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A03087 A simple, and religious consultation of vs Herman by the grace of God Archebishop of Colone, and prince Electour. [et] c. by what meanes a Christian reformation, and founded in Gods worde, of doctrine, administration of the deuine sacramentes, of ceremonies, and the hole cure of soules, and other ecclesiastical ministeries may be begon among men committed to our pastorall charge, vntil the Lorde graunt a better to be appoynted either by a free, and Christian cou[n]sayle, general, or national, or elles by the states of the empire of the natio[n] of Germanie, gathered together in the holye Gost; Einfaltigs Bedencken, warauff ein christliche in dem Wort Gottes gegrünte Reformation an Lehr, Brauch der heyligen Sacramenten un Ceremonien, Seelsorg und anderem Kirchendienst, biss auff eines freyen, christlichen, gemeinen oder nationals Concilii, oder dess Reichs Teutscher Nation Stende, im Heyligen Geyst versamelt, Verbesserung, bei denen so unserer Seelsorge befohlen, anzurichten seye, English Wied, Hermann von.; Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560.; Bucer, Martin, 1491-1551. 1547 (1547) STC 13213; ESTC S103980 258,817 620

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waye the fayth of Christ is confirmed in vs that God wyll also be good vnto vs accordynge to our portion and there is a desire steared vp in vs to folowe their exemples Thus the olde church worshypped the sayntes which thing appeareth by certayne soleme prayers called collectes For thus the churche prayeth ¶ In the memorie of the Apostles Petre and Paule Gd whiche haste consecrated thys daye wyth the martyrdome of thine apostles Petre and Paule graunt to thy churche to folowe theyr precepte in all thynges by whō it receyued the begynnyng of religion thorowe Christe our Lorde ¶ On the feast of S. Iohn Baptist God whiche hast giuen vs thys present day honourable in the natiuitie of blessed Iohn graunte thy people the grace of spirituall ioyes and guyde the mindes of al the faithfull into the waye of euerlastynge lyfe thorowe Christe our Lorde ¶ On the natiuitie of S. Stephane Graunt vs we beseche the Lorde to folowe the thynge that we haue in reuerence that we maye learne to loue euen oure enemies for we celebrate his natiuitie whiche coulde praye euen for his persecutours thorowe Christe our Lorde ¶ In the cōmemoration of saynt Laurence Graunt we besech the almightie God that we maye quenche the flames of oure vices whiche gauest the blessed Laurence thy martyre to ouercome the fyer of his tormentes thorowe our Lorde Iesus Christe ¶ In the memorie of S. Agatha God whiche amonge other miracles of thy power gaueste the victorie of martyrdome euen in a fraile kynde graunte mercifully that we maye walke vnto the by hyr exemples whose natiuitie we celebrate thorowe Christe our Lorde ¶ In the cōmemoration of S. Cecilie God which makest vs merie with the yerely solemnitie of thy martyr blessed Cecilie graunt that we may folowe hyr in exemple of godlie conuersation whom we reuerence wyth humanitie Of thys sort be all suche prayers that be anie thinge olde In other made longe afterwarde though there be somewhat mengled of the merites and intercessions of sayntes yet they be not called vpon as Lordes they be not spokē to they be not desired that they wyll offre theyr owne merites for vs to the father or that they wil healpe vs with their intercessions but God onely the father of our Lorde Iesus Christe is called vpon and desired that he wyl vouchsafe to recompēce the good dedes euē of his sayntes in vs and that he wyll both steare vp and make effectuous theyr intercession for vs thorow our Lorde Iesus Christ not by the vertue of the sayntes The thirde abuse is when the wordes of a prayer otherwyse godlie and christian are drawen to an vngodly and vnlawfull ende as when thorowe the Lordes prayer we wil staunche bloude or dryue awaye wolues that they deuoure not our sheepe As some go about to wrest the Psalme xxxv To auoyed woundes Of whiche kinde innumerable superstitiōs and impieties are vsed of vngodlie enchaunters Therefore the preachers shal warne the people diligently how greuous a synne it is howe great wydkednes to abuse the word of god to such witchcraftes and enchauntmentes Which abuse is pernitious and abhommable no lesse thē the abuse of other false and idolatrious doctrine The fourth abuse is when the ende of prayer is peruerted when men reherse the wordes of the prayers wyth thys opinion that they thynke they do acceptable seruice to God and to the sayntes euen wyth thys worke of rehersyng whereas we must pray to God not to do hym some seruice wyth that worke but that we may call for the free healpe of God being in daunger of perils and euyls whiche we haue deserued or that being vnworthie we may receyue benifittes whiche we haue not deserued And that we maye praye wyth a fuller feelynge both of our owne miserie and of the diuine goodnes of Christe and wyth feruenter desire of Goddes healpe we muste vse holy wordes in our prayes But the comon people hath ben brought into thys errour longe sithens by vnfaythfull pastours that they offre the wordes of the Lordes prayer of the Angels salutation of the Psalmes and other prayers to God the blessed virgin other sayntes as some acceptable seruice or gift wherby they thinke they deserue muche of God and sayntes that they purge their synnes and obtayne the benifittes of God Which abuse of praying doth not onely fyght with the worde of God but also is folishe and mad euen by the iudgemente of reason and it may easely be taken away if the people be so enstructed of prayer as we haue shewed before The fyrst abuse in prayinge and no lesse to be reproued and corrected is thys that men communely beleue that theyr prayer is more commended to God and soner hearde by reason of places of whiche they thynke some to be more holy then some as if the prayers be made at certaine grauen stockes or relikes of sayntes or other places wherevnto men go on pilgrimage whiche is a greate dispitefull wronge to the grace and merite of our Lorde Iesu Christe by whom onely our prayers be acceptable vnto God in what place so euer they be made as he hym selfe promised Iohn xv What soeuer ye aske the father in my name he shall gyue it you And moreouer he sayed to the womā of Samarie Woman beleue me the houre cometh when ye shall worshippe the father neither in thys hille nor at Hierusalē God is a spirite and they that worship him must worshippe hym in spirite and truth Iohn iiij And Mathew xviij He sayeth If two of you consente togyther vpon the earth of anie thynge what so euer they aske it shal be done vnto them of my father whiche is in heauen For where two or three are gathered togyther in my name there am I in the middest of them Lo here the Lorde promiseth that we shall be hearde if we consent in prayer and that he wyl be a meane betwene vs and obtayne al thynges for vs of the father whē so euer and where so euer we shall come and agree in his name These promises al they diminishe that thynke they shall be hearde more certaynly and soner in anie place for the respect of grauen stockes or relikes of sayntes or some other outward prerogatiue of the place Howebeit it becometh vs to come to the temples and cōmon places and it healpeth to praye more deuoutly for this cause that the congregation cometh togyther in those places to prayer and bycause we are there more steared vp to praier thorowe the ministerie of the worde and other holie exercises and thorowe the very cōpanie of men prayinge togyther wyth vs. So priuate places haue thys comoditie to prayer that in them we maye praye wyth a more attentiue minde and more lifted vp to God For in these places there chaūce fewer thynges to call our myndes frō the thinges that we go about in our prayers For thys cause we reade that the Lorde Iesus prayed often in mountaynes and gardines as he comaunded vs
