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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68438 A manual of prayers nevvly gathered out of many and diuers famous authours aswell auncient as of the tyme present. Reduced into. 13. chap. very commodious and profitable for a deuout christian. Flinton, George.; Whitford, Richard, fl. 1495-1555?, attributed author. aut 1583 (1583) STC 17263; ESTC S105168 81,344 322

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testament which the Church receauinge of thy holy Apostles offereth through-out the whole world to thee O God the creator of all things offring vnder a hidden misterie the first fruites of thy creatures and giftes to witt bread and wyne mingled withe water streight-wayes to be consecrated into the flesh and bood of thy welbeloued sonne that by the same oblation he may represente him whoe is the lyuely bread descendinge from heauen geuing lyfe to all the worlde who by the bloode and water which flowed from his side did washe vs from our sinnes vouchsafe almighty God mercifully to accept this oblatiō which thy Catholicke Church offreth to thee by the Prieste for all thy people whom thou haste purchased with the pretiouse bloode of thy deare-beloued sonne our lord Iesus Christ Amen VVhan the Priest turninge desireth the people to pray for him OVr Lord send thee helpe from heauen and protect thee Our Lord be mindfull of this thy sacrifice and receiue it at thy handes to the laud and glorie of his name to the healthe and comfort of our soules the soules of all faithfull liuing and dead Amen O Lorde whiche Iustyfiest the wicked and gyuest life to the dead quicken and raise me o Lord gyue me compunction of hart and teares to my eyes that I maye euer bewayle the wickednesse of my hart with humilytie Let my prayer come before thy presece O Lord Yf thou be angrie with me o god what helper shall I seeke or who shall haue mercie vpō mine iniquities remēber O Lorde that thou didst call the woman of Cananea the Publicane to repētance didst receiue Peter after his teares Receiue also my praiers O God my Sauiour who liuest raignest for euer Amen VVhen the Priest saith Sursum corda O God father moste highe lyfte vp our hartes and minds I beseche the from the cogitations of earthly cares to the meditation of heauēly loyes that we may thinke and speake of thee onely and maye in all our lyfe expresse thee and after may enioy thee for euer Amen Then say vvith the Priest IT is meete and iust righte and necessarie that we alwayes and in all places geue thee thankes O holy Lord Father almighty euerlastinge God through Iesus Christ our Lorde by whome the Angells praise thy Maiestie the dominatiōs adore the the powers tremble the vertues of heauen and the heauens and the blessed Seraphin with mutual gladnesse gyue praise vnto the with whome we beseche the that thou wilt commande our prayers to be receiued sayeing with humble confession Holie Holie Holie Lord God of Sabaothe The heauens earth are full of thy glorie Glorie be to God on the highest blessed is he that commeth in the name of our Lorde O sanna in the highest Amen At the holy Canon O Moste high Priest and true Bishoppe Iesus Christ who hast offred thy selfe to God thy father vpon the alter of the Crosse a pure and immaculate Hoste for vs wretched sinners who hast left vnto vs thy flesh and bloode in a Sacrament which is made by thy diuine omnipotencie hast ordeyned this Sacrament whiche thou commaundest to be offred in remembrance of our saluatiō by the same thy almightie power I beseche thee that thou wilt graunte me poore sinner worthely to remember thy blessed Passion and to resigne and consecrate my selfe all that I haue wholly to thee who art my Lorde and redemer to be present at this heauenly sacrifice with feare reuerēce with puretie of hart plenty of teares with spirituall gladnesse and heauenly Ioye lett my minde taste the swetenesse of thy blessed presence and perceiue the troupes of thy saints and Angells which are about the. Amen SPeake with me o blessed Virgin Mary that my prayers may take effect before thy sonne our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ Entreate for me O ye Apostles make intercession for me O ye Martirs praye for me all ye Confessors and all the holye companie of heauen the prayers of such O Lord thou despisest not Inspire thē therefore to praye for me O Lord which liuest and raignest one God for euer and euer Amen Here meditate vvith your selfe till the Eleuation ANd thinke your selfe vnworthie to