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A17154 Christian praiers and holie meditations as wel for priuate as publique exercise: gathered out of the most godly learned in our time, by Henrie Bull. Whereunto are added the praiers, commonly called Lidleys praiers.; Christian praiers and holy meditations Bull, Henry, d. 1575?; Ledley, John.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555. Godlie instruction, conteining the summe of all the divinitie necessary for a Christian conscience. aut 1596 (1596) STC 4032; ESTC S120490 133,439 444

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vertue may lighten and cheere vs that the want of feeling of our sorrow maye to recompensed plentifully with the liue y ● sen●e of hauing thee to our eternal ioy therefore thou swarest that in thine euerlasting mercy thou wilt haue compassion on vs. Of which thing to the ende we might bee most assured thine oth is to bee marked for th●n say●st● As I haue sworne that I will neuer bring anie more the waters to drowne the world So haue I sworne that I wil neuer more bee angrie with thee nor 〈◊〉 thee The mou●t● 〈◊〉 shall 〈◊〉 the hilles shall fall down● but my louing kindnesse shall not mooue and the bond of my peace shall not faile thee Thus saiest thou the Lord our mercifull redeemer Deare Father therfore I praie thee remember euen for thine owne trueth and mercie sake this promise and euerlasting couenaunt which in thy good time I may thee to write in my hart that I may know thee to bee the onely true God and Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent that I may loue thee with all my heart for euer that I may loue thy people for thy sake that I may bee holie in thy sight through Christ that I may alwaies not onely striue against sin but also ouercome the same dayly more and more as thy children do aboue al things des●ring the sanctification of thy name the comming of thy kingdome the doing of thy will heere on earth as it is in heauen c. throguh Iesus Christ our redeemer mediator and aduocate Amen I. B. A praier against our spirituall enemies the diuell the world and the flesh O Lorde God the diuell goeth about like a roring Lyon seeking whome hee may deuoure the flesh lusteth against the spirite the worlde perswadeth vnto vanities y ● we may forget thee our Lord God so for euer ve damned Thus are we miserably on euery 〈◊〉 befet and ●e●●eged of cruell a vnrestful enemies and like euerie momente to perish if we be not defended with thy godly power against their tyrannie Wee therefore poore and wretched sinners despayring of our owne strength which indeede is none most heartily praie thee to indue vs with strength from aboue that wee may bee able through thy helpe with strong faith to resist Sathan with feruent praier to mortifie the lustes of the fleshe with continual meditation of thy holie lawe to auoide the foolish vanities and transitorie pleasures of this wicked worlde y ● through thy grace wee beeing set at libertie from the power of these our mortall enemies may serue thee heere in true holinesse and righteousnes and after be partakers of the euerlasting ioyes prepared for thy children which as they are great and vnspeakeable so are there fewe that doe inioy them For straite is the way and narrowe is the gate that leadeth therunto and few there be that find it Notwithstanding O God thou hast a litle flock to whom it is thy pleasure to giue that ioyfull kingdome whose names are written in the booke of life Make vs therefore of that nūber for Iesus christes sake place vs amongest those thy sheepe which shal stand on thy right hande to receiue that blessed inheritaunce and dwel with thee for euermore A prayer for present helpe in tentation DEare father to whom it is more easie to doe all thinges then for mee to thinke anie one goodthing Loe doe thou but speake a worde and thy deadlie sicke seruaunte my sonle shall be made whole Helpe O Lorde for the great mercy sake for thy trueth sake and for thy deare sonne Iesus Christs sake set thy sterngth suffice against my weakenesse and the holy-spirit against my sinfull flesh and olde man Thou art faithfull O Father who hast promised that I shall not bee tempted further than thou wilt make me able to beare Giue nowe therefore thy grace and strength vnto thy seruaunt that I may with a strong faith in thy in fallible trueth promised mercie vanquish and subdu whatsoeuer rebelleth against thy most blessed will Preserue and keepe holie my soule and bodie and let them not bee defiled and made a dangeon of diuels wicked spirits through delectation in sinne Behold deare Father the postes thereof are sprinkled with y e precious bloud of thy deare son and of thy great mercy that are made the temple and tabernacle of thy holy spirit Shall nowe alas the Diuell the worlde or the flesh plucke from thee that thing which presently cryeth to thee with assured tr●st in thy promised helpe Nay father but graunt that I may by thy mightie power turne al their crafts decrits and raging assaultes vnto the increase of my faith and that by experience of thy fatherlie assistance in this my present temptation I may with assured hope and trust in thy readie helpe and comfort ouercame my saide enimies heereafter in like assaults prayse thy holy name for the victory through Iesus Christ our Lord. My sonne if thou wilt come into these rule of the Lorde stande fast in righteousnes feare and prepare thy soule to tentation Eccles 2. Remedies against sinfull motions and tentations First remember that sinne is so hainous a thing that God by his iustice might worthilie damne thee for the same and is therefore to bee abhorred as a sweete poyson a flattering death destruction of the soule which woulde cut thee off from God thy Sauiour and make thee a bondslaue to Sathan thy deadlie enemie Auoide therefore euen at the first the occasions thereof betimes quash out the braines of the childrē of Babylon against the hard stones whiles yet they bee young and weake least when they be growne elder stronger they dash thee to peeces And for remedie against the same flee vnto God who commandeth thee to call vpon him in thy troubles and promiseth to deliuer thee and wil not suffer thee to be further tempted than hee will make away out whereby thou shalt escape and doubt not but he that causeth thee to hate the sinne which thy nature is to loue will deliuer thee also from the daunger thereof and make thee to triumphouer Sathan to his confusion to Gods glorie and thy great comfort which are causes that our tender louing father sendeth tentations vnto vs he that is not tempted what is he Nowe after thou hast obtained the victory remember two thinges first to giue most heartie thankes to God for his grace and assistance whereby thou hast ouercome and bee not vnthankefull in anie wise and then that hee who continually goeth about like a roring Lion seeking whome he maie deuoure wil not be long or farre away from thee but will attempt againe the same or as euill waies to ouercome thee Watch therefore and praye A prayer for the auoiding of Gods heauie wrath and vengeance for our sins OH Lord God strong and mighty great and feareful which dwellest in the heauens and workest great wonders we thy miserable children heere vpon
