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A41743 Graces, to be said at the table before and after meat Very necessary for young people and children, with morning and evening prayer. 1655 (1655) Wing G1476A; ESTC R177582 13,711 50

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whose hand is life death I wretched sinner unworthy of thy benefits most humbly beseech thee to blesse me and with thy holie Angell assist me this night which hast made me of earth doest nourish me by thy creaturs pardon me which have so offened thée in thought word and deed and grant me grace hereafter to feare thy wrath and heavy displeasure for thy blessed Sons sake our Lord and onelie Saviour Iesus Christ Amen Our Father which art in Heaven c. O Lord succour us shew me the light of thy countenance in thee my soule trusteth and my heart rejoyceth O give me understanding and I will kéep thy Law yea I will keep it with my whole heart Encline my heart unto thy testimonies then shall I praise and magnifie thy blessed name for ever According to the greatnesse of thy mercies O God forgive me my sinnes Remember not the number of my sinnes but according to the multitude of thy mercies deliver me from the paines due to them Grant this O Saviour for thy mercies sake Teach me to number my daies that I may apply my heart to learn thy wisdome and so strengthen me with thy holie spirit that I swerve not from thy law Deale not with me as I have deserved but call to remembrance thy render mercies which have been ever of old and cast me not from thee in thy heavie displeasure least I be consumed and brought to nought Heare me for thy mercies sake Vnto thée I wretched sinner do come craving of thée thy mercie Incline therefore thine eare unto my casting and consider the request of my heart Lighten me thy servant with the bright lamp of thy holie Spirit thereby to subdue the bodie of sin with all the lusts thereof that I may be made obedient in will and mind to thy holie Lawe Dear Saviour to whom it is most easie to do all things then for me to thinke any one good thought give power unto thy servant that I may with a strong Faith vanquish and subdue whatsoever may cause me to rebell against thy blessed will Excéeding true it is that Every one that saith Lord Lord shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Mat. 7.21 Strengthen me therefore thy servant I beséech thée with the Power of thy right hand against all the maliciousnesse of the old wily Serpent Replenish my heart with thy wisdome and comfort my soule with thy sweet comfortable and healthfull promises and let thy mercies heale mine infirmities Yet once again I call upon the in these my meditations O let thine ear be open to heare the Prayers which I thy servant make unto thee this day and grant that I may alwaies aske of thée in such sort as thou requirest to the honour praise and glory of thy name to the furtherance of thy word the profit of my nieghbour and to my consolation and comfort through the merits of thy bitter death and passion Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the holy Ghost As it was was in the beginning is now c. SAve us O Lord waking and kéepe us sléeping that we may watch in Christ and rest in peace Amen When you are ready to goe into your Bed Say I Go to Bed as to my Grave God knoweth when I shall wake My trust is that my Lord and God will mercy on me take When you are lying down in your Bed Say I Lie down in the name of the Father and of Sonne and of the Holy Ghost Amen FINIS
GRACES To be said at the Table before and after MEAT Very necessary for Young People and Children With Morning and Evening PRAYER 1 COR. 10.13 Whether ye eat or drinke or whatsoever ye do do all to the praise and glory of God LONDON Printed by J. BELL and are to be sold at the East-end of Christ-Church 1655. In the Morning when you arise Say I rise in the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Amen OVr Father which are in heaven hallowed be thy name Thy Kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespasse against us And lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evill For thine is the Kingdome the power and the glory for ever and ever Amen ALmighty and everlasting God vouchsafe hee beséech thée to grant us perfect continance in thy lively Faith augmenting the same in us daily till we grow to the full ●●●esure of our perfection in Christ whereof he make our conession saying I Beleeve in GOD the Father Almightie Maker of Heaven and Earth and in ●esus Christ his onely Son our Lord Which was conceived by the Holie Ghost Borne of the Virgin Marie suffered under Pon●i●us Pi●●te was Crucified dead and buried He descended into Hell The th●●d day 〈…〉 againe from the dead He ascended in to Heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty From thence he shall come to judge the quicke and the dead I beleeve in the holy Ghost The holy C●hrli●●e Church The Communion of Saints The forgivenesse of sins The resurrection of body And life everlsting Amen The tenne Commandements of Almighty GOD. I Am the Lord thy God which hath brought thee out of the Land of Egypt out of the house of bondage i. Thou shalt have no other Gods but me ij Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven Image nor the likenesse of any thing that is in Heaven above or in the Earth beneath or in the water under the Earth Thou shalt not ●ow downe to them nor worship them For I the Lord thy God am a Iealous god and visit the sinnes of rhe Fathers upon the Children unto the third and forth generation of them that hate me and shew mercie unto thousands in them that love me and keepe my Commandements iij. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine for the Lord wil not ho●d him guilsses that take his name in vaine iiij Remember thou kéepe holy the Sabbath day six daies thou shalt laher and do all that thou hast to do but the seventh day is thf Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt do no manner of work thou and thy Son and thy Daughter thy Man-servant and thy Maid-servand thy Cattell and the Stanger that is within thy gates for in six daies the Lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is rested the seventh day wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day and hollowed it v. Honour thy Father and Mo●her that thy daies may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thée vi Thov shalt do no Murther vij Thou shalt not commit Adultry viij Th●u shalt not steale ix Thou shalt not bare false witnesse against thy Neighbour x Thou shalt not couit thy Neighbours house thou shalt not covit thy neighbours wife nor his servant nor his maid nor his oxe nor his Asse nor any thing that is his The Law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ John 1.17 The Law was ordained by the Angels in the hand of a Mediatour Gal. 3.19 Act. 17.53 LEt thy mighty hand and out stretched arm O Lord be still our defence the mercy and loving kindnesse in Iesus Christ thy dear Son our salvation thy true and holy Word our instruction thy grace and holy spirit our comfort and consolation unto the end and in the end So be it THe Lord blesse us and save us the Lord make his face to shine upon us and be mercifull unto us and grant us his peace Aman. THe grace of our Lord Iesus Christ and the love of God and the most comfortable fellowship of the holy Ghost be with us all Amen Sundry Graces to be used before Meates Grace before meat ALmighty GOD Father of our Lord Iesus Christ we beséech thée to have mercy upon us blesse O Lord these thy good Creatures which thou hast provided for our sustinance and give us grace to be thankfull unto thée for the same and all other thy blessings bestowed upon us through Iesus Christ our Saviour Amen Grace before Meat BLessed God which by thy word hast fram'd the world and all things contained therein we humbly beséech thée to have mercy upon us make us thankefull unto thée for these thy good gifts which we are about to receive at thy bountifull hands through the merits of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ Amen Graces before Meat GOod Lord blesse us and these thy gracious gifts which thou hast provided for us to strengthen and nurish our weake bodies whereby we may he refreshed and comforted grant that as we grow in strenth by them so likewise we may increase in grace that after this life ended we may be partakers of thy heavenly Table through the mediation of thine onlie Son one blessed Lord and Saviour Amen Grace before meat GLorie ho●uar and praise be given to thée O Lord which hast fed us from our tender age and givest sustenance to evere living thing replenish our hearts with joy and gladnesse that we alwaies having sufficient may be rich and plentifull in all good works through our Lord Iesus Christ Amen Grace before Meat GReat God which be thy power in the holie ●rophet didst increase and multiplie the ●●●re of the poore Widow bless we beseech thee these our meats and drinkes and increase in us the knowledge of thy truth in love obediede that we having a lively Faith in thee we may ever serve and honour thee in all our thoughts and actions through Iesus Christ our onelie Lord and blessed Saviour Amen Grace beford Meat IMmortall and everlasting God which for us most wretched and sinfull men hast cleansed thy Creatures and made them fit for our use and sustenance grant we humbly beseech thée that with moderation and temperance we may so taste of these thy benefits here present before us that we may ever hereafter be made more willing and able to do thée service through Iesus Christ our onely Lord and Saviour Amen Grace before Meat LEt us with loving obedient hearts prepare our selves to give all humble thanks unto our heavenlie Father who of his most bountiful goodnesse hath heare prepared Meat and Drink for our necessity in hungrin to give us an example of like kindnesse for his love to our poore nighbours redemed by Christ
God save his Church unto the end God grant we may our lives amend Amen Grace before Meat THe Lord that did all things create for Man to serve him at his néed Blesse all that which we drinke or eate and give it strength our flesh to féed For whatsoever shall nourish in déed Whether it be good for man or beast must by his mighty power be blest And sith we have an inward Man Which by no meanes obtaine we can but by him that is heauenly bread And eke of spirituall things the head Let us still féed on him in mind that gave his flesh to féed man-kind Thus doing we shal runne our race with out the want of any foode And at the last come to that place that promised was to Abrahams brood And by faith wash in Christ his blood where evermore we shall him sée That is one God in persons thrée O Lord preserve in health and peaee the Nobility of this Land Thy holy Spirit in them increase that they