sauiour admitted chyldrē offered vnto hym right gently and blessed thē testifiynge that the kyngdome of God perteyneth to such So let it be thy pleasure to begette our infantes agayne and to adopte thē into sonnes vnto the felowship of euerlastynge lyfe by the sacrament of baptisme Graūt then heauēly father that we may earnestly requir so gret riches of grace setfurth in baptisme for these infātes that we may acknowledge and receyue them wyth true fayth beinge offered both in the worde and in the sacrament finallie that we maye euer thanke the and magnifie the for them And impute not to these infantes the synne of Adam issued into thē and engendred by their parentes regarde not the merites of theyr parentes and of all thys people but let the death and merite of thy sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ preuayle in them and impute vnto them his rightuousnes and obedience Plant them into his death and resurrection make them membres of his bodie put hym vpon thē that they maye be thy sonnes and heyres and continue for euer Graunte vs also that after Baptisme we maye acknowledge them for thy chyldren and membres of the bodie of thy sonne that we may godly brynge them vp in the feare of the vnto thy glorie that we maye healpe them in all corporall and spirituall thynges that also by them thy holie name maye be more magnified the kyngdome of thy sonne enlarged thy wyl be done in thys earth as in heauen Furthermore keepe them safe gyue them bountuously the necessaries of lyfe and preserue them from all euyll Amen ❧ Thys prayer ended lette the pastoure require the Infantes to be gyuen hym let hym aske the names that they shall haue and lette hym Baptise them saiynge I baptise the N. in the name of the father the sonne and the holie goste Let the godfathers forthwith receyue the Infant from Baptisme the priest saying as it foloweth The almyghtie euerlastynge God and father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe whiche hath begotten the agayne wyth water and the holie goste and hath forgiuen the al thy synnes confirme the wyth his grace vnto euerlastynge lyfe Amen ❧ The Pastour The peace of the Lorde be wyth you ❧ Answere Amen Here lette the whole congregation synge in Douche Nowe all thankes etc. or the Psalme God be mercifull vnto vs. Then let the pastour go forth in the ministratiō of the Lordes supper ¶ How baptisme must be menistead at other tymes But if the infantes be weake so that it is to be feared that they wyll not lyue to the nexte sondaie or holye daie or if for weyghtie matters Baptisme cannot bee ministred vppon those dayes the Pastoures shall warne the people that yet they bringe their chyldren to bee Baptised at those houres whan after the custoume the people resorteteth together to heare the lordes wo●de But if that thynge cannot bee doone neyther baptisme in the meane whyle must not be denyed to the infantes offered therevnto whan so euer they be brought for as much as lieth in vs we must not suffer that any departe out of this lyfe without the sacrament of baptisme For the Lorde instituted baptisme that it maye be to vs a sacrament of regenecion and wasshinge of sinnes from whiche in this lyfe no man is free no not an infante one daye olde for it is oure parte to do in all thynges after the Lordes word and to receyue his giftes and benefites that way that he him selfe hath appoynted vnto vs. Whan baptisme than shal be mynistred vpon workynge dayes lette the pastours ioyne to gether in order the Catechisme exorcisme and baptisme and they shal moderate their exhortacions prayers according to the companie and strength of the child For if thei se that the childe is in daunger of lyfe and that the cōpanye is small they shal be shorte in all thynges And they shall vse only the first part of the admonicion which we willed to be saide before the Catachisme vnto these wordes wherefore we exhorte and praye you beloued etc. So they shal vse the firste parte only of the demaundes of euery article and in the exorcisme thei shal vse only one praier wyth the Lordes prayer the Crede and the Gospell Which thinges premised lette them Baptise the infante furthwith and let them exhort the parentes God fathers and other that stand by that thei determine certainly that the infant whether he lyue or dye is the sonne of God and heyre of euerlastinge life and if he lyue that they procure him to be broughte vp vnto religiō and goddes glorye according to the exhortacion sette before whiche beginneth After that beloued etc. ¶ Of baptisme ministred to childrē assone as they be borne for danger of lyfe The peple shal be taught and warned in sermōs that they presume not lightly to ministre priuatli this most diuine sacramēt for it is worthie to be ministred in the cōgregacion bi peculiar ministers with al grauitie and reuerēce and that maketh much for this purpose that it maye be holesomely mynistred and receyued But if exterme necessitie pres vs that thei that be presēt with the child beinge in danger mayei ioyne them selues together in the Lorde and lyftinge vp their mindes religiously vnto God lette them calle for his mercye promised and exhibited in Christ Iesus our Lord vpon the infante and whan they haue sayde the Lordes prayer lette them baptis him in the name of the father the sōne and the hollye gost Which done lette them not doubte but that their infante is trulye baptised washed from sinnes borne agayne in Christ and made the sonne and heire of god lette thē than giue thankes to god for this his so greate benifite and let them not thynke that baptisme muste be renued in children so baptised for in all pointes asmuch as we maye we muste so do althynges as the Lord hath appoynted If any godlie man be present whan the infant is in extremitie lette hys ministerie be vsed to baptysme Further if it chaunce that the infante so baptised at home do liue it is conuenient that he be brought afterwarde to the temple of hys parentes kynsfolke and godfathers which must com with a good company and religiously as men that ought to giue thankes for this excedinge benifite of regeneracion ministred to their infante and to offer him to god and his sauiour in the congregatiō The pastours than shall aske theis men after what sort and with what wordes they baptised the infante whether they dyd baptise him as the Lord commaunded in water and in the name of the father the sonne and the holye gost Whiche if they shall answer that they called god vpon the childe and prayed for him and baptised in the name of the father the sonne and the holye goste and that thei beleue that he is truly clensed from sinnes borne againe to God the pastours must confirme them in this belefe and in no wise Baptise suche an infante againe And that men
