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A02448 The enimie of securitie or A dailie exercise of godly meditations drawne out of the pure fountaines of the holie Scriptures, and published for the profite of al persons of any state or calling, in the German and Latine tonges, by the right reuerende Maister Iohn Auenar, publike professor of the Hebrue tonge, in the famous Vniuersitie of VViteberge; In Englishe by Thomas Rogers Maister of Artes and student in Diuinitie.; Christliche Gebet. English Habermann, Johann, 1516-1590.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. 1579 (1579) STC 12582.3; ESTC S120167 142,030 389

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thou we beseech thee an iron piller vnto vs that such as are our enimies preuaile not against vs and be thou a brazen wal betweene vs and al our aduersaries that they come not nie vs to our hurt Giue vs this night a good sleepe that quietlie without cares and anguish of minde we may rest this night let not troblesome dreames and fantasies in which is vanitie disquiet vs Let our sleepe be sweet helthful to our bodies that waking in the morning we may rise in good helth and delight in thee our God. Grant also that both being in bed a sleepe and awake we may alwaies remember our death which is a passage to an immortal life and withal our ioieful resurrection to euerlasting glorie Amen 1. Morning praier on Thursdaie O Christ which art the light and the daie dwelling in the light that no man can attaine vnto the brightnes and cleerenes of the eternal Father the bright morning Star driuing away the darcknes of night and bringing the light of the daie ouer the face of the earth We wil blesse thee in our life time and lift vp our hands in thy Name with thankesgiuing because thou hast bin our defender Thou hast beheld our miseries and hast not put vs into the handes of our enimies which did whisper against vs imagine euil toward vs they spake euil of vs that when we slepe we might rise no more But thou O Lord tookedst compassion vpon vs and didst raise vs againe thou didst aide vs with thine arme of strength and defend vs against al our enimies and their inuasions with thy mightie power Vnder the shadow of thy wings we rested quietlie in thy lap we laie secure and safe We slept and toke our rest and yet rose againe For the Lord defended vs and was our aide God is in the mids of vs therefore we wil not be mooued God wil helpe vs and that right earelie that we may reioice in his saluatiō O thou onelie begotten Sonne of God which sittest at the right hand of God thine almightie Father we most humblie beseech thee by thy glorious ascention into the heauens wherby thou didst pierce the thick cloudes that thou mightest put away our iniquities like a cloude wype away our sinnes wherby thou which art the Sonne of righteousnes art hidden that neither our soules can behold thee neither our praiers ascende vnto thee like a myst Let thy light shine ouer vs this daie like the cleere daie star piercing the thick mystes to the expelling of the darknes of our vnderstanding For thou art the true light lightning euerie man that commeth into this world Clarifie our harts and driue away the darknes of error and ignorance that as at the breaking of the daie darkenes doth vanish so al the darknes of our mindes may be remoued that we continue not in the dongeon and shadow of death but may approch to thy word as to a candle shining in a darke place vntil the daie dawne and thou the day star arise in our harts Let thy worke appere to thy seruants and thy magnificence towards the sonnes of men The glorious maiestie of the Lorde be vpon vs and prosper the workes of our hands vpon vs O prosper the works of our hands Let vs not forgetting thy commandements decline from them either to the right hand or to the left but make vs to meditate vpon them rising out of our beds bind them for a signe vpon our hands and tie them to our fingers write them on the table of our harts that the memorie of them at no time depart out of our minds O Lorde we haue called vpon thee daie by daie we haue stretched out our hands vnto thee In our troble doe we lift vp our hands vnto thee O Lorde beseeching thee most humbly to kepe vs this daie and al our life time from the place of hel and to deliuer vs from the clawes of the vngodlie O Lord be merciful vnto vs we haue longed for thee be thou our helpe and shield our saluation in the time of troble Send downe thine hand from aboue and deliuer vs Stretch forth thine arme with power strengthen thine hand lift vp thy right hand to saue vs. Arise now O Lorde put forth thine hand forget not the poore Breake thou the power of the vngodlie and malitious that we without feare of danger may confesse and praise thee Though we walke in the middes of troble yet wilt thou refresh vs against the furiousnes of our enimies wilt thou stretch forth thine hand and thy right hand shal saue vs that al may knowe and vnderstand that this is thine hand and that thou hast saued vs. Therefore we wil praise the Lord which stood at the right hand of the poore to saue his soule from the persecutors O most mightie protector keepe vs likewise from al bodilie harme Deliuer vs from the myre that we perish not deliuer vs from such as hate vs and from the deepe waters that the fluds ouerwhelme vs not neither the deepe swalow vs vp protect vs with thine hand that we perish not by thy firie darts Thou God rulest the virtues of the elements which thou hast created and guidest the raging of the sea For thou art the God which framest the mountaines makest the winds and declarest vnto man what his thought is thou makest the morning and darknes and walkest vpon the hie places of the earth the Lord God of Hostes is thy Name worlds without ende Amen 2. A thankesgiuing vnto God for our foode WE thanke thee King of glorie Lord of heauen earth because thou hast from our youth to this present houre maruelouslie nourished vs giuing vs meat drinke and clothing with al other thinges pertaining to the sustentation of this our life Naked and bare came we out of our mothers wombes we brought nothing into the world but whatsoeuer we haue thou gauest the same yea it was afore we were borne and in our mothers wombe didst thou ordaine things necessarie for this life and sufferest vs to enioie al things abundantlie Alwaie thou hast a care of vs as a father hath of his children neither art thou ignorant that we stand in neede continuallie of thy blessings and dailie are destitute of new reliefe al which thou giuest after thy wonted and vnspeakable goodnes We acknowledge that whatsoeuer we haue or possesse it is thy gift confesse thee to be the fountaine of al good things and perceiue thy Fatherlie goodnes to be spread not onelie ouer al mankind but also ouer the brute creatures Thou giuest meat to al flesh thou giuest fodder to the Cattel and feedest the yong rauens that cal vp-vpon thee For corporal goodes are not distributed among men by chance or without thy prouidence neither be they
