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A14448 Here begynneth the lyf of saint katherin of senis the blessid virgin; Vita di S. Catarina da Siena. English Raymond, of Capua, 1330-1399.; Elizabeth, of Hungary, Saint, 1207-1231, attributed name.; Elizabeth, of Toess, Saint, 1297-1338, attributed name. 1500 (1500) STC 24766.3; ESTC S109658 218,906 188

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thynges of your self it shall make you pacient in aduersyt● and temperate in prosperyte And sette you namely in all honeste of vertue And it shall also make you loued ●oi●●e god and man ¶ A a now is that a paynfull sowle and full of woo that hath not this blysse For where that suche holy hate is not ther is moche vnordynate loue the whyche is the stynkyng thorroke and canell of all synne and the cause and the rote of all euill concupyscence Al suche and lyke wordes this hooly Mayde comyned daye by daye wyth suche drede in commendyng of holy hate of synne and in despysyng of vnordynate loue ¶ But whan euer she perceyued that ony defaute of synne or of synne ī many creature that comyned with her or in ony other Anon she wolde be styred to compassyon and sayde Loo brethern loo susteren the cause of this tr●spaas and this synne is nothyng ellys but an vnordynate loue of your self The whiche vnordynate loue is norysshed of pride and of all vices ¶ Doth all your besynes for the loue of god to put●e awaye suche vnordynate loue of your owne self oute of your owne hertes And planteth therin holy hate of synne for certeyn that is the ryght waye of perfection and amendement off all synne ¶ Loo maydens how well thys hooly maydes doctryne accordeth to the wordes of Saynt Poule where he sayd thus Quod virtus ī infirmitate perficitur That is vertu is made parfyghtly ī sekenes and febylnes and that was whā he prayed to our lord to remeue awaye his temptacions To whome oure lorde answerd and sayde thus ¶ Sufficit tibi paule gracia mea That is it is Inow to the paule myn grace that is for to hate synne and wythstonde it Thenne brake out saynt Paule and saide ¶ Libenter gloriabor in infirmitatibus meis vt inhabitet in me virtus cristi That is I shal gladly be Joyefull in minsekenes and febylnes by laborynge in hatyng and vnderstondyng of synne that the vertu and the grace therof maye be inhabyted in myn sowle See ye not now how thyse holsom doctrynes of this holi mayde ben grounded vpon a stedfast stone of trouthe the whiche stone is Cryst In as moche as they acorden wyth holy wrytynges of doctours Thus endeth this Chapytre ▪ but I praye you al that shall rede it or here it that they mekely consydere the meryte and the deserte of this holy mayde whan oure lorde vou chesaf to enforme her in vertu by his owne proper persone ▪ And also that wolde gyue credence wythouten ony othe to her wordes For he was a faythfull doctour that taught her And thus I make an ende of this chapytre ¶ Of the merueylous victorye of temptacions by another maner doctryne gyue vnto our lord and of a famylyaryte and holynes whiche she hadde wyth oure lorde whiche hath not be herde to fore Capitulum xi IFynde wryten that whan kynge Salamon hadde doon make and reysed vp a toure for to kepe the Cyte of Jherusalem fro enemyes The kynge of Babylone was wood wyth all and reysed vp an host for to destroye that toure yf he myght Assone as kinge Salamon perceyued that he wold come wyth an hoste for to destroye that toure He ordeyned to be made merueyllous stronge wallys rounde aboute the toure so myghtely and soo myghty walles that whan euer they came to assayle it wyth ony maner of shotte their dartes sholde merueylously turne agayn and wounde or slee the hoste ¶ Ryght soo the kynge of Babylone that is the kynge of pryde and enemye of peas the fende of ghostely enemye consyderyng that kynge Salamon auctor and conseruatour or keper of peas hadde reysed vp an hyghe vertuous toure the whiche was this holy mayde Katheryn to the defens of Jherusalem that is holy chyrche dredyng therby feste she sholde be cause of many creatures helthe as she was in dede both by good ensamples of lyuyng and also by her holy doctryne he waxed wood wyth her and tourned to her wyth all the spyryte of hys malyce for to destroye her wyth many thousande whyles But almyghty god that mercyable and peasyble lord suffred that to be done for to encrece the victoryous blessed endeles crowne of his spouse therto he strengthed her ouer all wyth myghty ghostely armour for to ouercome hym so that she wan̄ more of vertue in tyme off her batayle by ouercomynge of the temptacyons Thenne she dyde in tyme off peas whylys she was wythout temptacions and soo all the fende whyles tourned agayn shamefully to hym self Oure lord enspyred her to aske him bi prayers for to haue the vertu of ghostely strengthe wherfore she prayed many dayes and longe tyme At the laste after suche longe and deuoute prayer our lorde vocheūsaufe to here her Gracyously and taught her in this wyse sey●ng thus Doughter yf thou wilt gete the vertu of ghostely strengthe thou muste folowe me all be it that I myght by myn goodly vertu ouercome all the power of the fendes by many maner wayes of ouercomyng ¶ Yet for to gyue you ensample by my manhede I wolde not ouercome hym but only by takyng of dethe vppon the crosse that ye myght be taught therby yf ye wolde ouercome your ghostely enemyes for to take the crosse as I dide the whiche crosse shall be to you a grete refresshyng in all your temptacyons yf ye haue mynde of the paynes that I suffred there vpon of temptacyons And certeyne the paynes of the crosse may well be called refresshyng of temptacion For the more payne ye suffre for myn loue the more lyke ye bee to me in passyon nedes ye muste be lyke to me in Joye ¶ Therfore for myn loue doughter suffre pacyētly bytter thynges and none swete thynges And doughter in none wise for thou shalt be stronge enough● for to suffre alle thynges pacyently ▪ ¶ Whan this holy mayde hadde herde this holy lesson she foryate it nought but bare it euer quykly in her mynd And euer afterward hadde Joye and delyte in trybulacions soo ferforthe that there was noo thynge in erthe soo grete refresshyng to her as was passiōs and trybulacyons For by swete sufferaunces of trybulacions she wyste well that her crowne encresyd in the blesse of heuen ¶ After tyme that kynge Salamon oure lorde Jhesu Cryste kynge of heuen ande of erthe hadde armed hys blessyd toure this maydes sowle by swete myghty and holsom doctrynes he suffred enemyes to come and preue that toure yf they myght by ony waye or wyse destroye it ¶ The kynge of Babylone oure ghostely enmye the fende wyth alle hys cursyd companye come and byseged thys blessyd toure thorugh the sufferaunce of god rounde aboute wyth many wretchid temptacions ¶ But fyrst he began to assayle this mayde by flesshely temptacions whom not oonly he tempted by thoughtes withinforthe ne by yllusyons and fantasyes in her slepe but by opyn vysyons wakynge bothe in seyeng and herynge and seyng ¶ He tempted her
so frely so charytable that it voyded awaye fro me the peyne of colde Therfore I shall now gyue the a cote the whiche shall be Inuysyble to men but to the it shall be sensyble Out of myn holy body I shall take it and hyue it the by the whiche bothe thy body and thy sowle may be keuered and kepte from noyous colde vnto the tyme that they shall be arayed in ioye wythout an ende a fore my sayntes and angels Anone forth wyth he toke out a clothe of a sangueyne colour wyth hys holy hondes out of the wounde of his syde shynyng alle aboute to the quantyte mesure of the maydens bodye Where wyth he arayed hyr wyth hys owne holy hondes and sayd Thys clothe I gyue the all the whyle thou dwellest in erthe in token of thy clothe of ioye that thou shalt be arayed wythin heuen Thus this vysyon cessyd After that the holy mayde hadde soo grete grace in receyuyng of that ghostly gyfte not onely in hir sowle but also in hir body that fro that houre in to hyr endyng daye she neded neuer to were moo clothes in wynter thanne in somer For were the wedder neuer so colde she vsed no mo clothes than a cote and a kertell For euer afterward as she semed she felte that ghostly cote vpon hyr the whiche our lord gaf hir and that was the cause that she felte no colde See ye not maydens of what worthynes this holy mayde was that folowed Saynt Nycholas in gyuyng of atmespryuely and folowed saynt martyn in gyuyng of hyr owne clothes the whiche our lord allowed by hys holy apperyng to thys blessyd mayde And there to gaf hyr a sensyble and an euerlastyng token for to fele in erthe how plesaūt almes dedes ben to hym Me semeth that whan our lorde sayd to thys holy mayde that he wolde she we hyr that lytell crosse at the daye of dome the whiche she gaue in almes And also that he wolde araye hyr wyth a clothe of ioye in heuen is no thyng ellys but a sikernes of endeles helthe And therto an excellent ioye in blysse for