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A15975 All the French Psalm tunes with English words Being a collection of Psalms accorded to the verses and tunes generally vsed in the Reformed churches of France and Germany. Perused and approved by judicious divines, both English and French.; Bible. O.T. Psalms English. Standish, John, fl. 1632. 1632 (1632) STC 2734; ESTC S102319 130,320 274

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For vvhom thy secret loue prouideth They plot mischieuous machinations verse 4 Come let vs all their land inuade And cut them all quite off they said That they may cease be a Nation That they confounded and ashamed May Israel no more be named But lose their names commemoration verse 5 For they together counsell take Against thee they a league do make The Edomites and Ishmalitish verse 6 The Moabitish generation And those that be of Hagars nation verse 7 The Gebalites and Ammonitish VVith them doth Amalec conspire The Philistims and they of Tyre Together haue their forces ioyned verse 8 Assyrian Ashur hath applyed His arm of strength and fortified The sons of Lot vvith them combined Selah verse 9 So in thy anger deal vvith them As once thou didst vvhen Kishon strem The Midianites drovvnd and destroyed As Sisera and Iabin flying verse 10 Were slain at Endor putrifying Became as dong the fields annoyed Pause verse 11 Make thou their Nobles like Oreb Their Kings and them like to Zeeb Like Zeba and Salmana Princes verse 12 Who said come let vs novv addres vs Of all Gods houses to posses vs And them adioyn to our Prouinces verse 13 My God make them like rovvling vvheels As chaffe or stubble tumbling reeles Which circling round the vvhirlvvind turneth verse 14 As fuell vvhich the forrests beareth The fire consumes flame scorching seareth The mountain tops to povvder burneth verse 15 So them Lord vvith thy storm surround And suddenly consume confound With tempests of thy fury fierie verse 16 Their faces fill vvith shame distained That they therby may be constrained After thy Name to make inquirie verse 17 Let them be sham'd their hope make voyd Let them be vtterly destroyd And make them knovv this vnderstanding That thou alone art God eternall Dread sou'raigne Lord supreme supernall Heau'n earth and all therin commanding Psalme 84. Prayer LOrd God of hosts hovv louely fair Hovv svveet thy dvvelling places are Hovv pleasing and hovv amiable My longing soul faints vvith desire That to thy courts I might aspire VVhose beauty is so admirable My heart my flesh doth pant and cry The liuing God to come more nigh verse 3 The Sparrovv findes a house to rest The svvallovv vvith her yong do nest Near to thy Altar safe abiding Lord God of hosts my God my King O vvhen vvilt thou me thither bring My steps vnto thy Temple guiding verse 4 They all in thy house blessed be There still they vvill be praising thee Selah verse 5 Blest is the man vvhose strength thou art To vvhom thou fauor vvilt impart Their heart to thy path-vvayes applying verse 6 They pas the vale vvhere berries grovv Through places dry vvhere teares do ●ovv On thee the vvell of life relying Deep pits they dig in thirst and pain For springs to fill and shovvrs of rain Pause verse 7 From strength to strength they forvvard go Till Sion they attain vnto Before the Lord their God appearing verse 8 Lord God of hosts vvhose povvr and might Doth guide and gouern all by right Grant my request my prayer hearing Lord God of Iacob vvhen to thee I make my suit giue eare to me Selah verse 9 O God our shield behold the face Of thy annointed look vvith grace For better is one dayes abiding With thee then thousands elsevvhere be Much rather vvould I choose for me To keep thy gates therat residing Then lord it vvith the vvicked train Chief in their Palace to remain verse 11 For God the Lord is gracious He is a sun and shield to vs Our God vvill giue grace and saluation With glory high to be extoll'd And no good thing vvill he vvith-hold From men of vpright conuersation verse 12 Lord God of hosts that man is blest VVhose hope and trust in thee doth rest Psalme 85. Doctrin LOrd to thy land thy grace thou didst declare Thou Iacob hast freed from captiuity verse 2 Thy peoples sins by thee all cou'red are Thou hast forgiuen them their iniquity verse 3 Thou tookst avvay thy anger and thy rage The fiercenes of thy vvrath thou didst assvvage verse 4 O God of our saluation vs returne Cease thou thy vvrath against vs vvhich doth burn verse 5 From age to age shall still thy vvrath remain For euer vvilt thou vvith vs angry be verse 6 VVhy vvilt thou not reuiue vs once again That people thine may all reioyce in thee verse 7 Eternall God to vs thy mercy shovv Thy sauing health on vs daigne to bestovv VVith fauor thine vouchsafe vs to embrace Once more let vs inioy thy glorious grace verse 8 Novv vnto God the Lord vvill I giue eare That I may knovv vvhat he to vs vvill say He vvill speak peace to vvhom he loue doth beare And he his Saints from sins relaps vvill stay verse 9 To them that feare him and to them that fly To him for ayd is his saluation nigh VVhich to his ovvn is surely neare at hand That glory may inhabit in our land verse 10 His mercy and his truth together meet Iustice and peace each other kissing greet verse 11 And faithfulnes out of the earth shall rise And righteousnes shall look dovn from the skyes verse 12 The Lord shall giue that vvhich is good vvith peace And fruitfull make the land yeeld large increase verse 13 In brief before him in his righteous vvay All shall go right and strait not one shall stray Psalme 86. Prayer TO my humble supplicatiō Lord giue eare acceptatiō Hear me novv so vveak so poor That ah I can beare no more verse 2 Saue my life O my defēder for my holy heart is tender Saue thy seruant Lord most iust for in thee alone I trust verse 3 After thy svveet vvonted fashion shovvr dovvn mercy and cōpassion On me for incessantly vnto thee O Lord I cry Send O Lord reuiuing gladnes To my soul opprest vvith sadnes Which frō clog of earth set free vving'd vvith zeale flyes vnto thee verse 5 To thee rich in mercies treasure And in goodnes vvithout measure Neuer failing help to those vvho on thy sure help repose verse 6 Let thy eares vvhich haue bin closed To my prairs be novv vnclosed That my cryes may entrance gain entred may thy grace obtain verse 7 As I haue so vvill I euer in my stormy time perseuer Vnto thee to pray and cry for thou hearst me instantly verse 8 No God else is comparable vnto thee none else is able Once to coūterfeit but one of the vvorks that thou hast done verse 9 Nations all thy hand did fashion And of this round globe each Nation With bovvd knee shall com before thee and thy great name adore verse 10 For thou darter of heau'ns thunders Thou art great and vvorkest vvonders Other gods are vvood and stone thou the liuing God alone verse 11 Teach me Lord thy vvay conduct me Walking in thy truth instruct me Knit my heart to thee sincere thy most sacred name to feare verse 12 Lord my
All the French Psalm tunes with English words BEING A COLLECTION OF PSALMS Accorded to the verses and tunes generally vsed in the Reformed Churches of France and Germany Perused and approved by judicious Divines both English and French Omnis spiritus laudet Dominum LONDON Printed by Thomas Harper with permission of the Company of Stationers 1632. CONSECRATED to the glory of GOD DEDICATED to the pious Benefactors and Patrons of this well intended and laborious work SVBMITTED to the censure of them onely who shall haue duely examined these expressions of places most difficult abstruse and of most various interpretation and exposition Which if it proue favorable may produce another Edition more exact compleat and of a larger letter if otherwise it may provoke those who are more able to performe it better The Preface THe remarkable conformity of many Languages to the French in their Psalmody or Psalm tunes and verses hath appeared so gracious and diuine in regard no humane power commanded them thereunto that it hath affected many of our Nation with wonder and emulation Insomuch that some Personages of eminent quality and fame haue not only desired but also endeuored that those so celebrated tunes might bee sung with English words and that English people in French or Dutch Cities or Families might sing English Psalms in those tunes which they vse among whom they liue To this other purposes all the Psalms of Dauid are composed with all care and diligence principally to expresse the genuine sen●● of the originall Hebrew text as near as might be attained vnto by the help of the best Expositers without respect to any controuersie which hath bin or is now in agitation As also that the matter be alike disposed of in euery couplet staue or line agreeable to the French In euery verse which are of as many kindes almost as the tunes is obserued the same accent in the beginning continuance and end of the line Note that some long lines should be set in two and accordingly accented in reading them The resonancies are as many so disposed and so many of the same kinde as in the French by which rimes and in some Psalms by Alphabeticall letters the lines and staves are knit together for better help of memory The seuerall kindes of tunes being in number about 124 and formerly expressed in 6 systems or cliffs are now reduced into 2 for more facility in learning them and are placed for the most part where the Psalm is most in sight Other obseruations for breuity are omitted To conclude it is wished that not any Christian would spend their leisure worse then in singing these or such like Psalms vntill we all together in heauen sing praise to the Eternall to whom bee all honor thanksgiuing and glory for euer Amen Psalme j Doctrine WHo vvalketh not in counsell levvd astray VVho standeth not in sinners vvicked vvay VVho sitteth not in scorners chaire deriding verse 2 But day and night in Gods pure lavv abiding VVith true delight theron doth meditate That man is sure to liue in blessed state verse 3 He shall appear like to a tree that grovvs Fair planted neer the riuer cleer that flovvs VVhich vvholsom fruit abundant timely beareth VVhose leaf still green norfals nor fails nor seareth So that this man and all he takes in hand Shall prosper vvell in happy stare 〈◊〉 ●●and verse 4 But vvicked men shall no such fauour finde They shall be like the chaff before the vvinde And as the dust driuen to and fro contemned verse 5 Therfore they shal not stand but fall condemned In iudgement iust nor shall the vvicked train Appear in place vvhere righteous men remain verse 6 For God most iust vvho righteous men doth loue Their vpright vvay doth knovv and vvell approue And he on them eternall life bestovveth But those that be vniust he ouerthrovveth For euery vvay that vvicked men do take Shall perish quite them accursed make Psalme 2. Prophecy WIth brutish rage vvhy do the heathen rise Tumultuously assembling combinations VVhat is the cause rude people enterprise To execute their vain imaginations verse 2 Kings of the earth and Potentates aspiring ●ogether all their armed forces bring They counsell take rebelliously conspiring Against the Lord and his anointed king verse 3 Come let vs break thus vvith themselues they say Come let vs break their seruile cords in sunder Come let vs cast their slauish yoke avvay VVhervvith they think to keep vs strictly vnder verse 4 But he tha●●●●ls vvithin