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A34209 The Concurrence & unanimity of the people called Quakers in owning and asserting the principal doctrines of the Christian religion demonstrated in the sermons or declarations of several of their publick preachers ... / exactly taken in shorthand as they were delivered by them at their meeting-houses ... and now faithfully transcribed and published, with the prayer at the end of each sermon. 1694 (1694) Wing C5715; ESTC R29314 126,065 208

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in him and that are sincerely devoted to his service and fear and that walk in humility before him and this my Friends is matter of weighty and tender concernment upon my Spirit to mind all of you that come to our Meetings and hear the Truth declared from time to time that you seriously consider the great work that the Lord is about to bring to pass that every one should wait for that they may feel his Mighty Power preparing their hearts for himself and raising up Breathings and Supplications to him that is a God hearing Prayers that are offered in uprightness and sincerity from a broken heart and a contrite Spirit which are Sacrifices that the Lord hath regard to And as it was said of Old when Manoah took a Kid asith a Meat Offering and offer●d it upou a Rock unto the Lord and the Angel did wondrously and Manoah and his Wife looked on for it came to pass when the flame went up toward Heaven from off the Altar that the Angel os the L●rd ascended in the Flame of the Altar and Manoah and his Wife looked on and fell on their faces to the ground and Manoah said to his Wife we shall surely die because we have seen God But his Wife said unto him if the Lord were pleased to kill us he would not have received a Burnt-Offering and a Meat-Offering at our hands neither would he have shewed us all these things He would not have manifested so great Love to us surely a Remnant may say at this day from a sense of the great things that the Lord hath shewn us and of his blessed Power working in their hearts and inward parts a tenderdess and subjection to him that we owe obedience to the Lord and we believe that the Lord intends good to his People in that he will exalt his Name in us and prosper his own work of Righteousness that Righteousness may be exalted that many may come to behold the great things and the worthy things which the Lord our God will bring to pass in our Day These things have been foretold for the encouragement and for the strengthning of the Faith of those whose Faces are Sion-ward whose eyes are turned towards the Lord their Maker who have tasted in some measure of the Power and of the Goodness of the Lord our God that they may continue in the Faith whereby their hearts may be drawn after the Lord that those who have been made partakers of the true and living Faith of the Son of God in his Name and Power may keep the Faith and not let go the Faith that they may hold fast the Profession of their Faith without wavering that the Enemy may not be suffered upon any account either to weaken or destroy the Faith of any who have known some degree of Faith in the work of God and concerning his Goodness and special care and Providence for the safety and for the preservation of them that fear him who are the called of the Lord who are chosen out of the World and out of the corruptions of it that they may be a living and a peculiar People and a chosen Generation to shew forth the praise of him that hath called them out of Darkness into his marvellous Light He hath called us and chosen us for that very end that in our Lives and Conversations we might answer his Call of Grace and the truth that we are made partakers of and thereby shew forth his praise and such now have cause to bless the Lord and praise his Holy Name for all his Mercies for preserving of them and helping them in their Way and in their Spiritual Journey and Progress that they are brought into Therefore dear Friends be ye concerned and be inward with the Lord and attend upon him without distraction that nothing may hurry discompose nor distract your minds or turn them about from the Faith trust and Confidence you have in the Lord which he hath gathered his People into that every one may be exercised in a Watchful state and in Lowlyness and Humility and look unto and depend upon the Lord for strength for help and Power to enable us to stand against all the Wiles of Satan that none may be led into any extream from the sense of Truth and from a feeling of that Power that doth prepare the Heart for God and fix it upon him That none may be drawn out either into carelesness negligence slothfulness or presumption on the one hand or into diffidence distrustfulness or despair on the other but that all may look unto Jesus who is the Author and finisher of their Faith that they may be sensible of the benefits of his Death on Earth and of his Intercession in Heaven of the Effect and benefit of his Prayer unto the Father that their Faith when they shall be tryed and tempted may not fail that all may witness and partake of this that he told unto Peter I have prayed for thee that thy Faith fail not Satan hath desired to Winnow thee to toss thee and blow thee about but I have prayed for thee that thy Faith may not fail So my Friends and Friendly People let your Faith stand in that Power that hath gathered you in that Arm of the Lord that he hath made bare and stretched forth to bring a People to himself that every one may live by Faith and have their dependance upon the Lord for strength and for relief that they may partake of the immediate influence of his Spirit which he he is ready to Minister and Communicate to those that are given up to serve the Lord that your Prayers and Supplications may be in the Spirit to that God that poureth out a Spirit of Grace and Supplication upon his People and he is daily pouring out his Holy Spirit upon his People that their Prayers and supplications may reach to him who is a God hearing Prayers That they may be prevalent with God for the Preservation of themselves and others and for the good of all Nations that they may awaken many to repent and seek the Lord whil he may be found and call upon him while he is near that they may be turned from the evil of their ways and from the many Provocations whereby the Inhabitants of the Earth have greatly incurred the Displeasure of God and that they may be sensible how ready the Lord is to turn away his wrath from them This is the desire of the Hearts and Souls of a Remnant on the behalf of many whom the Lord will yet visit and reach unto and call out of the dark ways and by Paths of Sin and Corruption that they may be brought into a Capacity to know the way of Truth and Righteousness and Peace And my Friends while People are sensible that there are true breathings and desires after God and that there is a particular Travel of Soul for the good of a Nation and for the converting of Sinners from the Evil