hir mede Therfore maydens sett not lytell by suche reuelacyons and suche tokenes for sykernesse of endeles helthe onely causeth so grete ioye and so grete comforte in a sowle that it were impossyble a tongue to tell it or a penne to wryte it What foloweth after suche a sykernesse of ioye trowe ye to a sowle Trewely encrece of all vertue of pacyence of strengthe of temperaunce of besynesse and delygence in kepyng of hyr self in holy werkes of feyth of hope of charytr and of suche other vertues And all that were harde to suche a soule a fore ben made by suche comfort ryght esye Loo what grace suche predestynacyon notefyed to a clene sowle wercheth Another tyme also it befyll that thys holy mayde fulfylled wyth compassyon perceyued that ther was a man the whiche made him pore wylfully for goddes loue and lacked mete wherfore she toke preuely a lynnen bagge and fylled it wyth egges and bare it wyth hyr preuely vnder hyr ●oote to refresshe wyth that poure man whan she mette wyth him She came to the place there that the poure ma● dwellyd and entred fyrst in to the chyrche there besyde for to praye And whan she was entred she bethought on our lord so Inwardly and anoue her spiryte was rauysshed soo that she was fully for that tyme wythdrawe from hyr outwarde wyttys as it is rehersed afore Whanne she was thus rauysshed it happed sodeynly that the body bowed to a pyler casuelly on that syde that the egges were on so that she lened fully vpon the bagge wyth egges thanne was ther in the same bagge for goten a fore a thymbyll as tayllours sowen wyth the whiche thymbyll was broken in thre partyes by burthon of hir body but the eyren that charyte hyd there were hole in noo partye broken Now was thys a meruayllous thyng that the eyren were hole and the thymbyll of coper was to broke so our lorde shewed there hys myracle in the charytable eyren For our lord shewed his helpe not only by this holy mayde to nedy folke but also he shewed hys myracle in hyr by werkes of his godhede And for to declare the more openly I shall tell you a meruaylles thyng of whiche meruayll were wytnes bothe men and wōman aboute the nombre of xx of this maydens faders housholde Her moder Lapa tolde mayster Reymond hir doughters confessour that after tyme hir doughter thys holy mayde had leue of hyr fad to gyue almes It befylle that the meyne of the housholde had dronke amonges them a certeyn vessell of wyne so that the remenaūt the whiche was lefte was not fresshe for to gyue to poure men in asmoche she had in custome to gyue them of the beste for goddes loue She went hyr than to the next vessell of wyne there besyde in hyr faders seller and tamed that for poure folke And gaf them largely ther of euery day as they neded many dayes to gyder and it was not aspyed of the meyne At the last whan the fyrst vessell was done the boteler mynystred drynke to the meyne of the vessell the whyche the holy mayde had tamed Yet the holy mayde left not therfore but alwaye she gaue ther of to the poure folke and the more the meyne dronke the more largely she gaue to poure folke and it was not aspyed ne the wyne was neuer the vnfressher ne neuer the lasse in the vessell but allewaye kepte his estate bothe in fulnesse in fresshenesse Alle the meyne of the housholde gretely meruaylled ther of that the vessell contynued so long and the wyne was so good and so fresshe for it was well knowe a fore that suche a vessell of wyne myght not laste ouer xv dayes or xx dayes at the ferthest Neuerthelesse it contynued not onely xx dayes but a full moneth complete And yet it semyd that the vessell was noo wyse lessened All the meyne had meruayll ther of that the wyne was so good so fresshe lastyd so long For better wyne them semed they tastyd neuer It was vnknowe to them all how that myght be but the holy mayde knewe well I nogh that it was by myracle of our lord by cause of the almes that she gaue ther of the more largely to the poure folke And therfore she gaue ther of the more largely to pour folke openly that all the meyne myght see it and yet it semed neuer the lesse in the vessell O moneth was passyd an other began to entre yet the wyne contynued euer lyke fresshe lyke full as it dyd fyrste in to the tyme the grapes were rype for to make newe wyne Whenne the g●apes were rype vessellys were ordeyned for to be fylled wyth newe wyne the mayster of the wyne bad commaūded that the vessell whiche cōtynued so long wyth olde wyne sholde be emptyed and fyllyd with newe wyne
the delyueraunce of them whiche were acombred and vexed wyth fendes C x ¶ Item of the yefte of prophecye And how by that yefte she delyuerd many mē and wymmen fro perylles bothe of body and of sowle C xj ¶ Item of myracles whiche oure lorde wrought by this holy mayde and vyrgyn in herbes breed and wyne And other thinges that hadde none lyf C xij Item of the ofte resceyuynge of the holy sacrament of the aulter And of myracles the whiche oure lorde dyde to hyr touching that holy sacrament and other holy relyques of saintes Ca xiij   HEre begynneth the thyrde parte wherin is rehersyd Capitulum j the deyeng of this holy mayde and vyrgyn myracles that were I shewed after her deth And fyrst of the wytnesses whiche were present at hyr passyng and enfourmed the auctur of this boke whiche and what they were Cap ij ¶ Item of the merueylous thynges whiche befyll a yere and half to fore the deth of this holy mayde and vyrgyn And of the martyrdome that she suffred bodely of the wycked fendes wherof at the laste she hadde her bodely dethe C iij ¶ Item how this holy mayde and vyrgyn desyred to be vnbounde from the body and be wyth cryst And that is preuyd by a deuoute prayer whiche she made And is put in the ende of another boke whiche she made and what is in that boke generally and shortely it is wryten in this boke wyth the same oryson c iiij ¶ Item of the time that she passed and whan she passed out of this worlde and of the sermō whiche she made to her gostely dyscyples and susteren tofore her passyng And how she informed them in generall and in speciall how they shold gouerne theym whan she were go● And of a vysyon whiche was shewed to a matrone in the houre of her passyng Ca v ¶ Item of tokens and myracles whiche oure lorde wrought after hyr dethe of this holy mayde and vyrgyn bothe tofore her beryeng and after that is to saye of myracles whiche were knowe And for many that were not knowe Cap vj ¶ Item of the myghty and stronge paciens whiche this mayde and vyrgyn shewed openly from her fyrst age and yonge in to her deth by the whiche vertu clerly it preuyd that ryghtfull she is worthy to haue the name of holynesse in goddes chirche in erthe ▪ whan she is made so fayre and gloryous in goddes chirche in heuen and in this chapytre is a recapitulacion of all that is sayd to fore For worthynes and also for werynes of reders And also for yf eche man may not haue al thys legende they may haue the substaunce of this martyr tofore her compendyously rehersyd in the last chapytre ¶ The fyrst chapytre of this fyrst parte is of the progenye of this holy mayde vyrgyn gloryous saint katheryn of sene and of other maters whiche befyll touchyng her or she went out openly abrode And of her fader and moder and of the condycions of theym Capitulū primū IN the cite of Geene in Italye and of the prouynce of Tuskane ther was a man his name was Janes or Jacob and his fader was callyd in the comyn speche of the contree Beuencasa This James was symple vertuous wythout fraude or deceyte to ony man dredynge god and fleyng alle euyll After the deth of his fader and moder he toke a wyf of the same Cyte her name was lapa She was a woman wythout suche malyce that is vsed amonge men that ben now in our tyme all be it that she was full besy aboute that longeth to houshold and about meynye and seruauntes as it was knowen openly to all that knewe her whyle she liued here in erthe whan they bothe were ioyned to gyder in matrymonye and lyuyd vertuously in symplycite suffycient habondaunce they hadde of temperall godes and they bothe of gentyll and commendable byrthe Our reuerende lorde blessyd lapa graciously fulfylled hyr plentuously wyth the birthe of chyldren as an habondaunt vyne in the hous of Jacob whiche was her husbond For eche yere almost she conceyued and bare a sone or a doughter and ofte fythes ij sones or two doughters After tyme this Jacob was passeth out of this worlde Lapa his wyf as for a synguler laude and commendacion rehersyd and saide to mayster Reymonde the confessour of this holy mayde and vyrgyn and glorious martyr katheryn that she was euer of soo lyke dysposycion and soo moderate in worde that what occacion euer came or trouble or trybulacion he exceded neuer in speche by hasty ne angrye worde but whan he saw ony of his meyny greued or herd hem speke angerly or bytter wordes anon he comforted eche of theym wyth a glad ●here and sayde in the maner of that contree A brother good day be to the be