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A02923 A Postill, or, Exposition of the Gospels that are usually red in the churches of God, vpon the Sundayes and feast dayes of Saincts written by Nicholas Hemminge a Dane, a Preacher of the Gospell, in the Vniuersitie of Hafnie ; and translated into English by Arthur Golding. ; before which Postill is sette a warning of the same Nicholas Heminge too the Ministers of Gods vvorde, concerning the co[n]tinuall agreement of Chrystes Church in the doctrine and true worshipping of God ... Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1569 (1569) STC 13062; ESTC S5140 503,499 736

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vnderstande that absolution may bée giuen both publickly and priuatly So Peter assoiled thrée thousand men openly also Cornelius priuately in whiche sort the Prophet Nathā also assoyled Dauid The ministers of the woord may vse that generall kinde of absolution as often as they preache the Gospel And they may vse the special kind when reason requires it that is too wit when any man desireth too haue priuate conference with the minister of the woord for the strengthening of his faith 2 It is put in the text Sinnes without any addition Wherfore all kinds of sins are too bée vnderstanded héer which are foure First corruption of nature secondly the boughes that spring out of the euil root thirdly the sinnes committed by error and fourthly wilful sinnes There is no sinne at al but it is forgiuen if forgiuenesse bée desired for Chrystes sake The woorde Release is too bée marked for whiche Mathew hath Loose Chryst commaundeth his Disciples too release loose sinnes Too release them as det too loose them as a pinching burthen For sinnes are dets bicause that like as dets doo bind too paiment so sinnes binde men too satisfaction vnlesse the penaltie bée released Sinnes also are burthens bicause that as a heauie burthen weyeth him downe that beareth it so sinnes wey men downe with the burthen of curse and the sentence of the law vntil Chryst come take vp the burthen vpon him self But what Can mā vnbind release sins God faith in .43 of Esay I am hée I am hée that wipeth out thine iniquities and will not beare thy sinnes in minde This text conuinceth that only God releaseth sinne Ageine wheras the Lord sayth héer whose sinnes so euer yée shal release they shalbée released in heauen I answer ▪ Chrysts saying sheweth manifestly that there is a double releasing one vpon earth by the ministers of the word and another in heauen whiche is doon by God alone Of this latter speaketh Esayas Too be bréefe God releaseth as Lord and owner the ministers of the woord release as seruantes and messengers that declare the wil of their maister whiche release is made by telling the wil of God This is proued Num. 6. wher the Lord saith in this wise The préests shal put the name of the Lord vppon the children of Israel but I wil blisse them Too vnbinde therfore whiche is the duetie of the préest is too declare that God hath released the fault But how doo they withhold sinnes by the word and according too the woord that is too wit what sinnes soeuer ye shall declare too bée withhild by the woord of god they shal be withholden in heuen also I haue spoken more héerof in the feast of the Lords supper and therefore now I passe to the second place wherof I will entreate very bréefly ¶ Of the second COncerning Thomas wée haue two things in this story that is to wit vnbeléefe and confession His vnbeléefe hée sheweth in these woords vnlesse I see the gash of the nailes in his hands I vvill not beleeue He herd the other Disciples telling how they had séen the Lord and yet he being vtterly vnmindful of al the foretellings of the prophets and of Christ beléeueth not So sore doth mannes reason set it self ageinst God and his woord in matters of saluation Hithertoo concerning his vnbeléefe Now foloweth concerning his faith and confession An eight dayes after the Disciples vvere togither ageine in one house and Thomas vvith them And Iesus came vvhen the gates vvere shut and stoode in the mids of them and saide peace bee vntoo you and he said too Thomas bring thy finger hither and see my hands c. And bee not vnbeleeuing but beleeue When he had herd the Lords voice and was cōuicted by the manyfest signe he conceiued fayth out of which he vttred this cōfession my lord my God At Thomas therfore we may lern .ij. things frō whence faith is what is the true confession Faith is of the woord of the signe according whervnto we haue the gospel y e most true woord of Chryst and two most stately signes Baptim and the Lords supper This faith conceiued by the woord confirmed by signe will vtter a true confession suche as this is of Thomas who crieth out héere my Lord and my god This confession of Thomas if it bée well sifted conteineth foure things For first it acknowledgeth Chryst too bée the same man that was slaine a thrée daies before by the Iewes Secondly whereas he calleth him God he acknowledgeth his Godhead Moreouer wheras he sayeth not two Lordes or two Gods but one Lorde and one God he acknowledgeth the vnitie of his person Lastly whereas he sayth my Lord and my God he confesseth his office of redemption vppon whom he also stayed himselfe by liuely faith ¶ Of the thirde BLissed are they that haue not seene and haue beleeued This vniuersall doctrine concerning beléeuers is too bée obserued For héere Chryst by expresse woords pronounceth them blissed that beléeue although they sée not Chryst with their bodily eyes Héerevnto perteineth al the whole Scripture as he sayth But these things are vvritten that you might beleeue that Iesus is the sonne of God and that beleeuing yee might haue life in his name The ende therefore of the Scripture is that we may beléeue The ende of fayth is that the beléeuers should haue euerlasting life to which bring vs Iesus Chryst the author of life too whom with the father the holy ghost bée honor for euermore Amen The second Sunday after Easter ¶ The Gospell Iohn x. CHryst sayd vntoo his Disciples I am the good shepheard a good shepheard giueth his life for the sheepe An hired seruant and he vvhich is not the shepheard neither the sheepe are his ovvne seeth the vvolfe comming and leaueth the shepe and fleeth and the vvolfe catcheth and scattereth the shepe● The hired seruant fleeth bicause he is an hired seruant and careth not for the shepe I am the good shepherd knovv my shepe and am knovvne of mine As my father knovveth me euen so knovve I also my father And I giue my life for the shepe and other shepe I haue vvhich ar not of this fold Them also must I bring and they shal heare my voyce and there shall bee one fold and one shepheard The exposition of the text THe occasion why this Gospel is set forth in the church at this season is this We herd in y e first holy day after Easter to what ende it be hooued Christ too suffer rise ageine from death that is to wit that in his name repentance forgiuenesse of sinnes might be preached too all nations through which preaching the kingdom of Sathā might bée destroyed the kingdōe of Christ set vp Now in as much as this thing cannot otherwise bée brought to passe than by faithful ministers of the woord whō the scripture termeth shepherds It liked the church as on this day to
ascension And thirdly the frute of Chrystes ascension In the comming downe of Chryste from heauen intoo the earth there are twoo things too bée considered the gifte and the Example The gift for that Chryst descended from Heauen and took mannes nature vpon him that by offering him selfe in sacrifice hée might ridde vs of oure sinnes For by the sacrifice of Chryst the father is pacified and for Chryste our mediatours sake so abased all beléeuers are receiued and are the children and heires of God For therefore did the Lorde come downe from heauen therefore did he humble and abase him selfe that wée might ascende from the earth too Heauen and that wée might bée exalted too euerlasting life and glory And the example That wée also should come downe and be humbled 1. Peter 2. Chryst suffered for vs leauing vs an example that wée should folow his steps Of what maner Chrystes ascension intoo heauen was the scripture sheweth He ascended visibly with a bodily and naturall mouing and a cloude tooke him vp intoo heauen Whervpon is saide he ascended aboue all heauens Eph. 4. Neuerthelesse he did not by ascending chaunge his humayne nature intoo his godhead or so shed it out that it shuld bée euerywher with his godhead although the vnion of them bée inseparable The frute of Chrysts ascension is manifolde according as it is easy too gather by diuers places of scripture The first frute therfore is that Chryst is a triumpher ouer his enimies which are sinne death the deuill and hell For these enimies hath he vanquished and triumphed ouer them by his glorious ascension Hée wyped out sinne when he was made a sacrifice for sinne Assoone as sinne was wyped away death was disarmed for sinne is the sting of death When death was once destroyed the deuil lost his force and weapons Lastly for as much as hell deuoureth onely them that are vnder sinne death and the deuill it foloweth that Chryst beyng the conqueror of sinne death and the