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A02872 The image of both Churches after the most wonderfull and heauenly Reuelation of sainct Iohn the Euangelist, contayning a very fruitfull exposition or paraphrase vpon the same. Wherin it is conferred vvith the other scriptures, and most auctorised histories. Compyled by Iohn Bale an exyle also in thys lyfe, for the faithfull testimony of Iesu. Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1570 (1570) STC 1301; ESTC S100582 327,616 903

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the bloud of the Lambe 7 And by the worde of their testimonie 8. And they loued not their liues vnto the death 9 Therefore reioice ye heauens and ye that dvvell in them 10. Wo to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea 11. For the diuill is come dovvne vnto you 12. Whiche hath great vvrath 13. Because he knovveth that he hath but a short time The Paraphrase 1 And I hard a mighty great voice saith sainct Iohn which is the whole agremēt of all the sacred scriptures And the voice sayd thus vnto me 2 Now is there in heauen saluation in the church is the helth of soule now that the idolatry with other abhominatiōs is thrown forth and she cleane deliuered from their beggery Now appereth the power of the Lord that his Gospell is truely preached 3 Now is it become our Gods kingdome that theyr doctrine is not of men 4 Now hath it the whole strength of his anointed Al Christs labours merits and deseruinges his natiuitie passion resurrection and ascencion is now hir owne good Christes victory is theirs his crown his scepter his seate and kingdome is theirs Yea the possession of his fathers right hand is theirs 5 For the enimy of our brethren is throwne downe which cruelly accused them before god day and night The aduersarye Sathen which quarelled before the Lorde against pacient Iob and vexed hym sore in his substaunce and flesh neuer ceasinge to this day to trouble the rightuous with Antichristes and Tyrauntes is now ouercome by the victory of faith and his power greatly deminished in his members Now is the kingdome of God increased much people beīg vnfainedli cōuerted vnto christ 6 Conquered him they haue by no Power of theyr owne neyther merits nor works but through the inestimable strength whiche is in the bloud of the immaculate lamb Iesus Christ throgh the inuīcible word of his verity which they to the world haue testified 7 In the witnesse thereof haue they constantly suffered through faith in them haue they with him obtayned victorye ouer the worlde sinne hell death and the diuill Not theyr owne bodyes haue they spared to wyn thys conquest 8 But much more haue they loued Christ and his trueth than thēselues accounting it auantage to geue their liues for hym 9 Therefore reioyce ye heauens and al you that in them in doth dwel Ye Angels aboue ordeined for mans comforte ye sainctes departed from the miseries of this worlde ye faithfull beléeuers remanyng in this life and ye feruente fauourers of the Lordes verytie be glade that your brethren hath gotten the victory of the diuill and his Angels to the glory of Christ. 10 But wo vnto the wretched inhabitāts of the earth of the sea No small danger is towards thē that hath heard the voice of the Lord stil yet wil folow the course of this world no light peril hāgeth ouer their heads that are incōstāt fickle wauerin giuing back with euery blast for the pleasure of theyr flesh 11 Take héede of it therefore for vnto you that are suche the diuill is come downe with his subtil suggestions and craftes with his wyly cauteles and ingines Among you doeth he remayne watchyng to haue hys pray as he did among the children of Israell when they were become vnfaithfull 12 Tares will he sow to distroy the good séed for his wrath is great to sée him selfe thus deiected his hate is excéeding beholding his kingdom decayed Among you must he wreak his anger for he can not harme the faithfull Thorowe his enuye came death first into the world If ye will escape his snares looke ye giue no place vnto him but in fayth resist him manfully 13 He waxeth now mad fretteth with him selfe He myndeth to make hauoke and to doe much mischief bicause he knoweth that his tyme is short No longe season shall he haue from hencefoorth to deceiue The latter day he perceiueth not to be farre of wherin great torments abydeth both hym and his And that maketh him so woode That maketh hym so insaciably desirous to noye not caring what spyght he worketh against God And no wicked will leaueth he vnsought to perfourme his cruell intent Woe vnto them therefore that in these dayes taketh no héede Woe vnto them that stumbreth in wanton pleasures when most daunger is and the diuill moste busie not attending to the call warnyng of God THE TEXT 1 And when the Dragon saw that he was cast vnto the earth 2. hee pursued the woman which brought forth the man child 3. And to the woman were giuen ij winges of a great Egle 4. that shee might flye into the wildernesse 5. into hir place where shee is norished for a tyme tymes and halfe a time 6. from the presence of the Serpent 7. And the Dragon cast out of his mouth vvater after the vvoman as it had bene a ryuer 8. that he might cause hir to be caught of the flood 9. And the earth holpe the vvoman 10. and ●he earth opened hir mouth 11. and svvalovved vp the ryuer vvhich the dragon cast out of his mouth 12. And the dragō vvas vvroth vvith the vvoman 13. and vvent and made vvar vvith the remnaūt of hir seed 14. vvhich kepe the commaundements of God 15. and haue the testimonie of Iesus Christ 16. and he stoode on the sea sande The Paraphrase 1 And when the Dragon or most furious serpent the diuil the head maister of pride father of lyes saw that he was throwen downe vnto the earth by the valiaunt hoast of God Or such tyme as he perceyueth the Idolatrie superstition pompe hypocrisie and other abhominable filthinesse distroied by the word of God in his malignaūt Sinagoge of proud painted prelates 2 Then persecuteth he the poore woman which brought foorth the man chylde Then vexeth he the true congregation that teacheth none other but Christ and confesseth none other sauiour health and redéemer Them doeth he torment and punishe by hys mytred Mahounds and his shauē Sodomytes subduyng vnto them for that purpose the power of Kynges and might of magistrates Then sitteth Annas in consistorie Cayphas in sessions vpon lyfe and death Thē bringeth the woman hir childe foorth in payne By the martirdom or death of godly witnesses is Christ deliuered left here behind in the harts of many 3 And vnto the woman were giuen two winges of a great Egle or the two testaments of God contayning the Prophecie Gospel with the loue of God and our neighbour And these mightie winges were giuen hyr that shée might flye with them into the wildernesse Euermore whē daūgerous persecution is the mēbers of Christes congregation which are left here behynde hath aucthoritie of the old lawe to flée from it with Iacob Moyses Dauid and Helias of the new lawe also with Christ and his Apostles If they pursue you in one citie saith the Lord flée you into an other Not onely to saue your bodies but to fructifie
great tribulacion 7. and made theyr garments large 8. and made them whyte in the bloud of the Lambe 9. Therfore are they in the presence of the seate of God 10. and serue him day and night in his Temple 11. And he that sitteth in the seate will dvvell among them 12. They shall hūger no more neyther thurst 13. Neyther shall the sunne light on them 14. neither any heate 15. For the Lambe vvhich is in the mids of the seate shall feede them 16. and shall lead them vnto fountaynes of liuing water 17. And God shall vvype avvay all teares from their eyes The Paraphrase 1 And one of the auncyent elders sayth sainct Iohan made aunswere vnto that whiche I was inwardlye most desirous to knowe concernyng this innumerable multytude saying vnto me by maner of question 2 What are these comely persons which are thus beutifully apparelled in long whyte garmentes large and fayre And from whence came they as thou supposest 3 And I as one ignoraunt of the misteries of God of myne owne nature without the speciall gifte of hym answeared after this sorte 4 Syr thou wottest what they are and from whence they come by such knowledge as the Lorde hath giuen thée 5 And hée sayde agayne vnto mée thus 6 These are they which come vnto Christ by fayth out of the great trybulacion of worldly wickednes fleshly cares and disquieted consciences 7 Abhorring the doctrine of mens inuencions they set sure holde vpō the liuing word of the Lord. There fette they out forgiuenesse of their sinnes and made their garmentes large to couer theyr olde deformities 8 They washed their lyues in the sorowes of repentaunce and fashyoned theyr déedes to his swéete lawes and commaundementes They made their garments white in the precious bloud of the Lambe beléeuing to bée purified by the meryte of his death 9 And therfore are they at this time in the presence of his maiestie accepted takē and alowed for the citizens of heauen 10 They serue him day nyght in the Temple of their soules and they prayse his glorious name in spirite for euer more 11 The Lord that sitteth on the throne will alwayes dwell among them as their most mightie defendor theyr solace and their comforte 12 The spirit shall so refresh them they shall no more hunger nor thirst Though concupiscence dwel in them they shall desire none euill 13 Neither shall the sunne so lyght on them which is this worldes prosperitie that they shall forget theyr Lord God at any season 14 No heat shall hurt them nor aduersitie of this worlde ouercome thē but in that they suffer or doe all thyngs shall worke to the best 15 For the innocent Lambe Christ which is in the middest of the seat or the cōgregacion of God by his word shall norish féede releue thē with hys promise shal preserue comfort lead them by his spirit Yea he shall so order them they shall haue néede of nothyng And if he bée their light health and strength of whom should they be afrayed 16 He shall bring them vnto the foūtaynes of the lyuing waters make them such well springs as shall flow vp into the lyfe euerlasting His doctrine must doe it and none other for none commeth to the father but by him 17 And God shall wype away all teares frō their eyes Aduersitie shall be vnto them a very consolacion No sorows shal they care for no tormēts shall they regard no troubles nor yet death shall they feare but thinke in their hartes alwayes that the suffrings of this lyfe are nothing to the glorie to come The aforesayde elder myght séeme to be Iacob whose prophecie might tell Iohn that Christ should washe his garment in wine and hys mantel in the blud of grapes So might it be Dauid or Esay which also confirmeth the same In this as in a glasse may be séene what they are afore god that at this present age or vnder this sixe seale opening vnfaynedly cleueth to his word foloweth it in effect and liueth accordyng vnto it Fyrst they are cléere afore God and no sinne shall be imputed vnto them for their faithes sake Consequently they are deliuered of a troublous cōscience The Lambe hath restored them to innocency God accepteth them for his children These séeke no doctryne but the scrypture They serue God in spirite and in no deade thinges They hunger not for mens tradycions they thirst not for hipocrites good works they are well and fully contented with the Lambe They séeke no prosperitie neyther care they for aduersitie The word of God is their gyde and therein they minde to depart None other but such are sealed vnto god nor none els walk before him in whyte garmentes The viij Chapter THE TEXT 1 And when he had opened the seuenth seale 2. there was silence in heauen about the space of halfe an houre 3 And I savv seuen Angels 4. standing before God 5. And to them vvere giuen seuen Trompettes 6. And an other Angell came 7. and stood before the aulter 8. hauing a golden censer 9. And much of odours vvas giuen vnto hym 10. that he should offer of the prayers of all saynctes vpon the golden aulter 11. vvhich vvas before the seate 12. And the smoke of the odours vvhich came of the prayers of the Sainctes ascended vp before God out of the Angelles hande 13. And the Aungell tooke the censer and filled it vvith fyre of the aulter 14. and cast it into the earthe 15. And voices were made and thunderings lightnings 16. and great earthquake 17 And the seuen Angels vvhich had the seuē trumpets 18 prepared them selues to blovv The Paraphrase 1 2 This silence shall endure but half an houre space whiche may bée the thousande yeares that are spoken of héere afore consideryng that all the age after Christ is but the last houre and a thousand yeares before God is but as the day that is paste In the time of this swéete silence shall Israell be reuyued the Iewes shall bée conuerted the Heathen shall come in agayne Christ will séeke vp his lost shéepe and bryng hym agayne to hys folde that they maye appeare one flock lyke as they haue one shepeherde 3 And I sawe sayeth sainct Iohn seuen Angels standing before the maiestie of God which signifieth the preachers of his worde for the seuen seuerall times of the vij seales opening to euerie seale corresponding an Angell For all that the preachers hath done from the beginning of the Gospell to the tyme of this last seale opening shall then appeare at once In that day sayeth Esay the Trumpet shall be blowen they that were lost shall come from the Ascirians the scattered flocke shall come from Egypt worship the Lord in Ierusalem 4 These Angels stoode before the presence of God as mynisters of acceptacion readie to execute his heauenly will and commaundement 5 And to them was giuen
of vnfruitfull profitable For he it is that taketh away the stony hart and geueth a soft hart for it so making vs Abrahams children Thus are we redéemed from men whan we are taken by his goodnesse from such corrupt vsages as mans nature is inclined vnto 20 And for none other purpose but to be the first fruits vnto god as were the aulter offrings in the old lawe in the hands of the high priestes For so much as the elect number ar but a few or a certaine taken out from the vniuersall multitude and are the porcion of the Lord as were the said offerings perteyning vnto Christ the only bishop of our soules they are his first fruits Yea his owne very mistical members and al but one offring vnto God the father by him For he is the onely lambe that died for them his owne bodye beinge the only oblacion and sacrefice 21 And in their mouthes was found no gile For none other wordes vttered they but his p●er testimonies None other taught thei but his vndefiled lawes None other perswaded they to be obserued of other but his immaculate Gospel or easy burthen of Christ. No importable yokes laied they vpon mens shoulders neither of cerimonies fastīgs nor masse hearings 22 For they are without spot before the throne of god Both before them that are faythfull and haue right iudgment in the spyrite whiche are the very seats of God apereth their doctrine pure and also their life innocēt before god hīselfe Neyther are they spotted with filthy tradicions nor yet with vncūly examples as cōcerning their former sinnes they shal not be imputed vnto them They are remitted in Christ and so forgotten afore god Though this that here hath bin spoken be concerning the whole christen multitude and her preachers yet doth it most specially touche the Iewes or Israelyts that shal in this latter age be conuerted vnto Christ. And so doe I counsell the reader to vnderstand it For the mount Syon after the flesh was theirs Not defiled are they with vnmaried women which are the whorishe lawes and vncleane supersticions of the Gentiles vpō none other harp haue they commonly harped but vpon the scriptures though it hath not bin to the pleasure of God tyll nowe in this latter age wherin they shall wholye turne vnto Christ. THE TEXT 1 And I savv an Angell 2. Fly in the midst of heauen 3. Hauing an euerlasting gospell to preach vnto them that sit and dvvell on the earth 4. And to all nacions kinreds and ●ongs and people 5. sayinge vvith a loude voyce 6. Feare God 7. And geue honour to him 8. For the houre of his iudgemente is come 9. and worship him that made heuen earth 10. And the sea the fountaines of vvater The Paraphrase 1 An other Angell sawe I sayeth sainct Iohn flye in the midst of heauen For Christ was the first angell or messenger of the euerlastinge couenaunt of the father This angell here mencioned is none other than he that had the seale of the lyuing god in the .vii. Chapter and he that was clothed with a cloude in the tenth chap. And he betokneth those feruent ministers whō god hath sent in this latter time to admonishe his people to flye from the errours of antichrist returne to his heauenlye verities 2 He flyeth in the midst of heauen An earnest feruent faithful course take they in the middest of gods congregacion which is his heauenly kingedom here to whom this reuelation is written lyke as dyd Paulus Sylas and Barnabas Timotheus Titus and Clemens with other of the Apostles sincerely to declare his worde Mighty stomaked are they in gods cause both in their wordes and wrytings 3 An euerlastinge Gospell had this Angel to preach vnto them that sit dwell vpon the earth and to al nations kynreds and people His eternal testamēt and couenant of peace hath the Lorde giuen vnto them to preach deliuerance to the captiue health to the wounded lyfe to the dead and remission to the sinfull Yea to vtter that word that is stronger thā is heauen or earth and that shall neuer fayle hym that truely beléeueth 4 The sound of this gospell muste go the world ouer as in the apostles time Eueri wher must it be spred to the increase of faith Amōg al natiōs of the earth among al kinreds of the Isralyts among all languages of the world and among all kinds of people of what sort so euer they be whether they sit vpon the earth or dwell vpon the earth whether they be high or lowe gouernours or subiects masters or seruāts owners or fermers So that they sit not nor dwell not within the earth or haue theyr felicitie here For that is holy should not be geuen vnto dogs nor yet pearels layed before swyne 5 And he cryed with a loude voyce with a mighty feruent spirit do they beat it into the heades of men both by wordes writings and al they can make to haue the feare of God and to geue him his due honour And this is the doctrine they teache the counsell they geue 6 Feare ye God in all that ye doe for the first poynt of godly wisdome is to dread least we offende him Be constant in the worde and feare no displeasure of men For no more can they do in their anger but slea the body and bring it to the rest of god No power haue thei ouer the soule feare him only therfore that whē he hath destroied both may throw thē into he● 7 Geue honor vnto hī worship him serue him alone praise him glorifie him aboue al. But yet after 〈◊〉 other sort thā he hath apoīted which is in faith spirite veritie not 〈◊〉 outward shadowes with obseruation of tymes He truely honoureth him that trusteth in him the beleueth his word and that in spight of all antichrists cōfesseth it afore al men after this sort therfore feare him worship hym nothīg douting the assalts of enimies 8 For the houre of his iudgemēt is come At hand is it that all the antichristes and hipocrits shal by the inuincible word of god be iudged condemned and destroyed From heauē shall hys wrath be declared vpon al their vngodlynes With the spirite of his mouth shall the lorde consume them and not longe after wyll the great day of his indignatiō toward them light sodenly vpon them 9 With al faithful obsequi worship him therfore that created heauen earth in wonderfull strēgth beuty 10 That made the sea the fountaines of water with all that in thē doth anone whose power is eternall knowledge none other god but him None other helper redemer nor sauior but christ for al other christs not sēt of hī ar but antichrists only bow your knées vnto him for only is hys strength euerlasting onely obey his lawes for only are his lawes clean THE TEXT 1 And there folovved an other Angel saying 2. She is fallen she is fallen euen
thē or remoue thē By his rightfull iudgement at his only pleasure he hardeneth As the potter may he break thē or make them vessels of dishonor 6 In no wyse did this peruerted multitude repēt their wicked blasphemies to giue him glory for all their cōfessyons masse hearings pilgrimages satisfactions without number For they were not according to his prescription 7 After none other sort wil he be plea and glorified than he hath by his scriptures appointed Nothing lesse ar their fantasies than true repentance THE TEXT 1 And the fifte Angell powred out his vyall 2. vpon the seat of the beast 3. his kingdome vvaxed darke 4. And they gnevve theyr tongues for sorrovve 5. and blasphemed the God of heauen for sorovv and payn of their sores 6. and repented not of theyr deedes The Pharaphrase 1 In order succéedeth by the diuine ordinaūce the fifte Angel vnder the fifte seale opening powring out his vyal of Gods indignation vpon the seat of the beast After none other sorte than the Lorde had afore prediffined for mans vnfaithfulnesse sake was the proude beastly kingdome of the papacie the execrable reigne of Mahomet replenished with all filthy abhominations vnder the sunne For in the other age afore they did but créepe into the hartes of men through the glitterings of hypocrisie and dissimulate sanctitie 2 But here haue they obtayned the power seat and aucthoritie of the beaste and so gotten vnto them the myghtie Monarchies of the vniuersall worlde Here raigned they without checke in all vain glory hautinesse malice pryd murther hipocrisie superstitiō Idolatry and blasphemy of Gods name 3 And therfore their kingdomes as all one in diuillishenesse became all darke without the light of Gods veritie full of the stinking smoke of the bottomlesse pitte Than went the locusts abroad and filled the world with ignorance and blyndnesse 4 Euery where gnewe they theyr tōges for very sorow In detracting the veritie muche griefe they suffered in their desperate hartes their wormes not dying nor their fyre quenched the scorpiōs of the earth stinging them also 5 Spitefully they blasphemed the omnipotent Lord of heauen for very anguish dolour of their sores woūds For none other are the fruites of a desperate cōscience thā blasphemies of God as in Cain Iudas and such other lyke None other are the vtterances of an vnpenitent harte but heauy hatefull murmurings 6 And therefore it followeth that they repented them not of their déeds For in a cruciate or fearfully vexed conscyence can neuer dwel true repentāce So vnquietous alwayes is the foolishe desperate mynde as is the troubled raging sea A wicked harte is laden with sorrowes heaping sin vpon sin the Sinagoge of proude hipocrites hauing no health In the fifte seale opening and trumpet blowing is more of this mysterie declared which agréeth much with this vyall of God lyke as doeth the other with the other in their numbers though not in their figures The texte 1. And the sixt Angell poured out his viall 2. Vpon the great riuer of Euphrates 3. And the water dried vp 4. That the way of the Kings 5. Of the east should be prepared 6. And I saw three vncleane spirits like frogs 7. Come out of the mouth of the dragō 8. and out of the mouth of the beaste 9. And out of the mouth of the false prophet 10. For they are the spirits of deuilles 11. Workinge miracles to goe out 12 Vnto the kinges of the earth of the whole vvorld 13. to gather thē to the battel 14. Of the great day of god almightie 15. Beholde I come as a thiefe 16. Happy is he that vvatcheth 17. And kepeth his garments 18. Least he be found naked 19 And men see his filthynesse 20. And he gathered them together into a place 12 called in the Hebrue tonge Armagedon The Paraphrase 1 In course now followeth the sixte Angel of gods appointment vnder the sixt seal opening shedding out his ireful viall vpō the great riuer Euphrats a floud of the Assirians or of Babilon betokening in misterye the pleasaunt possessions and wauering delights of the Papisticall cleargye with suche lyke 2 Into all filthy desires of carnal and worldlye lustes gaue the Lorde their hartes ouer in the sixt age of the christian church for their vnbeléeues sake to doe those things which are vncumly and beastly So that all their study trauaile and labour sought to none other end but onely to abound in them Wholly were they geuen therevnto and nothing to the glory of God in all their practised obseruations 3 Yet were the waters therof in processe of time dryed vp Their wealthy pompes possessions pleasures their false feats once knowne are shal be clearely taken away from them For after Iesus Sirach the plant of sinne shall be rooted out in the proud Sinagog of the wicked 4 And all this shal be to prepare the way of the kinges from the spring of the sunne Neuer shall the gouerners walke in the waies of the Lorde nor rule according to Christes doctrine nor yet that doctrine be apert open til the waters be dryed vp not one drop remaining So long as the priests dwell in wanton delights vaine pleasures either are the princes childishe or els tyrannous according as their déeds require 5 Neuer are they kinges from the spring of the sunne or accordinge to Christs rule séeking Gods honour with Dauid and Iosias In England by the Gospell preaching haue many of these waters bene dryed vp in the suppression of monasteries priories couents fryers houses yet are not all things brought vnto Christes clere institution A sincere christē order can not yet beséene there And a great cause why For all is not yet dryed vp there The bishops reigne still in as much vaine gloryous pompe and with as manye Heithenish obseruacions as euer they dyd As cruelly harted and as bloudye mynded are they yet as euer they were afore no mischiefe vnsought to holde in the waters Mark how Winchester Durham York London and Lincolne woorketh with such other pleasantly disposed Euphratines But be of good comfort and pray in the meane time For the holy ghoste promiseth here they shall wither away with all that the heauenly father hath not plāted All that generation wyll the Lordes breath consume Now is the axe layde to the roote of the trée to hewe downe the vnfruitfull braunches the withered reserued to vnquenchable fyer God graunt the Princes at that daye more christenly to bestow the waters of Euphrates than they haue yet bene bestowed noe prouision made for the poore nor yet order set for the gospell preaching For great part of it is now turned to the vpholdings of dise playing maskinge and bankatinge yea I woulde I coulde not by iust occasions speake it bribing whoring and swearing the townes peoples and housshouldes miserablye decayed whiche wyll not one day be vnplaged vnlesse they repent 6 Furthermore I saw sayeth saint Iohn in the same self vision
