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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09658 Aggeus and Abdias prophetes the one corrected, the other newly added, and both at large declared. Pilkington, James, 1520?-1576. 1562 (1562) STC 19927; ESTC S105053 233,877 506

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destructions are wont to finde fauour and thoughte to be innocente yet now they shal be as extremely punisshed as the rest And as ye haue dronke and made mery on my hyl Sion and Moria where the tēple was buylded and God worshipped ye laught to see it destroied burned cast doune so shall your enemies drink laugh and make merye on youre hylles where youre stronge holdes were buylded whan they shal throw them doun conquer your landes and leade you captiues and prisoners make you slaues robbe your goods and treasours laughe you too scorne and worke their pleasure on you and youres they shall swalowe you and youres vp soo cleane leauing nothing behinde them deuoure all your goods as though ye had neuer ben dwelling there and as though no suche thinges had ben This is the ●ust iudgement of God to doe agayne thesame thinges to his enemies that thei did too his people and rewarde like with like If he should shewe sharper punishmente men woulde call him cruell if lesse many woulde iudge that he coulde not woulde not or durst not Therfore he renders euē thesame againe that both his enemies his people may cal him a righteous iudge For fewe will or iustely can blame hym that does but like for like So saies Dauid let the people reioice for thou iudges thy people righteously Adonibeze● a Heathen that chopped of the toes and fingers of .70 kinges whiche he conquered was so serued him selfe whan he was taken and than confessed he God to be righteous in doinge to him as he had done to other Absalon killed his brother with the swerde violentlye and perished with the swerde him self Ioab smote Abner vniustly and Dauid commaunded him to bee likewise handled He that came bringinge woorde to Dauid that he had killed Saul thinkīg thereby to haue piked a thāke and goten a bribe of Dauid was commaunded by Dauid to be slaine for laying his hand on the anointed of the Lorde contrary to his expectation Thus by these few and suche other examples the rightuous iudgements of God and merciful dealing in his punishing appeare that although his enemies rage and furye in their doinges and in their madnes care not what crueltye they shewe yet God although he mooste iustly might accordinge to their desertes reuenge with more sharpnes he will not but rewarde with like Let all cruel papistes and persecutors of Gods people take hede therefore what violence they shewe for although God seme to suffer for a time yet he wil come at his apointed time to do liuer his and reward theym with the lyke measure that they haue shewed too other And of all causes and iniuries God canne suffer none wors vnauenged than that whiche is counted against Ierusalē hys temple his religion and where he is honored for that touches his owne person His honor he says him self he will gyue to no other he is a ielous God And the first chiefe commaundement is to worshippe him alone too haue no other Goddes but him for els he punishes to the thyrde and fourth generation of them that hate him Can any countrie or people be founde frō the beginninge whiche rebelled againste God and his people but God hays throwen them doune Can than our antichristes or any hater mocker of God or hys people at this daye by what name soeuer they bee called loke for any lesse than too receyue thesame measure that they haue gyuen other nay nay for surely the mo examples that thei haue had to teache thē and they will not learne the greater shal be their condemnation And let them not thinke that this day of vengeaunce is so ferre of seing that so many thinges crie on the Lorde to hasten his cominge Euery creature in heauen earth quicke and dead grones and trauails loking for our ful deliuerance The soules vnder the aultare crie howe longe o Lorde is it that thou reuenges not oure bloude and these be not fewe in number for from the bloude of the righteous Abel all innocent bloude shal come on you The spirite and the spouse crie come and he that hears cries come Merci to help his oppressed and iustice to reuēge crie come Lorde Iesus quickly Can God stoppe hys eares from all these cryinges No no let them assure them selues their daies be at hande they shall perishe euerlastingly yf they repent not and Gods people shall be deliuered to his glorie Come Lorde Iesus let all crie and he wil come The churche of Christ is the spouse of Christ and he is oure housbande he our head and we hys members and parte of his mistical bodye he oure father and wee hys chyldren he oure God and we hys creatures he oure kynge and we hys subiectes he our Lord and maister and we hys poore seruaunts Christ our brother and we felow heyres with him he loues vs better and takes more thought for vs than we doe for oure selues Greate is the loue of the mother towarde her chyldren yet greater is Gods loue towarde vs. Although the mother can forget the chylde sayes the Prophete I will not forget thee Yea as the henne will feight for her chekins so will oure God for vs againste all oure enemies How oft would I haue gathered thee vnder my winges as the henne her chekens sayes oure sauioure Christ. Oure bodies are the temple wherein he dwelles yea we are the liuely stones wherof his house is buylt we be of his household cy●●●ens burgeis and freemen in heauen his familiar frendes whome he loued so derely that his sonne should dye that we might liue And that we should not doubt of his good will but that he hays gyuē vs all his treasure he sayes He that spared not his own sonne but gaue him for vs all how can it be but hee hays gyuen all thinges with him c. Let no man therfore doubte of Gods good will towardes vs seinge God him selfe hayes declared so many wayes his excedinge greate loue towardes vs by so many similitudes and lette no papiste reioice nor triumphe againste Gods people as thoughe God cared not for thē had cast them awaye or woulde not delyuer them For he will come in dede not be slow Peter sayes the Lord is not slow in cominge as some thinke but patienly taries for vs c. Can any housbande see his wyfe take wrong or any man hate or neglected his owne fleshe can the father denie his chylde any thinge he askes or if he aske bread will he gyue him a stoone is any more ready to help his people than God will not a king defend his subiects the maister his seruaunte or lorde his tenaunt will not brotherly loue moue him that is loue it selfe as s. Ihon sayes too haue pitie on vs he hays boughte vs too dere to see vs caste awaye Will he doe lesse for vs then the Henne for her chekēs or the brute beast for her ionge ones No
here to runne to their owne houses that is as muche to sai as with al their wit and power they do satisfye their owne lustes seeke their pleasures hunt and gape for their own profit ▪ to enryche them selues buylde costly houses and laye lande too lande and neuer thinke they haue inough Woulde to God they whiche preache Christ were not gyltye in not buyldinge Gods house as they shoulde as well as others bee If it be taught of contencion ambicion or vayne glory Paule sayeth he is glad that Christ is preached but woo bee to him that teaches for suche causes and preaches not for pure loue and duety to his Lord God seekinge his own glorie All preachers must saye bee their giftes neuer so greate not vnto vs Lorde not vnto vs but to thy name geue all prayse and glorie And all the bearers muste saye wee do not beleue the worde because suche a man teaches it but because God spake it for the authoritie of the gospell hanges not on the messenger which bringes it but on gods maiestie whiche sendes it For as Peter and Ihon when thei had healed the blind begger and the people maruayled sayd why do ye wonder as though we had done this by our owne power and holines so 〈◊〉 all Preachers saye wonder not at vs 〈◊〉 prayse God whose messengers we be 〈◊〉 him whose spirit he hath geuen to speake in vs. For it is not we that speake when we speak any truth but it is the holy spirit of God that speaks in vs whose instrumēts 〈◊〉 be Thus haue all partes ben giltie of 〈◊〉 building Gods house the Lord for 〈…〉 sake forgeue vs all that which 〈…〉 and styrre vp our mindes to do our 〈◊〉 more diligentlye frome hencefoorth 〈◊〉 we maye escape the plagues whiche ●●●lowe verse 10 Therefore the heauens 〈◊〉 shytte vp from geuing these dewe vpon you the earth is closed from yelding their fruite verse 11 And I will call a droughte vpon the earth and vpō the hyls vpon the wheat vpon the new wyne vpon the 〈◊〉 and vppon whatsoeuer the earthe bringeth forthe vpon man and vppon beaste and vpon all the labour of youre handes Now folowes the other kynde of perswading which the Prophet vses that is of the great plages that hange ouer their heads yf they did continue in t●is stubbornes and would not build gods house For although they had suffered great thinges yet these were muche greater which were to come and God would not holde his hād vntill they went earnestly about to build his house as they were commaunded In the further verse he repeates the plages in other woordes whiche he spake of before and more playnlye toke the cause of all the scarcenes that was amonge them why of so great labour they had so litle fruite and encrease Here we may see how necessarie it is often to repeate and beate in one lessō because we be so dul to learn And althoughe many be wearye to heare one thing often yet sainct Paule saieth to the Philippians I am not w●arye it is profitable for you to repeate one thīg oftē The heauēs sayeth he haue ben locked vp from geuing any dew or rayn to you