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A17014 The second part of the Protestants plea, and petition for preists and papists Being an historie of the holy preisthood, and sacrifice of the true Church of Christ. Inuincibly prouing them to be, the present sacrificing preisthood: prouing also the sacrifice of the Masse, vsed in the Catholike Roman church: and that these were promised, and foretold by the Prophets, instituted by Christ, and exercised by all his Apostles. Morouer that they haue euer from the first plantinge of Christianitie in this our Britanye, in the dayes of the Apostles, in euery age, and hundred of yeares, beene continued and preferued here. All for the most part, warranted by the writinges and testimonies of the best learned Protestant doctors, and antiquaries of England, and others. Broughton, Richard. 1625 (1625) STC 3895.7; ESTC S118746 270,592 733

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Ruffinus who as before was a patron and practiser of Masse and so teacheth it to haue beene the vniuersall doctrine and practise of the church of God witnesseth that whatsoeuer was corrupted in S. Clements works hee himselfe beeing Apostolicus vir immo pene Apostolus an Apostolick man and almost an Apostle Were such things as the ecclesiasticall rule doth not receaue quae ecclesiastica regula omnino non recipit Ruffin Apolog. supr therefore the holy sacrifice of Masse and massinge preisthood beeing so authentically allowed by the ecclesiastical rule both then before and after could be none of those things which were corrupted or inserted into S. Clements works 9. And to make this matter more sure wee haue many and renowned Authors of that and following times saying clearely that S. Clement did compose and publish to the world a forme of Masse which continued in succeedinge ages and such without any materiall chaunge or difference as the whole church of Christ now vseth Amonge these is S. Proclus Patriarch of Constantinople successor to S. Chrisostom that great massing prelate who in his book of the sacred Masse de traditione diuinae Liturgiae writeth in this maner Proclus Patriarch Constantinopol tract de traditione diuinae Liturgiae multi diuini Pastores qui Apostolis successerunt ac Ecclesiae Doctores sacrorum diuinae Liturgiae mysteriorum rationem explicantes scriptis mandatam Ecclesiae tradiderunt in quibus primi clarissimi sunt S. Clemens summi illius Apostolorum discipulus successor qui sacrosancta illa mysteria à Sanctis Apostolis sibi reuelata in lucem edidit Many diuine Pastors which succeeded the Apostles and Doctors of the church expoundinge the order of the holy misteries of the diuine Liturgie Masse committed it to writing and deliuered it to the church among whome the principall and most renowned were S. Clement the disciple and successor of that cheifest of the Apostles which did publish to light those holy misteries reuealed vnto him by the Apostles Where wee see that S. Clement did not onely write the order of Masse but is recompted in the first place as one of the cheifest that performed this holie worke 10. The others which he there nameth ar S. Iames the Apostle first Bishop of Hierusalem S. Basile the great and S. Iohn Chrisostome this mans spirituall Father Pater noster Ioannes cui aure a lingua cognomen dedit Who as hee saith did shorten the Apostles Masse takinge some things from it because for the length it did not so well please some men declined from that great zeale of the Apostles and their time for as he writeth in the same place the holy Apostles were exceedingly deuoted to this most holy sacrifice as a thinge most necessary and principall in their function postquam Seruator noster in caelum assumptus est Apostoli priusquam per omnem terram dispergerentur conspirantibus animis cum multam consolationem in mystico illo Dominici corporis sacrificio positam inuenissent fusissmè longa oratione Liturgiam decantabant Haec enim diuina sacra vna cum dicendi ratione coniuncta caeteris rebus anteponenda censebant atque maiori alacriori rerum diuinarum sacrificij sacrosancti studio desiderio flagrabant illud obnixe amplectebantur After our Sauiour was assumpted vnto heauen the Apostles before they were dispersed through all the earth assemblinge together with agreeinge mindes applied themselues to pray