the heau'ns for euer Shall laugh at them and their audacious pride The Lord of hosts shall scorn their vain endeuer And euermore them and their deeds deride verse 5 VVhen pleaseth him then vvill he thunder dovvn His dreadfull voyce on them and in displeasure And fury fierce vvith terror of his frovvn He vvill perplex and vex them out of measure verse 6 Kings vvill he say in vain is your endeuer For I my king anointed haue to raign On Sion hill my holy mount for euer His throne theron I haue set to remain Pause verse 7 And I the king vvill publish this decree Seeing the Lord hath this to me expressed Thou art my son this day begot I thee Novv to appear my heir eternall blessed verse 8 Demand of me and I vvill sure endovv thee VVith Nations all for thine inheritage The ends of all the earth I vvill allovv thee Thou shalt possesse them all from age to age verse 9 VVith iron rod and scepter in thy fist As pleaseth thee thou shalt controul check them And vvith the same vvhen vvhere and hovv thou list Thou shalt them bruise like potters vessels break thē verse 10 O therfore novv ye Kings be vvell aduised Ye Potentates bevvise and vnderstand Ye Magistrates in ruling exercised Be learned novv ye Iudges of the land verse 11 Serue ye the Lord in humblenesse and avv Fear ye his vvrath forbeare ye to displease him Ioy in his loue reioyce ye in his lavv And as ye ought endeuer ye to please him verse 12 O kisse the son embrace vvith lovv submission His sacred lo●e lest mouing him to vvrath Ye misse the vvay and perish in perdition To ruin run in blinde erronious path For if his ire like fire begin to flame And kindled once but little be extended O blest are all that in his sacred Name Haue put their trust and on his grace depended Psalme 3. Doctrine O Lord vvhat numbers rise Of spitefull enemies Euen ready to assail me VVhat multitudes vvhat svvarmes Are ready vp in armes To ouercome quall me verse 2 Hovv many is the roul Of them that tell my soul It cannot be relieued It must be vndertrod No help comes from his God But they are all deceiued verse 3 For Lord thou art my shield My buckler in the field My succour and my safety My glory my renovvn Thou hast vpheld my crovvn And born my head so lofty verse 4 Aloud I often cry'd Vnto my God my
guide VVhom I alone rely on And he as alvvay neare Vouchsaft my voyce to hear Out of his sacred Sion verse 5 Therfore of peace possest I vvill ly dovvn and rest And take my timely sleeping And vvithout fear likevvise Avvake again and rise For God hath me in keeping verse 6 Should millions strong and stout Besiege me round about It nothing should affray me Their numbers and their force Of charrets and of horse Should not a vvhit dismay me verse 7 Arise O Lord my God And saue me vvith thy rod For thou hast deepely vvounded The cheeks of all my foes That vp against me rose Their very teeth are pounded verse 8 But from thee Lord alone And thy supernall throne Is ay to be expected All ayd and all defence VVhich thou dost free dispence To all thy ovvn elected Psalme iiij Prayer O Lord my God my rights defender Ah hearken to me vvhen I call As thou my liberty didst render verse 2 Deny me not thy pitty tender But hear my earnest prayer vvithall verse 3 Hovv long O sonnes of mortals mighty My glory to disgrace disguise And turn to shame and scandall fight ye Hovv long vvill ye in sinne delight ye In levvd designes and seek for lyes verse 4 Knovv ye vvho me haue disrespected The Lord himself ahoue the rest Him that is godly hath selected And louingly to me affected VVill hear from heau'n vvhat I request verse 5 Tremble therfore and see ye sin not Striue not against his sacred vvill Consider if as yet ye see not VVhen busy toild abroad ye be not But in your chamber sole and still verse 6 Then daily offer to him duly Iust sacrifice his proper right And broken hearted humbled truly Before his presence vvalking nevvly Trust in the Lord his gratious might verse 7 The most part only this inquire VVho is it that vvill shevv vs vvealth But shevv vs Lord I thee desire Thy face vvithout thy frovvns of ire Thy smiling grace thy sauing health verse 8 For only that shall more content me And make me much more to reioyce Then all their store in time of plenty VVhen they haue thousands reapt for tvventy Of corne and vvine and other choyce verse 9 In safety therfore and secured VVill I ly dovvn and soundly sleep For thou O Lord I rest assured Me vvith thy grace hast round immured Me in thy kingdome safe vvilt keep Psalme v. Prayer VNto the vvords of my complaining O Lord incline thy gratious ear Vouchsafe to vnderstand and hear O thou that in the heau'ns art raigning My cause of plaining verse 2 Hear thou and that vvith expedition My crying voyce my God my King For only vnto thee I bring And offer vp vvith all submission This my petition verse 3 Lord in the morn my prayer ascending If it may please thee thou shalt hear My voice vvhen morning doth appear VVill I to thee address attending Thy grace descending verse 4 Thou art a God all Gods excelling VVho art not pleasd vvith vvickednes Nor vvinkest at vngodlines Ill doers haue not any dealing VVith thee nor dvvelling verse 5 The foolish rash the proud dare neuer Thy dreadfull presence come before For thou abhorrest euermore The vvicked all that still perseuer In bad indeuer verse 6 The smooth deceiuer and the lyer That make good euill euill good The murderer the man of blood Thou vvilt in fine confound in fire In thy fierce ire verse 7 But I for mercy vvill implore thee Thy mercyes great and many be In reuerence and feare to thee Tovvard thy sacred house before thee I vvill adore thee verse 8 Guide me my God safe protect me According to thy righteous guise From ambush of my enemies And in thy vvay made plaine direct me Vpright erect me Pause verse 9 For in their mouth no truth remaineth Their heart is double vvickeder Their throte an open sepulcher Their tong by smoothing soothing gaineth And alvvaies faineth verse 10 Lord let them euer quite be quelled Confound them in their ovvne deuice Disperse them for their hainous vice For they against thee haue rebelled And proudly svvelled verse 11 But let all those vvhose expectation Is fixt on thee in thee reioyce And ioy they ay in heart and voyce That haue thy Name in admiration For their saluation verse 12 For Lord the iust thou ay dost tender And them thou couerst vvith thy grace As vvith a shield in euery place Thou free from danger them dost render As their defender Psalme vj. Prayer LOrd in thy furies terror Reproue thou not my error Though I thee high incense Nor in thy dread displeasure Correct me to the measure Of my extreme offence verse 2 Lord haue commiseration On me shevv thy compassion For grief me vveak doth make Heal me O Lord recure me Release from pain procure me For all my bones do ake verse 3 My soul vvithin perplexed Is also greatly vexed In agony grief O Lord my God vvhy stayest thou Alas hovv long delayst thou VVhen vvilt thou send relief verse 4 Return O Lord in fauer Of my soul be the sauer From danger safe me make Though I cannot deserue it Yet saue my life preserue it For thy ovvn mercy sake verse 5 For vvith the dead and buried In darknes deep interred None do record thy Name Amid the fields infernall VVho shall extoll th' Eternall Or magnifie thy Fame Pause verse 6 In vveary toyl and anguish VVith sighs grones I languish The tedious night out-vveares All restles vvithout sleeping My bed I bathe vvith vveeping My couch doth svvim vvith teares verse 7 Through my incessant sorrovv VVhich ay doth pierce me thorough Mine eyes vvax dim and ould My countenance doth vvither It sinks and shrinks together To see my foes so bould verse 8 Avvay ye vvicked vanish You from my sight I banish VVho vvork iniquity Because the Lord hath daigned To hear vvhen I complained And vvaild my misery verse 9 The Lord hath not reiected The prayer I erected But heard it from on high He hath not only heard me But also did regard me And ansvverd graciously verse 10 Let all my foes be vexed And blush vvith shame perplexed Ezceedingly disgrac'd Let them turn backvvard vvounded VVith sudden shame confounded And vtterly defac'd Psalme 7. Prayer IN thee my God my trust is euer Then saue me Lord and me deliuer From all that me pursue vvith hate And from the cruell Potentate verse 2 Lest like a Lyon in his povver He tear my soul and me devovver VVhile succorles I seem to be And ther is none to rescue me verse 3 O Lord my God my hopes foundation If I deserue this imputation If I haue done him vvrong in ought In deed or vvord or but in thought verse 4 If I haue him vvith ill requited VVho vvas at peace vvith me vnited Nay if I haue not done him good VVho vvithout cause hath sought my bloud verse 5 Then let my eager foe pursue me Till he oretake and quite
To vvhom his sins the LORD hath not imputed Within vvhose soul doth dvvell integrity Free from all fraud guile and hypocrisie verse 3 VVhen silence I did keep from speech long ceasing My hainous sins concealed not confessing My flesh and bones consumed as vvith age And all day long roaring vvith torments rage verse 4 For day and night thy hand me sore distressed Thy heauy plagues incessant me oppressed So vvasted vvas my natiue moisture spent It did the drought of summer represent verse 5 Then I to thee my trespasses confessed And freely my transgressions I expressed LORD I vvill shevv said I my faults to thee And thou forgau'st my sins iniquitie verse 6 For this each one thy grace and glory minding By prayr shall seek thy face in time of finding The vvaues of vvoe to him shall not come neare Afflictions stouds he needeth not to feare Pause verse 7 My refuge sure thou art me secret hiding From trouble thou shalt keep me safe abiding For giuing me deliuerance by thy grace VVith songs of ioy thou vvilt me round imbrace verse 8 Come thou to me that so I may instruct thee And in the vvay that thou shalt goe conduct thee Thee to direct my counsell thou shalt try And I vvill guide thee alvvay vvith mine eye verse 9 Be not like them vvho haue no vnderstanding Like horse and mule vvhom vvithout bit commanding Thou canst not rule vvhose mouth must be restrained With bit or spur to stay or goe constrained verse 10 With many griefs the vvicked shall be vexed With sorrovves great they shall be all perplexed But in the LORD vvho all his trust doth place Compassion shall him compas and imbrace verse 11 Be glad ye iust and in the LORD take pleasure Reioyce in GOD vvho is your comforts treasure All ye that are in faithfull heart vpright Shout ye aloud for ioy vvith true delight Psalme 33. Doctrine WIth ioyfull shouts peals gladly ringing Ye righteous in the LORD reioyce It vvell becoms you his praise singing Praise ye the LORD vvith Harp and voice Making musick meetest Consorts sounding svveetest On the Psalterie VVith ten strings resounding Sing Psalms to him sounding Praise his Name vvith glee verse 3 Sing to the LORD vvith voice melodious In nevv songs shevv his praise your ioyes Play skilfully vvith sounds harmonious Triumphantly vvith lovvdest noyse verse 4 For Gods Word delightfull Is most iust and rightfull His vvorks ●●thfull bide All things he composeth Faithfully disposeth Them in truth doth guide verse 5 He righteousnes for euer loueth And Iudgment iust doth please his vvill The earth his bounteous mercy proueth The Lords great goodnes doth it fill verse 6 GODS Word heau'n created On high scituated When