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A06743 [The flour of godly praiers] [most worthy to be vsed in these our daies for the sauegard, health, and comforte of all degrees, and estates / newlie made by Thomas Becon]. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1550 (1550) STC 1719.5; ESTC S1782 124,086 356

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holye and pure religion that as we professe one God one baptysme Ex. xxxiiii Esaye lxii so wee may maintain one truth one religion Thou callest thy selfe a gelous God and a Lord that wylte not geue thi glory to another suffer then thy honoure and glorie Psa. ●xiiii ▪ thy praise and worship no longer to be geuē vnto creatures Thou art that God of peace which haste promysed to treade Sathan the sower of discorde vnder our fete shortelye Roma xvi ▪ Fulfill thy promise O Lord for it is time seing that not onlye the wilie Hipocrites Mat. xiiii Luk● xi ▪ those p●inted sepulchres outwardli appearing beutifull and ful of holynes but inwardlie ful of dead bones and of al filthinesse of rauening and wickednesse of bribri excesse take part against thi holye word maintaining false opiniōs agaynst thy heauēly doctrin but also many of the tēporal rulers wise worldlīgs agre vnto thē defending with great violēce both the beastly hipocrites al their deuelish tradiciōs croked ceremonis false religiōs although manifestlye contrarye to the truthe of thy blessed lawe Notwythstandinge remember thy olde mercyes and for the glorye of thy name be fauourablye vnto them gyue them grace to repent and to know the truth i. Timo. ii that they maye escape out of the snares of the deuill and become the children of libertye and euerlasting saluacion Gather together al such as are dispersed make of them with vs one flock Cal home agayne theym that are runne astray after strang gods Iohn x. that they may gloryfye the alone Deliuer thy people out of Egypte that lande of seruitude and bondage and bring thē into the land that floweth wyth mylke and honye Lette the babling Babilonians kepe thy seruauntes no longer in captiuity but restore theim home agayne vnto that Ierusalem wher thy holy name is called vpon thanked and praysed wher thy heauenly doctrine is purelye taughte where thy blessed sacramentes are truelye and faithfully ministred where the works of Christen charitie are continually exercysed that wyth one mouthe and one herte we may praise and glorify thy blessed name Take away from vs all heresies and diuersities of opinions worke in oure hertes an vnfained concord in matters of religiō euen such a concord as is in al poynts agreable to thy blessed worde Graunte also mooste louyng sauyour that thys godlye concord may remain continuallye in thy churche So shal it come to passe that al sects and heresies al diuisions Sismes beinge roted oute of thy holy congregacion and a perfect agrement established amonge vs according to thy blessed word we shal frō the very hert both knowledge the Ia●o● i. the worker therof whiche alone art the author of al goodnes and also sing continual praises to the our Lorde God whiche with God thy father and God the holy gost liuest and reignest true euerlasting God worldes without ende Amen A praier for the common peace and quietnesse of al Realmes HOwe necessarye O Lorde peace and quietnes is for the conuersacion of realms and al publique weales the holy scripture declareth in diuers places the psalmograph exhorteth al the faithefull Israelites to praye for those things that make vnto the quietnes of Ierusalem Psal. ●xxii that ther maye be peace wealthe and abūdaunce both in it and all the coastes rounde aboute When the Iewes for theyr syns and disobedience against thy diuine maiesty were led away captiue by kīg Nabuchodonozor frō Ierusalem vnto Babylon and ther cōpelled to lyue vnder the vngodly and vncircūcy●ed gentils the prophet Ieremy wrote an Epistle vnto them wherin among other things he exhorted them to praye for the publyque weale of Babilō and for the Magi●trates thereof sayinge Iere. xxi● Seeke the peace of the citye wherein ye bee prisoners and praye for it vnto the Lorde For in the peace thereof shall youre peace be Thy seruant Baruch also wrot a boke vnto thi people in their captiuite Baruche ● commāding them to praye for the prosperiti of Nabuchodonozor king of Babilō for the welfar of Baltaser hys sonne that their dayes may be vpon