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A84350 Elijahs fiery-chariot, or Glowing-coals taken from Gods altar being excellent prayers and meditations, fitted for all persons in all conditions. Composed by divers learned Fathers and martyrs in the Church of God. The like never before extant. Elias, John, fl. 1659. 1659 (1659) Wing E500; Thomason E2257_1; ESTC R210145 129,509 438

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may alwaies not only striue against sin but also ouercome the same daily more and more as thy children do aboue all things desiring the sanctification of thy name the comming of thy kingdome the doing of thy will here on earth as it is in heauen c. through Iesus Christ our redeemer mediator and aduocate Amen I. B. A praier against our spirituall enemies the diuell the world and the flesh O Lord God the diuell goeth about like a roaring Lion seeking whom hee may deuoure the flesh lusteth against the spirit the world perswadeth vnto vanities that we may forget thee our Lord God so for euer be damned Thus are we miserable on euery side beset and besieged of cruell vnrestfull enemies and like euery moment to perish if we be not defended with thy godly power against their tyranny Wee therefore poore and wretched sinners despairing of our owne strength which indeed is none most hartily pray thee to endue vs with strength from aboue that we may bee able through thy help with strong faith to resist Satan with feruent praier to mortifie the lusts of the flesh with continuall meditation of thy holy lawes to auoid the foolish vanities and transitory pleasures of this wicked world that through thy grace wee being set at liberty from the power of these our mortall enemies may serue thee here in true holinesse and righteousnesse after be partakers of the euerlasting ioies prepared for thy children which as they are great and vnspeakable so are there few that doe enioy them For strait is the way and narrow is the gate that leadeth therunto and few therbe that find it Notwithstanding O GOD thou hast a little flocke te whom it is thy pleasure to giue that ioyfull kingdome whose names are written in the book of life Make vs therefore of that number for Iesus Christs sake and place vs amongst those thy sheep which shall stand on thy right hand to receiue that blessed inheritance and dwell with thee for euermore A praier for present helpe in temptation DEare father to whom it is more easie to doe all things then for mee to thinke any one good thing Loe doe thou but speake a word and thy deadly sicke seruant my soule shall be made whole Helpe O Lord for thy great mercy sake for thy truths sake and for thy deare son Iesus Christs sake and let thy strength suffice against my weakenesse and thy ho y spirit against my sinfull flesh and old man Thou art faithfull O Father who hast promised that I shall not be tempted further then thou wilt make me able to bea●e Giue now therefore thy grace and strength vnto thy seruant that I may with a strong faith in thy vnfallible truth and promised mercy vanquish and subdue whatsoeuer rebelleth against thy most blessed will preserue and keepe holy my soule and body and let them not be defiled and made a dungeon of diuels and wicked spirits through delectation in sinne Behold deare Father the postes thereof are sprinkled with the precious bloud of thy deare son and of thy great mercy they are made the temple and tabernacle of thy holy spirit Shall now alas the diuell the world or the flesh plucke from thee that thing which presently crieth to thee with assured trust in thy promised helpe Nay further but grant that I may by thy mighty power turne all their crafts deceits and raging assaults vnto the increase of thy fatherly assistance in this my present tēptation and may with assured hope and trust in thy ready helpe and comfort ouercome my said enemies hereafter in like assaults praise thy holy name for the victory through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen My sonne if thou wilt come into the seruice of the Lord stand fast in righteousnesse and feare and prepare thy soule to tentation Eccles 2. Remedies against sinfull motions and tentations First remember that sinne is so hainous a thing that God by his iustice might worthily damne thee for the same is therfore to be abhorred as a sweet poison a flattering death and destruction of the soule which would cut thee off from God thy Sauior and make thee a bondslaue to Satan thy deadly enemy Auoid therefore euen at the fi●st the occasions thereof and be time squash out the braines of the children of Babilon against the hard stones whiles yet they be yong and weake lest when they be growne elder and stronger they dash thee to pieces And for a remedy against the same flie vnto God who commandeth thee to call vpon him in thy trouble and promiseth to deiluer thee and wil not suffer thee to be further tempted then he will make a way out whereby thou shalt escape and doubt not but hee that causeth thee to hate the sin which thy nature is to loue will deliuer thee also from the dangers thereof and make thee to triumph ouer Satan to his confusion to Gods glory and thy great comfort which are causes that our tender louing Father sendeth tentations vnto vs and hee that is not tempted what is he Now after thou hast obtained the victory remember two things first to giue most hearty thankes to God for his grace and assistance whereby thou hast ouercome and be not vnthankfull in any wise and then that he who continually goeth about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may deuour will not be long or farre away from thee but will attempt againe the same or as euill waies to ouercome thee Watch therefore and pray A praier for the auoiding of Gods heauy wrath and vengeance for our sins OH Lord God strong and mighty great and fearful which dwellest in the heauens workest great wonders we thy miserable children here vpon earth do most humbly beseech thee to be mercifull vnto vs to pardon our offences and to forgiue vs all our sinnes O Lord enter not into iudgement with thy seruants for if thou doe there shall no flesh bee saued in thy sight We confesse and acknowledge O Lord that it is our sinnes which haue mooued thee to wrath and to shew such fearefull tokens of thy displeasure towards vs in these our daies first with fire from heauen betokening the hot burning indignation and wrathfull displeasure for sinne which aboundeth at this day then with such horrible and monstrous shapes against natur as were neuer seen here in our daies nor in any time before vs which do betoken to vs none other thing but thy plagues to come vpon vs for our degenerate and monstrous life conuersation And now desides all this by great mortality plagues and pestilence thou hast terribly threatned vs fatherly warned vs and mercifully called vs to repentance The axe is set to the root of the tree and if we bee not as rotten members without all sense and feeling wee may perceiue our fearefull destruction and desolation to bee at hand vnlesse wee speedily repent and turne vnto thee because wee haue been so long taught out of