not troubled speke not suche wordes which falleth ne semeth not vs to speke ¶ And in speciall lapa his wyf wherseth that whan on a tyme one of his neybours dysesyd hym wrongfully asked hym a grete som̄e of monye whiche he owed not by none reason ▪ and soo moche he vexed hym that symple mā wyth the might of other frendes and supplanted hym wyth grete wronges that he brought hym to the losse of alle his godes And in alle this tyme this good man myght neuer suffre in his presence a man to curse hym wronge ne to speke of hym harme in noo wyse In soo moche that he blamed his wyf Lapa wyth softe wordes and sayd suffre dere wyf the good day be to the for our lord shall shewe hym therrour he shall be oure defendour whiche wordes were founde southe afterward for the veryte was shewed openly as lyke to a myracle And he for payne that he hadde in his conscyence delyuerd agayne how moche he hadde errid in his wrongfull persecucion to the good man Jacob Thyse wordes sayde Lapa to mayster Reymonde to whos wordes he yaue full truste for as it was knowe to all that knewe her she was of soo moche symplenesse at her age of xxiiij yere that though she wold haue lyed she ●●wde not haue feyned suche a lesyng And soo was the commyn testymonye of alle tho that knewe her husbonde Jacob that was he a man ful symple by Innocencye and ryghtfull alwaye fleyng from euyll Also this good mannys softenes in speche was soo vertuous that alle his meyny namely wymmen dame sels taught in his soole myght not speke ne here noo worde that were not semely or dyshoneste In so moche that one of his doughter whiche was callyd Bonauentura was wedded to a yonge man whiche was callyd Nycolas of the same Cyte wyth whome were conuersaunt many other yong men of hys age by cause he hadde nother fader ne moder And thyse men and he wythout ony refreynynge of tongue spake eche to other ▪ and he wyth other And they wyth hym foule wordes of dyshoneste mater This Bonauentura att the laste toke therof soo grete an
dyd so to who me thys mayden gaf none clere answer by cause she wolde nethyr lye ne telle the trouthe Wyth that the moder wente to thys maydens hede and took of hyr kerchyfe wyth hyr owne hondys And so ꝑceyued that hyr here was cut awaey Thāne was the moder sorowfull in hyr herte bycause hyr fayre here was cutte awaye waylynge and cryenge in thys wyse Aa doughter what haste thou doo Anone the mayde keuered hyr hede efte sones and wente a syde To the crye of her moder came bothe the fader and the chyldren meruayllyng what it myght be Whanne they knewe the cau●● of hyr cryeng they were hugely ameuyd ageynste this maide of the whiche trouble was begonne the secounde bataylle ageynst this mayde more sharper than thēne was the fyrst But yet to thys mayden our lord gaff the vyctorye that thoo thynges whyche semed lettyng to hyr holy purpose was to hyr grete helpe meruayllously for to knytte hyr to our lord more myghtely Therefore they pursued hyr openly rebukyng hyr and thretyng hyr in worde and dede sayeng thus Thou wretched creature trowest thou for to escape thus that thou shalt not fulfyll our wylle because that thou hast cutte awaye thyn here hyt shall growe ageyn wyll thou nyll thou and though thyn herte sholde to breste yet shalt thou haue an husbonde And thou shalt neuer haue reste vnto the tyme that thou haste consented to our wylle And wyth that they made an ordynaunce that Katheryne shold nomore haue no pryue chambre by hir self to dwelle Inne but that sholde openly be occupyed in the comyn seruyce of the how 's So that the place and tyme of prayeng and vnyeng and knyttyng to Jhesu hir spoufe sholde vtterly be wyth drawe from hir And also that she shold see hyr self so moche the more in despyte that she was made a comyn seruaunte After thys ordynaunce thys holy mayde was putte to alle manere fylthe besynesse and the fowle of the kechyn Suffryng euery day repreues and euery day also wronges and rebukyng and dyspytable wordes were multeplyed ageynst hyr that moste of alle ouercomen wymmenys hertys For as hyt was supposed hyr fader and hyr moder and brethern hadden fonde a yong man of whos kynrede they weren gretely well apayde And therefor they steryd and Inpugnyd hyr the more sharpely that she myght the sonner be bowed to theyr consent But where that oure ghostly enemye the fende by whos wyckednes tretcherous werkes all thyse thynges were wrought doune wende for to wyth drawe thys mayde from hyr clene purpose There by the helpe of god she was made moost strengest for she was in noo wyse meuyd ne stered of alle that was doone to hyr But she made hyr a pryue chaumbre by helpe of the holy ghoost in hyr owne sowle fro the whyche pryue chaumbre she made an ordynaunce in hyr self neuer for to go out for no manere of besynesse And so it was done in dede that she the whyche fyrste hadde an outward chaumbre assygned to hyr somtyme stood wyth out and somtyme wente oute But afterwarde whan she had made hyr selue in hyr sowle a pryue chaumbre that myght not be take from hyr of no creature in erthe she went neuer out Thes ben tho heuenly vyctoryes that may not be taken awaye fro crystis specyall in erthe ouercomynge wyth out ony doubte alle stylly enemyes As holy wrytte seyth Regnum dei infra nos est That is to saye the kyngdome of heuen is wythin vs. And also the prophete Dauyd seyth That all the ioye of our lordes doughter is wythin forthe Wythin vs wyth out ony doubte there is a clere vnderstondyng a fr● wylle and a retentyf mynde Wythin vs also is the gracyous Infusyon of the holy ghoost the whiche maketh perfyte these ghoostly myghtys rehersed afore and ouercometh and throweth vnder foot alle outward aduersytres Wythin vs yf we ben trewe vylners of vertue dwelleth that ghest the whyche sayde and seyth Confidite ego vici mundum That is trusteth feythfully that ye shall ouercome your enemyes for I haue ouercome the worlde that grete enemye In this blessyd lord thys holy mayde Katheryn trustyd so hyghely that she made hir wyth Inne hyr self a chambre by hys helpe for whos loue she charged not for to lese the chambre made of mannes handes wythout forth ¶ But now one thynge shall I saye that mayster Reymond the confes sour of thys holy mayde beryth recorde of that whan that he sholde walke outward by cause other whyle of grete outward besynesse and occupacyon that nedys must be done Thys holy mayde oftymes warned hym and sayde that he shold make wythin hys sowle a pryuee celle of whyche pryue cell he sholde neuer goo out And alle be it that he vnderstonde hyr not but so ouerly so lyghtely Yet neuerthelesse afterwarde whan he consydered more wyttely hyr wordes The wordes that Saynt Johan sayde in the Gospell felle in hys mynde where it is rehersed of crystys dyscyples in thys wyse Hoe autem non cognouerunt discipuli eius primum Sed quando glorificatus est ihesus tune recordatisunt That is crystys dyscyples knewe not alle thynge of hym as touchyng hys passyon fyrst but onely But after tyme whan he was reysen fro deth to lyue and gloryfyed thanne they knewe more openly and clerely And soo in the same manere wyse bothe to mayster Reymond hyr confes sour to tho other that were conuersaunt wyth hyr it happyd meruayllously that they perceyued more openly and clerely bothe her dedys and hyr wordes afterwarde than whenne they were wyth hyr presently ¶ Yette shall I telle you of another holy conseyt and a blessyd ymagynacyon of thys holy mayde that the holy ghoost taught hyr by the whyche she ouercome alle wronges and despytes as she tolde pryuely to hyr confessour axyng of hym mekely how she myght be perfytly gladde amonge soo many despytes And thanne she brake out and sayde that she hadde suche an ymagynacyon in hyr self that hyr fader represented our lorde Ihesu Cryste oure sauyour and hyr moder oure blessyd lady Saynt Marye And hyr brethern and other many of the housholde betokeneth the holy appostles of oure lorde and other dyscyples of hys And for thys blessyd ymagynacyon she serued hem alle the more gladdely soo that they were alle a meruaylled therof And by thys blessyd ymagynacyon she wan another grete profyte and as oftr as she serued and made mynystracy on euer she hadde in mynde hyr hyr spouse Ihesu Cryste Whome hyr thought she serued And soo she beyng in bodely kechyn was alle waye wyth that holy place that is callyd Sancta sanctorum And as ofte as she serued atte mete soo ofte she fedde hyr sowle wyth the presence of oure sauyour A hyghe and rychesse of endeles counseyll by how many dyuers and meruayllous wayes delyuerest them that trusten in the from alle maner dyseses and bryngest them in to the hauen of
