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A09502 Spirituall exercyses and goostly meditacions and a neare waye to come to perfection and lyfe contemplatyue, very profytable for religyous, and generally for al other that desyre to come to the perfecte loue of god, and to the contempte of the worlde. Collected and set foorthe by the helpe of god, and diligente laboure of F. Wyllyam Peryn bacheler of diuinitie and pryor of the friers preachers of greate Sayncte Bartholomes in Smythfyelde. Peryn, William.; Essche, Nicolas van, 1507-1578. Exercitia. 1557 (1557) STC 19784; ESTC S114592 137,241 328

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my Lorde god perfectly and profoundlye is the synguler gyfte of thee whiche I cannot come vnto without thy speciall grace which I most hertely and most mekely beseche thee to graunt me that therby I may perfectly know thee and thy holy wyl and moost blessed and acceptable pleasure ¶ Graunt me good lorde now at thys present and oftentymes to consider profoundly perfectly to knowe that thou my lorde god art moste higheste and moost excellent aboue al thynges moost blessed wysedom euerlasting and vnchaungeable goodnes A very incomprehensible and sempiternal substaunce an infinite and mooste blessed bryghtnes and an euerlasting and incomparable lyghte of blysse whiche in thy selfe arte so myghtye so gloryous so good and so perfecte that there canne nothynge be thought so good so perfecte so worthye so excellent so gloryous but thy goodnes thy perfeccion thy wysedome thy power and thy incomprehensible loue surmounteth and excelleth it infinitely and incomparably For if al power vertue goodnes wysedome the perfeccions of all the creatures in heauen and in earth and in al the whole worlde were knytte in one it weere not so muche in comparison of thy blessed and most excellent maiestie as is one lytle drop of water in cōparison of the vnmesurable maine sea Yea what soeuer the thoughtes of al men the vnderstandyng of al aungels good and bad be able to thynke or vnderstande of anye goodnesse or perfection thy blessed goodnes vnmeasurable might and infinite perfeccion passeth it without comparison ¶ O moost blessed holy and glorious trinitie most myghtyful father euerlastyng ineffable incomprehensible goodnes which of thyne owne substance sēpiternally doest brynge forth an euerlastyng ineffable and incomprehensible goodnes coequal consubstanciall wyth thy selfe which is thy sēpiternal onely son And both you father sonne equally the one louyng the other infinitely in a charitie delighte infinite are knyt together in one holy gost the third persō For this infinyte charytye is none other then the holy goost proceding incogitably of the father and of the sonne ¶ Thus art thou my Lorde God thre dystincte persons in one very God thre persons in one godhede and one very godhed in thre persones ¶ Most dredfull mayestye I moste lowlye and most deuoutly as I can I adore the worshype the with all myght and powers of my body and my soule moste swete and blissed vnite most blessed holy Trynitye ¶ Oh my deare and mercyfull lorde and my god shew thy selfe vnto me and I aske no more ¶ Oh most myghty maker and most swete Lorde God infunde powre into my hart and my vnderstanding thy heauenly light and blessed charitie that I may know and loue the aboue al thynge comforte the wekenes and infyrmytie of my frayle nature wyth thy blessed presence fyll my harte my delyght with the loue of the and wyth the goostly influēce of thy synguler grace that I maye knowe how louyng how gracious how good howe mercifull a Lorde God thou arte and hast bene vnto me specially and vnto all creatures ¶ Graunte me grace most mercyfull lorde ofte tymes louyngly and verye delectably to remembre how so myghtyful so dredfull a lorde god hast created and made my soule most nobly vnto thyne owne likenes and ymage and hast geuen vnto my soule thre excellent powers or myghtes that I myght and should not only in the worlde to come but also in this presente lyfe by wit and vnderstandinge in constant fayth knowe the by wyll I myght and ought to chose and loue the aboue all thinge and by memorye I myght rest in the and beyng knytte fast vnto the I myght so faythfully remayne and cleue vnto the that for the pure delyght and loue of the I myght contempne and forget all thynge ¶ Graunte me good Lorde that I may be so rauyshed in the loue and the delyght of thy blessed essence goodhed that for Ioy gladnes and admyracion I may forgette my selfe I maye feele nether prosperytie neyther aduersite of this worlde and that I maye not feare to suffer all the payne in this world rather then to be pullyd or parted away from the whiche arte of infinite power wysedome Iustice goodnes charytie swetnes lyberalitie and of infynite pytie clemencye and mercy