all the day and when they had found much consolation placed in that mysticall sacrifice of our Lords body they did singe Liturgie Masse most largely with longe prayer For they did thinke these diuine sacrifices ioyned with preachinge to bee preferred before all other thinges and were incensed with a greater and more chearfull affection and desire of diuine things and the holy sacrifice and did embrace it with all their power Hitherto this auncient Saint and Patriarch 11. Of Ruffinus I haue spoken before onely I add here that he beeing commonlie takē to be the interpreter of many these works of S. Clement where the holy sacrifice of Masse and massinge preisthood ar so euidently approued and acknowledging S. Clements works had bene in some things corrupted euer taketh these for the true writings and doctrine of S. Clement and far from being corruptions or insertions by others The holy learned and auncient Bishop Nicholaus Methonensis Episc l. de vero Christi corpore in Eucharistia hauinge shewed how S. Iames said Masse at Hierusalem S. Peter and S. Paule at Antioch S. Marke at Alexandria S. Iohn and S Andrew in Asia and Europe concludeth with an eminency for S. Clements Masse Omnesque vniuersae Ecclesiae vbicumque sint per eam quam Sanctus Clemens conscripsit Liturgiā tradiderunt And all the Bishops haue deliuered to the whole church whersoeuer dispersed the Liturgie or Masse accordinge to that order which S. Clement wrote And to put vs out of al doubt hee meaneth this of the holy sacrifice of Christs body and blood in the Masse that that his booke is instituted de vero Christi corpore in Eucharistia of the true body of Christ in the Eucharist Marcus Ephesius and Bessarion write the very same of S. Clements Masse citinge diuers testimonies from thence for the reall presence of Christ in that most holy sacrifice and diuers others deliuer the like Marcus Ephes l. de corpore sanguine Christi Bessarion l. de Sacramento Eucharist M. S. Gallic antiq pr. or que nous sommes an Dom. 81. in S. Clement 12. Whereby is euidently proued that S. Clement did not only write a forme of the Masse practise as a sacrificing preist that holy sacrifice but this was so renowned that it was published by the Bishops receaued in all churches And amonge these in this our Britanie except the Brittish ātiquities themselues written before the vnion of the Christian Britans with the disciples of S. Gregory and the conuerted Saxons in this contrie do deceaue vs which our English Protestāts generally extolling the credit of those monuments and the Christian Britans Religion may not affirme This antiquitie so auncient as I haue related and purposely entreatinge of the first order of saying Masse especially in Fraunce and this kingdome of Britanie comprehending England and Scotland is in that respect though with a later hand writinge thus intituled prima institutio varietas ecclesiastici seruity praecipue in Britannia Gallia The first institution and varietie of the ecclesiasticall seruice especially in Britanie Fraunce And it termeth it cursum the course or order of the publick Liturgie or Masse thereby expressed Bed in Martyrolog 4. cal Ianuar. Beatus Trophinus Episcopus Arelatensis Sanctus Phetinus Martyr Episcopus Lugdunensis discipulus Sancti Petri Apostoli cursum Romanum in Gallijs tradiderunt Inde postea relatione beati Photini Martyris cum quadraginta octo Martyribus retrusi in ergastalum ad beatum Clementem quartum loci successorem beati Petri
tu dixisti hoc facite in meam commemorationem 33. And how carefull and diligent an obseruer and practiser of this massing doctrine hee was in act and deed daily in his whole life we may be assured by the worthie writers of his life and death Hilduinus Abbot of S. Denis in Fraunce where hee was buried about 800. yeares since Roswita or Roswida not longe after and others who confidently and from publick testimony write that neither his strict imprisonment in a dungeon could hinder him from performing this holy dutie but there both persuadinge the people present and writinge vnto others absent to confirme them more said Masse in that vnfit place to proue how acceptable it was Christ Iesus with a multitude of Angels appeared vnto them all with such a light from heauen as had beene seene at the very time when they were to communicate comforted