Elijahs fiery-Chariot OR GLOWING-COALS Taken from GODS ALTAR Being excellent Prayers and Meditations fitted for all Persons in all Conditions Composed by divers learned Fathers and Martyrs in the Church of God The like never before extant London Printed for Thomas Rooks and are to be sold at his Shop at the sign of the Lamb at the East-end of St. Pauls Church 1659. The Epistle Reader LEt no prejudicate opinion divert or fiery passion impede● thy ●erusual of this little Manu●l because it adventures in●o a litigious world without 〈◊〉 Guardian for know ussu●edly it is no other than a Dove sent out of the Ark Gods Church to view the frame of the children of men and amidst the various actions of contentious spirits will certainly return with the Olive branch of Peace to each faithful Soul for indulgent mercy being alwayes ready with unwearied beams of Love and Light to guide the staggering steps of the rebellious and sinful yet returning man will never permit the great Abaddon to destroy the lives of precious Souls either by devouring their Religion in the flames of pretend●d but ignorant zeal or devouring their devotion in the overflowing deluge of a licentious tolleration for Heavens prop●●ious eye is ever watchful over his own peculiar Flock taking care that his inheritance may not be destroyed by that strange fire which is daily offered up from the usurped unlawful censors of pretended gifts by the many presumptious Corahs which like the Egyptian Flyes have of late overspread the whole Land that the grand Impostors of the world may no longer prevail upon the hearts of good people It hath pleased Almighty God to inspire stir up the hearts of some they of the faithfullest and most eminent Watchmen of our Israel in this ensuing Treatise to furnish us the unlearned and ignorant with Prayers Arguments and fervent ejaculations so to cast some glowing coals into the hearts and minds of the most excellent Christians whereby the fervor of their devotions may be increased The work is short but pithy as containing in it the Elixar of all religious service the epitomy of all piety and the whole of every man furnishing them with Prayers and Meditations for all times in all conditions and upon all occasions In short it is the platform both of prayer and meditation wherein is copied out Elijahs fiery-Chariot that with speed will carry fainting Souls to the place of comfort and rest Jacobs Bethel wherein the strongest man in Christ Jesus may strive and wrestle with his maker the Key of David which if turned by the hand of Faith will open the dore of Heaven to the greatest of sinners AN INTRODVCTION to Praier FOrasmuch as of our selues we are destitute of all good things and vtterly voide of all necessary helpes to saluation the Lord our God of his owne free mercie and goodnesse offereth himselfe to vs in Christ and in him he giueth vnto vs in the stead of our misery al felicity in the stead of our pouerty the vnspeakable riches of his grace he openeth vnto vs in him the treasures of heauē that our faith might wholy behold him and our hope bee fully fixed vpon him Jn whom it hath pleased him that the fulnesse of his grace should dwell that from thence we might all draw as out of a most plentifull fountaine the waters of eternall life This secret and great misterie is reuealed to such onely whose eies the Lord hath opened to see light in his light Therefore since we are taught by faith that whatsoeuer we haue need of is wanting in vs the same is laid vp with God for vs in Christ it remaineth that we seeke it in him Rom 10 with praier craue it of him The Apostle therefore to shew that true faith cannot be separated from the inuocation of Gods holy name hath set this order that as faith commeth by the Gospell so by the same faith our hearts are stirred vp to call vpon the name of G●d and therefore he saith that the spirit of adoption which sealeth in our hearts the witnesse of the Gospell raiseth vp our spirits that they dare with boldnesse shew forth their desires it stirreth vp in vs vnspeakeable gronings and causeth vs to cry with confidence Abba Father By the benefit of prayer therefore we attaine to those riches which God hath laide vp in store for vs for thereby we haue familiar accesse to God and boldly entring into the sanctuarie of heauen we put him in mind of his promises so that now by experience wee feele and finde that to be true indeede which by the word we did before but onely beleeue now we enioy those treasures by Prayer which by faith wee did before but onely behold in the Gospell of our Lord Jesus Now how necessary and profitable this exercise of prayer is appeareth in that the Lord himselfe witnesseth our whole saluation to consist in the calling vpon his name whereby he is wholly present with vs namely by his prouidence and fatherly care by the which he vvatcheth ouer vs by his power by the which hee sustaineth and succoureth our weakenesse being euery moment ready to perish and by his goodnesse and mercy by the which he receiueth vs into fauour being miserably loaden and pressed down with sinne And hereby groweth singular rest and quietnesse to our conscience For when wee haue disclosed to him our necessity herein we finde most ioyfull and perfect quietnesse that none of our euils are hidden from him whom we are perswaded to bee both most willing and also most able to helpe vs. Now that our praier may be made in such wise as it ought to be first wee must see that we be in heart and minde no otherwise prepared then becommeth those that enter into talke with God as we are taught Eccl. 28. Before thou pray prepare thy selfe and be not as one that tempteth God We must consider therfore when we pray in whose presence wee stand to whom wee speake and what we desire We stand in the presence of the Almighty creator of heauen and earth all things therein contained to whose eternall Maiesty innumerable thousands of Angels do assist serue and obey we speake vnto him who knoweth the secrets of our harts before whom nothing is more odious then hypocrisie dissimulation we aske those things which be most for his glory the comfort of our consciences VVee must therefore diligently endeuour our selues to remoue all such things as may offend his diuine maiestie And first that wee bee free from all worldly cares and fleshly cogitations whereby our minds are carried hither thither and being drawne out of heauen from the pure beholding of God are pressed downe to the earth And here let vs call to mind how vnreuerently we abuse the great goodnesse of God calling vs into familiar talke with him when we haue not that reuerent feare of his sacred Maiestie that we would haue of an earrhly creature or
