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A29748 Christ the way and the truth and the life, or, A short discourse pointing forth the way of making use of Christ for justification and especially and more particularly for sanctification in all its parts, from Johan. XIV, vers. VI : wherein several cases of conscience are briefly answered, chiefly touching sanctification / by John Brown. Brown, John, 1610?-1679. 1677 (1677) Wing B5028; ESTC R27232 262,893 482

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what benefites pardons favours and other things they need from all which they have strong ground of comfort and of hope yea and assurance of pardon would acquiesce in this way and having laid those particular sins under the burden whereof they now groan on Christ the mediator dying on the crosse to make satisfaction and ariseing to make application of what was purchased and having put them in his hand who is a faithfull High priest and a noble Intercessour would remember that Christ is a Prince exalted to give Repentance and Remission of sins and so exspect the sentence even from Him as a Prince now exalted and as having obtained that of the Father even a power to forgive sins justice being now sufficiently satisfied through his death yea as having all power in heaven and in earth as being Lord both of the dead and of the living Sure a right thought of this would much quiet the soul in hope of obtaining pardon through Him seing now the pardon is in his owne hand to give out who loved them so dearly that he gave himself to the death for them and shed his heart blood to satisfie justice for their transgressions Since he who hath procured their pardon at so dear a rate and is their atturnay to agent their businesse at the throne of grace hath now obtained the prayed-for looked-for pardon and hath it in his ownehand they will not question but He will give it and so absolve them from their guilt 12. The beleever having taken this course with his dayly provocations and laid them all on Him would acqui●…sce in this way and not seek after another that he may obtaine pardon Here he would rest committing the matter by faith in prayer to Christ leaving his guilt and sins on Him expect the pardon yea conclude that they are already pardoned and that for these sins he shall never be brought unto condemnation whatever Satan and a misbeleeving heart may say or suggest afterward Thus should a beleever make use of Christ for the taking away of the Guilt of his dayly transgressions and for further clearing of it I shall adde a few cautions Cautions 1. However the beleever is to be much moved at aff●…cted with his sins and provocations which he committeth after God hath visited his soul with salvation and brought him into a covenant with himself yet he must not suppose that his sins after justification do marre his state as if thereby he were brought into a Non-justified state or to a Non reconciled state It is true such sins especially if grosse whether in themselves or by reason of circumstances will darken a mans state and put him to search and try his condition over againe But yet we dar not say that they make any alteration in the state of a beleever for once in a justified state alwayes in a justified state It is true likewise that as to those sins which now he hath committed he cannot be said to be acquited or justified till this pardon be got out by faith and repentance as is said yet his State remaineth fixed and unchanged so that though God should seem to deal with such in his dispensations as with enemies yet really his affections change not he never accounteth them real enemies nay love lieth at the bottom of all his sharp st dispen●…ations If they for sake his law and walk not in his judgements if they break his statutes and keep not his commandements he will visite their transgression with the rod and their iniquit●… with stripes neverthelesse his loving kindnesse will he not utterly take from them nor suffer his faithfulnesse to ●…ail his covenant will he not break nor alter the thing that is gone out of his lips Psal. 89 30 31 32 33 34. And againe though after-transgressions may waken challenges for former sins which have been pardoned and blotted out and give occasion to Satan to raise a storme in the soul and put all in confusion yet really sins once pardoned cannot become againe unpardoned sins The Lord doth not revoke his sentence nor alter the thing that is gone out of his mouth It is true likewise that a beleever by committing of grosse sins may come to misse the effects of God's favour and good will and the intimations of his love and kindnesse and so be made to cry with David Psal. 51 8. make me to heare joy and gladnesse and vers 12. restore unto me the joy of thy salvation c. Yet that really holdeth true that whom he loveth he loveth to the end and He is a God that changeth not and his gifts are without repentance Yea though grieving of the Spirit may bring souls under sharp throwes and pangs of the Spirit of bondage and the terrors of God and His sharpe arrowes the poyson where of may drink up their spirits and so be far from the actuall witnessings of the Spirit of Adoption yet the Spirte will never be againe really a Spirit of bondage unto fear nor deny his his owne work in the soul or the souls real right to or possession of that fundamentall privilege of Adoption or say that the soul is no more a Son no●… within the covenant 2. The course before mentioned is to be taken with all sins though 1. They be never so hai●…ous and grosse 2. Though they be accompanyed with never such aggravating and crying aggravations 3. Though they be sins frequently fallen into and. 4. Though they be sins many and heaped together Davids transgression was a hainous sin and had hainous aggravations yea there was an heap and a complication of sins together in that one yet he followed this course We finde none of those kinde of sins excepted in the new covenant and where the law doth not distinguish we ought not to distinguish where God's law doth not expressely exclude us we should not exclude our selves Christs death is able enough to take away all sin If through it a beleeve●… be justified from all his transgressions committed before conversion why may not also a beleever be through vertue of it justified from his grosse and multiplied sins committed after conversion The blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin●… Christ hath taught his followers to pray forgive us our sins as we forgive them that sinne against us and he hath told us also that we must forgive our brother seventy times seven times Mat. 18 22. We would not be discouraged then from taking this course because our sins are such and such nay rather we would look on this as an argument to presse us more unto this way because the greater our sins be the greater need have we of pardon and to say with David Ps. 25 11. Pardon mine iniquity for it is great 3. We would not think that upon our taking of this course we shall be instantly freed from challenges because of those sins for pardoning whereof we take this course nor should we think that because challenges remaine