whose perfeccions excedyth infinitely all thought and vnderstandynge ¶ Graunte me most mercifull and louing Lorde grace to perceaue and remember alwaye wyth gostly Ioy and thankefulnes that thou so gloryous and gracious lorde god of Infinite charitie of godly myght mercy doest offer thy selfe vnto me euery where specially in my soule more verylye present then I am with my selfe beyng alwaye and euery where redye to conserue to gouerne to saue me and to brynge me to thy blysse ¶ Wherfore most dredfull Lorde I haue a great cause yf I wyll do my dewty to be circumspecte and take greate hede how I do vse my selfe in the presēce of the my lord whiche seist and lokest vpon al my wordes dedes and thoughtes ¶ Graunte me therfore moost mercyfull Lorde grace to walke and conuersant my selfe before thy blessed presens like a chaist and an holy spouse with al reuerēce feare shamfastnes mekenes obedyence and pacience contynually preparing my selfe with al dilygence to please the sight of thy dredfull maiestie and wyth al my hearte and wyl to loue the aboue al thyng wherby al grace and vertu may encrease in me ¶ Graunt me o merciful sauiour alwaye in euery place to remember that thou so myghty a Lorde God berest towarde me vyle wretched worme of the erthe an euer lastinge vnmesurable most constant fre loue and charitie which passeth al thoughtes and desire so greate is thy goodnes towarde me moost vyle wretche whiche am but sinne and claye that thou doest vouchsafe to tende and to take so great hede and care vpon me as though thou haddest no mo creatures in heauen or earth and hast and doest deliuer me and defend me from innumerable perels dedly dangers bothe of body and soule and hast and doest frely adorne me indewe me and multyplye in me most vnthankeful and vnworthy with so many gyftes and benefytes at al tymes that I am not able to reken the least parte of them and of thy Infinite loue and charyte moost lyberally I maye at all tyme yea euery minute of an houre come vnto the in so muche that with one godly thought and desyre I maye optayne and haue the whiche art euerlastyng felicitie and to the as vnto my most nearest derest most faithfull and trusty frende in heuen or earth I maye safely open all my griefes necessytyes and be certayne and sure to haue such help of the as shal be most for my soule helth Wherfore most merciful lord god which arte the sempyternal lyght of heauen vochsafe for thy mercy sake to lyghten the darkenes of my synfull soule and the blindnes of my harte with the blessed beme of grace that I may come to the perfecte
therfore greate cause to loue hym agayne and to shew louyng kindnes vnto so curtyse and kynde louer and lorde god Nowe if thou canst feele thy harte mouyd vnto loue towardes thy lorde Iesu by thys or lyke comtemplacyon of hys benefites and of his infinite goodnes that hath loued the from the beginning of the world wyth an euerlastyng charyte then shalte thou procede and force thy wyl and affection to these thre sortes or degrees of loue The fyrst is bare loue that is to saye thou must moue thy selfe to loue hym only and forsake al loue that thou berest to thy frendes kynsfolkes apparel bokes and of any other thing in thys world For thou canst not loue these and loue god only For he wil haue al thy loue as he is most worthy and must be louyd barely alone wythoute any thing wyth hym For so dyd oure lord Iesu hang al bare and nakid of al frindes conforte and of al thynges vpon the crosse Yf thou can fynde and feale this pointe of loue in thy harte then must thou procede laboure to haue loue Thou must haue no desyre to any thyng created and specyally this pure loue is when thou hayst ful mortyfied in the al natural passions and vyces as angrynes melancolly inordinate Ioy lyghtnes suche other so that the powers of thy soule be pure and cleane from al sinful inclynacions and dysorder cleane delyuered from al imaginacions or any lettes or impedymentes of the pure and synceare loue of god that they may imbrace their lord god with most pure clene loue Thurdly thou must procede to come to the thurde poynte of loue that is thou must loue thy lorde god with vehemēte strong and affectuous loue And this loue compriseth the other two aforsayd loues makyth the one wyth god and makyth the towardes al other thynges as it were insensyble and feltyst nothing els but only thy owne moost swetest loue Iesu Heare of commyth it that thou canst and shalte remayne styl in god wher euer thou becomyst and wyth whom soeuer thou be For thys loue wyl neuer suffer the to cesse from louyng of thy deare Lorde Iesu nor wil not suffer the to rest but make the bestowe al that thou arte to the glory and honoure of thy lorde god And of this loue it is that thou woldest if thou coldyst make of euery lytle grasse thou seist some excellēt