daies was in auhoritie ouer al the world yea sitting aboue God in the consiences of men and nowe is become of no reputacion amonge men God openinge his mischiefes is euen the eyghte in number And yet neuertheles is one of the vii heades For both is he the beastly body it selfe comprehending in him the vniuersall abhominations of all the earthlye kyngdomes And in that poynt diuers from the seuen heades and so the .viii. in number 10 And also he is one of the .vii. heades and the seauenth in numbre in vsurpyng this proude worldly kyngdome thus after a vayne temporall sorte Ouer and besids all thys maye he also be called the eyght in the curssed remnant which after the peaceable silence of christen libertie sathan loosoned shall most cruelly persecute Christes congregation a freshe as in the xx chapter here following wil appeare 11 This beast with hys carriage the Antichrist with hys church or sathan wish his sinagog shal not onely go into destructiō here by the mighty breth of Gods mouth or the true preaching of hys Gospell but also into dampnation euerlastinge in the ende of the worlde with the deuill and hys Angelles THE TEXTE 1 And the ten hornes vvhich thou savvest are ten Kinges 2. VVhich haue not yet receiued the kingdome 3. But shall receiue povver 4. As Kings 5. At one houre vvith the Beast 6. These haue one minde 7. And shall geue their povver and strength vnto the beast 8. These shall fight vvith the lambe 9. And the Lambe shall ouercome them 10. For he is Lorde of all Lordes 11. And Kinge of all Kinges 12. And they that are on his side 13. Are called the chosen and faithfull The Paraphrase 1 And the ten hornes saith the Angell vnto Iohn which thou sawest here vp on the heades of this rose coloured beast are in signification x. Kinges Some hath taken these ten Kings for al those Emperours of the Latins since Charlemayn which haue sworn them selues obediente to the Byshoppe of Rome Some haue thought them to be those Princes which here in Europa haue aforetime bene subiecte to the Empyre of Rome As the Kinges of England Fraunce Spaine Portingale Castele Denmarke Scotlande Ungary Boheme and Naples But these consider not that they be yet more in number as Aragone Nauerre Cicile Cypres Sardine Swethē Pole and such other and are all included in the seauen heades as members of the afore rehersed Empires Neither marke they that they are aboue the heades as hornes and more in number then the heades betokening a rygorus authorytie and fierce power whiche they proudlye vsurpe ouer them euery where Afore they were but suggestions but héere are they earnest doers For in euerye region hath the beastly Antichriste of Rome his Metropolitanes Primats As in England are Caunterbury an● York in Fraunce Thuronensis and Remensis in Spaine Tholetanus Terraconensis in Portingale Hispalensis Bracarensis in Irelande Armachanus Dubliniensis in Denmarke Lundensis and Upsalensis in Germany Coloniensis Maguntinus in Hungary Strigoniensis and Colocensis in Italye Pisanus Rauennas in Sicyle Panormitanus Messanences with an infinite number of bishops prelates pristes religions besides the fighting orders of the Rhodes the Prussianes the Redemers of captiues the Aragondes the Georgianes caled de Alga the Monteseanes the Castilianes the Lusitaneanes the Calatraneanes S. Iames warriours 2 These had not yet at y● tyme receiued the diuillish kingdom of pestilnce vsurpacion ouer the soules of men For though in Iohns daies arose certaine Antichristes as Hebion Cerinthius Diotrephes Carpocras and such like yet were they nothinge to these 3 But now in déede they haue receyued the selfe same aucthoritie power with the beast that hée tooke afore of the Dragon in maner of kings to rule in the heartes and consciences of men to his behoue 4 For so much as theyr authoritie is not of God lyke as is the authoritie of Kings it is sayd here as kings or as men counterfeyting them in vsurping a gouernaunce not fréely giuen them of God but of the Diuill 5 All at one houre receyued they this aucthoritie with the beast And that I suppose was in the great general coūsayle of Laterane at Rome gathered vnder the title to recouer Hierusalem agayne Where as confession in the eare was cruelly extorted of christian people vnder the payne of death dampnation by the whole consent both of the princes bishops at the former suggestiō of Innocēt the third besides other wicked things As to heare latine seruice to go on processiō on sundayes to pray vnto dead saints to ●orship Images to buy masses for the dead to ●ast the fridays with purgatory pardōs merits friers orders In the sayd coūsail became the metropolitanes as kinges and by the authority threof apointed they their Stuards Baliues other officers as bishopes curates parish pristes to haue euer charge of soules and in the sayd eare cōfession to receiue their accountes 6 These counterfet kinges are al of on diuelish mind practise purpose against God and his veritye 7 And fully they are fixed to geue their whole power their study their strength vnto the behoofe of the beast Not acording to Gods mind wil they rule but al after his wil pleasur agreing alwaies vnto him as mēbers to their head to serue wickednesse after wickednes in Babilon His Popish decres wil they seke his diuelish decretales will they folow his ceremonials wil they obserue and nothing of the sacred scriptures What learnyng so euer they haue what giftes of nature fortune or grace al must be to the maintenāce of his fātastical fopperis To him ar they sworn to do him homage to obey his laws to kisse his féete for his glorious sake to persecute his gospell 8 And in so doing they shal fight with the lamb which is Iesus Christ. They shal impunge his truth whē they think to doe him seruice For that mischiefe they doe to one of his they doe to hys owne person 9 But be they neuer so dogged yet ●hal the Lambe ouercome them in his faithful members yea by pacient sufferaunce onely The victory saith S. Iohn which ouercōmeth the worlde is a sure christian fayth Upon theyr ●ide fighteth he which is most myghtie and strong yea the Lord that is valyaunt in battail And he shall first ouercome them in this lyfe with the mightie breath of his mouth scattering thē away as dust from the earth And after this shall hys tirrible iudgement for euer condempne them 10 For he is by the aucthoritie giuen him of his father the Lord of all Lords and by his own eternall Godhead the King of all Kings hauyng all power in heauen and in earth He is cōstitute Iudge of the quicke and the dead hauing alone the euerlastyng Em●yre with his father and the holye Ghost and of his kyngdome shall neuer bée an ende 11 By his permission doeth all kinges reigne he
antichrist with hyr filthye wares and occupings painted out hereof the holye Ghost with hir most horrible fal in the end hir worldly fauours shewing gret heanies and the seruants of God an excedyng reyse In the .xix. Chapter is that reyoice of elect number ouer the tirryble iudgments of that whore much more highly discribed the deth of Christes holy witnesses most plentyously reuenged and how the Angel in no case will of Iohn be worshiped In the .xx. Chapter is the dragon tied vp for a thousand years the chosen sort reigning with Christ. Gog and Magog gather thē to battayle and are ouercōmen The dead after that ariseth and receiueth iudgement In the xxi Chapter is the church of the chosen or the new Hierusalem prepared to to hir spouse That citie commeth downe from heauen and is of the holy ghoste here after most wonderfull circumstaunces in hir right proportion described In the xxii Chapter the riuer of lyuinge waters proceedeth from the throne of God Iohn sealeth vp the sayinges of this prophecy Christ concludeth what his kingdome is and who shall be therevnto receyued admonishyng that vnto his worde nothing be added of men in payne of dampnation Some hatefull and vngodly blasphemers there are and euer hath bene whiche wyll in no wise this Booke to be of equall authorytie with the other scriptures of christes testament But damnably wretched 〈◊〉 are they in the vaine imaginations of their sinful h●rts The most high Theologye and secret wisdome of God the eternall father is the blessed doctrine there of geuen vnto hys onely sonne in our humanytie and after that of him so cōmited vnto Iohn by the holy ghost to be distributed taught by hym to the vniuersal christen cōgregation which is a most sufficient argument of the authoritie therof what so euer mad Momus shall quarrell to the contrary Iames Faber Stapulensis in his preface prefixed to the woorkes of Dionise the Ariopagyt doubted neuer a deale to prefer this heauenly prophesie to all the other writings of the other Apostles confessing that in worthines it farre passed them all the due circumstances there of considered The more nigher saith he the light be to the sun the more strength it hath and the more clernesse it ministreth vnto men But Momus hath not yet done away the madde mistes of his monkery nor yet the darke dregges of his sophistry which both are great blemyshing vneo his eye sight The wisdom of Plato Homerus Cicero auaileth nothing in this Aristotle Uirgil if thei were aliue could herein do little or nothing In estimably more maketh the poore fishers learning to the vnderstanding of these misteryes thē the prowd painted eloquence or far set resōs of the philosophers The Lord geue vs grace from the barne of his most plentuous scriptures to fetche the fat feedyng of our feble hungry soules that we may by thē obtayne his strength into the lyfe euerlasting The third part of the Image of both chruches after the most wonderfull heauenly reuelacion of saint Iohn the Euangeliste Compiled by Ihhn Bale The xviij Chapter VNder the title of Babilon is here in this chapter folowing described the feareful iudgment of the malignant church with the ruinous fal of Antichrist and his kingdom prefigured afore in Esay and Hiremye THE TEXT 1 And after that I savve an other angell 2 Com dovvne frō heauen 3. hauing great povver 4. And the earth vvas lightned vvith his brightnes 5 And he cried mightely vvith a strong voyce saying 6. She is falen she is fallen 7 Euen greate Babilon 8. And is become the habitacion of Deuils 9. And the holde of al foule spirites 10. And a cage of all vnclene and hatefull birdes 11. For all nacions haue dronk of the vvine 12. of the vvrath of hyr vvhordom 13. And the kinges of the earthe haue commited fornicaciō vvith hyr 14. And hyr marchauntes are vvaxen ryche 15. of the abundance of hir pleasurs The Commentarie 1 After these manifolde visions sayeth S. Iohn was I yet ware of an other aungel or heauenly messenger of the Lord cōmyng downe from heauen whnch is the habitacle of God For from aboue al goodenesse cōmeth This Aungell betokeneth the faythfull preachers of our age and is all one wiih the Angel that had the seale of the liuing God in the vii Chapter wyth him that was clothed with a cloude in the x Chapter and with him thai procllamed the fal of Babylon in the .xiiii. chapter 2 In that he is sayd here to come downe from heauen is signified that they are sente 〈◊〉 God hauing great power with constaunt feruentnesse of spyrit strongelye to declare hys wil to the vtter destruction of the whore For like as the father hath lyf in hym selfe so hath his sonne Iesus and ●o hath in hym his Godlye ministers 3 His power is an euerlasting power retayninge both lyfe and death 4 With the brightnes not of this angell which was but a messēger but of the power that was geuen vnto him was the vniuersal earth abundantlye lightned Full is all the world of the glory of God where as his word 〈…〉 his verity is once spred by y● true Godly prechers 5 In this strong power cr●ed he might●ly in this clere light was his earnest voice herd vttering this sentence to the world 6 She is falen clean down that was so proud she is turned ouer that was so glorious an whore yea euen the great Babilō hyr self or blasphemous church of the Hipocrites 7 By the iudgement of God is ●he brought to vtter confusion Firste ha● she a ●al by the death of Christ when the prince of this world was throwē forth Mark the distruction of Hierusalem wher the church of the Iews dyd cease the material temple of Salamō and clearelye ouerthrowen not one stone vpon an other remayning Now shall she haue an other much worse by the playne ●●nifestation of hys word to the comfort of all his elects And both are of one certenty though the one he pa●te and the other yet to come Confer with this place the ouerthrowe of the monasteries in England Denmarke the free cities of Germany certaine other regions thinke that more sorowes are yet comming 8 These are the causes of hyr fall and occasions of hyr ruyne before the Lord. She is become the filthy habitacion of deuils much more than before hir first fa●l for now they enter in by heaps yea seuen for ●n afore 9 Now is she the stinking hold of all vnclene spirites For ther haue al the kinds of Idolatry their earnest maintenance by hir spiritual occupiers the bishops priestes and religious There regneth Simony Sacrilege Usury fraud ambition mallice glotony auaryce pryde filthynes all mischiefes beysde 10 Now is she the corrupt cage of all vnclene fowles and ●atefull byrdes For in hyr dwelleth the aduouterous Cardinals the buggery bishops the prostibulous prelates and pristes the Gomorreane monks chanons friers and nonnes an
therefore I passe it ouer here Onely haue I rehearsed their names as I could doe yet many more to put ●ée in remembraunce that God hath alwayes had some in the world which hath not in all poynts cōsented to their blasphemies though they haue not had the lyght of this trueth so open as wée haue it now Many godly Emperours and Coūseil● general haue attemted this reformacion in the church but euermore haue they foūd vngodly princes against thē to houlde the Antichristes stil in their wickednes Yet doubt I not but Pharao with his hoast shall perishe in the sea and the proud Iewishe priestes in the cittie for theyr manyfolde blasphemyes at the tyme now appointed of the Lord. 5 For the sinnes of this whore or abhominacions without number of the false religion hyr stinkeing Idolatry and slaughter of Innocēts are gone vp vnto heauen against hyr requiring the great vengeāce of God The filthines of thē hath moued him to wrath and kinled his displesure towards hir putting hym in rememberaunce of his eternal decrée cōcerning hir destructyon The greatnes of hir mischiefs hath touched heauen and hath axed with Sodome and Gomor the fearfull plages threatned hyr 6 And the merciful Lorde beholding the affliction of his people pittying their miserable thraldō in the spiritual Egipt hath cōsidered hir vngodly behauiour wayed hir wilfull wretchednesse and measured hir vnmerciful murther cōmaunding his appointed ministers to execute vpō hir his iudgmentes without mercy 7 Rewarde hir nowe saith he in euery cōdiciō as she hath rewarded you afore Measure agayne vnto hir lyke as she hath measured to you nowe that ye haue the iudgement seates Crye out vpon hir as she hath cried out vpon you Snare hir as she hath snared you Destroy hir as she hath destroyed you As she hath taken vengeaunce of you so take you vengeaunce again● of hir Lyke as she hath afflicted you Iudge● you and condemned you by the lawes of mē so scurge you hir againe iudge hir an harlot and condemne hir to hell by the mightie worde of God 8 Sée that you giue hir two folde in punishment according to hir wicked deseruings Where as she hath taken from you no more but the life of the bodie take you away from hir againe the lyfe both of bodie and soule 9 Into the same bitter cuppe of sorow● that she hath filled vnto you in hir mallice powre you in double again to hir Where as she hath geuen you a temporal death giue hir the death euerlasting doubling vnto hir both the griefes and continuance of them 10 Yea consider how greatly she hath glorified hir selfe against God in blasphemous errours in pride in pleasures and in wanton liuing 11 And so muche let hir tast of moste terrible punishmentes sorowfull plages waylinges gnashinges of téeth An holy priesthod hath she pretended a regal dignitie hath she vsurped and both those powers moste shamefully hath she so abused therefore let hir haue the penalties dew vnto such presumption Take from hir hir plesaūt Euphrates with the spoyles and profites wherein she hath inordinatlye delighted and throwe hir into most● depe wretchednesse here besides that shal follow in an other worlde THE TEXTE 1 For she sayth in hir hart 2. I sitte beyng a queene 3. am no widovv 4. and shal see no sorovv 5. Therefor shal hir plages co● at on day 6. death and sorovv and honger 7. And she shal be brent with fyre 8. For stron● is the Lord God 9. vvhich shall iudge hyr The commentary 1 For hyghlye shée standeth in hyr owne conseit as yet boasting hyr selfe to be the great goodnesse of the earth 2 I sit here in wealth and pleasure saith she being a glorious quéene yea the holy church hir self hauing authoryty in heauen in earth and in hel with power to lose and bynd saue damne With me is it not as with them that are not of this world or haue no dwelling place here for all is at my wyll and pleasure 3 I am no desolate widow The powers of this world standeth by me The mighty princes and potentates defendeth me with the death of innocente peple Neuer was Nero Domicianus Traianus nor Marencius with other cruel tirrauntes more sure vpon my side in defence of supersticions than they are yet still to this houre 4 Therefore I can take no seathe nor yet féele of any sorrowe I shal be lady for euer Neuer shall my seate be remoued Neuer shall I fall nor any m●shappe light vpon me Such are the bold bragges of the papistes that Peters lytle shippe may well be moued with the tempest of heretiques but neuer shall it be ouerthrowen thynking therby the whorish church shal euermore continue and neuer come to naught 5 They cōsider not how strōg the Lamb is against whō they dayly fight And therfore shall the terrible plages which God hath appointed hir to suffer heauily light vpon hir and all in one day 6 At once shall he powre vpon that wicked congregation death sorowe hunger lyke as he did fyre and brimstone vpon the sinfull cyties Perpetually shall they be depriued of the lyfe which is in Christ Iesu. Continuall wéeping and téeth gnashing shall they haue their worme neuer dying Still shal they inwardly famish and neuer with felicitie be satisfied 7 With vnquencheable fire shall this whore be brent with hyr whole generation of hypocrites prepared for the diuil and his Angels 8 Effectual and trwe is the sentence for mightye is the Lorde that shall iudge hir condemne hir by his word 9 Iust is he in his promise true in his sayings gloryous in his works holye terrible and fearefull in his iudgements against the wicked None shall be founde able at that day to restrayne the least part of his purposed vengeance neyther Mary throwyng in hir beades into saint Michaels balaunce Iohn Baptist with his Lamb Peter with his key nor yet Paule with his long sword Though Moyses and Samuell the chosen Prophetes of the Lorde yea with Noe Daniell and pacient Iob should stand before hym at that day yet should they not be ha●d THE TEXT 1 And the kings of the earth shall be vvepe hyr 2. and vvayle ouer hyr 3. vvhich haue cōmitted fornication 4. and lyued vvantonlye vvith hir 5. vvhan they shall see the smoke of hir burning 6. and shall stand a farre of 7. for feare of hir punishment saying 8. Alas alas that great citie 9. Babilon 10. that mightie citie 11. For at one houre commeth thy iudgement The Commentary 1 Moreouer the carnally mynded kings of the earth sayth the aforesayde Angell which hath for hyr pleasure abused their aucthoritie and power shall take hyr sodayne distruction in thys lyfe very heauily 2 Yea they shall moste sorrowfully bewayle them selues ouer hir as men very ill contented with that ordinance of God They shall be sorie in their heartes that his worde is become so stronge agaynst hyr that they can resist it with
that we nowe haue of the sea shall cease in that day of the Lorde whan we shall beholde hym face to face No longer shall it be subdued vnto vanitie no more than the other creatures but clerely depured from fylthy corruption No more shall it be the same to sée to being frō thens forth so claer● as cristall though it styll be the same in substaunce 6 Heauen earth the sea wyth all other creatures in mistery thus renewed I Iohan the sonne of Zebede the same dysciple whom Christ loued being here in exyle for hys worde testimony perceyued in the saue mystery by the singular gyfte of the spirite the the selfe holy cytie or congregation of the Lorde whych is worthely called the new Hierusalem of peace descended downe out of heauen from hir omnipotēt creator God eternall 7 Holy is this cyty For both is she here the vndefiled spouse of the lambe and shal be hereafter more perfectly in the regeneracion Here admytteth she nothing in faithe that is prohpane and carnal but cleaneth to his only worde There shal she folowe his steppes in a much more pure estate clearly delyuered from all that is ill 8 Here is she newe in that she hath here by his godly spririte done of the olde man wyth hys fylthy workes And ther shal she also be new through hys gifte by throwinge awaye the bodye of sinne wyth death and corrupcion 9 Hierusalem is she called both here and there or peceable city of the Lord in that all hir cytizens are here of one faith and ther shal be of one glorious vnity and concorde Here are hir dwellers citizens with the saintes the househould seruants of god Ther shall they be both hys chyldren and heires togyther wyth Christ. 10 From God came she downe and out of heauen fyrste of all Neyther out of flesh nor bloud hath spronge hir Christen beléeue but frō the gracyous openinge of the father which is in heauē That Hierusalem saith Paul which is frée our mother is from aboue She is that Cytie whose builder and maker is God With none other lawes is she gouerned but with hys eternall testament and Gospell of peace With the constitutions of men hath she nothing to doe be they neuer so holy and precious For alone she dependeth on God and hys spirite 11 Of hym is she prepared through the gyft of fayth She is clensed with the fountayne of water in the worde of lyfe to séeme a glorious congregation without blemysh or wrincle From hir sinnes is she purely washed in his bloud 12 And so garnyshed as a beutifull bryde to hir husbande with loue ioye peace paciēce méekenesse long suffering other glorious fruites of the spirit Upon thy right hand Lorde sayth Dauid standeth a quene in a garmēt of most fyne golde compassed with diuersitie But euery man shall not se this hir apparell for it wil be rather a rayment of the harte than of the outwarde body Figured was this decking of hir at large in the wonderfull adourning of the temple and tabernacle of God in the dayes of Moyses and Salomon whose mysticall meting also he describeth in his cantycles How maruelous this newe Hierusalē wyll be in the regeneration whan shée meteth hir spouse in the ayre and how glorious hir countinaunce wyth him it lyeth not in vs to declare in all poyntes considering that neyther eye hath séene nor eare harde neyther can the hearte coniecture what God hath there prepared for them that loue hym but of this are we sure that wyth the glorye of him she shal be replenished Here is hir estate vnperfect and there perfect here mortall there immortal here sower ther sweet here harde there pleasaunt here paynfull there dilectable here Godly there inestimable glorious 13 And as Iohn had séene these wonderfull thinges and mused much vpō them a great voyce came vnto hym from the seate of God declaring the mistery thereof I hard sayth he in the middest of this last reuelation as I was in doubt what it ment a mightie voyce from the throne of my euerlasting Lorde saying thus vnto mée 14 Beholde Ihon beholde marke it both for thyne owne erudicion and also for the instruction of others The holy tabernacle or restyng place of the euerlastinge God of heauen is wyth men in the worlde beneth Not onely in that the eternall sonne of the Lorde toke vpon him the shape of a man callyng it the temple of hys body but also in that the soule of euery faythfull man is become the habitacle of the holy ghost He that loueth me sayth Christ obserueth my word In hym will both I and my father prouide vs a resting place He that is in loue abideth in god and God dwelleth in hym 15 This voice might Iohn well heare from the mouth of God in Esechiell I will make sayth he ther a perpetuall couenaunt wyth man to dwell with hym euermore My tabernacle shal be amonge them So that I wyll be their God and they shal be my people 16 For why it foloweth here in this voyce that he hath determined of fauourable loue mercy to dwell with them assisting them here in thys lyfe by hys spirite and in the lyfe to come shall he satysfye them by his eternall presence For here doe we sée hym in a similytude farre of there shall wee beholde hym lyke as he is in dede and shall eternally reioyce therein 17 Here are they his people through fayth for Israell is his heritage There shall they be his familiar housholde through loue and he their Lord for euer Here shall they be his chyldren and he theyr eternall father Ther shall they be his heyers Christ being the right heyer for them all 18 Thus God his owne selfe of hys inestimable goodnesse being presētly with them shall here by his grace and therby inestymable benefites shewe him selfe in all poyntes to be theyr moste mercyfull and louing God Here doth he strongly assist thē agaynst all temptations of enimyes There shall be endue them wyth full perfection and clerenesse 19 So shall he be theyr god that neither here nor yet ther shal they knowledge any other but hym alone Hée shall so comfort them here by his spirite and ther by his glorious presēce that neyther shall they here forsake hym nor there be deuyded from hym 20 And thys euerlasting god shall so wype away all teares from their eyes here that no vexacion shall make thē sorowfull nor yet aduersitie pensyue But all maner of slaunders and persecutions shall they take for most suffren consolations for his names sake For if he be wyth them who can preuaile against them 21 And after that day can no wepings be whereas shal be full ioye with immortalitie both of soule and body Beholde sayth the Lorde in Esayes prophecye I shall make a ioyfull Hierusalem yea and my selfe will reioyce there with them From thence forth shall neyther waylyng nor weping be harde in hir
readeth they that hear the vvords of the prophecie keepe those things vvhich are vvritten therein 7. for the tyme is at hande The Paraphrase OF Iesus Christ the sonne of the liuing God this is the wonderfull reuelation concerning the diuers and doubtfull estate of the Christian church from the Apostles tyme to the latter ende of the world 2 Which reuelation with all iudgement and power God the euerlasting father hath wholly giuen vnto hym now takē vp from the earth glorified and set aboue all the workes of hys handes 3 Euidently to declare yea to make manifest and knowne vnto hys true faythfull seruauntes beleuing in hys words and walking in his wayes the tokens signes marueils which must by hys vnchaungeable ordinaunce shortly in this latter tyme folow in effect without premonishment or warning taken of the wicked sort 4 And the sayd Iesus Christ sittyng on the right hande of the maiestie of God and being muche more excellent then the angels hath according to his former promise sent forth his spirit of truth most specially vnto his déerely beloued Apostle and peculyar dyscyple sainct Iohn the Euangelist not only to deduce him into all knowledge and veritie but also to manifest vnto him the secrete misteries of thinges to come 5 Which Iohn hath already as an earnest doer in his masters cause most constantly wytnessed his eternall godhead in the euerlasting worde against the Hebionites which denied him to com in the fleshe and hath faithfully affirmed his naturall manhode in all that he sawe being conuersaunt with him agaynste Carpocras and Cerinthus which blasphemed the same in the vtter confusion of all such Antichristes 6 Blessed is he saith Saint Ihon which after méeke prayer and godly meditacyon hauinge the gyfte of vnderstanding and grace of interpreting the scripturs doth sincerly faithfully without crafte or coloure publyshe declare the mistycall wordes of thys heauenly prophecye Blessed are they also which in a feruent faith hongerīg thristinge for the rightuousnes and with Simeon and Anna desirous of the glorye of God doth louingly heare and earnestly marke the wholsome words of the same sayd godly prophecye and that will deligently applye thē selues to obserue the rules and take the premonishementes of Godly doctrine ther in written 7 For the perelous dayes are come that the disceytfull swarme of Antichrist peruertinge the trueth shal bring the world into pernicious and dampnable errours And the Ieopardous time is at hande that the wrath of god shal be declared from Heauen vpon all vngodlynesse of these seducers that with hold his trueth in vnrightuousensse set hi● cōmaundementes at nought for their owne vile traditions The texte 1 Ihon vnto the seuen congregacions which are in Asia 2. Grace be vvith you 3. And peace from him wich is and which vvas and which is to come 4. from the seuen spirites which are present before his throne 5. and from Iesus Christe vvhich is a faythfull vvytnesse 6. and fyrst begotten of the dead 7. and prince ouer the kinges of the earthe 8. Vnto him that loued vs and vvashed vs from our sinnes in his ovvne bloud 9. and made vs kinges and Priestes vnto God his father 10. euen vnto him be glorye and dominion for euermore Amen The Paraphrase 1 Iohn the electe Apostle of Iesus Christ sendeth these greatinges to the vii churches or christian congregations which are in the land of Asia the lesse 2 Grace which is the mercy fauour and acceptacion of God be with you 3 And also peace which is the trauquilitie of conscience in them that beleue in Christ dwel euer among you from god the father euerlasting which is essencially in and of himselfe and which was before the constitucion of the world and which shall be after the worlde be finished for euer and euer without ende 4 The same grace and peace agayne be vnto you from God the holy Ghost here mencioned vnder the tytle of .vij. spirites for that he is manifolde and plentuous in gyftes 5 The thyrd tyme also the same said grace and peace be vnto you from the Lorde Iesus Christ the onely sonne of God which being the eternall veritie it selfe was in preaching his Gospell a wytnesse therof both faythful true and perfect and in no wyse could lye that ye should the rather beleue him 6 He was the fyrst of all men that euer were in this mortall nature or body of death recouering againe the fauour of God lost in Adam and that with victory ouer sinne hell deathe and the diuell ascended into Heauen and became in that fleshe glorifyed the sonne of God that ye should bée the bolder of him and the rather take him for your onely aduocate 7 He is also a m●ste mighty Lorde ouer the kinges rulers and magistrates of this worlde hauing now all power geuen him in heauen in earth with a wryting vpon his vesture that he is Kinge of Kinges and Lorde of Lords and that of his kingdome ther shall be no ende that the wicked tyrauntes should the rather feare least they féele him a terryble iudge at the latter day 8 For so much as he hath so intyrely loued vs as to be smytten and woūded for our offencest and as to geue his lyfe for our wycked wretchednes yea for so much as he of most natural kyndenesse would be cruelly slayne to washe vs purifie vs and clense vs in his owne most innocent bloud from the moste cankred vylenesse of our sinnes to prouoke vs to loue him agayne 9 For so much also as he hath made vs a liuing kingedome to god through fayth in him and consecrate vs priestes to offer vp our bodies by a newe Christian life as a sacrifyce holy and acceptable vnto God his euerlastinge father 10 Unto him wyth the said father with the holy ghost be perpetual praise glorye power and dominyon for euermore Amen The text 1 Beholde he commeth with cloudes 2. and all eyes shall see him 3. and they also which pearsed him 4. And all kynredes of the earth shall vvayle 5. Euen so Amen 6. I am Alpha and Omega the beginninge and the ending sayth the Lorde almightie 7. vvhich is vvhich vvas and vvhich is to come The Paraphrase 1 Take hede for moste certayne it is though Christe in his fyrste comminge as a merciful sauiour apered here vpon earth poore simple ignominious yet shal he in his latter comminge appere in the cloudes of heauen with maiestie power and glorye accōpanyed with the infinite hoste of angels as a rigorous iudge 2 And vpon him shall all eyes looke both man and angell shal behold him and stande before hys terrible iudgemente seate no creature good nor bad exempt 3 Yea th●se cruell tyrauntes also shal at that houre appeare befere him which did not only flée his moste innocente body but also
