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A53308 The stone rolled away, and life more abundant an apologie urging self-denyal, new-obedience, faith, and thankfulnesse / by Giles Oldworth ... Oldisworth, Giles, 1619-1678. 1663 (1663) Wing O255; ESTC R8404 298,711 491

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quite over Hell There is now but a step [22] 1 Sam. 20.3 between us and Death and [23] 1 Thes 4.14 1 Cor. 15.52 1 John 3.14 not a step between Death and Heaven Death is swallowed up into [24] 1 Cor. 15.54 52 Victory that is as the phrase importeth into Eternity Could we not step beyond Death the foresight of Death would sting us unto the very heart but Jehovah [25] Judges 6.24 Shallom Faith vieweth every thing in the words of Jehovah who giveth being unto every Promise The mighty Jesus is ascended nor is it possible to [26] Christus etsi solus resurrexit tamen non totus Bernard detain the [27] John 6.39 54 56 11.25 26 14.19 20 17.23.24 redeemed from [28] Esay 43.1 49.24 their Redeemer a Christian from Christ his Lord a member on earth from [29] Esay 43.21 The Head in Heaven Wherefore unlesse thy heart be a heart of Vnbelief Let not thy heart be troubled Believe in God believe also in Christ Is thy desire toward thy Saviour thy Saviour reacheth forth his hand It shall be unto thee no trouble at all to [30] Rom. 7.24 compared with Job 19.27 passe from death which of an old enemy is made a new Friend unto life now no more mortal but everlasting Is thy [31] Matth. 25.6 24.44 midnight soul upon departure Let her go forth to meet him whom her soul loveth Behold her Bridegroom cometh yea rather is [32] John 14.8 already gone gone [33] John 14.3 to prepare a place for thee I say for thee In my Fathers house are many Mansions and because many one [34] Ibid. for Thee Verily there remaineth a [35] 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Similitudo sumpta ab uno comitum qui in itinere praegressus ad diversorium ibi caeteris cubicula assignat efficitque ut venientibus parata sint v. 3. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hic ut c. 12.32 valet postquam 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Continuatur similitudo nam solent qui primi in diversorium venerunt caeteris jam adventantibus obviam procedere eos inlroducere idem quod Christus Act. 1.11 red●●●s effecturus erit Grotius in Joan. 14.2 3 35. Heb. 4.9 See Mr. Baxter his Saints everlasting Rest. Rest for thy soul into thy Fathers bosome resign thy spirit 4. Thy greater trouble is Against the corruption of our sinful Nature not that thou shalt dye in the Lord but that thou dost live in the flesh I say not the shadow of death but the [1] Rom. 7.13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 23 body of sin dishearreneth a gracious soul Give me any death but the death of sin To do evil is to [2] Compare Isa 59 2. with Psalm 125.5 depart from God and this is indeed a [3] Compare Psal 28.3 with Luke 13.27 sad departure for this Let your heart be troubled provided your trouble be a sanctified trouble such a sorrow shall be turned into joy into a spiritual joy inasmuch as from this Gospel you who believe may [4] Isa 66.11 such strong consolations Thou broken and contrite heart as assuredly as thou mournest thou [5] Isa v. 2.57.15 Luke 6.20 21 shalt be comforted Watch over thine [6] Isa 21.36 Psalm 18.23 own sin Give thy self [7] 1 Thess 5.17 unto prayer Be ever [8] 2 Pet. 1.10 upon Duty Exercise thy self unto (9) 1 Tim. 4.7 godlinesse Giving all (10) 2 Pet. 1.5 3.18 diligence strive to grow in grace and in the delightfull knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord so doing Let not thy heart be dismayed Know Sin was a (11) Videbat eos commo'os de antccedentibus de abnegatione sermonibus Grotius in Joan. 14.1 chief trouble of these Disciples hearts To forsake Him who hath loved and chosen us To love our selves more then we do love him in whom the great God is so well-pleased This you will yield is a very great defection He (†) Luke 9.23 Mark 8.38 that taketh not up His Crosse his daily crosse neither followeth Christ crucified into whatsoever perils this his crucified Lord shall conduct him such a one is unworthy of so great so good a Master Whoso is ashamed of Jesus Christ of him Jesus Christ hath just reason to be more much more ashamed Meek he is yet the wrath of this Lamb hath as justly as mercifully threatened that Whosoever denyeth Him before (12) Matth. 10.33 2 Tim. 2.12 frail men here upon earth him will He deny before his dread Father in heaven In one word (13) Rev. 21.8 Hell is a portion for the fearfull and fearfull were these Disciples neverthelesse so far was Christ Jesus from not forgiving them their trespasses that he most compassionately preventeth them Let not your heart be troubled Wherefore all ye who (14) Ezek. 6.9 20.43 36.31 loath your selves for your iniquities loath your selves and them more and more Alas no (15) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Toad is so ugly in mans sight as mans venomous nature is in the holy eyes of the most pure God A sinfull condition is an (16) Psalm 51.5 Job 25.6 odious condition wicked deeds are shamefull deeds gracelesse practices are wretched practices practices better becoming the Devils who are accursed of God then the Disciples who were blessed of the Lord Mean while Give God the glory (17) Haec alia adduxerunt Gregorium ut clamaret O Faelix culpa quae talem meruit habere redemptorem Quae verba ego non facilè dicerem siquidem in illâ causâ nihil video quod non sit miserum flebile Pet. Martyr ubi infra 27. His arm is not shortened that it cannot save He can remove from us as well all our staines as all our guilt He who delivered us from so great a death could had he seen cause so to do have quite warded off the lesser wounds The Lord Christ could have strengthened his Disciples every whit as much before his Ascension as after his Ascension he did and would he so please He could since Adams fall make us every way as perfect as before that fall of Adam we were yea he is able to make us both as unspotted of sin and as gloriously gracious in this present evil world as we shall be in the next This he is able to do but he according to His wisdom seeth cause to the contrary this this alone may comfort us against our sinfull nature that God the infinite God is wise His wisdome is a Believers comfort And yet Why hast thou made us to err [1] Esay 63.17 from thy wayes Wretched men that we are whence is it that the sanctifying Spirit [2] Relictae quidem suat animi vires actiones verum destitutae suâ rectitudine atque idcirco pravae corruptae Pet. Martyr Lo. Com. Classis secnad cap. 1. sect 25. leaveth in our vile hearts the remainders the dregs
thou unmask thy seeming despair mayst find that thou art now more theu ever exalting thy heart against the great God having wearied thy self in the greatness of thy ways thou wouldest now lye down in thy shame I therefore beseech thee who so ever thou art that lyest under this Temptation see what an idle shift this of thine is It is meerly a device to convert guilt into sloath to add drunkenness unto thirst to despise the long-suffering and goodness of a patient God to treasure up wrath against the day of wrath I to blow the coals of Juniper and to heap those coals upon thy (4) Psal 68 21 wounded head He that is wicked let him (5) Rev 22 11 if he dareth be wicked still saith God it should seem thou darest but ere ever thou leap into the bottomless pit look a little for if Judas could not undergo the scrutiny of his own conscience how canst thou (6) Psal 1.5 stand in judgement if he were such a Coward that he could not find in his heart to break off sin by righteousness how canst thou away with unquenchable flames I tell thee that (7) Mat 25 26 servant had never been so wicked had he not been so sloathful Whether is easier to pluck out thy right eye to cut off thy right hand and to exercise a godly sorrow for the present or to endure weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth for ever in one word had Judas had the grace to have industriously followed S. Peters example in Repentance he had not died in his sins he had never been a Traitor unto himself nor unto his Lord the blessed Redemer of lost mankind 2. This Scripture shaketh unbelievers for being so guilty Ye that are none of you in my Text 2 For being so guilty ye who have hitherto despised grace ye who have professed your selves to have been Christians who have thought your selves to have been Disciples but have refused unto this very day to follow Christ the whole Genius of this Text doth shake you inside out it shaketh you over and over 1. 1 In troubling their heart Notwithstanding so many perplexities were hard at hand might not these Disciples hearts be troubled Then woe (1) Isa 3 11 to the wicked it shall be ill with him the wicked are like a (2) Isa 57 20 troubled sea choaked with their own mud So long as Ahab sorsook Gods Commandments not Elijah (3) 1 Kin 18 18 but he troubled Israel When Achan stole the wedge of gold it was (4) Josh 7 25 his own fault that he was troubled he himself (5) Pro 15 27 troubled his own soul nor can there be found an excuse for thee Oh thou vain man who sufferest the death of sin to be ever gnawing upon thee thy heart of unbelief plucketh upon it self the worst of troubles that of (6) Gen 4 7 1 Sam 25 31 sin and guilt While thou dost trouble thy self with every thing except with (7) Luk 10 42 Phil 2 12. what thou shouldest thou dost take a course to bear thine iniquities 2. This Scripture may make thee exceedingly shake and tremble 2 In not believing God for being so unworthy in thy dealing with the Majesty of God thou canst lean to thine own understanding but not unto Gods wisdom thou canst give credit unto the father of lyes yet refusest to believe thy God which cannot (1) Tit 1 2 lye thou hast (2) Deut 32 20 no faith for the God of Truth he made thee he preserveth thee he provideth in a plentiful manner for thee he alone maintaineth thee yet thou wilt not dread his (3) Pro 1 29 Mic 6 9 Threats thou wilt not believe (4) Psal 119 66 Isa 56 4 65 12 his command thou wilt not (5) 2 Cor 7 1 3 In nor believing in Christ trust to his promises 3. The Instruction in my Text reproveth thee as for not believing in God so for not believing in Christ This is the work of God That ye (1) Joh 6 29 believe in him whom God hath sent but thou art for no such work thou valuest not his blood and wounds he suffered death upon the Cross purposely for thee thou wilt not be at the pains to look (2) Isa 45 22 Zech 12.10 up to him Hear him saith (3) Mat 17 5 God Hear him not saist thou It is (4) Mat 24 35 decreed That his words shall not pass away for thy share for ought that thou carest they may all fall to the ground He is (5) John 14 6 neither way nor truth nor life to thee He is to thee (6) 1 Cor 1 30 neither Wisdom nor Righteousness nor Sanctification 4. The good Angel in my Text strippeth thee quite naked leaveth thee without shelter 4 In not heeding the Mansions justly suffereth thee to shake again for not so much as once minding the house built without hands Needs must the (1) Luk 14 18 Farmer go to see the piece of ground which he had bought The Inheritance which is given unto thee thou hast no Contemplation for When one upbraided (2) Diog. Laer. de vita Philos lib. 2. Anaxagoras for studying Philosophy so much that he neglected his Country Anaxagoras pointing his finger up toward heaven replied Nay the chief thing which I regard is my Country thou who too much mindest earthly things that finger pointeth to thee he thought himself (3) Ibid. Psalm 8.3 born to behold the Moon the Sun and the Heavens but thou foolish Wretch art for no such Philosophy thou art (4) Jer 2.12 encompassed about with the heavens yet keepest at a distance from them Ungrateful and heedless Wreth the God of thy Being hath been at the expence of building for thy pleasure Princely Palaces heavenly Mansions but thou art more for a nastie Dungeon 5. 5 In all four neglects together Bind these several twigs into one Rod ye that are none of them in my Text where is your understanding How is it that ye can forsake these Mansions yea and God and Jesus Christ also for (1) Eccle 1.14 mere vanity and vexation of spirit Is this reasonable to exchange (2) Gal 6 16 Peace for trouble true (3) Luk 16 11 riches for that (4) Prov 23 5 which is not To doat upon earth (5) Col 3 1 and forget heaven Ah how unthankful is that soul which would part with the Mansions of heaven to purchase utter darkness Again where are your brains (6) Isa 5● 13 57 11. 54 16 17 Deut 32.18 Jer 5 22 2 8 while ye trust the world more then God who made it while ye exchange an Al-sufficient God for a Creature which cannot profit Once more is this common sense to reject a mighty (7) Isa 63 10 1.2 Redeemer and to entertain that (8) 1 Pet 5.8 roaring Lion which at this very instant gapeth to
paratam lo ●è toculentissimam amp●●ssimam bonis omnib●●● instra●ctissimam Jac. Capellus Ostendit hoc nomine Apostolos Deo fi●ere debere quod in domo Patris sui variae sint paratae mansiones A transsugis sumpta Metaphora quibus magno solatio èst habere varia Asyla ad consugièndu quae promittit Christus sive praesentem vitam spectes sive futuram Zegerius moment if compared unto the 3 Mansions in my Fathers House Fifthly Imagine these afflictions I which for the present seen so grievous were worthy to be compared unto the Joyes that are set before us yet [1] Deur 4.29 believe in God God is [2] Psal 47.7 King of all the earth Again I say believe in God Faithfull are the [3] Prov. 27.6 3.11 Job 5.17 Heb. 12.6 Revel 3.19 wounds of a Friend I know O Lord that thy Judgements are true and that thou in 4 very faithfulnesse hast afflicted me Sixthly Believe also in Christ In Him thou mayest find peace He [1] John 14.29 foretelleth thee that he hath [2] John 16.33 overcome the world for thee He hath [3] John 13.15 given thee an Example of [4] Luke 21.29 possessing thy Soul in patience His peace he [5] John 14.27 giveth unto thee and what he giveth that he [6] ibid. leaveth with thee He putteth that into thine eye which will make thee see the better soweth that in thy [7] Psalm 126.5 Heb. 12.11 tears which will bring forth fruit to thine accompt even the peaceable fruits of Righteousnesse Once Jesus Christ doth in thy sufferings give thee the [8] Phil. 2 Cor. 4.11 Credit the Reputation the honour of having a fellowship in his sufferings A second Life of Comfort here is Against the death of our Friends namely [1] Videbat eos commotos antecedentibus de suâ morte Sermonibus it áque eos erigit Grotius in John 14.1 against the [2] 2 Sam. 1.26 18.33 John 11.3.33 Phil. 2.27 Death of our Friends Thou who art a follower of God art thou troubled on every side So were these Disciples Art thou disappointed of worldly hopes So were these Disciples Is some dear Friend deceased Loe these Disciples were [3] John 13.33 16.6 fain to part with their dearest Jesus What it was to be bereaved of so good a Master you have [4] viz. p. 235. already seen but This was not all When Jesus had escaped death was [5] Luke 24.21 beyond all hopes raised from the Grave was beyond all hopes restored unto them again for his Disciples then again to lose Him to lose Him whom [6] Cant. 3.4 their Soul had found Him who [7] Revel 1.18 was dead and is alive and behold he liveth for evermore This this is much very much One would think if at Christ his death his Disciples hearts were troubled they would have been at his [8] Acts 1.6,11 ascension troubled much more Did I not say unto my Lord [9] 2 Kings 4.28 Do not deceive me If when Christ dyed all their hopes [10] Luke 24.21 dyed with him then much more when he arose their hopes [11] Luke 33.34 Acts 1.11 revived also Consider now For Jesus after that he had overcome death to depart from his Disciples again to depart from them now no more by a necessity of death but during health and life to ascend from them [12] Luke 24.9 just then when they [13] Luke 24.6 expected the issue of his [14] Matth. 21.7 8 riding in triumph of his [15] Matth. v. 9 15 accumulated Hosanna's of his declaring and owning of himself to be the [16] Matth. 2.2 27.11 King of the Jewes the long expected [17] Matth. 21.15 Luke 2.11 Son of David yea the [18] Matth. 3.17 17.5 Rom. 1.4 Son the only Son of the great and only God Loe ye here a tryal yet see when this dear this potent friend thus unexpectedly ascended I say when the most loving Jesus most unexpectedly departed his Disciples which had formerly drooped were now so far from being at all troubled that they were [19] Luke 24.52 filled with great joy Consider consider my Beloved When the God of all flesh taketh away from us our best our nearest friends he can and if we trust in him he will leave a greater comfort [20] John 14.16 16.17 behind them This for the death of others Against our fear of death Is now thlne own death thy [1] 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Arist terrour I say is the darknesse of the shadow of death thy discomfort Fear thou [2] Psal 23.4 none evil He who hath [3] Joh. taught thee to live will [4] Phil. 4.13 help thee to dye Women bring forth in sorrow but it is to their comfort for their repeated pains in Child-bearing [5] 1 Tim. 2.15 teach that fearful Sex how to overlook a lesser pain namely that of death As when the Moon so when the soul is in the change she is then nearest unto the [6] Psalm 84.11 Sun When Christ came from Bozrah his dyed [7] Esay 63.1 Garments drew the [8] 1 Cor. 15.56 Fiducia Christianorum resurrectio mortuorum Tertul. de carnis resur sting out of Death and as of the flesh of Adders are made Antidotes against poyson so of that sting is now made a Cordial for the deceasing Party The Grave seemeth to [9] Prov. 30.16 Rom. 3.13 gape like the red Sea mean while it maketh way for our more speedy coming unto the promised Rest Christ was placed within the Grave that we [10] 2 Cor. 4.10 Col. 3.4 See Bishop Reynolds his Churches Triumph over Death might step over it with ease The Believer now a dying is onely passing from death to life nay more from the death of sin unto him who is [11] John 14.6 1 John 3.2 Col. 3.3 4 The Life The Earth provideth a Rest for our Bodies the Heavens contain a Rest so our souls but Jesus Christ will be a Rest unto them both True Death [12] Rom. 5.12 passed upon all these Disciples This [13] John 21 19 spake Christ signifying by what death he should glorifie God viz. Peter was to put off his earthly Tabernacle [14] 2 Pet. 1.14 shortly As for St. James he was [15] Acts 12.2 killed with the Sword Great very great [16] Gal. 2.9 Matth. 19.28 were these Apostles but notwithstanding their greatnesse as (17) Psal 82.7 Princes so THEY must dye like men A Believers Comfort is [18] Job 30.23 not that he shall not dye but that he shall not dye the everlasting death of common men Of the beloved Disciple himself the Lord Jesus never said [19] John 21.23 he shall not dye but Unto him he said [20] John 14.2 In my Fathers House are many Mansions The least child of God can now [21] Revel 1.18 fetch a stride
ever was is 1 and will be his own we betray our trust if by us God be not glorified Let prophane wretches know that the next time that the Lord prepareth another world for them they shall seek magnifie and love not It but Him O ye fools when will ye understand If the Vessel be pleasant for use for shame (1) Si alia nulla nobis esset merces illud tamen vel maximè nobis ad gloriam valeret si divinis in laudibus versari aon indigni haberemur siquidem qui principum laudes eloquuniur vel hoc uno si nihil reliquae esset mercedis quod Principem magni faciunt satis videntur ornamenti assequu●i Idem è Chrysost take cognizance of the Potter if the building be so wonderful to the eye look up unto the great Master-builder You who mind earthly things God hath sent every atom within this vast Universe to invite you unto himself Friend Hast thou no glory to attribute unto him who made both thee and what thing soever thou thy self desirest create one worm one grain one hair one grasse one dust nay create the very paring of thy nails or the very dropping of thy nostrils if thou canst Look on all else which thou possessest Tell me now those works of God which thine eyes behold are none of them worth (2) Psalm 28.7 a song Span the Heavens measure the earth number the variety of works in either and is it possible that you can despise the contriver of all these Rarities Have you so excellent a prospective and as yet do ye not discern him who layed the Foundations of the earth Must it be that of all which is everywhere before thine eyes not any one creature can hitherto (3) Quid scribam nisi ut te exhorter ed bonam mentem Hujus fundamentum quid sit quaeris Ne gaud as vanis Fundamentum hoc esse d●x etiam culmen est Ad summam pervenit qui scit quo gaudct Sen. l. 3. ep 13. ad Lucil. win thee over unto the Father of all things Are the marvailous works of Him whose Name is Wonderfull so much below your notice above your apprehension they are shall they be below your notice too God saw that whatsoever he made was very good seest thou not how that God is in Himself infinitely more good Hear O Heavens give ear O earth the Lord he (4) Jer. 23.24 Acts 17.27 filleth both Heaven and Earth but the Sons of Adam will not know it They do know it but will not Of all the creatures Lord in sea and land (1) Mr. George Herbert in his Poem entituled Providence viz. his Church mihi p. 109. Only to man thou hast made known thy wayes And put the pen alone into his hand And made him Secretary of thy praise Beasts fain would sing birds ditty to their notes Trees would be tuning on their native Lute To thy renown but all their hands and throats Are brought to Man while they are lame mute Man is the worlds high Priest he should present The sacrifice for all while They below Vnto the service mutter an assent Such as springs use that fall and winds that blow He that to praise and laud thee doth refrain Doth not refrain unto himself alone But robs a thousand who would praise thee fain And doth commit a world of sin in one God is [1] Esay 28.29 excellent in working but as the Apostle [2] 1 Cor. 9.6 pleadeth for himself hath he not a power to forbear working Verily he hath Yet loe he made he preserveth he governeth the curious wheels of the worlds most [3] 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Arist. de Caelo lib. 2. cap. 14. exquisite Fabrique For this end he maketh preserveth ruleth it that his Name may be glorified glorified not by things which cannot reflect upon his Excellencies but by us reasonable creatures The [3] Criminibus debent hortos praetoria mensas spacious Gardens and Orchards the sumptuous Structures and Buildings the superfluous Plate and Furniture the expensive Retinue and Apparel of Rich men are commonly more for pomp then for use Forsooth the owners fancie while you gaze upon their wealth ye will admire [4] 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Arist their persons Ye know how much the Ambassadors had dis-obliged King Hezekiah had they refused to view his Treasures and yet Hezekiah provided not these Treasures for those Ambassadors sakes Now what is ostentation in foolish man in God is not vain but solid glory To be at the [5] Luke 14.24 Matth. 22.4 Hos 2.8 charge of a Banquet and the treatment not at all resented to make a costly preparation for the welcome of a friend and for that friend when come to overlook all as altogether inconsiderable Such neglects were as uncivil as ungrateful as absurd as uncivil How much more if these neglects proceed not from a superiour but from an equal not from some of our equals but from some inferiour servant yea from some beggarly malefactor Beloved the case is the same infinitely the same and more [6] Omnia omnibus clament se Deum habere conditorem cui parere quem extollere est ordo totius universi Augustin between us and our God Mans heart is [1] 1 Cor. 3.19 foolish at the best but such as [2] Eph. 4 18 affect ignorance shall have even their foolish heart [3] Rom. 1.21 darkned their imaginations shall become vain and their affections vile knowledge is [4] Pro. 14.6 easie unto him that understandeeth therefore most equal it is that [5] Matth. 14.12 25.29 Mark 4.25 Luke 8.18 from him that hath no mind to know God as God is revealed in his Works should be taken away that little benefit of the Scripture which he might have So nearly are we concerned in [6] Acts 17.24 27 all which is before us that [7] Epb. 2.12 whoso live without God in the world do for their part annihilate the whole Creation at once nay what is worse they do render [9] Tit. 1.15 heaven and earth hurtful unto themselves and themselves [10] Rom. 14.23 offensive unto their Preserver By God men live and [11] Acts 17.28 live in the world yet so [12] Esay 1.13 great is their stupidity they live in the world without God! The world which should [13] Rom. 2.4 Acts 17.30 lead us toward him draweth such from him It should be our conduct they make it their [14] Hos 2.12 Rom. 1.23 seducement it should be our Remembrancer they make it their Detainer Through a childish mis-usage [15] Jer. 8.7 the same Spectacles which should help their eyes hinder their sight By the things which are made is [16] Rom. 1.20 clearly seen the eternal power of the Godhead clearly seen it may be but is not looked after nay some there are who [17] Jer. 8.5 9.6 wilfully look from it I