earthe as the dayes of heauen c. Agayne thy holy Apostle warneth that aboue al thynges praiers supplicacions intercessions ● Tim. iii. and geuing of thākes be had for kynges and for all that are in authoriti that we mai liue a quiet peaceable life wyth al godlines and honestie Hereof lerne we O most mercifull sauyour how necessarye peace quietnes cōcord is for al relms cōmō welths For that bering rule thi glory is sought thy holye word is preached the Magistrates are obeyed thy prechers ar reuerēced good letters florysh charitye resteth in mēs herts good worcks are exercised euery mā liueth accordynge to hys callyng vertu is auaunced vice is expelled welth and aboundaunce of all thynges dwelleth amonge vs battel with al the pestilences thereof is banished a fygure of that heauenlye Ierusalem is here found among the children of menne when contrariwyse if battel or discorde occupyeth kyngdomes or cityes all goeth to hauock nothing but cruel barbarie lyonlyke fearcenes beareth rule How blessed a thing christē charity godly peace frindly quietnes and brotherly cōcord is in a comon weale thy seruant Dauid king and prophet hauing in his own relme experience ther of declareth in thys hys Psalme Beholde sayth de Pt. cxxxiii how good and ioyfull a thinge it is brethrene to dwel together in vnitie It is like a precious oyntement vppon the head that rā down vnto the berd euen vnto Aarons beard went downe vnto the skyrts of his clothyng Lyke the dewe of Hermō which fel vpon the hyll of Syon For ther thou lord promised his blessing life for euer Seinge o almighty euerlasting God it is a good plesāt ioiful thing brethrē to dwel together in vnity vouchsafe to geue vnto al relmes specially vnto such as the inhabitaunts wherof profes thi holi name this tresure iewel this plesure ioy that they may liue together in vnity quietnes cōcord o lord so many of vs as beleue in the are brethrē haue one father euē thy heauēly father by hym wee haue y● also our brother bi y● we be his sons heires yea fellow heirs with the of eternal glory ●om viii grant therfore that we al may be of one heart of one mind seing that nothing garnisheth becometh the name of brethrē better thē brotherli loue tru peace frēdly quietnes amiable co●cord This Christē vnity and brotherly concorde muste nedes be an excellent tresure in a common weale seinge thy holy Prophet compareth it to a moost preous ointment to the most plesaūt dew the swet smels wher of cānot be expressed Lorde geue vs thys precious ointmēt of mutual loue whatsoeuer we attempt amonge that vs may haue a swete smellyng sauour both before the all
bodies with fode and raiment may shew them selues profitable members of the chrysten publique weale and faythful seruauntes to the their Lorde God whyche alone art worthye all honoure and glorye Amen A prayer for children AS thou O mercyful father hast geuen commaundemēt vnto al fathers ▪ mothers to br●nge vp theyr children in thy feare nourtour and doctryne ▪ so likewyse thy good pleasure is that children shuld honor reuerence their parentes E●odu ix Deute v. Mathe. xix Mar x. E●he ●i Collo iii. Eccl iii. vi● Tobi. iiii Eccle. iii. Proue xix Proue xxx Deu. xxvii diligentlye geue ear vnto their v●rtuous enstruccions and faythfully obey them And as thou hast promised helth honour glory rych●s long life all that good is vnto thē that honour reuerence and hūbly obeye their fathers mothers so haste thou threatned vnt o dysobedyēt chyldren ignominie euyll fame contēpt shame dishonour pouertie sickenes short life and suche other plagues Yea in thy holye lawe thou doest not onelye pronounce them accurssed that dyshonor theyr fathers mothers but thou also commaundest that if anye chylde be stubberne disobediēt and wil not heare but rather despise the commaundemēt of his father and mother ▪ Deute xxi the same shuld be stoned vnto death without mercy so greatly doste thou abhorre disobediēce and rebelliō agaynst all persons but specially agaynst parentes Deute iiii Heb. xiii We therefore hartely wishyng that the plages of thy fearce wrathe for thou O God art a consum●ng fyre maye be far from vs ▪ most hūbly besech the to graue in the harts of all children of what●oeuer age kynd estat or degre thei be true honour harti reuerēce ▪ and vnfained obedyence toward theyr p●rentes Giue them grace o good Lorde that as they profes thi son Christ in name so they may truly represent his