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A91279 The signal loyalty and devotion of God's true saints and pious Christians, especially in this our island towards their kings: (as also of some idolatrous pagans) Both before, and under the law and gospel; expressed by their private and publick prayers, supplications, intercessions, thanksgivings, well-wishes for the health, safety, long life, prosperity, temporal, spiritual, eternal felicity of the kings and emperours under whom they lived, whether pagan or Christian, bad or good, heterodox or orthodox, Papists or Protestants, persecutors or protectors of them: and likewise for their royal issue, posterity realms; and by their dutiful conscientious obedience and subjection to them; with the true reasons thereof from scripture and policy. Evidenced by presidents and testimonies in all ages, worthy the knowledg, imitation, and serious consideration of our present degenerated disloyal, antimonarchical generation. In two parts. By William Prynne Esq; late bencher, and reader of Lincolns-In; Signal loyalty and devotion of Gods true saints and pious Christians, towards their kings. Parts 1 and 2. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1680 (1680) Wing P4082A; ESTC R229902 277,267 460

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in the peace thereof ye shall have peace If all the Elders Priests Prophets and people of Israel were thus specially commanded by God himself to pray for the Peace and Prosperity of this Idolatrous City of Babylon their greatest Enemies and persecutors wherein they lived in captivity and bondage and for King Nebuchodonosor and his sons lives who burnt their City and Temple at Jerusalem destroyed captivated their Kings Princes kingdom Nation and sent them captives to Babylon because in their Peace and prosperity themselves should enjoy peace and tranquillity even in and under their bondage Then doubtlesse were they much more obliged in duty piety prudence to pray for the peace life health and felicity of their own Kings kingdom and royal City of Jerusalem whiles they there lived under their royal Government I shall compare this with Baruch 1. where we read the Jews in Babylon upon reading of Baruchs book made a collection of mony and sent it to Jerusalem unto Joachim the High Priest and to the Priests and all the people which were found at Jerusalem And they the Jews who brought it said Behold we have sent you mony to buy Burnt-offerings and Sin-offerings and Incense and prepare ye Meat-offerings and offer upon the Altar of the Lord our God And pray for the life of Nebuchodonosor K. of Babylon and for the life of Balthasar his Son that their daies may be upon Earth as the dayes of Heaven And the Lord will give us strength and lighten our eyes and we shall live under the shadow of Nebuchodonosor King of Babylon and under the shadow of Balthasar his Son and we shall serve them many daies and find favour in their sight Pray for us also unto the Lord our God for we have sinned against the Lord our God and unto this day the fury of the Lord and his wrath is not turned from us From which passage though it be Apocryphal it is apparent that the Iews during their captivity both at Babylon and Ierusalem did constantly pray to God for the long life welfare and prosperous reign of Nebuchodonosor and his Son after him though Pagan-Idolators and Enemies who destroyed their Country City Temple led most of them away Captives out of their own Land and made them Tributaries and Bondmen to them Therefore much more did they and were they bound in duty loyalty allegiance and prudence to pray for their own hereditary natural rightfull kings of Davids royal Family whiles they reigned over them The 2. is the observable president of the Prophet Daniel himself Dan. 6. who did accordingly perform this duty he being a captive under Darius though a Pagan King an Idolater an Enemy to the whole Jewish Nation a Foreiner of the Persian not Israelitish race an impious Tyrant Persecutor if not Enemy to himself and the true God making establishing and signing this royal Decree at the sollicitation of his Princes on purpose to insnare Daniel That whosoever shall ask a Petition of any God or Man for thirty dayes save of King Darius himself should be cast into the Lions den for breach of which impious decree by praying to God Daniel was cast by the Kings commandement through the Princes malice against him into the Lions den and a stone laid at the mouth of the den which the K. sealed with his own signet and the signet of his Lords that the purpose might not be changed concerning Daniel Yet notwithstanding all these circumstances which might in the judgement of flesh and bloud disoblige Daniel from his dutifull allegiance to and prayer for Darius his life and happinesse No sooner did King Darius come to the Lions den the next morning early crying with a lamentable voice and saying O Daniel servant of the living God is thy God whom thou servest continually able to deliver thee from the Lions but Daniel the very first words he used brake forth into this most loyal salutation of and prayer for him v. 20 21. O King live for ever My God hath sent his Angel and hath shut up the Lions mouths that they have not hurt me for as much as before him innocency was found in me and also before thee O King have I done no hurt calling him King no less than twice together not Tyrant Infidel Persecutor Enemy of God and his people as some degenerate Saints of this Age would have done without any such injustice as he suffered from and by his decree and using the self-same Salutation to and Prayer for him and other idolatrous persecuting Kings as their natural born Subjects Princes used as is evident by comparing this Text with Dan. 2. 4. c. 3. 9. c. 5. 10. c. 6. 6. Therefore questionless he and other godly Israelites did and would have manifested the like loyalty piety and reverence towards their own hereditary Kings of Davids posterity in their own Country though Idolaters Persecutors Tyrants much more when just upright mercifull bountifull and religious The 3. is the memorable Decree of King Darius concerning the building repairing expences and oblations of the House of the Lord in Jerusalem and the chief end thereof recorded Ezra 6. 3 to 14. Moreover I make a Decree that you shall do for the Elders of these Jews for the building of the House of God that of the Kings Goods even of the Tribute beyond the River forthwith expences be given to these men that they be not hindred And that which they have need of both young bullocks and rams and lambs for the Burnt-offerings of the God of Heaven wheat salt wine and oyle according to the appointment of the Priests which are at Jerusalem let it be given them day by day without fail that they may offer Sacrifices of sweet savors unto the God of heaven and pray for the life of the King and of his Sons Also I have made a Decree that whosoever shall alter this word let timber be pulled down from his house and being set up let him be hanged thereon and let his house be made a dung hill for this c. By this Decree it is most apparent 1. That the Priests and people of God at Ierusalem living as Tributaries under this pagan Persian King were specially enjoyned and required by his royal decree day by day to offer Sacrifices and pray unto the God of Heaven for the life of the King and of his Sons of which there could be but these two probable grounds either that they used thus daily to offer Sacrifices and prayers to the God of heaven for their own hereditary Kings and their Sons in the old Temple at Ierusalem by Davids and Solomons injunction before it was demolished as they were now ordered after its rebuilding and repair which is most probable since their antient usual daily Sacrifices and prayers for the King and his Sons are here conjoyned Or because their own pagan Priests used to do so in Persia Babylon and their own antient Dominions 2. That this Decree in all its
