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A69066 A summe of Christian doctrine: composed in Latin, by the R. Father P. Canisius, of the Society of Iesus. With an appendix of the fall of man & iustification, according to the doctrine of the Councel of Trent. Newly translated into Englishe. To which is adioined the explication of certaine questions not handled at large in the booke as shall appeare in the table; Summa doctrinae Christianae. English Canisius, Petrus, Saint, 1521-1597.; Garnet, Henry, 1555-1606. 1592 (1592) STC 4571.5; ESTC S107545 301,676 715

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de doc Chr. c. 37. 40. l. 3. c. 10. in praef Ps 31. purity cleannes of conscience which must euer (d) 2. Cor. 1 7. Heb. 3 6. 10 34. 1. Io. 3 3. Col. 1 21. 2. Pet. 1 10. shew it selfe by good workes inuincible patience in all aduersitye For they that wante the testimony of a good conscience or haue not a purpose to amend their life they I saye haue not that hope which they shoulde but do rather rashlie vaunt of (e) 2. Pet. 2 18. Eccli 5 4.6 Greg. 33. mor. c. 15. praesumption and a very vaine and vnfruitfull cōfidence how-soeuer they boaste of Gods grace and of the merites of Christ Hope in our Lorde sayth the (f) Ps 36 3. Prophet and do goodnesse againe Be thou subiect to our Lord and pray to him And an other Prophet (g) Thren 3 25. Our Lord is good to those that hope in him to the soule that seeketh him And that this hope must not be al-together (h) Greg. l. 6. ep 22. ad Gregoriā Ber. de Fest Magdal voyde of feare it appeareth by this place of the psalme Our Lord (i) Ps 146.11 is wel pleased ouer thē that feare him in thē that hope trust in his mercy 3 What good thinges are those which a Christian must hope for FIrst and specially those good (a) Tit. 2 13. 3 7. thinges of the Kingdome of heauen which do make men blessed happy and exempteth them from all manner of miserie Then all such things as (b) Heb. 4 16 Aug. in Enc. cap. 114. seruing for the necessarie vses of mortall men in this life are rightly desired prayed for at Gods hands ought to be reputed in the number of those good thinges which are to be hoped for and expected All which are specially expressed in our Lordes prayer as which Christ our Lorde with his owne most sacred (c) Mat. 6 9. Luc. 11 2. mouth deliuered with wonderfull wisdome prescribed to all those that would gladly by prayer lay opē their hope and good desires befote All. God 4 What is the forme of our Lords prayer THis that followeth The Pater noster is expounded by these Tert. Nysen l. de ora Cypr. ser 6. de or Dom. Cyr. cat mys 5. Chry. ho. de or Dom. in cap. 6. Mat. Hierō Theop. Eut. in Mat. Ambr. lib. 5. de Sacr. cap. 4. Aug. ep 121. ad Probam c. 11. l. 2. de ser Do. c. 4. seq ho. 42. ex 50. ser 126. 135. 182. de temp ser 9. ex diu Chrysol ser 67. seq Innoc. 3. lib. de Myst Missae c. 17. seq Petrus Laod. German Patriarcha Const Cassia coll 9. c. 18. sequ Our Father which art in heauen 1 Hallowed be thy name 2 Thy Kingdome come 3 Thy will be donne in earth as it is in heauen 4 Giue vs this day our dayly bread 5 And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. 6 And lead vs not into temptation 7 But deliuer vs from euill Amen 5 What is the sūme of our Lords prayer THere are (a) Aug. in Ench. c. 115 l. 2. de ser Dom. c. 10. seuen petitions therin conteyned vnto which all manners and formes of prayers (b) Aug. ep 121. ad Probam c. 12. what-soeuer may and ought to be referred whether we treate with al-mightie God for the obtaining of some good things or for the wiping away of sinne or for the turning away of any euill whatsoeuer And in the three first petitions those thīgs are in order demanded which are properly aeternal euerlasting in the fower others we do aske euen temporal things as being necessary for vs to the getting of the aeternal 6 What is ment by the beginning of this prayer Our father which art c. Ex. 15 11. Esa 42 5. 63 15. Mal. 1 6. 2. Cor. 1 3. Phil. 4 20. Ap. 4 10. Ro. 8 15. Gal. 4 5. 1. Pet. 3 22. Leo. ser 6. nat Do. IT is a little preface and it putteth vs in minde of that great inaestimable benefite wherby God the Father that eternall maiestie raigning most happily in heauen receiued vs into his fauour for Christ his Sonnes sake adopted vs by the holy Ghost to be his sōnes heires vnto his heauenly Kingdome And this remēbrance of so great benefites doth not only stirr vp (a) Cypr. in ser de or do attentiō but prouoke also the sōnes to render loue againe to their father and to obay him it doth in like maner encourage thē to pray afford thē (b) Luc. 11 11. Iac. 1 6. confidence to obtaine 7 What is the sense of the first Petition Hallowed be thy name VVE desire that aswell in our selues as in all others Mat. 5 17. 1. Pet. 2 12. 4 11. 1. Cor. 10 31. Col. 3 17. Ro. 15 6. Eccli 36 1. that may alwaies be preferred aduanced which standeth most with the glory and honor of our Soueraigne and most excellent Father And this indeede wee doe performe when the confession of the true faith hope and charity holy couersation (a) Luc. 1 72. 1. Pet. 1 15. 3 16. Phil. 2 15. of Christian life do shewe forth their light and force in vs that (b) Mat. 5. 17. others also beholding the same may take occasion to glorifie our Father 8 What is contained in the second Petition Thy kingdome come VVE do aske that God by his grace iustice Mat. 6 33. Ro. 14 17. Ps 22 1. 79 2. Luc. 1 33. 17 20. 1. Cor. 3 16 4 20. Eph. 1 18.23 Mat. 13 41 1. Co. 15 24 Col. 1.13 Ps 67 2. may raign in his Church yea in the whole world all aduersary powers euill affections beeing once abandoned rooted out Then we do wishe and pray that being once called out of this world as out of a troublesome (a) Phil. 1 23. Heb. 11 13. 1. Pet. 2 11. Iob. 7 1. 2. Cor 5 6. Sap. 5 16. Apoc. 22 4. Mat. 8 11. pilgrimage and warfare we may be speedily transported into the kingdome of glory and euerlasting felicity to raigne with Christ and his Saintes for euer 9 What importeth the third Petition Thy will be done VVE doe wishe in this petition Ps 102 20. Ro. 1 10. Act. 9 6. 21 14. Deut. 12 8 Heb. 13 21. I●c 4 15. Luc. 22 42. 1. Pet. 4 2 Act. 5 29. Iob. 1 21. 1. Pet. 5 6. that as the Angels and blessed Saints in heauen so we also vpon earth though weake and of small force may exhibite vnto Almighty God exacte obedience desiring or coueting nothing so much as that we may willingly submit our selues to the will of God both in prosperity aduersity renouncing our owne wil which is prone (a) Gen. 8 21. Mat. 26 41
OF FAITH AND OF THE CREED 1 Who is to be called a (a) Act. 11 26. 1. Pet. 4 16. Christian HEE which doeth professe the holesome doctrine of Iesus Christ true God and man in his (b) Athanas contr Arrianos orat 2. Cypr. lib. 4. ep 2. de simp praelat Ignat. ad Magnes Aug. tract 113. in Ioa. ser 181. de temp ca. 12. Ench. cap. 5. Tert. lib. de praescript Church He therefore which is a true Christian doth vtterly condemne and detest all other Religions and Sectes that are else-where to be found in any Nation or cuntrey out of the doctrine Church of Christ as the Iewishe Heathenishe Turkishe or hereticall Secte And doth firmely staie himselfe in the very Doctrine of Christ 2 In what briefe summe may Christian Doctrine be comprehended THat a Christian do know obserue those things which do belong both to (a) Ecli 1 3● wisedom Iustice Wisedome as S. Austen (b) Lib. 2. Retract cap. 63. Ench. cap. 2. 3. sheweth consisteth in the vertues Theological (c) 1. Cor. 13 13. Faith Hope Charitie which are both infused by God (c) 1. Cor. 13 13. beeing purely most feruently practised in this life they doe make men blessed diuine Iustice standeth in (d) Pros sen 98. ex Aug. two parts in declining frō euil doing good For hereūto belongeth that which the kingly Prophet saith (e) Psal 33 15. 36 27 1. Pet. 3 10. Turne from euill doe good Now out of these fountains to wit Wisedome and Iustice other things are easily drawē deduced whatsoeuer do appertaine to Christian Instruction Ro. 10 14. Heb. 11 6. Aug. serm 38. de temp sermo 1. de verbis Apost cap. 4. Leo. ser 4. de nat Dom. and Discipline 3 What is first taught in Christian Doctrine FAith that very gate entrāce to our saluation without the which none in this life can find cal vpō serue please almighty god For he that cōmeth to god must beleue (a) He. 11 6. saith the Apostle And (b) Mar. 16 16. he that beleeueth not shal be condemned is (c) Io. 3 18. already Iudged by the sentence of Christ 4 What is vnderstoode by the name of Faith A (a) Eph. 2 8. Heb. 11 1. Basil ser de fidei conf Ber. ep 190. Aug. cont ep sund c. 5. gifte of God and a light wherewith man beeing illuminated doth firmely assent cleaue vnto those things which are reuealed by God proposed vnto vs by the Church to be beleeued As are these that followe That God is (b) 1. Io. 5 7. one in three persons that the world was (c) Gen. 1 1. Io. 1 14. Luc. 2 7. Rom. 3 8. created of nothing that god was made mā suffered death for our sakes that MARY (d) Conc. Eph. cap. 13. Luc. 1 35. 