to the same lorde And ye consydre the coudycyons of this rynge ye shall●welle see that the tokene acordeth that that is betokeneth to She axed stedfaste feythe what is strenger than a dyamaunt stone it wythston dyth all maner hardenesse and it persyth the hardest thynge that is but that stone it self is broke onely with the blode of a goote Ryght soo a stronge feythfull herte wythstondeth and ouercometh wyth his strenthe alle maner of aduersyte But the mynde of crystys precious blood the whiche is called in holy wryte a goote the whiche precious blode he shadde vpon the crosse for mankynde that stroge herte is re lentyd and al to broste the four precious Margarete stonys in the rynge betokenyth noo thynge ellis but foure purytres clenes that whiche was in that holy mayde that is clennes of hyr entente clennes of hyr thouȝt clennes of hyr speche and clennes of hir workynge Alle thyse shall be declared by the grace of god more largely here aftyrwarde I supposo that thys dyspousacion̄ was no thynge ellys but a confirmacioū of godis grace And the token of thys gracyous confyrmacion̄ was the rynge the whiche only apperid to her and to none other for this cause that she shold not fere ne drede to delyuer other owte of the wretched worlde by her prayers and by the helpe of that special grace that god hadde endowed her wyth One of the princypall causes after holy doctours why the almyghty god vouchesauf of his synguler preuylege to shewe to som̄e that they ben plesaunt to hym and in estate of grace is in this wycked world for worshyppe for his entent is to sende them For to fyght wyth this wycked world for worshyppe of this holy name and helthe off soules as he dyde to his Appostlis on wytsondaye the whiche token specyal tokenes of grace Ryght soo this hooly mayde aboue the condycion of alle other wymmen after tyme she was thus confermed i● grace she was sente openli for the wourshyppe of god to procure helthe of sowles as it shall bee declared by the helpe of god here afterward more openly And therfore I trowe it was that she toke of our lorde the token of confyrmaciō of grace that she sholde boldely and myghtely doo execucion of that that our lorde commaunded her Thus shall I make an ende of this chapytre and of the fyrst parte of the legende of this hooly mayde saynt katheryn of Scene to the worship of the holy trynyte and to helthe of sowles Regnaute semper in oīꝰ scis domino nostro Ihesu cristo quī cum patre almoque spūiscō viuit et regnat deus Per oīa secula seculorum Amen ¶ Here begynneth the second partye in the whiche is shewed the conuersacion of this holy mayde with men And how the gyftes whiche she hadde receyued off oure lorde pryuyly enclosed wythin herself were openly shewed to the worlde And fyrst how oure lorde bad her that she sholde be conuersaunt amonges men Capitulum Prymum ●After tyme that this holy Mayde was despoused as it is rehersed afore our lorde began to drawe her litill and lytyll to the conuersacion of men And that was full mennerly and mesurably not for to wythdrawe vtterly fro her his dyuyne presence but rather as moche as longeth to the mesure of perfection for to encrese it as it shall be declared openly afterward And therfore in a tyme whan he appyred to her and hadde taughte her of the kyngdom of heuen and shewed her many mysteryes And also to seye the psalmes and the houres of dyuyne seruīce as it is rehersed afore forthwith he bad her that she sholde go doune to mete with other of her moders housholde and afterward that she sholde come agayn to him Whan this holy mayde herde this she sobbyd and wepte fyll doune to his feete for sorowe and fayde to hym thyse wordes O swete Ihesu lorde why puttest thou me awaye fro the and yf I haue offendyd and displesyd the mayster Loo lord there is myn body at thyn feet punysshe it I shal gladly helpe therto suffre me not good lord to be punysshed wyth so● sharpe and soo hard a payne to be departed in ony maner of wise fro thin blissed presence what haue I to doo wyth that mete I haue mete that they knewe not of whether receyueth anone more lyf by bodely metes or by ghostely metes Lorde as thou knowest well I haue fledde the conuersacion off men that I myght the sonner fynde and now sythe I haue founde the by the mercy and graciously thou haste shewed the to me though I am vnworthy sholde I nowe than forsake this precious tresour And put me to the conuersacion of men eftsones and soo ben founde reprobable in the faythe A nay lord suffer not that be soo for thyne infynyte goodnes whā she had thus longe wepte and weyled wyth swete sobbyng wordes oure lorde sayde to her suffre now dere doughter for it is full semely to the that thou shodeste fulfylle all maner of vertu that not only it be fruytfull to thyn self but also to other by myn specyall grace it is not myn entent for to dysceuere or departe the from me in ony maner of wyse But rather I shall haue the to me more strenger by medytacions of neyghbours charyte Knewest thou not well that in thise two thynges scondeth the perfection of myn commaundementys that is in loue off god and loue of thyn neyghbour I wil therfore that thou wyll fulfylle the verof thyse two preceptis that thou may go to heuen not wyth one wynge but wyth tweyne Haue doughter how of thin yonge age thou hast had hyther to a yele a loue of helthe of sowles by me it hathe be encresyd in so moche that in thyn yonge age thou purposed the to feyne the aman by cause thou myghtest the sonner be receyued amonge the order of the fryer prechours in straunge contrees that thou sholdest not be knowen soo for to prouffyte to the helthe of mennys soules for that synguler loue that thou haddest to myn seruaunt Domynyk thou desyrest wyth a grete honour his habyte that thou now hast receyued the whiche domynyk pryncypally for helthe of soules I ordeyned that order why merueylest thou wey lest thou soo yf I brynge the to that that thou hast soo longe desyred Wyth thyse wordes of our lord this holi maide was gretely comforted sayde vnto hym lyke as our gloryous lady gloryous vyrgyn marie sayde to gabriel suche wordes Qn̄o fit istud A good lord in what wyse what maner may this be done Our lord sayde agayn as myn goodnes shal dyspose ordeyne Then̄e she as a good dyscyple a trewe folower of her mayster Cryste Ihesu sayde lord thyn wyl be done in all thynges and not in me for I am derkenes and thou art lyght I am she that is nought and thou art he that is ought I am she that is vnwis and
passage by prayers other holy exercyses in commēdyng of hyr sowle to god He came thre freres wyth hym mo to be present att the passyng of this holy mayde But whan she was passyd as it semed One of the freres took so grete sorowe therfore that by vyolence of hys wepyng a veyne of hys brest was all for brosyd where wyth he caught a coghe spatte gebettes of blood Thenne was that another sorowe to them that stode aboute for bothe they wepte for the holy mayde that was so passyd And also for hir brother the whiche was not shappely to lyue long after in that payne Thenne sayde frere Thomas hir fyrst confessour to that seek frere wyth grete feyth and trust Brother I wote well this holy mayde is in grete reputacyon afore god for hyr good lyuyng Therfore take hyr honde and putte in the same place of thy sekenes And I doubte not but that thou shalte be hole And anone forth wyth he dyd so and so he hadde helthe the whiche he tolde afterward to al that wolde here if Ther was also a ghoostly doughter of herys that was present thenne the whiche was called Alyxa passyd out of this worlde sone afterward Moother were that came Inne for to see whether she was passed or not and ther was none that coude suppose otherwyse There were also two other specyall wyttenessys that were aboute for to ordeyne for the body that it sholde be beryed And bothe were susters of penaunce of Saynt Domynyk that one was called Katheryne as she was the whiche was hyr felawe longe tyme afore And that other was hyr cosyn Lysa and thus I make an ende of thys chapytre ¶ Of somme myracles wrought gracyously by thys holy mayde aboute the helthe of sowles Capitulum vij YF I sholde reherce alle the myracles that our lord shewed by this holy mayde I myght rather make a grete book of them than for to comprehende hem in oo chapytre But by cause I wolde put awaye dulnesse of them that sholde rede or here this legende of this holy mayde I am aboute asmoche as I may vnder fewe wordes for to comprehende them in one chapytre that they myghte knowe vnder fewe wordes how grete they ben the whiche I passe ouer lyghtely therfore in as moche as the sowle passeth the body in worthynesse I shall begynne of tho myracles the whiche were shewed of our lord by hyr aboute mennys sowles and after that of the bodyes As touchyng for the fyrst whan that Jamys or Jacob the fader of this holy mayde perceyued that hys doughter Katheryne was alle gyuen to serue and to please our lord as it is rehersed in the fyrste partye of thys legende euer he loued tretyd hyr reuerētly and louyngly for bedyng all folk of hys housholde that none be soo hardy for to lette Katheryne hys doughter in ony maner wyse what that euer she wyll haue done Thys is a grete cause why that the doughter loued the fader And therfore she