our hope be fully sixed vpon him In whome it hath pleased him that the fulnesse of his grace shuld dwel that from thence wee might all drawe as out of a most plen●ifull fountaine the waters of eternall lyfe This secrete and greate mysterie is reuealed to such onely whose eies the Lorde hath opened to see light in his light Therefore since we are taught by faith that whatsoeuer wee haue need of and is wanting in vs the same is laid vp with God for vs in Christ it remaineth that wee seeke it in him and with prayer craue it of him The Apostle therefore to shewe that true faith cannot be separate from the inuocation of Gods holie name hath set this order that as faith commeth by the gospell so by the same faith our heartes are stirred vp to call vpon the name of God and therefore he saith that the spirite of adoption which sealeth in our hearts the witnesse of the Gospell raiseth vp our spirites that they dare with boldnesse shew foorth their desires it stirreth vpon vs vnspeakable gronings and causeth vs to crie with confidence Abba Father By the benefit of prayer therfore we attaine to those riches which God hath laid vpon store for vs for thereby we haue familiar accesse to God and boldlie entring into the sanctuarie of heauen we put him in mind of his promises so that now by experience we feele and finde that to bee true indeed which by the word we did before but onely beleeue now we inioy those treasures by praier which by faith wee did before but onelie beholde in the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Now howe necessarie and profitable this exercise of praier is appeareth in that the Lord himselfe witnesseth our whole saluation to consist in the calling vpon his name wherby he is whollie present with vs namelie by his prouidence fatherly care by the which hee watcheth ouer vs by his power by the which hee sustaineth and succoureth our weaknesse being euery moment readie to perish and by his goodnes mercie by the which he receiueth vs into fauour being miserably loaden pressed downe with sin And hereby groweth singular rest and quiernesse to our conscience For when we haue disclosed to him our necessitie herein wee finde most ioyful and perfect quietnesse that none of our euils are hidden from him whom we are perswaded to bee-both most willing and also most able to help vs. Now that our praiers may be made in such wise as it ought to be first we must see that we be in heart and mind no otherwise prepared then be commeth those that enter into talke with God as we are taught Eccl 28 Before thou pray prepare thy self and be not as one that tempreth God We must consider therfore when we pray in whose presence we stande to whome wee speake and what we desire We stand in the presence of the almightie Creator of heauen and earth all things therin contained to whose eternall Maiestie innumerable thousands of Angels do assist serue and obey we speake vnto him who knoweth the secrets of our harts before whom nothing is more odious thé hypocrisie and dissimulation we ask those things which be most to his glory and the comfort of our consciences We must therefore diligentlie endeuour our selues to remoue all such things as may offende his diuine Majestie And first that wee be free from all worldlie cares and fleshlie cogitations wherby our minds are caried hither thither and being drawne out of heauen and from the pure beholding of God are pressed downe to the earth And heere let vs call to mind howe vnreuerently we abuse the great goodnes of god calling vs into familiar talke with him whēh we haue not that reuerent fear of his sacred Maiestie that we would haue of an earthly creature or a worldlie prince but suffering our hearts to be carried away with wandering thoughts and worldly imaginations are otherwise occupied and forsake him in the mids of our prayer As God is a spirite so will he be worshipped in spirite and truth that is in the inward affections of the heart and with a true faithful vnfained kind of worship And therefore as at all other times hee requireth the heart so specially in the time of prayer when we shew our selues in his presence enter into communication with him and therupon when he promiseth to heare all those that call vpon him he maketh a restraint saith that call vpon him in truth Seeing therfore that the chiefe dutie of praier consisteth in the heart we must with our whole hart pour out our prayers vnto God the searcher of hearts and with a syncere vnfained ardent affection opening of our heart before god call vpon him or els we shal not find him Let vs knowe therefore that none prepare themselues rightlie to prayer but such as haue a reuerende feare of Gods Maiestie which they cannot haue that come not to i● vnburthened of earthlie cares and affections And this is it that is meant in the Scriptures by the lifting vp of handes that we should remember our selues to bee farre off from God vnlesse we lift vp our harts and minds also on high And therefore it is said in the Psalme To thee haue I lifted vp my soule 〈◊〉 Scripture vseth also this maner of speeche To lift vp prayer that they which des●●e to be heard of God should not haue their mindes carried away with earthly cogitations and vanitie And though it bee hard to bee so bent to praier but that we shal find that manie by-thoughtes will creep vpon vs to hinder our praier yet the more harde it is the more earnestlie wee must wrastle to ouercome al lets and hindrances labour withinward groaninges vnto the Lorde that he will linke our hearts fast vnto him and not suffer vs to bee ledde awaie from him by the vaine suggestions of Sathan who at all times compassing vs about is neuer more busie then when we addresse our selues to prayer secretelie and subtillie creeping into our breasts calling vs back from God so that oftentimes when we with all reuerēce shuld speake to God we finde our hearts talking with the vanities of the worlde or with the foolish imaginations of our owne hearts Finally we must be in christian charity loue and concord with al men seeking vnfained heartie and brotherlie reconciliation if we haue offended any man before we enter into prayer or els God wil not heare our praiers yea they are otherwise execrable and ful of damnable hypocrisie in Gods sight And this that is spoken of praier may bee saide also of hearing of Gods word or anie other seruice of God We must therefore laie aside all malice enuie wrath grudge contention wrangling dissimulation all guilefull craftie and subtle dealing and with a single heart doe to other as wee would they shoulde doe to vs Peter willeth that such as haue once tasted how good and bounteous