as well in this our Island as in all other places of his Empire as these passages of Eusebius who lived in his Court and flourished under him will aboundantly evidence This Godly Christian Emperor Constantine before his Battel with the persecuting Tyrant Licinius dedieated a certain vacant time to powr forth Prayers to our Saviour Christ in the tabernacle of the Crosse which he fixed far remote from his Camp where afflicting his body with fasting and abstinence he powred out Prayers Supplications to God to reconcile him to himself and become his gracious Protector In which Duty he imployed certain Persons whom he reputed eminent both for faith and piety to joyn with and assist him in the performance thereof as he usually did upon other occasions before every battel with the enemy After which having vanquished Licinius and by his death obtained the sole power and government over the Roman Empire Omnes ubique victorem hymnis celebrabant Tum choreis hymnis primum Deum summum omnium regem esse praedicarunt deindè victorem Constantinum ejusque filios modestissimos Deoqu● charos Caesares acclamationibus continuis extulerunt After which this Godly Emperor to excite his Subjects to Prayers was portrayed in all his Coyns Statues standing upright with his eyes looking up and his hands stretched forth and elevated towards Heaven as if he were praying prescribed all his Legions and Soldiers as well Pagans as Christians this set form of Prayer in the Roman tongue which they were to use and recite every Lords day in their daily prayers with their hands and eyes lifted up to Heaven unto God the Giver of all good things and Author of victory Te solum Deum agnoscimus c. We acknowledge thee to be God alone we professe thee to be King we invocate thee our helper by thee we have obtained victories by thee we have overcome Enemies from thee we confesse we have received present hope that we shall obtain future felicity Tui omnes supplices sumus abs te petimus ut Constantinum Imperatorem nostrum unà cum piis ejus liberis quàm diutissimè nobis salvum victorem conserves We are all Supplicants unto thee We all request from thee that thou wouldest conserve our Emperor Constantine together with his pious Children safe and victorious to us for many generations or as long as possible may be or for ever Ejusmodi ferè Sanciebat a Militibus solis die fieri talesque ab eis voces in diurnis Precibus adhibert Which prayers no doubt were used in this our Island of Britain where he was born and crowned by his Soldiers and other Subjects for him and his royal posterity as well as in other places the Churches and Christians then in Britain concurring both in their Doctrine and Practice with the Churches in Rome Italy Aphrick Aegypt Spain Frauce Lybia Greece Asia Pontus and Cilicia as Constantine himself records in his Epistle to all Churches concerning the affairs of the Council of Nice Anno 330. But of this more in the next Chapter It is the Observation of Thomas Rudburne the History of Winton Church and Bishop Vsher out of them Orationes ac deprecationes justorum assiduae cum multum valeant apud justum judicem Deum ascenderunt lacrymae suorum fidelium in conspectu conditoris altissimi sedatum est gravissimae persecutoris ac percussionis jaculum fulminosum completo videlicet spatio viginti duorum annorum undè Christiani qui priùs in sylvis opacissimisque locis se posuerant within this our Island of Britain as well as in other places during the reigns of Dioclesian Maximinian and Licinius who grievously persecuted them in publicum se ostendentes under Constantine the Great renovant Ecclesias quae usque ad solum undique erant destructae Quo in tempore aedificata est Ecclesia Wintoniensis secundò ab Christi fidelium oblationibus The Christians daily Prayers and tears to God in this our Island being the principal means to cease their former persecutions under their cruel Pagan Emperours and to procure them peace and prosperity under this first Christian Emperor Constantine for whose long life and prosperous reign they daily Prayed unto God in the Churches they re-edified and repaired during his pious Reign Guithelin Archbishop of London in the the year of our Lord 455. being sent by the Christian Britons of our Island into Britain in France to crave ayde against the barbarous Nations who invaded murdered spoyled and miserably oppressed them thereupon Androenus King of the French Britons sent his Brother Constantine with 2000. men unto them upon condition they should elect and crown him for their King Which expedition Constantine undertaking Guithelin thereupon brake out into these gratulatory Acclamations and Prayers unto Christ for him Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat Assit igitur gratia Christi Regi Britanniae qui est defensio nostra ut insulam miserimam ad pristinam reducat libertatem Christ overcommeth Christ reigneth Christ commandeth Therefore let the grace of Christ be present and assistant to the King of Britain who is our defence that he may reduce the miserable Island to its pristine liberty A Prayer as suitable for our miserable exiled King and Island now as for this their new British King and Island in that Age wherein the other Bishops and Christian Britons made the like Prayers for him both at and after his Coronation as Guithelin did before it Our famous British King Aurelius Ambrosius after he had destroyed and burnt the bloody Regicide and Usurper Vortigern and conquered and exiled the Pagan Saxons in the year of Christ 488. repaired and new built the Churches they had demolished placed Priests and Clerks in them restored divine service to its due state conferred many Gifts Rents and Revenues upon Church-men Et orare pro Regno et Ecclesiae statu omnibus imperavit And he commanded all men to pray for the Realm and state of the Church which no doubt they performed accordingly in their Churches not forgetting to pray likewise for this good King who repaired them and restored Christianity To pretermit Saint Patricks Prayers and Petitions to God for the seven Kings he baptized and the Irish he converted to the Faith with his ascending into a Mount and there fasting forty daies ut oraret pro eis that he might pray for them Pope Gregory the 1. in his Epistle to Aldeberga or rather B●rtha wife to King Edilbert before his conversion to the faith of Christ who after her conversion was very instrumental to help convert the King and his subjects to the faith useth this thanksgiving and prayer to God on her behalf Omnipotentem Deum Benediximus qui conversionem Gentis Anglorum mercedi vestrae dignatus est propitius reservare c. Bona vestra non sol●m jam apud Romanos qui pro vita
Subjects do most justly acknowledge this great and infinite Blessing to have proceeded merely from God his Great Mercy and to his most holy Name do ascribe all the Honour Glory and Praise And to the end this unfeigned Thankfulnesse may never be forgotten but be had in perpetual Remembrance that all Ages to come may yield praise to his Divine Majesty for the same and have in memorie THIS IOYFULL DAY OF DELIVERANCE Be it therefore enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majestie the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authoritie of the same That all and singular Ministers in everie Cathedral and Parish-church or other usual place of Common prayer within this Realm of England and the Dominions of the same shall alwaies upon the fifth day of November say Morning Prayer and give unto Almighty God thanks for this most happy Deliverance And that all and everie person and persons inhabiting within this Realm of England and the Dominions of the same shall alwaies upon that day diligentlie and faithfullie resort to the Parish Church or Chapel accustomed or to some usual Church or Chapel where the said Morning prayer preaching or other service of God shall be used and then and there to abide orderlie and soberlie during the time of the said prayers preaching or other service of God there to be used and ministred And because all and everie person may be put in mind of this Dutie and be the better prepared to the said holy service Be it enacted by Authoritie aforesaid That every Minister shall give warning to his Parishioners publikelie in the Church at morning prayer the Sunday before everie such fifth day of November for the due observation of the said day And that after morning Prayer or preaching upon the said fifth day of November they read publicklie distinctlie and plainlie this present Act. Upon this occasion there was a special Book of Prayers and Thanksgivings compiled by the Bishops and Clergy prescribed by Authority to be annually read in all Churches and Chapels on the 5th of November wherein amongst others there were four remarkable prayers and thanksgivings relating to the King Queen Prince all the Royal posterity Nobility and Magistrates which I shall here insert I. ALmighty God who hast in all Ages shewed thy power and mercy in the miraculous and gracious deliverances of thy Church and in the protection of righteous and religious Kings and States professing thy Holy and Eternal Truth against the wicked conspiracies and malicious practises of all the enemies thereof We yield unto thee from the very ground of our hearts all possible praise and thanks for the wonderfull and mighty Deliverance of our gracious Soveraign King Iames the Queen the Prince and all the Royal branches with the Nobility Clergy and Commons of this Realm assembled together in Parliament by popish treachery appointed as sheep to the slaughter and that in most barbarous and savage manner no age yielding example of the like cruelty intended towards the Lords anointed and his people Can this thy goodness O Lord be forgotten worthy to be written in a pillar of Marble that we may ever remember to praise thee for the same as the fact is worthy a lasting monument that all posteritie may learn to detest it From this unnatural conspiracy not our merit but thy mercy not our foresight but thy providence hath delivered us not our love to thee but thy love to thy anointed servant and thy poor Church with whom thou hast promised to be present to the end of the world And therefore not unto us not unto us Lord but to thy Name be ascribed all honour and glorie in all Churches of the Saints throughout all generations for