for it p. 80. 81 342 Self-denial tryeth the truth of graces p. 350 Sin why remainders of it in the elect p. 266-269 Spirit Sow to it p. 326. joy in it p. 431. 435 Talents may not be un-improved p. 317. 323 336 Tapers their use in Cathedrals not insignificant p. 122 Time an exceeding precious talent p. 96 Unbelievers in effect drudges for true believers p. 240. 331. shaken from their shifts p. 56-61 guilty of troubling their own hearts p. 62. of distrusting God and his Christ p. 62. 63 of despising heavenly mansions p. 63. of death spiritual p. 65-71 of death eternal p. 71 72. awakened to a holy fear p. 73 74. answered their manifold objections p. 76-80 called to the life of faith p. 80 84 253-257 to peace of conscience p. 85. 86. to perseverance p. 88. 89. by several motives p. 90-108 Unbelief a sin most inexcusable p. 319. most accursed p. 318. 320 Ungodlinesse aggravateth guilt p. 312. 313 Unthankfulnesse an argument of unbelief p. 320 White Vestments suit with a Gospel-purity p. 369 Worldly blessings accompany the peace of the Gospel p. 28. 397 406-413 and oblige us to glorifie our God ibid. Zeal why so strictly required in Believers p. 310. 311 314. MARK 16.4 And when they looked they saw that the stone was rolled away for it was great Imprimatur Ex. Aed Sab. Decemb. 20. 1662. Geo. Stradling S. T. P. Rev. in Christo Patri Gilb. Episc Lond. à S. Domest THE STONE ROLLED AWAY AND LIFE more ABVNDANT JOHN 14.1 2. Let not your heart be troubled ye believe in God believe also in me In my Fathers house are many Mansions ROM 10.17 Faith cometh by hearing The Introduction I dare not therefore distrust your attention So your heavenly Redeemer prepare for each of you a Mansion in his Fathers house as ever ye believe that where His Gospel is preached there the Power of his Spirit is present to heal Even so Lord Jesus Time was when the (1) Deut. 32.8 Dew the (2) Pro. 16.21 Sweetness of (3) Pro. 10.32 thy blessed lips once (4) Can. 4.11 dropped once (5) Psal 45.2 graced as well this Text of mine as other thy Gospels Oh that now while it is called to day the Inspirations the Breathings of thy Holy Spirit would vouchsafe to sanctifie would vouchsafe to bless unto us as well this Discourse of mine as other thine Ordinances Beloved The Method that the Sun of Righteousness may at this time delight to arise upon us with healing in his wings it is at this time my Duty therefore to explain these words that I may profitably apply them First 1. The Explication of the Text. then Let not your heart be troubled ye believe in God believe also in me In my Fathers house are many Mansions The manner how delivered Words all Gospel and all Epistle I mean full of Doctrines and full of Vses too Words full of Passion and as full of Compassion spoken to the heart yea and from the heart too unexpectedly ushered in and as abruptly uttered forth Let not your heart be troubled A Reproof smiting friendly a Reproof pouring out excellent (1) Psal 1●1 5 Oyl though soft smooth yet fetcheth out the poyson which lieth in the stomack B. Rey●o'ds in his Rich Mans Charge p. 7. oyl Ye believe in God believe also in me An Exhortation cloathed with Instruction cloathed with Evangelical Instructions In my Fathers house are many Mansions A Consolation a strong consolation a strong consolation far fetched fetched even from the highest heavens Beloved The Party speaking ye may know the man from his manner of Communication Surely the Hand nay the Heart of Jesus is in all this It is so Compare this verse with that next above The same Jesus which answereth there Thou shalt deny me thrice the same Jesus answereth here Let not your heart be troubled The Party speaking we know Jesus we know The Persons spoken to but Who are ye your heart Answ Some Greek Copies prefix 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He saith unto his Disciples Imagine that Varia lectio Apocryphal admit it not the Dictate of the Holy Ghost but the Annotation of some busie Transcriber Nevertheless more then manifest it is (1) c. 13.22 35. who The persons here spoken unto are They prove themselves to be Disciples Disciples of Christ the chief of the Disciples of Christ all twelve of them excepting (2) c. 13 30. Judas one not worthy the looking after The Disciples spoken to we see Jesus speaking The occasion of Christs speaking here we hear But Vpon what occasion speaketh he Answ S. Chrysostom and from him Theophylact they therefore repute these former words one Argument of Christs divine nature for that then when his Disciples here stood silent He of Himself perfectly knew the secret troubles of their heart But saving the esteem due unto so great Fathers that Jesus Christ was as well God as man the latter clause of this verse (1) Plscator in locum better proveth and that Jesus knew all things other Scriptures sufficiently declare we need not to discompose this Text. Were no other causes manifest yet one plain and visible reason wherefore the hearts of the Disciples should be the less troubled may be (2) Maldonat in locum derived from Christs approaching Resurrection or rather from his approaching Ascension That our Redeemer here looketh quite thorough his Resurrection unto the hour of his ascending I demonstrate from c. 13.33 from c. 13.1 and from this c. 14.1 2. 1. From 1 Proof from c. 13.33 Whether I go ye cannot come They could drink (1) Mat. 20.23 of Christs bitter cup could be baptized could be plunged into a (2) Phil. 3.10 fellowship of his sufferings but unto the Heavens whither he now went they could not now come neither their souls while they abode in the flesh nor their bodies until the general resurrection 2. 2 Proof from c. 13.1 The hour was come wherein Jesus should go not only out of the world but to the Father All Divines own a difference between that measure of joy which departed souls now receive and that consummation of bliss which they shall finally participate together with their glorified bodies But some very learned Interpreters critically distinguish between that (1) Vide sis Grotium in Lucae 23.43 part of Heaven wherein blessed souls do now abide and that whereunto say they the same souls shall at the time of the Restitution of all things be everlastingly exalted They tell us That S. Paul's (2) 2 Cor. 12.24 Paradise was inferiour to his third heaven they affirm That during Christs death Christs soul was only as the Jews call it in (3) Luke 23 43. Paradise and as others phrase it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 (4) Fuit dives quidem 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sed sait 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 etiam Lazarus nam
Labourers some will wax idle The Temple at Jerusalem could never be so exactly repaired but that some part of it or other would ever be amiss Nor is Holiness inherent to the Levite One (2) Num. 25.11 Phinehas is seldom so good but (3) Sam. 22. another is as bad At this very time wherein Jesus now spake as he had v. 22. his Judas Thaddeus so he had c 13.26 his Judas (4) John 6.70 Iscariot too 2. A second Stone is removed by the manner whereafter the order wherein Obser from the the manner order and matter of the words the matter whereof the Wisdom of the Father doth here speak 1. As I told you what is here uttered is delivered feelingly and pathetically What proceedeth from Him proceedeth as well from the flowings of his love as from the openings of his lips 2. The Order of the words maketh things temporal an occasion unto things spiritual leadeth from Nature to Grace from reason in the heart to Faith in Christ from troubles in the world to Mansions in Heaven bringeth us from outward troubles to inward duties from inward duties to the recompence of the reward guideth us through a world of troubles into a kingdom of Grace from a kingdom of Grace unto a Crown of Glory 3. The Matter here spoken of is not some barren needless Punctilium but matter worthy him that preacheth viz. the great concernments of the soul the property and efficacy of faith the means and certainty of Salvation Which three circumstances twisted into one example fully separate between the profitable and unprofitable Teacher For while on the left hand they explode that sleight of Oratory which rejecteth Christs but admireth (1) Stultissimum credo ad imitandum non optima quae que proponere Piin. lib. 1. Epist 5. mans wisdom on the right they approve that wholesome method which imitateth not man Invention but Christs pattern viz. On the right hand this commendeth that great part of our English Clergy which are indeed Stewards of the Mysteries of God Stewards as faithful as able Lights as well burning as shining meek lowly gentle patient of a dove-like innocency and of a willing compliance yet valiant for the Truth zealous of good works bold to preach the Gospel (1) 1 Thes 2.2 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and very zealous for their Lord of Hosts In these the Word dwelleth richly and in all wisdom too especially in that (2) Prov. 11.30 choice Wisdom which winneth souls These (3) Prov. 15.2 use their knowledge aright exceeding learned they are and are because they are exceeding learned mighty in the Scriptures When these speak they so speak as the Oracles of their God when these minister they so minister as of the ability which God giveth Beloved by the Word thus preached what people upon earth is exalted so near heaven as our Island is What Nation under heaven can muster up so many Watchmen which cry aloud and spare not so many Chariots and Horsemen of Israel which fight the Lords battles as England can Blessed yea blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for (4) O si videam in vita mea ecclesiam talibus nixam columnis O si Domini sponsam cernerem tantae commissam fi●●● tantae c●e litam puritati● quid me beatius quid ve securius Bernard lib. 1. ad Eugenium his unspeakable Mercy herein unto this whole Kingdom yea and accursed be he that shall once attempt to roll away these tried stones A (5) Josh 8 32. Copy of the Law is written upon these stones These we erect as a (6) Josh 4.7 Memorial before the Lord for ever Behold These shall (7) Josh 24.27 witness unto us lest we deny the Lord. On the other hand For Zions sake I will not hold my peace Alas I cannot chuse but stumble at too many even of our English Divines who make it their utmost endeavour to preach learnedly indeed but not unto Edification Should (1) Job 15 2 3. a wise man utter vain knowledge Should he reason with unprofitable Talk or with speech that can do no good Away then with that manner of preaching which contriveth more to repeat Authours or to boast languages then to edifie souls The Son of God abhorred Affectation of Literature yet spake (2) Mat. 7.29 John 7.15 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He could have spoken with tongues more then us all yet never did he make himself a (3) 1 Cor. 14.11 19. Barbarian He sought not to amuse but to awaken Away also with that sort of preaching which (4) Id habent curae non quomodo Scripturarum medullas ebibant sed quomodo aures populi Declamatorum flosculis mulceant S. Hieron aimeth more to imitate an Oration of Tully then a Narration of Christs Away away with these quaint modish Discourses they have in them neither (5) John 6.63 spirit nor life Sermons yield but (6) 1 Cor. 13.1 harsh Musique to the ear if they afford neither method for the memorie nor matter for the thirsty soul nor do they ever make less impression upon the heart then when they are delivered (7) 1 Cor. 2 1. Conciones sacrae esse debent nec delicatae nec cincinnatae Zanch. Orat. most in print your starched pieces never yet sat close upon the Hearer Alas what is if this be not Verba dare (8) Hos 8 ● 12.1 to feed Ephraim with wind I verily presume that a meer Puny shall do more good by speaking one word (9) Isa 50.4 in due season then shall the tongue of the learned when at any time it disdaineth the Things which become sound doctrine All Scripture is (10) 2 Tim. 3.16 profitable for Doctrine for Reproof for Correction c. but there is a new found Rhetorique now adaies which stoopeth not so low as these It is now the great Industry of many excellent Schollars to wave the Demonstration of the Spirit and to place their whole stress upon mans wisdom I speak this to (11) Imperitissim● est scientia scire quid sens●rint Philosophi nescire quid docuit Chrisius August Epist 56. their shame But tell me whosoever ye are hath God bestowed upon you your rich Talents for no higher (1) See Deut. 10.20 9 10.28.47 58. 1 Sam. 2.30 1 King 18.36 Psal 40.10 Mal. 2.5 6. services Or is this Prudence to exalt Rhetorick your hand-maid above (2) 1 Cor. 2.5 Divinity her Mistress yea Is it good manners in you to prefer your Mother-wit before the sacred wisdom of God Do ye thus shew your breeding Ye never learned this from either of our famous Vniversities Nay Luke 6.46 Is it common (3) 1 Sam. 2.29 John 6.38 7.18.12 43. 1 Cor. 2.4 Gal. 1.10 1 Tim. 1.11 Honesty in you to conceal your Gods praises and to bespeak your own Unto you who (1) Joh. 5.42 had rather be reputed learned
Model in the old Testament as is in this or in any other Kingdom under Heaven So the Model of our English Hierarchy may be proved lawfull though there be no such Model of Hierarchy in the New Testament c. Object Object The Scriptures (1) 2 Tim. 3.16 17. are a sufficient Rule 1. 1. Answer Answ Blessed be the Father of (1) James 1.17 Lights from whom cometh every good and perfect gift Knowledge doth cover our Island (2) Isa 11.9 as waters cover the sea Many very many exceeding many and exceeding (3) Pro. 4.4 9.3.13 18.20.15 precious are those English Treatises which exalt this whole Nation higher then ever Capernaum (4) Mat. 11.23 was exalted Possibly thou mayest so buy the (5) Pro. 23.23 Truth that thou mayest in the end sell all to purchase Christ should I commend unto thy spare (6) Pro. 17.16 moneys some few of them such of them as thou thy self wiltnot stumble at Such as The (1) By Thomas Goodwin Aggravation of Sin Great (2) By Rich. Egles Salvation tendred The (3) By Daniel Dyke Deceitfulness of mans Heart Wilful (4) By William Fenner Impenitency the grossest Self-Murder Gods (5) By Adam Harsnet Summons to Repentance The (6) By Tho. Hooker Souls Preparation for Christ The (7) By B. Prideaux Doctrine of Practical Praying The (8) By B. Prideaux Doctrine of Conscience The (9) By Jeremy Dyke Worthy Communicant The (10) By Dr. Sibs bruised reed and The Souls Conflict Tentations (11) By Rich. Capel Nature Danger Cure The (12) By Tho. Shepherd Sincere Convert and The Sound Believer A (13) By Jer. Burroughs gracious Spirit a choice and precious Spirit The (14) By R. Young Victory of Patience Gods (15) By Dr. Preston All-Sufficiency While I commend unto thee these or other Books better then these wilt thou reply Such Authors are therefore useless because the holy Scriptures are able to make thee (16) 2 Tim. 3.15 wise unto Salvation I trow not Thou wilt rather say These or the like works are therefore beneficial because they (17) Eccles 12.11 consent unto the Truth of the holy Scriptures Just so must I answer thee The Word of God giveth general Rules (18) Rom. 13.1 2. As at first God himself im nediately Exod. 33.14 15 16. 1 Sim. c. ruled his people so at first Christ also himself immediately ruled his people but afterward entrusted their Government with Kings and Rulers successively as God had formerly done for the well ordering of Gods chosen people Now while our Parliamentary Statutes do in our State Affairs establish among us at King as Supreme Head in all Causes temporal and a Magistracy under that King A King as Supreme in all Causes spiritual and a Hierarchy under that King These our Paliamentary Statutes do manifestly prove beneficial unto the Churches of God while they make particular Applications of Gods general Rules 2. 2. Answer Answ Suppose before (1) John 13.13 Mat. 10.1 Luke 10.1 Christ ascended from earth to Heaven He his Twelve Apostles and his Seventy Disciples were in that Infancy that new-birth of the Church a sufficient number of Church Governours yet as the Church encreased in the number of Believers after Christs Ascension might not after Christ ascended other Church Governours be introduced consonant and subservient to these 3. 3. Answer Answ Certainly as in (1) Deu. 17.15 Ruth 1.1 1 Sam. 12.13 Kingdoms and in Common-wealths so (2) Isa 49.23 Rom. 13.6 compared with Mat. 28.20 in Churches such may be the form of Government as the Law-giver for the time being shall see most expedient for the propagation of the Gospel Christ hath (3) 1 Sam. 2.28 2 Cor. his Ministery and his Ministry hath (4) Mat. 16.19 18.18 The power of the keyes just as his Magistracy hath the (5) Rom. 13.4 power of the sword but ever the modelling of this Magistracy and of this Ministery belongeth unto the (6) Exo. 18.19 Law-giver Moses that is God by Moses may single out (7) Exo. 28.1 Aaron and his Successors to be high-Priests the Levites to (8) Num. 18.5 serve at the Altar to (9) Num. 1.50.3 31. bear the Ark c. David may (10) 1 Chr. 15.11 -17. appoint Singers c. and Salomon (11) 2 Chr. 5.12 may require them to take their Courses in the Temple orderly like an Hoste In his time in answer to the heads of the twelve Tribes Christ had (13) Mat. 10.1 his twelve Apostles In answer to the seventy Elders he had (14) Luk. 10 1 his seventy Disciples So after his Ascension for the benefit of the Church were added (15) Act. 6.5 Ephes 4.11 Rom 12.6 1 Cor. 12.28 Deacons Evangelists Pastors Teachers and Bishops and why not other such like as the benefit of (16) 1 Tim. 5.9 Tit. 1.5 John 3.8 2 Sam. 6.5 1 Kings 8.64 1 Chr. 2 Chr. 29.30 34. Ezra 6.16 18. Nehem. Christian Kingdoms and Chuches shall require I conclude then so far is our Hierarchy from being a rock of offence unto such as receive a love of the truth that they are undeniably a (17) Ephes 4.7 11. gift of the holy Ghost even (18) 1 Cor. 12.28 helps in Church-Government for where these celebrate thy name It is (19) Psal 68.25 well seen O my God how thou goest how thou my God and King goest in the Sanctuary The next Scandal if any ariseth from our Function it self and that not so much unto others among us as The Function it self unto the flourishing Nobility and Gentry of this Kingdom If these rule well may God have the Glory and themselves the praises due Nevertheless since they have been more for ruling like (1) 1 Sam. Samuel then for (2) 1 Sam. ministring before the Lord like Samuel since they have stumbled at holy Orders as somewhat below their quality and birth with all humbleness and earnestness I beseech them and others for them to recollect how little weight there is in the Stone of Offence For 1. 1. Not unworthy the highest Suppose not many mighty not many noble receive the Saving Faith Saving Faith is no whit the less precious just so be it that not many mighty not many noble minister before the Lord the Ministery of Reconciliation is no more whit dishonourable 2. Term the Persons in my Text how ye please look upon them look upon us under the lowest Notions which ye conceive Compare us unto Fisher-men Husbandmen Merchant-men Watch-men Soldiers Shepherds Labourers Messengers Servants sim these and the like expressions will be not our Reproach but your Instruction For instance your servants we are but your (1) See Mede upon 1 Cor. 4.1 Servants in the Lord Messengers we are but Messengers of Glad (2) See B.