hereof but certainely be perswaded all this to pertaine to me where I might haue beene borne of Turkes and infidels lot thou wouldest I shoulde bee borne of Christian Parentes brought into thy Church by Baptisme which is a Sacrament of adoption and requireth faith as well of remission of my sinnes as of sanctification and holynesse to bee wrought of thee in mee by thy grace and holy spirite Where I might haue beene bo●e in an ignorant time Region thou wouldest I shoulde be borne in this time and Region wherein is more knowledge reueales than euer was heere or any place is where I might haue beene of a corrupt iudgement and intangled with many errurs loe thou of thy goodnesse as thou hast reformed my iudgement so doest thou keepe it nowe for the same iudgments sake do●st vouchsafe somwhat by the Crosse to trie mee By all which thinges I shoulde confirme my faith of this that thou alwaies hast been art and wilt be for euer my deere father In respect whereof as I shoulde be certain● of saluation of the inheritance 〈◊〉 heauen for 〈◊〉 should I bee thankfull cast my whelt cant on thee trust to thee and call on thee with comforte certaine hope for all things that I want For in that thou hast giuen to me this benefite to bee thy childe vndeserued and undesired on my behalfe simply and onely in respect of thine owne goodnesse and grace in Christ least at any time I shoulde doubt of it how should I but hope certainely that nothing profitable to me can be denied in that thy power in infinite For as thy good will is declared in adopting me so nothing can be finally wanting in mee which may make for my weale for then should not thy power be almightie theref●re my beliefe requireth that I shoulde beleeue in thee the father almighty In consideration whereof I should in all thinges behaue my selfe as a child reioice in thee praise thee trust in thee feare thee serve thee love thee call vpon thee c. But alas howe heaui● harted am I Now vnthankfull am I Nowe full of vnbeleife doubting of this thy rich mercie Nowe little doe I loue thee feare thee call vpon thee c. Oh be mercifull vnto mee forgiue me good Father for thine o wne sake and grant mee the spirit of thy children to reueale thy selte vnto me and Iesus Christ thy deare Sonne our Lorde by whome wee art made thy children that I may truely knowe thee heartily loue thee faithfully hang vpon thee in all my needes with good hope call vpon thee tender faithfully this honor to thee that thou art my God and Father and I thy deare Childe through thy grace in Christ ●nd so alwaies be indued with an assured hope of thy goodnes and a faithfull obedient heart in all things to thy holy will At thy handes and from thee as I must looke for allthings so come I vnto thee pray thee to giue mee these thinges which thy deere children haue and thou requirest of mee that I may come and aske them of thee as now I do through Iesus Christ our Lord. As by this worde Father I am taught to glory of thee and in thee and all that euer thou hast for thou art wholy mine my Lorde my God my father so by this word Our I am taught to glory of all the good that all and euerie of thy seruantes that euer were are or shalbe had haue or shall haue For now I am taught to beleeue that thou hast called mee into the communion of thy Church and people whome heereby I perceiue th●● host commaunded to bee as carefull for mee as for themselues and in all their praiers to be as mindful of me as of themselues Againe as by this word Father I am taught to remember render my duty I ow to thee wardes faith loue feare obedience c. So by this word Our I am taught my dutie towards thy people to be carefull of them and to take their sorrow pouertie affliction c. as mine owne and therefore to labour to helpe them in hart and hand after my vocation and ability vtterly abhorring all pride selfe loue arrogancie and contempt of anie By reason whereof I haue great cause to lament and to reioyce To lament because I am so farre from consideration much more from doeing my duetie to thy people in thoughts words and deeds To reioyce because I am called of thee and placed in the blessed society of thy Saintes and made a member and citizen of the heauenly Ierusalem because thou hast giuen in commaundement to all thy Church to bee as carefull for me as for themselues But alas how farre am I heerefrom As I am guiltie of vnthankfulnesse for this thy callyng mee into the blessed communion of thy deare sonne and Church yea of thy selfe so I am guiltie of selfe loue vnmercifulnesse pride arrogancie forgetfultnesse and contempt of thy children for else I could not but bee otherwise affected and otherwise labour than I doe Oh be mercifull vnto mee good Father forg●ue me and grant for Christes sake that as my tonge scundeth this worde Our so I may in heart feele the true ioy of thy blessed compassion and the true loue and communion which thy children haue and feele towardes their brethern that I may reioyce in all troubles in respect of that ioyfull communion that I may denie my selfe to honour thy children vpon earth and endeuour my selfe to doe them good for thy sake through Iesus Christ our Lorde I come onely to thee to giue mee that which I cannot nor must not elsewhere haue and thou requirest it of me that therefore I should as thy childe come and crane it to thy glorie Which art in heauen AS by these wordes Our Father I am taught to glorie and reioyce for the blessed communion which I am called to with thee deare Father with thy Christ and with thy holy Church so also am I heere taught by these wordes which art in heauen to reioyce in respecte of the place and blessed ioyes whereunto at the length in thy good time I shall come For nowe I may perceiue that as heauen is thy home so is it mine also being as I am thy child through Christ although here for a time I am bodily on earth and in miserie Againe by these wordes which art in heauen I am admonished not onlie to discerne thee from earthly Fathers and to know howe that thou art Almighty present in all places and of moste puritie to confirme thereby my faith to be prouoked the more to feare thee to reuerence thee c. But also I am admonished to iudge of thy fatherly loue by heauenly benefites and not by corporal simply and alonely for oftentimes the wicked prosper more in the world and haue more worldly benefites then thy children So that by this I see thou wouldest pull vp my minde from earth and earthly thinges to heauen