thou Lord hast discovered the snares of death thou hast broken them and we are delivered be thou still our mighty Protector and scatter our cruel Enemies which delight in blood infatuate their Counsel and root out their Babylonish and Antichristian sect which say of Ierusalem down with it even to the ground And to that end strengthen the hands of our gracious King the Nobles and Magistrates of the Land with Iudgement and Justice to cut off these Workers of Iniquity whose Religion is Rebellion whose Faith is Faction whose Practise is murthering of Souls and Bodies and to root them out of the confines and limits of this Kingdom that they may never prevail against us and triumph in the ruine of thy Church and give us grace by true and serious repentance to avert these and the like Judgements from us This Lord we earnestlie crave at thy mercifull hands together with the countenance of thy powerfull protection over our dread Soveraign the whole Church and these Realms and the speedie confusion of our implacable Enemies and that for thy dear Sons sake our onlie mediator and advocate II. ALmighty God and heavenly Father which of thy everlasting providence and tender mercy towards us hast prevented the extreme malice and mischievous imagination of our ensmies revealing and confounding their horrible and devilish enterprise plotted against our Soveraign Lord the King his Royal House and the whole State of this Realm for the subversion thereof together with the truth of thy Gospel and pure Religion amongst us and for the reducing of Popish Superstition and tyranny into this Church and land we most humbly prayse and magnifie thy glorious name for thine infinite gracious goodnesse in this our marvellous Deliverance we confesse it was and is thy mercy thy mercy alone most mercifull Father that we are not consumed that their snare is broken and our Soul is escaped For our sins cryed to Heaven against us and our iniquities justly called for judgement upon us but thy great mercy towards us hath exalted it self above judgement not to deal with us after our sins to give us over as we deserved to be a prey to our enemies but taking our correction into thine own hands to deliver us from their blood-thirsty malice and preserve from death and destruction our King and State with thy Gospel and true Religion amongst us Good Lord give us true repentance and unfeigned conversion unto thee to prevent further judgements increase us more and more in lively Faith and fruitfull love in all obedience that thou mayest continue thy loving favour with the light of thy Gospol to us and our Posterity for evermore Make us now and alwaies truely thankfull in heart word and deed for all thy gracious mercies and this our special deliverance Protect and defend our Soveraign Lord the King with the Queen and all the Royal Progeny from all treasons and conspiracies preserve them in thy faith fear and love under the shadow of thy wings against all evil and wickednesse prosper their reign with long happinesse on earth and everlasting glory following in the Kingdom of Heaven Bless the whole State and Realm with grace and peace that with one heart and mouth we may praise
Nations serve thee and the Tribes adore thee and let him be blessed that blesseth thee and God shall be thy helper Almighty God blesse you with the blessing of Heaven above in the Mountains and Hills and with the blessings of the Earth beneath with the blessings of Corn and Wine and Fruit and let the blessings of the old Fathers Abraham Isaac and Jacob be established upon thee through Christ our Lord. Blesse O Lord the vertuous courage of this King and accept the work of his hands replenish his Realm with the increase of thy Blessings with the fruit of the Heavens and the dew of the Water and the depths Let the influence of the Sun and the Moon drop down fatnesse upon the high Mountains and the Clouds rain plenty upon the low Vallies that the Earth may abound with store of all things Let the blessings of him that appeared in the Bush descend upon his head and the fulnesse of his blessings fall upon his Children and posterity Let his Feet be dipped in Oyl and his horn be exalted as the horn of an Unicorn by which he may scatter his enemies from on the face of the Earth the Lord that sitteth in Heaven be his defender for ever and ever through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Blesse we beseech thee O Lord these thy gifts and sanctifie them unto this holy use that by them we may be made partakers of the Body and Bloud of thy only begotten Son Jesus Christ And thy servant our King James may be fed unto everlasting life of Soul and Body and inabled to the discharge of his great place and office whereunto thou hast called him of thy great goodnesse grant this O Lord for Jesus Christs sake our only mediator and advocate Amen Deus Rex Regum dominus dominantium per quem Reges regnant legum conditores Jura decernunt dignare propitius benedicere hoc regale ornamentum presta ut famulus tuus Rex noster qui illud portaturus ornamente bonorum morum sanctarum actionum in conspectu tuo fulgeat post tempora alieni vitam aeternam gloriam quod tempus non habet sine fine possideat per Dominum nostrum c. O God the King of Kings and Lord of Lords by whom Kings do reign and Law-givers do make good Lawes vouchsase in thy favour to blesse this Kingly ornament and grant that thy servant our King who shall wear it may shine in the spirit with the ornament of good life and holy actions and after this life ended he may forever enjoy that life and glory which hath no end through Christ our Lord. The prayer done the Abbot of Westminster arrayeth the King 1. With the supertunica or close Pall. 2. Then with the Tynsin hose 3. Then with his Sandalls The Spurs are put on by a Nobleman thereto by the King appointed Then the Archbishop taketh the Sword and layeth it before him on the Altar and saith the Prayer Exaudi Domine c. Quaesumus Domine preces nostras hunc ensem quo his famulus tuus Jacobus se circumcingi desiderat majestatis tuae dextera benedicere sanctificare dignare quatenus defensio atque protectio ecclesiarum esse viduarum Orphanorum omnium que Deo Servientium contra savitiam paganorum aliisque insidiantibus sit pavor terror formido per Dominum nostrum c. Hear our prayers we beseech thee and vouchsafe by thy right hand of majesty to blesse and sanctifie this Sword wherewith this thy servant James desireth to be girt that it may be a defence and protection of Churches Widows Orphans and all the Servants of God against the savage cruelty of Pagans and Infidels and that it may be a fear and terror to all those that lye in wait to do mischief through Christ our Lord. Then the Archbishop delivereth the Sword into the Kings hands saying Accipe gladium Which Sword is girt about him by a Peer thereto appointed Accipe gladium per manus Episcoporum licet indignas vice cum authoritate sanctorum Apostolorum consecratas tibi regaliter impositum nostraque benedictionis officio in defensionem sancta fidei Ecclesiae divinitus ordinatum Et esto memor de quo Psalmista prophetavit dicens Accingere gladio tuo super femur tuum potentissime ut per eundem vin● aequitatis exerceas molem iniquitatis potenter destruas sanctam Dei Ecclesiam ejusque fideles propugnando protegas Non minus sub fide falsos quam Christiani-nominis hostes execreris ac destruas viduas pupillos clementer adjuves ac defendas desolata restaures restaurata conserves ulciscaris injusta Confirmes bene disposita quatenus haec in agendo virtutum triumpho gloriosus Justitiaeque cultor egregius cum mundi salvatora cujus typum geris in nomine sine fine merearis regnare Qui cum patre Spiritu Sancto c. Receive this Kingly Sword which is hallowed for the defence of the Faith of Christs holy Church and delivered unto thee by the hands of Bishops though unworthy yet Consecrated in the place of the holy Apostles and remember of whom the Psalmist did prophesie saying Gird thy self with thy Sword upon thy Thigh O thou most mighty and with this Sword exercise thou the force of Equity and mightily destroy the growth of Iniquity protect the holy Church of God and his faithful people and pursue Hereticks no lesse then Infidels defend and help Widdows and Orphans Restore the things that are gone to decay and maintain those things that are restored be revenged of injustice and confirm things that are in good order that doing these things thou maist be glorious in the triumph of Vertue and excellent in the ornament of Justice and reign for ever with the Saviour of the world whose image you bear who with the Father and the Holy ghost Then the Armill is put about his neck in the manner of a Stole and tyed to the boughts of his two Arms. The Archbishop saying Accipe armillas sinceritatis sapientiae divinaeque circumdationibus judicium quibus intelligas omnes operationes tuas contra hostes visibiles invisibiles posse esse munitas per Dominum nostrum c. Recive the Armill as a token of Gods embracing whereby all thy works may be defended against thy enemies both bodily and ghostly through Christ our Lord. Then the Mantle or open Pall is put on by the Abbot of Westminster The Archbishop saying Accipe pallium quatuor initiis formatum per quod intelligas quatuor mundi partes Divinae potestati esse subjectas Nec quenquam posse feliciter regnare in terris nisi cui potestas regnandi fuerit collocata de Coelis Receive this Pall which is formed with four Corners to let thee understand that the four quarters of the world are subject to the power of God and that no man can happily reign upon Earth who hath not received his authority from Heaven Then