waking wil we meditate of thy goodnes because thou hast bin our helper vnder the shadow of thy wings wil we reioice Our soules cleaue vnto thee because thy right hand hath vpholden vs and saued vs in our extremities We wil be mindful of the time past wherein thou maruelouslie didst assist vs and meditate of al thy deedes We wil discourse of the workes of thine hands and wil neuer forget thy mightines For thy mercie endureth for euer thou wilt not despise the workmanship of thine owne hands Now blesse the Lord al his seruants which stand in the house of the Lord in the courts of the house of our GOD in the night lift vp your hands to his sanctuarie and blesse the lord The Lorde which made both heauen and earth blesse vs from aboue Vnto thee O Lorde doe we lift vp our hands and beseech thee with al humblenes of minde pardon al our sinnes which this daie we haue committed either against thee or our neighbors Our handes are defiled with blood and our fingers with much iniquitie Our transgressions are afore thee and make answere against vs. But doe not thou Lorde beholde the wickednes of thy people but remember thy couenant which thou hast made with vs in the blood of thy Sonne neither consider thou our wicked enterprises but haue in mind that thy testimonies are pure among vs and thy worde vndefiled Thinke not vpon those that haue walked fainedlie before thee but remember them which according to thy wil doe feare thee Neither doe thou destroie them which haue liued beastly looke vpon them that not onelie teach but obserue thy commandements Take thou none indignatiō at them which are worse than beasts but loue them alwaies that put their trust in thy righteousnes and glorie For we and our Fathers haue al the same sicknes but because of vs sinners thou shalt be called merciful For if thou hast mercie on vs thou shalt be called merciful to vs that haue no works of righteousnes And therefore be thou merciful vnto vs O Lord for thy Name sake and pardon al our transgressions whereby most infinitelie we haue deserued thine euerlasting displeasure Let thine hand be readie to saue vs that we may prefer thy commandements aboue al things and fulfil them with our fingers O Lord in our troble doe we seeke thee our hands in this night season are lifted vp to thee Neither shal anie thing be in cause but that in this darke and dreadful night thou shalt lighten and illustrate euerie darke corner of our habitation that our candels go not out by night When we sit in darknes bring vs into the light saue vs from vtter darknes where is weeping and gnashing of teeth Thou art the God which giuest light to our candle lighten therefore our darknes O our God that we sleepe not in death And protect vs by the shadow of thine hand that none euil stick to vs this night Deliuer vs from the snare of the hunter and from the noisome pestilence Defende vs vnder thy wings and vnder thy feathers we shal be safe Let thy truth compasse vs like a shield that we be not afraid for any terror by night nor yet either for the pestilence that walketh in darknes or for the sicknes that destroieth at noone daie A thousande shal fal beside vs and ten thousand on our right hand but it shal not come nigh vs. O Lorde deliuer vs out of the hands of our enimies and saue vs from such as persecute our soules they imagine wickednes in their chambers they sleepe not except they haue done mischiefe and sleepe is taken from them vntil they haue done harme O Lord keepe vs O Lord be thou our defence ouer our right hande that the sun parch vs not by day nor the moone by night The Lord is our light and our saluation whom then should wee feare The Lord is the strength of our life of whom then should we be afraide Though an host of men were laide against vs yet shal not our harts be afraid and though the wicked should rise vp against vs to deuour our flesh yet it shal be our comfort alwaie that thou wilt hide vs in thy tabernacle in the euil day and defende vs in the secret place of thy dwelling through Christ our Lord Amen 1. On Friedaie Morning praier BLessed is the Lord God of Sabbaoth which by his commandement created the morning and assigned to the daie spring his place where arising euery daie it apprehendeth the wings of the earth and speedilie runneth to the vttermost parts of the world Who is like our God which doth woonderous things both in heauen and earth O Lord heauen is thy seat and the earth is thy footestoole Vnto thee doe we bend our selues yeelding most humble thankes for that it hath pleased thee of thy wonted goodnes to preserue vs this night vnder thy merciful protectiō Of thy clemencie hast thou deliuered our soules from the mids of Lions among whom we laie with thy shielde of saluation hast thou compassed vs about like as a shepherd watcheth and looketh to his flock Wherefore we wil sing of thy power and praise thy mercie betimes in the morning For thou hast bin our defence and refuge in the daie of our troble We beseech thee euen for the bloodie sweate of thy Sonne our Lord and Sauior Christ that thou wouldest vouchsafe this morning to moisten and mollifie our harts through the grace of thine holie Spirit As the morning dew spreading it selfe earelie before daie doth wet and fil the earth and as the morning raine by drops doth water drie places wherby they do fructifie and bring forth herbes and grasse so extende thy grace toward vs and by thine heauenlie dewe besprinkle our hard and drie harts that we may wholie delight in the waies of thy righteousnes walke in the pathes of thy commandements Let thy liuing Spirit guide vs forth into the land of righteousnes O Lorde for thy Name sake quicken vs in thy righteousnes that thy word may be a lanterne vnto our feete and a light vnto our steps Shew vs thy waies O Lord and teach vs thy pathes Order our steps according to thy word so shal no wickednes haue dominion ouer vs neither shal we wander from the right waie Take from vs the waie of lieng and grant vs graciouslie thy lawe O would to God our waies were directed to the keeping of thy statutes that we might not walke in the counsel of the wicked nor stand in the waie of sinners nor sit in the seate of the scorneful but delight in the lawe of the Lorde and exercise our selues therein daie and night then should we be as a tree planted by the riuers of waters that bringeth forth
and honestie Likewise vnto the Philippians he saith be careful for nothing but in al things let your petition be manifest vnto God in praier and supplication with giuing of thankes By which words we are not onely pricked forward vnto the Godly exercise of praier but admonished besides that there be foure kinds therof al necessary to be vsed euery day The first are Deprecations whereby we beg at the hands of Almightie God either altogither to turne away his heauie displeasure conceaued through our sinnes or at the least to mitigate the punishments due for our offences Supplications are called requestes wherby we craue such things as are necessarie either for the sustentation of this present life or for our euerlasting comfort in the worlde to come Intercessions are praiers made in the behalfe of others By thankesgiuing we praise God and celebrate his holie name for al benefites conferred both vpon our soules and bodies In this my Booke I haue had special regarde vnto these foure kinds of praier For first for euery day of the weeke I haue made a morning praier containing both a thankesgiuing for the blessed rest receaued and a deprecation for the escaping of al euils which may happen in the day time Afterwarde followeth a thankesgiuing for some singular benefite receaued Then two supplications or petitions for blessinges aswel eternal as temporal Next vnto them are placed two intercessions for men of euerie state or degree After them ensueth a praier against the sondrie enimies of Christs Church And last of al an euening praier containing a thankesgiuing vnto God for his preseruing of vs in the day time a deprecation that no euil hurt vs in the night and a petition of his fatherlie protection is annexed And this manner I haue obserued in distinguishing the praiers for euerie day For it is our partes daily in al our necessities to cry vnto God as our Sauior teacheth to this purpose Praie alwaies be not wearie And Saint Paule willeth the same saieng Praie continually in al things giuing thanks For this is the wil of God through Iesu Christ toward you Againe be not let to praie alwaies and be not let vnto the death to exercise thy selfe in righteousnes Thus did the kingly prophet Dauid which of himselfe saieth seauen times a day doe I praise thee because of thy righteous iudgements And certes it is a goodly worke to cal vpon God in praier and to enioy his familiar speech The which also Saint Ambrose witnesseth saieng To praie much and often is a worke grateful to god Howe excellent a thing it is for man to intermingle his talke with God no man is ignorant and that excellencie is attained by praier onely which ioineth vs to the societie of Angels through ascribing due praise and glorie vnto Almighty God as their office doth binde them Hence doth the Psalmist say In the sight of Angels wil ● sing praise vnto thee I wil worship toward thy holy temple and extol thy name For in other things there is much