for whom thou wouldest I shoulde praie Here think vpon the state of religion the life of the professors of the Gospel that thou maist lament some pray for some and giue thankes for some Let thy kingdome come THy Kingdome is in two fortes to be considered vniuersally and particularly vniuersally according to thy power wherwith thou gouernest al things euery where in earth heauen hell diuels Angels men beastes foules fishes and all other creatures Of this kingdome spake Dauid when he saide His kingdom ruleth ouer all Particularly thy kingdome is to be considered according to thy grace wherewith thou raignest onely in thy Church elect people ruling and gouerning all and euerie member of thy Church to thy glorie and their eternal comfort Not that out of this Church I exclude thy power for as there with thou defendest thy people so thou punished● thy enimies but because thy grace is specially considered beeing as it were the verie keeper that keepeth and guideth thy people The time will be when this kingdome of grace and power now being as dinstinct shal be vnited and made one kingdome of glorie which will be when Christ shall giue vp his kingdome into thyne handes that is in the resurrection When death the last enimie shall be subdued and th●●● shalt be all in all In the meane season this kingdome of grace is miraculously and mightiely propagated enlarged and gonerned by the true Ministerie of thy woord and sacramentes through the working of thy holy spirit and this is the meane and waie whereby as thou didst first plant so doest thou enlarge amplifie and preserue the same This kingdome of grace begunne continued and inlarged by the true preaching of thy Gospell and ministration of thy Sacramentes is the thing which Christ teacheth here thy children to pray for that it might come that is to say that thy Gospel might so mightily purelie and plenteouslie bee preached maugre the heade of all thine enemies that the number of thine electe might bee brought in and so the kingdome of thy glorie might appeare So that as I see thy children desire pray and labour that thy Gospell might bee trulie preached hearde and liued in themselues and in others so they lament the not preaching and refusing the not lining and not beleeuing thy Gospell yea they lament the lingring of y e comming of thy Christ for in his comming they know they shall be like vnto him and hauing this hope they purifie themselues as he is pure By reason heereof I see first that I am farre from this desire and lamenting which thy children haue I see my ignorance of thy kingdome and power euery where also of thy grace in thy Church only and of thy glory when al the enemies of thy grace shal bee cast downe and thy glorie and power shall embrace each other I see my ignorance howe acceptable a seruice to thee is the true preaching and the hearing of thy Gospel for els thou hadst not needed to haue placed this petition next to the petition of the sanctifying of thy name Againe I see heere mine vnableneesse to enter into thy kingdome and to attaine to it for els what neede shoulde I haue to pray for that to come from thee which otherwise may be atchieued Thirdlye I see my peruersity and contempt of thy kingdome grace for although I see my want yet I woulde not desire thy kingdome to come if thou diddest not commande me so to pray and if I woulde haue praied for it thou wouldest not haue commaunded me Last of all I see thy goodnesse which wilt bring thy kingdome and that as generally by sending foorth ministers to preach truly so particularlye by regenerating mee more and more and by giuing me as grace heere so glorie elsewhere for thou wouldest not I should pray for that which thou wilt denie So that I haue great cause to lament and reioice To lament because of my miserable state and condition because of my sinne ignorance rebellion peruersity Sathans power contempt of thy grace thy Gospell and ministery here or elsewhere To reioice because of thy goodnesse great mercie which hast brought me into thy Church keepest me in it aud wilt do so still Also because of the ministerie of thy word sacramēacute ts by which the holy Ghost is and will be effectuall and finally because of the great glory whereunto thou hast called mee and which now thou wilt giue vnto mee asking the same But alas how vnthankefull I am and sorrowlesse Lord thou knowest for my heart is not hid from thee Oh be merciful vnto me and forgiue me good father and gra●nt me the spirit of thy children to reueale vnto mee my ignorance of thy kingdome my pouertie and peruersitie that I may lament the same and daily labour for thy helpe and thy holye spirite to suppresse the kingdome of sinne in my selfe and in others Againe graunt me that same thy holie spirit to reueale to me thy kingdome of power grace and glorie to kindle mine affections to regenerate me more and more to raigne in me as a peece of thy kingdome to giue to me to desire to pray and to labour for thy kingdome both to my selfe and to others effectually to thy glorie and to assure my conscience of thy goodnes that thou wilt giue me grace glorie c. Here call to minde the state of the ministery and ministers the light and life of Gospellers the errors and heresies which men be intangled withall Thy will be done AS thy power is infinit so is thy wisedome accordinglie Whereby as we may perceiue that nothing is or can bee done against thy power or otherwise than by it so is there not nor cannot be any thing done against or otherwise then by thy omnipotent and secret wil which is alwaies as t●ou art good holie and iust how farre so euer it seeme otherwise to our foolishe reason and iudgement and therefore here we are taught to pray that thy wil may bee done here without sinne on mans behalfe as it is on the Angels behalfe in heauen Againe for as much as thou art incomprehensible of thy selfe as well concerning thy power as concerning thy wisdome we may not according thereto search thee but rather adore and worship thy maiestie and tremble at thy iudgments and works and therefore praie alwaies we may bee content with thy wil and be buxomr and obedient thereto And for as much as thou hast reuealed vnto vs somuch of thy wil in thy word writtenas is necessary for vs in this life to knowe yea as wee can attaine vnto a little further wee ought to take al things done against the same as ●●nne and transgression although thou canst vse the same sinne to serue thy preuidence of the which prouidence we cannot nor may not iudge further than thou hast and shalt open it vnto vs. So that this petition Thy wil be done is