1. Cor. 15 51. Io. 3 5. is both a Virgine the mother of God that all the deade are to be raised againe to life that man is borne againe of Water and the holie Ghost that Christ is wholly in the (e) Conc. Constantie Flor. Trid. B. Sacrament and other such of like sorte that are the reuerend mysteries of our religion which being reuealed by God cannot be comprehended by mans (f) Eccli 3 22. 2. Cor. 10 5. capacity but maie be conceiued onlie by faith Whereupō the Prophet saith (g) Esa 7 9. secundū 70. Basil in Psa 115. in moral Reg. 80. cap. 21. Greg. ho. 26. in Euang. Chrys in 1. ad Cor. homil 4. Vnlesse ye will beleeue yee shall not vnderstand For faith respecteth not the order of nature neither doth shee trust to experience of senses or relie vpon the might or reason of man but vpon the power authority of God holding this as a most vndoubted verity that the most soueraigne eternal trueth which is God cā neither deceiue nor euer be deceiued Wherfore it is the very cōdition property of faith to bring all vnderstanding into (h) 2. Cor. 10 5. captiuitie vnto the obedience of Christ with whom there is no (i) Lu. 1 37. Hier. 32 27. worde that is hard to be done much lesse impossible This (k) Euseb Emis ho. 2. de symb Cyr. catech 5. Illum Chrys serm de fide spe charit Cyril lib. 4. in Ioa. ca. 9. faith is the light of the soule the dore or entrance to life the foundation of eternal saluation 5 Is there any brief cōprehēsion of Faith and summe of all those thinges that we must beleeue There is that which the twelue Apostles haue deliuered in their Creed and which they haue aptely distinguished into twelue Sections and Articles A worke doubtlesse worthy of such (a) Clem. ep 1. ad sr Do. Amb. ep 81. serm 38. Aug. serm 181. de tēp Ruf. in sym Iren. lib. 1. c. 2. l. 3. c. 4. Hieron ad Pammach aduers errores Ioā Hieros cap. 9. Leo. ser 11. de pass ep 13. ad Pulc ser cont Eutyc Maxim ser de traditione symb The Creede is expoūded by these Authors following Cyril in Catech illum Chrys ho. 1. 2. in sym Aug in Enc. ad Laurent in lib. 4. de symb ad Catech. lib. de sid symb ser 115. 119. 123. 125. 131. 181. 192. 193. 194. de tēp Euseb Emi. ho. 1. 2. in symb Chrysol ser 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Max. ho. 1. de diuersis authors which next vnto Christ our Lord were the principall and most holy founders of the Christian faith And this Creed surely is as it were a plaine euident marke whereby christians are to be distinguished discerned from those wicked persons which doe professe either none at all or not the right faith of Christ 6 Which be the Articles of this Creede I Beleeue in God the Father Almighty maker of Heauen earth 2 And in IESVS CHRIST his onely Sonne our Lorde 3 Which was conceived by the holie Ghost borne of the VIRGINE MARY 4 Suffered vnder PONTIVS PILATE was crucified dead buried 5 He descended into hell the third day he rose againe from the dead 6 Hee ascended into Heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almightie 7 From thence he shal come to iudge the quicke and the deade 8 I beleeue in the Holy Ghost 9 The holy Catholicke Church the communion of Saints 10 The forgiuenesse of sinnes 11 The resurrection of the fleshe 12 And the life euerlasting Amen 7 To what end specially are these wordes of the Creede TO this end surely Hier. 9 23. Io. 17 3. 1. Cor. 2 2. 1. Pet. 1 8. cap. 13 1. that we may haue comprehended in a briefe summe the true knowledge of god of heauenly things which knowledge truly is necessary to euery mā that he may liue wel happily And in this Creed the acknowledging confessing
l. 6. instit cap. 8. chaste (i) Aug. ad Ian. ep 118. cap. 6. fasting modest humble with (k) Orig. ho. 5. in diuers Cass Coll. 22. cap. 7. submission and without all indecencie But they that receiue the holy Eucharist vnworthely do not receiue life but iudgement vnto themselues and are (l) 1. Cor. 11 27. Chr. ho. 45. in Io. 61. ad Anti. Bas ser 2. de Bapt. cap. 3. Theodor. in 1. Cor. 11. Cassia Coll 22. c. 5. Pet. Clun lib. 1. mirac c. 25. guilty of the body and bloude of our Lorde as witnesseth the Apostle and shal be grieuosly condemned with Iudas the Iewes the blouddy enimies of Christ our Sauiour OF THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE 1 What is the Sacrament of Penance Trid. ses 14. c. 1. can 1 ses 6. c. 14. can 29. Flor. Cōst ses 15. Nyss in vita Moisis Bern. in vita Malach. IT is that in which is giuen the absolution of a Prieste from sinnes which a man hath truely detested rightly confessed Which power of absoluing to the intent that wee might haue certaine in the Church this diuine promise was made vnto (a) Trid. ses 14. c. 6. cā 10. Amb. l. 1 de poenit c. 2. 7. lib 2. cap. 2. Priests Receiue (b) Io. 20 23 ibid. Cyr. lib 12. cap. 56. Greg. ho. 26. in Euang. Chry. ho. 85 in Ioan. yee the holy-Ghost whose sinnes you shall forgiue they are forgiuen them and whose you shall reteine they are reteined Then in an other place Amen I say to you saith our (c) Mat. 18 18. Cyp. ep 54. ad Corn. Hila. can 16 in Mat. Pacia ep 1. ad Sympr Hier ad Heliod ep 1. cap. 7. Aug. lib. 20. ciuit cap. 9. Chrys ho. 5. de ver Esaiae vidi Dominum Lorde Whatsoeuer you shall binde vpon earth shall be bounde also in heauen and whatsoeuer you shall loose vpon earth shal be loosed also in heauen By which it plainly apeareth that the effecte of this Sacrament is excellent and ful of comforte as being the meanes whereby are remitted all manner of sinnes though neuer so foule and abominable and they absolued without anie difference that haue guiltie consciences in the sight of Almightie God and this by the Ministery of a Prieste through the diuine ordinance of Christ And therefore the power and authority of Priestes is nowe farre more excellent and more to be accounted of than of (d) Leuit. 4 22.27 5 4 15. 6 2. 13 2.17 37. 14 2.18 Mat. 8 4 Luc. 17 14. olde it was as beeing those persons vnto whom it is granted I doe not say to allowe as already purged but altogether to purge not the leprosie of the body but the filthes of the soul as witnesseth (e) Chrys l. 3. de sacerd Saint CHRYSOSTOME And (f) Aug. de Verb. Dom. ser 8. ca. 1. 2. ser 44 in Io. tra 49. ho. 27 ex 50. in Psal 101. Conc. 2. S. AVGVSTINE What other thing doth the Church saith hee vnto whom it is saide what thinges you shall loose shall be loosed But that which our Lord said to his Disciples loose him (g) Io. 11 44. let him goe Amb. lib. de paenit 1. 2. Aug. lib. de adult coniug c. 28. lib. 2. ca. 16. Con. Later can 1. Trid. cap. 2. ses 14. Flor. Hier. li. 2. adu Pelag 2 Wherefore is this Sacrament of Penance needfull THat a man hauing fallen after Baptisme become the enemy of God obtaining by means of this Sacrament remission of sinnes may be reconciled vnto God and of a deade man bee made aliue and of wicked become iust For which cause the Fathers doe not vnaduisedly cal (a) Pacia ep 1. ad Sympr Hier. in ca. 3. Esa ep 8. ad Demetr de seruand Virg. cap. 6. Ambros ad Virg. laps c. 8. Trid. ses 6 c. 14. ses 14. can 2. Tert. de paenit c. 7. Ezech. 18 30. 33 11 Penance the second table after shipwracke to wit by the which euery man may be transported out of the whirle-poole of mortal sinne as out of a shipwracke into the grace fauor of almighty God though loaden pestered with manie and those very heinous sinnes 3 When is this Sacrament taken as it ought to be worketh effectually VVHhen he that sueth for remission of his sinnes Conc. Flor. Trid. ses 14. cap. 3. can 4. doth vse these three partes or actes Contrition Confession Satisfaction which do comprehend the ful conuersion of a man vnto God the duty of a penitent and his perfecte renuing Of which (a) Ser. de paenit 2. Reg. 16 5. Ps 50 19.5 6 7. 37 7.18 101 4.10 2. Reg. 12 13. 