and the basis of mans blessednesse advanceing him both to a conformity to God and qualifying him for the fruition of Him by the generality of those called to be saints that they may be haved is not onely upon deliberation and choice laid aside as having nothing in it to recommend and endeare it to the souls of men but hated floured fled from and forsaken as if it came on purpose to marre mens tranquillity and torment them before the time While I say it is thus some faithful Servants who make conscience to carry on His work who came to destroy the works of the Devil and went about while in the world healing all that were oppressed of him set themselves to pray preach and perswad the things concerning the Kingdome of God yea to write and warne and weep men into a compliance with their own happipinesse they endeavour solicitously to informe mens minds that they may reforme their manners and rescue them with feare who are runing upon their own ruine but alas with so little successe that they doe the work of the Lord with grief and have much sorrow of those of whom they ought to have joy and after all their beseechings obtestings requestings and cryings this is the way walke yee in it turne you turne oh why will you dye have this as the last returne to all their importunities Nay there is no hope speake no more to us of that matter do not offer to perswade us to relinquish the old road or disswade us from following our lovers for when ye have done all after these we will go we resolve to abide what we have been children of imperswasion But if his Servants in following their work closly seem to have gained a little ground upon men and almost perswaded them to be Christians Satan to the end he may make all miscarry and counter worke these workers together with God and poison poor souls by a perversion of the Gospel beyond the power of an antidot hath raised up instigat and set on work a race of proud Rationalists for they are wiser then to classe themselves amongst those poor fools those base things those nothings to whom Christ is made all things to whom Christ is made wisdome that he may be righteousnesse sanctification and redemption to them nay they must be wise men after the flesh wise above what is written a crucified Christ is really unto them foolishnesse and weaknesse though the power of God and the wisdome of God they will needs go to work another way they will needs glory in his presence and have a heaven of their own hand-wind O my soul enter not into their secrets and O sweet Jesus let thy name be to me the Lord my righteousness thou hast wone it weare it and gather not my soul with such who make mention of any other righteousness but of thine onely to bring-in another Gospel amongst men then the Gospel of the grace of God as they determine to know some other thing then Christ and him crucified so with the inticeing words of mans wisdom they bewitch men into a disobedience to the truth setting somewhat else before them then a crucified Christ And this they do that they may remove men from those who call them into the grace of Christ unto another Gospel A Christ it is true they speake of but it is not the Christ of God for all they drive at O cursed and truely Antichristian designe is that he may profite them nothing while they model all Religion according to this novel project of their magnified morality This is that which gives both life and lustre to that image they adore to the Dagon after whom they would have the world wonder and Worship That there is such a moralizeing or muddizeing if I may be for once admitted to coine a new word to give these men their due of Christianity now introduced and comeing in fashion many of the late pieces in request do evince Now that Christianity should moralize men above all things I both give and grante for he who is partaker of the divine nature and hath obtained precious faith must adde vertue to his faith But that it should be only conceived and conceited as an elevation of nature to a more cleare light in the matter of morality wherein our Lord is onely respected as an heavenly teacher and perfect paterne proposed for imitation is but a proud pleasing fansie of self conceited darkened and deluded dreamers robing God of the glory of his mercy and goodnesse our Lord Jesus Christ of the glory of his grace and merit The Spirit of the efficacy of his glorious and mighty operations and themselves and their pilgrimes who give them the hand as guids of the comfort and frute of all This is the pilgrimage we are perswaded to undertake to the holy Land this is that reasonablenesse of Christianitie which with great swelling words of vanitie is ventilat to the allureing and ensnareing of such who had almost escaped the corruption which is in the world through lust and the pollutions of the flesh through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ This is the way which they who undertake to publish to the world the true causes of the decay of pietie take to revive and introduce that pietie which they complain is wanting O impious invention not only encroaching upon the unsearchable mysterie of the Gospel but subversive of the whole method and blessed and beautiful contrivance of salvation and rendering salvation impossible to the greatest proficients in this studie and the grand patrons and practitioners in this new art the greatest opposers of that grace of God which b●…ingeth salvation unto all men It is true they will not plainly plead for profanitie Nay they may and do make a great noise about the practise of pietie as if they were the only patrons thereof that with lesse observation and greater facility they may beguile themselves and their followers of the reward they may possibly perswade even to a pinching of the body that they may puffe up and pamper their fleshly minde and while they overdrive men to the practise of will worship and performance of those things which have a shew of wisdome it is that they may withdraw them from holding that blessed head from which all the body by joints bands having nourishment ministred and knit together encreaseth with the encrease of God yet the grace of God that onely liveing principle of all true pietie which they dispute out of the souls of men that they may debauch them into a contempt of the Spirits working in men to will and to do takes frequent vengance on this their invention by leaving them not onely to play the Devil in disguise that they may be known by their fruits but also to lay aside that garbe of external godlinesse for the Devil nor his Domesticks cannot long weare a strait doublet that it may appeare how it is verified in them from
mystery in our souls Christ the grand mystery formed within us living and working within us by his Spirit and working us up unto a conformity unto and an heart-closeing with God manifested in the flesh that we may finde in experience or at least in truth and reality have a true transumpte of that Gospel mystery in our souls Oh when shall we take pleasure in pursueing after this happiness that will not flee from us but is rather pursueing us when shall we receive with joy and triumph this King of glory that is courting us dayly and is seeking accesse and entry into our souls Oh why cry we not out in the hieght of the passion of spiritual longing desire O come Lord Iesus King of glory with thine owne key and open the door and enlarge dilate the chambers of the soul that thou may enter and be entertained as the King of glory with all thy glorious retinue to the ennobling of my soul satisfying of all the desires of that immortal spark Why do we not covet after this knowledge which hath a true and firme connexion with all the best and truely divine gifts O happy soul that is wasted and worne to a shadow if that could be in this study and exercise which at length will enliven and as it were bring in a new heavenly spiritual soul into the soul so that it shall look no more like a dead disspirited thing out of its native soile and element but as a free elevated and spiritualized Spirit expatiating it self fleeing abroad in the open aire of its owne element and country O happy day O happy houre that is really and effectually spent in this imployment what would souls sweeming in this ocean of all pleasures and delights care for yea with what abhorrency would they look upon the bewitehing allurements of the purest kinde of carnal delights which flow from the mindes satisfaction in feeding on the poor apprehensions groundlesly expected comprehensions of objects suited to its natural genius and capacity O! what a more hyperbolically exceeding and glorious satisfaction hath a soul in its very pursueings after when it misseth cannot reach that which is truely desireab●…e How doth the least glimpse through the smallest cranie of this glorious and glorifying knowledge of God in Christ apprehended by faith raise up the soul to that pitch of joy and satisfaction which the knowledge of natural things in its purest perfection shall never be able to cause and to what a surmounting measure of this joy and contentation will the experienceing feeling by spiritual sense the sweet and spiritual relish of this capivating and transcendently excellent knowledge raise the soul unto O! must not this be the