be present amonge so many thow sande of Angelles and saincts as are there although inuisiblie to vs tending vpō him with all reuerence whom we through our sinnes caused to die a moste bitter deathe whome through our euell lyfe we from time to time as much as in vs lyeth do crucifie Thinke how great his loue is to vs which by this dayly oblation woulde preserue vs in that estate whervnto he once brought vs. These benefittes others as time will suffer considered lett vs examine our selues our behauiour to so gracious a Lord and say with the Publicane O God be mercifull to me a sinner O Moste mercifull Lorde Iesus Christ in the remembrance of thy most blessed incarnatiō death Passion wounds sorrows greeues sighes teares and drops of thy most precious bloode and in remembrance of thy moste infinite loue to mankinde and in the vnion of this oblation and of that sacrifice by the whiche thou did offer thy selfe on the Altar of the Crosse I doe offer my selfe to thy laud and glorie humblie besechinge the to gyue to the lyuinge grace to the deceassed peace and rest and to vs all mercie and life euerlasting And I commende vnto the O Lord my soule and body all that is within me moste humblie beseching thee to haue mercy vpon me and vpon all those whome I am bounde in respect of nature or frendshippe to praye for as N. and N. c. At the Eleuation of the Host I Adore thee worshipp the O Christ with all praise benediction For by thy bitter deathe Passion thou haste redemed my soule from endlesse afflictiō Haue mercie vpon me deare Iesus and graunte that thy deathe be neuer found frustrate in me I most humblie beseche thee Amen At the Eleuation of the Chalice AL hayle moste precious and blessed blood flowinge out of the side of my Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ washinge awaye the spottes both of the olde and new offence clense sanctifie and keepe my soule I beseche thee to euerlastinge life VVE thanke the O Lord God mercifull father that thou did vouchesafe to send thine onelye begotten sonne Iesus Christ into this wretched worlde to die for vs all the most shamefull death of the Crosse to the end that he myght offer him selfe to thee through the holy ghoste a moste pure cleane holy and acceptable sacrifice for our sinnes and might so purge oure wicked conscience from all spottes of vncleanenesse By this thy exceding great loue to vs and by these moste cruell tormentes of thy sonne our Sauiour we moste humblie beseche the that thou wilt preserue in vs cōtinuallie those most noble fruites of his redemption and make vs also daylie to die with him to the worlde and to be crucified
thou vouchesafedst with thy precious bloud to wash awaye our sinnes I praye thee gracious Lorde that thou forgyue me all the sinnes that I haue done thought or said in pride in wrath in enuie in couetousnes in gloutonie in slouth in lecherie in vncleanes of body and of soule in mispendinge of my fiue wittes in breaking thy commaundementes in wastinge the tyme of my lyfe in vice in that I haue not folowed vertue nor done those ghostlye deedes that I myghte haue done O mercyfull Iesu with that precious bloud that thou diddest shed on the Roode for our saluation wash all the sinnes away that I haue done since my birth comfort and make me whole with the holy Sacrament which thou hast ordeined and left here on earth to be our medicine and life through whiche we should liue after thee and with thee thou in vs. For good Lord thou saydst at that holye worke when thou madest it gauest it to thy Disciples Iohan. 6. Panis quem ego dabo caro mea est pro mundi vita qui manducat me ipse viuit propter me ipse manet in me ego in eo O thou holy mightfull Prieste and Bishop that by thy diuine might madest the worthy Sacrament of thy precious Body in fourme of breade gyue me grace to receyue it this day with puritie of heart cleanes of soule with loue dread stedfast beleefe O benigne god I acknowlege confesse to thy high goodnes that I am not worthy to come vnto thy boorde to be fed with so royall meate as is thy blessed Body But gracious Lord I beleeue verily that thou maiest make me worthy who haste made all thinge of nought and of sinfull haste made righteous and holy O almighty God for this thy greate might I praye thee that thou make me worthy and able to receyue the precious Bodie deuoutly with all reuerence with perfect mekenes and holines with full contrition teares of deuotion with spirituall comfort gladnes of thy presence O blessed Bodie in fourme of bread come and entre into my mouth and hart that by thy diuine presence my soule bee fed yea and fastened to thee with perfect charitie O Lord fill me with grace strēgthen me that I may euer hereafter lyue after thy will and that I may lyue in thee and thou in me Iesu for thy great bountie saue me from all perils teache and comfort my soule in all doubtes and dreads clense me from all vices suffer nothing to abide in my hart but onely thy selfe whiche arte my soules lyfe leach O heauenly meate O ioye of Angels O soules strēgth O precious Bodie that gyueth endlesse helpe mercifull Lorde Iesus thus didst thy selfe saye Iohan. 