may be a true guide unto this Land A Sword to cut off Popery cleane that they and we may hold that truth Which they have loved from there youth Grace before meat TO eate and drinke doth small availe the World is all but vaine Except the Lord our hearts do gui●● our pleasures are but pain Grant us therefore O Christ that we may all with one accord Not live to eate but eate to live and live to praise the Lord. Short Graces for young Children when they first begin to speak Grace before Meat O Lord our God to thee we pray to blesse our food which thou dost send And make us loue thy Lawes alway so that we may our lives amend Grace before Meat THe Lord of love and God of peace Of all good things that gives increas● So blesse us all and all our food As that we eat may to us good Amen Grace before Meat HE that is King of Glorie and Lord over all Bring us to the Super of life eternall Amen Grace before Meat THough diet be thin and Table but small Yet ere you begin be thankfull for all Sundry GRACES in Meeter to be said after Meales Grace after Meat ALl flesh is grasse Mans life is vaine his pomp is but a flower He féeds his corps and thinks to live yet dead within an houre It is not flesh of beasts nor fowle that can mans life maintaine For food of bodie oft we sée nought else to be but vaine Then feed our souls sweet Saviour Christ with bread of life so pure That thought our flesh be earth yet make our soules aie to indure Yea kéep thy Church in Christian love and peace And let thy Kingdome come with spéed to all joyes increase Grace before Meat ALl laud and praise be to the Lord for these good gifts of thine Whereby we now refreshed be and for thy word divine Which teacheth those that able be whom thou hast blest with store To ease them that have need of help when they doe aske therefore Now as the bread our bodies need our soules so need thy word Which thou doest give that we may live thanks be to thée O Lord. Amen Grace after Meat AS thou hast fed our bodies Lord so feed our soules likewise And make us mindfull of the poore as riches doe arise Increase thy flock preserve our Church thy grace and peace us send That we may lead a godly life and make a faithfull end Amen Geace after meat FOr food and health and all the rest the Lord be thanked and alwaies ble●● Who with his grace so store us still that we swerve no way from his will Our Nobility God kéep the Nation God 〈◊〉 and grant us long true friends to have Am●● Grace after Meat LIke as thou hast Almighty Lord refreshed us unworthy here With meats made holy by thy Word so let thy grace O Lord appeare To make us mindfull of the poore Which lives in woe and great distresse And to be thankfull evermore for these thy guifts and all goodnesse Which ●●e confesse procéed from thée to whom be praised eternally Amen Grace after Meat NOw let us pray unto the Lord And yeld him thanks with one accord F●r that which we received have Though nature no such plenty crave Much bound we are to God above Who hath vouchsafed us to love That from amonge the rest that went We take repast where is no scant Lord grant us mindfull for to be Of such that live in poverty For we confesse it pleased God We might with them tast of his rod. God save the Church and Commons of this Land God send us peace in Christ Amen Grace after Meat O Lord we thanke thée for this food we have receiv'd of thée Lord grant us gr●ce our lives to lead more thankfull for to be Amen God save his Church the Poore defeed God send us peace in Christ Amen Grace after Supper OVr daies do passe as this day now is come unto an end But Gods good grace shall never faile his Children to defend As thus our Supper Christ hath blest in joy to end the same Mo we beséech our Father dear in Iesus Christ his name That we may be participates whom he hath bought so dear Of his great Supper where his face shall shine on us most clear When as the Lamb shall make his feast in Heaven where is such store Of which who tasted once no doubt shall never hunger more To thée be praise oh God and Christ thy little flock defend Preserve our Land and come with spéed our troubls to amend Amen Grace before Meat THanks be to God in Heaven above for he hath fed us well God grant us grace from heaven above to féed our selves as well Repentance with the fruit thereof that we never forgot Tender O Lord thy holy Church and Rules in it set And ever more upon England thy grace and truth down send That it may be the Word and Grace all sinfull soules amend And finaly all such as be afflicted for thy Wordr Comfort them by thy holy Ghost Through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Grace after Meat O Blessed God through Iesus Christ that féedst us euer more Give us thy grace that we alwaies may give thée thanks therefore Amen Grace after Meat O Lord God the benefits whereof we have had store We knowledge all to be thy guifts to thée be thanks therefore Amen Grace after Meat LEt us give thanks to God our Lord that féedeth us alway Beséeching him that with his Word like wise be fed we may Grace after meat FOr Meat Drink and t is thanks be given to our Lord Iesus Amen Who useth not often before meat to pray Nor thanks to God after but so goes his way He sitting or rising so letting Grace passe Doth eat like a swine and departs like an Asse Here ends the Book of Graces Evening PRAYER O GOD of Angels and Men the founder of all Creatures both visible and invisible in