though he had ben killed 13 which had seuen hornes 14 and seuen eyes which are the seuen spirits of God sent vnto all the worlde 15. And hee came and tooke the booke out of the right hand of him that sate vpon the seat The Paraphrase AFter the forsayde vysion I saw saieth saint Iohn in the right hande or mighty power and wyll of hym that sate on the throne with maiestye a wonderfull Booke in the which both man and Angell were desirous to looke This booke is Gods heauenly ordinance contayning not onely all that hath bene created of God visible and inuisible but also the vniuersall contents of the holy scripture This boke hath the mercifull Lorde prouided that men should know him partly by his creatures partly by his Scriptures This booke he hath in his right hand For heauen he measureth with his spanne and the whole world he comprehendeth vnder his three ●ingers In his hande or power is the vniuersal earth bothe hills valleyes At his onely wil pleasure is the sincere vnderstanding of the scriptures and true interpretacion of the same 2 This booke is written within without The world cōtayneth creatures visible and inuisible powers open hidden that men in thē should reade and vnderstand that there is a liuing God and that they should acknowledge him and worship him as the Lorde and creator of all The holy scripture hath hir figure history hir mistery and veritie hir parable plaine doctrine her night and day her letter and sence her voyce and word her flesh and spirit her shadow and cleare light her death and lyfe her law and gospell her Moyses and Christ to bring all men also vnto the knowledge of God 3 But that Booke is surely sealed with seauen stronge seales from the fleshlye vnderstanding of man not hauinge the spirite of Christ that he can neither vse the creatures of God a right nor yet perceiue the Scriptures according to their true meanning Muche hath the doctours fantasied of these seuen claspes or spearynges of thys booke wythout the aucthoritie of Gods word calling thē all maner of obscurities darkenesses Where as in verie déed they are nothing els but the strong and vnuariable decrée or set diffinition of God before the constitucion of the world that none should be able to read rightly therin nor know the iust meaning therof without the spirit of his sonne and vnles it be méekly asked in faith And this one decrée of god so oft locketh vp these heauēly secrets frō mā as it findeth hym carnall couetous wilfull blinde malicious proude and false with such other lyke The number of seuen doeth onely respect the opening of the seales in all ages For in euery age hath God opened the trueth vnto some Godly men by his spirite with Abell and Enoch with Noe and Sem with Abraham and Iob with Moyses and Samuel with Dauid and Helias with Hieremie and Daniel with Iohn Baptist Peter 4 And I sawe sayeth S. Iohn a strong Angell which betokeneth euerie faithful minister of gods word coueting all men to be taught of god and sending them only vnto Christ for they are the Angels of the Lorde of hostes Which Angell cryed with a loude voyce with an earnest zeale of the glorie of God and with a feruent desire of his neighbours health 5 Who is worthie to opē this booke and to vndoo the claspes thereof As though he should say None but he alone Séeke him therfore that he may open it vnto you els are yée lyke alwayes to be blynde foolishe and vnlearned lyers before the Lord séeme ye neuer so wyse eloquent and well learned in the sight of men 6 And in déede no man was founde able to doe it neyther in heauen nor in earth nor vnder the earth yet was there a diligent search made many did attempt it The Angels that by apostasie fell from God when they were in heauen wrought maistryes about it And in the earth héere the Philosophers among the Gentiles the religious fathers amōg the Iewes the Pharisies and Scribes the lawyers and priests and amōg the Christians the false Apostles Antichrists the Sophisters and Papists the sectes and scoole doctors with all the worldly wyse hath craftily compassed the thing Yea the messēgers of Sathan whose dampnation is certayne subtily to perswade and fraudelently to deceiue the innocent soules haue also done their parte But what hath folowed After their vayne enterpryse they haue bene so astonyed at the maiestie or sight of the booke that neyther were they able to open it nor yet to looke thervpon So high were the mysteries thereof so vnserchable the iudgements so inuestigable the wayes therevnto 7 And I fell in sore wéeping sayth Sainct Iohn muche dolour was it to my heart to see that none was found worthie no creature able neyther Angell nor man good spirit nor diuil to open and to read the booke which is cléerely to know the will of God therein nor yet once to looke therevpon that is sincerely to perceyue the least veritie cōtayned therin No creature vnderstanding could attayn vnto it All were ignorant all darke all blynde 8 And as I was thus mournyng one of the elders euen Iacob by name comforted mée with his prophecie of Iuda Esay Micheas Esdras bearing witnesse to the same 9 These with other ascertained me that he was the Lyon of the Trybe of Iuda which should ouercome the world haue the victorie ouer death and hell for in déed they with Abraham sawe it a farre of and much reioysed He is the strong inuincible Lyon that subdued the prince of this world tooke from him the pray and hathe deuyded the spoyle 10 He is the verie roote of Dauid the ground and originall cause of all godly promises made vnto him of deliuerance victorie and raygne and alone in him are they fulfilled Only hath he obtayned by his death resurrection and ascension to make open the hydden mysteries of thys booke or whole ordinaunce of God and to loose the seuen seales thereof or to take away the vniuersall impediments wherby the said booke could in no case be séene as is carnalitie ignorance darkenesse blindenesse wilfulnesse couetousnesse malice hypocrisie lyes with such lyke So was it afore speared by the decrée of God that none could reade in it till he remoued the vntowardnesse from their heartes 11 All this I beheld saieth S. Iohn and as I looked further I sawe that in the midst of the seate which is the vniuersall congregation of God of the foure beasts which are the constaunt ministers of his worde also in the middest of the auncient elders whych hath bene the sincere witnesses of hys veritie since the beginning 12 There stood a fayre méeke most innocent Lambe as though he had bene newly slain I knew that Christ was this Lambe for he was wounded for
them heard I saying 9. Blessing honour glory and power be vnto him that sitteth vpon the seate 10. And vnto the Lambe for euee more 11. And the fowre beastes said amen 12. And the .xiiii. elders fell vpon their faces 13. and vvorshipped hym that liueth for euer more The Paraphrase 1 Furthermore saith Saint Iohn I saw an infinit host of Angels beholding the face of the heauenly father 2 I heard also the voyce of a great number of them about the throne of God geuing laude and prayse vnto hym and about the beastes and auncient elders For they are not onely the immediate ministers of God but also the seruantes of those men which shall be the heyres of saluation Where ●●ould they be els than but about them that feare the Lord to sée to them and preserue them in all their wayes lyke as he hath geuen them in commaundement 3 And the number of them was a thousande thousandes or a number beyond our estimation And they cryed with a loude voyce signifiyng in their sort no corporall noyse but for so much as they are but spirits but a vehement zeale of most perfect loue and reioyce for the glory of God the victory of Christ the redempcion delyuerance and helth of man It betokeneth also their excéedinge gladnesse in the openinge of the veritie and conuertion of the sinner 4 Worthy is the most méek Lamb sayd they which was cruelly done vnto death and by his death ouercame the worlde hell death and the deuill to take vpon hym the title of all power heritage wisdom strēgth honour glory and blessing and to be called of all creatures most mightye most rich most wise most valiaunt most worshipfull most gloryous and most blessed conueniente names for the king ouer al. Yea finally to haue ●he vniuersall aucthorytie in heauen and in the earth to gouerne euery where and al to be subiect vnto hym 5 I hard also saith saint Iohn all the creatures that God euer created as the angeles in heauen the sunne the Moone the planites the starres the fyrmament the fyre the water the ayre 6 And all that was vppon the earth as man beast foule fish mountaines valleys welsprings floudes windes wethers times trées herbs fruits 7 And al that was vnder or within the earth as rootes wormes serpentes vermine 8 And all that was in the sea or that moued in the waters with all that are conteined in these eche one in his kinde saying 9 The euerlastinge God whiche sytteth vppon the eternall throne with power and maiestie be euermore blessed worshiptfull gloryous and almightie 10 And vnto the Lambe which is his onely sonne Iesus christ be blessing honour glorye and power from him for euermore And in this al creatures desireth no longer to be subdued vnto the vanitie of the wicked nor yet to serue the same But to be wholy deliuered from the bondage of corruption and in libertie to serue the children of God to the glorye of of hym that made them 11 To this the fowre beastes or al the true seruants of God here liuing answered Amen or so might it be in effect as ye haue desired 12 And the .xxiiij. elders as the patriarks the Prophetes the Apostles with other that hath passed this life fell downe flat vpon their faces they submitted them selues 13 They worshipped lauded and gloryfied him that lyueth for euer and euer one God in thrée persons the father the sonne and the holy ghost This signified the Angels and Sainctes euermore to be ioyous as any thinge is done in the creatures to the manyfest glory of God The sixt Chapter THE TEXT 1 And I sawe vvhen the Lambe opened one of the seales 2 and I heard one of the iiij beastes say as it were the noyse of thunder 3. Come and see 4. And I savve and behold there was a whyte horse 5 and he that sate on him had a bovve 6. and a crovvne vvas giuen vnto hym 7. and hee vvent forth cōquering for to ouercome The Paraphrase 1 COnsequently sayeth sainct Iohn as I was beholdyng these wonders I sawe that the Lambe which is the sonne of God opened the first of the seuen seales declaring the first misterie of the booke These openings betokeneth not onely the manifestation of Gods trueth for seauen ages of the world but also for the .vij. seuerall times and after vij diuers sortes from Christes death to the latter end of the world The first seale was remoued and the mysterie there vnder contayned made open when the Apostles disciples of Christ aboūdātly replenished with the holy Ghost did cōstantly preach the gospel ouer the vniuersall world 2 And at the openyng of the sayde seale sayeth hée I hearde one of the beasts in shape lyke a Lion by whom are signified the strong witnesses of Gods veritie by constancie of fayth resembling Christ the verie Lyon of the stocke of Iuda whose voice was mightie and strong as it had bene the noyse of a thundering and vehemently it sayde vnto me 3 Come hither and sée drawe nigh and be taught beléeue and thou shalt vnderstand 4 And anon I saw euidently that there was a white horse which signifieth the Apostles and first disciples of Christ for why the scripture doeth so call thē These horses were white they were made pure rightuous and cleane by Iesus Christ and bare him by their preaching the worlde ouer Such a whyte horse to the glorie of God was Paule whan he beare the name of Christ before the Gentiles the Kings and the children of Israell 5 He that sate vpō this white horse which was Christ him selfe had in his hande a bowe which figured the hartes of the foresayd Apostles and disciples out of whom he fiercely sēt foorth the arrowes of his word into his chosen people Their hearts were in his hand for that his verities myght the more effectually passe foorth and the more surely lyght vppon hys elects For without his spirit nothing could they doe 6 From God the father vnto hym was giuen a crown of magnificence honour worthinesse and victorie in his resurrection and ascention 7 And when he had stomaked them by the holy Ghost to shoote foorth hys word without feare he wēt forward with them by his grace conqueryng in them the prince of this worlde in processe of tyme by their doctryne so to ouercome him and all his wycked armie Were the Antichristes neuer so madde torment they neuer so sore slea they neuer so fast Christ wil ouercome them Let them inhibit his trueth and forbid his Gospell take spoyle imprison exyle murther hāg head drowne burne yet wil Christ haue the victorie ouer them though it otherwyse séeme to the fleshly children of darknesse In many coūtreis Cities and townes hath Gods word bene taught where as it is now forbidden vnder the payne of death Is Christ therefore the weaker which chose the weake to confounde the strong
figure what should be the estate of that time to assertaine his chosen friendes therof I saw saieth Saincte Iohn vnder the Aulter of God which is Christe vpon whom the whole sacrifice of our redempcion was offered 3 The soules or spirits of those constant beléeuers whiche through the violent handlynge of the afore sayde false prelats and Antichristes were cruelly put to death by diuers maner of tormēts not only for the vndefiled word of god but also for the sincere testimonye of Iesu which they had by the gift of his only spirit Under this Aulter remaine all they which haue bin killed for that witnesse of truth In his faith they slept and still rest now in his hope In him now they liue for whom they once dyed Under his shadow they dwell Under his winges they flocke vnder hys couerte they cloyster He is their comforte kéeper and defender With hym are they now whose presence they euermore coueted 4 In that they cried with a lowde voice is signified that their innocent death fercely asketh and requireth the great indignation vengance and terrible iudgement of GOD vppon those tirauntes lyke as dyd the bloude of Abell vppon that murther Cayne 5 And this is their daylye crye O Lorde God almighty so holy thou art that thou hatest all euill so true and so iust that thou abhorrest al lies and peruerse doctrine so manifest is the filthy lyfe of the spirituall antichristes that thou séest it so euidente is their vnshamefast crueltie vpon thy seruantes that thou knowest it Yet doest thou leaue them vnpunished and suffer them vncorrected Howe long time wil it be ere thou iudge them to dampnation What yeares wilt thou take ere thou reuenge our bloud 6 Sure it is that thy lawes are holy and thy wordes are faithfull and true Why doest thou then permitte these proud homicides and spightfull murtherers to defyle them with their errours and blaspheme them with their lyes Kyllyng vp thy seruants without pittie for holdynge with them and reigning héere as Gods vpon earth in ambiciousnesse vayne glory pompe glotony and le●herye with other abhomynable vices Thus these beastly bellye Gods doth dayly dispise thée They treade downe thy testimonies and shed innocent Christen bloud in despight of thée 7 Looke once vpon them therefore according to thy promisse and sée thou rewarde them according to their wickednesse Thys reuengement doe we not aske for our scath but for the contempt of thy truethe Not for our harme but for the blasphemy of thy name 8 And longe white garmentes sayth Sainct Iohn very large and comely were geuen vnto euery one of them A full innocencye perfectnesse and cléerenesse was powred ouer them and abundantly spred vpon them Indued they were with an inestimable purenesse by Christe for whose veryties sake they dyed With him they are now in peace ioy and swéetnesse But whether they be in full glory afore God or no that wyll we not temerously define Sure we are that they be deliuered from all payne sorrow and care and that they clearely be assertayned so haue that glory complet both in body and soule at the latter day More swéete is their estate for the time yea more delycious and pleasaunt then all the delightes prosperytye and wealth that euer was yet in thys worlde 9 And as they were in this swéete solace much desirous of their bodyes delyueraunce from corruption they were requyr●d by these secrete heauenlye mocyon of Christe as we are in this life by the outwarde word 10 Paciently to pause for a while and quietously to rest for a season 11 Untill such time as the complet nūber of their cōstant fellowes and faithfull brethren 12 Yea and of all those poore creatures that shoulde be kylled by these vnsaciat blud suckers for his truthes sake like as they were afore shuld be fulfilled and wholy accomplished according to the eternall prediffinition of God And so much the rather to content themselues with their peaceable and quietous estate for their brethrens sake that it should not belonge ere their death were reuenged and they restored to a full tranquillitie For nothing in comparison are the sufferinges of this time to that glorye whiche shall be shewed vnto the chosen sort in that day Let no man think where as Christ hath willed those soules to rest that they sléepe in death for they rest in hym which is lyfe Out of hym they are not he is their Aulter he is theyr couert They lyue they decerne and in swéetenesse they abide the latter day and all vnder him Their white garment of innocencie they haue onely by him Worship him then and not them Pray and call vpon him and not vpon them For he is the onely meditour and generall aduocate to God the father so wel for them as for you Nothyng can they doe but by hym Their office is not to heare suters causes nor to goe to and fro but still to rest abyding the glad day of theyr deliuerance It is Christes onely office to receyue all complayntes to pleate them and to iudge them THE TEXT 1 And I beheld when he opened the six● seale 2. lo there was a great earth quake 3. and the sunne was as black as a sack cloth made of heare 4. And the moone vvaxed euen as bloud 5. And the starres of heauen fell vnto the earth 6. euen as a figge tree casteth from hir hir figges vvhen it is shaken of a mightie wynde 7. And heauen vanyshed avvay as a scroull vvhen it is rolled togither 8. And all mountaynes and yles vvere moued out of their places 9. And the kings of the earth and the great men and the riche men 10. and the chiefe captaynes and the mightie men and euery bond man and euerie free man 11. hid themselues in dennes and in rockes of the hilles 12. and sayde to the hilles and rockes 13. Fall on vs 14. and hyde vs from the presence of hym that sitteth on the seate 15. and from the vvrathe of the Lambe 16. for the great day of hys vvrath is come 17. And vvhō can endure it The Paraphrase 1 This know they well whome the lambe hath deliuered from their dark sinagoge to whom he hath in these dayes opened the sixte seale of the booke raysing vp the spirites of many to detect by his holy worde theyr shamefull abhominations Blessed be the name of that Lord which hath now so mercifully vysited hys poore people from aboue sending his word vnder the tipe or figure of this Lambe to open vnto them at this sixt time of darkenesse the vj. seale of the hydden misteries of the booke I looked yet farther sayeth sainct Iohn and as the Lambe Christ disclosed the sixte seale to manifest the cléernesse of his truth to shewe the estate of his church anon I behelde a merueylous earthquake arise Most liuely was this fulfilled such tyme as William Courteney the Archbishoppe
hypocrites tyrauntes and cruell maiestrates no more perceiue at that day then they now decerne those poore creatures whom they spightfully persecute and kyll to be the true Churche of CHRIST When Helias thought no more true beléeuers but hym selfe left alyue almighty God shewed him of vij thousand more whom he knew not If he were then ignoraunt muche more these fowre Angels of darknesse which now sleyeth vp God seruants as the Iewes dyd Christ. Not for nothing hath god geuen so much knowledge in the Hebrue tongue The Iewes muste be sealed with the worde of veritie They must haue the sure signe of faith They must know and confesse Christ whom god afore promised by the Prophetes that twelue thousand of euery tribe may be sealed vnto saluation For that time must the Antichrists cease Their false interpretations of scripture their wicked traditions their doctrine of deuilles their lies in hypocresie their errours their stinking chastitie whom God and his angels abhorreth and the deuill most highly alloweth with all their other filthynesse they must lay aside Where as afore time they haue immagined other waies of the health and rightuousnesse then by Christe as by infinit sectes of perdition Idol worshiping pardons and other abhominations wtout number they must now be compelled against their wil to resigne them not onely by the manifest truthe but also by those which as yet are enemies both to them and also to the sayde veritie I can not sée it but it worketh euen now as it did in the primatiue churche When the Hethen perceiued the Apostles and Disciples expulsed out of Iewry for the Gospell preachinge for the hate they had to the Iewes they gladly receiued them which was vnto their saluacion though they thought nothinge lesse Not vnlyke is it in this age but that the true prechers and learned men compelled also by tiraunts to decline to the Saracens and Turkes may in lyke maner be accepted of them in spight of the Romishe deuill and his Church and so conuerte them to the true Christen faith whiche they before abhorred Such fauour may they finde amonge them nowe as did Ioseph Daniel Hester Mardocheus Zorababel Nehemias Es●ras Tobias and other amonge the infidels then And lyke as the Iewish sinagoge did at that tyme wholly perish for reiecting Gods word and neuer could recouer since so may that false counterfayte churche of Antychrist come to distruction for contempnynge the same and neuer ryse vp agayne Muche is it to be feared yf they stoppe GODS woorde as they haue begunne least that plague fall on them that lyghted vppon the IEWES at the Siege of Hierusalem by the TURKE nowe or by some other worse then he For though they suffer the Byble to be abroade in the mother tongue in BRABAND HOLLANDE FLAUNDERS FRAUNCE SPAYNE ITALYE and other places yet are they styll as they were Angelles of darkenesse Tyrauntes Persecuters Antichristes and Hypocrites forbiddinge the ryght course of it And not withstandinge their violence yet breaketh it foorth so that innumerable people are dayly sealed vnto GOD. THE TEXT 1 After this I behelde and loe a great multitude vvhiche no man coulde number 2. Of all nacions and people and tongues 3. Stoode before the seate 4. And before the Lambe clothed vvith longe vvhite garmentes 5. And palmes in their handes 6. And cryed vvith aloude voyce saying 7. Saluation be ascribed to hym that sytteth vppon the seate of our GOD 8. And vnto the Lambe 9 And all the Aungelles stoode in the compasse of the Seate 10 And of the Elders and of the fovvre Beastes 11 And fell before the Seate on their faces 12. And vvorshipped GOD sayinge Amen 13 Blessynge and glorye and vvisedome and thankes and honoure and povver and might be vnto our God for euermore Amen The Paraphrase 1 After this saith sainct Iohn I behelde an exceeding multitude of the Gentiles or Heathen marked into the felowship of Christe whom no man was able to number 2 These were of all nacions of the earth of al peoples of the world and of all languages vnder heauen Gréekes Latines Hebrues Caldeans Parthyans Medes Elamites Capadocians Asianes Phrigian Egiptianes Arabianes Syrians Affricanes and Indians 3 They stoode all before the imperyall seate of God It was giuen them by the holy ghost to sée him in faith reigning in hys true church and to take hym for theyr mercyfull Lorde and father 4 They stoode also in the presence of the poore Lambe beutifully cloathed with long whyte garmentes They beléeued Christ to be theyr only sauiour and redéemer and were moste highly accepted before hym for that beléeues sake They lyued purely according to his worde did all things of a sincere conscience taking him for their only health and comfort By hym onely they trusted to haue their sinnes forgiuen wherfore they were by him iustified and restored to perfect innocencie 5 Palmes had they in their handes large and beutifull in token of victorie ouer sinne hell death the diuill which they haue through Christ. 6 And they cryed all with a loude voyce In an earnest fayth they made this strong protestacion saying 7 No merite health nor goodnesse be attributed vnto vs nor yet vnto any creature in heauen nor in earth for vs. But all our whole saluacion lyfe and deliuerance be onely ascrybed vnto hym that sitteth vpon the throne of our God reigning by hys spirite not in the false counterfayte church but in the true christian congregacion 8 And vnto the swéete Lambe Iesus Christ which alone dyed for the same For health is onely the Lordes so is the eternall blessyng and neyther of our works nor yet of our good déeds for the best of them are defiled 9 And all the Angelles or ministers of heauen compassed the throne according to their offyce They assisted the true faithfull church which is the seate of God 10 The xxiiij elders they compassed also so dyd they the .iiij. beastes For ministers they are to the saincts departed and seruaunts to them that be yet aliue 11 They fell downe flatte on theyr faces before the throne They méekely acknowledged them selues the creatures of God and seruaunts to hys congregacion 12 And they worshipped not y● seate but God which sate on the seat Most highly they magnified him and praysed him for restoring their lost number saying So be it euermore as we shall now desire 13 Euerlastyng prayse and glory perpetuall wisedome and thankes continuall honour and poure wyth might which can not be measured be referred vnto our eternall God of all his creatures for euer and euer yea for all that he hath wrought in them Amen THE TEXT 1 And one of the elders answered saying vnto me 2. What are these which are arayed in long white garmēts whēce came they 3 and I said vnto hī 4. Lord thou vvottest 5. And he sayd vnto me 6 these are they vvhich out of