3.20 greater then thy heart and knoweth all things mean while thine own conscience condemneth thee over and over and loe the guilt of thine own conscience keepeth thee aloof from Gods presence thou art rightly Adams brat if God call thee thou [6] Gen. 3.8 10 hidest thy self Thy heart reproveth thee for not believing the [7] Deut. 7.9 faithfull God thy heart reproveth thee for not receiving the Lords Christ thy heart reproveth thee for not preferring the mansions of Heaven before the torments of Hell and knowing so ill by thy self thou playest least in sight thou hast forfeited thine own peace by troubling thine own soul yet seekest not for peace in Christ Yea thou hast so dis-countenanced the Ministerie of reconciliation so despised the Spirit so neglected thy Redeemer and so defaced the Fathers image that though such is their goodnesse the Trinitie of Persons would shew thee compassion thou hast not confidence to look them in the face Thou hast repeated contumelies and obstinacies against Heaven and mayest justly wonder that thou art not already in Hell True heavenly mansions there are but thou fanciest them too neer the Lodgings of a provoked Governour couldest thou hope for mercie alas thy title (8) Non est censendus haeres qui non festinat ad haereditatem seemeth lost thorough want of timely claim grant thy claim to continue valid thou canst not knock at heaven gates for pure shame they indeed are open but thy tardie heart blusheth to look toward them this the third see now the tri-angle in thy heart opposeth it self against the Trinitie in thy God I mean there is never a corner in thy stonie heart whereon thou hast not sealed thine own doom in despight of God and of his free grace 5. Hadst thou a power hadst thou a will Findeth this sealed stone watched hadst thou a face too to overtake God in Christ at the heavenly mansions there yet remaineth one hinderance which rendereth this stone of unbelief more unlikely to be rolled away from thy heart then did all the three former circumstances together Several of the inhabitants could not (1) Genes 29 8 remove that stone which lay upon the mouth of the Well at Haran yet Jacob then strong in affections could by himself (2) Genes 29 10. alone roll it away Vehement love may doe much neverthelesse I must assure the unbeliever that were his Zeal although so it is not but were his Zeal as fervent towards Gods heavenly Mansions as ever Jacobs was toward Labans house yet still his condition is farr short of Jacobs when Jacob heaved at that weight he found no opposers but the Unbeliever when he once striveth to remove the stone from off his heart he shall meet with as many Oppugners as (3) Gen. 26. Isaac and his servants found Thou who art dead and buried in trespasses and sin as verily as thou cherishest a heart of unbelief so verily upon every sealed corner of that stonie heart of thine there is set a strict a constant watch look how often thou attemptest to undeceive thine heart to shake off thine unbelief and to walk in newnesse of living so often though thou seest them no more then Elishaes servant (1) 2 King 6.16 17 saw his friends so often thou meetest enemies more then one or two That thou didst (2) Gen. 3.7 rashly cast thy self into that (3) Gen. 3.5 pit which thine adversaries digged for thee was (4) Eccle. 7.29 thine own foolishnesse that being fallen into this open sepulchre thou like the (5) Job 38.30 lost waters under the earth or like the carkasses in their graves art hid with a stone is from thy self too that being (6) Rom. 23.32 shut up under unbelief thou hast affixed thine assent is also thine own wilfulnesse but now that all these evils are thus by thy self brought upon thy self the World the Flesh the Devil they (7) Mat. 27.66 set a strict watch and keep a strong guard upon thy stone-dead heart Men Fathers and Brethren ye have a little seen what a wretch he is who is none of you in my Text by continuing in sin he would (1) Mat. 28.12 conceal that ever Jesus Christ (2) Col. 2 12 arose from the dead and by adhering unto vanitie he would divulge that (3) Mat. 28 13 Christ is (4) Tit. 1.16 Phil. 3.18 stollen from him but by this shift what good plotteth he for himself Alas whether he will or no he is shaken he becommeth a dead man a stone of unbelief lieth upon the (5) Mark 15 46 door of his heart and that stone is (6) Mat. 27.66 setled fixed and sealed with insufficiencie aversnesse despaire he wanteth a power he wanteth a will and saith within himself There is no hope We read of stones of (1) Job 28.3 darknesse of stones of (2) Ezek. 28 14 fire and of (3) Esa 34.11 stones of emptinesse and we find them all three in the heart of unbelief Wretch the world circumventeth thee the world permitteth thee not to mind that one (4) Luke 10.42 only thing which is necessary the world hurleth stones of emptiness at thy head the flesh that (5) 1 Pet. 2.11 warreth against thy soul that slingeth stones of fire against thee the Devil he fooleth thee with delaies he lulleth thee to sleep on stones of darkness thou walkest in thy sleep thou walkest in (6) Joh. 12.35 darknesse and knowest not whither thou goest Poor creature thy heart is never free from the worst of troubles and those troubles alas are but forerunners of wrath to come in as much as thou (7) Jer. 5.3 hast refused correction Thou hast no God to trust in a God to (8) Lev. 26.14 c. punish thee thou hast thou hast no Jesus to flee unto a Judge to (9) Esa ● 24 avenge himself upon thee thou hast the mansions above are (10) Matt. 25 10 shut agoinst thee but the gates of hell (11) Psal 9.17 Esa 5.14 groan for thee thou hast like (12) Psal 22.16 Shebnah digged thine own grave even destruction eternal destruction to thy self thy soul is among Lions on whose Den a (13) Dan. 6.17 stone is rolled and sealed thou hast of thine own accord gone (14) Esa 14.19 down to the stones of the pit as a carcase trodden under foot by Satan Hast thou not (15) Jer. 2.17 procured this unto thy self in that Judas (16) John 13 30 like thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God Know (17) Jer. 2.23 what thou hast done for thine own (18) Jer. 2.19 wickednesses shall correct thee this is thy lot the portion of thy measures (19) Jer. 13.25 from the Lord because thou hast unthankfully forgotten him and hast like another Judas trusted in falshood Peradventure the Lord hath now at length given thee a heart to dread him Gratifieth and smite thee Peradventure With
holy fear thy slumbering conscience is thorough mercie a little awakened hath at length a little feeling dreameth now at last what an evil thou cherishest by maintaining enmities against the great God for (1) Esa 59 18 he will repay fury to his adversaries and recompence to his enemies Possibly thou beginnest to perceive what a desperate presumption it hath been to make it thy sport to crucifie (2) Heb. 6 6 Christ for had (3) 2 Kings 9.31 Zimri peace who slew his Master Possibly a fore-sight of judgement to come hath affected thy soul with present horrour for the (4) James 2.19 Devils themselves beleeve and tremble Which if thou according to thy wonted impenitencie canst not doe be confounded and astonished at the sense of thy (5) Esa 1.2 Jude 15. crying guilt Except thou repent and believe loe vengeance is at hand lieth ready in store (6) Mat. 3 10 Esa 65.6 and will in an hour which thou art not aware of swallow thee up for ever and ever Alas thou hast foolishly and childishly (7) Jer. 4.22 5.21 25 like one stupid or Starke madd with all contempt and heedlesnesse in the most unthankfull manner that malice it self can suggest from thy youth up despised thy (8) 2 Sam. 12.9 Num. 25.31 1 Sam. 2.30 Lords pleasure and thine own peace No marvell then if wrath already smoaketh against thee alas (9) Deut. 29.19 20. it already breaketh out and as it flasheth first into thy (10) Rom. 2.15 1 John 3.20 conscience scorching that so it will hereafter flash upon thy soul (11) Gen. 2.17 Rom. 6.23 Ezek. 18.4 affrighting that from thy body and will in the end seize again upon thine unclean body (12) John 5.29 forcing that lump of sin to accompany thy lost soul as well in suffering torments as in contracting guilt Now if the Lord hath a mind to destroy thee (13) Esa 63.17 2 Chron. 25.20 Mat. 13.14 15. Deut. 29.4 he will go on to hide from thee these sore evils but possibly the power of the Word hath wrought upon thee possibly thou art afraid of Gods judgements I trust the Lord hath caused thee to tremble at his threats I hope thy heart smiteth thee I hope thou seekest for Jesus If so then but not until then be of good cheer The Master calleth thee I beseech thee therefore whosoever thou art ponder thy life past the hours dayes weeks moneths years which thou hast spent not in service to but in rebellion against a God patient indeed but just and (1) Nahum 1.2 jealous Consider again and again that thou canst not be at the same time in a state of unbelief and in the state of salvation too it will cost more then so to work out thy salvation wouldest thou know in this thy day the things which belong unto thy peace thou wouldest what pains soever it shall cost thee watch and pray and strive and strive to make thy calling and election sure Hell flames are about thine ears wilt thou lye still and be burnt in thy bed Art thou so foolish a Coward that thou wilt wink while the Devil stabbeth thee Is it more tolerable to endure torments in hell then to exercise repentance upon earth Are unquenchable flames more to be desired then the Mansions in heaven Is it safer to continue a Judas then to approve thy self a sincere convert and a sound beleever Wilt thou still refuse eternal life rather then accept of it upon Gods terms I deal plainly with thee unless thou canst truly say I (1) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Milesius Thales am not I except thou canst say I my self was (2) Joh. 3.7 Tit. 3.3 such another Judas as is here secluded from these Disciples here spoken unto in this Text except thou canst say such (3) 1 Cor. 6.11 a one was I but I am washed but I am sanctified but I am justified Until thou canst say I was (4) Ephes a child of disobedience I was dead in Trespasses and sin but am now quickned am now a (5) 2 Cor. 5.17 Gal. 6.15 new Creature except thou canst say (6) Rom. 7.25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord this stone of unbelief presseth thee for a mute if thou persist in this stubborness thy hard heart may well be called stony for it shall be nothing (7) Pro. 10.20 worth unless to make a fearful (8) Gen. 19.26 monument of inexcusable guilt and of ineffable Justice There is a (9) 1 Kin. 8.38 Plague in thy heart wilt thou not be made whole when (10) Si non modo quando shall it once be Jer. 13.27 Thou With Joy of whom I travail in birth until Christ be formed in thee the Prophet raised up (1) Deu. 18.15 like (2) Deu. 30.15 unto Moses hath set before thee this day Life and Death viz. Life that thou mayest escape death Death that thou mayest seek life I have heard of one in a Swoon who was mistaken for dead layed out for dead wrapped in a Winding sheet coffined A familiar but sad story related applyed and buried too for dead the same person awaking out of his Trance and finding himself coffined by struggling for life bruised his body to death Shall I apply this He when people thought him quite dead was alive thou O unbeliever hast a name that thou livest but art dead He when he found his body buried bruised it to death couldst thou complain that thou art dead there were hopes of thy life true thy body of sin hath indeed been hitherto merely a black Coffin for thy departed soul the worser Grave-stone of the two remaineth fixed on thy heart of unbelief as immoveably as ever the dust of death lay upon that interred friend nevertheless the good Angel in my Text can (3) Mat. 28.2 roll away this stone He who (4) Joh. 11.44 called Lazarus forth of his grave can speak to thee the dead (5) Joh. 5.25 have heard his voice and thou mayest the Author of this Gospel hath (6) 2 Tim. 1.10 abolished death and brought immortality and Life to light werefore he saith Awake (7) Eph. 5.14 thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee life Set thy soul in order for thou mayest live and not dye Object Object I am fitted for destruction and therefore (1) Rom. 9.22 for ought that I know am a vessel of wrath Answ Answer Though thou art fitted for destruction thou art for ought that thou knowest (1) Eph. 1.4 chosen in Christ Object Object I have in me all the signs of a (1) 2 Cor. 13.5 Reprobate Answ Answer Thou hast the more need to (1) Phil. 2.12 work out thy salvation for God (2) 2 Pet. 3.9 would not have thee perish he would have thee (3) 1 Tim. 2.4 saved Object Object The (1)
or put up petitions any more If any Mercy can melt thy stony heart [41] Rom. 2 4 Gods forbearance will it will melt it into fervent duties The sincere Convert husbandeth hours unto the best advantage and maketh length of days life [42] Rom. 2.7 more abundant MOTIVE V. Motive V. Gods Sentence As sure as death in the grave there is as I just now told thee no Redemption when once sentence is passed [1] Eccle. 11.3 Mat. 25.46 upon examination had there is then no repealing so soon as ever thy farthing [2] Prov. 20.27 24 20 candle is burnt out thy soul if it savoureth not sweet in heaven it is cast into the fire of hell and all this in a moment in (3) 1 Cor. 15.52 the twinkling of an eye sooner then thou canst think of it At this very instant how immediately canst thou the image of Gods Omnipresence how immediately canst thou think of hell although hell be so great a distance off how immediately can thy thoughts ascend even the highest heavens Swift was that last thought of thine but thy souls flight shall be swifter then was thy last thought Man for want of consideration wasteth hours and minutes the (4) Dau. 7.9 ancient of days doth not so Unto him who inhabiteth eternity every little time is so precious that in less space then the space of one moment he dispatcheth the soul from this prison of flesh unto his high Court of Justice and again from his high Court of Justice unto the place of execution or of glory as Justice shall give sentence I say thy breath of life once expired thy winged soul is allowed no time at all to look back no it forthwith appeareth before the judgement (5) 2 Cor. 5.10 seat of God and from thence forthwith unto the joys or miseries by order appointed Thy flesh indeed that is dispensed with until the general (6) John 6.40 Assizes but her Proxie thy spirit that giveth her appearance upon the very first day of the Term. While thy breathless bosom is yet warm either for thee or against thee sentence is pronounced I therefore again exhort that thou wouldest make thy peace with thy God while life nay while health continueth for with thy dying body dyeth all hopes of future repentance When death is once come opportunity is gone Opportunity is therefore gone because Judgement is come Motive 6. MOTIVE VI. Death approaching it stealeth upon thee while thou sleepest Couldest thou return into thy first Infancy and thence begin (1) 1 Cor. 9.24 the race that is set before us thine advantage were little enough either for the running of a race so long or for the obtaining of a prize so high but alas a great part of thy life is already consumed and already consumed in vanity thou art almost out of breath before thou hast at all buckled (2) Luke 12.35 thy self to thy work The Affairs which thou in this thy pilgrimage must of necessity perform are exceeding great but exceeding (3) Gen. 47.9 small is that space of time wherein thou must disspach them although thy duties are not easily compassed thy life is quickly (4) Psal 39.5 spanned thy life is at longest but a winters day thine employment is the business of a whole age of this thine employment an accompt thou must give but how soon (5) Act. 1.7 it is not for thee to know Thou seest on every side many much younger then thy self called away to give up their accompts and of them none so unexpectedly as those who were the healthiest persons Such as least look for him meet their (6) Mat. 24.44 Lord first if ever he (7) Rev. 3.3 come upon thee as a thief it is then when time stealeth from thee to thy disprofit rather then death should overtake (8) 1 Thes 5.4 thee meet it die daily if thou wouldest live for ever if thou wouldest not forget thy self (9) Deut. 32.29 remember thy last end if at any time thou art more unprepared to give up thy last accompt then other at that time above all others look for and hasten unto the coming (10) 2 Pet. 3 12 of the day of thy God if in that day thou wouldest be found faithful in this thy day abide watchful persevere in well doing if thou wouldest endure unto the end redeem thy time if thou wouldest enjoy thy Redeemer and if thou wouldest not fear death fear God MOTIVE 7. Motive 7. A seventh Motive inviteing thy soul to hold fast that which is good is thy natural insufficiency At thy first Creation there was in thee the spirit (1) Gen. 1.26 of a God the light of that spirit Adam quenched and in Adam thou In baptism the same spirit entered into a Covenant with thee the same spirit thou hast again grieved and quenched none of all his mighty workings have prevailed upon thy heart carnally minded thou hast been spiritually minded thou wouldest not be Of all those graces which the holy Spirit of God may justy call for thou canst not produce one Consider now thou hast failed of (2) Furor est post omnia perdere naulum his saving gifts wilt thou render the common gifts of that bountiful spirit useless too the more ungrateful thou hast been in rejecting the one the more thankful thou shouldest be in making a benefit of the other the greater want thou findest of that sufficiency which thou mightest have had from God the greater reason thou hast to plow up the fallow ground of thy heart that thou mayest sow to the spirit if thou hast been so unfaithful that God would not adventure with thee his ten talents be so trusty that God may not repent him of that one talent now in thy hands or if thou hast embesled that Talent yet at least restore unto God his napkin having robbed thy Master of his moneys do not keep from him his purses too thou hast cut off thy (3) Jer. 10.23 legs therefore use (4) Psal 25.12 Hos 6.3 crutches the more thou hast dulled thine (5) Eccl. 10.10 axe the more pains thou must take in hewing thou hast blunted the edge of the spirit it concerneth thee to make the best use thou canst of thine affections thy memory and thine understanding the more graceless thou appearest the more thou art obliged to use all means of grace the Word of God is two-edged as I cannot hope for salvation without the help of Gods Spirit so neither can I (6) Pro. 1.23 Luke 11.13 Rom. 10.17 expect the help of Gods Spirit unless I wait for it in the use of means I (7) Luk 16.11 12 Mat. 25.23 28 must be faithful in my natural abilities if I would be entrusted with spiritual Beside God (8) Luk. 1.53.29 filleth the hungry with good things the more empty thy vessel the more capacious it is to receive the (9) 2 Kin. 4.6 ointment