whom wee are made thy children that I may truely know thee heartily loue thee faithfully hang vpon thee in all my needs with good hope call vpō thee tender faithfully this honor to thee that thou art my God and Father and I thy dear Child through thy grace in Christ and so alwaies bee endued with an assured hope of thy goodnesse and a faithfull obedient heart in all things to thy holy will As thy hands and from thee as I must looke for all things so come I vnto thee and pray the to giue me those things which thy deare children haue and thou requirest of me that I come and aske them of thee as now I do through Iesus Christ our Lord. As by this word Father I am taught to glorie of thee and in thee and all that euer thou hast for thou art wholy mine my Lord my God my father so by this word Our I am taught to glorie of all the good that all and euerie of thy seruants that euer were are or shall bee had haue or shall haue For now I am taught to beleeue that thou hast called mee into the communion of thy Church and people whom hereby I perceiue thou hast commanded to be as carefull for mee as for h●mselues and in all their praiers ●o bee as mindefull of me as of themselues Againe as by this word Father I am taught to remember render my duty I owe to thee-wards faith loue feare obedience c so by this word Our I am taught my duety towards thy people to be carefull of them and to take their sorrow pouerty afffiction c. as mine owne and therefore to labour to helpe them in heart and hand after my vocation and ability vtterly abhorring all pride selfe-loue arrogancy and contempt of any By reason whereof I haue great cause to lament and to reioyce To lament because I am so farre from consideration much more from doing my duty to thy people in thoughts words and deeds To reioice because I am called of thee placed in the blessed society of thy Saints and made a member and citizen of the heauenly Ierusalem because thou hast giuen in commandement to all thy Church to bee as carefull for mee as for themselues But alas how farre am I heerefrom As I am guilty of vnthankfulnesse for this thy calling mee vnto the blessed communion of thy deare sonne and Church yea of thy selfe so am I guilty of selfe-loue vnmercifulnesse pride arrogancy forgetfulnesse and contempt of thy children for else I could not but be otherwise affected and otherwise labour then I doe Oh bee mercifull vnto mee good Father forgiue mee and grant for Christes sake that as my tongue soundeth this word Our so I may in heart feele the true ioy of thy blessed communion and the true loue and compassion which thy children haue and feele towards their brethren that I may reioice in al troubles in respect of that ioifull communion that I may deny my selfe to honour thy children vpon earth and endeauour my selfe to doe them good for thy sake through Iesus Christ our Lord I come only to thee to giue me that which I cannot nor must not else where haue and thou requirest it of mee that therefore I should as thy childe come and craue it to thy glory Which art in heauen AS by these words Our Father I am taught to glory and reioice for the blessed communion which I am called to with thee deare Father with thy Christ and wi●h the holy Church so also am I heere taught by these words Which art in heauen to reioice in respect of the place and blessed ioyes whereunto at the length in thy good time I shall come For now I may perceiue that as heauen is thy home so is it mine also being as I am thy childe through Christ although here for a time I am bodily on earth and in misery Againe by these words which art in heauen I am admonished not only to discerne thee from earthly Fathers and to know how that thou art almighty present in all places and of most purity to confirme thereby my faith to bee prouoked the more to feare thee to reuerence thee c. But also I am admonished to iudge of thy fatherly loue by heauenly benefits and not by corporall simply alonely for oftentimes the wicked prosper more in the world and haue more worldly benefites then thy children So that by this I see thou wouldest pull vp my minde from earth and earthly things to Heauen and heauenly things and that I should see further by corporall benefits thy heauenly prouidence for mee For if thou place mee thus on earth and thus blesse me as thou doest and hitherto hast done from my youth vp in that thou art nothing so carefull for my body as for my soule how should I but thinke much of thy prouidence for it is thy home where is such glory as the eie hath not seene c Of which things these corporall benefits of thine giuen mee on earth should bee as it were inductions and the takng of them away admonitions to bee more mindeful of permanent things and lesse mindefull of transitorie things By reason hereof I haue great cause to lament and to reioice To lament because I am so earthly minded so little desirous of my home so vnthankefull for thy prouidence and fatherly protection heere on earth To reioice because of my home and the great glorie thereof because thou dost so prouide for me heere because thou doest so correct and chasten me c. But alas I am altogeather a wretch earthly and vnthankfull not only for these corporall benefits health riches friends fame wisedome c. for thy fatherly correction sicknesse temptation c. but also for thy heauenly benefits for Christ Iesus for the promise of thy spirit for thy Gospell c. yea euen for heauen it selfe and thy whole glory as the Israelites were for the land of Canaan Psal 106. and therefore neuer enioyed it but perished in the wildernesse I am proude in prosperitie and forget thee waxing secure and careles I am impatient in the crosse and to much consider worldly discommodities Oh deare Father forgiue mee for thy Christs sake a●l mine vnthankefulnesse loue of this world contempt and obliuion of thy heauenly benefits and grant mee thy holy spirit to illuminate the eies of my minde with the light and liuely knowledge of thy presence power wisedome Col. 3 ●hil 3. and goodnesse in thy creatures but specially in Christ Iesus thy sonne and so by the same spirit inflame mine affections that I may desire nothing in earth but thee and to bee present with thee that my conuersation may bee in Heauen continually from whence grant mee still to looke for the Lord Iesus to make this my vile body like vnto his owne glorious and immortall body according to his own power by which he is able to do all things As thou hast giuen