and dolorus age the fourth Angell blowinge his trumpet the poore forsaken disciples shewing the trueth the thirde parte of the sunne was smitten so was the thirde parte of the Moone also the thirde part of the stars Good creatures they found the third part of Gods heauenly word sore blemished by the hypocrites the Christen Churche piteously disfigured by the antichrists and the inferioure ministers thereof darkned by Tyraunts and cruell magistrates 3 By their wicked strocke the light of GODS verytie was hydden and appeared lesse by the thirde part then it was afore Lesse was Christ the sonne of rightuousenesse knowen lesse was the Christen Church faithfull and lesse were the preachers godly More ignorant was at the time then afore more supersticion hipocrisie and falshod wherfore the third parte of them all was darkned 4 At that time also by reason of them the day was so smitten that the thirde parte thereof shewed no clearenesse and so was the night lykewise 5 In no case might Christe shine in the Curates and religious which ●ooke themselues for the day nor yet Christen fruits in the common people whiche were estéemed the night Onely were their will works alowed and their dyrty traditions thought godly The true trumpet blowers or ministers of the word were then compelled by cruell cōmaūdements the ●ōmons by cruell lawes enforced in ●o case to medle with the truth least their ●bhominable doynges were espyed In this therefore marke what a detestable thinge false doctrine of hypocrites is for it bringeth in all darknesse an ignoraunt blindnesse and it shadoweth vnder pretence of vertue all wickednesse and sinne 6 And then saith saint Iohn I behelde an Angell flyinge through the middes of heauen as it had bin an Eagle which betokeneth certaine peculiar seruauntes of GOD illumined with some knowledge and lea●ing an high conuersation in the church Such were Ioachim Abbas Cirillus of Carme Angelus of Hierusalem Theolespherus of Cusencia Raynhardus and other And since their time Petrus Iohannis Robertus de vsecio Iohannis de rupescissa Arnoldus de villa noua Hieronimus Sauonarola with suche lyke 7 These perceiuing the light of Gods veritie and the true teachers therof dayly deminishinge considering also the mighty increase of darknesse with a lowde voyce they cryed earnest writings they sēt the world ouer vnder the title of reuelation and prophecie 8 Saying by the threatninges of scripture wo wo wo to the inhabitours of the earth More wickednesse is comming more blindnes and more darknesse to the vngodly infydels and earthly minded people It will stylll be worse and worse to the foolish ignoraunt sorte through the errours lyes and abhominable superstitions of the false Antychristes and cruell Chaplaynes of Baal 9 And this rebuking crye was because of the voyces of the other thrée Aungels were yet to blowe with the Trumpet whose blastes they shoulde also more déepely contemne By prophesies scriptures hath many godly men perceiued afore hande with Paule the fall of faith the increase of errours and that diuers shoulde decline from the truth and earnestly they haue premonished the gouernours of it Yet haue they neglected the warning and vtterly dispised them for it leadinge the People into the depth of all errours and filthy abhominations The .ix. Chapter THE TEXT 1 And the fifte Angell blew 2. And I sawe a Starre fall from Heauen vnto the earth 3. And to hym vvas geuen the key of the bottomlesse pit 4. And he opened the bottomlesse pyte 5. And there arose a smoke of the pytte as it were the smoke of a furnace 6 And the sunne and the Ayre vvere darkened by the reason of the smoke of the pyt 7. And there came out of the smoke Locustes vppon the earth 8 And vnto them vvas geuen povver 9. As the Scorpions of the earth haue povver The Paraphrase THe fift Angell which blew his trumpet vnder the fift seale openyng of the Lambe were they which had the worde of God for that age of Christes Church and that published it to his electes And these doeth not onely séeme to bée fewe in number but also they appear to haue taught priuily in priuate congregacions and houses 2 For whē this trumpet was blowen Iohn beheld a starre fallen downe cleane from heauen into the earthe no parte thereof reserued neyther of the starre in heauen representing the spirituall church nor yet of the earth from the starre betokening the worldly people Neyther were the spiritualtie of Christes church nor yet the laytie cléere from their poysons anye where This glittering starre or shyning multitude of prelates pastours and religious fathers were fallen away from the doctryne of the spyrite from the liuing word of the Lord and from the right conuersaciō of Christ into the earthe of their owne decrées and lawes nothing sauouring but carnall tradicions dumme dark ceremonies and doctryne of diuilles fashioning their lyues all after the same Then soughte they vp Plato Aueroys and Auicenne Then was Aristotle thought necessarie to interprete the scriptures Then was there an infinite rable of Sophisters schoole doctours of reals and nominalles of sentencioners and summistes of collyginers and Canonystes of Scotistes Thomistes Olcamystes Alberstystes Baconystes Anconistes And euerye man thought hys owne wysedome best which God hath proued starke foolishenesse all and moste ydiotishe dottage When the blynde world supposed they had the truth by this fallen starre they had nothyng lesse Under the fifte seale openyng this darkenesse was not séene but the sixte now discloseth all Onely the slayn sorte complayned that tyme desiryng theyr bloud to be reuenged where as an answer was made them that many more yet should bée kylled to fulfill theyr number And it was proued true For none in those dayes once hyssed agaynst them but suffered death for it Yea of Emperours and kings that offended them some were accurssed some deposed some slaine some poysoned Neyther spared they power nor yet noble blud In Englād héer they slew King Herolde poysoned King Iohn and famished King Richard the ij by their own historyes they burned sir Roger Actō knight sir Iohn Oldecastel the Lord Cobham sir Raynolde pecock byshop of Chychester they imprisoned to death besides an infinite number of poore simple soules no lawful cause known but lyes of their owne forging Yea and the articles that they dyed for than they affirme nowe to bée good But no maruayle though they dyd suche myschiefe in those dayes 3 For to the starre was giuen the key of the bottomlesse pitte After they were fallen from the wisedome of God to the corrupt dreams of men folowyng rather the creatures then the maker of them hée gaue them ouer vnto theyr owne imaginacions and fantasies 4 Thē had they poure in darknesse by their carnall beastly and diuilishe diuinitie to open the well of dampnacion For what is the wisedome of
the fleshe els but death What are theyr practises but fighting weapons against lyfe They had licence to deceyue and leysure to doe mischief in outward things as had Sathan vpon the body of Iob. But no doubt the goodnesse of God yet preserued the inwarde soules of many simple Iobbes for tyme of that daungerous world 5 And whē they had opened the bottomlesse pit with the key of their false doctrine there wēt vp a black filthie ayre as it had bene the smoke of a great fornace There arose all errours lyes heresies supersticions idolatrie couetousnesse pryde incontinencie falsehood hypocrisie with all other filthinesse which are the fruits of hell and they wēt abroad the world ouer Thus hath these cursed Apostates the pope his Chaplaynes the keyes in deed not of heauen but of hell They may open but they can not spear againe vnlesse they spear from heauē as they doe alwayes They may hurt but they can not heale they may distroy but they can not help they may well dampne but they can not saue For the nature of their keye is onely to make blinde obstinate foolyshe harde harted and euer more worse and worse He onely giueth light grace faith health He taketh away all darkenesse and sinne which hath the keye of Dauid For he alone hath trodē down the wyne presse hauyng the whole victorie ouer death sinne hell and the diuill He hath power onely to speare vp both death and hell The fyre of Gods wrath they be not able to quench The smoke of the dyuils malyce and continuall wickednesse they be not able to kéepe downe Eua could not wtstād one simple suggestiō of Sathan A smal taste of this smoke lost Adam with his whole posteritie And now these Antichristes hath filled the world with it For what is it els but wicked perswasions a learning of diuilles and a doctryne contrarie to y● doctryne of God poysoning all destroying all leading vnto hell 6 The sun by this smoke was darkened so was the holesome ayre The Gospell they defiled with their false interpretacions Gods word they corrupted with their gloses cōmentaries and postilles They myngled the scriptures with the dirtie dregges of their own lawes tradicions and olde rotten customes of their popishe fathers So that in the church no good ayre could be had no swéete smell of the truth could be found There was much ydoll worshipping strange crying and lippe labouring sensing fooling charming crossing mowyng and iugling gasing knéeling knockyng but no true Gospell preaching 7 Out of this pestilent smoke came innumerable locustes a verie monstruous vermyne and horrible to behold créeping ouer all the earth These were the disguised swarme of Cardynalles mytred Bishoppes doctours shauen priestes Abbottes Moonkes Chanons Fryers Nunnes sisters and heremites in read white russet graie blacke blewe and all other colours Of these were the Benedictines the Bernardines Gerondines Gilbertines Celestines Scopetines Grādimontensers Camaldulensers Cruniacensers Premonstratensers Carthusianes Carmelitanes Ambrosianes Rhodianes Gregorianes Purgatoryanes Guilhelmytes Iesuites Iohannites Hieronimites Niniuits Cellites Thaborits Templars Hospitelers Crucigers Augustinianes Dominicianes Franciscanes Brygydanes Basilianes of Iosaphats valley and of the dark alley and suche other with innumerable swarmes of them euerie where Peter prophecyed afore of thys smokie multitude when hée gaue warnyng that there should come into the Christen church false teachers which priuily should bring in damnable sectes denying the Lord that bought them and many should follow their damnable wayes thorough whom the truth should haue ill reporte But fewe hath marked that warning 8 And vnto these noysome locustes was poure giuen but yet none other poure then haue the scorpyons of the earth whose craftie nature is fyrst to créepe softely then gréeuouslye to sting last of all to venim Thys pestilent vermine God hath suffred for the wickednes of his people first flatteringly to créepe to dissemble glose glose and speak fayre promising prosperitie victorie long lyfe and heauen after this departing And by such meanes gote they vnder them Emperours Kings gouernours and all the world besides 9 Then did they sting their consciences with terrible dreames and visions and with fearefull reuelacions of purgatorie and of hell to buylde them vp faire houses and to lyue in wealth and pleasure Fynally they venimed their fayth with their poisoned counsayles and promyses and so tooke they from them the true hope in Christ making marchandise of them through couetousnesse faire words Thus cloistering togither like locusts they haue left nothing gréene but all they haue withered and distroyed No workes might then be vsed of Gods prescription but such as were fantasied by them for aduantage as masse founding chaunteries building priest singing Image gilding kissing of relyques prayinge to death men and such lyke And when they were once frank and fatte they stood vp togither proudly agaynst the Lord and his word THE TEXT 1 And it vvas sayde vnto them that they should not hurte the grasse of the earth neither any greene thing neyther any tree 2. but only those men vvhich haue not the seal in their foreheades 3. And to them vvas it cōmaunded that they shuld not kil them 4. but that they shuld be vexed fyue monethes 5. And their payne vvas as the payne that commeth of a Scorpion vvhen he hath stung a man 6. And in those dayes shall men séeke death and shall not finde it 7. and shall desire to dye and death shall flie from them The Paraphrase 1 Yet were they commaunded that they should in no case hurt the grasse of the earth neyther any gréen thing nor trée Though they were permytted by the sufferaunce of God to doe much mischiefe yet could they harme none but such as wanted fayth He ordayned from the beginning alwayes to saue his Neuer could Sathan hynder the soule of Iob onely did he vexe the outward carkasse and goods Where as fayth is growing true hope in Christ springing and workes of charitie fructifying they shall doe no hurte by the promyse of God Where the gift of the spirite aboundeth they can in no wyse preuayle If any hinderaunce doeth fall it is where fayth is wanting 2 For onely had they power vpon those men which had not the seale of God in their foreheades They onely are in perill that haue not the sure fayth And the more want they haue therof the more is their seathe when it commeth 3 Yet had those locusts in commaundement that in no wise they shoulde kill them whom they had noyed For the wil of God is that no wicked person should perishe vnlesse he resisted the holy ghost but rather to turne frō sinne and to liue 4 Onely was it permytted that they should be vexed v. moneths Only for their lyfe tyme were they suffered to ouer loade their poore consciences with their beggerly tradicions to trouble them with their trumperie to
then halfe deade yea is not to bée feared that for doubt of punishment and losse of their goods they looke backe agayne towarde Sodome with Lots wyfe consenting to theyr abhominations Let them not think that so doeth but a double plague foloweth them More worthie is he to perish the throweth him self willingly into a perell knowing it afore thē he which neuer knew it 14 Neyther repented they sayeth Sainct Iohn of their murther theyr witchcraft their whordom nor their ●●eft They sée of their owne congregation in pouertie penurie prisō and exile they know it is for none other then the testimony of Iesu. Yet haue they no mynde to help them No courage haue they to comfort thē They dare not be acknowne to fauour that sorte When any trouble commeth they are none of them They are wel contented to haue Christ in daliaūce but if he put them once to payne or aske ought of them thē bid they him adue they can no skill of him they know him not the farther of the better Thus are they become neyther hote nor cold ready to be spewed out of the mouth of God None other are they then murtherers that succoure not their brethren Worse are they then infidels that helpeth not the houshold of faith The witchcrafts of the hipocrits they know by the euidēt scriptures yet will they not flée frō thē 15 They know the open whordom of the babilonicall strūpet they know hir theft and robbery euermore spoiling God of his honour yet wil they r●nne to it séeke it and take parte of it with the vnfaithfull What is hée ●ls that runneth wyth a théefe but a théefe also Alacke they treade vnder their feete the precious gift of God Lyke vnprofitable seruauntes they hyde his godly treasure vnderneth the grounde And lyke vnreasonable dogges they turne agayne to theyr vomete The heauenly father of his eternall mercy graunt such to amend For a much greater plague abideth them than the other thought it be not here named For many stripes are due to that seruant which knoweth his Lordes will and doeth it not yea to sinne against knowledge is against the holy ghost irremissible The tenth Chapter THE TEXT 1 And I sawe an other mightie Angel 2. come dovvn from heauen 3. clothed vvith a cloude 4. and the Raynbovv vpon his head 5. And his face as it vvere the sun 6. and his feete as it vvere pillers of fyre 7. And he had in his hande a little booke open 8. And hee put his ryght foote vpon the Sea and hys lefte foote on the earth 9. And cryed vvith a loude voyce as vvhen a Lyon roareth 10. And vvhen hee had cryed seuen thunders spake their uoyces And vvhē the vij thūders had spoken theyr voyces 12. I vvas aboute to vvright And I hearde a voyce from heauen saying vnto mee 13. Seale vp these thinges vvhich the seuen thunders spake 14. And vvryte them not The Paraphrase 1 IN the middest of this moste vengeable tyme wherin the Antichristes hipocrites most fiercely sturreth about them 〈◊〉 vexe all the worlde with theyr ●erie blastes theyr filthie smoke ●nd theyr stinking brymstone to restore agayn theyr pleasaunt Euphrates the Lorde hath sent to the comfort of his certaine peculiar and chosen learned men moste constantlye to defende his veritie And then this present reuelation compareth to a strong Angell 1 I sawe saith sainct Iohn an other mightie strong Angell come downe from heauen With a stoute power came thys Aungell from God to withstand the furious beastes in thys sixt age of Christes church wherein they rage so sore God hathe raysed some godly persons now by whome many things are opened that afore tyme were hidde accept it were to a fewe poore soules in corners Cōstant are these and earnest yea inuincible warriours by the word of God For who can bée more strong then they which fi●ht with an inuincible weapon Which is the veritie of God That valiaunt cōquerour hath victorie in them which promised to giue them such mouth and wisedom as all enimyes should not bée able to resist 2 This Angell or ministers signified by him descende downe from heauen with Christ their maister as messengers sent of God The Apostates and Antichristes falleth down from heauen with theyr Captayne Lucifer lyke starres of darkenesse And as wicked séede not planted of God they ryse vp in the world 3 This Angell was cloathed with a cloude betokening these godly supporters of the Lords truth to be compassed with many harde showers and troublous crosses of opprobrious rebukes scornes slaunders lies and open blasphemyes to the vttermoste tryall of their weake fleshe And this cloude hideth from the world all that is in them spirituall and godly lyke as it did in Christ that to many they séeme not that they are in déed Bicause they are dispysed of the craftie generation and euill spoken of by the hypocrites the simple Idiotes and deceyued multitude doth iudge them ill doers yea they suppose them very heretiques and so doeth spyghtfullye call them Where as in verie déede they are the Angels of God and most high chosen messengers The Apostles thus vsed also of the world were named cloudes of Esay the Prophet verie long before they preached the Gospell What are these sayth he that flyeth lyke cloudes These were and are they that euery where poureth downe the sweete dewe rayne of the mysteries of God and seasonably moysteneth the grounde of faythfull heartes causing them to bryng foorth their fruites in due season 4 Upon the head of this Angel was the Rainebow And in thys are they noted to be the Angels of the couenaunt and the messengers of peace For so much as the Raynebow was the signe of Gods couenaunt concerning the floud Theyr message is that Christ is the only sauiour of the world and that none can perish beleeuing in him No dampnation is there to them which are in Christ Iesu. No though they neuer knowe one ceremony or popish constitution of theirs Though they neuer heare Masse nor goe procession though they neuer be greased shauen nor disguised though they neuer haue Beades Latine Primers portifolyomes nor other signes of hipocrisie yet are they promysed to haue attonemente with God Most rightly hath this Angell the raynebow on hys head for all the study practise and dilligence of the faithfull ministers is to declare the frée mercy of God and most friendly beneuolence in Christe withoute any pointe or iote of mens deseruinges least they shoulde perishe with the Pharysy for trustinge in their owne workes 5 The face of this Angell was as the bright sun Their outward shew is altogether Christe whiche is the sonne of ryghtuousnesse None other lyght shew they but hys None other doctrine declare they but hys holy Gospell neyther decrées nor decretals fathers constitutions nor Sinodals But them they leaue to the darke bloddy starres which
are fallen from heauen Onely teache they the shining charytie of God the feruent zeale and burninge desyre towardes mans saluation Neyther aduance they ceremonies nor rytes holy dayes nor offeringes dirges nor masses purgatory nor reliques And as concerning their lyues more GOD desyreth not of the Christian minister then to expende hys whole study labour and time to the lyghtening of other He neyther commaundeth them to be shauen nor disguised to be popishe Prieste nor Monke to saye mattens nor Euensong to fast fryday nor vigill to abhorre maryage nor meates Onely he wylleth them to edyfye his flock with none other learninge then hys Godly trueth This is theyr onely office 6 The féete of this Angell were in similitude as pillers of fyer Stronge sustentacles and sure staies hath god made the vpholders of his true church Feruent affections hath he geuen them constant stomaks and so inuincible a power as no violēce can resist Douty stronge is the administration where the verytie remayneth for it bringeth with it the magestie of God O how bewtifull saith Esay are the feete of the Embassadours of the Lord which bringeth the message of peace and the tidinges of health vnto Syon 7 He had in his hand a little booke open In their administration are the scriptures euydent and cléere opened by the Lambe and much godlye knowledge is receiued of other by them Blessed be the Lorde whiche hath opened the booke Now may the creple stand vp the blind sée their way the poore féede be satified Desire therfore with faithfull Dauid from the very hart to haue vnderstāding to know the testimonies of god Are méekely and haue séeke wisely and finde knocke gently and the dore wyll be opened Uery lyke is it that the Lorde God doth minde plentuouslye to spreade the doctrine of his spirite in this sixt age of his churche this booke beynge thus opened And that all the worlde shall receiue it rebell the hypocrits neuer so sore When the Gospell appeared in Christes tyme the Iewes were the first that receiued it after the Greks and last of all the Latines Now in this later time it openeth to the Latines by the administration of this mighty Angel and his affinitie and from them is going to the Gréekes for many of them now of late hath graciouslye receiued it as we haue harde And laste of all it shall returne agayne to the Iewes as now very apt also to receiue it That Christes prophecye may be founde true The last to be the fyrst and the fyrst the last For he that hath dispersed Israell shall bringe him againe to his folde as Heiremy recordeth Thus shal the glory of God be within few yeares séene the world ouer to the comfort of many 8 This Angell set his righte foote vpon the sea and his left foote vpō the earth As well shall the weake people receiue this verytie as the strong the poore as the rich the lowe as the high the sicke as the whole the sinner as the rightuous the begger as the king the vnlearned as the learned the laboring man as the priest and much rather For the right foote is towardes them The I le that is speared vp with the maine sea yea and they also which be vpon the sea shall so well haue it as the open wide country or as they which dwell vpon the most pleasaunt lande From none shall the Booke be speared Euery where shall the trueth be open as well by writings as wordes and as well by bookes as preachinges Upon both shall thys Angell treade Both sortes of people shall be subiectes to that verytie whiche those Godly messengers shall bringe submitting themselues as foo●s●ooles vnto it Some vngodly rulers there be both by sea and lande both in the Iles and the open countrye that wyll none of this Angell with this open Booke In no wise will they suffer hym to set footeinge within their regions but commaundeth vnder payne of death that no man teach his doctrine nor heare it that no man prynte his bookes bye them sell them reade them holde them fauour them nor beare them vpō hym But al is in vayne Let thē wax mad swell and fret themselues to death yet wyll he treade vppon theyr ground Let them persecute fetter stock famish slea hange head burne drowne yea and bu●y quicke with all other mischife and tyranny yet will the trueth abroad 9 For the Angell crieth with so loude a voyce as the Lyon when he roareth So mighty and strong is the worde that they preach and the verytie that they shewe as was the sharpe lyuinge worde that Christe spake which was the inuincible Lyon of Iuda And so mighty is that as made both heauen and earth so stronge as destroyeth the power of hell so sharp as deuideth the soule from the spirit and the ioyntes from the marye and so waighty as when it falleth grindeth to powder all pryde power magnificence wisedome ryches and vaine pollycye of this worlde none shall be able to abyde it 10 And when the Angell had cryed and vttered this terryble noyse seauen thounders spake their voyces The fearefull iudgementes of the wrath of GOD whiche are infinite and can neyther be numbered nor yet measured of the creatures opened their terrible misteries which shall at their times appoynted of hym light vppon the children of vnbeléeue The tyrauntes which hath resisted the heauenly verytie of the Lorde wyll once be punished as was the ●ost of Senacherih kinge of Assur Once wyll he fearefully visit theyr multitude in the thunder of hys yre Once shall the terrible sound of hy● crack stryk the earth smothe reuenging the contempt of his worde In Italye Spaine Fraunce Germany and other christian regions the Angell hath shewed the booke open and roared out the voyce of the Gospell with stomacke as doth the Lyon yet will it not be taken but some they haue beaten for it and some moste spightfully murthered Let them not thinke but after the lightning the thunderclap will folow The verytie opened and thus dispised most gréeuous plagues of derth warre or pestilence wyll shortlye fal by the great vengeaunce of God Principles hath bene séene in some quarters of the worlde let them not thinke but much more is comminge and wyll not cease tyll Chryste hath made of his enimies hys foote● stoole 11 And when the seuen thonders had spoken their voyces or shewed theyr certentie that they shoulde so surely as God lyueth come to passe at their time appoynted 12 I was about sayth Saint Iohn to take penne and inke in hande and to wryte them I thought to register them in a booke to the admonishmēt and warning of them that shoulde folow And anone I heard a very earnest voyce from heauen saying vnto mée in this maner 13 Seale vp those things which the seauen thunder spake and in no wise