very suburbs of heaven to the soul When the soul thus seeth apprehendeth God in Christ and that as its owne God through Christ for as all saving knowledge draweth out the soul unto an imbraceing closeing with the object so it bringeth in the object to the making up of the rec●…procal union and in-being it cannot but admire with exultation and exult with admiration at that condescendence of free grace that hath made it in any measure capable of this begun glory and will fur●…her mak it meet by this begun glory to be a 〈◊〉 of the inheritance of the Saints in light and what will a soul that hath tasted of the pure delights of this river of gospel manifestations hath seen with soul-rav●…shing delight in some measure the manifold wisdome of God wrapped up therein and the comple●…t and perfect ●…ymmetrie of all the parts of that noble contexture and also the pure designe of that contr●…vance to abase Man and to extoll the riches of the free grace of God that the sinner when possessed of all designed for him and effectuated in him thereby may know who alone should weare the crown and have all the glory what I say will such a soul see in another gospel●… calculated to the meridian of the natural crooked and corrupted temper of proud man who is soon made va●…ne of nothing which in stead of bringing a sinner fall●…n from God through pride back againe to the enjoyment of Him through a Mediator doth but foster that innate plague and rebellion which caused and procured his first excommunication from the favour and banishment out of the paradice of God that shall attract its heart to it and move it to ●… compliance with it When the poor sinner that hath bin made to pant after a Saviour and hath bin pursued to the very ports of the city of refuge by the ave●…ger of blood the justice of God hath tasted and seen how good God is and felt the sweetness of free love in a crucified Christ and seen the beauty and glory of the mystery of free grace sutably answering●… and overcoming the mystery of its sin and misery O what a complacency hath he therein and in the way of gospel salvation wherein free grace is seen to overflow all banks to the eternal praise of the God of all grace How saltless and unsavoury will the most cunningly devised and patch together mode of salvation be that men studying the perversion of the gospel and seeking the ruine of souls with all their skill indusery and learning are setting off with forced rhetorick and the artifice of words of mans wisdom and with the plausible advantages of a pretended sanctity and of strong grounds and motives unto diligence and painfulness to a very denying and renunceing of Christian liberty when once itis observed how it entrencheth upon and darkneth the lustre or diminisheth the glory of free grace and hath the least tendency to the setting of the crown on the creatures head in whole or in part The least perception that hereby the sinners song ascribeing blessing honour glory and power unto him that was s●…ain hath redeemed them to God by his blood out of every kin●…ed and tongue and people and nation and hath made them unto their God kings and prie●…ts shall be marred will be enough to render that device detestable and convince the soul that itis not the gospel of the grace of God nor that mystery of God and of Christ but rather the mystery of ●…niquity What a peculiar savouriness doth the humbled beleever finde in the doctrine of the true gospel grace and the more that he be thereby made Nothing and Christ made All that he in his highest atainments be debaised and Christ exalted that his most lovely peacoke feathers be laid the crown flourish on Christ's head that he be laid flat without one foot to stand upon and Christ the only supporter and carryer of him to glory that he be as dead without life and Christ live in him the more lovely the more beautiful the more desireable and acceptable is it unto him O what a complacency hath the graced soul in that contrivance of infinite wisdom wherein the mystery of the grace of God
him that hath not shall be taken away even that he hath which is so plain that to many of these pleaders for this new way and their pros●…lyts in the righteous judgement of God it happeneth according to the true proverb the dog is turned to his owne vomit againe and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire It cannot escape thy observation how busie Satan is this day upon the one hand to keep men under the call of the Gospel to give all diligence to make their calling and election sure idle all the day so that no perswasion can enduce them to engage seriously to fall about a working out their own salvation in feare and trembling and on the other equally diligent and industrious to divert men from trusting in the name of the Lord and staying upon their God seting them on work to go and gather fewel and kindle a fire and compasse themselves about with sparks that they may walk in the light of their own fire and in the sparks that they have kindled knowing well that they shall this way most certainly lose their toil and travel and have no other reward at his hand of all their labour but to ly down in everlasting sorrow while the stout hearted and far from righteousnesse and salvation shall get their soul for a prey and be made to rejoyce in his salvation and blesse him who hath made them meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light It is fit therefore in order to thy own establishment in the present truth and that thou mayest so work that thy labour be not in vaine but God may accept thy works often to think and seriously to consider in thy own soul what that Gospel holinesse is and what these men substitute in the place of it that thou may choice the perfect and pleasant way of Gospel holinesse and exercise thy self to that godlinesse which is profitable for all things haveing the promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come I am neither the fit person for so great an undertaking nor do these limits within which I must bound my self permit me to expatiat in many notions about the nature of this excellent and precious thing true Gospel holinesse Oh if in the entry I could on my own behalfe and others sob out my Alas from the bottome of my soul because be what it will it is some other thing then men take it to be few habituat themselves to a thinking upon it in its high nature and soul enriching advantages till their hearts receive suteable impressions of it and their lives be the very transumpt of the law of God written in their heart the thing Alas is lost in a noise of words and heap of notions about it neither is it a wonder that men fal into mistakes about it since it is onely the heart possessed of it that is capable to understand perceive its true excellency But if it be asked what it is we say it may be shortly taken up as the elevation and raising up of a poor mortal unto a conformity with God As a participation of the divine nature or as the very image of God stamped on the soul impressed on the thoughts affections and expressed in the life and conversation so that the man in whom Christ is formed and in whom he dwells lives and walks hath while upon the earth a conversation in heaven not only in opposition to those many whose end is destruction whose God is their belly whose glory is in their shame who minde earthly things but also to these pretenders unto personaters of religion who have confidence in the flesh Worship God with their own Spirit which in the matters of God is flesh and not Spirit and have somewhat else to rejoyce in then in Christ Jesus and a being found in him not having their own righteousnesse True Gospel holinesse then consists in some similitude and likenesse to God and fellowship with him founded upon that likenesse there is such an impression of God his glorious attributes his infinit Power Majesty Mercy Justice Wisdom Holinesse and Grace c. As sets him up all alone in the soul without any competition and produceth those real apprehensions of him that he is alone excellent and matchlesse O how preferable doth he appeare when indeed seen to all things And how doth this light of his infinit gloriousnesse shineing into the soul darken abscure to an