me to be thy childe so I pray thee giue me these things which bee the properties of thy children giuen from thee in thy good time Hallowed be thy name THy name is that whereby thou art knowne for names serue to discerne and know one thing from another Now though thou art knowne by creatures yet is this our corrupt estate Rom. 1 they serue but to make vs excuselesse Therefore most properly liuely and comfortably thou art knowne by thy holy word and specially by thy promise of grace Psalme 84.138 How Gods name is hallowed and freely pardoning and receiuing vs into thy fauour for Christ Iesus sake For the which goodnesse in Christ thou art praised and mag●ified according to thy name that is so much as men know thee in Christ they magnifie thee and praise thee which here thou callest hallowing or sanctifying For that thou art the more holy not in respect of thy selfe but in respect of men who the more they know thee the more they cānot but sanctifie thee that is they cannot but as in themselues by true faith loue feare spirituall seruice honour thee so also in their outward behauiour and words they cannot but liue in such sort The chiefe desire of Gods children as other seeing them may in and by their holinesse and godly conuersation bee occasioned as to know thee so to sanctifie thy name accordingly and therefore thou settest forth here vnto me what is the chiefe and principall wish and desire of thy children and people namely that ●hou in Christ mightest bee truely knowen and honoured both of themselues and of other inwardly and outwardly as by the contrary a man may easily perceiue The greatest griefe of Go●s people that the greatest sorrowe and griefe thy people haue is ignorance of thee false seruice or religion and wicked conuersation Against the which they pray and labour diligently after their vocation as they for the obtaining of the other both to other and to themselues doe take no small paine in prayer studie and godly exercise By reason heereof I see that I am farre from this desire and lamentation which is in thy children I see mine ignorance of the true knowledge of thee and thy name for else it had not needed thee so by thy word to haue reuealed thy selfe I see also mine owne ignorance of the excellencie of the same Our ignorance for else wouldest thou not haue told mee that the sāctifying of thy name is the chiefest thing thou requirest of euery man Againe I see my great want of holinesse Our great neede for else thou needest not to teach me to seeke and pray for that I want not Moreouer I see my great peruersity which would not seeke at thy hands for sanctification although I see my need thereof For the which thou wouldest not haue commaunded mee to pray if I seeing my want would haue prayed vnto thee for the same Last of all Gods loue I see thy wonderfull goodnesse which wilt vndoubtedly giue vnto me sanctification and holinesse for thou wouldest not that I should aske for that thing that thou wilt not giue mee So that I haue great cause to lament and reioyce To lament because I am so farre from this desire and lamentation which thy children haue also because of mine ignorance pouerty peruersity vnthankfulnes c. But most of all because thy holy name word and religion is so blasphemed both in doctrine in liuing of many especially in this Realme To reioice I haue great cause for thy exceeding goodnes and mercie which wouldest so disclose thy selfe by thy workes word and Gospell which wouldest open these things thus vnto me and also giue vnto mee and others sanctification in thy sight by faith and in the sight of men by purenesse of life and godly conuersation But alas I doe hartely neither the one nor the other that is lament or reioice as thou father which searchest my heart dost right well know Oh be mercifull vnto me and forgiue me yea giue me for thine owne pity thy holy spirit to reueale and open to my minde effectually my miserable estate and condition my ignorance peruersity my carelesnesse for thy true honour and dishonour in such sort that I may hartily lament these euills and haue them pardoned and taken from mee through Iesus Christ our Lord. Againe good father giue mee the same thy holy spirit to reueale to me thy name word and Gospell that I may liuely know thee vnfainedly loue thee heartily obey thee and aboue all things desire and labour by all meanes lawfull that all godlines in doctrine and conuersation may bee exercised both in mee and all others for whom thou wouldest I should pray Here think vpon the state of religion the life of the professors of the Gospel that thou maist lament some pray for some and giue thankes for some Let thy kingdome come Gods kingdom in respect of his power THy kingdome is in two sorts to be considered vniuersally and particularly Vniuersally according to thy power wherwith thou gouernest all things euery where in earth Heauen hell diuels Angels men beasts fowles fishes and all other creatures Of this kingdome spake Dauid when he said This kingdome ruleth ouer all Psal 10 4. Particularly thy kingdome is to bee considered according to thy grace wherewith thou rainest only in thy Church and elect people Gods kingdom in respect of his grace ruling and gouerning all and euery member of thy Church to thy glory and their eternall comfort Not that out of this Church I exclude thy power for as therewith thou defendest thy people so thou punishest thy enemies but because thy grace is specially considered being as it were the very keeper that keepeth and guideth thy people God● kingdome in respect of his glory The time will be when this kingdome of grace and power now being as distinct shall be vnited and made one kingdome of glory which will bee when Christ shall giue vp his kingdome into thyne hands that is in the resurrection when death the last enemie shal be subdued and thou shalt be all in all In the meane season How Gods kingdome is here conside ed and enlarged this kingdome of grace is miraculously and mightily propagated enlarged and gouerned by the true ministery of thy word and Sacraments through the working of thy holy spirit And this is the meane and way whereby as thou didst first plant so doest thou enlarge amplifie and preserue the same This kingdome of grace begun continued and enlarged by the true preaching of thy Gospell and ministration of thy Sacraments is the thing which Christ teacheth here thy children to pray for that it might come that is to say that th● Gospel might so mightily purely and plenteously bee preached maugre the head of all thine enemies that the number of thine elect might bee brought in and so the kingdome of thy glory might appeare So that as I