difference betweene their condition and ours whether we respect their nature or their kinde of life their wisedome or their vnderstanding but to praie is a worke common both to Angels and men For praier doth seperate vs from brute beastes and associate vs with Angels Yea an easie matter is it for one to attaine to their nature dignitie wisedome and vnderstanding if al his life time he giue himselfe wholy vnto praier and the seruice of god For if they which frequent the companie of wise men by reason of their continual meetings in short space are so changed that they represent the wisedome of such as they company withal what shal we saie of them which dailie talke with God in praier Wherefore it behooueth vs obeieng the wil of our Heauenlie Father to spende our life time in the lauding of God and in deuout meditations But he which neither wil praie nor praise God neither yet delight in this diuine communication surelie liuing he is dead without life without ●ense or vnderstanding as witnesseth Saint Chrysostome The frute and profite coming by godly praiers doth Saint Iames expresse on this manner The praier of faith shal saue the sicke and the Lord shal raise him vp and if he haue committed sinnes they shal be forgiuen him c. Againe The feruent praier of a righteous man auaileth much Elias was a man vnder infirmities euen as we are and he praied in his praier that it might not raine and it rained not on the earth by the space of three yeres and sixe moneths And he praied againe and the heauen gaue raine the earth brought forth hir frute By these words it appeareth that the praier of faith can obtaine and bring to passe al things belonging either to the safetie of the bodie or saluatiō of the soule As that king and Prophet Dauid by praier repelled the horrible crewe of his mortal enimies So in like maner Ezechias the King of Iuda Ierusalem being besieged by Sennacherib King of the Assirians gathered not a company of soldiours but onely went against his enimies in praier preuailed against them and preserued the Cittie with the vtter ouerthrow of his aduersaries Likewise by his humble praier he escaped death and faithful supplication prolonged his daies This made Saint Augustine to saie The praier of the righteous is the keie of heauen The praier of the godlie doth ascende and the mercie of God doth come downe So that knowing the dignitie of this familiar talke with God and considering the commoditie which cometh thereby me thinkes nothing should dismay a Christian from calling vpon god For notwithstanding it exceede the power of man to reason with God yet doth the holy spirit dwelling in the faithful helpe our weakenes and not onely emboldeneth vs to approche before his Maiestie but also maketh intercession for vs with groanes vnspeakeable As we reade that women being of nature weake vessels oftentimes by praier haue apprehended God detained him as may appere in the woman of Canaan Finally so many occasions are there to mooue and stir vs daily vnto praier that sufficiently they cannot be expressed And if at any time often praier were needeful I perswade my selfe that nowe in this last and olde age of this doting worlde wherein as more grieuous and wofull wickednes doth raigne than at any time so it is to be feared that in the Church more horrible punishments and in common weales more miserable confusion wil ensue than euer did it should be practised which euils can by no other meanes be auoided but onely by dailie earnest and faithfull praier The fountaine of al true wisedome and learning God almightie continue among vs for his Sonnes sake the puritie of his worde together with the studie
to thy worde By this shal men know that ye are my disciples if ye loue one another Which loue ought to be the rule of al our actions For al things are to be examined by the rule of charitie which being banished al other gifts are corrupt and profite nothing We besech thee by thine hote burning and abundant loue enflame our cold harts with the affection of vnfained good wil that we may loue thee the Father and the holie Spirit in one eternal and inseperable essence aboue al things with our whole hart with al our soule and with al our strength and keepe that commandement which againe peculiarlie thou didst commend vnto vs saieng A new commandement giue I vnto you that yee loue one another as I haue loued you that euen so ye loue one another Thou likewise O Sonne of God when thy death was nigh didst beg that the loue where with the eternal Father loueth thee may be in thy seruants Expresse in vs the similitude of thy good wil and turne vs into such a shape that our soules by the light and motion of the holie Spirit may be coupled with thine eternal Father and that the image of like integritie knowledge righteousnes and affections may shine in vs as doth in thee which art the brightnes of the eternal Father in the most pleasant and perpetual harmonie Raise vp in vs a desire of brotherlie and entire good wil that euery one may haue a care to helpe his brother euen as members of one bodie haue a mutual compassion ech of other so we may loue among our selues vnfainedlie and abounde in mutual friendship one towards another that our harts may be confirmed and vnblameable in holines before God. Giue grace that our loue may be perfect wanting no part due vnto the same not fained false or hypocritical not waiward tedious disdainful nor hunting after profit Grant therefore that we may abhor that which is euil and be affectioned to loue one another with brotherlie loue Make vs patient bountiful not enuious no boasters not puffed vp not proud no seekers of our owne not easie to be moued vnto anger no thinkers of euil no reioicers in wickednes but reioicers in the truth to suffer al things beleeue al things hope al things and so to loue one another mutuallie not in word and tong onlie but in deede and truth not abusing christian libertie as an occasion vnto the flesh but by loue to serue one another Inflame our brests that after thine example we may vnfeinedlie loue euen our verie enimies and blesse them that cursse vs doe good vnto them which hate and hurt vs leauing reuengement alwaies to thee O lambe of God which takest away the sinnes of the worlde take from vs al bitternes anger and wrath and crieng and euil speaking with al maliciousnes For he which loueth not his brother knoweth not God but abideth in death and doth vainlie boast against the truth Grant therefore to vs which are translated from death to life that retaining the studie of concord we may loue one another and put away bitter emulation forgiuing al men euen from the hart euen as thou hast forgiuen vs. Let not the sunne go downe vpon our wrath giuing place to the Diuel but let vs be quiet putting on tender mercie kindnes humblenes of minde meekenes and aboue al charitie which is the bond of perfection the ende of the commandement the fulfilling of the law so that by loue our faith may be fruitful and we at no time seuered from thee For thou art loue and he that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in thee and thou in him so that no creature can separate such a man from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesu which liuest and raignest with the Father and the holie Spirit a true and one God in the loue of the perpetual vnitie worldes without ende Amen 4. A praier for the frute of the earth O Lord God almightie King of heauen and earth which of thine aboundant goodnes dost adorne and replenish the earth with al kinde of frute and graine whereby the life both of man beast is sustained We beseech thee euen of thy free mercie that thou wouldest vouchsafe to blesse our fields and ground and to make them prosperouslie to yeelde their corne and encrease For without thy blessing and fauor neither can the earth of it selfe bring foorth any whit nor we by our paines make the same to prosper Wherefore grant to al thinges springing from the earth a meete temperature of aire that luckilie they may take and encrease Keepe our frute vpon the face of the earth from al infection of the aire from thunder haile from vntimelie showers from too great drines and ouermuch