creature that it myght loue and laude the lorde thy god wyth the. Yea if it were possible thou woldest make of euery mā an whole heuē and so many heauens as ther are men and offer them vp to god wyth al thy harte and moost pure and louely desyre to hys glory laude prayse and honoure Now whē thou fealyst this threfolde loue in thy hart kindlyd and thou altogether incensid and set on fyre wyth the loue of thy lorde thou muste recolecte and gether to gether with force al thy wyttes sencies and powers of thy body and soule as it were wyth in thy self as though thou were deade from al other thinges in the worlde And so as one ful of loue thou shalt approche vnto the most gracious most louinge and most swete hart of thy Lord Iesu Thou shalt enter therin as into an infinite sea of goodnes botomlesse depeth of vnmesurable loue and charitie wyth these foure exercyses But yet whether thou feale in thy hart these pointes of loue or no thou shalte procede neuerthelesse and folowe wyth these foure exercises and haue a good wyl and desyre to haue these pointes of loue and this shal suffice I trust in god for a beginner vntyll god geue to the grace of this loue for it is a syngulare gyfte But thou must eare thou enter these four exercises in the hart of Iesu make this peticion vnto that moost blessyd and mercyfull harte saynge O Most dearest louer of my soule my moost swete sauiour Iesu whiche of thy infynite charytie and most tender loue that thou baryst vnto my pore synfull soule sufferdst moost payneful passiō and and moost cruell and dreadful death in the same charytie and loue in the most blessid merites of the same passion and death grant I beseke the that moost excellente gyfte of loue and charitie that I may be set on fyre and so incensed wyth the moost feruente and syngulare loue of the that I may loue nothing but the alone that neather frynde nether louer nether anye thynge in this world be it neuer so pleasant or profytable may haue any parte of my loue but thou only ¶ Graunte me also cleane and pure loue in al the powers and sences of my soule body that they may be pure from al passiōs and inclynatiōs to sin disorder of sinfull corruption that my soule in al her myghtes powers may wtout let or impedimente frely wholy loue that her creatoure redemer herswete spouse most faithful louer Graūt me also most mercyful lord to loue the vehemētly affectuously that I maye be towardes al other thinges dead as it were insensyble wythout any fealyng That I may not feale nor perceaue any thynge but the only my dere lorde and louer Iesu that where euer I be wyth whome euer I be I may neuer forget quayle or slake in thy burning loue that I may neuer stynte nor cesse to bestowe al that I am and can to thy glory and honour and worshyp and neuer to be satysfyed in wel doynge to thy sempyternal honour and my soule helthe THen shalt thou approch with moste harty affeccyon and deuocyon vnto the blessed hart of Iesu recollectyd as is aboue saide in al thy powers sensies of body and soule and shalt enter in as it were in to that most blessed tresure howse of grace and bottomlesse fountayne of al goodnes with these fowre exercyses folowynge Fyrst thou shalte make from the bottome of thy harte or as wel as grace shal helpe the resingnacion offerynge thy selfe bodye and soule whooly with al that thou art and haist and al creatures moost frealy vnto hys moost louely wyl and blessyd pleasure in thys world to the end here of for euer to abyde al aduersytie pressure or sorow of hart al payne of bodie vnto al thynges that is possyble to come vnto the at his wyl Yea to abyde the paynes of hel yf it shulde be his pleasure for hys loue thou must be redye that he may haue and vse the as hym pleasyth euen as he hadde the at his pleasure ear thou wer creatid Thou muste make this oblacyon thus in thy hart and desyre MOOst mightiful and most louing lord Iesu al thing that I haue and that I am and al thynges in this worlde in heauen and in earth are thyne Wherfore moost gracious good lorde I here offer yelde vp to thy blessyd wyl and pleasure my soule my body wyth all my substance that I am or that I haue and al creatures that euer were or shal