wee acknowledging frō the bottome of our hearts our own vnrighteousnesse may from henceforth not only mortifie our sinnefull lusts and affections but also bring forth such fruit as may bee agreeable to thy most blesses will Col. 3. Rom. 6. Eph. 4.5 1. Pet. 2. through Iesus Christ our onely Sauiour whom thou hast already giuen an oblation and an offring for our sinnes and for whose sake we are ●ertainly perswaded that thou wilt deny vs nothing that we shal aske in his name according to thy will For thy spitit doth assure our consciences that thou art our mercifull Father and so louest vs thy children through him that no thing is able to remoue thy heauenly grace and fauor from vs. To thee therefore with the sonne and the holy Ghost be all honour glory world without end So be it A P●ayer to be said in the Morning O Eternall GOD and heauenly Father seeing that by thy great mercy we haue quietly passed this night grant wee beseech thee that wee may bestow this day wholy in thy seruice so that al our thoghts words and deeds may red●und to the glory of thy name and good example of our brethren And as it hath pleased thee to make the sunne to shine vpon the earth to giue vs bodily light euen so vouchsafe to illuminate our vnderstanding with the brightnesse of thy spirit to direct vs in the way of righteousnes so that what thing soeuer we shal apply our selues vnto our speciall care purpose may be to walk in thy fear and to serue and honor thee looking for all our wealth and prosperity to came from thy only blessing and that we may take nothing in hand which shall not be agreeable to thy most blessed will Furthermore that we may in such sort trauaile for our bodies and for this present life that we may haue alwaies a further regard that is to the heauenly life which thou hast promised to thy children and in the mane season that it may please thee to preserue and defend vs both in body and soule to strengthen vs against al the temptations of the diuel and to deliuer vs fr●m all perils and dangers that may happen vnto vs if we be not defended by thy godly power And forasmuch as to begin well and not to continue is nothing wee beseech thee to receiue vs not onely this day into thy holy protection but also for the time of our whole life continuing and increasing in vs daily thy good grace gifts therof vntill thou shalt bring vs to that happy state where we shall fully foreuer be ioined vnto thy Sonne Iesus Christ our Sauiour which is the true light of our soules shining day and night perpetua●ly And to the end that we may obtaine such grace at thy hand vouchsafe most mercifull Father to forgiue and forget all our sins which wee haue heretofore committed against thee and for thy infinite mercies sake to pardon the same as thou hast promised to those that aske of thee with vnfained heart for whom as for our selues we make our humble petitions vnto thee in the name of thy sonne our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ in such sort as he hath taught vs saying Ou Father c. Another Praier to be said in the Morning O Almighty and most gracious God we hartily thanke thee for the sweet sleepe and comfortable rest which thou hast giuen vs this night past and for as much as thou hast commanded by the holy Word that no man should bee id●e but all occupied in godly and vertuous exercises euery man according to his calling wee most humbly beseech thee that thine eies may attend vpon vs daily defend vs cherish comfort gouerne vs and all our counsels studies and labors in such wise that wee may spend and bestow this day according to thy most holy will setting thee alwaies before our eies liuing in thy feare working that may bee found acceptable before thy diuine maiesty through Iesus Christ our Lord. So be it Another Prayer for the Morning VVE humbly and heartily giue thankes vnto thee O heauenly Father through thy dearely beloued son Iesus Christ that to thy innumerable bene ●ts hitherto powred vpon our soules and vpon our bodies thou hast kept vs this night past from many euils both spirituall and corporall and now of thy mercy dost offer and giue vs time to repent and amend our liues so that we might liue henceforth not as we wil but as thou wilt as our bodies doe draw continually neerer neerer their end the graue I mean so our soules might aproch to their end that is heauen not hel for in one state we stand not stil but either we are neerer and neerer the happy state of life or else the vnhappy condition of death eternall Wherefore we beseech thee to be mercifull vnto vs good Father and as of thy goodnes thou giuest vs time to repent and liue godly so of the same thy goodnes in Christ wee humbly beseech thee to giue vs thy gracious gift of true holy perfect perpetuall repentance that we may more and more lament our former sinfull life trusting vnfainedly in thy rich mercy through the merits of Iesus Christ for the pardon of all our sinnes and that we may vnfainedly purpose and effectually labour to amend our liues this day so long as we haue to liue in al our doings and words and euen in our very thoughts to the praise of thy holy name and good example by all our doings and words to all our brethren And forasmuch as thou knowest our weaknes our ignorance and great vntowardnes to carry any great crosse or affliction We beseech thee our sweete Father so temper order all things towards vs this day and for euer that we be neuer further proued tempted than thou wilt make vs able to beare so to help vs in the same as may be most to thy glory our saluation through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen An Euening Praier O Lord God Father euerlasting and full of pitty wee acknowledge and confesse that wee are not worthy to lift vp our eies to heauen much lesse to present our selues before thy diuine maiesty with confidence that thou wilt heare our praiers and graunt our requests if wee consider our owne wretched deseruings For our consciences doe accuse vs and our sins witnes against vs we know that thou art an vpright Iudge which dost not iustifie the sinners and wicked men Exo. 20. but punishest the faults of such as transgresse thy commaundements Yet most mercifull Father since it hath pleased thee to commaund vs to call vpon thee in all our troubles and aduersities Psal 15. Psal 28. promising euen then to helpe vs when wee feele our selues as it were swallowed vp of death desperation we vtterly renounce all worldly confidence and trust fly to thy soueraign goodnesse as our only stay and refuge beseeching thee not to call to
