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A32778 Words in season useful for those whose hearts are engaged to serve the will of God in this generation / from Abraham Cheare. Cheare, Abraham, d. 1668. 1668 (1668) Wing C3763; ESTC R24264 172,885 317

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such as neither Saints nor Sinners methinks durst adventure much upon yet many go on in the simplicity of their hearts to try if perhaps they may do the least service to help the desired work forward to its just issues I am apt to think you see enough of Lamentation in the divisions of Reuben that make such searchings of heart the same Cloud as I was saying last extends hither and the Effects are the same I suppose here and there They that have gone hand in hand in their mourning hitherto seem necessitated to part and yet neither sing nor weep mutually at parting but a spirit seems to sunder them that is not likely to carry them far without miscarriage But it 's no wonder to see a sinful Nation a People laden with iniquity fuller of passions than of compassions divided and lose one another in a season when it seems neither day nor night and about a work that is so fitted to set out th● manifold wisdom of God as if the Maker of Heaven and Earth had reserved his work his strange work his act his strange act till last and left this inscription on every footstep he takes Yet he will shew him greater works than these that ye may marvel Joh. 5.20 They of all have the crowning mercy who are thought worthy to have that Righteous man's portion to be called to the foot of God Isa 41.2 Deut. 33.3 A very holy Evangelical large Spirit is only fitted to comply with what our God is doing Blessed are all they that wait on him These Parts afford no Intelligence only Evil-men and Seducers wax worse and worse mens hearts are failing for fear and for looking for the things that are coming on upon the Earth while the Powers of Heaven and the Pillars of the Earth are shaking I find few seriously enquiring in any other than a superficial Spirit What must the Righteous do Our very Character seems to be a People void of counsel I am Yours in spiritual affection knit to you waiting to obtain relation to you in all the will of our King A. C. To a Friend with Arguments for Patient waiting The Lord be your shade upon your Right-Hand My Dear I Have sometimes had Instruction and conceived engagement from that word 2 Kings 3.16 17 to dig pits till the rain fill the pools Ye shall not se● wind neither shall ye see rain yet the valley shall b● filled with water that ye may drink c. The latte● dayes work hath Promises prepared and proportioned to a design of magnifying the Naked Arm o● God in the spoyling the Glory sealing up the hand and hiding pride of every man And this advantag● have we beyond our Predecessors that the Lord hath made eminent evident advances upon this Work i● our view and remembrance having given us as in a little Map a lively description and testimony of what he both can and will do for his Names sake and he having been at work in a way of Wonders nay proceeding to do very terrible things still he expecteth we should be following him in a Faith and expectation of great things Joel 2.21 That was a very good advice Job 5.8 c. I would seek unto God and unto God would I commit my cause which doth great things and unsearchable marvellous things without number who giveth rain upon the Earth and sendeth waters upon the Fields to set up on high those that be low that those which mourn may ●e exalted to safety vers 16. So that the poor hath Hope and Iniquity stoppeth her mouth This is a day wherein the Lord 's great Contests seem to be drawing towards a determination and period all Interests and Preparations seem hastning their march ●oward the Valley of Decision Thither bring down ●hy Mighty ones O God! Ah! how should we be wakening up our selves and others to look about us that we be not found naked unclothed unwarn●d unarmed and the day over-take us as it may ●nd will do others at unawares How may we see ●n every quarter Idolatrous and Prophane persons ●trengthning and stretching one another to the utmost ●xtent of Abomimation and should not this yield ●n enforcing Argument to quicken us up for Christ ●o look and lay about us to engage as many as is ●ossible to be on the Lord's side lively valiant vi●ilant with the Arm and Armour of God on the ●ight hand and on the left as those who are in an ●xpectation of following the Lamb on the Mount ●ion under those Virgin qualifications as bespeaks them Called Chosen and Faithful And that to this end we admit not impressions to be made on our Spirits to the abatements either of our Light or Life in following on to know the Lord from either our fear at the swellings of Jordan without or offence vexation or inordinate grief and dispondency at the discords and inconsistencies of the Saints within I must confess this Prison hath produced a fresh tryal of Spirit to me of late beyond what hitherto I have ordinarily observed and experienced it to see the abounding encreasing filthiness of this prophane Family the Governors and Governed in it being set upon the impudence of Abomination not only slighting and hating Reproof but daring us and Heaven with their Oaths Curses Singing Roaring Rageing c. insomuch as were not the goodness of God and of his Cause a relieving support the place would become a Prison indeed but this I take to be bu● as a little Scheme of a great World of Wickedness How great is that Grace that gives ground to say We know we are of God while the poor World lie● thus in wickedness Ah poor England Oh tha● my head were waters Yours c. To a Friend encouraging to stedfastness Light arising out of obscurity and darkness My honoured Friend THe principal intendment of this is to let you know that through Grace I am preserved alive in the midst of many cooling and killing dispensations of Providence yet hath not the length nor strength of the pressures been hitherto admitted to draw my Soul into any dislike of the hand that layes them on or of the Cause for which at mens hand I endure this hard usage but the more I am led either to behold the true principles of this Cause or the gracious engagements and endearments of the heart of Christ in and to it and to those who in a spirit of Faith and faithfulness adhere to it and are the Confessors of it or to call over the gracious experiences that my self and fellow-sufferers in other places have had and testified the dearer hath it and every part and point of it been made unto me and the more confidently am I satisfied that the Lord will appear to the shame of those Prophane or Professors who are either the open enemies or secret betrayers of it and weakners of the Friends and Favourites thereof And truly I wish your soul may stand at due distance from any defilements and
You took our Brother by the heel in the womb but hope we shall ●●ke one another by the hand in Heaven and that both 〈◊〉 you intending the Friend that came to visit him ●ill live love as Brethren or words to this purpose 〈◊〉 near as could be gathered for now speech failed Then speaking of the pressures that were upon him he was advised to look to the Lord who in depths of Wisdom administred them managing all Circumstances about them as also to eye Christ the Captain of our Salvation who endured sore travel yea bruising from his Father also as knowing he ought to suffer such things and so to enter into glory and the Spirit spake of the Sufferings of Christ and the Glory that should follow He replyed Oh! that Glory that Glory on the other side Calling for drink and the Maid bringing it him he desired a Friend present might give it who coming to him said You appear now as one that is shortly to drink new Wine in the Kingdom of the Father He answered Though many have greater marks of Faith than I have yet I am assured I shall be received into fellowship with the Father Son Spirit and all Saints And looking earnestly on the Friend said If it please God to renew strength he should give good evidence that he loved that Friend dearly and all Saints A little after the same Friend acquainted him of two dear Friends of his in London that desired particularly to be remembred to him and were much exercised in fellowship with his present tryal He being very weak replyed I can say little but I pray God they may be strengthned with all might and power in the inward man to hold out to the end according to his glorious power Being asked by another How he did He said My heart begins to fail I now feel But after said Blessed be God for Christ's Grace and eternal Glory Soon after he broke out into fervent earnest Prayer 1st Deeply lamenting Israel's dealing falsely with Go● in his Covenant 2dly Speaks forth with great clearness his faith that God would make the decision between real and pretended Saints and that God would abide with those that abode with him greatly encouraging such as found grace to stand in this hour of temptation Concluded committing himself Soul and Body to the Lord for keeping and carrying to the end At another time in like manner in great zeal and fervency implored the Lord to make the decision between the true Seed of Israel and pretenders who had dealt falsely with the Lord under shew of much love Then beggs If God had any thing for him to speak he would communicate and enable to it and that if Abraham's work were done that he would say to him with that clearness and evidence as he might understand it Thou hast fought a good fight hast kept the Faith henceforth is laid up for thee a Crown which God the Judge of all shall give thee A while after and but three hours before his dissolution a Friend perceiving him under great pressures spake softly to him They looked unto the Lord and were lightned A right look will bring down relief under all difficulties Yea replyed he with strength and earnestness And their faces were not ashamed Thence forward he spoke not but in a few hours after it being the 5th day of the first Month 1668. yielded up his Spirit falling asleep without pang or considerable groan FINIS Copies and Extracts OF LETTERS Written on several occasions BY That Deceased Servant of CHRIST The Author of the fore-going Discourses Printed in the Year 1668. A Book that he approved being the work of an other containing Instructions for Children he sent several of them to some of his Acquaintance accompanied with this Letter to their Parents Vnto my dearly beloved Brethren Sisters and Friends whom the Lord hath intrusted with the oversight of Families Children and Servants abundance of the Spirit of Glory and of God is desired Endeared in the Lord UNder the strong obligations of bounden duty which my Father hath been pleased to lay upon me of serving the Interest of your Souls and theirs whom God hath given you to my uttermost it hath been not the least part of my study in this School of Instruction unto which he hath sent me how I might at this distance most effectually attend and be found therein as one ●hat must give an account not only of the Law of my Relations but also of these fruits thereof on your hands which have extended and abounded to me-ward in un-interrupted tender love and sympathy as well in this my chain ●s in the many years of my weak ende●vours to serve Christ among you in liberty in requital whereunto as I can do little at most so am I often inwardly checked and rebuked for my sinful shortness toward you both in general and particular from soul to soul and very lately it hath been with more than ordinary weight on me to exercise pitty and compassionate thoughtfulness on those Families of yours both Children and Servants many of which the Lord hath multiplied like a Flock whose particular affections as far as they have been capable to express them I have been at a loss how to recompence or improve to their advantage but having been advising with some of my Companions here as well as laying the matter before him who is able to give seed to the sower and multiply with blessing the seed sown I have herewithal attempted to make an Essay for enterance with them in presenting to them this upright plain Address prepared to my hand by some one of the Lord's Prisoners full of bowels toward such young subjects consisting of such proper matter and brought forth in such a condescending Spirit and Language as I trust by the blessing of the Lord will find good acceptance and success among such souls My present Writing therefore with it is not so much to crave its acceptance in good part by them for of that I have much assurance bu● to lay hold of this opportunity to desire your faithful following the design of it by stirring up your selves and zealously and unweariedly doing your endeavour with all your wisdom interest and might behaving your selves among them as Men and Women of knowledge that your account of their souls as mine account of yours may be given up with joy and not with grief Here am I and the Children and Servants which thou hast graciously given me unto which faithfulness of yours besides many other weighty Arguments that might be urged the very remembrance of the dayes being so very evil may afford you as it hath me many forcible motives 1. These are dayes wherein you know not how suddenly you may be hurried pluck'd and separated from them not only by death which climbeth up at the windows in most Families this sickly season but by the violenee of the Sons of Men through the wise ordering of God who are permitted to make