gyftes of God Wherfore it is merueylous necessarie that the preachers do euer wyth singuler reuerence propoune declare and beate into the people thys article of the creation and preseruation of thynges that is to wit that God made all thynges of nothynge and preserueth the same thorowe his owne onely power bringeth forth and gyueth vs al thynge thorowe his bountiousnes to the entent that they may serue to our vse health and felicite and that he maye require to be knowen and worshypped in these his workes and creatures For whiche cause those places of scripture which testifie set forth thys article shall be often alledged in their sermons faythfully declared and printed in the myndes of the people Of the gouernaunce and administration of all thynges IT is lyke necessary diligently to teache and admonishe the people of the gouernaunce and administration of thynges that they may know that they must aske and loke for healpe from God and learne therwyth that sinne and other horrible mischeifes in the world were not made by god but sprange from an other begynnynge as we wil shewe herafter Wherfore that that the scripture teacheth of the creation of thinges must be so taken as that that is taught Genes i. and. ii Psal xxxij Esai xliij and in manie other places by the prophetes and apostles and as that churche euer beleued that is to saye that God hath not lefte his worke once made as the carpenter leaueth the shippe that he hath made and cōmitteth it vnto the shyppeman beinge litle or nothynge carefull for it afterwarde But we must thinke thus that he is present with his worke and perpetually susteineth and gouerneth the same that he knoweth and beholdeth the doinges of all creatures that he seeth also the thoughtes of angelles men and diuelles and that there is nothing done wythout hym that it is he whiche wyth perpetual mouing gouerneth the heauenlie bodies maketh the grounde fruiteful gyueth life both to man and beast adding fode and other necessarie thynges as we reade actes xvij In hym we lyue are moued and haue oure beinge Hebr. i. he susteyneth al thinges wyth the worde of his power Coloss i. All thynges consist thorowe hym i. Tiuint iiii We trust in the liuinge god which is the sauiour of al mē chiefly of the faythful Here Paule testifieth that God gyueth lyfe not only to the faythful but also to the reste howe beit that is done in vnlike maner not with standinge he teacheth vs that God susteineth preserueth gouerneth the lyfe of al. As he defended Dauid against Goliath Saull Absalō and other his enemies and gaue hym manye other temporal gyftes and lykewyse encreased hym with spiritual benifittes and other gyftes with grace and the holye goste But amonge the heaten he healpeth manye with corporal giftes only as with victorye peace and ritches that politye maye be mainteined and that mankinde maye endure in erth so longe tyl he haue gathered together his whole congregation as Paul witnesseth i. Tim. vi God which quyckneth Item gyue precepte vnto the riche that they truste in God which gyueth vs al thinges abundantly to our commoditie Math. x. Two sparowes are sold for a farthinge and one of them falleth not vpon the groūde wyth out the wil of your father And the heares of your heades be al nombred Psal Ciii All thynges looke vpon the that thou wylte gyue them theyr foode in due ceason whan thou gyueste them they shal gather Whan thou openest thy hand all shal be filled wyth bountuousnes But when thou turneste awaye thy face they shal be trobled Thoue shalte take awaye theyr breath and they shall fayle and returne to theyr dust Thou shalt sende forth thy spirite and they shal be created thou shal renue the face of the erth Psal xxxiii God looke from heauen he seeth all the children of men he frameth theyr hertes euerye one and vndrestandeth al theyr workes Psal xxxvi Men and beastes shalte thou saue Lorde Psal Cxlvii Whiche couereth the heauē with cloudes and prepareth raine to the erth whiche bringeth forth grasse in the mountaynes whyche gyueth foode to theyr catail and to the yong crowes that cal vpon hym Psal Cxlv. The eyes of al loke vpon the Lorde and thou gyueste them foode in due ceason Thou openest thy hande and filleste euery creature wyth thy goodnes Io. v. my father vnto thys tyme worketh I worke By these places of the scripture we are taughte that God is present euerie where knoweth althinges conserueth and susteineth all thynges and gyueth lyfe and mouinge Wherefore this article muste be dyligently thaughte the peoqle and lerned of the same For though the heathē graūt that the world was made by god yet thei doute whether therebe anye prouidence whether God hath anye care of mennes matters and iudgeth them whether he heareth men that calle vpon hym whether he ministre fode peace helth and other benifittes to men but they thinke that these thinges begotten and mainteined by mans industrie As euer such heatheuish persuasions hange in the myndes of men whiche thinge many wordes and sentences of the vngodlye doe wel proue against which Ieremie in his lamētatiōs Cha. iii. crieth myghtely Who is this that sayeth out of the mouth of the highest nether good thynges nor badde come forth what murmureth man againste God and thincketh not howe greuously he offendeth God That the myndes of men than maye be deliuered from those heathnishe opinions the alleged testimonies of the scripture and suche lyke cōcerning the preuidence of God and goueruance of thinges must be deligētly cōsidered we must hold fast in memory that God looketh vpon the hertes of men and wyl iudge the doinges of euerye one that he with out doubte heareth them that cal ryghtly vpon him as it shal be shewed here after Item that he gyueth benifittes to men and frutefulnes of the erth defendeth them and theyr ofspringe from enemies preserueth commen weales et cet As we are cōmanded to aske these thinges and to looke for them from God whan we praye gyue vs this daye oure dayly breade and psal iv Cast thy care vpon the Lorde and he shal nonrishe the vp But howe can a man desire helpe from God if he dreame that God neglecteth creatures that he worketh not in al but that the creatures are caried at al auentures and that men doe al thinges as they list and of theyr owne strength This darcknes of mannes mynde must be ernestly reproued and we must laye euidēt testimonies of the scripture agaynst it For mannes mynde is far gone from God and is ful of doubtinge and horrible darckenes concerning God whiche that God mighte dreue out of oure myndes from the beginninge he hath opened him selfe wyth great miracles He sente also his sonne into the worlde openly which rose from death and raised many other from the dead Al which thinges oughte to strengthen oure faythe that we maye certifie our selfe that God is not ydle
Gospel wyth true fayth that dying dayly more and more to our selues we may wholy giue ouer our selues to thy deare sonne our onely sauiour which onely thorowe his stripes and moste bitter death hath redemed vs frō sinnes and eternal damnation hath restored vs into thy fauour thorow his resurrection and heauenly kyngdome hath called vs vnto him selfe into his congregation and hath planted vs into hym selfe vnto euerlystyng lyfe and made vs his owne membres that we shoulde lyue more and more in hym and he in vs that thy holie name maye be more largely sanctified by vs in all oure lyfe and all our doinges that thy kyngdome may be amplified by vs and in other that at lēgth all thynges maye be done amonge vs vpon earth wyth suche prompnes and cherefulnes as they be done in heauen And for thys purpose that we maye wholy liue and serue vnto the gyue vs also our dayly bread etc. as in the prayer before After thys solemne prayer lette the whole congregation synge the Crede For thys confession of our fayth when the Gospell is hearde and declared oughte to be done of ryght by all men communely as al equally heard the Gospel and the declaration therof And bicause no man can heare the Gospell wyth fayth and knowe and cōsidre out of the same howe greate loue and gentlenes God hath shewed towardes vs in that that he gaue vs his sonne and all thynges wyth hym which shal not out of this fayth wholy gyue ouer and bynde hym selfe to oure Lorde Iesus Christe thys thynge foloweth also out of the nature of true fayth that the faythfull studie to declare thys byndyng of them selues to the obedience of Christe and thankefulnes of theyr myndes for so greate godnes of God towardes thē selues which at that tyme they more