and that wee may vnfainedly purpose and effectually labour to amend our liues this day so long as wee haue to liue in all our doings and wordes and euen in our verie thoughtes to the prayse of thy holy name and good example of our doings and words and euen in our brethren And for as much as thou knowest our weakenesse our ignorance and great vntowardnesse to carrie anie great crosse or affliction wee beseech thee our sweete Father so temper and order all things towards vs this day and for euer that we bee neuer further proued tempted than thou wilt make vs able to beare and so to helpe vs in the same as may be most 〈◊〉 thy glorie our saluation through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An Euening prayer O Lord God Father euerlasting and full of pitie wee acknowledge and confesse that wee bee not worthy to lift vp our eies to heauen much lesse to present our selues before thy diuine maiestie with confidence that thou wilt heare out praiers and graunt our requests if wee consider our owne wretched deseruings For our consciences doe accuse vs our sinnes witnes against vs wee know that thou art an Vpright Iudge which doest not ●ustifie the sinners and wicked men but punishest the faultes of such as transgresse thy commandements Ye● most mercifull Father since it hath pleased thee to commaunde vs to ca●● vpon thee in all our troubles and aduersities promising euen then t● helpe vs when we feele our selue● as it were swallowed vp of death 〈◊〉 desperation we vtterly renounce al● wordly confidence and trust flie to thy soueraigne goodnes as our only stay and refuge beseeching thee not to cal to remembrance our manifold sinnes and wickednesse whereby we continually prouoke thy wrath and indignation against vs neither our negligēce nor our vnkindnes which haue either worthelie esteemed nor in our liues sufficiētly expressed the sweet comfort of thy holy Gospel reuealed vnto vs but rather to accept the obedience and death of thy sonne Iesus Christ our Lord who by offering vp his bodie in sacrifice once for all hath made a sufficient recompence for all our sinnes Haue mercie therefore vpon vs O Lorde and forgiue vs our offences Teach vs by thy holy spirit that we may rightly weigh them earnestly repent vs for the same and so much the rather O Lord our God because that the reprobate such as thou hast forsakē cānot prayse thee nor cal vpō thy name but the repenting heart the sorrowfnl minde the consciēce oppressed hungring thirsting for thy grace shall euermore set forth thy praise and glorie And albeit we be but wormes and dust yet thou art our creator and we be the worke of thy handes yea thou art our father we thy childrē thou art our shepheard and we thy flocke thou art our redeemer and wee thy people whome thou hast deerelie bought thou art our God and wee are thine inheritance Correct vs not therefore in thine anger O Lord our God neither according to our desertes doe thou punish vs but mercifully chastice vs with a fatherly affection that all the worlde may knowe that at what time so euer a sinner dooth repente him of his sinne from the bottom of his hart thou wilt put away all his wickednesse out of thy remembrāce as thou hast promised by thy holie Prophet Finally forasmuch as it hath pleased thee to make the night for man to rest in as thou hast ordayned him the day to trauell graunte O deare father that we may so take our bodily rest that our soules may continuallie watch for the time that our Lord Iesus Christ shall appeare for our full deliuerance out of th●● mortalll life and in the meane seasō that wee be not ouercome by anie fantasies dreames or other temptations but may fully set our mindes vpon thee loue thee feare thee and rest in thee in such sort that our very sleepe also may be to the glorie of thy holie name Furthermore that our sleepe bee not excessiue or ouermuch after the insatiable desire of the flesh but only sufficient to contente our weake nature that wee may the better be disposed to liue in all godlie conuersation to the glorie of thy holy name profit of our brethren through Iesus Christ our Lord in whose name we make our humble petitions vnto thee as he hath taught vs. Our Father which art c. Almightie and euerliuing God vouchsafe we beseech thee to graunt vs perfect continuance in thy liuelie faith augmenting and increasing y e same in vs dailie vntil we growe to the full measure of our perfection in Christ whereof wee make our confessior saying I beleeue in God the father c. The Lorde blesse vs and saue vs the Lord make his face to shine vpon vs and bee mercifull vnto vs the Lord● ●urne his fauorable countenaunce towards vs and graunt vs his peace The grace of the Lord Iesus Christ the loue of God and the communion of the holy Ghost bee with vs and remayne with vs for euer So bee it 2. Cor. 9. 13. An other Euening prayer MOst mercifull God and tender father which besides thine inestimable mercies declared giuen vnto vs in the making of the world for our sakes in the redeeming of vs by the death of thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ in the calling of vs to the knowledge of thy blessed worde in keeping of vs hitherto in thy holie Church and in thy most gratious gouerning of vs and all thinges hitherto for our singular wealth commoditie hast also most fatherlie cared for vs and kept vs this daye from all daungers both of soule and bodie giuing vs health foode apparell and al other things necessary for the comfort and succour of this poore and miserable life which manie other doe want for these and all other thy good giftes and gracious benefites which thou of thine own goodnesse onely and fatherly prouidence hast hitherto powred vpon vs and doest presently powre vpon vs and many other we most humbly thanke thee and praise thy holy name beseeching thee that as all things are now hidden by meanes of the darkenesse which thou hast sent ouer the earth so thou wouldest vouchsafe to hide and burie all our sinnes which this daie or at anie time heeretofore wee haue committed against thy holie commandements and as nowe wee purpose to laye our bodies to rest so graunt the gard of thy good Angels to keepe the same this night for euermore and whensoeuer our last sleepe of death shall come grant that it may be in thee good father so that our bodies may rest both temporally and eternally to thy glorie and our ioy through Iesus Christ our lorde So be it Another Euening prayer O Eternall God and most mercifull-father who this day and al the time of our life hast graciouslie defended nourished and preserued our soules and bodies