Words in Season From that late Worthy Sufferer and Servant of the Lord Jesus an able Minister of the New-Testament according to that Character 2 Cor. 6.4 5 c. Mr. Abraham Cheare VIZ. I. Faith's Conquest over the Tortures and Tenders of an Hour of Temptation on Heb. 11.35 II. The Embalming of a Dead Cause on Mark 14.8 III. Remarkable Discourses on his Dying-Bed with Copies and Extracts of Letters on several occasions Useful for those whose Hearts are engaged to serve the Will of God in this Generation London Printed for Nathan Brookes in Bartholomew-Close 1668. The Publisher to the READER I Doubt not but the following Discourses carry so much evidence of Truth and Holiness as will sufficiently commend them to the Hearts and Consciences of the upright as proceeding from one who believed and therefore spake delivered what he received as a Scribe instructed unto the Kingdom of Heaven the Fear of the Lord being evidently his treasure wherein he walked all the day long and by which he was enabled to bear those hard things which a constant Spirit in keeping the Commandments of God and Faith of Jesus holding fast the Word and Works of God drew upon him bringing him into fellowship with tryals and sufferings upon the Wayes Truths Interest and People of the Lord in this Generation It may highly concern the living to lay to heart the removal of Prophets and holy Ones true mourners that sought to stand in the Gap to turn away wrath that it might not come to the utmost I am sure it hath a sad aspect when even a Professing but too much complying People stand as on the other side or at a distance from those who earnestly contend for the Faith holding fast what they have received and are far from right laying to heart That through the hatred of the world righteous men perish and merciful men are taken away I doubt not but there remains a remnant whose minds by such providences are deeply impressed well-nigh to over-whelming further than help is given and the hand stretched forth to lead to the Rock that is higher than we when in all parts and corners the beauty and glory is cutting off as a fading-flower and how hard is it to speak and do as becometh under such astonishing stroaks and with him Ezek. 24.18 to hold on doing as the Lord Commands I am perswaded that sigh often goes up Ezek. 11.13 with Amos 7.5 O Lord cease I beseech thee by whom shall Jacob arise for he is small The reviving and desired issues of that work falling under great distrusts even with those that are the Friends thereof when if I may allude to it Luke 24.19 c those who are as Prophets mighty in deed and word before God and all the People Instruments polished to carry it on to an expected end are cut off and laying aside daily so hard is it for us to understand that thus it ought to be that so the excellency of the power may be acknowledged to be of God and not of men that all may see his Work is perfect his Word is tryed with whom is no restraint for he sendeth by whom he will the residue of the Spirit being with him who will in due time raise up and furnish Instruments for every service and if at this time men think that by cutting off and wearing out Saints and faithful Ones their nest is set on high they shall be delivered from the power of evil none remaining to cry out of their violence and spoyl to detect the unrighteousness of their wayes and doings the very stone shall cry out of the Wall and the beam out of the Timber shall witness against them I humbly pray and wish that the cast-out scattered peeled people in whose heart is the Fear of the Lord under all amusing dispensations may yet increase in the Faith that stands in the Power of God and is of the operation of his Spirit in the exercise thereof which judgeth not after appearances they may understand all these deaths passing over persons and things but needful and preparatory for the Glory that is to follow when their filth and defilements by the Spirit of Judgment and by the Spirit of Burning shall be put away the slow progress of which work with the discovery made of so great a defection from professed Light and Principles ought greatly to be laid to heart how many by reason thereof turn from the Truth and are confirmed in Athiesm even by the deceitful working of those who in the failure of outward advantages and exposal to necessities bonds and death set themselves at such a distance from the works of God our eyes have seen the begining of fulfilling Prophesies Threatnings and Promises to the last dayes as if either there was no Holiness or Righteousness in them or that they were unacquainted with the inward Life and Spirit of them so deeply hath corruption the spirit of the world mingled it self with those who not long since in greatest seeming Light and Zeal professed to seek after a better state of things Even looking for and hastning to the new Heavens and new Earth wherein dwells Righteousness but the Works of God being forgotten no wonder his Word is so little believed or his counsel waited for It was a worthy Expostulation but a few years since before some then in the exercise of Authority of one who I fear hath out-lived the force of it which though large hoping it may be of use I take leave here to transcribe If you will be able to steer your Course a-right if you would take one streight step have in a readiness an acquaintance with the work of God what it is that he aims at by which you may be guided in all your undertakings Suppose now a man or men should come and ask of you What God hath done in these Nations What he hath wrought and effected What is brought forth Have you an answer in readiness Certainly God hath done so much as that he expects you should be able to give an account of it take heed that every one of you be not ready to speak the disquietments of your own Spirits and so cast contempt on the Work of God something else is required of you I have sometimes in darkness and under temptations my self begun to think that what hath been is the thing that is and there is no new thing under the Sun as it hath been among the Heathen of old so it hath been amongst us or as it was with Israel 1 King 16.21 22. Then were the people of Israel divided into two parts half of the people followed Tibni the son of Ginath to make him King and half followed Omri but the people that followed Omri prevailed against the people that followed Tibni the son of Ginath so Tibni died and Omri reigned That a common thing and frequent in the World had befaln us wherein God had no hand but that of common Providence in dashing
one sort of men against another so foolish have I been and as a Beast so ready to condemn the Generation of the Righteous so unbelieving and ready to cast away the Faith and Prayer of ten thousand Saints one of whose sighs shall not be lost but such fearful effects sometimes trouble disquietment disappointment and carnal fear will produce But certain it is none of the many cryes of the people of God shall be lost nor their Faith disappointed God hath a peculiar design in hand and we are to find it out that we may be able to answer them that make enquiries If you lay not this foundation of your procedures I shall not wonder if you err in your wayes it is your Pole-Star and will be so by which your whole course is to be steered your Shield which whilst it is safe though you die ye● your Glory abides And the same Author further discussing what this Work and Design of the Lord was results it mainly in this That Godliness and the love of the Lord Jesus be preserved protected and secured from a return of the hand of violence upon it What then may we now expect but after a little further fluctuating upon the deep to suffer shipwrack upon some Shelves or Rocks seeing we have ceased our steerage by this Pole-Star what may we expect but slaughter and extirpation since that Mighty Shield is vilely cast away as though it had not been anointed with Oyl considering also that if the hand of violence be returned its confederated with under the sacred ties of Oaths Covenants even whilst it manifestly opposes Godliness and bends the edge of all its power against such as love the Lord Jesus in sincerity I am sure it calls for deep lamentation that a People who had the Name of the Lord upon them are left to that wonderful and horrible thing Jer. 5. last Prophets prophesying falsely and Princes bearing rule by their means and both Prophets and People through a little present fleshly ease and prosperity waxing fat and shining love to have it so the holy Spirit then assures the end will be bitter and that enquiry What will ye do in the end thereof though slightly passed over now will have its resolve by their cry to the Mountains and Rocks to fall on and hide them from the face of him that sitteth on the Throne when in the faileur of justice on Earth he will cause judgement to be heard from Heaven When he ariseth as certainly he will to judge the Cause of the Fatherless and Needy and to save all the meek of the Earth But I may not further thus proceed lest I exceed bounds nor is it needful that more be said of the Author only I am perswaded it greatly furthered him in the search after knowledge of divine mysteries that he never was entangled and disadvantaged by Academical Education which hath been over-fruitful in furnishing persons as worthy Mr. Rutherford on another occasion in his Letters expresses it with ill washen and foul distinctions to shift Christ this age hath over-plentiful testimony thereof this Servant of the Lord as by the account left of himself in the last two Pages of this Book was by his believing Parents otherwise nurtured who waiting at the foot of Christ keeping his precepts diligently became wiser than his Teachers giving occasion to many to renew that saying Whence hath this man letters for he was eloquent and mighty in the Scriptures adding much to such as conversed with him whether by word or Epistle If what is here presented prove of use to strengthen weak hands or to uphold them that are ready to fall by keeping in view the Resurrection and Blessedness prepared for those whom God guides by his Counsel they will know where to give the glory I earnestly wish and pray That those to whom in a peculiar manner he was sent amongst whom more especially he laboured who must give an account of so great a Talent and Price long trusted with them may do it with joy discovering by an obedience of Faith to the Lord Jesus under all tryals that he laboured not in vain and I hope however it may be to others what is here presented may be useful to them keeping in remembrance how holily justly and unblameably he behaved himself amongst them that following his Faith they may be saved from this Generation and be found amongst those who receive the End of their Faith the Salvation of their Soul Amen To the MEMORY of Mr. Abraham Cheare Anagram Ramah Baca here WAs there a voice in Ramah heard Jer. 31.15 Was bitter weeping there ' Cause Rachels children were not spar'd Mat. 2.18 Why should there not be Here Was Baca in time past a Well Psal 84.6 Although a place of drought Was it made so by Israel When journ'ing in the South Did th' one for Children thus lament The other for their Water Oh! how should Sion it resent Lam. 2.1 to 12. Psal 46.4 Amos 1.2 Lam 2.1 Mala. 3.17 Jonah 3.8 Ps 119.126 Mat. 9.38 Zech. 11.4 7 When God her Sons doth slaughter When he cuts off her pleasant streams Her beautious Branches wither When he shuts up her brightest Beams Doth home his Jewels gather Yea how should this increase her cry When in a time of need That Shepherds they should multiply The slaughter'd Flocks to feed That even then God should not spare To take hence in great numbers Isa 57.1 Ezek. 3.26 Job 37.23 The most laborious in their Spheare Place this among his Wonders Psal 36 6. Job 11.7 1 Cor. 2.9 Psal 32.8 Psal 73 24. Job 36.9 10 They wayes O God are in the deep To search them to perfection 'T is not for Mortals pace to keep With thee give thou direction Let 's ponder well thy wayes O Lord Give us thy hearing Ear Some teachings to us do afford Deut. 13.11 Ezek. 12.3 Mal. 3.17 Ezek. 14.16 Mala. 3.1 Jer. 12.1 Ezra 9.13 Lam 3.29 2 Sam. 24.17 Joel 2.17 Ezek. 9.4 Psal 85.10 Jer. 14.7 Job 19.21 Gen. 19.19 Jonah 3.10 Psal 11.17 Zech. 13.7 Lam. 1.15 Isa 40.11 1 Sam. 1.8 2 Cor. 12.9 By what we see let 's fear What this portends thou mak'st such haste To treasure up each Jewel Art minded Lord our Land to waste Must we for wrath be fewel If so 't should be thou wouldst be just 'T were but Sin 's recompence We must our mouths put in the dust We have giv'n great offence Yet spare O Lord spare thou our Land At least in it thy Mourners Thy Mercy will with Justice stand In pard'ning great offenders Make us the objects of thy pitty Thy Mercy magnifie Spare as of old an Heathen City Spare O spare let 's not die But if more Shepherds thou wilt smite And Mighty men must fall Feed Sheep thy self thy Battels fight Be thou in stead of all Amen Amen Another To the Memory of Mr. ABRAHAM CHEARE Anagram Ah me Rear Bacha WHo can but Mourn when men do scorn To Note
clear up the sincerity and inward value and excellency of those Virtues or Graces of Christ which are his own and his admirable workmanship in their Souls These pass up and down among men as meer delusions from the Devil and hypocrisie in the professors of them And now it is the interest of the Lord's honour and the vindication of the operation of the Spirit that these be put upon some tryal that may search their very root and bottom discover their foundation to the neck When God speaks of his Workmanship and Image in Job Satan undertakes if he could h●ve the stripping him of all his outward accommodations touch all he hath and he would curse him to his face That attempt failing he is confident that if he might have the torturing of him the touching and tearing his bones and his flesh he would curse him to his face and if he durst assert his confidence of his success in such an enterprize to the face of God may we think much of his confident imposing his suggestions on the projects and conclusions of his children He did attempt the green Tree and it s no marvel if he do the Dry. Now while he would bear God if possible and doth bear the World in hand so confidently that he hath instruments of Cruelty that would whip and kick the new-creature in any man to nothing and herein make God a Liar as in the former and an Imposture as in this the Lord delivers the dearly beloved of his Soul into the enemies hand though with sufficient restrictions Take him Torturer try him to the bottom and when all comes to all when he is tryed he shall come forth as Gold Job 23.10 And though till his word of deliverance came to his Josephs the word of the Lord tryes them while their feet are hurt with fetters and they be laid in irons Psal 105.18 19. They pass through fire and water yet he brings them into a wealthy place Psal 66.10 11 12. Men and Devils shall know that the Faith Love Zeal Patience Courage Holiness c. wherewith he hath endowed them have that of Truth Virtue and Worth in them as doth undeniably constitute them more excellent than their neighbours and that an excellent Spirit is found in them so as none of these tortures numbred up Rom. 8.35 to the end is able to separate betwixt them and their love to God and uprightness with and before him 3. Sometimes the Lord doth by these Tortures take occasion to heighten the honour of his own Power Arm and Influence which are day by day administered to bear up his children when it is manifest they have no external props to stay them up but are out of weakness made strong This brings out a more evident acknowledgement That the power of Christ rests upon them 2 Cor. 12.9 God is in them of a truth 1 Cor. 14.25 It s true as long as times and providences hold to keep off pains from the body chains from the legs stripes from the back famine from the belly other props and principles may be presumed to bear one up but when there is no fruit in the Vine no flock in the Field no herd in the Stall none shut up nor left yet then to rejoyce in the Lord to glory in tribulation to accompt it all joy to fall into divers of them and they great ones this is convincing that such are kept and kept up by the mighty Power of God underneath such must needs be everlasting arms What convictions came upon the two great Monarchs by the great support the three Worthies and Daniel ch 3. and ch 6. had from the Lord to yield their bodies to torment The former because they would not joyn with false worship the other because he would not cease practising the true they gave glory to the God of heaven and upon all occasions confess that an excellent Spirit was found in them 4. Sometimes the Lord brings about this end by it he hereby brings forth