maners in their life and conuersacion Luke ii whiche willinglye was obediēt vnto his mother mary and vnto her husband Ioseph geuyng example to al children of the like subieccion and obedyēce tow●rd theyr parents Engraffe in them such a loue toward theyr fathers mothers that they mai both reuerēce thē with outwarde honour and also for their power helpe them socoure thē prouyde for them comfort anb cherish thē in their nede euē as their parēts nourished and comforted thē in their infancy tender age Esay xliii But aboue all thynges geue thē grace truly to honour the whyche art the heauenly father yea oure father our redemer whiche hast made vs dayly cherishest vs euen as a father or mother cherishe their mooste deare and naturall chyldren So shall ●t come to passe Esaye xlix that they faythfully honourynge the shal also in order hartely honour and vnfainedly obey theyr carnal parētes in thi feare vnto y● glory of thy most blessed name which is most worthi to be honored worldes without ende Amē A prayer for Masters ALthoughe O Christe thou most hyghest Lorde al power both in heuen and in erth M●t xxviii be geuē vnto the of thy heauenly father and albeit thou hast geuē vs a commaundement that wee shuld not desire to be called master Mat. xxiii for we haue but one mayster whyche thou art al we are brethren hauing one father which is in heauen yet forasmuch as thou accordyng to thy blessed will hast appoīted some superiours some inferioures some masters some seruaunts some to commaunde some to obey some to rule some to searue and by thys meanes suche as be in superiorytye haue obteyned by thy holye worde the name of maisters or Lordes because they haue seruauntes vnder them and rule vnder the accordynge to thy good pleasure godlie appointment whyche art the mooste supreame power and mooste excellente maiesty Kinge of kinges and Lord of Lordes i. Timo. vi Apoc. ●vii and .xix. to whom all thinges both in heauen and in earth and vnder the earthe do bowe their knees and geue reuerēce honoure Philip. ii whose praise also euery nacion and language doth auance and set forth cōfessing that thou art the Lorde Iesu Christe vnto the glorye of God the father We moste humblye praye thee whyche arte the greatest master and moste hyghest Lorde to sende thy holye spiryte vppon all suche as are called masters here in earthe and haue superioritie ouer other that they remembrynge them selues to be thy seruaunts Ephesi vi Collo iiii and that thei also haue a master in heauē with whō ther is no respect of persons may put awaye all threatninges al cruelty al vnrightousnes and do that vnto their seruaūts whiche is iust equall Eccle. vii Graunte that they entreate not euyll theyr seruauntes whiche worke truly nor the hyreling that is faithful vnto thē Eccle. iiii Eccle. vii Graūt that they be not as lions in theyr houses destroyinge their houshold folks and oppressing such as are vnder them but rather that they cherysh and loue their faithfull discrete seruaūtes euen as their owne soul and by no meanes suffer thē to be vnrewarded for their paines takīg nor yet at the laste to be driuen to beggary for their true seruice doyng but that they liberally rewarding them according to their desertes may shew thē selues to be thy true seruaūtes which leauest no mā vnrewarded Math. xvi but geuest to eueri mā according to his dedes Roma ii to them that do wel and continue in wel doing glory honour peace immortality and euerlastīg life to them that do euill and cōtinue in the same indignacion wrath displesure trouble sorow and eternal damnaciō Graūt therfore O Lorde that all temporall masters may in all their doyngs resemble the which art the heauēly and euerlasting master and so be haue thē selfs both toward theyr seruaūts and all other accordnig to thy blessed wyl that at the laste daye they maye be founde in the nūber of thē to whom thou shalt say Come ye blessed of mi father possesse the kingdom which was prepared for you from the beginninge of the world Math. xxv Lord let it so come to passe Amen A prayer for seruauntes O Christ my lord and sauiour which being the son of the liuing God yea God him self from euerlastynge didst not disdaine at the wil of thine heuenly father to make thy selfe of no reputation to become man to take vpon the the shape of a seruaunt to obey thi fathers commaūdement to the deathe Philip. ii yea euen the death of the crosse for our saluaciō refusīg no seruice no trauail no labour no payne that mighte make vnto the comforte of mankynde we mooste humbly beseche the to geue al seruaūts grace to practise thy humility and obedyence that as thou moost wyllyngly diddest serue and obey thy heauenly fathers good plesure so they in like manner may wyth moste hartye affecciō serue obey their bodely masters in al thynges Ephesi vi that fight not wyth thy blessed