heate from wormes hurtful beasts deuouring it before their prime and from al other corruption that our lande in thine anger be not desolate and denie vs frute enioieng hir woful Sabbaoth Shut not vp the heauens in thine indignation for our sinnes that it be not as iron nor our earth as brasse whereby it cannot be tilled ploughed nor sowed and so come to a verie plaine and vtter wildernes but of thy goodnes giue vs both the earelie and latter raine that we may haue abundance of al frute and a ioieful haruest with a plentiful vintage O God send a gracious raine vpon thine inheritance and giue thy blessing that our grounde may bring forth hir frute Cause thy raine to poure downe in due season that it may be raine of blessing whereby both trees may giue their frute and the grounde yeeld forth hir graine Grant also that the aier be pure from infection our bodies free from sickenes to our whole realme peace and quietnes that safelie without troble we may enioie thy gifts Driue away and repel from vs malediction and the destroier Giue vs not in steede of raine dust and ashes but open thy good treasure and visit the land with thy blessing make it drunken and enrich it abundantlie Thy riuer O Lorde is ful of water prepare our corne dispose our earth to prosper water abundantlie the furrowes of the same and cause the raine to descend into the valleies thereof make the same soft with showers and blesse our buddes Crowne the yeare with thy goodnes and let thy clowdes drop fatnes Let them drop vpon the pastures of the wildernes and make the litle hils reioice on euerie side Let the plaines be replenished with sheepe and the valleies with corne that the inhabiters of the earth may reioice and be merie O Lorde thou causest grasse to grow for cattel and herbes for the vse of mā thou bringest forth bread out of the earth and wine to make glad the hart of man
daie O Lord our God we haue sinned we haue done wickedlie we haue behaued our selues vngodlie in al thine ordinances Turne thy wrath from vs we beseech thee for we are but a fewe left in this place O Lord God which hast promised that when either pestilence is among vs or the aire infected or any other plague or sicknes is hot thou wilt heare the praiers and grant the requests of any man among the people praieng from the bottom of his hart acknowledging his sinnes vnfainedlie and lifting vp his hands vnto thee through Iesus Christ before the throne of grace Be thou merciful giue vnto euerie man according to al his petitions For thou alone knowest the harts of al the children of men Heare thou our praiers and petitions and deliuer vs from this contagious and deadlie pestilence Commande thine Angel which striketh vs to put vp his sworde into the sheath that he strike vs not to our final and vtter destruction proceede not in thy wrath spare vs frō death and bring not our ende by the plague Let the heauens be milde our dwelling places healthful least the aire being infected poure downe the contagion thereof vpon vs to our destruction O Lord turne awaie thine hand it is sufficient let now thine hand cease that al the earth may know how that thou Lord art our God and that we doe cal vpon thy name O Lord looke downe from thine holie house vpon vs encline thine eare and heare vs. Open thine eies and beholde the affliction and mortalitie of thy people For the dead whose spirits are taken awaie giue vnto thee neither praise nor righteousnes but the ●oule that is vexed for the multitude of hir sinnes which goeth on heauilie and weakelie whose eies begin to faile yea the hungrie soule is it that ascribeth due praise and righteousnes vnto thee O Lord. For we poure out our praiers before thee and require mercie in thy sight O Lord our God not for anie worthines either of our owne or of our fathers but in the name of thy sonne Iesus Christ in whom thou art wel pleased we beseech thee be merciful vnto vs and helpe vs in necessitie Turne thee againe O Lord at the last and be merciful vnto thy seruants that this poisoned infection may be taken from vs. Notwithstanding if it be thy pleasure to visite our offences with the rod thy blessed wil be done and giue vs grace to beare thy fatherlie correction laide vpon vs pacientlie remembring alwaies that we are chastened of thee our Lorde in this world that we be not condemned with the reprobate in the world to come Amen A praier for the sicke you shal find afore pag. 153. A praier to auoide both raging tempests and vnseasonable weather O Most wise and mightie God thou art a glorious King in al the world thy woonderful maiestie doth shine and is knowen also by raine thundering lightening and other meteors ingendered in the aire thy throne is among the cloudes thou hast made darckenes thy secrete place and thy pauilion about thee euen darknes of water and cloudes of the aire At the brightnes of thy presence the cloudes doe passe awaie so doe the hailestones and fierie coles Thou dost thunder from the heauens and giuest thy voice hailestones and coales of fire Thou sendest thy arrowes and scatterest them thou encreasest lightnings and destroiest them Who is so great a God as thou our God Thou art the God which dost woonders and declarest my power among the nations Thou redeemest thy people with thine arme The waters sawe thee and were afraide the depthes trembled The cloudes poured out water the aire thundred thine arrowes went abroade The voice of thy thunder was heard round about the lightnings lightened the worlde the earth trembled and shooke The foundations of the earth were discouered at thy rebuking O Lord at the blasting of the breath of thy nostrels Therfore shal the verie heauens extol thy wonderous workes and the Saints set forth thy truth in the Congregation For who is equal to thee in heauen and who like thee among the sonnes of the Gods Thou art verie terrible in the assemblie of the saints and to be reuerenced aboue al that are about thee O Lord God of hosts who is like vnto thee which art a mighty Lord and thy truth is about thee Thou rulest the raging of the sea thou stillest the waues therof when they doe arise Thou onelie art of power to resolue into vapors the drops of the sea by the heate of the sunne thou takest the same vp being turned into airie substance and againe turnest it into meere water and makest it to come pouring downe vpon the face of the earth Whatsoeuer thou wilt thou dost in heauen and in earth and in the sea and in al deepe places With thy power thou madest the earth with thy wisedome thou hast established the world and with thy discretion stretched out the heauens Assoone as thou lettest thy voice be heard the waters in the aire waxe fierce thou drawest vp the cloudes from the ends of the earth thou turnest the lightening into raine and bringest foorth the winde out of thy treasures thou couerest the heauens with clouds and preparest raine for the earth thou makest the grasse to growe vpon the mountaines and prouidest herbes for the vse of man thou giuest to beasts their foode and to the yong rauens that crie Behold so great art thou that thou passest our knowledge neither can the nomber of thy yeres be searched out When thou restrainest the drops of water the raine poureth downe by the vapors thereof and falleth abundantlie vpon man. Thou bringest forth the windes out of thy treasures that is from the secret places where thou didst hide them in great abundance that they might be readie at thy commandement and come forth when thou thinkest good Thou makest the cloudes to labor to giue water to the earth and scatterest the cloude of thy light Thou turnest it about by thy gouernment that they may doe whatsoeuer thou commandest them vpon the whole world O God mine hart is trobled very sore when I beholde the immoderate showers and heare the terrible thunder yea it forsaketh his place when I heare the noise of thy voice and the speech proceeding from thy mouth O God which rulest heauen and earth I most humblie beseech thee mercifullie to driue awaie or at least to mittigate these mightie streames and most raging tempests Restraine the thunderbolts and thy fierie darts that they hurt vs not Keepe vs and our nestes that we perish not through lightenings nor be destroied by thy thunder-claps Protect our houses vs that we be neither consumed by thy firie meteor nor be drowned by any suddaine flood O