a more plain and naked discovery of the wickedness that is in the world through lust Many times men come in upon Dominions and the exercise of Power and Authority with most plausible insinuations protestations and declarations of their design and temper as if no other than the disposition of Lambs were in them whereon they raise a name and repute of benefactors Luke 22.25 or merciful Lords and reckon it no small part of their interest and business to raise and maintain in the spirits of people the supposition of some indelible marks of the nature and majesty of a Deity is stamped upon them and sutably to get a reverence of them as most sacred when many times to open and undeceive the minds of poor souls held in such blind devotion the Lord lets them alone and exposes the bodies of his dearest ones to their cruelty that no man may glory in men above what is written but that coming to a plain discovery of men and things in their own evidence as Psal 36.2 the sons of men as well as the children of God may breath after the Lords arising to rule the earth and become the Governor among the Nations Thus we see for high ends and unto glorious advantage some are tortured The Second Enquiry put is Why but some men would be gratified and if God be so honoured why not all tortured A few Reasons may be considered here also 1. There are but some tortured because God is pleased to accompt but some worthy to bear and wear the glory of being thus used for his Name-sake There are some of whom the Lord saith They shall walk with me in white for they are worthy Who are counted worthy to walk in white Why they who are come out of great tribulations and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb Rev. 7.14 Though there be some points of honour of which it may be said this honour have all the Saints Psal 149.9 yet it holds not true in this that we speak of they who had the first stripes for the Name of Christ rejoyced that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his Name Acts 5.41 They have marks of distinguishing favour who bear in their body the marks of the Lord Jesus Gal. 6.17 Alwayes carrying about in their body the dying of the Lord Jesus that the Life of Jesus may so much the more be magnified and manifested in their mortal flesh 2 Cor. 4.10 11. 2. All are not tortured because the Lord sees all of his Servants have not power to bear such tryals as all men have not faith so all good men have not the like strong faith though they may have the like precious Faith Their Faith may carry them to Heaven who yet may not have that degree and strength of Faith to carry them through Tortures to heaven not that they who have most have any thing to boast of above others as being better than they the differance
to it Psal 74.22 Arise O God plead thy own Cause This also will beget a dread on the soul how it gives way to any temptation to betray it This Truth this Profession however men call it little however it may ●eem I may be saved without it it s no point of Salvation yet it being Christ's more than mine though committed to my trust to deny it is to deny Christ and to betray it is to betray Christ ●nd though as the common cry is none ever suf●ered upon such a point none in the past generation ran the adventure of tortures on such an assertion yet the soul by believing being brought to see Christs interest in it and relation to it and that perhaps this is the day designed to bring forth a proof to the goodness and worth of it a soul becomes not only engaged but inseperably united and impregnably set for the defence of it 3. Faith hath a further work to do in point of evidence and thereby administers abundance of strength to a weak Christian to endure any tortures for the Lords sake and that is gives evidence of the real nothingness that there is in whatsoever the adversary is able to do in point of torment if the matter be indeed laid upon a right ballance and held with an impartial and steady hand and that in these Three respects 1. Faith is called into Counsel in the exclusion of the reasonings of flesh and blood it manifests abundance of winde and emptiness in all the threatnings of the sons of men what they say of this kind are but great swelling words of vanity an empty sound of little affrighting signification Knowest thou not saith Pilate that I have power to crucifie thee and power to release thee He would willingly have had his majesty and threatnings very terrible but what is Christ's answer Thou couldest have no power except it were given thee from above The power the Devil himself hath though he be the Prince of the Air cannot get over an hedge without special Commission Thou has● saith he concerning Job made an hedge about him Hence it is that when their threatnings and preparations have been to heat the Furnace seven times hotter they feared not the wrath of the King as seeing him that is invisible Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us able to divert that fiery threatning and if he will not do so yet able to bring us out again These threatnings encrease the cry for boldness 2. Faith helps the soul to see that all their profers and tenders of deliverance of honour of preferment or whatever else such poor worms can mention is as meer a vapour as the other When Satan made the tender to Christ All this will I give thee all this power saith he will I give thee and the glory of them for that is delivered unto me and to whomsoever I will give it if therefore thou wilt fall down before me all shall be thine Luke 4.6 7. Our reason would have accepted it Christ hath the promise of the World only Satan hath the possession of it and must be expulsed by main force now at this juncture one bow will do it and were it not better vail once than from generation to generation be in a continual contest for it and his seed exposed to such tortures to obtain and maintain the ground that is thus gradually gotten No Jesus will not value all the supremacy the Devil could surrender in the World worth one bow to obtain it Get thee behind ●e Satan vers 8. 3. Faith in like manner makes evident that all ●he terms articles and proposals of adversaries ●hat seem very little and innocent upon which ●heir tortures are to be escaped and their favours ●btained are very dangerous things a bow or cringe ●t a distance may seem a small matter for the ●btaining such advantage but Christ sees it too great to give to Satan for the gaining the glory of earth or heaven either A bow to the golden Image from the three Worthies seems a small thing to reason but it s too hard to the reasoning of Faith A bow to Haman from Mordecai in the gate is a small matter in an eye of wisdom and prudence but to Faith it may not be yielded Daniels retirement to mental devotions seems but rational but if that be the only terms of deliverance in the omission of positive instituted Worship Faith sayes the articles are too hard to be accepted of But of this more hereafter 2. But as Faith yields succour by such a way of evidencing to the understanding and judgement things that are obscure the clearing up of which have such a direct tendency to beget courage So in th● Second place doth Faith greatly aid by ministring Influence and thereby bringing power and vertue with it in furthering divers blessed properties and qualities in the soul wherewith it receives ability to do and to bear wonderful and insupportable things when the Lord calls thereunto As for instance in a few Particulars 1. Faith contributes toward this support by way of influence in that Faith brings with it as its first born fruit Peace passing all understanding Rom. 5.1 It draws all the tumultuating thoughts of a poor creature into such a calm and composure tha● though the outward man decay yet the inner man is renewed day by day 2 Cor. 4.16 Though the bones be broken pain and tortures come on yet the inner man retains its sweetness quietness serenity and undisturbedness and when thus the mind is quiet the man is invincible Of the office of Faith as it works Peace I do not now intend to treat the Scripture is full of it Rom. 5.1 Isa 26.3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is staid on thee because he trusteth in thee Through this mind-surpassing peace the heart and thoughts are kept in Christ Jesus Where this glorious work is done it is not the extending the external parts of a poor man that can intermedle with his joy This joy of the Lord is his strength he can glorifie the Lord in the fires exercise all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness giving thanks to the Father There is indeed in the world sometimes to be seen among carnal men a certain greatness of spirit whereby they do pass through tortures to the shame of many who profess better principles but alas this is little better than a meer stupifaction of their senses it besots them is as the vinegar and gall they were wont to give to men on the Cross to deaden their senses to their pain The spirit of this world doth so wrap up their thoughts that they are as if they had took that sleeping drink mentioned Prov. 31.7 Drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more This is rather an imprisoning than a calming of their spirits they have nor ●heir senses exercised to discern betwixt good and ●vil but rather benummed Whereas this Peace of ●hich I
there is a great latitude of Liberty wherein a Christian may walk in lawful things among which the obtaining Deliverance is a branch of priviledge but if it be attempted as by many 't is to the offending wounding destroying of many of Christ's little ones a Milstone hung about the neck c. is more tolerable than the consequence of such attainments Object But say some The different tempers and distempers of people and of professors is become such that there is no walking by this rule in this case for there are divers Saints will come and tell me if I do such or such a thing I shall sin and wound them encourage others to follow me to their hurt Others no way inferiour to the former in Wisdom Parts Piety tell me If I do not such a thing I ruine my family am worse than an Infidel run them as well as my self upon danger and temptations so that in my omission and refusal I shall grieve and offend them and what may I do in this case when I am likely to offend Saints either way Answ When this is really so it is a strait case though I think somewhat rare in all the straitning circumstances in the Objection but put the case it be so this is a ruled case with me If I can bring the matter into this plain evidence that in my doing it I shall really endanger the one party to sin and in my not doing it I shall but endanger the other party to suffer being necessitated to a choice I am to take that course whereby I may prevent the ones sinning though I cannot prevent but really endanger the others suffering For as I may not commit any sin my self to prevent my own suffering so I may not run any one upon sin to prevent another from suffering for betwixt sin and suffering there is no comparison Indeed I may not chuse any sin or suffering in my self or another if it may righteously be avoided but when I am driven to this Dilemma though it be an hard yet it is a clear case what I am to do and cast the care of the issue upon the Lord. We have a very high instance of this in the case of Haman and Mordecai Esth 3. throughout You have Haman advanced by the King to exceeding dignity and a Royal Commandment that all should bow and do him reverence a small matter just and requisite one would think for Mordecai to have done as well as others rather than break the Kings Commandment incur Hamans burning rage and revenge and endanger the destruction of the whole people of Israel which yet he adventures to do and to stand in and cannot be by fair means or foul removed from it What would have been said of him now think you to have run so many thousands both Estates and Lives upon immediate hazard rather than to yield a Civil token of subjection to such a Magistrate What can be conceived to justifie him Why his Justification lies in the due consideration of the two denominations these two men have in the first and fourth verses What was Mordecai why he was a Jew and he told them that enquired about the reasons of his contempt That he was a Jew vers 4. a Person of no mean Quality Pedigree and Accompt see Esth 2.5 Ezra 2.2 Neh. 7.7 And what was Haman Why vers 1. he was the Son of Amadatha the Agagite What was Agag whence Haman descended He was the King of Amalek the relict of that destruction about which God had not only expresly determined Exod. 17.14 16. Numb 24.20 Deut. 25.17 18 19. but given a very strict charge to Saul to make utter riddance of him from under Heaven 1 Sam. 15.2 3. Now as this indispensible Commandment lay for the destruction of Amalek in general and such indignation was provoked for sparing Agag in particular in that Chapter So had the Lord expresly determined Numb 24.7 His King should be higher than Agag and his Kingdom should be advanced This Controversie was to stand unreconcileable from generation to generation Exod. 17.16 nay when Israel was at the lowest and the branch of David as a root out of a dry ground as it was in that day they being in Captivity yet was there preserved a Root against Amalek according to Judg. 5.14 This wicked Haman was the Jews enemy Esth 3.10 7.6 the wretched root of enmity abode in him that he derived from the stock of Amalek Unto him in this character spirit and capacity faithful Mordecai cannot bow he remembers the Lords Controversie Prophecy Providences formerly against Amalek and hence he cannot bow or yield in the least whatever it cost the issue as well as the interest of this Controversie was not unknown to his Wise-men and Wife before the final decision of it Chap. 6.13 If Mordecai be of the Seed of the Jews before whom thou hast begun to fall thou shalt not prevail against him but shalt surely fall before him Mark here is an Interest against which God had a stated Controversie yet in one of the Branches of its Royal-line in a Rising way the not bowing and yielding to which is the high-way to endanger presently the Lives and Estates of all the Israel of God yet being Mordecai hath that foundation to stand upon and is as the Lord's Root against Amalek it s safer he judgeth to adventure the losing all that could be lost in a way of suffering both his own and others than betray the Lord's Interest close up thus the Lord's Controversie step aside from the Lord's Precepts and make invalid the Lord's Promises and by his publick example encourage and involve others in the like iniquities The Consequences of this faithful abiding with God is well known The accommodating it is left to serious consideration This Point in hand stands clearly witnessed to in it When the sufferings only of Saints lye endangered if I take one way and their sinning be endangered if I take the other I am to resist to blood striving against sin much more to bonds or any other tortures or sufferings I do not deny but the case above had many extraordinary circumstances clothing it but yet many excellent noble lessons may be safely deduced I shall from the whole of what hath been delivered under this head of Doctrine draw a few Inferences and proceed 1. If in so many cases Saints are not to accept Deliverance but it s the interest and excellency of their Faith rather to endure tortures Then I beseech you to be very tender how you judge others for that upon tryals they do not accept of Deliverance on such terms as may seem very plain and easie unto you It s the ordinary censure of some This is but their humour and self-willedness because they would seem to be something c. I say though you cannot make a judgment upon what bottom such a Christian stands in not accepting Deliverance yet do not presently conclude against him it may