Rights and Priviledges according to Law and Justice Then the King rising from his Chair is led to the Altar where in sight of all the people laying his hands upon the Bible he takes his Oath and sayes All the things which before I have promised I shall observe and keep So God me help and by the Contents of this Book After the Oath the King returns to his Chair of State and then is sung the Hymn Veni Creator c. The Hymn finished the King kneeleth at his Foldstool and the Archbishop sayes this prayer We beseech thee O Lord holy Father almighty and everlasting God for this thy Servant King Charles that as at the first thou broughtest him into the world by thy Divine Providence and in the flower of his youth hast preserved him untill this present time So thou wilt evermore enrich him with the gift of Piety fill him with the grace of Truth and daily increase in him all goodnesse that he may happily enjoy the seat of supreme Government by the gift of thy supernal grace And being defended from all his Enemies by the Wall of thy mercy may prosperously govern the people committed to his Charge After the Prayer the Letany is sung and at the close thereof this is to be added That it may please thee to keep and strengthen in the true Worshiping of thee in Righteousnesse and Holiness of life this thy servant Charles our King and Governor and so to the end Then is said this prayer by one of the Bishops that sings the Letany O Almighty and everlasting God Creator of all things Ruler of Angels King of Kings and Lord of Lords who madest thy Servant Abraham triumph over his Enemies didst give many victories to Moses and Joshuah the Governors of the people didst raise and exalt David thy Servant to be a King over them didst enrich Solomon his Son with the gift of Wisdome and Understanding and blessedst him with peace and great prosperity Give ear we beseech thee unto our humble Prayers and multiply thy blessings upon this thy Servant who is now to be consecrated our King that He being strengthned with the faith of Abraham endued with the mildness of Moses armed with the fortitude of Joshuah exalted with the humility of David and beautified with the Wisdom of Solomon may please thee in all things and ever walk uprightly in thy wayes Defend him by thy mighty arm compass him with thy protection and give him to overcome all his and thine Enemies Honour him before all the Kings of the Earth Let him rule over Countries and let Nations adore him Establish his Throne with Judgement and Equity let Justice flourish in his dayes and grant that He underpropped by the due obedience and hearty love of his People may sit on the Throne of his Forefathers for many years and after this life may reign with thee in thine everlasting kingdome through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour Amen The Letany thus ended the Archbishop beginneth to say aloud Lift up your Hearts and give thanks unto the Lord. Answer By the Bishops that sings the Letany We lift them up unto the Lord and to give thanks unto him it is meet and right Then the Archbishop says It is very meet and right and our bounden duty so to do and at all times and in all Places to give thanks to thee O Lord holy Father almighty and everlasting God the strength of thy Chosen and the exalter of the humble who in the beginning by sending the floud of Waters didest punish the sins of the World and by a Dove bringing an Olive branch in her mouth didst give a token of Reconcilement to the Earth Who afterwards didst consecrate thy Servant Aaron a Priest by the anointing of Oyl as also by the pouring out of the same didst make Kings Priests and Prophets to govern thy People Israel And by the voice of the Prophet David didst foretel that the Countenance of thy Church should be made joyful with Oyl We beseech thee to bless and sanctifie this thy Servant King Charles that he may minister Peace unto this People that he may attain to the perfection of Government in Counsel and Judgment and that his Countenance may be alwayes cheerfull and amiable to all his People through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen This Prayer said the King rises from his devotion and reposeth himself awhile in the Chair of State in which he is to be Crown'd Afterwards he goeth to the Altar and standeth with his Back close unto it disrobes himself of his upper Garment his under Coat having the loops opened in the Places where he is to be anointed Then he comes to the Pulpit side and sitting in a Chair a Canopy is held over his Head all the time of his Anointing The Archbishop first anoints his Hands in the Palms saying In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost which wordes he repeats in all the several Anointings let these hands be anointed with Oyl as Kings and Prophets have been anointed And as Samuel did anoint David to be King that thou mayest be blessed and established a King in this Kingdome over the People whom the Lord thy God hath given thee to rule and govern Which he vouchsafe to grant who with the Father and the Holy Ghost is one and reigns in glory everlasting Amen In this time the Singers do sing the Anthem Sadocke the Priest and Nathan the Prophet anointed Solomon King and all the People rejoyced and said God save the King for ever Then the Archbishop says this Prayer Look down Almighty God upon this thy Servant our dread Soveraign King Charles with thy favourable countenance and as thou didst bless Abraham Isaac and Jacob so vouchsafe we beseech thee to water him plentifully with the Blessing of thy Grace give unto him of the dew of Heaven and of the fatness of the Earth abundance of Corn Wine and Oyl with all plenty of fruites and other good things Grant him long to continue and that in his time there may be health and peace in this Kingdome Grant O Almighty God that he may be a mighty Protector of this Country a bountiful Comforter of Churches and holy Societies the most valiant of Kings terrible to Rebels and Infidels amiable to his Nobles and to all his faithful Subjects Make his Royal Court to shine in Princely dignity as a most cleer Lightning far and wide in the Eyes of all men Finally let him be blessed with happy Children that may reign as Kings after him and rule this Kingdom by Succession of all Ages and after the glorious and happy dayes of present life give him of thy mercy an everlasting Kingdome with thee in the Heavens through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen The Prayer ended the Archbishop proceeds in the Anointing 1. His Breast 2. Betwixt the Shoulders 3. Both the Points of the Shoulders 5. Boughs of his Arms. 5. The Crown of his
Majesties head The Anointing done the Dean of the Chappel closeth the loops again which were opened Then the Archbishop reads this Benediction God the Son of God Christ Jesus our Lord who was anointed of his Father with Oyl of gladness above his fellows pour down upon thy Head the Blessing of the Holy Ghost and make it enter into the inward parts of thy Heart so that thou mayest reign with him in the Heavens eternally Amen This pronounced a shallow Quoife is put upon the Kings head because of the Anointing Then the King goeth to the Altar and the Robe is put upon him at which the Archbishop says this Prayer O God the King of Kings and Lord of Lords by whom Kings do reign and Law-givers make good Laws vouchsafe in thy favour to bless this thy Servant Charles in all his Government that living godly and leading his People by the way of righteousness after a glorious course in this life he may attain that joy which hath no end through our Lord. Amen Then the Sword is brought to the Archbishop who laying it on the Altar prayes in this manner Hear our prayers we beseech thee O Lords and vouchsafe by thy right hand of Majesty to bless and sanctifie this Sword wherewith thy Servant Charles desires to be girt by the same he may defend Churches Widdows Orphans and all the People of God against the savage cruelty of Pagans and Infidels and that it may be a terrour and fear to all those that lie in wait to do mischief through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Then the Archbishop takes up the Sword and puts it in the Kings hand saying Receive this Kingly Sword for the defence of the faith of Christ and protection of his Holy Church and remember him of whom the psalmist did prophecy saying Gird thy self with thy Sword upon thy Thigh O thou most mighty and with thy sword execute thou Equity and justice Persue all Hereticks and Infidels defend Widdows and Orphans restore the things that are gone to decay maintain and confirm the things that are restored and in good order destroy the growth of iniquity and take punishment