the vvord he said His mouth on them breathed He their form bequeathed All their Host he made Pause verse 7 The vvaters he vp heaps together VVithin the Sea by povvr diuine The deeps he keeps all flovving thither Stor'd vp vvithin his magazine verse 8 Then let all earth feare him And high reuerence beare him Who is GOD the LORD In the vvorld all dvvelling Feare his povvr excelling Tremble at his vvord verse 9 For vvhat he said it vvas fulfilled It vvas performed readily And vvhat his sacred vvord had vvilled It stood remaining steadily verse 10 Heathen enterprises Counsels and deuises GOD doth dissipate Peoples consultations Wicked machinations He doth nihilate verse 11 The Lords most sacred cogitations Shall stand for euer firm and sure His counsels through all generations And thoughts of his heart ay endure verse 12 Blessed is that Nation People Congregation Whos 's GOD is the LORD VVhom he doth inherit Chosen by his spirit Purchast by his Word Pause verse 13 The Lord our God the heau'n vnfoldeth And looketh dovvnvvard from the sky He all the sons of men beholdeth And on them sets his vvatchfull ey verse 14 From his habitation In high contemplation He beholdeth vvell His eye doth discouer All the earth quite ouer Them vvho there do dvvell verse 15 For he his might povver shovveth Conforming all their hearts alone He vnderstandeth vvell and knovveth Their vvorks considering euery one verse 16 Great Hosts compleat armed Though like Bees they svvarmed Cannot saue a King Strength of man can neuer Him saue or deliuer From deaths killing sting verse 17 He is deceiued vvho accounteth Himselfe to saue by strength of horse Though he in courage fierce surmounteth He none shall saue by his great force verse 10 Lo the Lord ay vievveth Them vvith grace rendevveth VVho vvith feare him serue Who in him affyeth On his grace relyeth He vvill them preserue Pause verse 19 Their souls he vvill keep saue from dying Death shall not them of life depriue With plenteous food them all supplying In famin them to keep aliue verse 20 On the Lord relying To him vve applying Our soules him attend His ayd and his fauer Is our shield and sauer He doth vs defend verse 21 Our heart reioyceth in him solely In him vve ioy vvho is most iust For in his Name vvhich is most holy We setled haue our hope and trust verse 22 Lord our God most gratious Let thy mercy spacious Euer on vs be Let thy might maintain vs And thy grace sustain vs As vve trust in thee Psalme 34. Alphabeticall Doctrin AT all times I vvill bles The Lord my God his vvorthy praise His glory and renovvn alvvayes My mouth shall still expres verse 2 Break forth my souls glad voyce Boast in thy gloriou● Sauer deare The faithfull meeke therof shall heare And shall vvith me reioyce verse 3 Come laud the Lord vvith me Him magnifie extoll his Name Let vs him praise and raise his fame Together all ioyntly verse 4 Duely the Lord I sought VVho graciously my suit did heare And freed me soone from all my feare My full deliuerance vvrought verse 5 Euen they that did expect And looke for fauor gaind his grace Shame did not make them hide their face Nor did it them deiect verse 6 For this poor man did call For help at need the Lord did heare And freed him from distres and feare Sau'd him from troubles all Pause verse 7 Gods Angels pitch their tent About them that in feare him serue From all distres them to preserue All dangers to preuent verse 8 Hovv gracious is the Lord Hovv good is he O tast and see He blessed shall for euer be VVho trusteth in his vvord verse 9 Iehouah's children deare Feare ye the Lord but feare no vvant For nothing is or shall be scant To them that him do feare verse 10 In hunger Lyons ly But they that seek God shall not vvant Nor any good to them be scant VVho on the Lord rely verse 11 Keep ye attentiue eare My children deare come neer and learn Tru vvisdom to knovv and discern The Lord your God to feare verse 12 Long life vvho doth desire VVho loueth many dayes to see Of comfort and prosperitie Tru riches to acquire verse 13 Must
ayd or succor send me Against the vvicked or defend me Gainst vvorkers of iniquity verse 17 Vnlesse the Lord had vvith his arm My helper bin sau'd me from harm My soul had perisht suddenly verse 18 VVhen I complaind my footing slideth Thy mercy Lord vvhich sure me guideth Did me sustain held me vpright verse 19 VVhen many thoughts do trouble me In anguish and perplexitie Thy comforts svveet my soule delight verse 20 Shall vvicked Tyrants cruell raigning Haue fellovvship vvith thee remaining Their throne mischieuous lavves inuents verse 21 Themselues assembling gainst the iust To lay his honor in the dust They spill the bloud of innocents verse 22 But God the Lord is my defender My refuge is his mercy tender verse 23 He vvill revvard their vvickednes And make their sons themselues oppres And in their ovvn vnrighteousnes The Lord our God shall them suppres Psalme 95. Doctrin COme let vs sing vvith pleasant voyce To God and make a ioyfull noyse Vnto the rock of our saluation verse 2 His presence let vs come before With thanks and praises him adore Sing Psalms to him vvith exultation verse 3 For he the Lord is GOD of might Great King aboue all gods by right verse 4 He in his hands the earth infoldeth Therof the secret places deep VVithin his compas he doth keep The strength of hils he also holdeth verse 5 The sea is his he did it make The land at his hand form did take● All creatures haue of him creation verse 6 Come therfore let vs fall dovvn novv Before the Lord our maker bovv All kneeling yeeld him adoration verse 7 He is our God his people vve And sheep of his ovvn pasture be His hands our safety hath procured If ye vvill heare his voyce to day Obserue ye vvell vvhat he shall say verse 8 Bevvare your hearts be not obdured As vvhen ye did at Meriba And Massa desert disobey verse 9 When in the day of prouocation Your fathers prou'd and tempted me VVhere they my mighty vvorks did see Beholding them vvith admiration verse 10 Tvvice tvventy years thrice tedious space Haue I endur'd this irksom race So long this people vext and grieu'd me I said in heart this people erre Before my vvayes they their 's prefer They haue not knovvn mine nor belieu'd me verse 11 Wherfore in my fierce vvrath and ire VVhich in my brest did flame as fire I svvare this in my indignation Since they my vvords and vvorks forgot Into my rest they enter not Much les shall haue their habitation O Sing to God nevv songs composed To God Sing all on earth reposed verse 2 Sing to the Lord his praise expres His sacred Name praise vve and bles Let his grace daily be disclosed verse 3 Among the heathen shevv his glory To people all his vvonders story verse 4 For God is great and greatly prais'd His feare aboue all Gods is rais'd For other Gods are transitory verse 5 For all the gods of other Nations Are idols vain imaginations But God the Lord vvho is most high The heau'ns hath framed and the sky Prime parcels of his ovvn creation verse 6 Might maiesty attend before him In 's Sanctuary they adore him verse 7 Ye people all vvith one accord Ascribe all glory to the Lord VVith honorable praises store him Pause verse 8 The Lord vvith praise be celebrated His Name vvith glory eleuated With you an offring for him take Into his courts an entrance make VVhich vnto him are consecrated verse 9 Before the Lord your selues assemble To vvorship him do not dissemble Approch to him vvith comly grace In 's Sanctuary at his face Let all the earth both feare and tremble verse 10 Say Nations all the Lord God raigneth His raigne eternally remaineth The vvorld by him shall stablisht be Vnmou'd The people iudg vvill he With iustice vvhich his might maintaineth verse 11 Let heau'n reioyce vvith iubilation Let earth be glad vvith exultation Let all the spacious Ocean rore verse 12 Let fields and forrests vvith their store Ring out their ioyfull acclamation verse 13 Before the Lord vvithout delaying He comes he comes no longer staying To iudg the earth vvith righteousnes And all the vvorld vvith faithfulnes With iustice people all repaying Psalme 97. Doctrin prophecy THe Lord eternall raignes VVho righteousnes maintaines Let all earth lovv and high lands Therof reioyce all Ilands verse 2 Thick clouds obscurity Surround his Maiesty Both iustice and iudgment His thrones establishment On him attendant be verse 3 The fire before him goes the flame consumes his foes VVhich round about them burneth and into ashes turneth verse 4 His lightning flashes make the vvorld inlightned quake Which vvhen the earth did see it trembled fearfully VVith terror it did shake verse 5 As vvax by fiers might so mountains melt at sight Of God the Lord eternall of earth and heau'n supernall verse 6 The heaun's his iustice tell and people all that dvvell On earth his glory see his might and maiesty His bounty doth excell Pause verse 7 Confounded be vvith shame vvho idols serue or frame VVho boast that they haue serued Vain idols grau'n or kerued Let all Gods Saints vvho be him seruing bovv the knee verse 8 VVhen Sion this did hear her ioyes did then appear For them declare did shee Thy iudgments Lord to knovv VVhich thou to them didst shovv Hath brought great consolation to Iudahs generation verse 9 For thou O Lord art high ●boue all the earth and sky Thou art exalted far aboue all gods that are To thee can none come nigh verse 10 VVho loue God loue him still and haters be of ill Abhor all levvd deuices and vvicked enterprises His Saints liues he doth saue Keeps their soules from the graue Puld from the vvicked hand of Tyrants in the land By him they freedom haue verse 11 Novv clearest light is sovvn to be by iust men movvn Delight and ioy he gaineth Whose heart vpright remaineth verse 12 Ye iust your ioyes expres your selues to mirth addres The Lord God praise and bles his gracious Name confes Record his Holines Psalme 98. Doctrin prophecy SIng to the Lord nevv songs delightfull For he great vvondrous vvorks hath done His holy arm of iustice rightfull His right hand victory hath vvon verse 2 The Lord our God hath his saluation Most gratious to all made knovvn And in the sight of euery Nation His iustice openly hath shovvn verse 3 He cald to minde his promise royall His mercy and his verity To Israel his seruant loyall He shevved his fidelity Throughout the vvorld the Lords saluation Hath clearly manifested been verse 4 Therfore to God vvith exultation Let all the earth be ioyfull seen VVith loudest shovvts and shrillest noyses Reioyce and sing vvith instrument verse 5 VVith Harps svveet sound ioyn cheerfull voyce● To praise the Lord nevv Psalms inuent verse 6 Before the Lord our King most gracious VVith trumpets and vvith Cornets sound verse 7 With roring noyse let