They go forth daili more and more to hepe vp thicke clay against them selfs Their couetousnes knoweth nether ende nor mesure so that if thou dost not shortly reforme this outragious desyre of hauīg it is like to come to passe that Mammon shal be honored for a God thou vtterly dispised few shal possesse the whole fruites of the earth the other shal miserably sterue for hūger For ther is no mercye on the earthe Os● iiii as thy Prophete complayneth All seke theyr own and not Iesu Christes Philip. ii ▪ They be louers of themselfs and haters of other O good lord it may plese that therfore for thy mercyes sake to redresse these pestylences wher wyth the moost parte of the worlde at thys present be infected Open the eies of the couetous worldlyngs that they may clearely se how vile an Idole they serue Psal. xxxix how vncertain possessions they gather together not knowing to whom they shall leaue them Take awai frō them inordinate and vnsaciable desire of hauīg Psal. cxix Encline their herts vnto thi testimonis not vnto couetousnesse i. Peter ii Teach thē that in this world they are but straūgers and Pylgrimes Hebr. xiii and haue here no abidig citie but seke for one to come and that therfore thei ought to be contente wyth that is sufficient For nothinge broughte they into this world nether shal they carye any thyng out of it i. Tim● vi Teach them not to put theyr trust in vncerten rychesse but in the the liuing god which geuest vs al thyngs abundantelye to enioye them Teache them to do good and to be rich in good workes and readye to geue to distribute layinge vp in store for them selfs a good foūdacyon agaynste the time to come that they may obtayne eternal life Teach them to learne practise this thy commaundement geuē bi the prophet breake thy bread to the hungri Esa. lviii lede into thi house the pore harbourles When thou seest a naked mā couer him and thou shalt not despise thy flesh Teache thē to loue theyr neighbour as them selfes Leui●● xix Math. xiii and to seke the commodite of theyr Christē brethren no lesse then theyr owne Mark xii Yea teach them euer to set befor their eies this cōmaundement of thy holi Apostle let no man seke his owne profyt but the cōodite of other Luke x. Roma ●iii In fine grant that the conuersaciō of so manye as professe thy name Iacob ii may be so far stranged from the most detestable sinne of couetousnes that it be not once named amōge them Hebr. xiii agayne that they make thē bagges which waxe not old Ephe. v. and gather treasure in heauē that faileth not Luke xii where no thief commeth nor moth corrupteth that they being rich in good workes Mathe. vi may obtain that blessed life which thou hast promised to so mani as be louing and merciful thorow Iesu Christ our Lorde Amen A prayer agaynste Glotonye and Dronkennesse VUe are warned by thi deare son O most merciful father to take heede that our hearts be not ouerwhelmed with feasting and dronkennes Luke xix Eze. xxxvii For thorow festynge manye haue died Ose. iiii and thorow drōkēns innumerable haue peryshed If oure fyrste parentes hadde not obeyed theyr appetyte Gene. ii they had not transgressed thy cōcommaundement by eatinge the forbiddē frute nor haue gottē so great an euil both to them selfes and to al their posterity If Lotte had not ben ouercome with wine he had neuer so filthely committed inceste with his owne doughters Genesis ii Ex● xxxii ▪ If the people of Israell had not geuē them selfs vnto bāckettinge i. Cor x. they had not neuer so wyckedly fallē into Idolatry nether had so mani thousands of mē ben slain Math. xiii If king Herod had not ben ouercome wyth banckettyng he wold not so sone haue consented to the death of the godly preacher S. Iohn Luke xvi If that rich gloton had not bene so greatly geuen to the pampring of his belly he woulde neuer haue ben so vnmerciful to pore Lazarus If the Sodomits had not vsed bancketting and riotous liuinge Ezechi xvi they had not peryshed with so horrible punyshments For