wryte them Register the thunders but not the voyces Note the figures but vtter not the misteries till God appoynt it It is not for all men to know the times which God hath in his power Many secret thinges hearde Paule which was lawfull for no man to vtter The outwarde sounde of Gods secrets may be heard of all men but the inward workinge is reserued to the spirit The Lorde alwaies with the holy ghost so informeth them inwardly that they perceiue the effect of many thinges the other heareth but a noyse For so much as the voice of gods thundrings is vnsearchable and his secret iudgementes the most mighty depth they are not open but to such as he electeth 14 Therfore was Iohn commanded in no case to writ them or to open the secret meaning of them That point the Lord reserueth peculyerly to him selfe to open to whom what or how much him lusteth Much wide ar th●● which thinketh that they can of their owne wit and industry declare such causes vnles God openeth them by his worde or some euident signe as he hath done in this age most plentuously to many Lesse can we not gather of these thunders whē the message of God is dispised abused forsaken neclected troden vnder foote 〈◊〉 damnable lyes preferred vnto it tha● that his wrath must folow Somewhat hath bene séene already much more wil appeere whē they geue ful 〈◊〉 THE TEXT 1 And the Angel which I saw stand vpō the sea vpō the earth 2. Lyft vp his hande to heauen 3. And swore by hym that liueth for euermore 4. Which created heauen and the things that therin are 5. And the earth and the thinges that are in it 〈◊〉 And the sea and the thinges which are therin 7. That there shal be no more time but in the dayes of the voyce of the seauenth Angell 8. When he shall begin to blow 9. Euen the misterie of God shall be finished 10. As he preached by his seruantes the Prophets The Paraphrase 1 And the Angell saieth Saincte Iohn whom I saw in this wonderfull reuelation thus standynge with one foote vppon the sea an other vppon the lande after the sorte afore named 2 Lyft vp his hand towardes heauen so strōgly to affirme hys message to be true as the Lorde lyueth and to promise it so in fallibly iust as god siteth in heauen 3 What do the true preachers els in this age but maintaine their doctrine by the mighty word of God after the example of Christ and his Apostles which alleged the lawe prophecies and Psalmes to confirme their sayings with They neither alledge decrée nor decretall constitution nor Synodall Legende nor fable monks rule nor saintes lyfe doctors nor fathers Gregory nor Anselme Thomas nor Dons Plato nor Arystotle nor such lyke filthy dregs But they come to the verye true touchestoane with Iohn they proue the spirits whether they be of God or no cōsidering that all men are lyers and haue erred one except 4 He sware by him that lyueth in himselfe with incomprehencible magesty power and glory for euermore which in the beginning created the heauē aboue with the inuisible things that are therin contained 5 Which formed the pōderous earth beneth and the visible creatures that are therin remaining 6 Which fashioned the flowing seas and the corruptible thinges that are there in continuinge 7 With an earnest constant spirite he protested and by the strong worde of God he affirmed so taking hym to witnesse that there shall be no more time no more leasure no more sinful occuping héere frō henceforth but in the dayes of the voyce of the seauenth Angell This othe is none other than a sure assercion that all shall be finished in this seauenth age of the church This wold not be hidden from the congregations Necessary it is that both good and badde knew it The faithfull to be assartened that their finall redemption is at hande to their consolation The vnfaithfull to haue knowledge that their iudgemente is not farre of that they may repent and be saued Not vnlyke is this othe to the othe in Daniell of time times and halfe a time whereof the time was from him to Christe The times were the ages from Christ to the seauenth seale opening or the seauenth trumpet blowing The halfe time from thence forth wherin the dayes shall be shortned for the chosen sake So much mischief shal not the enimies d● thā Their tiranny shall be as waged 8 For when the vii Angel shall begin to blow or the ministers of that age sincerely declare the word 9 Euen the mistery of God shall be finished and the full meaning therof fulfilled 10 Like as he afore time both taught and promised by his peculyer chosen seruants the prophets No time shal be after this but that which will be of all times the ende But when that time shall begin we know not tyll God shall open it by his seuenth angel Of the thing we are certaine and sure but the time of it is euermore in gods hande That is sealed vp in the booke til he shal please to open it the rightuous shall not sée til it cōmeth but rest stil in their lot w e Daniell And the vngodly shal haue no vnderstanding then They shall builde and plant bye sel ryot banket as in the daies of Noe Loth yea they shall geue themselues to al filthy lustes couetuousnes And vnbewares shall death come vpon them the terrible iudge shal cal them to accoumpt and to the euerlasting fire condemne them thus shal their daies also be shortned when they think nothing lesse for the time shal be but halfe after Daniell THE TEXT 1 And the voyce which I harde from heauen spake vnto me againe and sayd 2. go take the litle booke which is opē in the hād of the angel 3. vvhich stādeth vpō the sea vpō the earth 4. And I vvent vnto the Angell and said vnto him 5. Geue me the litle booke And he said vnto me 6. Take it and eate it vp 7. And it shall make thy belly bitter But it shall be in thy mouth as svveet as hony 11. And I tooke the litle booke out of his hand and did eate it vp 10. And it vvas in my mouth as svveete as hony 11. And as soone as I had eaten it my belley vvas bitter 12. And he said vnto me 13 Thou must prophecie again vnto the people 14. And to the Heathen and Tunges and to manye Kinges The Paraphrase 1 And the voyce saieth sainct Iohn which I harde afore from heauen spake vnto me againe Gods holy spirit touched me moued me compelled me It graciously admonished me taught me and sayde thus vnto me 2 Goe thy waies foorth Iohn and take the lytle booke which is now open in the hand of the Angell Euery man hauinge grace with Iohn is héere commaunded to
without ending 8 For thou hast taken vpon thée thy great might Now haste thou shewed thy wonderful power Euer hast thou raygned among thy people but neuer so graciously so plentuouslye and so gloryouslye for our behoue 9 The Heathen euermore were angry when thy truth appered Mad were the wicked Antichristes when thy glory shyned and their pride deminished They freted for anger they swelled for woodnesse yea they slew thy seruauntes and burned vp thy people 10 But now is thy wrath towards them Now wil thy anger break out now wyll thy vengaunce appeare Now shall thy terrible iudgement without mercy be declared frō heauē vpon all vngodlinesse of those cruell enimyes that withhelde thy trueth in vnrightuousnesse 11 Now shortly ensueth the time of the dead wherein they shall bée iudged some to ioye some to heauinesse some to glorie some to payne 12 Now approcheth the glad season wherein thou haste appoynted to reward the true seruauntes the Prophets the faithfull beléeuers made Saynctes by the onely death of thy sonne and all them that yet feareth thy name with eternall felicitie 13 None wilt thou seclude from this thy liberall goodnesse for no weakenesse nor pouertie But so well the small as the great the lowe as the high the poore as the rich the sicke as the whole the vnlearned as learned shall tast of thy inestimable cléernesse 14 Onely shalte thou distroye them that distroyed the earth compellyng both it and all that therein is not to serue thée their heauenly creator but their owne stinking desires lustes and corrupt affections thy glorie not once estéemed nor regarded Héerein may we coniecture that th● seuenth seale once opened and the vij trumpet blowen the last iudgemēt day is not farre of Blessed is he that watcheth for the Lordes comming THE TEXT 1 And the temple of God was opened in heauē 2. and there was seene in his temple the Arke of his Testament 3. And there followed lightnings and voyces and thunderinges and earthquake 4. and muche hayle The Paraphrase 1 And the Temple of God sayeth S. Iohn was opened in heauen Euident will the godly and spirituall estate of the true christian church séeme in those dayes the Gospell sincerely preached In faith shal mē séeke their liuing father not in dead Images nor other corruptible things In spyrite and veritie shall they worship him and not in dumme ceremonyes nor outward shadowes Speared is Gods temple whē his true worshipping is hid And opened it is agayne when that is clearly séene Till Christes comming in the fleshe nothing thereof appeared With the key of Dauid opened he the misteries therof Wherby thorow fayth the conuersation of many is now hath bene euer since in heauen 2 This temple thus open anon the Arke of Gods holy Testament was séene therin Christ sheweth him self in his owne colours when the Gospell is truly receyued which is that Arke wherin all the riches of Gods couenauntes and the precious treasure of his promyse is reposed to mās behoue And specially those by whom we are reconciled and saued By hym are we onely brought to Gods fauor again and graciously redéemed Yea all the sort of vs haue receiued of hys aboundant ouerflowyng fulnesse The sight of this Ark in this temple is none other thē a cléere knowledge of him in his congregation So ofte are his misteryes euydent as thys temple is opened So many tymes are they knowne as his word is truly taught 3 And no smal fruit is to be thought to come thereof For there followe● lightnings voyces thunderings and earthquakes Diuers respectes hath the veritie of God accordyng to dyuers audiēces In maner of lightning it moueth some making of earth heauen and of sinners godly people A sound or a noyse onely it is to some men not regarding the fruites therof To some it is an occasion of anger spight and madnesse to some of open blasphemie against the holie ghost For what els doeth the clergy maliciously withstanding it but wilfully worke against knowledge And what doth the vndiscréete laite blinded by them but babble they wot not what 4 And a great hayle also folowed which betokeneth the vehement and sharpe iudgements of God towardes such enimies of his veritie The most terrible tempests of his Ire abydeth them The Lord shall break into the lande sayeth the Prophet Esay lyke a sore tempest of haile that breaketh downe strong holdes or castles And the proude crowne of the drunken Ephraemites shall be troden vnder foote Not only is the last age appointed to these thunderings and earthquakes but they began also so soone as Christ appeared in the fleshe No sooner was the young babe borne but Herode for madnesse soughte to slea him in his verie infancie The Pharises Scribes the bishops priestes and Lawyers swelled at hys preaching neuer left till they had slaine him And this rule with the prelates and hipocrites hath continued euer since stil shall doe til the latter day Onely is there and shall be a moderation that some time it is not so extreme as at some For if it were alwayes alike there shuld none be left THE TEXT 1 And there appeared a great wonder in heauen 2. A woman clothed vvith the Sun 3. and the Moone vnder hyr feete 4. and 〈◊〉 on hir head a crovvne of xij starres 5. And shee vvas vvith chylde 6. and cryed trauelyng in byrth 7. And payned readie to be deliuered The Paraphrase 1 And there appeared saith Sainct Iohn a great token in heauen For no wonder is this token héere to bée taken as in other places of the scripture but for a type or figure contayning vnder misterie great things A woman was séene clothed with the sonne yea of Iohn For to Gods onely electes is the veritie shewed to auauntage Not Marie Christes mother is this womā thogh many hath so fantasied in their commentaryes But it is the true christian churche of whome Marye is a moste notable member 3 This woman the church as Salomōs canticles specifie is fair louely pleasaunt sweet holsome delectable vndefiled as the M●ne excelent in clearnesse as the sunne and glorious as an armie of men with theyr banners and stremers This woman is bewtifully decked with the shining sunne of rightuousnesse None is of hir that hath not don on Iesus Christ being renued in their hartes by faith They are not hir childrē that persecute gods word no more thā was Annas and Caiphas Ioannes and Alexander 4 This woman séemed to haue the moone vnder hir féete To the church or congregation of God are all other creatures subiecte All moouable things hath the Lorde subdued vnto hir Shée is the right heire and inheritor of thē through Christ they with hir to be deliuered from the bondage of corruption and to serue in libertie 4 Upon hir head was also a crowne of twelue starres which betokeneth not onely the twelue Apostles declaring the glorie of Christes kingdome immediatly after his death
but all other godly ministers of the word also which haue don the same euer since Onely reygneth the true Christian churche by the worde of God by the sincere scriptures by the doctrine of the Apostles and neyther supersticions nor ceremonies neither by councelles or customes by doctours nor fathers by miters nor rochetes by tippets nor hoods by shauē crownes nor side gowns by crosses nor copes by belles nor torches by shrines nor gilte Images nor yet by xij couples in a liuerie with golden chaines and garded coates Hir bewtie consisteth onely in faith and in the obseruation of Gods holy commaundements Hir true ministers or preachers as very chosen stars sheweth foorth his glorie to the edification of other and not their owne Pompe and magnificence 5 And shée was as is the woman with chylde Shée cryed traueyling in byrth and was payned as one readie to be deliuered With Christ is the church bigge whē hir members are in full faith In the harte is he euermore conceiued deliuered foorth suche time as he is declared vnto other For this cause Christ called them his mother which ha● faith and therevpon did the will of his father Of faith in the first promise that Christ should distroy the serpent was hée first conceiued in Adam and Eua and so grewe foorth in rightuous Abell in Seth Enos Enoche Noe Sem Thare Melchisedech Abraham and Loth. And as the promises waxed strōger as in Abraham Moyses Dauid and the Prophets and the people of God more in number so waxed the woman bigger bigger til the fulnesse of hir time was come that she shuld be deliuered Which was suche tyme as Christ appeared to the world taught and was cōuersaunt here among mē And this course hath shée kept euer since shall doe to the latter day in thē 〈◊〉 beléeue Thus hath shée had Christ in hir wombe since the beginning 6 And being full of hys heauenly spirit shée hath cryed in the Patriarks and Prophetes in the Apostles and faithfull ministers as one traueiling in byr●h Hyr crye was the mightie and stronge declaration of Christes doctrine the feruent zeale desire of the glorie of God of all mens health in Christ. Shée traueileth euer more a new lyke as did Paule tyll Christ be fashioned in hir christian mēbers With all hyr strength shée laboureth that the promised séede may encrease in the faith of all men 7 Fynally shée is payned with labours dolors blasphemies troubles and terrible persecutions and neuer is deliuered without them Neuer is Christ earnestly receyued til some of hir members doeth suffer The cōstant spirite inuincible standyng by the trueth in them hath conuerted many And lyke as the payned woman in all hir agonies is muche comforted by the hope of a childe so are Gods faithfull witnesses trustyng that by their pacient and glad sufferaunce Christ should bée receyued rightly fashioned in many Yea this causeth them to reioyce in all aduersitie and litle to estéeme their paines THE TEXT 1 And there appeared an other vvonder in heauen 2. for behold a greater red Dragon 3. hauyng seuen heades 4. and ten horns 5. and seuen crovvns vpon his head 6. and his tayle drue the third parte of the starres 7. and cast them to the earth The Paraphrase 1 After this sayeth Saint Iohn appeared in heauen an other token or meruaile all dyuers from the fyrst The true church which is gods kingdome was neuer yet without contradiction nor without the craftie assaultes of enimies Adam was not so soone created but he was immediately assaulted of Sathan Christ entered not so soone the worlde but hée was by and by persecuted The diuill goeth about lyke a roaring Lyon séeking whom he may deuoure 2 For behold there was séene a great red Dragon betokening the saide diuill with his whole retinue full of deceite crafte mallice poyson pryde and fiercenesse to enforce the poore weaklings to consent vnto his falsehood All red his bodie séemed in tokē that they which are of hym are all full of crueltie spight bloude sheading afflicting the constant beléeuers for withstanding hys assaultes Seldom is he out of the earth as winesseth Iob but commonly in the company of men impugnyng the faythfull And no power is able to matche him vnlesse it commeth from aboue 3 The sayd Dragon had vij heads signifying all the craftie wyles and subtile suggestions that he hath practised and vsed against Christ and hys word vnder all the vij seales opening and the vij trumpettes blowing Uerie easie it is to coniecture what maner of heades they were marking other places of the scripture A serpēts head should séeme to be the first considering that in the Serpent he deceyued our first parents with hys venymed craftes This head so maliciously poysoned man that God repented him of his creation and distroied hys whole kinde in the floud .viij. persōs only reserued After the floud had hée the head of a calfe for the seconde in signification of the shamefull Idolatrie and wicked worshippyng that then begon in Nemroth and so continued in the Heathen The third was the head of a Lyon full of pryde and oppression expressed first in the cruell reigne of the Assirians Caldeanes and after in the proude Bishoppes and priestes The fourth was a Beares head full of rauine and cruelnesse betokenig the fierce kingdom of Meades and Persianes Cōsequētly his fift head was lyke a Leopards head of many colours full of ficklenesse and chaungeablenesse And that was the vncōstant raign of the Greeks His sixt was the head of a beast farre vnlyke all other beastes which signifieth the kingdome of the Romans with their monstrous lawes more then néedeth The seuenth is not vnlyke to a mans heade including all carnall wisedome with all diuilyshe polices craftes this is the very papacie here in Europa which is the general Antichrist of all the whole world almost which hath alreadie subdued and distroyed the Empyre of Rome For he is called the Apostata man of sinne By this only head is the Dragon named the enuious mā The whole bodie foloweth the heads As the diuill is malicious wicked fierce cruel tyrannicall false execrable and deceitfull so are all his mēbers In the prudēce of the flesh after him they walk in Idolatrie hipocrisie all other filthinesse And like as afore Christes comming these heads were in the serpēt in the golden calues in the kingdome of Babilon in Nemroth in Pharao in Antiochus in the Pharisies scribes bishops Lawyers priestes so haue they bene since his time vnder the vij seales opening and the vij trumpets blowing after the same sort Under the first he had a serpēts head in the Iewes most maliciously and subtilly withstanding Christ his Apostles pretēding the zeale of God his lawes Under the second he had a calues head in the Idolators which slew the constant witnesses of Christes veritie Under the third the head of a proude Lyon in
time of Christes preaching or the time of the gospell preaching from Christes assencion to the latter ende of the world That is the very time of the féeding of his Church And not open is this féeding here but in secret in the wildernes among a sort vnknowne to the worlde hauinge the pouertie of the spirit without sha●ing anoynting or hypocrits apparrell And not onely hath the Lorde thus nourished hys people in this spirituall respecte but also in body When they haue bene greuously handled spoyled of their goodes imprisoned and exiled graciously hath he reléeued them and prouided for them both solace and comeforte at the handes of them whom they neuer saw afore So that the iust hath not felt himselfe forsaken nor his children séeking bread THE TEXT 1 And there was a great battayle in heauen 2. Michaell and his Angels 3 Fought with the Dragon and the Dragon fought and his Angels 4. And preuayled not 5. Nether was their place found any more in heauen 6. And the great Dragon that olde serpent called the deuill and Sathanas 7. was cast out 8. Whiche deceiued all the worlde 9. And he vvas caste into the earth and his Angelles were cast out vvith hym also The Paraphrase 1 And there happened at that time sayeth sainct Iohn a great battayle in Heauen In the Churche is euermore variaunce and strife wtout ceasinge betwixt the spirite and the flesh the good and the bad the faithfull and the vnfaithfull None other is this battayle but a very contradiction a diuersity in fayth study opinion wyll and worke aboute the lawes or commaundements of God and also about the lawes and tradycions of men This battaile is waightie in cause multitude and continuance The cause thereof is Christe the Gospell faith rightuousnesse mans health Gods high honour and such other lyke on the one partie Upon the other party the cause is errour hipocrisie lyes Idolatrye auarice pryde cruelty fylthynesse with al such other So great is the multitude that none is founde out of it None is there but are in this army Eyther they are good or bad faithfull or vnfaithfull rightuous or vnrightuous The rightuous are of the host of Michaell the vnrightuous are vppon the dragons side Continued hath this battayle from the firste beginninge and so shall styll to the latter ende Yea though the dragon be bound or tyed vp vnder the seauenth seale opening that he rage not then as he hath done afore Yet shall the spirit of wickednes and a mind to do mischief raigne inwardly styl in his members for Sathan can be but a Sathan and a Diuill a Diuill 2 Michaell and his Angels fought valyauntly with the dragon Spirituall are they whiche hath done on Christ after the minde of Paule and spirituall is their armoure Theyr gyrding is verytie their brest plate rightuousnesse their shielde a sure faith their wepon the word of God their helmet the hope of health and for stedfastnesse of their féete their shooinge the gospel By interpretation is Michaell to say who is as God or who is like vnto god And he betokneth the constant minister sincere teachers of the Gospell The Angels of Michael are al they that in a sure faith cōfesseth the eternall magnificēce of God and that none is lyke vnto hym Contrarywise the Dragons Angels are the hipocrits lying prophets and erronius teachers 3 These fight with the Dragon and the Dragon and his Angelles with them For he that is not with Christe is against hym With the rituous is Michael For ministring spirits are the Angels ordained for the cōfort of thē which shall be saued And cōmaunded they are to wait vpō the faithfull to preserue and defend thē The wicked sort haue the Diuil and his chaplaines to fight for them the rightuous haue Michael and his Angels The wicked fighteth with errours lyes the rightuous with the only verity of God 4 As vengeable as fierce as they are yet preuaile they not neither is their place found any more in heauē Faith hath the victory by the promise of god though the blinde world séeth it not Ouercomē ar the wicked whē their enterprises taketh not clene ouerthrowne whē theyr beggery is contēned And neuer is the full victory gotten no more thē it was in christ til the tabernacle of this body be laid aside At that day is the crown gottē whom the Lord hath layde vp for the rightuous And lyke as there is dayly fighting so is therin some daily victory Dayly ar the angels of darknes ouerthrown daily are they cast out of heauē which is the true church Daily are they cōdemned by the worde of God iudged for rebels against the holy ghost whose sin is neuer forgeuen 5 No place haue they any more with the chosen no electiō nor acceptation afore god The more light they haue had the more they haue tasted of the truth now forsaking it rebelling against it with the diuill the farther they are frō god the more nigh vnto dānation Neuer beléeued he truely that so had receiued the word Let none think to be saued vnlesse he perseuereth to the ende 6 And the great Dragon or cap●tayne of all the vnfaithfull sorte that olde croked Serpent which deceiued Adam is called the diuill or malycious accuser yea and also Sathan the most cruell aduersarye with all hys clyentes and spirituall adherentes are certayne and sure to be cast out 7 With the rightuous they shall haue no porcion for all their gloryous tytles With the godly shall not their names be registred for all their holy vnccions But with the prince of this worlde they shall be throwne foorth 8 For he by them and they by him hath deceiued all the world in lying tokens and wonders and in the operation of errours to the vtter dampnation of all them that consenteth to their wickednesse 9 And he was cast into the earth his Angels also were caste out with him which is not els but that they are reserued to eternall damnation For seruing the creature rather than the Lorde that made all God hath forsaken them and geuen them ouer to theyr owne shamefull lustes All grace and goodnesse hath he taken from them and in all darknesse hath he left them Nothinge is now behinde but hell fyre prepared for the diuill and hys Angelles The church thus fyrste bringinge forth Christ among the Iewes and so by their cruelty driuen out into the wild deserte of the Gentiles hath bene there fedde of God in percecution euer since and shall be styll tyll the tearme come out of the aforesayde thousande two hundreth and thrée score dayes whose end is in the Lords handes THE TEXT 1 And I heard a lowde voyce whiche said 2. In heauen is now made saluation and strength 3. And the kingdome become our Gods 4. And the power his Christes 5. For he is cast dovvne which accused them before God day and night 6. And they ouercame him by
to his charge committed and after that sort their mighty monarke also by the scriptures which thei haue afore this time denied worshippinge them for most holy saints which haue most presumptuously rebelled in that behalf But ouer the whorish church of theirs whom Christe neuer planted is sathan the onely head by the holy ghosts fore iudgements héere For to that beastly brood gaue the dragon his power his seat and his mighty aucthorytie God forbid therefore that any christian prince shoulde at their false suggestions admit so blasphemous a title The deuill saith Iob is the only head ouer all the children of pride That voice therfore may be blasphemous as comming from the mouth of the serpent if it be not taken good héede to 3 And power was geuen to the beaste to do these things for the space of xli● monthes which is the thrée yeares an halfe of Hilias the time times halfe time of Daniell and the M. two hundred lx daies of Iohn Not onely for this age of the church but also for all other ages and by other heades also hath the mouth of this beast vttered great things in blasphemy lies in hipocrisie wonders vnder a deceitful power But as cōcerning this latter healed heade of the beast the time therof wil be short as herafter shal appeare in the xvii chap. 4 He opened his mouth saieth the text in reproues against god speking euill of his name of his tabernacle and of them that dwell in heauen This is in a manner all one with that was spoken afore in the xi chapter of the temple the aulter and of them that worship in the temple saue only that his name is héere for his temple In token that when his temple is blasphemed which is his cōgregatiō his name is blasphemed by the same so is his tabernacle Iesus in whom bodyly dwelleth the fulnes of the Godhed so ar also they that dwel in heauen wherby is mēt the true church from whom the angels are not secluded beīg their fellow seruāts These dwellers be they that haue their conuersation in heauen vnder an vndefiled faith that séeke those thinges which are aboue not vpon earth that worship the father in spirit veritie the perseuereth true christians to the end Many entreth this heauē of the Lord but all continueth not in it to the ende of their liues the more is the pitie 5 Power was also geuen vnto this beastly antichrist to make battel with the saints and to ouercome them Cōtinually do they with violence vexe by their carnall policies auctority lawes the sincere witnesses or preachers of the Lorde sanctified of him throw faith in his holy word as were his apostles lyke as did the malitius clergy of the iewes yea thei did resist thē with their more thē tirāous proclamatiōs cōmissiōs cōmandemēts with cruell Pharao Aman Antiochus to proue Christ in them the signe of cōtradiction and stone of reproch They seeke héere the hunt there and neuer leaue raging til they haue closed thē vp in prisons 6 Yet are they not so contented tyl they haue ouercome them in the sight of the blinde world though not before God Either shall they be compelled shamefully to recant or if they persist in the veryty to suffer most painfull death By one way or other they must be ouercome to hold the people in errour The gardiner of winchester was not ashamed now of late as I hard it credibly reported to say vnto one that was accused of his malignant multitude when he was no lēger able to withstande the manifest truth Master Seitō we know ye are lerned and plentuously endued with knowlege in the scriptures yet thīk not that ye shall ouercome vs. No no set your hart at rest and looke neuer to haue it sayd that ye haue ouercom the bishops for it shal not be so In déed it is trueth For neither Christe nor his Apostles did euer yet ouercome you Their victory ouer you is not in this world your kīgdom being here But be ye certen sure of it ye shal be ouercō to your much more rebuke at the latter day when al wrōgs iniuries shall be reuēged which is not farre of Your lordly estimatiō which may not be hindred here wil apeare there not very precious Yet doe ye well to hold vp a proude pecoks head as long as ye may Lose not an inche of your height hardly but with your gogle eyes looke vp like a man with a gard at your taile like a sort of tormentours in a play And with your lyinge iudgementes ouercome these beggerly vagabonds and burn them also rather then faile to fulfil the mesure of your holy fathers 7 And authority was geuen to this beast vpon euery kinred people tong and nacion For none these antchristes spare neither high nor low rich nor poore sick nor whole learned nor vnlearned But a iurisdiction they must haue ouer them though it be vsurped Once in the yeare must they haue them in confession to knowe which way they are bente That salue haue they gotten in agayne to heale vp their wounded head Be he natiue or be he strāger be he ruler or be he a commoner he must obey thē no remedy or els stande forth at the sessions with Christ among théeues Not in on regiō or wher as one maner of langage is vsed haue they this auctority but in euery land in euery shire in euery towne in euery famyly must they haue to do corruptīg euery mans faith 8 For al that dwel vpon earth must worship this beast They must agrée to the great things no remedy They must blaspheme god as they do But blessed be the Lorde none doth y● in their harts but they onely that dwel vpon the earth that haue their felicity here that séeketh the prosperitie of this world regardeth nōe other life thē therin is The lābs of christs fold geueth héed to his voice thei regard his cal they folow his word they wal●e in his light Thei séeke for no holines but only in hī neither in water nor bread ashes nor palmes robes nor reliques masses nor anointings He is their only sufficient wisdom rightuousnes holynes redēptiō His word is their liuing water the fode of their soules the lantarne that shal gyde thē and the life that wyll not faile them None other doctrine do they couet nor yet other precepts of liuing Though they be héere in the earth yet dwell thei not vpon it No continuing citie haue they here but they séeke vnto another of much more beauty pleasure not builded of mē And for that they are ready rather to render vp their liues then to renoūce the verity only they which dwel here doth worship the beast louing themselues better then god their flesh better then his trueth hauing their whole trust in the mangye merits dirty deseruings of these beastly hipocrites and nothing at all in his swéet