24 10 3. Reg. 21 25. Ionae 3 7 S. CHRYSOSTOME speaketh in this manner Perfect Penance doth constraine the sinner to suffer all thinges willingly Contritrition in his hearte Confession in his mouth and in his actions nothing but humility This to be holesome Penance S. CHRYSOSTOME affirmeth that by those very means that we offende God which certes we doe by heart worde and deede by the same we may be reconciled vnto God in hearte by Contrition in mouth by Confession in deede by Satisfaction To Contrition appertaineth that place A troubled spirit is a (b) Psal 50 19. sacrifice to God a contrite and humble hearte O God thou wilt not despise Confession S. LVKE doth notifie in these wordes (c) Act. 19 18. Num. 5 6. Manie of them that beleeued came confessing and declaring their deeds And the (d) Iac. 5 16. ibid. Be● Apostle S. IAMES teacheth Confesse your sinnes one to another And to Satisfaction doe belong those woorthie fruites of Penance which (e) Mat. 3 2. Luc. 3 8. Act. 26 20. S. IHON Baptist requireth amongst them Almes is accounted Of these DANIEL the Prophet saith thus Redeeme (f) Dan. 4 24. thy sinnes with Almes thy iniquities with mercie towardes the poore A great offence hath neede of great Satisfaction saith (g) Amb. ad Virg. lap c. 8 S. AMBROSE And hereūto also is referred that which S. PAVL saith of mourning for those (h) 2. Cor. 12 21. Corinthians because they had not as yet doone Penance for the vncleannesse fornication and incontinency which they had committed Trid. ses 14. cap. 4. Flor. Aug. ser 3. in Nat. Do. c. 2. de paenit medicin seu ho. 50. ex 50. cap 15. Fulg. li. 1. de remiss pec c. 12. 4 What is Contrition IT is a griefe of minde and a detestation conceiued for sinne because Almighty God is therewith displeased ioined with a full purpose of amendment of life This Contrition is (a) Chrys in Ps 50. de compunct l. 1. 2. Aug. de paenit medic c. 9. Amb. c. 8. ad Virg. laps Trid. ses
Pauli de vir illust in Iacobo gesture and disposition of the body together with many ceremonies And therein they doe very well as appeareth by the examples of holye Scripture For euen Christ our Lorde sometimes with (q) Io. 17. a 11. a eies lifted vp to heauen sometimes with (r) Mat. 17. c Luc 23. f loude voice sometimes prostrate (s) Mat. 26. d Mar. 14. d Luc. 22. c vpon the ground praied vnto his Father The praier also of (t) Dan. 9. a DANIEL and the (v) Ion. 3. c d Iudith 4. b c d 9. a 1. Mach. 3. f Niniuites is the more cōmended because it was not taken in hand without Fasting Sackecloth Ashes And it is not in vaine written of the (x) Luc. 18. c Exod. o. f g 17. c. Deut. 9. c d Num. 20. a Psal 87. b 140. a 2. Par. 6. b 29. f 3. Reg. 8. f Dan. 6. c 1. Esd 9. b Mat 2. b Exod. 7 g 9. g 20. g 21. a Ephes 3. c 1. Cor. 11. a Damasc l. 4 orth fid c. 13. Of set times of Praier See Aug. haeres 57. Beda in cap. 18. Luc. Anselm in c 5. epist 2. ad Thess Clem const lib. 8. cap. 40. Tert. in apol cap. 2. Cypr. de orat Dom Athan. de Virgin Bas ser 1. de instit Monach. cap. 57. in regulis longioribus Chrys ho. 59. ad pop Hieron in cap. 6. Dan. ad Eustoch ep 22. cap. 17. in epitaph Paula cap. 1. Conc. Aquisgr cap. 126. sequent Psal 118.5 a 54. c. Dan. 6. c Act. 3. a 10. b 16. c Publicane that he made his praier in the Temple with an humble countenance his eies cast downwarde and knocking of his breast Which thinges certes though they seeme externall may be done euē by wicked persons for ostentatiō sake yet do they deserue praise and cōmendation in that they both exercise the body deuoutely bring it into the obedience of the Creatour stir vp the mind confirme strengthen it in the interiour worshippe These are moreouer certain testimonies of faith humilitie and pietie in no case to be neglected as being thinges that doe procure much edification not only to the beholders but also to the wholle Church 8 Why is it that it behoueth vs so diligently and dayly to pray FIrst because of the greate and infinite cōmodities that redounde to them that pray as they shoulde Isid de summo bono l. 3. cap. 7 Aug. serm 226. 230 de temp ep 121. ca. 8 sequ ser 5. de verb Dom. cap. 4 sequ Cypr. de or Do. Amb. l. 3. de Virg. et ser 93. de Nazario Celso Then also for that praier is a proper necessarie exercise of faith Moreouer it is euery where commanded in diuine (a) Mat. 26. d Mat. 13. d. Luc. 18. a 11. a b 21. g Eccli 18 c 21. a Ro. 12. c Phil. 4. b Col. 4. a 1. Pet. 4 b 1. Thess 5. c f 6. c 1. Tim. 5. a Heb. 4. d Luc. 1. a 4. a 5. d scripture and it hath a promise not only often repeated but also such a one as is excellent full of all consolation and sweetnes (b) Mar. 11. c Mat. 21. b. 18. c d I say to you saith the trueth himselfe Christ all thinges whatsoeuer you aske praying beleeue that you shall receiue they shall come vnto you And againe I say (c) Luc. 11. b Mat. 7. b Io. 14. b 15. a 10. d 1. Io. 3. d 5. c Psal 49. c 144. d Pro. 15. d 2. Par. 7. c Eccli 2. b 3. a 38. a I●cuit 4. f g 5. c d 6. a to you aske and it shall be giuen you seeke and you shall finde knocke and it shall be opened to you for euery one that asketh receiueth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened And again If you (d) Mat. 7. b Luc. 11. c being nought know how to giue good guiftes to your children how much more will your Father which is in heauen giue good thinges to them that aske him With such kinde of speaches as well noteth Saint CHRYSOSTOME and with such a (e) Lib. 1. de orand Deū vide etiam l. 2. ho. 5. de incomprehensib Dei natura ad pop Antioch ho. 71. 79. Greg. ho. 27. in Euang in Ps 6. Poenit. hope hath the Lorde of all thinges prouoked vs to pray It is our parte that being obedient to almighty God we passe ouer our whole life in the praise of god in praier vsing more diligence care about the seruice of God then about our owne life For so it will come to passe that we shall alwaies leade our life worthy of a man Thus farre Saint CHRYSOSTOME 9 By what examples may wee gather what the force and commoditie of praier is THe Apostle S. IAMES to the intent he might explicate the vertue of praier with an example wrote thus ELIAS (a) Iac. 5. d 3. Reg. 17. a d 18. f g Luc. 4. d Eccli 48. a was a man like vnto vs passible and with praier he praied that it might not raine vpon the earth and it rained not for three yeeres sixe monethes And he praied again and the heauen gaue raine and the earth yeelded her fruite S. AVGVSTINE (b) Aug. ser 22. ad stat in Eremo proueth the same thing with many more examples MOYSES (c) Exod. 17. c d Iudith 4. c d and SAMVEL (d) 1. Reg. 7. c d praying the Iews ouercame their enemies the Amalechites the Philistians HIEREMIE praying is (e) Hier. 32. c d f comforted strengthned in prison DANIEL (f) Dan 6. c f praying triumpheth amongst the Lions The three (g) Dan. 3. c e Children praying doe daunce in the fornace The Theefe (h) Luc. 23. f praying vpon the Crosse doth finde Paradise SVSANNA (i) Dan. 13. c by praier is defended amiddest the Elders that accused her falsly S. STEVEN (k) Act. 7. g. Hier. contra Vigilant c. 3 Aug. ser 1. 4. de Sāctis praying is receiued into heauen and hearde in the behalfe of SAVL amongst thē that stoned him By which (l) Gen. 25. c Exod. 8. c g 9. g 10. c 14. c d 32. c f Num. 11. a 12. d 14. c 16 c e g 21. b 1. Reg. 1. b d 12. c 4. Reg. 19. c g 20. a 2. Par. 20. a c e 33. c 1. Esd 8. c Tob. 3. a b d Iudith 9. a d 13. a Ps 17. a 119. a Ionae 2. a 1. Mac. 3. f 4. a b Act. 12. a examples not only is declared the profite of praier but also the loue and diligence of praying is commended vnto vs. Wherfore the Apostolical writings doe thus exhorte vs Praie without intermission (m) 1. Thes 5. c in all thinges giue thankes And againe Praie one (n) Iac. 5. d