his holy Martir Sed nec carcereis praesul praeclarus in antris desinit obsequium Domino persoluere dignum sed docuit plebem studiosè conuenientem ac celebrat sacrae solitò solemnia Missae Est vbi caelestem debebat frangere panem lux noua tristifico subito fulgebat in antro in qua sidereae regnator splendidus aulae scilicet angelica pariter comitante caterua apparens charum consolabatur amicum Trithem l. de scriptorib in Hildonio Roswida Hilduinus Abb. in vita S. Dionisij Areopag cap. 29. Roswita l. de vit S. Dionis Areopag alijs THE X. CHAPTER How all the rest of the Apostles in particular S. Andrew Iames the great Thomas Iames the lesse Philip Bartholomew Symon Thaddaeus and Matthias were sacrificinge Preists and Apostles and vsually offered the sacrifice of Masse NOw let vs come to the rest of the holie Apostles which haue not in scriptures written of these misteries and proue of them all and in order except S. Peter the first whom I haue promised to put in the last place that in their sacred functions they offered the most holy sacrifice of Masse And first to begin with S. Andrew It is a receaued opinion Iodoc. Cocc Tom. 2. l. 7. artic 5. de purgator that this holy Apostle did first deliuer that forme of Masse which was auntiently and from the beginninge vsed in the church of Constantinople and after called the Masse of S. Iohn Chrisostome the great and learned Patriarke of that place because it was enlarged by him and is stil as our protestants acknowledge vsed to this day in the churches of Greece Edwin Sands relation of Religion cap. 53. or 54. And that hee himselfe did vsually and daily offer this moste sacred oblation of Christs body and blood wee haue moste auncient and vndeniable testimonies whether we will professe our selues Catholicks or protestants in Religion for both these agree in this that S. Andrew was martyred by Aegeus Procōsull of Achaia in the citie Patras and they celebrate his day of festiuitie vppon the laste of Nouember And they doe or ought if they make not fictions of theire owne deduce the history of his passion from the auncient penners and relators thereof which bee the preists and deacons of Achaia which were eye witnesses and present at the same S. Cyprian or whosoeuer was the auncient Author of the booke amonge his workes de duplici Martyrio The old Anonimus who wrote the booke of the Apostles liues published by the learned Bishop of Vienna Fredericus Nausea S. Simeon Metaphrastes himself a learned grecian and auncient of those parts S. Iuo S. Bernard Algerus the auncient writer of the liues of Saints the whole latine church in the publicke seruice of the feast of S. Andrew the Apostle the auncient Breuiary of the church of Salisbury in England and others are witnesses that S. Andrew beeinge persuaded and threatned by Aegeus the Proconsull to sacrifice to the Pagan Gods answered publicklie vnto him in these wordes Ego omnipotenti Deo qui vnus verus est immolo quotidie non taurorum carnes nec hircorum sanguinem sed immaculatum Agnum in altari cuius carnem posteaque omnis multitudo credentium manducauerit Agnus qui sacrificatus est integer perseuerat viuus I doe daily sacricrifice to God almightie the onely true God not the flesh of bulls nor blood of goates but the immaculate Lambe vppon the altar whose flesh after all the multitude of beleeuers haue eaten the Lambe that is sacrificed remayneth whole and liuinge Breuiar Missale Rom. Martyrolog Rom. Bed Vsuard vlt. Nou. Protestant comm Booke in calendar Nouem infest vlt. Nouem Cooper v. Andreas Godw. conuers Magdeb cent 1. in Andr. Apostolo Act. S. Andrea per Presb. Diacon Achaiae Ciprian l. de duplic Mart. Anonim in mirac vit Pass Apost in S. Andrea Sim. Metaphr in S. Andr. S. Iuo Carnoten Episc serm de Sacram dedicat ser 4. Algerus contra Berengar S. Bernard apud Francisc Feuarden annotat in Frenaeum l. 4. contra haer cap. 32. pag. 361. Iacob Genuen Epis in vit S. Andrea vlt. Nouem Breu. Ecclesiae Salisbur ibidem 2. Thus it is euident that S. Andrewe the Apostle did offer this holy sacrifice of Masse and euery day and that the sacrifice was Christ himself the true Lambe of God that taketh away sinnes Amonge the holy auncient and renowned witnesses S. Iuo supr ser 4. speakinge of this holy sacrifice of Masse thus wtiteth In memoriam veniunt verba beati Andreae Apostoli