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A10194 The perpetuitie of a regenerate mans estate VVherein it is manifestly proued by sundry arguments, reasons and authorities. That such as are once truly regenerated and ingrafted into Christ by a liuely faith, can neither finally nor totally fall from grace. It is also proued, that this hath beene the receiued and resolued doctrine, of all the ancient fathers, of all the Protestant churches and writers beyond the seas, and of the Church of England. All the principall arguments that are, or may be obiected against it, either from Scripture, or from reason, are here likewise cleared and answered. By William Prynne Gent: Lincolniensis. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1626 (1626) STC 20471; ESTC S115319 355,787 462

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girdeth their loines with a girdle He leadeth Princes away spoiled and ouerthroweth the mighty Hee remoueth away the speech of the trusty and taketh away the vnderstanding of the aged He powreth contempt vpon Princes and weakneth the strength of the mighty He increaseth the nations and destroyeth them hee inlargeth the nations and straitneth them againe He taketh away the heart of the chiefe of the people of the earth and causeth them to wander in a wildernesse where there is no way Iob 12 13 to 25. If our wills were in our owne powers not in Gods alone why then doe we dayly pray to God thy kingdome come thy will be done on earth as it is in heauen and leade vs not into temptation but deliuer us from euill this prayer were but vaine idle if our wills were our owne if God had no kingdome and power ouer vs to sway and rule vs as he pleaseth If our wills are free if wee may cast away that grace which God hath giuen vs and hath likewise couenanted to preserue it in vs why then doe wee call the Lord our God our King our Master and our Gouernour and why doth the Scripture certifie vs that our soules our spirits and our selues are not our owne but Gods and that it is God onely that worketh in vs both the will and the deede of his good pleasure 1 Cor 6 29. and Phil 2 13 Certainely if God be God Lord and King ouer vs as hee is if our hearts our wills and all our wayes are in his hands to dispose of them at his pleasure as wee must needes confesse they are vnlesse wee will turne Atheists and deny his Diety then when as God himselfe doth absolutely promise and vndertake to preserue and keepe 〈◊〉 Saints from falling and to establish them so that they shall not nor cannot for euer be remoued this their slight and supposition if they continue faithfull or vnlesse they will themselues must needes be false and idle or else you must of necessity grant that those whom God himselfe hath promised to keepe from falling and to establish so that they can neuer possible be remoued may fall away from grace which doth not onely falsifie the Scriptures and the promises of God but likewise pull God out of heauen and either make him to be no God at all or else sets man aboue him which is blasphemous and atheisticall Lastly If this their answere to the absolute promises and texts of Scriptute which we alledge against them were once admitted to be true then marke what dangerous consequents would follow vpon it First it would be a meanes to shake the very foundations principals and pillars of religion For if a thing which is absolutey true be not absolutly true which is the very summe and substance of all their answeres if that which God hath promised to establish for euer to keepe from falling and departing from him may notwithstanding fall and come to ruine if it will it selfe and that it is safe onely if it continue or as long as it continues then marke what a ready way they make for Atheists and Infidels to delude all those fundamentall truths which are deliuered and set downe in Scripture For if I were an Atheist and an Infidel and they should come to conuert or confute me by the Scriptures or by reason If they should now produce any argument or text of Scripture to proue that there were a God to proue that there were a Christ or an holy Ghost or to proue that there were a Church or to proue any such fundamentall truthes I would shift them of with this sleeuelesse answere of their owne true it is that there is an eternall God there is a Christ and an holy Ghost there is a Church of God if they continue or as long as they continue and then I would inferre as they do vpon this answere but they doe not continue and therefore they are not What answer could they giu●… me if this their owne cuasion would hold water and goe for c●…rrant certainely none at all Yea but they will obiect that the Scripture saith that the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost are eternall and that the Church of God continueth and abideth for euer and therefore this answere if they continue or as long as they continue is very repugnant And doth not the Scripture say as positiuely that the righteous shall neuer be remoued that they shall stand fast for euer that their faith and graces shall neuer faile that the holy Ghost shall abide with them for euer that they shall neuer faile or perish Where then I pray you stands the difference If this answer of theirs bee repugnant and contradictorie in the one why should it not bee so in the other to Yea but God is eternall in his owne Nature and so in this there is a difference And is not grace an immortall and incorruptible seed a treasure which neither rust nor moth can corrupt nor theeues breake through and steale the Scripture I am sure stiles it so Yea Christians themselues that are once illuminated with the spirit of Grace they are immortall through grace the second death shall haue no power ouer them and they shall die no more Reu. 20 6. and Rom. 6. 10 11. Therefore if Christians are immortall and euerlasting by Grace and if that Grace which we haue now by Christ be of an incorruptible nature as well as God is eternall if it be absurd to suppose that God may not continue and abide for euer or to say that he is eternall vnlesse hee will himselfe it must likewise be absurd to suppose that Grace which is immortall and incorruptible that the Saints of God who shall stand fast for euer and cannot be remoued may notwithstanding cease to be and fall from grace and perish So that you see plainely that this euasion of theirs if it were admitted would vtterly subvert and ouerturne the very grounds principles and foundation of Religion Secondly if this their shifting answer should be admitted it would make the word of God but a meere nugation a meere tantologie a vaine absurd and idle thing a thing meerely repugnant and crosse vnto it selfe Absolute things must then be conditionall plaine things will become obscure expresse and absolute promises must bee suspended vpon vaine and idle suppositions mens graces then should alwaies increase and never faile and yet they should be lost and faile the Saints then should neuer fall perish or be remoued and yet they should fall quite away from grace they should perish and bee remoued they should not bee able to depar●… from God and yet they should depart the Scriptures in which there is no iarre at all should then bee full of contradictions or nugations Yea Scripture would become no Scripture truth no truth God no God if this their shift anfwer and euasion should be admitted to be true And therefore wee reiect this
could not bee sure of heauen and of some benefit or aduantage by the death of Christ who is there that could loue the Lord at least in that degree as if hee were assured of all these That which kindles holy affections in vs that which warmes our heart●… and soules and doth euen fire and inflame them with an ardent feruent zealous and burning loue to God and Christ is the infallible and full assurance of their vnchangable and constant loue to vs and the serious consideration of that sure and certaine state of grace and glory which they haue prouided and prepared for vs If men were not in some good measure perswaded of their totall and finall perseuerance in the state of grace and secretly assured of the perpetuall and constant loue of God and Christ to them that they will loue them and preserue them to the end and giue them that eternall crowne of glory which is prepared for the saints in heauen they would not nay they could not loue the Lord as else they might and would doe they could not prise him aboue all things else they could not sequester their hearts and soules from other things to set and fixe them wholly vpon him as vpon their chiefest ioy and onely treasure And therefore this Doctrine which would robbe the Lord of the hearts and soules of all his children and lessen abate extenuate if not wholly extinguish the heate and vigor of mens loue to him must needes be odious and abominable to such as loue and feare the Lord and cannot be admitted to be true Ninthly If this should be admitted that the true regenerate saints of God might Apostatize and fall away from the state of grace it would robbe the Lord of all the praise and glory that is due vnto his name If men might loose those graces which God bestowes vpon them if it were not Gods goodnesse might and power but their owne strength their owne care and diligence that did preserue them in the state of grace if men could not bee sure of the loue of God and Christ of heauen and eternall happinesse but might loose them all at last who is there that could praise the Lord and giue him the glory which is due vnto his name There are but two chiefe grounds and causes of praysing God in a spirituall and heauenly manner The first is the free loue and bountie of God in bestowing grace vpon vs and working of it in vs without any merit or desert of ours the second is the perpetuity of his loue in the preseruation and continuance of th●…se graces which hee bestowes vpon vs. The chiefest ground and cause of euery true Christians thankfulnesse vnto God is this that God hath beene exceeding gratious mercifull vnto his soule and that this mercy of God indures for euer the 136 Psalme is wholly spent in praysing God and that onely vpon this ground be●…ause his mercy indures for euer Now this position that the true regenerate saints of God may fall away from grace it takes away both these causes and grounds of praysing God it attributes both the begining and the end the continuance and the perseuerance of grace to mans freewill and power and not to God it makes man both the beginer and the preseruer of his owne grace and it makes the grace and mercy of God together with those spirituall and heauenly graces which hee bestowes on men to be but momentary and fading and not ●…o indure for euer and so it robbes the Lord of all the praise and glory which is due vnto his name Therefore it must needes bee a damnable and pernitious Doctrine and cannot be admitted Tenthly if this were once admitted that the true regenerate saints of God might fall from the state of grace it would rob God of his worship and make men negligent and carelesse in his seruice for what man is there that would euer labour or take paines for grace if he might loose it after that he had gotten it who is there that will labour after perishing and fading treasures which he is not sure for to keep who is here that would labour and take paines for grace or spend his life in doing of God seruice if hee might loose the things which hee hath wrought and not receiue a full reward would any wise or well aduised man consume and spend his time and daies in purchasing of such a treasure or possession which hee were not sure alwaies to inioy would any man take paines to sowe the seed of grace wher he were not sure for to reap the fruites It is Christs owne counsell and aduise to all his saints Labour not for the foode that perisheth but for that which indureth vnto eternall life Iohn 6. 27. and lay not vp for your selues treasures on earth where moth and rust doe corrupt and where theeues breake thorough and steale But lay vp for your selues treasures in heauen where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where theeues doe not breake thorough nor steale Math. 6. 19. 20. If therefore grace were such a treasure that might bee lost and perish the Saints of God euen by Christs owne rule were not to seeke it nay they would not neither could they seeke it they could not serue the Lord with that diligent auxious and industrous care as now they doe they would grow very slacke negligent and carelesse in his seruice For though it be alwaies true that the true Saints and children of God ought not nor doe not serue the Lord onely or principally for the wages of heauen and eternall life or out of selfeloue or selfe respects but for himselfe yet that which doth most incourage them and make them more forwards actiue zealous and liuely in Gods seruice is the consideration of that large and great reward which God out of his mercy and goodnesse hath promised them for their seruice of purpose to incourage them and to make them actiue in it This is euident by the example of Moses Heb. 11. 24 25 26. who refused to be called the soune of Pharohs daughter ch●…sing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God then to inioy the pleasures of sinne for a season and why did he doe all this for he had respect vnto the recompence of reward So the Hebrewes themselues they tooke io●…fully the spoyling of their goods onely for this reason because they knew that they had in heauen a better and more induring substance Heb. 10. 34. Yea who euer he be that comes to God he must not onely beleeue that God is but also that he is a rewarder of all such as doe diligently se●…ke him for if he should consider the seruice of God abstracted from the reward it would make him negligent and weary of Gods seruice Wherefore if this assertion were once true that the true regenerate saints of God who haue spent their whole life and strength in doing of Gods seruice might after all their care and paines fall
