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A02613 The ensamples of vertue and vice, gathered oute of holye scripture. By Nicolas Hanape patriarch of Ierusalem. Very necessarye for all christen men and women to loke vpon. And Englyshed by Thomas Paynell; Exempla Sacrae Scriptae ex utroque Testamento collecta. English Hannapes, Nicolas de, patriarch of Jerusalem, 1225-1291?; Paynell, Thomas.; Peraldus, Guilelmus, 13th cent. 1561 (1561) STC 12742; ESTC S103820 271,342 814

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he cured the olde Toby of his blindenesse and replenished his house wyth all goodnesse Oure Lorde semed as it were to be afraide to offend Ieremye when that he did vtterly purpose to destroye the people for theyr sinnes Iere. 7. for he sayde I shall thrust you oute of my syghte Therfore thou shalt not pray for this people thou shalt nether geue thākes nor prayer for them nor thou shalt not let me nor make no intercessyon to me for them For in no wise wyl I heare thee This thing is plain and manifest that GOD is with his seruauntes in their tribulation Daniell 3. For Nabuchodonosor sawe one in the burnynge fornace with Azaria and his fellowes like the sonne of God When Daniell was in the Lyons den at Babilon Daniel 5. Daniel 14. Our Lord sente him his dinner from a far of that is from Iewry by the prophet Abacucke Daniell 13. Our Lord hard the voyce of Susanna because she was vniustly condemned by thold and vnchast elders likewise by the iust iudgement of a continent and a chast childe she was delyuered Our Lord prepared a great fishe to swallow vp Ionas Ionas 2. the which semed yet for his disobedience iustly to haue deserued pain and punishment Machabeus and they that wer with him fightinge against Timothe 2. Mach. 10 had manifestlye healpe from heauen for there appeared fiue men vpon horsebackes with bridels of golde c. And afterwardes in a nother place 2. macha 11 they goynge to battaile against Lystas there appeared before them vpon horsebacke a man in white clothynge wyth harnesse of gold shakynge hys speare There was a greate benignitye in oure Sauioure Math. 4. For he wente aboute healynge all manner of Sickenesse and all manner of dyseases For if he had not so don many sick persons could not haue come vnto him Oure Lord answered the Leaper that sayde vnto him LORDE if thou wilte Math. 8. thou mayste and canste make me cleane verye meekelye and gently for Iesus puttinge forthe hys handes touched him saying I wyll be thou cleane But the Priestes abhord all suche men Oure Lord incontinent after Mathewes vocation dynde in hys house with him Math. 9. After that oure LORDE was departed and gone into the desarte math 14. he sawe muche people and was moued wyth mercye towarde them and he healed of them those that wer sick And when the euen drew on his disciples saide vnto him let the people departe Iesus as one moste liberall sayde vnto them Geue ye theym to eate When Peter begā to sincke he cried saying Math. 14. Lord saue me And immediatlye Iesus stretchynge forthe hys hand caughte him Oure LORDE did gentlye defende Marye Magdalen agaynste the pharisy that thought euil by her Luke 7. and agaynste her owne Sister complaininge of her Mar. 14. yea and agaynste hys Disciples that for the effusyon of the oyntment Luke 10. fumed against her The vnspeakeable goodnes of god is muche declared in the example of the prodigal sonne where it is written But when he was yet a great way of Luke 15. hys father sawe hym and moued wyth compassion ranne and fell on his necke and kissed him He desyred to be one of hys hired seruauntes but yet his father interruptinge his communication receyued hym as hys sonne This was a meruelous benignity and gentelnesse of Christe Luke 19. when that he inuited and badde hym selfe to the Publicans house the whych was desirous to see him and also he blessed the same When our LORDE hadde indistinctlye spoken these wordes Ihon. 13. One of you shall betray me It followeth when Ihon leaned on Iesus breaste he sayde LORDE who is it Lo what a benignitye and familiarity was this Actes 2 Our sauioure promised his Disciples being heauye that he shoulde depart from them that his father shuld sende them a nother comfortoure the whyche thynge was well fulfilled at Whitsontide when that the holy spirite did so mightely strengthen comfort illuminate and teach them Ihon. 18. The bishops ministers commynge to take our Lord he said vnto them if ye seke me let these go theyr waye For he knew ful wel that they were not ready to suffer martirdome And therfore mekely condescēding to their infirmity he would that they shoulde spare them Ihon. 23. The thefe desired our Lorde to remember him when hee came to hys kingdome But our LORDE dyd graunt him more then he demanded saying To day shalt thou be with me in paradise Luke 22 This was the great mekenesse and gentlenesse of Christe the which refused nor Peter that denied him thrise but beningly beheld him nor he lefte not Thomas in his doutfulnesse Ihon. 20 but did exhibite him selfe manifestly to be touched And he made Paule blinde Actes 9 folowing the act of his persecution He cast him to the earth called him and conuerted him Steuen when they stoned him Actes 7 saw oure Lorde standinge in heauen as though he had bene ready strongly to haue defended him Our Lord shewed great gentlenes to blessed S. Ihon Apoca. 