earnestly remembre wyth holie oblations for Christe being needie in his litleons Therefore whyle the Crede is in syngynge lette the faythfull offre theyr free oblations euerie mā according to the blessyng whiche he hath receyued of the liberall and bountuous hande of God To whiche office of fayth and godlines the pastours and teachers shall diligētly exhort the people teachyng them that these oblations ought to folowe the confession of fayth and prayer euen by the verie nature of true religion neither cā be absent from the same when we wante not wherewyth to declare thys liberalitie And that thys worke of religion maye be cōueniently done and rightly commended to the faythfull we wyl that there be some notable place appoynted in euerie temple not farre frō the altare which euerie man maye comely go to and where the faythful may offre theyr oblations opēly before the whole congregation Whiche after that the sacramēt is ended the officers of the holie treasure shall gather together and shal lay the same vp in the treasurie the congregation lokyng vpon them It was the maner of the olde church and that taken out of Goddes worde that after the preachyng of the Gospell before the ministration of the Sacramēt should beginne not onely those shoulde be commaunded to go out of the tēple whiche were not admitted into the cōgregation nor perteined there vnto but they also whiche were yet in repētaunce and not reconciled to the congregation wyth open absolution of sinnes Therfore bycause thys discipline was taughte of the Lorde hym selfe and oughte of ryghte to be called agayne into the congregation the pastours shall diligently and often exhorte those whiche lyue in suche synnes as be against theyr conscience that they leaue them and turne them selues wyth all theyr hertes vnto the Lorde And after that they be restored into the fauour of God and begynne agayne to be the true disciples of the Lorde then lette them be present at the Lordes supper and communicate But if anie will not suffre them selues to be brought thereunto and wyll continue in theyr synnes wyth so great cōtempt of God and his Christe let the preachers declare to suche that they maye not be present at the Lordes holie supper and if they take vpon them to be present that they do despite vnto Christe and prouoke vpon them selues the muste greuous iudgement of God As for other whiche lyue not wyth an euyll conscience and yet receyue not the sacramet wyth other or seldome receiue it the pastour must often warne them that it perteyneth to the dutie of a christen man to be often partaker of the Lordes bourde and so to feede and strēgthen his fayth and to witnes the same vnto the congregation to the edification of many seinge that God hath instituted thys moste holie exercise of religion for his that they myght therby be established and enflamed in fayth and study of godlines Wherfore we see that they whiche neglect so great a benifite of God become dayly colder in al godlines and religion For they greuously offende God thorowe cōtempt of his bountuousnes and they hurt the cōgregation verie sore wyth that euyll exemple and moreouer they make thē selues giltie of the Lordes bodie and bloude abhorryng this meate and drynke of euerlastynge lyfe so irreligiously and so vnthankefully But forasmuch as both the knowledge of thys misterie and moreouer al the discipline of the congregation is so much gone out of vse and therof cometh so great weakenes of the verie faythful the pastours must restore to the people the knowledge existimation of so greate misteries wyth conuenient and tymelie admonition and not trouble anie man wyth vntimely rigorousnes as we admonished before For firste the sheepe of Christe so miserably scatered and diseased muste be fully broughte to Christe and be healed before that any rigorous discipline be restored and exercised amonge them But howe so euer the rest be handled in the congregation at thys tyme they neuertheles that shall be admitted to the communion as sone as they haue made theyr oblation must go together to that place that shall be appoynted vnto them nigh to the altare For in euerie temple there muste some place be appoynted nigh the altare for them whiche shal communicate accordyng to the oportunitie and fitnes of euerie temple They then whiche shal be admitted to the cōmunion of the Lordes bourde shal stande in that place the men in theyr propre place and the womē in theyr place and there they shall gyue thākes and pray religiously wyth the pastour The gyuynge of thankes shall be handled after the accustomed maner but in douche that the people vniuersally may gyue thankes as both the exemple and the commaundement of the Lorde requireth and also the olde churche obserued ❧ The priest The Lorde be with you ¶ The people And wyth thy spirite ❧ The priest Lyfte vp your hertes The people We haue vnto the Lorde The priest Lette vs gyue thankes vnto the Lorde oure God ❧ The people It is meete and right ¶ The priest It is verely a thing worthy right meete and holsome that we gyue thankes vnto the alwayes and euerie where that we
prayse and magnifie the Lorde holie father almightie euerlastyng God thorowe Iesus Christ our Lorde by whom thou madest vs of nothinge vnto thy image and haste appoynted al other creatures to our vses and where as we thorowe the synne of Adam slidynge frō the were made thyne enemies and therefore subiecte to death and eternall damnation thou of thy infinite mercie and vnspeakable loue dyddest sende the same thy sonne the eternall worde into thys worlde who thorowe the crosse and death deliuered vs from synnes and the power of the Deuyll and brought vs agayne into thy fauoure by his holie spirite whom he sent to vs from the and gaue his bodie and bloude to be the fode of a newe and eternall lyfe that being more confirmed thorowe the truste of thy mercie and loue we should euer go forward to all that that is thy pleasure by renuinge and sanctifiynge of our selues and that we should glorifie and exalte the here and euermore in all our wordes and dedes and singe vnto the without ende with al thy holie Angels and beloued chyldren After these thinges Sanctus shall be songe where clerkes be in latine but of the people in douche one syde answerynge the other thryse of bothe partes As for that that is wont to be added The Lorde God of hostes and Benedictus it shal be songe cōmunely of the whole congregation and therefore in douche Streyght waye after thys let the priest synge the wordes of the Lordes supper in douche Our Lorde the nighte in whiche he was deliuered etc. But these wordes muste be songe of the priest wyth great reuerence and playnely that they maye be wel vnderstanded of all men And the people shal saye to these wordes Amen Whiche all the olde church obserued and the Grekes do yet obserue the same For the whole substance of this Sacrament is conteyned in these wordes And it consisteth altogether in the true vnderstandyng and fayth of these wordes that the Sacrament be holesomely administred and receyued ❧ Whē the people then haue answered Amen The priest shall adde lette vs praye Oure father whiche arte in heauen etc. To whiche prayer of the Lorde the people shal say agayne Amen ¶ The priest The Lordes peace be euer wyth you ¶ The people And with thy spirite After thys they which be admitted to the cōmunion and do loke for the same in their place shal come to the Lordes bourde religiously Firste men and then women and the whole Sacrament shal be gyuen to them al that they may be partakers of the body and bloud of the Lorde receiuing not only bread but also the Cuppe euen as he instituted it ¶ At the exhibition of the bodi let the the pastour saye Take and eate to thy health the body of the Lorde whiche