of all injustice that you may be glorious in the triumph of vertue and reign with him whose Image you bear for ever and ever Amen The Sword is girt to the Kings side by one of the Peers thereto oppointed Then the King returns to the Chair wherein he was anointed and hath the Spurs put on by the Lord Marshal After which the Archbishop taking the Crown in his hand sayes this prayer O God the Crown of all the faithful who dost Crown their Heads with pretious Stone that trust in thee bless and sanctifie this Crown that as the same is adorned with many precious Stones so this thy Servant that weares the same may be replenished of thy Grace with the manifold gifts of all precious Virtues through Christ our Lord. Amen Then the Archbishop crowneth the King saying God Crown thee with a Crown of glory and righteousness with the Honour and vertue of fortitude that by a right faith and manifold fruits of good works you may obtein the Crown of an everlasting kingdome by the gift of him whose kingdome endureth for ever Amen Then the King goes to the Stage and sits in the Chair of State which is placed by the Throne Then the Lyon by direction of the Marshal calls the Nobles who set their hands to the Crown and say every man these words So God not help me as I shall support thee And when they have done they all hold up their hands and swear to be loyal and true Subjects The Marshal having in his hand the obligatory Oath of the People goeth to the four Corners of the Stage and reads the same to the Lyon who cries it down to the people and they all hold up their hands and say Amen The Oath of the People is this We swear and by the holding up of our hauds do promise all subjection and loyalty to King Charles our dread Soveraign and as we wish God to be merciful unto us shall be to his Majesty true and faithful and be ever ready to bestow our Lives Lands and what else God hath given us for the defence of his sacred Person and Crown When the King is Crowned the Earles and Viscounts put on their Crownes and the Lyon his The other Barons and Lords continue bare and uncovered Then is this Anthem sung Be strong and of good courage and observe the Commandements of the Lord to walk in his wayes and keep his Ceremonies Precepts Testimonies and Judgements And almighty God strengthen and prosper thee wheresoever thou goest The Lord is my ruler therefore I shall want nothing The King shall rejoyce in thy strength oh Lord exceeding glad shall he be of thy Salvation For thou hast granted him his hearts desire and hast not denyed him the request of his lips for thou hast prevented him with blessings of goodness and hast set a Crown of pure Gold upon his Head After this the King goes down again looses his Sword wherewith he was girt and offers it laying the same upon the Altar which one of the Chief Nobles redeems with an Offering and then draws it forth and carries the same naked before the King Then the Archbishop takes the Scepter and delivers it in the Kings right hand with these words Receive the Scepter the sign of royal power the Rod of the kingdome the Rod of vertue that thou mayest govern thy self aright defend the holy Church and all the Christian people committed by God to thy charge punishing the wicked and protecting the just And then he saith this Prayer O Lord the fountain of all good things and the Author of all good proceedings grant we beseech thee to this thy Servant that he may rightly use the Dignity which he hath by Inheritance vouchsafe to confirm the Honour which thou hast given him before all Kings and enrich him with all Benedictions Establish his Throne visit him with increase of Children let Justice spring up in his dayes and his Soul be filled with joy and gladness till he be translated to thine everlasting kingdome Amen After this the Archbishop blesseth the King saying The Lord bless thee and keep thee and as he hath made thee King over his people so he still may prosper thee in this world and in the World to come make Thee partaker of his eternal felicity Amen The King then kisseth the Archbishop and Bishops assistant After that the King ascendeth the Stage attended by the Nobles and the Singers sing Te Deum laudamus c. Which ended the Archbishop enthrones the King saying Stand and hold fast from henceforth the place whereof you are the righteous and lawful Heir by a long and lineal succession of your Forefathers which is now delivered unto you by the authority of Almighty God and by the hands of us the Bishops and Servants of God And
parts specially in this last was so peremptory and penal that whosoever should alter or disobey it was to have the Timber pulled from his house and hanged thereon and his house to be made a Dunghill for this Therefore this Duty was no doubt constantly performed by the Priests and Elders of the Jews in whose favour it was made If then those Priests and Subjects demerited such a severe punishment as this for refusing or neglecting to make daily sacrifices and prayers to the God of Heaven for this forein Pagan King and his Sons to whom they were only Captives and Tributaries what penalties executions do those undutifull disloyal Christian Subjects and Ministers deserve who wilfully neglect refuse nay prohibit under grievous penalties daily Prayers and Intercessions to be made to the God of heaven for their own undoubted natural hereditary Christian Protestant Kings and their Sons against the purport of this Decree and the express injunction of God himself in the New Testament 1 Tim. 2. 1 2 3 No doubt hanging and demolishing their Houses is too good for them if this Pagan King may be Umpire The 4. is the Decree of King Artaxerxes to Ezra the Priest and Scribe of the Law of the God of Heaven for monies to buy Bullocks Rams Lambs with their Meat-offerings and Drink-offerings and to offer them upon the Alter of the house of God which was at Jerusalem Ezra 7. 11 to 25. in which Decree though there be no such express clause as in the former to offer Sacrifices and Prayers to the God of Heaven for the King and his Sons yet it is comprised therein in the general being but a confirmation of the Decree of Darius and it is clearly intimated and expressed in the reason of this Decree at the close thereof Whatsoever is commanded by the God of Heaven let it be diligently done for the house of the God of Heaven for why should there be wrath against the Realm of the King and his Sons which wrath Ezra the Priests and people of Israel worshipping the God of Heaven were to deprecate and slave off by their daily publick Sacrifices and prayers to the God of Heaven in the behalf of this King his Sons and Realm and praying for their welfare and prosperity which no doubt they constantly performed as is evident by Ezraes special Thanksgiving to God v. 27 28. Blessed be the Lord God of our Fathers which hath put such a thing as this into the Kings heart to beautifie the House of the Lord which is at Jerusalem and hath extended mercy unto me before the King and his Counsellors and before the Kings mighty Princes ch 9. 8 9 10. And now for a little space Grace hath been shewed from the Lord our God to leave us a remnant to escape and to give us a Nayl in his holy place that our God may lighten our eyes and give us a little reviving in our bondage For we were Bondmen yet our God hath not forsaken us in our Bondage but hath extended mercy to us in the sight of the King of Persia to give us a reviving to set up the House of our God and to repair the desolations thereof and to give us a wall in Judah and Jerusalem And now O our God what shall we say after this for we have forsaken thy commandement c. The recital of which mercy in Ezra his solemn Thanksgiving and also in his publick humiliation was a most effectual prayer for this King and his Sons and praysing God for the benefits extented to his people by their means and favour To these 4. Precepts and Presidents in sacred writ I shall annex a 5th out of the Jewish History Apion accused the Jews to the Emperor Caius Caligula who usurped to himself divine honour that when all other Nations throughout the Roman Empire dedicated Temples and Altars to him and erected his Statue in their Temples and sware by his name that the Jews would do neither nor permit his Statue to be set up in the Temple of their God whereupon he commanded Petronius with two Legions to make war upon the Jews unless they would erect his Statue in the Temple which they peremptorily opposed as being contrary to the law of their God and custom of their Ancestors choosing rather all to dye and offering their Necks to the Block than to permit such a transgression against their Gods law Hereupon they sent Embassadors to Caius whereof Philo was chief to satisfie him who informed him that though they could not erect his Statue nor adore him as a God being contrary to their Religion yet such was their loyalty towards him That they did twice every day offer Sacrifices prayers unto their God for him in the Temple Therfore no doubt they did the like for Darius Artaxerxes Nebuchadnezzar and other Kings to whom they were Tributaries and much more for their own natural Kings and their Sons of the House of David Xly. God himself gave this express prohibition to the Israelites Exod. 22. 