of the holy One and the poor in spirit wax rich in grace MOTIVE VIII Thy natural averseness There is no such Trewant as the natural man Motive 8. Judas will rather hang himself then delight in his Masters pleasure but first meer shame will reduce thee from this ingratitude no love for thy father nor love for thy Redeemer nor love for thy preserver fie fie for shame the oxe (1) Isa 1 3 knoweth his owner and the dog at thy heels his master Secondly Let thy heart alone and thou (2) 1 Cor. 2.14 wilt love thy God less next day then thou wilt to morrow and less to morrow then to day thou dost Thirdly Thou must not follow but (3) Col. 3.1 lead thine affections we force our selves to delight in such diets such exercises such employments as most suit not with our pleasure but with our real good Fourthly What thanks is it if we place our affections upon that whereunto we are of our selves addicted but herein we know that we love our God if we deny (4) Mat. 16.24 our selves that we may love him Lastly remove thine ignorance and thy dis-affection is removed once see the beauty of holiness (5) Exod. 15.11 and be out of love with it if thou canst thou wilt therefore love God because God is glorious in holiness thy Lord most holy MOTIVE IX Motive 9. A ninth Motive which may stir up thy mind to follow God fully is thy desperate guilt The whole need not the Physitian but thou dost such a sinner as thou art may well cry God mercy all the days of his life He that hath wallowed in so much mire as thou hast done hath great reason to wish (1) Ezek. 36.25 for clean waters who should thirst after sanctification if thine Aethiopian skin should not the Leopards spots are white to thine if the blood of the Lamb can make thy crimson sins whiter then snow surely thou hast cause sufficient to bath in that warm blood thou hast sinned so prodigally against heaven and against God that it is the best of thy skill to make benefit of Christ merits Then then the holy Angels will (2) Luk. 15.7 rejoyce indeed when they see such a lost creature as thou hast been take the kingdom of heaven by violence and main force MOTIVE Motive 10. X. A tenth particular which helpeth thine unwearied soul to take the kingdom of heaven by violence is the present evil world viz. unless it were better then it is thou wilt no more (1) Jam. 1.27 dirty thy self with it the cares thereof may choak such as love them but thee they drive unto (2) 1 Pet. 4.19 thy faithful Creator to him that endured temptations in the wilderness Canaan is sweet pleasures upon earth may ensnare fools they only mind thee of thy masters joys thou translatest the whole book of nature into a book of grace well knowing that the things which are seen are transitory but the things which are not seen are eternal MOTIVE XI Motive 11. The next particular serving to awaken thee unto righteousness is the corruption of thine old man For first while [1] Gal 5.17 thy flesh is contrary to thy spirit his thou [2] Rom. 6.16 art unto whom thou yieldest obedience and if it was thy [3] Rom. 8.6 death to be carnally minded to be spiritually minded is a sign of life Again sometimes a (4] 2 Cor. 12.7 buffet or two doth Saint Paul a kindn●ss [5] 2 Cor. 12.9 while the flesh (6) 1 Pet. 2.11 warreth against thy soul thy soul is [7] Deut. 8.2 Judg. 2.21 22 3.2 kept upon her guard Rome is not secure so long as Carthage is standing nay opposition strengthneth the prevailing party as [8] 2 Sam. 3.1 Sauls rebellions established David in his Throne for infirmities of nature excite the power of grace Corruption is flesh and [9] Isa 31.3 not spirit MOTIVE XII Motive 12. The roaring lion at this instant seeking to devoure thee Among too too many Ministers who during our late detestable rebellions were most reproachfully tossed out of their livelyhoods one I knew who (1) Mr. Vade of Odington in Glocester-shire would full often with indignation enough boast himself a person more beholding unto Committee-men then unto all the kinred which be had his riddle was while he kept house in his Parsonage diseases cares and debts grew upon him but so soon as the Committee had once for ever sequestred from Him his Parsonage they from that time forward eased him of his debts by disposing his fifths for their payment they cured him of his disease while want of a horse made him walk away his Gout and withall they freed him from his cares for he had now no worldly thing to care for bear with me the condition is thine I may seriously affirme that next unto God himself this (2) Matt. 6.13 13.39 evil one is although full (3) Esa 10.7 sore against his will the very best friend whom thou hast in the world if thou hast but eyes of understanding in thy head this I will clear unto thee in three particulars The Devil (4) Eph. 6.12 1 Pet. 5.8 befriendeth thee first By deterring from sin Ah Sir this Bug-bear at the gate will make thee (5) 1 Tim. 3.6 7. keep within dores the saucer eyes of this spright will make thee look unto thy self espie once his cloven foot and adventure (6) Act. 24.16 abroad if thou darest Secondly By Temptations thou wilt not trust a reconciled enemy The Devil is so [7] Eph. 6.11 2 Cor. 2.11 well known that none of his chaff can catch old birds if he begin to tempt he will make thee glad to cling unto thy father Thy fear of this Pursevants Arrest [8] Heb. 4.16 will make thee take Sanctuary the more stratagems this subtle creature useth to (9) 2 Tim. 2.26 entice thee toward hell the more thy holy jealousies will draw thee toward heaven and all the while this Avenger lasheth thee [10] 1 Kin. 12.11 with Scorpions he [11] Gal. 3.24 schooleth thee unto Christ Thirdly [12] Ephes 6.11 by wrestlings carnal [13] 1 Pet. 2.11 lusts war against the soul but we wrestle not against flesh and blood alone these are no equal match for him that [14] Psal 23.4 27.12 undertaketh to be strong in the Lord that is a [15] Heb. 22.4 Sine periculo seiget ludus dull skirmish which hazardeth no blood Surely thou shalt see what thy servant can do saith the (16) 1 Sam. 28.2 Warriour As the Martyr Juliano kissed the step whereon he stood to suffer death so thou when valiant wilt kiss the turf whereon thou standest to fight thy Lords battel Glad is David if he may be but allowed to deal with (17) 1 Sam. 17.32 a Goliah if Jether (18) Judg. 8.20 fear Zebah and Zalmunna it is
Redeemer who hath done [4] Rev. 5.9 and suffered so great things for us will in due time welcome us to his Fathers house [5] 1 Thes 4.17 and so shall we ever ever ever be with the Lord When [6] Psal 101.2 shall I come unto thee I will walk in thy house with a perfect heart O my Soul [7] Psal 37.34 Isa 49 23 40.31 wait for the Lord wait I say for the Lord O ye Saints of his rejoyce in the Lord [8] Phil. 4.4 3. The Doctrine applied again I say rejoyce Hallelujah Ye have I trust such is your patience [1] Mat. 13.51 understood all these things ye have seen every afflicting stone [2] Mar. 16.4 rolled away ye have seen a world of Troubles [3] Joh. 14.1 2 swallowed up in Mansions of glory ye have seen life in death yea and life [4] Joh. 10.10 more abundant too ye have seen the good [5] Deut. 33.16 Angel in my Text as it were face to face ye have seen his strong [6] Isa 41.21 reasons his seven reasons his seven spiritual Reasons I had almost said his seven [7] Rev. 3.1 Spirits Our hearts should be troubled should we neglect [8] Luk. 9.44 Application O blessed Spirit Application is thy (1) Jer. 30.21 work Thy work O blessed Spirit Thou hast opened (2) Luk. 24.45 our understandings open our (3) Act. 16.14 hearts too Lord the stone is rolled (4) Joh. 11.39 41 43 away raise up thy Lazarus Give us life give us life (5) Joh. 10.10 more abundant AND now whether I look back upon the troubles past and gone or whether I look up unto the Mansions already prepared let my tongue cleave unto the roof of my mouth and let my right (1) Psal 137.6 hand forget her pen if I prefer not my Soveraign above the head of my comforts Therefore though I forget not my (2) Prov. 25.6 distance my first Application shall be The Lively Pourtraiture of CHARLES the Second King of Great Britain France and Ireland c. TO THE SACRED MAJESTY Of our most GRACIOUS SOVERAIGN LORD in all Causes and over all Persons as well Ecclesiastical as Civil our Supreme Governour CHARLES second only to that blessed Martyr and glorious Saint his royal Father of Great Britain France and Ireland KING Defender of the Faith and next unto God and his Christ the Prince of our Peace My Lord O King LIve like your (1) Psal 112 6 Name for ever live (2) Psal 61.6 and be The same you are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 (3) 2 Cor. 3.18 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Great as was your (4) Psal 132.1 Affliction and our (5) 2 Sam. 15.30 woe Good as late (6) Psal 61.8 116.14 2 Chro. 32.25 Vows Happy as we (7) Psal 144.15 Prov. 13.12 are now Thus thus I (8) Ezra 6.10 pray But let Applauses be Suppress'd by others and refus'd by me Not as undue nor that a zealous praise May too too much mans expectation raise Nor that words match not though when all is done Ne're yet could pensil fully paint the Sun But loe Believers Sir should we display Your brighter beams would ravish'd sin for joy Saw they your soul they would sleight heav'n again And doat on earth because on earth you reign I blame my fears From Charles no evils spring They walk with God who follow such a King Next unto Christ this Prince of our Peace may If Subjects please roll ev'ry stone away Next unto Christ He doth our life appear Good Subjects find life more abundant here That Truth that Peace which with [9] 1 Tim. 2.2 Isa 49.23 His Throne consist Lifts us from Earth to Heaven from Charles to Christ But the Stairs at Whitehall are no winding stairs Blessed be God there is no cause why I should borrow Verses feet to bring me to the Presence-Chamber there I need not there measure mine approaches where blessed be God the golden Scepter is always [1] Hesther 5.2 held forth As in Majesty and [2] Psal 82.6 Power so in Patience and Clemency King Charles the second resembleth his God God is a God (3) Psal 65.2 that heareth Prayer and his Servant Charles (4) Deut. 17.20 shutteth not his ear no not unto his meanest Subjects In prose therefore When I compare the troubles of these Disciples hearts with the Mansions that are set before them rather To the Kings most Excellent Majesty when I compare the 30. of January with the 29. of May and again the third of September with the 23. of April Verily if ever any Christian in the world had encouragement to believe in God and in the only Son of God your Sacred Majesty hath I trust the same God who hath delivered (1) 1 Cor. 1 10 will yet deliver Nations could not get Dominion over your sacred person I trust (2) Rom. 6.14 sin shall not The Lord hath raised and removed the many burdens but I trust not the many (3) Heb. 12.6 7 Psal 94.12 13 and 132.2 5 compared with 1 Cot. 3.16.17 blessings of your Majesties late sorows Should not afflictions so great as your Majesties have been be more and more sanctified unto your Royal soul alas your heart might then be troubled indeed Should you desist to believe in God who (4) Psal 89.27 placeth your Majesty higher then the Kings of the earth it might then be unto you and your Kingdoms a grief of heart Should not your Princely soul believe in that only Son of God who (5) Isa 53.8 Heb. 2.10 suffered more for your Majesty then your gracious Majesty suffered for your lost people this might also trouble your heart Lastly should your soul (6) Isa 53.3 neglect so great salvation should your soul despise the Mansions in your heavenly Fathers house then then your heart would be utterly perplexed everlastingly troubled and that beyond measure But although King Hezekiah did not render according unto the (1) 2 Chro. 32.25 benefit received I trust your most excellent Majesty will True the more God blesseth his (2) Job 1.10 servant Job the more the Devil (3) Job 1.11 seeketh his ruine No doubt where the Lord hath multiplied so unparalleld favours as are heaped upon your dread Majesty there the malice of Satan will be very wilte very full of (4) 2 Cor. 2 11 stratagems the Serpent once enraged will first (5) 2 Cor. 12.17 buffet then sting Nevertheless while your sacred Majesty figheth not only against (6) 1 Pet. 2.11 flesh and blood but even against (7) Eph. 6.12 Principalities and Powers the same God who (8) Psal 140.7 covered your royal head in the day of battle the same God your sacred Majesty hath to believe in The same Christ who delivered you from so (9) 2 Cor. 1.10 great a death the same Jesus your Majesty hath to believe
in yea he who so powerfully restored unto your birth-right your Majesties strangely revolted Kingdoms he can (10) Psal 73. guide you with his counsel and afterward receive you to glory He I say can bring you to the Mansions in your Fathers house Once more The bed of love wherein you rejoyce over our most Gracious Queen your royal Consort as a Bridegroom (1) Isa 62.5 rejoyceth over his Bride the love of your (2) Jer. 2.2 Espousals and afore that the day of your (3) Can. 3.11 Coronation and before that the day of the gladness of your (4) Ibid. heart I mean the (5) May 29th day wherein the splendour of your glorious Majesty celebrated therefore the greatest because the happiest Triumph that ever yet was by mortal Prince solemnized of these of all these your prosperous Majesty hath tasted I most humbly appeal now unto your dread Majesties bosome-experience What yea what are all these transitory joyes these fugitive felicities if (6) See what Mr. Bolton in his four last things p. 111. illustrateth upon 1 Cor. 2.9 compared unto the Mansions in your Fathers house When he that (1) Psal 29.10 sitteth upon the floods sent (2) Psal 18.16 from above took and drew you out of many waters when he that (3) Psal 144.10 giveth salvation unto Kings commanded (4) Lev. 25.21 1 Sam. 10.26 the hearts of all your people as (5) 2 Sam. 19.14 the heart of one man when he that (6) Psal 46.9 causeth wars to cease made your patience victorious when at length your meekness (7) Mat. 5.5 captivated our afflictions well might your Subjects shout (8) Psal 47.1 unto God with the voice of triumph so wonderfully had the (9) Heb. 13.20 God of peace made your Highness what you still remain more (10) Rom. 8.37 then Conquerour Oh how great (11) Zech. 9.17 was Gods goodness how abundant (12) Jer. 33.6 our peace how matchless your bliss how unconceiveable the (13) Psal 114.1 Novelty of your joys And yet believe it Sir in the very height of all your glory though I dare affirm your glory exceeded Solomons I say in the height of your glory your sacred Majesties enlarged heart was never one half so much transported as in the midst of his unsufferable perplexities your blessed Fathers most gracious soul was daily then transported when possessing (14) If Galcacius Caracciolus could much more could Charles the First say Let their money perish with them who esteem all the gold in the world worth one days society with Jesus Christ and his holy Spirit heaven upon earth he compiled 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 O King Let not your [1] Chro. 28.7 9 heart be troubled May your Majesty roll your self upon your God He who first honoured your Christian Father with a Crown of throns and then [2] 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Solium which signifieth a Beer or Cossin signifieth also a Throae or Chair of State Rev. 2 10 converted that thorny crown into a Crown of Glory He can make your Crown of pure gold a Crown incorruptible He who when you [3] Psal 21.4 asked life gave you long life can give you life more abundant even life eternal He who translated your royal Father from a world of troubles [4] 2 Tim. 4.7 8 unto heavenly Mansions will though we your loyal Subjects hope it will be [5] Regni Co●ona Rex long first receive [6] Rom. 7.24 25 your ransomed soul from a body of sin unto your Fathers house Sir the holy God who unto your suffering Father made January the 30. an everlasting May 29. can sanctifie unto you that fatal September 3d. into a perpetual April 23d As we have seen what the Prophets fore-told [1] Isa 9.7 55.3 Hos 3.9 sim Psal 89.29 36 sim of David fulfilled in the [2] Mat. 1.1 21.9 Rom. 1.3 2 Tim. 2.8 Rev. Son of David so what was [3] By good Dr. Holdsworth in his Epistle Dedicatory before his Sermon on Psal 144.15 prophesied of King Charles the First your Majesty hath lived to see fulfilled in King Charles the Second Believe therefore in God Believe also in the Son of God He who was unto you at your royal [4] As at the birth of Christ so at the birth of his immediate servant our King Charles the Second a star appeared Bp. Morley's Coronation Serm. p. 59. and Mr. Carles his Serm. on the same day p. 15. birth a bright [5] Rev. 22.16 morning star may be unto you during your happy Reign a [6] Mal. 4.2 Sun of Righteousness your [7] Psal 84.11 Shield he hath continued your Sun I trust he will continue here and Rev. 22.5 in Heaven Believe also in the blessed Spirit he inspired your holy Father to write 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 O make this good Spirit your Comforter he will day by day enable your sanctified Majesty more and more patrissare while your afflictions past become future sanctification So may your Majesty increase in faith that on earth in the sharpest tryals and in heaven within the highest Mansions your Majesty may shine 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Live in faith O King and live for ever Live for ever in your Fathers house within your Fathers house possess the highest Mansions and in those heavenly Mansions you shall for ever face to face enjoy Charles the First Christ our Redeemer God our Saviour My Lord O King instead of further applying the several Duties in my Text suffer that I this [1] Possibly as Justine Martyrs Apology was read by his Emperour so may my Address by mine once propose 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sure I am that in these two words I have spoken all for What [2] Eccles 2.12 can the man say that cometh after the King 2. By whom Kings reign To the Nobility by him [1] Prov. 8.15 Princes decree justice It is of God that our Ruler is in the midst of us it is likewise of God that [2] Jer. 30.21 our Nobles are of themselves wherefore my [3] Judg 5.9 heart is toward the Governours of Israel that offer themselves willingly among the people Right Honourable Late Divisions [4] See Bp. Fearns Serm. on Judg. 5 14 caused great searchings as in the unsearchable heart of our most serene Prince so in your heart too Alas Wheresoever the mighty Oak falleth there the nearest trees are most crushed Time was when your heart was perplexed God not long since poured [5] Job 12 21 Psal 107.40 contempt upon your Honours As ever ye would that the Lord should roll away your reproach 1. Keep your hearts [1] Isa 48.22 quiet I mean keep yovr selves without (2) Job 11.15 16 spot ye know They who [3] Mat. 11.8 dwell in Kings houses wear [4] Isa 61.10 soft cloathing Oh keep your garments always
your comfort my repentance your peace The best thriving Creatures are they that are reared in the beginning of the Winter Ye may unhappy I can not make the best of your whole life Of the twelve hours ye have as yet lost few or none (*) He is not worthy of a place in Alexanders Army who will then be to provide Armes when he should use them Start betimes and win the day Get ground before the flesh lumber and the world cumbr● you He that would be well old must be old betimes Dear Children it is most easie entring in at the straight Gate while ye are now so little The Tree (5) Esay 65.22 early planted no wind hurteth the green Twig is pliant All the speed is in the morning Of all times of ones life the holy language is best learned when we first begin to speak Study that in your child-bood which hereafter be ye never so industrious ye shall never be so well able to learn Persons who are untaught to pronounce (6) Cheth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or (7) Gaaijin 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 while they are yet in their infancy will hardly ever pronounce either of those two Letters well (8) Pro. 9.18 should they live (9) Eccl. 8.12 Esay 65.20 a hundred years Who are too young to (10) Dan. 1.4 conspire Rebellions they they are the Subjects whom the Lord Jesus maketh Denizens of his Kingdom In the City of God one of the first things a Child need be taught to learn is to know where to finde his Fathers house Answ 7. Answ 7. There is nothing more natural unto you Children then to be ever questioning ever learning ever informing of your selves ever in (1) Hence Maxima debetur pueris reverentia imitation Go on in the good Name of my God inform your selves of all that your Catechisms and your Teachers can instruct you As much as in you lieth learn the whole (2) Get the the Book so entituled made by Bishop Sterne Duty of man learn I say your own Duties and your Gods pleasure that ye may never be quite out of action imitate the great Exemplar [3] As represented by Bishop Taylor even the Person speaking in my Text who is now ready to embrace you in the armes of his free Mercies and loving Kindnesse if He by His [4] Luke 11.20 Finger teach you to go hold him with your [5] 1 Tim. 6 12 hand of Faith A second particular minding little Children to prevent troubles and practice (1) As is prescribed by Bishop Baity Mark 10.21 piety is As this their good beginning is safe so it is lovely A timely towardlinesse like a good presence carrieth with it letters of recommendation whether soever it goeth Early (2) Psal 63.1 Prov. 23.24 will I seek thee is wholsome resolution especially when found in a child I say early rising is not only your health but your praise The little one looketh merrily when he taketh out a new Lesson and pretty it is to see him well behaved Of all sacrifices the (3) Psalm 5.3 Morning-sacrifice is the most accept able Thou makest the out-goings of the (4) Psalm 65.8 Morning to praise thee O God even the Sun in his fullest strength is not one half so pleasant to look unto Neither doth the Rose of (5) Cant. 2.1 Sharon blush so much in the flower as it doth in the bud What (6) Mar. 10.16 Seat more becometh a little child then his Parents armes What word more endearing then (7) Gal. 4.6 Mark 14.36 Rom 8.15 Abba Father Pray unto our Father as he is in Heaven believe in God with Faith unfeigned Remember the ten Commandments to observe and do them and little as ye are I dare present you unto the great Bishop of our Souls St. Jerome recordeth children incredibly young which could by strength of memory rather by strength of assiduous industry repeat whole Catechismes nay the whole Book of Davids Psalmes My little children if you imitate their example God will raise up one St. Jerome or other to admire countenance and (8) 2 John 4 3 John 4 encourage you If from his childhood Timotheus knew the Scriptures he shall receive (9) 2 Tim. 3.15 praises from the great Apostle even from the Apostle St. Paul My soul desireth (10) Mic. 7.1 the first ripe fruits There is yet a third particular that may very justly affright you into goodnesse it will I hope like the Bedlam at the door make you run from your selves to your God and this particular is The certainty (1) Nihil est tam certum de quo nullum adeo sit dubium quod tamen apparet esse dubium quum tamea revera nulium sit dubium veluti mois of your uncertain Death Every Mothers child is born to dye therefore it is that the Grave keepeth no Calender When I bury the dead I like well to see children of themselves to flock about the pit hole they do well to peep in it for how soon they may be layed there is not easily known This I know One is old enough to day to dye to morrow True Children ye are but may (2) Old Camels carry the skins of young Camels to the Market dye like men Search the Register-books from Village to Village they will all shew you that every Year burieth more Infants then aged persons We Parents take care for you Children but to ease us of our cares God singleth out some of you some of you he taketh to himself feedeth them as David did Mephibosheth (3) 2 Sam. 9.7 10 11 at his own Table Be mindfull therefore of the pit that is digged for you yea and of the Table that is (4) Psal 23.5 Revel 3 20 spread for you In all the houshold most commonly the very first that goe●●● to Rest are the Little Ones these are packed to (5) Esay 57.2 bed (6) Esay 57.1 As saith the Proverb of the Ancients He liveth not long whom the Lord loveth out of the way Learn therefore to number your dayes so soon as ye can tell five That Child can best (7) Psal 39.4 Deut. 32.29 and soonest number fourscore years who undertaketh not to accompt above six or seven of them his own Vndress ye Little Children Vndresse (8) 2 Pet. 3.12 ye Ye know not how soon ye may fall asleep Leave off troubles before they be medled with Betake your selves unto that holy God who in your Baptism covenanted with you (9) Luk. 12.32 that if ye would through Jesus Christ our Lord believe in Him he would then accept your persons yea he would receive you within those Mansions which ye long (10) Psal 42.1 compared with Psalm 84.1 to see and love to think of Ye shall see ye shall enjoy ye shall inherite your Fathers house If Infants do give up the Ghost well may Youths To