is very euill To wit of them who like the obstinate Iewes doe die in their sinne without penance and for that cause doe so perish that they are to be tormented perpetually (m) Luc. 16 c f Greg. 4 dial cap. 38. hom 12. in Euang. Beda lib. 5. hist Angl. cap. 14. 15. in hell with the rich Glutton But of the other he testifieth (n) Psal 115 a Pretious in the sight of our Lord is the death of his Saintes For to (o) 2. Cor. 5 a b Greg. 4. dial cap. 11. sequent Cyprian de mortal Amb. de bo no. mort c. 2. seq such this death of the bodie is nothing else but an end of this earthly peregrination a conclusion of the miseries of this mortall life a quiet sleepe and a secure repose the begining of true life and a wished passage to most happie immortalitie with the desire whereof the Apostle burning and being weary of this life (p) Phil. 1 d Luc. 2 d Psal 41 a 83 a 141 b Num. 23 b I desire saith he to be dissolued and to be with Christ (q) Luc. 12 c Blessed are those seruantes that whē the Lorde commeth he shall finde watching And blessed (r) Apoc. 14 c are the dead which die in our Lorde And (s) Sap. 4 b a iust man if he shall be preuented with death he shall be in a refreshing 3 In what sorte doth holy scripture admonish vs of Iudgement IT is horrible to (a) Heb. 10 f Bern. ser 8. in Psal Qui habitat fall into the hands of the liuing God and of Christ the Iudge before whose (b) 2. Cor. 5 b Tribunall we must all be manifested and euerie man (c) Rom. 14 b Luc. 16 a 12 f 19 d must render accounte for himselfe For all (d) Eccles 12 d 11 d 1. Cor. 4 a Ro. 2 a b c Sap. 1 c Eccli 11 c Mat. 12 c 16 d Apoc. 20 d 22 c Psal 61 b 2. Tim. 4 b Damas in orat de def Cyr. de exitu animae Leontius in vita Ioanis Eleemosin thinges that are done God wil bring into iudgement for euery faulte whether it bee good or euill And therefore not only vnto sinners but also vnto (e) 1. Pet. 4 d Sephon 1 c Psal 74 a Ber. ser 55. in Cant. Greg. lib. 8. moral cap. 13. Saints often-times the expectation (f) Heb. 10 c of this iudgement is terrible This did holie DAVID feare so that hee did earnestlie pray Enter not (g) Psal 142 a into iudgement with thy seruaunt O Lorde This feared IOB also notwithstanding hee was innocent (h) Iob. 1 a and his feare he expresseth in these wordes (i) Iob. 31 b What shal I do when God shal arise to iudgement And when he shal aske what shal I answere him as swelling waues (k) Ibidem c Greg. 21. moral cap. 15. 16. ouer me I alwaies feared Almighty God and his waight I coulde not beare I did feare al (l) Iob. 9 d 24 b Eccles 9 a 1. Cor. 4 a my works knowing that thou wouldest not spare him that offendeth And certes that iudge is (m) Aug. in lib. de decē chordis cap. 1. 2. Prosp lib. 3. de vita contempl c. 12. Bern. ep 1. Innocentius 3. lib. 3. de contemptu mundi c. 15. to be feared whose power we cannot escape whose wisedome is infallible Iustice inflexible Iudgement vnreuocable Of which it is thus writtē The Zeale (n) Pro. 6 d and furor of the Man to witte of Christ the Iudge shall not spare in the day of reuenge nor yeelde to any mans petition nor will take for redemption neuer so many giftes Who also of himselfe and his iudgement least any man should be ignorant hath foretolde this vnto all men When (o) Ps 74 a Bern. ser 55. in Cant. I shall take time I will iudge iustice I the Lord (p) Hier 17 b 11 d 20 c 32 c Pro 16 a Heb. 4 d 1. Par 28 b Mal. 3 a Ps 7 b 43 d scarching the hart prouing the reines who doe giue to euery one according to his way according to the fruit of his inuētions I come (q) Esa 66 f Iudae epist c Mat. 10 c to gather togither their works and their cogitations with all nations and toungs they shal come see my glory But of the day of the last iudgement (r) Aug. 20. de ciu Dei cap. 1. 2. 30. lib. 18. c. 53. item ep 78. 80. ad Hesych Hippol. de consum mundi Damas lib. 4. orth lid cap. 27. which is also called in Scripture the day of our (s) Soph. 1 d Ioel. 2 a e g 3 a Esa 13 b c 24 c d 66 c Hier. 23 d Mal. 3 a 4 a b Dan. 7 c d Apoc. 20. d 6 d Psal 96 a 59 a Mat. 24 25 c d 13 f 3 c Sap. 5. a d Lorde the day of anger the great horrible day the Apostle Saint PETER teacheth in this manner The day of our Lord shall (t) 2 Pet 3 c Aug. lib. 20. de eiu Dei cap. 16. 18. Chrys ho. 46 ad pop Antioch sequent Ephrem in lib. de ilidicio extremo lib. de vera paenitent Aug. ser 67. d c temp Isid de summo bono lib 1. c. 30. Cyr. catech 15. Illum Hier. ep 1. ad Heliod cap. 9. Greg. hom 1. 12. in Euang. lib. 26. moral cap. 24. 25. Aug. cap. 4. meditat Anselmus de miseria hominis Bern. de interiori domo cap. 38. come as a thiefe in the which the heauens shall passe with great violence but the Elements shall be resolued with heate and the earth and the workes that are in it shall be burnte Therefore whereas all these thinges are to bee dissolued what manner of men ought you to be in holy conuersations and godlinesses expecting and hasting vnto the comming of the day of our Lorde by which the heauens burning shall be resolued and the Elements shall melt with the heate of fire And that wee may finde Christ then a gentle Iudge and that daie wherein Heauen and (v) Luc. 21 f 1. Cor. 7 f Apoc. 21 a Earth shall passe ioyful vnto vs most excellent is this counsaile of the wise man Before (x) Eccli 18 c 2. Pet. 3 c Luc. 21 g Tit. 2 d 1. Thess 5 a Luc. 17 f Chrys ho. 5. de poenit sickenesse apply the medicine and before iudgement examine thy selfe and in the sight of God thou shalt finde propitiation For if wee (y) 1. Cor. 11 g did iudge our selues we should not be iudged To (z) Eccli 1 b Greg. lib. 31. moral c. 21. Aug. ser 120 de temp him that feareth our Lorde it shall bee well at the last and in the day of his death he shall be blessed 4 And what of hell and the paines thereof Vide Chrys epist 5.
The seuenth Age Anno. Dom. 600. Leontius Episc Sophronius Episc S. Isidorus Hispalen Episc Concilium Hispalense 2. Concilium Toletanum 4. Georgius Alexandrinus Episc hic sorte Concilium Braccarense 2. Concilium Toletanum 8. Concilium Braccarense 3. The sixt generall Councell of Constantinople Synodus Trullana Constātinopolitana * The eight Age Anno Dom. 700. Venerabilis Beda S. Ioannes Damascenus The seuenth general Coūcell of Nyce 2. * The ninth Age Anno. Dom. 800. Alcuinus Paulus Diaconus Concilium Moguntinum Ionas Aurelianens Episc Concilium Aquisgranense 1. 2. Haymo Episc Rabanus Episc Concilium Wormatiense Phocius Episc The eight general Councell of Constantinople Ioannes Diaconus Rom. Remigius Antisiod Episc Theophilactus Episc Concilium Triburiense Concilium Nannetens hic force * The eleventh Age Anno Dom. 1000. Burchardus Wormatiensis Episc Concilium Salegūstadiens S. Petrus Damianus Episc S. Lansiancus Episc Concilium Rom. sub Leone 9. cont Petergar Concilium Vercellense sub eodem Concilium Turonense sub Victore 2. Concilium Rom. sub Nicolao 2. Guitmundus Episc Algerus Concilium Rom. sub Gregor 7. contr eundem Berengarium S. Anselmus Episc Oecumenius S. Iuo Carnotensis Episc * The twelfth Age Anno Dom. 1100. Zonaras Rupertus Tuitiensis Gulielmus Abbas S. Bernardus Hugo Victorinus Gratianus Euthymius Concilium Lateran sub Alexandro 3. Lucius 3. Pont. Nicetas Innocentius 3. Pont. * The thirteenth Age Anno 1200. Concilium Lateran magnum sub Innocent 3 S. Thom Aquinas Concilium Lugdunen sub Gregor 10. Gulielmus Durand Episc * The fourteenth age Anno Dom. 1300. Nicephorus Calixtus Concilium Viennense sub Clemenet 5. * The fifteenth Age Anno Dom. 1400. Concilium Constantiense Concilium Basilcense Concilium Florentinum Bessarion Episc Sixtus 4. Pont. * The sixteenth Age Anno Dom. 1500. Concilium Tridentinum A TABLE CONTAINING the order and Summe of the whole Catechisme CHRISTIAN Doctrine consisteth in Wisedome Iustice To Wisedome maie bee referred these Chapters that followe in order CHAP. I. OF FAITH and the CREEDE where amongest other thinges are handled these that followe Of the author of the Apostles Creede q. 5. Of the descending of Christ into Hell q. 13. Of the Markes of the Church that it is Visible q. 18. One q. 18. Holy q. 18. Catholicke q. 18. CHAP. II. OF HOPE and our Lords Praier with the ANGELICALL Salutation as also Of Hope to be ioined with Feare q. 2. Of the Praise of our Blessed LADY q. 15. 16. 17 18 19. Of the Veneration of our Blessed LADY q. 15. 16. 17 18 19. Of the Inuocation of our Blessed LADY q. 15. 16. 17 18 19. CHAP. III. OF CHARITY and the Ten Commaundements Also Whether the Ten Commaundementes doe belong vnto Christians q 6. Whether they may be kepte q. 6. Of the Inuocation of Saintes q. 8. Of the Worshippe of Saintes q. 8. Of the Relickes of Saintes q. 8. Of the Holy-Daies of Saintes q. 8. Of the Images of Christ and the Saintes q. 9. Of the Preceptes of the Church namely Of Traditions Apostolicall Ecclesiasticall q. 1. as followeth Of the Church and her autorty q. 9 10. 16. Of the Bishoppe of ROME and the Church of ROME q. 9. Of Councelles q 11. Of the autority of holy Fathers Ibidem Of the fiue precepts of the Church q. 14. Of the holy Scripture and the interpretation thereof q. 16. CHAP. IIII. OF the SACRAMENTES in generall Of Ceremonies q. 8. Of the Sacrament of Baptisme Of Concupiscence in the Regenerate q. 3. Of the Sacrament of Confirmation Of Chrisme q. 4. Of the Blessed Sacrament Of the Reall Presence q. 4. Of Transubstantiation q 5. Of the adoration thereof q. 6. Of the sacrifice of the MASSE q. 7. Of communicating vnder both kindes q. 8. Of the Sacrament of Penance Of Contrition q. 4. Of Confession q. 5. 