of the Earth that hath loved us and cleanseth us from our Sins ●n his own blood The Lord open the understandings of the Children of men that they may come to know the Excellency of his Life and love When the Lord comes to open and manifest to the Children of Men his great Love in sending his Son out of his Bosom in the fulness of time to dye for us for Christ had a being before the World began when Mens Eyes and Hearts I say are wonderfully opened to see this Love of God then their Hearts will be melted and broken and their prejudices removed and they will be brought to the Obedience and Service of God We own the Doctrine of the Life and Death Resurrection and Ascension and Intercession of Christ Jesus And for any to say we den● this how inconsistent is it with what we have Preached and declared and how shameless is it for any to misrepresent or falsely Charge us with the contrary since we have g●●e through many Exercises and suffered many Persecutions Buffetings and Imprisonments for Declaring the Truth as it is in Jesus so that if in this Life only we had hope we were of all men most miserable And if Christ be not risen from the Dead our Preaching is vain and your Faith is also vain We have spoken the Truth according to the Scriptures of Truth yet how have the Children of Men been prejudiced against us How many have been bewildred and led into Errour and into misapprehension concerning what we have plainly declared among you And now to give a little ease to my Spirit I would speak something briefly to you let the Love of God in Christ Jesus extended to you affect your Hearts if you are in the living sense of this love it will engage you to live in Obedience and subjection to this Heavenly Light by which you were brought out of Darkness and Redeemed from Iniquity to be a peculiar People Zealous of good Works It will engage you to live to Christ that died for you and as you know a Translation from the Kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of God's dear Son you will Reap the Fruits and benefits of his Death Resurrection and Ascension and Intercession at God's Right hand The Lord God of Heaven and Earth open all your Hearts that while you have a little time and are on this side the Grave and on this side Eternity you may serve the Lord in your Generation and fulfil his blessed Will and finish the Work which he hath given you to do that you may Glorifie the Name of the Lord God of Heaven and Earth who is worthy of all Praise Glory and Renown Worship● Love Service and Obedience who is God over all Blessed for Ever and Ever Amen His Prayer after Sermon MOst Glorious Heavenly and Divine Fountain of Love and Life who hast let us see the beginings of thy Excellent Day and participiate of thy Love in making bare thine Arm of Salvation which thou hast Revealed and made bare in our Age. O God of Glory and Soveraign Lord of Heaven and Earth it is in the Power of thy hand to open the Hearts of thy People as thou didst open the Heart of Lydia that the things that belong to the Peace of every Soul may be seen known and experienced Lord God of Glory our Eyes are unto thee and our Souls are bowed before thee for the shewing of mercy and the handing forth of the blessings which thou promised'st to the Children of Israel by the mouth of thy Holy Prophets That thou living Father of Life wilt bless them in turning every one from their Iniquities and the Evil of thtir ways for Lord God of Life this is greatly wanting both in this City and throughout the whole Nation Thy mercies and Favours have been received by many and thy loving kindness hath extended it self wonderfully O Glorious Fountain of Heavenly Love and Life be pleased to remove that Insensibility that is ready to come over the minds of men that the nearer thy Wrath and Judgments do approach to us by reason of that Inundation of Sin and Wickedness that overflows the Land the less Sense and Apprehension there is of it Lord open the Peoples Eyes and Hearts that they may see and consider the danger of their State and Condition and be humbled for their Sin and seek thy Face and turn to thee with all their Hearts that Glorious God of Life the Souls of thy Children may be affected with thy Goodness Patience and Long-suffering that this may be the blessed effect of thy Goodness that it may lead all to Repentance never to Repented of that we may mourn before thee for the manifold Sins and Transgressions of the Land against thy Divine Majesty That Glorious God of Love and Life we may not again provoke thee to anger O Rend the Vail of Darkness that is spread over this Land that it may not hinder the bright beams of Gospel Light from shining nor the Children of Men from seeing their Spiritual State and Condition Lord God of Life let trembling and astonishment take hold of the wicked that they may have a deep sense of the Sins and Provocations this ungrateful Land is guilty of that they may lament and mourn before thee O Lord O Tender God of Love and Life thy mercy and loving kindness was extended to the Inhabitants of Niniveh that great City wherein were more then Six score thousand persons that could not discern between their Right-hand and their Left Didst thou not enlighten their minds and melt their Hearts when thou hadst a Controversie with them and denounced'st Judgment by thy Prophet against them Did not the Mighty come down from their Seats and the King from his Throne and lay his Robe from him and the Nobles and all the People of the Land did they not all put on Sackcloth and sit in Ashes and mourn before thee and Cry mightily to thee and turned from their evil ways and thou didst turn away thy Wrath and Repent of the Evil which thou saidst thou wouldst do unto them and didst it not but extended'st thy mercy and favour to them and saved'st them with a great Salvation Blessed Lord thou art our God O save us for we have none in Heaven but thee and none upon Earth that we can desire in Comparison of thee we have none to make our moan to but thy self our Eyes and Hearts are towards thee Let us hearken to thy Counsel and turn at thy Reproof and let sorrow take hold of their Hearts tha● have rejected thy Favours and Mercies O give Repentance unto Life that thy wrath may not wax ho● against the Nation and the Inhabitants thereof and that thy Fury and Jealousie may not Consume and burn them up O make them sensible of the Sins that have been committed and of the misery they have deserved that they may come to thee for Pardon and Reconciliation with thee through the Lord Jesus
Prayer that our Blessed Lord taught his Followers and Disciples wherein he said thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven There is no Man or Woman can really come to Christ but those that have their Wills submitted to the will of God this is the will of God your sanctification it is the will of God that we should all be sanctified that we should be holy and pure then the blessing of the God of Heaven will be upon us Among the many blessings that Christ uttered on the Mountain one was this Blessed are the pure is heart for they shall see God it doth bespeak this that the sight of God shall be very clear to those that are pure in heart that come to have their hearts and minds subjected to the will of God for he worketh in them both to will and to do according to his good pleasure O then they shall know the vertue of this purity of heart they shall see God O how precious a thing is it to have that purity that can behold the Lord no confession of acknowledgment will be sufficient Thus it was when Nicodemus a Pharisee and a a Ruler of the Jews came to Jesus by night he said unto him Rabbi we know that thou art a Teacher come from God for no Man can do these Miracles that thou dost except God be with him here was a large Confession that Christ was the Teacher of the way of God aright yet that would not serve for Jesus answered and said unto him except a Man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God Friends It is a near word that should come home to us and Convince us of this truth of God that we fall short not of this Regeneration and of having our hearts and spirits renewed by the God of Heaven except we be born again we cannot see the Kingdom of God This New Birth is that by which the Blessings of the God of Heaven are conveyed to the Soul and that through the Lord Jesus Christ God hath sent his Son to bless us in turning every one of us from our Iniquities and from the evil of our ways from our Sin and Vanity from our Corruption and Wickedness to the pure everlasting God They know it to be thus that come to fear God and be partakers of that Wisdom that leads to Righteousness Prov. 8. 