deuill did also ouercome hell Secondly he ascended too bée our head which ascended into heauen first that he may shew the way vntoo vs whervppon Iohn 14. I go my way to prepare you a place and I will take you vp vntoo mée Thirdly he ascended that hée might from heauen spred the beames of his power ouer all the world Eph. 4. Hée ascended aboue all the heauens that hée might fill all things Then is hée not ascended too bée vtterly away from vs but that with his present power hée may rule heauen and earth and bée present with his Church vnto the ende of the world Fourthly he ascended that he might giue giftes too men Eph. 4. And he hath giuen some Apostles some Prophets some Euangelistes and some teachers That is too say hée ascended that he might bée effectuall in the ministerie confirming it by wonderfull miracles and sealing it in the hartes of men Fifthly he ascended that wée might haue an aduocate in heauen 1. Iohn 1. If any man sinne wée haue an aduocate with God the father Iesus Chryst the rightuous and hée is the propitiation for our sinnes Sixthly he ascended that he might draw our harts vntoo himself Math. 6. Where as is thy treasure there is also thy hart Coll. 3. If yée bée risen agein with Christ séeke the thinges that are aboue where Chryst sitteth at the right hand of the father Our conuersation then must bée in heauen where our Sauiour sitteth in glorie too whom with the Father and the holy Ghoste bée honour prayse and glorie world● without ende Amen The .vj. Sunday after Easter ¶ The Gospell Iohn xv WHen the comforter is come vvhom I vvill send vntoo you from the father euen the spirite of truth vvhich proceedeth from the father hee shall testifie of mee And yee are vvitnesses also bicause yee haue bin vvith mee from the beginning These things haue I saide vntoo you bicause yee should not bee offended They shall excommunicate you yea the time shall come that vvho soeuer killeth you shall thinke he doth God high seruice And such thinges vvill they doo vntoo you bicause they haue not knovvne the father neither yet mee But these things haue I tolde you that vvhen that houre is come yee might remember then that I tolde you These things saide I not vntoo you at the beginning bicause I vvas vvith you The exposition of the text THis Gospel also is a part of that sermon that Chryste made too his Disciples the night before he suffred the summe wherof wée haue herd a whyle ago This text conteyneth the promis of the Aduocate the holy Ghost whoo shall bée present in the Churche when it suffereth persecution by the wicked worlde For Chryst telleth vs it will come to passe that wicked men and specially the Iewes shall bée caryed with so great woodnesse ageynst the Church that vnder the pretence of Religion they shal rūne with might and mayn vpon the godly yea and persuade the world that it is a certeyne seruice of God too kill the godly and too cast them out of their congregations And he sayeth that the cause of this outrage is ignoraunce and blindnesse that is too wit that they neither acknowledge the wrath of God ageinst sinne nor vnderstande the benefites of Chryst. The places are thrée 1 The office of the holy ghost and of the ministers of the woord in the Church 2 A warning least the godly being offended at the stumbling block shuld renounce that profession faith 3 Of the crosse of y e godly of their glorious deliuerance ¶ Of the firste ANd vvhen the comforter shall bee come vvhom I vvill send you from my father he shal beare vvitnesse of mee yea and you also shall beare vvitnesse These woords contein the first doctrine of this Gospell namely that the holy Ghost and Apostles and their successours must beare witnesse of Chryst. Concerning the holy ghost these things are gathered out of the text First that he is one God with the father and the sonne Secondly that he is a distinct person from the father and the sonne Thirdly that he procéedeth from the father the son And fourthly y t he is giuen too the church by Chryst. And why he is giuen to the church it is héer declared namely that he may bée a comforter that he may bée a teacher of the truth and that he may beare witnes of Christ. Of which offices I will therefore speake the more bréefly bicause the same things are too bée repeted vpon Whitson Sunday Why is he called a comforter or Aduocate Lyke as by this terming of him is giuen an inkling of the persecution and accusing or condemning of the churche by the heathenish world so is it also expresly ment therby that it shall not bée forsaken of Chryst in the time of persecution but that Christ sendeth it an aduocate namely the holy Ghost The properties of this aduocate are foure First that hée bée at hande too his Clyant that is
through him mighte bee saued But hee that beleeueth on him is not condemned But hee that beleeueth not is condēned already bicause hee hath not beleeued in the name of the onely begotten sonne of God And this is the condemnacion that light is come intoo the vvorlde and men loued darknesse more than light bicause their deedes vvere euill For euery one that euil dooth hateth the light neyther commeth too the light least his deeds should be reproued But he that dooth the truthe commeth too the light that his deeds may bee knovvne hovv that they are vvrought in God The exposition of the Text. WE heard yesterday how the Gospel of Iesus Chryst was confirmed by a woonderfull miracle namely that Chryst sent the holy ghost from heauen in a visible shape whō not onely the Apostles felt but also al that wer that day at Hierusalem sawe according as Luke declareth Act. 2. This day the Church setteth foorth a Gospel wherin Chryst comprehendeth a summe of that doctrine for the confirmation whereof the holy Ghoste was giuen vpon Whitsonday Chryste talketh with Nichodemus who was one of the Pharisies and a Prince of the Iewes as wée shall héere more at large vpon Trinitie Sunday Untoo him dooth Chryste in the texte whiche I recited euen now declare the causes of saluation and damnation sheweth from whence commeth the originall bothe of saluation also of damnation Hée sayeth that Chryst was giuen too the intent that they which beléeue in him shoulde bée saued The reste hée witnesseth too sticke still in their damnation as wée shall cléerly sée in the exposition of the text The places 1 The commendation of Gods louingnesse and mercy towards men 2 The instrument wherby Chrystes benefites are applyed too men is sealed 3 A comfort for the godly ageinst the temptation of sinne and iudgement 4 The difference betwixte the beléeuers and the vnbeléeuers ¶ Of the first SO GOD loued the vvorlde that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne In these few woords is commended vntoo vs the louingnesse and mercy of God and that not by naked woords but by a déed most excellent of all others For it is not a true loue which eyther lyeth hid in the hart only or sitteth in the tong but which procéeding frō the innermore affection of the hart vttreth it selfe by woord and déede How then dooth God loue héer Hée loueth in such wise that he gaue euen his own sonne too be the price of the raunsome for the redēption of the world that he might by his death redéem them that were adiudged too death damnation Of this loue of God speaketh Paul Rom. 5. God condemneth his loue towards vs in that when wée were yet sinners Chryst dyed for vs. And Rom. 8 If God bée on oure side who can bée ageinst vs Who spared not euen his owne sonne but gaue him for vs all Wée dayly behold great tokens of Gods loue towards men in al our whole life in the gouernment of things Notwithstanding that loue whiche so shineth foorthe in the matters of this life is scarsly a slender shadow of that most excellent loue wherwith he embraceth vs in his sonne whom he hath giuen too most bitter death for vs. This loue of GOD hath excéeding mercy going with it of which Moises the Prophets and the Psalmes doo preach in many places out of whom I wil take a few testimonies too confirme our beléefe concerning Gods good wil towards vs. Moses Exo. 34. saith thus O Lord God of power mercifull and gentle and of much compassion and true which extendest mercy vntoo thousands which takest away iniquitie wickednesse and sinne Deut. 5. I am the Lord thy God that sheweth mercy vntoo many thousāds that loue me and kéepe my commaundements Esai 16. And his throne shalbée prepared in mercy Ionas 4. for I know that thou art a gentle and merciful God pacient and of much compassion a forgiuer of mens wickednesse Dauid Psa. 2. The earth is full of the Lords mercy And the .102 Psal. As farre as the heauen is from the earth so hath he strengthened his mercy vpon them that feare him Also Psal. 103. The mercy of the Lord is from generation too generation vpon them that fear him and his rightuousnesse vpon their childrens childrē Also in the same Psalm The Lord is merciful and gentle slow too anger great in mercy he dealeth not with vs according too our iniquities neither rewardeth he vs according too our misdéedes but as high as the heauen is aboue the earth so much hath his mercy surmounted towards them that feare him As the father pitieth his children so doth the Lord pitie thē that feare him There be many such testimonies of scripture