26. Thou shalt not revile the Gods nor curse the Ruler of thy People repeated Acts 23. 3. and thus seconded Eccles 10. 20. Curse not the King no not in thy thoughts for a bird of the Ayr shall carry the voyce and that which hath wings shall tell the matter Therefore it is clear by the rule of contraries yea by Christs and Pauls own expositions resolutions Mat. 5. 44. Lu. 6. 28. Rom. 12. 14. that they were to bless and pray for them yea though they persecuted and despitefully used them Shimei for violating these divine Precepts in cursing and rayling against King David and stiling him a Man of blood c. when he fled from his usurping Son Absolom was thought worthy to lose his head by Abishai who would have cut it off had not David for the present forbad his execution 2 Sam. 16. 7 to 10. c. 19. 21. For which crime Solomon by Davids order afterwards put him to death 2 Kings 2. 8. 44 45 46. using this speech unto him Thou knowest all the wickedness which thy heart is privy to that thou didst to David my Father therefore the Lord shall return thy wickedness upon thine own head and King Solomon shall be blessed and the Throne of David shall be established before the Lord for ever whereas Shimei said the Lord hath returned upon thee all the blood of the house of Saul in whose stead thou hast reigned and the Lord hath delivered thy Kingdom into the hand of Absolom thy Son and behold thou art taken in thy mischief because thou art a bloody man Now if this sin of his in cursing and rayling against David his King was a capital crime and treason deserving death and God himself reputes it an heinous offence in the idolatrous Israelites and others when vexed with famine oppression and other judgements by evil Kings to curse their King and look upwards Isay 8. 21. Then questionless it is a grievous sin and capital
esset Caesari quae sivitque ex iis vicissim cujus imaginem simulachrum nummus haberet ac respondissent Caesaris rursus eis respondit Reddite ergo quae sunt Caesaris Caesari quae sunt Dei Deo Hinc Deum solum adoramus vobis autem in aliis rebus laeti servimus Regesque vos Principes hominum esse profitemur Rogamusque ut vos cum Regali potestate sanam bonamque mentem habere inveniamini Quod si nobis etiam precantibus in lucem omnia proferentibus negligetis nihil ex eo detrimenti capiemus c. At the end of this Apology there is an Epistle of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus the Emperor to the Senate of Rome in favour of the Christians reciting That when he and his Army in Germany were surrounded with their Enemies and like to be destroyed by them and for want of water having not drunk any in 5. daies space he thereupon sent for the Christians in his Army of whom be found a great multitude and would have compelled them with threats to fight which he ought not to have done because he afterwards knew their force Hereupon they assaulted the Enemies not with any preparation of weapons nor of arms or trumpets but casting themselves down upon the ground having God as it seems shut up in their minds and Consciences voluntarily though we ●●ll them Atheists they not only prayed that for me but also for this Army they might be removers of the Thirst and Famin wherewith they were pressed So soon as they had cast themselves down upon the ground and had prayed to their God whom I knew not presently there fell showers of rain from Heaven which were most cold upon us but upon the Enemies of the Romans there fell hayl in the shape and likenesse of fire And it is also very likely God was presently at hand in the midest of their Prayers as invincible and indissoluble Wherefore begining from thence we may grant to such that they may be Christians lest they should request and impetrate any armes of this kinds against us Wherein it is acknowledged by this Emperor that all these Christian Souldiers did in this Extremity of danger thirst and famine pray for the Emperor and his Armies ●●fety and deliverance from their Enemies though Pagans that God instantly heard answered their prayers sending a comfortable rain to refresh them and raining hail and fire and thunderboults from Heaven on their Enemies which routed them without fighting whereupon this Emperor indulged them Liberty to professe themselves Christians without any impeachment or molestation as formerly Tertullian ad Scapulam lib. p. 165. thus relates the story Marcus quoque Aurelius in Germanica Expeditione Christianorum Militum Orationibus ad Deum factis imbres in site illa impetravit And in his Apologeticus p. 588. Et nos è contrario edimus Christianorum Protectorem si literae M. Aurelii gravissmi Imperatoris requirantur quibus Germanicam sitim Christianorum forte Militum precationibus Impetrato imbri discussam contestatur Orosius l. 7 c. 15. thus Milites Christiani sub M. Antonino merentes pluviam in summa siccitate victoriam in ultima propè desperatione a Deo procatione sua Impetrarunt Ea victoria Marcomannicum bellum confecit c. Nicephorus Eccles Hist l. 4. c. 12. relates the story at large That the Christian Legion kneeling down upon their knees and imploring the help of God in their extream thirst danger and necessity when they were thus praying God smote their Enemies which pursued them with frequent thunderboults whence they were afterwards stiled The thundering Legion and refreshed and revived the Emperors Army with sweet and pleasant showrs Tam efficaces Scilicet nostrorum esse preces Hanc rem profanietiam Historici tradidere as Apollinaris and Julius Capitolinus in the life of M. Antoninus Theophilus Antiochenus Patriarch of Antioch flourishing about 180. years after Christ under the Emperours Marcus Aurelius and Commodus in his lib. 1. ad Autolichum contra Christianae Religionis calumniatores writes thus concerning his and other Christians practice in honouring and praying for though not adoring the Pagan Roman Emperor aud King Honorabo Regem sive Caesarem non tamen adorabo verum pro eo orabo Deum qui vere verus Deus est adorabo sciens Caesarem ab ipso esse ordinatum Rex enim sive Caesar Deus non est meminerit se esse hominem a Deo esse in hanc dignitatem promotum non ut adoretur sed ut juste quemadmodum justitia exigit judicet Nam Regnum sive Imperium rerumque administratio ipsi a Deo commissa demandata est Regem quidem sive Caesarem honors honora inquam magna cum benevolentia subjectus ei existens et orans pro eo Haec faciens Dei voluntatem exequeris nam divinae legis hic tenor est Honora fili mi Deum Regem et nunquam eorum inobediens sis Subito enim hostes suos ulcisci possunt This was the loyal Doctrine practice of this Great Patriarch and the primitive Church of Antioch where the Disciples were first called Christians to obey honor and pray for their very Heathen King or Caesar as set over them by God himself and that with chearfulness and benevolence as Duties specially commanded them by the tenor of Gods word Irenaeus Bishop of Lions in France flourishing at the same time as he affirms Adversus haereses l. 4. c. 34. Est ergo Altare in coelis illuc enim preces nostrae dirigendae so he asserts lib. 5. p. 599 600 601. Non diabolus determinavit hujus seculi Regna sed Deus Regis enim cor in manu Dei est per Solomonem ait verbum Per me Reges regnant c. which he likewise proves from Rom. 13. 1 2. whence he concludes Ad utilitatem ergo Gentilium Terrenum Regnum positum est a Deo sed non a Diabolo qui nunquam quietus est imo qui nec ipsos quidem Gentes vult in tranquillo agere ut timentes Regnum humanum non se alterutrum homines vice piscium consumant sed per legum positiones repercutiant multiplicem Gentilium injustitiam Et secundum hoc ministri Dei sunt qui tributa exigunt a nobis in hoc ipsum servientes quae sunt potestates a Deo ordinatae sunt Manifestum est quoniam mentitur Diabolus dicens Mihi tradita sunt cui volo do ea Cujus enim jussu homines nascuntur hujus jussu et Reges constituuntur apti his qui in illo tempore ab ipsis regnantur Quidam enim illorum ad correctionem utilitatem subjectorum dantur conservationem justitiae Quidam autem ad timorem paenam increpationem Therefore there is good reason for the Church and Christians to pray for them though Pagans and Persecutors Athenagor as Atheniensis a famous excellent Philosopher in his
