape this Death yes from Spiritual and Eternal Death there is a deliverance and therefore the Apostle tells us in Rom. 6.13 That if we through the Spirit do mortifie the deeds of the Body that is the deeds of the Body of Sin then we shall live and not die that is we shall live Spiritually and not die Eternally and as for a Temporal Death though we cannot scape the stroke of it yet we shall be free from the Curse and Sting of it Wouldst thou therefore O Christian be prepared for Death when it comes then take from it now its Power and Strength When the Philistines saw Sampson was too strong for them they labour to know wherein his great Strength lay and when they found it was in the Hair of his Head they would not be quiet till they got his Hair cut off Every Christian hath to deal with a dreadful Enemy unto Nature and that is Death Assault he will all of us at one time or other yea and be too hard for us If now we would overcome him we must find out where his great Strength lies the Spirit of God now tells us that the Power and Sting of Death is Sin so we read in 1 Cor. 15.56 The Sting of Death is Sin And the Power and Sting of every Mans particular Death lies in his own Sins Death cannot hurt any of us but by that Power and Strength that our sins put into its hands Christian the way how thou mayest overcome thine Enemy Death is set open to thee his Strength is discovered to thee that thou mayest have thine Advantage against him to weaken him and to take away his Strength and that is by dying unto Sin this will be the Death of Death Yield not therefore at any time to its Solicitations for this is but to make Death the more strong and Powerful to wound thy Soul and Conscience When therefore thou art tempted unto any Sin though it may seem pleasant and delightful yet before thou yieldst unto the Temptation say to thy self O my Soul how will this relish with me when I come to lie upon a Death-bed and my Soul sits trembling upon my Lips ready to take its Flight unto the Tribunal of God What Peace and Comfort will it procure to my Conscience then Will not the Remembrance of it prove more bitter than Gall and Wormwood and the grating Reflections of Conscience more stinging and tormenting to the Soul than a thousand Deaths could possibly be Wouldst thou not have Death bitter then let not Sin be sweet now Part with Sin betimes get that removed that is the troubler of a Death-Bed and the Sting of Death and that is Sin Make it your daily business to be dying unto Sin Now this dying unto Sin implies our constant endeavours to subdue the Power and Strength of Sin and this is done by daily Mortification It is true in the People of God Sin doth not Reign and that is Comfortable to consider Sin in the Work of Conversion hath received such a Wound as is incurable but yet wherever Sin is in any Soul it doth not use to lie dormant but where it cannot Reign it will molest and struggle yea and it
in the Things of this World should be unwilling to die that the Thoughts of Death which parts them and their Happiness should be bitter and unpleasant This now is naturally the Temper of all Men till God opens their Eyes and discovers to them more excellent Things even Things of a spiritual and divine Nature which as they are more suitable to their Souls so are they more durable and satisfying and having once tasted what present Sweetness Peace and Joy there is in God and in ways of Holiness besides what is laid up for them hereafter in Heaven their Hearts and Affections are now become dead to the World and all worldly Things so that they have no relish and savour of these Things upon their Spirits But as St. Paul saith of himself so it may be said of them they are now crucified unto the World and the World is crucified unto them The World sees no Glory or Beauty in them and they see as little in the World How easily now can such take their leaves of it when God by Death calls them to it The Apostle tells us for his part he did die daily 1 Cor. 15. and 31. And did we die daily in our Desires and Affections unto the World and the Things thereof it would not be so hard for us to die when we come to it in good earnest When Death comes to a Man whose natural strength and vigour hath been wasting and consuming a long time by lingring Sicknesses and Distempers his Death is not so hard and strong as that Man's Death is whom a few day's Sickness cuts off in the midst of his strength and Vigour Nature being strong in him to make resistance against it whereas in the other the strength of Nature is wasted and consumed and so Death to him is more easie So is it here the Christian whose Love and Affection to the World and the Contentments of this present Life hath for many years been consuming and dying will more freely and readily part with them at Death than he whose Love and Affections are strongly and eagerly bent upon them such a one must be rent and torn from them by force and violence in the hour of Death When our heart 's set loose from all things that are desirable under the Sun and there is nothing upon Earth that insnares and intangles our Affections towards it one Difficulty yea and a great one too in our way of dying is then removed Death will rend and tear that heart that is glued in love to any thing in this World Therefore O Christian as to all thy worldly Enjoyments possess them as if thou possessed'st them not rejoice in them as if thou rejoicedst not and use the World as not abusing of it for the Fashion of the world passeth away How dreadful will Death be to one who as the Apostle saith minds earthly Things and how easie will Death be to one whose Mind and Conversation is in Heaven It is good therefore for us to consider that we are but Strangers and Pilgrims here Heaven is the proper Place and Dwelling for holy Souls Make provision therefore by a holy weanedness of Heart and Affections for your departure bence send your best things to Heaven before-hand that is your Heart your Love your Delight and then you your selves will the more readily and willingly follow after them Fifthly Would you be prepared for Death live every day then as if it were your last doing nothing therein but what you would be willing to be found doing at Death and Judgment He that shall every day seriously consider with himself for ought I know this may be my last day The shadows of Death may stretch themselves over my Life before the shadows of the Evening overtake me I have no Assurance of my Life here no not for a moment How is it therefore with thee O my Soul as to Eternity what is thy daily Work and Employment Is it that wherein if I should meet with Death at the end of it I can comfortably give an Account thereof unto the Great God If I knew this to be my last Day would I be thus employed as I now am If not why do I venture upon the doing of that which I would be loath Death should find me a doing since I know not but Death may overtake me before I have finished what I am about Reader whoever thou art possibly thou mayest be guilty of no very great mistake if thou shouldst think with thy self as healthful and as strong as now I am yet there may be some secret invisible Hand of Death stretched out towards me possibly this very day I may feel some Symptoms and some Fore-runners of it some mortal incurable Disease may seize upon me before Night and cast me upon a sick Bed which to me may prove a Death bed Supposing now that this were thy very Case and that thou hadst received the Sentence of Death though not as Hezekiah did by a Messenger sent immediately by God unto him as he had but by the Violence of some Distemper accompanied with those Signs and Tokens that usually are and have been presages of Death unto others How then wouldst thou spend those few small Moments of Time that thou hast yet left thee on this side Eternity How would thy Thoughts work What would thy Words and Discourses then be Surely thou wouldst not be so abominable stupid and secure so wretchedly careless and negligent of thy Soul and of thy eternal Interest and Concerns when thy Soul is as it were sitting upon thy Lips and looking over into Eternity being ready to take its sudden flight thither as to be plodding and contriving in thy Thoughts how to enjoy the Pleasures Profits and Delights of the World which you now find to be nothing but Vanity and Vexation of Spirit nor yet would you be so desperately mad and bold as to send then for your vain and wicked Companions with whom you have consumed so many Days and Years in Sin and Wickedness that you and they might now laugh and waste away your last Hours together also No certainly there is no relish and savour now in any of these Things unless it be that which is bitter yea surely the Remembrance thereof will then be more bitter to the Soul than Gall and Wormwood Oh now the Consideration of the Wants and Exigences of the Soul begin to thrust and force themselves into the Mind and Thoughts of a Sinner O the sight of a righteous and a severe Judge of a strict Account and of a dreadful Tribunal Oh the bitter Vpbraidings and Terrors of an accusing Conscience the fearful Reflections upon past Sins and the Expectations of future Torments the Fears and Thoughts of these Things do now fill the Mind and perplex the Soul and make a Sinner cry out O what shall I now do to be saved Were you never in all your Lives by the Death-bed of a careless negligent Sinner whose