pride and ambition busie amongst them notwithstanding thy diligence in reprouing and teaching them After thy admonition to them of the crosse that should come thereby to make them more vigilant so grosse were they that they thought they could with their two swordes put away all perils which was no little griefe vnto thee After thy comming to Bethlehem heauines pressed thee and therefore thou willedst thy disciples to pray thou diddest tell to Peter and his fellows that thy heart was heauy to death Thou diddest will them to pray being carefull for them also least they should fall into temptation After this thou wentest a stones cast from them didst pray thy selfe falling flat groueling vpon the earth but alasse thou feltest no comfort and therfore thou camest to thy disciples which of all others were most sweet deare vnto thee but loe thy further discomfort they passe neither of thy perills nor of their owne and therefore sleepe apace After thou hadst awaked them thou goest againe to pray but thou foundest no comfort at all and therfore diddest returne againe for some comfort at thy detest friends hands But yet againe alas they are fast asleep Wherupon thou art enforced to goe again to thy heauenly father for some sparke of comfort in these thy wonderfull crosses and agonies Now here thou wast so discouraged and so comfortles that euen streams of bloud came running from thine eies and eares and other parts of thy body But who is able to expresse the infinitnesse of thy Crosse euen at thy being in the garden All which thou sufferedst for my sake as well to satisfie thy Fathers wrath for my sinnes as also to sanctifie all my sufferings the more gladly to be sustained for euer After thy bloudy praier thou camst and yet againe foundest thy disciples a sleepe and before thou canst well awake them loe Iudas commeth with a great band of men to apprehend thee as a theefe and so doth leading thee away bound to the high Bishops house Annas and so from him to Caiphas Here now to augment this thy misery behold thy disciples flie from thee false witnesses be brought against thee thou art accused and condemned of blasphemie Peter euen in thy sight forsweareth thee thou art vniustly stricken for answering lawfully thou art blindfolded stricken buffered al the whole night in the Bishop Caiphas house of their seruants In the morning betimes thou art condemned againe of the Priests of blasphemy and therfore they bring thee before the secular power to Pilate by whom thou art openly arraigned as other theeues and malefactors were and when he saw that thou wast accused of malice yet hee did not dismisse thee but send thee to Herod where thou wast shamfully derided in comming and going to him and from him al the way especially after Herod had apparelled thee as a foole Afore Pilate againe therefore thou wast brought and accused falsly no man did take thy part or speake a good word for thee Pilate caused thee to be whipped and scourged to be handled most pittifully to see if any pitty might appeare with the Prelates but no man at all pittied thee Barrabas was preferred before thee al the people head and taile was against thee and cried Hang him vp vniustly to death wast thou iudged thou wast crowned with thorns they pearced thy brains thou wast made a mocking stocke thou wast reuiled beaten and most miserably handled Thou wentest through Ierusalem to the place of execution euen to the Mount of Caluarie a great Crosse to hang thee on was laid vpon thy backe to beare and draw as long as thou was able Thy body was racked to be nailed to the tree thy hands were boared through and thy feet also nailes were put through them to fastē thee thereon thou wast hanged between heauen and earth as one spued out of heauen and vomited out of the earth vnworthy of any place the hie Priest laughed thee to s●orne the Elders blasphemed thee and said God hath noe care of thee the common people laughed and cried out vpon thee thirst oppressed thee but Vinegar only and gall was giuen thee to drinke heauen shined not vpon thee the sun gaue thee no light the earth was afraid to beare thee satan tempted thee and thine owne senses caused thee to cry out My God my God why hast thou forsaken me O wonderfull passions which thou sufferedst In thē thou teachest me in them thou comfortest mee for by them God is my father my sins are forgiuen By thē I should learne to feare God to loue God and neuer to leaue him for any tēptations but with thee to crie Father into thy hands I commend my spirit A praier to Christ crucified AS thou O Lord wast crucified for me so I beseech thee crucifie me with thee that I may rise againe with thee to euerlasting life Thy flesh was crucified for me crucifie with thee O Christ the kingdome of the flesh which hath dominion in me that I may put off the old Adam and by newnesse of life may be transformed into thee the second Adam sin infidelity and the whole tyranny of Satan being vanquished and ouercome Bring to passe O Lord that by thy crosse and painfull suffering thy yoke may be to me made light thy burden easie that willingly gladly following thee I may come whither thou art gone that is to thy Father most blessed and immortall from whom nothing shall afterward be able to separate vs. God forbid that I should reioyce in any thing but in the crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ whereby the world is crucified vnto me and I vnto the world Gal 6. A praier to Christ ascended and raigning in glory O Good Christ our first begotten brother and tender hearted Ioseph O naturall Sonne of that Father to whom we are made Children by adoption through thee Oh our head raigning on high in glory forget vs not thy poore members here on earth whereunto abasing thy selfe thou camest downe sufferedst for vs most cruell death Out of this thy throne of maiesty and glory thou puttest vs in assured hope and confidence that we also shall attaine to that blessed place whither thou art gone before to take possession for vs. Oh our strong tower of defence and succour what can hurt vs now trusting in thee Most vnhappy are they which are ignorant of thee most happy are they which alwaies behold thee Blessed are they which haue known thee here in the daies of their mortality but more blessed are they which see thee in the heauens and shall see thee raigning with thy father in ioyes incomparable O Lord the onely ioy and comfort of our soules shew vs thy louing countenance embrace vs with the armes of thy mercy receiue vs O good Ioseph thy yonger brethren with the kisse of comfort powre into our hearts thy holy spirit plucke vs vp from the earth earthly things open our eyes and lift them vp vnto thee open thy