20. I Wisdom lead in the way of Righteousness in the midst of the Paths of Judgment that I may cause those that love me to inherit substance and I will fill their Treasures Can the Treasure of any heart be better filled O That these words of Wisdom might take impression upon every one of your hearts that you might feel the love of the Mighty God shed abroad upon your hearts by the Holy Ghost that your desires and breathings may ascend like Incense and be a sweet smelling Sacrifice to the Lord this evening O that every one was so qualified as to Worship the Living God aright that in the conclusion of this Meeting every ones heart may burn within them and may come with tender breathings and inflamed affections unto Gods Altar and find acceptance My Friends the goodness of the Lord hath been very great towards you and his Long suffering and patience hath been largely extended he willeth not the death of a Sinner but desires that they should Repent return and live As I live saith the Lord I delight not in the death of a Sinner turn you turn you from your evil ways why will ye die O House of Isael Now if thou sayst I would fain turn from the evil of my ways I would fain have power and strength to do good and overcome evil then come to him that is mighty upon whom God hath laid help who is able to save to the the u●termost not from one or two sins only but from all Pollution and Wickedness in all those that come unto God by him I am God Almighty saith God to Abraham a faithful Servant that followed him I am the Almighty God walk before me and be thou perfect But say some that is impossible but pray consider God hath laid help upon one that is mighty and thou mayst do all things through Christ that strengthens thee By his Divine Power working in thy heart he can effect that work in thee which thou canst not do in thy own strength that work which he will accept of the work of Righteousness Holiness and Purity in which State the Blessing of the God of Heaven is conveyed to thy Soul Blessed are the Pure in Heart for they shall see God their eyes being opened to look unto him in whom Salvation is In vain do Men look for Help and Salvation from the Hills and from the Mountains Look unto me saith the Lord and be saved all ye ends of the Earth Mal. 3. 6. For I am the Lord I change not therefore the Sons of Jacob are not consumed O here is a good encouragement for you who are wrestling with the Lord God to receive a Blessing from his Divine hand here is good encouragement for you to wrestle Jocob was a Wrestler and he Wrestled with God and as a Prince he prevailed and he said I will not let thee go except thou bless me Will you be Wrestlers with the God of Heaven for a blessing from his Divine hand Labour to be gathered with a pure mind into the will of God as humble lowly and meek Creatures submitting your selves to him being sensible of your unworthiness and that you are less than the least of all his Mercies Say Lord what am I that thou shouldest be mindful of me What I have received thou gavest me I have no breath no good thing but what thou gavest me I depend on thee for all and will give thee the praise of all that I have and hope for Thus you must labour to keep your selves humble meek and tender and in a self-denying frame that you may be fit to follow the Lord Jesus who invites such to come to him Come unto me all you that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest Take my Yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your Souls for my Yoke is easie and my Burthen is light Learn of me saith Christ for I am meek and lowly It is as if he had said be you so too learn that Lesson and you shall find rest to your Souls What more excellent Reward then to have peace with the Eternal God and not only so but in all our Tryals Afflictions and Exercises in this Life to be kept in a quiet and peaceable frame when the Soul can throw it self upon God and say Lord I will cast all my care upon thee for thou carest for me My Friends Look unto the Lord there will be great need for it many have been the warnings given to the Inhabitants of this Nation and of
Religion they would not be found in Prophaness in that which is an Abomination in the sight of God they would not be found in Abominable Pride in the view of Gods People they will not be seen in that which is Abominable and shameful Wickedness they will keep up a Profession of the truth that they may be without Rebuke Though they are not so vain as to be for the fashions of the World yet they are of the same Nature and Spirit with the Men of the World and they conform themselves too much to the Vanity and Custom and Fashion of the World tho they will not be seen in the height of it There are many other things might be mentioned in short I would only mention this whether you have not kept a secret reserve of some Sins and make a fair pretence for the use of them this will be a sting to you He that loveth any thing mor than me saith Christ is not worthy of me He that denieth me not himself and forsaketh not all that he hath for my sake he cannot be my Disciple When a tryal comes all must be given up and nothing vain and evil must be reserved that is contrary to the Nature of Truth the mind must be subject to the Will of God and subdued to the Power of God there must be a through change and Reformation we must know a Mortification of Sin and not do the work only in parts but we must go through with it Now that we may do this effectually God hath laid help upon one that is mighty There are many Weaknesses and Infirmities do attend us poor Crearures that many times we are ready to faint Have an Eye to Christ let us look unto Jesus God hath laid help upon him who is mighty and who is able to save to the utermost not only from that which is vile and Contemptible but he is a compleat Saviour that will save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him There is no coming to God or being reconciled to God but by him and all that come to God by him shall have compleat Redemption for their Immortal Souls He is the Author of Eternal Salvation to all them that obey him He is the Author and finisher of our Faith He that believeth in Christ will submit to him and say in sincerity Thy will be done It is an ordinary thing for People to say Thy Kingdom come and thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven This is a good Prayer that Christ taught his Disciples There are many People that are often saying over these words but they do not give up and resign their own Wills to the Will of God if any tryal Affliction or Exercise befal them they are very apt to fret and repine If God shall take away a near and dear Friend or a Wife or a Child we must quietly submit to the Will of God who knows best how to dispose of them whether it be by Life or Death when God is pleased to take Children from Parents or Parents from Children People must not be discontented at the will of God but submit to his afficting hand God doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the Children of Men He is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to Repentance God calls upon Sinners 1. Isa 16 17. Wosh you make you clean put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes cease to do evil learn to do well relieve the oporessed Judge the Fatherless plead for the Widdow come now and let us reason together saith the Lord Though your Sins be as Scarlet they shall be as white as Snow though they be Red like Crimson they shall be as Wool Let the Wicked forsake his way and the Uunrighteous Man his thoughts and turn to the Lord and he will have mercy upon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon see that you accept of his mercy when it is tendred to you and Answer when he calls for he calls upon the Children of Men Return ye Backsliding Children and I will heal your Backslidings and love you freely God doth not delight in the Death of a Sinner but rather that he might turn and live and find favour with him Man hath a Day afforded to him by the Lord and time and strength to do the work of the Day therefore Work while it is Day for the Night cometh when no Man can Work There is a Day and hour wherein Man is appointed to do his Work some are called at one hour and some at another some are called early some are called at the sixth hour and some at the eleventh hour Now those that come in at the eleventh had their peny had their reward as well as those that bare the heat and burden of the Day God will be rewarded of all them that Faithfully give up themselves to him and Answer his Call in the day of his Visitation He that came in at the Eleventh hour had his peny as well as he that came in first Delay not my Friends for time is pretious those that were first bidden and made excuses were not counted worthy to Partake of the Supper Make not excuses while God worketh with thee by his Power join to it and Answer when God calls least it happen to thee when thou art in distress and callest upon God that he Answer thee not and hear not thy Prayers because when he called thou wouldest not hear him Prov. 1. 