me of nought not a stone but like vnto thy most blessed and godly ymage and lykenes and hayst created all the worlde to do me seruice Thou hast preseruid me in the womb of my mother where I myght haue peryshed as many doth that neuer commyth to byrth From my byrth thou hast perseruyd my lyfe both in bodye and soule and broughtest me to holy baptyme where I myght haue dyed wythout it as many do and do therby loose the blysse of heuen for oryginal sinne And from that tyme hether to thou hast prouyded for my necessaryes Fyrst by my parentes and frendes and afterwardes by other meanes So that I haue had alwaye succoure at thy mercyful hand whyche contynually hast and dost prouide for me wyth muche more louely care then euer dyd my natural mother and hast cheryshed me both in body and soule And like a most carefull and louynge parente father thou hast dost deliuer me daily from innumerable perels and daungers both of body and soule whiche innumerable tymes syth I was borne I might and should haue fal in if thou haddest not most mercyfully delyuered and defendyd me How long hast thou lyke a mercyful pityful parent borne wyth my great enormytes and innumerable deadly sinnes mortal wher thou myghtest Iustly haue dampned me both body soule yet of thy infinite mercyful goodnes thou hast taryed and abydē my conuersion because thou woldest not dampne me though I dyd deserue a thousand thousād tymes And whyle thou haist so paciently suffered me so detestable and contumelius towardes the my lorde god sclanderous vnto the world ther hath many that were ferre better then I for lesse syn then myne bene vtterly dampned for mysse lyfe Moreouer though I were am neuer so destable and greuous a synner in thy syght yet thou of thy infynite mercy hast neuer lefte me vtterly but hast by dyuers meanes and many holy mocions and inspiracyons called and prouokyd me to repentaunce And though I gaue no eare to the but in maner contempnyd and set the at nought yet thou ceased not vntyl at the length wyth thy myghtyful power grace thou broughtest me agayne to grace and repentaunce and of thy ineffable goodnes hayst brought me to this most blessed state of relygion and yet doyst not mysse but fatherly dost prouid daily for my necessaries though I be neuer so vnkind and vnthākeful to the. And by cause no synne be it neuer so greate and enormious should dameme yf I wyl repent thou hast geuē to most cruell death and passion thine owne sonne and by his merites and for hys sake thou arte redy to in due me wyth al kynd of vertue and grace And specyally blessyd be thy in effable goodnes and mercy For thou hayst indued me wyth N.N.N. ¶ In this place remember thy speciall benefittes that thou thynkest thy selfe specially bounde to thanke almyghty God for Turne thy thought and meditaciō here vn thy sauyour Iesu deuoutly saying O Most louing Lord and deare sauyour Iesu now I turne my harte vnto the. O most swet Iesu most faythful frind and true louer of my pore soule for whose sake and saluacion thou wast incarnatyd and came in to this wretchid mysery and suffered innumerable labors fatigacyons sorows and incōmodyties much wronge and heuines great pouertye paines thou sufferedst for me many a teare thou shedest wyth many a sore syghe many afore rebuke reuyle blasphemie great shame and much worldly confucyon thou sufferedest Many a sore stroke and sharpe strype thou haddest for my sin And of most tender true loue and most burnyng charytie that thou barist to me thou sufferedest most paineful passion and creuel death ¶ Thou swetest and shedest al thy precyus blod not leuyng one drop within thi blessid bodye And after moste deadly and mooste mortal panges and pynchynges of deathe iii. longe howres hangyng moost paineful vppon the crosse at the lengthe with the moste cruel bitter and paynefull stynge of dredful death thou yeldest vp thy blessid soule for to saue and redeme my synful soule ¶ What poynte of loue coldeste thou haue shewed more Yet besyde al thes thou hayst most louyngly left to my weake and wretchyd soule for my gostly comforte and strengthe the very same bodie and bloode wherwith thou boughtest me and al the world in the most blessid sacrament of the aulter that I might often se the often receaue the remember that great loue thou beredyst towardes vs and so to lerne as to loue the agayne and of very loue to delyght in the medytacion of thy moste bitter and blessyd passyon with harty desyre to folowe the in it And specyally to lerne and affectuusly to consider that great loue and charytie thou shewdest to me here in that mi hart might be inflamed and set on fyer with the loue of the. Wherefore most mercyful sauyor and most louynge and louesome lord Iesu of that great charytie and burnyng loue which causyd and mouyd the to suffer al thy bytter paynes and passyon and in the merytes of thy most precyous blood and blessyd death kyndel now in my cold harte the blessid fyer of thy moost deare loue and make me to loue and to delyght in the to set al my ioy felycitie plesure in the loue and desyre of the my lord that by perfecte loue and blessyd charytie my soule may be knyt and made one with the. The whiche vnyon wyth the in loue is the beginnyge the perfeccion and end of al cōtemplacion here in earth and of the blessyd fruycion of thy godhead in heauen Where thou art all in al thynges to thy glory and honour sempyternal without end Amen ¶ This foresaid praier vse daily by inward desire and harty deuocyon that by costome thou maiste when thou wylt set thy harte on fyer with the loue of thy Lord with a litle laboure and thoughte of his passion other benefytes Yf thou canst come to thys redines of loue then haist thou the very instrument and redy way to contemplacyon for yt is the rote beginnynge of lyfe contēplatiue Thou shalt also that daye that thou haiste this exercise in custome vse and accostome thy selfe euery where where euer thou be what euer thou doo to haue in thy mynde and wyth hartye and burninge desyre to say not in voyce but in hart and mind one of thes louely swete sentences which may be callid dartes of gostly loue And lyke as the worldly or fleshely louer hath styl his burnyng desyre to his paramour and is redy in euery place corner wher he metith with his loue to expres by louely and swete wordes his feruent and hote desyre that he beryth vnto her loue with depe sighes and most harty lamentable cōplaynt with such meane to set his loue on fyre and to wound as it wer her hart with loue towards him agayne euer so with thes or such lyke louely and swete sentences we do open vnto our louer Iesu
together in all the whoole world can thinke or speake it is lesse in comparison of hys hyghe worthines and perfeccion then one lytle droppe of water in comparyson of the whoole mayne sea And yet marke well he so myghty so great so hyghe and so wonderfull a lorde god hath creatyd thy soule moost nobly vnto hys owne lykenes and made it able and mete to be pertaker and to receaue his hygh maiestie and goodnes by loue of hym For he hathe knytte vnto thy soule three excellent myghtes or powers that not only in the lyfe to come in heauen but also in this present life and world thou myghtest know hym by thy vnderstanding in fayth and goostly contemplacyon And by thy wyll thou myghteste choose and loue hym And by thy memorie thou mightest reste in him and be knyt vnto him thou myghtest remayne and dwell euer in hym And playnely yf thou weere not blyndyd by the deuell the world and the fleshe and the loue of thes thou woldest be so rauished in the pleasure and loue of hym that for Ioye and wonder thou shuldest not be able to stand but faynt and synke The Ioyes and sorows of this world thou shludest not marke nor take any heede to them nor passe for them any thyng at all For thou woldest not suffer thy selfe in any wyse to be seperatyd not one momente from the consyderacyon and loue of that hyghe and infinite goodnes ¶ Secondlye consyder and beholde with greate Ioye gladnesse and thankefulnesse how so hyghe excellent wonderfull a lord of his euerlastynge loue and charytie offreth hym self euery where in euery place specyally in thy soule very presently vnto the. Yea more nearer the then thou arte to thyne owne self to vpholde thy lyfe and being to conserue to gouerne the and to saue the and to bring the to eternal blisse Wherfore thou haste more neade to be ware and charie of thy honestie of verteous couersacyon yf thou wylt not dissemble for as muche as thou dost all thynges yea al that thou thynkest and spekest is openly done spoken and thought in his very presence whiche seeth all thynges Take heede therfore and consyder thy moste deare louyng lord god thy creator thy very hartes loue alway before the present and walke in thy conuersacion lyke a chaiste spouse with reuerent feare louely shamefastnes mekenes obedyence and pacyence before the eies of so highe a maiestie of god preparing thy selfe alway without ceassyng to please him syghyng and desyryng in the botome of thy hart to haue hys loue in thy hart and moost louyngly to enbrase hym ¶ Oh what abūdance of grace wold grow in thee yf thou coldest thus do At the leaste do as thou maist vntyll more grace come ¶ Thyrdely consyder that the same so myghty and omnipotent lord of his vnmesurable charytie and of moost constant and free loue turneth hym selfe and hath speciall regarde to the so specyally and syngularly that it passeth the vnderstanding desire of the aungels So great is his dignacion and goodnes toward the an vncleane and vyle worme that he intendyth and taketh soo great hede and care for the as though ther were no mo creatures left hym neyther in heauen nor in earth but thou alone He also hath deliuered the and defendid the from many periles and dangers both of body and of soule and dothe styll euery moment kepe the. He also vnaskyd doth geue thee allure the and intyse the wyth so many benyfytes gyftes and graces thoughe thou be very vnkynd and most vnworthy vnto hym agayne that thou canst not number the least part of them And of the same hys charitie he geuyth the most free lybertie to come to hym euery momente so that with onely a good thoughte and a louely desire thou maist obtaine and possesse infinite and euerlastynge goodnes whiche he his hym