be he hath more reason to refuse Deliverance than it is safe for him to express unto others in an age when men are made offenders and destroyed for a word leave him to the Lord and charitably suppose he hath a Conscience to God-ward in what he doth and though it be misguided in this matter yet it s the best he hath and he is bound to make much of it Do not judge another man's Servant to his own Master he stands or falls 2. I would upon the Promises further beseech you That since there are so many cases in which its dangerous however it may seem pleasant to accept Deliverance you would give diligence that when these soul-shaking tryals are ready to beset you and set upon you you may not be taken in a way of surprize the greatest mischief Satan doth to souls in this kind is when he frights them into Deliverance and escape ere ever their spirits are recovered to a just capacity to weigh and make a solid judgment what is best to be done in the case all things considered They are ready to be taken with that way of reasoning that Esau was Gen. 25.32 Behold I am at the point to die and what profit shall this Birth-right do to me So they Behold I am at the point to be imprisoned to be banished to be tortured and what good then can this Profession do to me And so being surprized with the fright sell their Birth-right for a little meat or something like it which perisheth with the using of it In order to the preventing which mischief I beseech you Consider 1. First That this Tryal whereupon the Lord brings you perhaps is the principal if not the only opportunity in which you may ever have the advantage to speak a word on Gods behalf and bear thus witness for him as long as you live What shall we do for our Sister in the day that she is spoken for was a seasonable question Cant. 8.8 There is a day when God is to be spoken for Christ to be spoken for Truth to be spoken for which being elapsed the things of this our peace may be hid from our eyes Oh! therefore while you have this opportunity omit not to do good to improve it to the utmost 2dly Consider A little ground lost at such a Season and in such a Testimony is hardly recovered again where you find one Christian soundly recovers it you may observe abundance decline and grow weak in making any future resistance to temptations We are called to follow the Lord as Virgins now where the enemy hath prevailed once to violate the chastity of such to bruise the teats of their virginity they afterward grow weak to make opposition to attempts of the like nature Ezek. 16.30 How weak is thy heart seeing thou doest all these things the work of an imperious whorish woman A back-sliding Professor is like a whorish woman who having lost her chastity though she gets an imperious forehead yet hath a weak heart though she is bold to assert her chastity yet she is weak to preserve it 3dly Consider How easie and frequent it is with the Lord to make that deliverance which you buy so dear become a real burden to you How many wayes hath he to make your liberty a burden by fresh vexations such meet withal your Trade for the sake of which you adventure such strange attempts a real burden by Losses Deadness Crosses in it Your very Lives a burden by sickness and divers other vanities and vexations of spirit And who would buy that too dear that is lyable to so many causualties Take heed that Satan doth not at such surprizals make a market upon you for you are not ignorant of his enterprizes 3. But leaving this Point let us proceed to the Third Head or manner of our considering Deliverance and that is as Deliverance stands compared with and undervalued by the preference of a better Resurrection when the Torturers tender of Deliverence and the Comforters tender of a better Resurrection come in competition though both are good in themselves yet Faith helps to make the choice of the Resurrection as being the better incomparably notwithstanding any inconveniencies on this side it Hence the Third Supposition in the general Doctrine is ☞ That a Believing Prospect into the Resurrection is of mighty force to carry a Christian through any Tortures and to reject any unworthy tenders of Deliverance Faith transmitting the eye upon Eternity and fixing the expectation thereupon the consequences of the blessed coming of the King sets all at rights turns the Scales toward the advantage of the Glory and Interest of God as worthy to be adhered to in comparison of which Resurrection Torments are but a flea-biting and Tenders of Deliverance as a painted feather The Emphasis lies in the term Better Faith satisfies that the soul in this hath chosen the better part not only better than Suffering for so may Deliverance seem to be But Better upon all accompts whatsoever than the best and fairest offer that can possibly be made to defloure and intice from following after God Earth may be good Deliverance unto it and the Accommodations in it may be good but when they are at the best Christ is better Heaven is better to have Christ with us in Sufferings with Peace Joy and Satisfaction here and to be ever with Christ in the Resurrection of the Just this is transcendently best of all The clearing this Point would be attempted did not time prevent in considering particularly these Three things 1. Deliverance at the best with its power to allure us unto the choice of it for it s not it when we are under offence at it but Deliverance with its full allowance that is brought undervalue in this choice 2. The Resurrection considered at the worst and as it lay obvious to Objections especially to them in that day yet forcible and effectual to perswade 3. The actings and excellency of Faith in singling out and fixing the souls choice herein notwithstanding the absence of any other Reasonings or Arguments to turn the Scale other than these drawn singly from the Concerns of this Resurrection These can be but briefly touched at present as for the former thus First Deliverance here offered as was shewed before is Deliverance with all its Accomplishments and Accommodations that we can imagine to set it off admirable and apt to take with a tortured tempted poor Creature I mean in an humane dress all that the Adversary is capable of adding to it to give it a gloss that may effectually answer his ends Now there are Two things which do tend much this way and are apt to be very taking to a sensual or watchless eye 1 The Pleasantness 2 The Presentness of Deliverance as I may express it 1 It s one main part of the Tempters business to set off as he can the taking Pleasantness of Deliverance he baited his Hook to Christ with all the Kingdoms of
said when against this is objected the Presentness of the Worlds offer you shall have Deliverance presently Liberty presently Ease presently and will you tarry till Dooms-day for a Resurrection The conquest of this objection must needs bespeak the great power of Faith in the present choice Thirdly Now consider we the actings of Faith in its interposition to turn the scale upon the single proffer of the Resurrection and for the sake of it to slight the terror nay to imbrace the sentence of a Gibbet a Stake a Rack an Ax an Halter a Transportation into Exile surely we may conclude a man hath need deal upon notable principles that is thus furnished Now Faith helps by being the evidence of things that are not seen as 1. By annihilating and rendring very empty and vain all those things that can be offered in competition with the Resurrection 2. By realizing and rendering very substantial and precious all those things that are promised in and accompany the Resurrection Briefly thus First A discovery is made by believing of the invalidity to an Heavenly mind and its divine reasonings of all that can possibly be offered by the Tempter or his Torturers to debauch Consider them either 1 in their single nature as they all are subjected through the fall to vanity How many have this Deliverance and are cursed with it crost with it blasted in it unable to keep it o● comfort themselves under it Take Deliverance alone and what is it A Crust for a Dog saith Luther of the Turkish Empire a feast too empty to satisfie an immortal soul Wilt thou set thy eyes on that which is not The whole Book of Ecclesiastes practically opened is the effect of believing in a gracious heart Vanity of Vanities saith the Preacher and so saith the Believer Vanity of Vanities all is vanity 2 Consider we them in conjunction with the sin that buys them by means whereof they receive the denomination of the pleasures of sin And then whereas in the former respect they were at best but vanity in this they are vexation of spirit an evil sickness wherein many thrust themselves through with many sorrows drown themselves in ruine and perdition and in this sence to be avoided and fled from as from a Serpent 3 Consider we them in their competition with Jesus Christ and as frequently they stand in opposition to him and then they are very pernitious must be hated Luke 14.26 else we cannot be his Disciples Secondly Faith makes a discovery of the Resurruction and gives satisfactory evidence about it as that which hath weight to bear down all contrary objections the way it takes is not to fill the imagination with speculatory Notions but to put it out of doubt and quiet it in receiving the Testimony God hath given by his Son therein And particularly 1 it gives evidence of a very full and satisfactory repairation of all those breaches that all these tortures and sufferings could make upon their concerns therein They mentioned Heb. 13.34 took joyfully the spoiling of their Goods knowing in themselves they have in Heaven a better and an induring substance Whatever Losses they sustained in Stock or otherwise it interrupted not their joy they took it joyfully the Resurrection will pay for all The like is true of the marks of the Lord Jesus they now bear about in their bodies now indeed they are the badges of loss and infamy but he accounts it is better to enter into Life blind and maimed than to adventure Hell by saving them At the Resurrection of the Just our vile bodies shall be made like unto the glorious body of our Lord. In point of the perfection of them we know not what we shall be only this we know That when he appeareth we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is 2 As it evidenceth a repair of losses thus sustained so it ascertaineth a most abundant recompence not of Debt but of Grace when they that suffer with him shall receive the Crown of Life for shame they shall receive double and for confusion they shall rejoyce in their portion When this shall be remembred Ye are they who have continued with me in my Temptations and I appoint unto you a Kingdom as my Father hath appointed unto me Luk. 22.28 29. When for whatever hath been lost or forsaken of his kind there shall not only be made good the lundred-fold-promised Mat. 19.29 in Peace ●oy and Consolation in Tribulation but in that World to come Life everlasting I shall draw the whole to a Conclusion in these Two or Three Inferences of Duty 1. If all this and a great deal more that might be said hold true touching the worth as well as the truth of the Resurrection Then would I beseech you that you do not sell the Doctrine of it for a Song do not be so easily baffled as many be out of the Faith and expectation of it by a few Allegorical Notions and plausible evasions of those Scripture-Testimonies that give evidence to this Truth in which is wrapt up so much of your standing Consolation when ever you are called by any manner of death to put off your Tabernacle that your flesh also shall rest in Hope and your vile body be changed into the likeness of Christ's glorious body Whatever natural corruption weakness dishonour it be sown in yet it shall be raised spiritual in incorruption power glory and be ever with the Lord. 2. Be intreated to give your selves more unto a search and study of that blessed truth that concerns your Resurrection and the glory that shall follow and be not ye easily startled and offended at it by reason of the miscarriages of some who have been Assertours of it and been too forward to vent their rash Conceptions touching divers things about it You know the blessedness pronounced on them who reade and hear the things contained in that Book which most professedly opens the Mysteries thereof yielded in the Vision and and Revelation of it such standing Consolation unto John to whom it was made known and is a Doctrine of unspeakable strength and encouragement to the Lord's suffering banished tortured ones as many in this day have found it 3. Draw forth the Improvement of your acknowledged conceptions and expectations of that day in a way of Consolation rejoycing in Hope and pressing after the Light Faith Spirit and Power of it making sure of your right to and proper qualifications for that day Blessed and Holy are they that have a part in this first Resurrection especially improve it as I said to Consolation in all the losses you have sustained or are like to This may seem one amongst others to you that a poor worm that speaks is to part at present with you and it may be may see your face in the flesh no more doth this seem any way grievous why let us carry the case in our thoughts beyond the Grave in a path of faithfulness the Resurrection will