which set out vntoo vs the vnspeakable loue and mercy of God and shew the largenesse of the same loue and mercy and the effect and applying therof For the largenes of gods mercy is séene in these poynts that it extendeth it selfe vntoo thousandes that it filleth the earth that God pitieth as the father pitieth his owne children The effect or frute of it is séene in this that it taketh away sinne that it iustifieth sinners that it acquiteth of y e due penaltie This mercy is groūded in his sone bicause he by offring himself in sacrifice hath satisfied Gods iustice by his obedience towards the law of God hath purchased rightuousnesse vntoo vs. This mercy is applied too them that loue God feare him kéepe his commaundements that is too them that beléeue in Christ which through faith performe new obedience But as touching this matter more is to be spoken in the second place Let vs héere consider more déepely the woords of the text God so loued the vvorld sayth he Who loueth God Whom loueth he The world Héer stay thy self think vpon this woord He loueth this world Ergo his healthfull louingnesse perteyneth not to the Iewes only for they ar but a péece of y e world He loueth the world Ergo he loueth not only a certeine few of y e world as the holy vertuous y t are in the world but rather Chryst cam into y e world of purpose to saue y e sinners What meneth he then by the world Al men that are in y e world Behold the Lamb of God saith Iohn which taketh away y e sinnes of the world And agein gods wil is y t al men shuld be saued As often therfore as we héer y t God loueth the world let vs think our selues to be a parcel of that world which he loueth How falles it out then y t he loueth vs cōsidering y t we are sinners God findeth two things in vs. One whiche he himselfe hath made and another which cōmeth of our selues That we are men consisting of soule body it procéedeth of him This his creature God loueth But that we are sinners we haue it not of him but it procéeeeth of our selues This dooth God hate for the
Pharisie who thought himself godly and rightuous and was not so maketh vs a Prayer too knowe an Hypocrite by Contrariwise the silie Publicane casting himselfe flat before God and acknowledging his own vnclennesse and yet neuerthelesse fléeing vntoo mercy dooth by his exāple set foorth a forme of true and healthful prayer The places are thrée 1 Of the rightuousnesse of the Law and of the fondnesse of the Pharisie 2 Of Christen rightuousnesse and of true repentance 3 Chrystes iudgement concerning the Pharisie and the Publicane ¶ Of the firste HE sayde too certeine vvhiche had an opinion of themselues that they vvere ryghtuous Héere I must néedes speake of the rightuousnesse of the Lawe what is it and what is the vse end and prerogatiue of it For thereby wée shall vnderstand how farre the Pharisies are wide from the true rightuousnesse What is the rightuousnesse of the Lawe It is a perfecte obedience of all our members inwarde and outwarde vntoo Gods lawe of the harte the affections the will the mouth and ▪ bréeflye of all the powers and abilities as well of the bodie as the minde whiche obedience it behoueth too be not at startes but continuall not vayne but perfecte and full not stayned but pure and chaste suche as mighte haue bin performed by Adam before his fall and suche as is performed by the holye Angelles in Heauen That the rightuousnesse of the Law ought too bée suche a one bothe Moyses and Chryst doo teache in these woords Thou shalt loue the Lord thy GOD with all thy harte with all thy soule with all thy strengthe and with all thy power and thy neyghboure as thy selfe Moreouer forasmuche as hée is pure holy chaste nothing can please him but that whiche is pure holye and chaste And they that fulfill this rightuousnesse they onely haue the promisse of the Law For thus sayeth Moyses The man that dooth these things shall liue in thē No man Chryst onely excepted didde euer performe this perfecte and continuall obedience suche as the Lawe requireth Wherefore all they ▪ that thynke them selues ryghtuous wyth thys rightuousnesse of the law are not only blinde and arrogant but also blasphemous ageinst the law of GOD which they measure by their owne slender skill and not by the voyce of GOD. That none is able too fulfil the law of GOD I haue declared a late and will now bréefly bring the same too oure remembrance ageine Firste oure members bothe inwarde and outward wherwith wée should execute obedience to the Lawe are mangled and corrupted with a certeine horrible outrage so as they are able too doo nothing aryght Agein the Law of sinne as a moste stoute Gyant grypeth our limmes euen after that wée bée borne a newe that wée cannot performe what we woulde Héereuppon S. Paule cryeth oute O vnhappy man that I am who shall deliuer mée from this bodye subiecte too Death And in another place Too will is present with mée but too performe I finde not in my selfe Also I doo not the good that I would doo but the euill whiche I would not doo that doo I. Thus the regenerate haue a forewarde will but they are destitute of ablenesse too performe that which they would so importunate is our houshold enimie withdrawing vs from that whiche is good What shall wée saye then of them whose will is not yet reformed suche as all they bée that are not regenerate Too the furtherance héereof also maketh it that the Law of God is spirituall but wée are carnall For thus hathe Paule béeing at that time a faythfull Chrystian sayd The Law is spirituall but I am carnall solde vnder sinne Héereby it is easie too sée that wée are not able to performe due obedience too the law For how is it possible that flesh should performe spirituall rightuousnesse I alledged many and sundry other reasons not long agoe whereby I shewed that no man in this life is able too yéeld perfect and ful obedience too the Law What is too bée doone then Héere thou shalt firste heare the voyce of the Lawe What sayeth hée Curssed is hée that continueth not in all the things that are written in the book of the Lawe Héere thou hearest the sentence of the Lawe Let this saying of the lawe humble thée before God and vtterly cast thée downe that thou maist acknowledge both the filthinesse of thy sinne and thy iust damnation What is too bée doone héer Are we able too eschue the cursse of the lawe Thou art not able of thine owne power Wherefore thou must eyther perish or else séeke a remedie ageinst this damnation of the lawe but other remedie surely there is none than only Iesus Chryst who purposely came into the world too take vppon himselfe the curse of the lawe and too delyuer all that beléeue on him from the power of the lawe that is from damnation which the law threatneth too those y t transgresse it Therefore this cursse extendeth it selfe too all men that héere not Chryst nor are clothed with his rightuousnesses that they may appéere apparelled therewith in the sight of God For Chryst is the end of the law too iustifie all that beléeue Rom. 10. These things haue I spoken concerning the rightuousnesse of the lawe too this intent that I might shewe how fond these Pharisies were which thought themselues rightuous and hilde scorne of others as vnholy and vnrightuous But what is the cause that this Pharisie and the rest of his rable thought themselues rightuous The cause was blindnesse For he was so blinde that he saw not the méening of the lawe yea rather he saw only the couering of the lawe and neuer looked into the brest of the lawe according as the text of this gospel sufficiently declareth For he sayth I thanke thee that I am not as other men extortioners vniust adulterers or as this Publicane He had séene the letter of the law then but not the spirit that is he stacke only in the outward woorks but he considered not the spirituall méening which the law requireth How bée it too the intent these things may be set the playner before our eyes let vs sée first what maner of woorkes this Pharisies were Secondly Let vs lay them too the law of God Thirdly let vs gather therby what wanted in him And fourthly let vs sée of how many sinnes he was founde giltie and cast by the lawe though he vaunted himselfe rightuous before men The woorkes of this Pharisie were faithlesse procéeding of méere misbeléefe and pryde Now in as much as the scripture saieth plainely without faith it is impossible too please God who is so madde as too call this outwarde visor rightuousnesse Let vs lay his woorkes that he bosteth of too the woord of God The lawe requireth pure obedience This man out of his most vncleane hart draweth slaunders ageinst God and his neighboure The lawe commaundeth him too loue his neighboure He accuseth him yea and that before the iudgement seate of God