invisiblenesse all other excellencies even as the riseing of the sun makes all the lesser lights to disappear Alas how is God unknown in his glorious being and attribute When once the Lord enters the soul and shines into the heart it is like the riseing of the sun at midnight all these things which formerly pretended to some lovelinesse and did dazil with their lustre are eternally darkened now all natural perfections and moral vertues in their flowr and perfections are at best looked upon as aliquid nihil what things were formerly accounted gaine and godlinesse are now counted losse for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus the Lord and the soul cannot onely suffer the losse of them all without a sob but be satisfied to throw them away as dung that it may win him and be found in him Now the wonder of a Deity in his greatnesse power and grace swallowes up the soul in sweet admiration O how doth it love to lose it self in finding here what it cannot fathome And then it begins truely to see the greatnesse and evil of sin then it is looked upon without the covering of pleasure or profit and loathed as the leprosy of hell Now the man is truely like God in the knowledge of good and evil in the knowledge of that one infinit good God to the knowledge of that one almost infinit evil sin This is the first point of likenesse to him to be conformed to him in our understanding that as he knowes himself to be the onely self being and fountain good and all created things in their flour and perfection with all their real or fancied conveniencies being compared with him but as the drop of a bucket the small dust of the ballance or nothing yea lesse then nothing vanity which is nothing blown up by the force or forgery of a vainly working imagination to the consistence of an appearance so for a soul to know indeed and beleeve in the heart that there is nothing deserves the name of good besides God to have the same superlative and transc●…dent thoughts of that great and glorious self being God and the same diminishing and debaseing thought ●…o all things beings besides him And that as the Lord seeth no evil in the creation but sin and hates that with a perfect hatred as contrary to his holy will so for a soul to aggravat sin in its own sight to an infinitnesse of evil at least till it see it onely
erection of this new monastry Well when it is built which onely mercy can prevent to give it its due you see lesse cannot be writen over the poarch of this aedifice if according to the paterne then this The unclean spirit that was cast out is returned and hath taken possession with seven devils worse then himself Now while Satan drags most men with their own consent thorow the pudle of grosse profanity these swine swallowed up in sensuality run as he drives being led captive of him at his pleasure without all dread of being drowned in the lake where he will land them And while he besots the soreing witts of the age into a slighting and setting at naught the glorious Saviour with that invaluable and precious salvation which he brings to poor self destroyed sinners some few there are whom he will not want and whom he will not suffer to wander from the refuge and resting place of souls and whom he will not suffer to rest satisfied while they want him these he delivers from the imposeings of Satan and the betrayings of their own deceitful and desperatly wicked heart by opening their eyes so that they are made to approve the things which are more excellent being taught of God and are prevailed with through the efficacious perswasions of that grace which will take no refus●…l from some to subject their consent unto the gospel But Alas even many of these into soul the light hath shined and who have a liveing principle implanted in them which will spring up into everlasting life and therefore cannot misse of the end of their faith the salvation of their souls yet how busy is Satan and how doth he hang upon their working hand so that the good which they would that they do not and in this he hath the concurrence of that law which is in their members carrying them impetuously to do what they would not and captivating them unto that law of sin which is in their members How often Alas are they engaged by the slye suggestions of Satan and specious solicitations of their own hearts into things unworthy of their high and holy calling so that however grace which prevented them at first will also rescue them at last yet by their untender way and walk as they rob God of the glory of his grace in not shewing forth his vertue●… in all things they also deprive themselves of the comfort thereof through their uncircumspect walking and of that sweet inward serenity of minde and unspeakable joy which is to be had in fellowship with him and in the end must suffer loss by heaving their works burnt and they themselves but almost yea scarcely saved saved they must be because on the foundition yet so as by fire while the tender Christian who exerciseth himself to godlinesse hath a sweet life his heaven is serene and cleare his study to purge his heart from corruption and cleanse his hands in innocency keeps his interest unclouded his care not to grieve the Spirit in his workings delivers him from the grief flowing from the Spirits ceasing to witnesse he so thinks on whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report as to do them knowing this is the way to have that peace of God which passeth all understanding to guard his heart and mind through Christ Jesus he who hath a conversation in heaven cannot want a consort of sweet musick in his own soul. O what melody must it make in the soul how sweet must the chirpings and chimeings of such a bird be singing in the bosome as the testimony of a mans consesence that in simplicity and Godly sincerity not with fleshly wisdome but by the grace of God O mark how the crown of his gloriation and gladness is put upon grace's head he hath his conversation in the world and then when he hath served his generation thus according to the will of God haveing made it his work as one made partaker of the divine nature to adde one grace to another he enters his harbour O glorious landing where God is seen and glory dwels with a roome sea and a porting winde for says the Holy Ghost an enterance shall be ministered unto you aboundantly into the everlasting kingdome of our Lord and saviour Iesus Christ whereas the man whose work it hath not been so to walk as he might adorne the doctrine of God the saviour in all things hold forth in his way the word of life dies often in the dark because he did not walk as become a child of light though that God whose gifts calling are without repentance may save him yet his glory may require it to withhold from him the testimony of the Spirit which is by watter and never while he is in this world either let himself or others wit of it nay not onely so but he may go off the stage with horrour and go out of this life under the terrors of God for though the Spirit of God being the spirit of truth will never alter the word that is gone out of his mouth and once having said thou art a son and in a gracious state will never againe say thon art no son and thy grace is no grace but yet when his conscience awaks upon him and aggravats his guilt from what he had formerly been helped to do and stings him till he roar by reason of the disquietnesse of his heart and all his evidences for heaven are so blurred though not delet as there is not one legible letter in them he cannot say when he is just laying speech that he hath one toaken for good and in this mist the sincerity and reality of the whole may not onely be questioned but denied The Spirit I say though once haveing wrought the good work and translated the soul out of a state of bondage into a state of glorious liberty will never againe deny his owne work yet may he stand by silent and say nothing and see the poor man whom he will save for all this as a just punishment for his untendernesse and that all who heare or look on my learne to walk more circumspectly and take heed of grieving the Spirit whereby they are sealed expire under these pangs throwes tossings terrors affrightments and soul-distracting feares wherewith he was filled and overwhelmed under the first workings of the Spirit of bondage But besids these a little lovely flock there is a few number who through grace obtaine mercy to walk as hateing the garment spotted with the flesh they make Religion their businesse it is their one thing to abstaine from all appeareance of evil and to excercise themselves to godlinesse by the circumspection of their walking it is evident they are upon their watch and make it their work not onely to keep their heart with all keeping but so to keep themselves in their converseings in