quibus asserit in caelis esse corpus Domini de altari posse sumi corpus Domini Cuius inquit carnes cum sint comestae in terris à populo ipse tamen in caelestibus ad dexteram Patris integer perseuerat viuus The wordes of S. Andrew the Apostle doe come to memory in which hee affirmeth that the body of our Lord is in heauen and yet may his body bee receued from the altare Whose flesh saith hee when it is eaten of the people on earth yet he perseuereth whole and aliue in heauen at the right hand of his Father And this giueth full satisfaction for S. Andrew that hee was a sacrificinge and massinge preist 3. The next in order is S. Iames the brother of S. Iohn the Apostle and Euangelist martired by Kinge Herode as we reade in the 12. chapter of the Acts of the Apostles where our protestants thus reade About that time Herod the Kinge stretched forth his hand to vexe certaine of the church And he killed Iames the brother of Iohn with the sword Actor cap. 12. ver 1.2 Which his timely death hath taken from him such ample memory as is deliuered of some other Apostles that liued longer in histories But beeing assured before by all kinde of testimonies that he was one of them to whom our blessed Sauiour gaue power and commaundement to offer the holy sacrifice of his body and blood that he there being consecrated a preist and one of the three Apostles which our Sauiour most loued and hee him
who wrote as they cōmonly teach when the Britans still held the Religion deliuered vnto them in the Apostles time without alteration doe testifie that the altars here from the beginning were sacra altaria Sacrosancta altaria sacrificij caelestis sedes holy altars sacred altars the seate of the celestiall sacrifice altars at which preists did sacrifice and say Masse Sacerdotes sacrificantes inter altaria stantes Altars sanctuaries and priuiledges refuge for such as fled vnto them testified by our protestants themselues Gildas epistol de excid conquest Britan. edit per protestant who further witnessing that the first general councell of Nice was receaued here in Britanie in the da i●… of Constantine and now by our protestant statute is of high authoritie and vndeniable in England witnesse also The Ni●…en councell in that canon which Caluine and all other receaue saith plainely that the Lambe of God offered vnbloodely is layed vpon the holy table Stowe and howe 's histor an 542. theater of great Britanie l. 6. statut an 1. Eliz. Regin 1. Iacob Regis Fraunc Mas●…n with direct of the protest Archb. Abbots booke of consecrat pag. 243. and the sacrifice of Christians beeing as is inuincibly proued the moste holy body and blood of Christ and the altar the place whereon it is offered by that connexion in Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 mutuall correlatiues and inseparable nomine re it cannot possibly bee otherwise So that if any testimonie of heauen or earth men or Angels Catholicks or Protestants will satisfy in this matter it is manifestly conuinced that S. Peter preached and established a sacrificing preisthood and the doctrine and practise of holy Masse in this our nation 13. And yet if any man is desirous to heare S. Peter himselfe confirme that from heauen which hee so approued on earthe wee may add such his testimony also to the holy Angels before and bringe other Apostles from heauen also that were massinge preists when they liued here to iustifye the same in and to this kingedome Wee reade in the aunciently written life of S. Sampson Archbishop of yorke when our protestants say the Britans still kept their Apostolick first receaued Religion a man so holy and miraculous that S. Iltutus prophesied of him beeing but a boy of seuen yeares old that he should be a light to this nation the cheife of all and Archbishop very profitable to the church of God Cum septem esset annorum ad S. Iltutum Abbat em discendi gratia adducitur qui videns puerum osculatus est eum dicens gratias Deo agimus qui lumen hoc nobis indignae de gente nostra accendere dignatus est in terra En caput omnium nostrum en Pontifex summus multam Ecclesiae Dei profuturus Manuscript antiq Capgrau in Catalog in vita S. Sampsonis Ep. Confess he was made a deacon and after a massing preist by the great massing preist and Bishop S. Dubritius the Popes Legate consecrated by the massinge Bishop S. Germanus