onely Carnally only Chryste was séene of the greatest parte of the Iewish nation which neuerthelesse was damned Therfore the séeing of Chryst in the flesh onely dooth not of it selfe profit too saluation but rather furthereth too greater damnation Herode saw Chryste so did Pilate likewise so did Iudas Cayphas and many other vngodly persons whose damnation teacheth vs that too sée Chryst outwardly in the flesh auayleth not too saluation if there go not true faith in Christ with it Chryst was séen in the flesh and in the spirit at once toogither of the wise men of Marie of Simeon Zacharie Zacheus the Apostles and many others whose séeing turned too their soule helth bicause they not only beheld Chryste with their outwarde eyes but also with the eyes of their harte Whiche thing is manifestly séen in that woman whiche for washing Chrystes féete with hir teares wiping them with the hear of hir head heard Chryst say vntoo hir that hir sinnes were forgiuen hir for the faiths sake whiche shée had in him Of this séeing chéefly speaketh our Lord in this place when he sayth Many Prophets and Kinges haue longed too see that you see and haue not seene In spirite onely doo all they sée Chryste whiche beléeue in him for so dooth Chryst him self interprete it when he saith As Moyses lift vp the Serpent in the wildernesse So must the sonne of man bée exalted that all whiche beléeue in him may not perishe but haue life euer●asting After this sort did Abel sée Chryste in his sacrifice so did Abraham of whome Chryst beareth recorde saying Abraham sawe my day and was glad So sée we Chryst at this day as many of vs as beléeue in him Now that they whiche sée Chryst in this wise are blissed this saying of our Lord vntoo Thomas testifieth Blissed are they that beléeue and sée not For we sée him in the Gospel where he appéereth face too face vntoo vs that we should be transformed intoo the likenesse of him Hithertoo concerning the first maner of séeing Chryst and the partes of the same after which maner hée is séene in this world Now foloweth the other maner of séeing which is in the glory too come where we shall sée him moste perfectlie bée delighted with euerlasting gladnesse enioying the moste pleasant and comfortable beholding of him But wherfore dooth hée auouch those too bée happy that sée Chryst First for that Chryste is the woorde of life without which there is no saluation too bée looked for For this woord of life deliuereth the beléeuers from eternall death For like as he that séeth not Chryste and specially with the eyes of faith abideth in prison and vnder the power of the Diuell euen so he that séeth Chryst ouercommeth the world and all euils according too this of Iohn This is the victorie that ouercommeth the world euen your faith But doo we not sée many godly men too be in yl case in this life and too be put too moste gréeuous punishement I answere Yet are they blissed for the sequele of the matter For there shall be a moste ioyfull deliueraunce from all euils wherewith the godly are oppressed in this life And therefore Christe saythe in Mathew Blissed are those that mourne for they shal receiue comfort ¶ Of the second A Certeine Lavvyer stood vp tempting him and saying Master vvhat shall I doo too haue euerlasting life Iesus ansvvered Thou shalt loue the Lord thy GOD. And as it is written in Mathew if thou wilte enter intoo life kéepe the commaundements Too the intent we may vnderstande this answere of Chryste aright it is too bée noted that there are two kindes of men with whom Chryst hath too doo For some are Hipocrites and some repent in good earnest The Hipocrites béeing proude and swelling throughe opinion of their owne rightuousnesse think them selues too haue no néed of Chryst and therfore they persecute him one while by tempting him another while by slaundering his doctrine and sometime by open violence When suche as these bée doo séeke the way of saluation he poynteth them too the lawe and saythe If thou wilt enter intoo life kéepe the commaundementes But those that fall vntoo repentaunce and séeke the way of saluation at Chrystes hand are not sent by Chryste vntoo the law and too Moyses but he taketh them too him self and biddeth them beléeue on him Which thing whē they do he graūteth ouer his owne rightuousnesse vntoo them that they should not be subiect too the curse of the law Wée wil make this more apparant by examples The Pharisie of whom wée heard a late séemed rightuous vntoo him self but he was pronounced vnrightuous by Chryste bicause he had not the rightuousnesse of the law whiche he made his bragges of Contrariwise the Publicane that broughte his sinnes intoo the Temple with him whiche hée there bewayled fléeing too the mercy of God went his way home iustified And in as much as he was iustified and made rightuous he was also made an heir of eternal life In Mathew the lawyer asketh Christe the question saying what shall I doo too get eternall life and Chryste answereth If thou wilt enter intoo life kéepe the commaundements Contrariwise the wretched théefe being a sinner repenteth vpon the Crosse and calleth vpon Chryste by faith too whom Chryst sayth This day shalt thou bée with mée in Paradise that is too wit in euerlasting lyfe In this Gospel cōmeth also a Doctor of the law too tempt the Lord sayth what shall I doo too possesse eternal life Too whom our Lord answereth Thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God thy neighbor as thy self which is all one as if hée sayd if thou wilt enter intoo life kéep the commaundements But too the sinfull womā Luk. 7. he saith Thy faith hath made thée whole And so Chryst dealeth with twoo kindes of men according too the diuersitie of whom hée sheweth the right way vntoo heauen Why sheweth he the way by y e law sith no man was euer able too come too heauen by y e way Bicause it is the straightest way too heauen according too this The man that doth these things shall liue by them This way therfore doth Chryst shew too them that hold scorn of him For whosoeuer despiseth Chryst eyther hée shall die for euer or else fulfill the lawe which is impossible for him too doo Agein there is another way to heauen which is open too those only that beléeue in Chryst who is the way intoo heauen ¶ Of the thirde THou shalt loue the Lord thy God vvith all thy vvhole hart vvith all thy vvhole soule vvith all thy vvhole povver and vvith all thy vvhole thoughte and thy neighboure as thy selfe This is a summe of Gods lawe and an abridgement of the ten commaundements In both of these commaundementes there are foure things too bée considered First the affection that is required too bée in man towardes God and his neighbour 2. The obiect namely God and
Lord was bidden too dinner by a certein Pharisie vppon the Sabboth day and that a certeine man diseased of the Dropsie was brought before him he demaunded of those that séemed too themselues too bée wyser than other men whither it were lawfull too heale vppon the Sabboth day And the cause why he put foorth this question was for that as the Pharisies had with their gloses corrupted the other scriptures So also had they defaced the kéeping of the Sabboth Howbéeit forasmuche as the question is concerning the Saboth wée wil set foorth the whole doctrine cōcerning the Saboth and speake of foure things in order First wherfore God ordeined the Sabboth day Secondly what is the right vse of the Iewes Sabboth Thirdly what maner of holy dayes ours ought too bée And fourthly of the true Ceremonies of the Church and of the ends of them Why then did God ordeine the Sabboth day There bée rek●ened chéefly fiue causes Of which the first is that it should bée a perpetuall Sacrament or remembraunce of Gods rest after the creation of the world which he made in sixe dayes with all the furniture and contentes therof This cause is alledged in the seconde of Genesis where Moyses sayth that the Lord cōmaunded the Saboth day too bée kept holy bicause he rested that day frō creation The same thing also is declared in the .xx. of Exodus in these woords The seuenth day is the Sabboth of the Lord. For in sixe dayes the Lord God made heauen and earth The second cause of the ordeyning of the Sabboth is that it should bée a type and counterfigure of Chrystes Sabboth kéeping For it represented the Sabboth whiche Chryst the true Passeouer and creator of the new Heauen new earth should rest in his graue vpon the Sabboth day and kéep the very Sabboth arighte And therefore hée commaundes the Iewes streightly too kéepe the Sabboth day And by the vnserchable deuise of his wisdome hée ordeyned that Chryste the true Paschall Lamb should bée slaine and put too deathe vppon the very day of the Passeouer and that hée rested the Saboth day folowing in his graue The third cause also why the Saboth was ordeyned was that it should be a pledge of the promisse For God promised his people a Saboth that is too say a rest Esay ▪ the .xiiij. And in that daye when GOD shall giue thée reste from thy laboure and from thy confusion and from thy harde bondage wherein thou didst serue c. The people of GOD looke for thrée kindes of rest The first is from the laboure of the presente troubles in this life The second is from the temptations wherewith oure owne Conscience and the Deuill assaulteth vs. The thirde is from the thraldome of the Deuil so as hée may neuer more bring vs vnder his bondage and hard yoke The fourth cause of the institution of the Sabboth is too the intente there shoulde bée a time certeine for teaching and hearing the woord of GOD or that there shoulde bée a time wherein there might bée an open and common professing of the religion in which the godly might take comfort the ignoraunt bée instructed in godlinesse Esay 58. If thou