selfe In so muche that thou mayst safely surely and most profitably open vnto hym as vnto thy moost faithful louing and trustye frynde all thy necessyties Wherefore for a special laude and praise vnto so louing and so good a lord god among the infynite number of these thinges that myght be spoken or written to hys honor it shal help the greatly to come to hys loue contynually to remember and to haue meditacyon of his infynite and perpetuall goodnes wysedome mercy swetnes lowelynes and charitie That by this as by smal coles of fyre thy hart may be kindled to rēder some loue for loue agayne And that thou mayest be transformed and made lyke hym in lyke vertues and graces Oh wolde God thou couldest and woldest exercise thy selfe contynually in these thre how wold it delyght the to aryse earely and to watche wyth thy lorde god How sone sholdest thou be delyuered from thy vices and passions from al betternes and from all temptacions beynge in maner dronken in the loue of thy sauyour Yea thou shuldest be turned into a newe man and be transformed in maner into almyghty god For there is no exercise more holyer and more fruteful thē this whiche perced the harte of holye saint Augustine and other fryndes of god with the darte of loue when they wyth their inner eyes lyghtened of god did depely consyder the wonderfull tokens of the loue of God towardes them specially in this incarnacion lyfe and passion wyth other innumerable benefites of so greate and myghtye a lorde god geuen vnto them specyally whē they consydered earnestly the wonderfull charyte of god wherby he hath geuen him selfe vnto vs by his birth as a felow in our nature in the sacrament as our foode In hys death as the pryce of our redempcion and reigninge in heauē as our euerlasting rewarde whiche he graunt vs of hys mercy and charitie Amen ¶ Of the consyderacyon of thy selfe AFter this done then turne thy thought vnto the profunde and depe consideracion of thy selfe earnestly behold how noblye thy soule was created of God and made by his power of nought to his ymage and likenes Then consyder also how miserable fylthy and abhomynable it was made by orygynall syne in Adam and howe mercyfully thou arte redemed throwe the vnspekable loue and moost harde and paynefull satysfaction of thy lord Iesu Yet after thy baptisme thou hast innumerable tyme defyled thy selfe agayne by thy actual synnes turnynge thy loue and obedience from the sēpiternall goodnes which is god hym selfe by thy frowarde cursed and noughty wyl and arte become now more filthye more vyle than is the vnresonable beast Consyder well and marke into how manye euyls thou arte fallen by thy owne sinnes from the whiche euylles thou arte neuer able to aryse by thy selfe but only by the helpe of almyghte god by whom thou arte able to do all thynge that thou can do For by the true turninge or conuersion of thy loue to god and to all vertue thou mayst come agayne vnto the vnion wyth god Attende consyder earnestly that thou arte created therfore of god bycause that thou
lackyd thys inordynate loue feare The affection of natural loue vnto their kinred The affection of the loue that they beare for the greate benefytes of fryndes do ingender in them moch vagacyon of mynd and causyth them ofte tyme be dystracted dysquyetyd when they feare the losse of their fauour or desyreth to please and to contynew or increase their loue towardes them Ye some tyme yt makith thē to dyssemble and to flatter their friendes and suche as they loue or fear in their vicyous condycious and dedes Ye to fauoure that in them that they shoulde hate and ought wythout respect or accepcion of person purely and only to loue in them god hys Image grace vertew so that they shoulde not supporte dissemble flatter nor wynke at any mans faute or mysdoynge sinne but they shoulde desyre with al their harte the soule helth of euery man Wherfore thou must abolysh from thy harte all inordinate loue affection whiche might cause in the any vnquietnes distraction or occupie thy fansye wyth imagynacions specyally of the desyre that thou hayst ether of frendshype or cōpany if thou wylt come to the pure loue of god For this is a very poyson and venome of the loue of god infectyng and poysoning thy harte Thou shalte therfore vtterly sley it and mortifie it in thy selfe al that thou can ¶ The syxt impedyment THe sixt impediment are the passions sensual as loue hate with othere the naturaly floweth oute of these passyons as immoderat myrth or gladnes sorow or heuynes hope feare loue hate shamefastnes To say the trewthe inordinate loue is mother and parent of al thes and of al other natural passyons Thes passions are redy at euery chance good or bad to dysqueet and moue the hart and mynde of man And when the inner eye is troblyd or dymmed with thes and suche lyke then can yt not