commended specyally hyr faders helthe oft tymes to oure lord And he had suche a truste in hys doughters prayers that he supposed well she myght haue of god what she wold for hys helthe Sone after the fader sykened laye doune in hys bedde all seek Whan this holy mayde hys doughter perceyued that anone she prayed to oure lorde hyr spouse for the helthe of hyr fader And it was answerd to hyr of our lorde that the ende of hys dayes of this worlde were come and that it were not spedefull for hym for to abyde lenger in this lyf Then ne she wente to hyr fader vysyted hym and examyned hym how he was dysposed in hys sowle and founde redy wylfully to passe out of this worlde hauyng no luste for to abyde lenger wherefor she thanked our lord hyghly But thenne she prayed our lord eftesones that syth it so is that he hadde gyuen hyr fader so grete grace for to passe out of this worlde wythout synne that he wolde wouchesauf to graunte hym also for to flee to heuen wythout payne of purgatory Of this she hadde an answere in this wyse that ryghtwysnesse must nedys be kepte and therfore it were no ryght but Impossyble a sowle to haue the clerenesse of endeles ioye wythout perfyte purgacyon a fore For all be it thy fader hath ben in hys dayes of good lyuyng among alle other wedded folke also do many good thynges that I am well pleased wyth and specyally as touchyng the Yet neuerthelesse it may not be sauyng my ryghtwysnesse But that hys sowle must be purged by the fyre for to brenne out the duste of erthely conuersacyon the whiche is hardened endured in his soule Thenne sayde this holy mayde to our lord thus My dere welbeloued lord what may I suffre that my fads sowle by whom I haue be so tenderly nourysshed haue had so many cōfortes in hys lyf that it be not tormented in suche paynes I praye the lord for the goodnesse that euer thou shewdest to mā kynde suffre not hys sowle to goo out of hys body vnto the tyme it be perfytly purged oo waye or other that it nede not in no wyse the payne of purgatory After suche wordes our lorde shewed hys mercy meruayllously as though he had obeyed to the voyce of hys mayden All be it that the bodely strengthes of hir fader Jamys beganne for to defaylle more more to the deth warde Yet hys soule passed neuer out of his body vnto the tyme that holy dysputacion betwene our lord alledgyng for hym ryghtwysnesse And the holy made axyng grace mercy ▪ And at the laste after long dysputacion the holy mayde sayd to our lord My welbeloued lord yf thys grace may in no wyse be goten or graunted without som maner of ryghtwysnesse suffre that ryghtwysnesse fall on me for I am redy to suffre al maner of peyne what euer thy goodnesse wyll ordeyne for delyueraūce of my fads sowle Thenne our lord graunted hyr grace sayd Loo doughter for the loue that thou hast to me I shall graunte the thyne axyng I shall delyuer thy faders soule fully out of payne But thou shal be suffre a payne for hym as long as thou lyuest the whiche I shall assygne the. This holy mayde thanked our lord and sayde Good blessyd lorde be it to me as thou haste ordeyned After that she wente to hyr fader as he laye a deieng she comforted hym meruayllously of hys endeles helthe that he was ryght ioyefull she went not from hym vnto the tyme he was passyd out of this worlde And whan the sowle was passyd out of the body anone forth wyth this holy mayde was payned wyth a sekenes in the syde the whiche is called Ilica passyo that neuer went from hir in to the tyme she passyd out of this worlde And ther was neuer tyme afterward but she had the payne as she sayde other bare recorde
of Sene toke leue of her confessour as as chylde of obedyens and wente to that monastery there she laye whom folowed her susters and Mayster Reymoūd for to see what myracle our lord and almyghty god wolde shewe in metyng to gyder of peas two gloryous vyrgyns maydens and his chosen spouses Whan she was come to the monastery she wente to the same place there she laye knelyd doune and began to bowe her hede for to kysse that holy vyrgyns feet wyth that bowyng doun the holy vyrgyns body off gloryous Agnes lyfte vp by myracle her owne foote as hye that the holy mayde katheryn of Sene shold kysse it wythout ony bowyng of her body or hede This myracle sawe all the susters of the same monasteryeland also the susters off penaunce wyth this holy mayde katheryne of Sene. Whan the holy mayde katheryne of Sene perceyued this she was the more meke and bowed the lower And than this holy mayde and vyrgyn saint Agnes drewe doune her legge agayn her fete and layde it as it was fyrste Another tyme this holy mayde katherin of Sene came agayn to vysyte the swete holy body of this holy mayde saynt Agnes and brought wyth her two cosyns of here 's yonge mayde chyldren for to make thē●usters in that monastery there for to serue oure lord almyghty god And whan she was come ▪ to the monasterye She went there the swete holy body lay of gloryous saint Agnes and knelyd not at the feet as she dyde the fyrst tyme but at the holy hede eschewyng mekely as it semed the eleuacion of her holy feet as it was doo fyrst And as she knelyd at her hede she layde her cheke to the swete cheke of this holy mayde gloryous Agnes lōge tymes to gyders But whā she had so longe taryed she tourned her to her cosyn Lysa the whiche came wyth her and other moo of her susters and saide in this wyse Lysa why perceyue ye not the gyfte off our reuerende lord almyghty god hath gyue to vs out of heuene why bee ye soo vnkynd wyth that Lysa and other susters of heres loked vp and sawe manna reyne doun out of heuen couerynge both gloryous saynt Agnes and the holy mayde katheryn of Sene And also other that stode aboute Soo that Lysa fylled her hondes wyth that same whyte seed of manna ¶ This myracle appieryd not wythout●n cause For gloryous saynt Agnes whan she lyued in erthe was wounte to haue that token out of heuen whan she prayed to our reuerend lorde almyghty god Soo that somme of her susters sawe ●er mantell alle whyte whan she wos vp fro her prayer and vnknowyng what it myght be and wold haue shake it awaye from her mantyll and she forbode it theym full esely And also it was doo for another mystery ▪ Glorious saynt Agnes knewe well that this holy mayde katheryne of Sene sholde be felawe wyth her in heuen And therfore she began to felyshyppe wyth her in erthe and worshyppe her also wyth that token that was wonte to appe re to her whan she lyued in her body By that manna is vnderstonde puryte and mekenes for by wytnes of that manna is vnderstonde puryte and clennes of maydenhede by the lytelnesse of greyne of that man̄a is vnderstonde of the mekenes of maydens that they sholde haue That puryte and that mekenesse was ryght haboundaunt in thyse two maydens saynt Agnes and this holy mayde Katheryne off Sene As for that wytnesse of the myracles I shewed in this chapytre was Lysa aud other susters of hers and also susters of the same monasterye where thyse myracles weren shewed Ouermore as for wytnesse touchyng the myracles off the hooly sacrament of the aulter was mayster Reymond her confessour and another mayster of dyuynyte the whiche was called Berthylmewe and other mo many moo myracles our glorious lord almyghty god shewed by his holy mayde katheryne and by this holy mayde saynt Agnes whyles they lyued here in erthe the whiche ben not writen in this boke but that is wryten herinne is wryten to the worshyppe of our gloryous lord god and helthe of soulys And thus I make an ende of this chapytre of this hooly legende of this holy mayde glorious saint Katheryne of Seene to the honour worshyppe and glorye of all the gloryous trinyte Cui referantur laudes honor et gloria in secula seculorum Amen ¶ Explicit secunda pars gloriosissime vite gloriosissime virginis Katerine de Seene ¶ Here begynneth thr thyrde boke and party wherin is rehersed the deyenge off this holy mayde gloryous saynt katheryne of Sene and of her myracles that were shewed after her dethe And fyrst of all of the wytnesse whiche were presēt at her passyng and enformed the auctor of this boke whiche and what they were Capitulum Primum WHan this hooly mayde katherine of Sene was sente to the Cyte of Florens by our holy Fader Gregory xj the whiche was that tyme pope off Rome as it is rehersed afore in the seconde party for to make peas betwyne oure hooly fader the pope and his children of Florence she founde theym vnobedyent rebell where amonges whom she suffred moche persecucion in soo moche that one of them drewe his swerde wolde haue smyten of her hede so woode he was wyth her all be it thought he were letted by the vertu of our glorious lord almighti god And yet notwythstondyng suche persecucion she wolde neuer goo thens vnto the tyme that peas was cryed thorugh out all the Cyte of Florence And that was not by pope gregorys dayes for he dyed in the mene tyme ▪ but it was by pope vrbans tyme dayes the whiche was pope after hym in whos tyme the peas was made And after tyme the pope was made she went home agayne to the Cyte off Seene And bylefte in her owne hous ful dylygently aboute the making of a certayn boke the whiche the swte gloryous holy ghoste endyted by her mouth in her owne langage She prayed her wryters the whiche wrote the boke that thei sholde consydere besely that she telleth thē in tyme of her rauysshyng soo she bad theym wryte Thenne she wente and prayed and sone after she was rauysshed from her bodely wyttes and in that rauisshyng she spake many swehe wordes the whiche wordes the wryters wrote as she spake and soo compyled a boke full off profytable sentence as our swete gloryous for almyghty god tolde her In the whiche endytyng one special thynge and a merueylous was shewed And alle that was comprehended and wryten in the boke was endyted by her by dyuerse times in tyme of her rauysshyng and neuer ellys soo that in that same tyme that she was soo rauysshed she sawe none bodely syght wyth her eyen ne herde wyth her eeres ne swellyd wyth her nose ne none of her bodely wyttes neyther hadde her bodely workynge for that tyme that she was in that rauysshyng By this ye may