promises 9 And therfore are not their names written of the lamb in the booke of life which lambe was slaine from the beginning of the world Christ hath not alowed them by his word promise With the rightuous are they not regestred as members of one misticall body in hym In the similitude of hys death are they not grafted vnto hym as the braunches vnto the vine to be partners of his resurrection Their porcion is not in the lande of the lyuing with him They are none of those whom the father hath geuen hym to participate with hym in one spirit Predestinate they are not vnto life by hym nor so written vp in the foreknowledge of God Chosen they were not of the lord before the worlds constitution to be his vndefiled children in Christ. 10 He is the méeke lamb that was slaine He alone taketh away the sins of the world In hym only is the life for he is the life it self Yet is he the life of none other but of those that only beleue in him 11 In that he was killed from the worlds beginning is signified that he dyed for all them whiche were create to be saued and that his onely death is all their health raise and remedy by the promise of God For all they haue eaten of one spiritual meat and dronke of one spirituall rocke though it came in the fleshe longe after them He onely trode downe the head of the serpent Since the beginning hath he bene slaine in his membres also as manifest it is in rightuous Abell Hieremy Iohn Baptist such other like They that are not written of the lambe in the booke of life for the children of God are registred in the booke of death for the children of perdiciō reserued to eternal death for their infidelytie with the deuill his Angels 12 He that hath an eare sayeth the text let him take good héede He that hath an vnderstanding let hym be admonished by that which foloweth héere Or he that hath receiued the wisdome of the spirit let hym iudge hereof according vnto it Thus doth the holy ghost aduertise the faithfull to consider that whatsoeuer thinges are writtē they are writtē vnto our learning 13 He that leadeth into captiuity shall go into captiuyty And he that killeth with a sworde must with a sworde be slaine This warning geueth the lord take it if they lyst For he will haue his right iudgments known He that vexeth or aflicteth the iuste beléeuers in body by outward punishments he shall be aflicted in the spirit with an inwarde darknes or blindnes of the soule that he may be the more captiue to sinne and to sathan God wyll deliuer hym vp vnto a lewde mind and wyll geue him stronge delusion to beléeue all maner of lyes that he might be damned 14 He that killeth the poore innocēt for his faith with the yron sword or slaieth hym with any other torment with the sword of the spirit which is the Lords word shall he be both iudged condemned The word that I haue spoken saith Christ shall iudge them at the latter day And this is in manner all one with that was saide in the xi chapter afore If any mā wyl hurt them fyre shall procéede out of their mouthes and consume their enemies 15 Neuerthelesse to the christian is persecution necessary For héere in this lyfe is the pacience of the saints proued and their faith required Here was Abrahā tempted Iob sore vexed and both they were founde Gods true faithfull seruants Here were the apostles contemned reioysinge that they were found worthy for christes sake to suffer rebuke The rightuous the lorde trieth as gold in the furnace He chasteneth euery seruant that he loueth and scourgeth euery son that he receiueth Onely is it faith that al the euils of this worlde by pacience ouercommeth so obtaineth the victory The fruit which riseth to eternal lyfe is peaceable sufferance in faith And that must be heare in this lyfe where as we are vnperfect to make vs perfect THE TEXT 1 And I beheld an other beast 2. comming vp out of the earth 3. and he had two horns lyke a lamb 4. and he spake as dyd the Dragon 5. and he dyd all that the firste beaste could do 6. in his presence 7. And he caused the earth and them which dwell therein 8. To worship the firste beaste vvhose deadly vvounde vvas healed 9. And he dyd great wonders 10. So that he made fyre come downe from heauen 11. In the sight of mē 12. And deceiued them that dwelt on the earth by the meanes of those signes which he had povver to doe in the sighte of the beast 13. Saying to them that dvvelt on the earth that they should make an image 14. Vnto the beast vvhich had the vvounde of a svvord and dyd liue The Paraphrase 1 And I behelde saieth S. Iohn in this secret reuelation of my Lord an other beast arising out of the earth A figure is this of al false prophets and vngoly preachers Beastly are they euermore vaine carnal and corrupt in their studies abhominable in the practisings of their wicked harts not séeking God but their belleyes not Christes glory but their owne pride and vaine glory 2 From the earth they aryse all geuen to erthly wisdome The only affectes of this worlde doth moue them to teach no good zeale of the truth Either are they tickled with ambition pricked with auarice or els stirred with mallice to inuei These are the common affects of the wicked This goinge vp haue they from wickednesse to wickednesse and shall haue still till the Lorde destroy them like as haue the iust beléeuers from vertue to vertue in the spirit till such time as they sée him face vnto face in the euerlasting Syon From the worlds beginning hath this beast risen vp in Cayne the first murtherer in the fleshlye Children of men in Cham the shamelesse childe of Noe in Ismael Esau in Iannes Iambres in Balaham Baals prophets in the Beniamits Bels chaplains in Phasur Semeias in Iudas Annas and Caiphas in Bariehu Di●trephes And now sēs their time most of all in Mahometes doctoures and the popes queristers Yea stil they are aloft in their beastly beggerye will be till their mischif be finished Who séeth not now a daies that hath light in the spirit the malignite hipocrisy fraud craft deceit in certen fals prophets at pauls crosse in London in other places els 3 This beast had ii hornes like the lambe at a blush but all counterfet ● fals in very déede for he spake as did the dragon the hornes of Christ are his high kingdom in the world Only ariseth his Churche by faith in the glad tidinges and promises of god That word is the scepture of Christes power and the rod of right order wheras he reigneth None other strange sceptures are there neither tradicions nor customes Seuen hornes had Christ for
Babylon that great citie 3. For she made al nations drink of the vvine of her vvhordome The Paraphrase 1 And there folowed an other Angell saith S. Iohn which betokneth an other sort of preachers whose office is here appointed them of the holy Ghost to declare vnto the people the certenty of the fall of the aduoutrus cursed and malignant church of hipocrits here figured by wretched Babilō For though al the true prophets and preachers haue but one worde of God in their mouth yet passeth it diuersly from them Unto each of thē is geuen a diuers vtteraunce of the spirit to edifie One is soft méeke gentle as was Dauid Iohn Peter an other is boysteous harde vehement as was Helias Esay Paule And all this worketh the selfe same one spirit This diuersitie of techers was neuer more plentuous in the world than now in our time figured here by these two angels Praysed be the Lord therefore 2 And the tenour or ground of this latter sort of preachers is this She is fallen she is fallen euen miserable Babylon the great citie of whoredom bicause she made all nacions to drink of the wrathful wyne of hir fornication So sure is it that the execrable church of Antichrist shal be ouerthrowen and vtterly destroyed as it wer now perfourmed in déede Nothinge shal be vnrooted out that the heauenly father hath not planted Sooner shall heauen earth perish than this promisse be vnfulfilled 3 For with the stinking whorishnes of hir supersticious worshippinges hath she poysoned all nacions peoples vnder heauen The great gouernours lerned lawiers of the world hathe she made in maner of beastly dronkerds wytlesse faythlesse and gracelesse by theyr prostibulous doctrine And this shal be declared more at large in the .xvij. cha folowing wheras she is more plētuously described The texte 1 And the third Angell followed them 2. saying with a loude voyce 3. If any worship the beast and his Image 4. and receiue his marke in his forehead or on his hand 5. the same shall drinke of the wyne of the vvrath of god 6. vvhich is povvred in the cup of his vvrath 7 and he shall be punished in fyre brimstone 8. before the holy Angels 9. and before the Lambe The Paraphrase 1 The thyrd Angel also saith saint Iohn followed thē in the thyrd kinde of preaching of the same selfe message that in the mouth of two or thrée faithful witnesses all veritie might stand 2 And by this Angell are they signified that by the word of God stifly impugne theyr wicked lawes vngodly ordinaunces whose maner of earnest preaching is this 3 If any man worship the beast which is the great antichrist And his Image which are those gouernours that taketh vpon them his blasphemous titles names authoritie or defence If any man also receiue his mark in his forehead beléeuing theyr lawes to be a christen doctrine or haue the print of his seale vpō his right hand which is to fashion his outward workes after the same The same man shall drinke of the wine of Gods wrath which are the dregs of the pure wyne poured in the cup of his high displeasure He shall taste of the euerlasting damnation that is reserued in the latter cursse or fearefull sentence of their moste terrible iudge To worship the beast and his Image is to accept them in conscience and in the outward obedience with ful consent of the hearte For that they blasphemously pretend without Gods authority As the Pope for Gods vicar or forgeuer of sinnes Mahomet for the greate Prophet of the Lord the rulers of the earth for the Popes elder or yonger sonnes for moste christian Kinges and defenders of the fayth of that holy church 4 To receiue the beastes marke in their forheads and hands is to agrée to such decrées traditious lawes constitucions actes proclamations as they vnder those titles haue made onely for theyr owne couetousnesse pomp and neither for the glory of god nor yet for the right maintenance of the christen common wealthe as I haue declared afore And also to be sworne to the same to subscribe to it to geue counsel or ayde to it to maintayn it by learning to minister in it to execute vnder it to accuse punish and put to death for it or to think it lawfull and godly with such lyke 5 These marked worshippers that tast of the cuppe of gods indignation of calamitie sorow wretchednesse in the dayes of theyr fal here after the last iudgement of vnspeakeable paines and most gréeuous torments in euerlasting fyre prepared for the diuell and his angels 6 The dregges that the Lord hath powred out sayth Dauid shall the wicked of the earth drynke Cleane cōtrary are these Angels to the horned ministers of antichrist For they maintaine the Popes errours these the onely verities of christ They labor for the glory of their pope these séeketh the only honor of god They prate that their holy Church shall continue th●se say it shall downe with shame They require worship to the beast and his Image these will report it blasphemous the reward therof damnation Marke in these two sortes the preachers of our time and iudge whiche are of god Against both beastes in Christes quarell shall these Angels contende Against the Pope and his bishops Mahomet and his doctours wyll these godlye ministers replye whom the Lorde hath sent in this latter age for that purpose condemnīg by the scriptures their auctoryty iurisdiction power declaring also the plagues that wyl fall vpon them for witholding the truth of God in vnrightuousnes 7 For these Antichristes and their worshippers with so many as beareth their token shall be punished in fire and brimstone before the holy Angels and before the Lamb. Fyre shal be kindled saith Moyses in the anger of the Lorde shall burne vnto the bottome of Hell Upon the vngodly sayeth Dauid shall he raine snares Fyre brimstone storme and tempest shall be their porcyon to drynke The vehement indignation and mighty iudgement of God shall light vpon them as vpon Sodome and Egipt and shall both deuoure them and consume them 8 And this shal be in the sighte of Aungels which are not onely the spirites of heauē but also the church of the faythfull Yea the righteous shall reioyce when he séeth the destruction and shall washe his handes it the bloud of the wicked 9 In the presence of the lambe shal it be also For he is euermore with his flock shal be vnto the end of the world wherin he shal sit cōdem thē The Texte 1 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth vp euermore 2. And they haue no rest day nor night 3. vvhich worship the beaste and his Image 4. and vvhosoeuer receyueth the prynt of his name 5. here is the pacience of sayntes 6. Here are they that keepe the commaundements 7. and the fayth of Iesu● The Paraprhase 1 And the smoke of their
mischief Let thy word therfore finish all as it hath begon all With the breath of thy mouth consume the great Antichriste the man of sinne the sonne of perdicion the aduersarye that hath exalted him selfe aboue God Powre out thy indignation vpon the kingdoms that wil neyther know thée worship thée nor alone call vpon thy name Thou haste called thy haruest the end of the world let it now finish al in déed Diuide the chaffe from the corn the wicked from the rightuous Gather the wheat into thy garner and burne the chaffe in vnquenchable fyer 6 And he that sat on the cloude thrust in his sickle on the earth and anon the earth was reaped 7 He hath sent hys mightie word so quick in operation as fyre Which shal not onely cōsume the wicked generation of the beast but also reserue thē to eternall dampnation 8 The earth shal be cleared of them as of all other filthy corruptions and hell replenished with them to their perpetuall care THE TEXT 1 And an other Angell came out of the temple 2. vvhich is in heauen 3. hauing also a sharpe sickle The Paraphrase 1 And an other Angel saith S. Iohn came out of the temple which is in heauen or from the great number of Angels hauing also a sharpe sickle in his hande 2 This Angel betokeneth those heauenly spirites that the Lord shal send foorth to gather togyther hys chosen from the iiij wyndes whan his tokē shall appeare in heauen These are the reapers of the Lordes harueste These are they that shall go foorth too gather all nations to seperate the goates from the Lambes the il from the good and shall caste them into a furnace of fire where as shal be waylyng and gnashing of téeth 3 And therefore is their sickle héere named sharpe None other is theyr sickle but this appointed office None other is their haruest but this gathering togither But these messengers shal not foorth til they haue commaūdement And therefore saith Saynct Iohn consequently THE TEXT 1 And an other Angell came out from the aulter 2. vvhich had povver ouer fyre 3. and cryed vvith a loude crye vnto him that had the sharpe sickle and sayde 4. Thrust in thy sharpe sickle 5. and gather the clusters of the earth 6. for hir grapes are rype 7. And the Angel thrust in his sickle on the earth 8. and cut dovvn the grapes of the vineyard of the earth 9. and cast them into the great vvynefat of the wrath of God 10. And the vvynefat vvas troden vvithout the citie 11 and bloud came out of the fatte 12. euen vnto the horse bridles 13. by the space of a thousande and sixe hundred furlongs The Paraphrase 1 And an other Angell came out frō the aulter which had power ouer fire This is the Lord Iesus Christ whō Malachias calleth the Angel of the couenaunt that was longed for Hée is the aulter of the rightuous by him are they a swéet sacrifice vnto God Els could they be but very abhomination Till the iudgement day shall he be an Aulter of meanes making to God the father for vs. But that day once come no longer shall he be an aulter or an aduocate but go clean from it He shall then become a iudge ouer al the world rewardyng euery one accordynge to their workes Hitherto hath he méekly sitten vpon the cloude and not cut with his sickle He hath had in his hād the iudgement and not iudged 2 But now hath he power ouer fyre By fire which is vnder his obediēce as are all other creatures els shall he at that day iudge the vnyuersall worlde And more sharpe vehement quicke fierce mighty tirrible shall hys sentēce be to the wicked thā is any fearful flaming or consuming wilde fire 3 For with a loude voyce shal he cry vnto him that hath the sharpe sickle An earnest charge cōmandement shal he giue at the day to the ministers of his ire for to cast thē into exteriour darkenes after this sort here vttered in mistery 4 Thrust in thy sharpe sickle gather the cluster of the earthli vinyard for the grapes thereof are ripe 5 Execute the vengeaunce committed vnto you roote out this ranke riotous generatiō of the rauenous epicures 6 For now are their mischiefes at the full Now are they moste curious in their facions feadinges most couetous in their cōpassings most vaine in their studies most cruell in their do●inges For with thē shal it be saith Christ as it was in the daies of Noe and Loth. They shal builde and bāket ruffle and riote bye and sell and plant for their pleasures And sodainly as a snare shall that terrible day light vpō thē vnbewares as did death on the couetous iourer 7 And the Angel saith S. Iohn thrust in his sickle on the earth he cutt downe the grapes of the vineyard of the earth and so did cast them into the great wyne fatte of the wrath of God 8 According to their commission they shall plage the earthly minded for here is the time past for the tyme cōming vsed for the certaintie of it With sodayne death shal they perce thē in this world that cōtemning Christs doctrine haue folowed the corse therof in al cōcupicēce 9 And finally they shal throwe them into the lake of misery the pit without water into the stinking dregges of hell wher as fyre and brimstone shal be rewarded to drinke For the vineyarde of the earth is the carnal sinagoge of hypocrites the grapes therof are the glorious glottons franke fedde porkelinges of the gredy gulfe euē the enemies of Christes crosse whose God is their beally whose glory is their cōfusion whose end is their dānatiō for they are earthly minded This winefat of the wrath of God is none other then his great vengaunce to be powred vpō the vnfaithful Or els hell prepared for the deuill his angels Great not onely for the innumerable multitud that it hath shal reciue but also in that it is insaciable 10 And this winefat was trodē without the citie Nothing perteyneth it to the citie of whō famous thing are spokē which is the congregatiō of god nor yet to the good creatures of god No not vnto this world which shall at that day● be tried purged by fyre But vnder the earth shal it be far without thys world secluded from the face of heauē in filthy vnspeakeable darknesse 11 For bloud wil come out of thys fate euen vnto the horse bridles Wherin is expressed not only the terrour of the place but also of the paines therein contained For bloud shedding murther are things very horryble feareful to beholde containing in them depriuatiō of life which is most terrible of all The aboundance thereof betokeneth the greatnesse of the griefe in the sufferance of them The treading downe also signifieth that no raise towardes any reliefe is to be looked for of them that be there
thrée vncleane spirits one comming out of the Dragons mouth which signifieth sathan the deuill an other out of the beastes mouth betokeninge the vniuersall Antichrist and the third out of the false prophets mouth compared afore to the two horned beast And all they séemed in maner as frogs both in their colours and fashions 7 Idolatry was that yll spirit which first went out from the serpent hath continued euer since in the world vnder the colour of good works as pilgrimage deuocion labour 8 Errour in abhominable filthynesse was the spirit whiche came from the beastly Antichrist defilinge the whole christianitie with innumerable superstitions vnder the colour of chaste lyuing in pristhod sacrifices and ceremonies 9 Hipocrisie was the foule spirite which issued from the false preachers poysoning the catholyque faith with false doctrine vnder the colour of religion pretending abstinence prayer and clennesse These thrée wicked spirits are not all vnlyke to the wilde fire smoke and brimstone whiche the terrible fierce horses euometed in the ix chapter of this present prophecye For cursed false and vnpure they are Their doctrine is wickednesse lies deuilishnesse and the execrable wisdome of the flesh In manner of frogs are they here described for their diuersitie of coloures in ceremonyes doctrine sects for their filthy dwelling in the dyrty tradicions of men and for crookelyng of theyr vnknowen Psalmodye and seruice disquietynge with their ydle customes the consciences of the symple multitude 10 These are the very spirites of deuyls the ympes of sathan workinge such signes and myracels as would deceiue the very chosen persons and bring them into erroure yf it were so possible But the Lorde euermore defendeth his 11 A stronge power haue they by the workynge of sathan to shewe lyinge wonders deceyuable signes amonge them that shal perish for detesting the truthe 12 These shal by the permission of god be suffered to go at large they shall strongly delude the kings of the earth and blynde the gouernoures of the vniuersall world making them dronken with the cup of all abhominatiōs 13 And all this shal they doe to gather them to gether by their wicked counsayles to bring them in to one cruel consent of battailing against Christe and his mēbers to receiue the penalty therof in the great day of the lord almighty 14 Most busely they gather them to battel when they moue them to persecute the iust beléeuers with ful vngodly actes as now most of all in our age which god hath promised in short space to reuenge Of this wil more be spoken in the xix chapter folowing Least any man knowinge the truthe shoulde tangle his owne conscience with their spirituall sorceryes for feare of princes lawes vnder the vaine hope of repentance in the end of their liues it foloweth in playne sentence 15 Beholde sayeth the Lorde Iesus Christ or earnestly take héede vnto it for I come dangerously vnlooked for as commonly doth the thiefe to thy hinderaunce if thou watch not in fayth but lyue in superstition Though this not without reasonable cause may be taken in a generaliti for the last iudgmēt dai yet is it here spokē particularly of euery mās departing As a premonishment he geueth this here of loue least any man should perish without warning 16 Blessed is he saith that Lorde which watcheth in the true christian beléeue and liueth not in the vaine but in the sure hope of life sealed with the iust promises of god For all that he doth shall prosper and turne him to great aduantage in the concluston 17 Happy is he allo that holdeth fast vnto him his garments or workes of Gods prescription which are the fruits of the spirite or that hath done on the Lord Iesus Christ gyrdinge hym suer vnto himselfe by faith 18 Least he be founde a naked hypocrit witout faith veritye iustice charitie with such lyke or least the rightuous number at the latter day sée his filthines vncouered and reioyce at his condemnation 19 He is blessed whiche at that day shall be couered with the white garment of the Lambe not hauinge his sinnes imputed vnto hym 20 To shewe the certaintie of the aforesayde battayle Saint Iohn saith that the diuel gathered together those wicked rulers into a certaine place called in the Hebrue tonge Armagedon The vncleane spirites that afore are named thrée of their diuers workinge in the Dragon beaste and false prophet are here brought into one as all of one lying spirit whome Christe calleth the father diuell This one lyinge spirit whiche hath bene a murtherer from the beginning comprehendinge in hym all vncleane spirites like as doth the beast all Antichristes hath combined together into one execrable zeale of fatherly tradicions all vaine-glorious and vngodly minded gouernours against God and his Christe And this hath not bene withoute the secret permission of God wyllynge to proue his elects by strōg suffering that they might receiue at his hand the rewarde of stronge victorye or of his aboundant riches 21 This place here called in the Hebrue Armagedon betokneth in mistery an hyll of delectable fruites interpreted of some for the hyll of the gospell and is commonly taken of the Hebreues for that is swéet or of valew And this without faile is the churche whiche ●ft times in the Scriptures is called the plentuous hyll of God the hyll of Gods house the hyll of mirth the hyll of oliues the hyll of Sion Carmelus and Libanus with such other lyke In this mounte euermore are they bene ●o battaile There slea the● innocent Lambes of Christe All their power malice and tirannye is there extremely vttered at the Antichrists labour and desire whiche are excéedingly drunken in the bloude of holye martires whiche hath bene shed vpon the earth from the rightuous Abel vnto this day But when the almighty setteth kings vpō the earth it shall be cleare euen in the darknes that the hill of Basan is Gods hill The texte 1 And the seauenth Angell poured out his vial 2. Into the ayre 3. And there came a great voyce out of heauen from the sate sayinge 4. It is done 5. And there followed voices thunderings and lightninges 6 And there was a great earthquake 7. Such as was not since mē were vpon earth 8. So mighty an earthquake and so great 9. And the great citie was deuyded into three parts 10. And the cities of the nations fell 11. And great Babtlon came in remembraunce before God 12. To geue vnto her the cup of Wine of the fiercenesse of hys wrath 13. And euery I le fled avvay 14. And the mountaines vvere not founde 15. And there fell a great haile 16. As it had bene talents 17. Out of heauen 18. Vppon the men 19. And the men blasphemed God beause of the plague of the hayle 20. For it vvas great and the plague therof vvas sore The Paraphrase 1 Fynally the seuenth Angell wente forth vnder the seuenth seale opening as God had eternali determined