iudge nor dyscerne nether him self nether what is right nether resonable Wherefore yf thou desyre to haue peace of hart thou must kepe thine hart clene pure free from the loue of creatures and from al suche passions Thou must also commit vnto the hyghe wyl and prouidence of god al thinges that shal fortune vpon the good or bad castynge al thy thoughtes and care vpon hym takynge alway good hede that ther nothynge reste in the nothynge enter thy hart saue only god Al thynges in the earth be but vyle yea and to vyle that thou shuldest so loue or set by thē that thou take any care haue any desyre inordynately to haue them or to be sory heauy or a shamed to lacke them or to trouble thy noble harte thy immortal and heauenly minde for any such vyle drosse Let them loke for these temporal thynges loue and take care ioy and be merie glad to haue these thynges of this worlde that are al worldly and of the world for whom Christ wold not pray Thou canst not please nor serue two masters at on s Thou canst not loue .ij. diuers and contrary thynges Yf thou wilt know what thou louyst Marke well what thing thou thynkyst moost on Leaue thou the world and the earth vnto the worldly and the earthly and thou shalt find heuen Leaue the world and haue god Geue vp the earth with al his pleasure and treasure and thou shalt haue god and fynde heauen and the blysse euerlastyng ¶ The seuenth Impedyment THE seuenth Impedymente is the bytternes of hart of melancoly and as it were a testines or frowardnes whereby many be very and ofte prone and redie vnto impacience angrines melancoly hatred and to reuenge Ye and to dispise other and take al thynge to the worst very vneasy to cōtent or please redy to murmur and gruge Suche commenly do murmur agaynst their superiors and prelates they iudge and cōdempne their neighbors they report euyl and slander with venomous eyes of malicie with which they thē selues are infectyd beholdynge al thynges they iudge al thing peruersly to the worst This arysyth in some of nature and sometyme or much studie and then it is so muche the lesse fawte But it muste be mortyfied by grace And in some it arysyth of a certeyne secreate presūpcyon and consyderacion of theire owne merytes and dedes grace or estymacion whereby many are very redy to iudge rashely other and to dispise them preferryng them selfes and their lyfe and their false ryghtwysenes gettyng indygnacyon and not compassyon Some tyme this bytternes arysyth of in mortyfyed desyres Whan they may not haue that they wold then thes passyons inflamyth them to murmure and grudge agaynste theire superiors and those that wyl not folow or graunt thier vnresonable desyres or do resyste them Sometyme it arysith of hate or rancor for offences and greffes past for the whiche cause the desyre to peruerte and mistake the deedes of thē that they thus hate and sekes in theire dedes somewhat to put them to rebuke Some tyme it arysyth of Enuy wherby they desyre to obscure or to hyde the vertues of other bycause they thēselfes lacke them lest that the other should be lyke estemyd before them Some tyme it arisith of a wickidnes bycause they enuy the vertues and graces that they se in another Therfore they of mere malyce wherof they are full repleate interprete and take al thynge to the worst and so offende they the holy gost But this bytternes of hart and al other thou must ful mortyfie consume and ouercome with the swetnes of godly loue and charytie that thou maist fynde in thy harte as hartely to loue thy very ennimes and persecutors as thoughe they wher thi dere fryndes as in very dede they be for they bryng the and promote the vnto greate merytes Wherefore yf thou wylt euer profyt in perfeccyon thou must nedes loue thyne euen chrysten in god Thou must honour the ymage of god in euery parsō thou must suffer no bitternes nor dyspleasure to rest in thy hart agaynst any man but thou muste beare a mery cheare and countynance swete charytie mekenes of hart gentilnes in speach vnto al persōs redy to beare the burdens and infyrmities of al men to helpe the nede of euery man to suffer and forgeue the offences of al to take interpret all thynges to the best to iudge no parsō to greue no mā but glad to do good to al persons to cōfort al generally wtout acceptiō of persons indifferētly to shew vnto al euery one pytie compassiō ¶ The .viii. Impedimente THe Eyght impedimente is impacience and as it were a grudge or secreate murmurynge agaynst god a discontentacion of mind in outward aduersite infamy scorne rebuke cōtumely losse of thinges sicknes payne of the body persecuciō dereliccion and desolaciō of mynde which may fortune vnto a mā by the permissiō of god with the which god almighty is wont to trye proue his dere belouid chosen and that of most exceding charitie for ther euerlasting saluacion Such