indignation be overpast Dan. 12.13 It was indeed the distinguishing honour of the Captain of our Salvation that in his contest with death and the grave he saw no corruption Acts 2.25 to the 31. chap. 13.34 to the 37. In all things he hath the preheminence of David to whom this Word of God came Psal 16.11 who doubtless sucked much consolation from it it is signified he saw corruption in this sence that what of him is corruptible is subjected to that way of refining It s sown in corruption but shall be raised in incorruption His better and noble part being preserved in an excellent way of living to God Luke 20.37 38. his flesh also rests in Hope The corruption then or any ill savour that may arise upon the interest of Christ thus considered is not such as tends to annihilation or utter dissolution the everlasting purposes covenant and faithfulness of God with Christ secures it in a state of Hope neither doth this only and singly refer to the final Resurrection of the whole in a way of compleat glory at the last day which was Martha's narrowing mistake about Lazarus Joh. 11.24 but shall be manifestly verified in such eminent appearances of God to get himself a glorious Name antecedently to that consummating Glory as shall answer and accomplish a system of blessed Promises and promises of the Glory of the latter dayes that shall be raised in the ruine of Babylon and Resurrection of the Witnesses of Christ tending to prepare his people for his glorious appearing as a Bride adorned to meet the Bridegroom It s not such a rottenness or stinking as Martha concluded Lazarus to be which would consume and eat him out not be prevented resisted and cured till the Heavens be no more Job 14.12 There is hope in its end Jer. 31.17 1 Thes 4.13 Though the Lord shew us great and sore troubles he will quicken us again and bring us up again from the depths of the Earth Psal 71.20 Though we walk in the midst of troubles yet he will revive us Psal 138.7 The mouth of the Lord hath spoken it those precious Promises are of mighty efficacy to embalm it Nevertheless there is an ill savour on several accounts that is apt to be brought upon this body or interest of Christ at such times under such deaths as we speak of against which the embalm we treat of is to be prepared As namely 1. There is a stinke apt to betide it the occasion of which is meerly from without arising from the rotten and corrupt disposition of such as are instrumental in bringing such deaths upon it who usually account it their interest to expose it to all the ignominy and contempt imaginable that in the abomination thereof a foundation may be laid for the excusing and commending themselves in delivering the world from such a loathsome burthen Thus they did with the green Tree and no marvel if they do so with the dry When they had in design to put the Lord of Glory to an open shame what artifices had they to load him with all manner of ignominy both before and at his death foretold by a spirit of prophesie Psal 22.6 7 8. exactly fulfilled Mat. 27. He was scourged vers 26. Stripped vers 28. Mocked vers 29. Spit upon his head smitten vers 30. Scoffed and led to be Crucified vers 31. Scornfully inscribed vers 37. Reviled by them that passed by wagging their heads vers 39. Mocked by the Chief Priests Elders and Scribes vers 41. Had the same cast in the teeth by by the theeves vers 44. Reproached with his God his Trust his King-ship his Doctrine his Prayers as with a sword in his bones thus they assailed him Oh! how irksome was the stench that the spitting and disgorging of a filthy generation upon him drew him under in this dying dispensation And as they have done to him in his own person who hid not his face from shame and spitting so do they to those that go forth to him without the Camp bearing his reproach They are made a spectacle to the World to Angels and to Men Fools weak despised hunger thirst naked buffetted pilgrims reviled persecuted defamed made the filth of the world and off-scouring of all things to this day 1 Cor. 4.9 to 13. The word notes the * Mr. Burroughs Moses Choice filth scraped off shooes or from the pavement or the dung-cart that goes through the City into which every one brings his filth and casts in Every one had some filth to cast upon Paul and the rest of the Apostles So it was Jer. 15.10 This stench had need to be provided against by such as would have his Name be as a precious Oyntment Divers mistake the right way of performing this supposing that the best way of resisting this is by repelling and retorting it with the same measure into their faces who lay it on Christs method of imbalming is quite otherwise namely by bearing it with all patience meekness and holy resignedness of the judgment to God who knows how to make their own tongues to fall upon themselves and their violent dealing upon their own pates We have the high Instance and Example of Christ himself 1 Pet. 2 23. Who when he was reviled reviled not again when he suffered he threatned not but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously Isa 5.6 Mat. 26.67 Isa 53.7 So did they who followed his steps 1 Cor. 4.12 Praying for the worst of our Enemies Mat. 5.44 Acts 7.60 and over-comming evil with good Rom. 12.19 20 21. tender bearing in our bosome these rereproaches Psal 89.50 51. to be affected deeply with them and melt under them Psal 69.7 9 19 20. Psal 120.3 4. Zeph. 3.18 and quietly to wait on God till he role it away is what concerns us in this matter and happy are we if herein we lay out our selves to do what we can for Christ 2dly There is an ill savour frequently contracted upon occasion of the corrupt flesh that adheres to many Professors of it and pretended friends their unsteady walking and manifest back-sliding do procure a stinking savour to the whole especially in such a season as we are speaking of The Name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles by means of such Rom. 2.24 Tit. 2.5 great occasion is given to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme 2 Sam. 12.14 It was not a small matter of ill report that doubtless was raised at this dark time whereof the Text speaks If you suppose the enemies to scorn at this rate What is become of your King Why he is hanged for a Traytor and Blasphemer And What is become of the Deacon of that new-gathered Church that was intrusted with the treasure Why he sold himself to the Devil for thirty pieces of silver betrayed his Master and then hang'd himself falling headlong and then all his bowels gushed out and this is known to all the dwellers at Jerusalem Acts 1.19 What became of Peter the
continue not in such a state and carry such corruption about you as will render you utterly incapable of doing any other than raising a stench on the things of Christ. Whatever you have to do about them the purity of this Confection is such as the least evil owned and allowed will diffuse its malignity through it to the vitiating the whole and rendring it of none effect A little such leaven will sowre the whole lump Dead Flyes cause the Oyntment of the Apothecary to stink so doth a little folly c. This is notably illustrated in the case put Hagg. 2.11 14. where is shewed that there is much more force and malignity in a little evil to corrupt much good then there is in much Religious Service of such a People to leave an impression of goodness on things otherwise void of it Look to it that you be very clean who bear the vessels of the Lord in this Service lest you defile this undertaking for the Lord clean hands and a pure heart are indispensibly requisites in this affair Caution 2. Take heed according to what Rules Instructions or Dispensatory you compound this Imbalm I hinted before how exactly careful God was in the Composition both of the Oyl and Pouder that were to perfume his Tabernacle Exod. 30.23 c. No less is he jealous of the present things under consideration Take we heed therefore of false Rules and Principles as namely 1. Take heed how you admit of humane Wisdom and Prudence the consultings of flesh and blood to dictate and give rules in these matters It is very fruitful in multiplying inventions evasions expedients distinctions which indeed have a shew of Wisdom but its frequent that the Serpents subtilty is foisted in in the place of the simplicity of Christ to call any man Master in this matter is very dangerous 2. Take heed you mistake not by seeking the Cheapest instead of the Chiefest way of this Perfuming It 's indeed our wisdom and understanding to set down afore-hand and cast the cost Luke 14.28 31 c. lest having begun you be not able to finish but then it must be brought to this issue vers 33. Whosoever he be that forsaketh not all that ever he hath he cannot be my Disciple Nothing less than all one hath even his whole Living every thing on this side Heaven must be made up in the account if the Lord hath need of it to be laid out on it Caution 3. Admit not Custome common Fame nor common Fear to be your Counsellours These and the like Cautions must be persued But I had rather Conclude with a few Counsels 1. If you do any thing excellent for Christ do it early So did this good Woman both in the Text and at the Sepulchre Many stay their hands from works of this kind till they see what others who are accounted more eminent will do they think it imprudent and to savour of rashness and singularity to be presidential and exemplary but this will one day be found the excellency of Christian activity in works of this nature That they tarry not for men nor wait for the sons of men Micha 5.7 We may in this case allude to that passage 2 Sam. 19.12 Ye are my Brethren ye are my Bone and my Flesh wherefore are ye then the last to bring back the King Many are so late and lingring in works that concern Christ's Glory of this kind putting it off from one time to another till their spirits sink to the work and the things themselves as was said of Lazarus stink in their nostrils 2dly Consider the Royal Extract Descent and Original of this Cause and Interest the Imbalming of which with these sweet Odours you are exhorted to It 's the off-spring of a King of a great King The Wise men were liberal in presenting him with Frankincense and Myrrhe whom they understood to be King of the Jewes though laid in a manger Mat. 2.11 And Jehu had so much generosity when he had done the judgements of God upon Jezebel as to give order 2 Kings 9.34 Go see now this cursed Woman and bury her for she is a Kings Daughter Shall a cursed Woman have a becoming burial because she is a Kings Daughter and shall not the blessed Cause of the King of Kings be better respected though it be thrown to dogs and be meat for them it deserves better for his sake to whom it stands related in Royal Progeny He that as was said was judged by the Wise men of the East worthy of a present of Frankincense Gold and Myrrhe at his birth being born King of the Jewes and of a costly bed of Spices by honourable counsel at his funeral being Crucified as King of the Jewes deserves upon the same account an honourable treatment when any of his things come under clouds and suspition by the men of the times Some Kings indeed were so evil as debarred them from Royal Funerals Jer. 22.18 19. 2 Chron. 21.19 20. But Christ deserves better usuage If you would have your hearts ingaged to this honourable work lay to heart the merit of it at your hands 'T is both nearly related to you and hath done unspeakable worthy things for you while it was in its flourishing capacity and condition It 's very near and natural to you that are Saints as David said Ye are my Brethren ye are my bones and my flesh It is the very Womb wherein we were warmed and brough● forth in that state of Saint-ship under the profession whereof we stand Of Sion it shall be said This and that man was born in her Reciprocations of love to such Relations and of endeavours if it were possible to requite them 1 Tim. 5.4 would engage to do our utmost at their Funeral as Joseph imbalmed his Father who tendered him dearly and lamented his supposed death exceedingly Gen. 37.34 35. So would a Mothers Grave because a Mothers be extraordinarily bewayled Psal 35.14 Many that bury an only Child or first-born will spare no cost about it This say they is all the Portion I have to pay it What was said of the men of Jabesh might here be repeated they thought they could do no less to the remembrance of a Father in Israel who had done so well for them or the Exhortations to the Daughters of Israel to weep over him who clothed them in Scarlet with other delights who put on Ornaments of Gold ●pon thei● Apparel 1 Sam. 1.24 much more in a ●piri●ual sense hath this Interest of Christ deserved at your hands Oh! be not ungrateful at su●● an opportunity as this you may never have the like ●o express yo●r ingenuity if you elapse this 4thly Press af●er larger participations of a Royal Spirit if you would do any excellent thing at this Funeral Where there are any sparks of true Nobility they will vent themselves this way whereas spirits of a base and sordid complexion will shrink in such a time of cost and hazard as this
It was a brave spirit in Araunah when there was a ●ebate betwixt David and him about the price of ●he Sacrifice that was to be offered up for a sweet ●avour in an infectious nasty season As a King gave he to the King 2 Sam. 24.23 'T was hard to discern by their spirits if external badges had not ●een there to distinguish them which of them had most of the spirit of a King in him Such large●ess of heart is exceeding proper and honourable ●n the case before us A little laid out in the power of this Principle will be highly enhansed in the value of it It was a notable Instance and evidence that Rispah though but the Concubine of Saul retained some tincture of a Royal mind that when the seven men of the off-spring of Saul were executed at the instance of the Gibeonites with that reproachful and cursed death yet she from her noble disposition and generous respect to that Royal off-spring doth what she could to keep them from those corrupting casualties that are apt to attend carkasses exposed as they were in the open air to be a prey to the Birds by day and the Beasts by night her sack-cloth was accepted as a noble pavillion spoken well of at Court till a more noble Funeral was provided for them 2 Sam. 21.9 to 14. Christians if you are as you profess made Kings and Priests to God a Royal Priesthood then you have another a nobler spirit than have others it concerneth and becometh you to stir up and improve on things that are most excellent It 's not for Kings Oh Believers It 's not for Kings and Princes to do less than the noblest things To open their mouth for the dumb in the Cause of all such as on this account are appointed to destruction Open thy mouth judge righteously and plead the cause of the poor and needy 5thly Know for your encouragement That though Christ expecteth you should do what you can to imbalm his Interest yet the soveraign vertue of that which indeed doth and must preserve it from rotting and stinking depends upon the Lord 's own provision and preparation Though your good will be accepted and your work shall be rewarded yet it 's freedom from corruption flowes from the absolute dominion he hath over the Grave where he lieth and the purpose and ingagement that he hath made known in the New Covenant to give it a Resurrection It 's no small encouragement therefore to know and be insured that we are workers together with Christ in this design which must needs be succeeded with a good issue and therefore it 's good adventuring thereupon 6thly Lastly Resolve upon this That if you live not long enough to see its Resurrection yet you will be laid in the same Grave with it where it dieth you will die and there you will be buried The Spices then prepared and laid in to imbalm it will also perfume you The last Testimony of Friendliness the old Prophet could shew to the young Prophet 1 Kings 13.28 29 30 31. was to take up his dead ca●kass though a Lion had slain him and stood by lay him in his own Sepulchre and give this charge When I am dead then bury me in the Sepulchre wherein the man of God is buried lay my bones besides his bones Joseph laies the body of Christ in his own new Tomb Mat. 27.60 Abraham and Sarah Isaac and Rebeka Jacob and Leah and Joseph also covet to be laid together Gen. 49. 