calendis Januariis Strenam in Capitolio etiam absenti ex qua summa pretiocissima Deorum simulacra mercatus Vicatim dedicabat c. Revertentem ex Provincia non solum faustis ominibus sed et modulatis carminibus prosequebantur Observatūe tiam est ne quoties introiret urbem supplicium de quoquam sumeretur Patris patriae cognomen universi repentino maximoque consensu desulerunt ei Prima plebs legatione Antium missa Dein quia non recipiebat ineunti Romae spectacula frequens laureata mox in curia Senatus neque decreto neque acclamatione sed per Valerium Messallum id mandantibus cunctis Quod bonū inquit sanctumque sit tibiasssss Domuique tuae Caesar Auguste sic enim nos perpetuam felicitatem Reipub. et laeta huic precari existimamus Senatus te consentiente cum populo Romano consalutat Patriae patrem Cui lacrymans respondit Augustus Patres C. quid habeo aliud Deos immortales precari quam ut hunc consensum vestrum ad ultimum vitae finem mihi perferre liceat Medico Antonio Musae eujus opera ex ancipiti morbo convaluerat statuam aere collato juxta signum Aesculapii statuerunt Nonnulli patrum familiarum testamento caverunt ut ab haeredibus suis praelato victimae titulo in Capitolium ducerentur votumque pro se persolveretur quod superstitem Augustum reliquissent Quaedam Italiae civitates diem quo primum ad se venisset initium anni fecerunt Provinciarum pleraeque super Templa Aras ludos quoque quinquennales paenè oppidatim constituerunt Reges amici socii singuli in suo quisque regno Caesareas urbes condiderunt cuncti simul aedem Jovis Olympici Athenis antiquitus inchoatam perficere communi sumptu destinaverunt GENIOQUE EJUS DEDICARE Such was their Devotion Loyalty and Affection towards him Cornelius Tacitus records Anno aburbe condita 777. Pontifices eorumque exemplo caeteri Sacerdotes c●m pro incolnmitate Principis vota susciperent Neronem quoque Drusium Iisdem Diis commendavere non tam caritate juvenum quàm adulatione Which Tyberius the Emperor took very ill as equallizing these youngsters to himself who was aged and checked the high Priests for it Not long after the furthest parts of Spain sent Messengers to the Senate to desire leave to build a Temple to Tyberius as Asia had done Whereupon he made a speech in the Senate refusing this addresse and adoration concluding his oration in these words Proinde socios cives et Deos et Deas ipsas precor hoc ut mihi usque finem vitae quietam et Intelligentem humani Divinique juris mentem duint illos ut quandocunque concessero cum laude bonis recordationibus facta atque famam nominis mei prosequantur In lib. 4. Hist c. 3. Tacitus brings in Marcellus thus speaking in the Senate se meminisse temporum quibus natus est quam civitatis formam patres avique constituerint ulterior a mirari praesentia sequi vonos Imperatores voto expetere qualescunque tolerare And Annalium l. 16. c. 6. he records that Thraseus Peto a Noble Senator was accused and afterwards adjudged to death by the Tyrant Nero amongst other things objected against him by Capito Principio anni vitare Thraseum jusjurandum solenne nuncupationibus Votorum non adesse for the Emperors life health and prosperity quamvis Quindecimvirali Sacerdotio praeditum nunquam pro salute Principis aut caelesti voce immolavisse His daughter being produced and interrogated to give in evidence against him auswered Nullos inquit Impios Deos nullas Devotiones nec aliud infelicibus precibus invocav● quam ut hunc optimum Patrem tu Caesar et vos patres servaretis incolumem On which Passages Lipsius in his Commentary p. 298. in Excursu p. 540 541. proves out of Sustonius in Nerone c. 46. Augustus c. 97. Plinies Epistles and Panegyric Ennapius in vita Maximi Dio. l. 59 Tertulliani Apologeticus Caius Jurisconsultus de verborum signif Paulus Jurisconsultus cited by Lipsus in his Commentaries in C. Plinii Panegyricum Trajano dictum p. 133. that it was a received custom amongst the Pagan Romans quod post Kalendas Januarias die tertio pro salute Principis Vota suscipiuntur as also pro Imperii et populi Caius Caligula being elected Emperor and entring Rome was received Tanta publica laetitia ut tribus proximis mensibus ac ne totis quidem supra sexaginta millia victimarum caesa tradantur to the Gods for his happiness and prosperity Cum deinde paucos post dies in proximas Campaniae Insulas trajecisset Vota pro reditu suscepta sunt ne minimam quidem occasionem quoquam omittente in testificanda solicitudine et cura de incolumitate ejus ut vero in adversam valetudinem incidit pernoctantibus cunctis circa Palatium non defuernnt qui depugnaturos se armis pro salute agri quique capita sua titulo proposito voverunt When this Emperor Claudius was poiscned and very sick Vocabatur interim Senatus Votaque pro incolumitate Principis Consules et Sacerdotes nuncupabant as Cornelius Tacitus relates The Emperor Claudius Nero succeeded Caligula in the Empire whose beginnings were so just wise mild as all men said that a God was sent from heaven to govern Rome but degenerating at last into a Monster of Vice and Tyranny among others he banished his incomparable Tutor Seneca and used him very ungratefully who notwithstanding in his Book De Consolatione ad Polybium cap. 28. 31 32 makes this honorable mention of and prayer for him and his progeny Superstitem Caesarem omnemque ejus prolem superstitem te cum omnibus habes fratribus Non desinam totiens tibi offerre Caesarem Illo moderante terras ostendente quanto melius beneficiis imperium custodiatur quam armis illo rebus humanis praesidente non est periculum ne quid perdidisse te sentias in hoc uno tibi satis praesidii satis solatii est Attolle te quotiens lachrymae suboriuntur ceulis tuis totiens illos ad Caesarem dirige Siccabuntur maximi et clarissimi conspectu numinis Fulgur ejus illos ut nihil aliud possint aspicere praestringet in se haerentes detinebit Hic tibi quem tu diebus intueris et noctibus a quo nunquam discis animum cogitandus est hic contra fortunam advocandus nec dubito cum tanta illi adversus omnes suos sit mansuetudo tantaque indulgentia quin multis jam solaciis tuum illud vulnus obduxerit nonnulla quae doliri obstarent tuo ingesserit Quid parco ut nihil horum fecerit nonne parcius ipse conspectus per se tantummodo cogitatusque CAESAR maximo solatio tibi est Dii illum Deaeque omnes terris diu commodent Acta hic D. Augusti et annos vincat ac quamdiu mortalis est nihil ex domo
propterea unxit te Deus Deus tuu● oleo laetitiae ad exemplum illius quem ante secula unxerat praeparticibus suis Iesum Christum Dominum nostrum c. Receive the Rod of vertue and equity Learn to make much of the godly and to terrifie the wicked Shew the way to those that go astray Offer thy hand to those that fall Repress the proud Lift up the Lowly that our Lord Jesus Christ may open to thee the dore who saith of himself I am the dore by me if any man enter in ●he shall be safe and let him be thy helper who is the key of David and the Scepter of the house of Israel who openeth and no man shutteth who shutteth and no man openeth who bringeth forth the captive out of prison where he sate in darkness and in the shadow of death that in all things thou mayest follow him of whom the Prophet David saith Thy seat O God endureth for ever the Scepter of thy Kingdome is a right Scepter thou hast loved righteousness and hated iniquity Wherefore God even thy God hath anointed thee with the oyl of gladness above thy Fellows even Jesus Christ our Lord. After this he blesseth the King saying Benedicat tibi c. Dominus custodiatque te sicut te voluit super Populum suum esse Regem ita in presenti seculo faelicem aeternae faelicitatis tribuat esse consortem Amen The Lord blesse and keep thee and as he hath made thee King over his people so he still prosper thee in this world and make thee partaker of his eternal felicity in the world to come Amen Grant O Lord that the Clergy and People gathered together by thy Ordinance for this service of the King may by the gracious assistance of thy goodnesse and the vigilant care of thy servant and King be continually governed and preserved in all happinesse Amen Grant that they obeying thy holy will may be freed from all adversities and enjoying the riches of thy grace may with fervent love walk in the waies of thy Commandements that in this life being made partakers of thy peace they may be Citizens of thy Kingdome in the life that is to come through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen The King kisseth the Archbishop and the Bishops then Assistant After this the King goeth up from the Altar to the Stage all the Peers solemnly attending his Majesty in their places In the mean time the Quire sing Te deum laudamus c. Which being ended the Archbishop inthronizeth the King into his throne there saying Sta retine à modo locum quem huc usque paterna successione tenuisti haereditario judicio tibi delegatum per autoritatem Dei omnipotentis praesentem traditionem nostram omnium Episcoporum caeterorumque Dei servorum quanto Clerum sanctis altaribus propinquiorem prospices tanto ei potiorem in locis congruis honorem impendere memineris quatenus mediator Dei hominum te mediatorem Cleri Plebis in hoc regni Solio confirmet in regnum aeternum regnare faciat Jesus Christus Dominus noster Rex Regum Dominus Dominantium qui cum patre spiritu sancto vivit regnat in secula seculorum Amen Stand and hold fast from henceforth that place whereof hitherto thou hast been heir by the succession of thy fore-fathers being now delivered unto thee by the authority of Almighty God and by the hands of Us and all the Bishops and Servants of God and as thou seest the Clergy to come nearer unto the Altar so remember that in places convenient thou give them greater honour that the mediator of God and Man may establish thee in this Kingly throne to be the mediator betwixt the Clergy and the Laity and that thou maist raigne for ever with Jesus Christ the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords who with the Father and the holy Ghost liveth and reigneth