for being Christians for chusing such a God as either could not or at least would not preserue them from a totall and a finall fall wherefore God in his infinite wisdome can neuer suffer his children thus to fall Thirdly this would make religion odious and distastfull euen vnto Christians themselues the fall of hypocrites which neuer had true grace makes those who are the true professors of the Gospell odious it brings a scandall and imputation on religion what then would it doe if the true regenerate Saints of God themselues should fall away If the very slips and errors of the Saints make many men distast religion and speake euill of the wayes of God what would their finall or their totall falls from grace produce God therefore in his wisdome cannot suffer his Saints thus to fall because it would make religion odious and distastfull euen to Christians themselues Fourthly it would quite discourage the hearts of all Gods children it would quite depriue them of all true ioy and comfort it would make them dull dead heauy and exceeding negligent in Gods seruice it would make them not to value grace it would cause them to call Gods word and truth in question it would make men meere Atheists it would driue men to despaire many such consequents would follow which could not stand together with the infinite wisdome of God of which I shall write more fully hereafter wherfore seeing that it can neuer stand with the infinite wisdome of God that any who are truly regenerated and ingrafted into Christ should either finally or totally fall from grace it can not be that euer they should thus fall If you obiect that these falls of the Saints from grace would make those that fall and others that see their falls more circumspect and watchfull afterward therefore it standsvery well with Gods wisdome that they should thus fall I answere first that God hath many better meanes to make his children circumspect and watchfull against sinne then this of a finall or atotall fall from grace those temporall punishments those threatnings in the word of God those inward conflicts of conscience and griefes of heart that losse of the comfortsand fence of grace which the Saints doe feele after their sinnes committed are sufficient moriues for to make them circumspect this motiue of a finall and a totall fall would be but superfluous or to little purpose and therefore it stands not so well and fully with the wisdome of God Secondly which is the maine answere I say that God in his infinite wisdome will neuer vse that for onesmall and lesse necessary end which will crosse his wisdome in many great and waighty ends now if God should suffer his Saints either finally or totally to fall from grace to make them more vigilant and circumspect for the time to come which may be done more fitly and effectually by many other meanes when as this would crosse his wisdome in many waighty things and ends as I haue proued that it doth it cannot stand with Gods wisdome that he should vse it for this only and lesse necessary end It is the part of fooles and not of wisemen to redresse one small and little inconuenience with many great and dangerous mischieses wherefore seeing that God at the most should remedy but one small inconuenience but bring in many mischiefes by sufferring of his Saints to fall quite away from him it cannot stand with his infinite wisdome to suffer them to fall away and so this argument stands firme and in my judgment cannot be answered The ninth thing in God which yeelds vs an argument for the proofe of this assertion is his redinesse to heare the prayers of all such as are o●…ce truly regenerated and ingrafted into Christ from which this ninth argument may bee framed Those who doe alwayes pray to God to giue them perseuerance and to keepe them from a finall and a totall fall from grace if God doth alwayes heare their prayers and grant them their requests in this behalfe it is altogether impossible for th●… either 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 all from grace But all those who are once truly regenerated and ingrafted into Christ by a true and liuely faith doe alwaies pray to God to giue them perseuerance and to keepe them from a finall and a totall fall from grace and God doth alwaies heare their prayers and grant them their requests in this behalfe therefore it is altogether impossible for them either finally or totally to fall from grace The Maior cannot be denied for then this contradiction must necessarily follow that God should alwayes giue regenerate men perseuerance and yet they should not perseuere in grace The Maior then is only to be proued which consists of two particulars First that all such as are once truly regenerated and ingrafted into Christ by faith doe alwaies pray to God to giue them perseuerance and to keepe them from a finall and a totall fall from grace Secondly that God doth alwayes heare their prayers and grant their requests in this behalfe For the first of these I appeale but to the consciences of those who are once truly regenerated and ingrafted into Christ. I doubt not but they all with one consent can testifie from their owne experience that it is the cheifest desire and the constant dayly and perpetuall prayer of their hearts and soules to God to giue them perseuerance to keepe them in the state of grace and to preserue them from apostacie and therefore you neede not for to doubt of this If you will haue Scripture for to proue it the third petition in the Lords prayer which you shall finde Math. 6. 10. doth fully proue it where we pray thus thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen that is that God would inable vs to doe his will on earth in the same manner as the Saints and Angels doe it in heauen Now the Saints and Angells in heauen they doe the will of God constantly without any interruption continually without end wherefore seeing the Saints of God doe alwayes pray to God thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen they doe in it both pray to God to giue them perseuerance and to keepe them to that they may neuer finally nor totally fall from grace so the 〈◊〉 part of the Maior pr●…n 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 All the doubt then rests in the second thing whether God doth alwaies heare and grant these prayers of theirs If any deny it which is all that can be answered to this argument I proue it that God doth heare and grant those prayers of theirs in this behalfe by these reasons First because it is the same prayer which Christ himselfe doth alwaies make vnto his Father for them as appeares by Iohn 14. 16. cap. 17. 11. 15. Luke 2●… 31. 32. Rom. 8. 34. and Hebr. 7 25. now if it be the same prayer that Christ himselfe doth alwaies make vnto his Father for them God cannot
speciall reuelation that Grace is but a morall perswasion and that men may receiue it or reiect it at their pleasure that such as are not elected to saluation are true members of the holy Catholike Church that such as are not predestinated may bee saued Yea the Sacrifice of the Masse Purgatory Popish pennance and Indulgencies will all to wrecke and fall vnto the ground So many other Errors are there which depend on this Sixtly I made choyce of this aboue the rest because it is an Error of greatest consequence For it derogates very much from all Gods great and holy attributes from his glorie mercy honour goodnesse truth wisdome iustice power and the rest it derogates from Christs intercession and the merits of his death and passion it detracts very much from the Deity might power essicacte truth and working of the holy Ghost it quite ouerthrowes and disanulls the Scriptures and the very kingdome nature 〈◊〉 and power of true and sauing grace it robs the Saints of God of all their happinesse ioy and comfort it stripps and spoyles them of all their spirituall priuiledges of all the treasures of their soules and leaues them 〈◊〉 poore and miserable where else they were the onely happy and blessed of the Lord In a word it strikes at the very roote of all true religion it pulls God out of heauen and it either makes men Atheists to haue no God at all or at least to haue no God besides themselues These and many other are the ineuitable consequencies of this Error which as they are many so are they very great and dangerous Laftly I made choyce of this aboue the rest because it is not as some surmize a notionall and speculatiue Error fit onely for Schooles and Schollers to know and to determine but it is a practicall Error and a point which trencheth farre into the practice of Christianitie it is a point and Error that concernes not only the learnedest but the very lowest and meanest Christians it extends it selfe alike to all and therefore the more needfull is it to refell it Questions which concerne the nature and the truth of Grace the Perpetuitie and properties of Grace extend indifferently to all those to whom grace it selfe extends to one as much as to another because they are alike vsefull and necessary vnto all be they learned or vnlearned Now this being a question concerning the very nature essence and propertie of true and sauing grace extends alike to all men and it is of great vse and moment euen in their very practice of 〈◊〉 Yea I will affirme it that there is no one thing 〈◊〉 which will more 〈◊〉 men in the practice of religion then this one pernicious Error that they may fall totally finally from grace For if Ministers should preach and publish this for orthodox and current truth that true grace is of a corruptible and fading nature that it is such a thing as may be lost when once it is obtained who is there that would seeke it or respect it who is there that either would or could preferre his profit and his pleasures his riches and his honours farre before it who is there that would part with these to purchase it when as they were not sure to inioy it when as they might be dispossessed of it at the last If grace might vtterly be lost if it were a transitorie and fading good men would not nay men could not loue it or affect it they would not part with any other thing to win and purchase it euery man would then loue and serue his owne lusts and pleasures you should haue none at all to loue or serue the Lord. Besides if this were true that men might fall from grace what comforts or incouragements could Christians giue vnto themselues or others If a man should come to any one that was perplexed in his conscience or to a dying Christian if this were true that true regenerate men might fall from grace what comfort could he giue them Should hee magnifie Gods grace and mercy to them in Christ Should he repeate those comfortable and pretious promises of grace and mercie which are euery where recorded in the Scriptures should hee tell them that they haue liued a godly and religious life That they are in a happy condition and state of grace that they are the beloued of the Lord that Christ hath prepared an euerlasting kingdome and a crowne of glory for them in heauen