Conscience was then awakened under Horrors and Desperation If you have not others have and what hath been their dying words Oh that God would pardon their sins that he would Sanctifie and Save their Souls that he would spare them a little space that he would grant them a little time longer that they might recover their Strength that they might Repent of their Sins and Reform their Lives or else that he would graciously manifest his Love and Favour to their Souls and receive them to his Mercy This is the Language these are the Thoughts and Cares of Men upon a Sick bed when they see death coming near them and staring them in their Faces And if this were thy Case and Condition O Sinner that thou didst now lie tumbling and tossing upon a Sick-bed yea upon a Death-bed would not these things be in thy mind would not the same Thoughts and Cares possess thy Soul and the same words and discourses fall from thy Mouth why let the same Care the same Thoughts the same words take up some part of every day and hour of this Life now for thou knowest not but that this moment thou art as near death as if thy Friends and Relations yea and thy Physicians also despaired of thy life and had given thee over for dead O if we could thus spend every day as if it were our last we should then hardly be brought to the doing of any thing but what we would be willing death should find us doing and how exceedingly would this further our Preparations for a dying hour Sixthly He that would be in a readiness for a dying hour must frequently meditate of his own death and of the death of Christ To Meditate of our own death will make us Studious to prepare for it and to Meditate of the death of Christ will Arm us against the Fears of our own Deaths He that by frequent Meditations of his own death and of the death of Christ hath made death familiar to his Soul is not only prepared for death but in a great measure also freed from the fears of death As to the considering of our own death the Scripture is often in calling upon us to lay the thoughts of it to our hearts Oh that my People were wise says God that they understood this that they would consider their latter end And though a Man lives many years and rejoyces in them all yet let him remember the days of darkness for they shall be many Eccle. 11.8 By days of darkness we are to understand death or the State of death during the abode of our Bodies in the dark Grave or in the darkness of the Grave He that frequently ponders of his ways will at length be brought to turn his feet unto God's Testimonies as David speaks of himself So he that often thinks upon death will by the serious thoughts of it be stirred up to make some timely preparation for it this being the end to which the Contemplations of death doth tend This is that Wisdom which Solomon tells us the Living gain by going often to the House of Mourning even so to lay to heart the thoughts of death so as to make preparation for it It is sad that the Goodness and Mercy of God should occasion our forgetfulness of him and of our selves and yet it is commonly so with us When God lays his Afflicting hand upon us especially under some smart stroke we are then brought to seek God as the Prophet speaks In their Affliction they will seek me early There is some tendency in Afflictions to make us mindful of God and of our own Interest and Concerns which is the design God aims at in Afflicting us But when God is pleased to open his hand towards us as the Psalmist speaks and fill us with his Blessings then we are very prone to forget both him and our selves we forget God because when we are full we are ready to deny God and say who is the Lord and we forget our selves because we return not that Duty and Obedience which such Goodness and Mercy should engage us to And because the Streams of Mercy now run pleasantly about us we consider not how many the days of darkness are that will overtake us shortly but put far from us the thoughts of death and the Grave and this is the Reason why when death comes it finds us so unready and unprepared and we so troubled and discomposed in our Spirits and under so many fears and doubts as to our Spiritual and Eternal concerns Frequently therefore O Christian make thy private Retirements Commune with thy self alone visit Death and the Grave in thy thoughts take a walk now and then in the Valley of the Shadow of Death suffer not thy thoughts to be estranged from such Meditations If thou findest thy self shy and unwilling to engage in such a work yet bring thy heart to it inure thy self to the thoughts of Death in general and of thine own death in particular And that thou mayest not be afraid of it to the Meditation of thine own death joyn the Consideration of the death of Christ who hath Conquered death took away its Sting By dying he slew death was the death of death as it was Prophesied of him in Hosea 13.14 O Death I will be thy Plagues O Grave I will be thy Victory He now that by Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is interested in his death may say when ever the time of his departure comes thanks be to God through Christ I am ready and prepared for it Muse therefore much upon the Death of Christ for herein lies thy support and comfort O Soul against thine own Death Seventhly He that would be prepared for death must labour for an assurance of a better life always living by Faith in the Contemplation of the Glory and Happiness of Heaven He that is assured of an Eternal Life in Heaven need not nay will not much fear a Temporal death here upon Earth Christians the time is coming when you and all things and persons in this World must take your leaves one of another and part for ever what then O Christian will bear up thy Spirit at such a time why nothing less than the sense and hopes of the love of God and of thy Interest in Christ some Evidences of a work of Grace upon thy Soul which is an earnest and foretaste of Heaven and Glory These are the only things that will bear up thy Soul in a dying hour When a Man hath attained to some well grounded Assurance of his Interest in God and Christ and thereby of his Right and Title unto Heaven then are things in a good posture with him and he in a readiness for Death and the Grave And how light will that Soul make of death that hath the assured hopes of Heaven and Glory to encourage him to go through it He that by Faith lives in the daily Contemplations of the Glory and Happiness of
Heaven walking in the Light of God's Countenance and is able to say I know that my Redeemer lives and that when this Earthly Tabernacle of his Body shall be dissolved into dust that he hath a Building of God an House not made with hands Eternal in the Heavens which death will bring him unto and this is all the hurt death can do him he that hath such an Assurance as this is cannot but welcome death and embrace it not only with Contentment but with Delight and Joy and even then when his Soul is struggling and striving to get loose from his Body with what Holy Longing and vehemency of desire will he cry out and say come Lord Jesus come quickly CHAP. IV. Of willingness and unwillingness to Die Difference between Christians in reference unto Death Whether it be lawful to desire Death In what cases it may and in what not A willingness to Die may be even in Wicked Men and sometimes they may Die peaceably and quietly though Death is never comfortable and happy to them In the Best there may be an unwillingness to Die though a Saint as a Saint is always desirous of Death Reasons that should encourage the People of God always to be willing to Die Believers should not only desire to Die but they should long for Death DEath in it self is not desirable nor can it be Nature not only shuns but abhors it nor is it possible that Nature should be reconciled to that which seeks its Annihilation and Destruction as Death doth And accordingly as these Fears are either strengthened and increased by Sin and Guilt or conquered and overcome by Grace so are we more or less enclined towards or averse from Death To be willing to Die when God calls us to it is a thing greatly to be desired and argues no small attainment in Grace when we do it upon good grounds And yet sometimes to be unwilling to Die is not to be condemned as evil and sinful To be willing to Die that we may be with Christ when God calls us to it is a frame of Soul in which the People of God should always be desirous to be found but yet to be desirous to Live when either the Great Work of a Christian is not finished or when his Life may tend to the Glory of God and the Good of his Church is that which is not sinful or unlawful we may see this Truth both in David and Hezekiah in David in Psal 6.4 5. Deliver my Soul O Lord spare me for thy Mercy-sake for in Death there is no remembrance of thee David at this time being troubled in Mind under the apprehensions of God's Wrath and so wanting the assurance of his Love as you may read in the Psalm prays that he might be spared And so Hezekiah Isai 38.2 prays for a longer time of Life as for other Reasons so for this as one