haste gyue gyftes and make satysfactyon for thyn gyftes and answer for theym gyuyng to me a lyght of grace that thou maye yelde thankynge to the wyth the same lyght of grace Clothe me an make me that I maye bee arayed wythe thyn endeles trouthe that I maye renne this dedely waye wyth very obediens and wythg the lyght of the moost holyest teytn Loo maydens as nere as I myght and coude I haue translated worde for worde the wordes of the booke And prayer that this holy mayde of the whiche gyfte ye besely take hede ye maye wors●ippe the excellence of thys blessyd mayde not only as for her maner of ●yuyng but also for the doctryne of trouthe the whyche is ryght meruelous I sayde and namely of a woman ¶ Furthermore ye maye perceyue by thy se wordes that she desyred gretely to bee vnbounde of the body and be with cryste for she knewe and vnderstoode well that it was moche beter to be wyth cryst than to lyue in this lyf And therfore her desire euer encrecyd vnto the tyme she had fulli her desire and her full weddyng oned off the swete gloryous holy ghost the whiche was promytted vnto her in her yonge age whan she receyued of our gloryous lorde almyghty god the rynge of spousa●le as it is rehersyd afore in the laste chapytre of the fyrst party for in the nexte chapytre shall be declared how this holy mayde and virgyn passyd out of this world ¶ Of the tyme whan this h●oly mayde passed out of this world and of a sermen that she made to her ghoostely dy●●yples and susteren to ●ore ●er passyng ¶ ●nd how she enformed them in generall and. enspecyall how they sholde gouerne they whan she was goo ¶ And or a vy●y●n whiche was shewed to a matrone in the houre of passyng Capitu●um v WHanne this holy mayde perceyued and vnderstode by the reu●lacy●n that the houre or her dethe drewe nygh She drewe to her a● her ghostely dyscyples to whom she spa●e generally a longe notable sermon of exortacion to the encrece of vertu In the whyche exortacyon she expressyd somme certayn notabylytes the whiche I purpos to wryte in this boke ¶ The ●y●●te notable doctryne that she taughte was thys That whatso euer he bet at cometh to the seruyce of god Yf he wyll haue good t●e●ely it is nede●ull for hym that he make his herte naked from all sensyble loue not out of certayn persones but of euery creature what that euer he be than he hold stretche vp his soule to our reuerend lord maker symply wyth alle his desyre o●● his herte for an herte may not holy be yeuen to god but it be fre fro all other loue opyn symple wythout doub●lnesse soo she affermed of her selfe that it was alle her● principall labour besynes fro her yong age vnto the tyme euer for to come to that ꝑfection also she sayd she knewe well that to suche a state of ꝑfectiō in the whiche al the herte is gyue to our gloryous lord almyghty god a soule may not come ꝑfyghly whyles she answerd other whyles she smyled as though she hadde soorned the wordes that she herde of hyr enemyes other whyles she was enflammed in loue of the holy ghost but one worde they marked well that herde hyr whan she spak in this ghoostly batayll After tyme she had be styll a cert●yn tyme hering as it semed the wordes that were put ageynst hyr of hyr enemyes wyth a gladde chere she answerd thus Mayne glorye neuer but ve ray trowe glorye honour of my forde Jhesu cryst it was These wordes by the dysposycyon of oure forde were not sayde wythout cause for ther were many ghoostly men wymmen wened that for the grete graces that our lord had gyuen hir she had sought praysyng of the peple or ellys that she had som maner dylectacyon there Inne therfore they sayd she desyred to be conuersaunt among men in so moche that som wold saye to mayster Reymond hir confessour thus why ●enneth this womman thus about yf she desyre to serue god Why abydeth she not at home in hyr celle herto it may be answeryd as she answeryth afore to hyr ghoostly enemyes in hir passyng thus vayne glory neuer but ve ray trewe glory of my lord Ihesu cryst it was as though she myght answere thus I ranne not aboute ne dyde none other maner ghostly werke for vayne glorye but for the honour glory of my lord Ihesu crystis name That it was so the mayster Reymond bereth recorde of treuthe that herde hyr confessyon bothe generall specyall wherfore he recordeth for a sothe that all that euer she dyd hit was done for the worthyp of god and not for praysyng of men in so moche that she thou●t on noo man as for the tyme but whan she prayed for them so ordeyned for theyr bodely nede So that it myght be veryfyed of hyr the wordes of the apostle where he seyth thus Nostra conuersatio in celis est That is oure conuersacyon is in heuen so she what that euer she dyd in erthe hyr con●sacion was in heuen After tyme thenne she had long contynued in that long ghostely batayll wyth hyr enemyes she resorted ageyne to hyr self made a generall confessyon openly the whiche is callyd the confytro● axyng forgyuenes eftsonys ●o lowyng of doctryne exsample of saynt Martyne Saynt Jerom Saynt Austyn that shewed bothe in hyr dedys in hyr wordes that be a man neuer so excellent in vertue in this lyf he shold not passe out of this world wythout waylyng hertely penaunce for hys synnes In token here of Saynt Austyn in hys last ende whan he shold passe out of this worlde he ordeyned for to wryte to hym the seuen psalmes of penaunce for to be sette vpon the wall that he myght see tho psalmys as he laye in hys bedde The whiche psalmes he radde ofte wepte plenteuously in seyeng of them Also Saynt Jerom whan he sholde be dede he made a generall an open confessyon of hys synnes and defautes Saynt Martyne also in his laste ende taught hys dyseyples that a crysten man shold not deye but in asshys in heyre in token of meke hertety penaunce whom this holy mayde folowed in all maner of tokenes by shewyng of hertely penaunce axyng mekely many tymes oft absolucyon bothe of hyr synnes and paynes Thenne soone after she beganne to wexe more febler and febler but yette she cessed neuer of holy exhortacyon to all hyr dysciples bothe to them that were presente and to them that were absent And specyally that same tyme she charged all hyr dysciples to axe counseyll of mayster Reymond what doubte that euer they hadde And furthermore she had them saye to him whan he came home that he faylle not ne be not aferde for noo thyng that shall falle but euer contynue vertuously for she sayd that she
on longe that one of Elysabeth felowes passed forthe where she prayde whome saint Elysabeth gretely blamynge sayde full sharpely to her Wherto gooste thou now hyther and thider this tyme before my face And began as it were to menace her wyth wordes and sygnes Thenne whan she was passed our lady the blessyd mayde sayde to Elysabeth Crysty● seruaunt ¶ O doughter loo who that thou art pet a foole and vndescrete that ●plyest thy●● herte to ony worldely thynges whyle thou ha●t me presente with ye. ¶ Therfore vse nowe my presence this nyghtfor o● specy all grace I am sentefro my sonne to the that thou aske sekerly what the lyketh And I wolde answere instedfastenesse to the all thyng that thou askest ¶ Neueryelesse for thou applyed thyne herte to the de de of thy ●olowed reproued here vndiscely I wold gyue to the penaunce that ▪ in no wyse thou go agayn to thy bed this nyght ne I thynke not to shewe the somme thyng now the whiche I wolde haue sayd yf thou hadde not offended my presence whan that nyght was passed and. daye was come Elysabeth began to make moche sorowe and gretely to be tormēted for the offence she hadde done in the nyght afore to the mageste of the glory ouse virgyne as it is sayd aboue ¶ And she drede gretely lest she myght neuer after recouer suche a grace and so grete a comforte To whos preuy thougt the blessyd mayde answeryd