and therefore they need not for to doubt or dispaire of Gods mercy Alas all these might be wiped off with this one answer we are fallen quite away from the state of grace by these and these our sinnes if not we are sure to commit 〈◊〉 sinne or other ere we die which will vtterly seuer and cut vs off from Christ for euer and therefore all these promises and comforts which you bring they belong to others not to vs our soules can take no comfort in them Doubtlesse there is not a Christian in the world which could administer any ●…oy or comfort at all vnto his owne or other mens soules if true regenerate men might fall from grace at last and lose the fruite and benefit of all their workes and graces Againe what comfort or incouragement could any Christian haue to doe or suffer any thing for the Lord if this were true Who is there that would spend his life and dayes in doing of Gods seruice Who is there that would suffer persecution and afflictions that would vndergoe disgrace contempt and scorne or fire and fagot for the Lord if he might after all this fall from grace and lose the things which hee had wrought Christians could haue no comfort or incouragement at all to doe or suffer any thing for Christ if this were true Againe in what a miserable and forlorne estate should poore Christians be in dubious troublesome and dangerous times if this position were grounded in their hearts that they might fall from grace then they were not sure of heauen they were not sure of earth they were vncertaine of this present life but more vncertaine of the life to come they then should haue no certaintie at all of any thing they should haue nothing left them on which to stay or rest their soules they should haue horrors within and feares without troubles and doubts within and crosses and afflictions without that curse of God which is denounced against all disobedient and impenitent sinners should light vpon them Among the nations they should finde no ease neither should the sole of their foote take any rest but the Lord should giue them a trembling heart and failing of eyes aud sorrow of minde and their liues should hang in doubt before them and they should feare day and night and haue none assurance of their liues In the morning they should say would it were euen and at euen they should say would God it were mor●…ing for the feare of their heart wherewith they should feare and
for the sight of their eyes which they should see they should then finde no ease no rest or comfort to th●…ir soules at all and so they must needs sinke and perish in dispaire Where as if they had this pillar to rest and stay their soules vpon that they can neuer fall ●…rom grace nor be depriued of the loue of God that let what will befall their bodies their soules are sure to be safe that though their outward man perish yet their inward man shall be renewed day by day that though their earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolued yet they haue a building of God an house not made with hands eternall in the heauens this would comfort and reioyce their soules beyond expression this would beare them vp in all extremities and keepe them from sinkeing in dispaire So that you see that the whole comfort and treasure of a Christian that the whole seruice of God and practice of religion are vtterly abolished and taken away by this pernicious Error and therefore I made choyce of this aboue any of the rest to combate and to grapple with especially in these dubious and ambiguous times of ours wherein we need an anchor on which to stay our soules But now some men may thinke my labour vaine and needlesse and perchance vnseasonable to because so many Worthies of our Church haue so lately handled and discussed this our present Controuersie To wh●…ch I answer first That the slacknesse of the Printer in whose hands this worke hath beene pending euer since L●…nt last hath turned these my First fruites into Gleanings against my expectation and intent and therefore if you returne a Tardè to them let the Printer beare the blame not I. Secondly I answer that though many haue lately handled and discussed this very controversie in the by conioyning it with other points yet none of them haue handled it particularly and indiuidually by it selse as I haue done it Yea I may with modestie affirme it without any pride arrogance or selfe-conceite that there was neuer any hitherto who hath written of this controu●…rsie that hath handled and discussed it so fully and perspicuously as I haue done it here I haue produced many more arguments and reasons and cited more quotations from Scriptures Fathers Councells Synods Confessions and moderne Diuines to confute this Error and I haue giuen more cleere full and satisfactorie answers to most of those arguments that are brought for to defend it than any yet haue done that I could reade or heare of And therefore notwithstanding that so many haue lately written of this subiect I hope that these my labours which I haue vndertaken in the synceritie of my heart for the glory of God for the peace and quiet of this our Church for the vindicating of the truth and for the comfort and consolation of all such faithfull Christians as shall be made partakers of them shall finde such approbation and acceptance in the world that they shall neither be condemned as vntimely nor loathed as superfluous And here Courteous Reader to free my selfe from causelesse censure I must intreate these few courtesies at thine hands First that where thou findest any mistakes or slips in words or letters in reading of this Treatise that thou wouldest take the paines for to amend them imputing the fault vnto the Corrector and not vnto my selfe Secondly that when thou findest the same reasons Scriptures Arguments or answers reiterated and repeated in seuerall places of this discourse that thou would●…st not forth-with condemne me of Battologie and Surplusage because they are alwaies vrged and recited in a different forme and manner and to other ends and purposes then they were before so that though they are almost the same in words and matter yet they alwayes differ in circumstances forme and end and in the manner of propounding them so that in truth they are not the same though prima facie they may seeme to be the same Thirdly I would request thee so to censure and iudge of these my labours as thou wouldest haue me and others to censure and to iudge of thine if thou thy selfe hadst written Lastly since the generall end and scope of these my labours is nothing else but to vindicate and cleere the honour and the truth of God to establish peace and vnitie in this our Church and State that this our present controuersie and those others which depend vpon it may no more molest and trouble them and to comfort and reioyce the hearts and soules of all the true and faithfull Saints of God in these ambiguous doubtfull and perplexed times whose only ioy and comfort whose onely stay and proppe whose very heauen vpon earth and chiefest happinesse lie all at stake and are suspended on this present Controuersie I would request thee so to reade and meditate on these my rude and indegested labours as if thou didst vnfainedly desire for to learne and profite by them and to diue into the truths contained in them Reade them with a single and impartiall eye and with an vpright and an honest heart voide of all criticall fore-stalled and preiudicated affections Reade them with a meeke and humble spirit not to carpe or quarrell with them but willingly to yeeld and to submit vnto them as far as truth and conscience will permit and if thou shalt receiue any benefit comfort or sa●…isfaction from them giue God the glory p●…ay for me The vnfained well wisher of thine eternall good and comfort WILLIAM PRYNNE TO ALL THOSE OF THE Church of England who falsly and malitiously traduce calumniate and slaunder the Patrons of the totall and finall perseuerance of the Saints in grace and thereupon labour to suppresse their workes because they know not how to answer or resell them IT is recorded of certaine of the Synagogue of the Libertines and 〈◊〉 who disputed with that holy Martir Saint Steuen that when as they Were not able to resist the wisdome and Spirit by which hee spake they suborned false witnesses against him which said wee haue heard him speake blasphemous words against this holy place against Moses and against God and vpon these false accusations they stirred vp the people the Elders and the Scribes against him and caught him and brought him before the Councell thinking to carry away the cause and to confute that which they were not able to gainsay by calumniating traducing and condemning the innocent person who defended it Thus did the Iewes confute and answer Saint Paul when as they had nothing to reply vnto his doctrine they presently fly vpon his person accusing him for a pestilent and seditious fellow for a ringleader of sects for a mouer of sedition through out the World and one that did contrary to 〈◊〉 decrees of Caesar. And thus did the Gentiles in former ages confute the Christians if Iustin Martyr Tertullian Arnobius or Lactantius may be credited You my Breahtren who oppose and bend your selues
and directly to condemne abhorre contemne oppose and persecute grace in any of the Saints and therefore to auoide the infamy and shame of men and to restraine and blinde his owne conscience which else would flie into his face hee vseth some pretence or other that so he may with lesse suspicion and with greater boldnesse disgorge his malice and his spight against it Againe consider that there is nothing so crosse and contrary so odious and hatefull to vnregenerate and carnall men as the very power and truth of grace and holinesse nothing is there in the world that carnall men abhorre and loathe so much nothing is there that they hate with such a bitter exorbitant vnlimited and implacable detestation as that power of grace and that image of holinesse which shines so glorious and resplendent in the liues and actions of the Saints this makes them fret and fume and mads them to the heart And lastly consider seriously and in good earnest with your selues because it is a matter which concernes your soules that there alwaies haue been are all shall be a genera●…ion of men vpon the earth which shall be hated scorned persecuted reproched reuiled accused slandered and condemned euen of all sorts of men for no crime no cause or sinne at all bur only for their new their gratious godly and their holy liues and for their hatred and detestation of all kinde of sinne Now lay all these together and s●…e what men there are in all the world who are generally hated reproched condemned scorned persecuted disdained ●…euiled falsly accused see what manner of men they are whose names are cast out as euill and who haue all manner of euill spoken against them falsely by all sorts and kindes of men and tha●… only for the syncere profession of the name of Christ for the vprightnesse and synceritie of their hearts for the puritie and holinesse of their liues and for the auoyding of all kinde of sinne and then you shall finde that these and these onely whom you accuse censure and condemne for Puritans are the men for they onely are hated of all sorts and kindes of men Papists Protestants Arminians ciuill and morrall men prophane and loose persons young and old rich and poore Clergie and Laitie they all doe band and set against them they all reuile reproch accuse condemne deride persecute slander and abhorre them they all auoide and shun them more or lesse and separate them from their companie they all distaste them in their hearts they all cast out their names as euill and prosecute them euen with virulent and bitter hatred as farre as oportunitie law or power will giue them leaue yea many men are so rauing mad against them that they could wish as Caligula did of the Romans that they had all but one neck that so they might cut them of at a blow and all this is for no other cause at all but because they are too pure and precise to holy and religious because they are too frequent in hearing and reading of Gods word in prayer and such like holy duties because they will reproue men for their euill courses and will not beare them company in their sinnes because they will not sweare whore drinke dice game inordinately mispend their time haunt Playes and Tauernes and play the good fellowes as others doe because they speake against Pluralities Nonresidents and lazie or good-fellow Pastors who