call a delicate Saboth Then shalt thou delight in the Lord Iob. 22. Then shalt thou delight in the almightie and lift vp thy face vntoo GOD. For the Saboth was not ordeyned too play and drinke in but too pray and praise God in Wherevppon Austin sayeth it is lesse euill too go too plough than too play vpon one of those dayes The fifth cause is for ciuil policie which is commended too Gods people Deut. 5. in these woords Kéep the Saboth day that thy man seruant thy mayd seruant and thy selfe maye rest And afterwarde Thou shalt doo no manner of woorke therein thou and thy sonne and thy daughter thy man seruant and thy mayde seruant thine Oxe and thine Asse and the Straunger that is within thy gate And thus haue wée the true causes and the right vse of the Iewishe Sabboth Now although the Iewish Saboth toogither with other ceremonies of Moyses bée abolished and disanulled so farre foorth as perteyneth too the kéeping of the seuenth day of the wéeke Yet notwithstanding as touching the vse of it it is continuall as a thing ratifyed by the lawe of God and nature For like as God wil be serued and that his woord shal bée preached So nature telleth vs it is vtterlye necessary that there should bée some certeine time appoynted for holy matters Therfore there must néedes bée certaine dayes appoynted for folke too assemble and méet in openly at certein houres that the woord of God may bée taught and learned too the intente all things may bée doone orderlye and after a comely fashion in the Churche according as Paule teacheth the Corinthians Moreouer in oure holydayes twoo things are too bée obserued One is what is to be eschued Another is what is to bée doone Thrée things are too bée eschued The firste is outward labour And that too the intent the minde maye wholly intend too Gods seruice that is too say that it may wholly intend too heare Gods woord too learne it and too consider vppon it And therefore it is the Magistrates duetie too prouide that the seruice of God be not hindered at such times by bodily laboures Howbeit héere it is too bée knowne that there bée foure exceptions which excuse those that laboure at suche a time The first is necessarie For our Lord himselfe excuseth his Disciples for plucking the eares of corne vppon the seuenth day as sayth Mathew in the twelfth Chapter The seconde is the profite of the Church like as the préests did all things vpon the Saboth day which séemed néedfull in the Churche without trouble of conscience for the Saboth The third is the profit and sauegard of our neighbor wherfore our Lord also healed the man that had the dropsie vpon the Saboth day The fourth is the aucthoritie of the superiors too whom wée must bée obedient But let the superiors take héede that they offend not him which is their superior while they hold their inferiors too streight The second thing that is too bée eschued is voluptuous lyfe toogither with all the woorkes of darknesse which fight full ageinst kéeping holy the Saboth day Thirdly thou must eschue the contempt of godly ceremonies soothly least eyther by absenting thy selfe or by despising the holy Ceremonies thou giue others example too become woorse Thus haue we what things are too bée eschued in our holydayes Now let vs sée what is too bée doone in them First therefore in as much as the Iewes were occupied in killing sacrifices and in offering Let vs also slea the sacrifices of our owne bodies and offer the Calues of our lippes Let vs earnestly repent let vs glorifie God with hart mouth confession and behauiour let vs offer the incence of our hart that is too wit faith and hope let vs offer the sacrifice of well doing
gentle méek too the intent we should not shu● him as a cruell Tirant but rather come vntoo him with full confidence and demaund of him the saluation promised And wheras hée setteth him foorth poore that is too bée referred too the state of this present life Whoose will it was too bée poor for this purpose that he might with his spirit enrich vs that are poore and make vs blissed for euer ¶ Of the thirde THe Citizens of this King are described vnder the persons of Christes disciples and of the people whoos 's example wée must followe if wée wil bée reckened among the Citizens of Christes kingdome First therefore let vs with Chrystes disciples bring the Asse vntoo him That is to say let vs too whom the ministration of the woord is committed doo all things that are appointed vs too the glorie of Christe and the enlarging of his kingdome Secondly let vs lay our clothes vpon the Asse whiche thing wée shall then rightly doo when wée employ all oure power and abilities too the preseruation of the Ministerie Also wée must cut downe bowes from the trées cast them before Christe that is too say wée must preache Christe and acknowledge him too bée the eternall king whose kingdome wée shall wishe too flourish for euer like the Palme trée that it may not sinck downe vnder the burthens of the miseries of this world Wée must cry Hosanna that is too say wée must call vpon him with faith and confesse him too bée our King assuring our selues that his kingdome is blissed in the highest And héerevpon wée may bréefly gather what is the right vse and helthfull meditation of this feast concerning the helthful comming of Christe The first vse therfore is to endeuour that this king may come vntoo vs. And how shall that bée brought too passe He is called too vs by true repentance kept by substanciall faith and delighted by pure worshipping The second is too put vs in minde of thankfulnes that wée glorifie him with heart voice confession and behauiour Whoo for our sakes came vntoo vs who béeing made man gaue him selfe for our sinnes too deliuer vs out of this present euil world according too the wil of God our father too whom bée glorie for euer and euer Amen The ij Sunday in Aduent ¶ The Gospell Luke xxj THere shall bee signes in the Sunne and in the Moone and in the Starres and in the earthe the people shall bee at their vvits end thorovv dispaire The Sea and the vvater shall roare and mennes heartes shall fayle them for feare and for looking after those things vvhiche shal come on the earth For the povvers of Heauen shal moue And then shall they see the Sonne of man come in a Cloude vvith povver and great glorie VVhen these things begin to come to passe then look vppe and lift vp your heades for your redemtion dravveth nie And he shevved them a similitude Beholde the Fig tree and all other trees vvhen they shoot foorth their buddes yee see and knovve of your ovvne selues that Sommer then is nigh at hand So likevvise yee also vvhen yee see these things come too passe bee sure that the kingdome of GOD is nie Verely I say vntoo you this generation shall not passe til all be fulfilled Heauen and earth shall passe but my vvoordes shall not passe Take heed vntoo your selues therefore least at any time youre hartes bee ouercome vvith surfetting and dronkennesse and cares of this lyfe and that that day come on you vnvvares For as a snare shall it come on all them that sit on the face of the vvhole earth VVatche therefore continually and pray that yee may obtaine grace too flee all this that shall come and that yee may stand before the sonne of man The exposition of the text LIke as the last Sunday the church celebrated the remembrance of Christs comming in the fleshe so this lesson of the Gospell entreateth of his second coming and belongeth too that Article of our faith wherin wée confesse with hart and mouth that the same Lorde whiche came héeretoofore too bée a mediator and Sauior of them that beléeue in him shall come héereafter too iudge the quick and the dead that they which in this life haue receiued Christe and acknowledged him too bée their sauior should bée raysed ageine in their bodies be rewarded with euerlasting life and that those whiche haue despised him in following their owne affections too the dishonor of God should bée punished euerlastingly with deserued torments Of this Euangelical lesson let there bée made thrée places 1 Of Christes comming too iudgement 2 The vse frute of the forewarning of y e same comming 3 Christes exhortation too his Disciples that they should bée ready without let ¶ Of the first OCcasion of this sermon concerning Christes comming arose vpon the talke betwéene Christe and his disciples in the Temple of Ierusalem For when the disciples woondred at the sumptuousnesse of the Temple the Lorde him selfe answered that the time would come it shoulde bée so wasted one day that one stone should not bée left vpon another His disciples hearing this demaunded him of the time Too whom hée answering declared the tokens that should go before the destruction of Hierusalem strengthning them leaste they shoulde bée discouraged in their mindes for the euils that were at hand Héerevpon taking occasion hée passeth on too the vniuersall and last iudgement and reckeneth vp the signes that shall goe before it Howbéeit too the intent al things may become the cléerer vntoo vs first wée will examine fiue circumstaunces whiche the text comprehendeth And afterward wée wil describe the iudgement it selfe according to the Scriptures The first of the circumstances therfore is concerning the time ▪ For he sheweth the time by signes cōfirmeth y e same by comparison And there are many kindes of signes whiche go before the comming of the Lord vnto iudgement The first signe is séene in the Sunne and the Moone and the starres which what maner of one it shall bée Marke in his .xiij. chapter vttereth in these woords The Sunne shal be darkned y t is too say there shal be many Eclipses of y e sunne And y e moone shal not yéeld foorth hir light namely while she also suffreth eclipse And y e starres shal fal frō heauen y t is too wit shal séeme too fal That many of this kinde of signes are alredy past our present age beareth witnesse For there neuer hapned so many eclipses either of the sun or of y e Moone The second signe of the iudgemēt at hand is the perplexitie of people through despaire the méening whereof is as Mathew and Marke interprete it that nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and no place shall bée frée from warres And doth not these dayes testifie the world too bée full of such signes The thirde kinde of signes are of the sea of flouds of the aire of tempests of