because having begun a Reformation in the Church of God he was desirous to live that he might carry it on farther to the Glory of God and the Good of his Church A Christian ought so to live not only as to be prepared for Death but so as to be willing to die but yet he is a true Christian who though he doth not die so willingly yet dies preparedly he that dies preparedly and willingly dies most comfortably but yet he that dies preparedly dies safely and happily In reference unto Death there is a great difference between Nominal Christians and Real Christians and also between one true Christian and another There is a difference in reference unto Death between those that are called Christians but yet are not truly so Some there are whose Consciences are so awakened upon a Death-bed setting their Sins before their Faces with such horrible bloody Circumstances and withal representing the Wrath of God and the Everlasting Torments of Hell as due unto them for their Sins that they cry out in Horrour and Despair their Sins are greater than can be forgiven and feeling a Hell in their Consciences here they die under Desperation of ever escaping Hell hereafter or of obtaining Mercy and Pardon from God This was the case of Judas who under Horrours of Conscience despairing of Mercy endeavours to ease his Conscience by laying violent hands upon himself and is as the Scripture saith gone to his own place Others there are who though they would be called Christians yet are not so indeed but yet are so bold and confident in Death that Heaven is theirs as if they were in the possession of it already Our Lord tells us of some in Luke 13.25 who had such strong presumptions of Heaven that with a confident boldness they knock at Heaven's Gate crying Lord Lord open unto us as if there were no more to be done but only the opening of the door and letting them into Heaven but you know what Answer our Lord returns them I know you not depart from me ye workers of Iniquity Both these sorts of Persons the despairing Sinner and the presumptuous Sinner are alike miserable in their Death though they differ vastly from true and real Christians for they die neither happily nor comfortably for they die under the guilt of their Sins and so perish for ever which no true Christian doth And as Hypocrites and sincere Christians differ in their Death so also do true and real Christians differ in the manner of their dying some when they come to lie upon their Death-beds God is pleased to withdraw the light of his Countenance and the manifestations of his Love and Favour from them and in their apprehensions God seems to have cast them off and will be favourable to them no more and though their Life draws nigh to the Grave yet their Soul is full of trouble they are so in the dark and can see no light in such a State of desertion that God seems to have forsaken them their Sun is as it were setting in a Cloud and in this State of dismal darkness they die not knowing what shall become of their Souls for ever which yet go safely to Heaven being built upon the Rock of Ages the Lord Jesus Christ against which the Gates of Death and Hell shall never prevail Some again there are who though they are true Christians yet are weak Christians though they have the Grace of God in Truth yet they have it not in that growth and strength that some have their Faith is true but they are not strong in Faith they love the Lord Jesus in sincerity but not with that fervour and ardour that some do they have a good Hope towards God but their Hope is not lively and operative Such Christians as these now though they take Death patiently yet they would willingly live they go indeed when God by Death calls for them but they could wish that it would please God to stay for them a little longer they have some good Hopes of Heaven when they die but they desire a little
yet it may Rule as a Tyrant and we be brought into Captivity by it and by force kept in Bondage under it sometimes How willing therefore should a Christian be to die that he may be free from Sin for he that is dead saith the Apostle Rom. 6.7 is free'd from Sin Death only will free us from the danger and possibility of offending God any more for then we shall come to the Spirits of Just Men made perfect Heb. 12. 23. Why then O Christian shouldst thou desire to linger long here upon Earth and to spin out a miserable Life in this VVorld whereof Sin and Sorrow will have the greatest Share Here the best Christians are engaged in perpetual Conflicts between Sin and Grace Sin will not yield and Grace cannot yield Corruption compels one way and Grace commands another Haste therefore O Christian out of this troublesome Contest yea make haste to Heaven for there and there only it is that this Controversie will be ended for there we shall no more live in fear of new Sins nor in sorrow for old Sins but all Sorrow and Sighing shall cease all Tears shall there be wiped from our Eyes and which is better all Sin shall be rooted out of our hearts for ever Upon this Account now Death is not only necessary in it self but it is that which the People of God should embrace with the greatest willingness and chearfulness that may be But this is not all for the People of God must go one step higher and it is what the VVord of God doth require and that is not only to be content or willing to die but long for Death To be contented to die is a good Temper of Soul and may be an Argument of the Truth of Grace for it is seldom or never found in a wicked man to be sure not from a right Principle But truly Christians this is no such great Matter in comparison of what we should labour to attain unto Muse seriously upon it a while O Christian Is it not a strange kind of Expression to drop from the mouth of a Saint that he is content to be happy that one that professeth all his Happiness lies in the hopes he hath of enjoying God in Heaven and that it is the End and Design of his Life that he may attain unto this and that yet when he comes to speak of Death he should only say he is contented to die that he may be happy in the Enjoyment of God We use not to speak thus concerning the World here Men are not said to be content to be rich but covetous after Riches not willing to be advanced but ambitious after it And why then should it be said only of a Christian that he is contented to be with God and contented to be in Heaven Why Oh why should not the Soul the more noble excellent Part of a Man be carried out with vehement and earnest longings after its proper and full Happiness as well as the Body that vile Part of Man is carried with restless Appetite after Health Safety and Liberty Why should a Soul alone be contented to be happy when all things in the World do so ardently court and so vehemently pursue their respective Ends and several Perfections Truly this is not that Frame and Temper that Christians ought to content themselves with but their Souls should be raised up to a higher pitch even to a holy longing after their being ever with the Lord. It is the Duty of a Christian to look out after so much Enjoyment of the blessed God as we are now capable of and because we cannot fully and perfectly enjoy him in this Life to long after the time of our departure hence and with holy Pantings of Soul breath forth earnest Desires that we may be fully and eternally happy in the Enjoyment of him Be not therefore O my Soul contented only but be holily covetous and full of vehement longings after an Eternity of Blessedness in the Enjoyment of God and because this Body is that which hinders this desired and longed for Happiness though thou may'st not dissolve and break it into pieces thy self yet with Submission to the Divine Will wish it were broken desire that it may be dissolved And though thou must be contented to live God's time yet henceforth be desirous of and long to die To set this a little home upon thy Conscience O Christian consider that this Frame of Soul is that which the Scripture makes the Temper and the Duty of all Believers Indeed there are few Professors that are of this Evangelical Temper of Soul yea but few that are willing to believe they ought to be so But yet this Frame of Soul is made the Character of a sincere Christian the Scripture abounds with Expressions of this Nature Luk 21.28 Our Lord speaking concerning the day of Judgment for the encouragement of Believers bids them look up and lift up their Heads for their Redemption drew nigh by with our Lord means not a bare speculation but a beholding with joy and longing for that day and time 2 Tim. 4.8 The Lord shall give a Crown of Righteousness to them that love his appearing And in Tit. 2.13 we are commanded to live godly in this present World as those that are looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ So in 2 Pet. 3.12 What manner of Persons says the Apostle ought we to be in all Holy Conversation and Godliness looking for and hastning to the coming of the Day of God By these Scriptures it appears what is the nature and temper the disposition and inclination of a Godly Man even to look to love to long and to hasten unto the enjoyment of God for that which is of God in any Soul must needs carry the Soul after God But here I am afraid least some weak Christians should be troubled because they cannot find these ardent desires and holy longings of Soul in themselves after their dissolution and enjoyment of God Now that I may not discourage any weak Believer nor make the Hearts of those sad whom God would not have made sad I shall add a few words though not for encouragement unto sloathfulness yet for support against fears and despondency Therefore O Christian search thine own Heart and see how it is with thee and if thou findest it is so as the objection intimates see then if thou canst find out the cause thereof possibly thou art grown careless in thy spiritual watch or thou givest too much liberty to thy self in things that are lawful the World it may be is got too near thy Heart thy Affections run out too much after it And no wonder then if while this frame and temper continues and things are thus out of order with thee thou dost not long after Heaven nor art willing to die though it be the only way by which thou canst come to the enjoyment of God