24. Because I have called and ye refused I have stretched out my hand and no Man regarded but ye have set at nought all my Connsels and would none of my Reproof I also will laugh at your Calamity and mock when your fear cometh when your fear cometh as desolation and your destruction cometh as a Whirlwind when distress and anguish cometh upon you Then shall they call upon me but I will not Answer they shall seek me early but they shall not find me The Foolish Virgins they had a Day and a time they made a profession they took their Lamps and took no Oyl with them But the Wise took Oyl in their Vessels with their Lamps while the Bridegroom tarried they all slumbred and slept And at Midnight there was a Cry made behold the Bridegroom cometh go you out to meet him Then all those Virgins arose and trimmed their Lamps and the Foolish said unto the Wise give us of your Oyl for our Lamps are gone out But the Wise answered saying not so least there be not enough for us and you but go ye rather to them that sell and buy for your selves and while they went to buy the Bridegroom came and they that were ready went in with him to the Marriage and the door was shut afterwards came also the other Virgins saying Lord Lord open to us But he answered and said Verily I say unto you I know you not Watch therefore for ye know neither the Day nor
King and Peaceable Saviour let us come unto him and learn of him that is meek and lowly and we shall find rest to our Souls Come unto him that hath a good Will to all desiring that all may be saved and come to the knowledg of the Truth and this is Life Eternal to know him that is the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent The Children of God desire the saving knowledge of the true God above all the Idols of the World and to be made partakers of that Life which is Eternal which never shall have an end They will always fear the Lord and think upon his Name I beseech you in the tender love of God consider this It is our great Duty to fear the Lord and think upon his Name wherever we are that is good they that fear God always they are blessed of God they receive Divine Wisdom from God how to order their Conversation aright and so more and more daily partake of Gods Salvation For the Arm of the Lord is stretched forth and made bare to save those that trust in him and neglect not that great Salvation which the Lord Jesus Christ the Eternal Son of God hath purchased and procured for us not with corruptible things as Silver and Gold but with his own Precious Blood as a Lamb without blemish and without spot for he was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief his Visage was marr'd more than any man whom the Jews slew and banged on a Tree had they known it they would not Crucified the Lord of Glory he was the Lords Anointed whom they slew the Lord of Heaven and Earth who had all Power committed to him and he gave Commission to his Apostles and Ministers to go and teach all Nations and observe all things whatsoever he commanded saying to them Lo I am with you alway even unto the end of World And saith our Lord Jesus Christ to them Behold I send the Promise of my Father upon you but tarry you in the City of Jerusalem until ye be endued with Power from on high and they had Power given them to work Miracles and to tread on Serpents and Scorpions and nothing should be able to hurt them a mighty blessed and glorious Power did p●eserve them and fit and prepare them to Preach the Everlasting Gospel So now my Friends my Counsel from the Lord to you is that you will be faithful to what the Lord our God in his Dear Son Jesus Christ hath manifested and made known to you be it more or less you that have received much of you will more be required and they that are faithful in a little shall be made Rulers over much they shall enter into their Masters Joy that Joy that the Stranger doth not intermeddle with this Spiritual Joy this Heavenly Joy of the Lord it hath been our strength it hath been comfortable to the Children of God from time to time and from Day to Day How joyful will it be to hear that sentence from Christ hereafter Well done good and faithful Servant thou hast been faithful in a little I will make thee Ru●er over much Enter thou into the Joy of thy Lord then shall the Redeemed of Lord sing the Song of Moses the Servant of God and the Song of the Lamb saying great and marvellous are thy Works Lord God Almighty Just and True are thy Ways thou King of Saints Now my Friends hearken and incline your Ears from time to time unto what the Lord shall say He will speake peace unto his People and to his Saints but let them not return again to folly Who ever you are that are true real Chri●●ians you have Peace with God through Christ Jesus the peaceable Saviour We are accepted of God in the Beloved and have Peace with God in and through Christ Jesus who is the great Peace-maker and Prince of Peace It is by his meritorious Death and Sufferings and Satisfaction made to Divine Justice that we are reconciled unto God I never did desire to hear any thing or speak any thing that had the least tendency to undervalue the Death Sufferings Satisfaction Mediation and Intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ but have always owned believed and preached these great Truths So my Friends I beseech you all to have an Eye to the Lord if you draw nigh to him he will draw nigh to you If we keep to the Lord and Joy in the Lord we shall find the Lord near to us answering our desires he will keep us in the hollow of his hand and in the secret Pavillion then will your Bread Your Heavenly Living Bread be sure and you will know the breaking of it and the eating of it that Bread which Christ gives is that whereby we are comforted and refreshed So my Friends the Lord God Almighty be with you it is not in my mind to say much at this time though many things were upon me to speak to you in the Light of the Lord and the Love of the Lord I shall at present commit you to the Lord Jesus Christ to cast your care upon him at all times in all your Afflictions distresses Trials and Troubles whatsoever keep your Eye stedfast and your Hearts fixed upon the Lord and you need not then be afraid of evil tidings Trust in the Lord at all times not for a Day or a Week or a Year but for ever Cast your care upon the Lord for he careth for you If thy Faith be tryed murmur not but Rejoice for the trial of your Faith is much more precious than of Gold that perisheth though it be tryed with Fire that it may be found unto Praise and Honour and Glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ in whom though now you see him not yet believing ye rejoice with Joy unspeakable and full of Glory If trials and sufferings and tribulations come do not boggle at them Think it not strange concerning the Fiery Trial which is to try you as though some strang happened to you but rejoice in as much as ye are made Partakers of Christs Sufferings that when his Glory shall be Revealed ye may be glad also with exceeding Joy Friends Happy are you if the Lord shall be pleased to try your Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and to try your Love and your Patience Verily I say unto you in the name of the Lord we have all need of it in our Spiritual Travel and Progress and Heavenly Journey Ye have need of Patience that after ye have done the Will of God ye may receive the Promise The Patient and the Meek shall Inherit the Earth and have an Inheritance reserved in Heaven Seek the Lord my Friends that you may be hid in the Day of his Wrath that you may be among his hidden ones when his Indignation shall break out against Sin and Wickedness would not you be hidden then and preserved then would not you have the Lord to spare you then ●us a