themselves of their own weakness and convinced of the insufficiency of all things vvithin them in Godly fear hide themselves under the wings of the Almighty and get in into this Strong hold resolving there to abide and there to be secured from all their Adversaries vvithin or vvithout These humble fearers may expect a saife noble outgate vvhen more strong-like more confident adventurers shall being left to themselves because trusting in themselves shamefully fall and be triumphed over by the Enemie to the griefe of the Godly and for a snare to others The best vvay then to keep the faith of Christ vvhich many are novv seeking to shake and to loose us from is to be exerciseing the faith of Christ. The serious and upright practiseing of the Gospel is the only best mean to keep thee firme in the profession of the Gospel vvhen the Gospel vvith thee is not a fevv fine notions in the braine but is heavenly and necessary Truth sunck into the heart and living and acting there it vvill keep thee and thou will owne it more firmly and steadfastly in a day of tryal Thy walking in Christ and working and living by Him living in thee will so root thee in the Gospel truth that enemies will pull in vaine when seeking to overthrow thee The Gospel of the grace of God received and entertained in thy soul in love and constant sutable improvement will fortifie thee and secure it self in thee so that vehement blasts shall but contribute to its more fixed abode and more fruteful actings in thee Live up then to the Gospel and so be sure of it and be saife in it I mean let Christ live in thee as thy all and cast all thy care and cumber on Him lay all thy difficulties before Him lean all thy weight upon Him draw all thy necessities out of Him undertake all thy duties in Him be strong in Him and in the power of His might let Him by thy Counseler Conductor Leader Teacher Captain Commander Light Life Strengh and all so shall thou stand and have cause to glory even in thy infirmities for thou shalt finde the power of Christ resting upon thee and thou shalt have cause to say Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities in reproaches in necessities in persecutions in distresses for Christs sake for when I am weak then am I strong Remember that great word Phil. 4 13. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me It hath bin the usual and ordinary question of Beleevers How shall we make use of Christ for Sanctification To this great and important question I though the meanest and most unfit for such a work of all that God hath sent to feed his flock have adventured or endeavoured at least to give such as truely desire to cleanse themselves from all filthiness of the flesh and Spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God some satisfation herein laying before them some plaine directions framed to their capacities and suited to some of their most ordinary and usual cases some whereof are more comprehensive others more particular may be looked upon as exemplary instances serving for other cases of the like nature for hardly could every particular circumstan●…iat case be particularly spoken to and some might judge that to be superfluous If thou in the light strength of Christ shalt really practise what is here pointed forth I may be confident to say thy labour shall not be in vaine in the Lord thou shalt attaine to another sort of holiness than that which Proud pretenders boast of shalt be far without the reach of that snare which unstable souls are too readily entangled with I meane the plausible pretension of more than ordinary sanctity which yet is but forced feigned constrained mostly external framed to cause some admiration in beholders whom they intend to make a prey of This shall be no temptation to thee who by experience findeth a more saife satisfying full free easy pleasant heartsome way of mortifying lusts growing in grace in the knowledg of Jesus Christ so perfecting holiness by runing immediatly to Christ by living in upon Him who is mad of God to us Wisdom Righteousnes Sanctification Redemption That the Lord may blesse the same to thee for this end shall ●…e and is the desire and prayer of Him who is thy servant in the work of the Gospel I. B. CHRIST The Way the Truth the Life Or A discovery of the right way of making use of Christ for Sanctification From IOHN XIV 6. Iesus sayeth unto them I am the Way the Truth the Life No man cometh unto the Father but by Me. CHAP. I. The introduction with some generall observations from the cohesion DOubtlesse it is alwayes usefull yea necessary for the children of God to know the right way of making use of Christ who is made all things to them which they need even Wisdome Righteousnesse Sanctification and Redemption 1 Cor. 1 30. But it is never more necessarie for beleevers to be cleare distinct in this matter than when Satan by all meanes is seeking to pervert the right wayes of the Lord and one way or other to lead souls away and draw them of Christ knowing that if he prevail here he hath gained his poynt and therefore he endeavoureth not only to darken it by error either more grosse or more subtile but also to darken it by mistakes and prejudices whence it cometh to passe that not only Strangers are made to wander out of the way but oftentimes many of his owne people are walking in the darknesse of ignorance and mistakes and remaine leane through want of the reall exercise of the Life of faith which would make them fat flourishing because it would make them strong in the Lord and in the power of his might and to grow up in Christ in all things The clearing up then of this truth cannot but be most seasonable now when Satan is prevailing with many whom he cannot get tempted to loosenesse and profanitie to sit downe upon some thing which is not Christ and to rest upon something within themselves distinct from him both in the matter of Iustification and Sanctification This subtile Adversary is now setting some a work to cry up by preaching speaking and printing a way to heaven which is not Christ a kinde of morality civility and outward holinesse whereupon the soul is to rest and this holinesse not wrought and effectuated through the strength of Iesus by faith sucking life and furniture from him but through our owne art and skill which in effect is nothing but an extract of refined Popery Socinianisme and Arminianisme devised and broached of purpose to draw the soul off Christ that he may stand upon his owne legs and walk by his owne power and thank himself at least in part for the crown at length Further through the great goodnesse of God the true way of a soul's justification