1. being banyshed in to the yle of Pathmos when he appeared and sent his angel vnto hym the which with diuers reuelatiōs did comfort hym ¶ Of deuine consolation ¶ The fourth chapter AFter that Abraham at the commaundement of God Gen. 12.15 went oute of his country Oure Lorde dyd comfort him wyth apparitions and reuelations Genesis 18 Iacob flyinge from the face of hys brother and sleaping vppon a stone our Lord appeared and repleanished him with great consolation Exod. 3. Oure Lorde appeared to Moses beinge exiled and kepinge sheepe the whiche thinge for the time that he was in Pharos house chaunced not vnto him Exodus 16 It rained Manna from heauen in desert to the children of Israell yea often he gaue thē miraculously fleshe and water Exodus 34 Moses beynge in the mounte For the space of fortye dayes and fortye nyghtes dyd nether eat nor dryncke but was refreshed wyth the deuyne word of God Iosu. 1. Our Lorde saide vnto Iosua be of good chear and strong for I wyll not faile thee nor forsake thee 3. regum 17 Oure Lorde commaunded the ra●ens twise a day to bear Elias bread and flesh Afterwardes oure Lorde appeared to Elias flying from Iezabell iii. Reg. xix whose Prophettes he hadde caused to bee slaine Our Lorde did comforte kinge Hezechias effectuously 4. regum 19 both by his prophet and by his aungell the whyche smote and slue in the host of the Assiri ans an 185000. Euen at the selfe same time Saras and Tobias prayers were hard To. 3.8.11 and the angell of our Lord was sente to cure and deliuer them both that is Sara from the Deuyl that had slaine her husbandes and the elder Tobias from pouerty and blindnesse Oure Lorde vouchsafed wonderfullye to comforte his people of Israell by the
blesse and praise ye the Lord. It is saide that Dauid after the victorye that God gaue hym against Goliah the Philistian 1. regum 17 made this psalm Blessed be the Lord my God Psal. 144 whiche teacheth my handes to warre and my fingers to fight When Hyram had hard the words of Saloman 3. regum 5. he reioysed greatly and said Blessed be God which hath geuē vnto Dauid a wise sonne ouer thys people The Temple being finished Salomon in the presence of all the people 3. regum 8. sayd Blessed be the LORDE GOD of Israell whyche spake with his mouthe vnto Dauid my father Dauid did appoynt chefely Asaph and his brethren to thanke our Lord. 1. Par. 26 It foloweth then blessed be the Lord God of Israel for euer and euer and let al the people say Amen King Dauid was very pleasaunt and ioyful 1. Para. 16 and blessed our Lorde before the vniuersall multitude Esdras perceiuinge Arthaxerses to be wel minded towards the Iewes said 1. Esdras 7 Blessed be the Lord God of oure fathers whiche so hathe inspired the kinges harte to garnishe the house of our Lord that is at Ierusalem When Esdras hadde opened the boke of the lawe Es. 2. ca. 7. all the people stode vp and Esdras blessed our Lord god with a loud voyce and all the people answeared Amen 2. Esdras 9 After that the wall of the citye of Ierusalem was finyshed vnder Esdras and Nehemia the Leuites said Stand vp and blesse the Lorde foreuer and euer When Sara the doughter of Raguel had made an end of her prayer To. 3. she saide Blessed is thy name o God of our fathers Tobias instructinge and teachyng his sonne Tob. 4. Amonge all other thinges he said vnto him Blesse thou and be alway thanckful vnto God beseche him that he will order and direct thy waies Raguell and his wife perceiuynge that Sathan had not hurte nor touched yonge Toby Tob. 8. sayde Blessed bee thou o Lorde God of Israell for it is not hapned vnto vs as we thoughte Raphaell dyd diligentlye monyshe Tobye and his sonne Tob. 12 that they shuld blesse and be thanckefull vnto God and tell oute al hys wonderous workes After that Tobye hadde recouered his sighte Tob. 13 and had harde Raphaels communication he opened hys mouthe and praised our Lord and sayde Greate arte thou O Lorde for euermore Osias the chefe ruler of the people of Israell Iudi. 13. seing Iudith with the hed of Holofernes sayde Blessed bee oure Lorde the maker of heauen and earthe A mistery was reueled in the night to Danyell by a vision and he praysed our Lorde of heauen saying The name of God be blessed for euer and euer Dani. ● for wisdome and strength ar hys owne and he chaungeth the tymes and ages Ananias and his fellowes beynge cast into the burning ouen did walke in the myddest of the fyre Dani. 3. praysyng blessing our Lorde And kyng Nabuchodonoser afterwardes perseuynge and seinge so greate a myracle sayd blessed be the God of Sidrach Misach and Abednago After they had obtayned of their enemies the victorye 1. Mach. 4. and had builded an aulter the children of Israel worshypped gaue thankes to God that he had prosperd them and geuē them the victory Forasmuche as Heliodorus that woulde haue spoyled the temple of oure Lorde 2. macha 3. was through the vertue of God moste terribly scourged they praysed our Lord that had magnified his place and temple Whan Machabeus and suche as were with hym perceyued that God had sent them ayde 2. Mach. 11. they blessed and praised our Lorde altogether whiche had shewed them mercye and were comforted in their myndes When Iohn the baptist was borne zacharis mouthe was opened Luke 1. And he prophesied saying Blessed be the Lorde God of Israel When Mary Ioseph had brought the childe Iesus into the temple Symeon toke him vp in hys armes Lu. 2. and blessed oure Lorde God saying Now lettest thou thy seruaunte departe in peace And after Christes ascention Lu. 24. there were in the temple that praysed and lauded God And Paule suffering tribulacions 2. Corin. 1. sayd blessed be God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ. 1. Pet. 1. And lykewyse Peter To blesse god is as it were a heauenlye worke and office Apoca. 