6. Of Satisfaction q. 7. 8. Of Purgatory and the faithfull departed q. 9. Of the Sacrament of Extreame-Vnction Of the Sacrament of Orders Whether al Christians be Priestes q. 2 8. Of honour due vnto PRIESTES whether they be good or euill q. 6. 7. Of the Sacrament of Matrimony Of diuorcement q. 3. Of Vowe breakers q. 4. Of the Marriage of Mounks Nunnes Ibidem Of the single life of PRIESTES q. 4. 5. Of VIRGINITY q. 5. and more at large in the question of the Euangelicall Councelles CHAP. V. OF CHRISTIAN IVSTICE The first part of the Chapter 1 Of sinnes in generall 2 Of the seauen deadly sinnes 3 Of Alien sinnes that is of sinnes of other men which by any defaulte of ours doe touche vs. 4 Of the sinnes against the Holy-Ghost 5 Of the sinnes that cry into Heauen 6 Of the purging or expiation of sinne 7 Of small or Veniall-sinnes The second part of the Chapter 1 Three kindes of good Workes where also is intreated Of the fruite of good Workes q. 2. Of Fasting q. 4. and as followeth Of Praier q. 7. and as followeth Of Almes the workes of Mercy q. 10. as followeth 2 The Cardinall vertues 3 The gifts fruits of the Holy-Ghost 4 The eight Beatitudes 5 The Euangelical Counsels of the Gospel Of Euangelical Pouerty Chastity Obedience q. 3. 4. 5. Of Mounkes Religious Orders q. 5. 6 The foure last things of a Man To cōprehend the summe of al Christiā Doctrine in one worde this sentence of Ecclesiasticus is worthy the noting which saith My Sonne coueting WISEDOME Eccli 1 33. conserue IVSTICE and God will giue it vnto thee THE TABLE OF THE APPENDIX 1 Of the fall of the first Man 2 Of the transfusing of Adams sinne into all men 3 Of the remedy of Originall sinne 4 Of the relicks of Original sin in those which are baptised 5 Of the imbecility of nature of the law to iustify mē 6 Of the dispensation and mystery of the comming of Christ 7 Who are Iustified by Christ 8 A description of the Iustification of the wicked man the manner thereof in the state of the Lawe of Grace 9 Of the necessity of preparation to Iustification in those of full age and whereof it riseth 10 The manner of preparation to Iustification 11 What is the Iustification of a wicked Man and what are the causes thereof 12 Howe it is to be vnderstoode that a wicked Man is iustified by Faith and freely 13 Against the vaine confidence of Heretickes 14 Of the increase of Iustification once receiued 15 Of obseruing the Commaundements the necessity and possibilitie thereof 16 That the rashe presumption of Predestination is to be auoided 17 Of the gifte of perseuerance 18 Of those which are fallen of their reparation 19 That by euery mortall sinne Grace is lest but not Faith 20 Of the fruites of Iustification that is to say of the Merite of good workes and of the reason of the same Meritte A Table of the other Questions following 1 Of Hallowed Creatures in the Church 2 Of Pilgrim age vnto he ly places 3 Of Indulgences or Pardons THE FIRST CHAPTER
Luc. 24.47 Mat. 28 19. 16 18. Aug. ep 170 et 166. cont ep fund c. 4 et lib. de Verrel ●7 Pacia ep 1. ad sym pron Vinc. Lir. Hier. cō Luc. f. c. 9 Bed in 6. c. Cant. Catholike that is to say vniuersal so that she being dispersed throughout the world in her motherly bosome receaueth embraceth safe keepeth all persons of al times places nations so that they be of one mind consent in the faith doctrine of Christ Fourthly that there is in the same Church a communion of Saintes soe that those which liue (f). Eph. 4 11.16 Psa 118 63. Col. 1 12. Phil. 1 4. 2. Co. 8 14. 1. Io. 1 3. Ro. 12 4. 1. Cor. 12 4. Aug. Tr. 32. in Io. in the Churche as the house and family of Almightie God doe holde an vnseparable society and vnity amongste them selues and as members of one the selfe same body helpe assist one an other with mutuall benefites merites prayers Amongst thē there is vnity of faith consente of doctrine conformable vse of sacraments and notwithstāding the dissētions errours what (g) Euse l. 7 cap. 19. Aug. 2. con Do. c. 6. ep 19. de vera rel c. 6. euer they be that by meanes of some fewe maye spring and growe vp yet are they all wayes carefull to * Eph. 4 3. keepe the vnitye of the Spirite in the bande of peace And in this Cōmunion vndoubtedly not only the Saintes of the Churche militant that doe traueyle as pilgrīmes vpon earthe but also all the blessed Saintes of the Church moste happily triumphant with Christ in heauen (h) Aug. ser 181. de tēp cap. 13. Euch. c. 56. as also the soules of the godly which hauing departed this life are not (i). Aug. lib. 20. ciui c. 9. Greg. l. 4. dial cap. 39 yet come to that happy estate of the blessed Saintes (k) Gen. 7 23. 1 Pet. 3 20 Esa 60 12 Aug. ●p 50 152. de vnit Ec. c. 4. 19. Ful. de fid ad Pet. c. 37.38.39 Pacia ep 2. ad smpto Ire l. 4. c. 43 Greg. l. 14. mor. cap. 2 Chrys ho. 11. in ep ad Eph. Conc. Later c. 1. Alcim Aul. l. 4. c. 19. Io 6 66 Iudae 18. are al together ioyntly comprehēded Out of this cōmunion of Saints like as out of the k Arke of Noe there is certainlye vndoubted destruction but no saluation for mortall men not for the Iewes or Heathens that neuer receaued the fayth of the Church not for Haeritikes that haue forsakē the fayth once receaued or any way corrupted the same not for Schismatiks that haue deuided thē selues from the peace and vnity of the Churche finally not for (l) 1. Cor. 5 4. 1. Tim. 1 20 Nū 12 14. Mat. 18 17. 2 Io. 10. 2. The. 3 6.14 Cyp. ep 62. Aug. l. 1. cō adu le c. 17 Eus apud Damasc l. 3. Paral. cap. 45 Excōmunicate persons that for any greuous crime or cause haue deserued to be cut of as hurtfull pernicious members from the body of the Church And all and euery of these because they do not appertaine vnto the Churche to her holy cōmunion they can-not be partakers of the grace of God )m). Aug. ser 181. de temp c. 12. in ps 88. conc 2 ep 2●4 Cyp. ep 57. 52. aeternall saluation except they be first reconciled and restored vnto the same Church from which they through their owne defaulte haue once ben separated For most certaine is that Rule of (n) de simp Prae. Sainte CIPRIAN (o) De symb ●d cate c. 13. S. AVGVSTINE that he shall not haue God to be his Father that wil not haue the church to be his Mother 19. What doth the tenth Article set before vs REmission of sinnes without the which none can be iust or obtaine saluation And this most rich treasure Christ hath purchased (a) Esa 33 22. Mat 1 21 9 6. Apo. 1 5. Luc. 24 47. Act. 10 42. Heb. 9 13. 1● Io. 1 7. Eph. 1 7. Col. 1 13. Heb 1 3. for vs by his bitter death and most pretious bloode that the whole worlde mighte be exempted from sinne and from the perpetuall punishmentes due vnto the same Of which treasure certes they only are made partakers by the grace of Christe that doe vnite thēselues by faythe (b). Act 2 38. 8 12 36. Mar. 16 16. Io. 3 5. Aug. Euch. c. 65 de Ver. do ser 11. c. 2● 22. and Baptisme to the church of Christ do abyde in the vnity obedience of the same Thē afterwarde they also that haue dilligentlye done (c). 2. Cor. 12 21. Act. 8 22. Io. 2● 23 Ap●c 2 5. poenance for their sinnes committed after Baptisme doe conueniētly vse those medicines and remedies againste sinne that Christe hath ordayned to wit the holy Sacramentes of the Church And hereunto belongeth the power of the (d). Hier. ep 1. ad Heli. c. 7. Aug. ho. 49. c. 3. 50. c. 4. 5. inter quinquag hom Chrys l. 3. de Sacerd. Cypr. ep 54 Luc. 10 35. Mat. 18 18. Io. 20 22. keies as they call it which Christ for the remission of sinnes hath committed vnto the Ministers of the Church especially to th● Apostle S. (e). Mat. 16 Hilla c. 16. Mat. Bern. l. 2. de cōsid c. 8. Con. Flor. 19. Io. 21.15 PETER his lawfull Successors as to the Supreame guydes and rulers of the Churche 20 What hath the eleuenth Article Esa 26 19. Iob. 19 25 Ezech. 37 1 1. Cor. 15 51. ● Thes 4 16. Io. 11 24. 5 25. Mat. 22 23. Dan. 12 2. Ph. 3 21. Hieron ad Miner Al. ep 152 ep 61. adu er Io. c. 9. seq Greg. l. 14. mor. c. 30 seq Aug. Euch. c. 84 seq l. 22. ciu c. 12. seq IT declareth the resurrectiō of the flesh which at the latter day shal be cōmō to good bad For this frayl brickle body of ours that we beare about with vs pestered with so many disseases and subiecte to suche continuall griefes and miseries that must after our death become a pray for wormes shall then reuiue whē at that last daye al the deade at the voyce of Christ the Iudge shal bee raised both to life iudgement All therfore shal appeare in flesh before the (a). 2. Cor. 5 10. Ro. 14 10. tribunal of Christ that euery one without exceptiō accordingly as he hath behaued him selfe in his body which thē shal be restored vnto him whole again so may receiue either good or euill And they that haue doone good thinges (b) Io. 5 29 Mat. 13 40. shal come forthe into the Resurrection of life but they that haue done euil into the Resurrection of iudgemente (c) Mat. 25 46. 13 10 Athan. in symb and punishment euerlasting In the