aperyng to hyr ef●sones and sayd Drede the not doughter ne tormente the not wyth foly doubtyng for wantyng of me for thy trespas that is passyd for why thy trespas is nowe for gyueng to the by thy penaunce and I am now come to the that thou aske what the lyketh for I am redy to gyue the answere of althynges as I bydde the ¶ To whome Saynt Elysabeth sayd I praye you lady that ye say me what steryd you forto aske of our lord that he wold lette you of hys specyall grace seen that mayde borne of the whiche hys ●one sholde be borne ¶ And she answerd on a day whan I hadde comforte of god so wonderfull that vnto that tyme ▪ I was not experte of none suche and came agayne to myself I beganne to thynke and desyre wyth wyll full brennyng herte yf I myght doo onythyng or haue in me for the whiche god wolde lette me neuer parte from hym And whan I thought thus I rose vp and went to a book and beganne to rede in it And the fyrst o●enyng of the booke came before my syght the worde of Esaye the prophete Ecce virgo concip●et et pariet ●●●●um ct ¶ That is Loo a mayden shall conceyue and bere a sonne c● And as I bethought me thynkyng that maydenhode pleased moche to god Sythe he wolde hys sonne sholde be borin of a mayde thenne I purposed in my herte for the reuerence of hym to kepe maydenhode yf it befyll me to see hy● for to serue hy● in maydenhede all my lyf tyme. And yf it nedyd for to goo wyth her through a● the worlde After this the nexte nyght folowyng whyles I prayed wyth deuocyon of soules besought god that he wold let me see the mayde before or I deyede sodeȳly whan I was in derkenes soo moche bryghtenesse appered to me before my syght that in comparyson of it the sonne was as nought and fro that shynnge I herde a voyce clereli seyeng to me mayden of Dauyd kyured thou shalt bere my ●onne ¶ And he added therto wote thou certaynly that the same worshyp and reuerēce that thou desyred for to do to another mayden shall be done to the afore other I wyll for sothe that thou be that mayden the whiche shall here my sonne And the whiche not onely thou shal● haue hym by thy selfe ne in thy self but by lawe of matrymonye thou shalt may gyue hym to whome the lyketh and he shal not haue my grace ne my loue ne he shall ▪ not entre the kyngdome of my sonne that wyll not loue the and trowe the the moder of my sonns that shall take flesshe of ▪ the for helthe of mankynde And thou all one shalte may graunte to other of hys grace the whiche thou shalt receyue of me ¶ And whanne I herde thys wordes I was rauysshed of my selfe for moche drede and wonderyng and I fylle doun prostrate on my face as dede for I myghte not holde vp my selfe but sodeynly the Aungels of god stood by me reysyng me fro the erthe and comforted me and sayd● ¶ Drede the not for why thou arte blyssed aboue alle wommen and in the restyth goddes grace by the whyche all maye lyghtly be fullfylled that be sayde to the of oure lorde ¶ For that tyme forwarde I cessyd not to gyue louynges to my creature daye and nyght wyth herte mouthe and werke wyth stable and certayne trouthe abydynge the daye and the houre whan tho thynges sholde be fullfylled that were shewed to me of our lorde I sayd also oft sythtes wythin my selfe ¶ O mooste benygne lorde sythen yt lyketh the for to gyue soo grete grace to thyne vnworthy hādmayden ¶ I beseche the that thou gyue me the spyryte of wysdom that I mai worthely conceyue thy sonne maker of heuen and erthe and serue hym to pay ¶ The spyryte of vnderstondyng by the whiche I may wyth lyghtned soule fulfyll hys mekenes in as moche as is possyble in this worlde ¶ The spyryte of counseyll by the whyche I may kepe and gouerne hym as it besemeth whyle he is in hys chyldehode and wepyng of mannes Infyrmyte and not yet formyng wordes in spekyng ¶ The spyryte of strenthe by the whyche che I may wyth manly herte bere mynde the name of hys worthynesse and stedfastely cleue vnto hym ¶ The spyryte of conyng by the whyche I may enfourme all thoos that shalle haue to do wyth hym and that wyll folowe hym ¶ The spyryte of pyte by the whiche I may haue compassyon of hys swete man hede and of hys tender compleccion as it semeth for to haue ¶ And the spyryte of drede of god by whiche I may serue him wyth a meke soule and dewe reuerence ¶ All this thinges my dere doughter the whiche I asked were graunted to me as thou mayst vnderstonde by the Angellys salutacyon whiche I was haylled of Gabryell the Angell ¶ Another tyme as Elisabeth Cristys seruaunte stode in prayer and thought how moche grace god hadd done to the glorious vyrgyn mary ¶ She apperyd to hir and sayd my doughter thou thynkest that I hadde so moche grace wythout traueylle of my creatour but it is not soo out take the grace of halowynge in my mods wombe ¶ All other grace I hadde wyth moche trauell of soule and body contynually prayeng daye and nyght wyth fulle brennyng desyre and wepyng wyth full bytter mornyng and euer thynkyng spekyng and workyng that I trowed were moste plesyng to my creatour Eschewing wyth souerayne kepyng me fro
recommende her sekenes to the merytes of the holy mayde vyrgyn in as moche as she herde speke of the grete myracles that our reuerend lord almighty god wrought in her trusting fully that they sholde be holpe by her merytes Soo that by her steryng exortaciō many were holpe Thenne it fyll in a tyme that off the chyldren of that worthy Lady dame Jone sodenli as he went vpon an hye steire fyll doune hedelyng a fore thys Lady his moder Soo that she wende as it was lykely to be that the childe eyther was ded or ellys sholde haue caughte a mayme therby all the dayes of his lyf after Wyth that this lady the moder of the chyld cryed to this holy mayde and virgyn gloryous saint katheryn off Sene thus gloryous saynt katheryn off Sene to the recommaūde myn chylde she had not soo soone sayd soo ▪ but that the chylde stood vp wythouten ony harme lesse or more for he was as hole thenne as euer he was a fore Thenne the moder thanked our reuerend lord almighty god and this holy mayde and virgyn gloryous saint katheryne of the blessed myracle ¶ Also there was another woman the whiche was a generall launder and lyued by that maner of besynes that was cally d bone Johan i. bona Johanna In a tyme as this woman shold goo to the Ryuer ther besyde and wasshed clothes It behapped her that she sholde wasshe a quylte and in the mene tyme she helde the ton ende vnder her armes whyle that the other ende was a wasshyng It behapped that the heuyer ende in the water drewe doune the lyghter ende vnder her armes and soo fletted feer wythin the Ryuer ▪ Whan she perceyued that she wyste well yf it were lost she myght not paye therfore by cause she was ryght poure She thā a rechyd after the quylte for to haue it agayn and sodenly she her self fell in to the water soo that the water bare her ferre wythin wyth that she bethought her of gloryous saint katheryn and sayde thus O thou gloryous saint Katheryne helpe me now in this nede This worde was not soo sone I sayde but that she was holpe in soo moche that she was lyfte vp aboue the water and toke the clothe and came to lond wythout helpe of man whan she was recouereude she was sore astonyed merneylyng how that myght be that she was so soone holpe thenne she conceyued wel that it thus by the helpe of our reuerend lord almyghty god and this holy mayde and virgyn gloryous saint katheryn of Sene ¶ Of another myracle now I shall tell you of the whiche Mayster Reymound bereth witnes as it was told him It befel on a tyme whan Mayster Reymound was come to the Cyte of Rome vppon a daye whan this holy maydens virgyn body shold be trāslated as she prophecied longe afore whyles she lyued as it shall be declared afterward that her fylle seke thenne came to hym a physycion that was called Mayster James of saynt Mary the rounde vpon a daye whan this physycien came to visyte Mayster Reymond And for to gyue hym medycyne he tolde Mayster Reymound of a yonge man that was called Nycholas a worthy mannys sone of Rome that was passyng seke off a sekenes that is called the quynauncie soo that euery leche sayd by nature he myght notlyue For to all mennys syght he drewe faste to the deth This perceyued Alixa a suster of penaūce of saynt Domynyke in as moche as she knewe well that the fader and the moder loued this holy mayde and vyrgyn gloryous saynt Katheryne Whan she lyued came to this yonge man and brought wyth her a tooth of this hooly mayde and vyrgyn gloryous saynt katheryne that she kepte alwaye for a relyke The whiche tooth she put in that yonge mans mouth She hadde not so soone doo soo But that the posteme that was wythin brake and the mater fyll out off the childes mouth wythin a whyle after he was hoole thanked oure reuerede lord almyghty god this holy mayde vyrgyn gloryous saint katheryn Also afterwar he tolde that myracle openly to all that world here it Soo that in a time whan mayster Reymond prechyd he tolde that myracle to the