and the earth hath ben so harde drye by that meanes that no fruite coulde growe Maruayle not if the earthe be barren whē moysture comes not from heauen for nothinge can multiply here except it be blessed from heauen And this is true not onely in worldely thinges but also in spiritual giftes of the soule to teache vs 〈◊〉 loke vp to heauen and from thence to 〈◊〉 and loke for all goodnes frō gods hād●● What hast thou saieth sainct Paule which thou haste not receiued of God and sainct Iames saieth euery good gift and euery perfit gift is from aboue comming from the father of light For as the ray●● and dewe from aboue watering the gr●●● makes it fruitful so the grace of the holye Ghoste comminge frome God the father for his sonne Christes sake styrres vp 〈◊〉 myndes to al goodnes Thus by outw●●● blessinges God will teache vs to loke ●p to hym for all goodnes For as it is betwixt the earthe and the cloudes so 〈◊〉 betwixt God and oure heartes bothe 〈◊〉 vnfruitfull except they receyue blessinge from aboue But it had ben amonge them now 〈◊〉 it was in the time of Achab when Iesabel did so persecute the true Prophetes 〈◊〉 they were compelled to hyde them selues in Caues and Dēnes of the earth Eli●● tolde the kynge that there shoulde bee 〈◊〉 dewe nor rayne in all the countrye but at his woorde whan he sayde it should be for God had geuen that priuilege too the Prophete to set foorth his doctrine it rained not of three yeares and a halfe nor was any dewe but greate hunger famine and ●●arcenes of all fruites in the countrye So nowe when Gods house laye vnbuilded the heauens did not water the earth but great barennes was of all thinges This is one of the plages that God threatens to sende on all countries for contemninge his woord sayinge I wil make hea●●n as harde as brasse ouer youre heads 〈◊〉 ye shall not wringe out of it a droppe 〈◊〉 or rayne to comfort the earthe and I will make the earthe as harde as yron that it shall not geue her fruite and so for false worshippinge of God all countries haue ben diuers tymes thus punished Englande hath had many great droughtes and dearthes bothe in the time of Pop●ri the gospell but if ye marke it well you shall finde greate diuersitie betwixte 〈◊〉 In the dearthes vnder the gospell it was not for wante of thinges that God 〈◊〉 not send them plēteously but through the wickednes of man whiche in so great plenty and blessinges of God made a ne●●●es dearth For farmes were raised that farmers mighte not foorthe to sell 〈◊〉 they were wont Many thinges were gotten into few mens handes thei woulde sell as thei list not as thīgs were worth ▪ according to charitie beinge content with a reasonable gaines Corne was cari●● out of the realme or solde through many handes or it came to the markets euery one woulde raise the price and haue s●me parte of gaines some woulde feede their Hogs with it els let it foist in their barnes be eatē with myse rather then they would bring it to the market to pull do●● the price Men of honor worship were 〈◊〉 come shepemaisters and grasiers tyll●●● was turned into pastur and townes 〈◊〉 graunges all not to make thinges ●●●per whiche might haue suffered but ●●●rer which was is hurtful not tollerable But since the Pope was restored 〈◊〉 haue had vnseasonable weather bothe 〈◊〉 weate and droughte the earth hathe 〈◊〉 brought foorth her fruit straūgers 〈◊〉 deuoured much of that whiche ye had All your latin processions singing of gospel● vnder
and therefore all these plages haue fallen vpon vs that these people felt yea and more to for all that would holde fast their profession either were caste into the fyre or banished No countrye hays more bely chere thā we we eate as though we were hūgry stylle None hais more store of apparell and yet we be a colde Howe oure money hais waisted if I seke but onely of the sundrye falles of money many can remēber and yet feele the smart of it though I truste muche good shall folow on it The Lord● for his mercy open oure eyes that we may see and consider the cause of these plages whiche he hath layde on vs soo longe and spedely turne vs to amende those faultes for whiche we be punished For euen frō the highest vnto the poore laboringe man we haue all sinned and one plaged an other yea seruaūts haue thought to waxe wealthy by greate wages takinge litle workinge but as this Prophete saieth their wages was putte into a bottomles purse ▪ they haue not thryuē by it What hath ben the ende of ambicious and couetous men from the hyghest to the lowest whiche neuer beinge contentente with inoughe desired more He whiche is not blinde may se it more amonge vs then all Christendome verse 7 Thus saith the God of hostes consider in your hearts youre owne wayes verse 8 Go vp to the hyll and bringe home tīber builde this house and I will haue delighte in it and I will be glorified sayeth the Lorde ¶ The Prophete hath neuer done inough in bearinge in the authorite and maiestye of his God that sent him with his commission to his people neuer speakes thinge in his owne name but in the beginninge and ending of these short verses addeth the glorious name of God Iehoua calling hym the Lorde of hostes at whose commaundement all creatures be and who will arme all his creaturs to fight against all suche as either do not buylde his house hinder his glori or els stoppe them which woulde further it With suche woordes of feare power must all stubborn stomakes be pulled downe thei whiche wil not be ouercome by gētlenes to do their duty must be feared with authorite Thus must preachers learn to tēper their tūgs neuer to speake but that which they find in Gods booke where the people be hard harted to beleue stifnecked to heare they muste vse suche woordes of gods maiestie power which will make stony hartes to trēble where feare raignes ther to cōfort raise thē vp bi the gētle louīg mercies of god offered to the world in his sonne Iesus christ our Lord. And yet once again he referres thē to their own iudgmēt bids them cōsider in their own hartes their own waies be iudges them selues As if he should saye hitherto haue ye folowed your own desires haue had no profit in so doing but being sūdry wise plaged ye haue not cōsidered it Nothing that ye haue gone aboute hath prospered with you your fruite of the earth hath not encreased your meat drink hath not fed you youre clothes hath not kepte you warm your money wasted in your purse ye could not tell how But now buyld my house and marke your owne doings wel whether euery thing shall not be blessed encrease that ye go about I wil be delited in your buylding I will shew my glorie to the whole world amonge you in defending you that my house worship ther. I wil be your God ye shal be my people no enemies shal ouercome you the earthe shal be fruitful vnto you your meat drink clothes money shal fede and norish you chuse you whether ye wil let my house lye vnbuylded stil still be plaged or ye will repare it diligently and be blessed Go vp to the hyl bringe home tymbr● and buylde this house these three thinges God requires of theym and he promises them twoo blessinges for them firste that he will be delited in that house buylding than that he wil shewe his glory amōgest them For these causes rather than for worldly profit they shoulde be more earnestly stirred to do their duety whan they were certaine that they pleased God in so doinge The hil that he wils them to goe too is Libanus as appeares in Esdras whiche is not within the bonds of Iewry but of Tyrus and Sidon for there grewe the fairest trees of any countrye Frome thence had Salomō trees in his time also for thesame buyldinge This figure doeth teache vs that as Gods temple was than buylded of trees that grew amonges the Heathen people so whā the full time was comen Christes churche shoulde be buylded of the Gentiles and Heathen people whan the gospel shoulde be preached thorough all the worlde And this is confortable for vs the although we be not born of Iewes yet we be trees meete too buylde gods house on god wils vs to be brought home to him by the preaching of his word that we maye be partakers of that house wherein he wil dwel and he delited in vs ▪ and amonge whome he wil shew his glorie He bids them climbe vp the hill draw home trees and buyld the house which al be woords of great labour and pains and speakes nothing of the easier sorte of work as deuisinge casting the worke framing the postes c. But willes them not to refuse the greatest laboure that belonges theretoo and that nothinge shoulde bee thought painfull that God commaundes And he bids them not loke for any greate worldly wealth whan they had done although God of his goodnes woulde geue them that beside but thinke this a sufficient rewarde that God was pleased in their doinges and woulde shew his glory amonge them This is the greatest reward that wee can loke for whan God is delited with vs and happy is that people to whome it falles What haue the Aungelles in heauen more than that God is delited to be amōge them and shew his glorious maiestye too them Thus in buyldinge gods house we maye make of earth heauen and of men Aungels For where God shewes him self glorious there is heauen and we shall be like Aungels delightinge oure selues in praysing our God and god will be delited and dwel with vs shewinge his glorious maiestye to vs be oure god and blesse vs. When they had fallen these trees and caryed them home least they shoulde turn them to their owne vse and buylde their owne houses with them he saieth buylde this house meaning the house of God and temple which god had chosen amonge all other places and where onelye he wille● them to offer their sacrifices In which we are taughte that we shoulde not turne to oure owne pleasure those thinges which God wil haue dedicate to him selfe and to the buyldinge of his house If England● hadde not ben so gredye to turne to their owne vse churche