sots are they vvho do them make And vvho in them affyeth Pause verse 9 O Israel place thou thy confidence In God thy ayd thy shield and thy defence From perils he vvill vvard thee verse 10 O Aarons house place thou thy confidence In God thy ayd thy shield and thy defence From dangers he vvill gard thee verse 11 VVho feare the Lord place all your confidence And trust in him your helper your defence He is your sure saluation verse 12 The Lord did not forget vs in distres He Israel for euermore vvill bles And Aarons generation verse 13 All those that him do fear the Lord vvill bles Both yong and old the greater vvith the les Shall high be dignified verse 14 Gods mercy grace and great benignity Both vnto you and your posterity Shall still be multiplyed verse 15 Of God the Lord ye euer blessed are VVho heau'n and earth hath made vvhich do declare His povvrfull operation verse 16 The Lord himself inhabiteth high heau'n And all the earth vvith all therin hath giuen To Adams generation verse 17 Thy praise O Lord by deadmen is not shovvn By those vvho in the silent graue go dovvn Thy honor is not raised verse 18 But liuing vve thee liuing Lord adore And vve vvill praise thee euer more and more Therfore the Lord be praised Psalme 116. Thanksgiuing I Loue the Lord because he eare doth giue Vnto my voyce and to my supplication verse 2 Since he inclin'd to hear vvith acceptation Therfore vvill I call on him vvhile I liue verse 3 The pains of death did compas me about With grieuous pangs afflicted I did languish Neere to the graue in dolefull grief and anguish I on the Lords Name cald and cryed out verse 4 O Lord saue thou my soule and set it free Then did I finde the Lord most iust gracious verse 5 The mercies of the Lord are large spacious verse 6 The Lord doth keep thē safe that simple be Cast dovvn vvith grief I vvas brought very lovv He rais'd me vp in safety me inclosing verse 7 Return to rest my soule on him reposing For God on thee doth freely gifts bestovv verse 8 Because my soule from death thou didst release My eyes from teares my slippry feet from sliding verse 9 Before the Lord vvill I vvalk my steps guiding Into the land of life through paths of peace Pause verse 10 I did beleeue and therfore haue I said In my distres afflicted and tormented verse 11 My hasty tong my troubled sense preuented That lyers all men are vain is their ayd verse 12 VVhat shall I to the Lord repay for all His bounty to me vvhat gratification verse 13 I vvill take vp the cup of his saluation And thankfully on Gods Name I vvill call verse 14 Vnto the LORD my vovves novv I vvill pay In presence of his people all redeemed verse 15 The death of Gods deare Saints is high esteemed Most precious in his sight it is alvvay verse 16 Thy seruant Lord thy seruant loe am I Thy hand-maids son to serue thee ay addressed In sorrovvs straits vvhen I vvas sore distressed Thou didst release me all my bonds vnty verse 17 A thankfull heart to thee I offer vvill And call vpon thy Name vvith adoration verse 18 In presence of thy sacred congregation Novv vnto thee vvill I my vovves fulfill verse 19 VVithin the Courts of Gods ovvn house sound vve The praises of his Name vvith glory crovvned In midst of thee Ierusalem renovvned Praise ye the Lord to him a● thankfull be Psalme Cxvij ALl Nations laud the Lord our God Praise him all people all abroad verse 2 For in his mercies bounteous Hath he exceeded tovvard vs His truth abides eternally Him therfore euer magnifie Psalme 118. Thanksgiuing prophecy TO God giue thanks all praises render Because so gracious good is he For his compassion mercy tender Endureth sure eternally verse 2 Let Israel make declaration And singing publish solemnly That his so great commiseration Most sure endures perpetually verse 3 Let Aarons house and generation Novv say declaring publikely That his great bounty and compassion Endureth sure continually verse 4 Let euery one all vvhosoeuer Doth feare and serue God faithfully Novv say his mercies ay perseuer Enduring euerlastingly verse 5 In great afflictions straits distressed I called on him earnestly He ansvverd me my vvrongs redressed From thrall at large he set me free verse 6 The Lord almighty vvho commandeth Both heauen and earth stands firm for me Me safe defending vvhile he standeth I need not feare mans enmity Pause verse 7 VVith them vvhose help I haue acquired The Lord for me stands stedfastly What I to see haue much desired My foes before my face shall flee verse 8 T is better far to haue affiance In God then in mans amity verse 9 In God 't is best to haue affiance For frail earths greatest Princes be verse 10 All nations me about surrounding Me haue besieg'd perniciously In Gods Name vvith his ayd abounding I shall destroy them vtterly verse 11 They compast me about inclosing On euery side maliciously But in the Name of God reposing I vvill destroy them totally verse 12 Like Bees about me they haue svvarmed Their vvings vvere singed instantly In Gods Name I at all points armed Shall them destroy vndoubtedly verse 13 Against me thou hast rudely rushed That I might fall dovvn suddenly At me vvith all thy povvr hast pushed But God did help me certainly verse 14 The Lord almighty is my povver Of him vvill I sing chearfully He is my refuge and my tovver He keeps me safe assuredly verse 15 The voyce of shovvting and saluation Is heard to sound most ioyfully Within the righteous habitation The Lords right hand doth valiantly Pause verse 16 The Lords right hand is magnified Exalted in most high degree The Lords right hand is dignified His vvorks are vvrought most povvrfully verse 17 Inspite of them that me enuyed I shall not dy but liue to see God 's vvorks declar'd and testified My self vvill shevv them openly verse 18 The Lord seuerely me chastised I must confes deseruedly To my instruction exercised Not to destruction finally verse 19 Ope ye to me the gates of iustice That entring in humility I to the LORD GOD vvho most iust is May render praises thankfully verse 20 This gate so beautifull erected Is God's the Lord of sanctity The righteous in his sight respected Shall enter therin peacefully verse 21 With thanks praise I vvill confes thee Thou gau'st me ansvver graciously For thy saluation I vvill bles thee And for thy great benignity Pause verse 22 The stone vvhich builders had reiected Refusing it disdainfully Is novv the chief and choise selected Adorns the corner gracefully verse 23 To be so done the Lord best thought it He did it most apparently He that vvorks vvonders he hath vvrought it In our sight it shovvs maruelously verse 24 This is the day the Lord hath made it Let vs inioy it
shall still be vvalking Because I haue thy Precepts sought alvvay verse 46 I vvill be of thy testimonies talking In presence of both Noble Prince and King Not bashfully their honor'd mention balking Fulnes of ioy thy Lavv to me doth bring There in haue I my hearts affection placed From it to me all true delight doth spring verse 48 My hands I lift vnto thy Lavv embraced For vvith thy vvord vvhose vvorthy praise I 'le sing My study and my voyce shall still be graced 7 ZAIN GRant I may proue that thou the Word dost minde VVhich thou to me thy seruant hast declared And vvhich thou madst me vvait and hope to finde verse 50 VVhen I in grief neer death full ill haue fared Thy gracious Word hath me reuiu'd again For me by thee this comfort is prepared Great men in pride vvith all their scornfull traine VVith scoffs and mocks thy seruant haue disdained Yet I to keep thy Lavv did not refrain verse 52 Remembring Lord thy iudgments iust ordained Which vnto vs remained haue of old VVith comfort great I haue my heart sustained Grief horror feare vpon me yet take hold VVhen I behold the vvicked vvho despised Thy gracious Lavv vvhich to them hath bin told verse 54 Thy Lavvs in layes vvith praises high comprised Haue bin my songs mirth musick vnto me My pilgrimage in them I exercised Good gracious Lord I still remembred thee And thy great Name at midnight I haue blessed I did obserue thy Statutes vvatchfully verse 56 Because I kept thy Lavv and am addressed To keep it still for euer this I see Redounds to me of fauor thine possessed 8. HETH Hovv euer men for vvealth haue toild and vvrought O Lord thou art the portion I obtained I vovv to keep the vvord that thou hast taught verse 58 Thy face I sought vvith earnest heart vnfained According to thy vvord and promise made Let thy free grace of me be freely gained Hauing in mind vvell vvay'd my vvayes and trade And vvhat estate I stand in search'd and tryed My course I turn'd and thy Lavves I obey'd verse 60 To keep those Lavves vvhich thou hast testified To please thee best and practice thy commands VVithout delay in hasty speed I ●yed Harmles vnarm'd me armed troops and bands Of vvicked men haue spoil'd of goods depriued Yet in my mind thy lavv still firmly stands verse 62 For iudgments of thy iustice I reuiued At midnight vvill arise for to praise thee And giue thee thanks by vvhom I haue suruiued His faithfull friend I am vvhat ere he be VVho feareth thee and thy behests obserueth I take delight in all such company verse 64 Thy mercy Lord vvhich highest praise deserueth Doth fill the earth in thy lavv teach thou me For me from sin such knovvledg safe preserueth 9. TETH In dealing vvith thy seruant gracious Lord Thy goodnes great thou faithfully hast shevved Thou hast perform'd according to thy vvord verse 66 This I desire that I might be endued VVith knovvledg true and vnderstanding right For I thy lavv beleiu'd and sin eschevved I vvent astray all day till darksome night Of my distresse so heauy on me lighte● But novv I keep thy vvord restor'd to light verse 68 Thou goodnes art and to doe good delighted As thou art good so thou all glorious art Teach me thy lavv make me therein clear sighted Informers proud and false haue playd their part Against me lies and forged tales inuenting Thy precepts I do keep vvith all my heart verse 70 They senseles are thy goodnes not resenting Their heart is grosse and fat they vvanton grovv I in thy lavv delight my self contenting It 's good for me that I vvas troubled so Afflicted and distrest in such great measure Thy Statutes I the better learn to knovv verse 72 Then golden heaps high state or sugred pleasures The lavv of thy mouth me more good doth do Much more belou'd incomparable treasure 10. IOD Knit are my ioynts together by thy hand Thou hast in this proportion me composed Make me thy lavv to learn and vnderstand verse 74 VVho fear thee shall be glad to ioy disposed When they shall see that I thy grace obtain Because I in thy vvord my hope reposed Knovvn is it Lord thy iudgments iust remain I knovv it thou hast iustly me afflicted Thy faithfulnes therein appeareth plain verse 76 But novv forgiue me by thy lavv conuicted O let thy grace and mercy comfort send As promise me thou didst to thee addicted Kinde mercies thine in loue to me extend That I may liue still in thy lavv delighting VVhich is my ioy and shall be vvithout end verse 78 Confound the proud me causlesly dispighting For meditate do I continually On thy Decrees their exercise exciting Kindle their loue and let them ioyn vvith me VVho fear thee and haue knovvn thy lavv proclaimed For I delight in their society verse 80 O keep my heart intire in life vnblamed Make me obserue thy statutes perfectly That euer sound I nere be found ashamed 11 CAPH LOng time I vvait still longing for thy Word My heart my soul doth faint for thy saluation For only it can me relief afford verse 82 Vouchsafe to hear my humble supplication My eyes faile for thy Word some comfort daign O vvhen vvilt thou grant me thy consolation Like bottles scorcht in smoke dry'd I remain VVith brinish teares my vvrinckled cheeks polluted Yet fresh in minde thy lavves I still retain verse 84 Hovv many dayes shall I be persecuted For seruing thee vvhen shall thy iudgment be On my foes me pursuing executed Loe hovv deep pits the proud haue dig'd for me In their corrupt proceedings quite contrary To thy iust lavves in them opposing thee verse 86 All thy commands are faithfull neuer vary My foes vvithout cause persecute me still Me to assist delay not long nor tarry Life precious is my life vvho sought to spill Had me on earth consum'd almost destroying Yet ceast I not thy Precepts to fulfill verse 88 Reuiue me by thy mercy vvhich inioying The testament of thy ovvn mouth I vvill Obserue and keep my life therein imploying 12 LAMED MOst mighty Lord in heau'n vvher thou dost raign Is setled sure the vvord of thy saluation For euer there inthron'd it doth remain verse 90 From ages all to euery generation Thy faithfulnes endures the earth shall stand VVhich thou hast set vpon a sure foundation Maintained still by thy Almighty hand They do abide as thou hast them ordained Thy seruants are they still at thy command verse 92 Vnles in thy lavv I delight had gained In my distres I then had perisht quite My ioy in thy Word hath my life sustained My minde thy Lavves all vvhich are iust and ●ight Shall nere forget vvithin my soul ingraued By them thou hast restor'd my life and light verse 94 I am thine ovvne O let thine ovvn be saued O saue thou me for I am only thine For I haue sought thy Precepts them I craued Malicious men