6. Ego sum panis viuus qui de coelo descēdi si quis manducauerit ex hoc pane viuet in aeternum O thou Bread of life that diddest descēde from heauen who that eateth this bread shall lyue euerlastingly O blessed Iesu make me nowe at this time worthy to receyue this Sacrament that is thy precious Body that I maye liue euerlastingly with thee in thy prefence see thee face to face euer to ioye in thy goodnes in blisse euerlasting Amen A deuoute prayer to be sayed at the Eleuation of the moste blessed and Sacred Hoost Anselm cap. 2. in specu sermo euangel VVE adore and worship thee O Iesu Christ king of Israell light of the Gentils and prince of the kinges of the earth Lord of Sabaoth and moste stronge power and puissance of the omnipotente and almightie God we worshippe thee O precious pryce of our redemption O peaceable Hooste which by thy smellinge sweetnes onely diddest inclyne thy Father which reygneth in heauen to beholde our poore estate and diddest reconcyle him to vs his children O sauiour Iesus Christ we prayse the multitude of thy mercies we plentifully sounde out the memorie of thy sweetnes we offer vnto thee O sauiour Christ the sacrifice of laude and praise for the greatnes of thy bountye which thou haste shewed vnto vs sinners beinge a wicked seede and vngracious children of perdition A prayer to be sayed before the blessed Sacramente of the Aulter Io. Fab. ex cap. 2. soliloq B. August O Mnipotent and most mercifull God thou art truely good and in deede I am euill thou arte holy I am wretched thou art iuste I am vniuste thou arte the lighte I am blinde thou art the lyfe I am dead thou arte a conuenient medicine I am weake and sicklye thou arte ioy I am heuines thou art the soueraigne veritie I am the vniuersall vanitie and so is euery liuinge man VVhat shall I saye then my creator heare me my maker I am thy creature and the worke of thy handes but O Lorde I am nowe brought to nothing and I am dyeing dayly thy handes haue made and framed me euen those handes I saye which were nayled to the Crosse for my sake Most benigne redeemer dispise not the worke of thy handes but looke vpon the woundes of thine owne handes loe my Lorde God thou haste written me in thy hands reade the wrytinge and heale me beholde I thy creature doe sighe vnto thee thou arte my creator comfort me I cry vnto thee thou arte the lyfe quicken me and gyue me lyfe to thee I lift vp my voyce helpe me and restore me Spare me O God for my dayes are nothinge what is man that he can thus speake to God his creator pardonne me thy seruaunte which presumeth to speake to so great a Lorde neede hath no lawe griefe and sorowe compell me to speake the calamitie and miserye which I indure enforce me to crye out I am sicke therefore I call to the phisition I am blind therefore I hasten vnto the light I am deade therefore I sigh after lyfe To thee O Iesus of Nazareth I hasten thou arte the fountayne of lyfe O Iesu sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon me haue mercy vpon me O fountayne of mercy thou haste hard me being sicke callinge vpon thee reach me thy hande O moste gentle Father bring me to thee that I may come to thee and in thy lighte may see that euerlasting light spare and pardonne me O Lorde I am the vnhappie man borne of a woman lyuinge but a shorte time and yet replenished with much misery I am earth and ashes and by and by in griefe and anguishe I muste dye and then I shall be but wormes meate VVhat other thing is my lyfe O my Lorde God then a shadowe which soudenly vanisheth awaye lyke as the flower which doth florishe and is greene by by doth wither euen so my frayle and deceiptfull lyfe passeth away and yet notwithstanding it is on euery side hedged in with the snares of death I knowe assuredly that I must dye but when or howe I can not tell I therefore beseeche thee O meeke and mercifull God to helpe me holde me vppe and staye me in thy power and strength appeare vnto