either starue and quite neglect or else mislead their flockes If all men would be prophane and wicked and make no bones of sinne there would not be a ●…uritan in the world If therefore Puritans are such men as these if they are the best the dearest and holiest Saints of God as there is no doubt or question but they are if you will but giue your owne consciences libertie ●…or to determine it your accusation then that none but Puritans doe defend ●…his Doctrine will be so farre from disparaging of it that it doth highly grace and honour it and proue you who doe oppose and contradict it to be but prophaue licentious carnall and gracelesse persons and vtter enemies to all grace and goodnesse And now since I haue made it manifest vnto your vnderstandings at least vnto your consciences that Puritans are not the men you take them or rather such men as you would haue them for to be forbeare from hence-forth to hate to scorne to disdaine reproach accuse deride condemne oppose and slander them without a cause as formerly you haue done for feare lest whiles you bend your tongues your hearts your malice and your force against them for standing close vnto the truth and for manifesting the very power and truth of grace and holinesse in their liues you take vp armes against the Lord of Hoasts and King of heauen and wrecke your soules vpon that rocke and sinne against the holy Ghost which shall neuer be forgiuen But admit now that none but Puritans maintaine our present assertion that is as you in part intend it that none but Caluinists o●… men infected with Geneuanisme doe defend it must it therefore be a Puritan doctrine must it therefore be a false position doth the qualitie or condition of the Patrons make truth to be no truth consider I pray a little of it and then reflect vpon your selues perchance it may be some disparagement to your cause But say that the qualitie of the Patrons doth change and alter the very nature of the truth are Caluin and his followers so vndeseruing of the Church of God or is the Church of Geneua or the Belgicke Churches so subiect vnto Errors in their doctrine that this should not be truth because that these defend it Surely though I will ●…ot wholly pinne my faith on Caluins sleeue nor canonize him for a Saint stiling him St. Caluin as some of you haue done it in disdaine and scorne though I make no doubt but he is now a Saint with God in heauen yet this I will say vnto the best the proudest and the learnedest of you that the name of Caluin shall be remembred and renowned in the Church of God when as your names shall rotte and be forgotten And as for the Church of Geneua and the Belgick Churches though they differ from vs in their discipline yet none but Papists or Arminians can cauell at their Doctrine if you are such as you must be such if you continue to oppose our present assertion goe on and cauell at them whiles you will your cauells will but honour them not disgrace them and this our cause shall neuer fare the worse because it hath these Patrons to defend it Since therefore the quality of the Patrons of this truth can neuer change the nature of it and make it not to be a truth since Puritans appearing in their proper colours are men of greater grace and holinesse than the best of those who slander them and stile them so and are not such in truth as they are commonly taken and
then you shall bee a peculiar treasure vnto me aboue all people then incounter it with that of Ezech. 36. 27. I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walke in my statutes and yee shall keepe my iudgements and doe them Goe through all the Scriptures and you shall not meete with any condition which God requires of vs but you shall likewise finde that he hath promised to performe the same condition for vs and in vs. Wherefore set downe the conditionall places first which are first in order and in nature and then the absolute promises of God to performe the same conditions for vs and so all the Scriptures will bee fully recon●…led Secondly to this obiection of yours I answer that the only end and scope of all those places which you obiect for to defend your answer is only to incite and stirre men vp to perseuerance and to an holy boldnesse and cheerefulnesse in the wayes of God and in the constant profession of Religion they were neuer spoken to that end to which you wrest them to feare and to discourage men or to proue that they might fall quite away from grace when once they were in truth regenerated For that of Math. 24. 13. Marke 13. 13. Hee that endureth to the end hee shall be saued and that of Gal. 6. 9. Let vs not bee weary of well-doing for in due time wee shall reape if wee faint not and that of Reu 2. 10. Bee faithfull to the death and thou shalt receiue the crowne of life and those other places of this nature they are but so many exhortations and incouragements to goe on and perseuere in a Christian resolution and in a constant practice and profession of religion maugre all afflictions crosses persecutions and scandalls whatsoeuer as the contex●…s doe most plainely manifest They were spoken only to this purpose and they are no more in substance but this There are many afflictions many troubles and crosses many persecutions losses scandalls and diffamations that will befall you euen for the very profession and practice of religion Yet let not all these discourage you from going on in a constant and settled course of holinesse for though these losses crosses afflictions persecutions and scandalls doe befall you yet they shall not hurt or disaduantage you you shall be no loosers by them for you shall be saued you shall reape the fruites of all those suffrings at last what euer you loose on earth it shall bee recompenced to you in heauen these light and momentary afflictions which here you suffer shall purchase for you a farre more exceeding and eternall weight of glory Goe on therefore as you haue begun hold on your way and perseuer in grace vnto the end for then you shall receiue a full reward for all that you haue done or suffered This is the only end and scope of the Holy Ghost in all those texts of Scripture this was the only end for which they were spoken and recorded to incourage and prouoke the Saints of God to a constant and finall perseuerance in grace and holinesse How grossely then doe you abuse and wrest these Scriptutes when as you make no other vse of them but to quench the smoking flaxe and breake the bruised reed to discomfort and deiect the hearts and soules of weake and tender Christians and to discourage them in the wayes of holinesse when as you proue vnto them from those places that they may finally and totally fall from grace Certainly if the chiefe and only meaning of the Holy Ghost in all these places is but to incourage and stirre men vp to perseuerance as it is most plaine and euident that it is you doe but crosse the very scope the very sense and meaning of the holy Ghost when as you racke and wrest those places to this your present purpose which the holy Ghost did neuer thinks of or intend vnlesse that you will make the holy Ghost an ambiguous equivocator like vnto your selues If therefore you will take those places in their genuine and proper sense and as they are intended as being so many incouragements and helpes to constant and finall perseverance they are so farre from making for you that they make much against you If now you doe obiect that you are forced to maintaine this doctrine of the Apostacie of the Saints and so by consequence this euasion to free God from iniustice and from being author of or party to mens sinnes For if God should absolutely without any condition on our parts promise for to keepe vs from falling from him and yet should suffer vs for to fall from grace as wee seee he doth oft times then wee should make God himselfe vniust in not fulfilling of his promise Wherefore that wee may free God from iniustice euen in this behalfe wee say that notwithstanding all those promises of God are absolutely and positively pronounced yet they are all suspended vpon the freedome and libertie of our owne wills hauing this inclusiue condition annexed to them If wee our selues will continue righteous And so when as we fall away from grace out of the libertie and freedome of our owne wills the sinne and blame lights only vpon our owne heads which else would rest on Gods I shall answer you in the words of holy Iob Will you speake wickedly for God and talke deceitfully for him will yee accept his person will yee contend for God as if God did need your helpe and counsell for to free him from iniustice and were not able for to cleare himselfe without this helpe and shift of yours Well admit that you doe God some seruice in it in cleering of his iustice yet how much is God beholding to you for your paines who in freeing of him from iniustice doe rob him of his mercy goodnesse honour power wisdome truth and iustice to For if God should suffer his chosen and his best beloued Saints to fall away from him and so to perish where then were his mercy and his gracious goodnesse If he should suffer those to fall whom he hath vndertaken to preserue and keepe from falling where then were his honour his truth his wisdome his iustice or his power If hee should suffer those to fall and perish for whom Iesus Christ hath shed his pretious blood that so they might not perish but haue euerlasting life if God should suffer them to loose that grace and that heau●…ly inheritance which Christ hath purchased for them where then were this his iustice which you labour to maintaine Doubtlesse this paradox and shift of yours it robs the Lord and strips him naked of all his glorious and most sacred attributes yea it depriues him of his very Diety so that whiles you seeke to doe the Lord a fauour in vindicating of his iustice by this your cauell and euasion you doe him all the wrong that may be If then you would free God from iniustice and reserue his very Diety and all his
quite away from grace and so loose the reward of all the workes which they had done you should haue few or none that should deny themselues or yet forsake their carnall friends and pleasures or their present worldly honours riches and preserments which after your computation are like to be more permanent then their graces that so they might seeke vnto the Lord alone and serue him diligently with all their hearts and soules you should haue few or none at all that would be forwards diligent feruent in the worke and seruice of the Lord. Wherfore this assertion must needes be false and dangerous euen in this respect and so cannot be admitted for a truth Eleuenthly if the true regenerate saints of God might fall from grace it would rob the Lord of many zealous and faithfull prayers and it would make that exquisite forme of prayer which Christ himselfe hath framed for vs to be but vaine and idle for if our perseuerance in grace should not depend on God but on our selues as our Antagonists doe and must affirme or else they would to wrecke how few men would there bee that would power out their hearts and soules before the Lord in feruent and faithfull prayers If it were in mens owne power to take vp to preserue and to reiect their graces at their pleasures what neede men to pray to God at all if God doth nothing in this businesse our prayers vnto him were vaine and idle God should haue no prayers at all for any spirituall things if this were true and it would be to no purpose for to pray vnto him for grace and perfeuerance Peter then should be very much mistaken in praying thus to God for those Saints to whom he writes The God of all grace who hath called you vnto his eternall glory by Christ Iesus make you perfect stablish strengthen settle you Paul should thē be mistaken in praying thus for the Thesolonians The Lord make you to abound and increase in lone one towards annother towards all men to the end that he may establish your hearts vnblamable in holinesse before God euen our Father and stablish you in euery good word and worke For hee which establisheth vs with you in Christ is God Dauid should be then mistaken in praying vnto God to vphold and stablish him with his free Spirit and that prayer which Christ himselfe hath framed and commanded vs to vse should be but superflous and to little purpose For who would or could pray thus to God thy kingdome come thy will be done en earth as it is in heauen leadivs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill if God had no rule and sway ouer him