was deliuered for thy synnes ¶ At the exhibition of the cuppe Take and drinke to thy health the bloud of the Lorde whiche was shedde for thy synnes ¶ After the communion lette Agnus dei be songe both in douche and in latine one syde answeryng the other where clerkes be And then lette thys douch songe be songe Gotte sey gelobette Item Iesus Christus Vnser Heylant If the communion shall gyue so muche tyme and leasure ¶ When the communion is ended let the priest synge turnyng to the people The Lorde be wyth ynn ❧ The people And with thy spirite ¶ The priest Let vs praye Almightie euerlastynge God we gyue thankes to thy exceadynge godnes bicause thou haste fedde vs wyth the bodie of thy only begottē sonne and gyuen vs his bloud to drynke We humbly beseche the worke in vs wyth thy spirite that as we haue receyued thys diuine Sacrament wyth oure mouthes so we maye also receyue and euer holde fast with true fayth thy grace remission of synnes and communion with Christ thy sonne Al whiche thinges thou haste exhibited vnto vs in these sacramentes thorow our Lorde Iesus Christe thy sonne whiche lyueth and reygneth wyth the in vnitie of the holie gost verie God and verie man foreuer Amen ❧ An other thankesgyuyng We gyue the thankes father almightie God whiche haste refreshed vs wyth the singuler gyfte of thy bodie and bloude we beseche thy goodnesse that the same maye healpe to confirme our fayth in the and to kendle mutual loue amonge vs by the same our Lorde Iesus Christ etc. ¶ Laste of all lette the pastoure blesse the people wyth these wordes The Lorde blesse the and keepe the the Lorde lighten his coūtenaunce vpon the and haue mercie on the. The Lorde lyfte vp his face vpon the and settle the in peace ❧ Or thus God haue mercie on vs and blesse vs lyghten his countenaunce vpō vs and gyue vs his peace Amen ❧ Or thus God the father the sonne and the holie goste blesse and keepe vs. Amen ❧ Or thus The blessyng of god the father the sonne and the holie gooste be wyth vs remaine wyth vs for euer Amen But where clerkes be not as in villages there lette all be reade and songe in douche But lette the songes be so moderated as in euerie congregation shall make to the edification of godlines But forasmuche as our Lorde instituted thys his sacrament onely for thys purpose that we shoulde eate it and drynke it for the remēbraunce of him and not that we should set it forth or carie it about to be loked vpon forasmuch as sundrie abuses be brought in the true vse of this sacramēt being ouer passed so this sacrament hath bene drawen to horrible superstition and vngodlines for the takyng awaye both of this superstition and vngodlines and also sundrie scruples of the worke and irreligious questions aboute these misteries the pastours and they that administre the Sacramente shall endeuoure them selues that as often as the supper shal be ministred whether it be in the cōgregatiō or in priuate houses for sicke folke they compte the numbre of them certeynely whiche shall communicate that accordynge to the same thei may receiue pieces of bread and measure of wyne As for the remnauntes after that the communion is ended lette the pastours them selues receyue them forthwith and lette them not keepe the same nor lay them vp in any place nor eary them away or set them forth to be beholded For the worde of God whiche saueth vs if we beleue and obey it and damneth perpetually if we do not beleue nor obey it hath thus prescribed cōcerning his sacramētes Take and eate this is my bodie Take and drinke this is my bloude Therfore we must stand in thys institution of Christe and not institute a newe vsage wythout Goddes worde about thys moste holy Sacrament And bicause also that here the Lordes death muste be preached and the communion of hym cōfirmed in vs that thorowe hym we maye be daily more crucified to the world al worldly pompe muste lykewyse be taken frō thys ministration and all tynges muste be so ordeined and moderated that thei may healpe forth and adurne the
of Angels and sundry appearynges to his disciples but also by his ascension into heauen and wonderfull sendynge of the holie goste and many other miracles and signes that nothynge more certeyne euer chaunced vndre the sunne Neither did he rise from the dead for his owne cause onely but for asmuch as he abolished our dette and sinne thorowe his death the mercie and bountuousnes of God is so great towardes vs whiche beleue in Christ that he wyll not onely forgyue our synnes for Christes sake but wyll also gyue vs the fruite of his resurrection and in verie death preserue vs vnto euerlastynge lyfe He the●● that trusteth in Christe is plāted into Christ thorow faith so far that he is made a mēbre of hym Your bodies sayeth Paule be the membres of Christe And in an other place God hath putte all thynges vndre his feete and hath made hym an heade aboue al thinges vnto the congregation it selfe whiche is his bodye the fulfyllynge of hym whiche fulfylleth al thynges in all Seing then that Christe the heade of the congregation atteyned to euerlastyng lyfe and glorie thorowe his resurrection from death it is not possible that one of his membres planted in him thorowe fayth shoulde not atteyne to the same For though it be deade buried rottē wasted corrupted yet it muste needes come to passe that it shal be raysed vp againe in due tyme vnto lighte and lyfe and so enioyne eternall blisfulnes with Christe For thys cause christian men departed are not called deade but are sayed to be a sleepe euerye where in the scriptures S. Paule confirmeth this our fayth whē he saith that as Iesus died and rose againe so God shal bringe them agayne with hym whiche are fallen a sleepe thorowe Iesus He sayth thus also Philip. iij. Our cōuersation is in heauen from whence we loke for a sauiour Iesus the Lorde which shal transfigure our base bodie that he may make it like vnto his glorious bodie etc. Whiche thynge that it may be more euident the Apostle teacheth vs not onely that the deliueraunce of the faythful frō death raysyng vp againe vnto euerlastyng reste shal be moste certeine but also he addeth wyth expresse wordes i. Thessa iiij with howe great glorie and maiestie these thynges shal be done For thus he speaketh Thys we say to you in the worde of the Lorde that no man shulde thynke that these be dreames or imaginations of mēnes braynes but that it is the Lordes worde and therefore heauē and earth must needes passe awaye rather then one iote thereof shoulde fayle and thys is that true and euerlastyng and vnchaungeable worde of the Lorde that we whiche shall lyue and remayne vnto the Lordes cōming shal not preuent thē whiche sleepe For the Lorde him selfe shall descende from heauen wyth a shoute and voice of the Archangell and trompe of God that is to saye wyth so great glorie and maiestie as was neuer sene in the earth before and the deade shal fyrste ryse agayne wyth Christe and then we whiche shal be aliue which shal remayne shal be caught vp with them in the cloudes into the ayre to mete the Lorde and so we shal be euer wyth the Lorde Seinge then that thys our brother whō we haue nowe brought to hys graue was baptised in the name of Christe and embraced his gospell and confirmed and declared the same his fayth with communicatinge at the Lordes supper and finally departed in the confession of Christ we haue good hope that God hath forgiuen him hys sinnes for Christ sake hath receyued hym in to the fauour and so ioyned him to the death and resurrection of hys beloued sonne that at the sounde of the trompe of the archaungel in a moment in the twinckling of an eye he shal come out of hys graue to meete Christ and shall obteyne with al the sayntes the inheritaūce of the heauenly kingdome and enioye