5. And I hearde them all saye blessinge honoure glorye and power be vnto him that sitteth vpon the seate and vnto the lambe for euermore ¶ Of the benediction and blessing wherwith man doth blesse man ¶ The viii chapter MElchisedech kinge of Salē met Abraham and blessed him Gen. 14 saying Blessed be Abraham vnto the high God Genesis 27 Isaac blessed Iacob sayinge God geue the of the dewe of heauen and of the fatnesse of the earth and plenty of corne and wine When that Esau cried oute aboue measure Genesis 17 Isaac sayde vnto hym Thy blessinge shall be the fatnesse of the earth and of the dew of heauen from aboue And with thy swerde shalt thou lyue and shalt be thy brothers seruaunt And Ioseph broughte in Iacob his father to Pharao Genes 47. And Iacob blessed him And Pharo asked him how olde he was Iacob blessed his sonne Ioseph and sayde Genes 48. God before whom my fathers did walk blesse these laddes He spake of Manasses and Effraim whom Iosephe desired that hys father shoulde blesse Gene. 49 For after this Iacob blessed euery one of his children with proper and seuerall benedictions Our Lorde spake vnto Moses sayinge On this wise ye shall blesse the chyldren of Israell Numer 6. Our Lorde blesse thee and kepe thee Our Lorde make his face shyne vpon thee And Aaron lyftynge vp his hande ouer the people Leui. 9. blessed them Balaam the sonne of Be●r sayde vnto Balach Numer 23. I am brought and conueyde hether to blesse and it is not in me to alter it The poore mannes pledge shal not remayne with thee all the nyght but thou shalt deliuer hym the pledge againe or euer the sunne goe downe Deuter. 24 that sleping in his owne raiment he may blesse thee Moses the manne of God blessed the children of Israell before hys deathe Deuter. 33. and said our Lord came from Sinai and shewed his beames from Seir vnto them Iosua called the Rubenites the Gaddites and the halfe tribe of Manasses Iosue 22. and saide vnto them Haue ye kept all that Moses commanded you so he blessed them sent them away In the songe and thankes geuynge for the victorye againste Sisara we read Iudi. 5. Blessed be thou Iahel the wyfe of Haber the Kenite amonge all women and blessed shall she be in her tēt and tabernacle Noemi perceiuinge Ruth his doughter in law to be honored of Boom ruth 2. said blessed be he of our Lorde for the lyke fauor grace that he
escape tyll all be fulfylled And the scripture cānot be losed or broken And the new Testamente is of no lesse aucthoryte Ioan. 10. but rather of more then the olde Of the whiche oure Lorde sayth● Mat. 14. Heauen and earth shall passe but my wordes shall not passe Oure Lorde oftentymes ouercame the hie priestes mat 21. Scribes and Pharisees euen by Scriptures the whiche reproued him Oure Lorde reproued the Saduces of ignoraunce mat 22. saying Ye do erre not knowyng the scriptures Peter in his firste sermon after the holye sprite was sent Act. 2. conuerted vnto Christ bi the declaratiō of the prophet Iohels auctorite .3000 men The Enuche or chamberlaine the whiche comming oute of Ethiopia to Ierusalem Act. 8. red the prophete Esay sitting in his charette is muche cōmended praised And Philip by the commaundement of God toke an occasion to preache the gospell of Christ vnto him that by the auctoryte of Scripture that he found him reding whom beyng fast in his belefe he christened Act. 17. Paule cōminge vnto Berrheham entred into the Iewes Sinagoge Certein of them receyued the worde very gredely Dayly searching the Scriptures whether it were so or not And many honest good women of Grece beleued of the cheife men not a few Apollos an eloquent man mighty in the scriptures Act. 18. helped them muche whiche had beleued throughe grace For he ouercame the Iewes myghtely and openly shewing by the scriptures that Iesus was Christ. Our Lorde sent the lawyer that inquired of him what he should do to obtain life euerlasting LuKe. 10. to the scrypture saying what is wrytten in the lawe how readest thou ¶ Of good exhortation and predication of the word of god Cap. xxvii CAine being admonyshed by the exterior voyce of God Gen. 4. lefte not of hys pretenced iniquitye And by this it is patent and manifest that the exterior exhortation withoute the interior is of very litle smal efficacy The iust man Lot dyd mekelye admonyshe and exhorte the Sodomites saying Nay for gods sake my brethrē do not so wickedly Gen. 19. Do not thys euyll vnto whō they answered very contumaciously get the hense Thus it appeareth that peruers people are hardly cured and corrected It happened and chanced wel with Iacob Gen. 27. for as much as he agreed vnto his mothers exhortation counsels Ruben hearynge the wycked wordes of his brethren againste Ioseph Gen. 37. sayde Lette vs not kyll him nor shedde hys bloude and Iudas gaue counsell not to slaye but to sell hym that so the lesse hurte myghte ensue and followe Moses sister perswaded Pharaos doughter euen wel Exo. 2. that an Hebrues womā might be cald to nurse the child Iethro for the vtility of the people and to alleuiate and lyghten Moses burden gaue him good counsell Exo. 18. that he shoulde appoynt and orden meane iudges for the people Dauid by the good exhortatyon of Abigaile 1. regu 25. was tourned and drawne from his intent and purpose that is from shedding of Nabals blud Abner gaue good counsell to Asaeli that followed after hym 2. regu 2. sayinge folowe me not leaste I be compelled to smite thee to the grounde But because he woulde not heare hym hee slue him The olde menne gaue Roboam Salomons sonne good Counsell 3. regu 12. but he to hys greate hurte and dammage ensued the counsel of the yōger sortes of men When Naaman the Syrian because of Eliseus answer 4. regu 5. was departing with displesure his seruauntes counselled and perswaded him to accomplish and fulfil the prophets commaundement and he did so As long as Ioiada the bishop liued whiche instructed and exhorted Ioas the king of Iuda 4. regu 12. so long he was good but