if God did not giue him perseuerance and preserue his gra●…es in him if man himselfe had free-will and power to take and to resist grace to preserue and keepe it or for to reiect it Wherefore seeing that this assertion it it were admitted would robbe the Lord of many faithfull prayers which now his Saints doe make vnto him for their perseuerance and seeing it would make that very prayer which Christ himselfe hath recorded and composed for vs to bee superflous vaine and idle it cannot be admitted to be true Twelfthly if this should be admitted for a truth that the Saints of God might fall quite away from the state of Grace it would take away all absolute and irrespectiue predestination and election to eternall life one of these three must then necessarily follow that either the Saints of God who are predestinated to eternall life may fall from grace and perish or that there are some men who are truly regenerated and ingrafted into Christ who were neuer predestinated and elected to saluation or that God did only predestinate men vnto saluation out of the foresight of their faith their workes and perseuerance which are all ex diametro opposite and contrary to the Scriptures to the Fathers to the Doctrine of the Church of England and to all orthodox and Protestant Diuines of moderne times and therefore cannot be admitted Lastly if the true regenerate Saints of God might fall quite away from grace out of the freedome and libertie of their owne wills then saluation or damnation should depend meerely vpon the fickle and vn constant will of man and not vpon the stable and immutable decree and purpose of Almighty God then man and not God should bee the author of his owne saluation and so saluation should not bee of God that sheweth mercy and disposeth all things according to the purpose of his owne free will and pleasure but of man that willeth and perseuereth out of the strength and power of his owne free will Man should then bee his owne God his owne gouernour and director his owne judge and sauiour if this were once admitted to be true which would bee a great disparagement to Gods supremacie and to the death and passion of Iesus Christ. And therefore in regard of these dangerous consequences in respect of the whole Trititie this doctrine cannot be allowed to be true that the Saints of God may finally or totally fall away from the habit and state of true and sauing grace Secondly as this Doctrine of the finall or totall Apostacie of the Saints would produce many dangerous consequencies in respect of the whole Trinitie in respect of Father Sonne and holy Ghost so would it doe the like in respect of regenerate men themselues For fi●…st it would cause men for to call Gods truth Gods word and promises into question for when as a man shall reade in diuers places of the Scripture that the righteous and those that trust in God shall neuer bee remoued that they shall continue to the end and neuer faint nor faile that God will perfect and finish the worke of Grace within them and preserue them blamelesse to the day of Christ that hee will keepe them so that they shall neuer fall nor perish and the like if this should stand for currant truth that the Saints of God may notwithstanding fall from the very state of Grace it would cause men for to doubt of the truth of Gods word and promises and to account no better of the word of God then of a fable or a meere imposture it would cause them to denie the Faith and to turne either Atheists or Pagans at the last and therefore it cannot bee admitted Secondly it would depriue true Christians of all true happinesse in this present life it would make them to bee but miserable and wretched men when as the word of God reputes them happy and stiles them blessed men For if it be grace and that only which makes the Saints of God to be happy men euen in this world of misery as the Scripture saith it is if it were possible for Christians for to loose this grace and to fall from it againe it were impossible for them to be happy here For happinesse is such a stable and perpetuall
thing as where it is once possessed it cannot bee lost Philosophers could say that hee was neuer a happy man that might afterwards become miserable if morall happinesse were so permanent shall not Christian happinesse which farre excells it be so to Doubtlesse those whom God himselfe pronounceth blessed are blessed and happy men for the present yea and they shall bee such for euer Gen. 27. 33. and Num. 23. 8. 20. God himselfe hath pronounced all such as are once truly regenerated and ingrafted into Christ to bee blessed and happy men as I haue proued it at large before therefore they are and shall be such for euer Now this position if it were granted would quite depriue the Saints of God of all their happinesse it would strip and robbe them of their graces which are the only treasure of their soules and make them of all men most miserable where as they are the only blessed of the Lord wherefore this posi●…ion cannot be granted to bee true euen in this respect Thirdly it depriues the Saints of God of all true joy and comfort it robs them of that peace of conscience of that joy and comfort of the holy Ghost of those spirituall and heauenly consolations which are more sweet and pleasant to them then life it selfe or all things in the world besides and so vnutterable and beyond expression that none can know the pleasantnesse and sweetnesse of them but such as feele them and inioy them it robs and spoyles the hearts and soules of all true faithfull Christians of those inestimable and invaluable ioyes and consolations and fills their soules with doubts with terrors and amazements For w●…at is that which doth so joy so comfort and refresh the hearts and soules of faithfull Christians What is that which fills them full of joy vnspeakeable aud glorious but only this that their names are written in heauen that their peace is made for euer with God that they are justified and sanctified by Iesus Christ that they are passed from death to life and shall neuer come into condemnation that they are so established and settled in the state of grace that they shall neuer fall nor be remoued from it and that they are so thorowly ingrafted into Christ that they shall neuer bee broken off from him againe But if this once were true that these Christians might either finally or totally fall from grace that they might vtterly loose all the good things which they had done in all their liues so that they should not bee any more remembred that they might loose Gods loue and fauour loose Christ Iesus and all the rich benefits and merits of his death and passion loose the holy Ghost and all the comforts and graces which they haue by him How dolefull how miserable then should the state of Christians bee how would their soules droope and languish with griefe and heauinesse which now doe euen dance and leape for joy how would their zeale their loue and courage be abated how would their mindes and consciences bee perplexed how would the diuell vex and torture them after euery small and little sinne which they should commit with this Quare do●… I yet perseuere am I yet in the state of grace or am I not already fallen from it by my sinnes Certainly if this exposition were once imbraced as a truth the diuell would so tyrannize ouer weake scrupulous and tender-hearted Christians by this meanes that he would euen driue the●… almost vnto dispaire and send them downe with griefe and sorrow to their graues where as else they should haue alwayes cause to laugh and sing The state of Christians is a state of joy God himselfe commands them to reioyce euermore To reioyce in the Lord alwayes and againe for to reioyce To bee ioyfull in glory and to sing aloud in their beds for ioy of heart Therefore this position which would depriue the Saints of God of their very heauen vpon earth of all their sweet and heauenly joyes and consolations and of all the grounds and causes of their joy and fill their soules with doubts feares griefes discouragements t●…ares and amazements must needs be odious false and dangerous and cannot be admitted Fourthly it breedes dispaire in the hearts and soules of all regenerated and sanctisied Christians For if the Saints of God after their true regeneration and inscision into Christ might either finally or totally fall from grace how would this perplex the soules and consciences of all regenerate Christians and driue them to dispaire especially in times of sicknesse and temptations wherein Satan doth most commonly set on their sinnes and presse them on their consciences of purpose for to driue them to despaire Tender hearts and consciences which are thorowly wounded and touched with the sense of sinne and are apt to bee dejected vpon euery small occasion with the apprehension of Gods wrath would soone be driuen to despaire if this were true For if any sinne or lust should ouercome them if any temptation or sicknesse should befall them how then would the diuell tyrannize and triumph ouer them Hee would then bee alwayes suggesting this vnto them and pressing it vpon their consciences You are now fallen quite away from grace you are now cut off from God and Christ by these and these your sinnes you were once the children of God but now you are now the sonnes of Satan and vessells of wrath fitted only for destruction You are now fallen quite away from that state of grace wherein you stood before and so it is impossible for you to be renewed by repentance any more Your last end now shall bee farre worse then euer your bigin●…ing was and because that you haue cast off God hee hath now for euer cast off you you haue committed a wilfull sinne in departing and falling from his grace and therefore there is no more sacrifice and oblation for sinne remaining but a certaine fearefull expectation of iudgement and fiery indignation which shall deuoure you What can poore perplexed and distressed soules answer vnto these objections or the like when Satan shall assault them with them and presse them on their consciences They cannot say wee were in the state of grace before and therefore wee are sure that wee continue in it now because it is impossible for vs to fall from it for this were quite contrary to this assertion They dare not say that they haue committed no such sinne as might disturbe them from the state of grace and cut them off from Christ because the diuell and their owne scrupulous and tender consciences doe testifie the contrary they date not for to say that they are still in Christ and if they are di●…cted and cut off from him they cannot hope to bee ingrafted into him againe because they haue so wilfully fallen from him and so they cannot but despaire whereas if they had this pillar this helpe and stay to rest their soules vpon Wee