once undertake his Service God inviteth them from earth to Heaven by his bounty Surely He who [33] 1 Tim. 5.17 Psalm 72.6 Deut. 8.18 Psalm 52.9 Joel 2.23 compared with Deut 32.2 can afford such abundance of all outward blessings unto these Sons of Belial hath unsearchable Riches in store for his adopted children Yea God draweth these prosperous sinners with the cords of a man he would if they would themselves overcome them with [34] Psalm 73.12 Rom 2.4 Esay 55.10 kindnesse he would by temporal mercies [35] John 1. ● 50 Jerem. 5.24 encourage them to taste of spiritual now if Jesurum [36] Deut. 32.15 therefore kick because he waxeth fat if he scorn [37] Psalm 49.6 Heaven because he hath the world at will if he disclaim [38] Job 33.4 12.10 Acts 17.28 the breath of the Almighty because by the help of the Almighty he lives breaths and hath his very being if the more good God giveth him the more [39] Phil. 3.19 Psalm 62.10 11 ungodly he maketh himself is it possible that this wretch should have no trouble of heart I tell you it is [40] Eccles 1.14 impossible Since nothing [41] Psalm 16.2 compared with Psalm 62.5 6 7 can satisfie the heart of man under that God who made mans heart it is impossible that any heart which despiseth God [42] Job 22.21 Esay 48.22 compared with Rom. 8.9 and with Gen. 17.1 can rest satisfied A prosperous sinner hath [43] Psalm 73.7 all that heart can wish true but the trouble of his heart is his heart is [44] Psalm 14.3 2 Tim. 3.4 Rom. 1.31 Col. 3.5 Gal. 5.24 a meer slave to his own unruly passions He liveth at [45] Zech. 1.15 Amos 6.1 ease you will say yea but he [46] Jer. 9.5 wearieth himself to work wickednesse There is no end of his Riches true but either his [47] Crescit amor nummi quantum ipsa pecunia cresci● covetous mind abideth unsatiable or else his prodigal soul knoweth not how to [48] Phil. 4.12 abound No marvail then if the heart of prosperous sinners be troubled for their very prosperity [49] Pro. 1.32 is their destraction give Alexander more worlds to conquer or he [50] Aestnat infae'ix augusto limine mundi will weep poor soul The rich God sendeth [51] Isa 29.8 empty away Prosperous sinners [52] Jam. 4.2 lust and have not they have and yet they lust They are just like [53] Pro. 2.15 compared with Job 5.13 and with Pro. 21.8 16.27 our children in coats then most froward then most unquiet when least under tuition Give a Child his self-will and the whole house is too little to hold him just so let an ungodly wretch blesse himself in the jollity of his ignorance in the madnesse of his Riot in the beastlinesse of a carnal life or in the pomp and vanity of a sinful world and he turneth every whit as (54) 1 Cor. 11.7 14 monstrous as the peri-wiggs of hair which many Ruffians now adayes affect to trouble their heads and hide their shoulders with Foolish creature he is troublesome to [55] Vides convivium peccatoris interroga ejus conscientiam Nonne gravius omnibus foetet sepulchris Intueris laetitiam ejus salubritatem miraris corporis filiorum atque opum abundantiam introspice ulcera vibices animae ejus Ambros offic l. 1. c. 12. himself so phantastical that what apish apparel to shackle himself with he consulteth his Taylors folly so luxurious that of what Dish to eat of what Wine to quaffe neither his gluttony nor his drunkennesse can resolve him Passe time he would but cannot sleep at night till he hath determined what needlesse sport shall rob him of the morrow Mind him of his wealth and unlesse he may insult oppresse covet or fool away as well his Revenues as his health Reputation and Time he is no body as he [56] Si dicam jucunditas incipit homini occurrere talis jucundil as qualem solet habere in poculis in prandiis in avaritiâ in honoribus saeculi Extol'untur enim homines laetitiâ quâdam insaniunt sed non est gaudere impiis dicit Dominus Augustin thinketh To conclude well may the heart of a prosperous sinner be troubled since Pride swelleth and paineth him Idlenesse distracteth wearieth him Worldlymindednesse cloyeth and choaketh him alas he is sick of himself his heart is troubled meerly for want of troubles and y etlet him know though all the flames of Hell heat that iron hot [57] 2 Tim. 4.2 wherwith he seareth his shipwracked conscience though his conscience wax so [58] Rom. 2.15 unnatural that it neglect to accuse for particular sins yet in the general his heart [59] 1 John 3.20 condemneth him he hath within himself the sentence of death eternal no favour he deserveth and none he expecteth I say the expectation of the wicked is [60] Pro. 11.23 wrath wrath to come and even in this sense his heart is troubled I say as the Spirit of God witnesseth [61] Rom. 8.16 2 Cor. 1.22 5.5 unto the Believer that he is [62] Ephes 4.30 sealed unto the day of Redemption so the Spirit of wickednesse witnesseth unto him who doeth despite unto the Spirit of Grace that he hath [63] Jer. 7.19 John 3.18.36 Heb. 10.27 rejected God unto his own everlasting destruction Secondly If no sin saith (1) St. Augustin de Civitate dei lib. 1. cap. 7. St. Augustine If no sin were openly punished in this world the Divine Justice would not be believed Beloved this is one reason why the same God who passeth by some fool-hardy Unbelievers with a (2) Jer. 2.19 severe neglect maketh other Unbelievers daily (3) Ezek. 30.16 examples of his displeasure As the Almighty fatteth some Bulls of Basan against his last (4) Zeph. 3.8 slaughter As by way of stratagem the Lord of Hosts (5) 1 Kings 22.22 1 Pet. 2.9 permitteth some Rebells to march (6) Psalm 73.4 5 securely over the very pit of Hell it self ere ever he set fire unto his (7) Psalm 9.17 train of Gun-powder As the indignation of the provoked God doth in (8) Hos 4.17 Matth. 15.14 mere wrath forbear till Doomes-day before he punish some so he walketh as contrary unto others as (9) Levit. 26.23 24 40.41 Esay 28.19 they walk contrary unto him He giveth them to understand that every Creature is ready to avenge their Creatours quarrel against them if he once speak the word If God saith (10) Num. 32.23 Surely your iniquities shall find you out full soon shall the iniquities of their heels (11) Psalm 49.5 overtake them All the worldly wisdome sinners upon earth have shall not (12) Deut. 29.19 30 31 out-wit Gods all-seeing Justice and if God so please the world shall (13) Ezek. 5.8 be made to know it If God see cause
troubled Sinner Bethink thy self Jesus Christ his sufferings [3] 1 John 22 are thy pardon Come unto him thou that art heavy laden [4] Mar. 11.28 Christ will ease thee Hate sin that Christ [5] Act. 26.18 may pardon it Did the Lord Christ suffer the death of his body and the fierce wrath of his own Father all to keep thee from Hell and wilt thou again pawn thy Soul unto the Devil [6] 1 Pet. 5.1 for some trifling sin Are fire and brimstone [7] Matth. 25.30 Jude 15. Esay 30.33 2.19 and everlasting darknesse such flea-bitings Are Peace and Glory and [8] Rev. 21.7 everlasting Joy so contemptible that whatsoever the Son of God hath suffered should not at all concern thy soul Cast off thy [9] Dan 4.27 Esay 30.22 sins thine unprofitable sins for for Thee Christ dyed Thy Thy Soul the Mercifull Jesus would pardon Thirst [10] Dan 55.1 Revel 22.17 thirst after Righteousnesse that Christ may impute it Jesus Christ hath [11] Isa 53.4 born thine iniquities and wilt thou pluck them from off His shoulders to again place them upon thine own Oh rather set thy face toward Heaven and look look up upon [12] Zech. 12 10 Him whom Thou hast pierced Let Christ but see once [13] Esay 53.11 of the travel of his Soul and He shall be satisfied and thou too The Son of God dyed and dyed to save thee from thy sins That is one Inducement to force [14] Foelix est periculum ad Deum consuge e. thine heart of unbelief to seek the Lord while he may be found 2. Circumstance Although this was or was near upon Circumstance the same night wherein he was betrayed from the beginning of Chap. 13. unto the end of Chap. 17. Christ taketh much thought not for his dying self but for his sinfull Disciples Sinner it will not repent him that He layed down his life for thy sake if where He hath layed it down there thou wouldest take it up for thy preservation he is solicitous for his own he was not 3. A third Circumstance Three other Evangelists Circumstance three other faithfull Pen-men Jesus Christ had of his most holy Gospel but such a subject as this This the turning of his bowels the unbosoming of his loving Kindnesses so choyce a portion of the Gospel as is this He peculiarly reserveth for his fittest Pen man His bosome Evangelist his beloved Disciple his darling JOHN shall be the Author of this Evangelical Scripture and this purposely that such a desperate Caitiffe as thou hast been may [1] John 20.31 believe and conceive hopes 4 Circumstance The tender compassion of Christ Jesus over the present troubles of these Disciples hearts Circumstance Sinner The heart which melteth to see a wound lanced will never have the power to see a Sword ripping up thine entrails What troubles these Disciples here met with were but only the troubles of this world yet see here the swooning of Christs bowels Tell me Would not Jesus Christ endure that these should perplex their hearts and will he take any pleasure in the eternal torments of thy lost Soul Believe it the merciful Jesus doth not willingly afflict To be gracious he waiteth at thy death he aimeth not Thy Spirit had long since failed before him had not He forborn to strike I tell thee Thy case thy state of unbelief is so desperate that God deferreth his just anger unto the very last minute He knoweth shouldest Thou to Hell once thou art then a lost man for ever After death no redemption Thy sins are so great that Christ would if possible forgive them although thou imaginest not so He would if thou wouldest assent heal all thy back-slidings lest otherwise thy Soul thy wretched Soul should unto all eternity be tormented miserably tormented in Hell in the nethermost Hell If the Disciples afflictions move Christ unto compassion know the vengeance due unto thy sins pierceth his heart Shouldest thou to Goale once thou wouldest be sure to be condemned and executed wherefore ere ever thou art questioned for thy life Thy Jesus would procure for thee the Kings pardon nay He hath procured it and willeth thee to accept it upon the Kings terms Sinner if thou hast grace to believe any one of these Circumstances these Circumstances will be unto thee Life from the dead Secondly Life of comfort for Believers For Believers First against all worldly distresses Against worldly distresses viz. Although the afflictions of the Righteous are [1] Psalm 34.19 many yet [2] 1 Pet. 4.12 think not that strange True as A Child of God in the anguish of her spirit [3] Mr. G. C. in his Epistle before his Sermon at the Funerals of Mrs. A. Childe of Northwick Worcestershire replyed unto her Minister A sharp Visitation seemeth to signifie displeasure but Let not your heart be troubled For First The very same afftictions are [1] Pet. 51 9 accomplished in your Brethren No temptation can take you but such as is [2] 1 Cor. 10.13 Bonus quicquid accidit ei aequo animo feret Sen. Epist 7. common unto men nay unto Saints Art thou afflicted Answ So were Christs chosen Disciples yea so was Jesus Christ Himself even in the compassions of this very Text His heart was troubled then when he said Let not your heart be troubled I say Secondly So kind a Master so loving a Brother is Jesus Christ that he is [1] Heb. 4.15 touched with a sense of our infirmities Who is afflicted and he [2] 2 Cor. 11.29 burneth not I say In all thine afflictions thy dearest Bridegroom is [3] Esay 63.9 afflicted with thee He in this Text forgat his own sufferings although so near at hand that he might [4] Dr. Sibs Sermon on John 14.1 comfort his Disciples in these their troubles Thirdly The same Redeemer who bringeth the trouble layeth this command Let not your heart be troubled Be ye sure now He who [1] John 14.1 Esay 54.5 7 8 40.1 2 Jerem. 31.20 Hos 11.8 9 will not give way that thy heart should be any whit troubled at all will in due time remove what He Himself dis-liketh If thy Plaister [2] Rom. 8.28 Phil. 3.21 hurt it shall be taken off and that quickly Or ever he find out a temptation for thee he will out a way for thy [3] 1 Cor. 10.13 temptations escape rather then thy heart should be over-much troubled What thou canst not [4] Heb. 7.25 Matth. 11.30 12.20 well bear shall never burden thy feeble shoulders Fourthly Suppose thy distresse burdensome I reckon that the sufferings of this [1] Rom. 8.18 present life are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us What yea what are these light afflictions which are but for a [2] 2 Cor. 4.17 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Domum apud Pati●●n habéo camque vòbis
prerogative peculiar unto Gods Image we read of one only bruite that (5) 2 Pet. 2.16 spake reason but Angels yea and God himself them we often (6) Gen. 3.8 18.20 21 c. hear speaking like us reasonable creatures and verily so excellent a faculty as speech is is not so much below an Angel as it is above a beast With an artiticulate voyce men on earth like (7) Revel 5.11 12 Angels in Heaven blesse the God of all blessings In four several Psalmes the sweet singer of Israel calleth his tongue (8) Psalm 16.9 30.12 57.8 108.1 his glory and of those four Psalmes two are like the verses of Pythagoras (9) Psalm 16. Psalm 57. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 entituled golden so great a value hath the Holy Ghost set upon those Psalmes which enform us wherein our glory lyeth viz. in instructing exhorting and edifying one another in calling upon God (10) Psal 5 3 64.1 66.19 71.1 with our voyce that is 11 in glorifying of him with the best member that we have We shall (12) Psal 31.17 115.17 keep silence in the grave but the (13) Esay 38 19 living the living they shall praise thee O God Guilt (14) Job 7.20 and (15) Job 40.4 5 fear (16) Lam. 3.28 2 9 and extremity of grief may indeed silence our thoughts but the Believers guilt is rolled in the blood of Jesus his fearfulnesse is removed by a trust in his God and his griefs are swallowed up in spiritual consolations So long as Hannah was in bitternesse of soul she (17) 1 Sam. 1.13 15 2.1 prayed silently but so soon as God answered her prayers presently Her mouth was enlarged Happy he who while he maketh his requests known unto God hath (18) recti custos imitator honesti Et nihil arcano qui rogat ore Deos. Martial Qui aperto vivit voto nec Labra movet metuens audiri Seneca Epist 10. no need to conceal them from men And as it is one thing to pray another thing to pray with the voyce so to praise is one thing to sing praise another With the mouth (19) Rom. 10.10 confession is made unto God In his Temple doth every man (20) Psalm 29.9 speak of his honour I will speak of thy Testimonies also before Kings and (21) Psalm 119.46 will not be ashamed With my mouth will I make known thy faithfulnesse (22) Psalm 89.1 compared with Esay 38.19 to all generations I have not hid thy Commandements within my heart His praise shall be continually (23) Psalm 34.1 in my mouth In God we boast (24) Psalm 44.8 all the day long These and the like Scriptures shew us how comely and pleasant a Duty it is not to stifle our holy thoughts within our breasts but to glorifie God in our words In our words our God is glorified First When we so speak as they that must (1) Matth. 12.36 give an account of every idle word Secondly When in a due manner we (1) 1 Tim. 5.20 2 Tim. 4.2 Heb. 3.13 Rom. 15.14 rebuke reprove instruct exhort admonish comfort c. Object Am I my Brothers keeper Answ Who except (1) Gen. 4.9 Cain would have (2) Levit. 19.17 asked that Question Verily since we are all members of one mystical body we must (3) Rom. 14.19 Heb. 10.24 build up one another in our most holy faith Iron (4) Pro. 27.17 sharpeneth iron In living water face answereth to face and a (5) Pro. 27.9 faithful Counsellour is life Where is our delight if not [6] Psal 16.3 upon the Saints that are on the earth In religious Conference we do not so much (7) 1 Thes 5.14 Heb. 12.12 remove the doubts of others as resolve our own we seem unto our selves as if unto us it were (8) Luke 12.12 20.14 15 given in that hour both what we should speak and what we should answer There is that (9) Prov. 11.24 encreaseth knowledge by scattering it and he that (10) Prov. 11.25 watereth shall be watered again I exhort therefore that in our (11) Deut. 11.19 household businesses in the (12) Deut. 18.20 several works of our Callings in our mutual Visits in our Journeys yea in (13) Deut. 6.6 7 8 9 all our Affairs our speech may be seasoned with salt I mean with (14) Col. 4.6 white salt And that it may be good (15) Eph. 4.25 unto the use of edifying that good words may (16) 1 Cor. 15.33 confirm good manners I more especially entreat of you two things The one that you would know and make known good Books Meet upon the Road (17) As Philip Acts 9.29 30 met the Eunuch See Luk. 24.15 c. a Passenger whom never before thou didst never again thon shalt see in this world if he learn from thee the Title of some Treatise (18) v. 27 apposite to the welfare of his thirsting soul he may speed the better for thy sake to life everlasting Holy Books are (19) Good books well read do make young men sober old men happy poor men rich and rich men honourable as Diogenes spake of Literature Legendi semper occasio est audiendi non semper Plin. lib. 2. ep 3. abiding helps daily Counsellors ready Physitians Manna in a golden pot especially in our Gilead where Balm excelleth Beloved the garden of Eden wherein we dwell is a Paradise of all healing herbs of exquisite spiritual flowers and of most angelical Roots Knew we how to sort them to our use there abound among us almost as many divine Medicines as natural infirmities My second request is that ye would acquaint one another not only with other mens works but with (20) Rom. 15.14 your own experiences being converted your selves help (21) Luke 22.32 your Brethren comfort them with the comforts wherewith ye your selves are (22) 2 Cor. 1.4 comforted of God How do you How doth such or such a friend is the form of salutation most usual among us yea and most Christian too It doth or should argue in us not only a (23) Phil. 1.5 fellowship but a (24) 1 Pet. 3.8 fellow-feeling not only a fellow-feeling but our (25) 1 Cor. 13.5 2 Cor. 13.9 3 John 2. well-wishes not only our well-wishes but our (26) Gal. 6.1 Phil. 2.4 1 Thes 5.11 earnest desire to remedy wherein we may what we can Beloved sincere friendship is inquisitive after the health of the body but (27) Phil. 1.19 more far more after the health of the soul You that ask me How I do if my (28) 3 Joh. 2.4 2 John 4 soul prospereth ye are glad of it Oh then what (29) Eph. 6.18 sins ye would have most prayed against enform me as likewise what (30) Eph. 6.19 graces you have most need of What devices of Satan you (31) 2 Cor. 2.11 have found out what back-doors ye have