euerlastinge blisfulnes Wherefore lette vs also giue thankes to oure Lorde God for him and lette vs besech hym ernestly that he wyll brynge vs to the true knowledge of Christ thorough the holi gost whereby we maye ouer come death and be kepte in death it selfe vnto euerlastinge life thorough Christe our Lorde praie ye oure father which art c. ❧ Another buriall sermon Forasmuch as it hath pleased almyghtye God that accordynge to hys mercye he woulde take thys oure brother out of thys worlde vnto hym selfe to whose buriall we are come together of brotherlie loue in the name of Christe it shall not be vnprofitable to set before you the Euangelicall lesson of Lazarus raysed vp by Christe whiche is in Iohn Chap. xi in thys sorte Martha sayed vnto Iesus Lorde if thou haddest bene here my brother had not bene dead etc. In this Gospell Christe promiseth to Martha that hir brother shall ryse againe and streighte waye he called hym agayne to lyfe beinge foure dayes dead Howbeit we must not thinke that Christ wyth thys notable miracle woulde signifie that euery mā after foure dayes shal be raysed vp to this temporall and momētaine life as Lazarꝰ was but with this acte he would cōfirme and establishe the truth of his Gospell whiche he comprehended in thys place with fewe wordes and as it were in a sūme saiyng I am the resurrectiō and lyfe he that beleueth in me though he be deade he shall lyue and euery one that lyueth and beleueth in me shall not dye for euer And though the face of death by reason of sinne be very terrible and horrible as one that of hir owne nature draweth wyth hir euerlastyng dānation yet seing that Christe hath abolished sinne and escaped the dominion of death thorowe his resurrection he hath taken also frō death all hir power and strength so that who so beleueth in him and is planted into his body thorowe fayth as a liuely mēbre he shall be preserued in death it selfe and shal be trāslated frō death to lyfe As Paule testifieth Christ is rissen from the deade he was the first fruite of thē that had fallen a sleepe For seing that death came by man the resurrection of the dead cometh also by man For as by Adam all men dye so by Christe al men be quickened etc. Wherfore the death of thē whiche cleane to the body of Christe thorowe fayth ought not to be compted suche as shoulde haue strēgth to destroye and condemne but suche as before God is compted precious and is as it were entronised cōsecrated of Christ to be the dore and entry into euerlasting life Though the bodie then beinge buried in the earth vanishe away and be cōfounded from the eyes of mē yet God which is almightie preserueth the life of it As a grayne of corne cast vpō the earth first dieth and afterward bringeth forth fruite so god hath also ordeined that mānes body being now rotten and consumed shoulde yet be restored agayne vnto lyfe This is a diuinite and an vnchaungeable truth that this selfe same
goodnes diuine maiestie God hymselfe in Christ the Lord may be preached glorified acknoledged called vpon and magnified among our selues and in all the world thorowe manifest sincere and constant confession and preachyng of the Gospel openly and priuately with al mennes wordes and dedes The second wish is that at this preachyng of Gods name his kyngdome come dayly to vs to al called to the same more mightely and aboundauntly that is to say that the heauenly father wil poure vpon vs euer more plentifully the spirit of his sonne which maye brynge to passe that a iust and pure ministration of religion and dispensation of the worde sacramētes and holy lernyng may florysh and preuayle among vs and euery where all they whiche beleue in his name beyng so ioyned together and copled as it were members into his bodye so that thys selfe same body maye be repared and augmented both in number of thē that pertayne to the church also in encrease of their godlines which be alredy come to the church by euery manne that liueth in Christ specially by the holy ministre of the church But because sinne dwelling in vs and offences commyng from without hindre thys worke of the holy Gost that though we be in the church in the kyngdom of Christ and therein be dayly enstructed to godlines yet we go slouly forwarde in the same he dyd well to adde the thirde petition wherewyth we praye that Goddes wyll be done in vs whiche yet lyue in the earth and be depressed with the grosse lompe of the bodie so as it is done in heauē by the holie spirites thys burthen of the fleshe and these lettes of the worlde beinge remoued wyth lyke prompnes and studie whether we muste do or susfre any thynge for the name of Christ And bicause that as long as we lyue here we haue neede of meate and drynke and other necessaries of thys lyfe as prosperous health and good administration of the common weale in the fourth petition we desire that also vndre the name of dayly breade that we maye the better and more cōmodiouslie sanctifie the name of God promute his kyngdome and go forwarde in the same wyth all godlines We are commaunded to aske these necessaries of lyfe dayly that we maye considre that they be not layed vp in oure storehouses but in the prouidence of God and that they be euer ministred vnto vs of the free beniuolence of God and not gotten by our industrie or strength howe be it euerie man oughte to applie his industrie and labour to thys bountuousnes of God accordynge to the worde of God He addeth our and dayly bread epiousion that is to saye that whiche the instant and present vse of lyfe requireth that he maye teach vs that in these bodilie thynges we oughte to aske nor gette no more then the neede of our lyfe requireth to prouide the kyngdome of Christe in our neighbours and moreouer that we shoulde acknowledge that measure of thys oure neede that the heauenlie father hath limited and not that oure vnmeasurable desire appointeth to whom it perteineth alone to meate out to vs his chyldren oure measure that we maye thinke that to be our breade and not doubte but that it shall suffice vs abundauntly to lyue well and godlie that the heauenlie father shall gyue vs what so euer it be In these partes then of thys fourme of prayinge the Lorde hath taughte vs what good thinges we muste pray for of the heauenlie father both spirituall and corporall Afterwarde he teacheth to praye for the remouing of euyls namely our misdedes and synnes whiche we euer cōmitte and the punishmentes that we owe to Goddes iustice for the same Wherefore he taughte vs to praye Forgyue vs oure dettes For we do neuer our duetie so religiouslie in those thinges whiche God hath cōmaunded but that yet we owe a great deale more vnto the full obedience of Gods lawe Nowe we do not onely runne into those dettes of the law not fulfilled and heape daylie more and more but also we committe manie thinges playnlie against the lawe for which we are endetted to God of greuous punishmentes And we can paye neither of these two kyndes of dettes For we do not only neuer satisfie the lawe whereby we runne in newe dettes of the lawe not fulfilled but also oftentymes we committe manie thynges agaynste the lawe of God whereby we runne into infinite dettes of punishmentes Wherefore the Lorde taught vs to fleee onely to the mercie of the heauenlie father thorowe hym selfe for we muste praye for all these thynges in his name and to desire forgyuenes of oure dettes and he addeth no condition of satisfiyng For the Lorde alone hath satisfied for our synnes and he gyueth vs that satisfaction when we committe our selues vnto him But he woulde haue vs to professe that we wyll forgyue all the dettes that oure neighbours maye owe vnto vs either bicause against humanitie they haue done vs wrong or bicause they haue not done theyr duetie towardes