and persecutes them that loue Christ and his woord or wil not beleue him his doinges to be aboue the scripture all these thinges he would not do except he thought his wais the better Howe many orders of monkes Freeres Nunnes Chanons Heremites Pylgrymages Pardonnes Reliques Sainctes Masses Holy water hathe he sette in hys Churche whiche all the scripture castes awaye as noughte because they bee not taughte vs by God but inuented by the Pope for hys vantage and vayne glorie What diuersitie is amōg them although they charge the gospelers with the falselye when thei put their holines in their coats some saye a whyte Coule is more holye some saye a blacke an other sorte a graye Some saye masse of Requiem is beste other saye of Scala coeli Some of the fiue woundes some of 〈◊〉 Lady Some praye to one sainct as 〈◊〉 in gods fauour and some to other Some vse trinite knots and other sainct Kat●●●rins Some haue saincte Tronions 〈◊〉 other oure Ladies and many the gol●●● Fridayes In the schooles some holde 〈◊〉 sainct Thomas some of Duns and 〈◊〉 of Gabriel or Bacon Some holde of Fra●●●ces in religion some of Dominike 〈◊〉 of Augustin but the holiest was s. 〈◊〉 For as Fasciculus temporum saies he was 〈◊〉 holy that he broughte too heauen 〈◊〉 5555. Popes .24 Cardinals .2000 Archebishops .7000 Bishops .15000 Deanes 5000. Abbots .74 beside many Nunnes and holy Sisters and Priestes O holy ● Benet that was more holy than so many Popes Freeres Cardinals c. And wr●●ched Popes that can bringe other to heauen and not them selues Some priestes saie matins masse and after Yorkes vse some of Sarum some Bangor and other of common sanctorum But neuer one seekes Christ as he shoulde accordinge too the scripture They haue made them schoolemaysters whom they will folow of their own deuisinge where as God the father hathe appointed his sonne Christ and sayd this is my welbeloued Sonne in whom I am well delited heare hym And he is that Prophete of whom Moyses wrote saying the Lorde youre God will rayse a Prophete from among youre brethren like vnto me hym shall ye heare and that soule whiche will not heare him shall perishe He is the wisedome of God the father by whome he hath shewed his mercie and power to the whole worlde and by whome he hath confounded the mightie and wise of the world and he is God withoute beginninge These other whiche they call sainctes or rather make them their Gods are founde of late and it is not manye yeares synce they liued It is not since Fraunces Augustine and Dominic lyued muche aboue ●00 years and if those be the pillers of Gods churche now howe did it stande afore their daies If these be the meanes to bringe vs to heauen now howe do they that died before that these men were born and knowen God witnesses of his sonne Christ that he is the Lambe whiche was slayne from the beginninge of the worlde and that by his deathe the sinnes of the whole worlde are forgeuen that whatsoeuer we aske hym in his name he will geue vs. We haue no suche promise made vs in any other creature and therefore if we aske any thing in their names God nedes not to geue it vs for he hath not boūd him selfe by any promise as he hath to his son Christ. God hath not found a new way of late for vs to be saued by but hath apointed one means for all ages by which only we shal please him that is the merites death of his deare sonne Christ Iesus 〈◊〉 Lord. He is the strong rocke vpon whom what house soeuer is buylded shall stande all other be builded on the sande therefore shall fall Therfore Englande howe canst thou escape the greate plages written in thys booke that had banished the worde of God that the people might not haue it nor read it the shepe heard not the voice of the true shepeheard but the straunge language of Wolues Hierelinges thefes yea thou wast come to suche a shamelesnes and hatred of Gods woorde that thou could not suffer the clere light of the gospel to shyne nor the shryl trumpet of Gods moste holye woorde to sounde in thine eares whiche would confound all such enemies of God to haue any place at al in thee Marke wel Englād in how miserable an estate thou wast that thou mightest not hear God speake to thee by his woorde nor beleue what he teaches thee but whatsoeuer pleases the Pope to commaund thee or the parliamēt to decree What are those bishops woorthye to haue which in one yeare space cōfirmed the preaching of the gospel of christ and pure minestringe of Gods sacramēts and thesame men within thesame yeare with thesame impudent mouthes blasphemous tunges brought in the Pope set by Idols banished Christe and his holye supper appointed for all men that wil to receiue it together toke awaye his holye gospell and sacramēts and placed by their authoritie the masse for one shaueling to eate vp all and blesse the people with the empty Chalice and burned his preachers to fyll their bellies Moyses commaunded suche blasphemers of gods name to be stoned and yet they beare the name and title of ministers in Christes churche If the Iewes deserued all these vengeaunces because they didde not buylde gods house what had thou O Englande deserued in this defacinge and pulling●-doune and haste thus chaūged gods house into a denne of theeues and made it the Popes market place to bye and sell Heauen Hell and Purgatorie to deceiue christen soules and deface the deathe and passion of oure sauioure Christe Thou didst set vp Idols to be 〈◊〉 and sought helpe at stockes stones therfore howe muche nede haste thou 〈…〉 vnto God that he woulde geue thee 〈◊〉 rulers for thou must beleue as they 〈◊〉 and if they loue not God thou shalte heare him speake vnto thee by his worde if 〈◊〉 will not worship God arighte thou 〈◊〉 not be suffered to do it if thou would Can any people escape vnpunished 〈◊〉 thus mockes God Or if Gods mercy 〈◊〉 not vnspeakeable coulde he haue 〈◊〉 his handes thus longe but haue 〈◊〉 oute his vengeaūce and throwen his th●●●derbolts in euery corner of thee to 〈◊〉 thee before these dayes If thou wilt not glorify God in repentinge he will glorifie him selfe in dest●●nge thee Marke howe manye daies 〈◊〉 hath forborne to punishe thee so manye dayes haste thou had of his endlesse merci ▪ graunted thee to repent in and if thou 〈◊〉 it not by times loke not for the contrary but thou shalt be made an example to the whole worlde a laughinge stocke too thy enemies a pray and slaue to all countries rounde aboute thee What can be thoughte of those which will euer folowe that whiche the prynce desires but that they seeke their owne pleasure and profite with all diligence whiche the prophete cals
before it come that they may repent and escape as 〈◊〉 saieth the Lorde will do nothinge but ●● sheweth it first by his seruaunts the Prophetes Before he drouned the worlde ●● styrred vp Noe whome Peter calles 〈◊〉 eyghte preacher of righteousnes wh●● he was making his Arke a hundreth and twenty yeares and tolde them the 〈◊〉 of god towardes thē for their sinnes 〈◊〉 they might amende and auoide the da●●●ger comminge by repentaunce so 〈◊〉 laughed at him and fewe cared for hym● therfore were al drowned saue eyght p●●sons Lot preached in Sodom and 〈◊〉 they would not amend fire from heauen destroyed them Before the destruction of Ierusalem by Nabuchodonozer God 〈◊〉 manye prophetes manye yeares to war●● them before hande whose writinges also we haue as Esay Ieremy Osee c. and before the laste destruction by the Rom●●nes Christ himselfe came and also 〈◊〉 his Apostles too teache repentaunce but when all was in vayne then they vtterly perished Haue not we in Englande ben as diligently warned by our preachers almost all in vayne What shall we loke forthen but destructiō if we amend not Thus God of his endles mercy neuer cōmeth sodenly vpon vs to destroye vs but mercifully warnes vs that we be not takē in oure sinnes and so perish and euer he stirres vp the sluggish eyther by his spirite worde minister or els his gentle correction to call for his mercy And where he saieth I will call a ●rought or the swoorde vpon the earth c. this kynde of speaking is oftē vsed in the scripture and betokeneth nothinge but the power of God that he is able too doe it so easely as to speake a woorde or call for it and that as soone as he spake it so soone it shoulde be done as whan one of vs cōmeth at anothers callinge God doth all by his woorde and to saye a thinge is too do it with him and as soone as he saieth the woorde so soone it is done with him Sayinge doinge are two diuers things with vs and muche payne we take to doe a thinge after it be spoken but with God it is not so but as the Psalme saieth he spake and al thinges were made he commaunded and they were created Moyses speaketh more playnely in the making of the worlde and saieth God said let ther be light made let there be made the Sunne and starres beastes and fysshes and they were made straight wayes So when God brought Nabuchodonozor to destroy Ier●salem and the countrye he said he woulde call hysse or whistle him from the North and he should come God called he came So all other things drought hūger plage sworde do tarye and wayte for Gods c●●linge and as soone as he whystles they come straighte and nothing dare or canne withstande his callinge as Dauid saieth fyre hayle snowe yse tempestes which doe his commaundement Seing therfore his threatninge is not to destroye but too saue and bringe vs to repentaunce let vs turne by time that he be not weary of callinge and desyre hym not to order vs accordinge to his iustice but after his endelesse mercies for els shall that bee true of Salomon I called and ye refused therfore I will laugh at your destruction saith the Lorde And where God threatens to destroye wheat wyne oyle all fruits of the earth ▪ and labour of man yea man him self and beast for not building his house Let ●s consider