who was sent hither from S. and Pope Celestine to settle the church of Britanie both whē he was made deacon and preist a doue descended vppon him and staied immouably vntill the office was ended Beeing made a preist hee was so glorious and renowned a massinge preist that alwaies in his life he had Angels assisting and ministring vnto him whensoeuer he said Masse Omni tempore vitae suae Angelos dum celebraret sibi assistere in sacrificio ministrare videre meruit Yet this man aboue all of this nation was in such fauour with God S. Peter S. Iames called the brother of our Lord S. Iohn the Euangelist and the court of heauen that these three great Apostles with a great company of celestiall citizens densissimis candidatorum turmis appeared vnto him and S. Peter told him that our Lord Iesus Christ had chosen him to bee a Bishop and soone after an Angell appeared to S. Dubritius and commaunded him to consecrate S. Sampson a Bishop in whose consecration they that were present did see a Doue sent from heauen to stand immouably vppon him Nec multo post Angelus Domini beato Dubritio apparens Sampsonem ordinari Episcopum praecepit in cuius consecratione qui aderant columbam caelitus emissam immobiliter super eum stare videbant 14. And in the time of S. Mansuetus the first Bishop of London in the Saxons time when S. Peter did miraculously appeare about the dedicatinge of the church of westminster as many both holy and auncient Catholicke writers and protestants antiquaries assure vs and the circumstances of the historie demonstrate it to bee true hee sent this charge and commaund to S. Mellitus Bishop of London who had determined to dedicate it the next day followinge I haue dedicated the church and by authoritie of my sanctification preuented the episcopall benediction Therefore tell the Bishop what thou hast heard and seene and the signes remayninge will iustifie thy wordes to bee true Therfore let him absteine from dedication and supply that which wanteth to offer there the holy sacrifice of our Lords body and blood Ego sum Petrus qui cum meis ciuibus constructam in meo nomine basilicam dedicaui episcopalemque benedictionem meae sanctificationis authoritate praeueni Dic ergo Pontifici quae vidisti audisti tuoque sermoni signa parietibus impressa testimonium perhibebunt Supersedeat igitur dedicatione suppleat quod omisimus Dominici corporis sanguinis Sacrosancta mysteria S. Alured Riuall M. S. in vita S. Eduardi Regis confess Iacob Gen. Episc in eius vit M. S. antiq Sur. in vit eius Capgrau in eius vit Franc. Mason l. of consecrat here wee see that S. Peter now in glory both allowed and commaunded the sacrifice of Masse which when hee liued and conuersed on earth hee had practised frequented and instituted with so great diligence and deuotion 15. So likewise when in the time of the Danish fury here hee appeared to comfort this afflicted contry where hee had preached and taught this holy doctrine hee did not chuse any man to reueale his glad tidings vnto and the deliuery of this kingdome but S. Brithwold that great and famous massinge preist and Bishop of Winchester or Wilton and in the most known massinge place of England the Abbey of Glastenbury and did fortell how S. Edward Kinge and confessor that most great reuerencer of holy Masse perhaps yet vnborne and borne in exile in Normandy should bee Kinge in England and deliuer it from those floods of miseries wherewith it was then surrounded and longe time had beene And to assure vs this was a true vision and prophesie of S. Peter and hee an approuer of all louers of holy Masse as God also is this hee addeth Erit cum dormieris cum patribus tuis visitabit Dominus populum suum faciet Dominus redemptionem plebis suae Eliget enim sibi virum secundum