29 31. A Cave in Canaan where they must be laid in the Faith of Promises which is more desireable than the chiefest Royal Sepulchres in Canaan Gen. 23.6 chap. 49.29 chap. 50.25 26. It was nobly resolved in Ittai the Gittite 2 Sam. 15.21 Surely in what place my Lord the King shall be whether in death or life there also will thy Servant be Such blessed Resolutions raised on true Principles Rev. 12.11 Acts 15.26 chap. 20.24 chap. 21.13 have their acceptation now and shall not miss of an early Resurrection in due time 2 Kings 13.21 Dan. 11.13 Isa 26.19 FINIS The gracious Author of the fore-going Treatises after full Three years Suffering under very hard circumstances enduring many inhumanities from merciless Goalers in Excester-Goal was continued Prisoner under Military Guards in the Isle of Plymouth where a violent Sickness in a few dayes seized upon him in which a Friend admitted to a constant Converse judged these following Passages worthy his Observation which may fitly be here inserted as a Discovery of the Grace granted in his various Changes and Abiding with him until by the Will of God having finished his Work he fell asleep A Friend giving him some Emulsion to drink he drank and said All passages are clear between Stomach and Belly Head and Heart and that and Heaven blessed be God A Friend then asking him if he had any thing to say to them in the Family with him in case the Lord should call him from them He replied I desire the blessing of the God of Heaven may be upon you and a full Reward from him be ministred to you for all the labour of Love you have shewed to me for the Lords sake and I beseech you continue stedfast in the Faith and Testimony to Christ and his Concerns who is as worthy as ever notwithstanding all the reproach cast on him and them and I desire earnestly you will take heed of being offended at Him his Word Works or Wayes but be careful to be found in his paths as ever you hope to have help to stand before him with peace and comfort at his appearing He further said Christ had a poor Remnant yet left that he was perswaded should be helped to stand and no more to be afraid of the worst that men can do than he through Grace was now afraid of what Death could do to him And said Though I may be rolled into my dust yet there is a promised approaching Glory that God will most certainly bring forth out of all these great deeps with which we are now encompast though saies he it may be you also may not live to see it but to die in the Faith of it will be enough and the Lord grant you may not stagger and that no cloud may be upon your Testimony to God nor unless clouds be good for you upon your Interest in him And as to the Church at Plymouth he said He had oft since his Sickness on his bed begg'd of God that the Lord the God of the spirits of all flesh would set a man over that Church a man whom he should chuse to go in and out before them to feed them that so the Lords poor flock be not utterly scattered by those that carry or keep them Captive Numb 27. he referred to And further said to a Friend then present I desire you if God by his Providence or otherwise shall hereafter speak any such thing to you though but in a whisper you would
all they are apt to trust in of a fleshly carnal kind 2 Cor. 1.9 Again that day a Friend asking how he did He replyed Heavy heavy It was told him Earth would be so Yea saith he and the Sand weighty but the New Heavens and New Earth will not be so their make will be of a more transcendent nature by reason of the Spirit of Holiness and Righteousness that shall dwell in them It was answered Yes In those dayes the Righteous shall flourish Whereunto he quickly replied That the Righteous had their day a day that might be properly called theirs in which they should in some sort flourish But said he it 's said in his day entitling it to Christ principally the Righteous shall flourish Christ shall have a day for it in the world Being asked What think you shall you be returned to us again or not He said Truly he knew not what to think in that matter and when all thoughts about it were made it was hardly worth a serious consideration in regard of their uncertainty and the little of Christian concernment in such kind of knowledge for though sometimes it were very grateful to Flesh and Blood to be able to say hereby shall it be known I am a man of God by my coming to such a place or doing such a thing at such a season yet when Paul went bound in Spirit to Jerusalem under fullest gales that ever he went he must not know what must betide him there Acts 20.22 nor whether God would be glorified in him by life or death A Clyster being ministred that day which wrought not it was asked How he did He said Hastening home now apace What makes you think so sayes the Friend Why saies he the Lord hath usually made it his way with me when he works me up to settled perswasions of things they have usually come to pass accordingly now having had Clysters and such means administred that have wrought with my poor body long even to admiration but now it ceases to do so and all passages seem stopt for evacuation of the humors lodged in my body I conclude he intends to take me away It was told him It was but one Clyster had so miscarried with him another might operate and that such a conclusion could not well be drawn from no better premises than that Then he added God hath been many wayes bringing me to an acquiescence in his Will as to such an issue he seems to be putting and hath likewise been for this week or more taking you off from glorying in the flesh of such a poor creature any longer by bringing this poor body under such straightning circumstances as may make you all willing to part with me rather than to be continued under such sore pains to me as well as trouble to you that so you might let me go and he having dealt thus with me and also spoke and continueth to speak peace to my soul I am upon the whole perswaded I shall leave you and am helped to say in that matter The Will of the Lord be done The same day a Friend asking him How he did He said I am labouring that whether present or absent I may be accepted of the Lord. His Friend answered It became him to be so labouring eying him whose Soul hath travelled and laboured that such poor ones as we might be accepted and through whom God hath graciously witnessed his acceptance of you and also of your witness-bearing unto him in this your present suffering state not only from men but his own hand likewise as I am fully perswaded Then he groaned and said Alas this poor weak weary body To which his Friend replied It was made poor in order to enriching and seemed to be uncloathed in order to be cloathed upon with his house from Heaven There he fetch'd a deep sigh and said Ah! if in this life only I had hope in Christ I were of all men most miserable To which it was answered Blessed be God for that well-grounded hope in Christ for a better life even that hope that is as an Anchor sure and stedfast cast within the Vail where our Fore-runner is for us entred Yea said he that better hope by which we draw nigh unto God And bid him be of good chear Rest would be more sweet to him when he entered into it by all the toyle he met with in the way Then he groaned and said He was groaning after Liberty Yea saith his Friend a Liberty that tarrieth not for man nor waits for the sons of men No sayes he it is as a dew from the Lord 't is a glorious liberty On the same day attempting to repose A Friend seeing him very ill said Oh! my dear Brother Must we part He said Yes he thought so though it may be but for a little time to meet again with more advantage But said the Friend Alas how dark are the Providences still taking away the best and leaving the poorest and neediest for the day and duties of it To whom he answered Lay not much stress upon that the work is not yours but Gods he will provide only will vary his methods as pleases him look therefore to him and those that are with you Heb. 12.22 He then asked a Friends advice about some Physical administrations whereto was replied Oh! my dear Brother you know my weakness to advise in any case and much more in these I so little understand that should you practise any thing as my advice in competition with others and miscarry in ●t I should not be able to stand under it though I have this witness with me that the best advice I have I would gladly give and were it better I would more readily give it in any case but my weakness every way is not unknown to you He replied It might not be meet for us to speak of each other what might otherwise be said having both our fears each way lest we should speak more than is meet but he hoped we had both our witness in that matter since our coming together and that we have carried it to each other in uprightness of Spirit and truth of Affection for which we had both occasion to bless the Lord for favour therein afforded and for advice desired in the case propounded he should not further put any such burden upon him To another Friend about him He said Alas what care is there generally and particularly among persons to conform to the fashions of the world But Oh! let our eyes be upon Jesus in opposition thereunto and in that path of the Lord the God of Love and Peace shall be with us Then breaking out into holy Admonitions on that word 1 Cor. 2.9 of the great●ess which Eye had not seen Ear heard nor had en●ered into the Heart of man to conceive And said Oh! as you love your souls press press on and after it with all your might and keep close to the Lord and his paths in pursuit
to heart how much of the interest of your present peace and the comfort of your lives is laid up in your wise constant gracious endeavour of this kind and the Lord's blessing thereupon Whereas on the contrary it were well if the common reproach upon the Name of the Lord were altogether groundless and that it were not too evidently to be seen in many Families of Professors that their Children and Servants are as rude untaught incorrigible wanton wicked unruly as any others as if the only care upon those entrusted with the Headship of Families were and that hardly performed as it ought to be to have them brought forth and brought up to Adam or to Earth rather to learn their Books Complements Manners and Trades but to understand themselves to learn Christ to know the Lord God of their Fathers to be instructed in the Holy Scriptures from their youth up to know themselves miserable without a Saviour and to be led as by the hand unto him Oh! how rare are these attainments and that because endeavours are so slack in order thereunto I pray you examine your selves your prayers your practices your conversations where are the bowels of Christ towards your own Do you travel in birth again for them till he be formed in them Should it not be much more your care to see them Saints than to see them men and women Alas if you Families who would bear the World in hand that there is some excellent thing among you more than others be not taught the fear of the Lord where do you think a Seed should be reared up to serve him that in the stead of the Fathers should be the Children accounted with God for a generation Among worldly men it may not be expected whose Children are ordinarily the off-spring of their lust the painted Idols of the rich and pinching burdens of the Poor and their Servants the meer drudges to promote the Interest of their ease gain and covetousness few enquiring or caring what becomes of their immortal precious souls The manifest ruines upon whom unless the Lord work extraordinarily upon them should provoke us to pitty them and be the more jealous over our own concernments herein in order hereunto suffer this further word of Exhortation Make it I beseech you your main business to set before them the pattern of a standing even serious holy conversation F●milies do usually receive faster and deeper the impression of the similitude of their dispositions and behaviour who have the over-sight and government of them than of their meer precepts and exhortations The Majesty and Authority which God hath entrusted and invested you with among them is only held up in its enamouring beauty and convincing power while you improve it much in the fear of God neither debasing it on the one hand by a vain fond frothy lightness in your spirits and carriage toward or before them or exercising it by a proud furious imperious domineering over them on the other hand Much spiritual wisdom lyes in your tempering and mixing a sweet affable behaviour without vanity with a grave reproving demeanour without fierceness and this not in an affected appearance but in truth nor only at uncertain fits and flashes but in a constant fixed frame within doors and without Consider also you have in their sight taken up an high and holy Profession of the Cause and Institutions of Christ and those about you are likely to be someway interested in the sufferings you are threatned to sustain for your adhering faithfully thereunto in respect whereof it will be their happiness that you hold fast in their eye and as their example these truths in a pure Conscience to which you have begun to witness not only for the Truths sake themselves which deserve that you should deliver them to the next generation unmixed and unbetrayed by you but for your own dear Relations sake also before whom it would be sad should you lay such a stumbling-block in the beginning of their way as doth bespeak so loud as you can proclaim it that there is no such thing as Truth worth your adhering to in a day of tryal and consequently worth their enquiring after imbracing or engaging themselves in in times of such persecution I hope better things of you and such as accompany Salvation though thus I write trusting that you either do or will do the things which I desire or rather the Lord requires of you to whom I leave you and rest Yours many wayes obliged to love and serve you for Christ's sake To a Friend in a time of Great uncertainties as to publick Transactions A spiritual understanding of the times and what Israel ought to do be granted largely to you Holy and Beloved I Think yours of the 9th and 16th instant are both of date later than my last to you by which you may easily perceive my aptness to tire in prosecuting divine advantages At present I was willing to have followed you closer but that my frequent little Journeys have of late prevented me How faithful is that Word and verified to a thousand generations Whoso is wise and shall observe these things even they shall understand the loving kindness of the Lord. And that none of the wicked shall understand but the wise shall understand If ever there was a time to have the eye of Saints kept very intent upon the Lord to trace out his footsteps it seems now to be such a time when his Pavilion is darkness and fire enfolding it self to be then divinely enabled to read not ony particular loving kindness sealed up to the observer in special but to see the Salvation of Israel carried on in a strait path and that he that buildeth Sion worketh still by line and plummet is a grace bestowed not in common in the House of God but is methinks one of the special love-tokens by which he will shew among all his Disciples who is the Beloved One that leans on his bosom and that have the favour to ride in the Chariot the midst whereof is paved with Love for the Daughters of Jerusalem I may take up a just mournful Lamentation of my own short-sightedness and incapacity I had almost said impossibility to discern with any distinction of apprehension the Temple of God open in Heaven and in it the Ark of the Testament while there proceedeth out of the Throne and by means of the Censor cast into the Earth such lightnings and thundrings and voices and earth-quakes and great hail Only I durst not say short of this the Lord giveth me now and than a glimps of the King in his Glory and the Land that is very far off And ah then how good is a Pisgah-sight of Canaan It 's even as the Chariots that Joseph sent that revived fainting Jacob what life and signification it manifests to lie hid in such a word as this Yet God is good to Israel Yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God