frame this accusation and in ditement against you at the day of Iudgement as he did against the shepheards of Israel Ezech. 34. 4. The diseased haue yee not strengthened ●…either haue you healed that which was sicke neither haue you bound vp that which was broken neither haue you brought againe that which was driuen away but with force and crueltie haue you ruled them and then your doome and judgment will be terrible and dismall as this your Doctrine is Fifthly This doctrine of a finall or totall fall from grace it makes no difference at all beeweene the godly and the wicked in this present life If the true regenerate Saints of God might either finally or totally fall from grace what difference should there be betweene impenitent and wicked men and them what priuiledge or aduantage had they more then they They haue no more assurance of Gods loue and fauour no more assurance of heauen and eternall life no more aduantage or benefit by the death of Christ then they there were then no difference at all in their estates but onely for the present they had but a meere possibilitie of heauen and eternall life they could not absolutely say we shall be saued but onely wee may be saued and so may euery wicked man that liues vpon the earth All that the Saints of God should then haue it should depend meerely vpon incertainties and future contingences they should be no more sure of saluation then wicked men True it is that that for the present they should haue a greater probabilitie and likelihood of heauen and saluation then wicked men because they are for the present in the state of grace but yet they were no neerer vnto heauen and eternall saluation then they for these wicked men might become Gods children afterwards continue so when as they themselues might fall from grace and perish in their sinnes those that are the children of Satan might be the Saints and sonnes of God when as they themselues may bee the sonnes of Be●…ial and vessels fitted for destruction Wherefore seeing that this doctrine of falling from grace puts no sound and sure difference betweene the wicked and the godly in this present life and giues the one no greater and no surer priuiledges then the other hath when as the Scripture makes as great a difference betweene them as is betweene sheepe and goates wheate and tares gold and drosse happinesse and misery it must needes be false and opposite to the truth and cannot be admitted Lastly if the true regenerate Saints of God might fall finally from grace it would breede a doubt and scruple in mens mindes whether there are any that are saued or at least whether God hath alwaies had a true Church on earth For if one regenerate man may fall from grace then a second and a third may to and so euery regenerate man in particular and so all regenetate men and then there should bee none that should bee saued then there might be a time when all men might be fallen from grace and so a time when as there was no Church of God on earth Wee all know that the very best of all Gods Saints and children are apt and ready to fall into sinne and that in many things they offend all which things by your assertion may cut them of from Christ and cast them headlong from the state of grace wherefore for ought that any man knowes there is not any one of Gods Saints and children but may bee fallen quite away from the state of grace before his death and so may dye and perish in his sinnes and therefote if this position were once admitted it would breede a doubt in men where euer there were any saued or whether God hath alwaies had a Chruch on earth which would be a dangerous consequent and would much eclipse the riches of Gods mercy the merits of Christs death and passion the glory and perpetuity of his kingdome and make men carelesse of religion Thirdly this Doctrine of a finall or totall Apostacie from the state of grace would produce many dangerous consequencies in respect of grace it selfe and so cannot be admitted First it would cause men to vilifie and vnderualue grace it would cause them for to slight and disrespect it and not to set that price vpon it as they should For if true and sauing grace might bee lost againe who then would estimate or value it who would forsake the riches the honours and the pleasures of the world to seeke it and imbrace it ' which should be then as permanent sure and stable as grace it selfe That which makes men for to prise estimate grace aboue all things else is this that it is a perpetuall stable and permanent possession which will neuer decay that is is not subiect vnto time and chance as all sublunary and worldly things are that it is such an heauenly treasure as cannot be lost nor taken from vs. Therefore Christ when as hee would incite and stirre vs vp to seeke after grace doth commend grace vnto vs as a permanent and euerlasting good which neuer fades nor yet decaies putting it by way of antithesis and opposition to all worldly things which are but momentary and fading hence are these his exhortations Iohn 6. 27. Labour not for the ●…eate that perisheth but for that which ind●…reth vnto eu●…rlasting life Lay not vp for your selues treasures vpon earth where 〈◊〉 and rust doth corrupt and where thee●…es breaks through and ●…teale but lay vp for your selues treasures in heauen where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where the●…es doe not breake through nor ●…eale Math 6 19. 20. Whosoeuer shall drinke of this water shall thirst againe but whosoeuer drinketh of the water that I shall giue him shall neuer thirst but the water that I shall giue him shall bee in him a well of water springing vp into euerlasting life Ioh. 4. 13 14. That which doth most of all commend and set forth grace that which makes it amiable and louely and giues it an exc●…llencie aboue all earthly things is this that it is a permanent possession an euerlasting treasure which cannot be lo●…t If it were notso men could not prise it aboue earthly thing This Doctrine therefore of falling from the state of grace it takes away the very excellency of grace and so it would cause men for to vilifie and vnderualue it and to preferre the base and transitorie things of the world before it which would bee a dangerous consequence Secondly this assertion it would ouerthrow and vtterly disanull the very nature and essence of true sauing grace For grace as I haue proued at large before is of a permanent constant perpetuall immortall growing and increasing nature it cannot perrish or decay where once it is in truth begun This Doctrine of a totall or finall fall from grace it makes grace to be but a transitory and fading thing in ouerthrowes this nature and essence of true
the powers of the world to come that is they may heare the word of God and receiue it with great ioy as the second and third ground did Math. 13. 20. Marke 6. 20. and as Iohn Baptists auditors did Iohn 5. 35. Yea they may relish the word of God and taste a sweetnesse and pleasantnesse in it they may bee much affected with it for a time but yet in a carnall manner out of selfe-loue and by-respects or out of feare in times of sicknesse or outward judgements they may be much affected with the promises of grace and mercy though the Doctrine of mortification and selfe-deniall may seeme harsh and bitter to them They may taste of the powers of the world to come that is they may vnderstand the Doctrine of the Resurrection and of eternall life they may bee much affected with the joyes of heauen and with the happinesse of the Saints when they shall heare them amplified and expressed to the full Wee know by common experience that many Hypocrites and wicked men when they doe but heare the joyes and excellencies of heauen discoursed of haue oft-times by sodaine fits and flashes a kinde of inward taste sense and feeling of them and their very hearts and soules are euen rauished and delighted with them not from any inward principle of grace or any sure euidence of heauen which they haue within them but out of a secret admiration of the things themselues or out of a false and groundlesse opinion and conceite that these ioyes and excellencies belong to them when as it is nothing so Wherefore there being nothing in these places but that which is common to hypocrites and carnall men we ought with the most and best expositors vpon these places to appropriate these texts and places only to hypocrites and carnall men which may fall away from their outward shewes of grace and not vnto the true regenaerate Saints of God who cannot fall from grace nor yet depart from God or sinne vnto death Ier. 32. 40. and 1 Iohn 3. 9. cap. 5. 16 17 18. But you will object that those of whom Saint Peter writes were bought with the blood of Christ for they denied the Lord that bought them 2 Pet. 2. 1. and those of whom the Apostle writes Hebr. 10. 29. were such as were sanctified with the blood of the Couenant therefore they were men truly regenerated and not only in outward shew I answer that they were such as were purchased with Christs blood sufficiently or in common reputation but not effectually and truly they were neuer washed and cleansed with his bloud for Peter applieth this to Heretickes and false teachers which priuily should bring in damnable beresies euen to the denying of the Lord that bought them Now such Heretickes and false teachers they were neuer truly purchased or sanctified with the blood of Christ for if euer they had beene of the true sold and sheepe of Christ if euer they had beene truly ingrafted into him they would no doubt haue continued with them but therefore they went out from him that it might appeare that they were neuer truly regenerated and ingrafted into him 1 Iohn 2. 19. And whereas it is said that they were sanctified with the blood of the Couenant The meaning is no more but this that they were Sacramentally sanctified they were outwardly washed in their Baptisme from the filth of their sinnes but yet their hearts and natures were not inwardly purified washed and regenerated by the bloud of Iesus Christ and the inward operation of Gods Spirit This is euident by the 2 Pet. 2. 22. where they are stiled washen swine who had their outside only washed but their swinish and filthy nature still remained in them and therefore they returne againe to their wallowing in the mire and puddle of their sinnes Wherefore all these places must be vnderstood only of Hypocrites and carnall morall men whose hearts and natures were neuer changed and renewed and not of the true regenerate Saints of God who are new men and new creatures Secondly all these places must needs bee vnderstood of Hypocrites and such as neuer had any truth of grace because the most and best expositers doe appropriate and applie them only to such as commit the sinne against the holy Ghost which shall neuer be forgiuen Now this is certaine that all such as are truly regenerated and ingrafted into Christ can neuer commit the sinne against the holy Ghost For St. Iohn tells vs 1 Iohn 3. 9. cap. 5. 16 17 18. That hee that is borne of God sinneth not vnto death because his seed remaineth in him neither can hee sinne thus because hee is borne of God hee cannot commit the sinne vnto death which most interpret to bee the sinne against the holy Ghost wherefore these places cannot bee meant of such as are truly regenerated and borne of God who cannot commit the sinne against the holy Ghost Againe Christ himselfe assures vs that none of his sheepe shall euer perish Iohn 10. 28. and Dauid certifieth vs that though the righteous man fall yet hee shall neuer bee vtterly cast downe for the Lord vpholdeth him with his hand Psal. 37. 24. therefore these places cannot be vnderstood of any of the Sheepe of Christ or of any that are truly righteous but only of Hypocrites and such as had no truth of Grace Thirdly it is euident that these places must needs bee intended only of hypocrites and carnall men and not of true regenerate men by reason of the antithesis opposition and difference that the Apostle makes betweene those regenerate Saints of God to whom he writes and those which were ●…lightned and were made partakers of the holy Ghost and had tasted of the good word of God and of the powers of the world to come For when the Apostle had spoken of those Heb. 6. 4. to the 9. verse in the 9. and with verses he subjoynes these words But wee are perswaded better things of you and things that accompanie saluation though wee thus speake For God is not vnrighteous to forget your worke and labour of loue which yee haue shewed towards his name and Heb. 10. hee doth the like 〈◊〉 So that this difference which the Apostle himselfe makes betweene the Saints to whom he writes and those of whom these places which you object make mention proues that those places which you alledge are only meant of hypocrites and such as were neuer truly regenerated and so they come not to the purpose Lastly the very words of these places and Scriptures proue as much For first those who are here mentioned are only such as did but taste of the good word of God and of the heauenly gift and of the powers of the world to come Which phrase of tasting implying but a meere fit flash and transitorie act and passion which is proper only to hypocrites and carnall men cannot be fitly and properly applied to the Saints of God and such as are truly regenerated