Souls after the enjoyment of God and Christ both Martyrs and others O cryeth one the Love of Christ in my Heart casteth a mighty heat he knoweth that the desire I have to be with him paineth me I have sick Nights and frequent fits of Love Fevers for my well-beloved Nothing is so painful to me as the want of his presence but it is a sweet pain O that he would cool my Love-Fever for him with real enjoyment of him O Great King says one why standest thou aloof off why remainest thou among the Mountains O well-beloved why dost thou pain a poor Soul with delays A long time out of thy Glorious Presence is as two Deaths and as two Hells to me we must meet I must see him hungring and thirsting for Christ hath brought on me such a necessity of enjoying him that cost what it will I cannot but assure Christ to my Soul one smile of his Face to me is a Kingdom a sight of him is worth a World of Worlds Sweet Jesus crys one out wilt thou let me see Heaven to break my Heart and never give me leave to enjoy it O fairest where dwellest thou O never enough admired and adored Godhead how can Creatures of yesterday be able to enjoy thee O what pain crys one is it that Time and Sin should be as so many thousand Miles between a loved longed for Lord and a pining Love-sick Soul Hell and as I now think all the pains of it laid on me could not put me off from loving of him I would refuse says one no condition not Hell excepted reserving always God's hatred to buy the possession and enjoyment of Jesus Oh closed Doors and Vails Curtains and thick Clouds crys one that hold me in pain while I find the sweet burnings of his Love within me which many waters cannot quench O Death do thy utmost against us O Torments O Malice of Men and Devils bring Hell to help you in Tormenting the Followers of the Lamb we will defie you to make us too soon happy and to waft us too soon over the water to that Land where that Plant the Plant of Renown grows O cruel time that Torments us and suspends our dearest enjoyments that we wait for when we shall be bathed and steeped Soul and Body in the depth of this Love of Loves I half call says one his absence cruel and that Mask and Vail upon his Face a cruel covering that hideth such a fair fair Face from a sick Soul I dare not challenge himself but his absence is a Mountain of Iron upon my heavy Heart Oh when shall we meet What do we here but sin and suffer Oh when shall the Night be gone and the Shadows fly away and the morning of that long long Day without Cloud or Night dawn The Spirit and the Bride say come Oh when shall the Lamb's Wife be ready and the Bridegroom say I come also O Time be not so slow but run yea fly away swiftly O Sun move speedily and hasten our Banquet O Heavens cleave asunder that the bright Face and Head may set it self through the Clouds O that the Corn were ripe and this World prepared for his hook How long is it to the dawning of the Marriage day O sweet Lord Jesus take wide steps O my Lord come over the Mountains at one stride cut short Years and Months and Hours shovel time and days out of the way post post haste our desired hungred longed for Meeting love is sick to hear of till too Morrow fly O my beloved like a Roe or a young Heart upon the Mountains of Separation O that thou wouldst remove says one the covering and draw aside the Curtain of Time that thou wouldst rent the Heavens and come down O that the Shadows and Nights were gone that the Day would break and be that feedeth among the Lilies would cry and call to his Heavenly Trumpeters make ready and let us go down and fold together the four corners of the World and Marry the Bride the Lamb's Wife since he hath looked upon me my Heart is not my own But I shall not proceed farther herein though the Subject be exceeding delightful but notwithstanding what hath been said herein I am far from thinking that these holy pantings and longings of Soul are to be found in every Godly Man or that none are truly Godly but those that find and feel in themselves these pantings and longings of Soul after the enjoyment of God in this vehement and ardent manner no I dare not say so for I believe multitudes yea the generality of Believers through sloathfulness never attain to this high pitch of Grace and Assurance of the Divine Love and Favour who yet go to Heaven very safely but where there are any that do attain unto this plerophory or full assurance such Souls live as it were on the very Suburbs of Heaven it self And by this we may see what is the Duty of a Christian to labour after and what sweet peace joy and delight we all lose who do not come up to this frame and temper of Soul even such as passeth our understandings to conceive or our expressions to make known which made a Godly Man once cry out in a holy pang of love unto Jesus Christ If I can get no more O let me be pained to all Eternity with longing for him the joy of hungring for Christ should be my Heaven for evermore CHAP. V. Death terrible in its self It is a dreadful Enemy Wherein its Enmity doth consist This Enemy shall be destroyed though it be the last Enemy that shall be destroyed Christ by his Death hath overcome Death for Believers and how far he hath done it Of the fear of Death and the Causes thereof How the fears of Death may be Conquered and overcome It is very uncomely for Christians to be afraid of Death It is possible for Christians to live without the fear of Death How Christians may die with Courage and Joy THo' death as it brings Holy Souls to the Eternal Fruition of God is desirable yet considered in its self it is dreadful being accompanied with Diseases and Distempers the fore-runners of a Dissolution and Separation between Soul and Body causing all the Actions and Operations of Life to cease in which State the Body quickly turns to Corruption and Putrefaction and in time to common Earth Now though this be dreadful unto Nature yet is there more of Terror in death unto Impenitent sinners because to them it is not only a Gate to let them into the Grave but a Gate to let them into Hell the first death transmitting them unto the second death And yet how great is the folly of Men that they fear death for that which is least formidable in it but do not fear it for that which renders it justly terrible Could death do no more to us than what reacheth to pains and distempers on the outward Man and the dissolution and destruction of
we may come to the full Enjoyment of our longed for Happiness Hath God cast thee O Christian upon a Bed of Pain and Sorrow and is it likely to prove thy Death-bed Are there such Symptoms of thy departure that God seems to tell thee plainly thou shalt die and not live O do not reply and say It is too soon yet thou art too young to die and go to Heaven What though God call thee to Glory and Blessedness sooner than thou expectest yet shame not thy self grieve not others that behold thee much more disparage not the Happiness of Heaven nor of that God who is to be eternally enjoyed there by thy unwillingness to go thither Secondly May some say we shall have so many Evils to encounter with that will create us so much fear and trouble and withal so many Pains will befall us in a dying hour that we cannot tell how to think of Death we are so affrighted at it To this I answer It is true a Christian cannot expect to die without Assaults of Enemies nor without the Pains of Death but yet a Christian need not fear nor be unwilling to die for all this First One Discouragement may be the Apprehension of the guilt of Sin which they then fear will stare their Consciences in the Face and how to bear up under it they know not But know O Christian if Sin hath lost its Throne in thy Soul if it hath no Interest in thy Affections so that it is not embraced with any Love or Delight it shall never ruine or condemn thee For it is a certain Truth where Sin doth not rule there Sin shall never damn He that by the Grace and Spirit of Christ is enabled to mortifie his Sins and all sinful Affections and Inclinations thereunto and by a penitential Conversion of Soul from Sin unto God hath forsaken his sinful ways all his former Provocations though never so great lose their damning Power For where Sin is once in the Exercise or godly Sorrow