yet the poore that gleaneth in the field Of vvha●●s left his little lapfull heapeth verse 8 Nor passenger that passeth by the same shall bid God bles or vvishing say vve bid ye Good luck from God or to them in his Name So much as say God speed your vvork God speed ye Psalme 130. Prayer FRom depth profound distressed in grief and miserie My cryes I haue addressed O Lord my God to thee verse 2 Lord heare my lamentatiō vouchsafe my voyce to hear And to my supplication bovv dovvn attentiue eare verse 3 Lord if thou mark our errors and vvhat is done amis To suffer thy dread terrors O Lord vvho able is verse 4 But mercy and compassion are euermore vvith thee Therfore vvith adoration thy Name shall feared be verse 5 On God my soul attendeth in him is all my trust My hope and faith dependeth vpon his promise iust verse 6 My soul to God aspireth more earnestly alvvay Then he vvhom vvatching tireth doth look for break of day verse 7 Lay thy firm hopes foundation on God O Israel For in him sure saluation and boundles mercy dvvell He dearly doth esteem thee O Israel by his grace He freely vvill redeem thee and all thy sins deface Psalme 131. Consolation O Lord I haue no haughty minde I haue no lofty looking eye I haue nought dared nor design'd Too great for me too hard too high verse 2 Nay if I haue not meekly milde VVith humblenes my self demeande In quiet silence as a childe That nevvly from the brest is vveand If that I haue not soly set My soul on thee to trust in thee As th'infant taken from the teat Of his ovvn mother minde not me verse 3 Euen so O Israel elect trust in the Lord on him depend His pleasure euermore expect From this time forth vnto the end Psalme 132. Prayer O Lord our God recall to minde Thy seruant Dauids misery Affliction and calamity verse 2 Hovv he by oath himself did binde To Iacobs God vovv'd solemnly verse 3 Behold said he this vovv I make My house shall neuer me inclose Nor on my bed vvill I repose verse 4 My eyes no sleep at all shall take No slumber shall my eye lids close verse 5 Vntill I finde a resting place Where Gods Ark may vvith vs remain VVhere vve the Lord may entertain The God of Iacob and his race Whose might doth Israel sustain verse 6 Because his seat oft changed vvas From time to time as vve heard say It oft had bin at Ephrata From place to place it oft did pas In vvoods and fields vve found it stay verse 7 Novv since this place he liketh best Into his palace vve vvill go Before his footstooll falling lovv verse 8 Arise O Lord into thy rest Thy self and thy Arks strength there shovv verse 9 Cloath thou thy Priests vvith righteousnes Let them from thee glad tidings bring Let all thy Saints reioyce and sing verse 10 Thy seruant Dauid daigne to blesse Refuse not thine anointed King verse 11 The Lord hath svvorn in verity Who vvill not change nor turn from it To Dauid saying I permit That one of thy posterity Vpon thy throne shall euer sit verse 12 My couenant if thy sons obey And this my testimoniall Which vnto them declare I shall Their sons also shall sit for ay Vpon thy Throne imperiall verse 13 For God the Lord hath made his choice Of Zion fair vvhich doth excell verse 14 Saying I haue delight to dvvell Herein I rest here I reioyce For ay this place doth like me vvell verse 15 His poore vvith bread I 'le satisfie VVith all good things they shall abound verse 16 His Priests vvill I inuiron round VVith my saluation there vvill I Make all her Saints their ioyes resound verse 17 There vvill I make to bud and spring The horn of Dauid raised high A lamp of light prepar'd haue I For mine annoynted sacred King Whose glory I vvill multiply verse 18 His enemies vvill I confound VVith shame they shall be cloathd all ore His glorious state vvill I restore And on his sacred head renovvnd His crovvn shall ●ourish euermore Psalme 133. Doctrin BEhold hovv good hovv pleasant amiable And gracious is the loue inuiolable Of brethren vvhich together dvvell verse 2 Resembling right the precious oyntment smell The sacred oyl vvhich Gods lavv did appoint The high Priest Aaron to annoint VVhich plenteously vpon his head vvas poured And to his beard and garment skirts dovvn shovvred VVith svveetest scent perfuming all verse 3 Distilling dovvn like devvs that timely fall On Sion mount and fertile Hermon hill Which all the land vvith fruit doth fill Euen there the Lord his bounty large expressing Will povvr and shovvr his fauor grace and blessing And life eternall giue he vvill Psalme 134. Doctrin YE seruants of the Lord of might VVho in his house do vvatch by night Attending there your selues addres The Lord our God to praise and bles verse 2 VVho in his Sanctuary stand To bles the Lord lift heart and hand To sound his praise your selues prepare And let your voyce his acts declare verse 3 The Lord bles thee for his Name sake VVhose povvr the heau'n and earth did make From Sions mount vvhere he doth raign Thou blessed shalt for ay remain Psalme 135. Doctrin ALl ye seruants of the Lord Praise his name vvith one accord verse 2 Ye that in Gods house do stand There performing his command Ye that in his courts do dvvell Praise his Name vvhich doth excell verse 3 Praise the Lord for good is he Sing his name in Psalmody Nothing can more pleasant be verse 4 He hath chosen graciously Iacob and his Israel He accounteth his ievvell verse 5 For I this do knovv right vvell That the Lord is great and high verse 6 Our God doth all Gods excell He doth in the earth and sky In the riuers and the seas Whatsoeuer he doth please verse 7 He the vapors makes ascend from the earths remotest end He from heau'n the lightning flings Dovvn to earth the raine he brings From his treasures of all kinds He le ts loose the vvrastling vvinds verse 8 All first-born in Egypt land Were slain by his dreadfull hand Firstlings all they dead did find Both of beasts and humane kind verse 9 Egypt in the midst of thee Thou his vvondrous vvorks didst see Pharo and his host he droun'd In the red seas depth profoūd verse 10 Kings and nations he orethrevv Mighty Sihon king he slevv verse 11 Og the King of fat Basan 〈◊〉 all the kings of canaan verse 12 To his people Israel He bequeathed all the land To possesse it there to dvvell This vvas done at his cōmand verse 13 Lord thy name and clemency lasteth to eternity Lord thy euerlasting name Is from age to age the same verse 14 For the Lord of povvr and might VVill his people iudg vvith right When his seruants him displease He his vvrath vvill soon appease verse 15 Idols of
They shall speak of thy endles kingdoms glory And of thy povvr relate the sacred story verse 12 That men may knovv thy mighty acts victorious And of thy realm the maiesty most glorious verse 13 Eternall is thy kingdom and thy raigne Through ages all thy Empire doth remain verse 14 The Lord vpholds the vveake and them that fall Who are bovvd dovvne he rectifies them all verse 15 Expecting thee each creatures eye attendeth Thy plenty great their timely food them sendeth verse 16 Thy bounties hand thou openest freely giuing The full desire of all things that are liuing verse 17 The Lord our God is iust in all his vvayes He holy is in all his vvorks alvvayes verse 18 The Lord is nigh to all that on him call VVho call on him in truth he helps them all verse 19 He them that feare him vvith good things supplyeth Their hearts desire he fully satisfieth Them he vvill heare to him for mercy crying Them he vvill saue to him for succour flying verse 20 The Lord vvill them preserue that in him ioy But vvicked men all he vvill quite destroy verse 21 My mouth shall speak the praise of God alvvay All flesh shall bles his holy name for ay Psalme 146. Thanksgiuing PRaise to God my soul be giuing To the Lord my soul giue praise verse 2 Him I le laud vvhile I am liuing To my God I le sing alvvayes To the Lord my God my King VVhile I am I Psalms vvill sing verse 3 Princes are no sure foundation On their promise no trust haue Nor in Adams generation For themselues they cannot saue verse 4 VVhen no breath they do retain They return to earth again VVith them all their thoughts do perish And their enterprises vain verse 5 Happy vvhom the Lord doth cherish Iacobs God doth him maintain Happy vvho doth place his trust In the Lord his God most iust verse 6 VVho created and sustaineth Heauen and earth by his great might Sea and all that it containeth He hath framed all aright His truth and fidelity He doth keep eternally verse 7 He relieueth the oppressed Giuing sentence on their side For the hungry and distressed He doth food and ayd prouide By him prisners freedom finde He the bondmen doth vnbinde verse 8 God to them that are in blindnes Giueth eyes to see the light God in mercy great and kindnes Makes the crooked vvalk vpright God loues them that iust remain He the righteous doth sustain verse 9 God doth keep and saue the strangers His strong guard doth them attend He doth free them out of dangers Orphans vviddovves doth defend He doth comfort them that grieue He the helplesse doth relieue VVicked men the Lord destroyeth He doth ouerthrovv their vvay verse 10 God his kingdom ay enioyeth God the Lord shall raign for ay Sions God endures alvvayes Vnto God the Lord giue praise Haleluiah Psalme 147. Thanksgiuing PRaise ye the Lord such praise is meetest Sing Psalms to God such Psalms are svveetest The Lord to praise sing neuer ceasing His praise is gracefull euer pleasing verse 2 The Lord most gracious full of pity Builds vp Ierusalem his city His Israel disperst deplored He hath assembled and restored verse 3 The contrite broken heart he healeth And comfort vnto them reuealeth Full of compassion them he mindeth He salues their sores their vvounds vp bindeth verse 4 His knovvledg all in all surmounteth The number of the Stars he counteth Them in their order he installeth Them by their proper names he calleth verse 5 Great is our God great is his povver Our refuge of our strength the tovver Is infinite in vnderstanding In might and vvisdom all commanding verse 6 The Lord almighty magnifieth The meek vvhose trust in him relieth He to the ground the vvicked casteth Confounding them to nothing vvasteth verse 7 Sing to the Lord God euerliuing Praise him vvith Harp in Psalms thanksgiuing verse 8 VVho spreadeth clouds the heauens all ouer VVith them the firmament doth couer Prepareth