acquiesce in this compleat mediation of his This is to beleeve on him to rest on him Ioan. 3 18. 1 Pet. 2 6. as an alsufficient help This is to cast the burden of a brocken covenant of a guilty conscience of deserved wrath of the curse of the law c. upon Him that He may bear away those evills from us This is to put on the Lord Iesus in part Rom. 1●… 14 to cover ourselves with his righteousnesse from the face of justice to stand in this armour of proof against the accusations of Law Satan and an evill conscience This is to flee to him as to our city of refuge that we may be saife from the avenger of blood This is to make him our refuge from the strome of Gods anger and a shadow from th●… heat of his wrath Esa. 25. 4. and our hideing place from the winde and a covert from the tempest and as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land Esai 32 2. When we hide ourselves in him as the compleat cautioner that hath fully satisfied justice and desire to be found in him alone not having our owne righteousnesse which is of the law but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousnesse which is of God by faith Phil. 3 9. This is to lay our hand on the head of the sacrifice when we rest on this sacrifice and exsp●…ct salvation through it alone This is to cast our selves in Christs armes as peremptorily resolving to goe no other way to the Father and to plead no other ●…ighteousnesse before Gods barr but Christs That is faith yea the lively acting of Iustifying faith Thus then is Christ made use of as the way to the Father in the point of Iustification when the poor w●…kened sinner convinced of his sin and misery of his owne inability to help himself of the insufficiency of all meanes beside Christ of Christs alsufficiency readinesse and willingnesse to helpe of the equitie and reasonabln●…sse of the conditions on which he is offered and life through him is now content and fully satisfied with this way actually renunceing all other wayes whatsomever and doth with heart and hand imbrace Iesus Christ take him as he is offered in the gospell to make use of him for all things to leane to him and rest upon him in all hazards and particularly to refuge it self 〈◊〉 his wings and to rest there with complacency satisfaction delight and hide it self from the wrath of God all accusations Yet it would be knowne that this act of faith whereby the soul goeth out to Christ and accepteth of and leaneth to him is not alike in all for 1. In Some it way be more lively strong active like the centurious faith that could a●…gue syllogistically Matth. 8 8 c. which Christ looked upon as a great faith a greater whereof he had not found no not in Israel vers 10. and like the faith of the woman of Canaan Mat. 15 21. c. that would take no nay say but of seeming refu●…eals did make arguments which Christ commended as a great faith vers 28. But in others it may be more weak and fainting not able to reason a●…ight for its owne comfort and strength as Mat. 6 30. ●…ut is mixed with much feare as Math. 8 26. yea and with much faithlesnesse so that the soul must cry Lord helpe my unbeleef Mark 9 24. 2. In some the acts and actings of this faith may be more clear and discerneable both by themselves and by spirituall on-lookers In others so covered over with an heape of doubts unbeleef jealousie other corruption that the actings of it can hardly or not at all be perceived by themselvs or others so that nothing shall be heard but complaints feares doubtings and objections 3. In some this faith may have strong and perceptible actings wreastling thorow much discouragment and opposition and many difficulties as in that woman of Canaan Matth. 15. runing tho●…ow with peremptory resolutenesse saying with Iob. Cap. 13. 15. though he stay me yet will I trust in him and thus taking the kingdome of heaven with violence In others it may be so weak that the least opposition or discouragement may be sufficient to make the soul give over hope almost dispaire of overcomeing and wining thorow be as a bruised reed or a smoaking flax 4. In some though it appeare not strong violent or wilfull in a manner in its actings yet it may be firme fixed resolute in staying upon Him Esa. 26 3 4. and trusting in Him Psal. 125. 1. resolving to hing there and if it perish It perisheth In others weak bashful 5. In some it may be yet weaker going out in strong vehement hungerings Mat. 5 6. The man dar not say that he doth beleeve or that he doth adhere to Christ and stay upon him yet he dar say he longeth for him and panteth after Him as ever the hart doth after the wa●…ter brooks Psal. 42 1 2. he hungereth and thirsteth for him and cannot be satisfied with any thing without him 6. in some it may be that weak that the soul can only perceive the heart looking out after Him upon little more ground than a may be it shall be helped Esai 45 22. They look to Him for salvation being convinced that there is no other way and resolved to follow no other way they resolve to lye at his door waiting and looking for à sight of the kings face and to lye there waiting till they die if no better may be 7. In some it may be so weak that nothing more can be perceived but a satisfaction with the tearmes of the covenant a willingnesse to accept of the bargane and an heart consenting thereunto though they dar not say that they actually close therewith yea nor dar say that they shall be welcome Revel 22 17. 8. In some it may be so weak and low that they cannot say that they have any right hunger or desire after Him nor that their heart doth rightly and really consent to the covenant of grace yet they would faine be at it and cry out oh for a willing heart O for ardent desires O for a right hunger and they are dissatisfied and can not be reconciled with their hearts for not desireing more hungering more consenting more so that if they had this they would think themselvs happy and upmade And thus we see their faith is so low that it appeareth in nothing more manifestly than in their complainings of the want of it So then the poor weak beleever needeth not be so far discouraged as to dispaire and give over the matter as hopelesse lost let him hang on depend and waite a week faith to day may become stronger within a short time He that laid the foundation can and will finish the building for all his Works are perfect And a weak faith when true will prove saving and lay hold on a saving
rebelliousnesse in the will irregularity disorder in the affections whereby the soul is unfit for any thing that is good prone to every thing that is evil Rom. 3 10 20. Ephes. 2 1 2 3. Rom. 5 6. 8 7 8 whence proceedeth all our actual transgressions Iam 1 14 15. And moreover sometimes the soul is given up to a reprobat minde Rom. 1 28. to strong delusions 2 Thes. 2 2. to hardnesse of heart Rom. 2 5. horror of conscience Esa. 33 14. to vile affections Rom. 1 26 and the like spiritual plagues which though the Lord inflict on some only yet all are obnoxious to the same by nature can exspect no lesse if the Lord should enter with them into judgment And finally as to what is future of this kinde they are being fuel for Tophet obnoxious to that malignant sinful blasphemous and desperat rebellion against God in hell for ever more O how lamentable upon this consideration must the condition of such be as are yet in the state of nature Oh if it were but seen and felt But alas there is this addition to all that people know no●… this they consider it not they beleeve it not they feel it not they see it not and hence it cometh to passe that 1. They cannot bewail and lament their condition nor be humbled therefore 2. They cannot nor will not seek after a remedie for the whole will not trouble themselves to seek after a physician And sure upon this account their case calleth for pity and compassion from all that know what a dreadful thing it is to be in such a condition and should stirre up all to pray for them and to do all they can to helpe them out of that state of sin and misery which is dreadful to think upon Should not the thoughts and consideration of this put us all to try and search if we be yet translated from death to life and delivered out of that terrible and dreadful state and made partakers of the first resurrection It not being my purpose to handle this point at large I shall not here insist in giving marks whereby this may be known and which are obvious in Paul's Epistles to be found handled at large in several practical pieces chiefly in Mr. Guthries Great interest I shall only desire every one to consider and examine 1. Whether or not the voice of Christ which quickeneth the dead hath been heard and welcomed in their soul This is effectual calling 2. Whether or not there be a through change wrought in their soul a change in the whole Man so as all things are become new 2 Cor. 5 vers 17 3. Whether or not there be a Principle of life within And they be led by the Spirit 4. Whether or not there be a living to the glory of the Lord Redeemer And when by impartial tryal a discovery is made of the badness of our condition should we not be alarmed to look about us and to laboure by all meanes for an outgate considering 1. How do●…lful and lamentable this condition is 2. How