of good affections most equal it is that whatsoever he leaveth with us should be [2] 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Clem. Alex. Strom. l. 7. not at our but at his sole pleasure and command Thirdly God hath vouchsafed unto us the blessings of the earth and of the heavens the precious truths of his Word the rich graces of his Spirit and those unsearchable Treasures given unto us his only Son upon [1] Qui esse vult fibi non tibi O Deus incipit nihil esse int●r omnia Ber. in Cant. Serm. 20. no other terms but that in them and for them his Name should be by us glorified Fourthly What wise man ever built a house for [1] True the Tree which cumbreth the ground shall be burnt but the Lord diggeth c. about it that it may bring forth fruit Luke 13.8 9. no purpose at all Who planteth a Vineyard and eateth not of the fruit Who feedeth a flock and drinketh not of the milk If God be a Lord where is his fear If a Father where is his honour c. Lastly Let a Souldier do what becometh a Souldier and let a Soveraign do as beseemeth the Majesty of a Prince When upon Darius his large offers Parmenio had said Surely I would accept these offers were I as Alexander said Alexander (1) Plut. Apothegm so would I were I as Parmenio Beloved as God wayes are not the same with our wayes so neither are his thoughts as our thoughts It (2) When Harpalus would have had his Kinsmans evil words escape unpunished No said Philip for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Plutarch ibid. consisteth neither with the justice nor with the wisdom nor with any other attribute of God to dispense with the glory ever due unto his Name Take the whole at once Should the infinite God cease to see himself glorified he would un-God himself Think upon it Sinners Ought Jehovah to be glorified as he is absolutely a God as he is relatively a Lord and dare any of you continue a Vessel of dishonour Be ye not as things without life but as living Creatures be not as bruits but as creatures reasonable and well affected Be not as they unto whom no Gospel is preached but as Gospel-professors O let not the Gospel of Jesus Christ be hid unto you but let it be unto you the ministration of the Spirit The Lord hath made his only Son a powerful (1) Istam gratiam non habuit homo primus quâ vellet nuaquā esse malus sed saae habuit in quâ si permanere vellet nunquam malus esset Sed deseruit desertus Haec prima est gratia quae data est primo Adam Sed haec potentior est in secundo Adam Prima fit ut habe at Homo justitiam si velit Secunda fit criam ut velit tantum velit tantóque ardore diligat ut carnis voluntatem contraria concupiscentem voluntate spiritus vincat Aug. de corrept grat cap. 11. 12. Mediatour he hath shed forth the Spirit of his Son he hath prepared Ordinances to conveigh hath given both an understanding to seek and affections to yern after this Spirit of his Son and after all these mercies are even forced upon you are you as barren and as unfruitful as ever Be not O be not the thwarting the cross-grain'd matter of Gods severe glory but be the pliant instruments of his deserved honour not only be but seek his praise Object What if we are already predestinated to be Vessels of dishonour Then Answ 1. If you come too near (1) Deu. 29.29 unto the inaccessible Light I say if you stare the Sun in the face ye do but dazzle your eys Be (2) Nunquam verecundiores esse debemus quam cum de Deo agitur Seneca nat quest l. 7. sober Answ 2. Were you assured that you are Vessels fitted for destruction this assurance would but (1) Mat. 6.34 John 14.1 torment you before the time Answ 3. Suppose you are (1) See of this Treatise pages 76 77 78 79 80. unavoidably the Vessels of dishonour yet make the best of a forlorn estate dishonour neglect provoke (2) Quis coram Deo innocens invenitur qui vult fieri quod vetatur si subtrahas quod timetur the just Judge as little as you can saved or not saved your Duty is to obey Answ 4. Should all endeavours fail you can but perish Answ 5. If you will pluck eternal destruction upon your soules and bodies thank your selves As for the most merciful Father of our Lord Jesus Christ his Gospel is brought home unto you He proclaimeth a (1) Dignaris eis quibus omnia debita dimittis etiam promissionibus tuis debitorem fieri Aug. Conf. l. 5 pardon and that general pardon is now particularly tendered unto you I say unto you Answ 6. Although your day be (1) Matth. 20.9 Luke 23.43 already far spent if the Lord will you may redeem the time God assisting you may run and so run that you may (2) Cesset voluntas propria non erit insernus Bernard obtain Answ 7. Obtain or obtain not forasmuch as the long-suffering God hath prolonged his patience toward you Do not any longer abuse his patience dishonour him (1) Consi●ium futuri ex praeterito venit Seneca Epist 83. henceforward as little as (2) Fructuarius nihil facere debet in perniciem proprietatis l. 13. sect 4. F. de usu fructu you can nay henceforward glorifie him as much as you can Answ 8. One way of glorifying your God is to (1] Au laciam existimo de bono divini praecepti disputare Tertul de poenit cap. 4. Prior est authoritas imperantis quam utilitas servientis Idem leave him unto the preheminence of his secret counsel Servants may not pry into their Masters mind nor Children into their Fathers will nor Subjects into the unsearchble hearts of Princes It is your wisdome to submit trust and obey Answ 9. His you are unto whom you obey if you harden your hearts ye do the work of a Reprobate (1) That is of a Devil see 1 John 3.8 for Alterius esse non possunt nisi Diaboli quae Dei non sunt Tert. de Idol cap. 18. if you seek to glorifie your God you take a course to (2) Phil. 2.12 work out your salvation nay to make your calling and election sure (3) 2 Pet. 1.10 Answ 10. Many that have sought to work out their salvation God hath rejected For why They sought themselves not their Ruler but unto him who unfeignedly sought to glorifie his God as God God never yet denied his Spirit of Regeneration This is a Gospel-truth God who (1) Modo mirabili ineffabili agens Aug. de praedest sanct cap. 20. doth sometimes most freely give of his Spirit unto such as once despised grace will never (2) Patrem miserico diarum esse
Believer hath he hath the honour if I may so speak to (8) Psalm 145.1 Esay 25.1 Compare 2 Sam. 12.28 with Jerem. 9.23 24 extol that Throne which is the Lords to hand the Scepter of Gods Kingdom unto Gods right Hand and to lift a Crown of pure gold unto the Royal Head of this King of glory Then we extol God when we in our hearts and lives prayse and adore him And in this sense the solemn Coronation of our God is like Himself everlasting he that hath the honour to be one of those who magnifieth God hath this happinesse that he is said to extol God he glorifieth he crowneth his God and this is the (9) Non tam mea sunt quae mea sunt quam quae tua Plin. lib. 4. Epist 4. Crown of a Christian duty So shalt thou have (10) Rom. 13.3 compared with Gal. 1.24 Ephes 1.12 praise of the same Quest (11) Phil. 2 21 1 Cor. 10.24 2 Cor. 5.15 Sensum quendam voluptatemq percipio si ea quae mihi denegantur amicrs video superesse Plin. lib. 1. Ep. 10. What praise Answ The praise of bringing glory to thy God I undervalue my labours if I take paines for mine own only profit mine own only interest or mine own slender reputation The toyl which I undertake let me undertake it for the honour of my God No commendation (12) Ezra 9.6 sinful I do or can deserve Neverthelesse no that commendeth me or mine endeavours doth it to my losse let him praise not me for I am [13] 2 Cor. 12.11 Nothing but His God for His God is mine and he most favoureth me who [14] 2 Cor. 10.17 Psalm 115.1 105.3 103.1 23 2 Cor. 10.11 Gal. 1.24 Psalm 3. Amor non nisi donum amantis in amatum Gulicl Parisien de legibus c. 19. most glorifieth my God Lastly Life [1] Hoc etiam est quam ob rem cupiam vivere Plaut Curcul Psalm 119.17 1 Thes 3.8 2 Pet. 1.3 1 Tim. 4.8 Deut. 30.20 but such as dishonour God non tam vivunt quam in vitâ sunt Seneca Non est mortale quod opto Col. 3.3 more abundant Oh Sirs So often as we glorifie our God as God we anticipate life to come Then is our conversation like that in heaven when we be ever rejoycing in the Lord ever mentioning the loving-kindness of our God Verily we then seem to sit in heavenly places among Saints and Angels when in the midst of the congregation we set forth the prayses of our God in Psalmes in Hymns and in spiritual Songs Christians if ye know what it is to glorifie your God you will roll away that stone against which some have stumbled It will be unto you no trouble of heart if as you believe in God and believe in Christ so you through Jesus Christ celebrate [2] Psal 29.9 the name of your God publiquely and solemnly in your Fathers House Know Brethren if we glorifie God here upon earth They in heaven can do no more The most which They can do is though after a more heavenly manner to glorifie Our God We do what the Saints in [3] Psal 149.9 Neque ad loquendum digne de Deo lingua sufficit Neque ad pereipiendum intel●ectus praevalet magis ergo glorisicdre nos convenit Deum quod talis est qui intellectū tra●scendit cognitionis initium superat beaven do we do what the Angels in heaven do if we glorifie our God We do as the blessed Spirit doth we do as the Son of the Father doth yea we do as the Father himself doth if we glorifie our God Seeing it is unto us so great a glory to glorifie this God Seeing it is unto us heaven upon earth seeing it is unto us Life more abundant to laud praise and blesse the Name of our God I beseech you Friends Let us no more absent our selves from the Liturgie of our Church but let the Lord God have the glory of our open publick and solemn Thanksgivings Yea let us watch alwayes over our conversations words and hearts that at [1] Psalm 34.1 71.6 8 15 109.30 7 9 10 21 119.164 97 25.5 89.16 Nihil mihi fuit optatius quàm ut primum abs Te-ipjo deinde à caeteris omnibus quàm gratissimus erga Te esse cognoscerer Cicero Epist familiar lib. 1. Epist 5. all times whether in private or in publique whether in our labours or in [2] Non solum negotij sed otij reddenda●est ratio Col. 3.17 our recreations whether we mourn or rejoyce sleep or wake eat or drink or whatsoever we do we may [3] 1 Cor. 10.31 do all and desire to do all unto the glory of our God Beloved if we keep our selves [1] 2 Tim. 2 21 ever prepared unto every good work if we keep our selves ever unfeignedly desirous to ever glorifie our God Lo We have Psalmes and set-forms to [2] Eccles 5.2 Hos 14.2 furnish us with words the holy Scriptures to [3] 2 Tim. 3.16 instruct us in our duties the holy Spirit to [4] Rom. 8.26 Luke 11.13 Acts 5.32 Phil 2.12 13 assist us in our endeavours a [5] Heb. 4.15 16 1 John 2.1 2 Jude 24 Ephes 5.27 2 Cor. 4.14 15 Col 1.22 23 28 powerful Mediatour to render our imperfect performances perfectly acceptable nor can we want a perpetual supply of matter for our perpetual prayses and thanksgivings if we apply our selves unto the [6] See of this Treatise page 278.279 last General Part which limiteth this present Discourse I proceed therefore from the innumerable reasons why we should ever give thanks and prayses to the Lord our God unto the boundlesse matter of these our praises and thanksgivings The matter of our prayses and thanksgivings comprehendeth the three Kingdomes 1 represented in my Text. What supplyeth unto us perpetual matter for which our God is glorified If He who delighteth to [1] page 278. 1 Cor. 1.27 28 2 Cor. 4.7 strengthen grace by weak Instruments hath by * New Books are like new fashions taken up at the first with affection this Discourse of mine profited your soules then before we enter these three Provinces pause you here ye Christians Though such as I have I [2] Mat. 10 8 give Silver and Gold [3] See of this Treatise page 30 I have none at most so little that the imprinting of Sermons is too heavy for my light Purse Vnto the good example of other Generous Friends be it spoken What I write that another printeth not I but the surviving the affectionate Husband of a Gentlewoman now with God is [4] Imitating Jacob Gen. 35.20 the sole Publisher of this expensive Treatise and that not so much in memory of his dear Consort as in [5] 2 Cor. 13.9 Hominum charitas gratuita est Cicero de nat Deornm l. 1. 1 Cor. 13.5 compassion of us He so
of my Son is as the smell of a field which the Lord hath blessed Therefore God give thee of the dew of heaven and the fatnesse of the earth and plenty of corn and wine Why all this Answ Jacob have (7) Mal. 1.2 Rom. 9.13 I thosen Religious persons like perfumed garments carry with them a (8) Gen. 26.28 39.23 1 Sam. 18.5 Psalm 1.3 Jer. 17.8 blessing whithersoever they go Pharaoh Abimelech Laban Saul c. shall speed the better for their acquaintance with Joseph Isaac Jacob David c. It is not in vain that where the Prophets foretel Gospel-times there (9) Joel 2 23-28 Zech. 9.9 17 Esay 66.12 65 20-25 62 1-5 60.14 61.6 11 Revel 21.24 they promise temporal blessings The (10) hos 2.22.21 corn and the wine and the oyle shall hear Jezreel And the earth shall hear the corn and the wine and the oyle And the heavens shall hear the earth and I will hear the heavens saith the Lord But how shall Jezreel be assured of all this Answ I will (11) hos 2.20 even betroth thee unto me in faithfulnesse and thou shalt know the Lord. May Elijah prevaile with Ahab to cry down Baal he will soon prevail (12) 1 Kings 18 19-45 with God to pour down Rain Bring ye all your tithes and prove me now herewith saith the (13) Mal. 3.10 Lord of Hosts if I will not open for you the windowes of Heaven and empty out a blessing until I fill your Barns so full that you shall want room Wrest and misapply the Scriptures never so much yet from the Scritures (14) Mat. 5.5 Mark 10.30 1 Tim. 4.8 6.17 Psalm 144.15 122.5 7 128.5 125.4 35.27 1.3 119.165 148.14 36.7 8 Esay 60.6 7 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 61.4 5 6 62.7 8 9 65 20-25 66.10 11 12 clear it is that worldly riches are ordained not as a snare but as a promised blessing and that wheresoever Jesus Christ reigneth in the Gospel there he leadeth people from barbarism unto civility from civility to peace and from peace to the fruits of peace plenty The holy Spirit teacheth man to (15) Jam. 3.18 Hos 10.12 sow the fruits of righteousnesse the good Spirit to (16) Esay 28.24 29 Prov. 8.12 Exod. 31.3 6 cast abroad the sitches the cummin and principal wheat We mis-employ the encrease of the earth if we (17) Luke 16.9 12 Gal. 6.6 1 Tim. 6.18 19. spend it not upon the kingdome of heaven and the glory of this World [18] 1 Cor. 7.31 Esay 40.8 passeth away unlesse it may adorn the glory of the Gospel True where the Gospel is but yet in [19] Acts 14.22 planting or under [20] 2 Tim. 3.12 James 4.4 persecution or the like there if in this life only we have hope in Christ we are of [21] 1 Cor. 15.19 all men most miserable but I shall ever crave leave to think that where the Gospel flourisheth there the meek shall be sure to [22] Mat. 5.5 inherite the earth to be [23] Psa 149.4 beautified with salvation and to [24] Psa 22.26 eat and be satisfied The reason why I so think is this The meek on earth will [25] Zeph. 2.3 seek the Lord and the Lord will guide them [26] Psal 25.9 Esay 29.19 in judgement yea their meek and quiet Spirit is [27] 1 Pet. 3.4 in the sight of God of great price Hence The children of Israel never better bestowed their wealth then when they brought of it [1] Exod. 25.2 35.5 36 3 5 6 1 Chron. 29 2-13 willing Offerings for the service of the work of the Lord in his Sanctuary yea the followers of Christ even then when Jesus Christ was dead and buried would [2] Luke 8.3 John 8.40 Mark 16.1 2 3 See Learned Bishop Andrews his third Serm. on the Resurrection have ministred unto him of their substance And reason good for since the [3] Psal 24.1 earth is the Lords just it is that we [4] 1 Chro. 29.14 16 should give unto him of his own But this know God will not be behindhand with us in any [5] 2 Cor. 9.12 1 Cor. 15.58 Rom. 11.35 Hos 12.2 expressions of loving kindnesses whatsoever Though David did no more then [6] 2 Sam. 7.2 design to build a house for the Lord in requital the Lord built for David a [7] 2 Sam. 7. 11. sure House so far he is from desisting to [8] 1 Sam. 2.30 honour them who heartily [9] Prov. 3.9 honour him with their substance Christian remember thou that Temple of the Lord and forget the [10] Mat. 6.29 glory of Solomon if thou canst Recollect how zealous that Emperour Constantine [11] Enseb in vit Constantin was and then tell me whether he were not very deservedly stiled Constantine the [12] viz. The more good the more great Therefore 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 saith to the Prince of Wales I had rather you should be Charles le Bon then Charles le Grand cap. 27. GREAT Yea whosoever sincerely loveth the peace of Jerusalem [13] Psalm 122.6 prospereth and if I once discern a person unfeignedly seeking the kingdome of heaven and the righteousnesse thereof then am I sure [14] Mat. 5.33 all other things shall be added unto him For although the [15] Pro. 3.18 Tree of life is like [16] 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ibid. other Trees best planted in winter although the children of the [17] Mat. 5.45 kingdome are like the gold of the Temple best purified [18] Mal. 3.3 by fire yet the peace of the Gospel most flourisheth [19] 1 Kings 10.7 Psalm 45.4 21.5 31.9 Eccles 7.14 Jerem. 33.9 Job 8.6 Zech. 1.17 7.7 8.12 13 in the midst of prosperity and where the purity of the Gospel aboundeth it aboundeth in the fulnesse as well of earthly [20] 1 Tim. 4.8 Phil. 4.19 2 Cor. 9.8 Esay 32.18 as of heavenly mercies I lay the foundations of the earth saith the Lord and I therefore lay them that I may say [21] 1 Tim. 51.16 unto Zion Thou art my people Are we Jesus Christ's If so all things are [22] 1 Cor. 3.22 ours to the prayse of our God be it spoken all things are ours Thus much of the sixth Revenue of the holy Catholick Church namely that secular happinesse which like the heat at noon-day accompanieth the light of the Gospel a matter worthy out perpetual thanksgiving unto him whom we gladly desire ever to glorifie as God The Seventh is a fellowship (1) Phil. 3.10 with Christs sufferings When in one and the same day message upon message brought several tidings of several Victories at once unto Philip King of Macedon Philip brake forth (2) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Plutarch Apotheg O Fortune among such and so great good tidings bestow upon me some ill newes Beloved although the World is not aware