thy beck do al things bow both in heauen and in earth at thy voice doe both wind and seas obey confessing thy Maiestie Euerie knee boweth vnto thee both of things in heauen things in earth things vnder the earth meete it is also that we obeie thee which hast commanded al Subiects to giue due obedience and reuerence vnto their lawful Magistrates which subiection thou hast inioined vnto vs not onelie to auoide punishment but especiallie to keepe and reteine a good conscience For al auctoritie is ordained by thee that the world euerie where may be godlie and quietlie gouerned For much more safelie doe we liue vnder lawes and iudgement than if euerie man had the bridle at wil to roaue as he list We beseech thee therefore O eternal God that first of al in euerie thing and in al things we may obey thee our most high and mightie God King of the whole world before any creature and that in true faith and godlie feare Next that al Subiects and priuate persons with al singlenes of hart in al thinges which are not contrarie to thy worde may obeie their publike Magistrate hauing power auctoritie ouer them and submit themselues to euerie ciuil ordinance for thy sake not to the King onelie as to the chiefe but to other inferior officers sent from him for the punishment of euil doers and for the praise of the good Let them alwaies remember that this subiection and obedience thou requirest to be showen as to thine owne ordinance whereby the safetie of mankind is maintained Wherefore bend thou our harts and guide them that we enuie not the honor due to our Superiors neither obraie nor backbyte them but rather honoring them most dutifullie may both praie for them and paie with willing mindes whatsoeuer by the ciuil law and by nature we are bound to doe Be it far from vs O Almightie God that any of vs should despise raile or in his hart wish euil vnto his Prince or Superiors For thou hast vouchsafed them the title of Gods in the holie Scriptures because they rule in thy steed here on the earth Hence it is that whosoeuer resist their Superiors and forsake the yoke of obedience are said to resist thine ordinance and shal receiue to themselues iudgement running into the foule crime of treson against thy sacred person and staining their conscience with the filthie spot of obstinacie and disobedience giuing an occasion vnto the wicked to slander thy Gospel Grant also that inferiors subiects be not burdened with ouer great new exactions vnlawful paiments and intollerable tributes neither oppressed with greeuous seruitude or pilled by any other violence or tyrannie And if in any place Lions and woolues shew their crueltie toward thy seruants their godlie Subiects plucking their skinnes from them breaking their bones and deuouring thy people none otherwise than if they shoulde eate bread giue patience vnto thine afflicted members that they may quietlie susteine their miserable seruitude as a crosse sent from thee for a trial of their faith and patience Aide vs with thy comfort whereby we may with patient minds suffer the trobles which in this last and doting age of this world more and more encrease remembring that thou God hast prepared thy throne in iudgement to iudge the worlde in equitie and thy people with righteousnes to be a refuge for the poore and an helper in due time euen in affliction For the poore shal not alwaie be forgotten the hope of the afflicted shal not perish for euer Wherefore listen thou vnto the praier and sighes of thy seruants which crie vnto thee aide them as thou didst the children of Israël whose miserie calamitie and bondage thou didst behold deliuering them frō the greeuous seruitude of Egypt and bringing them out of the yron fornace of Pharao through thy mighty and stretched out arme Keepe vs also from vngodlie and idolatrous Magistrates that we be not vnder the yoke and gouernement of Infidels Ethnikes which wil be vnto vs and our posteritie in steede of thornes and prickes offering continual occasions of Apostasie reuolting from true religion Suffer not the rod of the wicked to rest vpon the lot of the righteous least the righteous put forth their hand vnto wickednes Breake in peeces the scepters of the wicked and deliuer vs from the yoake of sinne that wee offer not our members as instruments of vnrighteousnes and that wickednes rage not in our mortal bodies to the suppressing of the soule and bodie which liuest and raignest in al eternitie Amen 7. A praier against the enimies of Gods truth O God most hie whose dwelling is aboue the cloudes and rulest al things both in heauen and earth Why do garde the workes of thine handes therefore destroie and ouerthrowe them so that they neuer be able to arise againe O God of Sabbaoth fight thou against them that fight against vs laie hand vpon thy shield and buckler stand vp for our helpe bring out also the speare and encounter with them which persecute vs that we may knowe thy saluation on the earth Giue the victorie ouer thine enimies vnto our Magistrates capitaines and conductors of thy people Blessed be the Lorde our strength which teacheth the hands of our soldiors to fight and their fingers to war. For thou art our aide and the defence in whom we trust thou destroiest al our enimies For the victorie commeth from heauen and is not gotten by the multitude of an host The King is not saued by the multitude of warriers neither is the mightie man deliuered by his great strength An horse is a vaine thing and shal not deliuer anie by his mightie bones But thine O Lord is the power Thou canst aswel saue by a fewe as by manie Saluation belongeth vnto the Lord and his blessing is vpon the people Wherefore breake thou the arme of the vngodlie weaken their strength bring al their counsailes to naught destroie them which trust in their multitudes and in their chariots in their speares shields and arrowes For thou art our God which breakest the battels the Lorde is thy Name Lift vp thine arme as thou didst in the beginning breake their strength with thy power Ouerthrowe their force in thy displeasure which vowe to violate thy sanctuarie and to pollute the Tabernacle of thy most glorious Name Grant Lord that with their owne sword their pride may be cut of Let them al be confounded which hate thee let thē be broght to shame which deale wickedlie Let them be as chaffe before the wind and let thine Angel scatter them Let the enimies of thy Chuch blush and be trobled greatlie let them be turned back and brought to speedie confusion that thy Name be not blasphemed among the Gentiles Amen
8. Euening praier on Mondaie O ALMIGHTIE and merciful God thou hast made the Moone for certaine seasons the Sunne which thou hast created knoweth his going downe Thou makest darknes and it is night wherin men betake them to rest cease from their worke and recreate their wearied members through sleepe Thou art the God forming light and creating darknes Therefore in the euening we wil praise thee and going to bed wil giue thee thanks because thou hast kept vs this daie of thine onelie mercie without any merit of ours from al danger and hurt When we are in troble we cal vpon thee and in the euening wil we remember thy mercie and truth which thou hast shewed vnto vs abundantlie Our eies preuent the night watches to meditate vpon thy wonderful things and our studies shal be alwaies of the excellencie of thy Name For thou hast sent from heauen and deliuered vs and hast brought them to shame that troade vpon vs O God thou hast sent thy mercie and truth and taken our soules from the mids of them which compassed vs about Therefore we wil sacrifice freelie vnto thee and praise thy most glorious Name For thou hast deliuered vs from al troble and our eies haue seene our desire vpon our enimies O Lorde God of our saluation daie and night doe we crie before thee when our eies are trobled through griefe and bitternes of our soules we poure out our teares before thee and in this place we humblie beseech thee couer and put out al our