after that hee was departed hee waxed very euil The postes wente wyth letters by the commaundement of Ezechiell the king 2. Para. 30. and of hys Lordes and prynces thorowout all Israell and Iuda And saide Ye children of Israell tourne againe vnto oure Lorde God of Abraham Isaac and Israel and let euery one retourne to the remnaunte that are escaped oute of the handes of the Assirians When the Iewes were buyldyng the temple 1. Esd. 5. they that were retourned from Babylone were exhorted and Aggeus and zacharias dyd healpe them Nehemia desyring to build a wall in Ierusalem sayde to the noble men and rulers 2. Esd. 2. Let vs get vp and builde and they strengthened theyr hands to good At Nehemias exhortation they that toke vsury of the people cōsented both to restore it againe 2. Esd. 5. and also from thence forth to take no more Tobias being in captiuitye wente vnto all them that were in prysone Tobi. 1.4.14 and gaue them wholesome exhortations Also he preached verye wel vnto to his sonne It chaunced wel with Toby that he obeyed the counsels of Raphaell Tobi. 6. whome he estemed and toke for a man and specially in drawynge out of the fyshe in demaundynge and askyng a wife and whether he shoulde marrye her or no. The parentes of Sara yonge Tobies Tobi. 10. wife did monysh and exhorte her to honoure her father and her mother in law to loue her husbande to rule well her housholde to kepe her house in good order and to shewe her selfe fautlesse Iudith made a good exhortation vnto the people Iudi. 8. reprouinge that that was vndiscretely ordeined and teachynge them what oughte to bee doone Mardocheus efficacelye perswaded Esther Esth. 4. to go into the kynge wyth danger and pearel of her life to pray for the wealth of her people After that Esay had sene the wonderfull vision Esa. 6. he hym selfe saide wo is me because I holde my peace but after that he perceyued that hys lyps were cleansed with the stone or hote coale that was taken from the aultar he said vnto our Lorde that inquyred whome he shuld send vnto the people here am I send me Oure Lorde sayde vnto Esaye Crye as loude as thou cansie leaue not of Esa. 58. Lyft vp thy voyce lyke a trompette and shewe my people their offences and the house of Iacob their synnes Ieremy fyrst execused hym selfe frō preachinge Iere. 1. and after he graunted folowed the wyl of God Abimelech the Mortan sayde vnto king Sedechias Iere. 38. My Lord the kynge All thy seruauntes that haue cast Ieremye the Prophet into the dongyon or lake haue done euel And the king commaunded that he shuld be drawn out of the lake before he died Our Lord spake vnto Ionas saying Arise Ionas 1.2 and get the to Niniue and preache there vnto them the predication that I shall speake and declare vnto thee Daniell gaue Nabuchodonozor the kynge of Babylon good Counsell Dani. 4. Sayinge be contente with my counsayle and redeame thy synnes wyth almesse When that Mathathias should die he exhorted his sonnes to do
manfully for the law of God 1. Mach. 2. When Iudas Machabeus shoulde fighte 1. Mach. 3. he exhorted and encouraged hys people wyth goodlye woordes And in a nother place hee weaponed them 2. Mach. 15 not with the armour of shielde and speare but with wholesom wordes and exhortations When the fyrst of the seuen brethrē was tosted and tormented 2. Mach. 7. the rest of hys brethren with hys mother exhorted him to die manfully and strongly saying Our Lorde God shal regarde the truth and comfort vs. But specyally theyr mother dyd wonderfully efficacely exhort her children Ihon the Baptist exhorting manye thinges Mar. 1. preached vnto the people of the whyche Luke 3. certaine are touched in the fyrst of Luke whose exhortatyon was of suche efficacy that not onlye many cōfessing their sinnes wer baptised Mar. 6. but also when Herode him selfe heard hym he dyd many thinges and heard him gladly Our Lord sent forth his discyples saying Mat. 10 Go and preach sayinge The kingdome of heauen is at hand Mar. 16. Peter the Apostle preached vppon Whytsonday so effectuouslye that in one daye there were baptysed Act. 2. 3000. soules And at a nother time through hys preachynge ther were christened fiue thousand And when the Prophets and doctors that were at Antioche had fasted and praid Act. 13. the holy ghost saide Seperate me Bernabas and Saule Then followeth They were sente forthe of the holye Ghoste and preached the worde of God in the sinagoges of the Iewes As Peter was preachyng in Cornelius house Act. 10. the holye Ghoste fell on all theym whyche hearde the word of God And he commaunded them to be baptysed Paule and Barnabas returned againe to Listra Act. 14. and to Iconium and to Antioche and strengthed the discyples soules again and exhorted them to continue in the faith And it fortuned in Iconium that Paule Barnabas went into the synagoge of the Iewes Act. 14. and so spake that a great multitude both of the Iewes and also of the Grekes beleued When Paul being in bonds should speke and answer for him selfe before king Agrippa and the iudge Festus Act. 26. Agrippa saide vnto him Somewhat thou perswadest and bringest mee in minde for to become christen A vision appeared vnto Paule in that nyght There stode a manne of Macedonia and prayed hym sayinge come into Macedonia and healpe vs. Act. 16. Then there followeth After he hadde seene the vysyon Immediatelye wee prepared to goe into Macedonia beynge certefyed that oure LORDE had called vs to preache the Gospell vnto them And manye of the Corinthyans whan they gaue audience to Paules preachynge beleued Act. 18. and were baptised Then spake our lord to Paule in the night by a vision Be not afraide but speake and hold not thy peace for I am with thee and no man shall inuade