a Queene and a Ladye and the mother of God This new EVE is called the mother of life she remaineth replenished with the first fruites of immortall life aboue all liuing creatures We doe call her therefore againe and againe and euermore euery way most blessed To thee we cry bee mindfull of vs O most holy Virgin which euen after thy deliuery remainedst a Virgin Haile MARY ful of grace our Lorde is with thee The holy orders of all Angels and men doe call thee blessed Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruite of thy wombe make intercessiō for vs O Mistres Lady Queen mother of God S. GREGORY NAZIANZEN In. tragoed Christ pa. tiens O ter beata Mater O lux Virginum Quae templa caeli lucidissima incolis Mortalitatis liberata sordibus Ornata iam immortalitatis es stola Meis benignam ab alto aurem exhibe verbis Measque Virgo suscipe obsecro preces O mother thrise happy and light of Virgins pure Inhabiting the Temples bright of heauenly globe Thou now from mortall filth exempted secure Of immortallity art decked with the robe Yeeld courteous audience from high to what I say And entertaine my sutes O Virgin I thee pray Serm. 2. de Annun S. AVGVSTINE holy MARY succour the miserable help the faint harted cherishe the sorrowful pray for the people bee a meane for the Cleargie and make intercession for the deuout woman kinde Let all feele thy helpe whosoeuer doe celebrate thy Commemoration Ser. de laud. Mariae FVLGENTIVS MARY was made the windowe of heauen because by her god gaue the true light vnto the worlde MARY was made the ladder of heauen because by her God descended down to earth that by her also men may ascend vnto heauen MARY was made the restorer of women because by her they are knowne to bee exempted from the ruine of the first curse Serm. 2. de adu lege eūdem ho. 2. sup Missus est in illud Apoc. Signū magnum apparuit Et serm de Nat. Virg. S. BERNARD The kinglie virgine is the very way by the which our Sauiour came vnto vs proceeding out of her wombe as a Bridegroome out of his chamber By thee let vs haue accesse to thy Sonne O blessed inuētrix of grace bringer forth of life and mother of Saluation that by thee he receiue vs who by thee was giuen vnto vs. THE THIRD CHAPTER OF CHARITY AND THE TEN COMMAVNDEMENTS 1 Is it sufficient for a Christian to be instructed in the doctrine of faith hope IT is very necessary that hee which hath attained vnto Faith Hope be indued with Charity also For of these three vertues Saint PAVL teacheth iointly thus Nowe there (a) 1. Cor. 13 13. remaineth saith he Faith Hope Charity these three but the greater of these is Charitie Great vndoubtedly is faith which may (b) 1. Cor. 13 2. Mat. 11 23. Mat. 7 22. suffice to moue mountains and worke miracles Great also is Hope a certaine (c) 1. Thes 5 8. Eph. 6 17. Heb. 6 19. helmet Ancour of saluation which setting before vs the goodnesse of God the greatnesse of rewarde doth afforde both effectual comfort to them that labour a singular confidence to them that pray But greatest of all is Charity the (d) Prosp l. 3 de vita cōt ca. 13 15. Aug. in Ps 47. tract 5. ep Io. e●ch c. 117. ser 53. de temp Prince of all vertues which knoweth neither measure nor ende nor forsaketh them that die being stronger than death it selfe without which in a Christiā there may be indeed both Faith Hope but (e) Aug 15. de Trin. c. 18 they cannot be sufficient to the leading of a good happy life For which cause S. IOHN saith He (f) 1. Io. 3 14 that doth not loue abideth in death although in the meane season he beleeue and hope as the example of the foolishe Virgins in the Gospell (g) Mat. 25 11. Aug. ser 23. de verb. do c. 4. 8. Mat. 22 36. ●uc 10 27. Mar. 12 30. Aug. lib. 3. doc cap. 10. doth plainlie declare vnto vs. 2 What then is Charity A Vertue infused by God by which God is syncerely loued for himselfe and our neighbour for Gods sake For God is chiefely to bee loued in al things (a) Bern. de dilig Deo aboue al thinges and for himselfe alone as alone being the most soueraigne and eternall good which only satisfieth our mindes whose loue (b) 1. Cor. 10 31. Col. 3 17. honour ought to bee the beginning and finall ende both of our wil and of al our workes Then for (c) Aug. ho. 38 ex 50. ca. 2. seq Gods sake must we loue our neighboure that is to say (d) Aug. in Ps 118. concione 8. ser 53. 59. de temp euery man without exception For asmuch as wee be al neighbours amongest our selues linked together with a great affinitie both in regarde of the same humane nature common to all the ehildren of ADAM also by reason of Gods grace and euerlasting glory whereof al that wil may bee partakers 3 Howe many precepts of Charity be there IN substance two whereof the first of louing God is thus propounded in the old newe Lawe Thou (a) Deut. 6 4 Mat. 22 36. Mar. 12 30. Luc. 10 27. Greg. lib. 10. mor. c. 6. 7 shalt loue the Lord thy God from thy whole heart with thy whole soule with thy whole minde with all thy strength This is the greatest the first Commaundement And the second is like to this thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe On these two commandements dependeth the whole Lawe and the Prophets This Charity is the (b) Rom. 13 11. fulnesse of the Law summe of Iustice that is to say the (c) Col. 3 14. band of perfection Charity I say frō a (d) 1. Tim. 1 5. pure hart a good cōsciēce a faith not fained 4 Howe doth true Charity shew it selfe THe proofe of (a) Greg. ho. 30. in Euāg loue Charitie is to performe the same in deeds and to obserue Gods Commaundements Whoreupon Saint IOHN also the beloued of Christ saith (b) 1. Io. 5 3. This is the charity of God that we keepe his Commaundements his Commaundementes are not heauie And againe (c) 1. Io. 2 4. Hee that saith hee knoweth God and keepeth not his Commaundements is a liar and the trueth is not in him But he that keepeth his word in him in very deed the charity of God is perfited In this we knowe that we be in him And Christ himselfe also teacheth If you (d) Io. 14 15 loue me keepe my Commaundements He that hath my Commaundements and keepeth them he it is that loueth me And he that loueth me shall bee loued of my Father and I
14. can 5. procured if a man doe diligently beholde the foulnesse enormity multitude of his sinnes if hee carefully thinke vpon that soueraigne goodnesse offended of the grace of God and other giftes loste if he doe deepelie waighe and stand in awe of the ineuitable (b) Heb. 9 27. Sophō 1 15. Mat. 25 41. Mar. 9 43. necessitie of the vncertaine houre of death the horrible seuerity of the iudgement to come and the euerlasting paines prepared for sinners Hereūto appertaineth that of EZECHIAS (c) Esa 38 15. I wil recoūt vnto thee all my yeeres in the bitternesse of my soul And that of DAVID (d) Ps 118 120. I stoode in awe of thy iudgemēts And that which hee also in lamenting manner doth pray (e) Ps 37 9. I am afflicted too much hūbled I did rore with the sighs of my hart And a little after (f) Ibid. v. 19 I will declare my iniquity and I will thinke for my sinne Also it is an expresse speach of God himselfe vnto a sinner Thou (g) Apoc. 2 4. 2. ad Cor. 12.21 7 9. hast lefte thy first Charity be mindfull therefore from whence thou art fallē doe Penance (h) Luc. 12 5 Mat. 10 28. And Christ in the Gospell Feare him saith he who after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell Yea I say vnto you feare him Nowe finally this griefe of Contrition doth prepare vs to remission of sinnes in-case it be ioined with (i) Amb. l. 1. de paenit c. 1. a confidence of Gods mercie and a desire of performing those thinges which do belong to the Sacrament of (k) Aug. de paenit med cap. 11. in Ench. ca. 65. Ambr. in Ps 37. c. 8. ad Virg. laps Penance 5 Is Confession necessary YEA verily but not only as some doe falsely suppose that interiour Confession which is to be done in the presence of God (a) Chry. ho. 42. in Mat. euerie day according to the example of holy DAVID who saith I haue (b) Ps 31 5. saide I will confesse against my selfe my vniustice vnto our Lord But also this exteriour confession which is done vnto a (c) Orig. in Ps 37. ho. 1. ho. 2. in Leu. Chry. l. 3. de sacer Niss orat in eos qui alios acerbius iudicant Pet. Clun l. 1. mirac c. 3. 