beene lately pressed and propounded in another manner I will propound it in the same manner as it was then vrged and so will answere it A true regenerate man and a member of Iesus Christ may lie long in a grosse and knowne finne without any actuall repentance as Dauid and Salomon did therefore hee may fall totally if not finally from the state of grace The argument they proue to bee true by this reason The true regenerate Saints of God committing any grosse and knowne sins and lying in them without repentance from the time of these sinnes committed to the time of their actuall repentance of them are not in the state of grace but in the state of damnation which they proue by these two reasons First because these sinnes are mortall in themselues and exclude men quite from heauen as appeares by Ezech. 18. 20. the soule that sinneth it shall dye and by the 1 Cor. 6. 9 10. those that commit ●…nch things and sinnes as these shall not inherit the kingdome of God Secondly because these sinnes of theirs are not forgiuen before their actuall repentance of them so that if they should die before their actuall repentance of them they should be damned for them so that in that Interim and space of time betweene the sinne committed and their actuall repentance they are in the state of damnation and not in the state of grace because their sinnes are not forgiuen and therefore the Argument followes For answer to this maine Objection which is the very summe and substance of all that can be objected and the very basis and foundation of our Antagonists Error I shall denie the ground and reasons which support this argument First I shall denie that the Saints of God committing any grosse and knowne sinne and lying in it for a time without any actuall repentance are during the space and time of this their impenitencie in the state of damnation And secondly I shall denie that a particular repentance is absolutely necessarie to saluation after euery particular grosse and knowne acte of sinne which the Saints of God commit and that those sinnes of theirs cannot bee pardoned before their actuall and particular repentance For the first of these it will be plaine and manifest if wee consider how farre those men must goe that will sinne vnto death or sinne so farre as to put themselues into the state of damnation He that will sinne vnto death or sinne so farre as to put himselfe into the state of damnation must sinne so farre as vtterly to separate and cut off himselfe from Christ vtterly to extirpate all the seeds and habits of true and sauing grace which are within him and wholly to emancipate and inthrall himselfe to the seruice of sinne and Sathan For as long as any man abides in Christ and is not seuered or cut off from him as long as any man hath any habits and seeds of true and sauing grace within him and is not wholly inthralled and imbondaged vnto sinne and Sathan so that the whole intire wrath of God cannot light and fall vpon him he is not in the state of damnation but in the state of grace Now none of the true regenerate saints of God can sin so far as vtterly to seuer cut off themselues from Christ or vtterly to roote out the very habit and seed of those true and sauing graces that are within them and to inthrall themselues wholly to the seruice of sinne and Sathan so that the whole intire wrath of God cannot arise against them therefore they can neuer sinne so faire as to put themselues into the state of death and damnation This is euident by diuers pregnant places of Scripture and by diuers reasons First it is euident that a true regenerate Saint of God can neuer sinne so farre as to put himselfe into the state of death and damnation no not for a time because he can neuer sinne so farre as to bee vtterly cast downe from the state of grace to be vtterly cut off from Christ and to be vtterly depriued of the life of grace Dauid he informes vs that a good man though hee fall yet he shall not be vtterly cast downe for the Lord vpholdeth him with his hand and Paul he assures vs that hee shall be holden vp for God is able to make him stand The Saints of God they may be troubled on euery side by reason of sinne but yet not distressed they may be cast downe by sinne but not destroyed they may be as dying men and yet behold they liue as chastened yet not killed as sorrowfull yet alwayes reioycing as poore yet making many rich as hauing nothing and yet possessing all things they may be like the man that went downe from Ierusalem to Ierico and fell among theeues euen wounded and halfe dead with sinne their graces like those of the Church of Sardis may be ready to die the Saints of God and their graces they may suffer a winter of temptation they may bee sicke and languishing by reason of sinne they may bee semianimes as Cyprian stiles them halfe dead and halfe withered but yet they are neuer wholly dead in sinnes and trespasses when they are at the worst and lowest ebbe they are but bruised reedes and smoaking flaxe they are neuer vtterly broken neuer vtterly quenched and put out there are still some breathings of grace and spirituall life within their soules there are graces alwayes mixed with their sinnes there are still some good things in them of which God takes speciall notice there is still a little strength within them wherby they are inabled to recouer themselues againe to keepe the word of God and not to denie his name and therefore by the voyce and testimonie of all these Scriptures the true regenerate Saints of God doe neuer sinne so farre as to put themselues into the state of death and damnation because they neuer sinne so farre as to be vtterly cast downe from the state of grace to be vtterly cut off from Christ or to be wholly depriued of the life of grace Secondly the Saints of God when as they fall into any sinnes they neuer goe so farre as to put themselues into the state of death and damnation by these their sinnes because the seed of grace doth still abide within them this is St. Iohns reason in the 1 Iohn 3. 9. and cap. 5. 16 17 18. Hee that is borne of God doth not commit sinne for his seed remaineth in him neither can hee sinne that is hee cannot sinne vnto death because he is borne of God The seed of grace it is an immortall seed 1 Pet. 2. 23. it is a diuine nature 2 Pet. 1. 4. it will quench all the fiery darts of the wicked Ephes. 6. 16. and it cannot bee quenched or drowned Cant. 8. 7. it is an annointing that abideth in men 1 Iohn 2. 27. it is such a seed as can die no
26. yet he was not of the promised seed hee was borne after the flesh and not after the spirit Gal. 4. 28 29 30. Simon Magus was baptized as well as any others and yet he was not regenerated hee was still in the gall of bitternesse and in the bond of iniquitie Acts 8. 13. to 25. hee was not an heire and childe of promise All are not Israell which are of Israell neither because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children but in Isaac shall thy seed be called That is they which are the children of the flesh those are not the children of God but the children of the promise are counted for the seed Rom. 9. 6 7. 8. The promises of God and the couenant of God belong onely to the sons of faithfull Abraham to the children of the promise and the righteous seed which are only the elect of God and such as the Lord our God shall effectually call Acts 2. 39. Tit. 1. 1. and Rom. 4. 11 12 13. 16. 24. Now all those that are baptized they are not the elect of God they are not the righteous seed or children of promise they are not within the new couenant of grace and therefore they haue no fruite not benefit no true regeneration and incision into Christ by their baptisme I will contract this reason into this Syllogisme If all those that are baptized are not of the true Church and body of Christ if they are not within the new couenant of grace if they are not the promised seed and the elect of God then all that are baptized are not regenerated and ingrafted truly into Christ by their baptisme For as Circumcision was so Baptisme is nothing else but a seale of the new Couenant and of the righteousnesse of faith and so it doth regenerate and ingraft none into Christ but by estating of them in this new Couenant of grace Now none can bee estated into this Couenant but such as are within it such as are the righteous seed the heires of promise the true Israell the true Church and body of Christ and the elect of God because the Couenant belongs to none but them and none can haue any benefit by the Seale that haue not an interest and share in the deed and Couenant it selfe But all those that are baptized are not of the true Church and body of Christ they are not within the new couenant of Grace they are not the promised seed and the elect of God as I haue proued Therefore all that are baptized are not regenerated and ingrafted truly into Christ by this their baptisme Lastly the Scriptures are expresse in it that many are circumcised outwardly in the flesh who were neuer circumcised inwardly with the spirit in the foreskin of their hearts Deut 30. 6. Ier. 9. 26. and Rom. 2. 28 29. that many are outwardly baptized and washed with water which are not inwardly baptized with the holy Ghost and with fire nor washed with the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the holy Ghost Math. 3. 11. 1 Pet. 3. 21. and 2 Pet. 2. 3. And therefore all these places of Scripture which speake of this inward baptisme of the Spirit are onely attributed and appropriated to the elect and beleeuing Saints of God and to no others and not to all that are baptized as you may see Math. 3. 11 Acts 2. 38 39. Rom. 6. 2. to 7. Gal. 3. 26 27. Titus 3. 5. 1 Pet. 3. 21. Iohn 3. 5 6 7 8. Ephes. 5. 25 26 27. 2 Tim. 2. 19. Ezech. 36. 26 27. Marke 16. 16. and Col. 2 11 12. Which will giue an answer to all the Fathers which are objected to the contrary Who when they say of Baptisme that it is the death and expiation of sinne the cause of regeneration and renouation the way of heauen the regeneration of the soule the grace of adoption and the like they say not that it is so to all that are baptized outwardly but to the elect and chosen of God and to the faithfull in Christ Iesus Neither doe they speake it of the outward baptisme of water but only of the inward baptisme of the Spirit which is proper only to the elect of God And that all that are baptized are not regenerated and ingrafted into Christ by this their baptisme but only the elect of God and such as are true beleeuers it is euident by the expresse words and testimonie of the Fathers of Tertullian lib. de baptismo of Hilarie Com in Math. Canon 10. of August cont Donat. lib. 5. cap. 24. de vnitat Ecclesiae cap. 19. and of Hierome Com. in Gal. lib. 2. vpon the words of Paul Gal. 3. 17. And of this opinion is Peter Lumb lib. 4. Dist. 4. cap. 3. Caluin Iustit lib. 4. cap. 15. sect 15. 17. 22. cap. 16. sect 9. Marlorat Exposit in Acts 2. 38. in Rom. 2. 25. in 1 Cor. 12. 13. in Gal. 3. 27. and in 1 Pet. 3. 21. Iohn Frith a martyr in his treatise of Baptisme Hooker lib. 5. of Eccles. Pol. sect 58. 59. 63. 64. Dr. Abbot Bishop of Salisburie In Thomps Diatr cap. 7. Dr. Benefield de Perseuer Sanctorum lib. 1. cap. 14. Zanchius Bucer Melanthon Beza Dr. Francis white Iewell Willet Master Fox all other Orthodox Diuines both of our owne and other Protestant Churches are of the same opinion and I know not any Father or orthodox writer that holds the contrary yea this is the expresse doctrine of our owne 27. Article and it is Mr. Rogers his obseruation in his second proposition raised from this Article and therefore we need not for to question it But now you will object that the holy Ghost doth alwaies accompany the Sacraments and workes effectually in them if there be no impediment on our parts but now in all infants that are baptizad there is no impediment to hinder the effectuall working of the holy Ghost and therefore the holy Ghost workes effectually in them to regenerate them I answer that it is true that the holy Ghost doth alwaies accompany the word and Sacraments yet not as an effect but as a concomitant of them where men are fitted and prepared to receiue them in a godly faithfull and religious manner the holy Ghost doth alwayes worke effectually by them when as they meete with such persons and subjects as are capable to receiue them in a gratious holy manner but where men are not fitted and prepared to receiue these Sacraments and meanes of grace there the holy Ghost doth not accompany them as we may reade at large Ezech. 2. 5. Math. 13. 4. to 10. 18. to 24. 2 Cor. 2. 15 16. Heb. 4. 2. c. 6. 7. 8. Now all infants they are not fitted and prepared to receiue the meanes of grace or the Spirit of grace which should regenerate them because they want faith and knowledge to receiue them and apply them and therefore in respect of this impediment Baptisme doth not worke effectually