mine intollerable heauines I cried to thee O my God and from heauen thou hardest my gronings thereupon first preparedst my hart to aske comfort of thee and then thou diddest accept my praier and gauest me plentifully my asking Oh my soule consider well that thou art neuer able to declare the exceeding goodnesse of God in this that hee heard the very desires of thee being afflicted who is so redy fauourably to grant the requests of the afflicted that oftentimes hee tarrieth not vntill they do call but or euer they call vpon him fauourably heareth them as the Psalmist saith The desire of the aflicted thou hearest O Lord thou preparest their hearts Psal 77 and thine eares heare them Oh Lord my God maruellous things are these whether I consider of this maruellous maner of thy hearing or else the maruellous nature property of thy goodnesse Maruellous no doubt is that thy hearing whereby the very desires of the afflicted are heard but much more maruellous is this thy goodnesse which tarriest not vntill the afflicted do desire thy help but preparest first their harts to desire and then thou giuest them their desires Yea Lord worthy of all praise it cannot otherwise bee For how shouldest thou doe otherwise then thy nature and property is Art not thou very goodnesse and mercy it selfe How canst thou then but pitty and helpe misery Art not thou both the creator and also the conseruer of all things Insomuch as the Lyons whelpes roaring after their pray doe seeke their food at thy hands and the Rauens birds lacking meat Psal 147. Esa 94. do call vpon thee If then thy fatherly prouidence tender care O Lord vpon all thy creatures bee so great that the very beasts and foules haue this experience of thy goodnesse in their necessities that their roarings cryings haue the strength of earnest calling and desires how much rather doe these sighings groanings and desperate heauinesse of men but chiefly of thy children crie and call lowde in thine eares though they speake neuer a word at all Should I then now despaire of thy fatherly mercy whiles presently I feele thee stirre vp my soule and heart to craue help at thy hand Should I thinke that thou wilt absent thy self for euer that thou wilt be no more intreated that thy mercy is cleane gon that thy promise is come vtterly to an end that thou wilt now shut vp thy louing kindenesse in displeasure Nay Lord for all alterations are of thy right hand and turne alway to the best to them that feare thee All this is but mine owne infirmitie for thou art euer one thy promises bee infallible and thy loue towards thine euerlastingly during I will therefore in this my present tentation grieuous assault powre out the heauinesse of my heart before thee deare Father Out of the deepe will I cry and lift vp my soule vnto thee Psal 1. from whom I assuredly know my helpe is comming I will also for my present comfort call to remembrance O Lord my God thy tender mercies towards me already shewed the multitude of thy benefits the greatnesse of the sa●e the long continuance of them euen from my onception vntill this instant and sinally thy continuall loue and desire to powre them vpon me And moreouer sith thy goodnesse is so great O Lord that thou doest not onely pitty misery but also callest the heauy hearted and afflicted vnto thee promising that thou wilt ease their misery Mat. 11. for as much as by the motion of thy good spirit I loath and abhorre my sins feele the grieuousnesse of them and thy heauy wrath towards me for the same and sinally what neede I haue of thy gracious aide and succour therfore O Lord in thy Sonne Christs name with sure confidence and trust in thine infallibe promise in this mine anguish and trouble I come vnto thee at thy mercifull calling craue comfort at thy hand For thou hast promised that when I loath my sins thou wilt vtterly forget them when I feele the grieuous but then of them thy mercy swalloweth them vp when I seeke that I want thou wilt assuredly grant it me For sith thou mouest my heart to desire help how should I mistrust but thou wilt for thy truths sake giue me my asking Yea where I know not how or what to desire as I ought thy holy spirit gratiously working in mee maketh intercession mightly for mee with groanings which cānot be expresseth and therwithal certifieth my spirit that by adoption through thy great mercy and goodnesse I am become thy child and heire Why should I not then be of good comfort and ioyfull in thee my God For if thou be on my side who can bee against me Since thou diddest not spare thine owne sonne but gauest him for me euen when I was thine enimy how shalt thou not with him now that by his death I am brought into thy fauour giue me all things with him and for his sake Rom. 8. Who shal lay any thing to the charge of thine elect it is thou Lord which iustifiest mee It is Christ that hath died for mee yea rather that is risen againe for me Who also is set on thy right hand and hath taken possession yea and perpetually there maketh intercession for mee vntill that ioyfull day be come when I shall haue full fruition of the most glorious presence of thy diuine maiesty in the kingdome which thou hast prepared before the beginning of the world ●phe ● but in time to the gracious goodnesse thought best made known to mee by giuing thy holy spirit into my heart whereby when I first Lord beleeued thy holy word which is thine owne power to saue all that beleeue I was sealed Rom. 8. confirmed and stablished in the certainty of that ●hine euerlasting kingdome and inheritance For the which inestimable benefit of thy rich grace Oh Lord my God I beseech thee euen for the loue thou barest to Christ Iesus thy son and the mercy thou haddest on him when he cried on the crosse Ma● ●7 My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee Help help I say inflame my heart with loue so plentifully towardes thee againe that I may bee euen swallowed vp in the ioyful feeling of the same in such sort that I may of very thankfulnes loue thee my God alone thee I say my deare God and nothing but thee and for thy sake O holy spirit whose work this is in me increase this work of thy in●uit mercy and preserue me that I neuer become vnthankfull vnto thee therfore Amen A praier for the sicke O Most mercifull God which according to the multitude of thy mercies doest so put away the sins of those which truly repēt that thou remembrest them no more open thy eies of mercy and look vpon this thy sicke seruant who most earnestly desireth pardon and forgiuenes renue in him most louing father whatsoeuer hath beene decaied by the fraud