vs and he wyl that this thinge be surely perfourmed For seinge that God in al his commaundementes prescribeth onely those thynges vnto vs whiche perteine to our health and felicitie he made this the summe of our preceptes that we loue and healpe one an other with a sincere herte and perpetuall beniuolence and he requireth verie straitlie that frō the hert we forgiue one an other mutual offences which euer more happen thorow the naughtines and weaknes of our nature yea and that we studie one to ouercome an others wronges with benifites and leaue the reuengeaunce to hym and praye that he wil remitte the same to them that hurte vs. He wyll haue suche a sure and perpetuall beniuolence to growe amonge vs and to be confirmed with all kindes of gentlenes Moreouer bicause no man can aske of the heauenlie father forgiuenes of his dettes except he humble him selfe al togither vndre his hāde and vtterly yelde him selfe to his commaundementes the Lorde hath well prescribed in this fourme of praying that we should professe before the heauenlie father that we woulde forgiue our bretherne what so euer dueties or punishmentes they myghte seme to be endetted for vnto vs in that place of prayer where we pray vnto him to forgiue vs our dettes whiche we owe vnto him infinite either for oure obedience whiche we haue not fullie perfourmed or for the punishmentes that we deserue both for neglectyng our dueties and also for the despitefull wronges that we do to his maiestie cōmittynge so manie thynges againste the duetie that we owe him Which our dettes if we rightlie acknowledge as we muste needes acknowledge thē if we aske forgiuenes of them with all oure herte we shal not doubt but that the wronges that oure neighbours do vs be the fatherlie chastisement of God muche gentler then we haue deserued and that they shal be also an holesome remedie for vs againste synnes For whiche causes it shall be easie for vs earnestly
afflicted for al those whome thou chastisest with the crosse and some affliction and exercisest vnto patience with pouertie exile fetters infamie disceases and other calamites and mischaunces Graunt to them that thei maye acknowlege thy fatherlie and medicinable hand vndre which thei maye humble thē selues with al their hertes Conforte their minnes wyth fayth and confidence of thy mercye whiche moderateth all thinges yea euen aduersites for the helth of thine and deliuer them from al euils Graunte to vs also that thorough their correction and punishment we maye acknow●ege that we haue deserued thinges much more greuous that we maye amende oure liues in time before worse plages happen vnto vs. Last of al we praie the eternal God heauēlye father for vs which here come together in thy sight to thi word praier and sacramentes lighten the eyes of our minde graunte vs to considre with perfecte fayth that we haue a nature corrupted from the beginning that our flesh bloud cannot enioy thy kingdome but only commit sin delerue eternal death and encrease the same destruction with daily sinnes and that thou most mercifull father of thy vnmeasurable mercy didest loke vpon vs and sendest into this world thy eternal worde thy sonne our flesh and brother that he myght deliuer vs by his death from this our destruction and restore vs to thy Image and prayse of thy name that thou deliuerest him to the crosse and death and that he gladly offred himself vnto the in the crosse for our sinnes and satisfied for the same through loue and pitie of vs that he reconsiled vs vnto the and more ouer that he offered vnto vs his bodye and bloud to be meate and drinke that we may lyue in him and he in vs. Graunt heauenly father that we may consider and apprehend al these thynges with true and liuely fayth now and throughout al our lyues that deniyng our selues we may vtterly refuse the folysh and blynd iudgement of our reason and represse naughtie and noysome lustes and wholy geue ouer our selues to him thy dere sonne our Lord and onely sauiour and restorer that we seke and receiue comfort in al thynges al helpe ayde and sauegarde in hym onely in his death crosse and resurrection Now also let vs receiue his holy body and bloud with sincere fayth and al thanke fulnes and let vs euer magnifie him and the in hym for all thy exceadyng benifites whych thou hast geuen in makynge gouernyng and restoryng vs for the incarnation passion and death of thy sonne whereby he purged oure synnes and reconsiled vs vnto the for his resurrection ascēsion into heauen and heauenly gouernaunce wherby he restored vs vnto the and moueth and renueth vs vnto al thy pleasure Finally for this most ample benifite that he here deliuered hym selfe vnto vs to be meate and drynke vnto eternall lyfe that so thy diuine name may be dayly more more sanctified by vs in vs thy kingdome may be established and spredde abrode by vs vnto other that all thynges maye be done amonge vs in the earth accordyng to thy wil with suche feruētie and cherefulnes as they be done in heauen And that these thynges maye be done in vs gyue vs also our dayly breade all necessarie thynges for our bodies prosperous health and peace that we maye enioye these thynges vnto the glorie of thy name And forgiue vs our dettes and sinnes whiche we dayly committe and mercifully pardone vs of the punishmentes whiche we haue deserued as we also in the sight of thy maiestie do gladly and hertely forgyue all them whiche haue offended vs. And suffre not our tentator the olde enemie which studieth euer to leade vs frō the and thy worde to ouerthrowe vs at anie tyme wyth his tētations But deliuer vs from hym and all euyl for thou onely art our God and father thyne is the kyngdome the power and glorie for euer Amen ¶ An other and a shorte fourme of prayinge Mercifull God heauenly father whiche commaundedest vs to come together in thy name and in the name of thy sonne oure Lorde and sauiour Christe and thorowe the same our onely Mediatour to praye the for al thynges the whiche we desire for our selues and for other addynge a moste ample promise that we shoulde obteyne what soeuer we woulde aske of them trustyng in this thy cōmaundement and promise we stande in the syght of thy diuine maiestie we praye and beseche the in the name of thy deare sonne our onely sauiour that thou wilt forgyue vs all our iniquities and synnes that thou wylte renue our hertes wyth thy holie spirite and steare vp and kendle the same to thy sonne Christe that for all the necessities of thy cōgregation of al mē we may call vpon the and obteyne what so euer is good for vs vnto the glorie of thy name We praye the then chiefely for thy congregations deliuer and preserue them from al those ministers whom thou hast not sent sende them suche ministers whiche wyth all faythfulnes and diligence wyl seeke thy scatered sheepe and brynge them to Christ our Lorde which is onely their good shepeherde and wyll studie to feede them faythfully vndre hym that all vngodlines heresies sectes all naughtie doctrines and peruerse seruice of God may be taken away and that in the vnitie of true fayth and knowledge of thy sonne we maye growe and go forwarde to al thynges that please the. So we pray the also for the Emperoure for our kynge for all kynges princes and comune powers and officers and specially for oure moste reuerende archbishoppe for his counsellers and officers for the counsell and communaltie of thys Citie graunt that all these maye execute theyr office according to thy wyll that they maye turne awaye all noysome thynges from theyr subiectes and procure and maynteyne all good thynges that beinge deliuered out of the handes of our enemies we maye serue the wyth a quiet mynde in all holines and ryghtuousnes We praye furthermore mercifull father for all men as thou wylte be the sauiour of all men drawe them to thy sonne which yet perteyne not to hym and graunt that they whom thou haste drawen to hym alreadie maye growe and be confirmed dayly more and more in the knowledge loue of him We praye also for them whom thou chastifest wyth sundrie miseries and afflictions for an exemple vnto vs that thou wylt conforte them and deliuer them from al euilles graūt vs that we may diligently regarde thy fatherlie nurture whiche thou settest before vs in them considerynge that we haue deserued greuouser thinges that in time we maye iudge and amende our selues that it be not needful that we be corrected and condemned of the. Graunt also to vs all whiche here in thy sight come together to thy worde prayer almes and diuine sacramentes that we maye truly come together onely in thy name and in the name of thy deare sonne that we may take holde of thy diuine law and holie