we desire but we are even like to poor Israel when they had forgotten the Lord when they had been cleaving to that that led them in the steps the end whereof was destruction The Lord thus complained by his Prophet O Israel thou hast destroyed thy self but thy help is in me And O Friends what greater love could the Lord God have shewn to the lost Sons of Adam then to have sent his Son his only begotten Son from the bosom of his Heavenly Love to Redeem Man up to God again to restore Man again and bring him back again out of that alienated state and out of that undone condition that he was fallen into by his disobedience and transgression against the Lord God hath hath laid help upon one that is Mighty Mighty to save Is there any poor Soul here this day that wants the Salvation of God that wants to be saved from Sin that so it may be saved from Hell saved from woe saved from distress saved from misery O come and lay hold on him by Faith that God hath laid help upon My Friends Turn your Minds inward this day have an eye and a●●egard in your selves to that pure and Divine Manifestation of his Light and Grace and Spirit vouchsafed to you in that Light look unto him Holy Men and Holy Women Godly Men and Godly Women waired for this in the days of old and one of them expressed his joy and satisfaction even Old Simeon when he saw the Lord Jesus Christ brought into the Temple he took him up in his arms and blessed God and said Lord now lettest thou thy Servant depart in peace according to thy word for mine eyes have seen thy salvation which thou hast prepared before the face of all People a Light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of thy People Israel that he might be for Salvation to the ends of the Earth Now here Simeon beheld and saw that which he long waited for and desired after and he had this manifested to him by the Holy Ghost that he should not see death before he had seen the Lords Christ he saw him and beheld him that he might see he was come So some Souls at this day that are now under another dispensation they have waited long and cry'd to the Lord and said Lord when will the time come when will the day come that thou wilt open to me that which my Soul hath longed for Lord I have sinned against thee when will the time come that I shall have help and power against sin and find strength against sin and receive power from on high against my sins and to resist and overcome Temptations and obtain thy favour and through Jesus Christ be reconciled to thee whom I have offended Friends You that have long waited for the Consolation of God's Israel hold fast your hope keep your confidence unto the end keep your Faith and Patience Remember the words of Christ to the Church of Philadelphia These things saith he that is holy and true thou hast a little strength and hast kept my word and hast not denyed my name because thou hast kept the word of my patience I also will keep thee from the hour of Temptation which shall come upon all the World to try them that dwell upon the Earth My Friends The hour of Tribulation is coming apace and hastning it is even at the very door therefore lay hold on Christ that God hath laid help upon O my Friends that you may find this help extended to you in this day of your Trial and Temptation that they that are the hindmost of the Flock may come up the poor in Spirit that are poor in body too they that are groaning and crying and mourning in solitary places that they may come according to the words of Christ into his John 10. 16. And other Sheep I have which are not of this fold them also I must bring and they shall hear my voice and there shall be one Fold and one Shepherd This one Shepherd is present here my Friends pray here his voice this Afternoon his voice is sweet and lovely and pierceth the very heart it calls upon you Open to me my well-beloved It calls you out of sin and out of iniquity and out of that which offends the Lord O Friends this Voice calls open to me my Beloved you that are turned from this World from the love of Vanities and Pleasures from those vain delights that perish in the using and the desire of your hearts is that you may be more acquainted with him that is the good Shepherd of your Souls that saith I call mine own Sheep by Name blessed be you that have this new Name I go before them and they follow me and I will give to them Eternal Life saith Christ what greater gift can you have what better reward can you have you that have the help of the Lord you that have the strength of the Almighty you that have your dependance upon him you that can truly say the Lord hath laid help upon one that is mighty I feel his Mighty Arm and his Mighty Power that hath helped me and overcome great things that I thought I could never overcome Open the door of thy heart saith Christ and I will overcome that by which thou hast been overcome All praise glory and thanksgiving be returned through Christ to the Living God and Father of all O My Friends feel your Minds gathered into a sense of Gods love into a pure exercise of his Heavenly life and love that in this we may go on and travel together that in this we may be exercised together for the Glory of God and the good and peace and welfare of one another Friends God's care is over his People his Divine Providence is daily extended towards them in a plentiful and wonderful manner There is one promise of the Lord that comes into the view of my Mind even that promise made to them in ancient times My People shall dwell in a sure dwelling and shall rest in a quiet habitation Let us pray that every one of us may be in the number of God's People that have a sure dwelling for my Friends great disappointments great exercises and trouble will overtake the Habitations of the Wicked that are hard hearted and forgetters of God Let us keep humble and tender and reverent in the sight of the God of Heaven all our strength will fail us and all our own wisdom if we do not keep faithful to him that God hath laid help upon What are we poor Worms in Comparison of the Almighty he can do in Heaven and Earth whatsoever he pleaseth Man is to be wrought upon according to his Divine will and pleasure we are to submit to him and to be resigned and given up to the Lord God of Heaven and Earth and to lie low before him and to come to that in practice which People have been speaking of in words It is part of that
from Earth to Heaven all being driven out of Paradice by the Cherubim set with a Flaming Sword there is no returning to that Blessed Life but by the loss of that Life that did grieve the Spirit of God and which did cause Man to be driven out there is no other way of return again but by this New Birth As you are all driven and forced out of Paradise and the Flaming Sword and the Cherubims are set to keep the way of the Tree of Life so you must return into the favour of God again by the Light of Christ and you have Line upon Line Precept upon Precept here a little and there a little to direct your minds to the Light of Christ Jesus As the first Adam was made a living Soul so the second Adam is a quickning Spirit This know for certain no Man or Woman can be quickned and raised up into the life of the second Adam till the life of the first Adam be taken away from them So now let every one of you deal plainly with your own hearts how you came to be a slain People to the life of the first Adam in which life there was a working of the Mystery of Iniquity in every part of Man One cries lo here is Christ another lo there is Christ and every one is following his own imagination about the Letter of the Scripture this is still but the vain Spirit of Man running and striving to recover himself and this is the cause there is so much profession of God and so little of his Nature appearing among the Sons and Daughters of Men. Now all of you that come to be regenerated you must come to the light of Christ there is no other way to it He will search your hearts and try your reins and set your sins in order before you and trace out the iniquities that compass you about therefore you must see your selves a lost People a sinful People and so come to feel the weight of your Sins upon your Consciences there is no other way to come to life you will never complain of Sin till you be burthened with it 'till you have a Trumpet sounding in your ears to awaken you that you may arise from the Dead that Christ may give you light there is no other way Dear People you must bring your deeds to the light of Christ and abide the sentence of Condemnation if you save your lives you lose them if you will lose your lives for Christs sake there is no danger of your Eternal Life John the Baptist Christ's fore-runner declared I indeed Baptize you with water unto Repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier than I the Latchet of whose Shooes I am not worthy to unlose he shall Baptize you with the Holy-Ghost and with Fire whose Fan is in his hand and he will throughly purge his floor and will gather his Wheat into his Garner but the Chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire What is it the better for you to read the Scripture if you know not this fiery Baptism which all must know that are regenerated deceive not your selves Christ will appear in flaming fire and take vengeance on all them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ I stand here as a Witness of the Lord of Life this day there is no way for people to come to Salvation but they must know Christ revealed in all their hearts What is he doing but rendring Vengeance upon the carnal mind self-pleasing and all inordinate Affections he comes with Vengeance to take away thy Life he will Baptize thee with the Holy Ghost and with Fire If thou knowest not this thou art not a true Christian Thou wilt never look Death in the face with joy nor go down to the Grave with Triumph If thou livest at home in the body and flyest for thy life and wilt not be willing to lose thy life for Christ if thou art called to it and if thou wilt not have Christ to wash thee some for shiness and some for self-love will refuse this if Christ doth not wash thee thou hast no part in him you must come to Christ to purifie you in the fiery furnace the Day of the Lord shall burn as an Oven as the Prophet speaks this is a dreadful day a day of Vengeance the day of the Lord Jesus Christ who Redeemeth his People from their Sins Zion is Redeemed with Judgment and Established with Righteousness Do not make the way to Heaven easier in your minds and imaginations than indeed it is and think it not sufficient to live in an outward observance of the ways of God If your own wills be alive and your corruptions remain unmortified the Judgment of God will be your Portion therefore in the Lord's name come along with me I am come to declare what I have heard and seen of the Father Come and examine thy Conscience hast thou brought thy deeds to the light then thou hast received Condemnation upon thy self and thy haughtiness is bowed down and laid low and thou seest thy self a poor miserable wretch before the Eternal God Whatsoever thou knowest of the mind of God hast thou reformed thy ways come along with me and tell me what is the ground of thy Faith and thy considence is it thy obedience and qualifications because thy obedience is right and thy qualifications right what use dost thou make of tnem read the Book of Conscience hast thou no ground for thy Faith thou hast put on the Reformed Faith and livest an unreformed Life search and try thy self Man or Woman Dost thou watch over thy self and keep in a sense of thy dissolution notwithstanding all thy qualifications and partial Reformation Dost thou strive to enter in at the strait Gate and the narrow way here is the lost Sheep thou seekest the life of thy will the life of the first Adam the justice of God will not suffer thee to make a Saviour of thy Duties and Qualifications and to take God's Jewels and to deck thy self with them thou canst not be saved without the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus What saith thy Conscience art thou brought to this change of thy Mind and of thy Conversation Are you all willing to part with your Sins with your Pride and Haughtiness Are you willing to part with your vile Affections this is the work of Gods grace upon you dost thou place thy confidence in thy Duties and Qualifications and takest God's Jewels and Oraments and deckest thy self with them Thou tookest my Jewels saith the Lord and didst play the Harlot if thou return to the Lord and humble thy self and get through this difficulty thou wilt be happy for ever This Judgment of God this Flaming-Sword that turns every way will keep thee from returning to Sin and bring thee to Christ and cut thee off from all hope of Salvation but by him and make thee to see the absolute need of
Marrying my Soul to himself seized upon me and did work effectually in me There is the Testimony of Christ in me he hath Sealed up my Soul to the Day of my Redemption here is a certain passage and a certain way which never any miss of that lose their Lives for Christ If you be not ready and willing to lose your Lives for Christ you shall never come here The Gate is strait and the way is narrow none come hither but those that die into an Heavenly Oneness with Christ O Friends let us empty our selves that Christ may fill us let us be nothing in our own Eyes that we may be all in him and receive of his fulness Now I commend you to God's Witness that you may remember what hath been spoken among you but consider if you do not harken to it it will follow you and be a plague to you to all Eternity if you will not yield up your selves to Christ this day that burns like an Oven this Fire you must dwell with when out of the Body there will be no quenching of this Fire for ever but if you be so wise for your Souls as to resign your selves up to Christ and come to him as little Children this will not hinder your Earthly concerns though the World may account thee a Fool yet thou hast that part of Heavenly Wisdom to do what thou dost as unto God thou carriest to thy Wife as in the sight of God that she may be Sanctified to thee and thou to her and thou carriest becomingly to thy children and Servants and thou wilt abound in Grace and in every good work which will be for thine Eternal wellfare O I beseech you People for the Lord's sake wait for the light of Christ to guide you learn of him to be meek and lowly then happy are you for he dwelleth with the humble but he beholdeth the Proud afar off This New Birth which is a true work a sincere and heavenly work it will make you for ever O make room for Christ in your Hearts or else he is never like to dwell with you he loveth to dwell with the poor and humble and contrite Spirit he abhors the Proud he will empty your Souls that he may fill them And so I commend you to God I have been long held in durance under great weakness and I was restless till I could come up to this Great City of London to Preach the Everlasting Gospel among you and you see I am among you here pray every one of you turn Inward let not these Words passing through a mean Vessel be as a bare empty Discourse of Truth to you which you only hear and take no further care of your Salvation Take heed of despising the light that shines in the midst of you and be pressing forward to the Heavenly work that is laid in the Power of Christ Jesus even through Judgment into Death and then he will give Eternal Life the Lord confirm this that it may rest upon your Hearts that you may be dead to the things of World We are not come to Mount Sinai that gen●ers to bondage but we are come to Mount Sion the City of the living God the Heavenly Jerusalem and to an innume●able company of Angels to the general Assembly and Church of the first born which are wr●tten in Heaven and to God the Judge of all and to the Spirits of just Men made Perfect and to Jesus ●be Mediatour of the New Covenant