thou wilt haue mercy vpon vs. For none that trust in thee shal be confounded Tobit 8. Job 32. neither any that cal vpon thee shall be despised For thou art the onely Lord who woundest and dost heale again Oseas 6. who killest and reuinest bringest euen to hell and bringest backe againe Our Fathers hoped in thee and trusted in thee Sap. 22. and thou diddest deliuer them They called vpon thee and were helped they put their trust in thee were not confounded Psal● 6. O Lord rebuke vs not in thine indignation neither chasten vs in thy heauy displeasure O remember not the sinnes and offences of my youth but according to thy mercy thinke thou vpon me Psa 25. O Lord for thy goodnesse Haue mercy vpon vs O Lord for we are weake O Lord heale vs for our bones are vexed And now in the vexation of our spirits and the anguish of our soules wee remember thee and we cry vnto thee heare Lord and haue mercy ●arue Jonas ● For thine owne sake and for thy holy names sake incline thine eare and heare O mercifull Lord. For we do not powre out our praiers before thee ●●a● 6. trusting in our owne righteousnes but in thy great and manifold mercies Wash vs throughly from our wickednes and clense vs from our sins Turne thy face from our sins and put out all our misdeeds Make vs cleane hearts O God and renue a right spirit within vs. Helpe vs O God of our saluation for the glory of thy name O deliuer vs and be merciful to our sinnes for thy names sake So we that be thy people sheepe of thy pasture shal giue thee thanks for euer and will alwaies be shewing forth thy praise from generation to generation Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beg●nning c. A Psalme of thanksgiuing for deliuerance from the plague or any other kind of sicknes trouble or affliction LOrd thou art become gracious to thy land thou hast turned away the afflictions of thy s●ruants Thou hast taken away al thy displeasure and turned thy selfe from thy wrathf●l indignation For if thou Lord hadst not helped vs it had not failed but our soules had beene put to silence But when we said our feet haue slipped thy mercy O Lord helpes vs vp In the multitude of the sorrowes that we had in our hearts thy comforts haue refreshed our soules Our soules waited still vpon the Lord our soules hanged vpon his helpe our hope was alwa●es in him In the Lords word wil we reioyce in Gods word did wee comfort our selues For the Lord said Call vpon mee in the time of trouble I wil heare thee and thou shalt praise me So when wee were poore needy sickly and in heauines the Lord cared for vs he was our helper our deliuer according to his word Ps● 27. In our aduersi●y and distresse hee hath lifted vp our head and saued vs from vt●er destruction Psa 33. He hath deliuered our soules from death he hath fed vs in the time of dearth hee hath saued vs from the noisome pestilence Therefore will we offer in his holy temple the oblation of thanksgigiuing Psa 37. with great gladnesse we wil sing speake praises vnto the Lord our Sauiour Psa 106. Psa 86. Wee will giue thankes vnto the Lord for he is gracious his mercy endureth for euer Psa 103. The Lord is full of compassion mercy long suffering plenteous in goodnesse and pitty John 5.7 Psa 108. His mercy is greater then the heauens and his gracious goodnes reacheth vnto the cl●●ds Psa 103. Like as a father pittieth his own children euen so is the Lord merciful vnto them that feare him Psal 72. Therefore will we praise thee thy mercies O God vnto thee will we sing O thou holy one of Israell P●al 98. We will sing a new song vnto thee O God we will praise the Lord with Psalmes and thanksgiuing Psal 47. O sing praises sing praises vnto our God O sing praises sing praises vnto our king For God is the king of the earth sing praises with vnderstanding We will magnifie thee O God our King Psal 145. we will praise thy name for euer and euer Euery day will we giue thankes vnto thee and praise thy name for euer and euer Our mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord let all flesh giue thanks to his holy name for euer and euer Psal 72. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for euer and blessed be the name of his maiesty world without end Amen Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. Praiers to be said before and after meales AL things depend vpon thy prouidence O Lord to receiue at thy hands due sustenance in time conuenient Thou giuest to them and they gather it thou openest thy hand and they are satisfied with all good things O heauenly father which art the fountaine full treasure of all goodnesse We beseech thee to shew thy mercy vpon vs thy children and sanctifie these thy gifts which we receiue of the mercifull liberality granting vs grace to vse them soberly purely according to thy blessed will so that thereby we may acknowledge thee to be the author and giuer of all good things and aboue all that we may remember continually to seeke the spiritual food of thy word ● Tim. 2. wherwith our soules may be nourished euerlastingly through our Sauiour Christ who is the true bread of life which came down from heauen of whom whosoeuer eateth shall liue for euer Joh ● and raigne with him in glory world without end So be it Another praier before meales WHether ye eat or drinke faith S. Paul or whatsouer ye do else let all be done to the praise and glory of God Eternal and euerlasting God father ●f our Lord Iesus Christ 1. Cor. 10 who of thy most singular loue which thou barest to mankind hast appointed to his sustenance not only the fruits of the earth but also the fo●●ls of the aire the beasts of the field and fishes of the sea and hast comman●ed thy benefits to be receiued as from thy hands with thanksgiuing assuring thy children by the mouth of thine apostle that to the cleane all things are cleane as the creatures which be sanctified by thy word and praier grant vnto vs so moderatly to vse these thy gifts present that our bodies being refreshed our soules may be more able to proceed in all good works to the praise of thy holy name through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Our father which art in heauen c Another O Eternall God the very God of peace and al consolation which broughtest againe from death our Lord Iesus the g●eat shepheard of the sheep● through the bloud of ●he euerlasting couenant make vs fruitfull in all good works to d● 〈◊〉 will and worke