rain vvhich dovvn he shovvreth On earth a main the shovvrs he povvreth The verdant grasse he multiplieth VVhich on the mountains fructifieth verse 9 The beasts vvith food he satisfieth The rauens yong brood vvith meat supplyeth VVhen hatcht they hungry ly a crying Or fledg they forth for food are flying verse 10 God hath no pleasure nor delighteth In strength of horse that fiercely fighteth Svvift running legs vvith prize revvarded He hath nor prized nor regarded verse 11 But God vvhose grace exceedeth measure In them that feare him taketh pleasure VVho on his mercy giue attendance And on his promise haue dependance verse 12 Ierusalem vvho art renovvned Praise thou the Lord vvith glory crovvned Praise thou thy God and him rely on Thou holy mountain sacred Sion verse 13 For he thy gates reedifieth VVith strongest bars them fortifieth And all thy children he hath blessed VVithin thy vvals by thee possessed verse 14 He planteth peace vvithin thy borders There setleth lavves and rightfull orders To satisfie thee he bestovveth The flovvr of finest vvheat that grovveth verse 15 On earth his precept forth he sendeth His mighty povvr on it attendeth His vvord runs very svviftly speeding VVith all celerity exceeding verse 16 He makes the snovv and vvhen it snovveth Like fleeces of vvhite vvoll it shovveth His frost all ouer hoary grovveth VVhich he abroad like ashes strovveth verse 17 The stream to ice congealed lasteth VVhich like to morsels forth he casteth His frosts are so intollerable Them to enduer vvho is able verse 18 And vvhen the vvorld enough hath felt the● He sendeth forth his vvord to melt them At his command the vvarm vvind blovveth And then again the vvater flovveth verse 19 His vvord to Iacob he declareth And to obedience him prepareth The lavves and iudgments he ordained To Israel he hath explained verse 20 In such a kind and gracious fashion He hath not dealt vvith any nation For those his iudgments iust and sacred He vnto them hath not declared Psalme 148. Thanksgiuing PRaise ye the Lord from heauen on high Praise him ye dvvellers in the sky All ye inhabitants of heau'n To God all praise by you be giu'n verse 2 All ye his Angels high renovvn him Victorious hosts vvith glory crovvn him verse 3 Both Sun and Moon praise ye his Name All stars of light his praise proclaime verse 4 Praise him ye heau'n of heau'ns most high Ye vvaters in the cloudy sky verse 5 Let all his vvorks vvhich vvondrous are The praises of his Name declare verse 6 At his command they vvere created And to his glory consecrated He them establisht firm and sute Ay to continue and endure Their bounds of time and place decreed By him they neuer shall exceed verse 7 Praise him ye Dragons vvhich do keep In caues of earth Whales in the deep verse 8 Fire vapors hail ice frost and snovving Ye tempests storms vvinds boistrous blovving VVhich execute his sacred vvill Praise ye the Lord his vvord fulfill verse 9 O praise
his Name ye mountains all Ye fruitfull trees and cedars tall verse 10 Beasts of the earth both vvilde and tame All creeping creatures praise his Name Ye fetherd fovvls i' th ayr svvift flying Praise ye the Lord him magnifying verse 11 All Kings and people euery vvhere Earths Princes Iudges vvhich rule beare verse 12 Men vvomen children yong and old verse 13 To praise the Lord your ioyes vnfold His Name is high aduanc't alone Ore heau'n and earth his glories knovvn verse 14 His peoples horn he high erecteth His Saints to praise him he affecteth The children of his Israel To him most deare and neare do dvvell Psalme Cxlix Thanksgiuing SIng to the Lord nevv songs excelling All in the Church of his Saints dvvelling Sing praises in your congregation To God vvith adoration verse 2 Let Israel in songs relate His high praise vvho did him create Let Sions sons reioyce and sing And triumph in their King verse 3 His Name to praise vvith ioy abounding Let Timbrels Fife and Flute be sounding Praise him vvith Harps svveet strings according His praise in Psalms recording verse 4 God in his people pleasure takes His people his delight he makes VVith his saluation dravving nigh The meek to dignifie verse 5 His gracious Saints in glorious measure Shall be all glad vvith ioy and pleasure Vpon their beds in iubilation Shall shout vvith exultation verse 6 Their mouths vvith shrill notes shall abound The Lords praise high to raise and sound They vvith their tvvo edg'd svvord in hand In arms compleat shall stand verse 7 To be reueng'd on euery Nation Their foes to plague vvith desolation To punish them for their offences VVith condigne recompences verse 8 Their conquerd Kings captiue to take Their vanquisht Princes prisners make In strongest holds them to restr●in In irons them to chain verse 9 On them the iudgment iust avvarded To execute as t is recorded His Saints are to this honor raised The Lord our God be praised Psalme 150. Praise LEt vs all Gods praise expres Praise him in his holines Praise him in the firmament Of his povver permanent And his high magnificency verse 2 Praise him in his greatnes shevvd In his goodnes multitude VVitnessing his excellency verse 3 Praise him ioyning vvith the noyse Both of Trumpets and Hautboyse Praise him in the Psaltery And the Harps svveet harmony Laud the Lord vvith praise abounding verse 4 Timbrel Taber Fife and Flute Organ Sagbut Cornamute Laud the Lord his praise resounding verse 3 Praise to him for his goodnes Let the Cymbals loud expres Viall Virginall and lute Let nor string nor breath be mute Him to praise let all indeuer verse 6 All his vvorks aboue beneath VVhat so ere doth moue or breath Praise the Lord most blessed euer The Song of Simeon Luke 2. NOvv let thy seruant Lord. According to thy Word In peace depart contented verse 2 2 For novv my eyes haue vievv'd Before all people shevv'd Thy sauing health presented verse 3 To be a shining light To all the Gentils sight This grace thou hast declared And Israel to crovvn VVith honor and renovvn This glory hast prepared Decalogue Exod. 20. LIft vp your hearts to God addressed All people hear vvhat he doth say Giue ear vnto his word expressed And his commandments all obay I am saith he thy God eternall From Egypt I deliuerd thee From cruell seruitude infernall Therfore haue thou no God but me commandment 2 No image make thou to adore it Of any thing in earth or sky To vvorship or to bovv before it Because a iealous God am I. commandment 3 Gods sacred Name in vain take neuer Let no oathes false or vain be vsd For he vvill hold him guilt ●●●er Who hath his sacred Name abus d. commandment 4 Six dayes in labour profitable Spend thou and thine the seuenth in rest For God from his vvorks admirable Repos'd the seuenth made holy blest commandment 5 Thy Father and thy Mother honor That thou long dayes mayst happy liue I' th laud vvherof thou art the ovvner And vvhich to thee thy God doth giue commandment 6 Thou shalt not kill mans life destroy not commandment 7 Adultrous thoughts and acts eschevv commandment 8 Nor rob nor steale goods stoln enioy not commandment 9 Beare no false tales speak euer true commandment 10 Thou shalt not in thy heart desier Thy neighbours house nor vvife to gai● Nor any seruant he doth hyer Nor ought that to him doth pertain Haue mercy on vs Lord most blessed Inspire vs vvith thy grace diuine VVrite in our hearts thy Word expressed To keep thy lavves our hearts incline FINIS
might my right is knovvn and tryed Ore all the heathen I vvill raign On earth exalted I 'le remain verse 11 In brief this is our consolation The LORD of hosts is our saluation The God of Iacob gracious iust Our refuge is in vvhom vve trust Psalme 47. Reioycing PEople of all Lands Ioyfull clap your hands Praising God our King Shout triumphant sing VVith a strong shrill voyce Chearefully reioyce verse 2 For the LORD most hig Far aboue the sky Is of dreadfull might Terrible in fight Monarch ouer all Kings terrestriall verse 3 He the people shall Vnto vs make thrall He them dovvn belovv Vnder vs doth throvv Nations shall submit Themselues at our feet verse 4 He our heritance Chosen doth aduance Iacobs excellence Is in his defence Whom he hath approu'd And intirely lou'd verse 5 Our God vp is gon Mirthfull marching on With triumphant noise High expressing ioyes In the LORD reioyce With the trumpets voice verse 6 Sing praise to the Lord Psalms to him accord Praise to our God sing Sing praise to our King verse 7 GOD is ouer all Kings terrestriall Psalms instructing vvell Sing ye that excell verse 8 God raigns and commands All the heathen lands He doth sit vpon His high holy Throne verse 9 Peeres and Princes ioyn And vvith them combine Who themselues declare That they people are Of him that became God of Abraham For God sole soueraign Doth keep and retain In his povverfull hands All shields of all lands His fame high is rais'd His great Name be prais'd Psalme 48. Thanksgiuing GReat is the LORD in this his seat His praises are exceeding great In our God's city his ovvn dvvelling His sacred mountain high excelling verse 2 Sion mountain is in place Full of beauty full of grace Northvvard being scituated To the great King consecrated All the earth therevvith delighted To reioyce there are inuited verse 3 In Sions palace God is knovvn For refuge and deliuerance shovvn verse 4 For lo the Kings their forces ioyned They marched there in league combined verse 5 When they had therof the sight They amazed tooke their flight They and all their troupes astounded Terrifyde vvith fear confounded verse 6 So great horror them agasted Quite avvay they headlong hasted Such trembling fright hold on them tooke That they like traueling vvomen shooke verse 7 Thy eastern tempests storms like thunder Their Tarshish nauy tore in sunder verse 8 VVondrous acts such as vve heard Like hath novv to vs appeard In the city high renovvned VVith the LORD of hosts name crovvned VVhere remaines the sacred dvvelling Of the LORD our GOD excelling Pause The LORD vvill it establish sure For euermore it shall endure verse 9 In midst LORD of thy habitation Thy mercies are our meditation verse 10 LORD according to thy Name And the greatnes of the same So is thy great praise transcending To earths vtmost ends extending Iustice plentifull redoundeth In thy right hand it aboundeth verse 11 Let all in Sions sacred mount Be glad and let the ioyes surmount Of Iudahs daughters amiable For all thy iudgments admirable verse 12 VValk about fair Sions mount Tovvers built thereon recount verse 13 Vievv the Forts vvith circumspection Mark the Pallaces perfection That ye may make the relation To each future generation verse 14 For this God is our God for ay Is euer our defence and stay He is and vvill be our protection In life and death all our direction Psalme 49. Doctrin TO this my speech all people giue good eare All dvvellers in the earth attentiue heare verse 2 The noble and the base both rich and poore All famous and obscure both high and lore verse 3 My mouth shall speak of vvisdom prudent speach My hearts discourse shall vnderstanding teach verse 4 I vvill incline my eare to heare reuealed VVith harp exprest my parable concealed verse 5 VVhy should I feare vvhen euill dayes approach VVhen on me grief and trouble doe incroch And vvhen my sins and foes vvhich do abound Me close at heeles pursevving shall surround verse 6 VVho of his vvealth and povver is confident And boasteth of his riches insolent verse 7 His brothers life cannot saue nor