sad and dreadful the consequents of it are 3. How happy a thing itis to be delivered from this miserable and sinful condition and. 4. How there is a possibility of outgate Finally It may break a heart of stone to think how people that are in such a condition are so unwilling to come out of it for 1. How unwilling are they once to suspect their condition or to suppose that it may be bad and that they may be yet unconverted 2. How unwilling are they to sit down seriously to try and 〈◊〉 the matter and to lay their case to the touch-stone of the word 3. Yea how unwilling are they to heare any thing that may tend to awaken them or to discover unto them the badness of their condition 4. How ready to stiffle challenges of conscience or any common motion of the Spirit which tendeth to alarme their soul 5. How great enemies are they to such ordinances as serve to awaken sleeping consciences 6. And how do they hate such ministers as preach such doctrine as may serve to rouz th●…m up and set them a work about their own salvation Secondly We learne hence That without Christ there is no imaginable way of delivery out of this natural state of death No other name is given under heaven whereby we can be saved Act. 4 12. and angels can make no help here nor can one of us deliver another the redemption of the soul is more precious then so Psal. 49 7 8. Not is there any thing we can do for ourselves that will availe here all our prayers teares whipeings fastings vo●…es almes deeds purposes promises resolutions abstenance from some evils outward amendements good morality and civility outward religiousnesse yea and if it were possible our keeping of the whole law will not helpe us out of this pit And we may weary ourselves in such exercises in vaine for they will prove but bodylie exercises that profite little And when in this way we have spent all our time parts spirits and labour we shall at length see and say that we have spent our money for that which is not bread This should put all of us to try what itis which we leane to for life and what it is the consideration whereof giveth us peace and quietnesse when the thoughts of death judgment hell and the wrath of God come upon us and trouble us for if it be any thing beside Christ that our soul leaneth to and that we are comforted by and found all our hopes upon we will meet with a lamentable oh for ever lamentable disappointment Be sure then that our hearts renunce all other wayes and meanes of outgate out of this death beside Jesus the Resurrection and the Life else it will not be well with us Thirdly We see here That delivery out of this natural state of death is only had by Christ for He alone is the Life and the life that is in Him is suiteable and excellent Hence he is called the bread of life Iohn 6 35 48. The resurrection and the life Iohn 11 25. The water of life Revel 21 6. 22 17. The tree of life Revel 22 2 14. The Prince of life Act. 3 15. our life Col. 3 4. The word of life and life it self 1 Iohn 1 1 2. And as He is a suitable and excellent life so is He an alsufficient and perfect life able every way to helpe us and to deliver us from all the parts of our death For 1. He delivereth from the sentence of the law Rom. 5 17 18. undergoing the curse of the law and becomeing a curse for us 2 Cor. 5. last 2. He taketh away the curse and sting of all temporal plagues yea and of death it self causeing all work together for good to such as love Him Rom. 8 28. He hath killed Him that had the power of death that is the devil Heb. 2 14.
69 6. Esai 30 18. CHAP. XXII How Christ is to be made use of for life in case of heartlesnesse and fainting through discouragements THere is another evil and distemper which beleevers are subject to and that is a case of fainting through manifold discouragements which make them so heartless that they can do nothing yea and to sit up as if they were dead The question then is How such a soul shall make use of Christ to the end it may be freed from that fit of fainting and win over those discouragments for satisfaction to which we shall 1. Name some of those discouragements which occasione this 2. Show what Christ hath done to remove all those discouragements 3. Show how the soul should make use of Christ for life in this case and 4. Adde a few words of caution As to the first There are several things which may give occasion to this distemper we shall name those few 1. The sense of a strong active lively and continually stirring body of death and that not withstanding of meanes used to beare it down and to kill it This is very discourageing for it made Paul cry out woes me miserable man who shall deliver me from this body of death Rom. 7 24. It is a most discouraging thing to be still fighting and yet getting no ease let be victory to have to do with an enemie that abides alwayes alike strong fight and oppose as we will yea not only is not weakned far lesse overcome but that groweth in power and prevaileth And this many times affecteth the heart of God's children and causeth them to faint 2. It may be the case of some that they are assaulted with strange temptations of Satan his buffettings that are not usual This made Paul cry out thrice 2 Cor. 12. and if the Lord had not told him that His grace was sufficient for him what would he have done Hence some of his cry out in their complaint was there ever any so tempted so assaulted with the devil as I am Sure this dispensation cannot but be much afflicting sadning and discourageing 3. The sense of the real weakness of grace under lively meanes and notwithstanding of their serious and earnest desires and endeavours after grouth in grace cannot but disquiet and discourage them for they may readily conclude that all their paines and labour shall be in vaine for any thing they can observe 4. The want of sensible incomes of joy and comfort is another fainting and discourageing dispensation as the feeling of these is a heart-strengthening and most encourageing thing which made David so earnestly cry for it Psal. 51 8 12. when a poor soul that hath the testimony of its own conscience that it hath been in some measure of singleness of heart and honesty seeking the face of God for a good many yeers and yet cannot say that ever it knew what those incomes of joy and comfort meane which some have tasted largely of it cannot choose but be discouraged and much cast down as not knowing what to say of it self or how to judge of its owne case 5. The want of access in their addresses to God is another heart-discouraging thing They go about the duty of prayer with that measure of earnestness and uprightness of heart that they can win at at least this is their aime and endeavour and yet they meet with a fast-closed door when they cry shout he shooteth out their prayer as the Church complaineth Lament 3 8. This sure will affect them deeply and cause their hearts sometimes to fainte 6. The want of freedom and liberty in their addreses to God is another thing which causeth sorrow and fainting They go to pray but their tongue cleaveth to the roof of their mouth they are straitned and cannot get their hearts vented 7. Outward persecution that attendeth the way of godliness and afflictions that accompany such as live godly is another discourageing thing both to themselves who are under afflictions and to others who heare it and see it wherefore the Apostle desired earnestly that the Ephesians should not faint at his tribulation Cap. 3 13. 8. The Lords sharpe and sore dispensations for sin as toward David Psal. 51. or out of his Soveraignity for tryal and other ends as toward Iob is likewise a discourageing heart-breaking thing and that which will make strong gyants to roare and fainte and look upon themselves as dead men as we see in these two eminent men of God As to the second thing Christ is life to the beleever in this case in having done that which in reason may support under all these discouragements and having done so much for removing or weakening of these yea and for carrying them over them all which may be in a word cleared as to each 1. As for the body of death Let it stirre in the beleever as fast as it will or can it is already killed all that strugling is but like the strugling of a man in the pangs of death for our old man is crucified with Christ Rom. 6 6. and the beleever is dead to sin and risen legally with him Col. 2 11 12. 