confessed unto God it is by him graciously pardoned Nay the Apostle tells us in 1 John 1.9 If we confess our Sins God is not only merciful and gracious but he will be just and righteous to forgive us our Sins and to cleanse us from all Vnrighteousness And what greater security can a Christian desire for his support than the Truth and Faithfulness of that God who is Truth it self and cannot lie Secondly There is another thing that may startle a Christian's Confidence and make him unwilling to die and that is the fears of the Assaults of Satan who will do what he can not only to hinder our future Happiness but to interrupt our comfortable passage through Death It is true the Devil will be very active in a dying hour But be not discouraged give not place to his Temptations For where Sin is pardoned as it is to all Believers What hath the Devil wherewith to shake a Christian's Confidence or to undermine his Hopes and Expectance but what is built upon Lies and Falshood If therefore you will give Credit unto this Father of Lies when he endeavours to weaken those certain Assurances the great God hath given you of his resolved Designs to save such as you are and so come to be disturbed and confounded in your Thoughts about your present and future State you must blame your selves Till therefore it can be proved that Sin may be repented of and not pardoned that Sin may be pardoned and yet the Soul perish and undone till God or Christ prove either forgetful unable or false be not dejected It is the great Comfort of a Christian that the Devil hath no other Arguments to disquiet a Believer with in a dying hour but what are bottom'd on these gross Absurdities And though Satan may be furious in his last Assaults yet O Christian remember when thou art walking through the Valley of the shadow of death thou walkest not alone In that dark and gloomy Valley God hath his Rod and his Staff in readiness for thy Assistance and Encouragement and know further O believing Soul that Christ our compassionate High Priest knows what it is to die and hath been acquainted with the Subtilties and Fury of the Tempter by smart Experience and his sympathy hath taught him pity and because he is our Head he will not forget his Members under their afflicting Temptations in that hour For though he be in Heaven he retains the same Bowels and Affections now in his glorified State which he had here upon Earth and doth continually improve his Intercession in Heaven for the benefit security and relief of his afflicted People in their greatest dangers and Extremities If any poor Believers shall here object the pains of Death as being so great and to their apprehensions insupportable and therefore they are unwilling to die Let them consider that they are but short and suddain and though they are made by God our necessary passage into Glory yet they shall soon be over and forgot when the Soul by death is set free from the Body and takes its flight into the Presence of God in Heaven And alas what are the dying pains and groaning gasps of departing Saints compared to the Gripes and Stingings of an awakned Conscience for sin and the horrid fears of the Wrath and Vengeance of God which though they are not seen by others because inward yet are they the frequent and daily Tormenting Exercises of sinners both in Life and Death And though the pains of the Godly in a dying hour may sometimes be afflictive unto Sense yet it often happens through the Goodness and Mercy of God to them that their Fears in Life exceed their Pains in Death and this King of Terrors doth not gripe so hard nor stab so painfully as we are apt to think and if he doth God many times comes in with such strong Consolations upon departing Souls in the Manifestations of his Love to and Presence with them as turns their Fears and Sorrows into Joy and Rejoycing But if God should not manifest himself thus Comfortably unto some for their Support but leave them to the feeling of their Fears by undergoing great pains in Death yet as soon as the stroke is given the pains are gone and their fears are over How quickly do the first openings of that Eternal Morning swallow up all the Remembrances of our dying sorrows O when the Joys and Visions of our God invade and Exercise our departed Souls then comes the great and welcome Pledge of our Eternal Conquest of this last Enemy and after a short sleep of Bodies in the Dust whilst Souls return to God the Trump will sound the Lord will come the World shall perish or be refin'd by Flames and the Dead shall rise and die no more and then as the Apostle speaks shall we be ever with the Lord. But some may say we could willingly die but that we know not what will become of us hereafter we cannot tell
what our future State will be and therefore we are afraid of Death The desires we have of our Eternal Happiness puts us upon hoping the best but our doubts and fears are so many we cannot but tremble to think of our departure because we are under such uncertainties whither we shall go when Death takes us hence To this I Answer who art thou that makest these Objections Either thou art a wicked Man or one that truly fearest God If thou art a Wicked Man under the guilt of thy Sins and in an unpardoned State I cannot wonder that thou art afraid of Death nor can I blame thee that thou art unwilling to die Thou hast cause enough to make thee fear and tremble For there is nothing in Death or what is to come after it if thou understandest thy danger aright but what might fill thee with the greatest Terror and Consternation imaginable Whatever thou fearest is to come and may come quickly for ought thou knowest is infinitely far greater and worse than what thou canst now imagine what thou feelest or fearest are but the beginning of thy Sorrows nay all the Miseries thou canst meet with in Life and all the pains that thou canst suppose to be in Death fall infinitely short of those unconceivable Horrours and Miseries that are the Portion of Sinners in the next Life And for any Comfort or Relief against Death whilst thou art in thy Sinful State there is nor can be none Thy work therefore must be speedily to get into Christ labour to have thy Sins Pardoned Follow God with earnest Cries Tears and Importunities of Soul that thy sinful Nature may be changed and Sanctified and then let Death come when it will though thou die under never such fears and uncertainties as to thy future State yet Eternal Happiness attends thee and when Death hath once closed the Eyes of thy Body the Eye of thy Soul will quickly be opened to thy everlasting Joy and Consolation If thou art one that truly fearest God but yet art unwilling to die because thou art uncertain how it may go with thee as to thy Eternal State Why then examine thine own heart whether these fears do not proceed from thine own carelessness God hath vouchsafed to thee many means and opportunities for the encreasing thy Knowledge for the strengthening thy Faith for the enlarging thy Love for the confirming thy Hope for the establishing thy Soul in the ways of God and to provoke and stir thee up unto the continual Exercise of Grace that hereby thou mightest grow up into some Knowledge and Assurance of his Love towards thee through Christ and so mayest groundedly conclude the certainty of thy future Happiness But thou hast been sloathful not putting forth thy self with all diligence in the improving the Helps and Advantages God hath put into thy hands and therefore thou art so in the Dark and under fears how it may go with thy Soul for ever if this be thy case go humble thy Soul before God lie low in his presence beg earnestly the manifestations of his Love and Favour towards thee And for time to come put forth the endeavours of thy Soul unto the utmost in the use of all the means God vouchsafes unto thee for the removing thy Fears satisfying thy Doubts encreasing thy Knowledge confirming thy Faith and Hope in a future State of Happiness provided for thee and how soon God may come in whilst thou art thus humbling thy self before him and manifest his loving kindness unto thy Support and Comfort thou knowest not But however if he should for some Reasons thou canst not at present apprehend leave thee to walk under thy Doubts and Fears still yet if thou art sincere one that hath the Grace of God in Truth in thy Soul I would say thus much that these Fears and Jealousies about the attainment of the Happiness of Heaven if it be a Distemper as it is become so natural to us all that it is with much difficulty cured in this present State but yet it may be with great diligence and industry of Soul But for thy Comfort O doubting Believer know though these Doubts and Fears are sinful and thou dost thereby provoke God yet they shall not prejudice thy future Happiness though they may and do often hinder thy present Peace and Comfort For certainly God will never Damn a Believing Soul let such a one think what he will of himself For though thou art not assured that thou art his yet God knows all those that are his and not one of them shall Eternally perish Suppose therefore that thou shouldst die under Doubts and Jealousies and thy Soul should go out of this World sitting in a Cloud of Tears this hinders not but it may arise in a