redeeme it Nor ransom pay at vvhich God doth esteem it verse 8 Too deare the price is their souls to release For him to pay it shall for euer cease verse 9 That euer he might liue perpetually And in the pit corruption neuer see verse 10 For he obserues the vvise and prudent dyes They perish as the bruitish fool likevvise At length their strength health vvealth breath death bereaueth All he did ovvn to heirs vnknovvn he leaueth verse 11 Their invvard thought vvhich busieth most their brain Is that their house for euer may remain Their dvvellings to eternize and their fames From age to age their lands do beare their names verse 12 But man by no meanes can himselfe assure That he being in honor shall endure He bideth not nor long this life enioyeth Him like to beasts that perish death destroyeth Pause verse 13 This is their vvay vvhich to no other end But vanity and foolishnes doth tend Their children yet all trained to their trade Approue applaud and laud vvhat they haue said Selah verse 14 Slain as the sheep they in the graue are put Death on their flesh feeding himself doth glut But the vpright all in the morning glorious Dominion shall haue ouer them victorious Their beauty shall be vvasted in the graue Quite from the place vvhere they their dvvelling haue But God vvill me redeem from povvr of hell For he shall me receiue vvith him to dvvell verse 16 VVhen one grovves rich fear not nor him enuy VVhen honors of his house do multiply Selah verse 17 For vvhen he dyes he nought avvay shall carry His glory shall not vvith him goe not tarry verse 18 VVho in this life himselfe doth gratulate And to himself doth good they celebrate verse 19 He shall goe to his fathers out of sight In place obscure and neuer see the light verse 20 The man vvhose state in vvorldly honour flovves But knovvledg vvants still sensuall senceles grovves Nor vnderstands at all vvhat he enioyeth Is like brute beasts vvhom sudden death destroyeth Psalme l. Doctrin THe mighty GOD the LORD eternall blest Hath spoke and cald the earth from East to VVest verse 2 From Sion fair in perfect beauty bright Our God hath shin'd and shovvd forth glorious light verse 3 Our God vvill come his Maiesty reuealing His sentence iust in silence not concealing Before him fire deuouring shall abound About him stormes and tempests shall surround verse 4 To heauen aboue for vvitnes he vvill call And earth beneath to iudg his people all verse 5 My gracious Saints assemble ye combined With me in league by sacrifice assigned verse 6 The heauens shall shevv his righteousnes and might For God himself is Iudg most iust and right Sela. verse 7 My people heare to Israel speak vvill I I am thy GOD to
all the nations Meet in frequent congregations And the kingdomes povvr combined Ioyn to serue the LORD inclined Pause verse 23 He my strength i' th vvay abated And my dayes abreuiated verse 24 In such sort that then I said O my God my only ayd In my mid age do not take me Quite avvay nor yet forsake me For thy years endure for euer Through all ages fayling neuer verse 25 Thou hast layd the earths foundation And by thy hands operation Thou the heau'ns hast framd and made verse 26 They shall quite consume and fade But thou shalt endure remaining Euer blessed state retaining They shall all grovv old appearing As a garment torne vvith vvearing As a robe so shall their fashion By thee suffer alteration From their former shape estrang'd They shall certainly be chang'd verse 27 As for thee O Lord supernall Thou art still the same eternall Thou art infinite transcending Thy yeares neuer shall haue ending verse 28 Children of thy seruants loued Shall continue firm vnmoued Thy grace shall them all sustain Their race euer shall remain And their seed from them proceeding Their posterity succeeding Shall for euer dvvell before thee In thy presence to adore thee Psalme Ciij MY soul praise thou the LORD for euer blessed Let all that is vvithin my povvr possessed His holy Name extoll and magnifie verse 2 Of all his gifts so gratious great and many VVhich he on thee bestovvd forget not any But bles the Lord my soul him glorifie verse 3 Him euer bles vvho euer gracious liueth VVho all thy sins defaceth and forgiueth VVhen vveak and sick he makes thee strong and sound verse 4 VVhose loue thy life from hatefull death protecteth Who euer thee most tenderly affecreth Hath thee vvith grace and boundles bounty crovvnd verse 5 VVith all good things vvho thy mouth satisfieth VVherby thy 〈◊〉 vvith vigor he supplyeth And he renevvs as th' eagles so thy youth verse 6 The Lord it is vvhose iudgment iust redresseth The vvronged poore against him that oppresseth Relieuing them in righteousnes and truth verse 7 To Moses he did teach his vvaies and shevv them So manifest all Israel might knovv them And his great acts so vvondrous so renovvnd verse 8 The Lord to grace and mercy soone inclineth To vvrath is slovv his anger soone declineth In mercy he doth plenteously abound verse 9 If he giue place to vvrath small time abiding Yet vvill he not continue alvvaies chiding Nor vvill he long keep anger in his heart verse 10 Our ill vvrought vvorks he hath not ill regarded Nor vvith sins due our sinfull souls revvarded Nor deales vvith vs according to desert verse 11 Aboue the earth as heau'n is high and spacious So is the Lord in mercy great and gracious To all that feare him and on him do rest verse 12 The Lord vvho vs hath chosen and approued Hath all our sins and trespasses remoued As far from vs as th' East is from the VVest Pause verse 13 As to his childe the fathers loue extendeth His pitty milde although it him offendeth So doth the Lord them pitty vvho him feare verse 14 For God the Lord creator of each creature Doth vvell record our frailty and our feature In minde doth beare hovv soone to dust vve vveare verse 15 And euery day mans life is altogether Like gras or hay vvhich instantly doth vvither As fragrant flovvrs do flourish on the green verse 16 But vvhen theron the storm or cold vvind blovveth They soone are gone their place no more them knovveth They faile and fall they shall no more be seen verse 17 But as for God his mercy ay remaineth His childrens state he euermore sustaineth Who vvorship him vvith feare in verity verse 18 VVho in their brests his hests and statutes treasure VVho truly knovv and doe his vvill and pleasure His iustice is to all posterity verse 19 VVithin the sky most high suprem supernall The Lord hath plac d his regall Throne eternall And rules the vvorld by his imperiall might verse 20 Ye Angels povvrs most potent most obedient To vvork his vvill by all meanes most expedient Publish proclaime his honors glorious right verse 21 O ye his hosts most valiant most victorious His Ministers praise ye his Name all glorious You that are prest addrest to do his vvill verse 22 Let all his vvorks in euery place applaud him Yea let my heart my minde my spirit laud him And all vvithin me prise and praise him still Psalme 104. Praise BLes thou the Lord my soul O Lord my God Thy greatnes far exceedeth all abroad Thou maiesty most glorious daily vvearest VVith honor thou most beautifull appearest verse 2 VVith light most bright resplendant euery morn As vvith a robe thy self thou dost adorn The firmament bedeckt vvith stars extending Like curtains dravvn forth by thy povvr transcending verse 3 Thou layest fast thy lofty chamber beames Vpon the seas and vvaters gushing streames Thou on the clouds vvhich in the ayre are byding Triumphant com'st as on a chariot ryding And vvhen to vvalk it is thy sacred minde Thou marchest on the vvings of euery vvinde verse 4 Thy Angels all are Spirits of thy ovvn framing Thy Ministers are like a fier flaming verse 5 Foundations of the earth so vastly round On bases thou didst set so fastly found That thou hast made it euer firm and stable No povvr but thine to moue it shall be able verse 6 And this same earth thou vnderneath the deep As vnderneath a mantle close dost keep Whilst thou great God didst cause the vvatry fountains To rise and flovv and stand aboue the mountains verse 7 But then as soone as thy rebuke they heard They past avvay and fled as all afeard And at the voyce of thy most dreadfull thunder They haste avvay each one their vvay a sunder verse 8 Vp by the hils they high ascend a main Dovvn by the dales they lovv descend again Vntill in their ovvn place they be surrounded Which at the first for them thy vvisdom founded Pause verse 9 Beyond the bounds vvhich for them thou hast set The surging vvaues restraind can neuer get Lest if they should at any time pas ouer The surface of the earth they vvould recouer verse 10 Into the Vales belovv thou daignst to bring The vvholsom svveet cleare vvater of the Spring VVhich midst the hils a pleasant murmur keepeth VVhilst through the vales the silent current creepeth verse 11 The riuers store of vvater drink doth yeeld To euery beast that rangeth in the field And the smooth brook vvhich here and there still passes Doth quench the thirst of vvilde and sauage asses verse 12 By these the fovvls of heau'n do take delight To make their nests abiding day and night By thee each bird melodious notes aduances Amidst the trees yong tender slender branches verse 13 From chambers high among the clouds he fils VVith shovvrs of rain enricht the fertill hils Yea the vvhole vvorld vvith his vvorks fruits aboundeth And satisfi'd
holily Since he vvith brightnes hath arayd it Therin reioyce vve merrily verse 25 Lord saue our King novv vs deliuer From dangers and aduersity Of good succes thou art the giuer O send vs novv prosperity verse 26 VVho in Gods Name doth come is blessed We bid him vvelcome heartily Out of Gods house to you addressed From him vve bles you vvillingly verse 27 God is the Lord his mercy minding He hath giuen vs light plenteously Bring offrings them vvith cords fast binding To th' Altars hornes abundantly verse 28 Thou art my God I vvill confes thee I vvill giue thanks and praise to thee My God I vvill exalt and bles thee VVith voyce and hearts integrity verse 29 To God all glorious praises render Because so gracious good is he For his compassion m●●cy tender Endureth sure eternally Psalme 119. 