on the right hand of thy father for vs euen concerning our nature in maiesty glory power infinite I praie and humblie beseech thy mercy to graunt mee at this present to reherse some of thy passions sufferings for mee the last night y t thou wast here before thy death that thy good spirit might therby be effectuall to worke in me faith as well of the pardon of my sinnes by them as mortification of mine affections comfort in my crosses and patience in afflictions Amen In the midst of thy last Supper with thy deere apostles these things coulde not but bee before thee namely that they all woulde leaue thee the most earnest woulde forsweare thee and one of the twelue shoulde most trayterously betray thee which were no smal crosses vnto thee Iudas was admonished of thee to beware but when he tooke no heede but wilfully went out to finish his worke contemning thy admonition counsell hee coulde not but vexe thy most louing heart After supper there was contention amongest thy Disciples who should bee greatest after thee yet dreaming carnally of thee and thy kinkdome hauing this affection of pride ambition busie amongest them notwithstanding thy diligence in reprouing and teaching them After thy admonition to them of the crosse that would come therby to make them more vigilant so grosse were they that they thought they coulde with their two swordes put away all perils which was no little greefe vnto thee After thy comming to Gethsemane heauines pressed thee and therefore thou wouldest thy disciples to pray Thou didst tell to Peter and his fellowes that thy harte was heauie to death Thou diddest will them to pray being carefull for them also least they should fall into temptation After this thou wentest a stons cast from them diddest pray thy selfe falling flat goueling vpon the earth but alas thou feltest no comfort therefore thou camest to thy Disciples which of all others were most sweete deere vnto thee but loe to thy further discomfort they passe neyther of thy perils nor of the●r owne and therefore sleepe apace After thou hadst awaked them thou goest againe to pray but thou foundest no comfort at al and therefore diddest returne againe for some cōfort at thy dearest friends hands But yet againe alas they are fast a sleepe Wherupon thou art inforced to goe againe to thy heauenly father for some sparke of comfort in these thy wonderfull crosses and agonies Now here thou wast so discouraged so comfortlesse that euen streams of bloude came running from thine eies and eares and other partes of thy bodie But who is able to expresse the infinitenesse of thy crosse euen at thy being in the garden Al which thou sufferedst for my sake as ye l to sa●is●ie thy fathers wrath for my sins as also to sanctifie al my sufferings the more gladly to be susteined for mee After thy bloody prayer thou camest yet againe foundest thy disciples a sleepe before thou canst well awake them loe Iudas commeth with a great bande of men to apprehende thee as a theefe and so doth leading thee away bound to y ● high Bishops house Annas and so from him to Caiphas Heere now to augment this thy misery behold thy disciples fly from thee false witnesses be brought against thee thou art accused and condemned of blasphemie Peter euen in thy sight forsweareth thee thou art vniustly stricken for answering lawfullie thou art blindfold striken and buffeted al the whole night in the bishop Caiphas house of their seruants In the morning betimes thou art condemned againe of the Priests of blaspemie and therefore they bring thee before the seculiar power to Pilate by whome thou art openly arraigned as other theeus malefactors were and when hee sawe that thou wast accused of malice yet hee did not dismisse thee but did send thee to Herod where thou was shamefully derided in comming and going to him and from him al the way especially after Herod had apparelled thee as a foole Afore Pilate againe therefore thou wast brought and accused falsely no man did take thy parte or speake a good word for thee Pylate caused thee to bee whipped and scourged and to be handled most pittifully to see if any pittie might appeare with y u prelates but no man at all pitied thee Barrabas was preferred before thee all the people heade and taile was against thee and cryed hang him vp Vniustly to death was thou iudged thou was crowned with thornes y ● pierced thy braines thou wast made a mocking stock● thou wast reueiled beaten and most miserably handled Thou wentest through Ierusalem to the place of execution euen to the Mount of Caluarie a great crosse to hang thee on was laid vpō thy back to beare and drawe as long as thou was able Thy body was racked to be nayled to the tree thy hands were boared through thy feete also nailes were put through them to fastē thee thereon thou wast hanged between heauen earth as one spued out of heauen vomited out of the earth vnworthie of any place the high Priest laughed thee to scorne the Elders blasphemed thee and saide God hath not care for thee the common people laughed and cried out vpon thee thirst oppressed thee but Vinegar onely and gall was giuen thee to drink heauē shined not vpon thee the Sunne gaue thee no light y ● earth was afraid to beare thee sathan tempted thee and thine owne senses caused thee to crye out My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee Oh wonderful passions which thou sufferedst In them thou teachest mee in them thou comfortest mee for by them God is my father my sinnes are forgiuen By them I should learne to feare God to loue God and neuer to leaue him for any temptations but with thee to crie Father into thy handes I commende my spirite A prayer to Christ crucified AS thou O Lorde was crucified for me so I beseech thee crucifie me with thee that I may rise again with thee to euerlasting life Thy flesh was crucified for mee crucifie with thee O CHRIST the kingdome of the fleshe which hath dominion in mee that I may put off the old Adam and by newenesse of life may bee transformed into thee the seconde Adam sinne infidelitie and the whole tyrannie of Sathan being vanquished and ouercome Bring to passe O Lorde that by thy crosse and payneful suffering thy yoake may be to me made light and thy burthen easie that willingly and gladly following thee I may come whither thou art gone that is to thy father most blessed and immortall from whome nothing shall afterward be able to seperate vs. God forbid that I shoulde reioyce in anie thing but in the crosse of our Lorde Iesus Christ wherby the world is crucified vnto mee and I vnto the world Gal. 6. A Prayer to Christ ascended and raigning in glorie OH good Christ our first begotten brother and tender hearted Ioseph Oh naturall Sonne of