Apostoli deportauerunt Trophinus Bishop of Arles and S. Photin Martyr and Bishop of Lions disciple of S. Peter Apostle deliuered the Roman order in Fraunce Then afterward the relation of S. Photin Martyr imprisoned together with 48. Martyrs it was carryed to S. Clement the fourth in succession to S. Peter the Apostle Where wee plainely see that the church of Rome had then a publick order forme of Masse and this was published throughout France by S. Trophinus from whose fountaine as I haue shewed before both from Catholicks and Protestants all the churches of Fraunce did receaue instruction Zosimus Pap. epist. To. 1. Concil Petr. Cluniacens Magdeb centur 2. pag. 2. col 6. Martyrolog Rom. die 29. Decemb. 13. And this Masse after the death of S. Peter Linus and Cletus was approued by S. Clement and as it seemeth by an auncient Manuscript french history hee added the epistle and ghospell which all were not written in S. Peters time For thus it testifieth with others S. Clement Pope ordeyneth that in the solemnitie of the Masse the epistle and ghospell should bee reade M. S. French historie an Do. 81. cap. 2. and immediatlie addeth how then hee sent many preachers and holy Bishops into Fraunce and these parts which could bringe with them no other Liturgie or Masse then that which their Master S. Clement had so published and approued both by his authoritie and practise before And if the Masse of S. Marke was not the same with Saint Peters as some thinke yet sure wee are seeing hee was an Euangelist S. Peters scholler and wrote his ghospell ex ore Petri from S. Peters mouth as S. Hierome witnesseth and by his approbation Hieron in Catal. script in S. Marco that his Masse could not bee different from his Masters in any materiall thinge and seeinge S. Peter approued his ghospell hee did not and would not disproue or disallowe his Masse And yet this old Brittish antiquitie is witnes that the Masse which the old Christian Scots did vse in his time and was accompted very holy was practised by S. Marke and from him continued to the time of this Author by continuall tradition from one to an other 14. Ipsum cursum qui dicitur presenti tempore Scottorum Beatus Marcus decantauit post ipsum Gregorius Nazianzenus quem Hieronymus suum Magistrum esse affirmat beatus Basilius frater ipsius S. Gregorij Antonius Paulus Macharius vel Ioannes Malchus secundum ordinem Patrum decantauerunt Inde postea beatissimus Cassianus post ipsum beatus Honoratus Sanctus Caesarius Episcopus qui fuit in Arelata beatus Porcarius Abbas qui in ipso monasterio fuit ipsum cursum decantauerunt qui beatum Lupum beatum Germanum Monachos in eorum monasterio habuerunt ipsi sub norma regulae ipsum cursum ibidem decantauerunt Et postea Episcopatus cathedram adepti in Britannijs Scottijs praedicauerunt Quae vita beati Germani Episcopi Antisiodorensis vita beat Lupi affirmat Qui beatum Patricium literas sacras docuerunt atque enutrierunt Et ipsum Episcopum in Scottijs ac Britannijs posuerunt qui vixit annos centum quinquaginta tres ipsum cursum ibidem decantauit post ipsum beatus Vuandilocus senex beatus Gomogillus qui habuerunt in eorum monasterio Monachos circiter tria millia Inde beatus Vuandilocus in predicationis ministerium à beato Gomogillo missus est beatus Columbanus partibus Galliarum ibidem ipsum cursum decantauerunt That order which at this time is called the order of Scots S. Marke did singe and after him Gregory Nazianzen whome Hierome affirmeth to haue beene his Master and S Basil brother of the said S Gregory Antonius Paulus Macharius or Iohn and Malchus accordinge to the order of the Fathers did singe it And after that most blessed Cassian and after him S. Honoratus and S. Caesarius Bishop that was in Arles and S. Porcarius Abbot which was in the same monasterie did singe that order who had monkes in their monastery S. Lupus and S Germanus and they three vnder rule did singe the same order and after made Bishops preached in Britanie and Scotlande which thinges the life of S. German Bishop of Antisiodor and the life of S. Lupus doth affirme who taught S. Patricke holy learning brought him vp and placed him Bishop in Scotland and Britanie who liued an hundred fifty and three yeares and songe there the same order And after him Vuandilocus an old man and S. Gomogillus who had in their monastery about three thousand monkes After S. Vuandilocus was sent to preach by S. Gomogillus as also S. Columbanus to the parts of Fraunce and there they did singe the same order 15. Hitherto the wordes of this so auncient and approued Manuscript Brittish antiquitie So that whether soeuer or to whomsoeuer we turne our selues to enquire of these thinges whether Hebrues Grecians or Latines Apostles Euangelists or their Disciples with vs at home Britons or Saxons Catholicks or Protestants it is clearely and plainely confessed that generally in this first Apostolicke age and