3 3. But of this we spoke abundance above 2. As to Satans troubling the poor beleever Through Christ also he is a vanquished enemy He hath overcome him that had the power of death even the devil Heb. 2 14. 3. As for that felt weakness of grace That is no ground of discouragement so long as he liveth who can make the lame to leep as an hart and can make waters break out in the wildernesse and streames in the desert Esai 35 6 7. and giveth power to the fainte and to them that have no might increaseth strength so that such as waite upon the Lord shall renew their strength and they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint Esai 40 29 31. For in H●…m are all the promises yea amen 2 Cor. 1 20. So that they need not faint upon this account nor be discouraged for the work He hath begun He will finish it and He will quicken in the way Psal. 119 37. 4. As for the want of sensible incomes of joy and comfort He hath promised to send the comforter in his own good time Iohn 14 26. 15 26. as one whom his mother comforteth so will he comfort his Esai 66. 13. Joy and gladnesse is promised in the covenant Ier. 31 13. But further though He keep up those influences of joy and comfort He supporteth another way The lively hope of heaven may bear up the heart under all this want for there shall the soul have fulnesse of joy and pleasures for ever more no teares nor sorrow there Psal. 16 11. Esa. 35 10. 51 11. 5. As for the want of accesse in their prayers They may possibly blame themselvs for He hath by his merites opened the door and is become to speak so
To teach them to walk more circumspectly afterward and to guaird more watchfully against Satans temptations and to imploy Christ more as their Strength Light and Guide 5. To cause them see their great obligation to Jesus Christ for delivering them from that state of wrath wherein they were by nature as well as others and would have lyen-in to all eternity had not He redeemed them 6. To exercise their Faith Patience and Hope to see if in hope they will beleeve against hope and lay hold on the strength of the Lord that they may make peace with him Esai 27 5. 7. To give a fresh proof of his wonderful Mercy Grace Love and Compassion upholding the soul in the meane time at length pardoning them and speaking peace to their souls through the blood of Jesus But as to the third particular We may look on Christ as the Life to the soul in this case upon those accounts 1. He hath satisfied justice and so hath borne the pure wrath of God due for their sinnes He hath troden the winepresse alone Esai 63 3. He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our sins Esai 53 5 10. And therefore they drink not of this cup which would make them drunk and to stagger and fall and never rise againe 2. Yea He hath procured that mercy and love shall accompany all those sharpe dispensations and that they shall flow from mercy yea and that they shall be as a covenanted blessing promised in he covenant Psal. 89 30 31 32 33. 3. And sometimes He is pleased to let them see this clear difference betwixt the strokes they lye under and the judgments of pure wrath which attend the wicked and this supporteth the soul for then he seeth that those dispensations how sharpe so ever they be shall work together for good to him and come from the hand of a gracious and loving Father reconciled in the blood of Christ. 4. He is a Prince exalted to give repentance and remission of sins to Israel Act. 5 31. Yea He hath procured such a clause in the covenant which is wel ordered in all things and sure that upon their renewing of faith and repentance their after sin shall be pardoned and besides the promises of faith and repentance in the covenant His being ●… Prince exalted to give both giveth assurance o●… their receiving of both 5. He cleareth to them their interest in the Covenant and their right to the promises of the Covenant and through their closeing with Christ b●… faith He raiseth up their heart in hope cause●… them to exspect an outgate even remission of the●… sins and turning a way of the displeasure in due tim●… through Him and this is a great part of their life 6. Being the author and finisher of faith 〈◊〉 ●… Prince to give repentance He by His Spirit worketh up the soul to a renewing of its grips o●… Himself by faith and to a ●…uning to the death and blood of Christ for pardon and washing and worketh godly sorrow in the heart whereupon followeth Pardon according to the gospel constitution though the beleever as yet perceiveth it not And sin being pardoned before God conforme to the tenor of the covenant of grace the man is a living man whatever feares of death he may be keeped under for a time 7. He helpeth also the soul to a justifying of God and to a holy submissive frame of Spirit under that dispensation so that they are willing to beare the indignation of the Lord because they have sinned against Him Micah 7 9. and to waite for an outgate in God's own time and to kisse the rod and accept of the punishment of their sin 8. When He seeth it fit for his own glory and their advantage He speaketh peace at length to the soul and sayeth Son or daughter be of good cheer thy sinnes are forgiven thee And then is the soul restored to life As to the fourth particular The soul that is wreastling with an angry God for sin and would make use of Christ as the life would do those things 1. He would look to Christ as standing under God's curse in our room and as satisfying justice for all the elect and for all their sinnes 2. He would eye the covenant wherein new pardon is promised upon the renewing of faith and repentance 3. He would eye Christ as the great Lord dispensator of both Faith and Repentance and hing on Him for both and thus beleeve that he may beleeve and repent or lay his soul open to Him that He may work in him both Repentance and Faith 4. He would flee to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than the blood of Abel that he may be washen and sprinkled with hysope as David did Psal. 51 7. 5. He would eye Christ as a prince to pardon and give remission of sins and as exalted for this end and would fix his eye upon Him as now exalted in glory for this end 6. He would close with Christ of new as his only alsufficient mediator and having done this and repented of his sins whereby God hath been provoked he would conclude through faith that a pardon is past in the court of heaven conforme to the tenor of the gospel and waite on Christ until the intimation come As for the cautions which I promised to speak to in the last place take those few 1. Do not conclude there is no pardon because there is no intimation thereof made to thy soul as yet According to the dispensation of grace condescended upon in the gospel pardon is had immediatly upon a souls beleeving and repenting But the intimation sense and feeling of pardon is a distinct thing and may for several ends be long ●…eeped-up from the soul Sure they go not alwayes together 2. Do not conclude there is no pardon because the rode that was inflicted for sin is not as yet taken off God pardoned Davids sin and did intimate the same to Him by Nathan and yet the sword did not depart from his house till he died God can forgive and yet take vengeance on their in ven●…ions Psal. 99 8. 3. Do not upon this ground question God's Faithfulnesse or conclude that God's covenant doth not stand fast He is the same and the covenant abideth fast and firme but the change is in thee 4. Do not think that because thou hast once received Christ that therefore without any new act of faith on Him or of repentance towards God thou should immediatly be pardoned of thy sinnes as soon as they are committed for the gospel methode must be followed and it should satisfie us CHAP. XXVIII No man cometh to the Father but by me THis being added for furder confirmation of what was formerly said will pointe out unto us several necessary truthes as First That it is most necessary to be sound and cleare in this fundamental point of coming to God only in and through Christ for 1. It is the whole