can I feele then or certaintie of thy fauour and loue Iustly may I powre out this dolorous lamentation of Sion The Lorde hath forsaken me and my Lorde hath forgotten me Euen in the middest I say of these my former desperate assaultes mine intollerable heauines cryed to thee O my God from heauen thou heardest my gronings and thervpon first preparedst my heart to aske comfort of thee and then thou didst accept my praier and gauest me plentifully my asking Oh my soule consider well that thou art neuer able to declare the exceeding goodnes of GOD in this that hee heard the verie desires of thee beeing afflicted who is so readie fauorably to grant the requests of the afflicted that oftentimes he tarieth not vntil they doe call but or euer they call vpon him fauourably hearest them as the Psalmist sayth The desire of the afflicted thou hearest O Lord thou preparest their heartes thine eares heare them Oh Lorde my God meruailous things are these whether I consider this meruailous manner of thy hearing or else the meruelous nature propertie of thy goodnes Meruailous no doubt is that thy hearing whereby the very desires of the aflicted are heard but much more maruailous is this thy goodnes which tarrfest not vntil the afflicted do desire thy helpe but preparest first their hearts to de●●re and then thou giuest them their destres Yea Lorde worthy of all praise it cannot otherwise ●e For howe shouldest thou do otherwise than thy nature and property is Art not thou verie goodnesse mercy it selfe How canst thou then but pitie and helpe miserie Art not thou both the creator and also the conseruer of all thinges In somuch as the Lyons whelpes roaring after their praye doe seeke their foode at thy handes and the Rauenes birdes lacking meate do cal vpon thee If then thy fatherly prouidence and tender care O Lorde vppon all thy creatures be so great that the verie beastes and foules haue this experience of thy goodnesse in their necessities that their roarings and cryings haue the strength of earnest calling and desires howe much rather doe these sighinges groninges and desperate heauinesse of men but chiefely of thy children crie and call lowde in thine eares though they speake neuer a word at all Should I then now despaire of thy fatherly mercie whiles presently I feele thee stirre vp my soule and heart to craue helpe at thy hande● Shoulde I thinke that thou wilt absent thy selfe for euer that thou wilt bee no more intreated that thy mercie is cleane gone that thy promise is come vtterly to an ende and that thou wilt now shut vp thy louing kindnesse in displeasure Nay Lorde for all alterations are of thy right hande and turne al waye to the best to them that feare thee All this is but mine owne inffrmitie for thou art euer one thy promises bee infallable and the loue towardes thine euerlastingly during I will therefore in this my present tentation greeuous assault powre ●ut the heauinesse of my heart before thee deare Father Out of the deep wil I crie and lift by my soule vnto thee from whome I assuredly knowe my helpe is comming I wil also for my present comfort call to remembrance O Lord my God thy tender mercies towards mee already shewed the multitude of thy benefits the greatnes of the same the long cōtinuance of them euen from my conception vntill this instant finally thy continuall lust desire to powre them vpon me And moreouer fith thy goodnesse is so great O Lord that thou doest not onely pitie miserie but also callest the heauy hearted and afflicted unto thee promising that thou witt ease their miserie for as much as by the motion of thy good spirit I loath and abhor my s●nnes feele the gree uousnesse of them and thy heauie wrath towards mee for the same finally what neede I haue of thy gracious aide and succour heresore O Lorde in thy sonne Christes name with sure confidence and trust in thine infallible promise in this mine anguish and trouble I come vnto thee at thy mercifull calling craue comfort at thy hand For thou hast promised that when I loath my sinnes thou wilt vtterly forget them when I feele the greeuous burthen of them thy mercie swalloweth them vp when I seeke that I want thou wilt assuredly grant it me For ●●th tthou moouest my heart to desire help how should I mistrust but thou wilt for thy trueths sake guie mee my asking Yea where I knowe not how or what to desire as I ought thy holy spirite gratiously working in mee maketh intercession mightily for me with gronings which cannot bee expresseth and therewith certifieth my spirite that by adoption through thy great mercie and goodnesse I am become thy childe and heire Why should I not then bee of good comfortand ioyfull in thee my God For if thou bee on my doe who can be against mee Since thou diddcst not spare thine owne sonne but gauest him for mee euen when I was thine enemie howe fhalt thou not with him nowe that by his death I am brought into thy 〈◊〉 giue mee all thinges with him and for his sake Who shall lay any thing to the charge of thine elect It is thou Lord which iustifiest mee It is Christe that hath died for m●e yea rathe● that is risen againe for mee Who also is set on thy right hand and hat taken possession yea and perpetually there maketh interrcession for m● vntill that ioyfull day be come wh● I shall haue ful fruition of the most glorious presence of thy diuine maie sty in that kingdom which thou hast prepared before the begining of the world but in time to thy gratious goodnesse thought best make known to me by giuing thy holy spirit into my hearte whereby when I first Lorde beleeued thy holy worde which is thine owne power to saue al that beleeue I was sealed confirmed stablished in the certaintie of that thine euerlasting kingdom and inheritaunce For the which inestimable benesite of the rich grace Oh Lorde my God I beseech the euen for the loue thou barest to Christ Iesus thy son and thy mercie thou haddest on him when he cried on the crosse My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee Helpe help I say inflame my hart with loue so plentifully towardes thee againe that I may be euen swallowed vp in the ioyful feeling of the same in such sort that I may of very thankefulnesse loue thee my God alone thee I say my deare God and nothing but thee and for thy sake O holy spirite whose worke this is in mee increase this the work of thiue infinite mercie preserue mee that I neuer become vnthankefull vnto thee therefore Amen A praier for the sicke O Most merciful God which according to the multiude of thy mercies doest so put away the sinnes of those which truly repēt that thou rememberst them no more open thy