fair morning of Glory Heaven only is a place privileged from Tears and Fears But may some Soul say I am not willing to die because I fear I have no Grace or at least it is but little that I have for when I compare my self with others the most I can say of my self is this that all my Grace and Holiness lies in a Love to Grace and in a desire after Holiness I hope through Grace I can say that there is nothing in all the World if I might have my choice that I desire more than to be like my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ But O how short do I fall both of my Rule and of my Desires my walkings in the ways of God are very uneven and unconstant the corruptions of my heart are so great and so frequently breaking forth by Fleshly Affections and Worldly Desires that if there be any Grace within me it is very hard to diseern it by reason of the sin that doth accompany and go along with it and how then should such a one as I dare to think of dying Were Grace strong and vigorous could I sensibly find the strength encrease and growth of it in a tendency towards perfection I could then think of dying with some courage But the weakness and imperfection of Grace much discourageth me that I cannot with any willingness and chearfulness entertain the thoughts of it in my Soul To this I Answer let not the thoughts of Death discourage thee O weak Christian for Death can no more shall no more hinder the Happiness of a weak Believer than of a strong Believer It is true a strong Faith may carry thee more comfortably to Heaven but a weak Faith will carry thee as truly to Heaven For Faith saves not as it is strong or weak but as it is true and a weak Faith is true Faith as well as a strong Faith Grace and Holiness is of Absolute necessity for every Christian for without them it is impossible to please God or to enjoy him For as the Apostle saith Without Holiness no man shall ever see the Lord. But yet all Christians are not equally Holy there is a measure or stature to which all Christians are
Therefore says God when thou passest through the Waters I will be with thee they shall not overflow thee and when thou walkest thorough the Fire thou shalt not be burnt Esai 43.2 Take Courage therefore O Christian be not afraid of any Affliction be not afrighted no not at the sight of death it self though thou see'st it is a narrow passage a way beset with Briars and Thorns though it be a strait Gate for Flesh and Blood to pass through yet fear not for it is the Gate of Heaven the way that leads unto Glory Be not afraid therefore to walk in the valley of the shadow of death though love of Friends and strength of Body fail thee yet fear not for God will be with thee his Rod and his Staff will support and comfort thee he will be your God and your Guide not only unto death but for ever and ever for he will never never never leave his People nor forsake them till he hath brought them to the eternal enjoyment of himself in Glory Secondly Wouldst thou O Christian be comforted and supported against death then much and often meditate upon the Lord Jesus Christ Now though every thing in Christ and every thing done by Christ be exceeding sweet and precious for unto them that believe he is precious Christ and whole Christ is precious for there is nothing in him or done by him that we can tell how to want But yet I shall instance in some few things more particularly which may be of great Use unto a Christian to meditate upon for his support against the hour of Death As First Meditate often upon the Death and Sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ Now though in general these were so great that they exceed all our Expressions and Apprehensions yet how willingly and patiently did he undergo them all both from God and Man in his Body and in his Soul His Body was racked and tortured in all the parts of it but especially in those parts wherein the sense is most quick and therefore his Pain and Anguish was most afflicting They digged or pierced my hands and my feet saith the Psalmist of him Psal 22.16 He suffered in his Soul also for he conflicted with the wrath of an angry God which was impress'd upon him in such a dreadful manner that had he not had the strength of the Deity to support him it had certainly overwhelm'd him and ground him to Powder For it was pure Wrath without the least mixture of sparing Mercy the great God bated him nothing That 's a sweet Scripture Rom. 8.32 God spared not his own Son And it was well for us that he did not for had he spared him he had not spared us His Death was not common and ordinary but a Death by Crucifixion he humbled himself and became obedient unto Death even the death of the Cross which was a violent death considered in it self and therefore he is said to be cut off out of the Land of the Living though in respect of himself it was voluntary and therefore he tells us I lay down my Life of my self John 10.18 And indeed Christ must either die a voluntary Death or none at all partly because there was no Sin in him to deserve Death and partly because otherwise his death had not been a Sacrifice acceptable and satisfactory unto God for us for that which died of it self was never offered in Sacrifice but that which was slain in its full force and strength This death of Christ was also full of exquisite Pain and Torture and therefore when he was going to encounter with it he screws up his Request to his Father to the highest pitch Matth 26.39 Father if it be possible let this Cup pass from me It was also a death full of shame than which nothing is more cutting to an ingenious noble Spirit And truly in this respect the Thieves that suffered with him fared better than he for they had no Taunts Reproaches and Sarcasms cast upon them they only encountered with Pain But Christ had Pain and Shame also for the Souldiers the Jews the Thieves all scoffed and flouted at him And therefore says the Apostle he not only endured the Cross but he despised the shame Heb. 12.2 But this is not all for the death of Christ was a cursed death Pain was bad and Shame was worse but the Curse is worst of all for he that is hanged on a Tree is accursed of God and therefore Christ that he might shew the greatness of his Love to his People redeemed them from the Curse of the Law being made a Curse for them Gal. 3.13 Now though Christ knew that all these Sufferings and this death should befal him yet so great was his Love to Believers that he underwent all willingly and patiently What godly Man on Earth what Saint or Angel in Heaven can read or hear those Words of his in Luke 12.50 without Astonishment where speaking of his death and sufferings he saith he had a Baptism to be baptized withal which was a Baptism of Blood And how am I straitned till it be accomplished Indeed it is said when the time of his sufferings drew near that he began to be sorrowful that he was sore amazed and very heavy My Soul says he is exceeding sorrowful even unto death Not that Christ repented of his Undertaking when he was to suffer no for when the time of his suffering was come the Holy History tells us he not only went to a place that Judas who betrayed him knew of that so he might be the more readily taken but when his Enemies came thither to apprehend him he went forth to meet them and asked them Whom seek ye And when they told him Jesus of Nazareth he tells them I am he upon which they fell to the ground and as if they were more afraid to apprehend and bring him to his sufferings than he was to suffer he speaks to them again and by his Words Oh how willingly blessed Jesus didst thou go to suffer he doth as it were strengthen and encourage them to go on in their work of laying hold of him he said therefore unto them a second time Whom seek ye They said Jesus of Nazareth Jesus answered them I have told you that I am he if therefore you seek me behold here I am He was a Volunteer in his dying and offering up of himself His death was a Free-will Offering and this made him to become a Sacrifice Psal 40.7 8. Then said I loe I come In the Volume of thy Book it is written of me I delight to do thy Will O God yea thy Law is within my heart As if he had said my very heart is ready for the shedding of my heart-blood Therefore says he I lay down my life no man taketh it from me but I lay it down of my self I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it up John 10.17 18. As if he had said if