the that shal hurt the. And a Iew named Apollos born at Alexandria Act. 18. was learned in the way of our lord spake feruentlye in the spryte and taughte diligentlye the thinges of our Lord Iesu. Paul entring into the Iewes sinagoge at Ephesus behaued hym self spake boldly Act. 19. disputing and geuynge them exhortations of the kyngdome of God And vpon one certen daye Paule being ready to depart on the morow continued his preachinge vnto mydnight A certain yong man oppressed with dead sleepe Act. 20. fell downe from the window and was taken vp deade When Paule was come downe vnto hym had reuiued him● he wēt vp again and talked with them euen til the morning and so departed Paule departing from Asia said vnto the elders Act. 20. By the space of three yeares I ceased not to warn and monyshe euerye one of you nighte and day wyth teares ¶ Of euil counsels and perswasions Ca. xxviii EUa gaue vnto Adam her husbād of the forbidden tree Gen. 3. and he dyd eat of it It is to be thought and estemed that she perswaded hym Gen. 39. Iosephes mystres whom he serued did wickedlye perswade and sollycite hym to euil Moses tarying somwhat long with God in the mountain Exo. 32. the people said vnto Aaron make vs straunge Gods to go before vs. Unto whose suggestions Aaron did folyshlye condescende and obey Baalam taught Balaac how that by wemen he might drawe the chyldren of Israell to iniquity and synne Nume 31. and so to prouoke our Lorde agaynst hym self The chyldren of Amon perswaded their king verye euill 2. regu 10. that he shoulde dishonest Dauids messengers Ionadab Dauids Nephew gaue verye euyl counsaile to Amon 2. regu 13. when he counsailed him to defloure his syster Of the whych thing chaunced greate inconuenyence harme afterwards Achitophels counsel that he gaue to Absolon was detestable and fylthye And yet the counsaile that he gaue in those daies was as a man had asked counsaile of God Wemen turned Salomons hart throughe thē it was so depraued that he followed other Goddes 3. regu 11. and worshypped them Ochozias the kynge of Iuda walked in the wayes of the house of Achab the whyche was moste wycked● 2. para 22. for hys mother Athalia by her counsayle entysed yea and compeld hym to do wickedly As the Iewes after theyr retourne and commyng againe from Babylon wer building theyr temple 1. Esd. 4. theyr ennemies wrote vnto king Artaxerses and perswaded by them dyd forbyd them to worke any more Amans frendes hearynge him complaining of Mardocheus Esth. 5. that would not knele vnto hym said Cōmaund a hyghe payre of galowes to be made and to morrowe speake thou to the kynge that Mardocheus may be hanged theron Iobs wyfe gaue him verye folyshe counsel Iob. 2. but he as a prudent and a holy man wold not folow it Pharaos wise counsellers gaue him vnwise and folish counsaile Esa. 19. Because that Ieremy did Prophecye that the citye of Ierusalem shuld be taken of the Chaldees Iere. 38. The prynces and rulers of the people said vnto kynge Zedechias Syr we beseche you let this manne be put to deathe And he vnwysely agreing vnto them saide Lo he is in your handes for it is not mete that the king should deny you any thing Darius the king of Percia through the euyll suggestion of this Princes and noble men Da●i ● made a statute that whoso desyred any peticion either of God or man except of the kinge onelye Should be caste into the Lyons Denne In the dayes and tyme of Antiochus wicked men wente oute of Israell 1 Mach. 1. and persuaded manye sayinge Lette vs goe and make a couenaunte with the Heathen Menelaus dyd so persuade Andronicus that he slewe Onias the priest 2. Mach. 4. without anye regarde of righteousnes When the court was kept against Menelaꝰ before Antiochus Ptolome beynge corrupted with money by Menelaus persuaded the kynge 2. Mach. 4. and brought him to the
sonne Ioseph was deade Gen. 37. he sayde I wil go downe into hel vnto my sonne mourninge So then he beleued that he was there in spryte Iosephes brethren hauynge in wil and mynde to saye that one of theyr brethren was deade said We are xii brethren Gen. 42. the sonnes of one man the yongest is with oure father and one no man wotteth wher he is Our lord appearing vnto Moses in a bush Exo. 3. sayd I am the God of Abrahā Isaac and Iacob c. by thys our sauiour proueth the resurrectyon of the dead Mat. 22. He is not a God of the dead saith he but of the liuyng It is sayd of Chore and hys companye that they wente down alyue into hell Nume 16. and the earth closed vpon them and they pearyshed from amonge the congregation By thys it appeareth that the euil as touchyng theyr soules do lyue in hel If Saule had surelye beleued that Samuel had bene extincte and deade as touchyng hys soule 1. regu 28. he woulde not haue desyred hym to haue bene reuyued and called againe When that Dauids seruauntes maruailed why he wepte not for hys yonge sonne that was dead he said I shal go to him rather thē he shal come again to me When that Dauids seruaunts meruailed why he wept not for his yong sonne that was dead 2. regu 12. he said I shall go to him rather then he shall come againe to me When Absolon was hanged and thrust thorowe with iii. speares 2. regu 18 Dauid be wailed lamented him mournfully And s. Augustine in his boke de doc chri sayth That Dauid bewaild not the lack and deathe of hys sonne But because he knew to what pains that adoulterous and Paracide soule shoulde be drawen vnto But for his other sonne that died an Innocente and for whose sicknesse hee was sore afflicted 2. regu 12. he reioysed 3. regu 17. Helias praid for the reuiuification of hys hostes chylde saying O Lord my God let thys childes soule come into hym againe Oftentimes we read in the bookes of the kynges 