the horrible filthines of this sin especially in not buildinge his house that it will not let anye creature of God serue man so longe as he thus displeases God This sinne doth not onely stoppe the fruites of the earth but it flieth vp to heauen and locks it vp and so hardēs the cloudes that no raine nor dewe can be wrong oute to moysten the ground withall Suche is the iust iudgement of God that wher God of his mercy made all thinges in heauen earthe Sunne Moone Starres Cattell Fishe foule corne herbes and trees too serue man so that man would serue him reuerence feare and worship him as hys onely Lord and God maker and sauiour so when he did disobeye him serued God of his owne deuising or brake his cōmaūdementes he shoulde haue those creaturs whiche God appointed to serue him at the first to disobey him to rebel against hym and as it were to auenge Gods quarel vpō that man which disobeyed the liuing God their Lord maister and they would not willingly serue hym whiche woulde not willingly serue obey their God kinge When Adā was in Paradise as lōge as he obeyed God so lōg all creatures obeied him as apoīted of God to be their lord ruler as the Psalme saieth thou haste made all thinges subiect vnder his feete shepe and oxen and all beastes of the fielde birds of the ayre and fishes of the sea but so soone as he brake Gods commaundemente and eate of the fruite whiche God forbad hym all thinges began to disobey him and as it were would auenge that disobedience done againste God their maker The earth woulde not bring forth her good fruit willingly but weedēs brāble● and bryers no kinde of beastes woulde obeye him but waxed wilde and rebelled againste him The tokens of this iust punishment remaines on vs to this daye shall to the worldes ende The earth will bringe forth no good fruit willingly but with muche labour toylinge tillinge dūginge barowinge sowinge c. as though it shoulde saye too man I will not serue thee nor yet willingli geue thee any fruit at all So neither horse dog oxe nor shepe nor any other liuinge thing is tame at the first to obey man but it must haue many stripes or it will be broughte to any good order to serue him And many beastes as Lions Beares Wolues be so wilde that they will not serue man at all but still remaine his continuall enemies alwayes ready to deuour him As often as we see any of these ferce beastes whiche are fo● cruell we shoulde remēber the firste cause why they were so turned and bee so ferce againste vs and we shoulde then lamente oure sinne whiche was the onely cause of this so greate a plage and chaunge God hath left them amongst vs to be our scholemaisters that when we se and consider them to be so ready too take vengeaunce vpon vs for oure disobedience to God wee shoulde muche more feare God him selfe whiche is a more righteous iudge bothe is able and wil punish vs more greuously then they do or can if we repente not and aske mercy by time These cruell beastes are set before vs for examples of greater thinges that as we feare to fall intoo the daunger of these raueninge beastes ▪ so we shoulde muche more feare too fall into the handes of the almightie and liuinge God whose anger is a thousande tymes more greuous than the cruelnes of
freelye for the whiche he was sent Embassadoure .ii. Corinthians v. he sayeth his Embassage stoode chiefelye in this pointe to reconsile vs to God Is not the Stuardes office an highe office of greatest credite in greate mens houses and at their commaundement and appointinge all thinges be done They prouide geue all in their maisters house meate in due season c. Sainct Paul therfore saieth let a man think thus of vs that we be the seruauntes of God and Stuardes of his secrete misteries whiche be meate for 〈◊〉 soules Sainct Mathew in a parable calles the preachers Stuardes appointed 〈◊〉 Gods house to geue their felow seruants meate in due season Saint Marke called them porters in Gods house hauinge in ●●●maundement too watche that no theeues nor vnrulye persones come in too trouble the house They be called the light of the worlde to leade other the righte waye they be the salt of the earthe to season vs that by corruption we doe not smel euil before God They be Gods souldiours to fight for hys people as s. Paul sais No man goes to warre on his owne wages They be watchemen to geue warning when ennemies come They be Dogges to barke awake vs out of oure deadly sleepe when we forget God They be the mouthe of God that where we were not able too stande in the sighte of God if he shoulde speake vntoo vs in his glorious maiestie he doeth vouchesafe to speake vnto vs by the mouthe of hys minister beynge a man as we bee and whome we shoulde beleue to be sente from God as longe as he teaches Christ hys worde These names of trust and credite are geuen to preachers for the commēdation and settinge foorth of their office whiche they beare in Gods house and that they shoulde not thinke it a vyle but a moste worshipfull roume And to make theym more regarded the Lorde countes those iniuries done to him selfe which be done to his preachers sayinge he that despises you despises me in what rowme soeuer ye come if they will not receyue you shake the dust of youre feete it shall heare witnes againste them in the daye of iudgement And because he ioynes too the nexte saying In the messages of the Lord it doth vs to weete the faithfulnes of this Prophete in his dutie that he spekes nothing ▪ but the words of the Lord truly which sēt him which rule al true preachers should folow But of this is inough spokē in the verses before Now folowes the glad tidings of the Gospell to comfort this people with all after the great threatenīgs of God which the Prophet here pronoūced in the former verses For as God workes in his creaturs that after wynter comes sommer after a storm fair weather So in the spiritual doctrine of our souls first he teaches repētāce preaches the law threatēs vēgeaūce for sin castes doune man in his owne sight and lettes hym looke euen into hell with fear of conscience for his disobedience but afterwardes he comforts hym rayses hym vp and heales him that this may be foūd true that is sayde of oure sauiour Christ I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentaunce they that be whole nede not the Phisicion but the sicke All the Prophetes vse thesame trade in teachinge as Esays in hys firste Chapter calleth the Iewes worse then beastes for the Oxe woulde knowe hys maister and the Asse his maister māger but they wold not knowe their God And the rulers he calles the princes of Sodome felowes with theefes Ionas also in the beginninge of hys prophecy saieth within .xl. dayes Niniue shal be destroyed Sophones first woordes be that God will destroy man beast foole corne and fruite of the earthe but afterwardes euery one of theym prophecies of Christe promises blessinge frome God with encrease of all wealth and goodnes Likewise Ihon Baptiste began his preaching repent for the kingedome of heauen is at hande And oure sauioure Christ beganne his preachinge with the selfe same woordes Peter in his firste sermon after they receiued the holy Ghoste rebuked the Iewes sharpely for crucifyinge Christe the geuer of lyfe and for askinge Barrabas a murtherer to be deliuered vnto them but when their conscience pricked them they asked what they shoulde doe and he comfortes them biddes them repent and bee baptised euery one of them in the name of Christ. So here after the sharpe preaching of the lawe and threateninge of Gods plages foloweth the swete cōfort of the Gospell for he sayeth I am with you saieth the Lorde as though he shoulde saye lette nothinge greue you neither the greatnes of the sinne that ye haue ben so negligēte in forgettinge the buildinge of this house so longe nor the greate coste as thoughe ye were not able to beare and perfourme it nor be not afrayd of the kinges officers whiche stopped you for I am with you saieth the Lorde whose power they can not withstāde whose mercie passeth your miserie and who can pardon and forgeue more than you can sinne and who shal be iudge of youre doinges and am able too forgeue all thinges trespassed against me All the ryches of the earthe is myne and I bestowe it as pleases me the heartes of kynges and rulers be in my hande and I rule them as I thinke good whan I wyll they shall shew you fauour and frendship and when they lust they shall not stoppe hurt nor hinder my worke accordinge to their desire or pleasure as muche as they woulde but those that feare and loue me I will blesse and they shall not haue anye harme and my woorkes shall prosper and go forwardes in their handes as I thynke good ▪ in despite of all their foes therefore let nothinge feare nor trouble you for I whome all thinges do obey am with you saieth the Lorde These are but few wordes in number but they are mighty in operation and working where they be receiued with an earnest faith and so mightye that whosoeuer heares and beleues them to be spoken of God is not afrayde too attempt anye thinge be it neuer so greate hard When Iacob was doubting afraid whether he should go into Egipt too hys sonne Ioseph or no God spake too hym sayde Iacob be not afrayde for I will goe doune into Egipt with thee I wil bring thee out again also Then Iacob fearinge neither the death of his sonne Ioseph nor the displeasure that mighte come to hym his if either he or yet Ioseph offended the kyng nor yet least Ioseph shoulde lose his authoritie by a new kyng as it is cōmōly sene nor the ieopardy of the iourneye no nor yet any other worldly thing that coulde or might chaunce but wente into Egipte boldely with all his chyldren substaūce and was defended by God When Moises keping sheepe sawe the fyre in the bushe and