horrible tumultes and of certaine vnaccustomed and vehement windes And hathe not our age séene very many signes of this sort The fourth kind of signes issueth out of the second third which is a pining away for feare and for looking after those things that shall come vpon the whole world The fifth sort is that the powers of heauen shall bée moued that is too say there shalbée vnwoonted sights in heauē and earthquakes in the earth Too bée short both heauen and earth shall after a sort resemble the countenaunce of the angry iudge that sinners béeing moued by these tokens of Gods wrath should repent and turne vntoo the Lord. These signes doth the Lord apply in this wise too the last iudgement Behold the Figtrée all other trées when they haue shot foorth their buddes yée séeing it doo know of your selues that sommer is nye at hand So likewise when yée sée these things come too passe vnderstand yée that the kingdom of god is nye For these signes out of all creatures which are caried vp downe shal bée as it were messengers by whose mouth such men shal bée summoned to appéere at y t dreadful iudgement seat as running at ryot héere in this world haue neglected their owne saluation and like dronken men haue despised Christ the author of saluation Besydes these fiue sortes of signes whereof the text maketh mention there are others also Math. 24. Marke 13. 2. Thes. 2. Daniel 2. 7. Apoc. 17. all which are as it were certaine visible sermons of repentance by which god forewarneth men too flée too his sonne our Lord Iesus Chryste in whom only is saluation The second circumstance is that he which is the sonne of God and man Iesus Christ shalbée a iudge Wherin bothe the godly and vngodly haue to learne The godly too knowe that hée shall bée their iudge who had promised eternall life too all that beléeue in him adding an othe Uerely I say vntoo you all that beléeue in mée shall not perishe but haue life euerlasting This promis confirmed with an othe cannot by any meanes fayle And the vngodly haue too lerne either too repent and forsake the rable of the wicked and so too enioy their saluation purchased by Chryst or else too remember that he whom they haue refused too bée theyr Sauyoure shal adiudge them to endlesse paines that then at least wise they may too their great miserie learne howe horrible a thing it is too fall intoo the hands of the liuing God The third circumstance is that hée shall come in the clouds glorious and terrible not a seruaunt as before but a Lord not too bée iudged but too iudge not now too allure men too repentance but too punish vnrepentant persones with eternall paines and that as a righteous iudge The fourth circumstance is that he shall come mightie with power and great glorie wherby it is too bée learned that he can bothe damne the rebellious is able too rewarde the beléeuers with eternall life The fifth circumstance expresseth the cause of Chrystes comming vntoo iudgement so farre forth as it perteineth too the godly Your redemption is at hād By which saying like as Christ sheweth that his Churche shall not bée wel at ease in this world for before that day it can not be deliuered frō the vanitie of the world so he dooeth too vnderstand that the accomplishment of Chrystes benefits towards his Churche is the ful deliuerance from all euils wherwith is ioyned the perfect fruition of the eternall God with euerlasting ioy These things therfore perteine too the comfort of the godly But as touching the vngodly this day of the Lordes comming shall bée a day of wrathe and sorrowe and not of deliuerance a day of mist and darknesse and not of light a day of moorning and not of mirth a day of destruction and not of saluation And the maner of the iudgement is described in the .25 of Mathew by these words When the sonne of man shal come in his maiestie and all the Angels with him then shall he sit vppon the throne of maiestie and all nations shalbée gathered toogither before him and he shal seperate them a sunder as a shepeherd putteth his shéepe a side from the Gotes and shall set the shéepe on his right hand and the Gotes on his left Then shal the king say too them on his right hand come yée blissed of my Father and possesse you the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world For I was hungry and yée gaue mée too eate c. And vntoo them on his left hand he shal say Away from mée yée cursed intoo euerlasting fyre which is prepared for the Diuell and his Angels For I was hungry and yée gaue mée no meat c. And so the vngodly shall go intoo euerlasting punishment but the rightuous intoo euerlasting life And in the Apocalipse 20. chapt Hée shall sit vppon a great white throne at whose looke the heauen and earth shal flée away and the dead both great and small shall stand in the sight of his throne and then shalbée opened the booke of life and the bookes of consciences they shall bée iudged by those things that are written in those bookes according too their woorks They that haue doon good shal go intoo euerlasting life and they that haue doone euill intoo euerlasting fire Now in the sentence of iudgement twoo things are too be considered On Gods behalfe blissing on mennes behalfe good woorks When he sayth come yée blissed of my Father he méeneth that they are fréely saued through Iesus Chryst whom they haue receiued by Faith For in Chryst only are men blissed receiued intoo Gods fauor fréely iustified But when he calleth foorth too good woorks the Lord dooth it not for that they are causes of saluation but for other respectes Namely for that they are witnesses of true fayth the feare of God and moreouer that by setting before them a recompence of the miseries which they abide in this life hée may the more stirre them vp too godly and holy conuersation ¶ Of the seconde WHy Christ forewarned his disciples of his cōming too iudgement he declareth when he sayth When these things begin too come too passe looke vp and lift vppe your heads c. All these things wil put vs in minde of a certaine continuall repentaunce in this life But what doo wée wée sée the last day redy too light in our necks and yet neuerthelesse wée delay too repent and féede our owne fansies What doo noble men What doo princes what doo learned men what doo vnlearned men what doo townes men what doo countrey folke and too bée short what doo in maner al men What is hée that earnestly myndeth this forewarnyng of Christes Wée make more accompt of a ferme in the countrey than of the kyngdome of GOD. Yea rather who is hée that preferreth not the commodities of this life bée they neuer so slender before the
this little ship for that the Churche reprooueth the woorkes of the worlde that is too say blameth the worldly wyse men of follie condemneth the rightuous men as giltie of sinne and aduaunceth not the riche men but pronounceth them vnhappie and wretched vnlesse true godlinesse bée the gouernoure and ruler of their riches And this is it that Christ promised when hée sayde The holy Ghoste shall reproue the world of sinne of rightuousnesse and of iudgement What had Abel offended against Caine who horribly murthered him Iohn answereth Abels woorkes were good and his brothers were euil What did Noe What did Hieremie What did Esay What did Christe and too bée short what did so many martyrs from the beginning of the world vntoo this day They would haue brought the worlde backe from darknesse vntoo light that menne renouncing worldy lusts might liue godlily honestly and vprightly in the world This is the thanke that the worlde is woont too requite his benefactours withall For it woulde drown them in his waues Howbéeit all things fall not out as hée would wishe he cannot destroy this little ship vtterly for out of the bloud of the martyrs spring vp other newe martyrs ageine Wée may therefore learne hereby a holy arte against the stumbling blocke of persecution and fewenesse If the tossing of the ship trouble thée haue an eye vntoo Christe whoo is present at hand in the ship If the fewenesse trouble thée haue an eye too the Arke of Noe too the Sodomites and too the rest of the whole world Those things that are best did neuer like but the fewest The