for ever Amen Which done all the Peers do their homage to the King His verbis I become your Leige-man of Life and Limb and of Earthly Worship and faith and Troth shall bear unto you to live and dye with you against all manner of folk So God me help And after put their hands and touch the Crown by way of ceremony as promising to support it with all their power Then the King to ease himself of the Scepter and Rod in his hands giveth them to carry to such as it pleaseth his Majesty The Archbishop kneeled down and made his Homage as followeth Out of the Coronation of Edward the 6. J. A. Shall be faithfull and true and Faith and Troth bear unto you our Soveraign Lord and to your Heires Kings of England and I shall do and truly knowledge the service due of the Lands I claim to hold of you as in the right of your Church as God shall help me And so kissed the Kings left cheek c. Or these words taken out of another book I become your man Leige of life and Limb and Troth and hearty Honour to you shall bear against all men that now live and dye So help me God c. The Archbishop goeth down to the Altar and begins the Communion The Prayer Quaesumus omnipotens c. Quaesumus omnipotens Deus ut famulus tuus Jacobus Rex noster qui tua miseratione suscepit Regni gubernacula virtutum etiam omnium percipiat incrementa Quibus decenter ornatus vitiorum voraginem devitare hostes superare ad te qui veritas vita es gratiosus valeat pervenire per Dominum Iesum nostrum Amen O Almighty God we beseech thee that this thy Servant James our King who by thy mercy hath received the government of this Realm may also receive an increase of all Vertues whereby he may be acceptable to thee and avoid the gulfe of vice and overcome all his enemies and finally come to thee in glory who art the Way the Truth and the Life thorough Christ our Lord. The Epistle 1 Pet. 2. The Gospel Matth. 22. By two Bishops The Nicene Creed The Offertory The King cometh down from the Throne to offer He offereth twice 1. Bread and Wine 2. A Mark of Gold Then the Prayer Omnipotens Deus c. Omnipotens Deus det tibi de rore coeli de pinguedine terrae habundantiam frumenti vini olei serviant tibi populi adorent te tribus Esto Dominus fratrum tuorum incurventur ante te filii matris tuae qui benedixerit tibi benedictionibus repleatur Deus erit adjutor tuus Opus benedicat tibi benedictionibus coeli desuper in montibus in Collibus benedictionibus abyssi jacentibus deorsum benedictionibus uberum uvarum Pomarumque benedictiones Patrum antiquorum Abraham Isaac Jacob confortatae sint super te Almighty God give thee of the dew of Heaven and of the fat of the Earth abundance of Corn and Wine Let the
the Archbishop taketh the Crown into his hands and saith this prayer Deus perpetuatis Dux virtutum cunctarum hostium victor benedic hunc famulum tuum Jacobum tibi caput suum inclinantem prolixa sanitate prospera felicitate eum conserva ubicunque auxilium tuum invocaverit cito adsis protegas ac defenda Tribue ei quaesumus domine divitias gratia tuae comple in bonis desiderium ejus corona eum in misericordia tua tibique domino opia devotione jugiter famuletur per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum filium c. O God of Eternity the commander of all Powers the vanquisher of all Enemies blesse this thy servant who boweth his head unto thy Majesty preserve him in long health and prosperous felicity be present with him protect and defend him whensoever he calleth upon thee Give him we beseech thee the riches of thy Grace fill his soul with goodnesse and crown him with thy mercy and let him alwaies in godly devotion wait upon thee through thy Son our Lord Iesus Christ The Archbishop Crowneth the King saying Coronet te Deus corona Galeaque justitiae honore opere fortitudinis ut per officium nostrae benedictionis cum fide recta multiplici bonorum operum fructu ad Coronam pervenias regni perpetui Ipse largiente cujus regnum permanet in secula seculorum God Crown thee with a Crown of Glory and Righteousnesse with the honor and work of Fortitude that thou by our Ministery having a right Faith and manifold fruit of good works maist obtain the Crown of an everlasting kingdome by the gift of him whose kingdome indureth for ever In the mean time the Quire singeth the Anthem Confortare Be strong and of a good courage and observe the Commandements of the Lord to walk in his wayes and keep his Ceremonies Precepts Testimonies and Iudgements and almighty God prosper and strengthen thee whithersoever thou goest The Lord is my Ruler therefore I shall want nothing Deus in virtute The King shall rejoyce in thy strength O Lord exceeding glad shall he be of thy Salvation for thou hast granted him his hearts desire and hast not denyed him the request of his lips for thou hast prevented him with blessings of goodness and hast set a Crown of pure gold upon his head Then he putteth the Ring on his Wedding finger saying Accipe regiae dignitatis annulum per hunc in te Catholicae fidei signaculum quatenus ut hodie ornaris caput Princeps regni ae Populi ita perseveres auctor stabilitor Christianitatis Christianae fidei ut felix in opere locuples in fide cum rege Regum glorieris Cui est honor gloria per aeterna secula seculorum Amen Receive the Ring of Kingly dignity and by it the seal of Christian Faith that as this day thou art adorned the head and Prince of this Kingdome and People so thou maist persevere as the Author and establisher of Christianity and the Christian Faith that being rich in Faith and happy in Works thou maist reign with him who is King of Kings to whom be glory and honour for ever and ever After this the Archbishop saith this prayer Deus cujus est c. omnis potestas dignitas da famulo tuo propriae suae dignitatis effectum in quâ te remunerante permaneat semperque te timeat tibique jugiter placere contendat per Dominum nostrum c. O God to whom belongeth all Power and Dignity give unto thy Servant the Fruit of his Dignity wherein grant he may long continue and fear thee alwaies and alwaies labour to please thee through Christ our Lord. The King cometh to the Step of the Altar to receive the Sacrament The Archbishop ministreth the Bread The Abbot of Westminster the Cup. The King returneth to his Throne and there staieth the end of Service The Communion being done the King cometh down in Estate to the Altar Thence into King Edwards Chappell The King taketh off his Crown and delivereth it to the Archbishop who laieth it on the Altar there The King withdraweth himself into the Traverse There the great Chamberlain of England disrobeth him of the Robes of King Edward the Confessor These Robes he immediately delivereth to the Abbot of Westminster The King is arrayed with his own Royal Robes provided for his Majesty to wear that day The King being newly arrayed cometh forth of the Traverse and goeth to King Edwards Altar There the Archbishop putteth on him the Crown which is provided for his Majesty to wear that day The King taketh again his Scepter with the Cross into his hand and the Rod with the Dove The King with his whole train in most solemn manner goeth back to his Pallace by the same way he came Dinner being done and the King withdrawing himself the Scepter which the King carried in his hand with the Rod being the Regalia are to be re-delivered to the Abbot of Westminster againe to be kept as they have been Consecratio Reginae THE Queen must be supported by two Bishops from the West door of the Church of Westminster c. The Queen must be anoynted c. after the Homage done by the Lords and the Kings Coronation finished The Queen following the King down to the Altar going before the Lords bearing her Crown Scepter and Rod two Bishops sustianing her and for her there shall be made on the left side of the Altar a Folding stool She shall sit while the King be required for the keeping of the Customes c. and that done while Veni Creator is singing and all the while the King is anoynting Dicetur ab Episcopo ad ingressum Ecclesiae at the West door of Westminster Church This prayer Omnipotens sempiterne c. O Almighty and everlasting God the Fountain and Well-spring of all goodnesse which dost not reject the frailty of the Woman but rather dost vouchsafe to allow and choose it and by choosing the weak things of the world dost confound those things that are strong which didst sometime cause thy People to triumph over a most cruel Enemy by the hand of Judith a woman give ear we beseech thee to our most humble prayers and multiply thy blessings upon this thy servant whom in all humble Devotion we do consecrate our Queen Defend her alwaies with thy mighty right hand and with the Buckler of thy favour protect her on every side that she may be able to overcome and triumph over all her Enemies both bodily and ghostly and that with Sarah and Rebecca Leah and Rachel and other blessed and honourable Women she may multiply and rejoyce in the fruit of her Womb to the honour of the whole Kingdome and the good government of the holy Church of God through Christ our Lord who vouchsafed to be born of a most pure Virgin that he might visit and redeem the world who liveth and reigneth with thee in unity of the holy