that fear before him With what a different power is a soul acted then in such a request Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done from what it is when only in an usual formal way it breatheth it out Such transfigurations may well constrain an out-cry It 's good to be here though many times one knowes not what he sayes But alas why speak I think I long I so much for such sights and tastes which indeed though precious yet are transient mean while not valuing as I should that substantial feeding and living upon Sions lasting foundations such as remain unshaken though he bring us into the place of Dragons and cover us with the shadow of death though there be no fruit in the Vine and the labour of the Olive cease yet then to live above hope under hope c. have the Lord's joy remain in us and our joy be full Methinks all the Lord's footsteps point to us that as our proper lesson To be securing all that which concerneth us upon such Foundations as cannot be shaken when Heaven and Earth is moved Foundations are destroyed the Earth and all its Inhabitants dissolved before the Lord when he cometh for he cometh to judge the Earth with Righteousness and his People with Equity Yours in special Relation and Affection To two of his Acquaintance Imprisoned Direct leadings to living Fountains of Water and wiping all tears from your eyes is desired Much Beloved I Salute you both in the same bowels and with the same respect although I have not much that I know of to communicate that can add any thing to either of you trusting and in a measure tasting that you are as on Eagles wings carried beyond what my poor dark confused heart or hand can contribute to you in the force and fellowship of that blessed Word 1 Pet. 4.13 14. And as I trust you in a good measure are so I am by Grace helped with many others in every Prayer of ours to desire you further may be advantaged with those walks with God in the perfect liberty of Grace and Peace that may make up abundantly your blessedness not only in equality with but in a way of surpassing and transcendency to their present priviledge that have as yet opportunity allowed them to walk up and down about their Father's business It is not a little or low ground of Consolation for you and I pray that the power of it may still remain with you which one was mentioning that you are as really in the Cause and Business of the King though you can do nothing but make Prayers for him and bewail the dishonour done to his Majesty as if you were in Field or Council for him It is to one of you a state not unusual I hope it s to neither of you strange or unexpected it cannot be but a little while at the longest run ere that Word will be made good on you in a most blessed sense Eccles 4.14 and ere that be I am by Grace perswaded that as you share in many more Prayers and direct personal remembrances than formerly so also that experience of Pauls will redound to your real Consolation Phil. 1.12 13 14. as verified and is in part upon you The dreadful and unexpected issue to which all things in appearance are reverting beyond what we were willing to suppose the former Apostacy should or indeed could extend unto nay beyond the hop●s of those poor worms that are everywhere wallowing in the vomit of their own dru●●●nness and belch out blasphemy I trust will have with many as I hope the consideration of it hath begun to have with me its effects to lead the Lord's people into a deeper search after and greater sense of the Idols of Jealousie that have provoked to this exceeding Jealousie in which the Lord seemeth not pleased to spare the giving his own Name together with the memorial of all his Wonderful Works to be reproached and as a by-word to the vilest of men and no one left that can say Restore Surely though the personal iniquities be great and manifold that have been found in the skirts of the Lord's People under their Profession that they are Saints yet do I believe there lies more combined united provoking guilt upon them unpurged unrepented of vindicated and pleaded for considered as they are Sionists and in their publick Relations Ah! these other man's sins are such eating evils to such as are in a sort related to them and yet in a seeming tolerable and excusable sense free from them as for which I am perswaded not only the Land mourneth but even Sion languisheth and her Children faint in the streets and yet few consider where is the malignity of the disease or declare the causes of banishment True it is some that I think honourably of have profest the discovery and a means for recovery of it but truly I think with such an hard and uneven hand have been the application that I fear though their good-will may be accepted of the Lord yet in the issue they will prove Physitians not of that value as may be expected from their Profession in that respect I am also in some hopes that the Lord is more effectually weaning his little Children from every Idol to which one after another they are so apt to apply themselves though guilt and unholiness be in the bottom of it how many a pitiful piece hath the Lord made manifest to be as Coniah Jer. 22.28 a dispised broken Idol a vessel wherein is no pleasure and yet such hath been the carnality of many that they have been concluding as they of this Coniah Lam. 4.20 When I have remembred all along that holy escape that the Lord helped you unto when many other good men were entangled and came not off till their bones were broken I have been made to rejoyce in that love and favour to you that hath preserved and I hope reserved you in a waiting Spirit till he should bring you forth among the sons that shall comfort Jerusalem when she sees their wayes and doings concerning all the evil that hath been brought upon her Ezek. 14.22 23. a passage that I read this morning which it may be I understood not that desired Prayers might be made to the Lord in that behalf encreased with holy jealousie my cry lest any influence of that Word Isa 51.14 which God forbid should light upon any of the dear Children of God that are this day in bonds I trust the grace of Jesus Christ will keep guide bless and sanctifie you both and all that are as you and when ever he lifts up your heads it will be to see his reserve of Wonders that shall glorifie his Holy Name I am cut short of enlargeing unless my opportunity of Conveyance were a little better known to me for a most plentious supply of this defect I shall return again to my travel in your behalf that the Shepherd and Stone of Israel may undertake for you
acquaint and refresh you with that dismission to rest as may secure you until the indignation be over-past You know his priviledge who Jer. 36.5 though he was shut up that he could not walk abroad about his Lord's business was nevertheless hid there by the Lord when the Courtiers did purpose to take him vers 26. But if in the Father's Counsel it appear best that out of these Store-houses he bring more of his precious boxes of Oyntment to be poured out upon the present Funerals of the Cause he is concerned in I make no question but the savour thereof will commend it self to all the Virgins in this and other generations and they shall have Robes and Rest till they stand again in their lot at the end of dayes and who believing and loving Jesus Christ in Truth would not put off his filthy garments in expectation of such change of raiment As for my part my Father graciously indulgeth me and the Lambs here giving us an undeserved Covert of which no reason can be given even where Satan's seat is while other flocks are dispersed and scattered Neer about us by my last I acquainted that some from our neighbouring parts are sent to that place of ancient experience where they have a stock of prayers and presence to begin upon they begin on straw as learning to endure hardness as good Souldiers the Lord make that word good to them which often hath been in that place sweet to me Exod. 23.25 and at length Eccles 4.14 I expect daily the same lot in the Lord 's with-holding his hand from which I fear nothing more than a Spirit apt to do as Agag 1 Sam. 15.32 putting off the evil day the least Sun-shine brought forth a manifestation that notwithstanding the ruine of his Nation and danger of himself he was not mortified to the delicacy of his life nor had escaped though he thought he had waved the bitterness of his death I need your Prayers and precious Exhortations tending to prevent slumber that I be not taken at unawares The Lord keep fresh and manifest before your eyes and mine the Captain of our Salvation not only as a leading pattern but as a life-giving Principle on which having our minds stayed we may still be trusting in him as kept in peace upon peace there with true respects to all your Family Rests Yours in the love of Jesus 26th 4th month 62. His judgement about continuing or forbearing Assemblies to Worship the Lord. Strength and Beauty as is in the Sanctuary Beloved in the Lord I Thought it best while it is yet day and opportunity offers that we attempt to make improvement so as may mutually tend to the strengthning each others Faith and Love in Christ Jesus with such intimations of occurrences as may direct to sutable sympathy and supplication as the Interest of the Lord may require in its present circumstances at their hands who have learned to approve themselves as true Sionists This place affords little save the continued series of divine goodness holding our souls in life and not suffering our feet to be moved where he with-holds not the tokens of his Fatherly care and provision to supply all our wants both outwardly and within to shew that he is good our Rock and no unrighteousness is with him We had rumours of being this week brought before the Deputy Lieutenant but that came to nothing Fear and fury fills many mens hands with work of their own occasioning so doth he make their own tongue to fall upon themselves the Righteous shall see it and flee away and all men shall see and consider the work of God for they shall wisely consider his doing They at our Island I hear are well and chearful but free access to them is denyed nothing else can be expected as times and jealousies are yet Heaven is open still David could form a song in the Cave when his Faith reached to this assurance He shall send from Heaven and save me Earth was block'd up but Heaven was open still And as long as Heaven holds he had no ground to mistrust a want of the Promises accomplishment to the uttermost Many thoughts of heart have exercised us as well in groans at the throne as in other sad conferences among our selves at the reasonings and resolves of your strong men who by drawing away the shoulder from the yoke and their hand from the Plough wherein they seemed so well skilled and blessed formerly have given way to the ceasing of their work in a time when their Faith and Love to Christ is brought to its tryal and that any poor souls should interpose with their lives in their hands to bear up the Name of Christ and to preserve a nail in his House in their absence it serves to signifie that there is something of reality in that Promise The last shall be first and the first last And touching your Question What ground a Church hath in times of Persecution to appear publickly If by publickly be meant only so far knownly as wherein with the best prudence and caution used as their case stands they may most effectually answer the ends of mutual edification and hold up the Glory of Christ in the practise of his Institutions It 's so far from being a Question What grounds they have to meet as we know not what grounds can well be held up to the contrary by any who pretend to so much profession as that any part of the Instituted Will of God is worth the suffering for or that Christ is worth the following in Gospel-Precepts when the Obedience of Saints therein is to be tryed as by fire If you be pleased to single out any Reasons that can pretend to satisfi● Conscience guided by the mind of God in Scripture they may have an examination Rests Yours many wayes oblieged 20th 7th month 62 To the same Friend and something further on the same Subject My very Dear THe Sea-Monsters they draw forth their brest and give suck to their young ones Ah! what shall the Lord's People who have received anointing to Preach the blessed Gospel become cruel as the Ostriches of the Wilderness that the young Children yea and old Disciples too ask Bread and none giveth it unto them nay are willing to seek their Bread with the peril of their lives because of the Sword of the Wilderness And shall such men as we who have known the Terrors of the Lord and felt the Love of Christ constraining us that pretend to know the worth of an immortal soul the joy for one sinner that repenteth that have had a dispensation of the Gospel committed to us and yet no necessity lying upon such no wo to such if they Preach not the Gospel no compassion at least no more compassion to the multitudes that are scattered as sheep that have no shepherd Alas where is the fellowship of that Spirit which of old enabled the publishers of this Gospel after they were shamefully intreated to wax