Churche at the beginnning was very small in the middes it was biggest and in the ende it shalbée so small againe that what with the malice of the Deuil and what with the leude doctrine of Diuels and what with wicked maners it may séem ouerwhelmed with waues In these waues therfore let vs learne too waken Christe with oure calling vppon him whoo is neuer away from his ship but guydeth it with his holy spirit his woord his sacraments and his discipline Too whome with the Father and the holy Ghoste bée honour and glorie worlde without end Amen The .v. Sunday after Epiphany ¶ The Gospel Math. xiij HE put foorth another parable vntoo them saying The kingdome of Heauen is like vntoo a man vvhich sovved good seede in his feeld but vvhile men slept his enimie came and sovved tares among vvheate and vvent his vvay But vvhen the blade vvas sprong vp and had brought foorth frute then appeared the tares also So the seruants of the housholder came and sayd vntoo him Sir didst not thou sovve god seede in thy feeld from vvhence thē hath it tares He sayd vntoo them the enuious man hath done this The seruants sayd vntoo him vvilt thou thē that vve go and vveede them vp But he sayd nay least vvhile yee gather vp the tares yee plucke vp also the vvheat vvith them let both grovv togither vntill the haruest and in the time of haruest I vvill say too the reapers gather yee first the tares and bind them togither in sheaues too bee brent but gather the vvheate intoo my barne The exposition of the text OCcasion of this Gospell was giuen by Christes hearers of whom some were Hipocrites who notwithstanding liked very wel of them selues that they were accounted of Christes flocke and other some were sincere and good How bée it bicause they sawe a confused mixture of the good and euill toogither their mindes were not a little troubled Too the intent therefore that the Lord might both warn the one of their hipocrisie and of the punishment that shoulde one day ensue for it raise vp the other too stedfastnesse and vnvanquishable confidence by laying béefore them the seperation and reward that was too come he propounded this parable vntoo them Whereof the meaning is this that the euil must be mixed with the good in the church as long as this world stādeth which in the end of the world shall bée seperated one from another so as vntoo the godly may be rendered reward and vntoo the wicked deserued punishment This Gospel therefore serueth too this purpose too put the hipocrites in feare and by setting foorth their punishment too prouoke them too repentaunce and too comforte the godly arming them too the sufferance of euils And the places of this Gospel are foure 1 What maner of kingdome Christes kingdome in this world is 2 Of the enimies of this kingdome 3 The prayer of Christes disciples ageinst the enimies why God suffreth enimies in his Churche 4 Of the punishment of Christes enimies and of the reward of the godly ¶ Of the first THe kingdome of heauen is takē diuersly in scripture For first when Iohn sayeth Repent and amend for the kingdome of heauen is at hand the kingdome of heauen is none other thing than the newnesse of life wherby GOD setteth vs vp ageine intoo the hope of blissed immortalitie For deliuering vs out of the bondage of sinne and death he taketh vs too him selfe that wandering as Pilgrimes vpon the earth we may before hand possesse the heauenly life through faith Therefore where as hée sayeth the kingdome of heauen is at hād he meaneth that the restoring of vs vntoo blissed life yea and the verye true and euerlasting felicitie is offered too vs in Christe Besides this it signifieth the Gospel of Christe it selfe whereby the Citizens are gathered toogither intoo the kingdome of heauen as when the Lord sayth the kingdome of heauen is within you Thirdly it signifieth the frute of the Gospel preached in the hearts of the godly and then it is as Paule defineth in the xiiij too the Romaines righteousnesse ioy spirite and peace of conscience Fourthly it signifieth the felicitie too come in euerlasting life after the iudgement as when Christe promiseth it should come too passe that manie shall come from the East and from the Weast and sit down with Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kingdom of heauen Fifthly it signifieth the verie visible Churche it selfe in this world wherin are good and euil mingled toogither vntil haruest time that is too say til the end of this world In this signification is the kingdome of heauen taken in this Gospell of which kingdome I wil nowe speake a fewe things out of this present parable The kingdome of Heauen is like a man that sovved good seed in his feeld c. The man that soweth is Chryst verie God and verie man The féeld is the world The séed are the children of the kingdom Eche of these thre doo teach many things For first when Chryst is called a sower these things are ment therby First how great the dignitie of the Church is which hath the sonne of God too hir founder Secondly that the wise of the world doo not sowe the church for that belongeth alonely vntoo Chryst and therefore that it is not preseued by the wisedom of the world Thirdely that it
bicause yée must folow him into the wildernesse wheras is y e crosse famin woolues a thousand deadly daungers but rather that wée lift vp our minds intoo heauen where Chryst sitteth at the right hand of the father in heauenly glory For we that are his mēbers shal by none other way come intoo heauen than by the same that he we●● whoo is our head He in this life endured hunger cold and other distresses let vs also beare the lyke paciently Which thing if wée do wée shall one day bée glorified with him ¶ Of the second ANd the Lord said to his disciples I haue pity of this people bicause they haue folovved me novv these three dayes and haue nothing to eate And if I shal send thē avvay to their ovvn houses they vvil faint by the vvay In these woords is described the affection of Chryst toward the people y t folowed him He is sory for the hunger of their bodies much more it is to be thought y t he was sory for the hunger of their soules For as the soule is much nobler than the body so y e hunger of y e soul is much more hurtful What thē dooth the merciful Lord He féedeth the body w t bodily food the soul with ghostly food He féedes the body with earthly bread the soul with heauenly bread y t is with gods woord Héer our reasō which wil séeme to haue skil in gods matters though it be but foolish demaūdeth What is not Chryst God why then did he not woorke a miracle féede them out of hand or why did he not sustein them without bread He wold not alter y e order or nature w tout a great cause And the order appoynted by God is y t like as the body is fedde with bread so the soul should bée nourished and susteyned by Gods woord And this is it that is spoken in Moyses Man liueth not only by bread but by euery woord that procéedeth out of the mouth of God Therefore it is not his wil y t we should loke for any thing cōtrary to this order appoynted by God but that we should leane vnto his heauēly mercy looking for help at his hād in time conueniēt This order established by God madbraind heads do inuent It is written of two Hermites that fell among théeues and had not aught too eate that when they had endured hunger a great whyle and that one of the Théeues at lengthe taking pitie vpon them gaue them bread too eate The one of them sayd I will eate none vnlesse it bée giuen mée from heauen But the other tooke it with thanksgiuing ate it and anone ●●ter he that looked for bread from heauen dyed for hunger whereas the other escaped that looked for no miracle but tooke the bread that the théeues gaue him as it had bin at the hand of God The Anabaptists also inuert this order at this day Chryst hath commaunded the Gospell too bée preached that the soule may bée nourished with it as spirituall foode But the Anabaptists despysing the woord looke for new reuelations without the woord Whereby it commeth too passe that they fall into the Diuels snares who turneth himselfe intoo an Angell of light too the intent he may throwe them headlong intoo damnation Therefore bicause Chryst would not inuert the order established by God he delayed the miracle But yet at length the affection that he beareth too those that bée his which is greater than the affection of the father towards his children did ouercome him For what maner of affection Chryst beareth towards those that are his not only the Euangelist sheweth in this Gospel when he sayth I take pitie of this people But also the Prophet Esay 49. setteth it out in a most goodly figure Can the moother sayth he forget hir owne chyld y t she should not pitie the sonne of hir owne wombe Although she should forget yet will not I forget thée Beholde I haue written thée vppon my handes Also the Parable of the prodigal childe peynteth out this affection of Chrysts towards those that bée his What shall I say of similitudes parables Chrysts crosse sheweth what maner affection he had towards his owne For he so loued vs when we were yet his foes that he suffred most reprochfull death too redéeme vs. But too what purpose are all these things First too this purpose that wée should put on a childly affection