innumerable smarme of Sodomits These dothe Esay in similitude compare vnto wild beastes Dragons Estriches dansing Apes Howlets Meremaides and other odible monsters For there is mockinge and mowynge criyng and yellynge crossynge and gapynge congerynge and cloynynge whyth manye other feates Here coulde I showe wonderfullye muche by the hystoryes of the stewes of bothe kynds at Rome of the profits receyued thereof that occupiyng of Winchesters rentes in England of saynt Lewes mantil in the graye fryers of Paris of the hollowe piller of our Lordes lengthe in Lyons of the good Godlye father that cons●uprated two hundred Nunnes in hys tyme of the burying of infants in theyr ●akes and of manye other straunge mysteries els were it not for losinge of the time and hinderinge mens consiences 11 She is fallen she is fallen sayt● the Angell and therfore be glad of 〈◊〉 For all nacions of the worlde a small simple number excepte whome God hath preserued of his goodnesse hath dronken of the wine of hir whoredome For not geuinge thankes vnto God when causes hath bene offered they haue fallen into moste déepe errour They haue sought hir sorceries with deuociō beléeued hyr doctrines and so folowed them in effect 12 And therefore they shall taste of the wrath of God or penalties due to that aduoutry of the spirite or vice of Idolatri ministred by hir I shal haue no pittie sayth the Lord vppon hyr children for they are the children of fornication 13 The mighty kinges and Potentates of the earth not hauinge afor● their eyes the loue and feare of god haue committed with this whore moste vile filthynesse abusinge them selues by many straunge or vncommaunded worshippings and bynding themselues by othe to obserue hyr lawes and customs At the examples doctrines counsels and perswasions of hyr holy whoremongers haue they broken the couenaunts of peace battailed oppressed spoyled rauished tyrannously murthered innocents yea for vaine foolish causes more vaine titles neither godlynesse nor honestie regarded as though there were neither heauen nor hel God nor accoūts to be made 14 And hir mitred marchantes hyr shorne souldiers hir masse mongers hyr soule sellers and hir mart brokers waxed very riche through the sale of hir oyles creme salt water bread orders hallowings houselinges ashes palme waxe frankensence beades crosses candlesticks copes belles organes Images reliques and other pedlary wares 15 And are become very wealthy in the habundaunce of hyr pleasuers They haue gotten in vnto them pallaces and princely houses fat pastors and parkes medowes and warrens riuers and pondes villages towns cyties and whole prouinces with the diuill and all els besides other mens wiues daughters mayde seruantes and children whom they haue abhominably corrupted What profites they haue drawen vnto them also by the sale of great bishopricks prelacies promocions benefices tot quoties pardons pilgrymages confessions and purgatory besides the yearely rents of cathedrall churches Abbayes Colleges Couents for sutes and suche other it were vnreasonable to tell No pleasures are in the fardest part of the world but they will haue plenty of them Yet can they for the time preach vnto other men contempte of the worlde and commende both pouerty and fasting THE TEXT 1 And I hard an other voiee from heauen say 2. Come avvay from hyr my people 3. That ye be not pertakers in hir sinnes 4. Least ye receiue of hir plagues 5. For hir sins are gone vp to heauen 6. And the Lord hath remembred hir vvickednesse 7. Revvard hir euen as she revvavded you 8. geue hir double according to hir vvorks 9. And povvre in double to hir in the same cuppe vvhirhe she fylled vnto you 10. And as much as she gloryfied her selfe and lyued vvantonly 〈◊〉 so much poure ye in for hyr of punishment and sorrovve The Commentary 1 Besides all this sayth saynt Iohn yet heard I an other voyce frome aboue betokening an other mouing of the spirit wherby the Godlie ministers are taught of the Lord. And this was therof y● swéete warning 2 Come away my people from that wicked Babilon with Esd●as and from that stinkinge S●dome with Loth. Haue no more to doe with that whorish churche Forsake hir false religion and defiled Sacramentes Refuse hir wanton ceremonies detest hir supersticion leaue hir beggerly baggage Meddle no more with those whoremongers those Nicolaitanes those Baalamits Abhore their abhominable studies manners and lyfe repenting in heart all foolishnesse paste Resorte vnto me sayeth the Lorde all you that labour and are laden and I shal ease you of your heauy burthēs 3 Submit your selues no longer to y● yoke of the infidels but set your selue● at large least ye be pertakers of hyr abhominable sins to receyue of hyr plages which is the great vengeaunce of god Let it suffise you that hath ben don alredy at the plesur of the Heathē in the vnlawfull seruice of Idols And learne frō henceforth to be more Godly wise lest ye be damned with the wicked I remēber that Iohn Hildeshē in his booke in turpia pingentem sheweth that Tailarand●s Petragoric●●s a french cardinal when question was moued at his table of Apostates commended the order of cardinals in that there was none amonge them Unto whō Peter Thomas a Carmelyt frier which was notwithstanding within a while after the patriark of Constantinople made this true answer what they be saith he that goth from other orders I cannot tel but sure I am that they which go frōyour order are saints As by exāple S Hierome Petrus Dami●●us Petrus de Moroue such other 4 Besides the wholsome admonishmentes of the scripture hath many godly m●n geuen warninges of these matters both in the primatiue church and in euery age since Many notab●● Doctours and fathers since the popes 〈◊〉 rayte hath in their famous writinges called vpon the churches reformation As Bertramus Herebaldus Ioannes Scotus Menachus Berengarius Thuronensis Brun● Adegauensis Petrus Damianus Wateramus Medburgensis Bernardus Cla●euallensis Robertus Tuiciēsis Ioachim Abbas Cirillus Grecus Ioannes Salisburtensis Gilbertus 〈◊〉 Angelus Hierosolimitanus Guilbe●●nus de sancto amore 〈◊〉 ●onatus Nicolaus Gallus Hubertinus de Casan Petrus Ioannis Mar●ilius Pataumus Ioannes Parys Arnoldus de villa noua Michael Cesenus Guil●e●mus 〈◊〉 nicolaus d● Luca Marcus de Florencia Ioannes Wiccleus Ioannes 〈◊〉 Michael de Bononia Ioannes Hildeshē Dāte 's Aligerius Franciscus Petrarcha Nicolaus Clemengis Petrus de Aliaco Ioannes Gerson Laurencius Ualla Ludouicus Arelatensis Iohannes Segobius Thomas Redonesis Gallus Matheus Parmarius Dauid Bois Dionisius Carthustanus Iohannes Milnerton Iohannes Go●chous Iohannes de We●alya Wo●maciensis Iohānes G●yler Iohānes Crutzer Wessalus Groningensis Eneas Syluius Rodericus Samorensis Iulianus Brixiensis and Hieronimus Sauonarola besydes those that hath written in our dayes as Iohn Reuclin Baptista Mantuanus Baptista Panecius Iohannes Crestonus Erasmus Luther and such other of whom they haue condempned the more parte for heretyques To recyte theyr testimonyes and wrytings it would r●quyre much tyme and
theyr bellyes and thys wyl be the tenour of their wofull tragedy 10 Alas alas that worthy citie that royall Rome that swéet Babilon that holye mother of ours in whom we were left so rich so mighty so strong that all the worlde feared vs we felt of no sorrowes 11 Specially all we that had ships in the sea or that had Bishopprickes benefices and other fat liuings amonge the wauering wanderers of the light laytie inconstaunt fyckle and foolysh where as GODS worde is not knowne 12 We became wealthy in all maner of pleasures by reason of hyr costly and profitable wares that those our shippes contayned whiche are to many to be now rehearsed 13 Full woe are we heauy at the hart remembring that famous citie for at one houre is she made desolat In this last age of his Churche wyll the Lord consume hir with his breth not leauing in hir one stone vppon an other Like as the shadow that passeth shal she vanish away lyke the dry thistle Floure or dust that is scatered with the winde Suche wordes sayeth the wise man Philo shall they speak in hell that haue sinned besides their desperate complaynt in this lyfe Some expsitours haue taken al these kings marchants vnd ship gouerners for one manner of people or generation of Antichrist And it may wel be for so much as they are all of the earth None of these are they iustlye by the authorytie of God but very tiraunts théeues and manquellers THE TEXT 1 Reioice ouer hir thou heauen 2. And ye holy Apostles 3. And Prophetes 4. For God hath geuen your iudgemente on hir 5. And a mighty Angell tooke vp a stone lyke a great milstone 6. And cast it into the sea saying 7. With such violence shall that great Citie Babilon be caste 8. And shall be founde no more 9. And the voyce of harpers and musitianes 10. and of pipers and trumpeters 11. shal be heard no more in thee 12. And no craftes man of vvhatsoeuer crafte he be shall be founde any more in thee 13. And the sounde of a mille shall be hearde no more in thee 14. And candell light shall be● no more burning in thee 15. And the voyce of the brydegrome and of the bryde shall be heard no more in thee 16. For thy merchaūts vvere the Princes of the earth 17. and vvith thine inchauntments vvere deceiued all nations 1● And in hyr vvas founde the bloude 19. of the Prophets 20. and of the saincts 21. and of all that vvere slayne vpon the earth The Commentary 1 With all myrth possible sayeth the text reioyce thou heauē or thou faithfull congregation of God to sée thys aduoutrous church of Antichrist ouerthrowen Be glad in thy hart not that thy quarell is reuenged but in that the rightuousnesse of God is fulfilled hys people being at libertie 2 Haue myrth conuenient ye holy Apostles or messengers of the Lorde with them that the Gospell hath called 3 Ioye with our brethren ye aunciēt Prophets or godlye teachers of the olde lawe 4 For your merciful God hath heard your pittious crye from vnder the aulter and hath perfourmed vpon the blasphemous whore the same selfe iudgement that you desired According to your owne request hath he reuenged all your innocēt bloud which hath bene shed vpon earth since Abell the ryghtuous The same dampnation haue they now iustly that they ministred vnto you vniustly Yea double for so muche as they haue it both in theyr bodyes and soules where as you had it but alone in your bodyes 5 And immediatly saith S. Iohn an Angell of great power betokening the true preachers of the latter age of the church strōgly indued frō aboue tooke vp a stone of exceding weight very like in simylitude vnto a greate milstone They shal gather vp out of Esay Hieremy Abacucke other Prophets the mighty tirrible iudgemēts of the Lord which are the heauy stone that shall grinde his enimies into pouder 6 This stone shal they cast into the sea They shal publish preach and declare vnto the people of this worlde which are as the mouable floud those heauy iudgements which shal light vpō that blasphemous churche of theirs at the tyme appoynted and thus shall they say vnto them 7 So vyolent and heauy shall be the distruction of that myserable citie that mysticall Babylon that prostibulous church of Antichrist with hir shorne citizens and smeared hipocrites as is the waightie fal of an excéeding great milstone in the bottome of the sea rysing vp no more agayn yea so tirrible and fearefull 8 With shame and confusion shall that wicked generation come downe and neuer more be foūd hereafter neither in the earth nor yet in heauen Though in their painted stories they put popes cardinals bishops monks chanōs shauen priests friers nuns and heremites in heauen amonge the saincts yet are there none such nor neuer shal be Their resting place is the bottome of the sea by the iudgements of God vnlesse they renounce those vaine supersticions and cleaue to the sincere verities of the Lord. Much haue they boasted in their writinges that their holy mother of predigious orders and disguised relygyons should euermore continue 9 But be certaine and sure thou myserable church saith the holy ghost that thou shalt no lēger enioy the cōmodious pleasures of a frée cittye all quietous without trubles The mery noyes of them that play vpon harpes lutes and fidels the swéet voice of musicians that sing with virginals vials and chimes the armony of them that pipe in recorders flutes and drums and the shirle showt of trumpets waits shawmes shall no more be heard in thée to the delight of men 10 Neyther shal the swéet Organs containing the melodious noyse of all maner of instruments byrdes be plaied vpon nor the great belles be rong after that nor yet the fresh discant prick song counter point and faburden be called for in thée which art the very sinagog of Sathan 11 Thy lasciuious armonye delectable musique much prouoking the weake hartes of men to meddle with thy abhominable whordom by the wantonnes of Idolatry in that kinde shal perish with thée for euer 12 No cunning Artificer Caruer Paynter nor Gilder Embroderer Goldsmith nor silk worker with such other like of what occupacion so euer they be or haue bene to thy cōmodity shall neuer more be found so agayne Copes cruettes candelstickes miters crosses sēsers crismatoris corporasses and chalices which for thy whorishe holines might not somtime be touched will thā for thy sake be abhorred of all men Neuer more shall be builded for marchāts of thi liuery mark palaces tēples abbeys collages couēts chauntries fair houses horcherds of plesure 13 The clapping noise of neyther wyndmil horsemil nor watermil shal any more be heard to the gluttenous féeding of thy puffed vp porklings for the maintenaunce of thine idle obseruacions ceremonies No more shal those idle belly gods swill vp
glory In the strong faith of his name and word stande these worthie witnesses agaynst the whole swarme of Antichristes not once remouyng their fote from the rock which is Christ also for no persecution nor death 3 These hath cryed and yet shall crye still to the worldes ende with a mightie loude voyce or a sure constant spyrite Earnestly shall they protest and publish vnto the fethered foules of the ayre that flye by the middest of heauen by whome are vnderstanded the méeke sprited multitude made spirituall by fayth and by knowledge of heauenly misteries 4 These as flying byrdes are taken vp from vnpure delightes leauing at their tayles all corruptible thinges They lift vp them selues aboue them selues haue their cōuersatiō in heauē vnfainedly Yea these are those gentil soules whom the heauenly father aboūdantly féedeth without theyr deseruings Such a soule was faithfull Abraham in Mesopotamia Moyses in Synai Helias in Carme Danyell among the Lyons the children of Israel in the wildernesse Paul in Damascus Iohn in Pathmos and many other more which afterward became Angels also in the sunne or teachers in Christ. And this not onely hath ben but shall be also stil to the worlds end the tenour of their crye 5 Come you that haue receyued the veritie from the heauy and carefull cures of this worlde and gather your selues togither into the vnitie of one faith and spirite Knit your selues togither in christian loue whiche is the cheayne of perfection let the peace of God which passeth all wit kéepe your hartes and vnderstandyngs in Christ Iesu that ye may be counted worthye your christien vocation 6. And so prepare your selues as hys louinge frindes vnto the bounteous supper of the almightye God whiche is the eternall refection of soule that ye may be fed with his most precious delicates Learne of the word of God what is his heauenly wyll and folow it in your works Flée therby from all worldly lusts liue soberly iustly godly here abyding his glorious aperāce 7 So order your selues in liuing doctrine that ye may eate the flesh of kings or take frō the worldly gouernors by your godly preaching al that is filthy carnall 8 Consume the fierce flesh of the captayns in plucking thē frō crueltie mallice 9 Denowre the froward flesh of mē that be mighty in power possessiōs cause thē to leaue their superfluous vanities 10 Spare neither horses nor yet those that sit vpō them but byte both theyr fleshes harde Rebuke both the beastly Antichrist the prince that is ruled by him 11 Plucke from those belly Gods byshops and priestes their pompes lecherous pleasures from those that follow them in superstitions the cruell persecuting of innocents 12 See that no flesh be left vntouched neither of frée men nor bonde men rulers nor subiects maisters nor seruāts Neyther of small nor great poore nor riche low nor high but be doing with thē all Play as doth the Egles other rauening fouls Wher as ye sée a dead carkasse or body without faith spirit thither resort ye apace Tell euery man his right offyce Exhort the kyng to be learned and to liue in the fear of the Lord. The prince to be wise and the Iudge to be godly Bid the graunde captaynes be faythfull to theyr commons and the great rich men more mercyfull to the poore Commaūde the carnall hypocrites no longer to dissemble their vndiscréets clients no longer to folow thē in darknesse Require them no longer to ney after their neyghbours wyues lyke ●ancke stoned horses the other no lōger to pamper them vp to all beastlye vices Charge the gouernours to rule faithfully the commō people to obey louyngly Sée that the woman obeye theyr husbandes the chyldren theyr fathers the seruants theyr maysters And agayne that the men be louing to theyr wyues gentyle to theyr chyldren fauourable to their seruants Open the foure cornerde shéete as did Peter Sley all maner of foure footed beastes of the earth vermin wormes and foules of the ayre eat them Rebuke them with pacience whatsoeuer they be tyrāts persecutors murtherers glottons Antichristes extortioners ribalds Idolatours théeues and pluck from them their filthye and carnall customes Ye shall eate the flesh saith Ezechiell of the worthyes and drink the bloud of the princes of the land of the wethers of the lambs of the gotes and of the oxen that be al slayne at Basan THE TEXT 1 And I savv the beast 2. And the kings of the earth and their warryers 3. Gathered together 4 To make battayle 5. Against hym that sate vpon the horse 6. And against hys souldiours 7. And the beast was taken 8. And with him that fals prophet 9. That tought miracles before him 10. With vvhich he deceiued them that receiued the beasts mark 11. And thē that worshipped his Image 12. These both werre caste quick into a ponde 13. Of fyre burning vvith brimston 14. And the remnaunt were slaine vvith the svvord of him that sate vpō the horse 15. Which svvord proceedeth out of his mouth 16. And all the soules vvere stuffed vvith their flesh The commentary 1 Anone after this I behelde saith S. Iohn the great horible beast that rose out of the sea that battailed with the Saintes and that beare the greate whore of Babilon which is the generall Antichrist 2 I saw also following him the cruell kinges of the earth and their host of bloudy warriours the mitered bysshops of his beastly kingdome with their great bellied monks and priestes the malicious tirants of the world with their mad moodye magistrates and slaues 3 These gather them selues togeather in one minde of mischiefe hath done since Christes assencion They muster in aray as dyd Pharaoes host they buskle together as dyd Cayphas hyered knights in the dark with fyre brands and weapons 4 To make fierce war or very sharp battaile against the most valiant capitayne Iesus Christe which sate vpon the aforesayde whit horse and against mighty stomaked soldiours of his faithful army of true christiās Neuer was the holy gospell yet sincerely taught the glory of God proponed and the inordinate liuings of men reprehended but such vprore of hipocrits and suche tumulte of tyrantes hath followed 5 The word of the Lord is alwayes of one nature to be the marke of contradiction and rocke of reproch Horsemen for the more parte are these malicious warriours against Christ his word sturred prouoked and set foreward by the beastly bishops None other caused Herode Pylate to put Christ vnto death but Annas Caiphas Non other moued Felix the president of Iury to emprison Paule but the puffed vp prelate Ananias Traianus the Emperour would neuer so extremely haue persecuted the Christian church nor yet other cruell tyrauntes euer since had they not béene propped forewarde by such pampred palfraies of the diuil 6 Not onely agaynst Christ doe they moue this bold battail but also against those that faithfully
there were of both sortes So well was he accepted that mortyfied the desires of the fleshe and offered himselfe a lyuinge sacryfyce vnto God as hée that gaue his life for the veritie 14 But the residue sayth saint Iohn or the other sort called the deade men for that they were not numbred with the ryghtuous neyther among them that sate vpon the seates nor yet amonge them that were slayne for the witnesse of Iesu lyued not agayne after they were once dead tyll the thousand yeres of their death was throughly fulfilled The time was whan they which wer dead through sin did heare the voyce of the sonne of God They fatihfuly beleued the word therof so it reuiued in him vnto the lyfe euerlasting which was both the life light of men Wher as the froward con●ēners of the lyuing word hauing their cōsciēces sealed with the beasts marke remained stil in their infidelitie which is the very death of the soule so were by the right iudgemēt of God lost for euer For the sin against the holy ghost which is a resistāce against the manifest truth shal neither be forgeuen in this worlde nor yet in the world to come 15 A time without end doth this word till cause this thousand here to be after the commō vsage of the scripture Noe sent forth a Rauen out of the arke whiche returned not agayne tyl the waters were dryed vp that is to say he neuer returned again Ioseph knew not Mary til she had brought forth hir first borne sonne That is to say he neuer bodely knew hir Thou shalte not out of prison till thou hast payde the vttermost mite .i. thou shalte neuer out With an hundreth of suche places in the Bible THE TEXT 1. This is that first resurrection 2. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection 3. For on suche shall the seconde death haue no povver 4. But they shall be the prists of God and of Christ. 5. And shal raign vvith him a thousand yeares The commentary 1 This is the first resurrection vnto lyfe to ryse from sin to repentaunce from ignoraunce to godly knowledge and from darknesse to faith Through the offence of one man entred sin into the world and through sin death Necessary it is therefore to dye vnto sin and to liue vnto rightuousnesse And so to rise togither with Christ séekyng the things which are aboue not vpō earth For neuer shal they come to the seconde resurrection which is vnto the lyfe euerlasting that will not ryse by repentaunce vnto a new lyfe in hym which is both resurrection and lyfe 2 Blessed is that man of the Lord yea holy iust and perfect may he be reported also of all men which hath porcion conuenient in the first resurrection with Dauid Magdalene Zacheus and Peter Happy are they which hearing the word of God retayneth it in theyr lyuing For they being renued with the glad tydinges of lyfe are depured by the spirite of Christ sanctified and so made the habitacles of the holy Ghost 3 Upon such Godly dysposed persons hath the seconde death of the soule which is eternal dampnatiō no maner of power nor effectual iurisdiction For no damnation can be vnto them which are in Christ Iesu not walking after the fleshe Though they haue bene great sinners yet shall not theyr sinnes be to them imputed but in the resurrectiō of the wrightuous shall they ryse to immortalyte and be as the very Angels in heauen He that hath taken frō thē the poore of death shall make thē sure of eternal inheretaūce with god 4 They shall surely bée the chosen priestes of God the euerlasting father and of his eternall sonne Iesus Christ whiche are of the firste resurrection Though they be here in the flesh yet fight they not after the flesh but they shall folow the gouernaunce of the spirit geue ouer their bodis for a liuing sacryfice holy and acceptable vnto God 5 And thus shall they reigne with christ their merciful sauiour redemer for the space of the thousād yeres afore named None other toke they all that longe seasō for theyr spiritual Messyas their eternall King their hygh Bishop for all their mayster their Lorde their gyde their lyght and the shepeherde of theyr soules None other wold they acknowledge but him for their mediatoure attonement maker neyther Moyses nor Samuell Noe Daniell nor Iob Iohan Baptist Mary nor Peter Hée onely was vnto them all wysedome ryghtuousnesse holynesse and redēption In none other name coulde they fynde health and saluation but alone in hys Nothing pertayneth this vnto the Popes masse sayers for they call vpon many names wyth Ora pro nobis and are of a far other priesthode as we haue declared afore In christes kyngdō is none outwarde Priesthode nor sacryfice to be made for sin For he hath with one oblaciō for all fully satysfied for the sins of his electe number for euer The office of a Christē man now is onely to offer vp himselfe by the deniall of himselfe and by the mortificatiō of his fleshe In the holy supper of the Lorde which is a mutuall participaciō of his bodi bloud is no new sacrifice to be made but onely a faithfull remembraūce to be taught of that full and perfect sacrifice that he made once for all vnlesse we will betray him and crucifie him againe The dutie of a minister in Christes cōgregation is with all study and diligence to labour in the holy worde of God be he bishop priest Chaplayne Pastour or preacher Hys ministration is great labour no dygnitie payne and not pryde or arrogancie And hauing his foode and rayment he ought to require no more THE TEXT 1 And vvhan the thousande yeares are expyred 2. Sathan shall be loosed out of prison 3. and shall go out 4. to diseeiue the people 5. vvhich ar in the foure quarters of the earth 6. Gog Magog 7. to gather them togither to battle 8 vvhose number is as the sande of the sea 9. And they vvent vpon the plaine of the earth 10. and compassed the tentes of the sayntes about 11. and the beloued Citie 12. And fyre came dovvne from God out of heauen 13. and deuoured them 14. And the Diuell that deceyued them 15. vvas cast into a lake of fyre and brymstone 26. vvhere the beast and the false Prophet vvere 17. and shall be tormented daye and nighte for euermore The Commentary 1 After the plentnous description of the true church of Christe which is vnknowen to the worlde for the glorious doughter of the eternall Kinge is from within sayth Dauid now foloweth in course the pernicious kingdome of Antechrist whan it was in the hyghest pryde so soone as the afore rehersed thousande yeares sayth saynt Iohn are fully accōplished or brought to an ende 2 Sathan the common aduersarie of man shal be loosed out of his darke pryson and so shal be set at large by the sufferance
the Princes of the earth 8 Whose excéeding number saith saynct Iohn is as the drye sande that hath bene bast vp wyth the sea which can in no wyse be numbred In thys full well maye it be ●onsidred what a small thynge Christes flocke was in comparison of these souldiours of Gog and Magog after sathans going forth for the tyme of their battayle Innumerable were the sectes of the Pope with those that they brought to that false fayth and obedience And so were the Prophetes of Mahomete with the peruerted mulytude Theyr power was great for the tyme and their malice vengeable yet were they as sande drye and vnfruitefull 9 They rose vp in pryde ryches and ryalty and alwaies went ouer where as they sée the earth made playne and smoth and that in euery lande compasse Their generall iourney was all the worlde ouer towardes them that were poore in spirite or whose l●stes were mortified from the worlde● Consider them for an example whom they haue cruelly burned and slaine where as they perceiued their croked custōes throwen doune and the streight rule of Gods worde faythfullye receyued there persecuted they moste ●ier●●sy there we●ed they furious and mayde sparing neyther swerde fyre gybbet nor other torment such heretykes as woulde not beleue as holy church commaunded Thys hath bene theyr order for the tyme of Sathans lybertie And this haue they taken for an hygh poynt of Christan religion For thys is that houre that Christ prophecyed of wherein men shold think to do vnto god gret good seruice whā thei put one of his vnto deth 11 Thus haue they wyth all prodigious tyranny compassed the derely beloued Citie of God or the holy cōgregaton for whom Christ dyed vtterly to ouerthrowe it By all maner of craftes and diuelyshe circumuentiōs haue they gone about at that tyme as they woulde doe yet styll to destroye that samll remnaunte or church of the Lord builded without materiall stone morter y● swéete spouse of his with out spot or wrincle Not onely sought they in the enterprise to bring to naught the particular cōgregatiōs but for as much as lay in thē the vniuersal church of god thā liuing Blessed be our lorde god though it hath ben since the loosing of sathā but a pore wretched neglected thing of no reputatiō before the world yet hath it bene alwayes before hym a beloued Cytie and hath defended it so mightely that nothing hath peryshed of it No not one heire of theyr heades What the Turke wyth Mahomets host hath done for hys parte in Egipt Gréece Palestyne Hierusalem Bulgary in the borders of Italy Spayne at the Rhodes in the kingdom of Hūgarye Ludouirus the king there rufully slaine nowe last of all against the citie of Uyē I thinke it is knowē vnto all mē We may se by that is here writtē of these two enimies Gog Magog the daily experiments confirming the same that they are farre aboue vs in number and power being as the sādes in the sea Most vainely are we occupied if we assertaine our selues to haue the victorye ouer them by any other way than the Lorde hath appoynted Let vs pray therefore vnto the Lorde for grace and than amende our liues and the plage shall cease Onely hath he promysed to destroy them all wyth the breath of his mouth and wyth no bodely armoure nor strength of men as here after foloweth Let vs in the meane tyme giue our selues vnto feruent prayer to compassion of our brethern to dedes of charytie pitty to abstinence from synne and to the forsaking of our owne desires For sure we are that he shall shorten their dayes of mischiefe for his electes sake 12 In the processe folowing must we take for the tyme past the tyme to come for the clere declaration of the mistery considering euer more the vsage of the scriptures for tymes Whan these enimies Gog and Magog shal be at the hyghest in their vengeable enterprises agaynst the elect Citie or peaceable congregation of Christ a consumyng fyre sayth Saint Iohn which is the eternal worde of the Lorde shall come downe fréelye out of heauen from the mouth of the great omnipotent God 13 As a fearefull lyghtninge shall it fall vpō thē and as terrible fyre shall it deuoure them lyke as the materyall fyre did eate vp Sodome and Gomorre rebellions in the desert the enimyes that sought Helias The fyre that is kindled in the wrath of God shall burne vnto the bottome of hel cōsume vp those terrible termagauntes 14 That worde of the lordes indignation shall with great violēce throwe the diuel that wi●y serpēt which deceiued gog Mogog with their innumerable souldyours into a foule stynking lake or boyling pit of wylde fyre brimstō 15 Upon the wicked saith Dauid shall the lorde rayne snars Wyld fyre brimstone with tirrible storme tēpeste shall they haue to rewarde for theyr etarnall punishment Herein are to be marked considered both the intollerable greuousnesse of the paines also the euerlasting continuaunce of them 16 In the same place of intollerable torment were the beastly generatiōs of Antechrist al their scholemaisters of hipocrites doctrine Or eternallye of god were they therevnto appointed as the vngodly communaltie wyth theyr capitaine and as the bodye and members with their wicked heade for all readie is it done by his worde but thā shall it folow in effect wheras they shal be as the Lord hath appoynted most sharpely afflicted with vnspeakeable tormentes both day and night without pause or ceasing for euer and euer without ende 17 Neuer shall their fyre be quenched sayth Esaie no● yet theyr gnawinge worme be taken from them For all maner of griefes wherwith God vexed the wicked may this fyre here be taken after the scriptures For as witnesseth saint Augustine in his xx booke and xii chapter De ciuitate Dei not onely is this punishmēt to be referred to the latter iudgement but alo to the extermination of Antichristes h●st by the worde of God the worlde ouer Be the Gospell once purely taught amōg men it will condemne all that they haue done vpon their owne presumption without the grounde of Gods veritie be it ceremony or Sacramente priesthode or sacryfice reseruinge the deceiuers to his most fearefull iudgement THE TEXT 1 And I savve a great vvhite seate 2. him that satte on it 3. from vvhose face fled avvay both the earth heauē 4. theyr places was no more founde 5. And I sawe the dead both great and small 6. stand before God 7. And the bookes were opened 8. And an other boke vvas opened 9 vvhych is the booke of lyfe 10. And the dead vvere iudged of those thinges 11. vvhyche vvere vvrytten in the bookes according to theyr deedes 12. And the sea gaue vp hir dead 13. vvhych vvere in hir 14. And death 15. and hell delyuered vp the dead 16. vvhiche vvere in them 17. and they vvere iudged euery man