3. regu 14. he was layde a sleape wyth hys fathers The whiche thing by no meanes maye be vnderstanded or spoken of brute beastes 4. regu 13. and therefore ther by it is proued that they liue after theyr death and that here after they shal arise again as it appeareth in those that slepe It is manifest and open by Thobias wordes which he spake rebuking the folishnesse of his kinsfolkes that the soule liueth after that it is seperated from the body Tobi. 2. We are saythe Toby the children of holy men and loke for the life which God shal geue vnto them that neuer tourne their be lefe from him And afterwardes in his oration and prayer he saithe Tobi. 3. O Lord deale not wyth me accordynge to thy wil and commaund my sprite to be receiued in peace Our Lord gaue Iob double of al the euer was his Tobi. 42. And at length he gaue him vii sonnes and iii. doughters The preacher after the mynd of s. Eccle. 11. Gregory in the laste of his Morales spake expresly and plainly sayinge Let the dust be tourned agayne vnto earthe from whence it came and the spryte shall retourne vnto God whiche gaue it By those woordes that the dampned do saye in hell they declare and shew Sapi. 5. that the good as wel as the euil do liue in a nother world Thus it is wrytten euen literallye of Nabuchodonozor king of Babylon Now that thou art laid down to slepe that is in death Esai 14. there come no mo vp to hewe vs downe Hel also beneathe trembleth to meete thee at thy comming And after there foloweth Thy pryde is brought downe into the depe of hel And many mo thinges ar wrytten there by the whyche it is euidente that he pearished not vtterly but that his soule went downe into hel When that they counseld Eleazarus to faine and dyssemble hym self to haue eaten of the flesh of the sacrifice 2. Mach. 6. he said Though I were now delyuered from the tormentes of menne yet shuld not I escape the hand of almighty God nether aliue nor dead One of those seuen brethren saide 2. Mach. 7. Those thynges I possesse and haue from heauen but now for the lawe of God I despyse them for my truste is that I shall receyue them Of hym agayne Lykewise it is cleare and manyfest by the mothers wordes and other that they as touchyng the soule beleued not that they should pearish Razias takyng hys owne bowels threw them vpon the people 2. Mach. 14 callyng vpon our Lord and ruler of the earth and spirit to reward and restore him this again and so he dyed Our sauiour warninge his Dysciples the whych he sent abrode Mat. 10. sayde vnto them Feare ye not them which kyl the body but are not able to kyll the soule But rather fear him which is hable to destroy both soule and body into hel That thing which our Lord dothe shew of the rych man and Lazarus semeth to be no parable or symilitude Luke 16. but a manifest hystorye And so it appeareth that the soules bothe of the good and euyll be immortall and receyue after the separatyon from the bodye euen as they deserued beynge in the body Our Lorde by the ensample of the vniust steward that made hym frendes wyth hys masters goodes Luc. 16. dothe conclude sayinge make you frendes of the vnrighteous Mammon that when ye shall haue neade they may receiue you into euerlastinge habitatiōs The which saying was of none effect if the soule after the seperation from the body or after the death of the body had no receptacle or place to be receiued vnto Blessed saint Steuen had a deuout and a right opinion and faithe of the soule Act. 7. the whyche when they stoned him saide Lorde Iesu receyue my spryte It appeareth manifestlye by the wordes of that excellent doctor Paul tha● the soule doth liue after it be seperated from the bodye 2. Cor. 5. We knowe saith he that if our earthy mancyon of thys dwellynge wer destroyed we haue a building of God an habitation not made wyth handes but eternal in heauen Philip. 1. And he saith I desyre to be losed to be with Christ. And the selfe same man saythe O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from this bodye subdued vnto death roma 7. Truely he wold not say such thinges but that he was sure of a nother life ¶ Of the faith that man shuld haue vnto God Cap. xxxiiii ABraham beleued our lorde Gen. 15. and that counted he to him for righteousnesse and note that he beleued God whiche promised hym a thynge most difficult and hard After that the children wer past ouer the red sea Exo. 14. and Pharaos host ouerthrowne and drowned the people feared oure Lorde and beleued
my self alone Esa. 63. and of al people ther is not one with me My louers and frendes hast thou put awaye fro me Psal. 87. And on the crosse he lacked seruauntes his Dyscyples left hym Psal. 87. and went from hym And I am made as a man wythout helpe Act. 10. When Peter came into Cesaria Cornelius met hym and fel downe and worshypped hym But Peter taking him vp said I my self also am a man Paule and Barnabas hearing that they of the city of Listra said that they wer Gods Act. 14. and wold haue done sacrifyce vnto them rent theyr clothes ran amonge the people saying Syrs why do ye thys we are mortall men lyke vnto you c. And yet scarse refrained they the people that they had not done sacrifyce vnto them Paule the Apostle labourde wyth hys owne handes to get that was necessary for hym self and hys felowes Act. 18. and therefore he drue to Aquila and Priscilla the whyche were tent makers as he hym selfe was And in an nother place hee saithe These handes haue mynystred vnto my necessityes Act. 20. and to them that wer wyth me And Paule dyd iudge and think of hym self 2 Cor. 1. but meanely and lowly the whiche trusted to the prayers of hys brethren saying by the helpe of your prayer for vs. He desired very diligently the praiers of other men Roma 15. sayinge I beseeche you brethren for oure Lorde Iesus Christes sake and for the loue of the holye sprite that ye healpe me wyth your prayers And Paule dothe inwardlye wyth hys owne wordes declare true humilitye when he saith I am the leaste of the Apostles 1. Cor. 14 which am not worthye to be called an Apostle Thes. 3. And agayne he saithe 1. Cor. 15. Iesus came into the worlde to saue sinners 1. Timo. 1. of whom I am chefe Yea he exhorteth men most diligentlye to humilitye sayinge Be not hye mineded Roma 12. but make your selues equal to them of the lower sort And again in mekenesse of minde Philip. 