and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of Abel This is the Inheritance of the Redeemed of the most High blessed be the name of the Lord let us rest in hope till he bring us to Humility and Lowlyness of mind that he may cloth us with Heavenly Glory according to his Promise I will Beautifie my House with Glory saith the Lord. This is the Portion of a Poor People that cast down themselves before the Lord that he may lift them up and be all in all to them In whose blessed Presence they shall have of Joy and Rivers of Pleasures at his right hand for ever more The Prayer after Sermon BLessed and Glorious God thy presence and power is with thy People every where and thou art stretching forth thy Almighty Arm for the Salvation of thy chosen ones and thou art Influencing their Souls with thy Grace and Spirit in all their solemn meetings and Assemblies we desire to extoll and magnifie thy great and excellent Nause for all thy M●rcies and blessings we pray thee bow down thy Heavenly Ear and 〈◊〉 ken to the Cries and supplications of thy People that are breathing forth the desire of their S●uls to thee that art a God hearing Prayers supply their wants and establish their Spirits and uphold them with thy free Spirit Crown all thy chosen ones with thy loving-kindness and tender mercy rend the Cloud of darkness that hangs over us and take away the Vail and bow the Heavens amongst us and visit us with thy Salvation and reveal the mysteries of thy Truth unto us and in all our ways let us acknowledge thee and do thou lead us in the way everlasting Righteous God of Love while we live on Earth let our Conversa●ion be in Heaven where Christ our Mediatour sits a● thy Right-hand let us follow his Example who was Holy Harmless and undefiled that we may sit in Heavenly places with him Be thou a Sun and Shield to us in our earthly Pilgrimage whom have we in Heaven but thee and there is none on Earth that we desire besides thee let us walk before thee in sincerity and truth and do thou conduct us in the way of truth and righteousness by thy blessed Spirit Blessed be thy Name for the light of thy saving truth that hath shined in our minds and the light of thy Countenance that hath been lifted up upon us in our meetings thou hast furnished a Table for thy People as in the days of old we cannot but Admire thy great love and condescention towards us and extol and bless thy Holy name for thy abounding mercies and the Riches of thy Goodness to us we desire to give thee honour and renown and praise and Thanks giving for thy renewed mercies and Spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus for whom we bless thee and in whom we desire to be found not having our own Righteousness to him with thy self and thy Holy Eternal Spirit be Glory for Ever Amen A SERMON Preached by Mr. GEORGE WHITEHEAD At Grace-Church-Street Octob. 4. 1693. THE Great God who made Heaven and Earth the God of our Salvation he hath prepared a Sacrifice for himself in the hearts of a Remuant whom he hath gathered by the Arm of his Mighty Power and he hath kindled that Sacrifice that is of his own preparing and this to a Remnant is a manifest Token of the Love of God and of his Divine and special Providence for their safety and preservation that trust
man spareth bis Son that serveth him The Lord will bave mercy upon Sion and spare his People in the Day of his fierce Anger until his Indignatioa be over-past The Walls of Sion are the Walls of Salvation and they are a Bul wark to Gods People when did these Walls and Bulwarks fail you Have you not been preserved in your Day and Generation if these Walls of Salvation had failed we had not been preserved in Christ Jesus we had not now been a Pe●ple we have stood the Brunts we have been kept safe in the strong City where Salvation is for Walls and Bulwarks And so I shall commit you to the Lord Jesus Christ the Lamb of God that taketh away the Sins of the World I desire you all to look to him and fix your Hearts upon him who is the Author of Eternal Salvation to all them that believe in him and obey him to him be Glory Praise and Dominion who is God over all Blessed forever Amen His Prayer after Sermon MOST Blessed Lord God thou art Lord of Heaven and Earth Infinite in Love and Life and Glory the God of the Spirits of all flesh in whom we live and move and have our Being who art nea● to every one that draweth near to thee and call upon thee in Truth Thou openest thy bount●ful hand and refreshest our Hearts with thy Mercy and Blessing O Lord God of Power thy Mercies are manifold and they are over all thy Works and the Works of thine own hands do all praise thee and thy Saints bless thee and magnifie thy excellent Name thou art pleased to magnifie thy Law ●nd to send forth thy Light and Truth and to make it honour able in the Hearts of many in the Day of thy Love in the Day of thy Power Thou art Redeeming thy People from Iniquity and purging away all their dross and taking away all their Tin O Lord God of Life and Power Let all that believe in thy Son Jesus Christ be purged and purified more and more let them be washed and sanctified that all that may be done away and removed out of their Hearts that is contrary to thy self that the Glory of thy Truth may arise and shine in their Souls and let all feel the Power of thy Truth and be sensible of it and believe it and obey it that they may follow the L●adings of thy Holy Spirit and answer thy requirings and glorifie thy name and do thy Will on Earth as it is done in Heaven Let us all receive our daily Bread from thee and have the Light of thy Countenance to shine upon us Comfort the Hearts of all thine every where be thou their strength and stay and a pres●nt help in trouble and solace their Souls with the sense of thy L●ve which is better than Wine and with thy favour and loving kindness which is better than Life Strengthen the weak hands that hang down and co●firm the feeble knees and succour those that a●e tempted and com●ort them and relieve them O Righteous Lord of Heaven and Earth make known thy Mighty Power in working upon the Hearts of thy People here and every where make known by Name and Glory thr●ughout the Wh●le Earth Let thy glorious everlasting Gospel be sounded forth and Preached in all Na●ions of the World And let thy renown go forth and thy fame be spread abroad in all Nations let all the enemies of thy Pe●ple be scattered and all that make opposition against thy Truth be conquered and overcome by the Power of it and submit themselves least ●hey perish in their opposition And let thy People receive thy Truth in the Love of it and become willing in the Day of thy Power to serve thee in the Beauties of Holiness and gird up the Loyns of their Minds and be kept sober and vigilant and hope to the end and live in love and unity with one another and keep themselves in the love of God and by Patient continuance in well doing seek for Honour Glory Immortality and Eternal Life Let us delight our selves in thee that thou mayst give us the desire of our Hearts whom have we in Heaven but thee And there is none upon Earth that we can desire besides thee Thou hast many times refreshed us with the sense of thy Love in Christ Jesus and thou hast brought us into thy Banquetting House and thy Banner hath been spread over us we have been satisfied with the Fatness of thy House and drunk abundantly of the Rivers of thy Pleasures we have sat under thy shaddow with great delight and thy fruit hath been sweet to our tast Bless us and all thine every where and mind us of our latter end that all the Days of our Appointed time we may wait till our change come and be so prepared for our great account that we may give it up with Joy and not with grief Now Blessed God of Heaven and Earth for all thy Mercies and Favours that we have received and the Blessings and Benefits which thou hast bestowed upon us and continued to us and for preserving us from time to time by the Arm of thy Power and for opening our Hearts at this time to receive the Word of thy Truth and the Influences of thy Spirit take thou the Honour and Glory Thanksgiving and Praise which we humbly and sincerely offer up to thee for to thee it doth belong and thou alone art worthy who art God over all blessed for ever and ever Amen A SERMON Preached by Mr. FRANCIS STAMPER At Devonshire-House May 3. 