daynties murmour grudge at Gods doinges and prouoke hys vengeaunce vppon vs. The Apostles comminge to oure Sauioure Christe shewing him the goodly buylding and workemanship of this temple whiche they nowe buylded wondered at the costly fines of it but these olde men which had sene the first tēple of Salomōs buyldinge wept because it was not good inoughe nor too be compared to the firste Notwithstandinge all the fines of it our● sauiour Christ told thē that the dais wold come when their enemies shoulde come besiege it destroye it and not leaue one stoone standinge vpon an other and soo it came afterwardes to passe by the Romaynes The first house if ye marke in the life of Salomon where is described all the facion of it length breathe thyckenes and heighte of the walles the wydenes of the house and what thinges Iewels were in the house it is muche more gorgious costely and pleasant than this second tēple is whose greatenes Esdras telleth in the .vi. Chapiter but the things that were done in this seconde house by Christe and hys Apostles were much more wōderous then those whiche were done in the firste It was great glory that the Quene of Saba came from the vnmost part of the earth to see the first temple but it was much more glorious that into the secōde temple came the sonne of God from heauen to preache hys fathers will and the glad rydinges of the Gospel As in the restoringe of this seconde temple many olde men did weepe because it was not soo greate gorgious costely and glorious as the firste was soo now in the restoringe of the Gospel many weepe whan they see not the Churches so well decked and furnished as before The Popes churche hath al thinges pleasaunt in it to delite the people withall as for the eyes their God hanges in a roope ymages gylded paynted carued moste fynely copes chalice crosses of golde syluer banners c. with reliques and altars for the eares singing rynging and organes pipinge for the noose frankensence sweete too washe awaye sinnes as they saye holy water of their owne halowing and makinge Priestes an infinite sorte masses trentals diriges and pardons c. But where the Gospell is preached they knowinge the God is not pleased but only with a pure heart they are contente with an honest place appointed to resorte together in though it were neuer halowed by bishoppe at all but haue onely a pulpit a preacher too the people a Deacon for the poore a table for the communion with bare walles or els written with scripturs hauinge Gods eternall woorde sounding alwayes amongest them in their sighte and eares and last of all thei should haue good discipline correct fautes and kepe good order in all their meetinges But as they wepte too see this seconde house no more costly nor pleasaunte too the eye So oure poore Papistes weepe to see our churches so bare saiyng they be like barnes there is nothinge in them to make curtsey vnto neither Sainctes nor yet their olde litle God But hereafter it appeares whether of these churches god is more delited with all For although these ceremonies in the olde lawe were geuen by Moyses for the hardnes of the people to kepe them exercised that they fall not to Idolatry of the Gentiles yet is there no mencion of anye of these in the new Testament nor yet commaundement now neither to vs nor thē but forbidden to be vsed of all both of vs them We be no longer vnder shadowes but vnder the truthe Christ hath fulfilled all and taken awaye all such darke kinde of ceremonies and hathe placed the clere light of hys Gospell in his churche to continue to the ende But the Pope hath thrust the churche full of more blinde wicked ceremonies then euer Moyses did where Peter said when the Apostles were consulting how many ceremonies shoulde continue for a time that it was not mete to lay on the Gētils neckes the yoke of Moises law which neither thei nor their fathers could beare yet the Pope with crakes to be s. Peters vicar cōtrary to s. Peters saying wil laie on all people suche a heape of his owne ceremonies and that vnder pain of cursing as the Iewes had neuer the like in folishe blindnes nor mo in number S. Augustin saieth that Christ in the new Testament was content with few Sacramēts in nūber but which were in signification most worthy as baptisme the Lordes supper but the Pope hath made so many as pleased him and that such as no scripture can alow Thus we are taughte here not to esteme the goodnes of thinges by an outward glorious shew but to be contēt with the Homely simplenes that Christ taught vs in his churche and vsed him selfe for that is more pleasaunt than all the gorgious deuise of mans brain The wit of mā is neuer content to submit it self to the wisedō of God but pleases it self more in his own inuēcions than in that which God cōmaūdes But the gospel saith plainly that that which is so excellēt in the sight of mā is abhominable in the sight of God verse 4 But now be stronge Zerubabell sayeth the Lord and be of good courage Iosua the sōne of Iosedec the chief priest and plucke vp your courage all people of the earthe saith the Lorde and woorke for I am with you sayeth the Lord of hostes verse 5 I will perfourme the promise whiche I made with you when yee came oute of Egipte and my spirite shall dwell in the middest of you be not afrayde ¶ Leaste wee fainte in the middest of oure woorke where daungers be greate and lets many there is nede of great comforte The kynges officers asked them often tymes who geue thē leaue to renue this buyldinge and what commissiō they had the woorke was great and costly and their owne rulers and breihren by brybinge and vsury had polled them soo sore that they mighte well thinke they were not able to finish it accordingly their sinnes and negligence were great that they had deserued suche plagues therefore too comforte theym withall God sendes hys Prophet to encourage them all generally ▪ and particulerlye ●hose by name whyche were chiefe in the common wealth and religion as Zerubabel and Iosua whiche had offended moste because thei being rulers did neither their duty theym selues nor yet caused others to do theirs whiche both they shoulde haue done Firste in geuinge good example theym selues after in seinge others to haue done their duties in this buyldinge But as oure sauioure Christe after that he arose frome deathe sent Mary Magdalene the other women to the disciples generallye and too Peter chiefely by name bothe to comfort theym altogether because they all had forsaken hym and to encourage namely Peter because he craked mooste that he woulde neuer betraye him but afterwarde fell the foulest of them all and therefore had nede to
is the spirite of truthe because he leades vs into all truth and putteth vs in remembraunce of all thinges whyche Christ him self caught before but no new doctrine he bringes of his owne And because our sauiour Christ is taken from vs in hys bodelye presence he promises vs that this spirite shall dwell with vs not for a tyme but too the ende and therefore wee shoulde not feare But is this a sufficient cause too perswade a man that he should not fear the power of kinges or worldly trouble because the spirite of God dwelles with hym yea truly For what spirite can preuayle against the holy spirit which is the power of God It is written of Gedeon whan he enterprised that venterous acte to fight againste Gods enemies that the spirite of the Lorde bid clothe and defend Gedeon as our clothes doe vs and so he obteined that noble victorie with so few agaīst so many And not to be afraide in suche trouble is the woorke of the holy Ghoste as Esaie called hym the spirite of boldnes strength and wisedom Peter whan he denied hys maister for the woordes of an handmaide after he receiued the holy Ghoste did and durste confesse hym too the deathe before princes and rulers So sayde oure sauiour Christe to hys Apostles when ye shal stād before Kyngs and rulers take no thought what or howe ye shall speake for in that houre it shal be geuen vnto you what you shall speake For it is not you that speake but the spirite of youre father which speaketh in you And although to worldly wisedome thys spirite seemes but a small thinge yet it is moste true that s ▪ Paule saith that which is folishnes before God is wyser then me and that whiche is weake before God is stronger then men And he that hath this spirite dwellinge in hym needes not too feare any power be it neuer so greate for if God be for vs who shall be againste vs and if he take his breath and spirite from the mightiest princes they are troubled vade awaye verse 6 For thus saieth the Lorde of hostes yet one litle time shal be and I will trouble the heauens and the earth the sea the lande verse 7 And I will trouble all people and the desire of all people shall come and I wil fyll thys house with glory saieth the Lorde of hostes ¶ The Prophete goeth on forth with this comforth to all people and promises not onely that God woulde be with theym in hys buyldinge whiche they shoulde finish in fewe yeares folowinge but into● the temple also which thei did now build God woulde sende his sonne Christ Iesus to preache his fathers will whom all people looked for and desired hys comminge and he woulde fyll that house with glory that they shoulde not neede to care for the smalnes of it if they woulde onelye with courage woorke God woulde fulfill the rest And that they shoulde know him too be able to fulfyll hys promise he cals hym selfe by the glorious name of the Lorde of hostes so often here in these verses that they maye vnderstande all creatures too bee at hys commaundement that none coulde preuaile againste that whiche he woulde haue done as is saide before But this is a straunge kynde of comforte too tell theym of suche a trouble as shoulde trouble heauen and earth sea lād and all people and yet they should be glad of it and that it shoulde come not long after The tyme when this trouble chaūced was about .500 