He is not to his elect as Justinian was to his sometimes favorite Belisarius He is not so cruel to us as Nebuchadnezzar was (5) Jer. 39.7 unto Zedekiah He dealeth not by us as Naash (6) 1 Sam. 11.2 would have dealed by the men of Jubesh He treateth us neither as Joshua (7) Josh 9.21 served the Gibeonites nor as the Philistims (8) 1 Sam. 13.9 used the Israelites Secure Davids Intelligencers (9) 2 Sam 17.18 19 though it be in a damp well under ground corn So you conveigh him down out at the Window (10) Acts 9.25 let Paul for once be (11) 2 Cor. 11.33 Paul in a basket and so you bring him up out of the Dungeon bolster up Jeremiah with (12) Jer. 38.11 Old cast clouts and with old rotten rags Beloved although God giveth us quarter although he spareth our lives yet should he deal with us as we deserve he might justly continue us in this life servants (13) with Rom. 6.16 compare Matth. 1.21 and with 2 Tim. 2.26 1 Cor. 5.5 1 Tim. 1.20 Compare Acts 26.18 unto sin captives (14) Psal 103.10 unto Satan He might make us like the Jews wear yellow badges Oh my Brethren God hath not dealed with us 15 according to our sins he hath not rewarded us according unto our iniquities He hath (1) 2 Kings 6.20 brought us into the midst of Samaria but (2) 2 Kings 6.23 he setteth bread and water before us He crucifieth our old man but our inward man he (3) 2 Cor. 4.16 reneweth daily He taketh from us our filthy garments but giveth unto us (4) Esay 61.10 robes of Righteousnesse He (5) Gal. 6.14 disarmeth us of our rebellious forces but harnesseth us with the (6) Eph. 6.11 2 Cor. 10.4 whole armour of God He dispossesseth us of (7) Eph. 6.5 our strong holds mean while He Himself is (8) Psal 18.2 71.3 91.2 62.7 our strong habitation whereunto we may alwayes resort O my dearly beloved Brethren The mighty Captain of our salvation doth conquer us but he conquereth us with kindnesse Behold He giveth us free (1) Gal. 5.1 13 liberty to (2) Ephes 5.16 make the best of our time of our abilities nay of his what Talents we have are (3) Matth. 25.14 1 Cor. 4.7 James 1.17 his goods with these he permitteth us to traffique (4) Matth. 16.27 1 Cor. 15.58 Heb. 6.10 for our selves He then (5) Rom. 2.6 7 10 Phil. 2.13 1 Cor. 9.24 Revel 3.5 21.21.7 accompteth that we do him the most and best service when we work out our own salvation he encourageth us to procure all the peace all the vertue all the godlinesse all the graces all the present prayse and future glory we can Blessed blessed be the holy God for that while we abide here sinners upon earth we are allowed to be spiritually minded to place our affections upon things above to have our conversation in heaven we are not forbid to use (6) With 1 John 2.27 compare Exod. 30.33 no not the most precious ointment of the Sanctuary Seventhly For bestowing upon us all things [1] 2 Pet. 1.3 appertaining to godlinesse People who never yet head the [2] Psalm 89.15 joyful found may [3] Psalm 102.22 Revel 11.15 be religious if they will that is if they can I say The Gentiles which [4] Luke 1.79 sit in darknesse are [5] Acts 11.18 17.30 not prohibited light but light hath not yet shined unto them Whereas the day-star from on high hath visited us so that we walk at least we should walk as children of the light Yea [6] It is with us as Deut. 4.6 7 Psalm 147.20 unto us of this age and kingdome are given of Gospel-priviledges the best in every kinde We above all other the Churches of Christ have Matter of Thankfulnesse unto God First For his revealed will Luther was no lesse worthy rehrehension for [1] Epistola Jacobi collata cum Evangelio Johannis ejus epistolâ primâ cum Epistolis Paulinis imprimis quae ad Romanos Galatas Ephesios scriptae sunt verè straminea epistola est See Brochmand and Luthers German Bible printed 1528. terming S. James his Epistle a strawy Epistle then that plow-man was worthy to be praysed who for one single leaf of it gave a whole load of hay Verily if one Oration of Isocrates did cost [2] viz. if not an 133 l. yet 100 l. twenty talents of silver if for every verse which Oppianus presented was given a [3] viz 0 l. 16 s. -4 d. stater of gold then is every word of our God more [4] Psal 119.72 to be desired then thousands of gold and silver Sirs every judgement denounced every warning given every truth related every prediction and prophesie every precept every command every promise c. abundantly claim from us our studied thankfulnesse A small portion of holy Writ the Pentateuch is especially if it be compared unto all the other canonical Scriptures neverthelesse great [5] Psal 19.7 119. per totum 1.2 138.2 very great was the esteem given unto the word of God even then when no word of God was extant saving only those five books of Moses Beloved blessed are your eyes for they see those holy Scriptures which neither Moses nor David nor any of the Patriarchs saw Next For this revealed will of God [1] with Psalm 102.18 compare Hos 8.12 written By signes and wonders and by several other meanes hath the God of truth given testimony unto the truth of his Word (2) See du Plessis Grot. de veritate relig Christianae and Dr. Hammond his Reasonablenesse of Christian Religion Among which this is not the least namely the harmonious consent of various Copies in several Nations and Languages transcribed and preserved And herein let our God receive the prayse due from us for none of the Churches of Christ can equal their Bibles unto that published by our English Clergy even in [3] Videas Praefat. ad Waltoni Bibl. Polyglotta perillous times Thirdly For this written Word [1] Deut. 28.49 1 Cor. 14.14 Revel 14.16 translated and [2] Gen. 40.8 Job 33.23 Prov. 1.6 1 Cor. 12.10 14.13 Esay 50.4 interpreted Nor hath any Kingdome under Heaven so great cause to be thankful for the purity of Scripture-translations interpretations as England hath Fourthly For these truths of God wholsomely applyed In England every place is full of Manna I mean of religious Treatises almost in every kind When the Reverend Prelacy of this English Church were silenced by (1) The Tribe of Levi. standeth and falleth with the Tribe of Judah a rebellious power God gave them a heart and an ability to leave a Monument of truth in Bishop Waltons voluminous Bible The Lord stir up the hearts of those Ministers among us which now silence themselves to improve their talents likewise Whether in
are not deprived of the delight [21] Psalm 63.1 119.174.20 which accompanieth expectations As hope deferred maketh fruition the [22] Prov. 13.12 more sweet so there is a [23] 1 Pet. 1.3 livelinesse in hope A pleasant and amiable practice it is to [24] Job 22.21 Phil. 2 1 1 John 1.3 acquaint ovr selves with that God whose beatifical vision we long for When out [25] Rev. 19.7 marriage with the Lamb shall at length be celebrated we shall [26] 1 Thes 4.17 consummate our joyes in the highest heavens neverthelesse it is no small satisfaction unto us that we are [27] Hos 2.19 20 Jerem. 2.2 Ezek. 16.8 2 Cor. 11.2 1 Cor. 6.17 betrothed here below While the Bridegroom of our soules [28] Esay 58.11 Psalm 32.8 73.24 guideth us thorough the troubles of heart toward the mansions in his Fathers house his loving Spirit makes us to [29] Esay 23.2 36.7 8 9 10 lye down in green pastures and leadeth us as beside waters of quietnesse so beside [30] Cant. 3.11 Rivers of pleasure Sirs although the day of our espousals will be unto us the eternal day 30 of the gladnesse of our hearts yet we would not be debarred the [31] Jer. 2.2 sweets of wooing we would not misse the ever (32) Phil. 2.1 endearing communion of his most blessed Spirit Happy we that we may (33) Hos 2.14 take time between Aegypt and the promised Rest Oh let us (34) John 6.31 feed a while upon Manna in the wildernesse Let us rest (35) Ps 84.7 our selves upon the holy hill of Sion before we climb (36) Gal. 4.26 Jerusalem above By this we know that God hath a delight in us to do us good in our later end (37) 1 John 4.13 because he vouchsafeth unto us his own Spirit It is the holy Spirit which (38) Nehem. 9.20 instructeth (39) Psa 32.8 adviseth (40) Revel 3.18 counselleth (41) Eph. 2.1 Psalm 119.93 quickeneth and (42) Eph. 32 8 73.24 guideth us in every duty wherewith at any time we glorifie our God It it the holy Spirit that Spirit whom we so long resisted so ungratefully quenched and so frequently grieve which maketh every Ordinance of Christ (43) Eph. 3.7 4.16 1 Thes 2.13 effectual unto our soules It is the holy Spirit which (44) Eph. 4.30 sealeth us as his own peculiar goods against the day of Redemption This is that (45) Nehem. 9.20 good Spirit that (46) John 14.16 other that (47) Psa 51.6 inward that ever-present (48) John 14.18 26 Psalm 94.19 Comforter which maketh every day throughout the year to us a (49) Esay 57.18 19 Feast of Pentecost which continually (50) Esay 30.21 John 14.1 whispereth unto us Let not your heart be troubled yea which graciously (51) With Heb. 13.21 compare John 14.11 raiseth our hearts unto a belief in God and unto a belief in his Christ Dear Christians to be spiritually minded is (52) Rom. 8.6 life and peace be ye (53) Eph. 5.18 filled with the spirit and ye shall be filled with joy The graces of this blessed Spirit are the ornaments with which He who is the desire of our soules (54) Psalm 149 4 beautifieth us This Spirit of grace is that (55) John 3.29 friend of the Bridegroom which gaineth a good affection in us toward our Lover which (56) Esay 56.7 interpreteth unto us all his love-tokens By this Spirit he bringeth us into (57) Hos 2.14 Cant. 7.12 the secret places of the Wildernesse by this Spirit he allureth us speaketh dearly to us wooeth us courteth us and (58) Esay 5.1 Psalm 118.14 42.8 singeth unto us the whole song of Solomon By this Spirit he (59) Eph. 5.26 purifieth our hearts that we may come with the more confidence unto his Bride-Chamber He holdeth a close (60) 2 Cor. 13.14 communion with our spirits by this Spirit The time of our spiritual life here is the (61) Jer. 2.2 Tota Christiani vita est Esay 26.8 desiderium sanctum time of loves We have not patience to stay until he bring us unto his Bride-chamber oh let him kisse us here (62) Cant. 1.2 with the kisses of his mouth The mouth of him who espouseth us unto himself is this Spirit even the Spirit of truth and of love In every grace viz. in the (63) Heb 5.14 exercise of every grace we enjoy a (64) Phil. 3.20 Ephes 2.6 heavenly mindednesse which eternity it self shall perfect This God (65) 1 John 4 8. of love is a (66) Wisdom 1.6 loving spirit he leadeth us into his (67) Prov. 3.17 wayes of pleasantnesse he walketh with us in his garden walkes he filleth us with (68) Psalm 119 20 longings he ravisheth our souls with (69) Psalm 119 97 spiritual delights he (70) Rom. 8.15 adopteth us children children of God and heires of salvation he (71) 2 Pet. 1.4 maketh us partakers of the divine naturr he [72] Jer. 3.14 declareth us the Spouse of Jesus Christ O let us be thankful for that [73] Zech. 12 10 Spirit of grace which [74] James 1.17 alone can give us grace to be [75] Ephes 5.20 thankful Ninthly Vnto us a [1] Esay 9.6 Son is given As the Son imparteth unto us [2] John 3.34 7.38 15.26 his own spirit so the Father [3] John 3.16 giveth unto us his own Son his own Son [4] 1 John 1.2 Eph. 3.9 11 manifest in the flesh A mysterie a great mysterie a [5] See Bishop Andrews Serm. on 1 Tim. 3.16 See Ephe. 3.10 great mysterie almost swallowing up our meditations and making us not so much thankful as thankfulnesse it self For since this Son of God is both [6] Acts 10.36 Lord and [7] Heb. 1.2 heir of all things give [8] Rom. 8.32 HIM to us and we will quickly lay our claim unto [9] 1 Cor. 3.22 whatsoever he hath The work of [10] John 1.3 Col. 1.16 his hands the worlds which [11] Heb. 1.2 he created they are [12] Ps 115.16 our goods and chattels Ours [13] Matth. 6.32 1 Tim. 4 8 Heb. 13.5 during our life for [14] 1 Cor. 7.31 our use His for ever for [15] Psalm 119 91 his glory What inheritance he holdeth by [16] Mat. 21.33 birthright that by his [17] Heb. 1.2 purchase is [18] Rem 8.17 Tit. 3.7 Heb. 1.14 James 2.5 1 Pet. 3.7 made ours The price of his blood is [19] 1 Cor. 10.16 Ephes 1.7 Ours payeth off [20] 1 John 1.7 9. all our debts and that [21] Phil. 2.9 unto his gain The [22] Phil. 3.10 power of his Resurrection is [23] Rom. 6.5 11. Ours raiseth us from [24] Col. 3.1 dead works and will [25] John 6.54 raise us up at the last day His holy life is [26]
the tribes of Israel we see a [2] Revel 7.4 hundred forty four thousand sealed In the beginning of the world [3] Jude 14 ten thousand of the Saints were heard of If you will allow the seed of Abraham to be [4] Gen. 22.17 like that father of the faithful [5] Gal. 3.7 8 true believers you will as soon number the stars of heaven as them For although unto the great God neither [6] Psalm 139.16 they nor the [7] Psalm 147.4 stars are innumerable yet unto us finite creatures they are a [8] Revel 7.9 great multitude which no man can number Answ 4. A multitude of the heavenly host [1] Luke 2.13 seconded one Angel how great that multitude was God alone knoweth Every legion of Angels is computed six thousand six hundred sixty and six in number of these you may observe twelve legions mentioned [2] Matth. 26.53 like one single troop We read of [3] Dan. 7.10 thousand thousands spirits who ministred unto God and of ten thousand times ten thousand who stood before him and again [4] Revel 5.21 ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands Beloved in my Fathers house none of all these want their mansions Answ 5. Many viz. for the [1] Hos 4.16 greater solace of these Disciples Some conclude that one of hell-torments shall be an oppressing and [2] Esay 22.5 over-crowding one another thorough the narrow scantnesse of that bottomlesse pit If so One of the pleasures of Heaven shall be a [3] Mark 14.15 Psalm 31.8 118.5 Matth. 13.30 spaciousnesse of room God will [4] Esay 54.2 enlarge our Tent. The Saints shall not complain that the place is [5] Esay 49.19 20 too strait for them Answ 6. Many viz. to set forth the [1] Pauperis est aum●rare greatnesse of God their Maker and Builder Great is the House and therefore many are the mansions which he buildeth for [2] Dar. 4.30 1 Chron 29.1 the honour of his Majesty Saith Solomon [3] 2 Chron. 29 What house I build shall be wonderful great Answ 7. Many because of [1] No● malè veteres intelligunt cum graduum differentiis G ●ot in locum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Clem. Serom. 6. Quonodo multae mansiones ●p●d Patrem si non pro varietate mer'torum Tertul. Scorp Plures sunt mansiones jam paratae secundum electionem aeternam sed parandae adhuc secundum merita Gorran in locum many degrees At Jerusalem one [2] Consulas Maymon in biath Mik lash Abah R. Nathan per. 34. Rambam in Kelim per. 1. sim Josephum de bell Jud. lib. 5. cap. 14. R. Solom in Kelim per. 1. c. part in and about the Temple was holier then another A stranger might not approach the Ally before the Temple A Priest might enter the Courts which an Israelite might not Between the porch and the Altar no Priest might come unlesse his head were covered The inwarder part of the Temple was more holy then the Priests Courts and within the Vail was the Holy of holies So in heaven there be mansions one of a higher degree of glory then another Hereunto the person speaking in my Text principally alludeth Saith he This is the victory which overcometh your troubles even your faith wherefore believe in God believe also in me and take this for your encouragement The greater your faith is the greater your victory and the greater your victory is the greater shall be your Reward for I will reward every one of you according unto his work of Faith and that I may reward every one of you according unto your work of Faith In my Fathers house are many Mansions _____ are It is not said they shall be but they already are Thi● is yet one more incitement unto a thankful glorifying of God as God viz. the [1] Beatitudo haec duo requirit frutionem incommutabilis boni certitudmem aeternae sruitionis See Ephes 2.6 Phil. 3.20 c. full assurance the lively hope which is set before us There [2] 2 Pet. 3.13 Revel 21.1 shall be new heavens nay there [3] Esay 66.5 17.18 are There are mansions many mansions many mansions of many degrees of degrees already prepared to recompence the highest degree of faith and love which any Disciple can possibly reach wherefore my beloved Brethren be ye [1] 1 Cor. 15.58 stedfast unmoveable alwayes abounding in the work of the Lord for so much as you know your labour is not in vain in the Lord There are many mansion in my Fathers house Quest Why is the kingdome of glory compared to a house Answ For the same reason that you here see many mansions not only mansions but many mansions as I told you The glory of the invisible (1) See Bishop Reynolds on Hos 14. Serm. 5. Sect. 2. in The beauty of Lillies infinitely transcendeth the glory of the visible world Hence as we are forced to use many letters to spell one long word or many words to compose one eloquent speech so by reason of our imperfect understanding we are constrained to borrow many worldly excellencies to represent any (2) 1 Chron. 29.1 Revel 21.2 one glory in heaven Be Jerusalem the (1) Psalm 48.2 137.6 joy of the whole earth yet Jerusalem which is (2) Gal. 4 26 above if she would make her self known unto us below she will (3) Esay 54.11 12 Revel 21.19 take up Jewels and Riches and Gold upon trust So immoveable is heaven that name (4) Psalm 46.5 Mount Zion and you say nothing Be a Throne glorious and heaven is (5) Psalm 113.4 Flay 66.1 exalted above that glory The Crown there is a Crown which (6) 1 Pet. 5.4 fadeth not away The inheritance there is (7) 1 Pet. 1.4 undefiled incorruptible The substance there is (8) Heb. 10.34 an enduring substance The peace there (9) Phil. 4.7 passeth mans understanding Life is there life immortal life (10) Rom. 2.7 1 Cor. 15.54 eternal There pleasures swim in (11) Psalm 16.11 whole Rivers they (12) Esay 48.18 roll in upon us like waves of the Sea Call heaven a house and the builder and maker must be (13) Heb. 11.10 a God Call heaven a House and that house must be as wide as heaven The windows must be (14) Esay 54.12 Agates the gates Carbuncle the battlements pleasantnesse and whatsoever else is precious the pavement love joy and glory The azured firmawent which our eyes behold is but as the rough rags the made-earth the unhewen the lowest the buried part of the foundations of this House The stars of the firmament are but as so many sandy dusts everywhere scattered within that azured that clayie rubbish The Moon and Sun which seem so bright unto us unto the inhabitants of this House in my Text do indeed a little glizzen but no otherwise then two shells of
an Oyster opened under our feet If heaven be a house it is a mansion-house a glorious house a holy house the house of my God and that I may speak home My Fathers house God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is (1) Exod. 15.11 glorious in holinesse Fearful in prayses What sort of (2) 1 Chron. 29.1 Palace What kind of Temple must that be which deserveth to be called (3) Esay 66.1 The House of God! And yet our rejoycing lyeth not so much in the fabrique as in the builder not so much in the builder as in the owner of this house The Owner of this House is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ This is My Fathers house First in regard of God the-Father Heaven is God the Fathers home He indeed (1) Jerem. 23.14 filleth all places but heaven is the (2) Luke 16.9 Esay 57 15 place of his habitation the (3) Palm 26.8 palace where his honour dwelleth the (4) 1 Chron. 29.1 palace where he keepeth his Court the (5) Esay 62.9 Court where he exalteth his Throne his power and his glory Next in regard of God the Son As to work out our Redemption he came down from heaven so having finished that work he ascended up on high Oh it was a (1) John 20.17 comfort to the son of man as man to go unto his Father for his Father is (2) John 14 28 greater then he Thirdly in regard of us Believers First We (1) Esay 64.1 fancy great matters might Jesus Christ here converse among us in the flesh Sirs God the father loveth Jesus Christ as his only Son Jesus Christ reciprocally loveth him as his dear Father If we love Jesus Christ more then we love our selves we (2) John 14.28 rejoyce because he is now at home with his own Father Fools may prate that Fathers are good friends but evil company it was never so with the Son of man For the (3) Acts 3.21 7.55 Humane nature of Jesus Christ there is no such company as the visible society of his eternal Father Shew him the father and (4) John 14.8 it sufficeth Secondly My Fathers house is (1) Matth. 6.9 Our Fathers house Doubtlesse thou art our Father was a high-strained faith even then when (2) Esay 63.16 derived from Gods creation at most from Gods protection of us But the person speaking in my Text hath now given us a nearer claime he can (3) John 20.17 send us word I go to my Father and your Father therefore your Father because my Father Thirdly Our Fathers house was never built for Spiders God doth not like some of our Gentry first build a great house and then ever after lay all hospitality aside No He (1) Esay 25.6 feasteth it he (2) Revel 19.9 ever feasteth it like (3) Revel 19.17 Esther 1 an Emperour In the house of my Father as none serve him (4) Revel 1.6 under Priests and Kings so all who serve him fare like (5) Revel 3.20 Princes Upon earth this is the infelicity of Kings that to maintain a requisite State they most what sit at Table alone whereas in heaven although Kings we are yet our meat doth us no good except we eat it (6) Heb. 12.22 23 with company In our Fathers house as our Supper is the (1) Revel 3.20 19.17 Supper of the Lord so our society is the (2) Heb. 12.22 communion of the Saints In heavenly places we shall sit (3) Ephes 2.6 together with Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Abel will there tell us what hard words and blowes he (4) Gen. 4.8 received from Cain We shall there see Job beholding his Redeemer with his (5) Job 19.27 own eyes Charles the (6) Of great Brittain France and Ireland King First the first since that hour wherein Jesus Christ was crucified that ever dyed and so dyed for the good of his people Him we shall finde among if not above the noble Army of Martyrs Yea we shall there converse with every glorified soul with every soul glorified in its own order in its own mansions joying and rejoycing with its own peculiar degree of glory The elect of God which here upon earth were unto us Neighbours Friends Kinred Brethren Sisters Children Parents Wives or Husbands with these we shall renew an acquaintance an acquaintance encreasing unto all eternity Scholars if ever you would save time in your studies if ever you would be exquisite Phisosophers great Historians or perfect (1) Hoc h●bet animus argumentum suae divinitatis quod illum divina delectent Seneca Divines make your (2) Bene oravisse est bene studuisse Luther Plus cogitando orando proficiunt quàm legendo audiendo August Epist 112. Origo sontium sluminum ma●e virtutum scientiarum Christus Bern. in Cant. Serm. 13. calling and election sure get an everlasting fellowship in these mansions in heaven your knowledge shall be made perfect nor shall you sit like mutes but you shall speak of the goodnesse of your God with a fulnesse of delight joy and love How happy would some children acknowledge themselves were the place of their education adjoyning unto the place of their nativity How much of her Dowrye would many a Wife part with upon condition that her husbands estate lay not far from (1) Illa domus laet●tiae est ista militiae illa domus laudis ista orationis Idem Serm. 2. in dedic Eccles her Fathers house Beloved in my Fathers house are many mansions but all of them in one and the same House We are there all of us one Society one Family one Colledge one Houshold one Church one Body Forget thy (2) Psalm 45.10 Fathers house and thine own kinred taketh no place in these mansions Duty and Death separate the nearest relations here but in my Fathers house friends never part Dominions Principalities Powers Angels Arch-Angels c. about whom the Schoolmen have been so idly busied them and their (1) Delectat qu●cquid est adm rabile Cicere Part. O●at distinct orders we shall know and delight in Many a good Angel which unaware to us took of us an especial charge we shall know by name and by sight in these mansions The Holy Ghost who gave us life first natural then spiritual That good that (1) Nemin●m unquam demisit tristem loving spirit which did doth and will continue our preserver sanctifier and comforter will in Heaven put life into us indeed when he once entertaineth us in my fathers house then we shall live The person speaking in my Text thorough whom the just God is so well pleased with us He who came down from heaven to bring us thither who underwent for us the reproaches of men and the curse of God who for our sakes spake and wrought and suffered wonders Him who passed by the fallen Angels and exalteth our nature above his elect