Resurrection where thou shalt be out of the reach of all Afflictions and Sorrows and where thou canst not be endangered by sin the Tempter or any of his Temptations And concerning the Resurrection of the Body it is not only one of the most Excellent Mysteries of the Christian Religion but it is also one of its Glorious Advantages It is that which the Heathens with all their deep Reasonings could never attain to the understanding of but though Humane Reason be blind and cannot find out this Glorious Mystery yet we who are Christians have the sure and certain Knowledge of it discovered to us by Divine Revelation and when Reason is once savingly enlightned from above O how the Justice and necessity of the future Resurrection of the Body is not only acknowledged but admired I confess when a Believer is cast upon his Death-bed and his Soul ready to take its leave of the Body in its passage unto Heaven it is no small cause of Joy and rejoycing to consider that as soon as it hath cast off its Earthly Tabernacle it shall be immediately admitted into the Glorious Presence of God himself where it shall view and contemplate his Face with infinite and unspeakable delight and satisfaction But yet that Holy Joy and that Heavenly Sweetness which sometimes is so Powerful that it Ravisheth the Soul of a Believer on a Death-bed whilst it Contemplates that Happiness to which it is going may be disturbed and imbittered by the Consideration of the poor Bodies being cast into the Earth there to become a Feast for Worms to feed upon But be not troubled at this O Believing Soul for this seeming Destruction of thy Body shall not be Eternal though it fall into the Grave by Death where it seems at present to be lost and forgotten yet shall it have a certain Resurrection and then the Ignominy and Disgrace under which it lay in the Grave shall appear not to have been so great as its Resurection out of it shall appear Glorious for it is sown in Corruption but it is raised in Incorruption it is Sown in dishonour but it is raised in Glory it is Sown in weakness it is raised in Power it is Sown a Natural Body it is raised a Spiritual Body in 1 Cor. 15.42 43. Fear not therefore O Believing Soul but commit thy Body with Confidence unto the Earth and let thy Heart rejoyce let thy Tongue be glad and let thy Flesh rest in the hopes of a blessed Resurrection for assure thy self thy Body shall not always lie rotting in the Grave neither shall in there see Corruption for ever but there shall come a time when God shall shew it the path of Life again when thy Soul shall descend from Heaven to assume its new raised body out of the Grave to become a most glorious Body even like unto the glorious Body of Jesus Christ being made more spiritual and so more suitable to the Nature and Operations of the Soul that it may become a fit Partner with it in the Blessedness and Happiness of Heaven for evermore Fourthly Consider the Familiarity that Believers have expressed towards Death Ordinarily indeed Men put death into such ugly shapes and represent it to themselves under such terrible and afrighting forms that they pass their lives under slavery and bondage through the fears of it all their days The visage of Death appears so grim and full of horrour to the minds of some that the serious forethoughts of it seem to them to be a tormenting them before their time O how vastly different are the thoughts of a wicked and a godly man concerning Death and the Grave the one looks upon death as full of Dread and Horrour the other looks upon it as a Messenger of Peace and Joy and how can it be otherwise For to the wicked it comes as a dreadful Enemy armed with the wrath of an angry God which burns to the lowest Hell But to the Godly it comes as a peaceable loving Friend sent with Tydings of Peace and Reconciliation from him who is the God of Peace and Love Natural fear of Death in a wicked Man is great but when natural fear is encreased by guilt lying upon the Conscience and staring a Sinner in the face Oh what dismal Horrour and Confusion must seize upon such a Soul under the Apprehensions of Death Well may such a one look upon the Grave as a Dungeon and Death as Hell it self an awakened Conscience representing to his view nothing but the Fiends and Furies of that Infernal Pit that wait to be the Executioners of the Wrath and Vengeance of the great God upon him in the Woes and Miseries of everlasting Burnings Who wonders therefore to hear such an one crying out upon a Death-bed with Horrour and Anguish of Soul Oh I am so sick I cannot live and yet I am so sinful I dare not die and yet die I must Oh would to God that the serious Thoughts of these things might be laid to heart by all profane Sinners What a happy means might it possibly be to prevent the Horrours and Consternation of Soul in many upon a Death-bed But if Sinners cannot bear the Thoughts of these things in their Minds now for fear of Distraction how will they bear the sight and presence of them then If the thinking and speaking of them now be dreadful the feeling of them will be far more tormenting But now a godly Man thinks and speaks of death after another manner for if he thinks and speaks of death as a godly Man may and ought to do he is so far from being terrified with the thoughts of it that he thinks of it comfortably speaks of it familiarly As it was wont to be the speech of a very Holy Person now with God who was pretty well stricken in years I hope it will not be long before I shall be in Heaven for few live above sixty or seventy years and I am now a good many above fifty certainly therefore it cannot be long before I shall die Thus this Holy Soul being desirous of death did use delightfully to reckon how little time there was to pass between it and Heaven and with a holy longing of Soul reaching after death as one that was troubled that it was so long a coming Thus certainly did holy Job look upon death not as an Enemy nor yet barely as a Stranger but as one of his Friends whom he was well acquainted with took a kind of Deligh and Contentment in it See with what an unusual but yet sweet and familiar manner he salutes and welcomes death and all its Retinue in Job 17.14 I have said to Corruption thou art my Father and to the Worm thou art my Mother and Sister The Holy Man makes no more of Death and the Grave than as if he were going to be embraced by a compassionate Father or a tender-hearted Mother or Sister whose Bowels were full of love and pity to him Thus St. Paul also
enjoyed it longer than you deserved or than he promised you and now that he is come and claims his Interest in it it is but a fitting and becoming thing that you should sit still and he satisfied in his Will Secondly Consider some Arguments in reference to our selves for the moderating of our Griefs and Sorrows under the loss of Friends and Relations And here consider First Who or what are we that we should be discontented or repine at the dealings of the all-wise God with us Alas if we reflect upon our Original what is it Dust and Ashes and out of thence formed by God to be his Creatures for it is he that hath made us and not we our selves and this shews our weakness and impotency But this is not all we are not only God's Creatures made by him and depending upon him but we are sinful Creatures that have rebelled against him the Posterity of Sinful and Apostate Parents that have lost our Primitive Beauty and Excellency whereby we did bear the Image and Resemblance of God in Holiness which is the Glory of God himself and are run in Debt unto his Justice more than we or all the Men on Earth yea or all the Saints and Angels in Heaven are able to pay This God to whom we thus stand indebted is become our great Benefactor gives us all we enjoy maintains us continually at his own proper Cost and Charges for we have nothing but what we receive from Him it is his Corn and Wine that feeds and nourisheth us his Wool and Flax that covers our Nakedness his Silver and Gold that enricheth us Hos 2.8 9. He fram'd us and fashion'd us in the Womb and gave us all the Limbs and Parts of our Bodies so that we were born neither maimed nor monstrous he endued us with Reason and Vnderstanding it is he that is the God of our Health and Strength our Peace our Plenty flow from his Bounty and Goodness to us yea our very Lives and Beings are from him for in him we live and move and have our Beings We are but Worms and if he tread upon any of us he leaves us dead behind him So infinitely below him are we that if we do that which is good we cannot benefit him and if we will venture upon that which is evil we cannot hurt him Now the Contention is between this great and mighty yea Almighty God the Creator and Governour of all Things and Persons and us poor low sinful Dust and Ashes who shall have their Wills in the disposing of our Friends and Relations but his own Creatures whether God's Will shall stand or ours We may pretend what we will to excuse our selves but the plain Truth of things lies in this Contest whose will shall take place Gods or ours whether he or we shall have the disposing of our selves and ours But it is in vain to contend with him for as he will so it is fitting he should do with us and ours as he pleaseth whether we will or no. What saith Elibu Job 34.33 Should it be according to our Minds he will recompence whether we refuse or whether we chuse There is no good to be got by contending with one that is so infinitely above us our wisest way is to be dumb and hold our Peace when God pleads with us by any Affliction Doth not God do all things well Do we not all stand amazed at that infinite Wisdom by which the Heavens and Earth and all the Creatures in both were made and by which they are all governed and disposed Doubtless there is nothing amiss in his Administrations he cannot be subject to any Error who is Wisdom it self all his Works are perfect and good Who date pretend to find fault with what God doth Shall mortal Man be more wise than his Maker Have you lost sweet and lovely Children or dear Yoke-fellows Lay your hands