yeares after that this prophete had thus spoken and yet he cals it but one litle time And this maye well bee called a litle tyme in respecte of God with whome all thinges are present before hys sighte withoute tyme and a .1000 ▪ yeares with hym is as yesterdaye which is paste and he hym selfe is before all times not cōteyned in tyme but liuing for euer wythout tyme. Or els it is called a little tyme in respect of that longe time wherin their fathers had so long looked for the cōming of Christ and so muche desired hym and yet see hym not It was now aboue 3000. yeare since he was promised to Adā about 2000. since he was so often spoken of too Abraham and .1000 since it was renued to Moyses and after to all the Prophetes from tyme too tyme in respecte of whiche 500. maye well be called a litle tyme. This trouble whiche he sayeth shoulde trouble heauen earthe sea lande and all people is described by these mightie wordes to set out the greatnesse of the trouble by the figure called Hyperbole and not the trouble was suche that heauen earth sea and lande shoulde feele it be troubled therewith whiche are insensible creatures and can feele nothinge that troubles them but thus by these woordes the scripture vses too tell the greatnes of any thinge that it speakes of Moyses and Esaye because the people were harde hearted and woulde not heare their sayinges to set foorthe theyr hardnes of heart and the greatnes of that message which they had frō God to speake saye thus ▪ Heare ye heauēs and geue care thou earth c. Sainct Paule saieth by the like figure euery creature grones and trauayles lookinge for the laste daye wherin they shall be deliuered frō this vayn corruptiō wherin they serue not because deade creatures can grone or trauayle but for the great desire that they haue to see that day of oure redēption fulfilled as the woman whiche trauels grones desires too be deliuered out of her payn to be restored to her former quietnes or els it may be taken that all creatures in all these places should be troubled But if this trouble shoulde be so great how can it be a promise of ioye and comfort Who can be merye to hear tel of such a greate trouble Surelye this is not promised to the euil but to the good For as our Lord maister Christ saieth speaking of the trouble that should be in the destructiō of Ierusalem the latter ende of the world woo be to thē that be with chyld geue sucke in those daies the wicked shall wish the hyls to fal on thē hide thē ▪ thei shuld seke for death ▪ it shuld flee frō thē So he saith to the good in the midst of all the desperat ●orow wherin the euil man cānot tel what to Lifte ye vp your heades and bee merye for your redemption and deliueraunce is at hande So after this shorte time that he speaketh of this greate trouble whiche shall be at the byrthe preachinge miracles and deathe of oure sauioure Christe shoulde be but onely to the wicked For the good men shoulde as muche and more reioyce because of that daye of saluation and redemption was comen he whome all people looked for had now appeared to the comfort of all good men And thys trouble shoulde not be so
here all his posteritie and kyngedome for too him it was neuer performed As what leage truthe or promise of fauour so euer is made to anye kinge in the same is hys kyngedome conteyned and hys subiectes are also pertakers of thesame So the promises made too Abraham Isaac Iacob Dauid belonge not to them onely but to their children also successors heyres people and subiectes I will restore the decayed houses of Dauid saieth the prophet meaning the kingdome of Christe Christians to the ende whom he calles Dauid by the preaching of the gospell For this troubling of heauen earth ynough was sayd before and this is that which the Apostle saith to the Hebrewes yet once I trouble heauen and earth meaninge that those thinges whiche are thus troubled perish and those whiche be not continue and that those kyngdomes that set vp them selues agaynst Christ shal fal but Christes kyngedome shall stande for euer as Dauid saieth This kingdome is an euerlasting kyngdome It is as muche to saye that he would fyll the world with warre betwixt the Persians and the Grecians that they shall trouble the earth This Prophete in the verse folowing tels of the destruction of the kyngdome of Persians vnder whose dominion the Iewes were now and to whome they paied great taxes as Nehemias telles He cals it the seate of kyngedomes because many kyngdomes were subiect vnto them and that all the greatest kinges feared them serued them were in leage with them or sought frendship at their handes And although this is nowe tolde yet it was not fulfilled of a hūdred fourty fyue years afterwards or a hundred thirtye foure years as some do count It is spoken too comfort the Iewes and aunswere to two priuie obiections whiche thei might haue ●ayde againste God and hys Prophete After that they had nowe wroughte earnestly at the buyldinge of Gods house three monethes God was so well delyted with them that where as heretofore he had so long plaged and sharpely punished them he sayde From this daye foorthe will I blesse you and youre Oliues vyneyardes pomegranates and other fruites shoulde encrease and multiply whiche all before had ben vnfruitefull But to thys the people mighte haue sayde what are wee the better to haue all these fruytfull and plentious Are wee not Tributaries to the Persians and what plentye or profitte so euer wee haue they take it frome vs by their great taxes All is one matter whether wee haue muche or litle plentye or scarcenes good cheape or dearthe for if wee haue muche we paye muche and if we haue but litle wee paye little so all is one thing too vs except this coulde be amended Therefore oure moste mercifull God which wil take all doutes from vs which we can obiect comfort vs in all points that we can fear sayth thus vnto thē be not afraide of thys great power kyngdom of the Persians vnder whō ye now be pay tribute vnto for rather thē my people shal be styl oppressed I wil pul doun the whole kyngdome and strength thereof the Chariots Horses the ryders on them and horsemen all shall fall yea the chiefest man among thē euen the Kynge hym self shal be slayne by the swoorde not of a straunger but of his owne countreimē brother and seruaunt And although thys shal not come to passe nor be done in your tyme and dayes yet be ye sure it shall be done at the time appointed when God shall thinke it best for his glory and your commoditie Daniel in hys visions was often taught of 4. kynges Monarchies which should come First of the ymage which hadde the head of golde the armes and breste of syluer the bealy of brasse the legges of yron And agayne by the ymage of 4. beastes a Lyon a Beare a Libarde and the fourth for cruelnes wanted a name which with hys teeth should teare all and tread vnder hys feete c. By whiche all were note● firste the kyngdome of the Assirians and Babilonians the seconde of the Medes Persians vnder whiche the Iewes nowe were The thirde was the Grecians and the fourthe of the Romaynes whiche all shoulde raygne in course a tyme should continue to the worldes ende but euerye one more cruel and worse then the other as is now the Romish Pope vnder whome we be He is Emperour in dede vsurping the fourthe kyngedome and rules lyke a prince on earthe aboue kynges and hathe dryuen the Emperour almost out of Italy and taken the landes and possessions of the Empire frome hym and makes hym content with a corner of the world in Germany where the reuenues of the Empire is not now so much as diuers lordes haue Euery one of these kyngdoms was worse then the other before them as these beastes and mettalles were woorse then the other By the which we maye learne that the kyngdome of the Pope is worse then the others were and that it is worse to be vnder hym than the other whiche were Heathen and knewe not God God hates them woorse whiche beare the name of Christen men and make a shewe too loue God and in dede do nothinge els but hate and persecute the good men as the Pope doeth The seruaunt whiche knoweth his maisters will doeth it not shal be worse beaten then he whiche offendes by ignoraunce The kyngdome of the Assirians was nowe pulled doune and geuē to the Persians this is that kyngdom now which the Prophete sayeth God woulde destroye and geue ouer to the Grecians This came to passe in the time of the last Darius who in diuers battailes foughte with Alexāder the great suffered the worse and was ouercomen Where Alexander firste takinge Darius wyfe the queene his mother and his chyldrn prysoners vsed them gently as his owne Darius seinge suche gentlenes and thinkinge to fynde lyke fauour for him selfe sent Embassage to Alexander and said if he would let hym kepe his kyngdome styl all other thinges should be at his pleasure But Alexander aunswered that he coulde not suffer him so for the world coulde no more abyde twoo kings to raygne then to haue twoo Sunnes too shyne therefore there was no remedye but yelde hym selfe if he woulde lyue Then Darius seing that prepared hym selfe to the fielde where he was trayterously slayne by his seruaunt Bessus So is this true whiche the Prophete sayeth the chiefest man by the sworde of his brother shoulde be slayn So would I translate the Hebrew woorde Isch rather then euery man as some doe For euery man was not slayn by hys brother but the kynge namely as the history tels This is common in the scripture too putte the woorde brother for one that is of thesame countrye kinred or religion and not alwayes for those whiche haue one father and mother So it maye well stande that he was slayne of hys brother that is to saye of hys countryman as the history calles Bessus his seruaunt