according to hys deades 18. And death 19 and hell vvere cast 20. into the lake of fyre 21. This is the second death 22. And vvhosoeuer vvas not found vvrittē in the booke of lyfe 23. vvas caste into the lake of fyre The commentary 1 A none after this I behelde saith Saynt Iohan in secrete mysterye an imperiall throne or seat of estate faire splendaunte and bewtyfull None other is this than the iudgement seate of the Lorde 2 Great it is for the Maiestie and power of hym that shall syt therevpō is of inestimable magnificence greatnesse Fayre and whyte both for the celestyall cléerenesse that shall at that houre apere with hym and also for the purenesse equitie and ryght of his vniuersal iudgementes 3 From the aspect of whose fearefull countenaunce shall both the earth beneath and the other elemētes aboue flée awaye All the creatures of his creacion shall wyth reuerence tremble quake at his mighty aperaunce The Sūne shall thā be darkened the Mone shall not giue hir lyght The Starres shall fall downe from aboue the powers of heauen shal be moued The elementes shall melte wyth heate and the whole earth shall teare in péeces lyke a ragge 4 A terryble fyre shall go before the iudge to burne vp hys enimyes on euery syde The places of them that lyued here supersticiously and voluptuously shall no more after that be founde Neuer shall they resort agayne hither to theyr olde wantō pleasurs Of their bewtyfull Cyties shall not one stone be lefte vpon an other Their proude paynted Synagoges as duste in the wynde shal be scattred away from the earth Neither shall the skye nor yet the ground beneth be as it was but both they shal be renewed chaunged They shal be deliuered from corruption and so appere both a newe heauen and a newe earth according to the expectation of the creatures 5 Immediatly after that sayth saint Iohn the iudge thus sitting vpō the sca●e of his eternall Maiestie I sawe styll in mysterye after the blast of the trūpet that all they which were deade arose out of the earth And that both hygh and lowe great and small good and badde King and begger prelate and plough man tirant and perscecuted innocent Yea the sucking babe the died in the cradell so well as the aged mā 6 All they séemed vnto me to stande before their generall iudge Iesus Christ to whome the euerlasting father had giuen ouer his whole iudgementes which there appeared as hée was in dede a verie omnipotent god All we shall appere sayth Paule before the iudgement seat of Christ that euery one of vs maye receyue according to that he hath done be it good or ill 7 And the bookes of reckennings which are the seuerall consciences of men were open before the iudge That afore was hidde will thā be manyfest and that was secret wyll than come to light be disclosed Euident it wil be vnto him who hath fulfilled the commaunded works of mercy who hath left them vndone their owne constences bearing witnesse to the same For what can be hid from him which seeth both the inwarde reynes and the secret thoughtes of the harte In this generall rekening yet shall prayse with the eternall rewarde redowne vnto them from the mercyfull Lorde whose walking here hath bene accordinge vnto fayth There shall they be reproued to haue bene pitiful to the poore hongry thursty nedy naked sicke in prison 8 After this was an other booke opēed of a farre diuerse nature frō the other bokes for it was the swéet boke of lyfe wherin be regestred al that were predestinate to be saued frō the worlds beginning And this boke is the eternal predestinatiō of God 9 Before the worlds foūdatiō saith s. Paule the lord predestinate vs into the addoptiō of his childrē through Iesus Christe Of this booke made Moyses mencion whan he said Eyther pardon thys people or els race me out of thy booke which thou haste written And Christ also to his seuentie disciples Be glad sayth he that your names are written in heauen Moreouer Iosue called this the booke of the ryghtuous and Iohn here the boke with seuen claspes This sheweh the holy ghost here vnto vs much after the custome dayly vsed among vs. For of the most notable men and women our maner is bothe longe to remember the names and also to speake of them as occasion giueth So equall is thys eternall iudge that no personage respecteth he in iudgment neither of Emperours nor Pope Kinge nor Byshope Lorde nor prieste But as he is ryghtuous of himselfe so iudgeth he rightuously 10 For they that were dead sayeth saynt Iohan or that had ledde their lyues here without fayth and the spirite of Christ were iudged of hym there according to the thinges which were regestred in the bokes of their cōsciēces 11 That is to say according to the fylthy workes wherof their desperat cōciences accused them Onely are the wicked to be takē here for the dead For the rightuous shall thā haue nothinge wherof their cōsciēce may accuse them Neyther shall the euill doers as witnesseth Dauid be of coūsell with thē at the day They hauing the lyfe euerlasting shall not than be iudged though they than appere but shall sit with Christ in iudgement and reioyce in the condempnation of the vngodly blasphemers The rewarde of their vnfaythfulnesse shall thā be powred vpon thē to their perpetuall care At that daye shall none bée absent but all shal be séene eyther to honour or els to reprofe 12 Neyther shall the depth of the sea nor the darkenesse of death nor yet hell that is bottomelesse bée able to hide any frō the face of this iudge For the sea sayth saynt Iohn that is myghty and greate shall at that daye delyuer vp cleane hir deade or those whome the Lorde suffered hyr to swallowe in for their outragious sinnes 13 Lyke as were the giauntes in the floude of Noe the great host of Pharao in the red sea and such other more 14 So shall gréedy death doe also which after many strange sortes hath consumed the enimies of God As for an example Cain by a chaunce vnsought Nadah and Abyn by fyre Achan by standing Holofernes Saull by the swerde Naball by excesse of wyne Iesabell by treading of horses Daniels accusers by the lyons Menelaus by breaking his necke Iudas by hanging himselfe Herod by wormes the children of Israell by swerd fyre serpentes and soden death and such other lyke 15 Hell whych is insaciable shall in lyke case render vp the innumerable swarme of the dead whom he wyth open mouth hath swallowed in quicke for their abhominations 16 Of whose number were Chore Dathan and Abiron with their affinitye the Cytyes of Sodome and Gomorre the vncircumcised gyauntes the ryche rourer and the ryche glotton in Luke Symon Magus wyth dyuerse other Hell hath gaped meruelouslye wyde sayeth Esaye and hath rauenouslye deuoured the hygh mynded
sturdye and dysobedyent nacion The vncircumcised giauntes sayth Ezechiell wyth theyr weapons are gone downe to hell whose swerdes are layed vnder theyr heades theyr wyckednesse vpon theyr bones Of the wycked onely is all thys spoken héere if ye marke well the text and in no wyse of the Godly what though many of them hath bene drowned in the sea burned béeheadded and hanged vpon the lande and buryed quicke in the earth 17 For it foloweth also that they were iudged of the iudge and receiued euery one accordynge to theyr deseruinges Accordynge to the fleshely fruites of theyr owne inuentions shall they bée rewarded theyr vnfaythfulnesse iustly measured vnto them Theyr bodyes shall than take parte wyth theyr wretched soules in the euerlastynge cursse of dampdamnacion the elect numbre rewarded wyth perpetuall felicytye 18 And as concerninge death it self which is the vniuersall enimye of man it shal be destroyed for euer 19 Hell also whych is here taken for sinne shall neuer more be séene amonge the creatures of God 20 For both shal be throwne into the great lake of boylinge fyre and brymstone The victorie of death shal be swallowed vp and hys stinge done cleane away which is sinne That is nowe corruptyble shall put on vncorruptiō that is nowe mortall immortalitie Thus that the Lord at the houre make of all hys enimies hys fotestole according to his promyse by Oseas the Prophet O death I wil be thy death O hell I will bée thy destruction 21 This tirrible appoyntmēt of the iudge sayth saynt Iohn is the second death or perpetuall depriuation of the sight of God yea the vtter fall from his fauour grace and mercy This death is the whole vengeaunce of all innocent bloud which hath bene shed vpon earth from iuste Abell to the last faythfull witnesse Yea thys sentence is the stone that shall grinde the enimies to pouder the very eternall dampnation both of body and soule 22 Now for a conclusion of the whole matter whatsoeuer he be king or Emperour Priest or prelate laye or religious that shall not be founde writtē in the booke of lyfe which is the eternall predestination of god for that he hath worshipped the beast and his Image he shal be cast by the irreuocable sentence of the iudge into the stynking lake of fyre perpetully there to burne with the Diuell and hys Angels So that he which hath had no parte in the fyrst resurrection shal be sure to taste of this seconde death which is dampnation 23 He that beléeueth not the gospell whan it is faythfully taught hym repenting hys former lyfe but refuseth the grace thereof fréely offered shall for euer be damned Neuer shall his sin be remitted neither in this worlde nor in the worlde to come that reststeth the holy ghost withstanding the open verytie Onely remaineth a fearfull expectatiō of iudgement vnto thē that here treadeth Christ vnder fote not regarding his bloud shedding but doeing iniury to the spirite of grace for their owne inuention The .xxj. Chapter In thys laste vision of Iohan is both discribed the prosperous estate of the true church or kingdōe of Christ here and also the perpetuall Sabboth of the chyldren of God All the other visions were mixte with labours afflictions and paynes This is full of peace tranquilitie and ioye incorruption glorie and felycitie THE TEXT 1 And I savve a nevve heauen 2. a nevve earth 3. for the first heauen 4. and the firste earth vvere vanished avvaye 5. and there vvas no more sea 6. And I Iohan savve that 7. holy Cytie 8. nevve 9. Hierusalem 10. come downe from God out of heauen 11. prepared as a bryde 12. garnished for hir husdande 13. And I hearde a great voyce from the seate saying 14 Beholde the tabernacle of God 15. is wyth men 16. and he vvyll dvvell vvith them 17. And they shall be hys people 18. and God hym selfe shall be vvith them 19. and shall be theyr God 20 And God shall vvype avvaye 21. all teares from theyr eyes 22. And there shal be no more death 23. neither sorovve 24. neyther shall there be any more payne 25. for the olde thinges are gone The Commentary 1 Besides the afore rehersed reuelations I behelde now last of all saith saynt Iohan that heauen was cleane altered from that it was afore and became all newe and so was the earth also and became the same Not onely become they nowe spirituall by a true beléeue in the Gospell that afore were carnall but also in the ende of the world shall the whole bodyes of heauen and of earthe as golde in the fornace be purged from fylthynesse by fyre goyng before the yudge which both are nowe defiled wyth the wickednesse of the creatures 2 After both sortes shall they be delyuered from the corruption here of sinne and thereof death and dampnatyon and so be restored vnto the glorious lybertie of Gods children 3 The first heauen defiled through y● pryde of Angell and the first earth also corrupted by the sinnefull vsage of manne shall vanyshe cleane away and no more be séene Not that the substaunce of them shall vtterly perysh but that theyr nature shape and figure shal chaunge into a much more pure and perfect similytude A custome it was amonge the prophetes whan thy aduertysed the afflycted Israelytes of prosperite peace or renouation of the glory of God cōming towards thē to promis al things new 4 Beholde sayth the Lorde in Esay I make you new heauens and a new earth and as for the olde shall neuer more be though vpon Newe is the true church of Christ so are the people pertayning to the same In no poynt are they lyke to the Popes holy orders nor yet vnto Mahometes religion Clere are their hartes which haue rereceiued the verytie from all supersticions and theyr outwarde lyues from idell obseruations perfect are theyr consciences and theyr conuersacions godly And thys in the regeneration shal be fully accomplished Not onely shall that which is now mortall becō immortal the is now corruptible than incorrupted as the very Angels of the Lorde but also the vniuersall heauen shal be than renewed so shall the whole face of the earth and appere more beutyfull than now 5 And from that tyme fourth shall there be no more sea whych signifieth people vnstedfast vaine and fickle Whereas the peace of Christ is surely grounded no more is there anye troubled conscience No more is there any diffydence wan hope or dispayre Al bitternesse sorow anguish is turned into swéetnes ioy in the holy ghost We knowe sayth saynt Paule the all thinges are taken to the best in them that loue God Frō the Apostles whō Christ fyrst also called from the Sea vanished this waueringe Sea away whan they went from the mallicious counsell of the Bishoppes reioysinge that they were founde worthy to suffer rebuke for hys names sake In lyke case all impediments and néedes all daungers and doubtes all fearefull mouings and outragings
any more 22 In hir moreouer shall be no more death for it shall be destroyed for euer No more shal mennes consciences dispayre here But haue ioye in the holy ghost No more shal they die through sinne but lyue vnto God by fayth And there shall no more the rose coloured whore be dronken in the bloud of martyrs Hir tyrauntes shal be closed vp in the stinking lake of fyre from the slaughter of them they than becomming immortall and impossible Moreouer thā this he that beléeueth in christ shal neuer die nor yet come into iudgement but passe cleane frō death vnto lyfe 23 Neyther shall there be any sorow nor crying any more For all maner of displeasure of the bodye as pouertye sicknesse losses emnytie vexacions and yll reportes are here paciently borne of the faythfull And ther shal be founde nothynge to minister any suche occasions Here is neyther age doubted nor yet persecution feared in them that reckeneth death aduantage hauinge in desire wyth Paule to be hence and wyth Christ. Nor yet shal be there where all is in ioye and peace durable for euer 24 Neyther shall there be felt any more payne Such hath bene the constauncye of the martirs here that litle haue the tormentes greued them Eleazarus paciently suffered all punyshmente Steuen reyosed to sée heauen open Andrewe woulde in no case be delyuered from deathe Laurentius offred his brent fleshe to be eaten The burnynge coles were so sweete vnto Tiburcius as the fragraunt roses So desyrous were the terryble tormēts vnto Uincent as a moste pleasaunt banket Angelus desired the people in Sicilia to esteme the tyraunt hys frynde What the exceding constauncy was of Iohn Husse and Hieronime of Prage dyuers Chronycles mencyoneth And in our tyme George Baynham in the fyre dyd neuer complayne Ihon Frith neuer shewed him self once greued in countenaunce Barnes neuer moued as hys enymyes doth report Peter Franke in Colchester sang ioyfully to the Lorde The thrée young men of Southfolk reioysed at the death with such other many And how farre they shal be from paines after this the great daye of the Lorde shall declare 25 For the olde thynges are paste sayth the text All that afore was tedious heauy and fearefull to the flesh is nowe become easie light and pleasaunt through that they haue learned of Christ. His word refresheth them in spirit and is a swéet rest vnto their soules And in the regeneration shall hunger thirst werinesse labour heat colde rayne winde thunder earthquakes with all other discommodities be taken cleane from them Neyther shal they haue ther néede of meat nor drinke foode nor rayment beddes nor buildings féeldes nor medowes welspringes nor riuers gardens nor vineyardes The Text. 1 And he that sate vppon the seate sayde 2. Behold I make all thinges nevve 3. And he sayde vnto me 4 Wryte 5. for these vvordes are faythfull and true 6. And he sayde vnto me 7. it is done 8. I am Alpha and Omega 9. the beginning and the ende 10. I will giue to him that is a thirst 11. of the vvel of the vvater of lyfe free 12. He that ouercōmeth shall inherite all thynges 13. I vvill be his God and he shall be my sonne 14 but the fearefull 15. vnbeleuing 16. the abhominable 17. murtherers 18. and vvhoremongers 19. and sorcerets 20. and Idolatrs 21. all lyars 22. shall haue their part in the lake 23. that burneth With fire and brimston 24. vvhich ys the seconde beath The commentary 1 And the omnypotent Lorde whych sate vpon the eternall throne concluded thus with me Hys holy spirite of promise assertayned my spyryte by hys heauenly word that all these thynges should be true 2 Behoulde sayth he I wyll make all thynges freshe and newe Heauen earthe the Sea and the vnyuersall Cytye of peace I wyll delyuer from all corrupcyon I make all pure cleane holy immortall vncorrupt impassible clere heauenly spirituall and glorious Neuer more shall they bee as they were afore whan they were yet olde Neuer shall be more eating nor drinking wyuing nor ●anketing traueling nor sléeping ●or other such doeinges pertayninge to the corruptible lyfe The rightuous shall than shyne as the red fyre sparkes So bright as the sunne shall they be in the kingdome of theyr father 3 Thus hath the Lorde here midsts meruielously described vnto Iohn and by hym vnto vs the misticall Sabboth of his people here the eternal Saboth after this lyfe ōmāding him to 〈◊〉 it as foloweth Much to fro hath bene amōg the 〈◊〉 doctours is 〈◊〉 to th●● day whether the saued multi●●●● shall reygne here vpon earth 〈◊〉 Christ or aboue in heauen afte● the iudgement day● Which is easy to be percei●ed if the scriptures hée tru●● conferred Therefore ser●h d●lygently the scriptures for they hear● witnesse of all truth Christ hath in Math. the they shal be thā as the Angels are now● in heauen whose office is hath to be h●re ● there And so muche 〈…〉 the they shal be as thā all one 〈◊〉 w●ll shall the earth be new as the heauens And nedes it must be to some purpose Neuer woulde Esay Pete● haue said the rightuous●sse should dwelt in thē if they shuld not occupy thē both It is said here also the the new Hierusalem shall come downe frō heauē But not so that it shall not vp againe For Christes electes shal be whereas he is Whan they shal be vpō the earth no let nor impedimēt shal they haue to be also in heauē both they being one 〈…〉 agyltie perfectiō shall be thā in their bodies as is now in the glorified body of Christ or in the spirituall nature of the angels Which are nowhere now the● And whether they be here or ther alwaies they sée God ● are 〈…〉 absent from him Manye scriptures myght be brought in to declare th●● mat●er more at large but it wold 〈◊〉 much tyme. What mutuall feloship heauenly amyte glorious pastyme will be betwixt them the angels at that day it fare passeth al capacities to diffine I coūsail 〈◊〉 to be curious in the serch of high misteris ●s this here is one without the feare of God least he ouercōmē of their exceding 〈◊〉 whoredom with many kinges by many false worshippinges This for hir méekenesse is commended of God the other proudely boasteth hir 〈◊〉 through holy tradicions merites and deseruinges to b●● a riche qu●ene With many such other 4 And the Lorde sayth saint Iohn which worketh all thinges by his onely word and commaundement 〈◊〉 thus vnto me Emprente first in thy hart that I haue here shewe● the● than leaue it in writing to the 〈◊〉 of those that than folow the● 5 And if thou wyll k●owe a reason why thou shalt thus doe take this 〈◊〉 sentence with thee I assure the so 〈◊〉 as I am God y● the wordes which I haue shewed in this present Reuelatiō are effectually most faithfull and ruste In no manner of
for hys shousholde seruauntes enioying the swéet cōmodyties mencioned in thys booke as pertayning to hys peculyar people 8 Lyke as are the bewtyfull trée of lyfe wyth his manyfolde fruites and leaues of wholsomnesse the swéet running ryuer of the lyuing waters and the holy citye sufficiently discribed afore with such other els None that contendeth for a mastry saith Paule shal be crowned vnlesse hée contende lawfully Arrius toke away from the tenth of Iohn this setence I the father are one Photinus added this clause to the gospell as a voyce frō the father I giue vnto Iesu his original of Mary And both their intētes were to destroy our faith concerning christs godhede lyke as the papystes doth also our iustificacyon in hys bloude vnlesse we haue theyr lowsie masses merites A lyke adiuratiō to this hath Hireneus in the ende of his octonarie requiring al them that shal coppy out that booke to doo it truly as they will aunswers it béefore god their rightuous iudge In like case doth saint Hierome before the abreuiaciōs of Eusebius chronicle cōmaūd that in anye wyse the veritie therof be dilygently reserued So doth also Cyrillus the Gréeke in the preface of his prophecy vnto Ioachim Abbas desiring the writings therof in no case to be corrupted of il writers which diuers other 9 In confirmatiō of the I haue sayd afore saith S. Iohn the eternall son of god which hath ratified these former things with his mighty word saith here also as one subscribing to it 10 Yea it is so or els thus Like as thou hast said Iohn shal these blasphemers here after finde it the presumeth eyther to adde or to deminish frō these scriptures for any carnall purpose 11 And to perform the promyse of thyne I wyll not long tarry I come by by to reward the wicked which swift dampnatiō for not beleuing the truth For nowe are the last dayes the endes of the worlde yea the very laste houre Ready is the Lord sayth saint Peter to iudge the quicke and dead and the ende of all things is at hande 12 Sainct Iohn hearing this of hys mercifull Lorde and sauiour lifte vp his heade and handes towardes heauen as one desirous of the perfourmaunce of Gods appoynted will and of the full deliuerance of the faythfull he sayde Amen Or be it fulfilled in effect For that is the thing which my soule dayly desireth and inwardly coueteth to the full manifestation of thy glorious kingdome 13 Consequently in the voyce of the whole congregation cryeth Iohn as did Symeon the iust Yea euen so might it be as thou hast here promised that thou mightest come out of hande 14 Oh come most merciful redemer gracious Lord Iesu Christ to iudge the vniuersall worlde Come come or hie thée hether apace to seperate the wheate from the chaffe and the lambes from the Goates so bringing them into thy eternall tabernacle Wo is mée that my banishmēt endureth so long I dwelling in the tabernacles of the sorowfull My soule hath a thurstie desire for God the fountaine of lyfe Oh whan shall I come and beholde hys face Lyke are we to those faythfull seruaunts which wayte for the return of their Lorde from the wedding very ready to open at his knocking 15 The grace of our mercifull Lorde Iesus Christ sayth saynct Iohn wherby commeth saluation to them that truly beléeueth bée with you all so many as are of that godlye expectation and desire 16 Or the fauour mercy and acceptation of God the father through his blessed death euermore preserue you in the vnitie of his godly spirite that yée may hereafter in this holye citie bée partakers of his gloryous heritage in the worlde to come 17 Let all them say Amen vnto this which myndeth the glory of the Lorde vnfaynedly So be it A conclusion of the vvhole vvorke HEre hast thou good christian reader to thy soules consolation from the eternall Trinitie the Father the Sonne the holy Ghost three distincte persons in one euerlasting godhead the vniuersall estate of the church from Christes ascencion to the ende of the world in wonderfull mysteries discrybed directed vnto thee of him by the most holy Apostle and Euangelist Saint Iohn Wherein it is fully by all due circumstances manifested of the sayde holy Ghost what the innocent Christian church is with all hir iustifications blessings to the singular comforte of the Lords true electes and what the proude Synagoge of Antichrist is with hyr filthy superstitions and plagues to their fore warning also This is specially done here of the sayde holy ghost that no true beleuer should professe him selfe a citizen of this wretched world with Cain Nemroth other reprobate vessels at the execrable doctrine of men but at the pure voyce of God with Abell and Abraham to seeke for that heauēly heritage which is purchased for them in Christes bloud Marke heere the condition of Iohn being in most paynefull exile for he in misterie through all this booke representeth euery godly beleuer By this shall ye well knowe in this reuelation the one church from the other for the one is mayntayned by the onely preaching of Gods pure worde the other by all kyndes of Iewishe ceremonyes and heathenish superstitions And by this they also differ that Christ wold haue all of loue Antichrist of tyrannous constraint as euidently appeareth in Mahomete and the Pope For that only cause are many necessary thynges here written in mysterie that they should bee hid from the worldly wyse Hypocrites and that the iust or Gods meeke spirited seruaūts should aske them of their Lorde in fayth and prayer In the which dayly prayer is that most worthy minister of God Kyng Henry the eight afore all other to thée remembred which hath so sore wounded the beast that he may before his departure or Prynce Edwarde after him throw all his supersticions into the bottomlesse lake agayne frō whence they haue commen to the comforte of his people The grace and peace dyrected from God the Father his Son Iesus Christ with the holy Ghost in the beginning of this reuelatyon be vnto all them which vnfaynedly loue hys veritie Amen ¶ Printed at London by Thomas East Apoc. 22. 1. Cor. 6. Rom. 12 Apoc. 1. Apoc. 22. Apoc. 4. 1. Iohn 5. Mat. 16. Apoc. 14. Hebr. 7. Apoc. 1. Iohn 7. Apoc. 21. Apoc. 18. Apoc. 15. Ephe. 5. Apoc. 21. Apoc. 17. Apoc. 2. VVhy this booke is called the Image of both churches Apoc. 11. Apoc. 18. 2. Pet. 3. 2. Timo. 3. Eccle. 2. 1. Pet 5. Ephe. 6. A brief sum is this boke of the whol scriptures Luc. 24. Esay 9. Apoc. 21. Ephe. 4. Iohn 16. Hebr. 2. Apoc. 18. Col. 1. Apoc. 4. Apoc 12. Apoc. 21. Ephe. 3. August Apoc. 21. Hier. 50. Iohn 5. Mat. 7. Mat. 13. Rom. 15. Luce. 10. Iohn 21. Apoc. 1. Iohn 12. Apoc. 22. Gilbertus porre●a Mat. 25. Lucc 11 Mat. 5. Mark 4. Iacobus faber super Dionisium VVhat