4. 5. 6 l. 2. c. vlt. Priest of all the sinnes which doe come into a mans minde after diligent searche and examination of his conscience So is it written of men of the Primatiue Church Many of them that (d) Act. 19 18. beleeued came confessing and declaring their deedes Which manner of confessing to be very neecssary not only the holy lawes of the Church (e) Con. Lateran cā 21. Flor. Trid ses 14. cap. 5. and the reuerent writings (f) Clem. ep 1. ad frat Do. Dion ep 8. ad Demoph Tert. de paenit ca. 8. 9. 10. 12. Orig. in Ps 37. ho. 1. 2. ho. 2 in Leuit. Cyp. de laps Pacia in paraen ad paenit Hier. in c. 10. Eccle. Chry. ho. 30. in Gen. 16. in Mat. of the Fathers doe confirme but also the diuine words of Christ doe cōclude and declare when hee saith (g) Ioan. 20 23. Whose sinnes you shall forgiue they are forgiuen them And whose you shal retaine they are retained But to remitte retaine sinnes whereas this is an office of a Iudge no Priest can haue authority except he first examine and knowe verie perfectlie the sinners cause whereof hee hath to iudge Neither can this knoweledge be had before that the partie which committeth himselfe to bee iudged and absolued by the Prieste as his (h) Aug. lib. 20. ciu c. 9. Greg. ho. 26 in Euang. Chry. l. 3. de sacer ho. 5. de verb Esa Hier. ad Heliod ep 1. cap. 7. Iudge and (i) Con. Lat. can 21. Wormat. c. 25. Orig. ho. 1. 2. in Psal 37. Phisition doth so discouer and laie open his woundes in such distincte seuerall manner by voluntary Confession that the Priest may plainly perceiue where the sinnes are to bee loosened and where they are to be bounde 6 What doe the Fathers write of Confession THey certes doe with one consent not onely commend approue vnto vs the benefite of Confession and perpetuall practise of it in the Church but the bond also necessitie thereof And to alleadge amongest verie many a fewe and those most approued witnesses first (a) Quaest 288. in reg breu vide quaest 229. in ep 3. can ad Amphil can 73. S. BASIL the great saith thus It is iudged necessary that sinnes be confessed vnto those to whom is committed the dispensation of the mysteries of God for so the verie Penitents of auncient times are found to haue confessed their sinnes vnto holy mē Then (b) De laps vide ep 10. 55. S. CYPRIAN I beseech you my breethren saith he euery one to confesse his sinne whilest yet he that sinneth remaineth in this world whilest his confessiō may be admitted whilest euery mans Satisfaction remission giuen by the Priests is acceptable vnto our Lorde Hereunto accordeth the sentēce of S. AVGVSTINE Hom. 49. ex 50. cap. 3. ho. 41. 50 cap. 4. 5. who teacheth in this manner Doe yee Penance such as is done in the Church that the church may pray for you Let no man say within himselfe I doe it in secret I doe it before God alone God who pardoneth mee knoweth that I doe in heart Was it there foresaid in vaine (c) Mat. 18 18. Ioan 20 23. Whatsoeuer you shall loose in earth shall be loosed in Heauen Were the KEIES giuen to the Church of God in vaine Doe we frustrate the Gospell of God Doe we frustrate the wordes of Christ Doe we promise you that which he denieth Doe we deceiue you And in another place (d) Lib. 2 de visit infirm cap. 4. There are saith he that do thinke it sufficient for their saluation if they confesse their sinnes to God alone vnto whō nothing is hidden and euery mans conscience lieth open For they will not or they are ashamed or they disdaine to shew themselues vnto PRIESTS whō yet our Lord hath by MOISES ordained to discerne betweene (e) Leuit. 13 2. 14 12. Luc. 17 14. Mat. 8 4. Leaper Leaper But I will not haue thee deceiued with this opinion and bee ashamed thereby to confesse them vnto the vicegerent of our Lord either languishing with shamefastnesse or stiffe-necked with indignation For of reason in like manner must we admit him for our iudge which our Lorde doth not disdaine to bee his Vicar And it is no lesse euident that (f) Ep. 91. ad Theod. vide ep 80. ad Episc Camp LEO the great hath lefte in writing The manifold mercies of God doth so succour the falles of men that not only by
more ancient than himselfe (q) Ep. 52. 66. S. CYPRIAN (r) Vt supra ORIGEN (s) De Eccle. Hier. cap. 7. S. DENIS (t) Ep. 1. lib. 6. const cap. 29. S. CLEMENT who with one consent doe all accorde in this Doctrine Wherefore (v) Ho. 3. in Phil 41. in●t Cor. 69 ad pop Damasc in orat de def Athan. Nyss apud Damasc S. CHRYSOSTOME doth in plaine termes exhorte both that we our selues to our power doe helpe them that are departed and put others in minde also to pray giue Almes for them For it was not vnadvisedly decreed by the Apostles that in the dreadfull Mysteries Commemoration should be made of those that are departed For they knewe well that they shoulde gaine much and reape no small commoditie thereby Thus writeth S. CHRYSOSTOME Finally this is that which to this day the holy Church a faithfull interpretour of the Scriptures hath taught against the (x) Epiph. haer 75. Aug. haer 53. Damasc de haeres Aerians that there is a certain Purgatory or emēdatory (y) Trid. ses 25. 6. Flor. fire as (z) In Ps 37. l. 2. de Gē cont Ma. ca. 20. Greg. in 3. Ps Paenit li. 4. Dial. ca. 39. Bern. serm 66. in Cant. S. AVGVSTINE calleth it in which the faithfull soules departed in Christ must suffer and satisfie for the punishement of those sins for which wholely Satisfaction was not made in this life by Penance except as (a) Ench. ca. 110. de cura mort c. 1. 4. 18. Saint AVGVSTINE speaketh they bee releeued by the deuotion of their friendes that are aliue 10 What is the commendation and dignity of Penance PEnance is the beginning of the preaching of the Gospell Mat. 3 2. 4.17 Mat. 1 4. Luc. 15 7.10 Mat. 7 13. 11 12. the ioy of Angels in heauen the straite way vpō earth that narrow gate by which the faithfull doe trauel towards life lay violent hands vpō the kingdome of heauen Shee (a) Lib. de vera fals paenit c. 1. Bas in homil de ver paenit Chry. in ho. serm de paenit erecteth them that bee fallen cureth the wounded strengthneth the weake quickneth the deade restoreth those that are lost finally all things that sinne doth impaire Penance doth renue refreshe in vs. By her we giue a testimony of an hatred of our life past of the contempt of our selues of al submissiō She being our guide we mourning find (b) Mat. 5 5. comfort being wounded we are cured beeing humble we are exalted This is she whereby we ouercome the diuels the pestilence of vice we driue awaie deserued (c) Hier. 18 8 Ezech. 18 21. 33 11 Ionae 3 Mat. 3 8. 2. Cor. 7 10. Act. 11 18. punishments we pacifie Gods wrath we purchase grace get glory euerlasting Hereupon are those speeches of Christ in the Gospell (d) Mat. 4 17. Doe Penance for the kingdome of heauen is at hand (e) Luc 5 32 I came not to call the Iust but sinners to Penance Vnlesse (f) Luc. 13 6 you haue Penance you shall all likewise perishe But hee finally doth true Penance to conclude all these thinges with the wordes of S. CYPRIAN (g) Ep. 14. Who obaying the precepts of God the Priests with his obedience works of Iustice doth winne our Lord. OF THE SACRAMENT OF EXTREAME VNCTION 1 What ought to be our beleefe touching the Sacrament of Extream Vnction THat certes which the (a) Con. Nic. ex Arab. Latinum factū can 69. Con. Const ses 15. Flor. Trid. sess 14. Innoc. 1. ep 1. ad Decentium ca. 8. Pet. Dam. ser 1. in dedicat Eccles Bern. in vita Mala. Conc. Worm can 72. Cabil 2. cap. 48. Melden apud Burchar lib. 4. can 75. apud Iuonem part 1. cap. 269. Aquisgr 2. can 8. Mogunt sub Rabano Alcuinus lib. de offic cap. 12. Hugo lib. 2. de Sacram. par 15. cap. 2. 3. Orig. hom 2. in Leuit. Chrys lib. 3. de Sacerd. Aug. in speculo in serm 215. de temp Catholike Church doth constantlye teache to witte that this is a sacred signe ordained in consecrated oile that thereby heauenly vertue may by Gods ordinance be applied vnto sicke persons for the health not only of their soules but of their bodies also Vnto which Sacrament Sainte IAMES the Apostle giueth most cleare and euident testimony for as much as he hath written these verie wordes (b) Iac. 5 14. Ibid. Beda Is any man sicke among you Let him bring in the Priestes of the church let thē pray ouer him anoiling him with oile in the name of our Lord. And the praier of faith shal saue the sick And our Lord shal lifte him vp And if he be in sinnes they shal be remitted him 2 What doth the Apostle teach by these wordes HEE sheweth first of all that the Elemente or matter of this Sacrament is oile consecrated as noteth well (a) In cap. ● Mar. in ● Luc in ● Iac. Innoc. 