all the Enemies of God his woorde people Religion to leaue their wickednes and to comforte the good manfully too beare their madnes and patiently to loke for Gods goodnes LIke as in Aggeus my endeuor and purpose was that those that feare the Lorde shoulde be sturred vp to an earnest buyldinge of Gods house louinge of his woorde and maintaininge of true religion so in this shorte Prophete my trauall and meaninge is that the wicked vnderstanding how vainly they stryue with all their witte power policie against the poore simple innocent crucified Christ Iesus the almighti sonne of the liuing God the wisedome and power of God his father might cease their raginge madnes and not onelye that but also howe they shal be ouerthrowen in their owne deuises that they imagine against true Christians the misticall members of his body and churche or againste hys woord and religion as all their fathers haue bene frome the beginninge whose steppes they folow in hating and persecuting gods people Their stomackes be stout theyr pollices great their might is stronge their wittes are wile yea all the worlde is on their side yet in the ende they shall serue dastards ignorant helples witles and misers for as the wise man sais ther is no wisedom politie nor counsell againste the Lorde The more wisdom subtiltie strengthe or power that a man hais the more he hais it to hys owne destruction if he haue it not and vse it too the glory of God and comfort of hys people For as wylde beastes the more fearce and cruel that they be the more it harmes them and causes men to hunt and seke wais how too destroy them so the more that the wicked set vp thē selfes against the Lorde and oppresse hys people the readyer i● God to help and deliuer his and ouerthrowe the other Can they finde any rebels againste God hys woorde and people from the beginninge too thys day that hais preuailed agaynst the Lorde and hys chosen folke If there be none as it is mooste true none to be how can they loke to be the firste Why maye not true Christians boldely saye with Dauid than Why do the Heathen freate and fume and the people imagine vain thinges againste the Lorde and his anointed saying ▪ let vs brust in sunder their bondes and cast their yoke awaye frō vs. But it folowes he that dwels in the heauens will mocke them and the Lord will laughe them too scorne In the twoo first sinnes of Adam and soo orderly in al ages to these dayes it appeares how the wicked continually malice persecute the good but to the burt of theym selues and the prayse of the godly Cain killed his brother Abel thought he should haue ben blameles but Abels innocent bloude and suche like cried vengeance on Cain hys folowers from that daye to this and the righteous God reuenges it dayly and at length wil cōdemne the obstinate vtterly C ham mocked hys father Noe and hys seede the Canaanites persecuted Gods people the Iewes that came of Sem his brother therefore his posteritie was accursed of God to the worlds ende The proude Giants with their captain Nimrod buylding the tower of Babell to get them selues a name in earth were ouerthrowen in their owne deuise by God from heauē Carnal Ismael sought to destroy the promysed Isaac but in vain Bloudy Edō or Esau whom thys Prophete describes sought the deathe of his brother Iacob but the God of Abraham their father saued them Ioseph was solde into Egipt by hys brether and by the false accusinge of his maysties was wrongefully prysoned yet hee that sittes on hygh looked doune to the lowe dungeon of the pryson and raised Ioseph to be ruler and sauer of the lande The Egiptians oppressed Gods people for a tyme but the Lord of hostes drouned Fharao and hys companye for their crueltye againste them the frowarde people murmuringe often againste their captain Moyses some were swalowed vp with earth quick some burned with fire The Philistians and seuen nations rounde aboute Gods flocke kepte continual warre against them yet they coulde neuer deuoure them but were deuoured at the length Saul and hys flatterers banisshed and pursued poore Dauid whome his God of a shepeherde made a kynge mauger all his foes The ten tribes of Israel with their kyngs were enemies to Iuda Beniamin euermore yet though they were the strōger mo in number thei were soner rooted oute The Chaldes Assirians Persiās Grecians and Romaines the mightiest princes on the earth oft subdued the Iewes forsakinge theyr God but the Lorde their olde sauiour euer restored them agayne when they fought him vnto thei vtterly refused Christ their sauiour The Iewes crucified Christ Iesus oure Lorde thrust hym to the heart with a speare buried hym and layed a heauy stoone on hym thinkinge he should neuer ryse agayne a conqueror but in vain was all theyr spite and their labor lost Themperour many yeares cruellye tormented all that beleued in the Lord fondly thinkinge to haue by that meane● ouerthrowen them The Pope in processe of time conquered almoste al princes except the Gretians vnto of late the Lord opening the eyes of some brake hys snares and deliuered hys folke Mōkes and Ereres by mans traditions woulde haue ouerwhelmed true religion Papistes of late haue banisshed burned and persecuted many godly men so cruelly as no history speakes of the like thys thousande yeare willing to haue feared all frome euer acknowledging their Lord Christe Many Heretikes haue laboured to haue defaced Goddes truthe but al is in vain God his name bee praysed therefore hais ouerthrowen them in their highest ruffe laughed them to scorne and raised vppe that whiche they would most gladly haue vtterly oppressed ▪ For as death and the graue could not preuaile against Christ our head no more shall it against his bodye and members As Nimrod therefore Pharao Ieroboam Nebucadnezar Darius Alexander with all their kyngdoms and partakers be now vainquished and subdued by the Turke the Sophi and the Souldan priester Iohn other Heathen princes their coūtries made wast straūgers possesse them their religion altered frō euill to wors their cytyes townes and temples as the Prophetes did tell afore are made dennes of wilde beastes owles other filthy byrds so sence christ that which Emperors māfullly cōquered the pope by subtiltie deuoured made him selfe a prince of princes but now by the power of Gods woorde preached he is made a laughing stocke to al thos● whose eyes the Lord hais opened to see his abominations and all realmes that afore feared hym ▪ now God visiting hys people fal from hym For as the woodbinde leaning to a tree climbes vp spreades it selfe ouer all the branches vnto it haue ouergrowen and kylled the hole tree as a strōg ●eady streame vndermining great hygh bankes at length makes all to tumble intoo the water and wasshes it awaye so
and drudges at commaūdement to doe that he biddes but were made too serue and feare their Lorde god thei be driuen ledde of hym like brute beastes forgettinge hym that made them and their sely tormented brether that praye for them vnnaturally forgetting them selues to be men they regarde not mans life but vnmercifully spilles and spoiles them And for what ende or purpose to satisfie if thei could euer be full their bloudy appetites to fill their idle bellies to rule like kynges too bee glorious in the world to oppresse the simple to deceiue the ignorant deface gods truth to fede the people with lies to set vp their god the Pope to deface Christe and his merites to hyde his woorde and set vp superstitious Idolatrye where they shoulde doe all thinges to the contrary because in such their doynges all true Christians abhorre them But in these our miserable daies where it pleased god of his vndeserued ●ercy to staie their rage in burning prisoning gods seli soules that mischief which their bloudy handes and cruell herts darre not attempte their poysenfull tunges spue out Now ceases fire and faggot yet their sclaunderous lieng lippes are not stopped where thei dar not blaspheme the doctrine soo frelye as thei bee wont now thei inuei against the teachers professors of it with suche termes as please theym though neuer one be true But as Samuel saide too the people whan he had anointed Saul kinge Speake here afore the Lord and his anointed king whether I haue taken any mannes Oxe or Asse or haue oppressed any one of you or taken bribe I will restore it and they were not able to charge him and yet were wery of him so I dout not but thei be not able iustli to burdē the preachers with such lies as thei deuise against them and if any be for my parte I wish theym not to be hid This kynd of persecutiō is as greuous to an honest hert a● the other is but a iustified mynde in this case will turne him selfe to the Rord beare his crosse thankefully knowledge that the scholer is not aboue his maister If Christ our lorde escaped not these tunges but they calde him Samaritane and sayde he had a deuill let no Christian loke too be free Dauid felte these panges whan he prayed Lord deliuer my soule from wicked lippes frō a deceitfull tunge If they remembred Gods threteninges to all suche they would not be so talkatiue What shal be geuen thee thou craftye tunge says Dauid Euen sharpe arowes and burninge cooles aunswers the holy Ghoste and agayne the Lord will destroy all crafty lips and proud tūges Woulde God that these wicked men vnderstode these threateninges to be true that God would faithfully fulfill them to their confusion if they did beleue them they woulde tremble and quake for feare of them and not be so ready too speake what please them Many thinke their tunges too be their owne and that they maye speake what they lust and wordes to be no grefe nor kynde of persecution but blessed Dauid is of contrary opinion whan he compares suche tunges to swordes poisonfull stinging of serpents sharp rasers c. Thus be we fallen in such miserable daies where vnder Popery we be tormēted persecuted with all extremitie vnder the Gospell we be slaundered reuiled that