Believers they seem unto themselves I say of this breast-plate of Salvation the generality of Believers are utterly frustrated 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Most true is that of Saint Augustine It seemeth good saith (1] St. Augustin de Civitate dei lib. 1. cap. 7. he It seemeth good unto the Almighty Providence to prepare such Blisse in the world to come as the just only shall enjoy and not the unjust and such torments as the unjust only shall feel and not the just but as for things temporal these the divine providence distributeth both to the just and unjust Mat. 5.45 viz. that temporal blessings may not be too vehemently desired loe even the wicked are sometimes happy in this world again that worldly evils may not be too much avoyded even the dearest of Gods children are sometimes afflicted in this world Beloved hence hence it is that [2] Eccl. 9.2 All things come alike to all that both adversity and prosperity seem promiscuously common to him that [3] ibid. sacrificeth and to him that sacrificeth not to the clean and to the unclean to the righteous and to the wicked In the mean while as I have already [4] viz. from page 57. forwards argued at large Look how much unbelief reigneth in the heart so much the heart is troubled I say Whether one be prosperous in his sinfulnesse like [1] 1 King 12 Jeroboam Or whether the more he trespasse the more he be distressed like [2] 2 Chron. 28.22 Ahaz Or whether he do that which is right but not with a perfect heart like [3] 2 Chron. 25.2 Amaziah Or whether though he end in the Spirit he begins in the flesh like [4] 2 Chron. 33.12 Manasseh still still the heart while a heart of unbelief must necessarily be troubled First View sinners who are not [1] Psal 73.5 in trouble like other men sinners who are compussed about with pride [2] Psal 73.6 as with a Chain who [3] Psal 73.8 speak loftily and set [4] Psal 73.9 their mouth against the Heavens These Asses are thus pampered with provender that they may bear such burdens [5] Deut. 6.10 11 7.22 1 Kings 9 11 Esay 45.14 Prov. 21.18 compaced with Esay 43.3 as might possibly cumber and divert the Church in her pilgrimage While sound Believers spend their time and thoughts upon things spiritual these Unbelievers though no thanks to them for they [6] Deut. 10.7 mean not so drudge for their service in the affairs of this World just as Indians dig Gold and Christians traffique with it I say notorious sinners are permitted to wax fat and well-liking that they may be like [7] Josh 9 27 ●s●y 49.22 23 2 Chro. 36.22 Ezra 1.7 8 Esay 44 28 45.1 hewers of wood and drawers of water for the Lords Congregation Or it may be God suffereth some of them to prosper that they may be the [8] Ezek. 19.18 19 38.11 12 5.30 4 5. overthrow of others as Judges reprive one malefactour that he may be the Executioner of his fellows Or God suffereth them to slourish and branch forth that he may use them as [9] Esay 10.5 Psalm 17.13 Judges 2.22 Rods for the correction of his Children Or as Tryals [10] Esay 3.1 Phil. 2.15 to let the world see that the prosperity of evil-doers cannot allure Gods servants unto wickednesse Neverthelesse while these prosper in the world settle upon the lees are at ease in Zion dwell carelesly and blesse themselves in their abundance while they have more then heart can wish poor fools their present prosperity [11] Pro. 1.32 Eccles 8.11 threatneth their eternal destruction Let them ask [12] Exod. 5.2 Prov. 30.9 who is the Lord that we should obey him Let them say [13] Zeph. 1.12 The Lord will do neither good or evil [14] Psalm 73.11 How doth God know is there knowledge in the most High Lo God hideth his face to see [15] Deut. 32.20 Jerem. 7.19 what their end will be to see what falshood they [16] 2 Sam. 18.32 will work against their own life Let them alone saith [17] Hos 4.7 1 Matth. 15.14 13.14 God I will not reprove them nor set before them the evils which they do let them fill up the full measure of their iniquities let them treasure up wrath against the day of my wrath Beloved the more these glory in their vanities the more at the great and last day will God exalt his Severity his Wrath and his Justice [18] Pro. 16.4 Rom. 9.22.17 2 Pet. 2.9 upon them Therefore since they had rather be [19] 2 Tim. 2.26 captives to Satan then made free [20] John 8.32 36 Rom. 6.18 22 8.2 1 Cor. 7.22 by Gods Spirit let them glory in their choyce at Doomes-Day when Satan shall accuse them God will [21] Psal 2.4 Prov. 1.26 laugh at them Since they had rather be bond-slaves to the Prince of darknesse then Heires to the Father of Lights let them have their bellies full of pleasure God can [22] Psa 50.8 12 13 22 Job 22.2 3 Tir. 3.5 Ephes 2.9 Job 35.6 7 live without their service or good affection Serve him they do and [23] Isa 66.2 Ephes 1.11 Exod. 18.11 Psalm 72.11 1 Chro. 29.14 Nehem. 9.6 Prov. 16.4 Psalm 135.6 Rom. 11.36 shall but against their wills God will not be beholding to them for their obedience nay he will not honour them so much as to deigne to [24] Esay 1.5 Hos 4.14 Esay 57.17 punish them here they shall not have the the [25] Hos 4.17 Heb. 12.6 7 favour to be scourged yea they are not worth a whistling after they forsake forget despise and neglect God and God hath as [26] 1 Sam. 2.30 light an esteem for them he doth but will not see them he leaveth them to their own presumptions in a Glorious Neglect Notwithstanding they are rendred altogether inexcusable for God meeteth them in their own [27] Hos 8.11 folly a whelp of Lilly they request and a whelp of Lilly is given them They desire no other portion then in this life and in this life their [28] Psalm 17.14 portion they shall have God oweth them no such patience no such [29] Rom. 2.4 goodnesse yet let them partake of either let the Church see whether Gods long-suffering will indeed lead the world to Repentance and make men wise for their latter end They can have no pretence that God is [30] Matth. 25.24 Zeph. 3.5 a hard Master for he is before-hand with them in his wages all [31] Esay 66.2 Rom. 11.36 Acts 17.28 that they are or have they receive from him and from him only They cannot say but that a Lord who is is so liberal unto them while they continue [32] Mat. 5.45 Zeph. 3.5 17 Psalm 31.19 Acts 14.17 Psalm 132.15.16 enemies and rebellious might prove a favourable Benefactour unto them would they
his whole Kingdom let Nebuchadnezzar (2) Dan. 1.4 2.48 6.3 educate and advance Daniel the best he can unto (3) Esther 3.1 6.10 2.17 Haman nay unto Mordecai nay unto Esther let Ahasuerus shew the utmost of his loving favours yet none of these Histories are worthy to be borrowed no not as illustrations of that eternal love which the everlasting Father revealeth unto us in his Gospel of Jesus Christ Do Vnbelievers doat upon the trash of this world squander away your health your wits your wealth your time your talents upon a (1) 1 John 5.19 world of folly upon (2) Eccles 1.2 emptinesse upon nothing upon (3) 1 Joh 3.4 Rom. 7.13 6.23 sin which is worse then nothing while we who are made (4) James 2.5 Denizons of this kingdome of grace bestow (5) Psalm 1.2 104.34 119.97 Phil. 3.8 1 Tim. 4.15 our time our thoughts our continual studies upon the sacred mysteries of the glorious Gospel We enjoy a fellowship which you poor fools are not well aware of to wit the (6) Phil. 2.1 2 Cor. 13.14 fellowship of that true Comforter the holy Ghost the [7] Phil. 3.10 fellowship of that endearing Redeemer the Son of God and the (8) 1 Joh. 1.3 4.16 fellowship of him who is all in all unto us God the Father In this Kingdome of grace behold (1) 1 John 1 what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us that we should here be called the sons of God Beloved (2) 1 John 2 now are we the sonnes of God but it doth not yet appear what we shall be But this I know we shall then be like him when we shall see him as he is and we shall most assuredly see him as he is for In my fathers house are many Mansions HOw amiable are these Tabernacles of thine [1] Psalm 84.1 O Lord of hosts Blessed are they that [2] Psalm 84.4 dwell in thy house they will still be praysing thee One thing have I desired of the Lord which I will [3] Psalm 27.4 seek after namely that I may dwell in this house of the Lord all the endlesse dayes of mine everlasting life to behold the beauty of the Lord and to enquire in his Temple My soul [4] Psalm 84.2 longeth yea even fainteth for the Courts of the Lord. Beloved as there is no coming unto these Mansions in my fathers house until the kingdome of glory be first entred so there can never be wanting Matter of thankfulnesse unto God For the Kingdome of glory A Kingdome indeed a kingdome of the great God! a kingdome of the great glory of the great God! Prayse ye the Lord from [1] Psal 148.1 the heavens * Da Christianum scit quod dico but Where no grace is there the King of glory loseth his right Christians were there no temporal punishments no death no judgement no hell to be escaped no Satan to be trodden under foot no sin to be subdued no vertue to be desired no Gospel-conversation to entertain us while we abide in the Church militant no present grace to be the measure of future Reward no recompence of Reward at all nay were our life here upon earth a continual Hell yet the [1] Tit. 1.2 Gal. 5.5 2.3 3.7 Heb. 6.18 hope that is set before us the [2] Phil. 3.14 high price of our high calling may justly fill our mouth with the high prayses of our God Here I confesse my tongue is not the Pen of a ready Writer He needeth the tongue not of men but of Angels the wing not of an Eagle but of a Cherub that (1) 2 Cor. 12.4 undertakes to soar towards these mansions My thoughts may my tongue cannot ascend the heavens It is for divine St. Augustine to write of the City of God Eye hath (1) 1 Cor. 2.9 seen much ear hath heard more then eye hath seen mans heart conceiveth more then his ear hath heard yet all is too little at the best The visible world large as it is containeth not variety enough of creatures to paint out in apposite colours nay to shadow out without colours nay without the least shadow to delineate an imperfect mapp of this (2) Revel 21.2 3 11 most glorious kingdome By the mansions in my Fathers house Ex pede Herculeme 1 Cor. 13.12 you may attempt some small conjecture of what great thanks we owe unto our merciful God for the surpassing infinite and eternal peace joy blisse and glory of this heavenly Kingdome We finde here signified Matter of joy to us and (1) Nam gaudio cogendi vis inest Pan. ad Trajan of prayses to our God First in the Mansions Object Why Mansions Answ 1. Mansions intimate rest Because I have said [1] John 16.6 these things unto you sorrow hath filled your heart but let not your heart be troubled When trouble is nigh God [2] Psalm 22.11 91.15 is not far off you believe in God believe also in me I [3] John 14.2 go to prepare a place of rest for you Beloved all things under the Sun are like the Moon full of defects and changes yea all things under the heavens are like the Ayr made up of vanity and commotions but verily Brethren [4] Heb. 4.9 there remaineth a rest for the Saints Answ 2. Mansions as they promise rest so they intimate [1] Joan. 14.2 Syrus habet vocabulum quod significat locum pablicum ut diversorium sicut etiam Suetonius Mansionis nomine pro diversorio hospitio utitur Ge●hard in Hist Harm Evangel rest after travel By the sharpnesse of death I open the kingdome of heaven not for my self for I [2] John came down from heaven but for you I go to prepare a place of [3] John 14.2 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Similitudo sumpta ab uno comitum qui in itinere praegressas ad diversorium ibi caeteris cubicula assignat efficit ut venientibus parata sint Grotius entertainment for you In my Fathers house are many Mansions Answ 3. Mansions as they give rest after travel so they [1] Ostendit Joan. 14.2 Apostolos hoc nomine Deo fidere debere quòd in domo patris sui variae sint paratae manj●o●●s A transsug●s sumpla Metaphora quibus magno solatio est habere varia Asyla ad consuglenda quae promittit Christus sive praesentem spectes vitam sive futuram Zegerns yield refuge against danger As there is no covert from a storm like ones well-built dwelling house so there is no shelter from trouble like Gods dwelling house In Gods house we at once both escape a storm and finde [2] Psalm 3.2 91.9 a God On Mount Zion shall be a [3] Esay 4.6 shadow from heat and a refuge from storm I will be unto you a [4] Ezek. 11.16 little Sanctuary Sirs when Jesus Christs Disciples are persecuted upon earth
they take sanctuary in heaven Answ 4. Mansions as they import protection so they imply [1] 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quasi Stabiles mansiones continuance of that protection Tents may be soon taken down soon removed Mansion-houses [2] Esay 33.20 not so Christians Upon earth we are all of us [3] Jer. 35.7 Rechabites we have here [4] H●b 13.14 no continuing City the City of God that endureth for ever Answ 5. Mansions serve as well for convenience as for continuance The Jewish Temple which was so [1] Psalm 15.1 Revel 11.19 absolute a Type of the Temple of God in new Jerusalem was if [2] Ezek. 40.44 45 46 duly considered as well a Colledge as a Temple About it were [3] Jer. 35.4 store of Chambers built for those Priests and Levites which ministred before the Lord Friends so many of us as wait upon the Lord [4] Psalm 23.4 need fear no night no servant of this Lord shall want for lodging so professedly are the mansions in my fathers house allotted unto the followers of Jesus Christ that death shall only [5] Esay 26.20 bring us unto our chambers Answ 6. Mansions comprehend not only convenience but delight and that first in regard of the building next in regard of the furniture First Our out-houses are meanly built of hay stubble mud or such like Our outward buildings are ordinarily neglected as are those vessels of dishonour which lumber them or the cattle which we house in them may they be warm for the cattle necessary for businesse or serviceable for out-uses all is passing well not so with (1) See Revel cap. 21. our mansion-house that if any is of stone-work if not of Marble curiously hewen and carved Next as of the two the faebrique is more excellent so the furniture We will hardly be at the charge of plaistering our barns or hovils much lesse do we either wainscot or hang them But if we have any Bed Table Stool Candlestick c. let them be (1) 2 Kings 4.10 furniture for the Prophets lodging-room if the world hath any Purple Needlework Gold or Pearl let them be (2) see Exod. cap. 36. cap. 37. cap. 38. cap. 39. set apart for the dwelling place of the most High Unto our Mansion-houses we bring our houshold-stuffe our substance our riches our treasures our plate our furniture our tapestry c. Our Mansion-houses we make and keep as neat as pleasant as delightful as the condition of our private estates will permit Beloved these mansions in my Text are all of them (3) Domum apud patrem hab●o cam ●ae vobis paratam to lodgè ●oculentissim ●n amplissimam bo t is omnibus instruct●ssi●un Jac. Capellus in Joan 14.2 furnished not according unto the lownesse of our mean condition but according unto the majesty and honour of the high and mighty Lord of all things The royal Treasures the Princely Ornaments of every mansion within this Palace speak their owner a great king even a (3) Psalm 24.7 king of glory Therefore as you will finde them glorious mansions so you do finde them Many Mansions Jesus Christ had (1) John 13.36 newly informed Cephas whither I go thou canst not follow me now but thou shalt follow me hereafter This the other Disciples who then stood by (2) John 13.33 over-heard over-hearing this their hearts were troubled Thought they (3) Vide in Joan. 14.1 T●rinum Mol●●●●t●m Ja●teni concord Even● cap. 134 what shall become of us Peter he shall follow Christ but poor we may be left (4) John 14.18 comfortlesse behind No saith Jesus I (5) John 14.2 deal plainly with you Were it so I would have told you but in my Fathers house are many mansions mansions enough for Peter enough for my self enough for you and for thousands more besides you Object Many are called but (1) Matth. 20.16 few are chosen Strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and (2) Matth. 7.14 few there be who finde it Answ 1. Verily this is one reason why I have openly endeavoured to roll every stone from your heart Alas the unbelief of many among us did never yet trouble their thoughts They accept an (1) Qui Christiani nominis opus non agit Christianus non esse videtur Salvian de Dei Gub. lib. 4.2 Tim. 2.19 3.5 Revel 3.1 James 2.20 idle fruitlesse opinionative knowledge instead of a firm belief in God and his Christ They promise unto themselves these mansions in my Fathers house whereas except they repent they shall never (2) Heb. 12.14 step toward them They have a name that they live but are dead By their (3) Matth. 7.20 fruits you may know it God will not put that into their heads which they cast at their heels if they (4) Acts 13.46 judge themselves unworthy of everlasting life it is just with God not to (5) See Dr. Selater upon 2 Thes 1.5 ●1 accompt them worthy of his calling But mine APOLOGIE in behalf of my God is that although few there be who work out (6) Phil. 2.12 their Salvation Christ (7) 2 Cor. 5.15 dyed for all Though few there be who finde that Jesus Christ is the (8) John 14.6 only way which leadeth unto life in Jesus Christ is everywhere (9) John 10.10 offered Life more abundant Answ 2. Although in comparison of all them for whom [1] 1 John 2.2 Rom. 5.18 Jesus Christ dyed they that perish [2] Matth 7.13 are many yet in comparison of them whom Jesus Christ might justly [3] Rom. 3.9 23 1 Sam. 2.30 have rejected they who belive unto salvation have need of many mansions for they are many Compare the [4] John 10.16 flock of sheep with the [5] Matth. 25.38 herd of goats and a [6] Luke 12.32 little flock it is but recollect how many of these sheep the [7] 1 Pet. 5.8 wolfe would have devoured and you will then grant that over what it might have been this little flock abideth a [8] John 10.16 Psalm 84.7 Revel 7.9 great flock There were in numerably more fishes left in the Sea then [9] Luke 5.6 taken yet the [10] ibid. Text saith They enclosed a great multitude of fishes Although more are without the pale of the Church then within it yea although more are in the Church then of it yet multi udes of Believers there are whom these Fishers of men convert True many are those unthankful wretches which will torment themselves in hell-flames but blessed be our Saviour many although not so many are the Saints glorified in Heaven Answ 3. No marvail it is if the mansions in my Fathers house be many since the elect of God cannot be few We finde from the East and from the west [1] Matth. 8.11 many coming to sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the kingdome of heaven Among