peple as he herde off other Whan that yonge man herde hym speke therof the whiche was at the sermō for that tyme he stode vp openly and saide to Mayster Reymound thus Syrye saye sothe for I am the same that this myracle was shewed to Many mo myracles were shewed by our reuerend lorde almyghty god of this hooly mayde and virgyn whiche ben not wryton in this boke But they myght be knowen wythouten ony wrytyng openly ynoto by the ymages of waxe that were offred vp to her sepulcre soone after she was buryed Neuertheles of one myracle I shall telle you that Mayster Reymoūd bereth recorde of It befyll soone after that this holy mayde and vyrgyne was buryed that quene Johan of Cecyly sent in a tyme Reynold of vrsyne wyth a grete host off armyd folke to the Cyte of Rome for to make Pope vrbane the vj eyther for to put hym out of the Cyte or ellys for to slee hym ▪ All be it the Romans hylde wyth the pope as trewe chyldren wyth the Fader Of the whiche Romans somme of the comyn peple were take of thoo scismatykes and crruelly punisshed somme were bounde to a tree soo to deye myscheuously somme were ledde to a felde and I payned wyth certayn infirmytes and instrumentis of yron soo for to take her bodely deth But as many as asked helpe of this holy mayde and virgyn gloryous saint katheryn of sene preuily in her herte or openly in worde wyth deuoucion Thei merueylously and sodenly were vndo of her hondes wythout ony helpe of ony man ¶ Of suche myraclis that were many the whiche ben not wryten in this boke Loo dere frendes thꝰ endeth this chapitre where ye maye see many fayr myracles by the whiche ye may vnderstonde that this hooly mayde and virgyn was and is a dere spose of our lord reuerend lord almighty god I will thꝰ make an ende of this boke saue by cause holy chirche commendyth more the vertu of pacience thenne shewyng of myraclis as saint Gregrye sayth therfore I thynke to wryte to you a chapytre of the vertu of pacience that this holy mayde and virgyn hadde wherin ye maye gader flonres and fruyte to encrece of your vertuous lyuyng by the helpe and socour of our reuerend lord almyghty god swete Ihesu Cryste Qui cum patre et spiritu sancto viuit et regnat deus per omnia secula seculorum Amen ¶ Of the myght and stronge paciens whiche this holy mayde and virgyn gloryous saint katheryn of Sene shewed openly from her fyrste yonge age vnto her deth bi the whiche virtu clerly is prouyd that ryghtfully she is worthy to haue the name in godes chirche of erthe whan she is made soo fayr and so glorious in
goddis chirche in heuen And in this chapytre is a recapytulacion of all the holy fyll of this gloryous saint and virgyn afore sayde for werynesse of reders Also yf eche mā may not haue all the hole holy lyf of this gloryous saint and virgyne afore sayde Thenne maye he haue the substaūce of it here compendyously rehersyd Capitulum vltimum THe holy doctour saynt Gregorye seyth in hys dyalogus that the vertue of pacyence is more commendable thenne shewyng of myracles This is the cause why our moder holy chyrche whā she wodel Canonyze ony saynte fyrste she enquyreth of the vertue of pacyence Thenne of the shewyng of myracles that is for two skylles One is for many euyll lyuers haue do wond thynges shall do that semeth myracles all though they be none as Symon magus dyd Antecryst shall do in hys tyme. Another is by cause som ther hath ben that haue done shewed myracle by ●tue of our lord Ihesu the whiche haue be dampned afterward as Judas all tho thou our lord speketh of in the gospell where he sayth that som shall stande on the lyfte syde on the day of the generall dome saye to hym in excusyng of them self Lord haue we not in thy name shewed do wonderfull myracles To whome our lord shall answere ageyne say Go ye from me werkers of wickydnes by thyse two skylles ye may vnderstonde the holy chyrche in erthe may not only be certyfyed by myracles whether the ꝑsone be holy or not by whom they be shewed all be it that they shewe presumpcyon of holynesse And namely tho myracles that ben shewed after the deth of a ꝑsone for they were no sayntes at whos graues myracles ben shewed Yet were possyble that our mercyable lord sholde haue them excused yelde them after theyr meke beleue the whiche beleuen that they be sayntes Not for them that ben there beryed but for the glorye the ioye of hys owne name lest they the whiche beleue in hym be defrawded from theyr desyre wherfore our mod holy chyrche in erthe that is gouerned by the holy ghost desyryng for to be certefyed of tho merites of holy sayntes as moche as it is possyble in this lyf enquyreth specyally of theyr vertuous lyuyng of tho thynges that they wrought whyles they lyued in erthe Soo our lord Ihesu hyr spouse taught hyr to do whan he sayd Ex fructibus eorum cognoscetis eos That is of hyr werkys ye shall knowe them for it folowed aftward in the same place where that clause is wryten afore that a good tree may not bryng forthe euyll fruyte What ben thyse fruytes Trewely no thyng ellys but werkys of loue charyte bothe of god and of our neyghbours But by cause of these werkys of charyte ryght as they be plesaunt to our lord ryght so they ben dysplesaunt to the fende So that he is about in all that he can may for to lette the dedes of charyte bothe by hym self also by the worlde that is by worldly lyuers Wherfore it is full necessarye to holy lyuers to haue pacyence ꝑceueraūce yf they wyll be rewarded for theyr mede in blysse by the whiche pacyence they may conserue them kepe them in good loue of god and of theyr good neyghbours notwythstōdyng all maner ꝑsecucyons Therfore it was that Saynt Powle assygned the fyrst condycyon of charyte pacyence whan he sayd Caritas paciens est That is charyte is pacyence Loo maydens this is the cause why oure moder holy chyrche in erthe requyreth more after the pacyence of a saynte yf he sholde be Canonyzed thenne after the myracles for among all ●tuous werkys yet pacyens is the grettest wytnesse of holynesse And this is sayd maydens be cause that ye shold not be in doubte of this holy maydens holynes for she had that vertue of pacyence full blyssedly As I shall tell you by the helpe of god of your good prayers rehersyng all hir dedes of pacyence by recapytulacyon of this hole legende namely for wery reders that thynken an houre in deuoute redyng is lenger than a daye and yf they were occupyed in tales tryfles thenne them semeth the long day ●hort thenne an houre Vnderstonde well maydens that this holy mayde Katherin ꝑceyued that the vertue of pacyence myȝt not haue his gracious werkyng in a soule but fyrst vnlefull thynges were remeuyd awaye from it namely suche vnlefull thyngys that ben e●●ytable to the lustes of the flesshe wherfore or thenne she came to the age of exꝑyence of flesshly lustes She ●emeuyd awaye myghtly all suche as suche thynges that sholde styre hyr wh●n she came to age And yet she dyd not this wythout Inspyracion notable vision of our lord by the whiche Inspiracōn whan she was ●j yere of age she saw our lord arayde as a bisshop sytting in a ry●t fayre chambre ouer the chirche of the f●ere p●echours Wyth whome she sawe a●so saynt Johan Euangelyst whyles she behelde our lord he lokyd vpon hyr full benyngly mekely and blyssed hir After this holy vysyon hyr soule was fulfylled wyth ꝑ●y●e loue that she putte awaye all chyldren condycyons gaue hyr selfe anone to prayer to penaunce and therin she encrecyd ꝑfytly that in the nexte yere after whan she was of vij yere of age she made a vowe of madenhode afore an ymage of our lady not sode●●ly but wyth grete delyberacyon afore as it is openly declared in the seconde the thrydde chapytre of the fyrst ꝑtye Furthermore by cause that this holy mayde wyst well that abstynence was necessary for to kepe the purpose of maydenhode Therfore she gaue hir to grete abstynence in hyr yong age ꝑfourmed it meruayllously For as it is reher●●d in the thrydde chapytre of the fyrst ꝑ●ye in the vj chapytre of the same partye more largely the began preuely to leue flesshe And thenne as she encrecyd in age lytel lytell she lefte all maner etynge of flesshe therto she dranke no wyne but whan it was medled wyth wat●r so that it had all most lost hys ●ast hys colour of wyne And whan she was xv yere of age she lefte bothe wyne flesshe all maner of metes out take brede rawe herbes Also whan she was xx yere of age she lefte brede took hir onely to dyetyng of rawe herbys soo contynued in that maner of lyuyng vnto the tyme our lord gaue hir a newe maner of gracious lyuyng whan she lyued without ony maner of mete that was whan she was xxv or xxvj yere of age as it is openly declared in the vj chapytre of the fyrst partye where is rehersed the cause the maner why wherfore she came to suche estate And where also is answered suffycyentely to them that grutched to that maner of lyuyng Whan this holy mayde hadde thus fully o●come the styryng of synnes that she came to the ꝑfyte vertue of