hundred yeares of Christ which must needes bee allowed for a rule square and direction to all succeedinge times and posterities The holy sacrificing preisthood of the present Greeke and Latine church and all Christian nations whether these late nouelties haue not entered sacrificinge massinge preists and the moste holy sacrifice of Masse were our Sauiour Christ Iesus his sacred ordinances and institutions and so vsed practised and with all honor performed by the whole number of the Apostles without exception their disciples and successors in all places among the rest to the great glory thereof in this our nation of great Britanie And all this without any materiall chaunge or alteration in that sacrifice the principall act and office of truely cōsecrated preists preisthood as is before related and our cheife protestantes haue before confessed of the moste contradicted and questionable thinges a sacrifice instituted by Christ himselfe conteyning an oblation of his moste blessed body and blood both for the liuing and faithfull departed propitiatory for sinnes with a memory of the holy Saints in heauen of which lesser instance hath bene giuen because few Saints of the new testament were then at the first deceased this life and entered into glory yet the churches then dedicated to diuers of them and inuocation praier then made vnto them as before appeareth maketh it an vndoubted truth 16. To which I only add for this kingdome of our Britanie from those antiquities both printed and Manuscripts which our protestants most allowe and approue that S. Ioseph of Aramathia and his holy company besides their buildinge a church in honor of the blessed Virgin Mary did expressely serue her and pray vnto her duod cim praedicti in eodem loco Deo beatae Virgini deuota exhibentes obsequia vigilijs ieiunijs orationibus vacantes eiusdem Virginis
the ghospell through the contryes of the Britans Scots and Picts ordeyned there preists consecrated them Bishops and diuided the contry into parishes as both Catholicks and Protestants are witnesses Audiens Pontifex Romanus quosdam in occiduis Britanniae partibus necdum fidem Christi suscepisse ad Episcopatus gradum Ninianum consecrauit Concreditum à Deo talentum per Britannorum Scotorum australium Pictorum terras ad senium vsque latissimè profudit Ordinauit presbyteros Episcopos consecrauit totam terram per certas parochias diuisit And liuinge in this preachinge vntill hee was very ould as a Protestant Bishop writeth Bal. centur 1. in Ninian Palladio Patricio he died in the yeare of Christ 432. before which time S. Palladius S. Patricius SS Germanus and Lupus were sent hither by S. Celestine Pope of Rome And yett that hee came hither in the fourth century it is euident for in his cominge hither from Rome hee came by S. Martin Bishopp of Tours in Fraunce as Capgraue and others writte Ioh. Capgr in S. Ninian and yett by Sigebert and others S. Martine died within the first 400. yeares Sigebert in Chronic. ad an 399. In which time alsoe wee had Coelius Sedulius of this nation scholler as a Protestant Bishop writeth to Hildiberthus a learned Bishop of Scotland Ioh. Bal. centur 1. in Coel. Sedul after whose death hee trauailed many nations for learninge sake as Spayne France Italy and Asia and beeinge excellently learned returned to Rome where hee longe time continued and was soe learned holy and gratefull a man to the Popes of Rome that Pope Gelasius to vse the Protestants words in the decrees distinct 15. calleth him venerable Sedulius and much prayseth his writings Neyther can wee thinke otherwise of his Master Bishop Hildibertus of whome hee was instructed and directed in these courses And this Sedulius himselfe alsoe was a Bishop as both Sigebertus and Bostius our contryman and the Protestant Bishop Bale from them are wittnesses Sigebertus Bostius apud Bal. centur 1. de Script in Coel. Sedul In which time alsoe liued S. Kebius our Cornish Bishop successor though perhaps not immediate to S. Amphibalus in the Bishoprick of Mona Ioh. Capgrau in S. Kebio Harpesf histor pag. 26. Pits in Kebio Whoe liued longe time with S. Hilary Bishopp of Poicters in Fraunce that worthie piller of the true Catholick faith and honor of the church of Rome and Successor of Saint Peter there that hee calleth him Hilar. ad Psalm 131. in Matth. can 16. Ecclesiae