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A43621 Gregory, Father-Greybeard, with his vizard off, or, News from the Cabal in some reflexions upon a late pamphlet entituled, The rehearsal transpros'd (after the fashion that now obtains) in a letter to our old friend, R.L. from E.H. Hickeringill, Edmund, 1631-1708. 1673 (1673) Wing H1808; ESTC R7617 145,178 344

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seared with a hot iron that though the poyson of Asps is perpetually under their lips and they spit their venom against their Superiors yet recant not repent not nor do their tender Consciences feel any remorse or regret Thus Ver. 6. when the Post went out with the Letters from the King and his Princes throughout all Israel and Judah and according to the Commandment of the King requiring the people to Conform and not to be stiff-necked v. 8. as their fathers were but yield themselves unto the Lord so is the Law of the King and Council there called But what entertainment did the people give it This is the question at this day Truly the people were then as now some of them Conformists and some of them Non-conformists The Nonconformists were Ephraim wholly and part of the Tribe of Manasseh and part of Zebulon v. 10. The Conformists were all Judah part of the Tribe of Ashur part of Manasseh and part of Zebulon v. 11 12. Here stand the two Pparties the Non-conformists jearing and laughing and scorning and mocking at the Messengers or Ministers of the King declaring the Kings pleasure and the Law v. 10. And the Ministers were right serv'd I am sure Father Gray beard will say he would have chastised them for their worthy eares nay I fear he would have cried out ruine and desolation all Scotland and part of the Church of England c. is quite undone Here is man's Post against God's Post man's Threshold against God's Threshold Antichrist against Christ and the King's Law against the Positive words of God's Law But perhaps some will say Hezekiah though a good King yet had his faults and so might his Council too tell us not what they did but tell us how God did approve and like of what they did in making a Law against his Law who did God own the Conformists or Non-conformists can you tell us that Yes that I can 2 Chron. 30. 12. This commandment of the King and the Princes against the positive rule of God's Law being made for a good reason moving the King and his Council thereunto is not withstanding called the Word of the Lord and the band of the Lord was with the Conformists God is on our side may they say For the hand of God was to give them one heart to do the Commandment of the King and of the Princes by the word of the Lord. Thus tempting of Moses is called tempting of Christ 1 Cor. 10. 9. This I had not now urged but that Greg. and such fellows as he will take upon them to read Politick and Divinity Lectures to the World in Print when they know nothing but Modern Orthodoxy read Books and hearken to Preachers of their opinion wherein thus confirm'd they admire their Gigantick Improvements and then bid defiance like furious Orlando's to all mankind when indeed they are big with nothing but a soft pate huft and blown up with their own dear humours of self-conceit Nor do I think Governours have warrant from that instance to disannul Gods Sacraments but as to Circumstances and Ceremonies of time place habits gestures and the like according to their Judgement and necessity or conveniency moving them have an unanswerable Right Let Greg. and his Modern Orthodox men mitigate this too I fear them not nor all their snivellings and whinings which no body admires but blew and white aprons and the more ingenious Tankerd-bearers And let them consider without prejudice and in the fear of Almighty God that when the Sons of Jonadab the Sons of Rechab in obedience to him their Superiour submitted to his Humane-law in drinking no Wine nor building Houses nor planting Vineyards which certainly are all very good things and God likewise tells man that all the good creatures he made on purpose for him and his use every herb bearing seed and every tree bearing fruit commanding it should be to mankind for meat c. yet in obedience to the first commandment with promise they would not take the liberty and priviledge warranted to them by God and his Word but would obey the commandment of Jonadab their father and keep all his precepts And God did so love them for it that he blesses them for it saying Jer. 35. 18 19. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts the God of Israel Because ye have obeyed the commandment of Jonadab your father and kept all his precepts and done according to all that he hath commanded you Therefore thus saith saith the Lord of Hosts the God of Israel Jonadab the son of Rechab shall not want a man to stand before me for ever Happy would it be for the people of England in soul and body and estate here and hereafter on earth and in heaven if they would observe these thing rather than the wily wrestings of Holy Writ by crafty Seducers that have no way to cheat the people and be admired by them but by such Artifices as cheat them of their souls too and make the Kingdom so disturbed and their followers too and the bottom of all these juglings is but to get a paltry sneaking livelyhood and a little popular applause And then must our Governours and the King in especial be therein happy too and verifie every way the Anagram of his name in Latine Carolus Stuarte Anagr. Clarus sorte tua When Nero set Rome on fire he played upon the Ho-boy all the time and laid the blame on the Christians and thus Greg. J. O. and the rest of his friends the Modern Orthodox set these three Kingdoms on a flame with a brand fetch'd from Geneva and the Covenant and yet they make themselves merry with our misery lay all the blame upon King Charles Arch-Bishop Laud Ceremonies and Imposition of the Liturgy assassinating again those two glorious Martyrs in their Honour and Innocence and endeavouring to justifie the bloody Villains that murthered them Nor must his Majesty so much as think of their bloody and unparallel'd Cruelty because Augustus Caesar's Father too was murthered and his Kinsman Henry IV. of France likewise and Henry III. and such Gentlemens Memories had their Successors and the Cabinet-Council that they let the murderers escape scot-free and if piety and good nature would move for a stricter vindication of his Fathers death yet in Policy have a care displease not the Villains as you love your Kingdoms for a sturdy Swiss and a malepert Fisher-boy in Naples overturn'd all by a basket of Apples With such stuffe as this does Father Grey-beard and his Modern Christians wipe their mouths with the whore in the Proverbs and say they have done no wickedness but all the fault is in thine own people in King Charles I. Arch-Bishop Laud Fathers of the Church Superfetations Parliaments and evil Counsellors And if I have beat all these Butt-ends of his upon his own Pate and vindicated King Charles I. his Reign from that deformity wherewith both it his Majesty and Arch-Bishop Laud are by this bold Author as falsly and maliciously as well as most unseasonably in this Juncture maligned I have my end But who this Malignant is for my part I am not solicitous nor did I ever see any man that was taken for him upon suspicion I have dealt with him all along as is prescribed in the method for cure of unruly and vain talkers and deceivers Tit. 1. 13. namely rebuk'd him as sharply 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 cuttingly to the quick as near as I could with honest design by such harmless incisions to let out the impostumated Quitter and prepare for his cure odi vitium non virum And now I have done and to write after him p. 325. but withall to set him a better Copy I shall think my self largely recompen sed for this trouble if Greg. and others shall learn by this Example that it is not impossible thus long to be merry and angry as he was but to be merry and angry and yet not sin by traducing the most innocent and honourable Persons dead and alive by such superfetation of Rayling as he has done I am Your servant Edm. Hickeringill FINIS Dr. Bruges
Acts 4. I wish the Modern Orthodox would shew us how they can answer this with all their cavils cheats evasions and tricks that we might have another occasion to render them as ridiculous as they are already in themselves to all the ingenuous of Christendom And that which makes devout men own the Common-prayers of our English above others is that a great many prayers are taken out of the Mass book englished that we might not pray as many Papists do in an unknown Tongue taking out of it only the Jewels which are for ought I know or any body else alive Apostolical and almost as old prayers as the Lord's Prayer 't is an unanswerable Schism to depart from the Church of Rome Antioch or Greek Church in any thing but wherein they depart from Christ and the Apostles But these fiery headstrong and wicked Modern Orthodox instead of sweeping a house pull it down and consequently make more work as well as more bad work 'till they have quite erazed the very foundations of the House of God Nor did the Race or Religion of these Modern Orthodox ever come into any Kingdom but they fill'd it with blood and ruine sad instances whereof we have at home in Scotland in France and Germany c. desolated by their means a hundred leagues together in more places than about Munster their desolations and depopulations to be seen at this day a sad spectacle whereof I have often had which makes me the more loath their abominations And every good man as well as every worthy man that has either honour or estate to leave to his Children and Posterity had need be careful not only to leave his Lands and fields to his children and posterity but likewise use his utmost care and diligence that those fields be not Akeldama's to