1694. God hath laid help upon one that is Mighty to seve to the uttermost all that come unto God by him THis Mighty One that the Almighty Lord Jehovah hath laid help upon for Man it is the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of his Love and they are blessed of God that come to partake of the help that is in him who said to his Disciples and Followers in the days past without me ye can do nothing Friends This is a deep and a very near word and it stands us all upon to consider whether we have him or no for we all owe Service a Duty and a Worship to the Everlasting God and of our selves we cannot perform it without the help and assistance of his Beloved Son the Lord Jesus Christ and the comfort of all that believe in him and love him is this that he is not only able to help but willing to help Blessed be the Lord God for ever may all you say that have been made partakers of his Vertue and of his Power and Life that have found a willingness in him to assist you in all your troubles in all your exercises in all your afflictions in all the bowings of your Souls and Spirits before the Lord who have said in your Prayers and Supplications Lord lend me thy help let me have thy gracious aid and assistance Without this help of the Lord Jesus Christ we cannot do that good that sometimes
whereby they may be supported through all Tryals and Adversities and through all Oppositions and Temptations that they may meet withal for the tryal of their Faith and for the exercise of their Patience that all their Afflictions and Exercises may be sanctified to them for the bringing them nearer and nearer to thy self and into a more lively inward and single Dependance on thee and thy Divine Grace and Truth which thou hast made known by Christ Jesus our only Mediatour by whom alone we have access to thee and whereby we are made capable of beholding the light of thy Countenance and partake of thy Divine goodness and blessing and of those pretious promises which thou hast left upon Record and Impressed upon our Minds and Hearts Thou hast poured into us a living and inward sense of that pure Life of thy Dear Son whereby we may be enabled to live to thy Praise and O Blessed Powerful Lord God those that are not convinced and persuaded of thy Way and blessed Truth that are not come into it and to partake of the Life of it that are not yet come to live to thee and to live in Obedience to thy Blessed Son the Lord Jesus Christ who are not come under the Power of his Cross that they may be Crucified to the World and have the World Crucified to them Lord awaken them utter thy Voice that shakes the Mountains rend the Vail and draw in their Hearts and Minds and Affections from earthly and fading Objects that they may come to breathe after thee and feel that Spirit in them wherewith thou dost Inspire thy People whereby they may supplicate thee for relief for strength and Victory over the Spirit of the World and over the Temptations of the Devil and the Flesh which do easily beset Men and whereby many are led Captive who cannot yet make mention of thy Name and walk in thy Truth Lord awaken them by thy Powerful Voice and incline their Hearts to seek thee while thou art to be found and call upon thee while thou art near that thou mayst be known in thy glorious Visitation The Cords of thy Love thou hast extended that they may lay hold thereon that they may be drawn out of the Pollutions of the World and of Sin and Sathan that have brought Death over them let the fear of God take place that they may be affraid to offend thee as knowing that thou art a Jealous God and thine Eyes are upon all the ways of the Sons of Men thou art the Heart searching God there is no secret can be hid from thine All seeing Eyes Vnder that Consideration O Lord let many come unto thee and reverence thy Great Name and not provoke thee to Displeasure against them And O blessed God thou hast been graciously pleased to begin a good Word a glorious Work of Righteousness in our days and tim●s Blessed God and Father we humbly pray thee carry it on and make it prosper Prosper the Souls of thy People in it that they may be a growing thriving and increasing People in thy Holy ways and in thy blessed Work and as thou hast sown a precious seed and Planted a Noble Vine by thine own Almighty hand and given us a Root of Life the Foundation of our Faith Love and Obedience which Foundation thou hast laid in Zion Lord keep thy People sensible of it that they may mind it and wait upon thee and be preserved in that Root of Life wberein thy Blessing is that thy People may partake of thy Blessing and gr●w up into the Nature of that Life to bring forth Fruit to ●hee to encrease in Faith and Love in Obedience and Humility and Meekness that the Life of true Christianity may be Promo●ed and Inc●eased among thine Heritage that they may live in it and shine forth in it as thy Workmanship which thou hast Created in Christ Jesus unto fruitfulness unto all good Works that they may walk in them That so Powerful God and living Creator they may live unto thee and Act intirely to thy Praise H●n●ur and Glory in their Day Age and Generation and that their bright shining forth in the Light if Truth and Righteou'ness may appear more and more as an Invitation to th●se that are afar off That in this thy Day wherein thou art setting up ●be Tabernacle of David the Kingdom of thy Bel●ved Son and Repairing the Ruins and wast Places thereof Lord God Eternal grant that the Residue of Men may seek after thee and be sensible that thou art at Work and raising an H●use for thine Honour and promoting the Kingdom of thy Son which is a Kingdom of Righteousness that of his Government there may be no end that all those that desire after Peace and after Happiness in the Kingdom of thy Dear Son may wait to see him Rule and Govern to see him Reign whose Right it is That Sin may not Reign in their Mortal Bodies that Sinful Lusts and Vile Affecti●ns and an Earthly mind may not have Power over them and prevail against them that so their Souls may be lifted up to thee That Blessed Eternal God they may wait upon thee and Renew their Strength and Renew their Thankfulness for the Renewing of thy Mercies and the Incomes of thy Love which are fresh and New every Morning That they may fear thee and wait upon thee and Diligently seek after thee and have sweet Communion with thee in the Enjoyment of thy Presence And Blessed be thou O Lord God Eternal for all thy Mercies Preservations and Encouragements so frequently Afforded to thy People whose Eyes and Hearts are towards thee Our Souls are deeply engaged to thee and we have cause to Bless and Praise and Honor thy Great and Excellent Name and through t●y Dear Son to offer up praise and Thanks giving to thy Great and Excellent Majesty for thou alone O God art worthy to Receive the Honour and Praise of all thy Mercies Benefits and Blessings by all the ●iving here and elsewhere who art God only over all Heaven and the whole Earth Blessed and Praised for Ever and Ever Amen A SERMON Preached by Mr. WILLIAM DEWSBERY At Grace-Church-Street May 6. 1688. My Friends Except you be Regenerated and Born again ye cannot inherit the Kingdom of God THis is the Word of the Lord God to all People this day this lies not in airy Profession and in vain Imagination and whatsoever else it is that you deck your selves with all you must every particular Man and Woman be born again else you cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven This was the Doctrine of Christ in that prepared body wherein he appeared in the World and Preached to Nicodemus That standing Doctrine to this moment of time and will be so while any man breaths upon the Earth there is no other way no other gate to enter into Life by but this great work of Regeneration Now to enforce People to come to this great Work and to set forward