fundamentum caelestis Regni Ianitor cuius arbitrio aeterni aditus traduntur cuius terrestre iudicium praeiudicata authoritas sit in caelo Foundation of the church porter of the kingedome of heauen The happy foundation of the church the blessed porter of heauen to wose will die eternall passadges are committed whose iudgement on earth is preiudicate authoritie in heauen Such a tutor pedagoge and consecrator alsoe had this our happie contryman Saint Kebius in those turbulent hereticall times of the Arrians and their opposition against the Romane church a greate meanes by this our holy Bishop S. Restitutus Fastidius Priscus our Archbishops then and other godly Bishops of this nation to preserue this kingedome in the true faith and obedience to the Pope of Rome in soe much that S. Hilarie himselfe lib. de Synodis aduersus Arr. commendeth the Bishops of Britanie for the sinceritie in those times to their eternall honor Hee dyed as our Protestants write in the yeare of Christ 370. And in this age alsoe was that renowned S. Vrsula with her glorious company of Bishops other cleargie men Virgins and others as those Protestants ar witnesses whoe as both Ptolomaeus Lucensis Capgraue the Antiquities of Collene and the German histories testifie Baleus centur 1. in Vrsula Cynosura an 390. Stowe histor an 394. in Theodosius Martyrolog Roman die 21. 22. Octob. Beda hac die Vandelbert Baron in annot Ptolom Lucens in S. Vrsula Capgrau in S. Vrsula Annal. Coloniens c. made that their moste holy pilgrimadge to Rome and at their returne receaued the crowne of Martyrdome at or neare Cullen in Germanie where as alsoe in the whole Christian world and both to their honor and the glory of our country they are celebrated in the most auncient Martyrologes in which sacred company as Capgrauius and diuers others testifie there were manye Bishops of this kingedome as namelie Willielmus or Michael Columbanus Ywanus Eleutherius and Lotharius Which I rather name that wee may know how this kingedome at that tyme both was soe replenished with Bishops that it might spare soe manie to bee sent from hence with those holy Virgins and to giue euidence how deuoted and respectiue the Bishops and cleargie with the rest the Christians of this kingedome were towards the See of Rome in these dayes THE FIFTE CENTVRIE OR HVNDRED YEARE THE IX CHAPTER Shewinge by these Protestants of England how both the Popes highest spiritual power was still here continued and a perpetuall succession of our Bishops and Cleargie alsoe in Britanie from the See of Rome as in the other Ages before NOw wee are come to the fift Century in the beginning whereof the first Fathers of Heresie and Opposers against the holy Apostolick See of Rome which I finde to haue beene of our Brittish nation were the monstrous rebellious Hereticks Pelagius and Timotheus not that I finde them more formally directly opposite to the See Apostolick then other Hereticks were but as the nature and necessitie of heresie is to bee euer contrarie and disobedient to their cheife iudge and commaunder in such cases the Pope of Rome with councels assembled for as our Protestants tell vs diuers Popes of Rome both by themselues and in councels had condemned Pelagius for an hereticke and yett hee obstinately persisted in his condemned errors Innocentius the first condemned Pelagius the monke and Coelestius of heresie for preferringe free vvill before the grace of God and sayd the vvil of man by it selfe was sufficient able to fulfill the cōmaundements of God and tooke avvay the necessitie of Baptisme and faith in Christ Rob. Barns in vit Pont. Rom. in Innocent Bal. centur 1. de Scriptorib in Pelagio heresiarcha Innocentius primus Pelagium monachum Coelestium haereseos damnauit quod liberū arbitrium gratiae Dei praeferrent dicerentque voluntatē per se sufficere ad implenda Dei mādata praesul ordinatus Pelagius sui nominis haeresim fabricabat asserens hominem sine peccato nasci ac solo voluntatis imperio sine gratia saluari posse vt ita nefarius baptismum ac fidem tolleret Pelagius after hee was made a Bishopp framed an heresie of his name affirminge that man was borne without sinne and by the onely commaunde of his wil without grace by Christ might bee saued that the wicked man might soe take away both baptisme and faith Pope Sozimus alsoe as these men