1. vt supra Conc. Meld vt supra S. BEDE by the benediction of a Bishoppe And it signifieth (b) Theoph. in ca. 6. Mar. cherefulnesse of minde an internall strengthening which through the grace of God the sicke man feeleth by the vertue of this Sacrament Then doth the same Apostle set downe the proper minister of this Sacramente to witte a (c) Chry. li. 3. de sacerd Orig. ho. 2. en Leuit. Priest who with praier is decently to exercise this holy vnction Neither was it without some signification of the minister of this Sacrament writtē of the Apostles that (d) Mar. 6 13 61. Theoph. Beda They annointed with oile many sicke and healed thē Furthermore the parties that receiue this Sacrament are by Saint IAMES called sicke persons (e) Pet. Clu● lib. 1. mirac cap 20. li. 2. cap. 32. because as the manner custome of the Church is this holy vnction is onelie celebrated in grieuous and daungerous sickenesses 3 What is the profite and effect of this Sacrament FIrst it auaileth to remission of (a) Bern. in vita Mal. Conc. Trid. vt supra Pet. Clun li. ● ep 1. such sinnes as the sicke person hath not already purged by the remedies of Penance that he may before all thinges be eased of the burden and cured of the maladie of his sinnes Then profiteth it also either to driue away or to (b) Ibidem Bern. asswage the infirmity of the body so farre forth as it is expedient for the sicke person to be deliuered of the same Last of all it is of force to minister comforte and confidence of which certes there is speciall neede in that last agony and departure at what time the (c) Cyril Al. in orat de ●xitu animae Greg. lib. 2. mor cap. 17.
And yet more greeuously doe they sin who do manifestly make a gain vnto thēselues of an other mans filthinesse (c) Deut. 23 18. as bauds do or such as dare giue lodgeing harbour vnto theeues or notorious dishonest and factious persons where they may haue couer for thēselues or for their things 11 When doe we by defending committe an alien sinne VVHen we either protect malefactours or defend and publishe an other mans doctrine though it be peruerse and wicked When also by our care and endeuour we labour to further maintaine that which is appointed against equitie and Iustice Against such persons there thundreth out this diuine oracle Woe (a) Esa 5 20. 10 1. vnto you that call euill good and good euill making darkenes light light darkenes making bitter sweete and sweet bitter And againe Thou (b) Exod. 23 2. shalt not follow the multitude to doe euill neither shalt thou in iudgement yeelde to the sentence of many so to decline from the truth And this shall suffice touching Alien sinnes as they call thē which now certes in those daies doe reach very farre and are ouer licentiously committed euery daye espeacially by Magistrates And there is commonly so litle heede taken of them that most men doe thinke them not to be sinnes at all nor make any accounte of thē although often times with the filthe of these sinnes they defile and make guilty of perpetuall torments both their owne and other mens consciences And al these kindes mentioned before may be reduced to three kindes and in few words comprehended as sheweth S. BASIL (c) Bas ser 2. de Bap. ca. 9. For that we fall into the participation of an other mans error or sinne it commeth to passe either by Deede and Acte or by Will onely and a certaine purpose of the minde or by some carelesse negligence if at anie time others be defrauded of the duty that we owe in admonishing them and seeking their amendment But the worste kinde of sinning of all others without comparison is when a man sinneth against the holy-Ghost OF SINNES AGAINST THE HOLY-GHOST 1 What is a sinne against the Holy-Ghost Vide S. Tho mam in 2.2 quaest 14. IT is malitiously and contemptuously to reiecte the grace and liberality of God beeing offered which grace certes is peculiarly attributed to the holy-Ghost as to the fountaine of all goodnesse And this is to sinne without any remedy or redresse insomuch that according to the speech of Christ for such so great a sinne no forgiuenesse is obtained either (a) Mat. 12 31. Mar. 3 28. Luc. 12 10. in this worlde or in the worlde to come For after this maner Almighty God dealeth with vs that he giueth neither grace vpon earth nor glory in Heauen to anie other but vnto those onelie which hauing once knowne sinne doe detest it setting before their eies that which is good doe make choise of a righteous course of life But from these sinnes farre is banished both detestation of sinne and the choise also of that good which were to bee followed and that moreouer is cleane reiected whereby the holy-Ghost doth vse of his singular grace to withdrawe a man from sinne And for this reason they which are fettered with such kind of sinnes doe either neuer get the grace of God or seldome and very hardly For these sinnes are not committed of humane imbecillitie frailtie which were to sinne against the Father and the might and power of the Father as we see in S. PETER (b) Mat. 26 74. Vide Greg. lib. 25. Mor. cap. 16. the Apostle who denied Christ nor yet of ignorāce which were to sinne against the Sonne the wisdome of the Sōne as was SAVL (c) 1. Tim. 1 13. Act 9 1. his case when he persecuted the Church but that which is farre worse without comparison these sinnes are committed of malice and obstinacie of minde as we see for example in those most peruerse and obstinate Pharisies 2 How many sinnes are there against the holy Ghost THere are of that kinde accounted sixe and their names commonly vsed are these Presumption of the mercie of God or of the impunitie of sinne Desperation Oppugning of the knowne truth Enuying of brotherly charitie Obstinacie and impenitencie But more plainly and significantly they may be thus numbred 1 Confidently to abuse the mercie of God 2 Vtterly to despaire of the grace of God or of his owne saluation 3 Rebelliouslye to oppugne the truth of religion against his owne conscience 4 Vehemently to be moued with a setled Enuy because of the encrease of saluation vertue in his brother 5 With an obstinate minde to persiste wittingly in a faulte 6 Without purpose of amēdment neuer to make an end of a lewd and peruerse kinde of life 3 What manner of presumption maketh a sinne against the holy Ghost Greg. in c. 3. lib. 1. reg l 33. mor. c. 15. l. 6. ep 22. Fulg. de fid ad Pet. cap. 3. Bern. serm 38. ex paruis THat which maketh a man to trust only in the mercie of God and to be hardened and emboldened to sinne all manner of respect of Gods Iustice and feare being laid aside And thus certes doe very many sinne at this day who flattering themselues with an only faith (a) Aug. de fid op c. 14. 22. in Ench. ca. 67. haer 54. Hier. in c. 4. Osc in Christ doe like beastes (b) Ioel. 1 17 wallow and rotte in the middest of the filth of sinnes and not to themselues only but to others also dare promise (c) 2. Pet. 2 18 Eccles 8 14. Conc. Trid. sess 6. cap. 9. can 12.13.14 Hier. in cap. 4. Dan. securitie if only they haue confidence in the merites of Christ in the grace of God apprehended by faith although in the meane time the fruites (d) Luc. 3 8.9 13 3. Mat. 3 8.10 Act. 26 20. Eccli 2 22. of penance be nothing regarded But to all these doth the doctor of the Gentiles cry out Doest thou contemne saith hee the riches of the goodnes of God and patience (e) Ro. 2 4. Eccles 8 11. Eccli 15 21. Aug. trac 33 in Ioan. ho. 50. ex 50. ca 4. Isid de sum bo lib. 2. cap. 13. and longanimitie not knowing that the benignitie of God bringeth thee to penance And for that cause he in an other place is so farre (f) 1. Cor. 13 1 off frō willing men to vaunt of only faith that he biddeth euen the faithfull thēselues euery one to worke their saluation with feare and (g) Phil. 2 12 Psal 2 11. Pro. 28 14. Rom. 11 20 1. Cor. 4 4. 10 12. trembling commending vnto them a faith not deade and idle as Sainte (h) Iac. 2 14. IAMES calleth it but liuely effectuall which worketh duely by (i) Gal. 5 6. charitie Against this abominable sinne thus