offences that as the Sunne of this daie is now downe and hidden so thou woldest also hide al our iniquities and drowne al our offences in the bottom of the sea that they neuer be seene with eies nor come forth into iudgement O our God we blush and are ashamed to lift vp our eies vnto thee For we are not worthie to lift vp our eies vnto Heauen because our sinnes are mo than the heares of our head Our offences haue taken such hold on vs that we are vnable to looke vp We haue sinned O Lord we haue sinned and haue committed iniquitie yea we haue rebelled and departed from thy precepts from thy iudgements We haue not obeied thy seruants which spake in thy Name to our Kings to our Princes and to our Fathers and to al the people of the lande O Lord righteousnes belongeth vnto thee but vnto vs open shame and confusion O Lord thou art iust and al thy works and al thy waies are mercie and truth thou iudgest truelie and rightlie for euer Remember vs and looke vpon vs according to the multitude of thy mercies neither punish vs for our sinnes nor remember our offences nor our forefathers which haue not obeied thy commandements We faint in our mourning we wil cause our bed to swim and water our coutch with teares Our eies be trobled through the griefe of our wickednes and our faces be withered O Lord God of hosts heare our praier O God our protector behold and looke vpon the face of Christ thine onelie begotten Sonne making intercession for vs and winke at our offences Hide thy face from our sinnes blot out al our iniquities Create in vs cleane harts O God and renue right spirits within vs Cast vs not away from thy presence take not thine holie spirit frō vs Restore to vs the ioie of thy saluation and stablish vs with thy free Spirit that we may doe al things according to thy wil and serue thee alwaies with a willing minde O Christ King of glorie we beseech thee blessed Lorde defend vs this night let our rest be in thee graunt vs thy grace that neither much sleepe ouerwhelme vs nor Satan inuade vs nor the flesh betraie vs vnto him and make vs giltie in thy sight Let our eies sleepe but let our harts wake cause thy right hand to protect such as trust in thee O Lord lighten our eies that we slepe not in death that Satan hurt vs not and our enimie saie I haue preuailed against them Watch ouer vs O eternal Sauior least the subtil tempter ouertake vs and we sleepe a perpetual sleepe and wake no more For thou art made our euerlasting helper Keepe vs as the apple of thine eie hide vs vnder the shadowe of thy wings O Lorde that neither ouglie visions nor horrible dreames nor sightes and monsterous apparitions troble vs in the darke In thy Name O sweete Iesu wil we go to bed and giue sleepe to our eies and slomber to our eie lids compasse vs about and raise vs againe to the ioieful sight of tomorrow light and after this miserable life bring vs to the beholding of eternal happines that in thy light we may see light and euermore praise thee raigning worlds without ende Amen 1. On Tuesdaie Morning praier O Almightie euerliuing true merciful God eternal Father of our Lord Iesu Christ which together with thy Sonne and the holie Ghost hast created the frame of this worlde withal things therin conteined and preseruest the same as yet according to thy free pleasure al creatures without ceassing euermore should extol and praise thee that doe euen the very fowles of the aire which earelie in the morning among the thick branches of trees and from the mids of rocks giuing out their sound and flieng about in the aire with most pleasant tunes doe magnifie thee the eternal God Lord and Creator of al things And therfore we men also earelie in the morning shold praise thee for thy benefits and euermore extol thy mercie with diuine commendations Thou hast preserued vs this night passed and from our cradles to this present houre hast thou kept vs safe Thou hast caused vs to come from sleepe and darkenes vnto the light of this daie and from our beds through thy benignitie we doe arise in safetie Hadst not thou O Lorde bin present with vs and watched vs the insatiable crueltie of Satan had deuoured vs Hadst not thou kept our houses and vs the keeper of the Citie had watched in vaine If the Lorde had not bin on our side when men rose vp against vs they had then swallowed vs vp quicke when their wrath was kindled against vs then had the waters of troble drowned vs and the streame of miseries had gone ouer our soules yea the swelling merciles waters had gone ouer our soules Blessed be the Lorde which hath not giuen vs a praie for their teeth Our soules are escaped euen as a bird out of the snare of the foulers the snare is broken and we are deliuered Our helpe is in the Name of the Lorde which hath made both heauen and earth Now harken therefore vnto our words O Lorde marke our crie vnderstand the voice of our praier our King and our god For vnto thee Lorde
contentions and factions are carnal and walke as men Wherefore take from vs the zeale of the flesh which is foolish And let al enuie wrath pride and arrogancie be far from vs. Likewise let vs auoide foolish and vnlearned questions knowing that they engender strife and contention and serue for nothing but to the subuerting of the hearers and engrafting of errors Where a desire of strife is there certainlie God dwelleth not and they which raise tumults of nothing and disquiet thy flock those wilt thou O Sonne of God destroie Come holie Spirit replenish the harts of the faithful and inflame in them the fire of thy loue which once didst gather the nations into the vnitie of the faith through the diuersitie of tongues Ioine our harts together that we may nourish christian concorde among vs and that we al glued as it were together in louing harts may be of one minde in thee so shal thy pure doctrine zelouslie be maintained and no false interpretation of the Scripture obstinatelie be defended Bring home to thy fold al such as are turned from the vnitie of true religion that there may be one pastor and one folde To such as are gone out from vs grant constancie that they may continue with vs teaching the Gospel to the saluation of the hearers And if it fortune that any contrarie to the doctrine which we haue learned raise dissention and offences grant that we may auoide them least the harts of the simple through their sweete perswasions and flatterie be deceaued O God autor of peace and concorde giue grace that euerie of vs may thinke the same thing according to our Sauiour Christ Amen 4. A praier for peace O Most Hie God and holie Father which art not the Autor of dissention but of peace not of confusion nor of inordinate life but the keeper of discipline and quietnes from thee come holie cogitations and good counsailes and righteous deedes Giue vnto vs thy seruants that peace which the world cannot giue that both our harts and works may be applied to thy commandements and that our daies through thy protection be alwaies quiet from troble Gouerne thou the whole state both of the Chuch and Common weale and rule our life that in our daies iustice may take place and peace continue as long as the moone shal haue hir course Speake thou peace vnto the common people and ouer thy Saints and likewise to them which are conuerted and turned to a better minde Let thy saluation be nigh them that feare thee that glorie may dwel within our lande Let mercie and truth meete together yea let iustice and peace embrace ech other Let truth arise out of the earth righteousnes looke downe from heauen Let the mountaines and the hils bring peace to thy people by iustice Blesse Lord al Countries Cities Townes and places where thy word doth abide and is purelie preached Let them haue much peace that loue thy Lawe and doctrine and let them be without stones to stumble at and offences let there be peace within their wals and prosperitie within their palaces O Lord strengthen the locks of our ports and blesse thy children within them put peace for our endes and bounds and fil vs with the fat of the corne that thou King of glorie and Lord of hostes maist enter by our gates and the pure worde may abide not onelie in our wals but also in our