destruction For thy hand is not shortned that thou canst not helpe neither is thy goodnesse abated that thou wilt not heare Thou hast promised O Lord that afore wee crye thou wilt heare vs whilest wee yet speake thou wilt haue mercie vpon vs. For none that trust in thee shal be confounded neither any that call vppon thee shall be despised For thou art the onely Lord who woundest and dost heale againe who killest and reuiuest bringest euen to hel and bringest backe againe Our fathers hoped in thee trusted in thee and thou diddest deliuer them They called vpon thee and were helped they put their trust in thee and were not confounded O Lord rebuke vs not in thine indignation neither chasten vs in thy heauie displeasure O remember not the sinnes and offences of my youth but according to thy mercie think thou vpon vs O Lord for thy goodnesse Haue mercie vpon vs O Lord for we are weake O Lord heale vs for our bodies are vexed And nowe in the vexation of our spirites and the augnish of our souls we remember thee and we crie vnto thee heare Lord and haue mercie For thine owne sake and for thy holie names sake incline thine care heare O merciful Lord. For wee doe not powre out our praiers before thee trusting in our owne righteousnesse but in thy great and manifolde mercies Wash vs thoughly from our wickednesse and clense vs from our sins Turne thy face from our sins and put out all our misdeeds Make vs cleane heartes O God and renue aright spirite within vs. Helpe vs O God of our saluation for the glorie of thy name O deliuer vs and be mercifull to our sinnes for thy names sake So wee that bee thy people sheep of thy pasture shal giue thee thankes for euer and will alwaies be shewing foorth thy praise from generation to generation Glorie be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. A psalme of thankesgiuing for deliuerance from the plague or any other kinde of sicknes trouble or affliction LOrde thou art become gracious to thy lande thou hast turned away the afflictions of thy seruants Thou hast taken away all thy displeasure and turned thy selfe from thy wrathfull indignation For if thou Lorde hadst not helped vs it had not failed but our soules had been put to silence But when wee said our feet haue slipped thy mercy O Lorde helped vs vp In the multitude of the sorrowes that wee had in our hearts thy comforts haue refreshed our soules Our soules waited still vpon the Lorde our soules hanged vppon his helpe our hope was alwaies in him In the Lordes word will wee reioyce in Gods worde did wee comfort onr selues For the Lord said Call vpon mee in the time of trouble I wil heare thee and thou shalt praise mee So when wee were poore needie sickly in heauines the Lord cared for vs hee was our helper ●nd our deliuerer according to his word In our aduersitie and desiresse he hath lifted vp our head and sau●● vs from vtter destruction He hath deliuered our soules fro● death hee hath fed vs in the time 〈◊〉 dearth hee hath saued vs from th● noysome pestilence Therefore wil wee offer in his holy temple the oblation of thankesgiuing with great gladnes wee w●●sing and speake praises vnto the lor● our Sauiour Wee will giue thankes vnto th● Lord for he is gratious and his me●●cie endureth for euer The Lord is ful of compassion an● mercie long suffering plenteous i● goodnesse and pitie His mercie is greater than the h●●uens and his gracious goodnes rea●cheth vnto the cloudes Like as a father pitieth his ow● children euen so is the Lord merciful vnto them that feare him Therefore will we praise thee and thy mercies O God vnto thee will wee sing O thou holy one of Israel We will sing a new song vnto thee O God wee will praise the Lorde with psalmes and thankesgiuing O sing praises sing praises vnto our God O sing praises sing praises vnto our king For God is the king of the earth sing praises with vnderstanding We will magnifie thee O God our king wee will praise thy name for euer and euer Euery daye wil wee giue thankes vnto thee and praise thy name for euer and euer Our moutn shall speake the praises of the Lord let all flesh giue thanks to hs holy name for euer and euer Blessed bee the Lorde God of Israell for euer and blessed be the name of his maiesty worlde without end Amen Glorie be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. Prayers to be said before meales and after ALL things depend vpon thy prouidence O Lord to receiue at thy hands due sustenance in time conuenient Thou giuest to them and they gather it thor openest thy hand and they are sanctified with all good things O heauenly father which art the fountaine and full treasure of all goodnesse Wee beseech thee to shewe thy mercie vpon vs thy children and sanctifie these thy giftes which we receiue of thy merciful liberalitie granting vs grace to vse them soberly and purely according to thy blessed will so that thereby we may acknowledge thee to be the author and giuer of all good thinges and aboue all that we may remember continually to seeke the spiritual foode of the world wherwith our soules may be norished euerlastingly through our Sauiour Christ who is the true breade of life which came downe from heauen of whom whosoener eateth shal liue for euer and raigne with him in glorie world withour end So be it Another prayer before meales VVHether ye eat or drinke saith S. Paule or whatsoeuer ye do else let all be done to the praise glorie of God Eternall and euerlasting God fathere of our Lord Iesus Christ who of thy most singular loue which thou barest to mankinde hast appointed to his sustenance not only the fruits of the earth but also the fouls of the aire the beastes of the field and fishes of the sea and hast commaunded thy ben● fites to be receiued as from thy handes with thankesgiuing assuring thy children by the mouth of thine Apostle that to the cleane al things are cleane as the creatures which be sanctified by the worde and prayer grant vnto vs so moderatly to vse these thy giftes present that our bodies being refreshed our soules may be more able to proceede in all good works to the praise of the holy name through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Our father which art in heauen c. Another O Eternall God the very God of peace and al consolation which broughtest againe from death our Lorke Iesus the greate shepheard of the sheep through the bloud of the euerlasting couenante make vs fruitful in all good works to do thy wil and