bodies holye seede and children of thy kyngdome graunte that thei maye brynge theym vp to thy glorye that thy holye name maye be euer more sanctified and glorified by them and by theyr chyldren and by vs with them in al our wordes and dedes and that so thy kingdome maye be euer prōmoted and amplified and that al oure conuersation vpon erth maye be so framed to thy pleasure wyth lyke readynes of mynde and zeale as they whiche be in heauē obeie they wil. And that these thinges maie preuaile in vs and be dayly encreased gyue vs also our dayly breade necessarie thinges for the bodye prosperous health peace and tranquillite that we maye gette and enioye those thinges that be nedeful for oure life to thi glorie Forgiue vs also our dettes which we dayly renne in to thoroughe neglectinge oure duties forgeue vs oure synnes wherewith we offēde the perpetually and remoue mercyfully thei scourges which we wel deserue through our misdedes and synnes as we also before thine eyes doe gladli forgiue al them whiche maye seme to owe vs anye thynge either in omittinge theyr dutie or in dowinge wronge nether leade vs in to anye tentation whom thou instly examinest and tryest wyth sonder tentations on the ryght hande and the lyste with prosperite and aduersite But deliuer vs frō the deuil the olde craftie enenie Satan and from al hys subtillities and violente inuasions wherewith he tempteth vs sondrie waies and euer laboreth to pulle vs from the and thi cōmaundementes deliuer vs I saye that we maye neuer decline from the and thy worde nor suffer oure selues at anye tyme to bee drawen awaye therwyth entisementes or terrible threates but that we maye continue to the ende in the fayth of thy worde and in the obedience of thy commaundementes as they true and germain children for thou arte our only God and father thine is the kingdome and the power and the glorie with our lord Iesu Christe thy sonne and the holye goste now and euerlastingly ❧ Or more breifely Lorde God whyche wouldest ioyn man and woman in matrimonie and hast blessed them with the fruite of the wōbe and wouldest that in theyr copulacion a sacrament of thy loue towardes the congregacion should be sette furth we beseche thy mercifulnes that thou wilte not suffer this thy institucion and holie worcke to be in anye wife violated in thy seruauntes or thy blessinge to be turned from thē but preserue thē thorough thy bountuousnes and encrease in them the thinge that thou hast begonne to the welth of them and of thy congregacion and giue them the ample blessinge of thy mercye thorough our Lorde Iesus Christ The pastoures shal cause also the names of them whome he hath maried or baptised to be writtē in a boke with a note of the daie and the yere And forasmuche as the ingnorauncie of degres of consanguinite and affinite causeth often tymes muche busines and manye errous we wil procure that they shal be clearely and distinctly sette furth whiche the pastoures shal often declare to the people Furthermore greuous offences and many periuries growe of this that yonge persones promise matrimonie one to a nother rashly and priuily with out witnesses For it sone chaūceth that they forsweare theyr promisses we wil therefore that no promisse of matrimoni bee ratified that is made the parentes not knowinge of it or not consentynge ther vnto or agaynst the myndes of their kynsfoke or tutors if theyr parentes be absēt or not able to rule themselues But if the parentes kinsfolke or tutors wil haue yonge men or maidens beinge of ripe age to differre mariage or dryue theym to vnpleasaunte mariages which thing as it fighteth with humanite and with the worde of God so it is also forbiden by the lawes than they that be so burthened shal bringe the matter before the pastours and officers whiche shal labour to aswage the rigorousnes of the parentes kinsfolke or tutors wyth a frendlie exhortacion and if they can preuaile nothinge with that exhortacion they shall referre the mater to an ordinarie officer which by iudicial authoritie shall resiste the vniust rigorousnes of the parentes kinsfolke or tutors and he shal chose and appoynte some honest and wyse men by whose aduise some thinge shal be determined to the glori of God welth of the yong persons and edificacion of the churche concerninge the mariage of theym to whō their parentes kynsfolke or tutors be some what vngentle in thys behalfe And if anye haue nether parētes nor tutors neuertheles the despousation and promisse of mariage which they make is not to be compted of effecte if both the parties acknowlege it not or if there were not at the lest three or foure witnesses at the handfastinge which muste be honest men and worthey to be beleued For mariage is an holie thing and therefore we must go aboute the same with good aduisement and with the feare of God not thorough anie passion or desire of the flesh raschnes gylte deceyte and nawghtie craftes Whereof the pastours must often warne the people and declare howe vnsemelye a thinge it is for Christian menne to contracte matrimonie the ryght holie copulacion of men secretely and raschly that hereby yong men and maydens maye be ware that they knytte not thēselues together folishlye and craftely whereof periuries debates diuorces and miseries and that that is most greuous of all the wrathe of God is wonte to folowe But that those cōtrouersies which 〈◊〉 often about matrimonie may be more commodiouslye declared and decided and ●hat ignorante persones maye be the better prouided for we wil appoynte iudgementes in certayne places of our dominion to whiche suche matrimoniall causes shal be referred It shal also pertayne to the pastoures to enstruct to the people certaye tymes in the yere of Matrimonye wyth what religion and reuerence it ought to be taken in hande and to be kepte And they must teach wyth singular diligence what an holie copulacion of men marige is and what an excellent benifite it is of goddes prouidence to obtyne a good and tractable husbande or wyfe that they maye learne to praie God humbly and relygiously that he wyll prouide them and theyr children of conuenient mariages Let the pastoures also warne how grate a sinne it is and howe it is forbidden of God with a peculier curse not to regarde religion aboue al thinges in contractynge of mariage that euerye body seke principally a companion of fayth whiche dothe knowledge call vpon and worshippe Christ the Lord which maye be with him one man in the Lord and an helpe to goforwarde in the fayth and seruice of Christ Item after a consideracion of a consente in religion that they muste also se that there be a singuler cōsente of myndes and a likenes of maners and honest desiers whiche are wounte to be signes of goddes copulation fruther more that they must prefere the affinite of godlye and honest men by whom a man maye be encreased in