wils to the glorie of thy Name and comfort of our soules and that honest discipline together with integritie of virtue maners and humane literature may be maintained O eternal God which hast called vs in peace grant that with al men as much as in vs lies we may haue peace and let vs account of holines without which none shal see the Lord. Asswage our harts that we may cleane forget al iniuries and forgiue ech other in many things least by reuenging our selues we take awaie the publike tranquilitie Represse the Diuel the breaker of godlie concord and christian peace which ranging throughout al regions soweth euerie where the seede of strife and debate O God of peace which makest an ende of war in al the worlde and breakest the bowe and knappest the speares asunder and burnest the chariots with fire protect vs from war and slaughter scatter the nations that wish for war. Breake thou and hinder al euil counsailes and the purpose of such as mind and thirst after nothing els but the shedding of innocent blood Confound them in their imaginations that they take none effect let them be turned back and put to shame Let them come to shame and perish through their owne imaginations that Churches and schooles wel ordained be not ouerthrowne nor Idolatrie get the dominion ouer vs. Ingraffe therefore into al men of what calling soeuer a desire of peace contented minds in their vocations and a carefulnes to aduance the welfare of that place where they doe abide so shal they neither through a desire of others wealth nor by ambition or vaine glorie raise any tumults to our disquietnes And where strife contention discord is among men there doe thou O most mightie God reconcile their harts and minds that those flames and fires may speedilie be put out For thou canst conclude a truce for vs with the stones of the grounde and compel the beasts of the fielde to seeke those things as belong to our peace and the wolfe to dwel with the Lambe and the Leopard to lie downe with the Kid. Therefore make our tabernacles safe quiet that about them there may be a rich tranquilitie which may abound like the streame running ouer his bank and our righteousnes as the waues of the sea which is neuer without water In the Lorde shal we haue our wished peace and the worke of righteousnes shal be peace hir frute rest and quietnes for euer And thy people shal dwel in the Innes of peace and in sure dwellings in safe places of comfort In ioie shal we go forth and returne in peace the mountaines and hils shal sing with vs for ioie and al the trees of the field shal clap their hands Heare vs O Lord of peace and grant that thy peace which passeth al vnderstanding may keepe our harts and minds in our Lorde Iesu Christ which liueth and raigneth with thee in the vnitie of the holie Spirit a God now and for euermore Amen 5. A praier for vnbeleeuers VNto thee doe we crie O Lord Father and maker of al men which art rich vnto al that cal vpō thee and which commandest the light to shine out of darknes For thou wilt that al men should be saued and come to the knowledge of the truth And therefore of thy great loue thou diddest cal vs to the participation of the lot of the Saints in light which are by
adorne me with the pretious stones of virtue and place vpon mine head glorie and honor that al mine ornament may be inward and that I may please thee through hoping in thy mercie For thou art mine husbande which louest me my God whom I worship and the head wherevnto I am subiect Giue me grace that I neuer delight in mine owne fairenes and so plaie the harlot following mine old louers which promise me bread and water wol flaxe oile drinke O God the holie Ghost which maintainest the loue of married folkes within our brests I humblie beseech thee inflame the heate of chaste affection betweene al married folkes Giue me wisedome discretelie to dwel with my wife considering alwaies that naturallie she is weake and for that cause I must beare with much foolishnes and swalowe vp manie sorrowes when I shal perceiue the weaknes of hir affections And for asmuch as I am the head of my wife giue mee grace with iudgement godlie both to instruct hir and to bring vp my familie in the knowledge and feare of thy Name Let me neither ouer nicelie bring them vp nor to roughlie entreate them but gently vse them that they may both continue in thy feare and yeeld me due obedience but especiallie liue godlie in thine eies Blesse thou my wife that she may proue a sweet companion vnto me louing mee vnfainedlie from the hart without dissimulation so that I may safelie trust in hir and she may render vnto mee good for good not euil for good O God which art a chaste minde make me with a chaste bodie and pure affectiō to serue thee in chaste matrimonie and neuer with a wicked eie to beholde the wife of another man to lust after hir neither yet to forsake my proper bed with the losse of my soule Driue awaie Satan the mortal enimie to this thine ordinance that he sowe not contentions braules betweene vs. Cut of al occasions of debate and sinister suspicions that so in a true conioining together of minds we may in this world liue virtuouslie and hereafter in the worlde to come raigne eternallie according to thy worde Amen Reade the praier for wedded folkes afore pag. 108. A praier for children OEternal and euerliuing God Father of our Lord Iesu Christ maker of heauen and earth which hast inioined vnto vs children that with due obedience we honor our parents which thing not onelie true religion doth exact but also natural reason doth binde vs vnto Besides thou art maruelouslie delighted with such obedience of children towarde their parents for thy Sonnes sake our Lorde And that the more willinglie we may obeie them thou hast made a singular promise of long life vnto vs. And as the obedience of children which they owe and shewe to their parents is exceedinglie grateful in thy sight so contrariwise obstinacie and disobedience is most vnsauerie and displeaseth thee The which may be gathered by the horriblenes of punishment which thou denouncest against stubborne and disobedient children I beseech thee therefore most humblie euen for thy Sonnes sake in whom onelie thou delightest lighten the eies of mine vnderstanding that aboue al I may truelie and syncerelie acknowledge thee my principal Father of whom al the familie both in heauen and earth is named and in true inuocation and thankesgiuing obeie and in true holines and righteousnes serue thee my God and heauenlie Father from whom I drewe vital breath my soule and bodie with al the faculties and powers that I haue For which cause I am bound rather to obeie thee my maker than men and to be occupied in those things which belong to thee my Father which art in heauen and cheerefullie to go about that which thou hast enioined me Secondlie giue me grace to honor mine earthlie parents in deede and word in al patience and neuer to be a cause of their sorow and griefe of minde And when their vnderstanding shal faile through age be it far fro me that I doe either disdaine or deride them albeit I am beautified with neuer so excellent gifts of nature but make me to beare with the weaknes of their age as I am bound both by thy word and in conscience to doe so shal I be blessed For he which honoreth his parents shal haue ioie of his owne children and when he maketh his praier he shal be heard O Lord forgiue thou my sinnes whereby I haue offended my louing parents O remember not the sinnes of my youth nor my rebellions but according to thy mercie remember thou me euen for thy goodnes sake O Lord. Let the example of thy Sonne my Sauior Christ which in his childhoode was obedient vnto his parents be depainted and fixed alwaies in my minde the better to obeie them which begat and haue brought me vp and to relieue them being weake either through age or sicknes For he which forsaketh his father shal come to shame and he that angreth his mother is cursed of God. Likewise let it please thee to giue me a willing hart to obeie my teachers and betters and to omit no part of dutie and reuerence which I owe so that I may alwaies declare my selfe to be a decliner from euil and a doer of