upon your Mouths be not discontented but acquiesce in what God hath done for he always doth what is best for his at present they cannot see it it may be but they shall do hereafter and in the mean time it is their Duty to believe and to trust in him It is not for us to have the Keys of Life and Death to hang at our Girdle to let in and out at our Pleasure Heaven then would be empty enough for our Friends should not go yet if we could help it and our Enemies should never come there if we could hinder them Our Relations would then live too long and our Enemies would die too soon But these things whatever we say or think to the contrary are ruled by an All wise Providence to which we our selves and all our Relation are subjected And it will never be well with us till we can resign up our selves our Relations and all our Comforts unto his wise disposal and say not our Wills but thy Will O Lord be done Secondly Consider your weeping and mourning for the loss of your Friends and Relations is but a vain vexatious thing it is that which will do you no good but may do you much hurt If a Bullock have the Yoke fastened upon him he may by struggling and striving make his Yoke gaul and vex him but it doth not ease him at all thereby The Case is so with thee O Christian God hath afflicted thee sorely by taking away thy Yoke fellow or thy Child if thou wilt not bear it patiently but frettest and murmurest against God all that thou gettest hereby is the more pain and smart but thou dost not help or ease thy self in the least What our Lord saith of our caring for the things of this life is true in grieving for the losses we sustain in this life Which of you says he by taking thought can add one Cubit to his Stature Matth. 6.27 Cares may break our hearts and shorten our days but they cannot add to our Stature So Sorrows under losses may break our Rest and rend our hearts yea they may hasten our death for worldly Sorrow causeth death but it cannot repair our losses nor help us under them When the Hand of God is upon any of our Relations by Sicknesses and Distempers and the purpose of God in reference unto their Death is unknown to us There is now room for Fasting and Prayer that the Evil threatned and feared may not come upon us Tears and Cries unto God now have the nature and use of means to prevent an Affliction from coming upon us But when once the purpose of God is manifested and the fatal stroke is given it is the vainest thing in the World to fret and vex our selves because our Relations are dead Holy David therefore when God had smitten his Child with Sickness being desirous of its life he betakes himself to Fasting and Prayer unto God 2 Sam. 12. and 22. For says he who can tell whether God will be gracious to me that the Child may live But when once God had
unto your Souls by frequent Meditation Dost thou dread this King of Terrours give not way to thy Fears but bring Death often into thy thoughts there is no such hurt in it as thou imaginest nothing that should terrifie a Christian Consider a little what it is that Death can do against thee and what it is Death shall do for thee and then tell me if thou hast any cause to fear it nay tell me what cause thou hast to rejoice in it What is it death can do against thee It may part thee and the World thee and thy Friends yea it will part between thy Soul and thy Body bringing it down into the dust for a time to become a Feast for Worms and this is the worst that Death can do against a Believer But then consider withal what Death shall do for thee why it shall bring thee to a Happiness so great in the enjoyment of God as is unutterable for thee to express and unconceivable for thee to imagine and this not for a time but for ever this death shall do for thee O Christian and surely if thou believest these things with a lively active Faith thou canst not any longer set death at a distance from thee as an Enemy that thou art afraid of but converse with it familiarly as a Friend yea as thy best Friend next unto Jesus Christ Job was thus familiar with death Job 17.14 I have said unto Corruption thou art my Father and to the Worms ye are my Mother and Sister and Brother Accustom thy self therefore O Christian unto the thoughts of death and often think what a happy change thou shalt thereby undergo even an entrance into Heaven and Glory And then though the thoughts of death be full of horrour unto others yet such thoughts unto thee will not only be profitable but exceeding delightful Fourthly If you would die with Courage and Joy then often meditate upon the Death of Christ It is a common Argument and in the Mouths of most Persons that all must die all that have lived before us have gone this way But who is there that takes courage to follow others into the Grave because multitudes are gone thither before them No it is but a poor encouragement to die because other Men like our selves have died before us But when a Christian shall believingly remember and consider that Jesus Christ died and was laid in the Grave not only before us but for us and that he hath there conquered the King of Terrours even upon his own ground this makes a Believer die with a holy courage and descend into the Grave with an undaunted boldness But because Christians so seldom meditate on the Death of Christ therefore are they so afraid of their own death He that hath often conversed with death in the Meditation of the death of Christ as Believers do or should do cannot be afraid to die if he knows what the death of Christ means which he hath meditated upon Savingly to know that Christ is gone before us in death is not only enough to make us cheerful but to make us alive in death He that by Faith contemplates that Christ is gone before him by dying and that in dying he died for him and that he also is alive and lives for him with what abundant joy and consolation may he depart out of this World CHAP. VI. Objections against Death and Vnwillingness to die answered Consolations against the Fear of Death in general Comforts against the Death of Friends and Relations in particular The Saints great Gain by Death propounded as a Motive and Encouragement unto Christians against the Fears of it THough it be the Duty of Christians to die willingly yea with Courage and Joy to commit their Souls into the hands of God yet are there many who cannot overcome their fears of death so as to be willing to die and the Reasons thereof are such as these First say some We could be content to die had we but attained unto sixty or seventy years as some Men do but alas we are young in the prime of our years and in the strength of our Days The Sun of our Life hath not been long up and must it go back and decline yea and set also already We are willing to die hereafter but O that God would spare us a little longer To this I answer these are foolish pityings of thy self For if it please the Great God in whose Hands thy life is thy breath and all thy ways that thou must die young hast thou any Injustice to charge him withal What wrong hath he done thee in cutting short the thread of thy life Thou hast forfeited thy life into his Hands long since and if sparing Mercy hath continued the Forfeiture and given thee a space and time of Repentance though not so long as thou desirest yet more than thou deservest yea and more than he owed thee Thou shouldst therefore rather be thankful for it and with all diligence improve it than repine that it is so short or be unwilling to part with it so soon For though long life may be a Blessing yea is promised so yet if thou art a Believer a short life shall be no Curse unto thee To a pardoned Soul all things are Blessings yea Death it self for the bitterness of it is taken away Righteous Abel though young dies and dies by Murder whilst wicked Cain the Murderer of him lives some hundreds of years after When God who is the great Lord of Time and measures out to every one what number of days they shall live hath appointed unto thee the day and hour of thy departure though the days of thy life be but as a span long compared with the lives of others yet is it in vain to contend with God thou may'st trouble thy self and make thy life uncomfortable but thou can'st not alter God's Decrees for he is of one Mind as Job speaks and who can turn him That is none can and therefore chearfully yield up thy self unto his Will But possibly thou wilt say I would live longer that I might serve and honour God more If thou art sincere in what thou sayest it is well but if God will take the Will for the Deed and accept of what thou hast done already and reward thee with the eternal Enjoyment of himself immediately hast thou any Cause to complain What if thou gettest to Heaven twenty or thirty years before thy Father or Brother or many other of thy Acquaintance that are travelling with their Faces Heaven-ward and have been so many years already Will it grieve thee that thou art got to Heaven too soon where if thou art a Christian thou always hast a desire to be I assure thee thy Friends and Relations though they may not envy thy Happiness yet if they had but once tasted the Sweetness thereof their longings after it would be so great that they would continually cry out Oh Time hasten and flee away that