thou ▪ O lord canst not abide thy creatures to bee abused Gene. xix For besydes euerlastynge dampnacion which abydeth all glotones dronckerds thou punishest these voluptuous Epicures beastlye belli slaues with corporal plages with sicknes and pouerty as thy seruaunt Salomon testifieth Where is wo sayeth he Prou. xxiii wher is sorowe where is stryfe wher is brawling wher are woūds withoute a cause Where be red eyes Euen among those that be euer at the wine seke out where the best is Agayne he saieth kepe no company with wine bibbers and riotous eaters of fleshe for suche as be dronckerdes and ryotous persōnes shal come to pouerti Another of thy seruaunts also declareth that excesse of meats brīgeth sicknesse and glotony commeth at the last vnto an vnmesurable heat Yea he sayeth ▪ that an vnsaciable eater slepeth vnquietly Eccle. xxxi and hathe ache and pain of the body Seing these foule and fylthy monstures of glottonye and drōkennes bring vnto vs the destruccion both of body and soule we besech the O heauenli father to geue vs grace that from hensforth we may be from these beastly vices as from mooste presente pestilēces and vse thy good creatures soberly temperatelye and thāckfully Roma xiii by no meanes make prouision for the fleshe to fulfil the lusts therof but be sober watch that we fal not into the snares of oure gostly enemie the Dyuel whiche walketh about like a roringe Lion seking whom he may deuour and labour for that meate i. Peter v. which perysheth not but abydeth into euerlasting life Iohn x. vi that we liuing soberly watching warely prayinge continually and loking diligently for the comming of thy dearlye beloued sōne Luke xvii may be found redy whensoeuer he commeth enter with him into the glory of heauē for euer and euer Amen i. Te●so vi Mat. xxiiii A prayer agaynst Idlenes IMmediatly after thou haddest created man O maker of heauen and earth and placed him in the garden of Eden Gene. ii thou conmaundedst him to dresse keepe it because he shoulde not be idle For idlenes is the occasiō of much euil Eccl. xxxiii In lyke manner after man had transgressed thy holy cōmandement thou expulsing hym out of paradice for his disobediēce Gene. iii. sending him abrode into the face of the earth commandedst him to eate his bread in the swete of his face in the labour of his hāds Psal. cxix so that thy good pleasure is that no man shulde be idle Thys thy commaundement was diligentli obserued of the godly auncyente
of so great a benefit I am come vnto this thy table O merciful father to drinke of this cup desiring the that as my outward man is comforted by the drynkekyng of thys wyne so lykewyse my inwarde man mai be comforted and made stronge by true faythe in the precious bloud of thy mooste dearly sonne O Lord and my heauenli father geue me thy holye spirite whych may so rule and gouerne my hert that I neuer be vnthanckful nor forgetful of this thine excedinge greate kindenes but so trayne my lyfe accordynge to thy blessed will that whatsoeuer ▪ I do speke or thinke may be vnto the glorye of thy blessed name the health of my soule ▪ thorow Iesu Christ our Lord Amen A Prayer againste Idolatry THou O Lord art God alone and besydes the Esay lxvi there is no God nether in heauen nor in earth As for the gods of the heathen thei are deuils and the images Malach. ii i. Cor. xviii which the ignoraunt people worshyppe as gods by knelynge praying and offering vnto them are no gods but stocks stones Ephe. iiii Idols and Mamets They haue mouthes speake not i. Timo. ii eies haue they but theyse not They haue eares and heare not Psal. xl●i noses haue thei but thei smel not Psal. c●●ii Thei haue hands and handle not fete haue they but they can not go neyther canne they speake thorowe theyr ●hrotes O how vayne thē are all they that put their trust in suche mad fan●ies as can doo them no good Psalm ▪ ii Al health and saluation al ioye and comfort come frome the alone Esaye xlv ii Cor. i. Ieremy li. Psam xlv ▪ Ps. ●xlv Iere xvii ▪ O Lord Thou art the god of al consolacion and father of al mercyes Thou arte the lyuynge fountayne from who●e alone ●loweth whatsoeuer good or godlye is Thou arte the refuge and succour of thy people Thou hearest thy seruāts whēsoeuer they cal on the. Who euer trusted in the and was not holpen Blessed are they which put their trust in the and cursed are they that forsake the and folow the Idols of their owne