toward God the father our Lord Iesus Christ. Secondly that by falling intoo consideration of his loue towardes vs we shuld in this life hold nothing déerer nothing swéeter nothing preciouser than too submit our selues wholly too his will and too obey his voyce wherein consisteth the perfection of a Christen man in this life Wee read that our father Abraham did so who after he had herd the Lorde say vntoo him Walke before me and bée perfect receiued a commaundement too offer in sacrifice his only begotten sonne Isaac whom Sara had borne vntoo him in his olde age But what dooth he he obeyed Gods wil without delay making ready a bundel of stickes went about too slea his sonne But the Angell of the Lord withhild his hand This being doone God sayd vntoo Abraham Now I know that thou fearest me We sée héer in our father Abraham how earnest he was too obey God sith he wold not spare his only sonne but wold haue killed him at the commaundement of the Lord. But alas for sorow there are many too bée found that will not kill so much as one of their affections at the commaundement of their most mercifull father God so farre of are they from desire of folowing the example of our father Abraham Furthermore Chrystes fatherly example towards vs must put vs in mind of like good will and loue towards our brethren I haue giuen you an ensample sayth he loue ye one another like as I haue loued you ¶ Of the third THis present miracle wherein God with seuen loues and a few small fishes féedeth foure thousand men serueth too this purpose too confirme the truthe of Chrysts Gospel and too encrease the faith of the people that were present wherof I wil say no more at this time But I wil speake somewhat concerning the right vsage of Gods giftes wherby we may bée stirred vp too thankfulnesse towards God and vse Gods blissing aright First therefore this is too bée obserued that the bread encreaseth in the hands of Chryst as he prayeth and giueth thanks too the heauenly father Wherby we are taught that all blissing is of the Lord according as Paule 1. Timoth. 4. teacheth when he sayth All the creatures of God are good Stay héer a litle consider how the things which thou hast as bread and drink are Gods creature and not thy creature Wherfore thou playest the théefe if thou take any thing frō him ageinst his wil. Which thing thou dost as often as thou vsest Gods creatures without thanksgiuing and
in hope of this redemption by making hir a promisse of the blissed séede At length when the fulnesse of time was come the father sent out his sonne borne of the virgin Mary boūd vnder the law too redéeme his spouse y t was vnder the cursse of the law which thing came then too passe when he made himself the raunsome wherwith she was redéemed and recouered out of the hands of the adulterer Sathan And as in respect of eche man seuerally the Churche is handfasted and betrouthed too Chryst hir Bridegroome by faith and Baptim according as the Bridegroome himselfe sayth● I wil betrouth thée too my selfe for euer I will marry thée too me in rightuousnesse and iudgement in mercy and compassion and I will marry thée too me in fayth and thou shalt know the Lord. In this betrouthing there are two things in generall too bée considered The one is the contract and promisse of the Bridegroome and the other is the couenanting of the Bride wherby she is bound vntoo hir husbande In the couenaunt of the Bridegroome there are thrée things First the good will and fr●e loue of the Bridegroome whereby he fauoureth the Bride without any desert of hirs Secondly the méening of the continuance of the wedlocke betwéene the bridegroome Chryst and the Churche his spouse I will betrouthe thée too me sayth he for euer Therfore he continueth the Churches husband for euer Thirdly the reckening vp of the Iewels which Chryst the Bridegroome bestoweth vppon his wyfe and they are numbered héere too bée foure Rightuousnesse iudgement pitie and mercy With his owne rightuousnesse decketh he his wyfe when forgiuing hir sinnes he ascribeth his owne obedience vntoo hir where through she appéereth a comelie and beautifull Bride in the sight of the Bridegroomes father With his iudgement he reuengeth hir of them that did hir wrong mainteyning hir and pulling hir back intoo the way when shée steppeth awry Hée embraceth hir with pitie that is too saye with husbandly affection For this pitie is a kindly louingnesse issuing from the innermost closets of the minde And hée embraceth hir with mercie in that he pardoneth hir dayly misdéeds and rueth hir miseries These foure things are in the couenant of the Bridegroome And in the couenaunte on the behalfe of the Bride there bée twoo things The acknoweledging of the benefite with the praysing of GOD and fayth wherby the spouse leaneth vpon hir husbands breaste and without any distrust looketh for all the good things that hée hathe promised By this mutuall contract let vs conceiue Doctrine comfort and fayth that no discouragement of any aduersitie cause vs too fléete from this Bridegroome who neuer forsaketh his spouse vnlesse shée like a forsworne woman doo first break the fayth and trouth that shée hathe plighted Ageine wée learne héereby also that whosoeuer hath not the faith of Chryst is none of Chrystes but is defiled with shameful aduoutrie Héereby it appéereth how truely Iohn hathe sayed in his Apocalips Blissed are they that are called too the Lambes supper The fifth It is too bée obserued what they be that bid the guests too this royall mariage First the eternall GOD the Bridegroomes Father by his voyce biddeth guestes too this wedding Nexte many holy Fathers before the flud Then after the flud Noe and Melchisedech Ioseph and Moyses in Egipt The holie Prophets and Kings in the land of Canaan Daniel in Iury. After these commeth the Bridegrooms own maister of houshold Iohn Baptist poynted out the Bridegroome with his finger whoo also himself with his Apostles made Proclamation and bad guests too the wedding saying Come all things are ready The sixth The prouision for the Maryage feaste is too bée considered For euen lyke as at the Mariages of men are killed Bulles Shéepe Oxen and wilde beasts so also ageinst this mariage there is made moste excellent prouision and large alowance of al things First there is set before vs not corruptible bread but liuely bread from heauen wherof whoosoeuer eateth shall neuer after hunger Nexte is set before vs water of life For thus sayeth the Bridegroome himselfe If a man drinke of the water that I shall giue him hée shall not die Thirdly the Bridegroome refresheth our werye soules with his owne body and blud Fourthly he furnisheth vs with his owne apparell whilest wée put him on by Baptim For thus saith the holy Ghost by the mouth of Paul As many as are Baptised haue put on Chryst. And fifthly oure iunkets are the frutes of the trée of life whereby the Bryde shall haue hir strength that shée may neuer die The seuenth But they sayth the texte refused too come Did they so What a churlishnesse is that Were they bidden and woulde not come What letted them Firste their housholde guest sinne that ●●●elleth in thē This guest holds them backe with his pretie conceites that they cannot come too the wedding when they are bidden Secondlye the Bridegroomes enimie that is too wit the Deuill besetteth and forlayeth all the wayes and by diuers meanes stoppeth vp the passage too the wedding Thirdly sundry affaires kéepe them away For one hathe a Farme another hath Oxen another hathe a wife and another some other thing to busie himselfe aboute And the reste caughte his seruauntes and slue them The Storie of the worlde sheweth this too bée moste true Untoo this wedding did hée bid Abell But the Deuill sente out his champion Caine and killed him Untoo this wedding did Noe bidde guestes by the space of a hundred and twentie yéeres but those that were hidden mockte him and laughed him too skorne for his laboure Untoo this did Ioseph also bid guests in Egipt but a filthy strumpet accused him and made him too bée cast intoo prison Too this did Moyses bid guestes but hée suffered many things at their handes whom hée bad Too this wedding did the most holy Kings and Patriarkes bid guests but their talk was hild skorne of At length came the Bridegroomes owne maister of housholde Iohn but he was murthered by Herod To this wedding doth the Bridegroome himselfe the very sonne of God bid guestes but he is hanged vppon the galowes of the crosse Too this wedding do the Apostles bid guestes and after them all godly ministers of God worde Whom the Diuill assayling partly with his Sophistrie partly with his Tirannie and partly with his Hipocrisie striueth too kill So the greatest part of the world being vnkinde refuseth too come too this wedding of the sonne of God The eyght What sayth the king too this First he is angry which surely is no maruell For he sawe both himselfe and his mariage despised of those which will they nill they are compelled too confesse that what so euer good thing they haue they may thanke him for it Secondly he punisheth them bodily whereof the thanklesse world which the Lord destroyed in the flud had experience This dooth the burning of Sodom beare witnesse of This dooth the destruction of