2. let euery man esteme another better then him selfe ¶ Of Pryde Cap. xcviii EUe for the appetite and desyre that she had to excell Gen. 3. after she hadde hard ye shal be euen as Gods did eat of the tree which she was forbidden to eat of It was geuen graunted to man to eat fish Gen. i. foule and other beastes ye shall haue rule of the fish of the sea foule of the aire and cattell c. And the fear and dread of you shal be vpon al the beastes of the earth Gene. 9. Theyr pride which wolde buylde a tower vnto heauen Gen. 11. was condemned by the confusion of languages When Agar saw that she had conceyued Gen. 16. she despised her mastresse Againste those that glorifye them selues that they are first born Gen. 4.15 is that Cain was borne before Abell Esau before Iacob Gen. 29. And Iudas was that forth amonge the children of Israell And Manasses Iosephes sonne was borne before Ephraim Gen. 48. and yet he obtained the benediction and blessynge of the right hand 1. Re. 16. And Dauid was the least and yongest of all his brethren 2. Re. 3. And Adonias was born before Salomon And so forth of many other Pharao answered to proudly Exodi 5. whē he said I know not the Lord nether wil I let Israel go The rebellion that Chore other made against Moses came of pride Nume 16. for Moses said vnto thē ye are very haut make much to do ye childrē of Leui. Abimel●ch beyng smytten of a woman called vnto hys harnesse bearer and sayed vnto hym Iudi. 9. Slaye me that menne saye not of me a woman slue him Saule desired Samuel to honoure hym before the elders of the people 1. regu 15 before Israell The sinne of elatiō and pryde was greuouslye punyshed 2. regu 24. when Dauyd caused hys subiectes and people to be numbred The pleasure and luste that kynge Ieroboam had to beare a rule 3. regu 12. fearing that the people wold reuert and tourne to the house of Dauyd caused him to inuente golden calues and to make the people to worship them for he desired that they should rather depart and go from theyr God then frō theyr Lord. After that the victorye was obtayned agaynste Arphaxat the kynge of Iewes Iudith 1. then was the kyngdome of Nabuchodonozor the kynge of the Assirians exalted and hys harte was lyft vp Nabuchodonozor commaunded Holofernesse that he should rote oute all the Gods of the land Iudith 3. to thintent that he onlye myghte bee called and taken for the God of the nations whyche Holofernes wyth his power brought vnder hym When proude Aman sawe that Mardocheus woulde not worship him Esther 3. he counsayled the kynge to destroye all the Iewes That most proudest Aman woulde that men should bow their knees vnto him Esth. 3. and of men he would be worshipped But it is to be noted that the selfe same pride was the cause of so much euil in it self that he beyng angry disdaynful estemed al other thinges which he possessed as nothinge Oure Lorde by the prophet Esaye doth detest the signes and tokens of pride Esa. 3. saying Because the daughters of Sion are become so proude and haue waulked with stretched out neckes and with vayne wanton eies c. That sayinge of Esay Esa. 14. I wil clime vp into heauen c. and wyll be like the highest of all Is vnderstanded literaly of Nabuchodonozor Of Moab it is thus written We haue hard of the pride of Moab Esa. 16. he is very proude his pride his arrogancy and hys indignation is muche more then is his strength Because Nabuchodonozor kinge of Babilōs hart was proude his sprite or stomake set so fast to wilfulnes Dani. 5. he was desposed from his trone and his glory maiesty was taken from him Balthazar Nabuchodonozor the king of Babilons sonne Dani. 5. did not submit his hart but was eleuated againste oure Lord of heauen And therfore he was slayne and Darius the Mede succeded him in his kyngdome Antiochus came vp to Ierusalem wyth a mightye people 1. mach 1. and enterd proudely into the Sanctuarye and tooke awaye the golden aulter the candelsticke and all the ornamentes thereof c. They that Iudas Machabeus sente to kepe and defende the lande sayed when they shoulde go to fyghte i. Mach. v. Let vs get vs a name go fyght against the heathen that are rounde aboute vs. Alchimus that woulde haue bene made the hye priest 1. Mac. 7 and certain other wicked men went to kinge Demetrius and accused Iudas and the people of Israell When Nicanor harde of the burnte sacrifices that were offerd of the Iewes for the king i. macha vii he laughinge them to scorne mocked