heart Psal ▪ cxiii ▪ Esaye lxv Deu. xxviii For as the faithfull in thy presēce shall fynde fauour and merci so shal al Idolatours receiue before the shame of face and confusion of conscience yea terrible iudgement and euerla●ting dampnacion Esaye i ●euit ●xvi I●remy ix besides those temporal punishmentes whiche thou threatnest in thy holy lawe We beseche the therfore O thou alone true and liuing god to endue vs with thy holi spirit which may clense vs from al blynde erroures al folysh fansyes I●o● xvi Ioh. xvii al vain supersticions and frō the whole lumpe of Idolatry and leade vs vnto thy godlye truthe that wee maye knowe the to bee the alone true euerlasting and immortall God beleue in the feare loue cal on thy blessed name seke thy honoure and glory and craue at thy merciful hande alone alone whatsoeuer good thing we haue nede of concerning the bodye or the soule that we in th●s worlde glorifi●ng the our lord god alone alone accordynge to thy blessed woorde maye after this present life be glorified of the in thy heauenly kingdom wher thou wyth thy dearelye beloued sonne the holy gost liuest and reygnest one true and euerlasting god foreuer and euer Amen A prayer against Swearynge O Almighty and euerlastinge God Exod. xxi how greatly they that abuse thy holy name bi vain and vnlawful othes shall be plaged Deute i. it is euident inoughe in the sacred scripturs For thou thi self saiest that whosoeuer taketh thi name in vain shal not escape vn punished ●a●ha v. And thy prophet sawe flying in the ayre a great large boke euen twēty cubyts in lēgth and ten cubits in breadth wherin were contayned the cursses plages that are prepared for thē which vainly or falsly sweare by thy holy name It is wrytten also that whosoeuer vseth muche to sweare shal be fylled with iniquity and the plage that is the vengeaunce of thy wrath shal not depart from his house Ecle xxxii Seing that so many yea those terrible punishments and moost greuous plages are threatned prepared setforth to all idle swearers and wycked blasphemers of the of thy blessed name we most hertely pray the so to order our tunge that it vtter no vngodlye nor file thy communication that it abuse not the nor thy name nor any of thy cre● tures eyther in heauē or in earth by vnlawful and vayne othes but that with all diligence we obserue the cōmaundemēt of thy only begotten sonne whiche streightly chargeth vs Math. v. that wee sweare not at al Iacob v. nether bi heauē for it is godds seat nor yet by the earthe for it is his footestole nether by Ierusalē for it is the city of the greate kyng neither saith he shalte thou swere by thy head because thou canst not make one whyte here or black But thy cōmunication shal be yea yea naye nay For whatsoeuer is more thē that commeth of euyll Gyue vs grace therfore O moost louinge God to auoyde all vngodlye and wicked othes to reuerēce thy holy name to ste vnto it as a strong castell by herty prayer in aduersitie and at al tymes to prayse and magnifi it Graunt also that our communicacion be yea yea nay naye that is yea in herte yea in mouthe nay in herte and nay in mouth that ther be foūde no dissi●ulaciō in vs but such symplicitie and truthe in our talke and such sīcerity purenes in al our conuersaciō and lyuynge as becōmeth them that profes thy holi name which alone is worthy all honour and glory Amen A prayer against Pride O Most louing and gentle sauiour the only begotten son of the eternall and lyuynge god thou commaundest al them Math. x● that wyll come vnto the and bee thy scolers to learne of the to be meke humble and lowly in hert Math. ● to be pore in spirit not to be puffed vp with arrogancy pride ambicion and vayn glory For thou scatterest thē that ar proud in the Imaginacion of theyr heartes Luke ● Thou puttest downe the mighty from theyr seats and exaltest thē of lowe degre Thou resistest the proud i. Peter ● geuest grace to the humble Thou throwest down the hauty minded and exaltest the meke spirited Thou so greatly abborrest Pride Eccle. x. that thbou ryngest also the proude to nought and makest the memoryall of theym to ceasse from out of the earth For pryde is the orygynall of al synne whoso taketh hold therof shal be fylled wyth cursings 〈◊〉 x. and at the last it shal ouerthrow hym O Lord what is to be foūd in vs being our owne that may make vs to glory in our selfs and to be proud 〈◊〉 ▪ iii. As concerning our body what is