good a seeker of peace and a follower of the same O Christ Iesu which hast giuen to weake yeeres the benefit of docilitie giue likewise to the towardnes of my nature the aide of thy grace that I may learne good nurture and liberal artes seruing to the aduancement of thy glory wherby the more easilie I may attaine to the knowledge of thee whom to know is perfect happines and felicitie For thou art the fountaine from whence al wisedome vnderstanding proceedeth without whom al our studies lacke good successe Wherefore at thy hands doe I beg wisedome which giuest liberallie without reproching any man. Lighten thou mine vnderstanding with thy grace that hauing learned the liberal artes and the tongues I may applie them to those endes wherevnto they serue that according to thy sacred infancie I may profite as in yeeres so in wisedome and virtue both afore thee and man O God the holie Ghost purifie mine hart by a liuelie faith that I spend not my time in vaine pleasure cockering mine affections Extinguish in me the flames of doting and filthie loue and let me neuer serue the lust of the flesh like horse and mule which haue none vnderstanding Thine hands O Lord haue made and fashioned me O giue me vnderstanding that I may learne thy Lawe I am smal and of no reputation yet wil I neuer forget thy righteousnes For thy righteousnes is a perfect righteousnes and thy Lawe is truth Amen Vse the praier for yong folks which you shal finde afore pag. 114. A praier against the Turke or anie other foraine Tyrans O Omnipotent eternal God Father of
thy gentlenes heape vengeance vpon my selfe against the daie of vengeance Make me to confesse my sinnes and that with hartie sobs so thou being a faithful and iust God wilt pardon al mine offences clense me from my sinnes and wilt not disdaine to accept me into fauor when I doe not refraine to acknowledge my wickednes Moreouer poure into me a true and liuelie faith that I neuer mistrust thy worde annexed to the Sacraments which promiseth vnto mankinde the remission of sinnes For to eate or drinke with the mouth onelie is to no purpose but faith must come therevnto and apprehende the worde with the promises annexed For they are the groundes and principles of this sacrament So that whosoeuer giueth credit to these words Which was giuen and shed for you in the remission of sinnes the same man hath that which is promised by them namelie eternal life and saluation For where the remission of sinnes is there likewise righteousnes life and saluation is But he which doubteth of these wordes he without doubt is an vnworthie receiuer and commeth vnprepared For the doubting man neither eateth thy flesh spirituallie nor yet drinketh thy blood though carnally and to our eies he seemeth to consume the sacrament of thy bodie and blood with his teeth and mouth but his damnation rather Not because thy supper is poyson but for that an euil man taketh a good thing naughtilie Finallie also grant that receiuing this thy Sacrament of the newe Testament I may put of according to the former conuersation the old man which is corrupt according to the lusts of error and be renued in the spirit of my minde putting on the newe man which after God is created in righteousnes and holines of truth And albeit my nature be such that I cannot liue without spots of wickednes yet so blesse me that I may neuer offende willinglie but altogither depending vpon thy goodnes whose manner is to pardon the true penitent sinners may boldelie approch to thine holie supper Especiallie seeing we haue libertie to enter into the holie place through the blood by the newe and liuing way which thou hast prepared for vs through the vaile that is by thy flesh And seeing we haue an high Priest ouer the house of God make vs to draw nigh with true harts in assurance of faith sprinkeled in our minds from an euil conscience and washed in bodie with pure water cause vs to holde fast the profession of our hope without wauering for he is faithful that promised and let vs consider one of another to prouoke vnto loue and to good workes not forsaking the assemblie of the faithful as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as we see the daie approching Amen Another praier before the receiuing of the holie Communion O Christ the onelie mediator betweene God and man which of thine ardent and vnspeakeable good wil tookest our flesh vpon thee to become a sacrifice and raunsome for al mankinde and for the better conceauing of that thy benefit didst ordaine before thy paineful passion a perpetual memorie of thy loue and that by erecting a couenant of the newe Testament which testifieth of thy presence merite power and mercie washing awaie dailie the sinnes of beleeuers And the more effectuallie to cōmend the depenes of this mysterie didst ordaine this Sacrament in thy last supper being euen readie to go frō thy Disciples vnto thy passiō the more depelie to fixe it in our harts that it neuer slip out of our minds but dailie in faith feare and reuerence be recorded and remaine according to thine holie institution whole and perfect without adding or diminishing from the same For though it be but a mans testament yet if it be confirmed and prooued by the death of the testator no man diminisheth or addeth therevnto Vnto thee doe I crie O Sonne of God which art partaker of our flesh and bone of our bones beseeching thee from the bottome of mine hart that it woulde please thee to giue me grace that with an earnest desire and due reuerence I may couet to receaue thy supper and therin thirstinglie to seeke for the nourishment of my soule Remooue from mine hart al loathing contempt and curiositie of prophane men which set thēselues against thee and proudlie despise this thine institution like vnto dogs despising holie things and vnto hogs treading most precious pearls vnder their feete Lift vp my minde that in feare and trembling in faith and spiritual comfort I may approch to the worthie receiuing of thy precious bodie and blood not as hypocrites doe which hide and dissemble their sinnes neither as epicures despising both thee and thine holie ordinance And therefore stir vp in me an vnfained desire of this heauenlie nourishment that from thee the bread of life and fountaine of saluation I may draw vital iuice to the quickning of my soule In which communion thou bestowest vpon beleeuers both the merits of thine obedience and passion and also thine other benefits whatsoeuer Besides inwardlie thou dost replenish vs with newe and celestial ioie in quickening comforting teaching and gouerning vs that so we may haue and get our strength frō thee euen as the branches drawe their iuice and force to fructifie from the vine Lighten therefore the eies of mine hart that I may knowe what the hope is wherevnto we are called and what the riches of our inheritance are in the Saints and what exceeding greatnes of thy power and mercie is hid in this supper and how vnspeakable be the riches of the glorie of this Sacrament whereby thou communicatest to al and ech of thy faithful together with thy bodie and blood al the treasures of thine heauenlie goodes to be receaued by faith For thine holie and blessed mouth hath saide I am the bread of life which came downe from heauen he which commeth to mee shal not hunger in any wise and he that beleeueth on mee shal neuer thirst And the bread which I shal giue is my flesh which I wil giue for the life of the world O most sweete bread heale thou the palate of mine hart that I may taste the sweetnes of thy loue heale me of al mine infirmities that I delight in no fairenes besides thee O most heauenlie whight bread containing within thee al comfort and the perfect sweetenes of al sauor which doest alwaies refresh vs let mine hart eate thee and with thy pleasant sauor let al the bowels of my flesh be replenished O thou bread of life which camst downe from heauen and giuest life to the world come into mine hart and purge me from al filthines of the flesh and spirit enter thou into my soule heale and sanctifie mee both within and without Be thou the buckler and perpetual defence of my soule and dodie that I may come vnto thy kingdome the right