yet he obeied hys father sending him with vitayles vnto his brethrē notwithstanding he was elected chosen aboue al his brethrē Our lord foretold Salomon 3. regu 9. that if he wold do fulfil al thinges that he had cōmaunded him to do that thē he wold stablish the throne of his kingdōe in Ierusalē for euer But if he turned away 2. Para. 7. wold not kepe his preceptes and commaundementes that than he wold wede Israel out of the lād for euer 3. regu 20. Obedience at some times is also cōmended in such thinges as seme to be commaunded withoute any reason therfore a Lion slue him that beynge commaunded wold not smite one of the Prophets children The man of god that foretold Ieroboas the destructiō of his aultar 3. regu 13. was killed and slain by a Lion because the contrary to Gods commaundemente he did eat bread drynke water in an other prophets house When that Naaman disdaining the prophet Elizeus commaundemēt 4. regu 5. departed from him with displesure hys seruants said vnto him father if the prophet had bidden the do som great thing surely thou shuldst haue don it Toby the yonger after he had hard his fathers exhortations Tobi. 5. answered said father al that thou hast cōmaunded me wil I do and diligently Whatsoeuer Mardocheus cōmaunded that did Esther obserue keepe Esth. 2. did all thinges so euen as she was wont to do when she was yonge and vnder hys gouernaunce The Recabites are much commended of our Lord because that they wold drinke no wine Iere. 35. obeying folowyng their fathers commaundemente saying ye shal drinke no wine Ionas 1.2.3 Ionas did refuse vn wiselye to obey our Lord commaundinge him to go and preach at Niniue but comminge backe againe He came to the place that God sent him 1. Mach. 2. Mathathias saide vnto Antiochus messenger Though all nations obey the king yet I and my sonnes wil obey the lawes of our fathers 2. Mach. 7. One of the seuen brethren said we are ready rather to suffer death then to offende the lawes of God and the fathers And the childe Iesus went downe wyth Mary and Ioseph LuKe. 2. and came to Nazareth and was subiect and obedient vnto them Mat. 4. Those Apostles did spedelye perfectly obey the which being called of our lord straight way left the nets folowed him Luke 5. Likewise Mathew lefte all and followed him Mat. 21. Of those that obey in word not in dede or in dede more than in worde Our lord putteth an example of two sonnes of the which two th one said that he woulde go into hys fathers vyneyarde and woorke and wente not The other sayde I wyll not and wente Our Lord doth commaund vs to obey euē those prelates that bear rule Mat. 23. They shall sit in Moses seate what so euer they bid you obserue that obserue and do Our sauiour and lord of the lawe Luke 2. would obey the law in circumcisyon Mat. 26. and oblatyons made in the Temple and also in eatynge of the Paschall Lambe The Apostle dothe put vs an ensample of obedyence in our sauyour Philip. 2. sayinge hee became obedyente vnto deathe whome he also declareth the frute of obedyence Then there followeth Wherefore God hath exaulted him c. The chefest of the priestes threatned and commaunded Peter and Act. 4. Ihon that they shoulde speake nor teache no more in the name of Iesu. They answered and said whether it bee righte to harken vnto you more then to God Act. 4. iudge you For we can not but speake that whiche we haue sene and hard And afterwards when the Apostles were reproued agayn of the hye prestes because they had not obserued theyr Commaundemente Peter and the other Apostles aunswered Act. 5. we ought more to obey God then men Saule lyinge prostrate vppon the earthe Act. 9. and hearynge Iesus of Nazareths wordes saide euen promptlye Lord what wilt thou haue me to do Cornelius said vnto Peter Nowe are we al here in thy presence Act. 10. readye to here al thinges that are commaunded vnto the of God Paule chose Silas to be hys felow and wente throughe Siria and Cilicia Act. 15. stablyshynge the congregatyon and Commaundynge to keepe the Preceptes of the Apostles and Elders ¶ Of holy scripture Ca. xxvi WE oughte to haue greate reuerence vnto holye scrypture Exo. 31. the which God hym self did wryte deliuer and teach Moses retourned from the Mounte bearing two tables written with the finger of God Exo. 31. Our Lord Iesus doth say that he was sent to Euangelice and preach mat 10. and he sent forthe his disciples to doe the same If it may be said then that the olde law was geuen Moses by god by the meanes of angelles as saythe the Apostle and S. Steuen doth testify the same Act. 7. Ye haue saithe he the lawe of God by the ministration of aungels The reast of the old Testament was geuen by the inspiratyon of the holy Ghoste as saith S. Peter The scripture came neuer by the wyll of man 2. Pet. 1. But holy men of God spake as they were moued by the holy ghoste The new Testamēt doth contain the wordes dedes of the Lord Iesu Christe in the Gospelles the woordes of the Apostels in the Epystels and in the Apocalipses the deades of the Apostles in the actes Christ very God and man spake parte of the Gospell by him selfe and the holye ghost and by him other wordes the whiche the Apostles the Euangelistes by him instructed did speake They wer all filled with the holy ghoste Act. 2. and began to speake with diuers other tongues A wise man seketh out the wisdom of them of the olde tyme exercyseth him selfe in the prophetes Eccle. 39. As though he would saye A wyse man must exquire and seke the wysdome of wyse men but specially he must giue his diligēce to the scriptures of the prophets Notwithstandynge that Ionathas the hie priest the elders of the Iewes were occupied in maters of warre 1. Mach. 2. yet they were vnto the Spartianes vndre this maner But as for vs we reade no such mater for why we haue the holy boke of scripture in our handes to our comfort And our Lord answering by scripture defēded his disciples against the Pharises Haue ye not read quoth he what Dauid did when he was an hōgred Mat. 12. Oure sauiour being tempted of the deuyll Mat. 4. answered by scriptures and by the auctoryte of scripture confounded him And he sayde that the scripture was fulfylled at his comminge This daye is this scripture fulfylled in your eares LuKe. 4. Oure Lorde gaue greate auctoryte to the olde Testament when he sayd Tyll heauen and earth passe Mat. 5. one iote or one tytle of the law shal not