his children fields of blood which they must needs be if these Modern Orthodox men be not kept under and muzled as you do a curst curr for when ever and in what Kingdom soever since the first Rebel of them Calvin broach'd their Religion they have mouth'd and bit so keenly where they had liberty that the blood always followed you may see the print of their teeth yet good Lord deliver us from them and the father of lies from the Devil his children and all his works 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 saith the Apostle to Titus I. II. Speaking of unruly and vain talkers and deceivers spiritual Gypsies cheats and Juglers It is very fit that their mouths should be stopped saith St. Paul It is not fit that their mouths should be stopped saith Gregory Father Gray-beard Indulgence Liberty Breda Breda And what a rare fellow this Gray-beard is you may know by the opinon he has of Calvin p. 59. whom he calls a good Scholar and a honest Divine calling the Calvinists p. 69. our Calvinists They may be Calvinists Father Gray-beards Calvinists because they are always bloody Headsmen whereever they have room to strike and a sword in their hand But they are not our Calvinists I assure you Greg. let them be your Calvinists then it is pity you should be parted And for Calvin's being a good Scholar I doubt you would scarcely be mightily in love with the Jesuits though they should approve themselves as many of them have far better Scholars that is men of better parts and better read men and have shown more schollarship in their Works and yet I think many of their principles have been as destructive to the peace of Kingdoms even almost as Calvin himself called therefore Lucian so meritoriously anagrammatized 100 years before Father Gray-beard was born For my part I hate to undervalue any man's scholarship but I hate the folly as much of those men that argue so ridiculously that because Calvin was a good scholar therefore he could not be a Knave or as bad as a Jesuit This must be Greg's meaning or else his scholarship does not at all vouch his Divinity Perhaps Greg. is more acquainted with Calvin's scholarship than I am though I think I have seen and read all his Works the most famous the Calvinists themselves say is his Institutions designed for a Confession of Faith the Adjuster of Controversies the Oracle of his Followers and as if pronounc'd è Cathedra unerring Divinity and infallible dedicated to that purpose to his King that once was so I mean Francis the French King whom he there in his Epistle Dedicatory styles the most Christian King yet though he therein gave his own cause and his own heart the lie yet not altogether to forget himself and to show he was still John Calvin he threatens him with the strong hand of the Lord which shall without controversie come in time and extend it self armed I look'd for that both to deliver the poor out of misery and to take vengeance on the despisers which now triumph with so great confidence Sure this great Divine was a great Prophet or rather he knew well he had laid in that Book such grounds of and for sedition that his Followers would with strong hand stretch forth themselves to take vengeance and call all this The hand of the Lord and the help of the Lord. Curse ye Meroz to this is but the second part of the same tune Some men have had such a Reverence for this same Calvin especially being dead O! de mortuis nil nisi bonum that it has been thought as bad as sacriledge to tell truth of the man No man can have greater Reverence to urns than I have nay though a man die or be hang'd for his crimes yet when the law is satisfied all good men ought to be so But in hayn●…us murtherers Parricides and Traytours the Law is not satisfied with their deaths but their horrid heads and quarters are set up as long as they 'l last not to scare crows but to scaré men from the like villanies There is as great difference therefore betwixt my speaking truth of Hugh Peters and John Calvin and betwixt Father Gray-beards speaking lies of our glorious Martyrs Charles I. and Archbishop Laud as betwixt light and darkness truth and falshood honour and infamy innocence and villany heaven and hell Except bold Greg. that assassinates the Innocence and Honour of these sacred Persons deceased do likewise say that the Law was not satisfied except they also had been quartered as well as beheaded and more I could say but that the grief of my soul is so great to think such a bold villain as this Greg. should dare now now that his Son our Gracious Soveraign is happily return'd to aspe●…se the sacred memory of his Father and friends and the whole Reign infamously as can be spoken in saying against them and the Reign that it was wholly deform'd and if so who is guilty of the Innocent blood which those King-killers laid to the charge of our Sovereign in that unparallel'd Indictment against him and Archbishop Laud sure Gregory Grey-beard was not far off when that