The Fathers where are they and do the Prophets the Worthies live for ever Why cry we out of loss God hath not lost them God took them they all live to God they are ever with the Lord. We have not lost them unless they that sleep in Christ are perished we shall go to them shortly though they shall not return to us We shall sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob they have not lost themselves they are found in Christ to die is gain to be with Christ is far better Death is theirs because they are Christs The work of God hath not lost them if we take it in its most capacious comprehensive acceptation God hath a Will to be done not in Earth but also in Heaven they are not dismissed from the King's business who are called from the Camp to the Court advanced from being Souldiers to be Privy Counsellors God hath a great Family in Heaven and Earth and many Vessels some above in honour some below in dishonour If God have fully purged any who can grudge them to be translated as Vessels unto honour sanctified and meet for the Master 's immediate use c. Besides look on the Work as it is below it must be granted That if it must alwayes proceed according to one measure or manner by a line that we have made ready to our Lord's hand then will the Work be deficient and suffer loss when those that we lay stress upon are taken away and others cannot be found presently to clap into their places but if the Work be the Lord's and receiveth various appearances and representations according to the counsel of his own Will and yet in all go strait forward then humbling acts passing on it changing its beautiful appearance laying it sometimes low in a low place making the fatness of its flesh lean and thin are not to be accounted loss or at a dead stand by such poor worms as we that can judge of such things only by appearance The wheel of divine Actings went alwayes streight forward Ezek. 1.9 12. and returned not when they went whither the Spirit was to go they went and yet that work that goes alwayes streigh● forward hath not alwayes liftings up above the Earth nay many times standeth still vers 21. Yet God is not slack concerning his Promises nor Retrograde concerning his Work Gideon may have too many but God had never too few to do his work by there is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by no might Well when Moses my Servant is dead Josh 1.2 and that at the straits of proud swelling Jordan what shall poor Joshua a Servant a slighted inferiour do Why he must be strong and of a good courage vers 6. Only be strong and very couragious vers 7. have not I commanded thee to be strong and of a good courage be not afraid nor dismay'd vers 18. So Deut. 31.6 7 8. such sweeping dispensations that fall upon the choicest men of Israel are apt to invade the courage of the Remnant that is left against which as Grace makes special provision to lay in matters for support it concerns us faithfully to draw it out Be of good courage and God shall strengthen your hearts all ye that trust in the Lord. Rests Yours affectionately for Christs sake To a Friend upon the Release of some who had been divers years Imprisoned Dear Friend I Am glad if those Friends come safe on shore if there be nothing of a Witness to be look'd at in such a lot it 's good to get to Land with all speed but if there be any thing of our being set for the defence or Apology of the Gospel Phil. 1.17 though but in the smallest point of it it may be very hazardous shifting places Acts 27.31 1 Sam. 22.23 1 Cor. 9.15 16. If God look for a man in the gap though but to defend a piece of Barley 1 Chron. 11.13 14. or though but of Lentiles 2 Sam. 23.11 12. If it be any part of the Heritage of Israel it will not be easie answering that question when found in a way of escaping What dost thou here Eliah It needs great care and caution to come out of Egypt well leavened when the most are making haste that they may not die in the pit When will that Roman greatness be out-shone by Christian Nobility of Spirit Acts 16.37 Yours 30th of the 9th mon. 67. Upon occasion of a Token of small value in Provisions sent to him and his fellow Prisoners Unto our Brethren and Friends in the bonds and bowels of the Gospel whose hearts have made them willing under the bounteous Influences of the God of Israel to comfort the hearts of the unworthy Prisoners of the Lord in Plymouth Island by a Côstly Present and to every one that hath contributed or helped therein to a tender groan or the value of a cup of cold water be a large recompence of Reward given in Grace and ascertained in Glory by him who is not unfaithful to forget such labour of Love shewed to his Name Beloved and esteemed as is meet in the Lord ALthough we are hitherto detained from the personal and particular knowledge of you by Name wh●●● counsels and care have been concerned in this liberal expression of your Sympathy with a few poor undeserving creatures in which matter we could be glad to receive distinct information as far as such a desire might be thought modest in us to ask and be expedient for you to grant to the end that our Supplications for you and Applications to you might be more direct and particular Yet ere that come to hand and lest Matth. 6.3 may have influenced though we think the reason of it binds not in this case We thought it lay on us not to forbear the present acknowledgment such as it is at least as a fore-runner to what we should be willing to offer more particularly that hereby you might be informed that through the Lords Providence the whole of it came safe to hand and by his Grace we hope the heavenly voice in it hath and through your Prayers will yet have a more effectual access to our hearts to lay us under those obligations to a faithful chearful unwearied trusting in him and waiting on him at all times which we are satisfactorily perswaded was the design of your devising those liberal things for us Under which engagements we reckon our selves bound at least to give you some account of our selves in the present respect That if it may be our rejoycing each in other may be rendred more reciprocal we comforted together with you by the mutual Faith and Love both of you and us And first of all we wish you knew that under the varieties and vicisitudes of exercises wherewith our Heavenly Father hath seen good to prove and try us for some years together leading us in some paths and under some disappointments in our Creature-concerns and accommodations that we thought not of and
had not trod with our feet in dayes past Yet hitherto hath his bountiful Provision and tender Care over us exalted it self in a distinguishing manner and many times to our admiration so as hitherto our Bread hath not failed but hath been given to us in due season and our Waters have been sure so that knowing how little we are yet fitted to bear as a Father pittieth his Children in their low estate he hath not proved us with hunger or with straights nor called us up to approve our selves his Witnesses in necessities in distresses c. but our lot hath rather been to partake of the fat and sweet and soft insomuch as if he put that Question to us to be resolved according to that express literal sense of it When I sent you forth on the Services and Sufferings that attend your Testimony and you knew not whither you went Lacked you anything We must answer Nothing Lord but in that respect have in hand or we trust in some degree of sweet satisfaction we have all and abound and are full by the favour of him who giveth us all things richly to enjoy and is we would humbly hope teaching us in whatsoever state we are therewith to be content So that at many of the strange preventions of loving-kindness even in things of this sort we are often made with admiration to cry out What is this to us Lord Is this after the manner of men O God! Is this a Prison If we should have sought a Prison in a Prison these six or seven years Have we yet found it Whatever others in the same fellowship of bonds with us have found we must say for our parts That as we have escaped the Sword and we hope the Polutions of the Adversary so we have found great Grace in the Wilderness for his People his Chosen The which we mention not only that we may praise the Lord together while ye observe that we receive not nor accept not so thankfully your Present in respect of need through that unspeakable gift and care of his who hath hitherto continued the Bread of the day in its day but that herewithal we might take hold of an apt occasion to take you by the hand and lead you with a little the more encouragement up and down in those wayes of the Lord wherein we must sing Great hath been the goodness of our God even in the experiences that we have passed practically through in the Doctrine and Profession whereof we had been trained up in our years of plenty and prosperity so that we must say The Land that we have been sent to spy out even in the straitest passages of it as far as our Father assigned us to follow him in is a very good Land and if we rebel not against the Lord but abide with him those very circumstances that at a distance seem like sons of Anak and walls reaching up to Heaven apt to eat up the Inhabitants are well able to be overcome and will be found Bread for us while we stand and feed in the strength of the Lord and in the majesty of the Name of the Lord our God so that these Serpents at a distance from which we are apt to flee are found to believing but a rod and that a rod of God too when taken in the hand And could we come forth to you in Truth and Evidence as wise and right improvers of the sensible experiments we have actually found tasted seen and handled hitherto of this sort and that the savour of these excellent things had not been diminished in these souls of ours through too much an in observent careless earthly disposition bringing us down from our advantages of excellency we might speak more loudly to you than now we can Oh! taste and see that the Lord is good blessed are they that put their trust in him The Lions among whom we dwell do want and suffer hunger but they that fear the Lord lack nothing that is good In the midst of their sufficiency they are in straits while in the straits designed to wear out the people of the Saints of the most high there is a provision made of sufficiency be ye therefore strong and very strong and very couragious and God shall strengthen your hearts And now for a thankful acknowledgement though it may not be interpreted as any requital of your holy liberality What shall we farther say than that we do as we are able bring the matter in our requests and thanksgivings unto him who is able to make all Grace abound toward you All-sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness which causeth in us thanksgivings unto God And this we beg on your behalf not as if we desired a gift or that it should be so again done to us knowing that there are many watery faces everywhere requiring Bread to be cast upon them as under far greater necessity than our selves But as h●ving perswasion and some small experience what a great recompence it is in such case to have the mouth and hand opened from the hearts being enlarged with those expatiating Graces and Vertues of the Spirit of the New Testament that constitute a true largeness of heart like the Sand on the Sea-shore and to encrease that greatness that is proportionate to the large discoveries of believing doing suffering-Grace and Preparations for expected Glory In order to it we desire for you all and intreat you to press and pursue after 1 Greater advances toward newness of heart the old heart will be as old bottles and an old garment that will not comport with the new Wine which is yet in the Cluster and a blessing in it though men attempt to destroy it And this is not only a newness of state but a newness also of frame by means whereof the inner-man may pass under experimental renewings day by day even the renewings in the Spirit of your minds by which the Truths Wayes and Works of the Lord the King may have an intimate access and abundant enterance into your own souls and you into them in their vertue dominion and power 2 Greater approaches in a way of heavenliness and nearness to the Lord at distance from the spirit of this evil World where the World is set in the heart the God of this World will be quickly filling it narrowing and enclosing it for earthly service and this not only in men of Earth who have their portion in this life but also in those that are by the Blood of Christ delivered from the gross pollutions of this pr●sent evil World through lust but yet much concerned in the business cares and intricating-affairs of its many things which though lawful in themselves to be diligently prosecuted yet as lying under the influence and advantages of the Prince of it having a notable tendency to bring souls down from their excellency and to eat out insensibly the liveliness and sweetness of our spirits longer and further than the Victory that overcomes it in the vertue of the Cross of Christ by which we are crucified to it and it to us be kept up on fresh exercise 3 Right waitings for and waitings on the Spirit of Promise who is of power to quicken dry bones raise dead Witnesses and do great things in and for us which shall not be resisted nor need not be assisted with might and power though for a time the work about it may be made to cease with force and power We shall say no more at present but with the representation of our oblieged respects to every one of you as if known by Name leaving you in the blessed arms of our Beloved we remain 22th of the 9th mon. 67. Your Brethren waiting for the Consolation of Israel POST-SCRIPT IF any inquire what might occasion so much severity as to detain the Author so many years and until death a Prisoner It may suffice to insert here for the Readers satisfaction That in the state of his case left under his hand setting forth the illegality and unrighteousness of proceedings against him He concludes it thus If it should be suggested Perhaps he is a Ring-leader This true Character of the Person may alleviate jealousies of that kind He was born at Plymouth of mean yet honest Parentage is not by Kindred or any Alliance related to any Person or Family of any Note at all was not bred up to Learning at any University or sent any where to Travel for Education or Experience but contrariwise brought up and kept diligently by his Parents to Work in the poor yet honest Trade of a FVLLER never lived out of that Town a Month together all his life except in a Journey some Weeks on occasion about sixteen years since to London besides what he under-went by constraint in Prison Never in the former Wars was enlisted in any Troop or Company under Pay and in the Trained-Bands of the Town where he served never was accounted worthy of Promotion to so much as a Corporal nor in the Corporation whereof he was a Member ever advanced so high as a Constable never bettered his Estate one farthing by all the propitious advantages that might have given him opportunity for so doing nor is conscious to himself of the least desire of adding to what he hath by any present or future advantages that any favourable overtures of the times may tempt him with never was advanced to or improved in any Place or Office of Trust or Profit Civil Military or Ecclesiastical save only for some few weeks unknown to him and against his will he was Mustered a Chaplain to the Fort but quickly got himself discharged of that again Never was concerned in nor truly charged with any Plot Mutiny or Tumult giving the least disturbance or occasion of Fear or Jealousie This one thing then only can remain to give colour to such proceedings That about eighteen years since he being convinced of his Duty to the Lord by evidence of Scriptural Light joyned himself in an holy Covenant to walk in all the Ordinances of the Lord blameless to the best of his Light and Power in fellowship with a poor and despised People FINIS