1. Aleph Consolation ALl they are blest vvho keep the perfect vvay Of vpright life and spotles conuersation VVho in the lavv of God do vvalk alvvay verse 2 O happy they vvho vvith due obseruation Do truly keep his statutes constantly And seek him vvith their vvhole hearts application And they vvhich do not vvork iniquity But vvalking in the vvayes of God perfeuer Alvvay therin persisting stedfastly verse 4 It is thy vvill that each one should endeuer To keep thy lavves thy precepts to fulfill With diligence and prudent strictnes euer Ah that I might by thee be guided still That all my vvayes might alvvayes be directed To keep thy ●ests and to obserue thy vvill verse 6 Then shall I not vvith shame be dovvn delected Hauing regard to thy Commandments all When in my heart I haue them most respected An vpright heart in me on thee shall call By me thy praise vvith thanks shall be expressed VVhen iudgments thine most righteous learn I shall verse 8 I carefully vvill keep thy statutes blessed Thus I intend but vvhen I fail or fall O leaue me not quite when I am distressed 2 BETH BY vvhat means might a yong man prone to ill His vvayes reform● by taking heed perseuer Him to conform vnto thy Word and vvill verse 10 VVith all my heart to seek thee I indeuer O let me not from thy Commandments stray And from thy paths O let me vvander neuer Before my eyes and in my heart I lay Thy sacred Word as my most precious treasure Lest I offend thee guide me in thy vvay verse 12 O blessed Lord thy praise exceedeth measure Do thou vouchsafe me in thy lavves to teach That I may knovv and do thy vvill and pleasure Betimes my lips haue publisht and do preach The iudgments of thy mouth most venerable VVhose equity and right to all doth reach verse 14 Thy precepts path is far more delectable Vnto my soule then all the vvorlds rich store Thy vvay to vvalk is vvealth inualuable Bearing in minde thy precepts euermore On them shall be my serious meditation Thy sacred vvayes respecting more and more verse 16 Thy Statutes shall be all my delectation I vvill not be vnmindfull of thy lore Nor of thy Word forget the obseruation 3. GIMEL Confer on me thy seruant sauing grace Deal bounteously vvith me my state sustaining That I may line still thy vvord to embrace verse 18 Ta●● thou avvay the vaile my sight restrayning Ope thou ●●me eyes that I may clearly see The vvonder●●●●hy Lavv thy vvill containing Conduct me in the vvay O guide thou me A stranger heer on earth to heauen aspiring From me let not thy lavv concealed be verse 20 The knovvledg of thy iudgments iust inquiring To them alvvay so feruent is my loue My longing soule doth languish them desiring Consuming quite the proud thou dost reproue Them vvith thy curse against thee vvho rebelled Who erring from thy precepts far remoue verse 22 Let all reproch from me be quite repelled From me auert contempt and infamy For I to keep thy vvord my self compelled Conspiring Princes sat accusing me While I thy seruant all my meditations Did bend vpon the Statutes made by thee verse 24 Thy precepts are my ioyes and consolations All my delight thy testimonies bee My counsellers in all my consultations 4. DALETH Deiected lovv my soule cleaues to the dust Such grieuous vvoe doth ouercom and quail me O quicken me for on thy vvord I trust verse 26 I shevv'd my vvayes to thee thou didst not fail me But didst me heare vvhen I to thee did pray Thy Statutes teach me for they most auail me Direct my mind to vnderstand the vvay Of thy decrees and my communication Shall be of all thy vvondrous vvorks alvvay verse 28 My soul doth melt in fire of tribulation According to thy promise me relieue My drooping soul raise vp vvith consolation Diuert me from that vvay vvhich doth deceaue Let me be of thy sacred lavv possessed VVhich gracious gift let me of th●● receiue verse 30 Thy faithfull vvay I choose myself addressed To vvalk therin before me I haue plac't Thy iudgments iust vvhich be for euer blessed Deuoted to thy Precepts I stick fast To them I cleaue firm fixed and vnmoued Lord therfore let me neuer be disgrac't verse 32 When thou my heart vvit●●isdom hast improued And vvith thy Word it more inlarged hast I le run the vvay of thy Decrees approued 5 HE ETernall Lord to me the knovvledge send Of thy Edicts teach me thy statutes solely That I may keep thy Word vnto the end verse 34 Of thy Lavv giue me vnderstanding holy That I may keep it vvithout doubt or dread It to obserue applying my heart vvholy Euen in the paths of thy Edicts to tread Guide thou my steps to follovv thy direction For I delight to goe vvhere thou dost lead verse 36 On thy Edicts I settle my affection Vnto thy lavves do thou my heart incline Expell from me all couetous infection Eyes vvandrers are turn thou these eyes of mine From vanity that they be not allured Grovvn dull reuiue me in that vvay of thine verse 38 Establish thou thy promis'd Word assured To me vvho am thy seruant vnto thee And to thy feare deuoted and inured Expell thou far this my reproch from me And turn avvay the shame that I haue feared For iust are all thy iudgments knovvn to be verse 40 Loe my desire to thy Lavv hath appeared For thy Commands do I seek earnes●y And let my heart by iustice thine be ch●ared 6 VAV FVlfill to me thy gracious promise Lord Saluation thine shovv and thy mercy tender Accordingly as thou hast said the vvord verse 42 That vnto them an ansvver I may render VVho me reproch and mock because I make Thy Word my trust vvho art my sole defender From out my mouth thy true Word do not take For iudgment thine is my hopes expectation The vvord of truth O let me not forsake verse 44 From generation vnto generation For euermore and to perpetuall ay I to thy lavv vvill yeeld all obseruation Fair large and vvide shall be my spacious vvay At liberty vvhere I
the Gentils are Bought and sold as other vvare Made of siluer or of gold VVhich the vvorkmans hand doth mould verse 16 Mouths they haue yet speechles be Eyes they haue yet cannot see verse 17 Eares they haue yet heare no sound Nostrils vvhere no breath is found verse 18 Like in nature like in name To them are they vvho them frame They haue all as little sense vvho in them haue confidence verse 19 Bles the Lord O Israel Ye that in his house do dvvell Aarons house your selues addresse God the Lord to praise and blesse verse 20 House of Leui yeeld him praise Magnifie his name alvvayes All that loue and feare the Lord Praise his name vvith one accord verse 21 Blesse the Lord for euermore Out of Sion him adore Where his glory high excels In Ierusalem vvho dvvells Psalme 136. Thanksgiuing PRaise the Lord to him confes Giue him thanks for his goodnes For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 2 To the God of Gods giue praise Giue him praise and thanks alvvaies For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 3 To the Lord of Lords giue praise Giue him glorious thanks alvvayes For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 4 Giue him praise and thanks each one VVho doth vvonders great alone For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 5 Giue him thanks his praise relate Heau'n his vvisdome did create For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 6 Praise him vvho the earth out spread Ore the vvaters stablished For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 7 In the heau'n he made great lights Shining therin dayes and nights For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 8 He the Sun made vvith his rayes Domineering ore the dayes For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 9 Moon and stars of lesser lights To command and rule the nights For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 10 He did smite vvith povvrfull hand In their first born Egypt land For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 11 He brought thence his Israel VVho long there opprest did dvvell For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 12 VVith strong hand and stretcht out arm He protected them from harm For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 13 He the red sea did diuide Seeming vvals on euery side For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 14 And vvhile so it standing vvas Through it safe did Israel pas For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 15 Pharoh and his army dround Follovving in sea profound For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 16 He did lead his people in VVildernes of Shur and Sin For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 17 Giue thanks to the Lord of might Praise him vvho great Kings did smite For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 18 Killing Kings incontinent By his povver euident For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 19 Sihon King of Amorites He slevv by his Israelites For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 20 Og the King of Basan land Dyed by his dreadfull hand For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 21 Then their land avvay he gaue That his people it might haue For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 22 To his seruant Israel To possesse it there to dvvell For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 23 VVhen in ill estate vve stood He remembred vs for good For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 24 Our distressers he destroyd Freedom vve by him inioyd For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 25 All his creatures he doth feed Nourishing them at their need For his great benignity dureth to eternity verse 26 To the Lord the God of heau'n Let all thanks and praise be giuen For his great benignity dureth to eternity Psalme 137. Complaint BY Euphrates vve captiue sat lamenting Proud Babels streams vvith streaming tears augmenting O Sion dear vvhen vve remembred thee verse 2 In midst of thrall abiding exiles vve VVith hearts grief pang'd vvith flouds of plaints oreflovving Our harps vve hang d on vvillovv plants there grovving verse 3 Then they vvhose rage and fury vs captiued Importun'd vs to sing our ioyes depriued Insulting bid vs Sion songs expres verse 4 Alas said vve hovv can vve here addres Our mournfull hearts to sing the songs ordained To praise our God in strangers land prophaned verse 5 Let my right hand disus'd forget for euer All harping skill if I do not perseuer Ierusalem thee in my minde to beare verse 6 To my mouths roof let my tong fast adhere Nere let me be vvith any ioyes endevved Vntill I see thy former ioyes renevved verse 7 Remember Lord hovv Edoms race inflamed With rage against Ierusalem exclamed That dismall day vvhen it quite vvaste vvas layd Remember hovv inhumanly they said Sack kill spoil burn turn all to desolation Race dovvn to ground demolish the foundation verse 8 Euen so shalt thou O Babel be destroyed Thrise happy he vvhose povvr shall be imployed As thou hast vs more vvretched thee to make verse 9 May they be blest vvhose zealous hand shall take From brests impure thy brauling brats and brain them And dash their bones gainst stones till they haue slain them Psalme 138. Thanksgiuing WIth all my heart I vnto thee Will thankfull be Thy goodnes praising VVhere mighty States assembled be I 'le sing of thee Thy Name high raising verse 2 And in thy sacred Temple I Will magnifie Thy Name renovvned Adoring thee for mercy thine And truth diuine VVith glory crovvned verse 3 For thou aboue all thy Name Lord Thy sacred VVORD Hast magnified VVhen I did cry thou didst heare me My soule by thee Was fortified verse 4 All Kings on earth shall thee renovvn VVith praise shall crovvn Thee LORD most blessed VVhen thou to heare shalt them incline Thy Word diuine By thee expressed verse 5 They in the vvayes of God my King Shall vvalk and sing His sacred story Confessing that the Lord of might Doth shine most bright In grace and glory verse 6 For though the Lord be God most high his gracious eye The meek respecteth The proud a far off he doth knovv their fall doth shovv He them deiecteth verse 7 Though I in great distres be toyld tost and turmoyld Nevv life thou giu'st me Thy rightfull hand quite ouerthrovves my spitefull foes But thou relieu'st me verse 8 Thou vvilt accomplish this for me for thy mercy Endureth euer This vvork vvhich novv thou hast begun till it be done Forsake it neuer Psalme 139. Consolation O God thou hast me search'd and try'd VVhat is in me thou hast espy'd And vnto thee is throughly knovvn verse 2 My rising vp and lying dovvn What thought so ere my heart conceiued By thee a far off is perceiued verse 3 VVhere so I goe or dovvn do ly Still thee I see approching nigh My vvayes and paths all thou dost fan Familiarly them out dost scan