we maye iustly saye with the Apostle we are counted as shepe apointed to the slaughter dayly If these fearfull examples greuous ouerthrowe of the wicked and so many from the beginninge can not perswade these cruel haters of God hys woorde murtherers of his saincts their brether to abate their pride swage ●heir malice if thys perticular prophecie writen for that purpose too teache all bloudy butchers proude Caiphas that a like destruction will fall on them as it did on Edon can not help than let them marke the manifolde threateninges of 〈◊〉 Lord where he thunders against such wicked doers Be not afraid saies the Prophete thou Israell my seruaunte for I am with thee fear not for I am thy God that strēgthens thee helps thee Behold they shal be ashamed confounded all that fighte against thee all that gain say thee shall perish and bee brought to nought c. Again thou art the hope of Israel all that forsake thee shal be ashamed they that goe from thee shal be writen in the earth and not in heauen But this sede of Esau in our daies is wors than olde Edon ▪ as their dedes well declare whā Iacob was banished .xx. yeares Esau was content to mete his brother Iacob returning homeward too forget all olde grudges to take vse him as his frēd and brother but our Edomites would not receiue their banished brother returning home forget no olde malice nor vse any frendship toward thē but with word and dede shew all crueltie thei could deuise agaīst them yet so cōtinue To this some of the wiser forte peraduenture wil sai there is iust cause why thei should do so thei be not vsed as Iacob did his brother Esau. Iacob sente great gifts too his brother Esau toke nothing frome him but lette him liue where he lusted In dede this may be a greate cause for they are so wel pleased with giftes and wealth that in the middes of their rage a littell bribe would haue loosed heauy chaines of yron and quenched hote flaming faggots But nowe though many thinges ●ay be suffered in tēporall matters yet the discipline of the gospell will not suffer persecutors too occupie the place of feders nor wolues the rowme of shepeherds If true discipline might take place not onely murtherers apostates forsaking that religiō which afore thei professed and taught should be deposed frō theyr office but al turntippets that turn with the world and kepe their liuings still should haue no office in Christs church vntyll thei made satisfaction by open repentaunce afore the congregatiō But alas for pitie for lacke of sharp discipline thei lie lurkinge and loking for that daye whan they maye turne to their old vomitt again en king their hāds in bloude and laugh in their sleues too see suche coldnes in religion to serue the liuing Lord wher they were so earnest bold and diligent to sette vp their owne deuises Yet all things considered it is no meruail why the good men succeding in the place of such euyl persons be so euyl spoken of at these dayes Eor as he that ripes in a dungehyll is infect with the smell therof a longe time after though he were neuer so cleane afore and be that comes to a house infected with the pestilence is soone takē therwith though he be neuer so soūd afore yea the better complexion the soner smitē so good men now searchinge the festerd cankers and riping the stinking duddels of Poperi for a time smell euil in the noses of the wicked seme to
God kepe it The towre of Babel was buylded a wōders height Nārod with hys cōpanions would haue gotten an euerlasting name by it but the Lord perceyuinge their proud enterprise disapointed thē scatered thē abrode in to all coūtries Sathan was an Aūgel in heauē but for hys disobediēce is nowe made a deuill in hell Nabuchodonozor was the mightiest prince yet afterwarde made a veri beast Herode was proud of his great eloquēce streight after was wiried of life Rabsaces blaspheming the liuing God of Israel auāting him self in his great cōquestes as though thei had ben goten by their Idols power had almost .200.1000 slain in his cāpe in one night by thaūgel of God wtout mās power in the time of good Ezechias the Madianites lying so thick as groshoppers in the field thought thei shuld haue deuoured Gods people at their pleasur but God send his captain Gedeon whiche with .300 naked men vnharnessed hauing lāps in one hand earth pots in the other vāquished them all Thus it is true that the psal says If I climbe vp in to heauē thou art there if I goe doune into hel thou art there also And there thy hande shall rule me The hole scriptur if ye go thorow it is nothinge els but a perpetuall teaching howe God alwaies throwes doune the proude and liftes vp the simple lowly O if the papistes woulde be as earnest to set vp the true glorie of God as thei be diligent spayniels to seke alwayes possible to set vp that vyle podell of Idolatrie of their god the Pope In all ages haue ben some people that haue ben plages to the rest yet God hays throwen theym doune at length So no doubt the Papistes be now but their falle will be incurable whan it comes although they bee a great scourge almost to all christendome and florish for a tyme. Marke wel the laste wordes of the Prophete I will make thee come doune says the Lorde The destruction of this people was done by Nabuchodonozor many yeares after and yet the Lorde calles it hys owne dede and says he will pul thē doun So as I haue noted afore c. that is called the Lordes dede whiche is done by his seruaunts whether they be good or bad for by suche meanes the Lord wil correcte vs bringe vs to the knowledge of oure selfes and him In all suche worldly corrections therfore let vs not looke so muche at hym that vexes vs or murmur and grudge at hym but loke who hays sente him whose seruaunt he is and wherefore he comes For he comes from God to doe teache vs good And than we shall paciently beare whatsoeuer comes And because thei shuld not flatter them selfes as thoughe these thinges shoulde not thus come to passe he ioines vnto it the Lord sayes As though he shoulde saye flatter not your selfes I speake not of mine owne head the God of all truth that can not lie says thus therfore most certainly loke for it He that is a righteous iudge of all creatures both can and wil be auenged on all euil doers and will deliuer vs his people oute of the handes of their oppressors whan he hays sufficiently declared the patient abidinge and depe sighing of the oppressed abidē longe inough for the turninge of the proude enemies whan he sees no amendemente to be hoped for he wil then come in dede fearfull for his enemies and comfortable for his poore people as the Psalme sayes For the miserie of the poore the sighinge of the oppressed I will rise saies the Lord. Who shall be able to stande whan he sais he will pul doune yea who dare be bolde to looke whan hee shewes his anger deceyue not youre selfes he will come verse 5 If thefes had comen to thee and if robbers in the nighte how should thou haue holdē thy peace woulde they not haue stolen sufficiente for thē selfes If grape getherers hadde comen to thee woulde thei not haue lefte some clusters verse 6 But howe haue they serched Esau and ransacked theyr hid thynges ¶ After that the Prophete hays tolde them that thei shal be destroied nowe he● telles them after what sorte and of what thinges thei shoulde be spoiled Edō was a countrie not onely compassed aboute with hylles that no enemies coulde enter and fortefied with stronge holdes and castels on the top of the hyls as appeares afore but it was a plentious countrie also of all fruites and full of wise men of great politie whiche all shoulde be taken frō them with all their things that thei reioiced in And where he vses two similitudes here one of theues of grape getherers which both whersoeuer thei come do much harm and take all thinges at their pleasure spare nothinge but searche all priuie corners where any thinge can be hidde yet these spoilers shoulde be muche wors and more cruelly intreate them This firste part of the similitude hays two argumēts of their cruelnes in it and it is asmuch as though he should haue sayd thus to them If theues shoulde come in the day time to spoyle thee or robbers in the night season thou coulde not haue holden thy peace but woulde haue called and cried for helpe of thy neighbours thou woulde haue prepared thy self to haue foughten with thē to haue withstande them too haue defended thine owne goods and to haue taken or killed theym that thus violently came on thee but whan these destroiers shall come thou shall not be bolde too whisper to crie to call for helpe or els if thou crie neuer so loude it is but vaine too defende thy selfe or rescew thy goodes but fearfully like a shepe lie stil and like a coward let them doe to thee what they please it shal be fulfilled in thee that God thretens to the brekers of his lawe that one shall chase a thousande and ten men ten thousande yea and that whiche is more meruailous they shal be afraide at the fall of a leafe Or if we rede thus so the Ebrewe woorde signifies both wayes how shuld thou haue ben destroied than this is the meaninge that although theues and robbers woulde haue destroied them yet that destruction should haue ben like to this so extreme a plage should this be to them that these other were not worthy to be cōpared vnto it The later token of their greate destructiō is that the Babilonions whā they come should deale wors with theym than theues or robbers would for theues whan they come thei doe not take all but the best thinges thei finde lest they shuld not flee fast ynough awaye or be bewraid by many thinges whan they shoulde bee knowen And agayn they vse not to tarye longe in robbinge a house for feare lest some shoulde espie them and come vppon theym sodenly but the Chaldees shoulde not be afraid of any company of men whā they shoulde ouerrunne them nor