7. Psal. 66. 9. Ps. 121. 3. to the end Psal. 125. 1 2. Isai. 26. 3. Ier 32. 40. Iohn 10. 28 29. 〈◊〉 17. 11. 2. 〈◊〉 4. 7. 13. 19. Col. 2. 10. 19. c. 3. 3 4. Phil. 1. 6. 1 Thes. 5. 23 24. 2. Tim. 4. 18. 1 Pet. 4. 19. Iude 1. 24. and Ier. 31. 9 10. all comfortable and excellent places worth your reading therefore they cannot fall from the state of grace though Adam and the Angels did whose graces and persons were kept and preserued only by themselues and not by God Secondly that grace which Adam and the Angels had it was their owne they had free will and libertie to dispose of it at their pleasure they were Lords ouer that grace the which they had their grace had no Lordship and kingdome ouer them It is now farre otherwise in the graces of the Saints for their graces they are not their owne nor yet their persons but their graces and their persons they are Christs their graces they all flow and spring from Christ and they are but stewards not owners of them Yea their graces they are aboue their wills they haue a Lordship and kingdome in their soules they are not Lords but subiects to their graces Grace doth rule and dispose of them not they of grace see Gal. 5. 16. 17. 18 25. Rom. 8. 5. 14. Ezech. 36. 27. 1 Cor. 3. 23. cap. 6. 19 20. 2 Cor. 5. 14 15. cap. 10. 4. 5. cap. 13. 8. Acts 4. 20. and Col. 3 15. all expresse to this purpose therefore they cannot lose nor yet cast out their graces as Adam and the Angels did Thirdly that grace which Adam and the Angels had it had no promise of perpetuitie and perseuerance annexed to it and therefore it is no great wonder though they fell from grace but the graces which the Saints of God haue now they haue the promises of perseuerance and perpetuitie annexed to them as you may see by all those gratious promises which I haue formerly mentioned therefore their graces cannot faile therefore they cannot fall from grace though Adam and the Angels did Fourthly that grace which Adam and the Angells had it had neuer the benefit of Christs intercession Christ neuer prayed for it that it might not faile but the graces which the Saints now haue they had the benefit of Christs prayer whiles he was on earth and they haue the benefit of his euerlasting intercession now he is in heauen Luke 22. 32 Iohn 14. 16. cap. 16. 26. cap. 17. 11. 15. 21 23. 24. Rom. 8. 34. Heb. 2. 17. cap. 4. 14 15 16. cap. 7. 25. and cap. 9. 24. therefore they cannot faile though Adam and the Angels did Fiftly that grace which Ada●… and the Angels had they had it not by Gods immutable decree and purpose they had it only out of his prouidence and fore-sight and not from his eternall election and predestination and therefore they might fall from it But the regenerate Saints of God they haue their graces from Gods immutable and eternall purpose and decree and by vertue of their eternall election and predestination Rom. 8. 29. 30 cap. 11. 7. Acts 13. 48. Eph. 1. 4 5. cap. 2. 10. 1 Thes. 5. 9 10. 2 Thes. 2. 13 14. 1 Tim. 6. 12. 2 Tim. 1. 9. cap. 2. 19. 21. Titus 1. 1. 2 Cor. 2. 5. and 1 Pet. 1. 2. therefore they cannot fall from grace though Adam and the Angells did Sixtly that grace which Adam and the Angells had they had it of meere free gift it was not merited and purchased for them by Christ and therefore they might lose it But the graces of the Saints they are a purchased possession they are purchased by Christ himselfe at the hands of his Father that so they might be sure to all the seed Christ who hath purchased them for them will preserue them in them and therefore they cannot fall from grace though Adam and the Angells did Lastly that grace which Adam and the Angells had it was no grace but nature it had its rise and being from themselues and was incident vnto their natures therefore they might lose it and fall from it as they did But the graces which the Saints of God haue now they are transcendent and aboue nature they stand not in the wisdome or nature of men but in the power of God 2 Cor. 2. 5. 2 Pet. 1 4. they haue their rise from heauen and from the mightie power of God Ephes. 1. 19 20. cap. 3. 20. and Rom. 15. 13. not from humane nature they are part of the di●…ine nature and they flow from Iesus Christ and the holy Ghost the spring and fountaine of all grace Iohn 1. 16. cap. 4. 14. cap. 7. 38 39. Gal. 5. 22. Ephes. 1. 23. and Col. 2. 9. 19. These graces which the Saints haue now are of a more diuine heauenly permanent and spirituall nature then that naturall grace which Adam and the Angells had and they flow from such a head and spring of grace which neuer failes which is neuer drawne drie And therefore though Adam and the Angells fell from grace yet you see for all these reasons that it followes not that therefore the regenerate Saints of God should fall as well as they How euer the question is not of naturall grace or of that grace which Adam and the Angells had whether that may be lost for that was no more but common nature and nog grace but whether true justifying and sauing grace may be lost and so this Argument is nothing to the purpose or the thing in question The second sort of examples are of whole Churches which haue fallen from grace from which this argument is framed If whole Churches haue fallen totally and finally from grace then much more may priuate and particular Saints fall so too But whole Churches haue fallen totally and finally from grace Therefore priuate and particular Saints may fall so too For answer to this argument I must first distinguish of this word Church first it is taken in a large and generall sense for all such as make an outward profession of Christ whether they are good or bad secondly it is taken properly and strictly for the whole company of the elect and chosen Saints of God and for them onely in which sense it is vsed in our Creed Secondly I must distinguish of this word whole Church for sometimes it is taken vniuersally for all and euery one that is included and comprised within the Church other times it is taken for the Major and the greater part only and not for euery indiuiduall and particular member If you take now the whole Church in the largest sense for euery visible and particular member of the Church both good and bad or if you take the whole Church in the stricter and more proper sense for the company of the elect and chosen Saints of God then the Minor proposition is false because none of the elect and chosen Saints o●… God
is not true because that most abuse it I tell you nay the abuse of things that are true and good doth neuer take away the truth the vse and goodnesse of them and therefore these your cauills against our present assertion are but false and idle And that you may know them to be so in truth looke but vpon the liues of those who are assured of this their totall and finall perseuerance and vpon the liues of such as doe oppose it and then the controuersie will be ended Who more m●…eke and humble who more diligent and painfull in Gods seruice who more vigilant and watchfull against all kinde of sinne than those who are assured in their hearts that they shall neuer fall from grace Who more proud ambitious and arrogant who more negligent and sloathfull in Gods seruice who more prophane and dissolute in their liues who more fell and bitter enemies against the power and practise of religion then those who most violently oppose our present position Shew mee but one man among the whole packe of our Antagonists in whose life the power of godlinesse and the truth of grace shines forth shew mee but one among them who is diligent and carefull in Gods seruice who is holy in all his waies and righteous and just in all his workes shew mee any one among them that excells in piety in grace and holinesse that is zealous and earnest sor the Lord of hoasts and forwards to aduance his glory and inlarge his kingdome certainely there is not one such man among them to be found and therefore their very liues and actions do proue their doctrine and these their cauells and obiections to be false I haue now by Gods gratious assistance waded through the depths and fords of this great and weighty controuersie and that as syncerely indifferently and impartially as possiblie I could God who knowes the very secret turnings of my heart can testifie that I haue not concealed baulked or om●…ted any materiall or substantiall thing that might make for mee or against me And now I hope that I haue so fully proued and confirmed this orthodox and comfortable assertion That those who are truly regenerated and ingrafted into Christ can neither finally or totally fall from grace from Scripture Fathers Councells and all Protestant Churches and Diuines and so satisfactorily and plainly answered the principall and chiefe objections from Scripture and from reason that haue or can be made against it that there are none but obstinate or ignorant readers but will subscribe vnto it And here I could very fitly and I would as willingly set vp my rest and take my farwell of this truth But because it is pitty that so sweet a Theses and position should passe without some comfortable and vsefull application I will giue you one salute or two with it at parting for manners sake and so Adieu If this then be the estate and condition of all those that are once truly regenerated and ingrafted into Christ that they can neuer finally nor totally fall from grace how should this cause vs for to prise and estimate the state of grace and regeneration which is now so vnderualued and slighted of the world It is the part of wise and vnderstanding men to prise and purchase such estates as they are alwaies sure to inioy now there is no estate no purchase in the world so sure and stable as the state of grace Friends goods riches honours morrall virtues all worldly possessions and heritances whatsoeuer they are alwaies subject to change and alteration they haue their periods and their ends they are or may be lost but the state of grace and regeneration is such a good such an honour such an estate inheritance and po●…session as neuer can be lost no affliction no temptation no crosse or chance no man or diuell whatsoeuer can rob depriue or dispossesse those of it who doe but once in truth inioy it It is such a Diuine and heauenly treasure that no moth or canker can corrupt it nor no theefe purloine it hee who doth but once inioy it is made an happie man for euer after He hath such a firme fixed sure and stable felicitie as all the powers of hell can neuer shake he hath the very earnest the very beginnings of heauen whiles he is on earth and hee shall be sure to inioy the whole ere long and yet how few men are there in the world who doe estimate and prise this state of grace Many are there in the world who are so farre from prising it that they doe vtterly abhorre contemne and vilifie it and all such as doe in truth inioy it Most men doe so vnderualue it as to preferre their riches their pleasures and their honours which are subiect to a thousand changes farre before it All men doe so much debase it as not to prise it at its true and proper worth But now let me request you Christian Readers to estimate and value it according to its price and wor●…h to preferre it farre before all treasures that the world affords For this estate of grace is such a treasure such a possession and inheritance as will still remaine within you to comfort strengthen and support your selues euen then when all things else will quite forsake you When troubles trialls and temptations come when stings and prickes of conscience when pangs of sicknesse and of death shall come vpon you as they will surely come ere long then what will all your worldly inheritances and possessions what will all your honours friends pleasures and riches doe then they will all forsake you then they will leaue and faile you altogether they will not nay they cannot comsort you or doe you good But if you haue once this state of grace begun within you this will neuer faile you nor forsake you at your need this will still abide within you and beare you company in all distresses When you are in any asfliction or distresse this will succour comfort and support you that you sinke not vnder it when you are assaulted by the diuell this will ayde and succour you that he shall not gaine a conquest ouer you when you are cast downe and humbled in yonr soules in the sense and feeling of your sinnes this will comfort and cheere vp your hearts and raise you vp againe When you lie a dying on your death-beds and you haue none to helpe and comfort you then this will strengthen pacifie comfort and reioyce your soules Grace will neuer leaue you hopelesse helplesse nor comfortlesse it will not leaue you nor forsake you till it brings you safe to heauen where there is no end of ioy and happinesse O then if you tender the wealth the good the ioy and comfort of your soules make out for this estate of grace if that you want it imploy and bend your mindes and thoughts to get and purchase it and rather part with all you haue then be without it And as for you